The Debt -- Conclusion free porn video

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Katie had just connected the leather collar around her neck, finished buckling the leather cuffs to her wrists and ankles, and stood silently. Diego, standing behind her, both her nipples in his grasp, whispered in her ear, “So, let’s see... where should we begin...”

Katie remained silent as Diego rolled her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, squeezing them harder and harder.

“Does that hurt?” he whispered in her ear.

“Ye... yes. But it is also provocative. Ah lord,” she whispered back, lying her head back on his shoulder.

Still holding them as tight as he could, he asked, “Why did you just put on the collar and cuffs without asking any questions?”

“I know the quote from E. L. James that Maria mentioned. I trust you both. I am curious. I want to experience compelled carnal control.”

He quickly released her nipples.

“Oh, damn!” she uttered, rubbing her nipples, as blood flowed back to where it had been deprived.

“You still want this?”

“Yes. James is right. Pain and pleasure can be very close.”

He turned her to face him and kissed her, deeply. Their bond was strong.

“There is only one thing you need to know, how ever long you let this go on; it is the word red. That is the one word that will end whatever is happening. You need to understand that you may cry, scream, yell “stop”, plead with us; nothing you say or do, except saying red will end it, until we are ready to end it. I reserve the right to end it at any time."

“You must also understand that using red will end everything, not just whatever is happening at the moment. This night of, I believe you said, ‘carnal control’, will be over. Finished. Not just a pause or reset, everything will end. So think carefully before you use it. Understand? Any questions?”

“I understand completely.”

“Okay. Now help Maria put your hair in a pony tail. It needs to come off the top of your head, not the back. She will wrap it with this leather band. As you can see it holds a steel ring. A rope will be attached to it."

“Maria! Bring the other implements and get our Katie ready. I am going to make myself a drink. It should be an interesting night for everyone, no matter how long it lasts."

“Katie, I will be back when Maria has you prepared. I hope you enjoy the evening. We could not love you more!” he said, kissing her again and then departing for his bar.

Maria came over, carrying a pole and some carabiners. After a quick hug and kiss, they quickly had Katie’s hair in an almost vertical ponytail. Maria tied it in place with the band and used one of the carabiners to connect it to a rope hanging from the ceiling.

Then she took the pole, which was three feet long, made from carbon fiber, and used carabiners to connect each end to Katie’s left and right ankle cuffs. Lastly, she had Katie put her hands behind her neck, where she used one more carabiner to connect her leather wrist cuffs to a ring on her collar. She was effectively unable to move her body and it was totally open and vulnerable.

The room went dark except for a flood light above Katie’s head. Diego, still sipping his drink, came into the light to inspect Maria’s work, pulling here and there to make sure Katie was secure. He went to the rope and pulled until there was tension on it; Katie’s hair was noticeably being pulled, her head held very upright.

“So Katie, how do you feel?”

“Immobile and vulnerable.”

“Good, good. That is just what we want. Are you in any pain?”

“No, not really. Some of my muscles are a bit uncomfortable due to the position you have me in.”

“Just a necessity for you in order to undergo the ‘carnal control’ you seek.”

He stepped out of the light and then came back with two items, a riding crop and a thick, soft blindfold.

“I assume you recognize the crop?”

“Yes, I have ridden before.”

“Good, then you understand about them. This blindfold is rather special. As you can see it is rather thick. It is made from memory foam, like some pillows and mattresses. The special part is it’s eye covering. Depressions are carved out of it so you can keep you eyes open, if you please. Of course everything will be black anyway, but it might be more comfortable.”

“How thoughtful of you,” she said sardonically, as he fastened it around her eyes.

“I thought so,” he said, in a brusque way.

Thwack! Thwack! The sound echoed in the room as he smacked her ass.


“And so the night begins my Sweet.”

Whoosh! Whoosh! Diego swung right and then left, coming within a fraction of an inch of her nipples. He was very practiced with the crop. Maria was several years ahead of Katie, but she had experienced much the same—on more than a few occasions. Now she sat, sipping her drink in the dark, watching, wondering, waiting for the inevitable.

Katie’s nips got even harder, if that was possible, as she felt the rush of air sweep past them. Oh my God. What have I let myself in for?

Diego then started patting her thighs, from her knees to just below her pussy. Not hard, just patting; back and forth. Leg to leg. Higher and lower. No sounds other than the beat of the crop against her.

Now she wanted it. She could not see, but tried to shift her pussy forward. The patting was what she needed, just higher. Even in the dark, she knew she was swelling, probably beginning to drip. It would not go on her legs, they were open too wide. She wanted to scream for it, but would not give him the satisfaction—she knew it was useless anyway, he had told her.

Then, whoosh, whoosh, two more passes that just barely ticked her nips. No serious pain, maybe like a bee sting. She involuntarily tried to jump back; of course she could not.

“Jesus! That stung.”

The next thing she felt was a delicious stroke on her clit. Yes! Yes! She thought, This is what I need, what I hunger for.

He kept it up, stroke after stroke. Some high on her thighs, some on her clit. He could see her begin to sweat. Her clit was as large as he had ever seen. She was panting for breath. Her orgasm was close now. The strokes got harder and faster.

Almost there, just a few more times. God, I need to cum! She thought.

Thwack! Thwack!... Thwack! Thwack!

“OH my fuckin’ God!” she screamed, as the crop struck twice, fully slapping both nipples. “Jesus Christ! I... Damn that hurts! I was going to cum, you fucker!”

