Bank Holiday Camp Pt8 free porn video

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After everyone had cooled down we started getting off the bed.

“Anyone for a cold drink?” Mandy asked.

Everyone said yes, and we all walked into the dining area.

I walked up behind Mandy sliding my arms around her waist from behind kissed her neck, and then whispered in her ear, “That was so hot watching you with Kathy and Helen! Thank you.”

“Oh you peeked, did you? Well, it was my pleasure and you can watch anytime you like.” she smiled.

“Would it be okay if I grab another quick shower please?”

“Of course you can babe, and you don’t have to ask silly, just help yourself.” she replied.

“Mmm like I did this morning?” I gave her a little squeeze and kissed her neck again.

 “Cheeky! But yes, and you can do that anytime you like too.” she turned to me and gave me a big wet kiss on the lips.

I went and took a shower re-living the morning’s events in my head. ‘What an amazing life experience this is turning out to be,’ I thought to myself. 'I should have done this years ago.' I had been in the shower about fifteen minutes, and as I was drying myself down when Mandy entered the bathroom.

“Everyone has gone, hun and they said to say goodbye,”

“Hope they did not think I was being rude by having a shower and not seeing them off?” I asked.

“No, not at all. They needed to go and take showers themselves,”

“That’s okay then,” I said.

Mandy moved closer to me and put her hands gently on each side of my face and kissed me.

“Are you ready to try something else that might be new to you?” she asked.

“Depends on what it is. But as you know I am game to try anything.” I replied.

Mandy took my hand and led me into the bedroom. She had changed all the bedding, and lying on top of the bed was a strap-on dildo and a few silk scarves.

“Okay, so what have you got planned this time?” I chuckled.

“Trust me you will love it, and besides if you don’t we can stop,”

Mandy positioned me on the bed on my hands and knees. Once she had me where she wanted she tied each wrist and ankle to the corners of her bed, and then put the blindfold on me.

“Don’t worry, I will be very gentle. Just lose yourself in the moment and relax,” she said as she kissed me again.

I felt her move off the bed, and I guessed she was putting on the strap-on, and then I felt her climb on the bed behind me. Her hands stroking up and down my back as she planted small kisses all over my back and butt cheeks. Then she started massaging my arse cheeks with her hands and licking my crack from the top down.

I felt a cold liquid hit my skin then she rubbed it into my sphincter and gently pushed a finger into my tight hole, and her other hand was caressing my dangling balls. Mandy applied some more lube and then inserted a second finger. Feeling my arse being stretched was becoming easier each time she penetrated me, and now there was no pain only pleasure. ‘Fuck this woman is so talented,’ I thought to myself as I let out several moans.

“That feel ok, babe?” she asked in a soft voice.

“Oh yes, it feels wonderful,”

“Now completely relax,” she added.

I relaxed as much as I could and felt her adding a third finger into my anus. I now started pushing back onto her fingers as she worked them in and out of me, and slightly twisting her fingers each time.

“Okay, I think you’re ready to take my plastic cock now.” she whispered.

I still was not sure if I could take the strap-on. It is about seven inches long and about three inches thick. I could not believe I had let this woman do so many new things to me, and I have only known her for twenty-four hours. I could feel the cold plastic nudging against my rear entrance and then felt it push through the muscle barrier. I tensed a little as it worked its way in, and it was a little uncomfortable.

“Relax baby, it will get easier or would you like me to stop?” She asked.

“No don’t stop. I will be ok in a second or two.” I reassured her.

“Good boy!” she laughed.

Mandy continued gently pushing into me, and then she stopped and placed her hands on my hips. My anal muscles adjusted and relaxed around the phallus object. She began slowly moving back and forth. I must admit it did feel really good and the tingling sensations that ran right through my body soon had me relax and fully enjoying the fucking I was getting from her. Mandy was now shafting me quicker as she gripped my hips, and with each thrust, I let out groans of pleasure. After about five minutes she stopped and pulled out of me, I felt empty and a little disappointed.

“Don’t worry I’m not finished yet. I just need a quick pee.” she giggled like a little school girl.

I felt her get off the bed then I heard the bedroom door open. I was still tied up and blindfolded and for a brief moment felt a little silly for being in this situation. Two minutes later I heard the toilet flush and the bedroom door open again.

“Okay sexy, I’m back. Are you ready for some more cock?” she asked.

