Jock Tales Senior Year Week One Pt 3
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Jock Tales—Senior Year—Week One—Part One“Matthew Dillon—please come by the office at the end of the period”Got a couple of grins and smirks from classmates, but I thought—shit--I ain't done anything, at least not yet ! Couldn't be too bad. After class, as I walked the hallways towards the office, same thing—lots of smiles from people. LOL, I guess it comes with the territory, now prolly being the most popular dude at school. With three state championships now, it was on everybody's mind—can he...
Jock Tales—Jr Year—Final Game Pt 1“So Matthew—who's gonna be the lucky girl”? “HUH”?“So who's going to get to wear your ring”?“You mean my class ring”? Holding up the back of my hand.“Ya—tell us”“Well, girls, IF I was going to give my ring away, I wouldn't announce it to the public before I gave it to her. But to answer you—nobody. This is my ring—ain't giving it away to some girl to go prancin around school showin it off. Putting tha thought in peoples head that she 'bagged' Matthew Dillon....
Jock Tales---Jr Year—Opening DayOpening day had finally arrived. Thought it would never get here. First up, of course, were the Tigers. For the first time, we were actually favored for the win. Couple of the guys in my inner circle, the Diamond Dawgs, were already teasing me saying stuff like 'I get to play with my boyfriend'. I kept telling them he wasn't my boyfriend—just a piece of ass. They would just laugh, or snicker, and say something like 'ya right'. Kelso had held true on his promise...
Jock Tales—JR year PT 2—The Diamond DawgsOK—so, if you been following my stories from the beginning, then you have seen me mention from time to time “The Diamond Dawgs'. It was a major part of my life throughout football. In part two here, you finally get to learn how that came about. It was now Friday morning. Most of the guys were up by the time I roused. Sitting around the kitchen table, drinking coffee—lil bro Dustin right in the middle. I guess he was just worried about his big bro. The...
Jock Tales--Happy Fucking ThanksgivingWell, as the title indicates—it's Thanksgiving day. I loved this day—it was one of the few times I 'let myself go', and just ate what I wanted. The Diamond Dawgs had all assembled at the house to help out with the move. After meeting over at dad's new apartment last week, Kelso and Petroni, and Jackson, had a long talk with dad, and filled him in on pretty much everything that had been going on. The fighting, drinking, the dope, jail, hustling, the trips to...
Jock Tales—Homecoming PT 1It was Wednesday before home coming. We had had successful wins the past two weeks on the road, scoring a total of 57 points. That definitely put us in the running for playoffs, but still five games to go. The school was once again a-buzz with excitement. And homecoming was gonna be rough—cause we had to play the tigers once again. After a win over them on opening day, and busting up their three year winning streak, they would be out for b l o o d. Mindy Atkins caught...
Jock Tales---State Champions Well, as you prolly surmised from the title, we won the state championship for Freshman football. First time ever had the Mustangs from Tyler even made it to the playoffs---let alone win. We beat the Tigers, for the third time 21-19. As usual. Me and Cole Parker meet up after the game for his now traditional fuck down—cause he lost. I think he was starting to actually get into my big, now 9” jock cock owning his ass. There seemed to be developing some 'feelings' as...
Jock Tales---School's Out !Schooooooooools out----for----summer !! da da da dat-dadadadat.Yaaaawweee. Finally ! In spite of my model student athlete status, other than football and cheerleaders, I pretty much hated school. It just wasn't me, and therefore no plans for college. I bolted out the gym doors, and headed straight for my jeep. I was so proud of it, and had gotten tons of compliments. Canary yellow---Muncie 4-speed. 33” Micky Thompson tires. One bad ass fuckin sound system. Edlebrock...
Jock Tales---Homecoming PT 2“May I have your attention please---all members of the freshman football team are to report to cosmetology following the final bell”.Four hours to kick off. As the team gathered in the 'hair club' I explained to them the orders we had been given to get hair cuts. “I know it sucks guys, but we don't want the rep from other students accusing us of being privileged cause we're jocks, either. The handbook says 'off the collar, and above the ears'. So---that's exactly...
