Take Her Down To Paradise City Pt. 3 free porn video

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Lena sat behind her desk at work, smiling fondly at the framed photo of Arion and herself which stood before her. She could hardly believe it had been so long since she'd first received the magic jukebox. 2015 was coming to an end and she realized with every passing day, she would lose him soon. The thought broke her heart and caused her to tear up. She wouldn't allow herself to break down at work, but she was terrified at the idea of losing her beloved.

She had gone over a thousand scenarios in her mind of what to do when the time came. Wish that he could stay, which she knew was impossible; try to run away with him somewhere his creator would be unable to find them, which was also fairly unlikely seeing as his creator was a pagan goddess.

What am I going to do? she moaned to herself. I can't lose him. I haven't even told him... she fell silent, thinking of all the times she should have told him the truth. She loved him. Lena wished for nothing more than to just be with Arion for the rest of her life. She was hopelessly, irrevocably in love with him. And after nearly three years, she'd never told him. Sure, she'd said the words, as had he, but to truly put it all out there... she'd never had the nerve. For all she knew, his love for her could disappear as soon as their time together ended. It had been her very first wish, before she'd even realized what the genie was.

But was it really, truly love that Arion felt for her? Or was it simply part of his curse?


Back at Lena's house, Arion wondered the same thing. Pacing the living room, he berated himself.

"Coward! You simpering, pathetic, mangy dog!" He cursed himself in every language he knew. Which was all of them. "In a few months' time, you'll lose her forever and it will be your own fault, you cowardly weakling! You've said it a thousand times. Just... tell her that you really mean it. Why can I not just... tear out my heart and show her that I love her? More than anything..." falling to his knees, he clasped his hands together. "Oh please, Lady Hestia, I beseech you, take me not from her side. I would beg you kill me before you take me away from her. Please, my lady, I beg of you."

His prayer was answered only by silence. And in that silence, the immortal genie wept.


When Lena returned home that day, her mind burdened with the talk she knew she and Arion had to have, she set her keys and purse down and sighed. Where could she even begin? What could she even say? And if she did just come out with the truth of her feelings, how would she be received? Lovingly, with Arion telling her he felt the same way; or with pity, with him telling her that he was only with her because of her wish?

"My wish," she muttered. Then gasping, "My wish!" Lena's head snapped upright, the thought hitting her like a truck. How had it never occurred to her? She could just wish for Arion to tell her how he really felt. Then she could go from there. If he said he was only obeying his curse, she would swallow it down and take the pain.

And if he said he loved her... it was almost too much to hope for. "Arion?" she called out. She called again, louder this time. She had only finally agreed to let him magically alter their new home recently and was not used to the size of the interior. A simple, average-looking house on the outside, but a two-story mansion on the inside. He'd insisted she deserved to live in splendor.

"Arion," Lena called, walking through the house toward the stairs. "Where are you?" Then he appeared, standing at the top of the stairs. In spite of everything going through her mind, Lena smiled. She felt the familiar tingle in her nether regions at his arrival. The fact that he enjoyed walking around the house naked probably had something to do with that. Popping the top button on her blouse, a sly smile spread over her full lips. As Arion smirked and descended the stairs, Lena decided that their talk could wait a little bit longer.

They embraced, Lena's clothes vanishing. Arion kissed her tenderly, running his hand up into her hair.

"I missed you," he said softly. His other hand squeezed Lena's soft, plump bottom. "I have been thinking of you all day, Lena." As he spoke, kissing her neck and shoulders, his cock slowly rose until it was brushing against her stomach, thick and hard.

Lena's breath grew shallow, her heartbeat accelerating, as she felt his turgid member against her skin. The flesh of his cock was so soft, yet so hot. Warmer than anyone else's she'd ever been with, whether due to his magic or his virility, she neither knew nor cared. What she did know was that she wanted that hot, delicious cock in her mouth. Pushing Arion back slightly, she looked him up and down, licking her lips.

Looking back at him with a mischievous gleam in her eye, she asked in a seductive tone, "Couch or bed?"

