I'am Not Gay Yet But... PT8 free porn video

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I sat in my hotel bed, stunned. What had I just witnessed? Marcie had gotten her revenge. She'd fucked Jake and Tommy. Was she really planning more? Why?

I mean, shit - I knew WHY...

Either she'd found my videos or Jake had told her everything. Somehow she saw to what extent I'd been cheating. Even though, technically, a husband sucking other guys' cocks isn't really cheating, is it? I mean I'd only fucked one other woman. THAT was cheating.

She couldn't possibly be planning on replicating all of my actions? For revenge? For revenge she was going to become...like me? No - not like me!. She would become a... a...whore!

Marcie couldn't do this! She was too innocent!

Too innocent? I just watched her having revenge sex with two men in a video. The scene of Marcie reaching orgasm while Tommy fucked her popped into my head.


I thought some more really considered just what I'd done. I shoulda just told her. I shoulda opened up. I love Marcie. She loved me! Why didn't I just tell her!

Obviously, Marcie would've been much more open to new things in our bedroom - the video was proof of that.

Jesus! And what proof! Who knew, though? Who knew?

Now she was planning...God knows what...to teach me a lesson. I had to call her. What did fuckin Jake say? A poker game? Was she planning a poker party like mine? Jake and I had organized a poker game where I lost on purpose and I sucked everybody's dicks.

Marcie wouldn't do that. I mean, for revenge? Would she?

Jake would, though. Fuckin Jake! And he'd convince an obviously pissed and hurt Marcie to do it.


I glanced down at my computer. I guess the video play was set to automatic repeat because Marcie had just pulled Jake's pants off and was admiring his cock.

"It's even bigger in person" she said. "No wonder Chris loves this..." Marcie paused as if considering the right word. "...Cock. It's so big!"

I couldn't watch the video again. It was too much. But as watched my beautiful wife slip the head of Jake's soft cock into her mouth as she stared into the camera [my eyes], my cock hardened. I wanted her. What's more, I had to admit that I wanted to suck cock with her.

I ended up watching the whole video again and I jacked off twice. Four sessions watching Jake, Tommy, and my wife cuckold me. My cock was definitely sore.

I wanted to call Marcie but I knew she wouldn't answer. I typed a short text:


Marcie replied almost immediately.


We'll get over this? We'll get OVER this? What did that mean? Shit! What a mess I'd made.

After sitting there on the hotel bed for a while envisioning Marcie replicating my sexual escapades, I decided to act - to do something proactive. I'd go home early and put a stop to this madness. Somehow...

I went online. I spent more than an hour trying to change my flights to get home earlier with very little luck. The best I could do was to move my flight up to Wednesday afternoon. This was only slightly better than my Friday afternoon flight, and it cost me a small fortune, but hey - my marriage was at stake. I decided not to tell Marcie. I'd surprise her and...force - no! Beg! Beg her to talk to me.

The next morning, I went about my business while trying to pretend that my wife wasn't planning some sex orgy without me. Strangely, I was hard all day. I was distracted. This affected my work. I tried to get out of dinner with a customer that night but I really couldn't - I was there to meet him, after all. I wasn't gonna be able to get a flight out that night anyway, so in the end, why cancel? I checked my phone throughout the whole meal but it never beeped.

I finally got back to my room late and with more than a slight buzz. I took off my clothes and got in bed. Even though I had been checking my phone all evening and I knew there were no new emails, I fired up the computer and checked.


Maybe she changed her mind...Maybe she'd realized that she'd gotten the revenge she wanted; she'd made her point. By now, she'd surely gone to bed. It was 12:30 am for me. That made it 3:30 for her. We never stayed out that late. I did sometimes for work, but Marcie never did.

This thought cheered me somewhat. No news is good news, I thought. In better spirits, I typed a quick email telling her I loved her and apologizing again. I thanked her for reconsidering. I assured her that I "got it". Then I fell asleep.

Later that night my phone and computer beeped. I woke up and stared at the clock.

5:30 am? That was 8:30 at home.

I stumbled over to the desk and clicked open the email from Marcie.

"Hey Hon,

Sorry this email is so short but, I am simply worn out!

I went to my first poker game tonight! Wow! I truly has such a good time!

All I can say is that you really should have taught me to play poker - I wasn't very good at it. In fact, maybe if you'd have taken me with you when you "played with the boys", I'd be as good as you...

I certainly wouldn't have gone to play tonight - at least not alone, without you. But, Obviously you didn't trust me enough to involve me.

Jake filled me in on the behind the scenes details.

Anyway, long story short, tonight Jake set up a poker game with some people he said would "love to play with me" (Jakes's own words)

When the guys showed up, he made everyone pay $250 to play. Does that seem like a lot to you? I don't know poker was so expensive! Is that the kind of money you play with when you play poker?

Oh - I forgot, you play to lose. Or maybe, you don't play for money - just for cocks. After tonight, I can't say I blame you...

Anyway, I didn't bring that kind of money with me to Jake's. The men were nice enough about it though. They all said I was so pretty, I didn't have to "by in" (whatever that meant). They were all so big and muscular! Is that typical for poker?

The guys suggested I use my clothes as money to play! Men! You're all the same. (Except some like to humiliate their wives and go suck cocks behind their wive's back...). They thought I couldn't see what they were after. It was pretty obvious. Play with my clothes instead of chips!

But, guess what? I did! It was...well, "fun" isn't even close to the right word. You'll just have to watch the video to see what I mean.

And since (spoiler alert) I did end up trading all my clothes for chips, that got embarrassing fast. Fortunately for me (and everyone else), we were able to...cum ;P to an agreement. The guys were all VERY willing to lend me a hand. Or other body parts.

At the end of the night, the boys were so happy with me they ended up giving me the whole pot. $2,000! Seriously! I ended up taking home $2,000 cash!

Even though I lost! Or maybe you did because now, something has changed in me. It can never change back.

