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The shower was almost scalding hot, but she loved the way the water caressed her. It raced down her body in endless streams, warming her as she shook off the winter chill. She tilted her head and enjoyed the feel of the pulsing showerhead as the water careened off her throat. Turning around, Maggie let the water sift through her hair, those long mahogany tresses turning ever darker under the water.

The water dribbled to a stop as she stretched. Her skin was buzzing with warmth and the thick terrycloth robe felt like cashmere against her. Her hair was bundled neatly up in a matching towel, and she padded out of the bathroom in her bare feet.

‘Damn the cold’ she thought to herself.

She sauntered out into the living room and clicked on the light, settling in to watch the news. Her feet propped up, she barely registered the first ring of the phone.

‘Hello?’ The silence of alone time was shattered as her friend Dawn squealed on the other side. ‘Heya Maggie! Guess where I am?’

Maggie shook her head, not even bothering to glance outside. If Dawn was calling and bragging, she had to be somewhere warm. She started imagining palm trees even before Dawn squealed out, ‘Honolulu!’

Maggie laughed as her friend began to excitedly recount her week’s activities. Dawn was her oldest friend, and a direct contrast to Maggie. Dawn was petite, and full of boundless energy, her job as a flight attendant seemed tailor-made for her. Sometimes, even talking on the phone to her seemingly wore Maggie out. She went on and on about her layover in Honolulu and the perfect water and sun. Maggie shot another look outside at the frosted windows, and silently cursed her friend.

‘And so then, we went to this place, the North Shore, they call it? Ohh, god, you should see these waves they have crashing in! So huge! And all of these surfers running around, tight little bodies…oh, wow, that’s right, I totally forgot…’


‘Dean McAlister said hello.’

Maggie’s breath caught in her throat. Why was that name so familiar? Her mind sifted through the archives…digging through all of the names she could. If the name was not that important, why did her stomach slowly roll over in an ache that she hadn’t felt in quite some time?

‘Dean…’ Her hesitance caused Dawn to giggle uncontrollably, and she finally laughed, as she gave her the hint. ‘Lake Winnipeg?’

All of the memories came flooding back in a torrent, and she closed her eyes for a moment.


As far back as she could remember, her family would pack up and head to Lake Winnipeg for two weeks every summer. It was an arduous journey, but well worth it when they arrived. Each day was perfect, rain or shine, the unmitigated beauty of the area only challenged by the peaceful silence they were afforded.

She and her sister would spend the days goofing off, picking the local blackberries and blueberries. She spent time with her grandfather fishing, her grandmother baking cookies and muffins, chasing her cousins around, and watching thunderstorms roll in. Each day was its own paradise.

All of the men would routinely spend their whole days fishing, and then, in the evenings, they would sit around playing cards. On more than one occasion, she sat on her grandfather’s lap sipping some rye and ginger as he showed her the wicked ways of poker.

Every summer was better than the last. They had the second to last cabin on the road, and became accustomed to the silence. The last cabin was never filled during their two week stay.

That was, until her fourteenth year.


Dawn’s dynamic almost frustrated her. Maggie was half in her daydream, and half expecting Dawn to belt out the information she craved. ‘So, how is he?’ Dawn, ever the story teller, brought her along slowly.

‘He is good…great, actually. He lives down here, although, on Maui, he said. Owns his own little business.’ Maggie smiled and drifted off…


The summer she was fourteen, a dancing workshop cut into her precious vacation. Her mom stayed behind, and waited until it was completed, and then drove Maggie and her sister up three days later.

That day, as they arrived, the talk was about the last cabin on the road. Slightly smaller than all the other cabins, it had never been occupied in their previous stays, but this summer was different.

An older couple with a small child had rented it for a week. They were Americans, and very nice, but quiet and kept to themselves most of the time. Near the end of their stay, they were invited over for a cookout by Maggie’s grandfather. The couple were older, in their fifties, with one son who was eleven. It didn’t take long for him to fit in, running around with the other kids.


‘So, what? You just going to tease me all night?’ Dawn just giggled away. ‘Oh, and I suppose you have his number, right?’ Dawn just giggled again, and Maggie knew she did.