“Just say ‘red’ and it is over.”

Her body was trembling. She was trying to break lose, but could barely move any part of her body.

“Fuck you, fuck you! Make me cum you fucker!”

Diego said nothing. He simply started to gently pat her thighs again.

Katie got her breath back and also said nothing more. She could feel the sweat running down her back and between her boobs, down her stomach; all, no doubt, pooling on the floor. Her body had almost stopped trembling, but would not stop completely, it was unnerved from the blows and demanding an orgasm.

This went on three more times. Each time he brought her right to the brink, and then hard strikes to her nipples jerked her back.

The second time he denied her by swatting her nipples, she managed to yell and curse him like the first time, even though she was still shaking from the previous blows.

On the third denial, she could barely get the words out. Her mind and body were overwhelmed with the agony and ecstasy she was feeling. Her desperation for release had become profoundly intense. By now her body was dripping sweat from every pore, and her pussy was leaking almost a steady drip of slippery juice. Her legs were weak. He could see at least fifty percent of her weight was being held by the hair rope. She was trying hard not to let her hair bear more weight.

On the fourth time, she gave in to what she had mentally sworn she would never do. Her voice was reduced to a weak, stammering whimper.

“Diego, I am begging you, pleading with you; my body is severely demanding an orgasm. Can’t you see me trembling? You don’t understand how bad I need this. It is a demand I can no longer control. Let me cum and you can do whatever you want to me. Please. Please.”

For the first time she started to cry. He said the same thing he had said since they started, “Just say ‘red’ and it is over.”

Every series had pushed and provoked Katie further; but she refused to say the word. So she said nothing more, but could not completely stop the tears. Both her clit and her nipples were swollen—inflamed from the torment and the bliss he was administering.

He kept using the crop to pat her thighs, and occasionally her clit, but did not increase speed nor strength. He knew she was once again close to an orgasm, but he did not bring it on.

Now Maria came out of the darkness and stood quietly behind Katie. Once she was close to her, Maria, whose hands were covered in a cooling lotion, reached around her and began to caress and massage her nipples. Diego kept up his strokes

“Oh damn that is good! Maria is that you? I know it is. You are so gentle with them. I love your touch.”

Soon, the lotion was used up. Maria was now just squeezing and rubbing her throbbing tits.

“God Maria, not you too. I am on fire. It is excruciating what you both are doing to me.”

“Remember what Mizz James said, ‘...two sides of the same coin, one not existing without the other.’ Embrace everything. Once you do, the feelings will join and you will find the relief you desire,” Maria said to her, as she continued to work on her nipples.

Katie moaned and sunk lower, almost all her weight now held by her hair.

She spoke so softly it was hard to hear. It was really more of just a slight whisper.

“I give up. I feel it now. No more fighting. I have nothing left. Everything has merged. Pain is pleasure, pleasure is pain. I see it now. I understand.”

At the same moment, Diego and Maria increased their stimulation. Katie started to quiver and tremble. She had lost all control, totally giving her body over to the orgasm that wickedly wracked her. Never in her life had she experienced one this strong. It seemed to go on and on.

“Finally! Ahh damn. Oh yesss... God yes...” she managed to murmur. Gasping for breath, her body just kept jerking. Finally the last of her climaxes left her.

“I never thought... I had no idea... Oh my God, please help me.”

Diego held her as Maria quickly released all the bonds that had restrained her. He carried her to the bed and gently laid her down. She found his lips and the strength for a powerful, deep kiss. He had never wanted her more, his cock was as hard and throbbing as it had ever been. He also knew that this had stirred deep demons in him. Suppressing his urges for Katie was exceedingly difficult, but he knew he had Maria for the demons...

When they finally broke apart, she said, “Thank you both. I still cannot take it all in. Such a roller coaster ride of sensations. No matter what you read or think you know, it is so different, shockingly unbelievable. I feel like I have been to both Heaven and Hell.”

“I feel privileged and honored that you gave yourself to us in this way,” he said and started to move away.

She managed to pull him down for another kiss. “You are a special man Diego. I love you incredibly!”

He broke away, his demons getting stronger. Maria took his place. As she sat next to her, they both heard him dive into the pool.

“I have more of that soothing lotion. Let me apply it to you. It will soak in and renew your body. Then you can sleep. I know, I have been where you are now a number of times.”

“Really? Was it like this for you?”

“Yes, much the same. It has gotten better each time. Diego only does it every so often, it is unpredictable. Sometimes I need it, sometimes he needs it. Now he is dying to fuck. When we are done, he will take me—violently and intensely. Right now he is like a raging bull inside. You found pain and pleasure, he found pain; even though it may seem like he was almost indifferent, that is far from the truth. He is a complicated man.”

Katie wanted to know more, but she was also extremely exhausted, and Maria’s massage, combined with the feel of the lotion was putting her to sleep. Soon Maria was finished and Katie was soundly sleeping. She left a bottle of the lotion for Katie and went to find Diego.

He saw her coming and pulled himself out of the pool, his hard-on still raging. “Maria! Come on, to your room. I need you!”

Releasing her dress, she walked naked to him. “I see that my love. I am very wet for you. You know you can take me however you want.”

“I intend to! It is wonderful that we are so good together. On your back as soon as we are in your room!”

“Yes my love. My open flower anxiously awaits.”

No more words were spoken. She went straight to her bed and lay, legs wide. He wasted no time gathering her legs under his arms and entering her open flower. Bending both knees to her shoulders, he fully penetrated her in one swift thrust.