Truly though, my guess is you may like the new me. I'm much more...open...than I've ever been.

I do love you. And I do believe you love me. Watch the video in the dropbox. Maybe this is enough for you to understand where I'm coming from...or not.



PS: I saw your email. I don't think you do get it. Not yet. But you will. Me too. I got it tonight!"

SHIT! Shitshitshitshit! I swore at the room. This was not good.


Resigned to my fate, I sighed and shook my head. What else could I do at this point. I brought my computer over to my bed, set it on my lap, took a deep breath, and opened the Dropbox.

There it was. POKER_NIGHT.mp4. I moved it to my hard drive and opened it.

The video started with a group of men sitting around Jake's apartment. I saw Jake and Tommy. I saw Steve, a black guy I'd sucked more than once, and his black friend everyone just called "Jones". I'd sucked him too at Steve's house and at the glory hole. These four were all wearing Gopro cameras on their heads.

This did not bode well.

There were four other guys I didn't know. Two were white, one was black, and the last guy was Asian. These guys all seemed extremely fit - I bet they were Jake's workout buddies. The black guy, though, was huge. Six foot six or eight or something. All muscle. He musta been a pro football player or something.

There was a general murmur as they all talked to each other around the table. It was difficult to make out conversations for two reasons. First, the conversations all overlapped each other and second, the view shifted quickly. Obviously there at least two more cameras on tripods in the room. And, judging from that last shot, another one on the lamp above the table pointing at an empty chair. Mutherfucking Jake!

Jake had already edited this movie since the views shifted quickly - probably just to show me how many cameras there were. Mutherfucking Jake! Obviously, this video was edited in a much less professional manner than the first one. Judging by the hour, he didn't spend too much time making it pretty. The jumps and shifts were brutal and the sound, therefore, choppy. I suspected that Jake is just rushing through this part of the night, showing clips just to get me to...to what exactly?

There was a jump and suddenly the guys cheered and Marcie was walking into the room. She was wearing a tasteful but tight blouse with the top couple of buttons undone, tan shorts, and low black shoes. She looked like a housewife visiting friends for a barbecue. A hot housewife. She was made up and had hear hair in a high ponytail. There were several similar views. All of the Gopro views started at her face, lingered on her breasts, and then moved down to her hips and then legs. Similar but different shots.

Another cut and Marcie was sitting at the table behind some poker chips, a drink in hand and laughing at a comment someone had made. The views shifted from face to face, then out to group shots, and then to Marcie or her cleavage.

Once again, I marveled at my wife's beauty. She could've been a model - still could be!

Another sharp cut to the above view of Marcie and the men were all jeering playfully. There's a pile of chips in the middle of the table. Then men all have individual piles. Marcie has none.

Marcie rolls her eyes. With her deep Alabama accent she says "Fine!" l'll play by y'all's rules."

The men all cheered and high-fived each other and Jake. "I may be a newbe but I'm gonna come out on top, mind you. I'm gonna take home that pot. I may lose some clothes...but y'all gonna see..."

Another cut. "Yeah!", the men cheer as Marcie reaches under the table and fumbles a bit. The cheering turns to "Awwwww" as Marcie smirks and deposits a shoe on the table.

Another cut. A shoe.

Another cut, An ankle high sock.

Another cut. The other sock.

Another cut. The men cheer. "Take it off you fuckin slut!"

The video cuts to Marcie's face. She looked insulted.

Cut to Jake. Jake, his face completely serious, "SHUT UP!"

The group went immediately quiet. "You will not call Marcie nasty names. I told you guys this earlier with the other rules. No nasty names or you're fuckin out. No puh - I mean- no poker for you! Got it?"

The shot stayed on Marcie. She's nodding her head in agreement. The Asian guy, like an embarrassed gradeschooler, offers a feeble apology.

Off camera, Jake continues. "Now Marcie, they're gonna behave. They're gonna behave but, um, you did agree to the rules. You lost so...um..."

The view cuts to Jake as he looks directly at a camera and raises his eyebrows knowingly as if he's "Jim" from the "The Office". Then it cuts back to Marcie.

Marcie bites her bottom lip, looks around the table and drops her eyes in embarrassment.

Jake says "Marcie..." and looks directly at a camera again. "For Chris?"

Marcie takes a deep breath, reaches for a shot glass in front of her and downs it, grimacing.

She then stands, smiles at all the men, and begins to unbutton her blouse.

Another cut, Marcie is wearing her lacy bra and peeling her shorts off her legs revealing a matching thong. Marcie is giggling as she tries to cover herself with her arms. The view cuts to one of the tripod shots and zooms on her fantastic ass. I realize my cock is hard.

Another cut. Marcie, arms crossed over her chest, is giggling and looking around the table. To me it seems like she's pretty tipsy. Someone yells "Either top or bottom hon - you're gonna hafta show us sumthin!"

She smiles at the men knowingly and reaches under the table as she fidgets a bit. Then, without standing or showing anyone anything, she deposits the tiny thong in front of her on the table. The men all laugh and jeer, having been cheated out of their expected prize. The camera behind her zooms in on her sweet ass through the open back of the chair.

My mind is reeling. Marcie at Jake's apartment with eight men. And she is only wearing her lace bra which barely hides her beautiful D-cups. Her hard nipples are straining at the flimsy material. My cock is so hard. It's obvious where this is going. I don't want to think about it. I can't believe this is my sweet innocent wife. Yet at the same time, I'm so fucking turned on.

Another cut. Marcie rolls her eyes and shakes her head. Then, somehow putting a hand over each breast, she reaches between them and unclamps the bra in the middle. She bites her lip and shakes her bra-covered breasts with her hands. The men clap and hoot. The view shifts as she looks at each Gopro in the eye. Then she peels apart the bra, throws out her arms and shakes her tits, freeing them immediately from the lacy material.

A cut to the faces of the men. Astonished. Happy. Intent. They're all hollering and yelling.