‘Why? Would you want it?’ Dawn was trying to play coy, but it was becoming difficult with the giggles setting in.

‘Yeah, I would…I think it would be great to say hi to him.’

All Dawn did was laugh. ‘Yeah, say hi…right.’ Maggie laughed, twisting her head and burying it into the pillow.

The conversation moved onto other topics, and before she hung up the phone, Dawn just told her, ‘Don’t worry. I will keep your gorgeous friend company until you show. Expect an email soon.’ The line went dead, and just like that, Maggie was left to sit there with her memories.


Every summer since, she would spend her time hanging out with Dean. She came to discover that they were born just two days apart…and that though he was three years younger, he was only two years behind, having skipped second grade.

He would spend every morning fishing with his dad, and then invariably find Maggie. Her older sister would have nothing to do with the younger boy, so it would just be Maggie and Dean, and occasionally one of her other cousins.

They quickly became good friends, eventually trading addresses and keeping in touch as penpals. She didn’t see his age as an issue. Even as she went through high school, she came to love the two weeks where she would hang out with Dean and just shoot the breeze.


Monday morning, after teaching her first dance class of the day, Maggie went into her office. The administrative part of her job wasn’t the most fun, but a necessary evil. She logged on, and checked her email.

The standard work-related emails were there, in addition to one from Dawn. She smiled to herself as she opened it. In typical Dawn fashion, it was straight and to the point.

‘Here you go…hope you have fun!’

Below, Dean’s contact information was listed. Email. A website. Telephone numbers.

Bringing up a browser, she typed in the URL for the website in the email. The browser returned an informational site, much to her surprise. IT consultants. She pursed her lips, then did a search on the web for the name of the company. A little more information was revealed.

The company he founded donated heavily to different charities in the area, and his name had been prominently mentioned in a couple of articles. She took her time reading, a slow smile languishing across her lips as she read about her old friend.

She glanced at the clock on the PC and then checked the time zones. He was four hours behind her…so…it was only 6:30am there. She then checked her schedule. She had another dance class at 11am, then some quiet time for lunch and her administrative duties. Then another class at 1:30pm.

‘Noon.’ It came out as a whisper. As if she had to tell herself to call him. She almost blushed as she went out to the foyer to meet the next group of students.


When she graduated high school, like many of her friends, she wanted to get out and experien
ce life on her own. And she put those vacations to the lake on hold. After her freshman year, she and Dawn spent the summer following a band around Canada. She wasn’t able to make it to the family cabin. The following year, she broke her foot at a party just a week before her family was to leave for the lake, and missed that vacation as well.

Her mother would perpetually brag about the fun times they had, and Maggie would always hint around, asking about Dean. Her mother would coyly play along, talking about how great he looked or about how much his mother was bragging about him.

Maggie finally made it up to the lake after her junior year. She had dragged Dawn with her, as the two of them would have to leave early for a shopping expedition to Montreal they had planned all winter. That flitted right out of her mind when she saw Dean. The fifteen year-old boy that she had once known had grown about four inches over the past three years and added roughly fifty pounds. His blue eyes had magnified, growing a deep shade of sapphire, and his first year of college had not treated him poorly, to say the least.

Despite the obvious physical attraction the two shared, they kept it rather simple, just enjoying their usual late evening talks. Dawn would join them, and the three would sit around the small campfire in front of her grandfather’s cabin, content to pass the time drinking and talking about anything.

At the end of that vacation, addresses were again swapped, and they went their separate ways.


She had just finished her second class, and spent a couple of minutes sitting at her desk. Her eyes were glued to the clock. Almost noon…meaning it was 8 am there. She froze reaching for the phone. How long had it been? Twelve years? She hesitated, wondering if he would even remember her. Even the thought of picking up the phone left her skin buzzing. Sure, it was only one night, but…

As the phone rang, she actually began to hold her breath.

‘Hello, Syllagistics…Monique speaking, how may I direct your call?’

Maggie’s voice didn’t fail her. ‘Dean McAlister please?’

‘Sure, please hold.’

