Meteor free porn video

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Meteor by g.p. Friday Tony Ward and his best friend Steve Sanders were nearing the end of their first week of a two week holiday in a rented beach house on North Carolina's Outer Banks. It was the second week of September, the weather was just as good as mid summer, the crowds were gone, and the rental rates were about half of peak season. The only risk to this week of pure relaxation could have been an off chance hurricane, but figured the odds slim especially since the area had been hit only about three years earlier, and the chances of another hitting the same spot so soon again were a million to one. The house was magnificent; three floors, decks all around, a fireplace, whirlpool, and on and on. It was the ideal getaway spot. The week had been great, as it never even rained once. They swam, did a little surfing, soaked up the sun and enjoyed the company of a couple of the local women. Unfortunately, this was their last night. Night was fast approaching and the moon was coming up over the horizon as they ate a lovely supper of shrimp and polished off a bottle of wine while sitting outside on the upper deck one last time. As if on cue and for their private viewing, a magnificent meteor shower began with fiery streaks across the sky every few minutes. "This is just perfect," said Tony as he and Steve lay back in the reclining deck chairs. "What else could you ask for? We're on holiday, relaxing by the ocean, and getting a free light show to boot". "A few women to enjoy it with would do nicely." "Well excu-use me. We didn't do half bad, considering how deserted the beaches were this week. Let's enjoy the fireworks, another bottle of wine, and we'll work on some fresh chicks once we're home." After a while of star gazing Steve was getting bored, cold, and tired from a day of too much sun and wine. "I'm going to take a hot shower and turn in. You watch your stars while I go dream of big breasted nymphettes." Tony was still enjoying the show. "Look, you go enjoy your shower and I'll be in soon too." It wasn't too long afterward that a meteor came crashing to earth not 100 yards from the house, landing just over a sand dune on the beach. The impact shook the house and was followed instantly by a thunderous boom. "Wow!! Did you see that?" Tony cried out to Steve, who was now in the shower. "These things usually burn up before the make it to earth, yet this one not only made it but landed in our back yard. This I've got to see. You coming?" "You bet! You get going and I'll catch up to you as soon as I can." "See ya." And with that Tony took off. Out on the beach it was easy to locate the site, as it had formed a pretty big crater, and the meteor itself was still glowing white hot. As he got up onto the edge of the crater he could see that it was probably no bigger than a baseball. "Hell of a bang for such a puny little rock. Make a neat souvenir," he thought. Smoke began billowing from the pit obscuring his view. Waving his hands didn't help much and the smoke was now getting up his nose and in his eyes. "Man, does this ever stink" he thought . "Since its too hot to touch, and you can't see anything but smoke, I might as well get back, and tell Steve not to bother. We'll look at it better in the morning," and with that thought headed back. Steve was just coming out the door when Tony got back. "Forget it man - can't see anything through the smoke. All I could see was a hole probably thirty feet across and ten feet deep - with a puny little rock glowing white hot and spewing a stinky smoke. We'd probably be better off waiting 'till tomorrow to get a good look at it." "Whatever," and they headed back to the house. This was still holiday so alarm clocks were absolutely not allowed, but since Saturday was check-out, their only committment was to have the keys back at the rental office by 11 AM. As you can well imagine the sun, surf, and wine, made getting up early unlikely. Saturday When they did get up it was already 9:45 which didn't leave much time to do the packing, cleaning, and getting back to the office. As they were rushing to get out on time Steve had to console Tony, who wasn't likely to get his precious little souvenir. "Look, I know you wanted to bring home the meteor, but hell, it's just a rock, and in no time would just be another piece of uselessness that we'd end up throwing out anyway. If we weren't in such a rush..." and with that he decided it was time to shut up. Home was Atlanta, so after returning the keys, topping off the fuel tank, grabbing some lunch at a little roadside diner, and making personal pit stops, it was close to 1 o'clock before they hit the highway. Just to reach the interstate was about an hours drive, but for Tony it seemed far too long. They hadn't been driving long, when his stomach started to growl and his head started to swim. "Something in that lunch must have been spoiled. I'm not feeling too great. Let me know if you spot a gas station." Soon after they hit the interstate, they met up with a rest area and pulled in. After what seemed an eternity in the can, Tony finally came back and away they went. Without saying a word, Tony knew by the concerned look on Steve's face, just what he was thinking. "Much better now, thank you." With the convertible top down and the CD blasting, they cruised. But again he felt his stomach grumbling. "There must have been one seriously spoiled piece of meat or something in that lunch, because my stomach is still acting up." The drive was longer than expected with several stops along the way. By the time they reached the town house and unloaded, Tony was wiped. "Man, you look like hell," Steve commented. "Thanks. I needed that. God, I feel like I've been stomped on, and lost like ten pounds in the process. I've never gotten it this bad before, I mean like usually this cast iron stomach of mine can take anything. I'm going to go sleep this off." "Don't you worry about it, just go get some rest. In the morning this will all be over and we'll do something." At this point all Tony could think of was sleep, so he finished off with a "We'll see." Sunday The usual idea on a Sunday was to sleep in, but Tony was up early and it was back to the can, waking Steve along the way. "Are you going to be O.K.?" he mumbled. "Is there anything I can do? I've got a pill here that should settle things down, if you want. You'd better take a couple". "What are they? Oh never mind, you know how I hate pills. Go back to sleep - I'll be okay." "I don't remember their name, but I've used them a few times, and as tiny as they atre these little blue bombs really do the trick." "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try, considering there's nothing left in me and yet I keep having to go ..." Tony was quick to take them. "How long before they kick in?" "Don't worry, they work fast enough and they DO WORK." On his way out of the can he looked in the mirror to see if he looked as bad as he felt. "Steve, other than looking like hell do you notice anything different about me?" "No, not really - though now that you mention it, there is something.... but I can't quite put my finger on it." All plans were put on hold as the pills didn't work. By early afternoon Steve was getting more than just a bit nervous, yet Tony stubbornly refused to see a doctor, figuring it was just a bad case of food poisoning that would soon pass. Tony was 25 years old, in good medical and physical shape, and would have normally weighed in at around 175 lbs, but losing this much weight so fast was a worrying observation. He promised Steve that if his health were no better by the following morning, he'd agree to see a doctor. Monday Things were looking up on this sunny September morning with Tony feeling much better, albeit a bit weak and a lot lighter and after a light breakfast, so they pulled out their trusty steeds to set off on a day long biking adventure, returning in time for supper. While Steve was preparing supper, Tony turned on the weather channel to see if the weather would hold for yet another day, just in time to hear about a hurricane heading up the coast, and severe rain in Atlanta for the next few days. "Well there goes my souvenir - good thing we got out of there when we did though. Can you imagine the traffic heading out of there tonight? At least we're out of harms way." Even though he was feeling fine, his appetite was gone and he only nibbled on some salad. They spent the evening watching television, knocking back a couple of cold ones, and listening to the rain which had begun pelting against the windows. But after an exerting day of biking, the beer made short work of bringing on the yawns, to the point that they didn't even stay up for the late news. Tuesday to Thursday The rains never let up for three whole days, 'forcing' them sleep in late, read a few books, listen to some old vinyl records, do a little shopping for the house, and catch a couple of movies. Steve had suggested they call up a couple of their usual girl friends, but as it turned out, by day their favorite girls were at work and by night Tony kept saying he was too tired. Friday The skies finally cleared bringing on a sweltering muggy day, best handled by lounging at the pool, which is exactly how the day was spent. Plans were made to join their friends Sandi and Hugh for supper to kick off the weekend. It was Sandi that greeted them at the door. "Hi, come on in. Steve you're looking great. How's the holiday been?" As they shook hands Hugh made mention of Tony's obvious weight loss. "No big deal really. It was a really bad case of food poisoning, but I'm okay now - where's the beer?" Supper was a bar-b-que, of which Tony barely picked at. Sandi was a bit peeved that he hadn't cleaned off his plate as usual. "What's the matter, afraid we'll poison you?" "No no, nothing like that, no big deal really - it's that I'm just not hungry. My appetite hasn't come back yet - sorry." "Oh don't worry about it. You sure you're not on a diet, because you really don't need to lose any more weight." "Nope, no diet - just no appetite." The subject was dropped and the rest of the evening passed most enjoyably. Saturday Unfortunately with holidays drawing to a close this was their last chance to do errands, each heading their own way after a leisurely breakfast, Tony to pick up laundry at the dry cleaner, gas up the car, and stop at a shoe store for a new pair of running shoes; Steve to pick up groceries, and get his hair cut. Tony's errands went quickly, save for the oddity at the shoe store where the size eleven shoes he normally bought were too big by a size - which he chalked up to a labelling mixup by the manufacturer. With time to spare before meeting up with Steve, he even ducked in to get a well deserved hair cut too. Both Saturday and Sunday evenings were filled with wine women and song, putting a finishing touch to a relatively great holiday. Back to work Monday For the first time in two weeks they were forced to wake up to an annoying alarm clock at the ungodly hour of seven o'clock. They were the owners of a small ad agency, and were expected to show up before the staff to set the example, usually dressing in shirts and ties for that professional look, especially Tony since he was the front man for any customers turning up at the door. Even though Steve and their friends had noticed his weight loss, it didn't hit home until he tried on his first dress shirt in two weeks. The neck was loose by at least an inch, the shoulders hung low, while the cuffs stretched out to his finger tips. Not wanting to believe that a weight loss could account for such a poor fit, he took off the shirt to check the label, just to be certain the laundry hadn't mistakenly given him someone else's clothes - no mistake, it was his all right. Not wanting to waste too much time on such a trivial problem, he chose to wear a golf shirt instead, which looked loose too, but passable. Similarly the pants didn't fit either, being a little snug at the hip but loose by several inches around the waist. He cinched in his belt by a couple of notches and let the pants ride low on his hips to hide the shrunken waist as best as possible, not wanting to draw attention to his drastic weight loss - only to find the bottoms now dragging on the floor. He couldn't very well turn up to work in shorts, so he used an old school trick and taped up the bottoms to shorten the legs by about three inches. He vowed to hit the gym on the way home and begin whipping himself back into shape - and pick up a pair of pants that fit