A cut back to the jiggling D-cups. Marcie is laughing. She's loving this attention. The view shifts to here angelic face. Suddenly, she sucks in her breath, thrusts her shoulders forward, and closes her eyes. The video zooms out. Jake had reached over and tweaked her sensitive erect nipples.

Marcie recovers and admonishes Jake with a naughty smile. "Don't do that! It's not part of the game."

"But you don't have any more clothes to trade for chips...We're going to have to work out some other method of payment..." As Jake spoke the camera quickly showed the leering faces in agreement.

"What do you have in mind? What would be fair?" Marcie asks.

"I dunno...How about you suck the winner of the next hand's cock!"

Marcie blushes and opens her mouth in surprise. The men all cheer and give each other high fives.

"No, that seems a bit much...How about..." Marcie thinks and then smiles devilishly.

"The winner of the next hand - if it's not me, of course.." Here, the men all laughed. "The winner can make me stand up and dance for a minute."

Again, the men all cheered. Jake held up a hand.

"Lap dance. You give the winner a lap dance...for TWO minutes."

Another cut. Steve, my black friend with the thick cock which could be the darker longer twin of Jake's, is sitting on a chair in the middle of the room. Marcie is completely nude and crawling on her hands and knees over to him. A camera zooms in on her ass and her wet and slippery pussy.

The view from behind Steve zooms to show her expression of lust. It zooms out a bit to capture those pendulous swaying tits crowned by pinky-tip sized nipples that I know so well.

Marcie reaches Steve and climbs to sit facing him, her face, inches from his. Steve reaches around and cradles her ass with both hands. She starts grinding her pelvis against him. Marcie leans her head back and thrusts her chest out to Steve. Steve frees one hand to grab a tit, reaches down and sucks her hard nipple into his mouth.

Marcie groans and exhales. She arches her back forcing her tits against his face. Then she reaches her hands up to grab each side of Steve's head.

Through clenched teeth she says "I've never kissed a black man..." as she pulls him to her and passionately kisses, sucks, and lightly bites Steve's face.

The crowd cheers. A camera zooms and follows Steve's hand as it squeezes my wife's ass and then slips a finger underneath and into her.

Marcie breaks the kiss and stares at Steve like a woman possessed. She grinds her hips on his lap. "Yes! My god! YES!"

Steve must have one long finger inside her as the other rubs quickly against her clit.

Marcie grinds and rotates her hips. Her tits shake and jiggle. The camera shifts and some of the men are removing their clothes. hard and semi hard cocks start to break free. I notice that none of these men seem to have small cocks.

The camera shifts back to steve and Marcie. Marcie's legs start to vibrate and shake. Marcie lets out a long halting moan. Her mouth opens wide and forms an "O". She thrusts her shoulders forward and back and suddenly tries to pull away from Steve. Marcie screams. Steve keeps ahold of her. He keeps the pressure on her clit.

Finally, Marcie stops and collapses onto Steve's chest. Her body hitches and she tries to catch her breath. "OhmygodOhmygodOhmygooooood!" she yells.

Marcie kisses Steve deeply again and slowly breaks away from him, shaking her head, as if in amazement. She stands and looks around at the other men, as if just noticing them. Certainly, she's just noticing that they are all now nude. Marcie's face breaks into a huge devilish grin.

She drops to her knees in front of Steve and stares up at him. "Take off those clothes. I have to see your cock."

Steve stands and pulls his shirt over his head and looks down at Marcie. The view shifts and zooms into his crotch. Apart from the obscene bulge, you immediately notice the large wet spot from when Marcie was riding him.

The view shifts to Steve's Gopro. Marcie's big tits are amazing from this view. Marcie is not looking at Steve. Instead, she is staring at his crotch, excited and impatient for him to unwrap it like a c***d anxious to open a birthday present.

Steve slides his pants down and his already hard, nine-inch cock breaks free and bobbles in front of my wife.

"Jesus, Lord have mercy" Marcie whispers staring at it in awe. "It's so dark. So big...". She licks her lips, swallows, and, as if in a trance, tentatively reaches for Steve's massive cock.

After squeezing Steve's shaft and feeling its warmth and hardness, Marcie marveled at how much cock stuck out above her fists. A good two inches of shaft underneath the dark head poked out of her hands.

"Look at this black cock...Just look at it...big black cock in my hands..." she said mostly to herself as she instinctually started a jacking motion.

The camera zoomed in slowly to her face and his cock. My sweet wife was mesmerized by Steve's awesome cock - and I couldn't blame her. I was too. Marcie shook her head in amazement as she leaned forward and slid the head into her mouth.

The guys were making all kinds of comments but she heard none of them. Marcie had closed her eyes and was moving her head sideways and in circles as she licked and sucked Steve's cock.

She looked up to Steve. "I'm sucking your big black cock!". Then she looked back to his cock and rubbed it over her cheeks and face. "I'm sucking a big black cock." She repeated quietly to herself as her mind accepted this reality.

Marcie sucked his cock into her mouth again and worshipped it. She removed it only when Steve took a step back to sit on the chair.

Then she leaned into him on all fours and went back to sucking him and rubbing her face over his cock. Then a look of surprise replaced the one of enrapture. Marcie's eyes widened and she moaned,

The video showed the whole room. Steve was sitting on the chair. Marcie was an all fours with her face in Steve's crotch. Jones was on his knees behind Marcie and had just slid his cock into her. She was so wet, he'd apparently just pushed in and kept slowly sliding until he bottomed out.

The view shifted to a close up of Jones' big balls jiggling as he pulled his cock out and then slid it back in again. Marcy looked back and looked happlily surprised when she saw who was fucking her.

"Oh Lord! Yes! Fuck me with that black cock! Fuck me with that, Big. Black. Cock!" She said as Jones started rhythmically fucking her. Marcie then looked briefly up to Steve before taking his cock back in her mouth.