The hold music was a light bouncy new-age mix. She almost giggled, listening to it. It took less than a minute, and she heard the telltale sign of the phone clicking as he picked it up.

‘This is Dean, can I help you?’

Her voice did fail. His voice hadn’t changed at all. Twelve years hadn’t made a dent in anything, as she heard. She covered the handset, and took a deep breath.

‘Is anyone there? Can I help you?’

Finally, her voiced cracked. ‘Hey…Dean. It’s me, Maggie…Maggie Rainey.’ She rolled her eyes at her own voice…it sounded so far away. So distant. And she imagined him sitting there, rolling through a mental Rolodex of women, both business and pleasure, trying to put a name with a face. So, she almost choked at his response.

‘Wow…heya Maggie. God, it has been a long time. How are you, your parents?’ And with that…that coy chuckle of his, his way of always making her feel normal, she finally stopped sweating.

‘Oh, everyone is fine…great really. What about you? I heard about your parents…I am so sorry.’

‘Thanks, well, it happens. I am ok. I mean, in the general scheme of things, life is pretty damn idyllic.’

‘Well, that’s good.’

‘So, I suppose you thought of me when Dawn talked to you?’

A furious blush flared over her cheeks, and she feigned a cough to keep from giggling into the phone.

‘She did give me some information. Would you like to catch up? Do you have some time right now?’

‘I want to, I would love to, actually, but our day just started here. How about you give me your home number, and I can call you when I get out of here…?’

She smiled softly to herself, as she gave him her number. They made tentative plans to talk later that night and she hung up, reveling in the fact that her skin was still buzzing. She almost bounced out of her seat as she left for lunch.


The day ended pretty normally. She dropped some bills off at the post office and drove through the snow back home. She lived in an artsy area downtown and was lucky to have found a little townhouse with a garage. The tail ends of her days varied, but despite the obvious aerobic activity necessitated by her workday, she always liked to get a simple treadmill workout in while watching TV. Then, a light dinner followed by a soak in the tub always left her in the perfect state for sleeping.

Tonight would be different. She still went through the workout, but kept it short, and ate a quick dinner before she slipped into a scalding hot tub with a glass of wine.

It didn’t take long for that night to come flooding back to her.


After her senior year, her and Dawn had planned a perfect trip through Europe. Flying to London, then backpacking all the way to Greece, staying at hostels, just soaking up the experience. They were due to leave just a week after graduation. The only conflict was her family’s annual trip. Her mother begged her to come, at least for a day to say farewell to everyone. She argued that, given her short time for getting ready, she couldn’t possibly come. But, in the end, she finally relented. She would show and spend one night, and then take off for her trip.

She and Dawn had driven up that morning and spent the entire day tolerating the ‘college grad’ jokes that her family had just presented to her sister just the previous year. Dawn had to laugh along with her, as her entire family just spent hours razzing her about the real world.

After dinner, her entire family settled back into their normal evening fun time. Maggie watched as a small campfire was built in the picnic area behind the cabin. Reclining back into her chair and just watching the sun lay against the water reminded her just how much she enjoyed her family. She had always cherished these times, as the smell of the smoke lingered about. The men were already playing cards, laughing and smoking cigars. The women were closer to the fire, using it to ward off the night chill.

Dawn was already nodding off so she guided her into the cabin and downstairs to the small bedroom where her and her sister spent so many summers. After getting Dawn situated, Maggie laid down, pulling the cover up over her body, and tried to fall asleep.

It was the clock that had done her in. The old fashioned wind up alarm clock, with its rhythmic pulse, finally made her rise. She quietly cursed the fact she had been trying to sleep for thirty minutes. She stretched out and glanced outside.

The glow from the embers that remained of the campfire outlined a couple of silhouettes. Most likely a few men still playing cards. She shifted, rummaging through her backpack, to pull out a jogging bra and some sweat shorts, changing quickly. She stretched out in the small room and quietly made her way upstairs and out the front door.

Stepping outside at 11pm she inhaled the cool night air, filling her lungs as her feet slowly and methodically pounded the gravel road. The ease of running was a byproduct of her dancing and helped to soothe her.