“Yes please,” I answered eagerly.

I felt her climb back onto the bed and get between my legs, and her hands parted my butt cheeks. I felt the head of the strap-on again push its way into me, only this time it felt different, warmer and softer somehow. I put it down to being relaxed and more accepting of the alien invader. Deeper in it went, and her hands stroked up and down my back slightly digging her nails into my flesh.

“Fucking hell that feels so good,” I gasped.

“So glad you’re enjoying it. Would you like it a little harder?”

“Just a little,” I stammered.

The rhythm built up, and I could feel the penetration going deeper and getting harder. My arse had adjusted well to being screwed. Suddenly I felt the bed near my head sink a little, and then felt a warm breath near my skin as a pair of soft lips kissed mine. 

‘Holy shit someone has come in and joined us, the curtains and door must be open,’ I thought.

I felt a little panicked and vulnerable being tied up and not able to see anything or anyone, but I was so lost in the waves of pleasure I was experiencing that I just continued to go with it. I felt the tip of a tongue flicking across my lips. ‘At least it is a woman,’ I thought. The lips felt familiar somehow.

“Are you still enjoying having your ass fucked?”

'Fucking hell it was Mandy kissing me! But if that is the case who the hell is fucking my arse with the strap-on now?' I wondered.

“Errr erm, yeah but who is fucking me?” I asked with a slight tremor in my voice.

Mandy removed my blindfold. “See for yourself,” she said.

I looked back. I was shocked to see Dave was fucking me. No wonder the sensation felt warmer and softer the second time I was penetrated.

“Hope you don’t mind? Mandy said she would love to see you taking a cock in your ass,” he smiled and continued fucking me.

“I’m just a little stunned, but it feels good,”

Mandy leant into me, “Thank you, it is such a huge turn on for me as you know. I could not help myself, and my cunt is so wet.”

“It’s fine, honest Don’t worry about it. In fact get that pussy up here so I can taste how wet you are,”

Mandy put a leg on either side of my head, and sort of squatted above my face. Then she held her puffy swollen labia open for me so I could lick it. She was very wet indeed, and some of her slick juices ran out of her cunt and down her thigh. I found myself now thinking more about how good Dave’s rampant cock felt inside my arsehole. Feeling it going back and forth, and how it stretched my sphincter. I had a slightly guilty feeling about enjoying it so much and was now convinced I am bisexual.

Dave was fucking faster now and his breathing getting deeper and faster.

“I’m gonna cum!” he grunted.

“Fill his ass with your hot spunk, Dave. Then I can lick it out,” panted Mandy as she had an orgasm over my face.

I felt Dave go rigid as he held my hips tight, and then I felt a warm sensation as he spurted his man seed into my arsehole. I felt so strange to not only have a man fuck me but to cum inside me too! Mandy recovered from her orgasm and climbed to the bottom of the bed taking over from where Dave had been, and then she opened my ass cheeks.

“Mmm, you’re gaping so nicely, and I can see Dave’s sperm in your ass,”

Then she lowered her head and started licking as deep as she could in my abused arsehole. I could hear her slurping and swallowing Dave’s cum. Dave untied me from the silk scarves that restrained me. Mandy gave my ass cheeks a slap as she turned me over and slid herself up my body, and then she kissed me. I could taste Dave’s cum on her lips and tongue. It was a little saltier than my own but I still liked the taste. What happened next was another shock to me.

Mandy raised her head up slightly and told Dave to slide his wilting cock between our faces so we could both lick him clean at the same time. Dave moved closer to us and did as instructed. I felt the head of his cock brush against my lips. I looked down towards his dick and saw Mandy start to lick his head and shaft, attentively I followed her lead and eased my tongue out to meet the underside of his softening penis.

The feel of his cock against my tongue felt soft and smooth. I could taste some spunk still on his shaft. Mandy used her tongue to push Dave’s cock firmer against my mouth, and I opened my lips to slide them along his twitching prick in a similar way someone would play a mouth organ only the organ I was playing was another man’s cock!

I suddenly thought to myself, ‘fuck it, in for a penny in for a pound,’ and sucked the head of his cock into my mouth and swirled my tongue around the head.

“Mmm that feels nice,” Dave said as he moaned.

“Mmm looks nice too. You are a dirty fucking slut aren’t you, Tim?” Mandy chuckled.