Sex sounds escaped her mouth as she tried to keep Steve's cock in her mouth while getting fucked by Jones.

"Mmf! Mmf! Glah" came from her mouth as the camera zoomed into to her face. Marcie - my wife - was in ecstasy with a cock - a black cock - in her mouth and one in her pussy. Big cocks. Big black cocks.

"Suck on that black cock! You like that black cock doncha? Doncha, Marcie? You want our cum Marcie? Do ya? D'ya want some black cum?" Steve teased her.

She popped his cock out of her mouth, "God yes!" She yelled. "I love your black cock! I've always wanted to fuck a big black cock! Fuck me with your big black cocks!" Marcie looked around and saw all of the hard cocks waiting for her. "Give me all of your cocks! All of your big fat cocks! I want to taste all of your cum! Cum! Cum in my mouth! Cum in my pussy! I want your cum!"

Marcie hissed this last tirade through gritted teeth like she was possessed. I'd never seen her so passionate; so...so slutty. She was a slut getting DPed by two big black cocks!

I didn't even realize that I'd been stroking myself. Marcie yelling that she'd always wanted to fuck a black guy? And then her rant about loving and wanting cum? Seeing her sharing my passion for cocks and for cum? These revelations drove me quickly and suddenly over the edge. My poor cock sprayed a surprisingly powerful burst of clear, watery cum over my chest. I closed my eyes and continued yanking my cock until, spent, I let it plop flaccidly to my belly.

I was panting - taking deep breaths. Enjoying the aftereffects of a surprisingly powerful orgasm. Between breaths I whispered to myself.

"What a whore. {breath}

What a slut. {breath}

Marcie was a cum loving slut. {breath}

She was a big-cock loving whore. {breathh}

Marcie was...{breathh}

She was...{breathhh}...my wife.


Marcie was like me. {breathhhh}

She was a cumwhore like me {deep breath}...

{deep breath}...

I realized that, without thinking, I had wiped my chest and brought my hand to my mouth. I was licking and savoring my own dripping and runny cum.

{deep breath}...I smiled, feeling I just learned something crucial about both Marcie and me.

I turned back to the video.

On the screen, Steve had pulled Marcie up and had laid her on her back on Jake's ottoman. Jake had this large wide ottoman that was the perfect height for sex - I know, I'd used it. Steve had fucked my mouth on it as I lay there just as he was now positioning my wife.

Happy with her position, Steve straddled Marcie's head and slipped his cock back into her mouth. Marcie had obviously missed it and sucked it hungrily.

I supposed that Jones was going to slide back into Marcie's pussy. Instead, the young,muscled Asian guy stepped up between my wife's open legs. He had been jacking his long, thin, uncircumcised cock for a while now and was apparently impatient to fuck this sex-crazed MILF.

He didn't waste any time with Marcie. He just wanted to fuck her. The Asian dropped to his knees and placed his cock between her already open pussy lips. He pushed in quickly and started immediately pistoning his hips and slamming his long scrotum into my wife's ass. Marcie was surprised by the speed and urgency of this phallic invasion. She must've liked it though since she wrapped her legs around the Asian's back, and pulled him tighter.

Steve paid no attention to the young Asian as kept trying to slide more of his porno cock into her throat as he fucked her mouth.

With each thrust of either man, Marcie made obscene sexual gagging sounds around the thick long cock in her mouth.

The video changed views constantly - close ups of the cock in her mouth. Close ups of the one fucking her. Shots from behind the muscular young stud plowing his cock into my wife. Shot after shot flipped showing Marcie being double teamed and loving it.

Soon the young man signaled. "FeelsogoodFeelsogoodFeelso fucking good!"

This was followed immediately by "Gonnacum. Ahmgonna Cuuum!"

He pulled his cock out of Marcie and slid it up onto her pubic area, still thrusting. "Fuuuuck!" he yelled as he closed his eyes and looked up.

A thick glob of cum immediately shot out of his cock and onto Marcie's tits and stomach. He reached down and started jacking himself furiously. Spurt after copious spurt shot out of his blurry hand to cover Marcie's torso. Each copious glob of this man's cum was thick and white.

This view must've been too much for Steve because Marcie suddenly gagged and involuntarily coughed cum out of her mouth. Steve had obviously cum in her throat and she hadn't been expecting it. Ignoring my wife's attempt to clear her airways of his sperm, Steve jerked his cock, plastering her whole face with one of his famous facials.

The Asian, satisfied that no more cum could be squeezed from his cock, climbed off Marcie. Jones immediately pushed his way back between her legs. He'd been jacking off like the others, and obviously wanted to keep fucking my wife. "Gotta get me some more of that pussay. That sweet white pussay. You want my black cock, baby? You want my cum?"

Marcie had finally stopped coughing. She was propped on her elbows looking at Jones as he started fucking her. Marcie turned and looked at the other men around the room. Her face was covered with Steve's thick cum. Her tits and nipples were covered with the young Asian's. Some long cumstrands dangled from her nose and chin and shook when she turned her head.

She smiled at Jones and whispered throatily, "Yeah Jonsey. Fuck me good. Fuck me with your big black cock! Shoot your cum inside me! Treat me like your white slut! Treat me like your cumslut!"

My sweet, innocent wife said this with cum stringers dangling from her face.

"Oooo - you nasty. You a nasty cum covered white slut!" Jones said while shaking his head.

The camera shifted. The view looked down on Marcie's face, towards Jones. For the first time I noticed the two white guys who had positioned themselves on either side of my wife's cum-covered face. She reached up to jerk them both. She then pulled one into her mouth to suck it. Then she let that pop out and did the same to the other. Marcie alternated sucking each of them in her mouth, sucking them loudly and making wet "popping" sounds when she switched from one to the other.

Jake must've scouted these men out. All the men were muscular. The smallest cock, one of the white guys, looked to be a solid six inches.

