What Happened In Harvey's Room Part 1 free porn video

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Part 1: Circle Jerk

The five of us gathered round Harvey's laptop, pulled our dicks out and he loaded up the movie so we could all wank off to it.

I was new to the academy and I'd never been in a circle jerk before, so it seemed funny and horny at the same time for us all to be crouching round like this with our boners poking out from our flies.

"This is so fuckin' hot," Harvey grinned, checking out my dick as the newbie of the group. "You guys are gonna dib off so fast over this shit!"

My pecker stood up even harder at the thought of it. I was hoping it would be some girl-on-girl stuff. I always love whacking off to that and doing it in a group of other lads would make it even hotter in a weird, messed-up kind of way.

He clicked play and it turned out that the movie was of an empty changing room like the one at the gym we have on campus. I figured a girl must be going to come in and start getting undressed.

Not as good as lesbo porn, but spycam stuff could be pretty horny too, especially when it was proper autho like this looked.

"How did ya film this?" Whitehouse asked, gently stroking his knob which looked a lot thicker than mine.

"I put me phone on top of me bag an' left it on record," Harvey grinned.

"Yer've got balls o' fuckin' steel, mate!" Adams laughed, his massive bell-end swelling shiny at what might be coming next.

I was gonna ask Harvey how he'd managed to sneak into the women's changing rooms in the sports centre or wherever this had been filmed, but suddenly some dude walked into shot wearing a t-shirt and shorts like he'd just finished working out in the gym.

"Is that Costa?" Smiler asked. Costa was one of the Maths staff. Costa Coffee to give him his full nickname, short for Mr Constantine.

"Yeah," Harvey chuckled. "I told ya youze was gonna enjoy this!"

I smiled over at him. Costa's girlfriend or wife or whatever must be gonna come in. Give him a post-workout rubdown and maybe a bit more before he hit the showers.

Costa started pulling his t-shirt off and I realised this had actually been filmed in our campus gym. It must be on a Wednesday evening when they run rugby training sessions and stuff like that.

Costa turned round and I saw he was talking to someone. I kind of hoped it might be one of the female teachers, but why would she have come into the male changing rooms?

"Oh nice," Adams said, "I figured he'd be hairy!"

Costa did have a well-built hairy chest with a dark line of fuzz heading down his belly into his shorts.

He reached up to drape his t-shirt from a hook and Smiler sort of gasped: "Oh, fuck! Look at his pits, guys!"

Costa's armpits were sprouting a dense thicket of hair, beaded with sweat after whatever sport he'd been doing.

Harvey laughed, "Yeah, fancy gettin' yer face stuck into one o' those!"

"Oh Jesus!" Smiler grinned back and grabbed his big fuck-off dick and started wanking himself off.

Figuring that this was just a bit of messing about - that some woman was about to appear and jazz things up - I laughed and started whacking off too, saying, "Oh yeah! Imagine sniffin' his pit-sweat, guys!"

Harvey beamed over at me. He was pleased I got the joke. It must have been a risk to invite me to a circle jerk in his room as I'd only just transferred from another school and wasn't properly part of his group.

He stared at my hand bashing up and down my prick and said, "Nice one, Grant! I knew ya'd be up for havin' a bit o' fun!"

Costa bent over to pull off his trainers and socks and Whitehouse started bashing his dong too, saying, "Look at the back of his shorts, lads! What would ya give to have a good whiff right there... right in the wedgie between his cheeks!"

The others chuckled and nodded but I was thinking, "What is going on here? What the fuck is this?"

"What would ya like best?" Adams asked, as Harvey paused the movie on Costa's bent-over butt. "Gettin' yer face into his armpit, or havin' a nice big sniff deep in his skanky crack?"

"The crack every time!" Whitehouse chortled. "I've spent years watchin' his chunky little arse while he's been writin' on the board... wishin' to fuck I could shove me nose where the sun don't shine!"

"Naah, it'd be the pits for me," Smiler said back. "Ya can't beat an armpit when it's dead hot and sweaty!"

"But a crack can be hot and sweaty too!" Whitehouse came back with. "And with a hairy tooshy like Costa's got stashed away in them shorts, yer'd get a real bummy stink that'd get yer cock leakin' buckets!"

"What the hell are you guys on about?" I called out to them, the penny finally dropping that a woman wasn't about to wander into view.

"What's up?" Harvey grinned back at me. "Are you more of a dick sniffer, Grant?"

"I don't like sniffin' dicks, pits, arse-cracks or any other parts of dudes!" I told them.

When they just stared at me like I'd gone cu-cu-cuckoo, I tried, "I like girlie smells, guys... you know?... the whiff of a minge when you're fingerin' it... that lovely, sexy smell you get between a pair o' tits..."

The four of them gawped at me and Adams kind of hissed, "You're not serious, are you? You're not tellin' me yer still bonin' up to stupid stuff like that?"

I nodded, not really getting it, and he went on, "I mean, Jesus, mate! Some of us moved on from gettin' kiddie kicks when we was like fourteen or somethin'."

"What's the problem with girls?" I asked, trying to figure out why the four of them looked so totally bossed-out.

"You're not actually sayin' you still whack off to girlie stuff, are you?" Smiler sniggered. "That is one seriously lame admission, dude!"

"What's lame about it?" I said back. "Girls are hot!"

"Of course they are, mate," Harvey nodded, patting at my arm like he was trying to stop me saying anything else too whacko. "It's just this sorta stuff is way, way hotter! It's more hardcore, Grant... a bit more... I dunno... intense. Kinda like crankin' things up a notch... takin' things to the next level, ya know whadda mean?"

"If you have to explain it to him like he's a retard," Adams said with a real edge to his voice, "he obviously doesn't get it. I don't know why you asked him to join in with us."

"Yeah, if yer not into stuff like this," Smiler added without even a trace of his trademark smirk, "you shouldn't go thinkin' yer part of our circle."

"Come on, guys," Harvey laughed nervously. "Of course he gets it, don't you, Grant?"

He stared at me wide-eyed, like he knew they were about to turf me out of his room and maybe out of their group, and kept saying, "Don't you, Grant? Don't you?" like a fucking parrot or something.

So I just shrugged and said, "Hell yeah... too right I get it... it's just I never tried it... that's all I was sayin'. Doesn't mean I can't give it a go!"

"That's more like it," Harvey said brightly, still doing that awkward laugh. "Believe me... lookin' at this stuff, takes it up to fuckin' aphro, mate!"

"Yeah, ya'll love it once yer into it, Grant," Whitehouse agreed. "Ya'll be jazzin' off as fast and as hard as the rest of us once Costa gets his knackers out!"

