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Me and a couple of the girls from the office had decided Friday night to go out to a nightclub after work. "Corporate" had sent some people to our branch office to do a review of our office, and we had been busting our collective asses to make sure we looked good to them. They had been with us reviewing our records and policies all week, but on Friday morning they had left to head back to Chicago where our corporate headquarters were. We had decided Thursday morning that we would go out straight from the office that Friday, so we all brought our "steppin' out" clothes to work.

I had broken up with my boyfriend about a year before, and now I had finally reached the point where I was comfortable with where I was sexually. Aiden was a great guy and was a powerhouse in the sack, but we were both at different places outside the bedroom. I wanted to settle down and get on with the family thing, and he was still playing the field. So we decided to part ways. It was a friendly, best-for-both of us parting, and we were still on speaking terms - hell, we even dated a time or two afterwards. But I wanted to find my soulmate and he was just looking to mate.

But that Friday night was all about celebrating and blowing off steam. It's the attitude we all had. We began drinking and danced a little with some willing guys we met in the club. Angie, one of the girls from the office, met up with her Mr. Tonight and made an early evening of it, wanting to take her prize home and enjoy him. Kelli and I continued drinking until it was getting late.

We were both pretty lit up and neither of us thought it prudent to drive home, so the bartender called us a cab. Since I lived a considerable distance out of town, Kelli invited me to stay at her place. We had been good friends for a couple years and I had spent the night at her place before when I didn't want to drive all the way home or when I needed to be in the office early. But we had never engaged in any girl-on-girl stuff.

Actually, I'd never done any lesbian activities at all. I wasn't opposed to girls with girls - the thought of my being with another woman wasn't out of the question, and I had seen some attractive and even hot women I may have gone to bed with. I guess I considered myself bi-curious. I was willing to give it a try should the opportunity and the right partner come along.

I'm pretty sure Kelli was, too. Certain things she'd said in our casual conversations had raised my eyebrows. And she was certainly attractive enough. Younger than me by a couple years, Kelli was also shorter at 5'3"with "dirty blonde" hair, blue eyes, and a petite yet adorable, 32-26-34 figure. On the other hand, I'm 5'6" tall, with black hair and brown eyes and measure 34-26-36.

We made it back to her house and after paying the cab (he was very nice and even gave us back the proper change after we gave him more than the actual fare!), he waited until we were inside before driving away. We went into the living room and sat down and relaxed a bit, trying to let our heads clear some. We weren't incapacitated drunk, but we were certainly feeling no pain.

We talked and giggled like a couple schoolgirls chattering at their lockers. Eventually, the conversation turned to sex and we talked about our past love lives and the boy troubles we'd both had. I found out that Kelli had such a bad experience with her last boyfriend, she swore off men altogether and became a lesbian. After hearing her horrible story I felt kind of bad telling her about how Aiden and I had come to break up, but she didn't seem to mind hearing about it.

"Oh, it's okay honey, it was a long time ago and I'm doing a lot better now," she said, laying a hand on my thigh. I felt a strange tingling feeling in my pussy as we sat there on the sofa. She didn't remove her hand right away and I didn't feel uncomfortable about it. She looked at me and I saw her eyes darting back and forth, as if seeking permission for something. I wasn't sure what the next move should be - I wanted her to keep going, but I didn't know how to approach her. She was very attractive and I definitely felt the electricity between us.

Kelli must have sensed my trepidation. "Jen, can I tell you something without you freaking out too much?" she asked.

"Um... yeah, I guess so," I said, looking at her cautiously.

"Well... damn, how do I say this? Okay, I'm just going to say it. Jennifer, I am attracted to you. I mean sexually. You may not feel the same way about me and I understand, but I just wanted to tell you that you turn me on something fierce. Maybe it's the liquor talking, or maybe this just needed to be said, but now it's out there," she said, taking a deep breath and waiting for a reply.

Kelli's confession took my breath away. She was my friend but she was also my employee. Admitting to your boss that you have sexual feelings for them is never a good idea and it took a lot of courage for her to openly admit it. Now I had to figure out what to do with that information.

I would be lying if I said I didn't share her feelings, if not necessarily to the same degree. She was a lesbian - she had already admitted that to me and others in the office knew of her sexual preferences. However, I'd never had sex with a women. Hell, I hadn't even had that much experience with men. I'd had only a couple of boyfriends before Aiden and I hadn't had anyone since then. How was I supposed to handle this information?