A cock popped into view and began to shoot cum onto Marcie's face. I knew that the cock belonged to Jake. He was wearing the Gopro camera providing this first person view. The first spurt hit the cock in her mouth and splattered, surprising Marcie. The second landed on her cheek.

Marcie reacted quickly and tilted her head up towards the long spurting cock I knew so well. Some of his cum landed in her mouth, the rest plopped thickly on her face. "Give it to me! Give me that beautiful cock! I want your cum!" she whimpered, opening her mouth and fishing her tongue out lewdly. Jake leaned over her and pushed his cock head into her mouth so she could suck any remaining cum out of it.

Jake looked down to Marcie's crotch to let me watch Jones as he fucked her at a furious pace. Jones was still spewing filthy comments at my wife - he hadn't stopped since he slid his cock back inside her.

"Goddam you a cum-lovin nasty bitch."

"Nasty cum slut! Ainchu?"

"Ainchu a cum slut?

Aint you just a hot white cumslut hot for my black dick!" And with that last comment, he slammed deep into Marcie, spasmed, and continued to thrust randomly. "Take this black cum inside you. Take. My. Fuckin. Cuuummmm! Fuck!"

Jones had just cum inside my wife. Fuck!

The black man shuddered a few more times and thrust his hips as his legs spasmed. Finally, Jones was spent and let his slick, softening, cum-covered, cock slide lazily out of my wife.

One of the two white guys she'd been jerking and sucking came at that moment. The view shifted as he deposited a nice load on Marcie's tits and neck where the Asian's cum was liquifying and starting to run down her ribs.

Marcy was still passionately sucking Jake's long soft cock and didn't notice.

The view shifted out to show Marcie lying on the ottoman. She was literally covered with cum. She had Jake's cockhead in her mouth. Her cheeks were glazed with shiny trails of cum - most of the globs had either run off or had been wiped off and swallowed by Marcie.

The same with her marvelous tits. They were shiny with the remains of the Asian's load and covered with fresh globs of sticky cum from the white dude. There was a small pool of cum caught in her neck.

The view shifted to her pussy. The extreme close-up showed whitish grey fluid leaking steadily out. Who knows how much cum Jones shot inside her?

Then Tommy stepped up and put his fat cockhead next to the camera at the entrance to my wife's pussy. Even though she'd been stretched by Jones, the size difference between his fat beercan cock and her pussy lips was obvious and made any penetration seem impossible.

Except the video yesterday proved it wasn't impossible. The video yesterday proved it not only very possible but also very pleasurable.

"Sloppy seconds? Don't mind if I do..." he said as he high-fived Steve.

Just then, as Tommy was about to force himself inside Marcie, the view switched. The other white guy moved up and pulled Marcie's head to him. Then he pushed his cockhead in her open mouth. Marcie closed her lips around the head as the guy jacked into her mouth. This solidly built white guy was basically slamming his fist into her lips as he jerked his cock. Marcie obviously didn't care.

"Popopopopopopopop" was the sound her lips made around his cock and against his fist.

He made some incoherent yell without breaking stride. "Oh god! Oh my gahhhhhh" He repeated as he came in my wife's mouth. After whimpering lightly as Marcie accepted his load, the guy stopped jerking his cock and slid it slowly into her mouth. He exhaled and held it there for a moment of glory and he slid it back out. After stroking like this a few times and shuddering as she sucked the last remnants of cum from his cock, he finally let it slip out of Marcie's mouth. A long stringer of cum and spit came with his retreating penis. Marcie noticed this. She brought up her head, and swallowed his cock head and most of the slimy string. She closed her eyes and rocked her head as she savored his cock and the cum he'd just given her.

"Fucking Marcie and Chris, man! A fuckin cum-lovin duo." Tommy said straight to the camera.

Tommy looked back to his cock at Marcies pussy. He applied pressure and, for a brief moment, Marcie' s pussy valiantly resisted. But between the loads of cum inside her and her wetness due to her excitement, Tommy's cockhead just "popped" inside her followed relatively easily by the rest of his cock.

"Ooof" Marcie exhaled and recoiled briefly. He was so thick. So fucking thick!

"Tommy, you're so thick! I just love your thick cock!" Marcie confirmed and reached her arms out to pull him on top of her. Tommy resisted for a moment. He must've been considering the fact that she was covered with the other guys' cum.

I guess Jake realized the same thing because the video zoomed into Tommy's uncertain expression before it flipped to reshow cumshots from earlier. It became a quick montage of the nights cumshots.

The Asian guy's cum splatting on her tits and neck.

Jake's cum ricocheting off the white guy's cock.

Cumshot after cumshot on my wife's face and tits.

Then it flipped to show close up shots of settling cum running off her tits; and then to stringers of cum hanging from her chin and shaking as she moved; the shiny sperm glaze on her face and the cum settling in her blond hair.

It seemed that after the brief consideration, Tommy ignored his mental blocks. He lowered himself onto Marcie and let the cum act as a lube between their bodies.

Then he fucked my wife.

He fucked Marcie hard and he fucked her deep. Marcie panted roughly - it seemed as if Tommy's cock was forcing the air out of her lungs with each thrust. Marcie pulled Tommy to her, wrapped her legs around him and kissed him as he fucked her. Tommy forgot about the loads of cum on her face and kissed and licked her as he pistoned his hips. Marcie came as they fucked passionately like this. Then Tommy filled her vagina with his sperm again.

Before rolling off her, Tommy and Marci kissed deeply.

The camera showed Marcie, nude, covered in a sheen of sweat and cum, lying there in after-sex bliss. She plucked at her nipple absently and gently slipped a finger around her pussy which was still gaping obscenely.

The view shifted again. A tall and muscular nude black man walked in front of a camera. I'd forgotten about him. As he slowly walked up to Marcie, the view let me take in the impressively muscular back, legs and ass. Jesus! This guy was huge.

