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This story, though seemingly unrelated, is the second part of the trilogy that was begun with Tender Mercies. The series ends (presently) with The Chaos Blade.

Part 1 : Yamara

Chapter 1

Darkness. Darkness and pain, my first memories. Hiding in the closet of the room my mother and I shared while she conducted her business. I was too young to know what she was. A whore. Too young to know much of anything, really. I was only a few years old, perhaps five, I do not know.

The pain? Well, the pain came from time to time when one of the men visiting her would discover me. Some were kind, some were not. Most were not. The worst time was also the last. That was the time when a merchant with a fondness for abuse visited my mother. She had seen him before, but he was never so violent. That time, he beat her to within an inch of her life while he rode her, and then he hit her again. Again and again, the man pounded himself into her while his fists fell on her. When he was done, he must have heard my sobs.

Yanking the sheet that hid me aside, he stared down at me. A wisp of a girl, with dirty blond hair and big eyes. Big green eyes with trails of tears running down my cheeks. I have since learned that many people, indeed most, would be moved by such a sight. Well, in the town of Ossulmere, ruled by a corrupt council and powered by its deals with creatures and beings whose origins and powers are cloaked in dark secrecy, kindness and compassion had little place. It was a lesson hard learned, but his renewed virility and violent beating taught me well as he left me for dead alongside my mother.

My mother and I were both dumped out with the garbage in the alley behind the brothel. They knew I lived, but being so young and freshly violated I was not worth the effort necessary to help me live. Cradling cracked ribs and swollen skin, I hid amongst the garbage, making no noise lest the equally corrupt city watch should discover me, or worse yet, any of the beggars, thieves, or other unspeakable things that roamed the night streets of Ossulmere. In the end, I managed to heal and survive, eating what scraps of food I could discover and remaining hidden.

So many times I had seen my mother beaten or abused by her customers. I saw her cry and plead for mercy from them. I saw what little it had gotten her most of the time. I vowed then and there that I would not be weak. I would not rely upon the kindness and actions of others for my own well being. I also vowed, as I sat there huddled amongst stinking refuse to scared and alone to cry, that I would not miss her. I have almost never cried from grief again.

As soon as I had healed enough, I moved out, heading for the markets. There I learned to beg and to steal. Always poor, I spent several months living like that, always hungry and cold, but growing smarter and more wily by the day. My skills grew rapidly, and soon I attracted the attention of the Ornithrym, my hand caught in the wrong man’s grasp as I tried to nick his purse.

In Ossulmere the thieves guild and the Ornithrym are closely related. Some say they are one and the same, though they are not. Most children in my position, if they managed to survive, would end up in the thieves guild, though perhaps 1 in 10 of those would make it to adulthood, and 1 in 10 of those die of natural causes years later. Such was not my case, by pure twist of fate.

I remember well the man looking at me, sizing me up. Then he stared into my eyes, an amused smile on his face. Then he said to me, ‘You’re no thief, girl, you’re a different kind of animal. Come to the Temple of Melnar and put this in the offering plate if you want a warm meal and a place to sleep.’

He was gone then, but in my hand I held the sheathed dagger he had pressed into it. My mouth fell open as I beheld it, then I quickly remembered my position and hid it beneath my clothes. I did not take it out to look again until darkness fell and I was safely hidden amongst my garbage.

It looked big and powerful and so full of potential to me. A simple dagger, with no special work about its hilt or pommel save for an ornate O engraved into the crosspiece. Yet to me it was filled with hope. With that dagger, there was so much I could do. I could finally put an end to the older and larger beggars that sent me running every time they saw me, with unwholesome things upon their mind no doubt.

Even at that young age, I was no maiden. One man that visited my mother once discovered me and offered her a great price to have me. My mother refused at first, but as the price raised, her resolve wavered. In the end, I came to know the touch of a man far to young for any girl to know, and my mother was racked with sobs as she looked away. My pain and misery was such at that memory that I feared it would always be so, so when the older boys found me, I always managed to slip away. And now that I had a weapon, I could show them up again, for none of them had something so fine as forged and crafted steel.