As I mulled over this news, I must have looked pretty bewildered because, after a minute or so, Kelli spoke again. "Jen, it's okay if you don't feel the same - I understand. Being a lesbian isn't for everyone. I just thought you should know how I felt," she said. "We are friends, after all, and I don't want anything to change that."

"Oh Kelli, dear, we are friends - this won't change that one bit. I am glad you told me... I hope we can always be open and honest with one another," I told her. With that I held out my arms and we hugged tightly. I felt her warmth and inhaled her sweet scent - even through the odor of smoke we picked up at the club and the alcohol we 'd drunk, she still smelled very good. My pussy tingled again, and I felt my heart rate speed up.

"I guess we should probably get some sleep," she said, and we headed down the hallway to the bedroom.

I took off my clothes, hanging my dress on a clothes hanger and putting that on a hook behind the bedroom door. I put my CFM heels on the floor next to the bed and sat on the edge of the bed. I watched her undress, removing her clothes with methodical slowness. Looking back on it now I can see she wasn't just getting ready for bed - Kelli was teasing me, tempting me into action. And it worked flawlessly, too!

It was hot that July night and, being without my regular nightclothes, I decided to sleep in nothing but my panties. Kelli regularly slept like that, explaining that the air conditioning wasn't working even though she had nagged the super countless times to get it fixed.

We weren't exactly shy - we were both adults and had been clothes shopping together. So it shouldn't have felt any different, but this time it did. I don't know whether it was the excessive alcohol we'd consumed or the fact that she had just confessed to being sexually attracted to me, but I suddenly found myself getting turned on watching her undress. My panties moistened with my juices as I watched her undress.

When she was undressed, we climbed into bed. It was only a full-size bed, considerably smaller than my king size, but there was enough room and we made do. We lay so close to each other I could feel the heat of her skin on my skin. And, when she spoke, I felt her warm, moist breath blow gently across my face.

We talked about sex again. Kelli and I did this quite a lot. Sex was our favorite subject! And, because we were tipsy, we went into great detail! The talk got hotter and hotter as we spoke about our sex lives - or lack of one, in my case. Listening to her adventures, though, I was about to burst into flames.

Kelli was saying how she'd never had a proper orgasm. Aside from his abusiveness and other problems, her old boyfriend had trouble getting hard, and whenever he was hard he never lasted very long. I couldn't help thinking that I'd love to make her come, and I'd enjoy it too!

"Thank goodness for vibrators, or I'd never have any fun," she exclaimed and I giggled.

"Can I see it?" I asked, because I didn't have one and she swore by hers. I wanted to see what made her cum.

"In my top drawer," she said, pointing to her nightstand. I pulled out an eight inch pink jelly vibrator. I looked at her and laughed. She was lying on her back, and I was on my side looking at her.

I looked at the device, studying it. I felt the smooth texture and the sponginess of it's "flesh". I had watched girls using these in videos and they seemed to enjoy them. I turned on the vibrating cock and it shook in my hand. My pussy began to get so wet, just thinking that she had used this to bring her to orgasm. I looked at her, my heart racing and my breath getting short as a warmth flushed my skin and pussy juice wet my panties.

I slowly pulled back the covers, giving her enough time to resist. She did not, looking at me playfully and biting her lip instead. I put the buzzing vibrator against her panty clad mound.

"What are you doing, Jen?" she asked softly, her voice husky and her eyes dark with lust.

"I want to make you cum. Please let me make you cum," I replied. Kelli smiled and opened her legs.

As I held the vibrator against Kelli's sweet damp cunt, I ravished her mouth with my own. Sucking her tongue into my mouth, and nibbling on her bottom lip. She responded to my kiss just as urgently, just as desperately.

"Ooh Jen," she moaned, "I've wanted you for so long."

I rolled on top of her, straddling her hips, her pussy grinding against mine, with only the thinnest of material between us. The vibrator was pushed to the side of the bed, still buzzing madly.

My hand moved down her body, seemingly of its own volition! I rolled one of her hard nipples between my thumb and forefinger. She had wonderful tits, firm and perky. They were a little smaller than mine - she had C cup while I had D cup breasts - but they were still beautiful. I started to kiss my way down her neck to her other nipple.

