Playing Truant 1
- 2 years ago
- 23
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I think I jumped back an inch or two when she said that. It hit me like someone had splashed cold water in my face.
I hadn't given a thought to how I was going to use these new powers of mine other than to get whatever I happened to desire at the time. True, some of that desire was things that made the difference between life and death, but getting Karen to swap spit with me wasn't exactly what you would call noble.
I thought about the line from the first Spiderman film — with power comes responsibility or something like that. Lord knows I had power.
Somehow, putting on tights and flying through the air at night, combating evil didn't fit my view of myself. But there had to be a bit more to life than pulling women into my arms.
"I just figured I'd get myself a harem," I joked.
She bopped me on the head. "Why not just fuck em once and throw em away, like my brother?" she said.
"Wrong answer, I guess?"
"You guess right."
I looked over at my parents. They both had grins a mile wide.
"What?" I said.
Dad looked at Mom and said, "I think we were both a little worried that you might get carried away with these new abilities of yours," he said.
Mom continued, "I don't think we have to worry about that with Bev around."
I grunted something, pretending it bothered me. Deep down, I knew they were right.
"So you two think I should keep her, then," I said.
I got punched in the shoulder and Bev said, "You better!"
I took her hand and kissed it. Good move, if I say so myself.
"Speaking of you better," she said, "Did you ever text Karen?"
"No, I didn't think it was important."
That earned me another punch in the shoulder. These wrong answers were starting to hurt.
"Val, you can't just leave her hanging like that. She'll probably cum if she gets a text from you. If she doesn't, it will be like you're treating her the way Jimmy treats his women."
"I don't want to do that," I said.
"You should do something for Alice, too."
"Like what?"
"I don't know. Something to let her know you appreciate her. Send her a card if you can find one that's not too sappy. Find one that says 'For a Special Friend' or something like that and is blank inside. Then write something sincere, thanking her for taking care of you."
Vicky said, "Shoot, you keep doing this and you'll end up with your harem after all."
Bev said, "That's OK, Vick. We all know he's going to, it's just a matter of treating them right, not going out and collecting them."
"Well I don't know about anyone else, I said, "But all this talking has tired me out. I think I'm going to go to bed. Tomorrow I need to go get some clothes, in case anyone wants to go with me."
Both Bev and Vicky said they were going.
"Mom, I tried my new boots on and they don't fit now. I didn't get a chance to wear them after you gave them to me so I need to exchange them if I can."
"OK, Honey. I think I can find the receipt."
"If you can't, I've got the credit card statement" Dad said. "He can take a copy of that to the boot store."
"Can I borrow something to drive tomorrow? I don't think the cops will let me take the two of them on my Honda. They frown about three people on a bike."
Mom said, "We'll discuss it and figure out something."
"I wish I had something bigger. It looks like I'm going to need it."
Bev took Vicky's hand, then she grabbed mine.
"Come on, you guys. It's time for bed," she said.
Friday morning was a repeat of Thursday. I woke up firmly wedged in Bev's butt cheeks with a tit in my hand. I felt my sister's tits in my back and her muff against my butt. She'd worked her hand down between Bev and me and was cupping the front part of my balls and her thumb was around the base of my cock.
I got up, they groaned, they fell upon each other. After standing in front of the toilet for five minutes, I gave up and went into the shower. A couple of minutes later I was un-stiff enough to pee.
Nobody came in the help me in the shower this time. I was able to get in and out quickly but I was a little disappointed. Hell. A lot disappointed. Those two were spoiling me.
The house was unlit. I can't say it was dark because I could see everything just fine. It was 4:30 when I went into the kitchen and I made coffee. When it was ready I poured myself a cup. Nobody was up yet so I decided to go check out the animals. I hadn't taken the time to see them since I'd come back. I grabbed a couple of apples and a few carrots.
There were a couple of new foals. It was Spring and Spring means babies. I went up to one of them, a black and white filly. She was real friendly, coming right up to the railing. I reached in and scratched the top of her head, then behind an ear. She shook her head and snorted, then leaned in for more. I took out one of the carrots and I immediately had a friend for life.
Mama came over to make sure wasn't harming her baby and I greeted her before giving her an apple. She let me know I'd be welcome any time as long as I came with gifts.
When they were satisfied I went over to the other stall with a baby. This one was also a filly but she was mostly brown. Her front feet had white stockings and there was a white blaze on her nose. Her tail had six or eight strands of white and the rest was brown. The carrot and apple were just as popular here.
I had one more apple and that went to Buster. Buster had been my horse when I started riding. He was retired now and spent his days in the pasture when it wasn't too cold. He was still one beautiful animal. He seemed to smile when he saw me and he nuzzled me before taking the apple I had out for him.
I went over to the hen house. There were plenty of chicks, but then, there are always plenty of chicks. I went around and harvested the eggs. Might as well do a little work while I was out here.