After a couple of minutes, Dave removed his cock and said he was getting sensitive. Mandy kissed me again and climbed off me. We all walked out of the bedroom when suddenly I saw the rest of the group was still here.

“Well, did he or didn’t he?" laughed Dan.

“Oh, he sure as hell did.” replied Dave.

“Well done and fair bloody play to you, mate,” Ken said to me.

“Er, thanks. I did say I am open-minded,” I blushed.

We all sat having a cuppa as the others quizzed Mandy over my latest experience. About forty-five minutes later I rose to my feet.

“I need to pop to my van for a bit and will catch up with you all later,” I kissed the ladies on the cheek and shook the men by the hand.

As I was stepping out of the caravan Mandy placed her hand on my shoulder. “Are you ok babe?” she asked.

“Yes, I’m fine honestly. Just need to go freshen up and put some deodorant on. Pop by later if you like or I can come collect you for the bbq later,”

“Just as long as you are ok. Would hate to think I overstepped the mark,”

“Don’t worry. I really enjoyed it, besides I could have said no and stopped it,” I smiled at Mandy and kissed her while giving her hand a little squeeze in a reassuring way.

I went back to my caravan and took another shower. While the water ran over my body my mind went over everything. I could not quite get my head around allowing a man to fuck me, even if I did enjoy every moment of it. My arse felt a little bruised but that was outweighed by the pleasure.

Once I was dry, I sprayed my armpits and splashed on a little cologne. I then made myself a nice strong coffee and sat in my lounge area looking out of the window. I could see the couple opposite me outside their caravan. Well, I say outside; she was actually bent over the step leaning inside the doorway while he was fucking her good and hard from behind, spanking her ass cheeks and pulling her long hair.

‘Fuck this is one hell of a camp site,’ I thought as I picked up one of my wildlife magazines and sipped my coffee. After about twenty minutes there was a knock at my door. I got up and opened the door and standing there was Mandy. I gave her a big smile and she smiled back at me.

“Come in, babe,” I stood back allowing her to enter, and as she passed me I patted her firm butt cheeks. “Would you like a drink? Coffee, tea or maybe a glass of wine?”

“What are you having?” she replied.

“That is not an answer. I asked you,” I laughed. “I am going to have a glass of wine as I have just had a coffee.”

“A glass of wine would be lovely then.”

I opened the fridge and took out a bottle of wine and poured us both a drink, and we sat on the sofa together. We chatted away on many subjects. The more time I spent with Mandy the more I was starting to really fancy her and not just in a sexual way.

“Would you like to go out for a meal with me sometime when we get home?” I asked.

“I would love to very much,” she smiled at me.

“Great! I will give you my number and address before I leave tomorrow,” I leant across and kissed her, and placed my hand on the top of her thigh.

Mandy returned my kiss and we started French kissing. Mandy’s one hand stroking my leg and the other playing with my pierced nipple. My cock began to stir. I had a hand on the back of her neck, and the other caressing her side. Her skin felt so soft and smooth to my touch.

Mandy broke off our kiss and looked into my eyes while holding my face in her well-manicured hands.

“I really thought I had spoilt all our fun by what I did earlier,” she said in a really soft toned voice.

“Not at all. Like I said before, I could have stopped it at any point. So please don’t worry about it any more babes,”

“Oh good, because I really like you, Tim,”

“I really like you too Mandy, and I think your such a wonderful, caring and damn sexy woman,” again I leant in and kissed her, and then I moved my mouth near her ear and whispered, “come to bed with me so I can make love to you,”

“Yes, yes. I would love that,” she murmured.

I took Mandy by the hand, and as we passed the caravan door I pulled it shut and then led Mandy into my bedroom. “Get comfy while I close the curtains,” I said.

Mandy climbed onto my bed, and after closing the curtains I joined her. We lay on our sides facing each other just looking deeply into each other's eyes. I ran my fingertips over her bare shoulders and down her side over the curves of her hips, and down her leg as far as I could reach before stroking back up again. Mandy’s body shuddered, and she let out a sigh. I kissed her lips, and then her neck. Slowly I kissed lower down her body till I found an erect nipple and began flicking my tongue over it, and sucked it into my mouth giving it a gentle nibble. Mandy let out several moans of pleasure as I rolled her onto her back.