With each hot kiss, she let out a moan, each one louder the further south I moved. Taking the neglected bud into my mouth, I suckled like a newborn babe, occasionally nipping it, teasing her. Kelli placed one hand on my hip and the other one was tangled in my long black hair, pushing me closer to her smoldering cunt. She was begging me, pleading with me to make her cum.

"Please Jen, please eat me. Eat my pussy and make me cum. Oh please," she whimpered. With the exception of her choice of words, she sounded like a small girl.

I shifted further down the bed, so I could lie on my tummy, between her open her legs. Her panties were soaked and the scent of her desire filled the air. I breathed it in deep, enjoying the aroma of a woman's lust. She watched me as I kissed the insides of her thighs, first the right leg, then the left. Each time I moved an inch or two closer to her pussy. She still wore her panties, so I licked and sucked her clit through them. That drove the young girl crazy and her loud moans filled the room.

Kelli suddenly sat up and ripped off her sopping underwear, throwing them across the bedroom to land on the floor in the corner. She laid back down, spreading her legs even wider, and opened up her lips with her fingers, letting me look at her swollen lips, with her juices dripping out between them. It was a truly glorious sight! I wanted nothing more at that moment than to give this girl a crashing, earth-shattering orgasm!

"Eat me," she demanded, "Oh fuck, eat my cunt. Put that tongue in as far as you can."

I didn't argue. I began tonguing her wet pink interior, lapping up all the sweet juices I could find. Thrusting in as far as I could, she tasted sweeter than any honey I'd ever had. I used my fingers to strum her swollen, throbbing clit, and she ground her cunt against my hungry mouth.

Sensing that Kelli was getting close (it wasn't hard, she was thrashing around so much I could hardly contain her) I started tweaking her clit harder and thrusting my tongue faster.

"Oh fucking hell, I'm cuming" she screamed as her dam burst and she came in my mouth. I licked and lapped, swallowing every precious drop of her nectar. She tasted so good! I wanted to eat her out again just to taste more of that sweet cunt juice!

She lay back, closing her eyes, totally spent. I didn't want to disturb her, she looked so peaceful. But I had to cum - tasting her and hearing her scream as I got her off had me in fits. My own cunt was boiling and I needed relief right now. I was so hot and so wet, it was dribbling down my inner thighs.

I spotted her vibrator lying next to her, still buzzing happily. I quickly removed my underwear and sat back, legs splayed as wide as I could get them, facing her. I wanted to be looking at her when I came. I positioned the vibrator at the entrance of my tunnel, and promptly slammed it inside me. With the vibrations tickling and teasing my inner walls, I groaned as the rubber cock stretched me open. I hadn't felt that in such a long time.

I withdrew it completely before letting it enter me for a second time. I did that for a while, pushing the vibrator fully into me and then removing it completely. I loved that feel of the first entry, feeling my pussy open up for the "cock". I was panting furiously. I looked at Kelli as I went about satisfying myself. Knowing I was using the very same vibrator that had been inside her was totally hot - like we were a threesome and now "he" was fucking me! I thrust this big vibrator faster inside me, increasing the rhythm until I was well on the way to my orgasm.

"What are you doing?" Kelli asked as she opened her eyes. My moaning and writhing on the bed had brought her back to groggy consciousness.

"I really need to cum," I replied between moans.

"Oh honey, let me help you. I have something better than that for you," she said.

She got up and went over to her chest of drawers. Opening the bottom drawer, she reached in and pulled out a large object. I couldn't see it well at first but, when she turned around, it became clear.

"Oh my god, Kelli, what the fuck?" I said, shocked.

"Yeah, you could say that. How do you like my toy?" she asked, smiling mischeivously. Kelli held up what she had pulled from the drawer - a black ten inch strap-on dildo! I was wide-eyed as Kelli brought it over to show me.

"I've never seen anything like this," I said. I reached out to touch the fake cock, gingerly at first, but then I wrapped my hand around the beast. I could barely get my fingers around the massive cock.

I stroked it a few times as I felt my pussy gushing with eagerness. I had to have this in me!

"Oh please Kelli," I whimpered. "Please don't make me wait. Fuck me. Fuck me with your cock and make me cum, please."

I was pretty sure Kelli had been looking forward to this moment from the second we entered her house. She took the monster from me and strapped it onto her waist and moved between my welcoming, parted thighs. My pussy was swollen and dripping with my juices. I pulled the lips of my hungry cunt apart, showing her my readiness. She rubbed my aching clit with the tip of the dildo while I fondled my tits and twisted my hard nipples. I felt the hard rubber of her strap-on smack against my clit. I hoped Kelli could hear the sound of my wetness. I certainly heard it as she hit my clit three more times causing me to cry out.

