The Lesson Plan Part Two Supply Teacher Episode Three
- 3 years ago
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Simon opened the fridge and took out a carton of orange. He dropped some ice cubes in a glass, poured orange over the top and took a long drink. Suddenly, he found himself horny again as he thought of his afternoon.
Climbing the stairs, he decided to seek out the porn star on Red Tube who looked like Miss Duvall. He needed a wank even though he was sure that his balls had been emptied.
Reaching the top of the stairs he saw that his parent’s bedroom door was ajar. As he walked past he caught a glimpse of Mandy kneeling at the side of his father. It was obvious that she was giving his father's cock the sucking of its life. Her back was bare and a black g-string adorned her tight arse and instantly Simon felt his cock harden.
Opening the door a little further, he could see that his father was blindfolded and his wrists had been tied to the wooden slats of the headboard with a pair of lace-trimmed stockings.
Simon stepped to the side to get a closer look - and the floorboards beneath his feet creaked. Mandy must have heard because she slowly turned around, exposing to him her pert breasts with nipples like dark brown jelly tots. To Simon, they looked just as sweet.
Mandy gave Simon a slow smile, before moving round so she was facing him. She took his father's cock in her hand and started to slowly wank him.
Simon felt like not only his cock was going to explode but his head as well. This really was too much to take in. First Miss Duval and now Mandy; there was definitely some horny pheromones flying around but this situation with Mandy and his dad totally confused him.
He knew that it was wrong what they were both doing but, somehow, as he watched Mandy suck his father's cock, he felt like his feet were glued to the spot. He couldn’t move, he was totally transfixed, watching Mandy work her magic.
Mandy alternated between wanking his father's cock, licking the tip of it, and then taking the full length in her mouth. All the time she didn’t take her eyes off Simon.
He watched as she lifted a leg across his father’s body and moved her pussy down onto his face.
Simon saw a look of sheer pleasure and ecstasy on Mandy’s fine features as his father licked her pussy. She started to suck his cock harder and faster as she rocked against his father’s mouth. Then she stopped sucking and started wanking, faster and faster and faster as she bucked against his mouth. She let out a moan which was accompanied by another and then another, each getting louder and louder until she reached a crescendo and mouthed to Simon, “I’m going to cum.”
Within seconds she did just that. Simon felt like he was going to explode at the thought of Mandy’s pussy over his own face. Once upon a time, he would have thought that idea was ludicrous. What could he have ever have brought to the table for Mandy? He had been an eighteen year old virgin, bidding for a woman who had fucked more people than he had eaten Big Macs and fries. However, that had all changed this afternoon. Miss Duval had ensured that he was more than qualified to have a go with Mandy.
After she had recovered from cumming, Mandy took his father's cock in her mouth again and sucked and sucked. Simon watched as his father crossed his feet, his thighs starting to shake as he too built up to an orgasm. Within seconds he’d filled Mandy’s mouth with his hot cream. Mandy opened her mouth and showed it to Simon before swallowing it all in one go.
Mandy and his father’s shenanigans had made Simon horny as hell. Walking across the landing to his bedroom, Simon dropped his college bag in the corner and loosened his tie before going into the bathroom for a shower. He looked at himself in the mirror and ran his fingers through his hair. He peered closer at his reflection. His eyes seemed to look brighter and his mouth that had always been a bit surly looked like it had permanently curled itself in the corners.
Simon unbuttoned his shirt and let it drop to the floor. He looked down at his chest and he could see a slight scratch where Miss Duvall had grabbed him as she had rammed her pussy onto his cock.
Simon finished undressing and noticed that his cock was actually a fair size and the way Miss Duval had ravished it, it clearly was enough for any woman. An image of his father's cock sprang into his thoughts and immediately Simon shut it from his mind. What the fuck was he thinking? It was one thing comparing your own cock with, say, the guys in porn films... but your own father?
Simon stepped inside the shower cubicle. Squeezing a blob of shower gel onto a green sponge he rubbed it all over his body before allowing the needles of the shower to wash away the white foam. As he washed his hair, Simon decided that now that he’d got rid of his main source of embarrassment - his virginity - it was now time to ditch his shy attitude.
Soaping the length of his cock, Simon decided there and then to restyle himself. Now he’d experienced a bit of pussy, he had absolutely every intention of having sex at any given opportunity. However, to pull the girls, he needed to work on his image and he intended to start right away.
After he’d showered and dressed in grey jogging bottoms and sweatshirt, Simon decided to go to the newsagents and buy some of those fashion magazines that were aimed at men. In the past he had to admit he had regarded them as being a bit too gay for him, but he needed all the help he could get to fulfill his mission of transformation. He intended to go from shy boy to stud as quickly as was feasible.