Jock Tales—Gettin DirtySummer was going slowly—which I guess was a good thing. Usually seemed like it was over all too soon. That's why I so hated school. I mean I did good and shit, playing the model student athlete and shit, but mostly I was just there for football. If it weren't for that—I prolly woulda been a drop out after 9th grade. I just didn't deal very well with regimen, and rules, and people that acted like they were your daddy. It would prolly have blown the heads off about 99% of...
Jock Tales---The Tournament “Maaaathuuuu” crash---boom---crakle crakle “Maaathuuu----agggg” Jesue fuckin christ—what was happening. I jumped from my bed, and rocketed up the stairs to Dustin's room---buck ass naked, lol. There was Dustin, standing in the middle of his room, with his arms over his head—screaming like a banshee. POW pop boom, sizzle, sizzle. “Aggggg Mathew “ ! “Jesus Dustin---what is it “? “Im scared Matthew” “Oh fuck dude, you mean the storm “? BAMM rumble rumble “Ahhhh yes,...
Jock Tales---The Beginning “Aight---aight----everybody gather round. Come on---move in tite. You cant play football and be afraid to touch somebody. Gentlemen, welcome to Freshman football. Look around---you have 47 new brothers, and today, is the first day----of the rest of your life”. Jr High is over, and you are no longer little k I d s. You are now official representatives of East Tyler High School. You will conduct yourself accordingly at all times, in and out of uniform, in or out of...
Jock Tales---The Beginning, Pt 2It was now Thursday of week one of pre-season training. Coach asked me how it was going, to which I told him I think it's good. It's a slow process at first, but by the third week, it will pick up really fast. “They just think Im wearin them out now coach---just wait till week three” I said to him with a big grin. “Just be sure your working yourself, Matthew, as well as your teammates. No good to have a winning team if the quarter-back turns out the weakest...
Jock Tales---The AftermathI head back to the showers after Parker leaves, and suds up pretty quick. I was hungry—and not just for food. I announce that the official party will be down at the diner, and mom said they would have extra help for the expected crowd. By the time I finish up, most of the b o y 's had left, and I went wandering back to the field to get my lil bro. He and his three mgr buddies, along with some other volunteers were busy in the stands picking up the trash left behind. I...
After such a wonderful first-time bisexual experience with our new close friends Dan & Anna, we arrived home all aglow with our new-found sense of love & understanding. We got some supper & headed up to our room. “ Oh baby, you looked so sexy with Dan's big thick cock in your mouth! The way you were sucking it, you looked like you were really enjoying having a man's big cock to suck on finally?” “ Yeah, I guess you got me on that one. I love how his dick is a bit more...
Jock Tales—The Beginning PT 4 CountdownThe forth week of pre-season training had now begun. All the coaches and staff were now present, and this week we would began learning and running plays, and more section training. Of course there was an important item to take care of right off the bat. I called a meeting just before practice on Monday.“Maurice ---your cut---I think you know why”. “Yes sir” was all he said. OH—in other news, If you want war paint for Friday night, then be at the locker...
Jock Tales-----Pony LeagueI guess I was just a born jock—I considered myself lucky. You could say, I guess, that I was overly developed for my age. Not real big, mind you, only about 5'8” at 14. But, I already had hair on my legs, and up in the crack of my ass. Had a pretty nice 'bush' in my pits, and was hanging 7 1/2” of dick. To most of the other bois on the baseball team, I guess I was intimidating. Living in East Texas made it pretty easy to maintain a tan, and when it enveloped blonde...
Jock Tales—Senior Year—On the Road With Dad—El PasoOk first—if you read my last chapter, Spring Break, you may have noticed a time period conflict. Ya—it's Jr Year, and then I stated I had been out of school for two years, lol. So—just ignore the first paragraph. So—it's summer now, school was finally out. One more year to go. There really wasn't a whole lot of stuff going on after spring break. Mostly ACT tests and shit like that. I snuck over to moms a few times late night to fuck the baby...
Jock Tales—Devastation PT 2I arrived at 'the spot' about 11:30 PM. It was about 12 miles North of town on old RT 4. Small dusty road in the middle of nowhere. Some of the older folks in town referred to it as 'that place where the homosexuals go'. I laughed my ass off the first time I heard that—how the fuck do they know that if they ain't been there themselves ?Mostly out of town truckers, bikers, and construction types. Pretty rough dudes mostly, lots of muscles and ink, or maybe some married...