"Oh, God Kelli... please..."

I was no longer concerned that I was about to make love to another woman. I no longer saw her as Kelli, my employee. We were just two people attracted to each other and who were about to explore that attraction completely. I knew that is what I really wanted from Kelli. I wanted her to fuck me. I wanted her to take me and use me for her own pleasure.

I felt a finger slide into my pussy. I knew she wanted to see how wet I was. Kelli’s running commentary confirmed what I knew she would do, her filthy, vulgar descriptions turning me on incredibly. I was an inferno as I continued to beg her. I felt her strap-on at the tip of my labia.

Kelli aimed her ‘cock’ and eased forward slightly until I felt it parting my lips and resting right at the entrance to my steaming tunnel. “Are you ready Jen?” she asked.

“Do it Kelli, please. Fuck me right now. Give it to me!” I replied, almost frantically.

She smiled, knowing she had me right where she wanted me: helpless and on fire.

"Beg me, then. Beg me like the slut you are and maybe I'll fuck you," she cooed, slightly pushing the coked at my entrance.

I had completely lost my mind. I didn’t care what I had to say or agree to at that moment. I was a babbling, begging slut and all I knew was I had to get that black rubber cock into my pussy. Finally, she tired of taunting me and slowly pushed the strap-on into me. I’m sure she had an obscene close-up view of my pussy swallowing the whole length.

Kelli drove her ‘cock’ deep into my burning pussy and I cried out as she filled me. “Oh fuck, yes honey, yes, fuck me harder!”

Slowly, she ground her hips against mine driving her ‘cock’ slowly in and out of my slobbering, juicy cunt. Kelli was the consummate expert as she worked the cock in and out. She alternated between slow loving strokes and fast pounding thrusts. I tried to match my thrusts with hers, trying to get some kind of steady pace going. However, Kelli's random speeds and rhythms kept me off balance and I never knew what to expect next or when, which only served to drive me even more lust-crazy.

Laying on the bed with her on top of me, holding me down as she pummeled me, I could do little but take whatever she gave me. Not that I wanted to get away; I had never been so thoroughly and completely fucked in my life. I tried to hold back my impending orgasm, wanting this to last for as long as possible. I knew that it was going to be a losing battle.

It was tough enough for me to control my lust during the slow strokes, but when she grabbed the top of the headboard and really lay into me, I was begging non-stop for relief. Knowing full well what she was doing to me, Kelli just laughed and told me I was doing great and to hang on just a little longer. We knew my orgasm was going to hit momentarily and it was going to be massive.

About the time I felt I couldn't take any more, she announced, “I'm going to make you cum now, Jen and when you do you will belong to me.” She punctuated her edict with three savage thrusts which shook the entire bed.

I screamed, “Oh God, yes! Please, please make me cum. Oh please, I need to cum so badly.”

“Cum for me, baby. Cum for me now," she said, then slammed deep into my pussy and I clamped my legs tight around her waist. Kelli responded by pinching and twisting both my nipples, hard in opposite directions.

Without warning, the pain mixed with another pleasurable savage thrust of the dildo and I exploded. The mix of emotions and sensations running through my body caused an information overload in my brain. I was operating on pure animal instinct and adrenaline as I howled in pleasure and tried to thrust forward to take every inch of that black monster cock I could suck into my ravenous cunt. I bucked and thrashed, pitched and rolled as my orgasm slammed into me like a Mack truck. A second orgasm ripped through me as Kelli continued pounding me with her fuckstick.

Finally I screamed, "No more... please, no more.”

Thankfully Kelli took pity on me and stopped. I lay panting and moaning and shaking uncontrollably.

I was still on another planet when I felt Kelli's fingers reach into my pussy and scoop out a sloppy load of juice. She then put her fingers in her mouth, tasting my juices as I lay there still leaking them out.

"Mmm," she said as, through lust-blurred eyes, I watched her licking her fingers clean. She shoved them deep inside me again as I moaned softly and gave me a taste of myself as well.

I was slumping down, worn out from her monumental fucking. I couldn’t even hold my head straight as Kelli lay down next to me. She cuddled close, holding me as I came back to reality.

