'Johnny And Mummy' Chapter One free porn video

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‘ Johhny and Mummy’  

John was in his mid-thirties when he took the decision to return home to the UK after a long absence. Previously he had always taken his vacations in parts of the world within easy reach of Sydney where his medical career kept him permanently busy and on call year round.

For over 15 years John had refrained from returning home for two reasons but one of these had ceased to be a real problem when his father died. The second reason for staying away he would find impossible to admit but if he were to be honest with himself it had everything to do with the fact that since childhood he had been passionately and faithfully and secretly in love with his mother!

Many a son has an abundance of love for his mother and there is nothing unusual in that. Indeed it would be strange if a son didn’t enjoy a close relationship with the one person who from birth has more to do than anyone else with his physical and emotional wellbeing. Between some mothers and sons however physical feelings stronger than ‘the norm’ can be generated until, as he reaches puberty, the boy’s sexual interests and instincts can cause difficulties if they become intimately fixated upon his mother.

And so it had been with John whose love and devotion had started at an emotional level almost as soon as he was born and had grown over the years until it turned into a fixation as he reached his teens . That was when it all changed and he had started to lust after his mother with a passion that the ‘trick-cyclists’ would have considered ‘unhealthy and misplaced’ and when that happened they would have let the word “incest” rear its ugly head. But call it what you like -John simply LOVED his mother. It was uncomplicated; sexual certainly but there were no complications like wanting to marry her or have children with her. No. All he wanted was to explore and have fun with the woman who made him laugh, cared for him as much as he cared for her and who for him represented all things interesting, beautiful, exciting and above all else was feminine. To John she became an exciting WOMAN, a mysterious creature with hidden secrets. In short - his mother was feminine and desirable!

At school, almost every week, he would learn something new from those amazing experts who held the school playground in thrall with their knowledge about the subject of woman and ‘SEX’ and he would rush home as soon as lessons ended to begin experimenting in the wild open spaces of his fertile mind with his MOTHER. The happy, shameless one who would countenance anything, try anything…let him DO anything with her and to her and it was only his inability to masturbate 24 hours a day non-stop that had saved him from going blind.

In fact John’s love was anything but tortured or a source of recrimination. He’d been happy and well able to cope with the fact that he simply found his cuddly, comforting, lovable, loving, caring mother more sexually attractive than any of the girls around with whom his father was urging him to ‘get stuck in, boy!’ Gradually he’d become frustrated by the fact that he could not openly show his mother the real depth of his love for her and the situation became even more difficult when he grew to understand that his mother’s marriage was nothing but a sham and he realized that she was miserable and domestically down trodden. John’s life then became a nightmare for there was little he could do about his mother’s plight. Certainly he made her aware of the fact that he knew how unhappy she was and that he cared for her and about her but as for declaring his passion there was no way he could even contemplate such a thing. So he’d kept his true feelings secret and when he left for university he determined never to return home. Over the following few years he’d occasionally broken his resolution by making short visits home but after his father’s funeral he had refused to return at all, not even for a fleeting visit despite regular pleas from his mother to do so. Finally he had left for Australia and he hadn’t seen her since.

Although they talked on the ‘phone every Christmas and exchanged letters at irregular intervals – he even sent her Valentine cards - it was a ‘begging’ letter from his mother that made John finally change his mind. The letter had come out of the blue and was the one he had dreaded for in it she said her health was failing and she’d been told she might not have long to live. It was a short, plaintive missive ending with the admission that she wanted her son to come home, if only for a short visit, because it might be their last chance to become reconciled though, as she said, she had never really understood WHY he had left and stayed away so long. The letter had ended with the sad reflection that she wanted to say a final ‘Goodbye’.

After much soul searching and a couple of long ‘phone calls John had decided that no matter how distressing the past might have been for both of them and despite the fact that he STILL dreamed of having a sexual relationship with the only woman he had ever wanted, it was time to abandon those fantasies once and for all and go home like a dutiful son. He knew that his mother must never discover the true depth and extent of his feelings for her but out of love and compassion and also a feeling of guilt he accepted that he had to try and re-establish a ‘caring mother and loving son’ relationship with her before she died.

During their last ‘phone conversation before he boarded the train in London for Bristol his mother had said she would meet him at the station wearing a brown suit and, to help him identify her more easily, a red hat. As he stepped down onto the platform at Temple Meads, Bristol and began to look around for a debilitated, tired out old woman he knew he would have to wait until the crowd thinned. After searching the moving throng for a while and seeing no obvious candidate he began to wonder if his mother had been too ill to keep the appointment. It took some time for the platform to clear but then, suddenly as a group of holiday makers moved aside he saw a small woman standing alone.