She had a hand on my head stroking my hair and her other hand caressing my shoulder. I kissed all over her breast’s and then moved my kisses southward to her navel, and I circled my tongue around it before poking the tip into her sunken button. Mandy slightly arched her back. Kissing lower till I reached the mound of her smooth shaven pubic area. I shuffled down the bed between her legs and raised them up. My tongue now teased her swelling clit.

“Oh fuck, yeah. That feels so good,” she moaned.

I sucked on her bud and flicked my tongue quickly over and over it. Mandy was gyrating herself against my mouth. I used my tongue to trace down the folds of her labia. I could taste and smell her sweet nectar as I parted them. I probed inside her pussy as deep as I could with my tongue. She was so wet.

“Enough teasing! Please, I want your cock inside me,” her breathing was becoming deeper and her tits heaved up and down with each breath she took.

I kissed my way back up her body till I was face to face with her. The head of my stiff erection nestling just at her opening. I reached down with one hand and guided my dick inside her, and slowly parting her labia as I entered her tight wet slippery vagina. I was in no rush so just gently pushed in till I was fully embedded inside her, and feeling every movement of her pussy muscles around my bulbous head and throbbing shaft.

Mandy wrapped her legs around my waist pulling me in deeper. I looked into her piercing green eyes, and they seemed to be sparkling. We started kissing passionately as I starting pumping my cock in and out. Mandy gently bit my lower lip as her first orgasm took hold of her as she was shuddering I just held my cock deep inside her.

Her legs tightened around me and her arms gripped around my back. Once her body started to relax I started moving my cock back and forth again. My pace quickened, and I thrust in deep and hard. After about five minutes I could feel my own orgasm start to build from balls along my thick vein.

“I’m going to cum again babe,” Mandy growled.

“I’m going to cum too, Mandy,”

A few more thrusts and my hot seed flowed deep into Mandy’s spasming cunt. We started kissing each other, our tongues entwining. I held Mandy tight to me as we both seemed lost in our orgasms, and her grip on me tightened too.

“Wow! Thank you so much that was truly beautiful,” Mandy said looking into my eyes. Her eyes seemed watery.

“It felt so sensual, Mandy, you really are a wonderful lover,”

I rolled off Mandy and lay beside her. We held each other and seemed to drift off to sleep at the same time.



I hope everyone who reads this chapter enjoys it and will be kind enough to leave a comment good or bad.


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Bank holiday camp Part 4 The fun continues

Mandy adjusted herself so that she was straddling my lap, then she put her hands either side of my face looked into my eyes. “Tim you really do have lovely eyes, as you know windows are the window to one’s soul, and I can see you are a kind gentle man,” she started kissing me and grinding her pussy against my limp cock. I broke our kiss and looked into her eyes, “I’m sorry hun, but I am going to need a bit of time before I can get hard again,” “No need to be sorry you silly man, the way you...

Group Sex
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Bank holiday camp part 3 Getting to know Mandy

. Mandy and I had finished showering each other after having some fun at pool side, and paying particular attention to each other’s intimate areas. “Would you like to come back to my Caravan for a Drink, and a get to know you chat?” Mandy said with a wink and a smile. “How could I refuse such a sexy woman?” I replied. With that, she took my hand, and we said goodbye to everyone else as we left the pool. As we walked along the gravel pathway Mandy was telling me all about herself, and how she...

Group Sex
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Bright Sparks Childrens HomeChapter 6 The Camping Holiday Continues

It came time for the kids to go to bed on the first night of their camping holiday and Dennis sent the kids to the toilet block to do whatever. He told the girls to put some clothes on first and he saw that Lucy and Jennifer interpreted that to mean their bikinis, the ones that band aids covered more. Thankfully, they all returned without incident, although both Jane and Ruth came back naked and carrying their skirts and tops. Thankfully, they told Dennis that only a couple of boys from the...

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Bank Holiday

Standing naked holding a morning cup of coffee I looked across at her pale lithe body on the crumpled sheets. She was wearing nothing but tan lacey topped hold up stockings. She lay where I left her when I quietly slipped out of our bed a few minutes ago. Admiringly I took in her form as Rachel stirred slightly drawing one of her legs up closer to her body as she lay on her side. My eyes looked at my lover recalling the passion we had shared during the previous night’s lovemaking. Rachel...