"Thank you, Kelli," I said weakly.

"Shhh..." she said quietly, brushing my sweat matted hair from my face. "Just rest, baby... we've got all night to play."

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This is a rewrite of an earlier version. I hope you agree that this is much better. People look at me and think I’m a man’s man. I’ve been told by a good number of women (and some men, too) that I’m ruggedly handsome. I have no idea exactly what that means, other than some of the people who told me this let me know clearly they wouldn’t mind getting physical with me. OK, I like sports. I’ve been in the military most of my career, and take care of myself with daily workouts. My wife, Rowena,...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 10Chapter 6

The night passed quietly and the sun woke us to another day. David helped prepare breakfast while I checked our guards and verified that the night had, in fact, been quiet. Everyone checked in having gone undisturbed all evening. We gathered for breakfast. Shortly after we finished cleaning up, Shan and a number of his people showed up. Three men and a woman with him wanted to talk about radios. Shan wanted to talk to David and I shoehorned my way into the conversation. Shan wasn't totally...

3 years ago
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Slut Brandi and the BBC part six

Part SixI was just out of the shower, where Yani and Dex were inspecting every visible inch of me. Making sure every part of my body was clean, hairless and ready for fucking. Thirty minutes earlier, before I got in the shower, I was standing naked in the bathroom being given the once over by the black twins. Dex smiled at me, seemingly pleased at what he saw, then went out to the car and returned with a full enema kit. I was gawping at the rubber bottle similar to a hot water bottle with a...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Sahara Leone Uses Her Bulbous Booty To Make Manuel Explode

Busty beauty Sahara Leone makes her JJ.com debut with Manuel! Sahara is a Nubian goddess with an amazing rack, perfect booty, and legs for days. She’s wearing sexy black lingerie with matching stockings as she teases you with her sensual curves. Sahara pulls off her top to let her massive mammaries breathe while she squeezes and plays with her nipples until Manuel joins her on the couch. They make out while Manuel fingers her wet pussy before making his way down to taste her sweet juices....

4 years ago
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My husbands fantasy

A fantasy that became a realityHi there readers, my name is Barbara (Babs for short) and I am going to try and tell you about a sexual fantasy that my husband, Ray, had for some time.Ray and I have been together for ten years, seven of those legally married. We have had three kids, a girl, a boy and a girl. We got married because I became pregnant with the first girl and we decided that our "test" had worked well and we should do the legal for the girl. We really did not have a crystal ball...

3 years ago
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Catch 22 WifeChapter 3

Sunday proved to be extremely stressful. Jenny's flight was due back around four, and I wanted no contact with her that was not necessary, so I spent the morning packing my clothes and a few essentials into suitcases and leaving them in my car. After that I found time to give Morgana the cell phone I had purchased a couple days before and I showed her how to use it. I explained that I had purchased it so that she and Lance could contact me anytime, but that showing it to her mother might...

3 years ago
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My Week of Sex with Amy

It was 1990, and I had been at my company for about a month when I discovered email. I finally got my own computer and a 286 at that. This was pre-Windows days but it came with a GUI interface and was connected, not to the Internet (that had been invented but was not yet a widespread phenomenon) but to a popular service provider. There was an email program as part of the GUI, and very soon I learned how to use it and emailed many people around the company, who like me were getting their own 286...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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In Trouble Again

IN TROUBLE AGAINChapter 1?Penny. PENNY!?Penny knew enough from previous experiences, that there was a problem, that she was it, and the best thing she could do to alleviate the situation was to arrive in the living room as fast as her legs could take her.  With that in mind, she literally ran as fast as she could, and arrived panting to stand before her father and mother, who were sitting on the couch together.?Yyyes, Sir.??Your mother has told me some disturbing things about you and your...

3 years ago
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Cumming in my pants in the shop

These events occurred many many years ago, so I’ve had to use my imagination to fill the gaps, with maybe a bit of embellishment too.....Some people would say it’s bad enough cumming in your pants just looking at photos – which is what happens to me all the time – but doing it before you’ve even bought the mag? Pathetic! My only regret is the only girl I was able to tell, that Her cover photo made me pants-spunk standing in the shop in my dirty mac, was Miss Danica. The first time was back in...