It was the hat, perched at a jaunty angle on a head of dark brown hair flecked with grey that gave her away but when he saw ths woman standing there alone and no-one else around to compete for his attention he realised that his mother’s story of being ‘sick & declining’ had been something of a fiction. For this was not the woman for whom he’d traveled half way across the world in order to ‘do his duty’ and salve his conscience. The one he had prepared himself to meet would be more bent, dowdier and therefore less attractive than he remembered her all those years ago. She would have lost her alluring figure and ‘run to seed’ and her face would be lined and care-worn whereas even from the back this woman made you think she would look attractive – maybe even beautiful – when she turned round. No, this woman was a vision from the world of his imagination and as she half turned and he saw her more clearly a tsunami of lust fuelled desire came bursting through his defences and suddenly, terrifyingly he was staring at the woman like a sex-starved teenager again!

“MUMMY?” John spoke the word cautiously and the uncertain tone in his voice said it all! Having expected to be met by a dowdy, sickly old woman he was confronted instead by a creature from out of his dreams and as his eyes devoured her from pretty top to fashionable toe he found it almost impossible to accept that this was indeed his mother. And yet though the soft curves of her body were a little more generous, her poise a little more upright, this was most definitely his beloved step-mother! But today, here and now, she was so much more the image with whom he had explored his teenage lusts that he found himself falling for her all over again!

As he called that single, evocative word, “MUMMY?” the woman turned and recognition flooded her face as if a spotlight had been turned upon it from above and in a voice brimming with excitement she said, “Oh, my God…….IT’S YOU!!”

Although his mouth had gone dry John managed to croak, “Yes, Mum It’s me!!!” and as they moved towards one another he could only add, “You look absolutely……WONDERFUL!”

In the circumstances this was a totally inadequate summing up of his feelings but it was all he could think of to say before gathering into his arms the smiling, laughing woman who flung herself against him with an enthusiasm that was breathtaking.

As he hugged her close and gave her smooth, perfumed cheek his first kiss in over 15 years his mother clung to him and gasped, “OH, my God!!........ AT LAST!”

For a moment he thought she was going to cry but instead she reached up and though her eyes brimmed with tears she simply touched his face and whispered, “YES! YES! It IS my darling, HANDSOME home at last!!”,

Her welcoming words, every syllable overflowing with happiness, died away as her son hugged her more enthusiastically than he had intended and she croaked, “Darling, darling! Don’t squeeze your poor old mother to death!”

John stuttered an apology and started to release her but his mother laughed and reaching out pulled him back into an even closer embrace! It was what they both wanted and as she pressed her soft, warm body to his, John quivered with surprised excitement and the blood went rushing to his head.

As he held his mother close John tried to come to terms with the fact that this plumpish, middle aged woman who embraced him with such fervor was not on her ‘last legs’ or ‘at death’s door’ at all but was deliciously alive and devastatingly attractive. With a laugh of sheer disbelief he cuddled her in his arms before leaning away from her and saying, “Here….let me look at you!”

Pushing her almost to arms length he admired the beautifully made-up features before looking down and realising that his mother’s curves though a little more generous than he remembered, were also more shapely! The fact that she wore a smart linen business suit, had legs smoothly clad in seamed nylon hose, feet shod in high heeled, fashionable court shoes told him that here was a NEW mother, one he might well have fantasised about but had certainly never expected to meet. To anyone looking on she was a modern ‘woman of the world’ who dressed well, wore her cheeky, red hat perched at an angle and favoured a perfume designed not only to gain a man’s attention but invite his sexual interest!

The effect of examining his mother with such loving care and breathing in the invitation exuded by her perfume made John’s heart pound a little more urgently and then realize that this was not the only effect his mother was having upon him! Suddenly alarm bells rang as his penis stiffened and swelled into a solid length of muscle that would make its presence felt if this lovely creature pressed herself against him in another demonstration of love and welcome! Fearful lest his mother became aware of his powerful erection John gently pushed her away until he held her at arms length intending to avoid mutual embarrassment by talking about his work or asking inconsequential questions about her health. Anything in fact that would avoid his mother feeling threatened, insulted even, by the lump that would press solidly against her should they share a close embrace again. But even as he contemplated his next move his mother seized him with both hands and said, “Oh, Johnny…..hold me tight! It’s been SO long since you last held me close!”

As his mother pushed herself against his chest John realized with gut wrenching apprehension that he could not disguise what was pressing solidly against her soft belly! For a second or two they both froze and remained still until John looked down and saw that far from being about to push him away with a reproachful, disgusted look his mother was lifting her mouth towards his with an expression of need and expectation in her hooded eyes! For a moment he hesitated but then understood that here was an invitation he could neither misunderstand nor ignore!