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Bank Holiday Break

My name is Tim, I’m forty-four years old, I work long hours and really look forward to my weekends off when I can head off to a naturist camp or even the naturist beach depending on the great British weather of course. It is such a great escape from the mundane Monday to Friday ritual of working in a suit. A bank holiday weekend was coming and I had decided to try a new camp site, that I had heard about near the Wye valley, such a beautiful part of the countryside and not that far from where I...

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Bank Holiday Break

My name is Tim, I’m forty-four years old, I work long hours and really look forward to my weekends off when I can head off to a naturist camp or even the naturist beach depending on the great British weather of course. It is such a great escape from the mundane Monday to Friday ritual of working in a suit.A bank holiday weekend was coming and I had decided to try a new camp site, that I had heard about near the Wye valley; such a beautiful part of the countryside and not that far from where I...

Group Sex
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Bank Holiday Fun True Story in Costa Coffee

Last weekend was a Bank Holiday and on the Saturday Paul(a) and I were going to some close friends in the evening ... basically to enjoy their hospitality and then enjoy them both. However we needed to go into town during the day so as it was nice we planned a trip to the shopping centre.Paul(a) wanted to go dressed but thought it could be a bit of a problem so chose a pair of stretch jeans and white tee shirt, with panties and bra underneath, plus a pair of ankle boots. I followed suit, bra,...

2 years ago
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Bank Holiday Fun True Story in Costa Coffee

Last weekend was a Bank Holiday and on the Saturday Paul(a) and I were going to some close friends in the evening ... basically to enjoy their hospitality and then enjoy them both. However we needed to go into town during the day so as it was nice we planned a trip to the shopping centre.Paul(a) wanted to go dressed but thought it could be a bit of a problem so chose a pair of stretch jeans and white tee shirt, with panties and bra underneath, plus a pair of ankle boots. I followed suit, bra,...

4 years ago
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Sue on Camping Holiday in South of France

My wife and I went on a camping holiday a couple of years ago which led to more than was in the brochure. We went to a wooded camp site in the South of France and on arrival, found that the nearby beach had a nudist area. This was a bonus to us as we went almost every weekend to a nudist beach on the south coast where we lived at the time. Our tent was a large family sized permanent tent with proper rooms, as were most of the tents on the site, only a few being tents that people would put up...

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Our 5 day nude camping trip in a public campground

As you already know I love outdoor nudity but combine that with our other outdoor hobbies and you have a real winning combination. Not too long ago we decided to spend a 5 day get away camping. We packed our camping and fishing gear but I did not pack one stitch of clothing. In fact I was naked when we left home until we returned home. It would be 5 full days of wearing nothing at all with whatever exposure that brought me.We arrived at the campground early the first day. The campground was...

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Camp Shoni

Camp Shoni By Pamela [email protected] Chapter 1 "Camp Dah-nes-tsa, where boys are turned into men," Lorin read the camp motto on the first page of the brochure his mother had handed to him when he came home from school that day. It was January, cold and some snow was in the grass and hedges outside the house where he lived with his mom, dad and older sister Stephanie. The cover of the brochure said "Confederated Camps of Lake Navajo" and underneath: Camp...

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Girly Camp

Girly Camp ? by: Jeff "Stephanie" Sevem "Man I need a job for the summer," I said to myself as I looked at the computer screen. I was a senior in high school and wanted to get a summer a job. I was at a web site that had job listing on it. Then all of a sudden I found what I was looking for. 'Needed for eight weeks a aquatics director at Camp Make-Up'. Camp Make-Up I wonder what that is all about. It had a link to its website. I immediately went to the link for the camp. I was...

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Tales From Girly Camp Session One

Tales From Girly Camp Session One (9-13 year olds) "Are you sure you want to go?" My Mom asked. "Yes Mom I am so sure." "Okay you have fun. Maybe when you get back you could put all this foolish girl stuff behind you." "I hope not." I said with a huge smile on my face. I then hugged my Mom and boarded the plane. My name is Jeff and I am twelve years old. I have one very big secret. As long as I can remember I always wanted to be a girl. My dream was about to come true. I...

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Tales From Girly Camp Session Three

Session Three (17-20 year olds) "Are you ready for some fun sweetie?' My Mom asked. "You bet I am. Thank you so much for letting me go." I said. "You are so welcome my dear. Anything for my pretty girl." My Mom said. "I love you Mom." I said. "I love you too." My Mom said. We gave each other a big hug. I boarded the plane that was taking me to Arizona where I was going to spend two wonderful weeks at Camp Make-up. A camp for boys who want to be girls. I was born...