“Oh yes my love! Pound me. Take my cunt and fuck it with everything you have! I know you need it.”

He did just that, relentlessly. He was very strong, and had incredible endurance. She knew, that aside from the pain Katie had experienced, she would be just as exhausted when he finally finished.

Her orgasms started, her body quivering, her muscles trembling, as orgasm after orgasm had her in its grip. She had learned to go to a special shadowy place in her mind when he got like this. No screaming or yelling. Even though it was pleasure; it was also endurance and stamina. She knew he would eventually be sated and fill her with a surfeit of his milt. Then, and only then, would he stop—utterly exhausted.

Suddenly she felt him begin to expel his creamy essence into her. She loved the warm feeling of his flow; the strong pulsing of his cock. After several last full strength thrusts, he stayed buried deep in her. His sapped, sweat drenched body, lying unmoving on her.

In not much more than a whisper, he said, “Maria, my Maria. I love and need you so much. I give thanks every day for you in my life.”

As he was withdrawing and releasing her from her pinioned position, she said, “I know my Sweet. We are linked forever by fate. Our love is measureless and everlasting.”

Too tired to move, they held hands and fell asleep—his seed slowly seeping out of her.

The next morning was a new day. Everyone slept late. Diego woke first. Maria and he were still on their backs, although not holding hands. He slipped out of bed and peeked under the sheet. Her legs were still a bit spread; a dried white patch extended from her petal lips to her thighs, and on to the bed.

“Quit peeking, I know I am a mess,” she said, laughing, although still half asleep.

“I am going to go check on Katie. Go back to sleep.”

“I know what you will check. Make sure she is not too sore before you check her depths. You are totally incorrigible! Make her happy and before that, get Carlos going with some coffee and rolls. Bring her back with you, and shower before you go!”

He withdrew to the shower, enjoyed a quick one, and headed to his room and Katie. He found her curled on her side, seemingly deep in sleep. He eased under the sheet and curled behind her, their bodies just barely touching. He let his right hand rest on her stomach, just below her breasts.

“I know you are back there, you satyr. You debauched me even further last night. Is there no end to your wantonness? No limit to your sexual audacity?”

As his hand started to slowly move toward her right nipple, he said, “Only the limits you impose. You should know by now I would never force or compel you to do anything.”

She flipped over before he could reach her nip. “Do you love me?”


“As much as Maria?”

Pausing only briefly, he said, “Yes, but in a slightly different way.”

“Different how? Do you love her more?”

“Not exactly more. We have known each other much longer. There is also the addition of a certain business aspect to our relationship.”

“What did you do with her after you left me last night?”

“I fucked her unmercifully.”

“Is she okay? Did you hurt her?”

“She is fine. She came many times. I had demons I had to be rid of.”

“What demons? Why?”

“Oh Katie... I did not expect you to so unquestioningly accept the cuffs and everything that happened subsequently. When you did, I was sure you would use the safe word.”

“I love you and trust you absolutely. Why would I not? And I did want to discover if pleasure and pain coalesced at some point—and I did!”

“It did not give me pleasure to go as far as I did with you. I kept believing you would stop me.”

“So you were tormented by anguish and compassion for me?”

“Yes... that is probably a fairly accurate description of my demons.”

“Oh Diego, I love you so much,” she said as she began to stroke his hardening cock. “Do you want me? Is there anything left from last night with Maria?”

“I have never wanted anyone more, but I do not want to hurt you further. Can you take me now?

As she started to stroke the hard rod that had been resting exactly where her legs merged, she said, “My pussy was not what was thrashed last night. My nipples are off limits. My clit is in tolerable condition. So be very gentle and you can have my already soaking tunnel.”

With that, she rolled on her back, spreading her legs and raising her knees, fully exposing herself to him. He was gentle. Slowly rubbing his cock head between her glistening, flower petal lips, her elixir began to coat him, and he carefully eased into her.

He watched her eyes close and a delighted expression began to appear, as she softly moaned, “Oh yes... Yes, fill me.”

At some level he still felt the demon remnants. He wanted this to be memorable and special for her. As he reached his full depth, he moved over her, keeping his body on his knees and elbows, not in contact with her.

“I want you to enjoy this for as long or as short as you desire. You guide me. This morning I am yours.”

“Oh my Diego, I am so lucky. Just go slow, but long, full thrusts. I knew you would come to me this morning and make me cum and cum and... Oh yes, like that, just like that... For now.”

They consumed each other in a long, ardent kiss as her first orgasm built. It did not take long to arrive. Even though last night she experienced the most intense one of her life; it was only one. The preceding denials had stayed in her mind, her nipples a constant reminder.

Although her body seemed to stay relaxed, he could feel her pussy contracting more; he knew she was close.

“Now Diego, now! Oh, oh, oh yes. My God I need that and more. Your cock is perfect! You can contact my clit more... Yes, yes! Like that. Perfect!”

Every down stroke came into full contact with her clit, hard enough to excite and galvanize it with only small twinges of pain—twinges she now welcomed, savoring the pleasure that accompanied them. She would soon find what she sought, that special passion that drove her sensuality into orgasmic bliss.

“Oh God another! Oh Diego, drive me on. Wring them out of me. Now I am yours, take me... Just take me...” she said, her body trembling as another orgasm ran through her. She was now in her special mental place where she would cum and cum until he decided to finish Katie by filling her with his hot, milky essence.