In an instant, they were laying on the couch, Lena atop Arion as he resumed kissing her throat, nipping at the soft skin. Moaning softly, Lena grasped his throbbing cock, stroking it slowly. When a drop of precum appeared at the tip, she spread it over his soft head with her fingertip, eliciting soft moans and gasps from her lover. Sliding down his lean, muscular body, Lena captured the very tip of his cock between her lips and began flicking her tongue against it, humming softly.

Arion's head fell back against the arm of the couch as he groaned deeply. As Lena hummed around his cockhead, the vibration drove him crazy. He shuddered, toes curling as she gently scraped her fingernails against his scrotum, the other hand caressing his torso as she slowly took him deeper. She moaned a satisfied chuckle when she finally reached his base, the tip now sliding into the back of her throat.

Arion was always a sucker for a good blowjob, but this one was more intense than any he'd received from Lena. His eyes actually rolled back in his head as she sucked slowly, bringing her head back up. Her tongue lashed against his cock as her lips met once more with the ridge of his head.

The overcome jynn's hands tangled into Lena's hair, pushing her warm, wet mouth back down his throbbing cock. Moaning at the sudden change in him, Lena sucked him with renewed vigor, her eager mouth begging for his cum. Whether or not Arion wanted to cum yet, his cock apparently made the decision for him. With a sharp gasp, Arion's hips bucked, shoving his cock down Lena's throat once more. Groaning, he unloaded spurt after spurt of his hot cum into her mouth.

Licking her lips, Lena laid back against the other end of the couch, spreading her legs. Arion wasted no time in diving between her soft thighs, his eager tongue devouring her sopping pussy. Capturing her swollen clit between his lips, he sucked hard, flicking the tip of his tongue over the sensitive nub.

A sharp intake of breath and a high-pitched yelp escaped Lena's lips as her back arched, thrusting her hips forward to meet Arion's skilled mouth. Slipping a finger into her tight, warm pussy, Arion curled it in that time-tested "come hither" motion, caressing her g-spot with the tip of his finger. Lena shuddered, biting her lip and pinching her own nipples.

"Oough, keep doing that," she sighed. Her toes curled as Arion continued making love to her wet folds with his lips and tongue. Moments later, Lena started trembling from head to toe, seizing a nipple in one hand and Arion's hair in the other, pushing his face closer against her pussy. Gasping and moaning, she came, her creamy thighs clamping around her lover's head as she writhed and gyrated her hips against his unshaven face. Slowly, her orgasm subsided until the ripples quieted, though her legs still trembled.


They lay there together afterwards, savoring the afterglow. Arion held Lena in his arms and kissed the top of her head softly.

Lena was dying to make her wish and learn the truth, but... she hesitated. She was afraid of what the answer may be. After all, why would a being like Arion, practically a god compared to her, truly love an ordinary woman? The more this train of thought rumbled around in her head, the more dejected she felt. She felt exposed; naked before the world's judgment. She wanted to pull her body away from his and cover it up; hide from his gaze. For how could she have believed there was a chance of any kind of real love between them?

Arion sensed Lena's growing depression and anguish. "Lena, what's wrong?" Turning her slightly, he tried to look into her eyes, but she turned her face away. "What's the matter?" He hated not being able to hear her thoughts, but she had wished for it to be so almost two years beforehand.

"Please," he pleaded with her, "talk to me, sweetheart. What's wrong? Are... are you crying?" He was horrified at seeing the tears in her eyes as they slowly began to roll down her cheeks.

Without a word, Lena pushed away from him and ran upstairs, hair flying behind her as she finally broke down.


Throwing herself onto the bed, Lena let the tears flow freely as sobs wracked her body. She berated herself mentally, mocking her own feelings; reminding herself how stupid she was for letting herself fall in love with Arion. She knew from the beginning that it had to end eventually. And after this, how could she let Arion touch her again? She was too afraid to ask him the question because she knew the answer.

I let myself get worked up like that just so I could deny it a little longer, she thought bitterly. Arion would never truly be hers. It was foolish of her to think that he could be. Why would he even want to? All of Lena's old insecurities came flooding back to her. Her weight, her age, her looks, anything and everything she could find a flaw in was increased tenfold by her grief.

Arion ran into the room, confused and desperate to do something - anything - to help Lena. What had he done to upset her so? He paused, slowing his approach.