Then reality set in, and I realized that no matter how fine a weapon it was, I had no idea how to use it. My excitement at the day’s catch had sent me to my hole so quickly that it was a long and cold night filled with hunger pains. Winter was nearly upon me.

No, I did not go the Temple of Melnar that night, or for many nights thereafter. I kept the dagger hidden about my person and continued my life as I knew it. As much as the promise of a warm meal and safe place to sleep appealed to me, I refused to entrust my safety to the words of someone else. And even more so, the Temple of Melnar was a place to be feared by most. Halador, the world upon which I was born, has many Gods, and each has their own worshippers. Melnar is the God of Strife. He is an evil God, and why some men worship him is beyond me. But I suppose all manner of Gods are needed to keep a world balanced. Needed by who, I did not know, for I knew I did not need them. No God had helped me at any time. No, religion was not for me. I had heard of the great powers that clerics and priests wielded in the name of their Gods, but that was only for those with the means to pay for such services, and even then, to be a servant of such a being was just that, a life of servitude. I would live for myself.

A month later, nearly frozen to the bone by the harsh winds and cold weather that gripped the Storres Sea that Ossulmere had a harbor on, I finally relented and visited the Temple of Melnar. The guards at the doors eyed me with contempt. Inside there was no mass going on, but acolytes moved about, doing whatever holy (or unholy) things they had been assigned. I moved to the offering plate and pulled the dagger out from where I had hidden it close to my stomach. I looked at it for a moment, I remember, with hesitation and indecision weighing heavily on me. A cold gust of wind from the doors as someone else entered helped me make up my mind, and the dagger fell into the plate. I turned and walked to a seat in the cathedral, sitting down and looking around. I felt scared again, there was an energy in the very air around me and it seemed to push against me. I could taste it, and it tasted foul.

Then it was gone. I realized some time had passed, but I did not know how long. I heard footsteps, and glancing behind me I saw an acolyte approach. He stopped beside me expectantly. Not knowing what to do, I feared I was in trouble. I got up from the pew and stood before him, staring up at him, trying to pierce the darkness of his hood. He turned and walked away, and after a moment of hesitation, I followed.

Into the back of the temple we went, beyond many rooms given over to a variety of purposes, from storage to sleeping chambers to offices to even smaller, private chapels. Finally he opened a thick door made of bronzed wood and led me down a set of lighted stairs. Now we were in a cellar of sorts, and I soon came to discover, a small dungeon as well. Another flight of stairs down and another reinforced
door and I was in a large room with tables and several people in it. Many of them looked at me as I entered, and I was struck by how they all appeared to be the sort of people I would expect to find in a location such as this, yet without exception, they all appeared to be healthy and in good condition, both their persons and equipment.

The acolyte led me through the room down a hallway to a door. Knocking upon it, he turned and left. I knew not to follow him, though inside my chest my heart beat so loudly and quickly that I feared whoever was behind the door would hear it. When it opened, I saw the man from the marketplace sitting behind a desk. Another man was sitting at a chair opposite him. I stepped into the room then, perhaps the hardest step I had taken up to that point in my life.

I looked behind me as the door shut. Nobody was there to shut it, which made the hairs on my arms stand up in concern. The only thing I knew of wizardry I had heard muttered in the brothel or amongst commoners, and it was always curses and whispers of fear and loathing. I had no place for sorcery in my life either, I had my wits and my body, and from them I would make the most of myself.

‘She’s a bit young,’ The visiting man said, studying me with his eyes. ‘And poorly fed, I doubt she’s got the strength to survive a day, let alone the testing.’

‘She is, but look in her eyes, there’s power in there, I think she’s just what we need,’ The other man said, idly toying with the dagger I had possessed for several weeks.

‘Did you like having this, girl?’ He addressed me.

I glanced at him and the other man, seeing both of them watching me curiously. I had made my decision when I entered the room, there was no going back now. ‘Yes,’ I admitted.

‘Would you like to have it again?’ He asked me.

I shrugged, determined not to give them anything to use over me. In spite of how being armed felt, I knew that without the knowledge to use it, having the dagger did me little good.

‘What is your name?’ The other man asked.

‘Yamara Blackcloak.’ My voice betrayed nothing, or so I like to think.

‘Take your clothes off, girl,’ He said, though his voice was one of curiosity, not lechery.