He kept up his tranquil pace, transfixed by her changing facial expressions, and bodily reactions, as her orgasms passed through her. But he had held off as long as he possibly could. Now was his time. He picked up his pace, hitting her clit harder, somewhat rousing her from that special mental spot. He held back and held back. Then in heated, pulsing surges, his essence gushed into her.

Her eyes popped open, she grabbed him with all her strength, legs now tightly around him, her final one erupted through her.

“Fuck! Oh fuck yes! Damn I love it! Love it! Oh God that was so wonderful!” she said, as it faded away.

Looking down at her with a big grin, he said, “Are you sated now my Sweet?”

Smiling back, “For the moment my Casanova, for the moment.”

“Good! Let’s go see Maria. She is anxious to see you, to make sure you are okay. I was given strict instructions on how to treat you this morning.”

“You treated me just perfect! Let me shower and then we will go.”

She let the hot water help rejuvenate her body. Her nipples were still red and sore, but feeling much better. Her gentle cleansing revitalized her, made her ready for the day. She dried off, carefully avoiding her nips, and walked out to Diego.

“I can’t wear anything that would brush my tits, so I guess I will stay naked. Let’s go see Maria.”

They walked the short distance and found Maria with coffee, rolls, and fruit waiting for them.

They hugged and kissed, Maria being careful not to touch Katie’s nipples. She could see their condition.

“Have some breakfast. You must be starving after what you have been through. Did he treat you well this morning?”

“He showed his deep concern and fully stroked my distressed area,” she said, giggling. “But I could use more of that lotion you are so expert at applying.”

“Actually, I could use some also. I had a rather forceful and taxing experience last night. After we finish our repast, let’s take care of each other.”

“A perfect proposal! Maybe Diego should go amuse himself while we soothe each other. What do you think?

“Absolutely! Diego, you heard Katie. Enjoy our brunch and then give us some privacy.”

“I know when I am not wanted. I will be sulking by the pool.”

“Poor, poor Diego. He never gets what he wants. What a shame,” Maria said, as they both broke into laughter.

After they finished their meal and Diego was gone, Maria dropped the light dress she was wearing and walked to Katie, who stood as she approached. They embraced and kissed, Katie letting her breasts slowly compress against Maria’s. The pain was fading. They both understood each other perfectly.

Maria had Katie lay on the bed as she retrieved the lotion. She began with her chest, slowly working her way to her breasts; the lotion doing its soothing work with the aid of her experienced hands. Approaching her nipples, she grew even more gentle, lightly spreading it with just one finger; using that finger to circle and coat each nip.

Katie’s eyes were closed as soon as Maria started. She just uttered low moans of pleasure. When Maria began touching her nipples, she whispered, “Ah yes, yes. They need it just like that. Oh Maria, you are so patient and skilled at this. It feels so restoring and healing. I love you just as I love Diego.”

“And we both feel the same about you. You are our special girl. We make a wonderful triad.”

Maria carefully worked them until she was satisfied they had absorbed as much as they could for the moment, and then brushed her hands down her body to her mound. Retrieving more lotion, she began to rub it, gradually working lower and lower. Katie had spread her legs as she worked, ready for attention to her intimate parts.

Intending to leave her clit for last, she worked the lotion into her folds, caressing and spreading the balm into all her creases and furrows. Katie’s moaning increased with her attention, her legs spreading wider. When she was satisfied everything had been properly attended to, she came back to her clit.

Again using just one finger, she started applying it between her nub and its surrounding folds, around and around, until she finally rolled over the top of it.

“Oh, Maria! Oh your touch, it is magnificent. You’re going to make me cum as you soothe aren’t you?”

“Yes my Sweet. Just stay relaxed and enjoy my soothing touch. When it happens, it will be subdued; just let it occur when it is ready. I will not stop til it does. There is no rush.”

And so it was. A gentle build up, resulting in a calm climax moving through her. Katie, eyes still closed, just let out a long, peaceful sigh as it transpired. Maria moved up next to her, and they kissed as it was finishing. They held each other for minutes, not moving or speaking, just relishing the loving human contact that is so important to a tranquil, harmonious life.

After a bit of time, Maria slowly arose and Katie opened her eyes, as she lay still, her legs still spread.

“I don’t have words for how tremendous that was Maria. It is wonderful to be penetrated and plunged by a thick, long cock, until you are almost senseless from orgasms, but a tender woman’s touch is astonishingly sensational. I wish I could see you both everyday. I have never known such fulfillment, in so many ways.”

“Why don’t you move in with us? You know there is that other suite that is almost like mine, it could be all yours. Diego and I have talked about it, but did not want to impose us on your life.

Stunned by her words, Katie jumped out of bed. “Don’t toy with me! You can’t be serious.”

“I am serious as a heart attack. We would love for you to live with us.”

“Have you thought about the possible jealousies that might arise? I do not want to be the cause of any problems between any of us. That is one reason I have kept my visits limited.”

“I suspect there might be different issues that might come up and we would all work them out. Even two people together have issues sometimes. Are you dating anyone? Do you want to get married again? Do you love both me and Diego equally?”

“No to the dating and marriage thing. Yes to loving you both.”

“So there you are. And besides I can get Diego to put the condo in your name so you will always have it as an out, if some extremely unlikely situation occurs.”

“Oh my God Maria! You guys really love me and want me that much?”

“Yes we do,” said Diego, as he walked in the door. “I heard bits of the conversation and I can only echo everything I am sure Maria said. I strongly believe there will be no jealousy because we all love each other and there is nothing to be gained by any of us trying to foment discord."