With a groan John drew his mother closer still until the outline of his rising erection was pressed hard into the curve of her soft body. The sensation was electrifying and as he gazed into his mother’s beautiful face he knew that something wonderful was happening. This special woman with whom he had explored so many devious and wicked paths of sexual pleasure in the privacy of his fevered mind was giving him the sort of encouragement he had longed for but never dared hope to receive!

With gentle care he curled his arms around this small, wonderful creature and as his whole body was flooded by wave after wave of passionate desire he watched her full, red lips open slightly and a wet, pink tongue smoothed the slick covering of lipstick in readiness for what was to come!

Then, even before he could take advantage of that soft, inviting mouth, his mother said in a pleading voice, “Kiss me, Johnny!! Kiss Mummy like I know you WANT to kiss her!” and reaching up she drew her son’s head down until their lips met and became one in the sort of passionate kiss he had shared with no other woman in his entire life!

Standing there on Temple Meads station they kissed with a passion that banished all idea of restraint. Floating in a seventh heaven John gathered his mother close and felt her swelling breasts thrust back at him, hard against his chest. The heady perfume that rose from her body filled his nostrils and as if intent upon driving him insane with desire his mother began to squirm her hips against his huge erection with the barely disguised urgency of a teenage lover on heat!

Suddenly they both remembered where they were and broke their embrace with a hurried exchange of small apologies that turned to laughter and they silently acknowledged that what had just happened was inappropriate to the time and place. But both sensed that what had just happened was the birth of a new relationship though neither realized yet that it was to become a relationship for which each had hungered over many years without the other knowing!

As she smoothed her clothing and adjusted the angle of her hat John’s mother asked in an attempt to present a calm demeanor, “So - tell me. HAVE you missed me, Johnny!” but even as she asked there was a wicked twinkle in her eye. Then she seized her son by the arm and said, “I rather think you have!” and the light of love illuminated her happy face.

John stared down at this extraordinary woman then gasped, “Have I MISSED you? Oh, mother….I’ve been so lonely !“ and his words and the fervour with which he spoke made his mother’s eyes to fill with tears. In that one short sentence her darling boy had not only said what she had hoped to hear but told her a thousand times more than she had ever dared expect! But then, having made this confession, John took the bull by the horns and stuttered in a desperate whisper, “And I’ve been so…..so FRUSTRATED !”

As soon as he uttered the word “FRUSTRATED” John feared he had rushed in here only a fool would dare to tread and braced himself for a rebuff. He had been crude….or at best too forward. He need not have worried however for with a gentle smile that brimmed with true love and womanly understanding his mother squeezed his arm and whispered back, “Oh, Johnny, JOHNNY!” For a second or two she simply gazed into his worried, anxious face and then, her voice taut with emotion, she asked, “What about your abandoned, unloved mother?” Her eyebrows, so delicately delineated, lifted before she asked a more devastating question. “Have you never wondered how frustrated I became after you left?”

A fog of confusion clouded John’s mind. Surely his leaving home was not the reason why this lovely creature had remained unmarried, perhaps even stayed unloved all those years? How could he – why should he believe such a thing? Then his mind lurched and he wondered, was she hinting that before he left for university she had had intimate……. SEXUAL thoughts about him? If so the implications were unthinkable! How could he bear to discover that this woman, the object of his undeclared love since childhood, had once had secret longings for him as strong as his had been and still were, for her? It would make his abandonment of her even more cruel and wicked than some heart stopping plot in a Shakespeare tragedy!

John could only stare down into his mother’s up-tilted face and struggle to understand what she was trying to say but he couldn’t come to terms with the possibilities because they didn’t make any sense.

Without warning, his mother took the initiative and without a word suddenly pulled at him, drawing him close so that once again his throbbing weapon thrust hard against her soft flesh! The intimacy of this contact made them both moan softly with pleasure but then without warning she plunged her hand down between their straining bodies! John gave a gasp of shock and pleasure as his mother’s fingers searched for the long, hard length of his cock and it was an act of such up-front daring that it sent jolts of pure lust through his whole system!

As soon as she had found what she was searching for his mother hissed in a voice charged with passion, “Oh, my darling boy! Is this a present for ME?” and without waiting for a reply squeezed John’s throbbing penis with a demanding hand before starting to milk up and down the full length with an expert, clenching fist!

It was hard for John to not believe that what was happening was taking place in a dream sequence from which he would wake up with a hard-on to findTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Naukar Or Mummy Ke Bich Kaise Sambandh Bane Part 9

Aap sab ne story ka 8th part padh hoga I hope aap sab ko pasand aaya hoga. Ab story ke next part likh raha hoon. Is part mein btaunga kaise aunty ke naukar Vimal ne mummy ko choda.  Sabse pehle aap sab ko sorry ki story ke liye aap sab ko wait karna pada. Lekin meri try yeh hi hoti hai ki aap sab ko achi story mile. Jis se aap sab achi muth aur ladkiya apni chut mein ungli dal sake. Mujhe kafi girlse ke mail bhi mile jo ki padh ke mujhhe acha laga. Ab story par aata hoon. Aunty ke naukar Vimal...