I glanced at the man behind the desk, but he gave no sign to me, instead merely looking on with his own interest while he continued to toy with the dagger. I did as he asked then, having no other bargaining chip. Off came the rags that had become my clothing, from the overlarge bag I had gnawed and torn holes in and fashioned into a tunic, to the threadbare pants that my mother had patched time and again for me, which now showed new holes and tears in them. Nonetheless, they ended up on the floor beside me, for that was all I owned.

Both men showed surprise then, for while I was only 5 or 6 years old, my body already had a story to tell. Flat chested and hairless where it counts, what stood out about me was not my physical immaturity nor how skinny I was, but the scars that showed on my pale skin. Without a word from them, I turned slowly, arms stretched out, so they could see everything. My back and buttocks were much the same as my front, lightly scarred from serious injuries mostly long past. When I had completed my turn, the men looked at one another.

‘Wounds that look as though they would have killed a full grown man on that slip of a girl!’ The visiting man said.

‘Aye, I told you she has hidden strength,’ My possible benefactor replied.

‘But does she have a mind to match it?’ The other man wondered rhetorically. ‘Come here girl,’ he ordered.

‘How old are you?’ He asked me after studying me more closely and muttering something under his breath that I later learned to be a magical spell. He reached down and clinically touched my hairless slit, sliding his finger up inside me quickly. I felt the pressure of it but no pain, only an uncomfortable sensation. Nowhere near as uncomfortable some of the sensations some other men had caused me, however, so I stayed where I was.

‘I don’t know,’ I admitted. Not only did I not know how old I was, but I had no idea then how to count.

‘5 years old?’ Said the man behind the desk. The other grunted agreement.

‘Had I a daughter your age, I would kill the man that took from you what has been taken.’ To the other man he said, ‘She is no maiden, though at her age I trust that be no fault of her own.’

The man behind the desk grinned and said, ‘Excellent, that will keep the Melnarians upstairs from wanting her for any of their unholy rites. They require virgins for their sacrifices.’

Again the man grunted. Then he looked at me and said, ‘Girl – Yamara – you have the opportunity to join with the Ornithrym. All that lies ahead of you is a test. Pass it and you become one of us, to be educated and trained as well as even ourselves, should you prove worthy. Fail and you will die. Are you ready?’

‘What of your promise of warm food and a bed?’ I asked, staring at the man behind the desk to gauge his reaction.

‘It is yours if you pass the test,’ He responded.

I nodded then and waited for what was to happen next. ‘Take this,’ The man said, offering me the dagger. ‘You will have need of it.’

I stepped closer to the desk and reached out, my hand closing over the hilt of the dagger. I gasped then, for a sudden surge of energy flowed through me. Blinking, I opened my eyes to see I was elsewhere. Above me I heard cheering. Looking up I saw several men and woman sitting in seats around the pit I was in. It was a gladiatorial arena with walls easily 12 feet high. I quickly located the two men I had been speaking to only moments before, they sat quietly, watching me intently. I scrambled to my feet then, realizing that I had been laying on the sandy floor of the arena. Glancing at myself, I saw that I was still naked, but that in my hand I still held the dagger.

I saw no opponent in the arena for me, only a pile of bones where someone had long ago fought and died. The catcalls and jeering of the crowd died then, and the man who had given me the dagger twice now stood up. ‘As is the custom, the new recruit will fight the last recruit who failed, may Melnar favor you.’

I cursed under my breath then, for the man began chanting and moving his hands in a funny way. If I had known he was a wizard, I never would have tried to pick his pocket in the first place. As for cursing, well, I had never really tried it to much before, but I had heard the men that visited my mother use those words many times, and now seemed as good a time as any for me to use them too. The words failed me when he finished his spell though, for the pile of bones I had noticed now began to animate. With grinding noises that made my spine ache, they shifted around and slowly stood up, resembling once again the human that they had once been.

It stumbled towards me, propelled by arcane means I had no hope of fighting against. I scrambled away from it, desperately looking for a place to run and hide from it. The arena was not that big, however, and there were no visible ways in or out. It almost cornered me once, its bony fingers scratching along my shoulderblade as I ducked away from it. I could feel the burn of torn skin and new I would have some fresh scars if I survived this thing.

