Ascent Ch 02 A Christmas Gift
- 4 years ago
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Trellis could just make out the shape of the low stone building through the swirling mist, as Rosseena and the stockade women led him on to the boats they hoped would be awaiting them just a little further ahead. His owner smiled visibly on noting the structure herself.
“The seamonk hide store, not far to go now...” As they approached it and the bold woman swung a creaking door open, Trellis couldn’t resist taking a sniff at the aroma from the plethora of furs within it, the scent rewarding him with an immediate boning erection. Rosseena jerked him away with a curt smile, her cunt blossoming itself, with the delectably aphrodisiacal scent.
“You’ll see my whip as soon as we’re comfortable again, but no time for it now ... we need to make haste.” The other women grinned as she showed her authority over him, and he, though un-castrated and therefore still filled with wanton sexual spirit, obeyed meekly like a eunuch, their contempt for him enjoyed thoroughly on noting his erection sustained at the promise of a whipping. Rosseena did her best to take his and her mind from the pleasures to come, haste in her mind, as one of the women saw to it that the door was closed firmly.
“Those hides will have been there for some considerable time, curing nicely ... the owners of the skins no longer free to scuttle about the dunes, and a good thing too...” She smiled at Trellis as she tugged him toward a far cove just visible occasionally through the mist.
“ ... when this conflict is over, perhaps we’ll return here to put an end to some more of the little menaces ... though we wouldn’t want to eradicate them completely, would we?” The women laughed as Trellis stumbled along, erect and more than willing to know that scent again ... mingled with that of his Mistress’s cunt as they lay upon those furs.
Some ten minutes later, they traversed the dunes and then scampered down across slippery rocks to the cove, delighted to find several long boats there. Commandeering three of them, they turned a fourth and smashed a hole in its bottom, making it un-seaworthy before pushing the other three into the surf and boarding them. Trellis shivered as he sat, wet from the salty ocean, the women sneering at his feebleness, none of them showing any sign of discomfort, their robust nature illustrated once more to the pathetic male, Rosseena taking the tiller of their boat as the small mast was fitted, and the modest sail hoisted.
We’ll head for mainland over at Cape Heaven, not far across the water, then double back ... hopefully our pursuers haven’t seen us and won’t realise the trap till the women of the Atalanta arrive. She knew they were coming, but not where they were, and scanned the misty skies for signs or sounds of aerial craft, but there were none ... Zeeta was intent on having her sport, despite the reservations of her friends Skara and Avra. Trellis shivered again as the boats with their twenty or so occupants each, bucked on the thankfully gentle waves, and the land behind them disappeared in the swirling mist.
Margo was becoming more and more aware of the fact that the land they were on was no more than a promontory ... and that her somewhat needless pursuit of the stockade women could result in her downfall. As they passed the hut and then reached the cove with the upturned boat, a venture a little higher up the rocks telling them that there was nothing but sea not far ahead, Margo’s mind turned more to self preservation than further pursuit of prey ... which had vanished. The fresh splinters about the upturned boat had her realise that this had not been the only vessel, and she kept Trulia close to her, as the distinct sound of the murmurings of an approaching force echoed through the dunes, getting ever closer.
Margo stood firm as a group of younger female warriors, hell bent on receiving some satisfaction through achieving a kill of some kind, dashed recklessly back through the dunes toward the approaching force. She could just see the flashing of blades, the cries of the women once loyal to Blackball or Gelding House, and now loyal to her, as they were cut down mercilessly by Zeeta’s advancing female warriors, Zeeta herself joining in the fray, hell-bent on the satisfaction of absolute annihilation of any opposition to her takeover of Vulvador. Margo clutched at Trulia, willing to give up her own life for her, as through the mist in the near distance they saw those loyal warriors brought down with aplomb with the use of blunt weapons, held wriggling on the ground as Zeeta herself enjoyed the sport of beheading each one, her cunt riper on seeing each head roll, her lust to see Margo’s deathly ecstasy as hers rolled in the dirt, driving her impatience with the sword.
Her desire to know the ecstasy of each decapitation, impeded their progress somewhat, allowing Margo to retreat further down the promontory. As not much else but sea no more than 300 yards ahead greeted them, she gave Trulia a long kiss and lifted a dagger, preparing to kill her lover and then herself rather than give Zeeta that satisfaction, as they staggered down with the remnants of her force to one of the last coves. As Margo’s heart raced while holding the dagger high, Trulia grabbed her arm, not for fear of dying, but with the thrill of something else. Margo saw her eyes leave hers and stare across her shoulder.