I wrapped my hand back round my dick which had gone all droopy, and made like I was going to enjoy the rest of the show. I wasn't sure that I was, but I knew I should be flattered that as the new kid in town I'd been allowed to buddy-up with the cool crowd.

"Bring it on, guys," I laughed. "I just never whacked off over stuff like this... I've always just looked at girlie stuff."

"Oh my God! Listen to him say that!" Adams laughed. "That is so fuckin' gay!"

"Just go with it," Harvey smiled, like he really wanted me to get into it and jack off with the rest of them looking at Costa's butt. Maybe he liked my sense of humour and wanted to keep having me around with his mates. Or maybe he just liked how my dick looked poking out through my fly.

He started the movie up again and we saw Costa pulling his shorts down. It felt weird to be spying on this guy, watching him undress – sort of pervy, if I'm honest. Which is stupid - I know - because if it was a girl or one of the female members of staff getting their kit off in the movie, I'd be totally into it and not bothered about the whole spy-cam morality thing.

"He wears Calvins!" Whitehouse laughed. "I knew it! I fuckin' said it but you guys kept sayin' he was a boxers kinda guy!"

"You so did not!" Adams said back. "You said you thought he'd had his finger up his own arse, but ya never said anythin' about him wearin' Calvins."

Jesus, I was thinking, is this what these guys talk about? Which of our male teachers might wear boxers or briefs and which of them might finger their own bungholes...

Costa turned towards the phone that was videoing him chatting to whoever he was with, and Harvey reached over and paused the movie on the front of his tight white briefs. Costa filled them out nicely - even I had to admit that - with his big cock making a thick stubby bulge above the twin mounds of his egg-sized bollocks.

"Okay," Harvey chuckled, "which part of the material would you guys sniff first?"

He looked at Whitehouse as the connoisseur among the sniffers, but Smiler batted the question straight back over at me as the newbie in the group. "Come on, then - you go first, straight-bator. Show us how keen you are to join in with the big boys!"

"Yeah, and don't say you'd sniff around the cunt," Adams sneered. "We can all see he's got a whole lot o' stuff packed in down there, but there's no way in fuck yer gonna find one o' those!"

I smiled like this was oh so funny, wishing to God I hadn't had to leave the circle of friends I'd had at my old school. They were all a bit bonkers in their random ways, but they were like total normoes compared to these guys.

"I reckon 'round the nuts," I said, moving my hand to cover my cock so they wouldn't see how limp I now was.

"Why 'round the nuts?" Smiler asked. "Why not where the tip of his cock has been dribblin' after he's taken a piss... where there'd be a nice fresh patch of yellow stink to get yer own cock oozin'?"

You know, it might sound soft but I was genuinely shocked by the question. Knocked for six that these lads would find other dudes' pissy underwear such a turn-on. But there was no way in hell I was gonna so much as blink to show it.

So I just smiled back at his belligerent sneer and said, "I reckon if I wanna smell piss I can smell my own any day o' the week. But every guy's nutsack has its own funky whiff. I reckon Costa's would be really strong and sexy 'cause his balls are so massive."

"How d'ya know every guys' balls have their own whiff?" Adams cut in. "I thought ya said ya wanked off over cutsie girlie shit?"

"I've been in locker rooms enough to know the smell of dudes' underkeks," I hit back with. "And... yeah... I admit... I've been turned on by the different whiffs I've had of different guys' knacker sweat."

There was actually some truth in that and it was obvious that it was the right answer. The four of them turned and grinned at each other - especially Harvey - and then nodded towards me like I'd passed the first test.

The movie started playing again and soon Costa was peeling off his briefs over his thighs.

"Pause it! Fuckin' pause it!" Whitehouse called out. "I wanna see his cock! I've wondered what it would look like for six soddin' years!"

Harvey paused the movie and zoomed in so we could stare at Costa's cock in all its frozen, pixelated glory. Again I was troubled by a sense that we shouldn't be sitting around with our dicks out, ogling this friendly bloke in the nuddie. It felt like we were treating the guy as a slab of jerk-off fodder, which seemed wrong even though I'd done it so many times to a whole host of random women over the years.

"Oh, that is a nice piece o' meat!" Adams announced, peering intently at the laptop with a sort of awe like he was studying one of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

"That is what you'd call the perfect proportion of dick to bollocks," Smiler announced. "Big dick, big bollocks. You can't say any fairer than that."

"You can't indeed," I chipped in, and they seemed to like my contribution.

"Nice and hairy too," Whitehouse said. "I like a big bush. Gives you more to sniff."

"I'd stick me face into that," Smiler said, as if we might have been worried that he wouldn't.

"What's he been up to?" Whitehouse asked Harvey. "Squash... gym stuff... what sort o' shit has he been doin' to work up a sweat?"

"I dunno..." Harvey shrugged. "I just set the phone to record when I saw the clothes on the peg. I didn't even know whose stuff it was, to be honest."

"'Cause it makes a difference to what ya'd sniff and what ya wouldn't," Whitehouse went on. "A proper gym workout can get a get a guy really whiffy 'round his nuts and his arse. A game o' squash, though... that's gonna hit his pits and his back more than what he's got downstairs. I mean the upper body stuff can be hot in its way... but if you're gonna go bush sniffin' ya've gotta know what sorta stuff he's been up to before ya start..."

Smiler turned to me and smirked. "What sorta stuff would you want Costa to have been doin' so his bush smelt really hot, Grantie-boy?"

I quickly thought back to the times in the locker room when the stink of other lads' keks had got me a bit horny. What sort of exercises had they been doing to get their crotches so whiffy? What had made their odours so strong and so sweaty that I'd felt my dick getting hard?

"He'd have been on the exercise bike," I told them with a smirk of my own. "That really gets a guy hot between his legs... it gets his balls and his dick and his bush really stinky... enough for me to get a boner when I've got other lads' briefs and shorts hanging up on the pegs around me!"

They grinned and nodded at each other and I knew I'd got to second base.

Maybe the sorts of things these guys were into wasn't so different from the sorts of things that could turn me on. I just had to focus on the occasional male stuff that might get me horny instead of all the girlie stuff - the immature stuff, according to these guys - that I usually wanked off over.

Harvey pressed play again and Costa turned around as he hitched his briefs off over his feet. The four of them stared at his gaping crack, grabbing their knobs and wanking them off dead fast as they gaped at the teacher's prized-open backside. Costa's butt hair bristled out from between his big squat cheeks, looking moist and damp from where he'd been exercising.

"Pause it there, dude!" Smiler called out. "Pause it and zoom in on his gape! I wanna beat off with it right up close!"