Survival was always my main goal, and knowing that escape was not an option, my mind turned to figuring out how else I could survive. Hearing the cheering and jeering, I knew that I was expected to destroy this skeleton. I had no idea how, especially since I was armed with only a dagger and it was unholy creation powered by powerful sorcery. What had once seemed like a big and powerful weapon now felt small and puny in my hands.

I studied it carefully as it approached me. I was much more agile and quicker then it was, but I already knew it was stronger and more powerful. I waited and waited until I had an opening, the I darted in. Striking out as best I could w
ith the dagger, I felt it scrape along the femur of the skeleton, then I was away before its swing could connect with me. I felt my fear melt away then. It turned to despair. I had no idea how I was going to defeat this thing when the weapon I had was all but ineffective against it.

I glanced up again and saw the wizard was concentrating heavily on the skeleton, apparently his spell required him to keep focused on keeping it moving. The other man sat beside him, talking rather animatedly about what was going on as though the wizard could not see it himself. I lost some hair then, the skeletons fingers taking a handful of it with it. I gritted my teeth in pain and dove through its legs before it could do more damage.

Now I was closer to the wizard and his companion. I turned to face them and, taking a desperate chance, threw the dagger at him. As I said, I had no idea how to use a dagger, either in my hand or when thrown, but perhaps Melnar really was favoring that day, for it flew straight and true. The pommel of it hit the wizard in the chest hard enough to make him gasp in surprise and pain. His concentration was broken, that was the important thing.

Less then a foot behind me the skeleton collapsed back into the pile of bones it had begun as. I wasted no time. Turning back to it, I snatched up the pelvic bone and threw it as hard as I could into the stone wall of the arena. I grinned as I heard it crack and saw it fall into several pieces. I scooped up some more of the larger bones, legs, arms, hips, and such, and raced to the other end of the arena. The wizard had recovered and was quickly recasting the spell. I began to feel energy grow in the bones in my hands, but I had reached the wall by then. I began smashing the bones into the wall, feeling them crack and break apart in my hands. Looking back, I saw what remained of the skeleton sitting on the ground, missing a rib or two, as well as its legs and the bottom half of one arm. I looked at the femur in my hand and felt the magical pull on it. Grinning, I walked towards the skeleton, the femur in my hand. I approached it on the side where it had no real arm, and easily dodged the slashing movements made by the stump.

I stepped in behind it and, using both my hands to grip it, swung the femur as hard as I could. It connected solidly with the skeletons skull, which smashed the femur into two pieces and sent the cracked skull flying. It slammed into the arena wall and fell to the sandy floor in pieces. The skeleton in front of me shuddered and collapsed, never to rise again.

The crowd was silent, stunned by what I had done. Then slowly they began making noise. It grew quickly, with some calling out loudly saying that I had cheated, while others cheered my innovation. The man sitting beside the wizard was stunned at first, but then began smiling. The wizard held up the dagger and then began laughing.

The air shimmered in the middle of the arena, and then the wizard and his companion stepped through. ‘Well done, Yamara, you are now a member of the Ornithrym. Put these on.’

I took the bundle the wizard offered me and unwrapped it. I slipped the robe over my head first, grinning in spite of myself. While simple and a plain gray color, it was easily the finest garment I had ever owned. Next I put on the sandals. They felt odd, for I had never worn any before, but I knew them to be an improvement of my station in life, if nothing else was. Finally I took back the dagger I had thrown at him. I smiled a bit sheepishly when accepting that, but he just chuckled and said, ‘As long as you never try that again, I’m willing to forget it happened.’

‘We welcome this girl, Yamara Blackcloak, into the ranks of the Ornithrym as a trainee. Let it be known to all that she is one of us!’ The other man said, addressing the crowd.

It was a moment of great pride to me. A time of the weak accomplishing something great. I rose above my station then, and I knew it was only the first of many such moves for me. Soon after that, I learned a great many things. I learned numbers, to read and to write, to fight, and a great many other things. From courtly etiquette to tracking an animal (or a man) through the wilderness, it seemed my training was to include anything and everything. I even learned the basics of both sorcery and priestly magic, though only as a means of defending myself against them, for I had not the talent nor the inclination to use such powers. In time I was counted quite adept at dueling with a dagger or short sword. I also took it upon myself to learn better how to throw daggers, just in case.