“Look! ... look Margo!” The haughty woman turned, as several of her rearguard made toward the direction of Trulia’s sight ... toward a boat. Margo virtually dragged the girl to it, as several of the others pushed the reasonably sized longboat into the surf, its mast and sail aboard, ready to be erected at their liberty. Rosseena and her party had not counted on any boats being further down from where the rest of the fleet was berthed, and this boat had been berthed there by chance, when its owner had been caught in an approaching storm - any suitable haven chosen. Rosseena need not have had any fear at this juncture however, as Margo’s intention was now purely one of escape.
Veen erected hard, involuntarily, at Varnella’s cruel and contented smile as they stepped amongst the severed heads, he aghast at the carnage but aroused by both Zeeta’s obvious sexual satisfaction in serving her enemy with a delighted and final justice, and by his Mistress’s curt pleasure in viewing the grim half-smiles upon the faces of the vanquished, she turning heads which faced downward, to marvel at expressions of seeming contentment at having met with the severest of punishment. Zeeta’s bulging cunt receded just a little, as one of her warriors, farther ahead, so the boat going out through the mist.
“Quickly Madam Zeeta ... they have a boat!” Zeeta rushed toward the cove, after demanding that all the rebel women caught and not yet dead, were bound to await her personal pleasure with the sword. Veen and Varnella watched from a high position on the rocks, just able to perceive the escaping boat through the swirling mists, the commotion reaching their ears as they watched the Blackhall and Gelding House women struggle through the surf to reach the boat, their colleagues helping as many as possible aboard as the boat moved out through the waves, Margo not assisting, but standing tall and defiant aboard the boat, her cruel smile toward Zeeta noted, as they made their escape. Some of her loyal warriors stood firm in the shallows, hindering Zeeta’s warriors before succumbing, those meeting with blades turning the surf red, those clubbed or brought down with staffs, dragged ashore and bound for further sport.
It was now Zeeta’s time to the the fact that no aerial support had been made provision for, as her desired prize of Margo’s head remained firmly upon the neck it belonged to, her defiant smile as the boat with she and some twenty-five of her ilk disappeared into the mist, galling her somewhat. Veen watched, still hopelessly erect, as Zeeta vented her dominant spite upon the captured rebels, stripped naked then bound at wrists and ankles, the captured women watched, some weeping as their garments of warfare were thrown aside like rubbish, and they were made to kneel before their Victor for dispatching. None begged for mercy, going to their deaths almost willingly, Zeeta savouring each neck and having every defeated rebel woman perk their nipples as she toyed the blade against those slender necks before delivering their prize.
Veen watched, as the ruthlessness and pure feminine dominance of the women of Vulvador was brought home to him in no uncertain terms, as Zeeta lifted her sword high on countless occasions, and with the smiling Arna looking on with each, smugly content that those kneeling women would never know the sexual affection she’d enjoy, each expertly delivered sweep of her sword delivered a sinewy thwack receiving hearty applause as the head was taken cleanly. As the last was sent to her death to rapturous applause, Zeeta paused with her bloodied sword to stare wistfully out to sea, but then smiled toward Arna, her aroused cunt sorely in need of the girl’s attentions.
“We’ll camp here for the night before returning...” She looked out to the sea once more.
“We’ll have that bitch’s head one day...” She smiled curtly at the gape of the last head, looking up at her in contented submission, she then looking to her warriors.
“Gather all the heads and arrange them in a circle around my berth ... we’ll have them view my enjoyment at their defeat.” Later, Veen looked on at the eerie sight, as Zeeta mounted Arna and obliged her anally with a generous strap-on, oblivious to the obvious overlooking of their carnal passion, the writhing of their bodies in the flickering light of the camp fire, also witnessed silently by the ring of severed heads, the half-grins on their faces seeming to echo the pleasure the two women moaned out, as Arna lifted her buttocks high and wide in loving acceptance of her Mistress’s thrusting, the nub of the strap-on ensuring Zeeta’s worthy and fulfilling orgasm.
Varnella’s eyes turned to Veen’s obvious erection, and she wagged her finger at an equally aroused, Skara and Avra, who closed in on him, stripping their garments. His redheaded Mistress stood over him and splayed her broad buttocks wide before descending.