I made one more stop before I went back in. Mom's garden. For some reason, that symbolized home to me more than anything else. Part of my job had been to protect it for as long back as I could remember. Rabbits were a big nuisance and lord knows I'd shot my share of them. A couple of times a season Mom would order me and Vicky out to the garden and we'd weed for four or five hours. But it had paid back countless times for what little work we put into it.
It was starting to come back in. I could see some tomato plants and some peppers and some beans. There were the inevitable squash. No vegetables yet, it was too early for that, but I knew the plants from years of seeing them. I leaned over and pulled a couple of weeds, then picked up the bowl of eggs and went into the kitchen.
Mom was sitting at the table with her cup of coffee. "Good morning. Oh, thank you," she said when she saw the eggs.
"Might as well. I was out there and didn't have anything pressing to do."
I poured myself a new cup and kissed her before I sat down.
"How did you sleep?" she said.
"Pretty good. I've noticed I don't seem to need as much sleep these days. I'm tired at night but I wake up early and have no desire to go back to sleep."
"You sure don't sound like my son."
I shook. "Mom, I have to tell you, that freaks me out. I'm still the same Val I've always been. I can't help it if things are a little different. Let me ask you this? How different was I this last fall from when I started first grade?"
She snorted. "Come on, Val. There's no comparison."
"So do you think aliens did something with your son between kindergarten and last year?"
"Of course not. You grew, you matured. Things change."
"Are you the same as when you married Dad?"
"In some ways. But no, I see what you're saying."
"Mom, I'll be the first to admit, I've had a lot to get used to since I woke up two days ago. But I'm still the same guy that went to sleep before New Years. I don't know why I changed. I just know I did and I have to live with it. I'm not going to change back and it's not all perfect, you know. Sometimes it's like I have to learn to walk all over again. If I do the wrong thing, there are consequences. And if I really do the wrong thing, those consequences can be pretty bad. I'm glad I have you and Dad and the girls to keep me in line."
"Val, I haven't told you this. I haven't even told your father. After a month or so, I accepted that you were dead. Not that you might be dead; I gave up on ever seeing you again and decided I needed to put you aside and get on with my life. It was a shock hearing you on the phone the other day. And then when I saw you and how strong you are and how you've grown, it was like ... I don't know. How could I give up on you so easily? Like I didn't have any faith in you, like I didn't love you. I'm having a hard time forgiving myself."
The tears were flowing and had been while she was telling me this. I went over to her side of the table and put my arm around her. She hugged me and leaned against my chest, her hair up against my chin. I didn't say anything, I just held her.
She sat up and sniffed. A Kleenex magically appeared and she blew her nose and dabbed at her eyes and her nose, sniffing some more. "You must think I'm awful. Do you think you can ever forgive me?"
I chuckled and squeezed her which got a look of disapproval from her. "Don't be stupid, Mom. There's nothing for me to forgive. You know how I said Jimmy kept calling me a wimp when I was talking to you guys yesterday?"
She nodded and sniffed again.
"Well, he wasn't that far off. You know, I didn't realize until I bulked up how much I've been afraid of him. My whole life he was bigger, older. He got to go hunting a year before I did, he carried around a six gun. I was always following him and doing things I knew were wrong because I was scared of his reaction. I've always gone with the flow. I've never been assertive. It's no wonder you thought somebody like that wasn't going to make it. Mom, I was out there. I know how cold it was. By all rights, I should have died from my foot or my leg or both in that cave and maybe somebody would have found my bones twenty years from now. People who knew what they were doing searched all over the place for a month and they gave up on me. How can you blame yourself for doing the same thing? I love you Mom and I'll always love you. So knock off this stupid blaming yourself for trying to survive a terrible situation. I know how bad I'd feel if you or Dad died and I know it's a lot worse when a child dies. I'm just glad you didn't break down and end up drinking or on drugs."
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IncestAs per Pufynsnup’s directions, the witch finds Chiz and his captor fairly easily. “What have we here?” Burnnut asks, turning the face the catgirl. “I am here for the ... the...” Penelope looks at the creature lying stiff on the ground. “What is that?” Beats me. “I’m a gremlin, you moron,” Chiz says hastily. “Well, if I’m going to be insulted the moment I show up to save you, then I’m leaving,” she says, folding her arms across her chest and spinning around. No you’re not. “On second...
One of my first mature lovers was a divorcee named Jean who is 58, and a former work colleague. Jean worked in the same office, still does in fact.We first had got together when I had been dropping her home for a few weeks, and as a thank you she said that, if I did not mind, she would like to make me some dinner.I have always found older women more attractive and I had more than a few wanks thinking about Jean so I was happy to spend some more time with her. We had a nice meal, than sat in her...
It's late one Friday evening and I'm sitting alone on the couch with my friend Christy, we are just relaxing watching movies; she is keeping me company while my husband is deployed. I have been happily married for 10 years, but the constant deployments have taken their toll on us, leading to much sexual frustration and curiosity. It is getting late and Christy asks if she can stay the night, I don't mind I reply. Christy is a few years younger than I and a friend I met at work; we enjoy each...