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No Going Back 2

It was two weeks since my wife had agreed to give me a spanking. The soreness and bruises had gone but there was a lingering awkwardness. It had obviously been a massive turn on for both of us but we hadn't really talked about it. Sarah was obviously waiting for me to bring it up, but had given me a few playful whacks on the ass in passing along with a knowing grin, probably in the hopes of breaking the ice. I knew it was silly after practically begging to be spanked and going through with it,...

3 years ago
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Bless Me Father 6 Rebirth

Bless Me Father 6: Rebirth By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink It was a beautiful night. It was crisp and clear, with just a sliver of a crescent moon riding low on the horizon. It was, as all the local meteorologists proclaimed, the perfect night for viewing the spectacular meteor shower that was scheduled to begin short after midnight. Gus, who was sitting in the driver's seat of his wife's Chevy Blazer, caught sight of several falling stars streaking across the sky...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Kiara Cole A Studious Snatch Bang

Kiara Cole is a horny girl and she has cooked up a plan to finally fuck the neighbor boy she has had a crush on forever. She goes over to his house telling him that her internet is down and that she needs to use his wifi so she can finish an assignment for school. Once inside, she sits in a provocative position until her neighbor cannot take it anymore. He starts to finger her tight slit while she continues to do her work, and then finally takes his dick out for Kiara to cherish. She tries to...

3 years ago
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My Sexy Niece Part II

I hadn't seen Libby in quite awhile. Several years in fact, and when I saw her this time, the image I had in my mind was of the Libby I'd known before, but my first glance at Libby took my breath away. I'd been used a very attractive vivacious young teenager who had been developing rapidly into quite a young woman. What I saw this day was the young woman in full bloom. I'd known Libby's older sister and how she'd developed and grown into a well-endowed young woman in her late teens, and...

3 years ago
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Mature Extreme Tranny Prostitute Part 2

"Yes, but I'm not messing about. If you would like to come then follow me now. I will explain what will happen when we get outside. " The folder was quickly passed around the five of them, each of them looking at each other- silently asking - should we or shouldn't we? Dave stood by his car knowing that at least some of them would come. Eventually, one by one they emerged and started to walk over to Daves car. I moved the sofa into the centre of the room. It was now facing directly away from...

2 years ago
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A Little Surprise

My poor husband has been the victim of my post partum depression.   Namely my exhaustion and what that has done to my sex drive.   I want to change all that.   I wish he were here in the early afternoon, when I get flashes of desire for that gorgeous smooth cock of his that I usually am too tired for by the time we go to bed. I want him to be here now as a matter of fact, when I’m sitting on the couch in a pair of unzipped jeans and a silky white tank top, noticing how my bare nipples poke...

3 years ago
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Clothes Shopping Surprise written by my friend

I was walking through the store browsing some clothes and I noticed her workingthere. She was talking to another employee and she caught my eye. Maybe it washer sexy red hair, maybe the way she filled out her blouse with those nice softlooking breast or maybe it was how Nice and curvy she looked. Non the less, Icould not take my eyes off her and the twinge in my cock told me...that I'd loveto fuck her if I had a chance. I caught her glancing my way, not sure if shecaught me staring, but I...

4 years ago
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Man Without A Name

THE FALL OF ZUNABARBattle at Fort Zunabar was coming to an end. The East wall had collapsed, the West wall had surrendered and the stables were on fire. Horses galloped wildly to escape the spreading flames as Gregorian troops went from house to house, rounding up survivors and looting whatever of value they could take. Queen Gregoria approached the citadel on her armored, black steed. The iron clad horsemen that rode beside her were all tall and grim. He came out of nowhere, a naked mad man...

3 years ago
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Stuffed Pig

Her dress terminated not far below her waist and from there her attractions became more bold. Black garters trailed down her thick thighs. They contrasted nicely with the healthy peach tone of her light skin. The leather strips clipped to stockings just above her knees, framing the rest of her legs in irresistible see-through black silk. Between her legs hung a long, thick cock, framed base to tip in shiny, black vinyl. The stretchy sleeve felt wonderful around her hypersensitive length. She...