properly for the time being. It was bittersweet being back at work - the easy life had been fun , but catching up on two weeks of phone messages wasn't. On the other hand there was this rush from the people and their projects that made each workday an adventure not to be missed. Tony's secretary Joan was already at her desk when he arrived. "Welcome back stranger. How were the holidays? How was the beach house? Got a new girlfriend yet?" He then proceeded to fill her in on the events of the holiday including the meteor shower and the bout of food poisoning, as he checked over his phone messages. He wasn't paying much attention to Joan though, who was eying him quite critically. "Boss are you sure this weight thing is all from a bad sandwich? I mean have you looked at yourself in a mirror lately? You've lost more than just a few pounds - you've lost inches off your waist and if I didn't know better say you added some padding to your rump." "Oh don't be silly. Once I get back into a proper workout routine everything will come back to normal, it's no big deal - you'll see." With that she shrugged her shoulders and headed back to work. The rest of the day went by so quickly that he was surprised to hear Joan saying 'goodnight'. "Wow, I'd better get out of here too," he mumbled to himself as he grabbed a stack of papers for homework. Steve needed to work late, giving Tony the opportunity to get in some well deserved gym time. On the way over to the gym, he stopped off at a nearby mall to grab a new pair of pants, heading straight for the casual pants / jeans store that carried ready to wear pants in every size and style imaginable. In his usual rush, he nabbed the first salesgirl in sight, instructing her on his size and the style he was looking for, impressing on her the need to be quick. In moments he had two pairs in his arms and was off to the try-on rooms. The first pair were too long, tight in the ass, and loose around the waist just like the pants he'd worn into the store. The second pair were more or less the same fit too, so still wearing them, he headed out to find the clerk for her to see the problem and get her to find a pair that fit better. Not trusting Tony's measurements, she took her own, then disappeared for a minute to get another couple of pairs. Without looking at prices or labels, he dashed off to try them on. The first pair fit amazingly well but thought they exagerated his slim waist and wide hips. The second pair fit equally well, and because they rode lower on the hips, didn't show off his curves nearly as much. Since they fit so much better than the ones he'd come in with, he decided to wear them out the store. In a flash tags were snipped off, they were paid for, and the 'shopping spree' lasting a typical ten minutes was over, and then it was off to the gym. It wasn't until he was in the locker room and about to change, that as he undid the pants, noticed that the button was on backwards. "Too bad I cut off all the tags, or I'd return them tomorrow. Can't understand how I took a pair of defective pants," he thought to himself. The workout made him realize just how out of shape the body could get in just two short weeks. On every apparatus he'd had to knock off from ten to twenty pounds, and his usual sets had to be cut back by at least five reps before exhaustion set in. Back in the locker room he hopped on the scale to see just how much weight he'd actually lost, only to find a loss of twenty pounds. On a lark he also measured his height and nearly fell over when it read 5' -9" instead of the 5' - 11" it should have been. Normally he would have headed to the lounge to meet some of the other guys after a good workout, but was so devastated by the readings that he went straight home. By now Steve was home and was fixing supper when a dejected and dazed Tony came through the door. "Hey man, how was the gym?" No response. "Tony, are you okay?" Still no response. He put down the cutlery he was about to set at the table, marching into the living room to find out why his friend hadn't answered. "Tony, what's wrong?" "I just finished at the gym, and you're not going to believe this." "Believe what?" "According to the scale there, I've not only lost twenty pounds, but two inches in height!" "I'll grant you the weight loss, but people don't just shrink." "Maybe that explains why my clothes don't fit right any more." "First I hear of this little detail. Like, how not fitting?" "I noticed it this morning while dressing that my shirts were way too big, and my pants didn't fit either around the waist or in their length." "Tony don't you think it's about time you got this checked out, something is happening, and it's not from food poisoning." "Look, you're probably right, but I feel fine, and you know what I think of doctors - so lets leave that as a last option. Besides, do you honestly think they'd have any answers to someone who's shrunk by two inches?" "Are you sure about the height thing?" "Damn sure! See for yourself." He got up to face Steve who was supposed to be the same height. "No shit, man - a good two inches shorter." Supper was a quiet affair, with Tony lost in thought, occasionally snapping out of it enough to nibble on the meal. Tuesday They dressed for work, Tony wearing a polo shirt and the new pants, which bothered him no end for looking so unprofessional, then had breakfast without too much being said. Again Joan was there to greet him at the office and noticing the new pants, commented on them. Tony grumbled a good morning, not feeling much like being sociable, then settled in for a day of paperwork. Once the day got going, he pretty much put aside his worries and after a strong cup of coffee was back to his normal self. The rest of the week settled into a routine of work, gym, supper, maybe some television, then off to bed. Saturday It wasn't until Saturday that Steve mentioned to Tony that his hair was looking kind of long, and that he thought he'd had it cut a week ago. "Now that you mention it, it does seem in need of another cut, but the strange thing is, you're right about it having been cut just last Saturday." As he ran his fingers through it, he noticed that it had grown a good two inches, and that it had become much thicker too. "No big deal I guess - I'll get it cut if I get the time, or maybe I'll just let it grow long for a change - we'll see." Being a weekend he also decided to skip the daily shave, though by the feel of his face the bit of stubble there was, would hardly be noticed. It wasn't until Steve brought up the subject of 'hitting the town' with the girls, that Tony realised that he hadn't once thought of women or sex the whole week. Even now as Steve was on the phone making plans, being seen in anything less than prime form, made wanting to go out very unappealing - but agreed to it if only to keep up appearances. The night was anything but a success, when for the first time since puberty, he didn't - couldn't get a hard-on. Her comments on his slim trim flat stomach, and longer hair surely didn't help matters either. Even her best blow job didn't work, leaving him totally frustrated and her utterly disappointed. Monday Monday Oh how the holiday seemed so long ago, but with the ringing of the alarm clock it was time to get ready for yet another wonderful week of work. Not having shaved all weekend, Tony was surprised to find that his face needed only a quick pass of the razor, more to say that it had been done than having needed it. Moving on to get dressed, the fresh pair of underwear he put on seemed to stretch getting over his hips as did his only decent pair of new pants. There had to be some logical explanation as to why the bottom spread, but with a business to run, now was not the time to dwell on it. As usual Joan was already at her desk as he came in. They had worked together for a couple of years already, becoming quite close, often using each other as a sounding board for family problems and the like. Seeing Tony swish past her, she couldn't hold in her concerns any longer. "Tony can we talk?" She closed his office door on her way in. "Sure, what's up?" "Tony, I know you were sick over the holidays, but are you sure that's all it was?" "What on earth are you talking about? I'm fine now, really." "Are you on some special medication then?" "None at all." "No pills or exotic creams? "Of course not." Suddenly feeling self concious about Joan having spotted his weight loss and/or loss of height, he hesitantly asked "Why do you ask?" "Could you please explain your sudden change of clothing, your change in appearance. Good God, even your walk is different." "What !!!????" "Oh tell me you're not doing this on purpose then." "Doing What???" "You've become so effeminate lately, I dare say you could probably pass as a girl in the right clothing." "Oh get real! So I've lost some's no big deal! So my hips spread out a bit..still no big deal. I'm afraid that doesn't suddenly classify me as a girl. For your information, my sex life is still very hetero and just fine, thank you - not that it's any of your business, and after a few more weeks at the gym I'll look as fit as ever, you'll see. Now if you have something else on your mind we can talk some more, otherwise it's time we got down to work." Not knowing what else to say, she threw her arms up in frustration at his pig headedness, then headed back to her desk. The rest of the week was quite strained between them, keeping it on a strictly business relationship. For his part, Tony worked out each day after work, but wasn't making any headway on regaining any of the lost muscle tone. As much as he tried, the weights on the apparatus just kept getting harder and harder to work, to the point where he had to lower all settings by yet another ten pounds just to maintain the reps. On the other hand, the co-ed aerobics class was becoming a whole lot more enjoyable thanks to all the weight loss. True enough, the locker room scale showed that he was now down by over thirty five pounds from his normal weight, to 140 lbs, and another loss of an inch in height to 5' - 8". If this was the worst of it he could have lived with it, but there was more. Besides being weaker, it seemed that his entire frame had shrunk, as evidenced by a looser fitting watch, and shoes that felt miles too big. The only thing that hadn't shrunk were his hips, which seemed to affect his balance with a certain lateral sway as he walked, and were straining at the seams of his one and only fitting pair of pants. Steve had been noticing the changes too, but thought it best to keep quiet until Tony was ready to deal with it. He'd noticed too how effeminate his friend's walk had become, how long his hair had grown in just two weeks, how moody he'd become, and a myriad of other subtle changes - but there wasn't much to do, considering Tony's stubbornness. One evening as they ate supper, Steve was looking at Tony trying to pinpoint something that was obviously different about him, when it hit him that there were nipples poking through his friend's t-shirt. At first it was shocking though not totally unexpected, which led to a silly smirk, then on to a nervous giggle, which quickly caught Tony's attention. "Mind telling me the joke?" "Oh, I was just noticing your little titties." "Hey, I've been working out at the gym as you know, and you're seeing the results of all my hard work." "You haven't by any chance been taking steroids or hormones to help you rebuild that body, have you?" "Of course not! What you see here is all natural." " I don't think what I'm seeing is all muscle, Tony." "Don't be silly, it's not like I'm sprouting boobs you know!" The idea that he was sporting little titties, suddenly began to bother Tony to no end. He'd also noticed how the flesh on his chest had become a little softer and puffy lately, and had assumed it was from all the upper body exercising, but now that someone else had noticed it, he got worried. More alarming were the enlarged sensitive nipples, which he'd figured to be somehow connected, but neither worrisome nor noticeable - until now. He suddenly became very self concious of his looks, stopping to gaze at himself with a critical eye each time he got near a mirror. As the days passed, he could swear that his hair was still growing at an alarming rate, and just to be sure, decided not to cut it for four weeks from the last cut to see just how long it would get. Along with his hair, he became fixated with his face, which hadn't been shaved in well over a week by now, and was as smooth and soft as a baby's bottom. As for the little titties, there was no