Marcie focused her eyes and pulled herself out of her bliss. She'd thought they'd all cum. Was someone coming back for seconds so soon? She lifted her head and her eyes widened.

Marcie, incredulous. shook her head and laughed. "No way! There's no way THAT is real. There's no way that THING will fit inside me.

What? What was going on. How big was this man's cock? "Let me see it!" I yelled at the screen. Fucking Jake must've loved this. As he only showed the view from behind the black hulk.

The man spoke in a very deep voice. "Marcie honey. This IS real. Let me introduce you. I'm Maurkice. And..."

Maurkice pulled Marcie by the hips to the end of the ottoman.

I heard a thick slapping sound.

Marcie gasped. She scoffed. That sound was the sound of this man's cock dropping onto her belly.

"And.. THIS? This is called 'the preacher' on account that he makes everybody pray to God"

Maurkice lifted one of Marcie's legs and then the other and put them over his shoulders. Then, still only seeing his muscular back and her face behind that, I could tell he was putting his cock at her entrance.

The view shifted. "JESUS CHRIST!" I yelled.

It was obvious that Maurkice was going to have a huge cock. But I was still shocked when I saw it. This huge, tall dark black man had a cock that fit his size. It was every bit as fat as Tommy's but as long as Steve's. Maybe longer. Three inches wide by nine inches long? Maybe bigger...

Maurkice's cock was only semi hard and it was extremely veiny. The video zoomed in to allow me to stare at it. His balls and scrotum were also proportionately large too. This meant that has balls were like kiwis. It was an absurd cock out of someone's fantasy. Nobody really had a cock like that.

Except Maurkice. And he had his fat monstercock sitting at the entrance to my wife's pussy. There was no fucking way he was going to fit that inside my wife. Please tell me he's not gonna try. Please, God. Please tell me that she's not gonna let him...

"You ready hon?" Maurkice asked in his deep voice.

Marcie shook her head no. "You're too big! Let me - let me suck you!..Let me suck your black cock. I'll swallow your cum! Its so big! It's too big!"

Maurkice ignored her. "On three, babydoll. I'm gonna squeeze right inside you nice and slow on three."

"OhmygodOhmygodOhmygod" My wife was truly afraid. "Please don't!"


"Two..." Maurkice thrust his hips. Marcie screamed and her face tightened.

The camera looked down from her head. Maurkice had slid his cockhead and about two inches into Marcie.

Marcie was panting. "Stopstopstopstopstop".

Maurkice pulled back but left the head inside. He thrust his hips again.

Marcie screamed.

I yelled at the screen. "Stop! You're hurting her!" A tear formed in my eye.

But was he?

The view shifted. Maurkice had moved at least six or seven inches into my wife's cum-filled pussy. No more than Tommy, really...

But Maurkice had three or four more inches of cock.

Marcie was panting but now she had a look of cautious amazement. I could tell, she was asking herself, "Can I take it all?"

"Ok.. ok ok ok ok ok... Go slow. Sloooow."

Maurkice pulled back and thrust.

"Ohgod! Slo-ooow" And she exhaled.

Maurkice pulled back and thrust. And pulled back again. And again. And again.

Marcie barked with each thrust. Her eyebrows were raised. Her mouth forming and "O" again.

The view showed that he was in almost all of the way. Maybe an inch, maybe two remained. Basically, she'd taken his whole massive cock inside her.

Markice started fucking now. Slow rhythmic strokes, using his length. Then he added faster strokes just pulsing an inch or two inside her repeatedly.

The view kept shifting. The fat black cock tightly gripped by the wet pussy, now dripping white foam. The balls slamming. Her tits jiggling. The cock sliding almost all the way out before somehow fitting back inside my sweet petite wife. The Asian guy jacking off. The white guys stroking their long cocks.

Marcie shuddered and tried to pull Maurkice tight to her. She was uttering repeated nonsense sounds. She was cumming. She was cumming around Maurkice's monster cock!

Maurkice had his eyes closed and was fucking. I don't know if he even noticed her cumming or even cared. He was fucking my wife and enjoying the feeling of her tight pussy stretched around his cock.

Maurkice picked up his pace. No more long strokes. Now just a constant four inches of fat cock sliding in and out of my wife.

Maurkice started grunting with his strokes. Sweat beaded on his forehead. Marcie stared up at him, entranced.

She started shaking her head. Her eyes widened. They closed.

They opened wide. With a savage expression she yelled.

"Fuck me! Fuckmefuckmefuckmefuckme FUCK ME with that fucking BLACK COCK! I WANT YOUR HUGE BLACK COCK!"

Marcy whipped her head back and forth and tried to arch her back. In a loud stage whisper she hissed. "Make me your cum slut. Give me your CUUUUMMMMMM!

Marcie's legs quivered and her body shook under the pistoning, panting Maurkice.

The view shifted and showed the back of Maurkice's head and Marcie's face under him. Her eyes were open but you could only see the whites. Her mouth was fixed open and a constant high-pitched sound escaped it.

Marcie was having an incredible continuous orgasm because of Maurkice's donkey cock and the way he worked it!

Maurkice suddenly stopped pumping and slammed himself deep inside my wife.

Marcie opened her eyes saying a quiet "Oh".

"Ohmagod! I feel you! I can feel you shoot your cum inside me. I can actually feel your cum shooting inside me! Don't you stop! Fill me with that fucking cum! You're so deeeeep."

After a minute, Maurkice slid up and off of Marcie. Jake cut to the slippery and softening cock sliding out of my wife's pussy. It the view stayed there and let me take in my wife's red, throbbing pussy. It was gaping open and literally throbbing visibly. It was so open, I could easily slip my cock in and never touch any part of her pussy.

The video cut to Marcie's amazed and blissful face staring into space. She literally stayed like that, unmoving, for over a minute before shuddering and exhaling roughly.

The video cut to more scenes of the men cumming a second or even third time on or in my wife. The Asian guy even fucked her in the ass - something I'd never done.