4 years ago
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Meri Randi Mummy Ki Pyas 8211 Part II

Hello, Dosto main akash aap logo ka dhanyawaad ki aap ko meri pehli story pasand aayi jiska naa hai meri randi mummy ki pyas. Aur mujhe dher saare mail bhi aaye to dosto main aap ko aage ki story batane jaa raha hoon. Aap ne pehle padha hoga ki kis tarah Chaudhry Uncle ne meri mummy ko choda aur phir baad main maine bhi Choda. Agar aap ne Nahi Padha hai to Pehle Iska 1st Part padh lijiye. To main ab story par aata hoon hum Delhi main rahate the waha sab ko pata chal gaya tha ki meri mummy ek...

4 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 25

Roshan unke boobs ko apne hatho se masalne laga dhire dhire.Meri mummy apne hotho ko danto se dabaye. Roshan ne mummy ke boobs dabate hue kaha, “I want you fuck you whole night today.” Mummy ne kaha, “I have to go in some time. I just wanted to spent some quality time.” Roshan ne kaha, “No problem.” Boobs ko dabate hue usne hanste hue kaha, I will ask the same question whether you want to stay or go after some time.” Ye bat sunke meri mummy ne thodi smile ki. Bat karne ke dauran maine dekha...

2 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 13

Hello indian sex stories dot net friends aap sab ne meri pichli kahani me padha ki kaise Ramesh uncle ne us ghar me meri mummy ko ek anjan aadmi jinka naam dubeyji tha unse milwaya aur unhone meri mummy ko chod diya ab mai us rat ki aage ki bat batane jaa raha hu aap sabko. Dubeyji ne apne driver ko call kiya aur sath me Ramesh uncle ko bhi kuch samay me unka driver aa gaya aur vo vaha se chale gaye abhi Ramesh uncle nahi aaye the. Meri mummy kamre me baithi thi mummy usi samay call aaya vo jis...

4 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 22

Meri mummy apne hatho ko aage karke Sudhakar uncle ka hath hatane ki koshish karne lagi bich me. Lekin unhone meri mummy ka hath hatake unke boobs ko masalna jari rakha. Sudhakar uncle ne apna sir niche kiya aur apne hoth se meri mummy ke ek boobs ke nipple ko apne muh me le liya aur dhire dhire meri mummy ke nipple ko chusne lage. Ramesh uncle lagatar meri mummy ki gand ki ched chat rahe the. Kuch der tak aisa hi chalta raha. Ramesh uncle uth ke baith gaye. Meri mummy ki aankhe band thi....

2 years ago
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Naukar Or Mummy Ke Bich Kaise Sambandh Bane Part 4

Hi aap sabhi ne kahani ka 3rd part padha hoga .I hope ko aap sab ko acha laga hoga.Aap sabhi ke kafi mail mujhe aaye .Yeh dhek kar acha laga ki aap sabhi ko story kafi pasand aayi.Ab aap sabhi ko story ka next 4th part bhej raha hoon.I hope aap sabhi ko maja aayega.   Aap sabhi ne 3rd part mein padha ki kaise meri mom azaz ke lund se pregnant hui or unka 3rd month chal raha hai.Jin readers ne nahi padah please wo story ke pahle ke part padh le.Meri mummy ko pregnant hue 3 month ho chuke...

2 years ago
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Naukar Or Mummy Ke Bich Kaise Sambandh Bane 8211 Part 2

Aap sab ne meri pahli story padhi hogi.Aap sab ko pasand aayi hogi.Jin logo ne nahi padhi hogi please wo iska pahla part padh le.Aap ko story samh aa jayegi.Ab mein jyada waqt na lete hue story par aata hoon. Azaz mummy ke lips chus raha tha or niche legging ke upar se chut par hath pher raha tha.Mummy kafi excited ho rakhi thi.suddenly ghar ki doorbell baji to dono alag ho gaye or azaz ne gate khola.Tab tk mummy ne apne aap ko theek kar liya tha. Aise hi 3-4 din nikal gaye becaz hum sab ghar...

3 years ago
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Meri Mummy Bani Mere Dost Ki Randi

Hi friends this is Vicky again.ye meri dusri story hai meri first story thi “meri mummy ne gair mard se chudwaya” .mujhe khushi hai ki aap logo ko meri story pasand aayi. Mujhe bahut sare mail bhi aaye thanks to you guys for liking my story.ab mai apni second story likhne jaa raha hu ye story meri nahi hai par ye mere dost rajat ki hai .rajat mera bahut acha dost hai usne mujhe apni puri kahani batayi.usne mujhse kaha ki vickey tu mere liye story likh de. so aaj mai rajat banker ye story aapko...