mistaking the enlarged nipples or the tender puffiness surrounding them, plainly visible through anything but the loosest of sweatshirts. He decided it best to stop going to the gym for a while, and that a sports jacket would keep prying eyes at bay while at work. As another week passed, Tony was having a hard time hiding his body's changes. For one thing, he'd lost another eight pounds, down to 132 lbs and another inch to 5' - 7", making it hard to find clothes from his wardrobe that didn't look a mile too big. His hair was now almost shoulder length, with a good bit of blond hair mixed in with his normaly mousy brown. Worst of all were his titties which were still swolen, and if anything becoming a bit larger, to the point of jiggling as he walked. Even at home, he was making sure that Steve never got a look at his bare chest and went so far as to come up with some lame excuse not to do their usual bar hopping on Saturday night for fear of what some girl would say if he were to bed her. Out of desperation he decided that an ace bandage was the only way to keep things hidden for the time being, wrapping himself each morning before dressing. Each day he could swear that there was a slight change in his appearance, but since no one else had commented lately, chalked it up to his own active paranoid imagination and followed it with a mental "no big deal". By the end of the fourth week his hair was well below his shoulders, his weight was down to 123 lbs and he'd lost still another inch in height. Worst of all though, was his chest, which was now sporting two small but well defined breasts, and were giving him a hard time keeping under wraps without major discomfort. He was about to get his hair cut back to its normal length when during another of his self examinations one morning before dressing, it occurred to him that it was almost all blond and that with the way his face looked now, he did look more girlish than himself. The time had come to bring Steve on board. Saturday "Steve, I've got a problem, and as my best friend I think I can to talk to you about it." These were his first words to Steve as he came down for a late breakfast. "No shit Sherlock! I was wondering how long you were going to hold out." "Why, what do you mean?" "Just one look at you and I'd say you've got big time problems, man." "You don't know the half of it." "Why, what do you mean?" "Don't move - I'll be right back." He ducked into the bathroom to take off the ace bandage, then came back out not wearing anything but his boxers. "See what I mean?" Steve was stunned to say the least. "You weren't kidding, were you! You've got tits, man. Real girl tits! Not the biggest I've ever seen, but still a nice pair." "Tell me something I don't already know. Look at the whole picture though, and tell me what you see." "Now that you mention it, you do look more like a girl than a guy, you know." "That's just it! The question is - what am I supposed to do about it? I have no idea why it's happening - I'm not doing anything on my part to encourage it, yet I don't think I can function as a guy anymore looking like this." "What do you mean by 'function'? You got girl plumbing too?" "No, I still pee standing up, but I haven't had a hard on in weeks. You ever heard of anything like this happening before?" "Nope! So you ready for that doctors visit yet?" "On the one hand I'd like to race you to the door, but on the other hand, I really doubt they could stop or fix what's happening here. They'd parade me around from doctor to doctor, hospital to hospital, I'd be a freak show laid wide open by them and the media, and where would it get me? Hey, I'd probably make the cover of the rag sheets in a week - now there's a fun thought. Remember these are the same guys who still can't cure the common cold. As much as I dread the thought of where this might all end up, do you mind if we keep this our little secret?" "And as much as I don't like it, you do have a point. They probably would blow this whole thing out of proportion and if the media ever found out, our lives would both be ruined. Okay, for now we stay calm and quiet. But you have to promise me, that if at any point you don't feel well we head straight to the nearest hospital." "FEEL WELL?? How the hell do you THINK I feel? I've got a fat ass that sways with every step, and boobs big enough to need a bra! Okay, so I'm not in pain, but if that isn't the understatement of the year -feel well. Right now a more pressing is what am I supposed to do about it, and how am I supposed to live my life?" "Let's go over your options then. You could cut off that hair, have your boobs lopped off, lipo those hips, and try to carry on as you once were. You could move to a deserted island where nobody could see you. Or you could go with the flow - pick up some brassieres a few dresses and check out how the other half lives." "Let me get this straight. Of the three options only one is even remotely possible, but if you think I'm going out in drag, you must be out of your freakin' mind!" "Have it your way, but I'd give anything to see the look on peoples faces when they get a load of your boobs pushing through a shirt." "This is an absolute nightmare." "Like, what happened to 'no big deal' - man? I think it's time to face up to the fact that you can't keep hiding those womanly assets of yours." "I am not a woman.... not completely anyhow." "Have you looked at youself in a mirror or measured youself lately?" "No, I'd rather not know." "Stand up and I'll do the honors." He stood there impatiently waiting for the results. "So what does the tape measure say?" "Well lets see - you're 5' - 6" tall, chest 38", waist 27", hip 35", and leg 30". "Steve, don't kid around. Please tell me you're joking? You know my chest is 42", waist 34", hips are 33" and at last count I was 5' - 7". So I lost a little off my waist and added a bit to my hips, but what you're describing are the measurements of a girl! You are kidding aren't you?" "Sorry Tony, I wish I were. That's exactly what the tape says. Let me look at you again. Stand back and turn around slowly." He did as asked while Steve gave a thorough inspection. "Here's what I see. Stand in front of the mirror and tell me you don't see it too. First there is the obvious, you're smaller in height and build, but look at your skin - you should have a respectable morning scruff, yet it's smooth and hairless. When did you last shave?" He got all red in the face, having to admit that it had been well over a week since his last shave, then continued the rundown. "You've lost most of the hair on your arms too, and the hair on your head is somewhat blonder and a whole lot longer than it ought to be." Tony could not believe it. He was absolutely right. He ran both hands through his scalp, stroking handfuls of long sandy colored hair. "OH SHIT!! What's going on here Steve? This is absolutely imposssible, but yet..." With a sense of extreme fear a flash went through his mind "It must be because of that damn meteor. Either it was giving off some weird kind of gases or radiation or something, but it must be." After a while Steve was the first to speak. "Did you ever wonder what it would be like to be a girl?" "Are you out of your mind? No! Absolutely never. The thought has never EVER crossed my mind . I'm a guy, I've always been a guy, I like girls not guys, I like sex WITH girls not as one, no, no, no...I like being who and what I am, end of story!" "What you are is yet to be determined. Mind if I touch them?" Steve whispered as he reached out to touch Tony's breasts. "I guess so, but be gentle - their super sensitive." Ever so softly, he ran a finger over one, then the other. The goosebumps on Tony's arms, and his gasp confirmed the sensations Steve knew he was feeling. He leaned over to whisper in his ear "Bet it never felt that good before," then lightly kissed him on the cheek. After a moment of silent enjoyment, he came back to his senses and smacked Steve square accross the face. "This has to stop! I'm a man for Christ sake!" "But it feels so good, doesn't it?" "Too good." "Well until you find a way back to being a real man, I suggest you make the best of it my friend, even try to enjoy the experience while it lasts." "But I'm a guy. I wouldn't have a clue as to how a woman behaves or dresses or anything, nor do I have any real desire to find out." "With those looks and that body, I don't see that you have much choice. Why don't we at least get you dressed in some properly fitted clothes, then we'll see what you think of it." "Just the thought of me wearing girls panties seems so weird, and the image I have in my mind of seeing myself in a bra - is totally inconceivable." "Maybe so, but once they're on you'll probably feel better about it. You care to go shopping?" "I don't want to burst your bubble, but I'm not leaving here. No one gets to see this freak." "Take it from one who knows these things, you're no freak. As girls go, you're really quite cute, and you're going to have to face the world sooner or later, so move it." Steve dressed quickly in a t-shirt and shorts - just what you'd expect on a hot sunny Atlanta Saturday, then pushed Tony into his room only to watch him dress in a sweat shirt and sweat pants. "You're not serious about wearing that are you? You're going to absolutely roast in there." "It's all that fits me, and you can't see my tits." Seeing how reluctant Tony was to leaving, Steve grabbed onto him and basically dragged him out the door. "Nervous, don't be silly, where are we headed to anyways?" "Where else - the mall." The mall was not far and it was also one of the largest in all Atlanta. The first store they hit was the Sears, and coincidently entered at the cosmetics department. "Look, I feel very out of place here, Steve. I mean other than to buy the odd bottle of perfume for a girlfriend or two, I've never had anything to do with this stuff, so if it's all the same to you, could we get the hell out of here, it's giving me the creeps?" They marched on through, making a bee line to a lingerie shop. "You're on your own in there fella," Steve smirked as they pulled up in front of a Victoria's Secret boutique. "Some friend you are! I can't do it alone - other than taking them off of girls, I don't know the first thing about this stuff." "Well you're about to get a crash course. Now get going." Steve practically pushed him through the doorway to an awaiting sales girl. "Can I help you ma'am?" "I-I guess so," he stammered, and the next thing he knew, she was measuring him for a bra and panties. She marched him around the store babbling on about styles and colors, asking for opinions he couldn't begin to offer, so at his insistence she chose a variety of sets, then led him off to a dressing room - but being a busy Saturday, left him temporarily to attend to other customers. Alone and staring at himself in the mirrored room, he took a deep breath and undressed. Once naked, he started by slipping into the size 34 panties which rested comfortably on his hips, in a way his boxers couldn't come close to lately, giving just enough coverage to hide the bulge in his crotch. Then came the big event, putting on his first bra. He fumbled with the straps of a pink lacey number in a size 34 B that he couldn't for the life of him get hooked together, until he remembered how he'd seen some of his girlfriends hook them up in front then twist them around into place. This worked much better as he saw himself filling out the cups, striking such a feminine look. He was glad no one was around to see his crimson blush, or his hands carressing his own boobs. Excited by what he saw, he was somewhat curious to try on the other sets, eventually settling on five different ones, and wore a sixth out of the store to an awaiting grinning Steve. "So how was it? I must say you've got a better looking figure than when you went in." "I don't know about 'better', but it sure does feel strange to have a part of me sticking out like this, in a sling that's pulling at my shoulders, making me feel top heavy and about to fall over." "Oh don't be silly - they aren't that big." "Easy for you to say, remember I was flat chested like you just a few days ago. I don't mind telling you, that was the scariest most nerve wracking things I've ever done. What's even worse is the thought of what's next! If you so much as look at me the wrong way, I'll deck you. This is out of sheer necessity understood? Just something that fits, and gets me out of this sweat suit, then we're out of here. God I hope we don't run into anyone we know, I'm not ready for that!" They visited