Harvey did as he asked so Costa's splayed line of fur was filling most of the screen. The four of them jerked off peering at Costa's trench, their cock ends swelling really shiny as their wrists thud-thudded against their trouser pockets.

"Imagine fingering that thing!" Adams grinned, ogling the screen wide-eyed. "Imagine sidin' yer stinky finger in and out of his muddy hole... makin' him squeel like a pig from how hot it felt!"

This was several notches above the level I'd managed to get used to. This was a whole league beyond what I'd thought I was getting comfortable with.

"His butt-hair's matted round where his pucker must be," Whitehouse laughed, really hammering his cock. "It's all clumped together... like he's got a stinkie-pinkie!"

"Would you finger him up there?" Smiler turned to ask me. "Could you push your middle finger up his shitty hole?"

If this was third base, I wasn't sure I could manage it.

Could I really finger another guy up his hot, slimy ringpiece? Work my knuckle through the hole another dude's turds slide out of when he's sitting on the crapper?

I thought back to the times in the locker room when the smell of other lads' underwear had got me turned on. Had it just been their dick sweat, or had their bum odour also got me a bit horny?

Maybe they had, now I thought of it. Maybe there was a meatier, more spicy component to the locker room stink that had got my dick twitching more than I'd realised. It had just never occurred to me that it had come from the backs of the other dudes' sweaty shorts from where they'd been wedged crack-deep and rubbing against their hairy brown bullseyes.

"I reckon I could... yeah!" I smirked back at him, taking up a rhythm of my own on my semi-limp dick. "The back of a guy's briefs is even more horny than the front! His crack-hair... his bum-stink... the smell of his hole with yer finger working it... it's just so fuckin' horny!"

The four of them smirked and turned to grin at me, and I jerked my dick a bit faster for them, surprised by how much harder it was growing.

I'd thought that what I'd said had mostly been bullshit, but now that I'd said it I kind of liked how crude it was and how my cock was really thickening up from me saying such nastified stuff about other guys' bumholes.

Harvey beamed at me, first at my face and then down at my stiffening prick. He liked that I was getting turned-on, that much was obvious. I smiled back at him, liking it too.

After grinning cheekily at each other, Harvey started up the movie again. On the screen, Costa swivelled round as he pulled off his Calvins so we got to see what he had out front.

And as far as having a dick and pair of bollocks goes, I have to admit he had a pretty nice set. His cock was full - really thick and meaty - and his knackers were massive, all full and heavy.

"Oh wow! Nice bit o' junk!" Whitehouse gasped.

I had to agree. "Pretty hot, actually!"

"Would you suck it?" Adams turned to ask me. "Would you shove it in yer gob and have a long hard nosh on it?"

Oh shit. What was the right answer to this? Maybe only nancy boys suck dick, while proper lads only ever get sucked off. It was difficult to know. This whole thing was a total minefield once you get into it.

"I'd sooner lick a pussy," I tried, hoping this would get me out of it.

"That wasn't the question," Adams snapped.

"Yeah, pussies are for wussies!" Smiler chortled. "Any faggot can eat minge!"

"Come on, Grant - answer the question, mate!" Adams persisted. "Would you suck Costa's big hairy cock?"

Okay, so I was going to have to answer this.

I took a good long look at Costa's dick on the laptop screen. It sure was a good-looking slab of steak if you liked that kind of thing. It was nicely fat and chunky and I probably wouldn't mind having a go at boning the thing up to full-size inside my mouth. It might be fun to feel it swell and stiffen against my tongue and have the big mushroom head of it dribbling its goo down my throat.

So I said, "Yeah, I'd suck it. But just to get him horny before I turned him over and did him 'round the back!"

They loved that answer - just about high-fived each other - before Smiler admitted, "I'm the other way, me. I shag them first then, after I've jizzed off up the dirt-track, I suck them off like I'm sayin'... ya know... thanks a lot, dude!"

"Nice," Adams nodded with due respect. "That is fuckin' kosher, that is, mate."

"I wouldn't wanna try and suck his nuts," Whitehouse said, peering at the screen. "I reckon I'd gag if I tried to fit one of those massive baby-makers in me gob!"

"Naah... I'd be well up for it," Harvey smirked. "I could give a pair of knackers like them a proper workover with me lips and tongue."

I didn't offer an opinion of my own on whether I'd take a suck of Costa's ballbag, but I've got to admit I was starting to enjoy talking about his body like this. It seemed a bit naughty - really dirty, actually - to be discussing what sexual stuff we wanted to do to this guy and how we would use his dick, his balls and his arse for our own fun. I'd had the same sort of chats with my mates at my old school about different girls and women we wanted to get it on with - mind, not as full-on as the stuff we were talking about now - but this felt more exciting because it was a bloke we were on about.

Maybe it was because Costa was a pretty straight-laced kind of teacher. He probably had a girlfriend or wife that he did sex stuff with and he'd have no idea that five of his sixth-formers - five horny lads - were sitting round whacking off ogling his hairy muscly body and talking about which bits of him they wanted to sniff and lick and suck and stick their pricks up.

"Press play again," Smiler said. "I wanna another look at his arse when he turns back 'round."

Harvey fiddled with the keyboard and the movie started up again. After hanging his briefs up on the peg, Costa bent down to pick up his shampoo from his holdall and Whitehouse let out an eager "Phwoar!"

All our hands started up again on our dicks and Harvey smirked over at me, pleased that mine was stroking a cock that was just as hard as the rest of them.

Costa bent so far forwards, rummaging in his bag, that his big swinging nuts dangled low hanging down between his hairy thighs. We all leaned in and the five of us gasped as we glimpsed his mucky rosebud pucker among the tangle of fur between his muscly cheeks.

"Pause it!" Adams called out. "Pause it right there!"

Harvey paused the film and backtracked a bit so we could see Costa's bumhole lurking in his crack like a tiny brown oval. The hair around it was matted in sticky clumps, making it obvious where the colour of his ringpiece came from.

"Aw, look at it! Imagine the fuckin' the stink of it!" Whitehouse chuckled. "That's the sort o' butt-hole I love!"

"Would you lick him out?" Harvey asked him, his hand pounding at his meat.

"Of course I fuckin' would!" Whitehouse grinned. Then he stuck his tongue out and flicked the tip of it rapidly up and down, like you would if you were pretending to give a girl head.

I couldn't help but call out, "What, you'd lick out a dude's hairy arse just like you'd lap your tongue in and out of a girl's muff?"

"It's the same as eatin' fur pie," Whitehouse laughed, "only it's brown, not pink! For a stink-fiend like me, tonguein' a nice, sticky arsehole is the best part of playin' around with a guy!"