“Listen, it is mid afternoon. Let’s go to the pool, have some drinks, snacks and relax. You just think this over for as long as you like. Ask any questions that concern you. We are already satisfied, so if and when you are, say the word and you shall be moved in."

“I was hoping we could go out on the boat but it is getting too late for that. Let’s just enjoy the pool and each other’s company. I know you have to go to work tomorrow Katie, so depending on your plans, you can eat here and go home or whatever you want. I know you eventually need clothes and things for tomorrow. For now just enjoy.”

She hugged and kissed Maria and Diego, and they did as he suggested, enjoying the rest of the afternoon.

I am going to do this! she thought, as they sat by the pool. What will my future be like? I am certainly not the same woman I was a year ago.

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-Hey -Dont have this phone number, who is dis -It’s your dear old uncle Along with the text, I included a picture taken from our last session. I doubt Rachel had even noticed the cameras I had installed several years earlier at my late wife’s request. She used to love watching herself when I fucked her. This picture showed the young blonde with her hands bound behind her, her face against the ground. Not evident from the picture, but she had been busy licking my cum off the floor at the...

4 years ago
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The farmers daughter pays his debt

Within a month of loosing her mother, she was taking her place in her father's bed. Her father was a hard working man and very strict with his family. He was also a very horny man. He had fucked his wife or had her suck him off almost every night and sometimes also in the morning before she got up to make breakfast so he could go out for a hard day's work on the farm. Now it was Tabby that had to satisfy his sexual desires. Her mother had been on birth control pills so her father just...

3 years ago
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the Drug debt

The d**g PaymentMichelle had been partying to hard of recent months, like a fool she had gone out a few months ago with her mates. It was in one of the numerous party bars that she met up with her daughter and son in law.It was pretty obvious her daughter Kate was off her tits on the gear (Cocaine), at first Michelle was pissed off, but Daz the son in law calmed her down and moving mother away from daughter Daz convinced Shell to give it ago.Ten minutes later like daughter Kate, shell was...

4 years ago
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Repaying a Debt to Goddess Danielle

REPAYING A DEBT TO GODDESS DANIELLEI live on a very large and secluded estate in Costa Rica, though I can't say that my life is easy, or that I'm sitting in the sun sipping a tall cool drink.  Quite the opposite actually. I had run afoul of the IRS and was $200,000 in tax debt. I was facing heavy fines and probable jail time which I was not prepared to serve. The only choice I felt I had was to call and ask a very wealthy acquaintance named Danielle, living in Costa Rica for help. I explained...

4 years ago
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The Debt


2 years ago
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Wife whores out daughters to pay off gambling debtPart 3

FROM THE BEGINNING I knew about the Indian casino, but not the after hours casino run by racketeers(the same ones that the movie Godfather was made about). The Indians would sell the debt markers to the racketeers, and they would encourage the person in debt to come to their casino to win back their money. I found all about this at a later date. Krystal went to the Indian casino with her girlfriends, and she got in way over her head with her gambling. It appeared that the Indians encourage...

3 years ago
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Debt and its high price parts 17

Introduction: Please note I dont condone real rape or slavery. this is parts 1-7 for those of you that want to read it all. I am currently working on part 8 ———–Part 1————- How did I get myself into this? Jerry thinks as he sits there staring at the envelope in front of him. He hasnt opened it yet, but he knows who its from. After a while he picks it up and looks at it some more, turning it over and over in his hands. It looks just like all of the others. Plain white, regular stamp, and no...

3 years ago
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Debt Sex Debt

My name is Kathy Summer and this is my story about my life after my divorce and getting into debt and then my confession to my boss Mrs Collins. (Mrs Angela Collins and her husband Geoffrey Collins)I was in deep in debt both financially and in debt emotionally to Angela and Geoff. I need to keep my job and my boss Mrs Collins knew about my problems. She invited me to her home and together with her husband Geoff. She seduced me into having sex with Geoff her husband and then also with Angela in...

3 years ago
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Paying off a Debt

Paying off a Debt By: Rachael Free Richard was a down to earth husband who liked to dress up with his wife now and then for some fun. He is surprised one night and transformed into a sexy slut. Trixie and Mindy find their way to happiness as they experience the seedier side of life. ....................................................................... I was preparing for a nice restful night after some pretty frisky sex when my wife, Sarah, shook me, telling me she heard...

4 years ago
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Rhaan Debt of Honor one

HUH! Here I am jumping ahead of the full story, wanting to start in the middle than the beginning where I should. So, let us start with two of the main figures, central to this spectacular series of sensuous events… These first two are my mother, and her friend Linda, who is a worker at the town’s great library, just like mother. Each is a contrast in their appearances. Just by looking at them, it’s dead obvious… Mom maintains a healthy, lush brown tan that sets off her fully...

1 year ago
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Damsel for Debt

Introduction: When a dishonest Norseman is unable to repay his debts, he must find other means to repay . . . Note: This is a fictional sex story based off of a character from the TV show Vikings. Please do not comment about the inaccuracy of the women, once again, it is fiction. Thanks. The land was full of violence, violent weather, violent hierarchies, and violent men. In this respect, she should not have been surprised by the way her life changed. Astrid had always known that her land was...

3 years ago
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The Lesbian Debt All Chapters

LAURA AND ERICA Her girlfriend's cunt tasted as good as ever. Laura lay in the top position of a nude 69, her short fringe of pink hair hanging over her eyes as she lapped at her lover Erica's pussy. She loved this position. She loved the feel of her large tits being splayed out to either side of her lover's trim stomach; she loved the feel of Erica's boobs against her own midriff. She loved Erica's head between her thighs, loved knowing she could clench her knees together and trap it...