a few shops, Tony stubbornly thumbing his nose at everything in sight despite the expert opinions of a host of clerks. It seemed each shop had prettier clothing than the last, and choosing was not only next to impossible but far too feminine looking. Steve kept pushing for him to get stretchy skin tight tops, and short skirts, since that was how he liked his women, but Tony only wanted one or two items like a loose top that would minimize or hide his bust, and a pair of pants, like simple jeans that fit properly. Steve kept pushing, as did the sales clerks, so that in the end he was coaxed into trying on an all white silk blouse and black linen pants. In the privacy of a dressing room he started by exchanging the sweat shirt for the blouse, instantly enjoying the feel of silk next to his skin. Even though there was no mistaking the tenting of the blouse, it seemed to suit the young woman wearing it, as he watched himself in the room's full length mirror. Pulling on the slacks, seeing them balloon over those impossibly wide hips then narrowing as they conformed to the tiny waist gave the unmistakeable appearance of a well proportioned curvy young woman sharing the room with him. As he tucked the blouse into the slacks, he realised there was no sense in trying to hide any longer, and that if no one knew about his former self they would only be able to see the woman he had become. Stepping out of the room, Steve was right there to see, "Well hello you georgeous babe!" "Oh shut up you idiot. It's still me - Tony in here." "Maybe so, but you're still a wet dream come true." "Mind if we just pay for this stuff, and head home?" "Get real Tony, you can't live in just one outfit, like what about something for work on Monday, or are you planning on not going in?" "You're right, I know, but as good as this looks to you, it's a little overwhelming for me. I hadn't even thought of work - or Joan, how am I going to break it to her that I'm that guy she used to work for?" "We'll worry about Joan later. In the mean time, if you have any plans to ever go back to the office, I suggest you get more clothes!" They then proceeded to pick out a pant suit at one of the classier shops, and another blouse to go with it. Before going any further, it was decided that running shoes simply did not go, and a visit to a shoe store was next. Since Tony had never put a foot into a high heel in his life, he again let the clerk guide him, starting out by finding that he now had a ladies size 7 foot. They started out trying a pair of fairly flat heels first, followed by 1", and even a pair of 3" pumps. The taller shoes did bring him back almost to the height he'd been used to, and they did go well with the slacks, so after several try-ons a pair were chosen - for wear at a later date. Of course since the shop also had a wide selection of handbags and Steve reminded him that none of the clothes he'd just bought had pockets, it was the next accessory to buy. Despite Tony's objections that only one basic purse might be needed, three bags were bought, a work type, an evening clutch, and an everyday kick-around. The path back to the car was via the Sears again, only this time when accosted by a clerk and her perfume bottle, Tony didn't argue too strenuosly as she sprayed on a flowery scent. As they were about to leave, Steve grabbed him and sat him in a seat in the jewellery section. He got the attention of a clerk and before he knew what was happening Tony's ears were pierced. "Well I guess that unless a miracle happens in the next little while, I won't be needing my old clothes, now will I?" The observation came as the days purchases were about to be put away. "How about if you take them, seeing as how we were both about the same size. Once unpacked and some food had been consumed, Tony decided to take a shower and unwind. The water poured over him in ways and places he'd never imagined. It tingled on his breasts, but it felt great. It ran down his crotch too, and the sensations on his now nearly female self were incredible. His nipples were rock hard and he felt his insides tensing in a way they never had before either. His legs felt like jelly and his mind was a million miles from anywhere. The effects of the shower were too much because within minutes he reached what he reconned to be a female orgasm. After towelling off, he put on a bathrobe and was about to join Steve for some time in front of the tube, when it donned on him that if the robe opened up, he'd be giving his good friend quite an eyefull. Still it was Steve, and they were best of friends and it wasn't as if he'd be seeing anything new, so he went. Watching the Saturday hockey game as they often did when there were no dates, Tony's mind was preoccupied with other things and just couldn't seem to focus on the game. Excusing himself to dry his hair and then off to bed, Steve couldn't believe his ears. Sunday When Tony finally got up at the civilized hour of eleven, had peed. washed up, and brushed out his hair, the next order of business was to get dressed. Opening his dresser to get out some boxers, he was reminded that they'd all been traded in for panties and bras. That's when it hit home that this was for real, and that he was expected to wear this stuff from now on, unless he could find a way to get back as his old self, which by the looks of things was still going in the wrong direction as he now noticed that his penis was definitely looking a little shorter and its shape wasn't quite 'normal', and where once hung two hard working balls was now just an empty sac. Reluctantly he slipped into a pair of the silky panties followed by its matching bra. A glance in the mirror sent a shiver straight to his nipples, which instantly sprang to attention. "I've got to stop looking in those damn mirrors," he thought while trying to find something to wear. In the excitement of shopping and because of Steve's insistence, it seems that no shorts or t-shirts had been bought, and since his wardrobe had been moved over to Steve, he was left with little choice but a blouse and slacks. He put on the blouse first of course, fumbling with the backwards facing buttons, then pulled up the figure flattering slacks. Again, the sight of himself was a shock, both for the sight of himself as a pretty woman, and that he'd done it without Steve's coaxing. She was pretty alright, but as a guy giving her the once over he figured she'd look better with a bit more bust, a proper hair style, and some color on those pouty lips. "That's me you're drooling over, you idiot." He thought as he shook himself back to his senses. "If I fixed myself up, I'll bet Steve and probably every other guy would try to hit on me - no thank you!" Steve had put the coffee maker away in its usual spot - on top of the fridge, only Tony was up first today and as he reached for it realized just how much a loss of four inches meant. He was standing on a chair getting it down when Steve walked in. "Cute ass." Tony hadn't heard him come in, and nearly dropped the caraffe as he swung around. "That ass still belongs to your best friend, so shove the wise cracks." "Sorry....but it is a cute ass." Tony punched him in the arm. "Why the fancy clothes on a Sunday morning? Going to church - or on a date maybe, or just getting off on the girlie stuff?" Tony was good at controlling his temper, but was close to losing it now. "Weren't you the one who kept insisting I looked good in this stuff yesterday, and pushed me to buy it? Well I did, only I never bought a single t-shirt or pair of shorts, and since you've got all my old stuff, this is all I have to wear for now. So, after I eat, I'm heading out to do a little more shopping - only this time I'm going alone, and I'll get what 'I' want." "Okay, okay, don't get your shorts in a knot." Remembering that the only way to carry his wallet and keys would be in a purse, he unwrapped the day to day bag he'd bought yesterday. It seemed awfully big just to carry a wallet, but the clerk had insisted it was just right. "Can't imagine what women do to fill these things up," he mused, then headed towards the door. Now with no choice but to wear the new high heels which suited the clothes, he slipped on one then the other while holding onto a door frame for support. After readjusting his posture to retain his balance, he let go for a few tentative wobbly steps. With Steve howling at the spectacle, Tony grabbed the purse and tripped his way out the door for the first time out en femme. Back at the mall, walking on stilts slowly became more comfortable as he browsed his way along, stopping occassionally to choose co-ordinates of tops, slacks, and a few pairs of shorts. At one store, an observant clerk pointed out that the shoes he was wearing would look much better with nylons - and so several pairs in different shades were then purchased. He was about to call it quits, when he passed the door of a beauty salon on his way back towards the car. Thinking ahead about being presentable for work, how long his hair had grown in these past four weeks and how unkept it looked, he turned in on the off chance there was an opening. Sure enough they were only too glad to take him and after some one sided discussion as to style, was led off for a shampoo. Once seated for the cut, a lovely young lady approached to ask if he'd care for a manicure. Looking down at his hands, which were just so petite with their long slender fingers, he told her to "go for it." So while hair was washed, cut and dried, nails were shaped, filed and coated in a luscious glossy plum color. Tony sat quietly, resigned to his fate, but fascinated by the sight of himself becoming more feminine with each passing moment. Within the hour his hair had been trimmed and styled, while his nails had been shaped and painted. The manicurist had suggested he buy a bottle of the polish and a clear overcoat, in case he needed to retouch a nail or two before the next visit. It made sense, so he did just that and added them to the purse. As he was paying, he noticed a brush similar to the one the stylist had used on him - only smaller, for sale behind the register. This too got stuffed into the purse. Leaving the salon he felt better about himself, and pleased at his good looks. Having come by taxi, the way back to the taxi stand meant passing through the cosmetics department again. The same lady that had sprayed him with the perfume approached him again, only this time she was pushing a host of freebies with the purchase of something or other. He was about to blow her off and continue on his way when she commented on his lovely nails. Suddenly he was intrigued by what she had to say - how a little color to his lips and eyes to compliment those pretty nails would make him so much prettier. Seeing how receptive he was, she called over another girl to close the sale. This girl was stunningly beautiful, with her full red kissable lips and her large deep blue eyes highlited by long batty eyelashes and shades of frosty blue and white surrounding them. "Hi. I'm Cheryl," is all she had to say, and Tony was hooked. "You have a very pretty face, and I'm surprised that you don't make the most of your good looks with a little makeup. Your skin is perfect, nice high cheelbones, large green eyes, well defined lips - there's so much we could do for you. If you have the time, I'd be glad to give you a makeover." "Lead the way." It was as if she sensed he'd never used makeup before, as she showed him step by step what she was doing and its effect. She started with his eyes, on to his eyebrows which she thinned out first, gave his cheeks some color, and saved doing his lips for last. As she began to outline his lips he broke out in a cold sweat. Of all things he never in his life expected, it was to wear lipstick, but as the outline was filled in with a glossy shade of wine he was mesmerized by these sensuous inviting lips. Thinking back to an earlier image of himself without makeup, he saw its unmistakable benefits, but still had an impossible time accepting that the face staring back was his own. To rationalize it, he reasoned that it was for the sake of work, that part of being dressed properly also meant putting forward his best possible image, which would now have to include being made up, and that it had nothing to do with wanting to attract attention or men. Once finished, he practically insisted on buying everything she'd used on him. Along with all his purchases, were a host of promotional freebies - which he added to the growing contents of his purse. Satisfied that he'd accomplished everything he'd set out for