"What about you, Grant?" Smiler turned to ask me. "Would you rim him out even though he's a bit skanky back there?"

"Rim him out? What does that mean?" I asked back, my hand pumping away at my own throbbing wood.

"What ya just said... have a little lick 'round his shit-hole and then stick yer tongue right up it... deep as it'd go!"

"Fuck yeah!" Adams guffawed. "You're makin' me mouth water and me dick drip like a tap!"

Although I was still turned-on by how raunchy we were being, hearing that these guys were into butt-licking threw me a bit. "Come on, you're jokin' aren't you? You don't actually munch on other lad's fudge-boxes...?"

"Of course we do!" Harvey grinned at me. "Licking him round his backdoor makes his hole all wet and slippy so it's easier to get yer dick up him and give him a nice hard bummin'!"

"No..." I gasped, feeling even more surprised. It seems totally stupid now that I hadn't realised that this was what fourth base would be. "You're not sayin' you'd proper shag another dude up the arse?"

"That's how bro sex works, mate!" Adams laughed, his hand like a hammer drill slamming up and down his big wet boner in a blur. "You don't just play with each other's dicks like a couple o' gay-boys - you get on the other guy's back and give his arse a good seein'-to wi' yer cock on full crank! That's the whole fuckin' point of it!"

The best response I could manage was a drawn out, "Okaaay..."

"Rimming him first means you get to butt-fuck him with the stink of his arse all over yer face!" Whitehouse told me with a smile.

"And that's a good thing?" I asked.

I couldn't help that I was making it obvious I wasn't getting this.

"It's as horny as fuck!" Smiler laughed. "There's nowt as hot as the smellin' a guy's hot ripe chuff-hole the same time that yer humpin' it!"

"That's what makes dude stuff so fuckin' sexy," Harvey explained. "It's so much raunchier than titsing about with girls."

I kept wanking myself off, kind of seeing where he was coming from. In a way, this was turning out to be interesting - all this talk of licking another guy's arsehole out before fucking him up it so hard it would stink to high fuck. It wasn't anything like what I used to with girls and that made it new and weirdly intriguing.

"So you've never bummed a lad, have you, Grant?" Harvey asked me.

I shook my head. "Have you?"

"Of course we 'ave!" Whitehouse chortled. "Loadsa times!"

"What... each other?" I asked, wondering if this was where things were headed and what the quickest route to the door might be.

"No way!" Adams snapped over at me. "We give it, dude... we don't fuckin' take it! We're not nancy boys who bend over to get our arseholes porked! We're proper fuckin' lads, mate... it's other dudes' butts what munch our schlongs!"

Smiler chortled, "Nice little tip for you there, Grant. When yer dickin' about wi' someone, make sure it's his hairy arse - not yours - what gets the beef pole shoved up it!"

I smiled and nodded. "I should write that one down..."

Whitehouse grinned but Harvey blushed. When Harvey saw that I could see how red he looked, he blushed even deeper and turned away to press play on the movie again. I wondered if maybe he did take as well as give, but if he did he sure as hell wasn't admitting it in front of his two well-hung mates.

While Costa ferreted around in his bag, the four lads' hands started beating at their knobs for proper. Seeing Costa's thick furry gape with his dirty little rosebud keep poking through the forest sent the four of them into a frenzy of frantic wanking.

"Oh Jesus, imagine slidin' yer dong up there," Adams panted, thumping at his meat.

"Look at his fuckin' bollocks!" Smiler gasped. "His nuts would be slammin' back against yours every time ya rammed yer cock in an' out!"

"He's so sticky back there," Whitehouse grunted. "Just think o' the stink from his dookie little arse while you were bummin' him dead hard up it!"

"What about you, Grant?" Harvey turned to ask me. "What would you like most?"

For my part, I was kind of enjoying whacking off looking at Costa's bent-over butt-crack. I was imagining him squatting over in front of me while I humped away at his hot slimy pooper and loving the feel of his gunge slurping around the shaft of my cock.

"I'd like to grab him by the hips and fuck him as rough and as fast as I could right up his shitter!"

Harvey smiled at me - even Smiler through me a smirk broader than his usual fixed grin - and I stuck my cock out for him so he could see how big and hard it had grown from where I was wanking it thinking of pushing it up another fella's bum.

The five us were all jerking off really quickly now, all staring at Costa's arsehole and imagining we were knobbing him up it. I grinned back at Harvey - amazed at how horny it was to be tossing off like this - and I revelled in the thought of what it would be like to butt-fuck Costa, having him bent over in front of me while I thumped my hips against his cheeks.

I was loving it - it felt so nasty and dirty - and I finally understood why the others liked to get their dicks up guys as well as girls.

Banging dudes between their buns could sure be hot. Especially one with a warm wet hole like Costa's.

"I'd shag his arse so hard he'd be fartin' for weeks!" Adams grunted, bucking his hips in time with the pumping of his hand. His eyes were fixed on the screen - locked firmly on Costa's tight brown ring - as if imagining he really was boning the hairy trench in front of him and that the feel of his hand as he thrust back and forth was the feel of Costa's butt muscles squeezing around his shaft.

Smiler chortled at that. "He'd be shittin' spunk after havin' my big nuts ropin' a load off up his dumpster!"

"We could take it in turns!" I laughed, my wrist hammering at full pelt against my jeans. "One guy's cum would be the next guy's lube! We could do it one by one... the five of us taking turns!"

Harvey liked that. "Ah yeah, Grant! I could rim him out after you'd jizzed off up his shitter!"

His spunk started spurting from his slit just as Adams let out a low, animal growl and long strings of his thicker white muck flung out from his much bigger red helmet.

"Fuck yeah!" Smiler gasped. "Ya could stand their wankin' off yer hard-ons, watchin' me doin' him rough an' juicin' off up his arse!" Just then his own shiny bell-end started firing off wads of baby batter from his over-filled bollocks.

Whitehouse was close to his own cock letting rip. He was wincing and sweating as much as I probably was.

I called out to him - knowing full well what to say to the king of stink - and offered, "While I'm fucking him, Whitehouse, you can lick my arse. You'll sure as fuck find a stink between my cheeks, mate!"

Whitehouse stared at me wide-eyed and for a second I thought I'd gone too far and had actually shocked him. But then his cock answered for him and bust off in long squirts to give his t-shirt a good soaking.

I bashed away at my own cock, hoping someone might say something just as helpful to me but, as turned on as I was, my orgasm just wouldn't kick in. Soon all the other guys' peckers were withering up and drooping down while I was still crouched there jerking off, feeling like a total nonce because I couldn't nut off.