"Lena, sweetie, what's wrong?" He pleaded with her to tell him, to let him help. "I beg you, would talk to me, sweetheart. What happened? What have I done to upset you so?"

He flinched as Lena suddenly sat up on the bed; tears streaked her reddened face, hair clung to her cheeks and pain filled her eyes.

"Arion, tell me how you really feel about me. I wish you would tell me your real feelings, regardless of any other wish I've ever made or any other conversation we've ever had." She took a deep, shaky breath. "Just... just tell me."

Arion was terrified; telling her the truth... he might lose her forever. Two-thousand years and you're still a coward, he thought bitterly to himself. But he could not refuse her wish. Even in his brief hesitation, he felt the magic of his curse pulling at his tongue. Willing his lips to move. In a rush, his confession burst from his lips.

"Lena, I love you. I have loved you since the beginning, and it has only grown in the time we have spent together since. My love for you is all-consuming. If I had known you when I was mortal, I would have never fallen to the hordes that invaded. For you, I would have fought on just to see your eyes once more. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone or anything in all my centuries of life. Were I free of my curse, I would make you my wife; we would have a family, and I would love you until my dying day. I would find your soul in Asphodel and spend eternity with you in... whatever afterlife awaits us." He slowed, finally running out of breath. "Lena... I am completely, unendingly, irrevocably in love with you. Until now... being left with no other option... I have simply been too afraid to tell you."

Silence fell between them. Arion dared a glance at Lena's face. She seemed stunned; her mouth hung open in an expression of shock as new tears formed at the corner of her eyes. The jynn sighed, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"I... I am sorry, Mistress. I... I do not expect you to-"

He was cut off as Lena's full lips suddenly crashed into his. She had leapt from the bed and slammed into him, knocking them both to the floor in her unstoppable need to kiss him.

Lena's world was shining, glowing, burning with such an intensity; she was numb and giddy, yet tingling all over at the same time. He loves me... her stunned brain told her. He loves me! Without a nanosecond of thought or hesitation, Lena's body had moved of its own accord. There was no force powerful enough to stop the sudden, overwhelming need to be with him; to kiss him; to touch him. To know that this beautiful, impossible man was truly in love with her as she was with him.

Said impossible man was rapidly becoming more confused and, having received no explanation, lifted Lena's upper body off of his. "Lena, what... what?" He could not figure out what was happening. Lena was by no means an overly emotional woman, yet here she was, crying one minute and practically ravaging him the next. His mind was torn; he desperately yearned to know what was going through her mind, yet was having an increasingly difficult time focusing on that as his cock grew harder.

"Arion..." Lena began breathlessly, "I've been too afraid to tell you, but... I love you, too! I mean I'm in love with you. I've loved you all along, but I never... I didn't think you could..." she mumbled, falling silent for a moment before looking back into his eyes, happy tears brimming over her long lashes. "I thought you only loved me because of your curse and my wish."

Now it was the genie's turn to be dumbfounded. He desperately wanted to say something heartfelt and emotional then, but he was so thunderstruck, all that came to mind was "My curse cannot effect my emotions, only my actions. I could no more force myself to feel love or hatred than I could kill someone or raise the dead."

Lena laughed out loud, falling back onto Arion's chest. "You're so romantic, baby. Such a sweet talker." She kissed his nose and grinned.

Arion laughed with her; suddenly both overwhelmingly giddy at their confession. Their laughter faded slowly as they lay together, looking into each other's eyes. And as they stared into each other's eyes, they felt the need rise up within them. Lena bit her full, luscious lip as she felt Arion's cock start to rise up between her thighs. A mischievous little gleam came to her eye.

Grinning at her lover, Lena closed her voluptuous thighs around Arion's hot length. Moving her legs slightly, she caressed his cock with the soft skin of her inner thighs. He shuddered slightly; this was something new. For almost three years, he had been making love to Lena multiple times a day, every day and she still managed to surprise him.

Shuddering, he gasped "Wh-where did you... aah, g-get this from?"

"Hmhm," Lena chuckled. "Read about it," she whispered, voice sultry as she lifted her legs slowly up and down, first one then the other, caressing the throbbing shaft in-between them. "I think it's called 'irumatio' or something, but I'm just going with 'fun.'"