and then some, he headed home, to find Steve still in his boxers, watching the Braves - Expos ball game. "Son of a bitch!! Tony, is that really you??" The rising bulge in his shorts was the first thing Tony spotted as he kicked off the shoes. "You're beautiful! Your hair, your face - WOW! What happened to you - aren't you the same GUY who was fighting this girl thing so hard?" "Yeah yeah yeah, you're right, but one thing led to another, and before I knew it - this is how it ended up. Pretty amazing isn't it?" "Now there's an understatement." "Don't go getting too excited. It was a mix of gentle persuasion and curiosity that let this happen, but the novelty has worn off and I'm going to go wash it off and get changed." "Why??? Don't be silly! You look so beautiful, it would be a shame not to make the best of it. Why don't we go out for an early supper?" "Oh, I don't know..." "No is not acceptable. Give me five minutes to get ready." Steve leaped off the sofa, dashing straight to his room before Tony could get in another objection. Within minutes they were on their way out the door. Even though Tony usually drove, Steve insisted, making a big show of opening the door to let his friend in. Steve aimed the car towards a local favorite Italian restaurant, but with suddenly less in common there was little conversation during the ride. Tony felt extremely self conscious as the waiter pulled out a chair for him and was offered the menu first. He was suddenly keenly aware of the different attitude the waiter had displayed over how he would have been treated as a guy. He was still holding onto the purse as the waiter offered to place a napkin across his lap. Glancing quickly at another couple nearby, he took a cue from the woman who had placed her purse in her lap and did likewise. He also spotted that all the women were sitting with their legs crossed. This was something that he'd never before attempted for fear of serious pain, but thought he'd give it a try if only to try and fit in. To his surprise, his right leg crossed over his left with no effort, no pain, and felt quite comfortable to boot. To heighten the sensation of this womanly outing, was the unmistakable ladies lipstick print he left on the water glass as he took his first sip. The waiter then handed Steve the wine list, even though it was usually Tony who was accustomed to that honor - but not this time. "I've dated enough women in my day, but not until now did I notice how differently women get treated. Just because you're a guy, it's assumed that you know best what wine to pick - the nerve!" "On the plus side, didn't you like the way he pulled out your seat for you?" "I suppose. So pick a wine already - I could use a drink." Soon they were enjoying wine and an enjoyable supper for the first time in weeks, though Tony found it impossible to finish a meal he would have once had no trouble with.. The meal now ended, Tony had a sudden urge to visit the head. With purse in hand, he made his way to the washrooms, only to catch himself at the last second as he nearly went into the men's room. There was no doubt that looking as he did, the ladies room was more appropriate, but as he entered had the strongest feeling that he was doing something very wrong. With no urinals, he entered a stall and not wanting to raise suspicions, decided it best to do his business sitting down."Man, but it was so easy to whip it out as a guy. All these layers and having to sit is a pain," he thought. Reaching down to shake the last few drops, he found only a stub of what once was. Resigned to his fate, he now wiped himself dry before pulling up the panties. Coming out of the cubicle he saw another woman fixing her makeup by the well lit full sized mirrors. His own reflection showed that all his lipstick was gone too, and a repair job was in order before going back out in public. He rummaged through the purse to find the lipstick, then nervously uncapped it for the first time. Ever so slowly, with trembling hands, he spread the color onto his lips trying his best to stay within the outline. He was watching his manicured red fingers as they seemed to effortlessly manipulate the lipstick tube, seeing this lovely young woman staring back at him, her well defined cleavage clearly visible as she leaned toward the mirror. Satisfied that he was presentable again, he gave his hair a quick brushing, stuffed the purse, and headed back out. A pay phone caught his eye reminding him of a memo he'd forgotten to send out on Friday and not wanting to forget again, dug into the purse for a quarter and called the office to leave a message on his voice mail, then strutted back to Steve head held up high, walking as elegantly as he knew how. They finished off the meal with a small desert and a licqeur, then it was time to leave. On the way to the car Tony stumbled, maybe from being a little tipsy or from the still unfamiliar high heels, but Steve caught him before he fell. Steve wrapped an arm around his friend's waist for the rest of the walk, to which Tony didn't object being held this close, in this way, because it was his friend Steve. It also felt very reassuring to be held by someone so strong. As they were about to enter the house, Steve asked in a shy innocent way, "would you mind if I kissed you?" "I may be a bit drunk, but I've still got enough sense to know that I'm not gay, so despite what I may look like, it's still the same me inside, and the answer is 'no way Jose'." Tony could see the unmistakable bulge in Steve's pants again, which brought on a grin. They said their good nights as they headed off to their respective rooms. It took Tony much longer than he was used to, to get ready for bed, between undressing and neatly putting away the clothes, pantyhose, the removal of the makeup, and pulling out clothes for the morning. He was used to sleeping in his boxers or sometimes in the nude, but standing there in his bra and panties just didn't seem right, nor did being in the nude. Reluctantly he pulled out one of the nighties he'd picked up earlier in the day. It slid on over his head, tenting out over his protruding breasts, tickling his nipples as it fell into place causing them to pop right out. To ease the tickling sensation, he gently massaged them, only to find this sensation even better than the last, joined now by an itching in his crotch. While one hand kneaded his breasts, the other went to calm the itch. This only made things worse with a slight dampness covering his fingers as his hand rubbed against his developing pubic mound. One thing led to another of course, towards an inevitable powerfully all consuming orgasm. As he regained both his senses and his breath, he staggered to the bathroom to clean himself up. Sleep came quickly, but the night was filled with vivid dreams. Each one had him dressed in long flowing gowns, dancing with men, dancing with women, some had him making love to a woman, others had him being made love to by Steve. More than once he woke up in a cold sweat, each time hoping it was time to get up and stop the dreams. Back to Work Monday This was the day he'd dreaded most because it meant facing Joan and the staff, as a stranger - as a woman, and had to make everyone believe she belonged there. When the alarm did finally ring - nearly an hour earlier than usual, he began his day with the usual morning pee. Standing in front of the toilet still half asleep, he fumbled for a missing penis. As he stabbed a sensitive spot with a long fingernail, he quickly came to his senses and remembering this wasn't a dream, sat down to do his business. A quick washing, a brushing of the teeth, then on to get dressed, starting with a fresh set of lace trimmed silky panties and matching bra. Though it had fit perfectly when bought only a couple of days ago, the bra seemed to be overflowing now, indicating that he'd soon be looking to buy more bras in a larger size. Being one for proper work attire, he chose to wear an offwhite silk blouse to go along with a fine wool beige pant and jacket suit. He'd left his hair for last, so as not to muss it up while dressing, even though the cut was a wash and wear layered style that only needed a quick brushing to regain its original shape. About to head down for breakfast, he remembered that some makeup would be expected of a well dressed lady, but not having all day to experiment, chose to limit himself to some mascara - which had seemed easy enough to apply, and some lipstick. True enough the mascara was pretty foolproof but showed a definite need for some offsetting tones on his eyelids. He nervously cracked the seal on the set of eyeshadows he'd bought, and trying his best to mimic what the cosmetician had done, began to lightly spread the powder to his eyes. The effect was dramatic, making his eyes so much more attractive. As for the lipstick, he still felt like a total novice, but managed to neatly apply a rich coat of red to his lips, then capped it and placed it in his purse. The shoes he slipped on had a low heel, but once on didn't look right with what he was wearing, so he traded them in for the higher three inch pumps - even though he knew they'd be harder to handle and would probably hurt like hell by the end of the day. With jacket and purse in hand, he was ready to face the day. Steve was in the middle of a sip of coffee as he entered the kitchen. His eyes bugged out at the sight of his friend, as he did his best not to choke on the hot coffee. "Turn around and let me get a good look at my new partner. I've got to tell you Tony, you are one hot looking babe." "Why thanks, I guess." For some reason he liked the compliment this time. "You ready for this?" "I'm scared to death!" "Calm down, you'll have them eating out of your hand by noon. "What if someone questions who I am or questions my authority, or wants to speak to the other Tony to confirm something...?" "Tell them he's on his way to the far east on a spiritual retreat and can't be reached for weeks. You're the new boss and they'll have to toe the line, besides since when have you ever been short of self confidence? You wimping out on me, woman?" "I'm no wimp, but there are so many 'what ifs' that I'm afraid this will all fall apart. If that happens I'm screwed." Getting into the car for the first time as the driver, was another new experience for miss Tony. First of all there were the high heels, and he had to readjust the seat and mirrors to accomodate his now smaller frame. Attaching the seat belt - the way the strap crossed between his breasts, seemed to only make them look larger than they already felt, but without a valid license he wasn't about to press his luck by not buckling up. They were the first to arrive at the office - even before Joan, who was usually in way before the bosses. They let themselves in, turned off the alarm, and headed for their respective offices. There was the usual stack of phone messages to sort through, so while no one was around to disturb him, Tony started in on them. He didn't hear Joan as she came in. She poked her head into Tony's office for her typical 'good morning'. "Oh -- my -- God!!....Tony, is that you?" "Joan, don't do that. You scared me half to death. Yup it's me alright, what do you think?" He got up and slowly turned around for her to get a good look. Joan was speechless, almost fainting from a lack of breath. "Say something!" "What happened to you since Friday? Look at you.... you're a woman! You were an effeminate looking guy the last time I saw you - now you're all girl! You're even wearing makeup...and a bra...holy shit!" "It's been an interesting weekend to say the least." "I'll say!" "Sorry for the way I've been lately, but I was partly in denial, and I didn't know what to say. But now that the secret is out, we need to talk. You're the only woman I can confide in, and I need help." "I'm here for you, but first I want to know everything." Over a pot of freshly brewed coffee, Tony poured out all that had happened over the course of the past several weeks, including Steve's awkward pass and his hard-ons - which was good for a laugh, but left out the erotic dreams of the night before. He summed it up by saying that he needed a teacher in the finer points of being a lady, to which Joan eagerly volunteered. "I can't get over how much you've changed just since Friday!" These were her parting comments as she headed to her desk shaking er head, after an hour of talk. Tony got back to his messages, finally getting around to checking the voice mail. He was jotting down hilites of the messages, when his own from the night before came on. For the first time