Then Harvey said, "Hey, Grant, take a break. I've got some other stuff I can show you - stuff that me and the guys have wanked off over in the past. When they've gone, maybe lookin' at some o' that will get yer juices flowin'..."

"Okay," I nodded, thankful for the lifeline.

We tucked our dicks away - mine with a lot more difficulty than theirs - and the three others disappeared after they'd wiped up their mess.

So then I said to Harvey, "Okay, what's this other stuff you were on about?"

It would feel kind of weird to be whacking off with him right there, but now I'd had my interest in dude stuff awakened (if that doesn't sound too dumb-ass) I was keen to see what else he had in his stash.

Maybe he had a movie of Thomo, the Physics teacher. He would have an arse on him that I'd be well up for wanking off over.

But Harvey said, "I was wondering, Grant, if you'd like to try the real thing. Just between me and you, bud."

"The real thing?" I queried. "What do you mean?"

Harvey smiled and blushed and said coyly, "Ya know... what we were all talkin' about when we came..."

"What... butt-sex?" I said and he nodded, blushing redder.

I asked him, "How can I get to try that?" Although I pretty much knew what he had in mind.

"Well... as long as it's just between the two of us," he smiled, "you can try it with me..."

"You'll let me push my dick up your bum?"

He shrugged like it was no big deal and said, "If ya wanna see what it feels like..."

"I thought you guys gave but didn't take... I thought that was how it worked."

He nodded. "That's how it works for Adams and Smiler. Whitehouse I'm not so sure about... I reckon he goes both ways. And me... well, I don't mind takin' it sometimes when I'm in the right mood!"

I smiled. "I saw you blush when he said it... I did sorta wonder..."

"Are you up for it then?" he asked. "Me and you, here and now... just a quick knob-off up my bum... nothin' serious or weird in it...?"

I grinned. This was way more than I'd bargained for. And I could swear that, in spite of just cranking his cream, Harvey had a hard-on again the way his jeans were sticking out underneath his left pocket.

"Okay, but we don't get undressed," I spelled out. "Just with our trousers and pants pulled down... you bendin' over, me standin' behind ya..."

"Absolutely," he agreed. "Just one mate showin' another what shaggin' feels like when it's two dudes doin' it..."

"Go on then," I nodded. "Let's give it a go!"

Same as What Happened in Harvey's Room Part 1 Videos

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Mailroom Slut

Mailroom Slut By kimmie oh It was nearly half past noon. I glanced nervously at the clock. I always got butterflies before he came. I pushed my chair away from the desk, crossed my office, and quietly shut the door. The lock clicked. If I had only listened for that click a week ago I wouldn't be in this predicament. I reached under the desk and slid out the overnight bag I had brought from home. Then I quickly undressed. When I was completely naked, I pulled a tiny...

1 year ago
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The Mailroom

       Deidre Simmons gets a lot of attention in the office. A lot of . . . inappropriate attention. It's not uncommon for her to find a pair of amorous eyes zoned in on her tits or ass, or have a superior whisper something in her ear that would have him out on his ass faster than he could blink. But it doesn't bother her, either. In fact, she welcomes it—revels in it, and will even get a little piqued when someone ignores her.       Her friend, Samantha, chalked it up to the nasty divorce...

Straight Sex
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Sex Blog New Roomates Part1

IntroductionI let a couple stay over at my home while they were experiencing money issue’s and I fucked his newly girlfriend. So a friend of mine and his girlfriend were down on their luck and had no place to stay. I allowed them to stay first month free. My friend held a job but his girlfriend stay’s home and cleaned while we both were at work. On my days off I would always have friendly conversations with her and as the weeks went on we grew more and more interested in each other. One day on...

3 years ago
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Rachels Journey Chapter 2 Darkroom days

Rachel had, originally, been wearing leggings with unicorn panties that morning.  As she had been making her breakfast, she couldn’t help but think of that unicorn laughing at her desperate attempts at masturbation, and just couldn’t focus. Smiling unicorn HAD to go!  She ran to her room and yanked open her closet.  Rachel decided on a skirt and a button up white dress shirt.  Her skirt was her absolute favorite thing she owned.  Rachel began to smile, just at the thought of putting it on....

1 year ago
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Friends Choosing A Groomsman

Chandler paced back and forth in the kitchen. He was fretting over Rachel's choice of Ross to be her groomsman in Phoebe's wedding that day. It was a last minute decision, and Chandler was trying to figure out how to get Rachel to change her mind. He stopped in mid-step, as she walked in."Hi," Rachel said, nonchalantly. She was wearing her green floral bathrobe and little socks, obviously in the middle of getting ready for the evening ceremony."Hey, can I talk to you about this groomsman...

4 years ago
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Chatroom tricks part2

Mary got up and left the room, closing the door behind her. Well it was supposed to be a midday call, have sex and go home, but as my tied body looked out of the window I saw night drawing in. Then to my horror car headlights reflecting into the room, someone had just pulled up on the driveway and I remembered Mary was married…What the hell was I going to do? Mary had always been honest with me and I knew what I was getting into, I don’t know what this man, her husband was like but what the...

4 years ago
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It had only been a couple days since my wild photo session with Bob and his beautiful wife Krystal. It had started out as a glamour photo session (even though I've mostly only done nature stuff as a hobby) and ended up with a three-way. Krystal, shy as I've always known her, really let loose when she had her husband in front of her and me behind, servicing her at both ends, so to speak. Anyway, my phone rang, and I went to answer it. I was surprised to hear her voice on the line since she...

3 years ago
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locked up roomate

''fuck you ill do the dishes when i want''i said clapping my door to my roomate. that ficker keeps playing vasketball and thinks he can come home and critics meI had to rent m room for only 4 month and god it was going to be a long tie with hi always telling me how to do stuff, that haitian perfect student grade and good at sport was getting on my nerves''you better do it by tomorrow this is your last chance nerd''''yeah yeah whatever''i spent the night playing pc games and i didnt do it, going...

2 years ago
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The Grooms SonChapter 4

Venerable Stables Half the Holiday break was over and I had caught up on my stable work. Jennifer had requested some dressage training with the old horse, so I had my favorite and old Bess saddled and waiting when she got there. We went past the paddock to the open field. She was excited by the amount of horseback riding she had been doing lately. I practiced with her and corrected her where needed. But to try to get her to look stoic while doing well on a horse was hopeless. The girl just...