She was used to running about three miles, so when she hit the end of the peninsula, she knew she was only at one mile. Not losing one step, she turned and jogged down the shoulder of the road towards the little store that was another mile away.

Another advantage of running at night was the silence. The trees swayed in the air, the moon perfectly framing anything it cast its luminance towards. The paved road she was running had an odd glow to it, and her feet never faltered, as she continued on towards the store.

Reaching the store, she made a wide turn and doubled back. As she neared the road for the peninsula, she was already sweating, and huffing. She was at her three mile mark at this moment, and had one more mile to go.

muscles were already protesting, yet she ground forward. Turning that final corner near her grandfather’s cabin, she padded to a trot and easily slowed to a walk. Her body was heaving as her lungs clawed for air. She walked past the cabin, her arms resting atop her head, stretching her torso out, opening her lungs as much as she could.

Dean popped into her mind as she walked towards the cabin he and his family stayed in. She knew he would be up early to fish, and her brow furrowed. She had really wanted to see him. She was about to turn and walk back, when she heard it.

It was only a cough, but it was definitely a human sound, and she froze right away. The moonlight didn’t allow her to see anyone, but the dock attached to Dean’s cabin bobbed softly and she saw a small cloud of smoke dissipating in the air. She walked furtively towards the dock, and was relieved to find Dean sitting there, staring out in space.

The dock gently shifted beneath her feet as she strode down the planks, to walk around him and take a chair.

Dean casually turned towards her, his smile mellow. ‘Heya gorgeous…how are you?’

She reclined into the chair and glanced at him. He was wearing an old pair of cargo shorts and a heavy sweatshirt. He looked very relaxed, and had a beer resting in his hand. ‘Just fine…I take it your sophomore year was good?’

He nodded, his eyes still searching for something in the night sky. She glanced out, seeing the stars, the blackness, and not much else.

‘School was good. Just a hammering blend of classes, sports, and fun…’ His voice trailed off, and he shifted in his seat. ‘You need something to drink?’

She nodded, and she heard him chuckle as he got up. ‘If you want…’ he said with a wink, and set something on the armrest of his chair. She giggled softly she recognized the dugout immediately and reached for it. The dock swayed under his footsteps as he retreated to the cabin.

The bat was already loaded up and she flicked the lighter and proceeded to take a long, slow drag. The smoke was mild, but her head immediately began to swim. She reclined against the chair and exhaled, watching the smoke rise and fade against the light of the moon. Another flame, and one more long toke, and she twisted to lay the dugout back on the armrest. Her skin was already buzzing, and she slumped back again, trying to ward off the impending giggles that would strike when she got stoned.

A quick flash of light seared to the left of her and she jumped, her eyes trying to train themselves on what it might have been. A search of the night sky revealed nothing, and her brain was racing, when the dock shifted beneath her. Dean deposited himself into his chair and held out a bottle of beer. She uneasily took it as her eyes kept a close lookout.

‘Anything wrong?’

She giggled, ‘I just saw something, I guess it freaked me out.’

He chuckled, his eyes scanning the sky again. ‘A meteor, sweets. You probably saw a meteor.’

She exploded into a gale of giggles, blushing quite furiously as she did. ‘Ohh, thank god! I didn’t think I was ‘that’ stoned so quickly…’

‘What, did you think I was out here just staring at nothing?’

She took a sip and reclined, giggling the entire time. The two of them spent the next ten minutes silently watching the sky. On more than one occasion, she would catch movement on her left and glance over, only to find him looking at her. The coy stares were fun, but she shivered as the night breeze slipped over her skin. He must have noticed, because for no reason he rose and stripped his sweatshirt off.

‘Here you go…I won’t have you catching a cold on my watch.’

She smiled softly and wanted to argue until her eyes took in his body. After four years of college herself, she was used to guys with good, hard bodies. So, it always took something more to attract her. She liked guys that were artistic and smart. She had never really been attracted to jocks, because they were usually jerks. With Dean it was the opposite…she met him when younger, and their friendship was already solid. She knew he was an intellectual, despite his athletic scholarship. So, as he placed his sweatshirt in her lap, she was stuck looking at a body that had been chiseled into a something too perfect for words. Her mind flashed on a comparison to Michelangelo’s ‘David’ as she drank in his beautifully sculpted form.