4 years ago
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Birthday Debt Peak Oil Story of Sharon Fox

It was a warm evening, around 7PM. Sharon Fox was watching television with the lights off. Life was depressing. She had been jobless for six months now and had to borrow money to support herself and her 15 year old son Josh. Her son was over at someone else's house. What made her more depressed was that she was now living at the time of peak oil. Deep down she knew it just wasn't going to be bad for just her and her son, but for the entire country. She knew that many people won't have...

1 year ago
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A Debt Paid Ch 01

This story involves some gender bending, so if you are uncomfortable with that move along, this is not your cup of tea… The following story is based on the results of a DNA reshaping nano-robotic technology designed in China for making perfect workers, soldiers and prostitutes. The mob just bought some of the prostitute nano cocktails on the black market. In short it can transform any human into a nubile sexpot, in addition to the outward body changes, there are sinister changes to the...

1 year ago
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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 40 Freedom

FREEDOM Laura woke up one morning and checked her email. She didn't immediately understand what she saw. She thought it must be because she was a stupid lesbian bimbo, so she read it again, and again, until she realised it was real. === To: Kitten Tits the Lesbian Slut Re: Debt Just writing to let you know that we consider your debt paid. You are worthless, of course, and have not remotely returned the money you owe. But gambling sites are ony a small part our interests. We...

1 year ago
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Husband Pays off Debt with his Wife Blacken

My name is Richard and I work for a large brokerage firm in Atlanta, Georgia. I am the chief financial officer and make very good money. No matter what they paid me, I would still be in debt. I have a bad habit. I gamble. I not only gamble. I lose. I should have been putting money away for retirement, but we are in debt up to our eyes. I have been working here for the last 10 years and am a very trusted employee. Thank God, I had enough sense to put the house and car in my wife's name. A little...

3 years ago
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Time To Pay Off My Debt

**********Time to pay off my bill. No matter what I had to do.******** I had let a bill I let get pretty high and I was told I needed to pay. I asked for more time, but It was long over due and needed to be addressed. I asked, "but what if I don't have the money"? I was told that, "I would figure it out". "Shit"!! "I'm in trouble"!!! Later that day, I get a knock on my door. It was him and he brought back-up, just in case. I was asked to sit down on the couch. "I don't have the money I owe...

1 year ago
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More Sex and Debt

My name is Kathy Summer and this is my story about my life after my divorce and getting into debt and then my confession to my boss Mrs Collins. (Mrs Angela Collins and her husband Geoffrey Collins)I was in deep in debt both financially and in debt emotionally to Angela and Geoff. I need to keep my job and my boss Mrs Collins knew about my problems. She invited me to her home and together with her husband Geoff. She seduced me into having sex with Geoff her husband and then also with Angela in...

2 years ago
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A Debt To Diana

1. The Deed. The oppressive pounding of my pulse around my head was loud against her silence. It seemed that I would die for what I had done, yet what I had done was right and my determination more than matched my fear. Apart from those all too few moments with my love I had never felt so alive even when death looked certain to make my untimely acquaintance. Coldly, slowly and with deliberate hushed tones she began the rhetorical inquisition. "I can see it was you that let her go" she...

2 years ago
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Looming debt

Alex Young had always thought of himself as nothing short of exceptional, believing, for no reason in particular, that he was better in every regard than the average man. By his mid 20s he had always envisioned himself living in a mansion, married to some smoking hot super model or European tennis player with millions in the bank from professional gaming or perhaps investing in stoke. Instead, at 24 years old, he is living alone in a shitty apartment, unemployed and 383,042$ in debt. The debt...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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My Debt To Society

My Debt To Society By Katharine Sexkitten "Defendant will rise!" I stood up. My court-appointed lawyer rose with me. I didn't actually know his name. The Judge looked at me sternly, over top of the rims of his glasses. "Young man," he snarled, "this is the second time you've appeared in this court, much to my consternation." I thought, oh boy, this can't be good. "A third time will result in a sentence of considerable penalty, in a federal penitentiary. Do you...

3 years ago
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Rachels Debt Chapter 5 Poker Night

Swinging into the grocery store on my way home, I bought two jars of salsa, several bags of chips, a bag of pretzels, and two cases of beer. I had a kegerator in my game room, but after a boozy month in which I tried to drink away Amber’s death I hadn’t refilled it again. I made it back home about twenty minutes before my guests would start arriving. Technically, cards didn’t start for another 50 minutes, but Derek and Jeff were almost always a half hour early. I brought the beer in first,...

4 years ago
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Repaying a debt with interest

Recently, I was contracted to install the electrics in a house being renovated by this woman. I was about half way through the installation and she came to me one day and explained she was having a few problems with some money that she was expecting. “There could be a bit of a delay in my next progress payment which was due at the end of the month. I could pay about half on time and the rest should be available by the time the next monthly payment was due. “ I had doubts about this woman a...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Repaying a Debt to Goddess Danielle

I had been acquainted with Danielle through an ex girlfriend of mine for 3 years, but we were never close friends, but kept in touch and occasionally got together when she visited Los Angeles. She is extremely wealthy after inheriting over a billion dollars of family assets. Danielle is 31, dark haired and very curvy with beautiful facial features, a stunning ass and large natural breasts. Danielle is also a lesbian with multiple lovers whom she flies down to visit her or employs on her...