INTERMISSIONMarjorie Marchbanks clamped her plump thighs to the cheeks of the slave-girl in between them.„That will do,“ she said. Her voice was low and lazy.The tongue which had been servicing her for a good quarter of an hour ceased its movements, yet remained in position. Marjorie Marchbanks sighed contentedly. She had been brought to two orgasms, had wanted a third, yet seemed unable to rise to it. Two plump arms stretched languorously; two hillockbreasts rose up.„I shan’t have you caned,...
"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** The Street Rat - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Eric Carroll was a child prostitute who did his tricks for drugs. An unscrupulous doctor with a strange kinky desire, traded the drugs he supplied to the boy with feminine hormones from the hospital's...
“Happy anniversary!” he said as his wife of two years closed the door behind her. She threw her arms around her husband and kissed him gently. “Happy anniversary to you, too. You working out?” She asked as she eyed his white tank-top and red basketball shorts. He laughed and spun his wife in a full circle, kissing her again. “Nope, I just took a shower”. She spotted the bouquet of flowers on the table and rushed over to them, gathering them in her hands and bringing the fragrant bundle to her...
EroticEveryone's first time was either great or horrible. Mine was neither. I It was just a week before Highschool and I had been talking to a guy I had a crush with in Middle School on IM. He was the ladies' man type of guy. He was muscular, adorable and smart. He went out with numerous girls in Middle School, and I was just the type who could only dream of having a boyfriend. Anyways, I blushed everytime we talked, and I had always waited for him to go online. Finally, after hours and hours of...
First TimeHiya folks: a while back, Caleb and I thought about creatiing a competitor to the Spells r' Us stores, who would open up their own store right across the mall from them. I guess that you could call this story the first entry into that sub- universe. It's called Ye Olde Body Shoppe (YOBS for short). We thought that the close proximity of thse shoppes would tweek the old wizard conceived by Bill Hart, driving him to further acts of madness. Additionally, I wanted to try an...
My name is Mary Webb, and I have been around, let me tell you. I love men and women both. I guess you can say I am a 'free spirit'. Let me describe myself to you. I am 38 yrs. old with shoulder length dark brown hair and dark almond shaped eyes. I am 5'6" tall and weigh 118 lbs. My figure is 38-24-36. I just love to wear short miniskirts with black seamed thigh-high stockings, with no panties, just a garter belt. I also like to wear 5" heels with my outfit. I always...
Sue was getting accustomed to being grabbed as she walked to the beach naked since most of her clothes had been impounded during the day only to appear like magic shortened or opened at the front to show off her stocking tops which were compulsory as evening wear whenever they went clubbing. She even was getting used to being pulled to a another apartment or if in the dunes pulled to the sand –a cock or cunt would be pushed to her lips suck or lick the instruction would be barked at her – the...
A Year Ago - part XVIII by MadQuill This is an evolving story of Sara's sensual investigations. Please review the first phases of the story... The delay of nearly a year cannot be excused but I hope the many readers will enjoy the re-start of Sara's adventure. I awoke from the sun coming through a gap in the drapery. As I looked about I did not see Thomas and I sat up. As I looked toward the door I saw Jennifer the maid standing with a tray. She was dressed in her...
Enough time has passed after my divorce, (12 years now) that now allows me to tell this story, where it wouldn’t matter any longer to those who might think it was a story about them. Some names have been changed, but most “is”, as it occurred, barring memory loss from time lapses. So, enough disclaimer, on with the story. Scratching my chin, looking up in the air sideways, eyes half closed, as one does when they are trying to remember. Seems to me it happened this way, and in this...
Final Ladybug wiped her eyes, post battle teleports always made her tear up. The three Judges, additional staff from Central Bank, her guild mates and various others she didn’t recognize where in the great hall. Her battle avatar was the first to run up to her and give her a great big hug. The only person missing was Queen Bitch. Before she could be attacked with a thousand and one questions, an older white male wearing an all white suit approached her. The people here kept their distance from...
I was hanging out at a friend's house the other day, drinking, playing on the Xbox, generally having a good time. His wife and I were flirting a little bit, like we always do, but nothing over the top or anything. My wife was out of town, so I'd already planned on spending the night there on the couch, something I've done a number of times.While we were playing, he got a phone call and had to go to work, headed out of town overnight. After he left, she and I kept playing and drinking, since...
Triumvirate Book 2 By Paradox Wolf Springs, Wyoming, Buckman Rental Property She gasped as the combination of a warm, wet tongue laving her tight, puckered nipple and the thrust of a hot, steel-hard member driving deep within her soft, hungry sex sent her mind reeling amidst a wash of delicious pleasure that threatened to blank her mind. Her nails clawed desperately at the strong back of the body that lay positioned...