Groaning, Arion let his head fall back for a few moments as his hands kneaded her soft, plump ass. Sitting up, he lifted Lena by her hips to have her kneel, straddling him as the downstairs ottoman appeared behind his back. Then with a grin, adjusted his position to slide his throbbing cock up into her smoldering pussy.

They made love for what felt like hours that way, with Lena rocking on Arion's cock, sliding her pussy up and down his length. His lips never left her skin for more than a breath, kissing her soft lips, breathing renewed energy into her; kissing and licking her heaving breasts. Lena ground her ass against hips, one hand on his shoulder, the other on her clit. Small orgasms sparked through her body like electricity, building in intensity until finally, stars burst before her eyes.

Gasping, Lena's body stiffened. Her tight, wet pussy clenching around Arion's rigid cock. Arion groaned, grasping her hips firmly as they came together. He shuddered as he fired at least six shots of his hot cum into her. Her sweet juices trickled down his shaft as she slowly exhaled, her vision swimming.

Then they were in bed, holding each other close as soft music played from the magic jukebox across the room. Arion gently brushed his fingers through Lena's hair as her eyelids grew heavier.

"Arion," she mumbled, barely awake.

"Yes, my love?" he replied softly.

"I wish you could... stay with me forever..." The next moment, she was asleep, her head against his chest and her arm across his torso.

The jynn gently rubbed her back, willing his powers to grant her wish. But nothing happened. No surge of magic, no flashing lights, so sudden revelation. The shackles he felt around his wrists remained as they had for millenia; undetectable to others but inescapable for him.

"So do I, Lena," he whispered as a tear ran down his cheek. "So do I."


The next morning, Lena arranged to use her vacation time for the year. She'd accumulated a solid three weeks' worth and intended to spend every minute of it with Arion, to try and find a way to free him of his curse. During that time, they poured over every book they could find, every ancient scroll Arion could magic up from God-knows-where and every webpage Lena could find that sounded credible.

"I wish you were human!" Lena shouted triumphantly, pointing at Arion dramatically from across the room.

He stared at her blankly. "I don't think that's going to work, Lena. Kind of like how it hasn't worked the last twelve times..."

"Not helping," she grumbled. "Aren't there any magic people we could talk to? Maybe another genie? Or... something?"

"I do not know, Lena," he replied thoughtfully. "Truth be told, I have never met another of my own kind. My maker told me we were rare, but... not once in two-thousand years? Maybe there are no other jynn; perhaps they ceased to exist and no one told me. But it may be worth a shot." Sitting up straight, he folded his fingers together and extended his arms, with his palms facing forward to crack his knuckles. "Your wish is my command, love."

Lena smiled hopefully as she wished for another genie. Arion cracked his neck, stretching; then, with a look of intense concentration, snapped his fingers.

A sound like thunder shook the room as a small wooden chest appeared in midair and crashed to the floor. Lena scurried over to the box and picked it up, setting it down carefully on the ottoman. Just before opening the box, she hesitated.

"Arion," she asked, her voice uncertain, "if I open this box and a genie comes out, does that make me its master?"

The jynn pondered the question before answering. "I cannot say for sure. One theory I have is that you would not become its master since you are already mine, but perhaps it is possible to have more than one jynn at a time. My other theory is that, since you already have ownership of me, that perhaps you would be unable to open the chest. My maker's magic may prevent it."

Lena tugged at the box, but nothing happened. It seemed sealed somehow. She tried rubbing the lock with her shirt as if it may pop open like the lamp in "Arabian Nights," but still nothing. Sitting back on her heels, she wondered aloud if maybe the box was a dud. Maybe there was no genie in there at all.

Arion seemed unconvinced and strode over to the box in question, picking it up and turning it over in his hands.

"I can feel... something within it," he muttered. "But how do I..." Suddenly, the box started to shake and he dropped it in surprise.

The wooden chest never reached the cushion of the ottoman.