2 years ago
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Taking Lizs Pussy for a Drug Debt

I had been looking for him for a few weeks and finally caught him at his girlfriend's place one night. They ordered a pizza and the guy at the pizza place was one of my customers who knew I was looking for him and tipped me off that night in return for an ounce of weed. He called me after they ordered and told me her address. I figured I had some time to get Ed and Jimmy and get the drop on them. We rolled up to her place and staked it out. Liz lived alone in a small apartment complex...

3 years ago
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Debt and its high price part 3 A walk down memory lane

"You and I have a few things to discuss, but for now I'm tired and need my rest. I'll see you in the morning." He walked to the stairs and paused for a minute. "And Jerry," He waited till Jerry looked his way. "You should have thought about the consequences before you made that mistake." ---------- Jerry was taken to a room on the other end of Kalona's massive dungeon. Unlike Kali's room Jerry had nothing but a bare matress in a rather cramped room. His escort...

2 years ago
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Paying Your Debt

A stupid SUV comes sliding by and spraying my car in water so bad I can't see for a second and my heart is racing by the time I see the car in front of me. I slide into the bumper and it appears neither car is damaged but I sit there as they sit there. Guess I will get out of the car. I take off my silk jacket to try to save it from the storm and reach for my umbrella behind me. It is dangerous to get out in this weather and I have second thoughts and throw the umbrella in the back seat...

4 years ago
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Leah Pays Her Debt extreme

Leah grunted with each thrust as this unknown assailant slammed his dick into her ass to the hilt each time. With her hands shackled behind her back she could not brace herself and her breasts rubbed across the hood of the car she was bent over with each thrust. Dawn was just breaking, and Leah was now thankful for the leather hood that hid her identity. She thought of her beautiful hair that was gone, again felt the pain in her nipples from the chain holding those sensitive buds tightly, and...

2 years ago
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Wife Pays Debt Blacken

My name is Tommy and I'm 41. My wife Christine is 42. I think it would be best if I describe us first. I'm 6'2"; short brown hair; clean shaven and in good shape minus a bit of a belly. Christine is 5'8"; long brown hair; hazel eyes; 36c; great shape even after a few pounds and two k**s. She has always need extremely shy and conservative.Well I have been taking some photography classes so that I could make change in my life. Wife was impressed with my photos even though some could be a little...

2 years ago
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Muslim clears husband off debt

Hafsah had noticed that Osman, her husband was acting in a peculiar manner. Although she did not feel sexually attracted to him anymore she still was worried about him. Osman would spend time looking at his phone in anguish and he would be constantly peeking out of the windows of his house. Hafsah asked Osman 'What is the matter Osman I always see you constantly worrying?' Osman responded and said 'Nothing is the matter is there not anything you can do?' Osman was frustrated by Hafsah's...

2 years ago
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Wifes third and fourth debt repayments

It seems ages since I submitted my last story, but we have been very busy of late. Kelly and I have our own business, and it takes us into Europe fairly regularly. We are just back from a spell in Berlin and Milan. In the present economic climate we are happy to be kept busy. It wasn't all work though. Kelly added two more gang-bangs to her extensive collection. A German four-cock session, and an Italian/Arab six-cock party on the beach! I will tell you all about them in the future, but now...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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My Debt Solving

I have a problem. Like almost every girl, I love to shop. I mainly shop for shoes, skirts, bags, especially hot lingerie, but I won't bore you with the details. I'm 20 years of age and live alone in a rented flat. I'm a student and I work part time as a waitress. At work I have to wear a short black skirt, and a white shirt, which with my 34DD boobs, they really fill up the shirt making my bra noticeable when wearing one. I have long brown hair, green eyes and full rosy lips with pale,...

3 years ago
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Collecting the Debt

;dh;wdf;ja; Collecting the debt?? Part One Stephanie Zarich sucked in hard as she lit another cigarette. Her passenger Julie Fleming instinctively wound down the window of the Lincoln convertible and breathed in the fresh though breezy air from outside.? Sorry Hun but cant do without my ciggies?.Stephanie Zarich was now getting slightly concerned. They had been driving for miles without seeing any signs for there intended destination Hobbs, New Mexico.?Can you check the map again...

4 years ago
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Paying My Debt

Tonight the boys are coming over, it's our weekly poker game tonight, and I've been on a unlucky streak the past two weeks, so I'm looking forward to turning it around tonight. I've got to get even with them for what happened last week and the week before. The first week was horrible, no matter how good my hand was, someone always had a better one. Hell, I even thought I had a high stakes hand, until my bud Joe laid out his royal flush, I was crushed. On that hand, that key hand, I had run...

2 years ago
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Mum Helps Son Get Out of Debt

Early one Friday morning when I was sitting down having my breakfast I heard my mail come through my front door, so I got up and went to pick the post up, and there in my hand was what I had been dreading, my bank statement. I opened it up to see what I already knew, I was again over my overdraft, this time by £300, how am I ever going to get out of this bloody mess that I myself had gotten into? So here I am a single bloke of what 35, nearly 36 living in my own place, never been married,...

3 years ago
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Paying a Debt

Dave and Seth had been friends since high school - doing everything together, including dating and eventually marrying within weeks of each other. Dave married Anne, and Seth married Kelly. All four had attended school together. They purchased houses in the same street, and the two couples were frequent visitors at each other’s homes. Things went along beautifully for the first five years of their marriages. At the age of 25, Anne left Dave ... for another woman. Dave was devastated and...