4 years ago
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The Mailroom Clerk A Tale of Coerced Forced Feminization Pt1

THE MAILROOM CLERK A TAIL OF COERCED FORCED FEMINIZATION PT.1 I am 27 years old at the time this happened. My name is John Allen and I am from Cape May ,New Jersey. Shore boy all the way. I am 5'6" tall and weigh 165. I know, small for a man. But I could do things on a surfboard or jet ski. It wasn't to bad being a little small. And as with many others, I have a fetish for women's items. Everything that makes a woman a woman. I was never gay nor interested in men...

3 years ago
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The Darkroom

Mr. Harrington was my favorite teacher in high school. He was twenty-three and in just his second year of teaching. He was only six years older than me when I was in his English class. He was the most handsome man, with the most incredible sparkling blue eyes, I had ever seen. I still clearly remember how I used to fantasize about running my fingers through his sandy-blonde hair while I sat in his classroom, staring at him for the entire period. In this fantasy I would kiss his lips as my hands...

4 years ago
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Elise and Harvey Barrios

Elise and I met at a college frat party during our senior year at State. She a Business major, me a Techie, we hit it off, and while the courtship wasn't exactly whirlwind, we did become a pretty hot item pretty quick. Two months after graduation we made it legal, and for the past sixteen years we've been as happy as could be: her, apparently, because she was getting what she wanted and needed, and me in my ignorance that she was getting what she wanted and needed; go figure. Elise is...

2 years ago
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Harveys Training

Author's notes: This story contains non-con, mentions of CBT, urethral sounding, sexual slavery and anal. This is an introduction, setting up what is in store for Harvey. I intend for more to follow. Leave a comment - I'm open to criticism and suggestions. Please note: I do not condone ****. This is fiction only. John did not consider himself to be a cruel man. If he had seen his victims as something equal to others, he might have re-considered that. He was nice and considerate to people at...

3 years ago
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What just happened0

there was what looked like a jail cell-style toilet, a drain in the center and sorta weirdly a king-sized four poster bed – quite feminine in its appearance: frilly and fluffy pink pillows and quilt The last thing I remembered was smoking from a pipe with Danell and Donnell McPhillips ,twin brothers I knew from school. And drinking a coke they had told me had a little rum in it. We had become friendly in a kind of a weird way. They were juniors and varsity football players -all...

3 years ago
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In the Darkroom

Mellissa was a freshman and was taking the photography class because it was a requirement for her major. Her boyfriend was also in the class and I always saw them smooching in the hall before class and they always walked in with his hand on her ass. I was jealous of her boyfriend. I wanted Mellissa. Mellissa was a little plump but she was not fat. She was about 5’5”, and I would say about a 150 pounds. She had a beautiful round ass. She had long curly red hair, blue eyes, and few...

2 years ago
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Harvey Summers My Very First Visit

The following is pure fantasy and did not really happen, these words are my own.*There was an ad on craigslist in the M4M section: "Private backyard, free to use for sunbathing; clothing optional, any and all body types welcome."  The small balcony on my third-floor apartment offered a fair amount of privacy but was not situated to where I could achieve an all over even tan.  So I responded to the ad.Harvey was in his seventies, lived altwo-storytwo story home with a high privacy fence.  He...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Backroom Casting Couch

BackroomCastingCouch! The casting couch is a mainstay of the adult entertainment industry. I mean, think about it … the directors and producers of all your favorite porn studios have to find and audition new porn stars somehow. And the only way to audition a new porn star, to know that she has what it takes to star in porn, is to fuck her! Before a girl ever gets cast in a proper scene, she gets fucked on the casting couch. You gotta test drive a car before you buy it, right? Well, the same is...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
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It had been the strangest and yet the most exhilarating time in Sandy’s life, these last two weeks. She looked at her naked body and was pleased with her tall, slender body with her small breasts. It was a good body. She could hardly believe she had been a repressed, inhibited librarian just two weeks ago, afraid of sex and feeling dirty whenever her own strong urges overcame her and she rented pornographic videos and played with her pussy until she came, often eight or ten times in an evening....

2 years ago
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It had been the strangest and yet the most exhilarating time in Sandy's life, these last two weeks. She looked at her naked body and was pleased with her tall, slender body with her small breasts. It was a good body. She could hardly believe she had been a repressed, inhibited librarian just two weeks ago, afraid of sex and feeling dirty whenever her own strong urges overcame her and she rented pornographic videos and played with her pussy until she came, often eight or ten times in an...

3 years ago
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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

3 years ago
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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

4 years ago
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Stockroom Shenanigans

Kristi McDowell was not having a good day. It started by waking up too late to get her husband's lunch ready. He couldn't wait and said he would just grab something from the "roach coach" that comes by the construction site at lunchtime. Kristi felt terrible about that - she had eaten a meal or two from those places and she didn't like the fact that because of her, he had to now. Then her oldest boy, Allan, the 10 year old, woke up not feeling good. She took his temperature and he was a little...

Wife Lovers
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The Stockroom All Together Now

Adam knew something was going on. Now that the young college student was aware of the relationship between Janey, his long time friend and crush, and their supervisor Paula he easily picked up the signals the two women used. Something was in the wind. He recognized the subtle touches and the guarded looks that the female lovers always exchanged at work but for the last few days there had been something more. He wasn't sure what that something more was, except that those signals seemed to...

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The Mailroom Guy

You are a college junior working your way through school as a mailroom delivery person in a large downtown corporation. It doesn't pay a lot, but you are learning a bit about the business world, and the company has assured you that you can come to work for them when you graduate. As an added bonus, there are lots of lovely women in the office. The best part is that you actually get to chat with many of them. The work isn't very taxing, and there is plenty of time to schmooze. You start your day...

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Boardroom Stalemate

Melissa was a winner. Leaving the boardroom without a deal was not an option and two of her three adversaries were leading her down a path that would have ended in a stalemate.It was not her style.Brian, the younger of the two businessmen and Amy, the technical guru were the most awkward and kept stalling on every technical point that Melissa had a resolution for. The older gent, Mathew Davies, the one with the salt and pepper hair and moustache was more or less on her side all the way through,...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Navy LarksChapter 3 Tony Stands in for the Bridegroom

Next morning Tony awoke to a sort of orderly confusion. Debbie had left his bed sometime earlier, he showered and dressed and went down to the kitchen for Breakfast, but Debbie looking quite bleary eyed after her late night with him sent him back to his room to change into civvies. She followed him, to help him select suitable clothes, which was a bad move because it took quite a long time to complete the task. She was amazed at his stamina and he at her enthusiasm, and it was with great...

3 years ago
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Roomie readys me for my date

Unplanned I swear…My sorority sisses used to sometimes do road trips to the mall and almost always alcohol was involved! Lots of pranks and dares and jokes and harmless fun. Inhibitions went out the window, which was why we did our philandering at another city from where our college was located, for fear of being recognized. My roomie was quite bold and risqué most of the time. This particular day was a lot of fun since I was not the designated driver to get us back to campus.I had a date that...