“Lie back slave ... you’ve three cunts to satisfy.” Veen’s cock responded with a grateful pulsing as Skara’s hand took his erection and stroked him, whilst Avra toyed with his balls, his nose taking in Varnella’s rich spices, his tongue probing eagerly as her wet cunt enveloped his face. Dominated as usual, he’d shoot his mess in submission three times that night, some of those severed heads witnessing the defeat which echoed theirs.
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When I awoke the next morning, I had four magnificent breasts to play with. And I did. My antics woke both girls so after giving both of them a long good morning kiss I slipped out from under the sleeping fur and pulled on my jumpsuit. As I was dressing Sheel raised herself to one elbow displaying one perfectly shaped breast and asked, "Dac, that thing... making love, how did you know to do that?" "Why, didn't you like it?" I teased. "Oh no! Please don't think that! It is wonderful....
The following morning after we had eaten, I showed Roya and Sheel our new hunting weapons. What I had to show them was a new type of spear and bows and arrows. The spears were not greatly different from what the girls had seen before with the exception that the new spears were longer and much thinner, and the shafts were made of very light weight hollowed metal not wood, and the spear points were steel not bone or stone. However, what really added to their uniqueness was that they were...
When I awoke Sheel was already up fixing breakfast, but a wide-awake Roya was still lying next to me. "We didn't want you to wake up all alone so I stayed next to you Dac." Roya offered as an explanation. "We played two fingers to see which of us would have to get up," Sheel said turning from the fire and giving us a mock frown, "I lost." "Oh that's to bad Sheel," I commented pouting my lips as I used my hands to touch, feel and generally maul all the softer parts of Roya's...
The following morning I found Sheel had remained in bed with me and I made good on my promise to make it up to her for yesterday morning being spent with Roya. After breakfast we continued with target practice. As expected, I was very effective with the spear and atlatl. Unexpected, both girls were not bad with the spears and atlatl from the very start and they improved very quickly. After an hour or so, the girls went back to the bow and arrow practice and I went off to hunt. Once I was...
I awoke early the next morning finding that both my mates were still sound asleep. As deftly as possible, I slid upward out from under the sleeping fur. They had worked very arduous last night slaving over me and I did not wish to disturb them. I quietly exited the hut and stood in the cold morning air stretching out my limbs. A faint light illuminated the eastern skies where the sun would eventually rise. Finches and meadowlarks announced the impending dawn, while small rodents rustled...
The next day we spent getting ready for the long trip to Threm's winter camp. All three of us worked together preparing and crushing the salt rock. Then while Roya used some of the salt to preserve our meats, Sheel finished the elk skin she had stretched over the drying rack. We fashioning arrow quivers with shoulder straps and redesigned the furs we wore over our jump suits. These furs no longer needed to be as bulky for warmth because of our jumpsuits, so we stripped all the hair off them...
It was just minutes before sunrise and the sky was draped in a skin of purple when I stepped outside through the entrance of our hut. The morning air felt cold against my skin and a penetrating chill shot through my veins. I relieved myself then went back inside to eat. After breakfast we packed the travois placing the sleeping furs, tarp and poles on the bottom as a platform for the other items. After everything was organized, I noted a problem. The problem was with the spears. The new...
The following morning was not a pleasant one for me. I had no idea how Threm would react to a stranger attempting to make a trade with him and I insisted that my mates remain at our camp while I went to negotiate. "I will go with you," spoke Roya. "And I," said Sheel. "Neither one of you will go," I replied. "This is work that requires strategy, not force. One man alone may succeed where a show of force could invite disaster. I will go alone. If I need your help, I'll return for...
As directed by my two matchmakers, I went inside one of the smaller traveling hut's and found a large pan of heated water and one of our soap bars. After washing up, I was led to a second traveling hut and asked to wait inside. This hut had several layers of thick, soft furs placed on the floor and a small fire already well established. I sat and waited. Martreen entered the hut and stood tentatively before me, her lush, freshly washed, black hair shimmered like the sun across a raven's...
I found Treeya first. She was standing guard near one of the smaller traveling huts keeping an eye on the top of the rise I had descended earlier that day. Roya or Sheel must have given her a jumpsuit because it was clearly visible under her furs. She was also wearing the new moccasins and the leather belt with knife and pouch tied around her slim waist. As I approached she smiled brightly, and this time she did not lower her eyes when she said, "Oh, thank you so much for all these...