Jock Tales---PONY PARTY“Jesus Fuckin Christ Dillon---where you learn to fight like that ?”“LOL, my dad. He started teachin me shit when I was 12. I used to get bullied a lot, but dad said naa—we ain't havin that shit. Then I started boxing last year---won my first match, got my silver gloves” As I pointed above my bed at my prized possession, I went over to the mini fridge to fish out some beers. Four of the guys plus Ricky, the bat b o y had showed up from the invite earlier that day. Couple...
Jock Tales—Jr Year --Final Game Pt 2 The day had gone slowly, and mostly uneventful. We had gone another season now, undefeated. If we finished out the night with a win, we will tie the Tigers three year winning streak. I entered the locker room kinda somber, and head for the cage. I needed to get pumped up for the game, and get my 'game face' on. After an hour or so of lifting, I head for the showers. Didn't know why—just wanted to feel the strong jets of the water on my back. But—no soap :)I...
Jock Tales---JR Year PT 1“Dillon” ! “Dillon” ! “Yo dawg---wake the fuck up” !SPLASH “Ah fuck yo—did you just literally throw fuckin water on me “? The b o y s laughed, as Kelso replied “Well, ur wet ain't ya”? I crawl out of the bed, buck naked, of course, sportin a boner. Making my way to the bathroom in the corner of the room, I lost enough hard to take a piss. It was pretty long, no tellin how many hours since I cut loose last. “Yo Dillon—where the fuck you been man—coach is furious”? Still...
Jock Tales---Ink Cash and a Sore AssThe pounding on the door was flying through my head like a rocket. The throbbing, searing pain between my temples prolly would have made me black out, except I just woke from being passed out. As a sat up in bed, and jumped out to head for the door, Confusion set in, as I had no idea where I was. I trip on my own big ass sized 12 jock feet, about half way, adding to the throbbing in my head. Getting up was pretty hard, as I was foggy, and vision was a bit...
Jock Tales---Tainted Youth“Hi—I'm Matthew Dillon. You know—a championship happens due to a team effort. And here at Carlise Chevy, GMC, Jeep—our team is out for you. We got them all—Camero, Corvette, GMC trucks, and my favorite, the Jeep CJ. Our award winning service department is open till 7:00 each night, Monday through Saturday. We have special financing for first time buyers, like high school and college students. Let us develop that perfect play for you, so you can score that winning...
Jock Tales Sweet 16 PT 2I grab my shaft, and start rubbing my thumb across my piss slit---causing my 'fuck juice' to start streaming down over my fist. I oozed a lot of juice, that not only myself, but most others as well loved. Kirk uttered a low 'ohhh' , and I gave him a grin as I continued a slow stroke, up and down my thick meaty jock cock. Bringing my left hand down, I began tickling the hairs on my balls, and tightening the grip on my dick. Picking up the pace just a bit, I relaxed my...
Jock Tales Me and Mrs. Jones---Meeee and Mrs. Jo-ones---we got a thing---goin on. Well, actually it was Mrs. Clark. She lived over on the west side, in a semi uppety neighborhood. Mark had called and asked if I would like to come with him to clean her pool—said he would throw me a few bucks, and of course we could swim a while while we were there. I said ya, sounded great. We arrived around 2:00 that afternoon, and went right to work. Mrs. Clark wouldn't be home for a couple of hours, so...
Introduction: Do you believe in angels? This is my entry to the Calling All Writers challenge located in the xnxx Sex Stories Adult Forum. For reasons of my own, and in agreement with the administration here, I no longer allow public comments nor do I make them. I hope youll join our site and comment in the forum or send me a private message. I cant become a better writer without your critique. Miguel Rivera glanced in the mirror and thought he looked pretty damned good for his age. He didnt...
Miguel Rivera glanced in the mirror and thought he looked pretty damned good for his age. He didn’t have the deep wrinkles of some of the seasoned officers and only had a touch of gray starting at the temples. Other than that, his wavy black hair was still full and thick. He smiled as he thought how he still wore the same size, while he buttoned his uniform shirt over his flat stomach, on his last day of walking his beat. The last day, he thought. It seemed like only yesterday when he set out...