2 years ago
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The Hots For MomChapter 7

While they were showering together, Julie learned that Gloria had run over to Bertha's apartment after Byron had spotted her in the open field in Griffith Park. "I guess she remembered my address from a little party I had there a long time ago-it was before you came onto the scene. She said she was confused and needed help. I'll tell you, it was all I could do to keep my hands off her tits," Bertha said as she soaped down Julie's slackened pussy. "Ummmm. What did she say?" the...

1 year ago
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My First Time in a Chastity Belt

I was traveling for work for a few days and got home late Friday evening. After a shower, I was finally getting time to relax but my wife Kendra had other ideas. She walks into the room and comes up and straddles me and starts to kiss my ear. Normally, this sort of advance would get her mauled for a night of incredible sex. Instead, I let out a little grunt and say “Honey, I’m so tired.” Kendra gets annoyed, crawls off and goes to bed. I finish my show and go up to bed. I’m still a little wound...

2 years ago
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Visiting a Video Arcade for the First Time

I grew up not far from a tourist area. I was younger than most of my friends, so when I finally turned 18 we went dancing to the clubs on the main street. My best girl friend Terry was beautiful and she immediately had this hot Navy guy buying us drinks, and trying to chat with her. He had a buddy and so while they flirted and played, he and I drank and talked. We went back to their hotel and of course Terry and Bill went upstairs. The other guy – Steve and I decided to cruise around. He...

1 year ago
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NaughtyOffice Katrina Jade 24533

Katrina Jade is so goddamn sick of her boring-ass office job, so it’s a good thing she’s got her side hustle where she strips down in the storage room and starts playing with her pussy for a man via video chat on her phone. She’s hoping to make a few extra bucks while she’s having some fun, but her boss Damon bursts in on her after he finds her desk empty, and finds her with her big natural tits out, her fat ass bouncing around, and her finger on her button! After Katrina dresses and gathers...

3 years ago
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My husband and the other women

I didn´t know about my assessment myself. I discovered it just during the time of my marriage with Carl. And someday I told my husband about it. Carl did not had sex with a lot of different women before our wedding. I revealed to him that I would love to watch him doing it with one or more other women. In the beginning his reaction was more cautious and cagey. From time to time we were talking about it again and again. As time went by I succeeded in letting his interest grow. I got the...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Hot Russian Girlfriend

Hello friends, I am Kabir, 30 years old, athletic, fun loving guy from Delhi working in private company. I did my graduation from Russia six years ago. This is a story of my Russian girlfriend and me. As you all know, Russian girls are hot, sexy and like to enjoy their lives freely. This incident happened 8 year ago. After the completion of my first year, I wanted to make a Russian girlfriend. I was crazy about them as they were hot, sex bombs, perfect figured etc. I wanted to lose my virginity...

4 years ago
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Free For All FarmgirlChapter 8

Debby was dying to tell Roxanne about all that had been happening to her, and she kept waiting for the chance to give Roxanne a quick call. If she was caught talking to Roxanne, all hell would break loose. Her parents would probably punish her by taking her bike away. And if her parents overheard what she had to say to Roxanne, it would be the end of her. They'd probably cage her up in the bull pen and feed her on bread and water for the rest of her life. Her mother never left the house for...

2 years ago
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Serious Witchcraft using freaks

Serious Witchcraft using freaks......A tale of the Evil Fag-Hag... 'Girls night out' was how Filly described it. Stallion Freddy's committed cross-dressing black queen and consort. The Fag-Hag even sanctioned their relationship. Some Wicca rite and ring ceremony, performed with her suburban coven of space-cadets awhile back. Filly is athletic looking, tall and muscle toned, a looker but with an ex-convict edgy attitude showing sometimes. A strong-arm queen bee and enforcer, amid...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 397

Two older women were talking about sex in their golden years. The first old woman told the second old woman that sometimes she gets her husband excited at night by getting totally naked, lying in bed and putting both legs behind her head, yoga style. The second old woman thought that this was a great idea, so that night when her husband went in the bathroom to get ready for bed, she got totally naked and began the process of putting her legs behind her head. The first leg was kind of tough...