By the next morning any fear the women of the clan had of me was either gone or ignored. They still acted apprehensive but I think it was more because none of their clansmen were around than because of me. I believe that the confidence and self-assurance that my mates displayed was even beginning to rub off on some of them. Some bustled around preparing breakfast, others taking care of babies or youngsters, while still others remained on lookout, but farther outside of camp now that it was...
Martreen believed the hunting party had headed for the lower level of what they called MammothMountain, so taking a water skin, weapons and dried meat I headed out in the same direction. From the campsite, I moved steeply up through the last of the tree-populated area, and arrived at the start of a ridge after about 30 minutes. A couple of hours later, I arrived at the ridge proper. This ridge section was especially spectacular, in some places its knife edge path had steep drops down to the...
It was well after dark when we approached the winter camp. The camp was as I remembered it the night before with several fires going but no visible sign of habitation. I had previously cautioned Iega and we approached with care. There! I saw the shadow of movement at the edge of one of the fires. A woman scout. "Hello," I called out, "It is I, Dac. Hello." Three figures darted across the opening toward us. Two to the sides and one towards the front. "Dac?" Sheel's voice, "Who is...
Despite what Iega had told me concerning Broc's location and the estimated time of his return, Sheel thought it best to continue with the lookout schedule both day and night. But, now having five hunters as opposed to three (Treeya and Martreen were now considered hunters) and a few other clans women trained in the use of thrusting spears the schedule that night was very light for the five of us. Sheel modified the hunter's schedule so that only one of us was out on guard at any given...
The small sky fires shone that night. Bright and iridescent in the black knit sky, so very high above the group of uneasy men eating around the large fire pit. While the men ate, I addressed them, "For any that may not know, I am Dac of the Jearet clan. I and my mates came to your clan only to reclaim that which was unrightfully taken from us by you and Threm. Having done so, we learned of cruelties taking place within your clan that we found not easy to ignore, and at the request of the...
The plain offers its own form of beauty. It is very large, and to the north and east where the glaciers have receded, the far off landscape is dotted with clusters of trees called the steps woodland. During the rains, the plain becomes covered with an abundance of grasses and other ground covers sustaining numerous varieties of grazing animals. We walked at a slow pace hunting small game for food as we traveled. The trip was uneventful until our forth day out when we came upon the carcass of...
It was late fall and I awoke early. I slipped out of bed then stood up carefully making sure I didn't disturb any of my still sleeping mates. I yawned and stretched then noticed that Roya was already up clutching a fur that she had wrapped tightly around her waist leaving both of her full, firm breasts bare. I walked over to her and kissed her good morning. She returned my kiss then motioned me to walk with her outside onto the cliff. As we walked arm and arm in silence from the cave to the...
Treeya worked with the captured horses almost day and night for two weeks straight, feeding, watering, talking to them, and most importantly, even getting them familiar with Dugut and Nugut so they wouldn't panic every time the two wolves came around. Occasional she asked for and received help from Sheel, and then a week later Treeya informed us that she felt ready to attempt the next step with the horse training. The following morning Treeya explained she had discovered that when a horse...
The days were growing shorter and the nights growing colder, winter was just a few weeks away. I was sitting out on the shelf outside our cave contemplating moving the horse pen closer to the cave where it would be easier for us to watch over and protect our mares. After all penned up animals are easy prey for predators. Fortunately for us, and even more so for the mares, Dugut and Nugut had taken to watching over the horses during the night. The location I had in mind was directly below the...
As we rode, I maneuvered my mount close to Treeya's so she could hear me, "Treeya," I admitted, "You were as brave as any man I have ever hunted with. I honestly do not understand how you managed to stay on top of that jumping and twisting mount of yours yet were still able to get off all clean shots with both your spear and arrows. You are amazing my little flower, amazing." "I didn't know what I was doing," Treeya said modestly. "I saw the cave bear coming for me, then when the...
"So, I showed you how to make that blood transferring thing?" I asked Martreen as we sat side by side on a log relaxing outside her hut. It had been a half-hour since the blood transfer and a marked improvement in Dugut's condition was easily recognizable. Martreen looked over at me. I was pleased to see her eyes sparkling, she looked relaxed and beautiful, the previous tension and anxiety gone from her face and posture, "That's right, you showed it to me in a night thought." I...
When our large traveling party arrived at the spot where Treeya and I had been attacked by the cave bear there was now little left of the bear but a few bones. Little to show for how large and dangerous the animal had actually been, but the clansmen were impressed none the less, and even collected what teeth and claws they could find assuring Treeya and I that they would fashion each of us a necklace when time permitted. While I was pulling the travois out from the brush that Treeya and I...