2 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 24

Mere dimag ne ab ye manna suru kar diya tha ki meri mummy ko unlogo ke paise aur alag alag lund ki adat si padti jaa rahi hai. Main college se wapas ghar aaya. Meri mummy ne khana laga ke mujhe diya aur main khane laga. Main dekh raha tha woh muskura ke message exchange kar rahi thi apne mobile se. Khair khana kha ke main apne room mein chala gaya aur meri mummy apne room mein chali gayi. Rat ke 9 baje the. Meri mummy kitchen mein khana bana rahi thi. Uska phone samne tha main dekhna chahta tha...

2 years ago
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Naukar Or Mummy Ke Bich Kaise Sambandh Bane Part 5

Friend ’s aap sabhi ne story ka 4th pat padha I hope ki aap sabhi ko kafi acha laga hoga.Kafi logo ne like bhi kiya hai.Aap sabhi ko thanks story ko read or like karne ke liye.Ab story ka next pat post kar raha hoon.I hope ki aap sabhi ko acha lagega.   Ab story par aate hai mummy ko pregnant hue 5 months ho gaye the. Mummy ke figure mein kafi change aa gaya tha .Unka figure 36 -32 -38 ho gaya tha.Isliye unki purane kapde fit nahi hote the.Mummy ne badi size ki bra khreed li thi or ghar par hi...

2 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 26

Maine aap sabko bataya tha ki us ghar ka washroom transparent tha sab dikh raha tha. Roshan ne apne lund ko wash kiya aur towel se poch ke bahar aa gaya. Meri mummy dhire dhire chalte hue sofe ke pass aake apni kachhi aur bra ko uthayi. Roshan tab tak sofe ke pass aa gaya tha. Usne apna underwear pahen liya aur sofe pe baith gaya. Meri mummy dhire dhire karke bathroom ke taraf jane lagi. Uska one piece abhi bhi kamar pe utha hua tha. Jiske vajah se jab woh chal rahi thi unki chutad matakti hu...

4 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 11

Uncle ne meri mummy se pucha cigret piyogi varsha ji mummy ne kaha haan ek uske bad uncle gaye hall ke taraf aur jab vo aaye unke hath me 2 cigret jail hui thi usmese unhone ek meri mummy ko diya. Dono ne cigret piya fir uncle aake meri mummy jis blanket me thi usme let gaye uncle ne meri mummy se pucha varsha ji aapko acha laga mummy ne kaha haan. Uncle ne kaha aroon ke papa ko leke vo bahut lucky hai mummy ne pucha kyu uncle ne kaha kyuki uske pass aap ho. Mai uske jagah rahta toh aapko aise...

4 years ago
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Naukar Or Mummy Ke Bich Kaise Sambandh Bane Part 10

Aap sab ne kahani ka 9th part padh hoga. I hope aap sab ko pasand aaya hoga.  Ab kahani ke next part likh raha hun. Is part mein bataunga kaise Azaz ne mummy ko choda. Sabse pehle aap sab ko sorry ki kahani ke liye aap sab ko wait karna pada. Sab ke khub mail aaye. Sab ne mujhe aunty, girls, boys aur uncle ne mail mujhe mail kiya aur kahani ka next part likhne ko bola. Sab mujhse se Azaz ki entry chahte the. Girls aur aunty ko Muslim part jyada acha laga. Mujhe khud ko apni mummy Azaz se...

4 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 21

Ramesh uncle ne kaha, “Varsha itni jaldi?” Mummy ne kaha, “Haan der ho rahi hai na.” Ramesh uncle ne kaha, “Varsha please kuch der aur bas drink pi lo na sath me. Aur aap abhi jaoge ghar nashe me ho aapka beta kya sochega thodi der baith jao.” Mummy unke kahne pe baith gayi. Meri mummy Ramesh uncle ke theek bagal me baith gayi thi. Main ab samajh chuka tha Ramesh uncle aaj meri mummy ki fuddi fad denge. Unhone man bana liya hai Sudhakar uncle ke sath milke aaj rat bhar meri mummy ko chodenge....

1 year ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 23

Hello dosto aap sab ne meri pichli kahani mein padha ki kaise Ramesh aur Sudhakar uncle ne meri mummy ko us ghar mein rat bhar choda. Subah jab meri mummy ghar aayi toh unhone ne kaha main sone jaa rahi hu aur woh kamre mein chali gayi. Kariban 20 minutes bad main ander gaya. Mummy bed pe so rahi thi pet ke bal, unka skirt utha hua tha. Maine notice kiya meri mummy ki kachhi nahi thi kyuki thoda unke chutad ka bhag dikh raha tha mujhe. Main mummy ke bedroom se attached bathroom mein gaya. Waha...