2 years ago
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Johnnys Anniversary Gift final

Finally five o’clock came and he was off. John grabbed his bag and almost ran to the school parking lot. Often he enjoyed visiting with his fellow teachers in the halls on his way out. No students, noise, or interruptions. Mostly because 95% of his coworkers were women, so he loved chatting with them and taking quick glances at their cute feet. He got to his truck and turned the key. Thankfully the 23-year-old bucket of bolts started up and he drove home. As he pulled up into the driveway he...

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Wet Dream of Jeannie

Tony rolled over in bed, an erection keeping him awake. ?Oooooh, Master,? Jeannie squealed as she hopped up on the bed. Her top was pulled down so that her big boobs were exposed. ?Pleeeease let me handle that for you,? she begged. ?Sure, Jeannie,? Tony pulled his pajama bottoms down, exposing his erection. Jeannie grabbed it eagerly and flicked it against her tongue, teasing the tip before taking it into her mouth and pushing it down into her throat. She bobbed her head up and down, pleasuring...

4 years ago
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Candice Summer Sucking

I was as high as the weed smoke that lingered above our heads. We’d been hiding underneath some hanging trees for at least a few hours, trying to escape the heat.I half shut my eyes at the sting of the blinding sunset; silhouettes danced against a backdrop of orange and pink hues. I smiled at an inflatable starfish that bounced off into the horizon; the tentacles swayed in sync with the distant sound of house music playing off someone’s phone.Something poked my shoulder; it was a pretty pink...

3 years ago
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From straight to bi and then gay

True story and not a fantasy:I was married at 25 and my wife and I had a son and then a few years later a girl. Up to that point I had never thought of men, only girls. However, when I was about 40 yrs old, my looks changed and I started to look gay. The first time I was aware of it was when I was shopping with my family and I noticed two guys giving me the eye. I had never had that happen to me before. Then people would call me a fag, pervert, queer etc and I was completely bewildered. Every...

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Sophies Hot Story

‘My cunt is burning...ooohh..help me, some one please help me...I want your flesh inside me...make love to me...any body....please love me....I want to be laid....I am dying for it…....’ I was sitting on the couch waiting for the token number to flash on the indicator. Usual stuff, visiting in morning hours in bank once in a month, to credit the funds remitted by my husband working in Dubai. Life routines.. kids, Shopping, cooking, household work, relatives & festivals. It seems that I always...

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Badi Behan ko Manaya8230

Hi friends…My name is Nasir my age is 22 and my sister’s age is 23. us ka rang gora waist 28 height 5.5 or figure bohut hi sexy ha. Hum Punjab mein rehtay hain Father uk mein business kartay hain jab unho ne hamari mother ko visit per bulaya to hum dono yahan akelay reh gaye. Ab story ki taraf atay hain… Us din meri birthday thi. Mein zyada ghar se bahir rehta tha vo ghar mein akeli udaas hoti thi or kehti thi jab se parents uk gaye hain tum awara ho rahey ho. Jaldi ghar aya kro mein akeli...

2 years ago
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Sex Ki Piyaasi

Sex Ki Piyaasi by priyaka Mera naam hai priyanka mai 17 sal ki khubsurat ladki hu net pe desi site dekhana meri roj ki hobi hai mai mumbai mai mere papa aur mummy ke sath raheti hu mera bhai mehul america mai padhai karta hai mai raojana dupaher ko 1 pm se 6 pm net pe raheti hu jab ghar mai koi nahi hota hai Jab bhi mai nangi kahani padhti hu tub muje kuchh kuchh hone lagta hai net pe lund ki kai photo dekhi hai lekin asal mai kisi ka lund nahi dekha mai hamesha sochati raheti hu ki kisi...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 230 Recovery and Discovering a Loss

Tuesday, May 24 to Wednesday May 25, 2005 I woke up in a hospital, but passed out again almost immediately, something that happened several times. In the brief periods of lucidity I could feel myself getting better. My first awakenings were caused by particularly vivid delusions, but they diminished in frequency and weirdness. Along with my minds, my body felt better each time too, but still unbelievably weak. I'd fall asleep almost immediately after waking, even though I didn't want...