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Tales from Girly Camp Session two

Girly Camp Session Two (14-16 year olds) By Jeff "Stephanie" Sevem "Are you sure about this camp dear?' My Mom asked. "Yes Mom I am." I said. "I just wanted to make sure. Now remember our deal. I only allow to do this silly girl stuff if you become a lady. You must be perfect at all times." My Mom said. "I will. I won't disappoint you. Trust me Mom I was born to be a girl and in two weeks I will show you." I said. "I'm still not sure but I love you and if this is...

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camp rape and revenge

My face was covered in sex juice and my cock was laced with cum and hurt like hell. I was raw from a fucking that only the luckiest man in the world could get. Four beautiful women and I lay sprawled out entangled with each other on the bed. But let’s go start at the beginning. I have this friend named Kelly. She was a 16year old sophomore at my school when I met her. Even though she was two years my junior I’d be nice and wave and talk to her on occasion. In school Kelly was the...

2 years ago
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Camp the final chapter

Mysterious stranger:- "That was close, you need to be more careful when facing creatures like that, very hard to beat and very few weapons have the ability to stop them" Jonah:- "Yeah i already know that, still got to ask who you are" Mysterious stranger:- "Who am i, well that depends on who you want me to be, friend or foe, i'll let you choose" Jonah:- "Not what i meant but still, i guess right now i'd choose friend" Mysterious stranger:- "Friend i am then until you...

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The New HoodChapter 8 The New Camp

Balla woke us up just before dawn. “Alex I am so afraid, are you sure that you can defeat all those men?” Balla asked me. “Yes I am confident this will be over real soon I want to eat breakfast as soon as possible though so my breakfast will be settled while theirs is not. I opened a family-sized can of ravioli that I ate cold. I would get something later when I was back home. Balla just stared at the can, not knowing what to make of it. When Challa put some in a bowl from another can for...

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SRU Summer Camp

If you are under 18 or offended by this stuff, you not only shouldn't read any further, but you shouldn't even be here. Shame on you. SRU: Summer Camp By Morpheus David and Kimberly Bennett were both silent as they walked through the mall, each lost in their own thoughts, but taking comfort from the others presence. The twelve year old twins were not at all happy, and for good reason. They'd just been told by their parents that they were going to be sent off to summer camp...

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Camp Lake

The old pioneer pass route led along the new highway and the railroad over on the way to the high summit pass. Camp lake lay on a side branch road past the rail line from the new highway. At that elevation the lake water warmed up to a nice swimming temperature and the scouts had extensive swimming, row boats and canoes at their lake. Dave, the Senior Scoutmaster and Camp Director, lived at the lake for the summer. Gail, his wife, stayed in town. His son, Ted, was a Junior Assistant...

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Lynns First Summer Camp

A little background: Lynn was excited. This would be the first summer camp Lynn had ever gone to a summer camp. According to the brochure there would be baseball games, horseback riding, swimming, and all sorts of other things to do. Lynn had always been one of if not the best baseball players in their small town. Also there was supposed be photographic and video classes could take. Lynn could learn how to not only take good and lasting pictures and videos, but also how to develop them. The...

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Counseling at Camp Care pt 1

Aly smiled to herself and stretched her arms up. Stepping out of the bus she just arrived on. It was a long 3 hour drive, she was glad they had finally arrived. She glanced up, taking in the bright sunshine through her tinted sunglasses. Then, she almost tripped as a few small girls darted past her, brushing her legs. One girl turned around - "Sorry, 'scuse me!" She giggled and ran off to catch up to her friends. Aly laughed to herself at their excitement. Truth be told, she was also very...

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Camp part three unfinished update

Celeste:- "Jonah it isn't your fault, it never was, all the things you did they were never you, he contolled you, turned you into something you're not" Jonah:- "But.." Celeste:- "No but's mister, in the end you get to be the hero, you have to finish this, finish of lance for good, protect the camp and protect yourself" Jonah:- "But you..I..I.." Celeste:- "I know Jonah and it's too late to do anything, i want you to do one thing for me though, Jonah i want you to be...