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MB2 - Mommas Children (Sequel to Mommas Boys) Written by Dauphin Part 1 I am getting older, but Society is not learning. I am Miss Isabella and I know many of you read the first story about me called Momma's Boys. I know people hated me when they read this story, thinking that I forced one boy to be a sissy and another boy to act like a baby. They think I was too dominating. Some thinks I should even be put in jail. I don't think that people...

4 years ago
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Caught sniffing panties

I used to live in a house share with 3 girls and 1 other guy. I fancied one of the girls (Chloe) like crazy, she was slightly larger sized and had massive tits. One day when no one else was in I found a pile of her washing by the washing machine, she had left it there as the machine was being used by someone else. I looked around to make sure no one was about and started to look through her washing it wasn’t long before I found a matching set of sexy underwear. They were silky blue panties and...

2 years ago
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Path To GloryChapter 28

Leslie and I spent the rest of the morning with me inserted somewhere. She did a wonderful job of getting me clear to the edge and stopping. The one time I came, she immediately took me in her mouth and got me hard again. She left a little after 8 a.m. and Tom got back just before 9. "I think I hate you," he said. "My dream girl and you stole her. Dude, what were you doing while I was talking to her?" I told her I had no idea what he was referring to. "Leslie is a married woman,...

3 years ago
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The Trials of First Love

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday sweet Anna, happy birthday to you,” seeped into my ears as my eyes opened to see my mother knelt beside my bed singing quietly off key. “Happy birthday my baby,” she said as I smiled at her and felt the world was in order. She had woken me like this on my birthday as far back as I could remember. It was her thing and no one else’s, our special moment. When she rubbed my cheek and gave me a kiss as she stood I stretched and tossed my...

First Time
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Sex With My Office Colleague

Dear Friends, I am going to narrate here my true experience with my office colleague. Names change due to privacy. I am Raj, and let’s call her Ruhi. After completing my MBA, I had joined a recruitment firm, in Mumbai, as i belong from Mumbai. I joined in the month of Sept 2008 and she joined 2 months later. She was working as a receptionist. About myself, I am an average looking guy, with medium size dick, but can make any women happy. She had very nice and big boobs, and her ass was large,...

2 years ago
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Dorm Room Fun

* A true story of my own experience. Some names have been changed to protect that person's privacy.During my first year of college I was dating one of my friend's brother for about 8, almost 9 months. (Now she doesn't know this, so don't tell her.) Anyway, this guy was hot. When I say hot I mean 'damn it almost burns when I touch him!' hot. He was my complete opposite. Where I was 5'2", 120 pounds, he was 6'4" and 185 pounds of pure, tanned muscle. I have black hair, brown eyes. He had blonde...

Straight Sex
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A Congress of Baboons Book 2 of the VeneriesChapter 5 The House is not a Home

Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. Henry A. Kissinger Dave I scheduled meetings with our two gently loving Congressmen and their wives. We planned to set up three apartments, one for the two men and one for each of them with their spouses. The latter would be the residences known to the public, but with private elevator service to all of them, and to the garage and secluded entrance. Stu Wilhelm and “Van” Vanderpool clearly were warm people, with wives who thought of the multiple...

2 years ago
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Becoming a man Part 2

It's now the next Friday, almost a week since I tasted the sweetness Jessica had left in her panties. I kept going back to her hamper looking for more panties , that she had gotten wet in. Sadly I couldn't find any, the panties I had of hers were used up from my Daily masturbating to Jessica. Still can't believe how horny I am for my Stepmom, I haven't thought about any other females. Again it's Friday, I just got home from football practice. I knew dad wasn't there, he was still at work for a...

3 years ago
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First and best time ever Part 2

I became aware of the room again, what had just happened had taken me out of my body. I looked up at Mark and Launa both smiling at me and I wanted more! I was still technically a virgin and that just wouldn't do. I turned to Launa and said "I think its Mark's turn"We giggled like school girls and positioned ourselves so that Mark was in the middle. I reached over and took Mark's rigid cock in my hand and started to stroke. I'd given hand jobs before and thought I was doing alright but then...