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Country BoyChapter 17

Five weeks after the Enterprise departed it returned. Once again no effort was made to prevent the ship from being detected. This time it was attacked while still in the upper atmosphere using a nuclear missile. Once again, the shield prevented damage to the ship. Unfortunately, the shield did not prevent damage to many pieces of delicate electronic equipment on the ground from the EMP. Neither did it prevent the fallout from contaminating many square miles of land. Thankfully, most of the...

2 years ago
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My first time

I have always seen myself as a straight male and love fucking women. However over the last few months I have become curious about what it would be like to be with a guy. I started watching bi porn on line such as mmf threeways and I was suprised at how much I wanted to suck a cock. I joined a swinging/dogging web-site and placed an ad on there looking for some bi experience. To my suprise a guy Richard sent me a message the next day asking for a meet. I agreed but was not sure how far I was...

2 years ago
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War For A Rose 1459 Part Two

September 1459, Fort, House of Cornish Residence, Training CourtyardBartand had kept himself busy for the last two hours, slashing the life out of a straw target Lady Cornish's men and guards used to train with.With a sword from the armourer, made of steel a long broad sword he had spent over two hours striking the target with his sword. His arm muscles were taut once again, and glistening with sweat as was his face and chest.He heard the large Oak doors leading into the tower open, and he...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Play Sex Games

PlaySexGames! We all love playing video games. Wouldn’t it be awesome if there was a site where you could go where it’s nothing but sex games? I know I’d love it if something like that existed and- oops, it already exists at PlaySexGames.xxx. Just when you thought you had to go back to Overwatch and simply use your imagination to make yourself cum, PlaySexGames.xxx comes to the rescue with its free adult gaming platform. You’ve never seen a gaming porn website that’s this extensive in its...

Free Sex Games
2 years ago
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Study Break

Introduction: This is about a hard working chick that needed a break from studying Alexandra is a hard working girl in college she and her boyfriend Daniel, who is also in college moved in together when they graduated last year. Alex is a goody-goody and she has to do all of her homework and projects as soon as she gets them. Danny is more of a slacker. After 4 long classes and 3 assignments to do Alex is rushing home to get started because all of them are due in two days. As usual Danny is...

3 years ago
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Lords of the Manor Part 5

Presently they reached the top of the cliff and into shady glades and lush green grass. Nearby, a brook tinkled merrily down toward the cliff’s edge where it would plunge down onto the rocks below. Suddenly the men came abruptly to a stop. For there, in front of their very eyes, beneath a clump of overhanging palm trees, overlooking the sparkling blue ocean were their three missing companions. But it was not just them! They were surrounded by at least 15 scantily clad young maidens, all of whom...

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Sex story of mallika sherawat

Today I’m going to tell u about the other movie in Indian cinema which was in news for many days. It is the famous movie of mallika sherawat murder. The film made a grant success in the bollywood & the credit goes to mallika sherawat for her sensual performance in the film. It was her sex appealing body which gave her a lot of success. Mallika is in fact the mallika of a sexy figure: 36-24-36. U all had seen the famous scene in which she is seduced by imraan the controversial scene which made...

4 years ago
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Me And My Hot Aunt

Hi to all ISS readers, this is Ram and the story which M going to narrate is about my aunty and her daughter. My uncle is a businessmen and he has to go to different cities regarding to his work My aunty is a house wife and her name is Priya she is 36 years old, a bit chubby, fair and having a big 42 ass and 40 boobs she is very beautiful looking like Sonaskhi Sinha. The incident took place when in 2008 my uncle suffered a accident and I had to look after him in the hospital as well as his...

2 years ago
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Andy 26

Ich war stinkesauer auf Sarah. Wie konnte sie nur so Grinsen? "Ach komm, Andrea, zieh nicht so ein Gesicht. Eigentlich hat deine Mom recht, auch wenn ich dich dazu ?berredet habe." "Sei froh, dass sie das nicht geh?rt hat. Sonst h?ttest du ganz schnell statt mir das Kleid an." Sarah schaute zerknirscht. "Ja, ich h?tte dich damit nicht aufziehen sollen. Entschuldigung." Sofort verflog mein ?rger. "Ist schon gut. Komm, du musst sowieso leiden. Ich kann in dem Kleid kaum kochen, du wirs...

3 years ago
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First LoveChapter 25

Her parents loved Ryan of course, although they made it clear they would prefer it if they didn't have sex. But they knew, although they weren't particularly liberal, that she was going to do it anyway, and trying to stop her would be useless. For the holidays senior year, he took her into the city. They went on a cruise around the water, eating dinner on the ferry. They were the youngest ones on the boat, and it was filled with happy couples, some who'd obviously been together a long...