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I Was Just A Sex Slave9

Daniel pulled back and with a powerful lunge, he pushed his penile glans through my restraining anal muscle ring. I screamed out in agonizing pain '...YEEEAAAOOOOHHHHHMMMMMYYYYGGGGGAAAAWWWWDDDDDYOU"VEBUSTMYASSHOLETAKEITOUT...' I swear I heard an audible pop when his enormously huge penile glans enter my anal canal. Daniel grunted '...shut the fuck up bitch. I've been wanting to hit this ass just right. Damn, it's tight...' I clawed at the bedsheets and tossed my head violently from side to side...

4 years ago
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Skeletons in my Closet part c

Part C Meeting the family Keith turned me toward the door and as he patted my ass he replied, “After you, Kate and we can finish this another time.” Keith and I went into the kitchen. Mom and my daughter were both cooking at the stove. You could have heard a pin drop as we walked in. My mom turned from the stove. Mom looked to me as she said, “You two sit down, breakfast.... “ her voice went silent as she looked to Keith. She wiped her hands on her cooking apron as she said, “Well I will...

1 year ago
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18 year old Marissa loses her virginity

These are TRUE STORIES about a girlfriend. At time she was 18 and and about 5 months away from turning 19 and I was in my late 20's. She had never really been in a serious relationship nor had she ever fooled around with a guy more than a handjob. We dating about a month and she had mentioned that she was ready to have sex for the first time. I was going away for business and she was invited to come along. After arriving to our destination and checking into our hotel we got into our bathing...

3 years ago
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My wife plays cuckold mind games

Becoming a cuckold husband was my idea. Once I convinced my wife that I was serious about her having sex outside the marriage she has taken to it like a duck to water. She is a beautiful five foot four blonde hair blue eyed bomb shell. At one hundred pounds even ,her thirty four B cup breast need no support and have perfect nipples that when a roused stick out half an inch. She tans a nice dark brown and always lays out by our pool topless.I own my own business and make enough so she gets to...

1 year ago
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Home Alone With My Sister Jessica

Growing up with 2 sisters was a real pain sometimes, but it also had some benefits. Most of the time I couldn't even get into the bathroom without their permission. It did mean that I always had my own room. And on a couple occasions I had seen Jessica and Jackie come out of the bathroom topless. I even caught a brief glimpse of Jessica's bush one day when she was rushing down the hall and her towel happened to fall. She looked at me and smiled as she quickly pulled it back up. I still remember...

3 years ago
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I Gave At The Office

No matter how cool you think you are about things when you are a teenager, there are limits to coolness. Take when a seventeen year old guy walks into his mother’s office unannounced and sees her sucking her boss off you tend to blow it yourself - figuratively speaking, of course. Kids know their parents fuck. If they don’t know, they are clueless as George W. Somehow I figured they both slowed down in their thirties and probably stopped entirely by the time they reached fifty. Teens have...

3 years ago
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The Queen of the NileChapter 3

TIME: Summer 1912 PLACE: A hidden labyrinth Valley of the Pharaohs, Egypt (An awakening sets in motion the restoration of the true Queen of the Nile.) The double blind corridor from yesterday had set Lady Constance Murphy's nerves on edge. She had narrowly escaped with her life as the ingenious trap was tripped by her much less fortunate Egyptian guide, Akmed. Her husband, Sir Harold was most aggrieved by the incident and was wont to banish her from further exploration of the underground...

1 year ago
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Toilet Sex

This story follows on from the others; this happened the weekend after Daddy had the homeless man around to visit me.My mother agreed to have the k**s for the weekend so Nina and I decided we would go out for a few drinks with our friends as we hadn’t been out together in such a long time.Due to Daddies influence Nina was always dressing slutty now when going out the house, tonight was no different, she had on a short skirt and a very low cut tight top, her cleavage on show, I was wearing jeans...

2 years ago
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Friends from around the pool at an exclusive Baja resort get a little carried away with a strip poker in their suite

Through all the heat and the humidity around the pool, we had been swimming and sunning the entire day. At Palmilla, the pool attendants doubled as waiters and we’d had plenty of drinks since late morning. All day there were different people occupying the loungers around us and we had amusing and friendly conversations. There were mostly couples but some single guys and gals mixed-in during the day. We awoke from a quiet nap in the late afternoon to get ready for dinner. The outdoor...

3 years ago
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Rachael part 4 not much sex

It was a crazy situation. After spending most of the day having a torrid three way sexual encounter with Rachael – the girl that I had met yesterday afternoon when her car had a flat tyre – and Joanne her estate agent who was trying to sell Rachael’s house so that her divorce could be finalised I was now having my cock sucked back to life by the girls’ mother who had arrived looking for Joanne after she had called her office telling them she was feeling ill.‘Mmm!’ mumbled Fiona as she fed my...