1 year ago
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it just sort of happened2

Toni gave me mainly bland things items for kitchen etc but I took a different approach I wrote a list for sexual things that I would like, it went like this: I would like a blow job. Sex in a new position or location, Slide up and drip the come from your pussy all over me after we fuck then make me lick your pussy clean while you lick me clean, wear only sexy see through nigh ties while we are home and no panties (which really is not a problem since she does not wear panties most of the time...

3 years ago
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it happenedon vacation and continued at home pt 5

I don't know why but fucking a girl in the ass is something I always had wanted to do. Sure pussy is great, hell its fantastic but there is just something about the thought of fucking a girl in the ass. Maybe its just the fact of going in thru the out door (so to speak) or a girl being in that submissive position and you know your about to enter where your not supposed to or that you know its a tight tight hole and it just has to feel so dam good, perhaps its all the above and the fact that...

2 years ago
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The Grooms SonChapter 2

Venerable Hall Elizabeth remembered having been perfectly satisfied with the groom's work until that Constable had arrived. He had tried to be subtle and just ask vague questions about Professor Willets. Her groom was a professor, suddenly? It had been all too intriguing to leave alone. She had mentioned the heat and how good an ale would taste, then she had invited him to the kitchen. Two ales later she knew a lot more about the professor than she wanted to know or felt comfortable...

3 years ago
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After the darkroom

The days that followed the party, Sara seemed to be almost flirtatious with me. I was sure she knew it was me in the darkroom. I would catch her walking around in her night shirt or bikini. She would have a little extra sway in her hips as she passed by, as if to say “Look at my ass.” I swear she would find things to suck on in front of me jus to tease me with that big smile across her face. Still she didn’t mention anything about it directly. As the days passed her flirtation...

3 years ago
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Sunroom Construction Job

The events of this story took place when I was twenty years old, 6'-0", 185lbs, fit, with light brown hair and blue eyes.Brenda had gotten my name from the instructor at the trade school I had taken my pre-apprentice carpentry course. She lived in a townhouse that backed onto a large overgrown green space and wanted a sunroom built to enclose her small concrete patio. Brenda was forty-eight, divorced and lived alone. Her body was nice enough that she looked pretty good in the bikini she always...

2 years ago
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roomate secret

He came to drop his stuff in his room after my last roommate drop from the program i had received txt and emails telling me i would get a new roomate from the University administrationhe was a bit on the chubby side , taller than me and dark skin as night I watch him get his stuff in and offered some helphe was cool. he went to get some beer after we finished and went staight to his room , one of the box i moved had made me curious the sissy word with a sharpen on the box side made me too...

2 years ago
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Whatsapp Se Bedroom Tak

Mera naam jimmy hai. Mein punjab se jalandhar city se belong karta hu.aaj mein aapko apni ik story ke bare mein batauga..jo aaj se kuch hi time purani hai.. Aaj kal whatsapp toh sab lok hi use karte hai. Meri story bhi whatsapp se hi related hai. Agar aapko meri story pasand aaye toh aap mujhe meri email id par contact kar sakte ho. Aab mein story par aata hu. Sunday ka din tha mein bilkul free betha tha .. Sardi ke dino mein dhup mein bethana mujhe acha lagda hai bus mein v dhup mein betha...

3 years ago
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Hypnosis Harvey

Harvey was completing his morning jog. Looking up from his thoughts, he saw two big men jogging towards him, with the intention of colliding with him. All of a sudden, the collision occurred, and Harvey fell splat onto the sidewalk. A syringe containing an unknown substance, got injected into his neck. He felt woozy, and then he blacked out. Waking up, he saw the men he collided with squatting over him. As his vision cleared, he heard them talking about how fun the collision was, but noticed...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Phone Sex The Courtroom

Judge John Evans was leaving his Chambers and making his way to the courtroom for the trial of Jonathan Williams, a self-confessed burglar who had been up before the bench more times than the judge had had hot dinners. But this case was different. Soon after raiding a house, he was caught having sex in the back of his car with the loot still in the trunk. It was a fair cop and the police were in two minds whether to charge him for burglary or charge both of them for indecent exposure. With the...

2 years ago
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TVS Showroom Se Bedroom Tak

Hello friends, aapko shiv ka namaskar, dosto ye meri life ki pehli kamukta story hai joki publish kar raha hu,ye ghatna puri tarah se sach ahi aur bas name and place changed hai, I hope u enjoy this story. Toh ye start hota hai jab main engi. 2nd yr mein tha pune mein aur mujhe nayi bike leni thi toh maine mere uncle ko bataya jo wahi rehte the and unhonne tvs apache book karadi,I was very happy about it. Sorry friend main khid bare mein batana bhul gaya main ek normal sa bachelor hu with lean...

1 year ago
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Deadly Domme Judges Courtroom

Each of the five big lucious female judges is sitting on the face of and smothering a male even while presiding over these cases. "Lets see our first case then" announced one, who's ass was pressing down heavily on a man underneath her - he was being crushed, suffocated and humilated to death all at the same time. A young woman aged 21 entered the courtroom, and a man in his 40s with a pair of worn girl's panties, probably hers and fresh, stuffed in his mouth. "The young woman is named Jenifer....

Adult Humor
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HARVEY I submitted this story several years ago on another website and is a true story. This took place back in 1970. I was still on active duty in the USN, married and fucking a lot of women. My wife at the time was pretty straight laced and to my knowledge, did not fuck around when I was away on cruises at sea. Not that I didn’t encourage her to do that. She loved to fuck, but insisted she could always wait for me to fuck her when I got home.Well, the inevitable happened and she caught me...

1 year ago
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HARVEY I submitted this story several years ago on another website and is a true story. This took place back in 1970. I was still on active duty in the USN, married and fucking a lot of women. My wife at the time was pretty straight laced and to my knowledge, did not fuck around when I was away on cruises at sea. Not that I didn’t encourage her to do that. She loved to fuck, but insisted she could always wait for me to fuck her when I got home.Well, the inevitable happened and she caught me...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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My first lesbian experience, at least outside of my family, was with Brenda, my college freshman roomy. As things turned out, she had an older brother. He was married but like a lot of husbands, was ready for something new – or should I say “someone”. The best part was that it wasn’t just me he was interested in!When I was a freshman in college my roommate turned out not only to be extremely cute but bisexual as well. Brenda was the first girl I was with outside of my family and needless to...