First Time
4 years ago
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Ballad of the SamuraiChapter 10

Arrian, hurry home! I'm in trouble! Arrian hit the brakes on the car and looked pale. His face quickly colored as anger set in. "What the hell Arrian?!?" Kailynn yelled. Arrian gave her a look that shut her up. He opened his window and closed his eyes. My lord, how may I be of service to you? I need you to carry the car to our home; can you do it? Yes lord, it can be done, I should tell you it will drain you a bit, much more so than before. Do it. Kailynn and Samantha looked on as...

4 years ago
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Closed Encounter

Closed Encounter Copyright Don Abdul ©2008 Darnell had discovered the adult bookstore quite accidentally a week ago, inside he’d seen a couple of erotic story books he’d been trying to find for ages. Since he wasn’t carrying nearly enough cash on that visit, he planned to return later to buy them. He had planned to close early and go to the bookstore for those books, but right after lunch break, things got very busy. He didn’t get to leave the office until 8.00 p.m. that night. As he stepped...

2 years ago
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Little Yellow Dress

They had been in their new house for a few months now. There time there had been very quiet as the neighbours had been away on holiday. Rob had made breakfast and set it out on the table on the back veranda. Jan was just getting out of the shower when she heard Rob getting things ready. She quickly dried herself and grabbed one of the cute slips that Rob had bought for her. It was a pretty pale blue colour, just covered her pussy and was quite sheer. It did a great job of showing off her...

4 years ago
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Lucky Josh part 13

His reverie was broken when a sporty looking blonde popped up from behind the reception desk. “Oh sorry sir” she started “I didn’t see you come in, how may I help you?” She was a good looking woman of maybe thirty years of age, in excellent shape and dressed in form fitting workout clothes, her long blonde hair in a ponytail and her smile was warm. Her name tag read Amber and had a black four after her name. “I have an appointment with Burt” he said followed by a softer “among others.” A...

1 year ago
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My boss and me a good combination

I tell u previously that I am a very good looking man with giant tool when I was 20 I am working in a firm as a personal secretary to a very sexy looking, good figured lady of about 26 years of age named Leeza. On one week end we have a lot of work to be wind up. So we decided that I will go to her home on Sunday and Monday, she gets a nice bungalow on a place a bit far from city, on 8:00 am. When I get to her place on Sunday her gatekeeper tell me to park my motor cycle in the porch. When I...

2 years ago
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A Simpleton Becomes Business Women 15

Then she tried with her old boyfriend and then with Mr. Vijay Kumar to have a child but all her efforts were fruitless as ever. Then she went to Her sister who was blessed with a baby girl to assist her in raising her baby. In her quest to have her own child she visits an ashram to take a special treatment. She was given Diksha and named Maya after Diksha. In Part 14 you Read Maya: Jai Linga Maharaj. Guruji I had used the cream last night you send for me. Guru-ji: That is very Good...

2 years ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Ashton Blake 23483

Ricky feels bad for Ashton Blake because she’s divorced, alone, can’t cook well, and her son doesn’t give her any attention. Being her son’s friend, Ricky wants to make her feel good, so he allows her to take care of him and make him a plate of food that he really doesn’t want to eat. Ms. Blake is astonished when she sees that his plate is magically cleaned, which makes her ecstatic! So much in fact that she wants to take extra-good care of Ricky while her son is glued to the TV in his room...

2 years ago
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The Trail

“Hello in the shelter,” the female voice called from the dark. “Hello,” I answered. “Come on in.” The two women who entered were young and fit looking. That was the only positive thing about them, since they had been on the trail a while. “Could we share your fire?” the older one asked. “Sure, I’ve finished my supper,” I replied. While they cooked the younger one said, “I’m Liz a senior at TSU in the school of health services. This is my professor, Doctor Ames. We are test driving a student...