After the excitement with the saber-tooth, the crossing of the Plain became uneventful, its monotony being relieved, however, by the childish delight of Rooann and Iega by way of their novel experience of being bonded mates. Their daytime display of excitement and bliss, along with their nighttime noises of pleasure, became infectious with the clan members and several women and even some men talked with both of them and Martreen about "making love" training. The weather remained fine, and...
Veen’s body shook with relief on being allowed respite from the majestic Zeeta’s whip, his cock thrusting hard at the bed in desperation to come while the two attendant guards laughed along with their mistress at his pathetic submission. They too, had used the whip liberally on him, and delighted in having their cunts licked to satisfaction in turn, while their counterparts lashed his flesh, the synthetic whips serving a punishing sting without damaging the flesh which glowed red. As Zeeta...
Trellis ran through the soft grass which caressed his flanks and exposed manhood, stumbling from time to time as his bare feet were punished by the occasional rough stone protruding from the otherwise smooth ground, which in stretches no more than several hundred yards between the cover of trees and bushes, seemed like miles as he was conscious of his exposure. He collapsed with his lungs fit to burst, in a hollow within a wooded copse and lay panting, not daring to look as the image of the...
Zeeta lay back and sighed, as she played her favourite vibrator up and down the wet crevice of her sex, the screen on the wall showing one of the later videos of her and her beloved Arna, embracing in orgasm as they writhed entwined in sharing a curved and double headed dildo. Sated momentarily by a rich orgasm, her hopes boosted by the commissioning of the somewhat mercenary Varnella, she flicked the screen to one of the live external cameras, and laughed cynically as she watched the Wasp...
Veen was at least comforted a little from the nightmare he’d let himself into, by Varnella’s revelation to the women of Gelding House of her intention to retrieve his Omni battery; it eased his dilemma slightly, knowing the formidable women would now assist in securing it from the position on the green plain that the ship’s indicator had shown. It did not ease his immediate predicament however, and he was conscious of his cock standing rigid in a rude salute to the lush and cruel display of...
Veen’s latent but newly discovered urge to escape, was bolstered by the arrival and announcement by two shapely guards some hours later, announcing that the pod with the second battery had been recovered, and the guards had obligingly restored it to its position within the Wasp. Though he craved the dominant attentions of Varnella, and her crushing power held him to that pleasure like an addiction to an opiate, his rational mind, or what was left of it, still fought back during those...
Despite a night of exhaustive emissions of his seed, Veen erected healthily as the evidence of it upon the glistening latex was viewed with mocking delight by the women, Arna receiving a thorough spanking across Candia’s knees, in lieu of her wanton lust in allowing it to happen; the girl’s tears flowing as the dominant woman’s firm hand had her soft cheeks brought to a rosy Glow with sadistic pleasure. “There’s a price to pay for every pleasure my sweet, and you’ve many pleasures to come...
Varnella was more than pleased to indulge in the homely luxury of a bath, the limitations of space travel affording her a shower only, and she found the servile Mylo pleasingly accommodating in his service to her also; his very adept service with his tongue, following his grateful service with a sponge, rewarded by her allowing him to masturbate at her feet after drying her down with suitably fluffy towelling. A soft robe then being made available to her, she led him back into the lounge on...
Veen was soon to find that not all males who found themselves entertaining the hospitality of Zeeta and the women aboard the Atalanta, fell victim to the immediate sport which lustily appeased feminine sadism there. Now safely returned to Varnella’s leash after having provided the women with a little entertainment himself, via a sound whipping by her, He watched from a parapet high above a grand entrance to the citadel he’d not witnessed before, as a column of males under strict obedience...
Trellis followed Rosseena down into a dimly lit labyrinth, and was glad to detect brighter lighting beyond the end of the tunnel they were in. Emergence from this tunnel revealed a larger and cavernous thoroughfare, through which bustled the population of the stockade, in a calm and orderly fashion, as though on some routine errand. The lights carried by them, illuminated the way forward, along with Rosseena’s smile, which she directed at her feminine compatriots, many of whom had their...
Though Zeeta could have had the shuttle ferry her and the brigade of dominant militia closer to where it was believed Rosseena and the stockade inhabitants would be, and where the band of feminine rebels who were the defiant remnants of the two houses were bound to follow, she considered it more sporting to pursue their prey on foot; the welfare of the Stockade people of little significance to her, the thrill of the chase of more importance, though Skara and Avra may have had different ideas,...