3 years ago
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Naukar Or Mummy Ke Bich Kaise Sambandh Bane Part 6

Hi friends aap sabhi ne story ka 5th part padha hoga .I hope aap sabhi ko kafi pasand aaya hoga or sabhi ne kafi enjoy kiya hoga. Meri yeh hi try rahti ki aap sabhi ko acha feel ho meri story ko padh kar. Ab kahani par aatha hoon jaisa ki aap sabhi jante hai ki meri mummy varsha ne servant azaz se sex sambndh bna liye the or uske vajah se wo pregnant ho gayi thi or aap ne padha ki kasie wo meri mummy ko apne dost ke room par le jakar unko chodta haior uska dost sonu meri mummy ko chodna chata...

2 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 19

Meri mummy ki aankhe lal ho chuki thi unhone Sudhakar uncle ke taraf dekha aur kaha Sudhakar ji you are very shy. Meri mummy ki ye bat sunkar Sudhakar uncle sharma gaye. Ye bat sach thi Sudhakar uncle Ramesh uncle se kam bolte the. Meri mummy ne unko ishare me apne pass bulaya aur unke hoth pe kiss diya. Mujhe is samay meri mummy ko dekh ke bahut ajeeb lag raha tha. Mummy ne kaha that means I have two guys to take care of me huhhh Ramesh ji. Ramesh uncle ne kaha, “Yes Varsha that why I like you...

4 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 20

Kuch samay isi tarah chalta raha. Ab Sudhakar uncle ne meri mummy ki fuddi de apna jeev nikal liya aur khade ho gaye. Aur dhire dhire chalte hue table ke dror ke pass pahuche. Itne me Ramesh uncle waise hi niche baith gaye jaha Sudhakar uncle the. Unhone apna jeev nikal ke meri mummy ki fuddi me laga diya aur dhire dhire mummy ki fuddi chatne lage. Ramesh uncle ne meri mummy ki fuddi ka muh khol diya. Unki lal fuddi dikhne lagi thi. Ramesh uncle jeev aander karke unki fuddi ko chat rahe the....

2 years ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 18

Hello dosto aap sab ne meri kahani ke pichle bhag me padha ki kaise Aroon ke papa ke dwara organised party me ek ladka jiska naam Roshan tha usne meri mummy ko chod diya. Is kahani me main aap sabko aage ka bat batane jaa raha hu. Agle din subah jab meri neend khuli main chai leke meri mummy ke kamre me gaya. Meri mummy usi kapde me soyi hui thi jisme kal rat ko woh gayi thi. Meri mummy us samay gahre neend me soyi hui thi. Unka skirt upar ke taraf utha hua tha. Mujhe unki lal kachhi saf saf...

4 years ago
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Naukar Or Mummy Ke Bich Kaise Sambandh Bane 8211 Part 1

Hi ISS readers,this is my first story hope yo will enjoy this story.So, jyada time na waste karte hue mein apni story par aata hoon. Meri family mein 4 log hai .Papa,mummy,sister and mein.Hum kafi rich family se hai.Humare ghar mein ek naukar hai jiska naam azaz hai .Meri mummy jo ki kafi sundar hai or apne yoga or excerise ki wajah se kafi fit hai.Unka figure 36-30-38 hai ,colour white and height 5.7 “.Mere papa ka work export ka hai so wo apne kaam mein hi busy rahte hai and di apni medical...

4 years ago
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Meri Mummy Bani Mere Dost Ki Randi 8211 Part II

Hi friends aap aaj mai aap sabko apni mummy ki chudai ki ek aur kahani sunane jaa raha hu.Ye kahani mere pahli story meri mummy bani mere dost ki randi ki second part hai jisme aap sabne padha ki mai apni mummy ko bachpan se chudwate hue dekh raha hu meri mummy ke kai mard ke sath saririk sambandh the unmese ek mere chote chacha bhi the jo meri mummy ko mere hi ghar me chodte the meri mummy ko bahut logo ne choda hua hai unke sharir me sex ki ek ajib se aag hai jiska faida bahut sare mardo ne...

3 years ago
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Johnny Pulaski and the Cult of AmunRaChapter 3

Johnny was up the next morning eager to get busy at the dig site. The long, involved dream from the night before had him motivated to see the underground facilities of the Cult of Amun Ra. After his morning physical training he was sitting at a picnic table under the dining tent enjoying a cup of Egyptian Coffee with Mister Gamil. Gamil had introduced him to the potent coffee a couple of days ago and now he had Hala brewing it for him on a hot plate in the dispensary. Egyptian coffee...