4 years ago
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Tender Mercies

1. A bolt of panic shot down my spine when I heard the key settling in the lock. My eyes flickered over towards the door: it had to be Aunt Cathy! What was she doing home so early? She'd headed off to her bridge club less than fifteen minutes ago; I wasn't expecting her back for several hours. My pulse leapt into overdrive as the key slid into place with an audible CLACK! NO! I thought, feeling the colour rise in my cheeks. My lips parted in a silent gasp. My greatest fear was about...

3 years ago
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MarciaChapter 3

Here we were in the classiest hotel in town; naked together in a luxurious bed ... had showered, during which we had a bent over quickie beneath the pelting water. We ordered room service—hamburgers—chitchatted about our week ... she tried to pin me to the wall with the question of whether or not I thought she was lovable. After passing the test I was primed for more sex. I thought the quickie in the shower was just a tune up for something more spectacular. Instead, after being in the hotel...

4 years ago
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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 41 Fate Intervenes

When Vanessa realized that she no longer had her scripted speech notes with her her mouth went all dry as a huge wave of panic swept over her. She stopped hearing anything that was going on around her as her mind raced back frantically over all the events of the last hour or so. She wasn’t even really hearing anything Tracey was saying to her or anything she was saying to him. Once Vanessa’s mind was back at the house and she knew where her speech notes were she knew she had but one option...

1 year ago
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NudeVista Shemale

Have you ever heard of NudeVista? Of course, you have! The porn discovery engine has been around for over 20-years. Originally a place to visit if you wanted to find porn pictures, the platform has evolved to offer videos, model pages, and so much more!That includes finding shemale pornography that will make you cum your goddamn brains out! Don’t believe me? Well, how about checking out Here, you will discover all kinds of amazing shemale pornography bound to get you off....

Shemale Porn Sites
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I remember Bethany

By the Piano Man I don’t think we liked each other at first. Even though I thought Beth was pretty, I assumed she was a dumb Midwestern redneck and she thought I was some Uncle Tom because of my white dinner jacket and my smooth demeanor. The first time I saw Beth she was working as a waitress in the Denver bar where I played piano on the weekend. She was from Iowa and you might describe her as ‘perky’ and hardworking and you’ve seen a thousand like her every four years when the media descend...

3 years ago
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Dream with my student comes true

My name is Aneesh and I’m staying in Kerala. This incident happends 2years back and now i’m working in chennai. I completed my engineering in 2007 and by that time i was placed in CTS. But i was not too interested to join in a software company and waste my future for money. So i was trying for some other jobs here in kerala itself. Luckily i got in one engineering college. At that time my mothers friend one Aunty seeked my help to teach her daughter. TO be frank she is a girl wearing spex and...

3 years ago
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The boss

Michelle had just left college and had been lucky to be working in a typing pool for a large insurance company, it was her first day and was real nervous as she entered the building she looked around it was huge and very busy, she felt real small, she spotted a security reception and went over to the desk “excuse me it’s my first day and need to go to section 331 and report to a miss Ellison”, the young lad on reception smiled as he directed her to the lift and told her where to go.As Michelle...

2 years ago
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Southern Hospitality

I had made it a mile or two down the road when the warm glow of headlights appeared behind me. I turned around and stuck out my thumb. A classic 50's pick up truck pulls over and I hear a sweet southern drawl call out to me, "Hop in, Sug." I sit down and shut the door and turn to thank this kind stranger and thats when I see her face. A sweet caramel brown skintone with long straightend black hair. I guessed her to be about 5'8" and 110 pounds. She smiled at me and asked where I was...

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Lilly Bell Dominated Dicked Facialed

Curvaceous blonde Lilly Bell teases in a tiny blue dress and a silver chain belt. Lewd pornographer/dominant fucker Bryan Gozzling runs his hands up her legs and exposes her wet pussy. She caresses his meaty cock and then kneels eagerly to give him a blowjob. Lilly flashes bright blue eyes as Bryan stuffs his thick boner down her throat. She spreads her legs on the couch, and Bryan drives his dick into Lilly’s cunt. He fingers her, making the young tramp squeal in heat. Bryan douses Lilly...