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The Home Maker Part 4 Taming Three Goons

This is the fourth part of the series. Please read the previous parts of ‘The Home Maker’ before reading this to understand the plot about the goons. Please send me your feedback to After that ordeal and surprisingly good sex, I am back home. My asshole is burning as it was plundered by a thick dick but what hurts more is the neighbors’ taunting. I didn’t want any of this to happen, but it happened. There is no going back now. I have to ride through this storm. I heard a knock on the door....

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Black WolfChapter 2

At the moment, Black Wolf was intent on keeping his head down. That accursed White Eyes was too good with his repeating rifle to take a chance. When was he going to have to reload? It seemed as if the man had been shooting forever. There it was! The click of an empty gun! Now it was his chance. Black Wolf dropped his bow and drew his knife even as he was running at maximum speed toward the White man. Black Wolf knew that he only had moments before the rifle would be reloaded and shooting at...

2 years ago
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Chuck fucked hard his mother8217s rounded ass

She was stretched out stark naked on the bed, and knew well what she was doing. She closed her eyes, let her head roll back on the pillows, and surrendered to her fantasy. She needed to come too badly. She had to stop but she just couldn’t. With the tip of her index finger she began to circle her clit, the most sensitive spot of all. She felt delicious rushes of pleasure as she rimmed the throbbing lump, and her hot cuntal juices began to seep out and run down the crack of her ass. She...

3 years ago
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Door To Door WifeChapter 8

Despite the marvelous time I'd had at the S.E.X. banquet, my memory of it was tinged by sadness. Because, in celebrating the work we'd done, the book had also been closed on my job. After having tasted the independence of self-support, I abruptly found myself without a job and two children to support. Without Jason and the rest of the S.E.X. staff to buck me up, I quickly became depressed. Before I knew it I was feeling sorry for myself... reverting back to my old ways as a meek, scared...

4 years ago
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Friend of a Friends Aunt

So this is another recent story, from around Halloween. While at a wake for a friends dad I was introduced to a work friend of my friend who was standing with his aunt Sandy and we were introduced. She is 66 years old, widowed around 3 years and not and unattractive woman lol she was about 5'4" maybe 160 pounds, small tits even with the little extra weight and a round plump ass. She was dressed for a wake in pants and a high cut blouse so no skin showing and I didn't really give her much...

2 years ago
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Crazy Ex1

    When I hit 30 I had realized it was now or never. I felt like I had wasted so much time and didn't want to waste any more. I was getting older and was sick of being miserable so I left. It was a difficult decision but I knew if I stayed in my kids lives, I could live a more fulfilling and happy life. I knew I had to finally allow myself to be happy as well.    The break up was full of anger and hate. She stole a lot of my things but I soon met a girl that made me shrug my shoulders to...

1 year ago
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Whites were supposed to be black slaves A

My name is Bradley. I used to be different. I was... I was like... like most of you. I was white, straight, and thought nothing would make me happier than a hot piece of ripe pussy. I could've NEVER imagined the way my life would become, and could NEVER have imagined that I was a hot piece of ripe pussy, and like all white boys... I am better equipped to satisfy black cock, than any vagina. Life often has its own plans, it doesn't always pan out the way you think it will, and there are events...

1 year ago
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Mom My Cousin and IChapter 6 The love nest

I lay on the bed next to Betty, "Are you sure you want to continue?" Betty, "Yes, I'm sure." I bent over and kissed Betty while again starting to caress her body. I started to nibble on her neck and ears, while gently pinching her nipples. I slowly started kissing my way down her body, kissing and licking around her breasts, but now barely grazing her nipples. Her body tightened up and relaxed as I played with her breasts. Suddenly biting one nipple and pinching the other one caused...

2 years ago
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We Are So Fired

My mobile buzzed on my desk, telling me a new message arrived. > Guess what I wore today? Oh shit. Another message from you. Ever since we hooked up out of nowhere after work a few weeks ago we’ve been at it nonstop as we discover how amazingly compatible we are in bed. And in the car. And in your kitchen. And in the unused office on the 3rd floor. As I contemplate my incredible good fortune, the phone buzzes again in my hand. This time it’s a picture: you’re in the ladies room near your...