Spring Break---On the Road With Dad---Pit Stop It was Spring Break my Jr year. I had moved in with dad back after Thanksgiving. At 19 now, I had been out of HS for two years. Lots of running, swimming, and weights were still the daily routine, keeping the bod looking hot. At 6', and 160 lbs, still slim, and sporting that awesome 8-pac of abs, it looked hot as fuck just above that big bulge, where I was packing 10” of thick jock meat. Dad commented that he had a short run this week, so I asked...
Jock tales---Devastation PT 1(This is a pretty long story, so I broke it up in two parts. There is no sex in pt 1, it just tells the events that led up to pt 2--thanx for checking me out)Summer had been totally awesome. The best ever. Having finally got the jeep prolly helped the most—independently mobile, lol. The yard jobs were going great, and the 'personal service' that followed up on about half of them, I was bringing in about a grand a month. That was just about a years salary for a...
Jock Tales---The Beginning PT 3I woke the next morning exhausted. I felt like I had been jumped in the streets and r a p e d. Basically, that's pretty much what had happened. With just a a bit of stirring, I discovered that my assailants had finally untied me. At least that part was good---I could get up and piss. As I made my way to the bathroom, I felt my ass—seamed wet. Sure nuff, remnants of fresh wet cum sticking to the hairs in my crack, and---b l o o d. Those fuckers made me b l e e d !...
Braxton clamped is whole throat around my thick pulsating cock—NOT this bois first dick, for sure. I threw my head back into my pillow, and clasping my hands back behind my head, let out a low throaty groan. Oh fuck me ! Damm this boi could suck a dick. Kelso and Patroni each, in sync, let out their own respective 'woooaahh', and jumped up at the foot of the bed, flanking me and Braxton, and immediately took their own cocks into their fists. Braxton went to town, up and down, along my entire...
Jock Tales—Senior Year, On the Road With Dad—Route 66We finally arrived at Phoenix. Dropped the load, then headed North to Flagstaff to pick up the next load to head back east on the famous Route 66. I had begged dad to take the two lane road, mostly for the bragging rights to say I had been on it. It had been one of my favorite landmarks since my idol, James Dean was killed on it when he ran into the back of a truck in his corvette, back in the 60's.We pulled in to a pretty big truck stop just...
THE PRIMING "What a mess!" Rhonda looked around and slowly shook her head. She could only blame herself. She was standing in the break room of the credit union of which she was manager. As a little Christmas Eve gift for all her employees she had volunteered to be the one who stayed late to do the final cleanup before she left for home. It was a little after four in the afternoon and she had plans for later in the evening. She had assumed that it would take only minutes to clean up after...
Jock Tales---JuvieThe d**g running was going pretty well. The totally unforeseen side advantage was discovering Cole was a major hook up man in Austin. Worked out pretty cool—I would go down to Austin and meet up with Cole at a cheap motel. We would do our thing, becoming more and more passionate each time. Then the next morning I would pick up the bale and head back to Tyler. All I had to do was meet the dude there and hand it over. No dealing or selling of any kind. But, sooner or later, it...
He’d been here for nearly two hours, and his cup had been empty for just about the same amount of time. Lucy watched him from behind the counter, wondering if he’d ever feel her gaze and look up to meet it. So far, he hadn’t. His eyes stayed focused on his book, and he’d been turning pages pretty consistently since she’d been staring. Normally, she wouldn’t just stand back and watch the patrons, but tonight was slow. Rosalia wasn’t much entertainment either. She stayed by the drive through...
College SexI was not in the best of moods. My live in girl of 5 years was at her parents. On Christmas-friggen-eve. And I was alone just like the last 5 years. The argument was the same as every other year. I usually start it, as she is getting ready to leave. "Why do you have to go?" "Because I always spend Christmas eve with my mom and dad. You know that." "We should be together on Christmas." "I'll be back late tomorrow and we can spend Christmas night together." "Why don't I just come...
I was driving home Christmas Eve last year, it was late, a crowd of us from the office had been out drinking and partying. The trouble was I was one of the designated drivers, I drew one of the short straws, literally, and so I had to watch everyone else get legless, and various single and married colleagues paired off for that annual event the 'Christmas Party No Strings Fuck'. How some of them managed to even get as far as the bedroom or the car park in the case of the married ones,...