Instead, where it should have been, there now sat an exotic-looking woman with long, jet-black hair and olive skin. She wore a Grecian chiton, but with a much more... contemporary cut. The neckline plunged past the mystery woman's ample bosom, hanging loose and tied at the waist with a braided belt. There was a slit up the side of the skirt, coming several inches above the knee. The sleeves were relatively short, but very flowy. She wore a silver circlet on her head, almost like a tiara with its intricate arboreal patterns. Her feet were bare, but she held two bronze torches in her hands, each ablaze with green fire.

However, the most startling part of this strange woman was her face; or rather, her faces. She had three: one where one might expect, facing forward and one on each side of her head! The face in front was that of a beautiful woman whose age was anyone's guess. Smooth skin, high cheekbones and full, luscious lips. The second was softer, the cheeks somewhat fuller and her lips wore a soft smile, as though she were a mother watching after her children. The third, however, was withered and wrinkled. Her lips were thin and dry, her nose longer than the others'. She seemed as ancient as the world itself. The only thing the faces had in common were their eyes. Black, glittering orbs pierced Lena like a cold blade. Their were no whites of her six eyes, only darkness as deep as chasms.

Lena fell backwards, scrambling toward the couch, mouth agape.

Arion, however, fell forward, knees on the floor and his forehead brushing the carpet. "My lady!" he yelped. The mysterious woman seemed to regard his prostrated position as appropriate, then began surveying her surroundings.

Lena was confused. She had never seen Arion act like this. He seemed afraid; no, perhaps terrified was a better word for it. Then it hit her like a ton of bricks. A woman with three faces dressed in some form of ancient Greek clothing and carrying two torches? A woman whom Arion seemed terrified of and referred to as his "lady?" The newcomer could only be one person.

"Hecate," Lena breathed, suddenly as horrified as Arion.

"I am she," the goddess' middle face replied. "I am Hecate, goddess of magic, lady of the crossroads and..." She glanced down at Arion with a slightly irritated expression. "Creator of your little boyfriend here."

Finally, Hecate looked Lena in the eyes. Lena felt herself pale under the gaze of the three-faced goddess.

"And you are Lena," she said very matter-of-factly. The goddess did not ask; she already knew. Her second face spoke, the tone somewhat lighter, as if she found the situation quite amusing. "I've heard quite a bit about you. Apparently you've had quite the impression on my little soldier, haven't you? Oh, don't look so surprised, girl. He's told me all about you in his prayers. Haven't you ever wondered what he does when you're away from him? Or all night, when you're sleeping? All hours of the day and night, he prays to me. Begs me to free him if only he could spend a mortal life with you."

"Ooh, yes." Hecate's third face croaked. She turned her gaze directly upon Arion, who remained on the floor, never daring to look up. "You really do love her, don't you, Spartan?"

"Yes, my lady," he whispered. Arion's voice, usually so strong and rich, was now quiet and timid. But he never hesitated to answer; not for a moment. "I love Lena with every fiber of my being and with every ounce of my soul."

"How sweet," she crooned. The crone's voice dripped with venom. "You love her. So much so that you were willing to disobey my commands. So much so that you decided to try and weasel out of the deal you and I made two millenia ago, when I could have left you to die with the rest of the mortal dogs who bled their lives away on that rock."

He spoke meekly, like a small child speaking to his mother when he knew he had done wrong. "Please, my lady, I meant no disrespe-"

"Silence!" All three mouths now spoke at once, each voice filled with anger. "You meant no disrespect? No disloyalty? You meant only to break your vow to me and seek a back door out of our arrangement; is that it, son of Davos? That you meant no disrespect, but meant only to cheat a goddess?"

Arion started to tremble.

"Perhaps I should destroy you right now; wipe you from existence altogether." The beautiful face spoke softly now, savoring the torture. "Or maybe I should cast you into Tartarus and see what punishment the spirits of chaos can come up with." Hecate grinned a sickening, evil grin and leaned down closer to Arion. The sorceress looked directly at Lena as the crone growled in his ear, "Or perhaps I should begin with the little mortal who started all this. What punishment should I give your precious Lena?" She dragged out Lena's name, mocking Arion with her threat.

In an instant, Arion was on his feet, standing between Lena and the still calmly seated Hecate. His arms were outstretched, palms facing the goddess.