1 year ago
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Walk Like a ManChapter 18 The New Game in Town

Leanne and I got to work almost immediately in going over the NorCal requirements. Since the plant operation was very straightforward and there were no particularly complex reporting needs, it didn’t look like a daunting task. It was pretty much a simple - product in – processing – and product out - business. But a number of new reports needed would be less simple. As well as business reports, the governments wanted their fair share of information, both state and federal. Leanne impressed me...

2 years ago
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My XXX MILF Slippery Susie

This tale was written by a friend at Literotica, enjoy !Slippery Susieby RedHairedandFriendly©The sound of the shower running told Mike that his wife was up andreadying herself for work. He glanced at the clock, noting the time wasfast approaching eight p.m. and Susie would be in a hurry to get herselfready as well as grab a bite to eat. He got up from the couch and made aquick trip to the kitchen where he fixed her a bowl of chili and a coldglass of tea. By the time he was setting her supper...

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Village Brother Sister 8211 Part 1

Hi, readers. This is Mukesh. This is the true story(little bit fictitious) of me and my sister. It describes our love life. I have written this story in English for readers’ universal convenience. I used Tamil(mother tongue) to express my feelings and stance in my own language which may excite the Tamil readers. I have plans to write more if you people love it. The story is bit long, so please tolerate and am damn sure this story will wear your briefs and panties. Here it goes…. I am Mukesh 23...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Demi Sutra Compromise For The Cock

You know how it is with stepsiblings. Always a battle to see who gets to use the car, who gets to go to the bathroom first, who gets to decide what is on TV. Demi Sutra knows the struggle, and when her stepbrother takes the remote, she is pissed. She makes her case, but he will not have it. The only way he will let her have the remote is if she does something for him. Namely, play with his purple onion, also known as his cock. She agrees, and licks that lollipop like she was the one who wrote...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Long Time Crush Ankita

Hi friends, I am new to this Indian sex stories site . Myself ayush and I m studying in medical profession. I am not so handsome but I have one that thing which can satisfy any girl or aunty. Any unsatisfied girls, aunties can contact me on I will not show of my size but it can satisfy and last long enough. So coming to the story, it was my first day of college when I saw ankita.. She was sexiest girl I have ever seen till date. She was in her red salwar and a white apron whose buttons were...

2 years ago
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An Italian girl loses a football bet

Hi my name is Francesca. I’m a 26-year-old Italian girl living in Milan. I’m a dark haired girl with blue eyes, about 1.7 meters tall and quite thin, I dress a 42, of European size, and I go to the gym to keep my body in shape. Before a bet I made with a foreign man about a football match I had never thought about having sex with any foreign man—this experience I changed my mind.It was a pleasant evening in June when the Italian football team played for the international cup against Egypt. I...

4 years ago
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My Own Sister Kavita

I found out this site from one of my friends, but am disappointed a bit as i find most of the stories concocted for cheap thrills and just fantasies. Well some of them are real good experiences and not mere fantasies. I m sending this real experience of mine and would be happy if the website publishes it. I would like sharing this experience with all you erotic story lovers. We are a family consisting of a mom, dad, with elder sister and me. My name is Rahul now a 23year old budding boy living...

1 year ago
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wife got fucked

At the time my wife was about 31 years old, a perfect size 12 36ff breast the sweetest shaven pussy in the would which i was very proud of! we had a very horney sex life with stories fantacies and fuck in most places. she ozed sex was one of those women that everyone wanted to fuck!.She was dressed in a short skirt high boots and a tight white top which made her breast look amazing.The night start like any other when we went out club we meet her work mates one was having a party.we left about...

2 years ago
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No Need To Dream To Feel This Good

Copyright© 2004 A software technician from Digital Had hardware extremely prodigical. It's rumoured, I hear, That when he was near He made the ladies all flustered and fidgital. Edited by Isaac Newton The hours to which most people are slaves meant nothing to me because I was sixteen and on school vacation with nothing to do. I often went to bed at five in the morning and awakened at noon. That night, I had stayed up way past midnight to watch a movie and then to read, so I had just...

2 years ago
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Annie Decides Part 1

I was driving home from our friends Elanna and Mark’s home with a smile on my face and Mark’s cum in my pussy. I was excited and had made my decision to start dancing at the gentlemen’s club where Elanna dances but first I had to get my husband Rob to agree that it would be ok. Rob and I had met Mark and Elanna when we joined our swingers group the year before and had become good friends with them.Elanna is an exotic dancer and at each of our group parties, Elanna would start the party off by...

1 year ago
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Just a little

I just had to relay this story to you. This really happened and I would not have believed it if I had not been there myself to experience it! For months I have heard my neighbor Chris complain about his wife, Anna. He bitches about everything from the way she dresses, her hair color, her weight, the way she cooks, just anything at all. Now Chris is no prize. He is overweight, he has a beard that looks like a rats nest, he chews snuff, and he has about as much class as my boot. Now don't get me...

Cheating Wifes
3 years ago
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No Better Place

Copyright © 2000 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author "S-sh!" Debbie cautioned again."But I want you to know. I just want to tell you how good this..." she started to protest, ignoring his instructions to be silent. "Shut the fuck up and listen to me," Debbie demanded in a very slow measured...

3 years ago
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Mirror Mirror on the WallChapter 2

The young couple were glowing as they entered the trailer. Julie commented, “He’s a good dancer. I hope he’s as good at other activities too.” He blushed. They were offered some shine and asked about the dance. Mabel said she’d decided to stay there tonight and, with Ma, would retire to JJ’s room very soon. The bathroom was busy until the older women had done what they needed to do. With the bedroom door closed, the place was now the youngsters’. Not having been intimate yet, they took...

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Mistaken for a BBC whore

His was pounding me. His big cock thrusting in and almost out of my hungry cunt. He’d been fucking me half an hour, at an unrelenting pace, which left me breathless. I’d lost count of how many times I’d come, many of them just rolled from one, to the next. I dug my red nails into his back, as I came again, and then again, gripping his waist with my legs. He still hadn’t come. I wanted him to, I wanted to feel his cum inside me, feel as it hit the walls of my pussy, and my cervix…………………….“So...

2 years ago
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MarlaChapter 6

Something cold grabbed at her hands. Marla opened her eyes and screamed. One of the zombies was inside the car with her, another pounded on the windshield. She was also dangling sideways, held in place by the seatbelt. The one in the car snarled when she pulled her hands away and tried to squeeze farther into the car. She fumbled the pistol out. The extra magazines and her cell phone fell to the ground. The passenger side window had shattered in the crash, the car tilted crazily, leaned up...

4 years ago
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“Would eight this Friday night be satisfactory for you?,” my contact asks after we negotiate a fee with some included for him. I am looking to what might eventuate tonight as I arrive right on time. “I am Christine, Sue’s secretary, you probably saw her on TV this week as she made some announcements concerning her business expansion in this city. “Sue has an incredibly high sex drive with a huge libido to match. She hasn’t had a man to fuck her for weeks, not that I am aware of anyway. Was...

3 years ago
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The Storm Concludes

Quinn could not accept what he was seeing. First, his best friend knocks the piss of him. Then, he drags him here to watch him fuck around with his girlfriend. It was true that he had left her, but it was not like they were finished. Sitting here wat ching Scott lick and suck on Kat's pussy, Quinn wanted to be angry, but couldn't. For some odd reason, this was turning him on more than anything he has ever witnessed. Here he was tied to a chair watching the scene in front of him unfold, and he...

Group Sex
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      Bret Palmer sat with his phone to his ear, with each unanswered ring his blood pressure rose a little more.  'Mister Palmer, said Rose his Secretary, There's a Misses Simmons here to see you.'  Bret frowned and ran through the list of people important enough to hold his attention, the name Simmons wasn't among them.  She's in the Posner Building, the rent controlled apartments.  Bret didn't know the name but mention of the rent controlled apartments got his attention.  Glancing at his...

2 years ago
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He stood at the doorframe of her room, watching her lying on the bed. The sight aroused him, for she looked so innocent and in total bliss. Did she not realise her body was calling out to him? The way her breasts rose and fell evenly, the nightdress she wore had ridden high up her thighs, promising endless pleasure. He held back a groan remembering earlier that evening. How normal it had been for him to call upon her for relief. This had been the 100th time that she had 'serviced' his dick....

2 years ago
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Holiday fun

We were on holiday in the sun and had spent most of the day by the pool. A combination of the heat, loads of semi naked bodies and a few drinks was making both of us feel randy and I could resist feeling my wife's arse in the lift on the way up to our room. I pulled her bikini bottom to one side and fondled her bum. As we got back to the room, we saw the maid's trolley outside our room. Great, I thought,as I opened the door to be greeted by the sight of the maid on the bed with her overalls up...

3 years ago
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Cured for Christmas

1 - Miami Beach, Florida, 7:30 pm, Monday November 21st 2011 "SIT," dad ordered as both Paloma and I started to get up from the dinner table. I looked resignedly over at my sister as we both slid back down into our seats. We both had recognized his tone. "Your mother and I want to have a talk with you," dad added unnecessarily. "I'm pretty busy dad ... studying ... I've really got to get going," I protested as I again pushed my chair back from the dining room table. "Me too daddy,...