“Fucking hell! Why the frigging fuck am I in this fuckin’ office on Christmas Eve! There’s nobody else here! It’s like a bleedin’ ghost town! What the fuckin’ bleeding, bloody hell am I meant to do when Governance aren’t here to release the code and QA haven’t checked it anyway!” He was distinctly unhappy. The whole project had been a disastrous maladministered heap of mis-managed poor design as far as he was concerned; he was grateful to be just one of the developers (even though he was...
I guess my problem started during Christmas vaca- tion when I was 18. My parents were on a two week second honeymoon in France, and my Aunt Jill had agreed to take care of our rather large house and of me. Jill, who was 28 at the time, was still recovering from the shock of losing her husband in an automobile accident, so I was skeptical about my chances of having a merry Christmas in the midst of so much gloom. To my great surprise, though, Jill's spirits were high, and the two days before...
Jock Tales---Youth Gone WildSummer had finally arrived. Not a moment too soon—I was going nuts. I finished up my Sophomore year, mostly uneventful. Although we did win the state championship, mostly cause of me, it went unrecognized, like someone else had done it. Senior—seniors-seniors. Like the rest of the team wasn't even there. It was fucking with my head, and began more and more diving into the world of male prostitution and d**gs, and less mowing yards, and football. I still worked out a...
Jock Tales----Sweet 16 PT 1It was the most anticipated day of my life. More than anything football. More than Christmas. More than the day I finally popped out numbers 7 and 8 abs. More than the day I discovered hair up in the crack of my ass. Even more than the day just a few weeks ago when I finally measured up 9”. Lotta of fuck meat for a 15 YO. Today, was my 16th birthday.I met it with a bit of melancholy though. The original plan was to be at the car lot, and grab that jeep I had my eye on...
Christmas Eve By Cheryl Lynn This is a short humiliation story and is a figment of my imagination. It continues the adventures of Harold from my "All Hallows Eve" story but is pretty much a stand alone story. It may be downloaded for personal use only and no other use is authorized unless approved by the author. Constructive comments are welcome however; if you do not like forced feminization do not read or comment. [email protected] Christmas Eve Harold sat slumped over...
The next morning was spent pottering about the house. They had agreed that they would drive to the mall in the afternoon, catch lunch and then do their shopping for Christmas presents. Zoe was very excited once more as she had been on MSN Messenger with Alison and had confirmed that her friend would be coming to stay for Christmas. Alison's Aunt believed that this would be a welcome break for the young girl, something familiar for her, something that would help make her first Christmas...
I woke up the next morning on Christmas Eve smelling like cream soap and Rick’s musk. We spent the evening before in the shower trying to clean various forms of sugar, syrup and other stickiness off each other, but there was no hot water heater big enough in the world that could accommodate the kind of good, clean fun we had gotten ourselves into. I lay in bed half awake and half dreaming about the way Rick’s hands glided all over the contours of my body with his wet, slippery, soapy hands. I...
NovelsOne Cold Christmas Eve... One cold Christmas Eve morning, I lay in my bed, curling my toes and relishing in the warmth of my blankets. I wiggled my toes again, and giggled. Even though I couldn't see them under the covers, I relished the fact they were now adorned with purple nail polish that had a layer of sparkles overtop. As much as I was relishing the warmth of my blankets, I knew I would have to get out of bed soon and face my day, but I closed my eyes and tried to pretend...
Hello Friends, I am 31 years old my name is Rohan I am 5’5 in height slim guy 55 in weight fair black hair. After reading so many nice stories I thought of writing my incident too which happened on 24th December Christmas Eve. I am very close to all my friends we decided to go to Lonavla for Christmas Eve all friends.The plan was made we left on 24th morning by car we all stay in Mumbai we had one Innova.We were 5 of us two couples and me single.I loved my friends wife a lot cause she is very...
I was glad to see my parents for Christmas, but I knew certain things would have to change for a little while. I had to pretend I was the same innocent girl that left. Who know how my parents would act if they knew how much I enjoyed "vices" like sex, alcohol and partying!For the first week, being good was easy. I stayed home a lot of the time. I only really went out in the day to hang out with girl friends, and I spent most of my time catching up on a lot of Netflix or on twitter. Then, as...