Running down the stairs he picked up his trainers and sat at the bottom of the stairs.
“Hey cheeky boy,” Mandy whispered in his ear, “can I get past?”
Simon moved to the side and Mandy squeezed past. “You were very naughty then Simon,” she said quietly and folded her arms across her chest in mock admonishment. “I really do think that you need to be punished. Although, on saying that, I think a promise that you'll keep what you saw to yourself will suffice."
Simon nodded. “Yeah sure, well I'm hardly gong to bring it up am I over a coffee with my Mum. 'Oh by the way Mum I saw you’re sister sucking my Dad's cock as she came all over his face and then she took a mouthful of his spunk'.”
Mandy smiled at him and stroked a finger down his nose. “Good boy. Maybe I should reward you for your silence one day.”
She nodded to herself as if she had just made a very important decision borne from a sudden flash of a revelation. “Yes, I think I will do that. Do you want a coffee? I’m going to fire up the espresso machine.”
Simon shook his head, “No, I’m going to go to the newsagents. Do you want anything?”
Mandy looked at him intently and leant against the hallway wall. “I hope you're not going buying one of those wank mags?” She arched her eyebrows.
Simon shook his head. “No, why would I do that when there’s plenty of porn on the net?”
Mandy laughed. “Good point. We'll have to watch some sometime.”
Simon finished tying his laces and remembered that he was re-inventing himself. No point looking all shy and embarrassed like the old virginal Simon would have done. He grinned at Mandy. “Yeah, we will defo have to do that some time. Let me know when you're free.”
He felt a rush of smug pleasure as he saw a look of shock on Mandy’s face.
“Gotta go, catch you in a bit.”
Simon made his way down the hallway, refraining from winking at his reflection as he passed the hallway's gilt, ornate mirror.
At the newsagents, Simon decided to buy FHM and Esquire magazines. He hadn’t even looked at the prices so he was momentarily stunned when Amjad the newsagent asked him to part with the best part of a tenner. Simon took a twenty pound note out of his wallet. That was nearly half his week’s college money gone in one swoop.
Taking his change from Amjad he put it in his wallet and lifted the magazines off the counter, hoping that this was going to be a small price to pay in his pursuit of pussy.
Over the next week, Simon devoured the magazines and online fashion tips. He decided the first thing he needed was a new hairstyle. His hair was been naturally curly and he’d kept it quite long because it allowed him to almost hide his face, especially with a heavy fringe that hung in his eyes.
On his facebook he started to pay particular attention to the guys his female counterparts coveted. The general consensus was that they liked the rough and ready look and none of the guys had long hair. They either had short hair gelled in a quiff or shaved. Okay, Harry Styles had longish hair but looking like someone who appealed to teenage girls was not on Simon's agenda.
He wasn’t interested in attracting anyone under the age of twenty one and Simon knew that his penchant for older women would now remain with him for a life time.After all, he’d been seduced by a teacher, why would he be interested in the younger girls in his class?
Simon had big ideas for his pussy search. So, if that meant he had to ditch his hair, then so be it, even if the thought made him feel slightly nervous. He decided to have his hair cut at a small salon in town. It had good reviews and, on the staff photograph on their website, there were a couple of fitties working there, so that was a bonus. He telephoned and booked an appointment for Saturday afternoon.
At college, he didn’t see Miss Duval for the rest of the week. Her lessons were being covered by Mr Tranter, a supply teacher who told them that Miss Duval had been struck down by a bug. The news didn’t bother Simon too much. By the time she returned the following week, he would hopefully have perfected his new look and he was secretly hoping that he would be privy to some more horny action.
The thought of fucking Miss Duval again consumed Simon’s thoughts and he lost count of how many times he'd wanked thinking of their escapade. He also kept thinking about her comment that she was looking forward to the trip to Belgium with "her favourite boys." Simon didn’t know what she meant by that but he fully intended to be her best boy. That thought excited him.
The weekend finally arrived and Simon’s parents had given him some money so that he could buy holiday clothes. He was in need of a new wardrobe, that was for sure. He couldn’t believe he had settled for jeans and T-shirts for so long.
On Saturday morning Simon felt genuinely excited about the day that lay ahead. However, as he ruffled his curls with gel he was a bit worried. Although he had studied the fashion magazines and knew the look he was trying to achieve, he was worried that he might need some feedback, but he could hardly ring Oliver or any other of his mates to ask them to come and help him. It was at times like this he wished he had a female friend.
Dressed, Simon went downstairs and the smell of his mother cooking breakfast permeated the air and his stomach rumbled in anticipation. His mother might have many faults but she definitely knew how to make a great full English.