1 year ago
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Camp Challenge Mitchie Face the Music

Camp Challenge; Mitchie Face the Music! ? Disclaimer:?I do not own the movie Camp Rock, or any of its characters.? Disney Studios owns them.?? This story is?a parody, meant for mature audiences and should not be read by persons under 18 years old, or who are offended by a serious spanking of an eighteen year old teenage girl. ? ???? Mitchie had taken it upon herself to rally and sashay in her short summer dress over to Camp Star and challenge the new bold music camp to a "Final Jam". When she...

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Camp long story

Celeste: "Morning jonah she said as she walked into his cabin" Celeste is just your typical girl, at the age of only fifteen she stands around five and a half feet tall, she is what most people would call average weight, she has brown hair and hazel eyes, just your typical girl, the thing that made her stand out were her abilities with a bow, she was the best in the camp at archery Jonah just sat on his bed, his face buried in his knees Jonah is pretty much your average guy, at the age of...

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The Camp Endurance Family Relocation Center

My name is Ken Griffin. I am a 36 year-old man who has a 8.1 CAP score. I started out in Billings, Montana, the day the Sa’arm attacked it. I had been supervising several women’s shelters for the state of Montana in the city of Billings. It was a good job for a retired Marine captain. I was not disabled, but my tour in Iraq, and the damage I had, made enlisting or being conscripted into the EDF impossible. Walking a few hundred yards I could do comfortably. Walking ten miles though was out of...

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Camp Trans

May be posted on any non-pay, non-membership site. Camp Trans By Princess Pervette There were eight of us on the bus. When got off, we were greeted by a pleasant- looking woman in her fifties. She showed us to the dormitory and told us to unpack. It wasn't the usual kind of dormitory; there was a wide hall, and there were a dozen private rooms opening off it, six on either side. Our rooms were bright and pleasant, but they looked like rooms for girls, not for boys. In my room,...

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Riding the Ponies at Camp

When I hit my teens, my hormones were raging but completely unsatisfied. Having discovered the unspeakable pleasures of masturbation when I was around ten (I certainly didn't know anyone I could speak to them about!), I'd have done anything to get laid by a real feminine female. But for all I did, no matter how hard I tried (and gawd knows I always tried too hard) it only rewarded me with unending embarrassment. I made a total fool out of myself with any girl I was around. I was awkward,...

4 years ago
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Summer Camp

Part 1: A Plan is made Williams Summer Camp was an all girls camp that lasted for a week during the month of June. All of the councilors were women as it was assumed that none of the girls families would trust men with their daughters. Unknown to any of the families however was that it was in fact a man who owned not only the camp but also the land it was on. It was also unknown that the camp had actually been loosing money, and had been for years. It seemed that fewer and fewer girls between...

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Camp Wilderness

My mom and dad enrolled me in a five week summer camp, Camp Wilderness, when I was about eight years old.  I had gone back to it until I had reached the last year I could go and then became a junior counselor and, eventually, as I entered college, a senior counselor.  In the interim the husband and wife team who owned the camp had started acquiring other camps.  By the time I graduated from college they had a string of twelve camps throughout the South.  I went to work for them on a full time...

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Summer Camp

Summer Camp Author's Note: Al rode along on the bus heading for a summer camp. He was surprised to be sitting here; his parents suddenly told him they had found a camp for him to spend a week. "It will be fun," they told him. "Lots of new experiences, lots of new friends." He was enjoying his time at home now that school was out, he was twelve now and getting to spend some time alone when his mother needed to run an errand. He wondered if his mother had figured out that he was...

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Camp Clear Lake Hell CampChapter 1

School was finally out for the summer and I should have been looking forward to a long vacation. Instead, I had allowed a good friend to talk me into going away with her to spend the majority of my summer vacation as a camp counselor at a camp for inner city kids. It isn't that I don't think it's a worthwhile cause. I do. I totally support the concept of getting those kids out of the city and out of a dangerous environment. And since I work as a substitute teacher I am accustomed to...

3 years ago
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Camp Days

Character descriptions: Rich: 5 "7", Chest nut brown hair, blue eyes. Allison: 5"6" Blonde hair, blue eyes just like her brother, 36B breast. Taylor: 5 "7" Auburn hair, dark brown eyes, 38B breast. Rachel 5 "5 1/2", Brunette, grey eyes, 32C breat. Emily: 5 "7", Red hair, hazel eyes, 34C breast. "Mom this is your last chance to end all of this," I say from the passenger seat. "Yeah! We don't have to go," Allison chirps up from the back. "Enough you two. Every...

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