"Do whatever you will to me, Lady Hecate," he told her, his voice strong once again. "Punish me if that is your desire; torture me - rip the flesh from my bones. But you will have to destroy me before I let you touch Lena."

The goddess was silent for a moment. Her expressions remained neutral; observing the pair before her. No one moved or spoke for an entire minute; Lena barely even breathed. Finally, the goddess spoke.

"So this is true love," she said calmly. The motherly face spoke now, chiding Arion as if he'd broken something and tried lying about it. "You were so afraid to die two-thousand years ago that you sold your soul to me and became my jynn slave, granting the wishes of mortals and gods as I saw fit. Yet now, you fear neither death nor torture? All for love of this little, human woman?"

"I do fear it," Arion said. Lena felt her stomach tighten until Arion continued. "I do still fear death and what the Underworld - or whatever awaits the dead - holds for me. And I fear your torture, Lady Hecate. But I will face that fear and those pains... for her."

Finally turning his eyes away from his creator, Arion looked back at Lena. "I love her," he said, his gaze still on Lena. "For her, I would suffer anything gladly. Torture, pain or even death." Turning back to Hecate, he squared his shoulders and was suddenly transfigured before Lena's eyes.

His hair grew wild; his stubble became a coarse, dark beard. The clothing he wore seemed to expand and harden into bronze and leather armor. His Converse unraveled and wrapped up his shins, becoming leather sandals. A great shield expanded from the leather cuff on his left arm as a long, wickedly-sharp spear appeared in his right hand. Finally, a crimson cape seemed to burst from the shoulders of his armor as his head disappeared into a dented bronze helmet.

When Arion spoke again, his tone was unlike anything Lena had heard from him before. It was deeper, gruffer. Like a man who had seen the worst things in life and had survived.

"You see me now as you did all those years ago, Lady Hecate. I am Arion of Kalokairi, soldier of Sparta; son of Davos, son of Krion. Judge me as ye will. I will accept the consequences of my actions. They are mine and mine alone."

Hecate's faces chuckled and Lena felt a trickle down her spine like ice.

"Oh yes, very dashing." The ancient, dark eyes narrowed as the old woman turned her head to look past Arion and directly into Lena's eyes. "You have three months left, little Lena. When that day comes, you will be given one final wish. Make it count."

The goddess' last word came from nowhere and everywhere at once; there was no sign that she had ever been there. The wooden chest was gone, as were Arion's armor and weapons. Lena sagged to the floor in relief and let out a gasp. She hadn't realized she had been holding her breath.

Arion collapsed as well, his entire body trembling. He turned and looked into Lena's sparkling green eyes. They crawled into each other's arms and wept.


The days went by slowly after Hecate's little visit. A sense of melancholy had fallen over the home. Arion's normally wavy, shiny hair hung limply around his face. Lena took more sick time off work, too depressed and sad to leave the house. They barely ate; they hardly even spoke. What use were words now that they knew there was nothing they could do to stay together?

Finally, after almost two weeks of near silence, Arion sat down beside Lena on the couch and spoke.

"Lena," he began quietly, "if there is nothing that we can do to break my curse and be together, then... I want you to make one final wish before our time together is over."

Lena looked at him questioningly. "What are you talking about?"

He continued. "Lady Hecate said that on our final day together, I would be able to grant you but one final wish. I can not be certain, but... but I think she meant that as a clue. That maybe that final wish would be more important than any other. That maybe it would have more power."

"Do you-?"

"No. Unfortunately, I don't think that means you can just wish for my freedom. But I think... I think it does mean that my final act as your jynn will carry on, even after I am gone."

"What do you mean, Arion?"

"I... I am not entirely certain. But I think... I think perhaps she meant it as a way for you to seek happiness without me."

"But... but I can't imagine a life without you, Arion. I don't want it if it's not with you." Tears came to Lena's eyes; her voice cracked as she spoke. "Arion, I love you."

"I love you, too, Lena, but... if we can't be together in the end, what can we do?"

The question hung in the air unanswered.


A few days later, Lena returned to work; Arion resumed his praying and magical house maintenance. The next three months went by as they used to. Almost.