3 years ago
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An accident going bad

I went to the mall recently to get some things I needed for an upcoming beach vacation I was planning. It was a typical mall that we have in the US with big name anchor stores and 50 or more small shops inside the mall. I was in one of the big anchor stores looking for luggage. I also thought I would check out the sunglasses. I saw some transition sunglasses that change based on the amount of light. I knew they had transition eyeglasses but I never knew they had transition sunglasses. It was a...

4 years ago
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Dragon Ball Zero

///My first story here, all I hope for is making something fun. You're all welcome to create your own options, paths and storylines for different genders and races./// Seven orange orbs floating around you, each one with an single star more than the previous one. They were quiet, yet somehow provoking. Wanting you to find them. To make your wishes come true. To be better. Soon, the reality comes back. You get off your bed, dress up and look into the mirror. Who even are you?

3 years ago
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7 March 2009Chapter 3

Susan parked her car beside Sandra’s in her doublewide driveway. Escorted inside she and Alex were given the grand tour. They were impressed with its size and layout including the in-ground pool in the backyard. Susan was offered a glass of red wine and the girls sat to talk. “I know the house seems too big now for Jessica and I but Roger and I bought it brand new and I don’t have the heart to sell it.” “Then don’t. It sure has the story and a half married quarters Alex and I live in beat....

4 years ago
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Principal Has Fun

"Come in and close the door." You do so. "Lock it." You look at me, raise a quizzical eyebrow, but you turn the key. "As I understand it, you don't seem to want to follow the rules around here. Seem to think you can do what you please, do you?" You gaze at me steadily without answering, but there seems to be a hint of defiance in your eyes. With a sweep of my hand across the table, I push the books and papers that were on it to the floor. "Get up on the table and kneel down." I notice...

4 years ago
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the fortnite looser

''get him guys get him''''noooooo noooooo stoppppp''I ran as fast as i could but i fell down they caught me took my legs and i was pull like a rag on the floor''yeahhh get him on the bed ''''noooooooo''''get the sissy pink skirt , and the pink panty ''''stopppppp noooooo stopppppp''i was pull by the 3 black teens who tricked me to play fortnite after schoolin boxers all hard and wanting to be sucked by the fortnite looser i never had a chance after loosing the match i saw them all hard bbc in...

4 years ago
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The Find Book 2Chapter 5

The fried chicken was excellent. Tom and Steve sat with Anna, Meg, Vickie, and Micky. First Meg apologized but told them they cannot go in without them so no supervisor can override an order. If you can’t no one can! Both said great idea. Okay talk, Meg told Tom about the 3rd cave, Micky’s arm, the temp change, the distance between #2 and #7, then what they found, 19 feet in #3-1 and 14 feet in #3-2 and that’s not the depth yet. We don’t know yet just deep or will it go into another...

2 years ago
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Seducing My Boss

Ria knew she was in trouble. She had pulled a sick day on the day before Christmas Eve and she knew Anna, her boss, wasn't too happy about it Anna summonsed Ria into her office, a stern look on her face. Truth be told, Anna wasn't what you would call pretty. Her face was pale and her hair was straggly and mousy brown. But, what set her apart from the other females at the store was her figure. Anna was wide at the hips and slender at the stomach; a girls dream body. The store didn't have a...

3 years ago
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One Wild Night

One Wild NightGawaine C. Ross People call me Buck. I’m an artist in oil colors, and a sculptor. I run in marathons, so I’m in good shape. Most women smile when I walk by; I think it’s because I’m 6’6” and wear tight clothing. I have hazel eyes and brown hair. My parents were immigrants from Poland, and our whole family is very close. I have my own apartment and my own studio. I’d known about The Primeval Woman, an annual arts festival that takes place every year out in the Nevada desert. It...

4 years ago
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Double Dating With the Parents Version BravoChapter 7

"It's a good thing Daddy didn't know your parents are out of town," said Mandy, as Claudia poured Coke over the ice cubes in a glass. "What parents don't know won't hurt them," said Claudia. "After all the help you've given me in algebra, I had to help you. Besides, I'm not allowed to date either. Reggie about went crazy when I told him my parents were going out of town." I bet," said Mandy. "You guys have been going together for a while, right?" "Almost six months," said...

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