2 years ago
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Johnny Pulaski and the Cult of AmunRaChapter 4

Bashar picked up the pottery food storage containers from the underground room three days after the gate was installed. During those three days away from the dig Johnny stayed busy by operating what amounted to a free clinic for the local villagers. He set up an awning outside the dispensary and treated anyone who walked up. Word of the clinic spread quickly and he and Hala stayed busy. For Johnny, treating the ill and injured without the pressure of collecting exorbitant fees, was what...

3 years ago
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Johnny PulaskiChapter 4

Just like that, no how are you, no how was Christmas, just, "Johnny I don't think we should see each other any more." I disagreed with that completely and told her so. "We were getting too serious Johnny, and you are too young,. This is the way it has to be." "What do you call what you are doing now if it's not ruining my life?" I argued. She was crying now and I was too. "I'm sorry Johnny, I really am." Then she hung up. Happy New Year Johnny Pulaski! I think people have...

4 years ago
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Johnny Pulaski and the Cult of AmunRaChapter 6

Rachael sent Johnny back to the start of the tunnels to grab the tools he used to burst through the outer room. When Johnny left, the women examined the painted wall for clues. As with all the walls in the cave a stucco like coating had been applied to the walls to make painting and relief carving easier. Unlike the rough stones of the outer room, the uniform coating made clues hard to find. But Mia found something after ten minutes of searching. “Rachael, look at this,” she called. Rachael...

2 years ago
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Mummy Bani Randi

Ladkiyon, bhabhiyon aur aurton ko mere lund se namaskar. Mai hun amrendra har umar ki aurton ka aashiq. Ye desi hot sex kahani mai us har aurat ke liye likh raha hun jinki chut ki aag kai mahino se nhi bujhi, us har aurat ke liye hai jinke pati unko din me do baar bhi nhi chodte aur us har aurat ke liye hai jinki chut paraye mard ko dekh ke gilli ho jati h. To apni chut ko nanga kr lijiye kyunki ab mai kahani shuru karne wala hun jo apki moot nikal sakta h. Aur han door zaroor lock kr lijiyega...

1 year ago
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Johnny Pulaski and the Cult of AmunRaChapter 2

The next morning Johnny sat down for breakfast with Mia. Then, surprisingly, Doctor Stone dropped into the seat on the other side of Mia. Johnny was agog that both women had only oatmeal and fruit on their plates. He was biting into a crispy piece of bacon when Mia spoke. “I had the craziest dream last night, and both of you were in it,” she said. Rachael’s spoon stopped halfway to her mouth. “Were we up on the Second Pylon?” she asked. Mia was nodding her head in surprise when Johnny...

3 years ago
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Johnny Pulaski and the Cult of AmunRaChapter 9

Johnny was disoriented for a few seconds when he woke up. Disoriented because for the first time he went to sleep in the dream and woke up in the present. The dream was also the longest and most involved yet. Johnny sat up as he remembered all that happened in the two months they were in ancient times. Johnny’s sitting up awoke Hala. “Come back to bed, Alarec my husband, it is still dark outside,” she mumbled, and she was speaking the language of her ancestors. Johnny did not know whether...

2 years ago
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Tau Ji K Nete Ne Bajayi Mummy Ki Gand 8211 Part 1

Hi friends mera naam rikky hai aur mai iss ka regular reader hun Aaj mai aap logon se apni pehli kahani share kr rha hu..Mai aapko apne baare me bata du mera naam rikky hai aur mai 22 saal ka ladka hun aur mujhe lund lene me bhot maza aata hai…Ye kahani tab ki hai jab mai sirf 5th cls me ..Tha mere dad ki death k baad ghr me mai aur meri mummy rehte the..Mere dad ki death tab ho gyi thi jab mai sirf 8 saal ka tha aur mummy 30 saal..Ab mai aap logo ko apni mummy k baare me bata du.. Meri mummy...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Seth Jee Ne Nilam Ki Mummy Ki Gaand 8211 Part 1

Hamare pariwar me 4 sadasya hai. Meri mom savita umra 34 saal, papa hansraj, umra 38 saal, joki gaon ke sahukar ke pass accountant ka karya karte hai. Mai dilip umra 19 saal, kaksha 12th ka chatra, aur meri choti bahan vidya umra 18 saal, and kaksha Kabhi hamara pariwar bhi hasta khelta pariwar tha. Papaji bahot mehnati the aur sahukar ( seth dilawar khan ) ki un par khas inayat thi. Seth jee ke yaha bade bade log aate jaate the, jaise ki collector, police captain, tahsildar, bade bade afsar,...