Walking into the kitchen, Simon saw Mandy sitting at the pine dining table, one hand under her chin as she flicked through a catalogue. She looked up and smiled at him .
“Hey gorgeous, come and sit with your Auntie Mandy. She patted the seat beside her. Simon pulled out the chair and sat. “What are you up today?” Mandy asked, hand briefly stroking his thigh before she resumed turning the catalogue pages as if what she had just done was completely normal.
“Do you want bacon, egg and sausage, Simon?” his mother interrupted her tone sharper than usual.
Simon nodded. “Yes please.”
He watched as his mother piled a floral china plate high with the cooked breakfast before walking over and slamming his plate in front of him on the table.
“Simon's going to get some new clothes for his holiday, aren’t you Simon?”
His mother folded her arms and looked at him with the same expression on her face that she adopted when she was daring him to brook an argument.
He picked up his knife and fork and sliced through a sausage"Yeah I’m going shopping and getting a haircut.”
Mandy smiled, “I can come with you if you like?” she said, pinching a sausage off his plate and biting into it. “I can give you some fashion tips, no problem.”
Just when Simon was thinking it actually that wasn’t a bad idea, his mother scuppered the idea. “He doesn’t need any fashion tips from you Mandy, thank you very much. Unlike his father, my Simon has a mind of his own and isn’t easily led.”
Simon watched as his mother turned on her heel and walked over to the kitchen sink, attacking the dishes with a sponge in a very annoyed fashion. Her shoulders were ramrod straight and the tension in the air was almost palpable.
Mandy rolled her eyes at Simon.
“I was only saying I could help him. There is nothing worse than going shopping for clothes on your own. I always like to have a second opinion. What do you think Simon?”
Simon felt Mandy run a hand up the inside of his thigh. It was a brief movement but it was enough to cause his cock to stir and start to harden and, suddenly, a shopping trip with Mandy seemed really appealing. Like his mother had stated, he had a mind of his own and if he wanted to go shopping with Mandy then he fucking well would do.
Mandy finished the last of the sausage and wiped her hands on a napkin before standing. “It's up to you Simon,” she shrugged, before straightening her mini skirt. Simon noticed that under her white T-shirt she wasn’t wearing a bra. “I don’t have anything on today so just holler if you need me.”
The sound of a cereal bowl being slammed onto the drainer caused Simon to flinch. Why did his mother have to be so moody? She couldn’t possibly know what had gone on between his father and Mandy. Perhaps it was the time of the month.
No wonder his father found Mandy’s carefree nature so appealing and, even though deep down Simon felt guilty about the secret he was keeping from his mother, he couldn’t help but resent her for putting a dampener on his day before it had even started.
“Okay, that would be good,” Simon said a tad defiantly, scooping up a forkful of beans. “I’ll have my breakfast and then we’ll go.”
Mandy grinned at him, her hand rested on his shoulder and she gave it a tight squeeze. “I’ll be in my room, knock when you are ready.” With that she left the kitchen, giving him a small wave over her shoulder.
Simon took a tub of barbecue sauce out of the chrome sauce holder in the middle of the table and squeezed a blob on his plate. The atmosphere in the kitchen was now so tight his stomach felt like it had shriveled and his full breakfast didn’t seem quite so appealing.
His mother turned to him, her mouth twisted in an angry line, wiping her hands vigorously on a tea towel.
“Surely you’re not going shopping with her?”
Simon pushed his plate away and gave a small cough. Shit, this was awkward. “Why not? She knows a lot about fashion and I’m not very good at that kind of stuff.”
He watched as his mother’s top lip curled into a snarl. “I don’t particularly want you spending time with her, that’s all. I think she's a bad influence.”
Simon pushed his chair back and stood. Picking up his plate and cutlery off the table he walked over and dropped them into the washing up bowl. “Mum, I’m eighteen, not eight. I think I’ll decide who is a bad influence on me.” He gave his mother a small smile, “Like you said, I have a mind of my own and I’m not easily led.”
Walking out of the kitchen heTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.
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IncestMandy briefly left the room, returning with an A4 pad of paper and two pens. She handed one to Simon, stuck the other pen in her mouth and ripped a sheet of paper from the pad. Handing it to Simon, she knelt in front of the coffee table and put her pen down.‘Right, you will have played this game before, I’m sure. It used to be one of my favourites when I was at school. You write down a girl’s name, fold the paper over, and pass to me. I write a boy’s name and fold it and pass it back. You write...