2 years ago
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Sex With Girlfriend8217s Roomie

Hi all lusty readers. Myself Raaz from Ranchi (Jharkhand) and any horny female from Ranchi looking for hot sex or chat pls mail me on “”. Coming to the story, She was one of an average horny girl always looking for a cock to fuck her glory hole and ass. How Hot and steamy sex with girlfriends lusty Roomie in theater. KAISE MAINE USKI CHUT KA KACAHMOOR NIKALA AUR USKI GAAND KA gURGAON BANAYA. yE STORY EK THEATRE ME HUI FAST SEX AUR LUST KI KAHANI HAI. Kaise hum dono ne theatre me khule aam sex...

4 years ago
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I fuck the Groomsmen at my Cousinrsquos Wedding

So, a cousin of mine was getting married at a winery. This is after Covid Restrictions lifted in Australia so it was a normal wedding for the most part. In order to attend her wedding, I wore a strapless cocktail dress.Anyways I get dressed for the wedding (with plenty of masturbation along the way), then drive over to my parent’s house as we were all leaving for the wedding together. Once at the wedding we sort of split up and everyone attends to their own thing. I sort of hang out with my...

1 year ago
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My Wet Spot in the Boardroom

A buzz came from the secretary's desk, and Kara motioned for Kathy to go into the room, giving her a thumb's up as she passed the desk. Kathy winked back at her, giving her an all-knowing look. Kathy gave her suit one last check for lint or wrinkles, checked her reflection in the glass by the door, and went into the boardroom. Kathy took a look around the room. A huge mahogany table dominated the room. Five men sat around one end of the table designed for 12. In the corner was a fully...

1 year ago
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Lucyna Polish Boardroom Bang

A few years ago, I got into an extra curricular relationship with a Polish girl at work. We were both seeing other people at the time, so everything that was wrong about it was very wrong, but we couldn’t leave each other alone and the lack of opportunities was making us both hornier by the day. We would steal kisses in the lift, or spend 10 minutes in a bathroom, but in a fairly small building, it wasn’t easy to be alone or find time when either of us wouldn’t be missed. We’d nip out for...

4 years ago
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roommate cute doll part2

I woke up dress in last night pink outfit , plug and in cagemy roomate sleeping naked my leash attach to the bedi realised how my life would never be the same now he made me into a sissyhe woke up becaise i tried to get out of the bedsmilling at me on my knees trying to unlock my leash''morning baby, you slept well?''"mike please iam not sure about all this ''''dont be shy, no one will ever know you like my cock in your sissy boy holes''rubbing my ass , pulling on my leash until i was on his...

2 years ago
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Roommates Girlfriend

My roommate's girlfriend was in town for the weekend and it was driving me nuts. My name is John, I'm 19 and I live in a dorm with my roommate, Mark. Mark's girlfriend's name is Doe. Doe is my height, about 5'7, 18, and she weighs about 100 pounds. Last year she was a cheerleader for the high school, but this year she decided not to. She has nice medium size mounds on her chest and has a very nice very round little ass. Her legs are mesmerizing as her skin is perfect and she is very toned. On...

3 years ago
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Showroom Girl

This is not a ‘story’ in the sense of fiction or fantasy just something that happened last month. It’s not that dramatic but I found it exciting and decided to share.My wife is an exhibitionist and goes out wearing seamed stockings and stiletto heels. However, when the weather gets very warm she tends to stop wearing stockings out and prefers to wear tops which show off her big bust to good effect – she’s a 40E cup.Recently she bought some tight leather-look trousers and was delighted with the...

2 years ago
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Chatroom trick

I couldn’t believe I was doing this, as I stood by her front door I struggle to find breath on a surprisingly clear day. It had started some months ago, and internet chatroom, boy those things can be dangerous. I had spoke to Mary almost every night, soon chats turned to sex then to fantasies. The difference was she only lived in the next town so when she asked to meet I jumped at the idea, she was so sexy in her pictures. Admittedly Mary was 41 and I was 26, but still. She stood at 5ft10, long...

2 years ago
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I submitted this story several years ago on another website and is a true story. This took place back in 1970. I was still on active duty in the USN, married and fucking a lot of women, actually cheating on my wife. My wife at the time was pretty straight laced and to my knowledge, did not fuck around when I was away on cruises at sea. Not that I didn’t encourage her to do that. She loved to fuck, but insisted she could always wait for me to fuck her when I got home.Well, the inevitable...

1 year ago
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A Visit to a Darkroom

One night after my wife and I had a bit of a spat, I went to a gay bar in town. I was pissed off and did not want to be around any women. Of course the wife thought I just went to the “a bar” but I wanted a bit more than a ‘cooling off’ beer. Being new to town I was just learning the scene and had passed this small bar with a rainbow flag a number of times on my commute. I decided to check it out. The windows were all coated as to let a little light in, but no one could see inside. I opened the...

2 years ago
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Darkroom Saturday

Steve's alarm went off at 7:00 on Saturday. It was unusual for him to get up earlier than 9:00 on the weekend, but he had signed up to teach English to immigrants at the library once a month and today was his first day. He rolled out of bed, checked his email. Nothing yet. A shower and breakfast and he was on the road. Thirty minutes later and he was helping a group of three elderly Indian ladies learn the days of the week in English. "Sunday," they repeated after him, "Monday, Tuesday,...

3 years ago
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Darkroom Monday

Steve came home from a sociology class to a general uproar Friday afternoon. "Have you heard about it?" Justin said as Steve put down his backpack. "What? Did someone run us out of milk again?" Steve joked. "Just read this," Anthony ordered. "Read it off my screen." The email had been sent anonymously, but specifically to the guys that shared the house- Steve, Anthony, Gabe, Justin, and Dieter. Steve read with mounting astonishment. ---- You guys have really gotten our attention. We're a...

2 years ago
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Roomies part 1

The three of us had been roommates for about a year. AJ, Jim and I usually got along pretty well. But AJ and Jim had a thing for each other. They tried to hide it, but I could tell. I thought she may have quietly liked me, as I swear I’d catch her looking at the bulge in my pajama pants every now and then, but neither of us ever made a move, so I assumed Jim was her choice. It didn’t keep me from checking out her ass in her pajama shorts or her nipples when she wore a skimpy tank top around the...

1 year ago
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Ashley and her boyfriend of a year were your average couple. Jake, her boyfriend, had just been laid off work and Ashley was a receptionist at a small dentist’s office. Struggling to make ends meet they decided to bring in a roommate for a bit of extra cash. Finally, after a hot and sticky hour long drive through peak hour traffic, Ashley walked through the door of her home. Immediately she felt the cool air from the air con all over her body. “Babe, I’m home!” she called out to Jake who’d no...

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