2 years ago
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Johnny Pulaski and the Cult of AmunRaChapter 5

Johnny knew it was the ancient version of Hala... As the realization struck, so did the breakthrough that joined Alaric and Johnny. When it did Sulihotep put his hand on the big man’s arm. “Welcome my friend, I have waited a long time for your arrival,” the old priest whispered. Johnny gave a startled grunt then focused on his medical training, he took Henuttawy’s hand, “May I touch your leg, Your Highness?” She blinked slowly at his touch and nodded, “You may,” she said. Alaric let...

2 years ago
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Uncle Ne Tander Pass Karna Ka Liya Mummy ko chudwia

Hi again. Abhi tak aap pad chukka hai kis terha meri dharmik aur gharalu mummy ko papa ka dost chood chukka hay. Ub unho ne apna fayda ka lia mummy ka istmal karna shuru kar dia. Kaisa yah aap aagi padhia. Raju uncle building construction ka kam karta thy aur govt. Ka bada bada contract lay kar kam karty thy. Aak bhut bada contract nikla tha jus me nadi per bridge bana tha . 15 caror ka contract tha jisa raju uncle kisi bhi terha sa hasil karna chatha thy lakin usa pass karna ka lia officer 10...

4 years ago
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Johnny Pulaski and the Cult of AmunRaChapter 10

Rachael held a meeting with Mia, Mister Gamil, and Johnny; late in the morning of the day after the trip to Nubia. Spread out on the top of the picnic table was a map of the tunnels drawn on two large sheets of easel paper. Mia had done a masterful job as she had even drawn surface features in dotted lines. “Mister Gamil, I want you to have a heavy steel fence and gate installed at the end of the main corridor, right here,” she said as she stabbed her index finger down on the map. “Then,”...

2 years ago
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Johnny PulaskiChapter 13

The next day was Tuesday, December 21st, 2004; I slept in until after nine. I was in bed alone when I woke up. I gingerly climbed out of bed and tested my leg. It held my weight with only the pulling sensation from the stitches. I brushed my teeth, threw on some shorts and headed toward the wonderful aroma of breakfast coming from the kitchen. When I got there Jane saw me and smiled. “Good morning Sleepyhead. I was just about to come get you. Breakfast is ready.” I went over to where she...

4 years ago
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Johnny PulaskiChapter 16

I know you are wondering why I put up with all the drama that Rachael kept heaping on me. Well join the freakin' club, cause I didn't have a clue either. When she told me before Christmas break that she would be coming home early, I thought it was going to be to spend the rest of the holiday with me. So what happens? We spend one night together and she says she'll see me in a coupe of weeks and she splits for parts unknown. And the kicker was her reason, "Johnny it is just too good when...

4 years ago
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Johnny PulaskiChapter 23

I have a lot of stuff left to tell you but first I need to insert a small sidebar. I want to talk some about what makes a woman attractive to me. Now I don't pretend to be an expert, heck I've only had sex with a few women in my entire life, but every woman I've ever been with was sexy as hell, and I don't think it's a coincidence that every one of them was smart also. I know that my perception of beauty has undergone a radical change. For instance, I don't think the almost physically...

1 year ago
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Johnny Pulaski and the Cult of AmunRaChapter 11

An uneventful (in terms of excitement) week had passed at modern day Karnak since the rescue of Princess Henuttawy. Progress at the dig moved along smoothly, both in the tunnels and at the Second Pylon. One of the students Mia was supervising in deciphering the writings on the main hallway chanced upon a painting of the Second Pylon. It was a large battle scene with Ramses capturing scores of Hittite slaves. The drawing was an immense help in determining how the plaster shards they were...

3 years ago
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Meri Randi Mummy Ki Pyas 8211 Part II

Hi mera naam Akash Hai. main Mumbai Ka rahaney wala hoon Pichaley 7 saalo se main delhi main rah raha hoon.meri umar 22 saal hai. yeh ghatna tabki hai jab main 18 saal ka tha. Mere mummy-papa ne love merriage kiya tha. aur mere papa-mummy apne pariwaar se alag rahtey aur fir main hua is liye mere parivaar main sirf mummy-papa aur main he tha. Fir jab main 20 saal ka tha tab mummy-papa mujhe lekar delhi aa gaye aur mera naam school main likhwadiya tab main 9we class main tha. Fir 2 saal baad ek...

3 years ago
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Johnny PulaskiChapter 8

After Mass, on the Sunday after the Homecoming dance, I had a message from Amanda on my cell phone to call her. When I returned her call she told me I was invited to dinner at her house that night. I got permission to go from my dad then accepted the invitation. Amanda offered to come pick me up but I declined and rode my bike over instead; I hoped the trip would be the swan song of having to use a mountain bike as my primary mode of transportation. I pedaled the two miles to Amanda's. She...

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