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EXPO SUMMER Part 03 The Peerage Copyright (c) 2000 by Kim EM All rights reserved - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this Story and any actual person, living or dead, is coincidental. Why won't you believe me? The story contains mature subject matter. It may contain adult situations and/or language. If you're not old enough to legally read this (and you know who you are), then...
The first time I've met Meghan was at my dad's company when I was 18. My dad wanted to take over his business, but all that I really cared was to see Meghan for the first time - the blonde woman who seduced my dad 10 years ago. I've only heard about Meghan from my dad's business partners. 10 years ago she was a new employee to my dad's company. She admired my dad a lot and ended up seducing him in his office. To cut a long story short, they had sex reguarly in his office until my mom stormed in...
EroticRon was in hospital. Two days after Jean and I had fucked each other. Jean came round, rang the bell, to which I went to answer. I opened the door, and there stood Jean, we both almost could not look at each other. She said, “Hi, Bob… they’re letting Ron out of hospital today. And I was wondering… if you could help to bring him back in your car? He may find it difficult on the bus.” “Sure Jean, I don’t mind at all. What time do you want to go?” I answer. “I need to get a couple of things...
The Torment 7 Morning After By Talent Scout "Oh, Kami," chanted Piccolo-chan as she flew from the house of Son Gohan, wondering how she had let herself do that. She had mated with Gohan! An absurd, strangely logical part of her mind told her, at least you know why humans make such a big deal about it now. Shut up! She told that part, even as she shivered with the memory. Piccolo-chan kept on flying, and didn't look back, no matter how much she wanted to. ~*~ Gohan...
Vanakam. Enathu peyar Kathir vayathu 25 naan pudhukottaiyil vasithu varugiren enaku velinaatil 3 maathangaluku vellai paarthu vittu ippozhuthu sontha uuril irukiren enathu gramathil niraiya thopugal irukum angu niraiya thena marangalum irukum. Enathu gramathil azhagana ilam pengal niraiya irupaargal veedugal ondraaga irukum thopugal uurai thali irukum aanal anaivaru ingu vanthu kaathu vaanga aasai paduvar. Enathu veetil naan oruvarn mattum thaan ithuvarai naan 7 pengalai currect seithu oothu...
Chapter 03: Unleashed **Once again, a huge thanks to Joe Brolly and MistressLynn for helping me with the editing on this series. Read and enjoy!** Doris and Genie were well on their way to the nearest outfitter, crossing the food court when Doris stopped dead in her tracks. ‘Doris?’ Genie asked, positively puzzled. She followed Doris’s gaze and saw it locked on a black girl looking at merchandise in the store next to them. ‘Yes, Doris, what about her?’ ‘Oh my God. I want her waist,’ Doris...
ROBIN GIRL WONDER part 1 - BODY AND MIND This story is based loosely on drawings done by Fraylim. If you'd like some background on the characters in this story, please see their "biographies" at WikiPedia. This is a work of fan-fiction that includes characters owned by DC Comics. It is not intended to damage their copyright in any way. Tim Drake was in bed thinking about his plan; wondering if he could really carry it out. It was daybreak and the birds outside sang a...
"Just name it. For you, anything." "Anything?" "Sure. Um, what do you have in mind?" "Let me think about it." I knew what came to mind immediately, but I didn't know if I could ask for it. Would he be insulted? Offended? He had said "anything", but did he really mean it? I keep in good shape. I think I'm attractive enough. At 5-6, with C cup breasts that still have some lift to them, yoga and a healthy diet have me still fairly tight. I have longish dark blonde hair that I...
Thanks for reading folks! I'm new to this, but my favorite author Elena Starz got me into writing so I'm trying my hand at it. If you have any feedback or any story suggestions going forward, please feel free to e- mail me at [email protected]. Enjoy! It had been a long night of debauchery. He meant to take care of business, but he let his emotions get in the way. Beer loving emotions. That's why he woke up on the floor. Brian rubbed his head and sat up from his living room...
I hear the knocking on the door. Have my panties on under my shorts and tshirt. Nervously open the door and the man comes by me and I follow him into the living room.He stops and turns. ‘On your knees now’. He moves in front of me showing me his ID so he knows I know who he is in case he gets out of line. ‘Tell me why you invited me here.’ Looking down embarrassed to have to say it. ‘I invited you here to treat me like a faggot Sir. I need a real man to come over occasionally and show me just...