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A Chance Encounter

Part Five. I broached the subject while I helped her in the kitchen in preparing dinner after she came in from work. ‘That’s a great idea, ‘she said, quite enthusiastic. She had been shown the bed that she had been dying to see since the moment she had come into the house and went and bounced up and down on it, marvelling at how big it was, giving me a lovely smile. ‘We’ll chip in with the food costs,’ she said. ‘Don’t be silly,’ I said. ‘It’s me inviting you both to stay, so we’ll hear...

4 years ago
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Going Down for the First Time fixed

I was in my sophomore year of college when I stumbled my way into a date with Julia. She was three years older than me, 22 to my 19, and I'd caught her glancing at me one day in class and figured that I'd take a chance. We went out to dinner a few nights later, I drove and she walked from her apartment. I dressed up, she didn't. I tried to apologize but she stopped me with a kiss. "As long as you're comfortable, I don't give a fuck what you wear." I appreciated the honesty. I went back to my...

3 years ago
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Rainbow Panties

"Those pride rainbow panties look good on you." John nodded his head approvingly as he sat on the side of the bed."Thanks. Nobody's ever given me panties before," I responded, feeling a slight blush on my face."Turn around. Slowly. Keep turning..." John reached over and gave me a light slap on my ass before announcing "Before I come over, I want you to wear these panties.""Sure, I guess so. You're the only one I bottom for, so, sure.""Good. Now come over here and get me ready."I walked over to...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 377

The Prison Planet Morales had continued shelling peas long into the night, but Lobo had lost interest when his master had turned the computer off. Damn, my brain feels like mush, the human thought as he cleaned up his work area, throwing the pea hulls in a pile near the entrance. I still have a few more peas to shell, and all the beans. As he stood looking at the peas he had shelled, his mind continued to go over his immediate problems. I might just as well give up, saw out more lumber and...

2 years ago
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A Simple Trap

Many thanks to Dennis for editing this story. I had a feeling that something was different with my wife Caroline. Not much, but enough for a man who had known her for twelve years and been married for ten. Caroline and I, Lars Ekman has an average Scandinavian family with two children, seven years old boy and a five years old girl. We live in our own house just outside a county capital and both of us are working full time; Caroline in the city hall and I am self-employed with a small...

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They met at a hotel between their respective homes. Raven was there first. When he came in her heart jumped. He picked her up, “my girl”. He held her close and picked her up off the floor. They just were together, enjoying being in each other’s company. When they crawled up on the bed he laid on his back, hands behind his head. Raven moved over and put her hand on his cock. It began to slowly rise. She lowered her head and gently took him in her mouth. She sucked. Feeling him grow in...

2 years ago
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A Surprisingly Good Haircut

The least believable part of the story is that Lola decided to get her hair cut, not at her preferred salon, but at an old-fashioned men's barber shop. The young man who worked there, whose name she did not know, was certainly attractive, but there must have been other ways of meeting him, talking to him, looking at him. A myriad such will suggest themselves the moment you try to think of any. Judge her impractical if you will, but Lola determined that a haircut from this boy was the thing...

3 years ago
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Great Hotel Service

Great Hotel Service My wife and I are both keen travellers in our early thirties and have just returned from a fantastic holiday in Croatia for two weeks where we visited a lot of beautiful resorts and famous historical cities. Apart from having a fantastic time, the holiday was pretty uneventful and offered the usual sun, sea, and great food that we are used to. However one of the days on the holiday did offer up something a little different. Towards the end of our trip we travelled to Split...

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Married for Blair0

Ugh. I had thought, I definitely needed to cut it off. But then I had seen her. Cascading dark auburn hair, slim beautiful body, with a perfect ass and pair of perky young tits in a pair of jeans and crop top tank. The shirt read “Led Zeppelin” but it might as well have read, “fuck me raw” because it emphasized the curve of her waist, her flat stomach, and barely concealed her breasts. “Darren, this is my daughter, Blair.” I said nothing for a moment and then regained my...

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I final found him and his friends

For the last 7 years or so I have been from one guy or girl to another looking for someone that I could serve sexually and not interfere with the rest of my life.Last month I finally found him. I was at the local porn shop on Friday night cruising the theater and the peeps as usual. I was in the Theater by myself in the back row when a guy walked in he looked to be about 35-40 average build dressed in blue jeans and black shirt. He sat down across the aisle from me on the back row out of...

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