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Power Tool Original versionChapter 03

Waking at 5:00 a.m. John wakes Carmen and Carly by fondling their breasts. They wake up and smile at him. He has them slide to the sides and he gets off the bed. He tells them to wait there. Going to the en-suite he starts the water running on low and he heads downstairs. Finding Brooke’s bed roster in the lounge room he scans it and finds the bed number he wants. As he walks amongst the beds he informs those who are awake that baths will be starting soon. Finding Candice he kisses her, she’s...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Silvia Saige Sweet Dreams Are Made With MILFs

Gorgeously wicked Silvia Saige can captivate with just her eyes but she always goes beyond that running her hands all up and down her sexy body. She loves thinking of you cupping her breasts with your hands and burying your hard cock right in her cleavage while she desperately tries to lick and suck on the tip of that cock! Silvia loves a clean man; right out of the shower she will do whatever she pleases to make you dirty again; but with her; there will be no complaining once those eyes are...

1 year ago
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PornMegaLoad Sirale Big Tit Showtime

Sirale plays hot stripper and works the pole. Two poles, in fact. The brunette curvette looks hot as she spins around the cold steel tube. Her audience of two in this private club want to give Sirale something hard also. Sirale can work it and she’s got moves. Her grinding against the pole is working its magic. Next, she takes her big boobs and wraps them around the pole. She taunts the two with the promise of a great time. And she will deliver, unlike many other dancers. Thomas and Neeo...

4 years ago
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Spring Break

Spring Break by captv8td [email protected] 1Spring break couldn’t have come soon enough for Anna.  School was hard this semester and most of her courses were boring.  It had been a grueling two months and she needed a break.  She and her friend, Amy, were finally free.The two girls had planned the road trip at the beginning of the semester and now they were on their way to Arizona where Amy had an aunt and uncle.  They planned on staying with the relatives and working on their tans...

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In love with Granny

on weekends. When I feel sick or while sleeping, she cared me alot and sometimes, she asked me to suck her nipple and sleep like a baby, I used to sleep in same way. I don't have any bad intentions till I am 11 years old. She took me with her to bath also! She used to apply on my body and bath me! While bathing she concentrated on my lower part, which I was not aware of when I was kid. My granny is of 45yrs old widow when I was 7yrs. A typical indian house-wife granny with ...

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The God Pill Winter JenningsChapter 3

Robert ‘Bobsy’ Atwater, as part of his three-patent sale to Hayes-Harris, the venture capital company, became an employee there. He wasn’t a partner, but he was one of seven on the Executive Evaluation team. He sat in on presentations from individuals and companies looking for investment capital. Hayes-Harris took small fliers and big risks, tiny positions and majority ownership. They provided money when they were interested. And money, expertise, guidance, even personnel, when they were...

2 years ago
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New school

Hi there, I am Irene, I was new in school and this guy called Josh just look at me every time he saw my like he would wanna eat me on a slice of bread. One day after josh's football practice... he walked to me when i'm reading a book. "wanna go out?" he asked. "look, i did not like u at ALL" i replied. josh walked to his friend and said " i don't understand, EVERY girls in this school like me.. even the teachers." he said to his friend, Mark. "u should trick her, that's how i do with my ex." he...

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Rebekas Story part one

Rebeka's story Where to begin? As a child I suppose. I remember being fascinated by stiletto's of a particular type. Black, with ultra thin, needle like heels. Seamed stockings too. And like a lot of young teenagers I indulged in some furtive dressing when everyone else was out of the house. And for a very long time that's as far as it ever went. But then I found myself single and the online world had finally come of age. It really seemed like a harmless fantasy at first, a bit of...

4 years ago
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Away Above The Chimney Tops

Breathing heavily, Erik stood holding his sides and gazing up into the night sky, the town below so hushed and still that his quickened heartbeat seemed to boom in his ears. The clouds dispersed to allow glimpses of starlight, the gibbous moon shining through their thinning veil. The breeze felt cool and refreshing against his moist brow and he closed his eyes momentarily, filled with the freshness of the air and the distance.Laying his jacket down on the damp grass, Erik sat on the hillside...

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