1 year ago
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Gretchens Debt

Gretchen had just finished her shift when the page came in on her PDA. God if her husband had seen that! O my god and sometimes he looked at her PDA when she was in the shower. She made up her mind she'd have to say something to her gorgeous young black stud. These types of messages were dangerous. He had become very lax about the whole thing as if he wanted her husband Roger to to find out. Gretchen noticed the deeper she got in debt to him the bolder he got about contacting her whenever he...

2 years ago
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The Debt Collector Part 1 reposted

community not too far from the city limits of Las Vegas. The lawn maintenance van we had stolen the night before worked perfectly getting us past the guard gate. That dumb rent-a-cop didn’t give Freddie a second look. I was hidden in the back with Tyrese. Being 6’6” tall, black, and weighing about 280 lbs, he usually proved useful as my muscle for any jobs I did. At 24 yrs old, he was an ex-football player that was banned from playing college sports for gambling and placing bets against...

3 years ago
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The Debt Collector Part 1

community not too far from the city limits of Las Vegas. The lawn maintenance van we had stolen the night before worked perfectly getting us past the guard gate. That dumb rent-a-cop didn’t give Freddie a second look. I was hidden in the back with Tyrese. Being 6’6” tall, black, and weighing about 280 lbs, he usually proved useful as my muscle for any jobs I did. At 24 yrs old, he was an ex-football player that was banned from playing college sports for gambling and placing bets against...

2 years ago
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The Debt Collector Part 1 reposted

Introduction: This story is pure fanatsy. After reading stories on this website and being impressed with the basic ideas, but disappointed with the lack of description, I decided to mix a few together with some of my own ideas. I also tried to be a little more descriptive. I encourage more people to do the same. For anyone who doesnt like the themes listed, such as incest or rape, please dont read any further. For everyone else, be thankful for the 1st Amendment. I hope you all enjoy! It was a...

3 years ago
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The Debt Collector Part 1

Introduction: This story is pure fanatsy. After reading stories on this website and being impressed with the basic ideas, but disappointed with the lack of description, I decided to mix a few together with some of my own ideas. I also tried to be a little more descriptive. I encourage more people to do the same. For anyone who doesnt like the themes listed, such as incest or rape, please dont read any further. For everyone else, be thankful for the 1st Amendment. I hope you all enjoy! It was a...

2 years ago
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A debt repaid

A week later, I was at a card game trying to make up for the hole I was in and was down $2,500 to Rocco; things were not going my way. The door opened, “You mother fucker!” I knew I was dead; Angie looked ready to kill me on the spot. Rocco talked to her a little bit, two guys grabbed me and brought me into the bathroom. I pleaded with them. Angie told me, “You have until the end of the week to get me my $7,500, you have until the end of next week to get Rocco the $2,500 and your going to...

2 years ago
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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 24 Ericas Promotion

ERICA'S PROMOTION Laura didn't really know what to do with herself once Amy had gone. She wasn't allowed to get dressed, and she couldn't watch TV. She thought about using her computer, but then remembered she would be naked and that her neighbour Ranjit could now see into her office from his backyard. The lounge room was the only room in the house screened from the outdoors, so Laura decided to sit there. At first, entirely without thinking, Laura sat on one of the regular,...

1 year ago
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The Debt

A tear was rolling down my cheek, but I wasn’t outright crying. I pulled my bonnet off, releasing my hair down my shoulders, and dropped the hat on the glass table of this living room. I pulled the hair back to straighten it. What the hell was I thinking coming here? I unbuttoned my red coat. I know what I was thinking. I was being brave. I was being resolute. I was doing something crazy to make up for past sins. I was sacrificing for my dickhead of a husband. I nodded to myself as I pulled off...

4 years ago
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The Debt

When the sleek limo pulls up outside my apartment, I know there is no choice that the men I owe money to will take another IOU. Business had not been good the last few months and I was short on my payments. Sighing, I resign myself to my fate and walk towards the waiting car. The door opens from the inside and the most handsome man I have ever seen looks back at me. I stop halfway to the car and just stare. What the fuck is this? I had heard stories of warning about what happens when you don’t...

2 years ago
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wife tricked into paying a debt

before i get into this true story i want to explain how this came about my wife had been promising me a threesome for almost two yrs and hadnt delivered i had been in this porn site and got her to join she did saying this would be good practice for her to get used to the idea of have sex with other men but i noticed she would only have sex chats while i was home every time i asked her why she hadnt had chats its was always one excuse or another and 20 months later i was no closer to getting...

1 year ago
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Paying off your husbands debt

I was recently contacted by an Indian lady...part of a couple....who enjoyed fantasy role play. As I enjoy writing, I penned this scenario for her while waiting around on cam one day. My cock was solid, throughout! If you would like me to write a fantasy for you...then feel free to message me :)I am imagining that your I did some work for your husband, and he now owes me money that he could not pay! I am angry and upset, and need immediate recompense, and I can see his shame at not being able...

1 year ago
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Divorce Debt Sex

Hello there my name is Kathy and this is my story. So this is what happens when you get bored with the same old things day after week after month. I was divorced two years ago. My husband left me and just had my 30th birthday. I was alone and my work was just just clocking in and out. I also started spending money. Credit cards. Store cards. Cheap loans to buy.. Stuff. Clothes. Shoes. A new kitchen. New Tv. Stuff..One day my boss Mrs Collins called me into her office. She said my work was crap...

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