Happy 4th of JulySummer had been great---and so was life. I had coined my own little phrase--“one lucky white boi”. Finally achieving 6', and those big ass jock feet now at a 12, poppin 8 hard squares of abs, 9” of vein poppin cock, and that hard round hairy ass. I admit, sometimes I just stood in front of the mirror and jacked off, sniffin on my bushy pits. I tried to keep myself in check, and not brag, or get a big head about it all. Damm, I had more shit than most seniors. But—I could...
It was Friday, the day before Christmas Eve, and I had only just gotten the mistletoe that afternoon. I had gotten a great deal more than we needed, and as I arranged and glued a bunch of mistletoe to a sprig of holly, a couple of cranberries, three jingle bells and a few tiny gold ornaments and tied it all together with a red velvety ribbon for our entryway's arrangement, I had a wild idea. I made similar arrangements for every light or ceiling fan you can stand under in the entire house and...
The Christmas holiday came quickly, and soon it was December 23rd. As planned, everyone met at Mark's house at the appointed time. Dinner was delivered and quickly eaten. After enjoying some Christmas fun, the four teenagers were sent to bed in the basement family room with strict instructions to go to sleep and not stay up playing pool or talking. Shortly thereafter, the gifts were rescued from their confinement and placed under the tree. Trisha noticed that there seemed to be many more...
Trisha was glad for the little break from the excitement of the holiday. She was getting so wrapped up in the events of the recent past that she felt she was losing touch with reality. She was a single mother. Her responsibility was to her children, first. Did she have a right to be this happy? Just before the boys finished their packing, their dad showed up at the house with is girlfriend on his arm. Trisha tried to be pleasant, since it was the holidays, after all, but her ex was making it...
Tales of a Hustler---All I Want for Christmas“All I Want for Christmas is a ten inch dick” LOL that fits perfect with “two front teeth” It was Christmas eve, and the middle of the week. I couldn't go home, cause I would need off more than 1 day. Mom said it's no big deal—she had volunteered to pull a double at the diner anyway, and she said Dustin didn't spend much time at the house anyway. Said she didn't know where he was most of the time. I told her I would get home the weekend, and I would...
Jock Tales—The Beginning PT 5 GAME DAYIt was finally here. Game day. The school was going nuts. Cheers and chants filled the hallways. Blue and silver banners were everywhere. It was nearly out of control. I guess a hundred people patted me on the back walking down the halls during the day. All the players were in their game jerseys, so it was easy to spot us. Three o'clock. School is finally out. Only 4 hours till kickoff. I was a nervous wreck. I went straight to the locker room. No time to...
I met Brain K. at the local Walmart, I bumped into him by accident in the grocery section...we struck up a conversation casually about being alone for Christmas. Some how I invited him to my apartment for a drink. Once we arrived he saw that my desk top was on and while I was in the kitchen Brain managed to turn the screen on. One of my short comings is that I leave my desk top on when I go out for a short time, I had no ideal I was going to bring company back. After a few drinks Brain asked if...
I was spending Christmas Eve with Jess and Rachel. We did not celebrate Christmas, so my parents did not mind, nor did they mind that Michelle came along with me. Rachel's family was not religious, but they celebrated with the traditional trappings: tree, lights, presents. We had a nice dinner, but then again, what dinner would not be nice with 6 bare boobs staring at you throughout the meal. After dinner, we retired into the living room and gathered around the tree to exchange gifts. I...
I had to go out on Christmas Eve 2012 to get something that a friend needed, a pair of nylons. Everything in this Podunk shanty town was closed except the convenience stores, (and the fucking bars of course...) and they wanted way too much $$ and not one of them had silky sheer. I did get pulled over by a hot young stud cop with a cock bulging halfway down his left leg as I watched him walk toward my car. He was courteous and professional, and asked me for the required documentation, that I...
It happened on Christmas Eve 2008. I had my first sexual encounter with an older woman, my Aunt Louise. That encounter encouraged me to start this journal.Aunt Louise was my mother's little sister and one of the sexiest ladies I had ever seen. At thirty-something, she had a face and body that most teenage girls would have killed for and she loved to flaunt it. No matter what the weather conditions, even on the coldest days, she wore miniskirts and thin cotton blouses with nothing on under them...