4 years ago
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The Rematch Parole

Having rematch sex is sometimes exciting especially if the first one was super awesome. Remember, the chic from Delayed Parole, we got back together some weekends back, We kind of went separate ways after our last sex years ago, she started seeing some guy who she thought was Mr. Right. They were gonna date a while and then get married. Apparently, things didn’t go according to plan and everything crumbled.Not that I was happy she got heartbroken, more like an I-hate-to-say-I told-you-so...

2 years ago
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kate sunday night monday morning

We spoke to mum and dad they said the earliest they would be back would be the following Sundayand to get some more money from Nan’s When we finished talking Kate picked up the hand cuffs, put them on Christine I need to pee first I said Put them on now I obeyed Sally got up off the floor and almost fell over , Get on the sofa and open your legs I sat down and opened my legs as instructed Kate lifted my skirt up exposing my knickers my cock rock hard You are so pathetic, just a little cock...

3 years ago
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The Taming of Amy II Submission

I smiled as I drove home from the d**g store as my hand felt the small vile in my pants pocket. How could such a small container bring so much pleasure? My mind played over the night before when I fucked my little bitch wife in every position and every room in the house. It was amazing the change in Amy, after she had the potion she became nymphomaniac. Even when I used her asshole she was racked with orgasms.As I turned down the street to my house I started to wonder if Amy would still be the...

4 years ago
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The Photographers Assistant ch 1

Boy was I ever lucky! It was a sunny Friday afternoon when I pulled up to her house for the first time. It was big for this part of town, a little weathered, tall fences, High on a hill, forest out the back. If it wasn't ten minutes from the city it would be the perfect country hideaway. I'd brought my laptop just in case, and as I leaned over to the passenger side to pick up my bag, I saw Kayly come out the front door. . . Now when a friend tells you that he knows a photographer who...

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Wanna come over the a quickie

I’d been in a pretty serious relationship for a few years but we ended up calling it off. Shortly there after I quickly made sure I bumped into an old flame and started talking to her again. After a few hours on the phone, it was just like old times, even though we hadn’t saw each other in two years. The conversation was pretty casual but we did bring up sex along the way. At the end of the night as we were about to hang up she said, ‘You wanna come over in the morning for a quickie?’ Hell yes...

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The Swinger Confessions Angelas Hunger

Alone again. Sometimes, well if I'm honest, oftentimes I hate when my husband travels for business. I guess I'm just spoiled, I want him here with me always. Robert's the ultimate provider. He sees it as his life's mission to protect and nurture me. Our relationship consumes us, but sometimes his job takes priority. I've accepted this and his seemingly constant business trips as the norm, and thus I found myself alone...again.  Laptop in hand, I flopped down on my favorite chaise and logged...

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Tara in Porn

Tara in Porn By Tara Richardson. The First time I stood at the top of the stairs, my short tartan skirt moving gently around my hips. I looked down at the camera lens as it looked up between my legs. I wondered if it saw the tiny pink bow of my satin thong, covering my freshly waxed pubis. I was wearing Cindy my favourite underwear. Gracefully one foot at a time I descended the stairs, aware my skirt hem moved across my silky firm thighs. Hiding just in the motions of the pleated kilt the...

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WildOnCam Agatha Delicious Hot MILF Agatha Delicious Will Milk You Dry LIVE

Agatha Delicious is one fine MILF and she is down to fuck! Agatha is eager to get Jason out of his shorts so she can suck that cock of his. She loves the feeling of a cock deep in her throat when she tries to gag on what Jason gives her. She strokes his shaft getting all sloppy before she has had enough and needs that cock in her pussy now! Agatha spreads her legs wide giving Jason all the room he needs while making sure you have the best view of watching that pussy get fucked by his cock!...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 3 What Is Mr Fink Up To

Fink stared out of the tinted window. He was pissed off gloriously. And the cause could be seen reflected in the dark glass before him. "What the hell took you so long, Fink?" asked the dark haired woman behind him in a frozen tone. "Were you trying to taunt us, little man?" Lilah Morgan smiled her humorless smile. "I bet you thought: let them wait, the damn bitches. Eh, Finky-boy? You must feel really mad at us, little Eve and me. Two damn arrogant women telling the king of bimbos...

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Sorkanas Rise Combining Forces

Sorkana's Rise, Combining Forces By: Malissa Madison M'gon felt a thrill knowing just how frightened her father was Lomanith jumped between. V'gil had warned her that this would be the longest jump between she had ever made. He had also told her of how it would affect her, energy wise, but that since both Lomanith and Arroth should be fine since they fed the day before. 'This is like the big water back home,' thought Lomanith. 'But I have never seen fish like those," he said of...

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Maragana GirlChapter 13

Kim always marveled at the ability of her friends to bounce back after each punishment. The very next evening all 15 members of Eloisa's musical group were at rehearsal, following an ordinary day at work for each of the band's members. It was no surprise that the women should be ready to rehearse, given their switchings had been extremely lenient. However, the band's ten male members all were viciously marked up; with the passage of 24 hours only making the marks appear darker and more...

1 year ago
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My Wonderful Obsession 12

My Wonderful Obsession Part 12: In Deeper They say that in springtime a young man's thoughts turn to love, but my thoughts were all about love lost. The end came one day after classes, just as I was closing my locker. Julia passed by and, without saying a word, handed me an envelope. I waited till I was walking home to open it, fearing the worst. And it was. I won't go into the details, but she basically informed me that our relationship was over because of my refusal to...

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The New Secretary

The New Secretary Part 1 I sat reviewing the application in front of me. "This is the last candidate; Ms Tiffany Monroe. Let's get her in and then we can think about which one we want." Denise, the HR Manager, nodded and left the room. I sat, waiting and wondering what this Tiffany Monroe was going to be like; in the end I gave up as, more often than not, the name and details on the application bore no resemblance whatever to the person who sat before you. With Tiffany it was...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 565

Did You Know? Interesting, could be true? Your shoes are the first thing people subconsciously notice about you. Wear nice shoes. If you sit for more than 11 hours a day, there’s a 50% chance you’ll die within the next 3 years. There are at least 6 people in the world who look exactly like you. There’s a 9% chance that you’ll meet one of them in your lifetime. Sleeping without a pillow reduces back pain and keeps your spine stronger. A person’s height is determined by their father, and...

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True story

This is an absolutely true first time story. I have authored other first time stories but they are all fiction. This one is not. When I do a private chat, I usually ask the guy to tell me about his first man on man sex. Most of them are reluctant to open up with details. The first time stories in Lush are usually not to be believed. Like. My best friend and I got drunk and just started making out. Or I woke up after a long night of drinking and found myself naked in bed with a naked stranger....

First Time
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Johns Dream Girl chapters 11 through 15

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The author holds exclusive rights to this work. Author's Note: This novel deals with extremely taboo situations and events in a very graphic, no-holds-barred manner. It covers a myriad of...

1 year ago
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Vacation With Sexy Mom 8211 Part 2

I am sharing the second part after almost a year. So, Sorry for that. I will come with the next part sooner. Now let’s continue with the story. After climaxing herself, Malini wore the bathrobe provided by the hotel. Now that we have paid to stay in such a luxurious hotel, we should make good use of it, was her thought behind it. Before, she was reluctant to wear as she mostly wears a saree or other traditional dresses. But now she has changed her mind. Another benefit of wearing the bathrobe,...

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Virtual to Reality 1

Our first encounter was a virtual one through an online game. My name is Noah and I was a host of a strong alliance in the online game and she, Jane was a new member to the alliance. Jane had come over from a dying alliance and I was one of the best players in the game. Jane knew she could learn from him and become a stronger player.We chatted a lot about the game, I gave her more responsibility and they became closer. Jane opened up and expressed her feelings, she lived in Tasmania and her...

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Bitch in heat 2

The club was busted one night, lucky for me I wasn't working that night but it put an end to the dog show. Some cop posed as a guest at a private party and that was the end of it. As you may recall, Mack (the boss) put on special shows, us girls let dogs fuck us in front of the crowd. I was always paid, just to have a dog fuck me, I enjoyed it and made money it was great. I wasn't broke I had a real job but missed the fun nights working for Mack. Then some months after they were...

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The Accidental MasterChapter 11 The Eighth Day

I awoke later that night in a cold sweat. It was four o'clock in the morning, and Angela was wrapped around me, as was her norm. What had awakened me was a dream. I had been standing in the middle of a thick wood, and arrayed around me were numerous women, all of whom were naked and kneeling. They were all facing me and all were calling out to me, calling me master. Then I saw Angela standing at the edge of the clearing, smiling sadly at me as she turned and started to walk away. When I...

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Saturdays Errands

Saturday?s Errands ?????????????????????????????????????????? Saturday?s Errands?????????????????????????????????????????????????? by slavegirl?????????????? All night black leather cuffs on Jan?s wrists and ankles had pulled her body taught in a spread-eagle position. Her muscles ached. Through the nose opening of the black leather hood Jan detected a glimmer of morning light.Jan rotated her head in hopes of relieving the tension in her neck. As she did Brian took her pierced nipples...

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