But her expression stayed with me. I just wanted to hold her. I wanted to be with her. I knew I could never give her that type of bliss during sex. I knew she'd need Maurkice's big cock again. But this was my own fault and, since I love her, I'd have to live with it. I didn't care. I just wanted to be with her.

I really couldn't watch any more. It was too much. It did turn me on at first and I had even cum twice watching it. But after Marcie's thorough fucking by Maurkice? I didn't need to see more.

I shoulda known. I shoulda opened up about my fantasies. In hindsight, I knew my fears that she'd have been disgusted by my desire to suck cock were not true. Looking back now, I remembered times where she'd said things or hinted. That was her way. I knew now that I'd been lying to myself. I love my wife. And she was right. I'd let her down. I'd betrayed her. Now with the sex, but with my thoughts... I "got it". I was so sorry I'd pushed her to this.

I fast forwarded to the end. Marcie was talking to the camera. Jake's room looked empty.

"Hey Baby..didja like that? I did. Lord almighty, but I sure did. I hope your poker game was just as fun. I'll never know because you didn't invite me..." Marcie looked down for a moment and shook her head.

"Soooo, tomorrow Jake's having a party. He'd invited me. He already showed me his special door. You know which one..."

"I really can't wait to talk to you when you come home on Friday. I love you."

The Jake's huge head filled the screen. "Dude! Did you SEE that shit! She took "Monster" Maurkice's whole fucking cock!" I did not expect THAT to happen! Wow, right?"

"Well, too bad you're not home, man. Too bad you went behind her back... Tomorrow we're gonna have a good al time at my house. D'ya wanna come? So sorry...You're on a trip. Don't worry though, we'll tell you all about it. See you Friday!"

The video faded to black.

Same as I'am Not Gay Yet But... PT8 Videos

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Gayu8217s Journey In Her Life 8211 Part 6

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Gayathri Love And Virginity

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Gayatri fulfills Rahul8217s long hair fetish 8211 Part 3

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Gayatri fulfills Rahul8217s long hair fetish 8211 Part 1

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Gayatri fulfills Rahul8217s long hair fetish 8211 Part 2

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Gayatri fulfills Rahul8217s long hair fetish 8211 Part 4

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Gaynors guest

Your wife comes in from work wearing her nurses uniform, slips off her coat and bends to drop her bag in the hallway. As she bends I cup the lovely round globe of her buttock, enjoying the feel of her cotton uniform, the smooth tights underneath and the leg of her panties. Hmmm she softly moans, this must be the surprise Peter had planned for this evening.I continue to stroke her round arse, getting a good feel and rubbing between her cheeks through her clothes. Her legs part slightly as she...

4 years ago
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Gayathri The Sex Bomb

Hello ISS readers, I’m Rudra 19 years old from Kerala. You can contact me at ”” Girls or aunties near Kerala or Bangalore who wants some fun can contact me at “” This story is about how I had sex with my neighbour Gayathri. She is my neighbour is 23 years old with beautiful face and assets of 30,26,32. She was a sex bomb, she lives with her parents near my house. She was not a typical mallu girl she used to wear modern dress tight t-shirts and all. I use to masturbate thinking about her almost...

1 year ago
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Gayatri 8211 Part 2

Hello All!!! This is part 2 or continuation of the old story I wrote a few days back. I would request you to read it first to know more about the character and get a better feel of the story and its characters. This is a real story. I did not masturbate as Gayatri had told me not to cum. I waited for four long days before receiving a call from her. I thanked God that she still remembered me! I talked to her and she asked if I had cum. I replied in the affirmative confirming that I had not cum....

3 years ago
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Im not Gay just a White CockSucker

I went through my mid-life crisis recently, but instead of buying a Porsche or a 800 inch flat screen TV or fucking my twenty-two year old secretary (although it was tempting) Instead I decided to get back in shape. I was an athlete in high school and college, but in my thirties work, family and neglect have added a few more pounds than I was proud to admit. So now in my early forties, I bought a year membership at a fitness club, knowing I was way too cheap not to use it if I paid for it.I...

2 years ago
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Definitely Not Gay Yet

Lucky me. My company's annual convention was in Vail, Colorado this year. My family had been planning a winter ski trip and I thought I'd take the chance to scope out Vail as a possible site. The convention was scheduled so that we attended meetings through lunch and had the afternoons to explore the town, ski, or network with fellow employees. As it turns out, I did some serious networking, but I doubt the new contacts I made will help my business and I definitely won't be adding them to my...

2 years ago
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Iam Not Gay You Are Gay

The shame, the paranoia, the guilt, I'd experienced it all in high school. I'd watch the other guys in the shower out of the corner of my eye, terrified I'd get an erection and be betrayed. After that you'd think I'd grow up and come out of the closet, but I pretended to myself as much as anyone else that I wasn't gay. I dated, I had sex, I got my first apartment, and still I looked at other guys out of the corner of my eye.My friend Hunter wasn't gay. Slim, tall and attractive, women d****d...

3 years ago
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But I am NOT gay pt 2

Sidney was the first person to introduce Dan to same gender sex. To Dan’s surprise he found it to be very pleasurable to have Sidney suck his cock. He justified letting Sidney suck his cock by telling himself that since it happened while he was sleeping, it doesn’t make him gay. Dan often reminded himself that all guys like getting a blowjob and it shouldn’t matter if it is a boy or girl who is sucking his cock. He has a harder time justifying to himself his delight at getting fucked in the...

3 years ago
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I Accepted the Challenge Im NOT GAY

I went to an adult bookstore to get a couple of movies for my buddy's stag party. I had never been to any before, but I had seen this one it from the road several times while driving by. I glanced at the big black muscled dude at the counter, he asked me to show my ID, you're 18? You look more like 16, he said and waved me in. I and started to check out the rows of adult rentals. I must have blushed a little when the first set I saw was all homo stuff. And all of them big black guys doing sexy...