They spent everyday together. They made love like before and were even more in love; perhaps because they knew their time together was vanishing. Arion grew worried when the day came that Lena wished to not need sleep.

"This way, we don't have to waste a minute of the time we have left. Right?"

Her voice was so tight when she spoke, her eyes filled with emotion. It took everything in Arion not to weep. Their desperation was reaching dangerous levels. He knew it could not go on much longer.

When February came to an end, they knew they had only thirty short days left together. Arion conjured up a month's vacation time for Lena so that they could spend their final weeks together without interruption.

They traveled the world magically; seeing the wonders she'd heard of but never took the time to see. They visited tropical islands where they lay on the beach together, naked in the sun. They saw Europe, toured all of the grand sights. Eventually, Arion took Lena to Greece; she finally visited the land where he was born. He showed her where his home had once stood, where his parents' ashes had been scattered and where he fought his last fight as a mortal man.

Lena even asked Arion to help her make the jukebox her own. Leave some visible mark on it so that no matter what happened, he would always have something of her there with him. He was touched and, granting her temporary magic, she combined the magic jukebox with the iPod Arion had filled with their favorite music.

"So you don't have to listen to the same songs for... however long. You can listen to these and... remember me." Arion wiped a tear away from her cheek and kissed her.

"I will always remember you, my love." Placing his hand on the side of his prison, a sapphire blue tiger lily was imprinted on the wooden exterior. "So that whomever finds it next will know that I am yours, come what may."

Eventually, all of their journeying done, they returned home to Alaska. They spent their final days at home, holding each other and savoring the time they had left together. Until finally, the dreaded morning of the thirtieth arrived. They lay together in bed, just looking at each other.

"We have only a few hours left, my love," Arion said quietly. He caressed her cheek softly, gazing into Lena's sparkling green eyes. "What should... what can we do?"

Lena wiped away a tear as it formed in the corner of her eye. "Make the most of it," she said. She spoke with all the strength she could muster.

Moving closer, she kissed Arion tenderly, wrapping her arm around his side as he pulled her body against his. Lena moaned softly against her lover's mouth as their tongues met, writhing against each other.

Arion squeezed Lena's round ass, pulling one of her legs over his body. The kiss intensified, breath coming in short gasps as their need for each other grew exponentially. With a slight shift of her hips, Lena sheathed Arion inside of her, becoming one for the last time.

He moaned as he felt his manhood enter her steaming core. Looking into her dazzling green eyes, Arion willed himself to remember every instant of this final tryst. Every detail of Lena's soft, beautiful face; every curve of her voluptuous body against his; and of course the feeling of her gripping his cock tightly in her soft, wet embrace.

They moved together slowly, savoring their time left together. Neither wanted to rush things. The two made love that way for quite some time until Arion raised them off the bed, turning over to place his lover beneath him. He plunged his throbbing cock deeper into her pussy, bottoming out as they gasped together.

Lena wrapped her legs around his waist and whispered into her jynn's ear, "Fuck me, Arion. Fuck me the way you did that very first time; the first time I fell in love with you."

Arion moaned, capturing her lips with a kiss before he withdrew his cock slightly before thrusting into her again, harder this time. The bed creaked beneath them as he gave her everything he had. Arion fucked her like they had never made love before; harder, faster and deeper than ever. Yet somehow softer; more tenderly than before. They gazed into each other's eyes between kisses. Lena's teeth caught the side of her lover's neck, sucking at the tender skin. They both hoped that it would leave a mark.

After what seemed like an eternity over all too quickly, Lena wailed into Arion's neck as her orgasm overwhelmed her. Gritting his teeth, he kept thrusting as she rode it out; until finally, he erupted deep inside of her with a groan. They lay together like that until eventually, they knew time was short.


They dressed and headed downstairs. The jukebox sat on the coffee table waiting for them, just where Lena first opened it three years prior. As they stood before it, green smoke started to emanate from its speakers.

"It... it is time, Lena," Arion's voice trembled. "Before I go, please... your final wish. Wish that you will find happiness and peace for the rest of your days after... after I am gone." Tears welled up in his eyes, but he remained strong.