2 years ago
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I Swear Im Not Gay a story

Okay I did not originate this story. I copied it from a fellow named Nathan Butler on a site that specializes in erotic stories. But it got me so worked up, so into the fantasy, that I had to copy and paste it. This story really speaks to how much I feel like I've become cock obsessed. I want this to happen to me."Cum in my mouth. Yeah, shoot your load in my mouth. Let me swallow your cum" I repeated to myself as I jerked my cock rhythmically. The movie on the screen showed a guy sucking cock...

2 years ago
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Im not Gay Whatever CockSucker

"Cum in my mouth. Yeah, shoot your load in my mouth. Let me swallow your cum" I repeated to myself as I jerked my cock rhythmically. The movie on the screen showed a guy sucking cock and swallowing cum. I had edged my 6" cock multiple times and was sitting at my computer table muttering to myself in bliss when I looked up. Jake, a guy from my office, was standing in the doorway of my bedroom with his phone held in front of him. "You really like that gay blowjob shit, huh." Jake asked, nodding...

2 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 8 Chapter 8 Impaled by the Minotaur

Book Eight: Labyrinth of Love Chapter Eight: Impaled by the Minotaur By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Acolyte Sophia – The Labyrinth, the Island of Yalut The words of the Minotaur echoed down the hallway out of the darkness of the large room before us. The source of the foul stench pervading the Labyrinth flowed with it. In the glow of my pink, ethereal light bobbing beside me, I spotted a skeletal arm stretched out of the large room,...

1 year ago
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Mysterious Hypnotic Spiral Hypnotizes Mom

Susanne Butler was settling in for the night in her house, she was Caucasian, she was 62-years-old, she was 5'8, shoulder length long blonde hair, blue eyes, she was wearing underwear, a long satin silk nightgown, she was also a loving divorcee mother to her 18-year-old teenage Daughter named Katherine, she's also Caucasian, she's 5'7, brunette hair, hazel eyes, her 16-year-old son named Peter, he was also Caucasian, he was 5'9, brown hair, brown eyes, her 3-year-old Toddler son named Mark, and...

Mind Control
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Not Gay Natural Cocksucker

You never know someone until you live with them... or in this case spend a few days in a hotel together.And even if you think you know yourself, situations will test that knowledge and even redefine who you are.To explain what I mean I'll tell you my story of a few days in Seattle that changed everything.Tyler was married, with a couple of k**s, like me, although his were younger. Well, truth be told, he was ten years younger than me, and had a ridiculously hot blonde wife... although she...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 8 Labyrinth of LoveChapter 8 Impaled by the Minotaur

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Acolyte Sophia – The Labyrinth, the Island of Yalut The words of the Minotaur echoed down the hallway out of the darkness of the large room before us. The source of the foul stench pervading the Labyrinth flowed with it. In the glow of my pink, ethereal light bobbing beside me, I spotted a skeletal arm stretched out of the large room, fingers twisted in agony, one of the beast’s victims. My heart hammered fast. We were at the heart of the...

1 year ago
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You dont Suck Cock Yet Gay

I had just found out that a friend of Sarah's - my girlfriend - from school would be staying with us for a while. Arriving tonight, in fact. It was a bit frustrating that she hadn't asked, but we had a spare room so there wasn't much harm in it. I hadn't met the guy before - Adam was his name. I'd heard he was nice enough, but a bit of a blow-in. My biggest concern was that he would set up camp in our apartment and never leave. ***A ringing doorbell heralded Adam's arrival. Sarah went to buzz...

1 year ago
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Iam Not Gay All Girl School Lesbian

I was very happy when I got into an all-girls college. The boys on campus in high school had always been a distraction, always hitting on the girls and trying to get them into bed. It seemed like all they wanted was what was between our legs.I had fallen for someone in high school and given him my virginity but in the end of the school year he just dumped me for another prettier girl. The way I figured an all-girls school would allow me to focus on my studies for four years and not be...

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The Minotaur

The MinotaurI polished the story a bit and finally finished it. This was written as a present to a very special (in a good way) girl here on xhamster. You know who you are. Enjoy ;-)Setting: Warhammer Fantasy, Dark Elf Kingdom of Naggaroth...Part 1: The AmbushThe coach was rumbling along the road going from the city of Ghrond, the northern seat of Morathi's cabal of Sorceresses, to one of the Witch King's Watchtowers in the far north, guarding the Dark Elf kingdom of Naggaroth from incursions...

2 years ago
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Nothing Gay Right Gay

For Phoenix and Damon, it was just another day playing video games. Phoenix had golden honey straight hair, a rich deep tan, and sapphire blue eyes. Damon was the opposite he night black curly hair, skin as white as fresh snow, and brown eyes like mud. Both were in college and both did Parkour in their free time. Today they were playing on Phoenix's Xbox one. Phoenix was thinking about some of the hottest girls in school and things that would do with him."Hey what's the most recent piece of...

2 years ago
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Iam Not Gay Yet But PT2

"That was unfucking believable" Jake exclaimed as I finally let his deflated cock slip out of my mouth. He tapped his phone screen and set it on my desk. Then he scanned the floor, looking for his shorts. "How long have you been sucking cock?"I smiled and snorted "Dude, seriously, you're my first. I had fantasized many times but your cock was the first to enter my mouth." "Leave your shorts off." I ordered and surprised myself by adding "I think I might want to suck you again.""No dude. I'm...

3 years ago
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Wife finds a GayMaker Gay

I came home as quickly as I could after my wife called to tell me that her friend Bruce would be joining us for dinner. She'd been talking about him for some time but I'd never met him. Her eyes would wander off as she told me about his latest project or how he'd helped her with her work or helped her solve a problem. There were times when I wondered if she was having an affair with him, but I was sure that was just wishful thinking. I often found myself fantasizing about sharing her with...

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