Lena's lip trembled, but she kept her voice strong as she spoke. "Arion, I wish... I wish for you to find happiness and peace, for the rest of your days after I'm gone. I wish for you to find love and freedom, no matter when or where. I wish you happiness and freedom, Arion."

His eyes widened in horror as the music of Paradise City rose behind him. "Lena, what have you done?" Arion's face was full of shock and horror. "I wanted you to make the wish for yourself!" His hands started to tremble, the curse willing him to grant her wish. "No, no! I... Lena, please!"

Her voice finally broke. "That's all I wish, Arion. I wish for you to find happiness, even after I'm gone."

Tears streamed down his face; he struggled to speak. "Your wish... your wish is my command. I love you, Lena."

"I love you, too, Arion. Always." She flung her arms around his neck as the chorus hit, their lips uniting for the last time. His arms closed around her waist for just a moment before, in a cloud of green smoke, both Arion and the jukebox vanished.

Lena looked around for a moment before sitting slowly onto her old couch. For the first time in three years, she was alone again.


Stay tuned for the epilogue and thank you so much for taking this magical journey with Lena, Arion and I!

Same as

Take Her Down to Paradise City Pt. 3 Videos
3 years ago
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Paradise Trail Parts 14 Complete

-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Paradise Trail -=-=-=-=-=-=-= By Maria 2 (a.k.a. Maria) To my valued readers - - There is quite a bit more to my diary. Here is what you may read thus far. Let me know if you want to read even more. (Part One starts here.) (Part Two starts at Chapter 6.) (Part Three starts at Chapter 9.) (Part Four starts at Chapter 13.) Introduction - May 6, 1953. This is a true story - as true as I can tell it, as true as I can put to words. There will be...

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Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. I would like to offer special thanks to several helpful editors whose feedback and questions prompted this revision, most notably Mare Vir, Fran, and Patrick. The timeline has been cleaned up, many grammar mistakes...

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The Fall of Paradise Chapter One

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Springtime At The Paradise

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The Way to ParadisePart 2

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Paradise Valley 2 Homecoming

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Destination Paradise

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With Ann in Paradise

I was still in a half sleep, laying on my back but I was very aware of Ann curled against me, her face on my bare chest, her right leg wrapped over mine, just brushing my groin. I was on my back. I could feel her soft hair brushing my chin and heard the steady breathing of her sleeping. I could also feel the softness of her pubic hair pushing against my thigh. My God, this girl was perfect! How in the hell did I get so lucky?It had started with an email about a year ago. Ann read some erotic...

3 years ago
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The Way to ParadisePart 2

When we last left our story we had discovered how Jean d’Langham a young country boy from France had joined the French Imperial Army as a naïve and wide-eyed blond seventeen-year-old “to find his fortune”. Posted far from the center of power in Paris the young lad had, at first, been downcast. Soon Jean learned that living on the edges of an empire had its own unusual advantages. Jean was taken under the wing of a certain demanding young woman named Apolline Descartes and educated in the art of...

2 years ago
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A Fortnight in Paradise Parts 1 and 2

part 1As she boarded the plane, she couldn't help but feel excited. She'd saved a whole year for this trip and was still in a bit of disbelief that it was finally happening. A whole fortnight in sunny, tropical paradise.She settled into her seat and pulled out the book she'd brought to read while travelling, Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land. Why not, eh? Just as she was turning the page, a person sat in the seat next to her's. At first she didn't bother to look. She figured she'd let the...

1 year ago
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Changes in Paradise Two Daniels Story

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ? if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission to post on any free site. While it isn?t necessary to have read ?Changes In Paradise,? it might help. Thank you (to those of you who deserve it) for the comments, suggestions, and encouragement on...

2 years ago
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Woman Partner Chapter Twentyfour Last Day in Paradise

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 24, Last Day in Paradise) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback. Enjoy! WARNING - No bestiality described...

4 years ago
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Changes in Paradise 07 Sharks Submarines and Salvage

Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. You really must read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 6," if you haven't already. This story has grown far beyond what I expected, and now the narrative threads...

4 years ago
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Changes in Paradise Part 10 Readjustments Reprisals and Revelations

Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. You really ought to read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 9", if you haven't already. Those narrative threads must be held in memory or many parts of what follows...

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