MILFThis was a hectic week for Bonnie Anderson. She had spanked Dave Smith’s bare buns on Tuesday until he howled for mercy, a quality the beautiful, but stern, principal of Middlesex High did not possess. Smith was one of Bonnie’s math teachers. He earned a trip over his principal’s lap as too many of his students failed the state exams. Between yowls, in response to each hot hairbrush stroke, Smith promised to become a better teacher. Only time and the hairbrush would tell. That was the day Bob...
SpankingTeaching Sally, the final LessonIf you read my previous 2 stories. You will remember that as a high school teacher who has suffered through being teased by the young hotties in my class I was frustrated but I never came on to any of my students. However, a former student, a recent graduate, named Sally approached me and confessed her crush on me and how she wanted me to teach her all about sex before she went off to college. And we met and had an incredible “lesson” with me showing how...
As I was nearing the end of college, I was no longer interested in the girls I was coaching. I was 21, they were 14 and 15. It was too big of a gap, for the law and for myself. I noticed some of their attributes, breasts coming to perky fruition and asses and legs that were firm and smooth. But no girl appealed to me overall. Then Nikki called me. Nikki was an incoming freshman into high school, and I had seen her hit from a distance. She hit a good ball, harder than I was used to...
Lesson Surprise part 2 To find out how I ended up in this situation read Lesson Surprise Part 1 ...... I looked at the clock on the wall - it was only 5 pm - it was going to be a late night. After all, during the last 4 hours I have been fucked twice by Brads 11 inch monster. I was standing there with huge EE false tits in a black lace bra, Black lace suspenders and fishnet stockings, red G string with black trim, a tiny black mini skirt and tight black top that enhanced the...
Chapter One: Johana's Shocking Futa Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Johana Jordan's Week, Monday The entire student body of Rogers College thundered with applause as the MVP from last Saturday's championship football game led off her rewards. Tanisha Read, a Black futa, gripped the leashes that lead to a futa named Charisma and her little sister, a cutie named Krysten. It was the Monday morning assembly. Normally, it was the Program assembly, but there was a special...
I had been away at college for about a month, and was home visiting my Mom for the weekend. I was still the same old Steven, a virgin, a girlfriend who we didn't do much but kiss and hug. Kate was a beautiful girl of Korean descent, a lovely, slender, petite athletic body, a gymnast's body. She had a pretty, round face with bell shaped, "Dick Van Dyke' -era Mary Tyler Moore hair. Come to think of it, she was physically and Asian version of my Mom. She like me, was also inexperienced and...
IncestI tried to maintain my temper, gritting my teeth and keeping my voice low and calm. "Miss Winslow," I announced with displeasure, the pace of my words steady and even. "If you need the attention that badly, please move to the front of the row. There is an empty desk here," I indicated one of the three empty desks at the front of the room that the class avoided. I waited until she melodramatically collected her things, standing and straightening her school uniform skirt. She made a mumbled...
TabooA warm sunny morning in the south of England.Dan was sipping his tea while reading the Saturday papers when Helen walked in and did a little twirl, asking,"Do you like my new tennis dress""Looks very good on you, a bit short for tennis though I would have thought""What do you mean, short""Well when you bend over to pick up your ball anyone standing behind you will have a lovely view of your arse''''Oh Dan sometimes you can be such a prude, all the tennis ladies wear dresses like this''''Would...
This happened many years ago and was one of my first experiences of sex with a stranger, again it is completely true.My driving lesson was always at about 11.30, I had had 2 and my instructor asked me if I would to go to lunch after the second lesson, why not? I thought. When we got to the pub for lunch 3 of his fellow driving instructors were there. Since I was a teen I have never worn a bra and the thought of wearing a bra for my lesson never even entered my head so off I went wearing a...
Scene 1 After a long day of mathematics at the Charleston Academy for Girls, Lilly retired to her room. It was the evening just after six and the sky was a bright golden orange around the powder-blue clouds. The block 10 girls (ages 16-19) had just finished their supper and had been dismissed until the next day's lesson. Sitting at her dark cherrywood desk, Lilly boredly stared out the window. Of course. The girls at the Rowanberry Wifely School for Girls were out playing catch. Charleston...
Teaching piano in my home was really only an idea to keep me from going crazy on the weekends! the money was nice, but not the important part. And, as expected, my students were mostly 10 year old girls who’s parent felt they needed more music in their lives. The girls were not really motivated to learn and rarely practiced effectively during the week. So, come the weekend and the visit to my home for 45 minutes, it was really just time for me to endure this torture I brought upon myself. I...
Teaching piano in my home was really only an idea to keep me from going crazy on the weekends! the money was nice, but not the important part. And, as expected, my students were mostly 10 year old girls who's parent felt they needed more music in their lives. The girls were not really motivated to learn and rarely practiced effectively during the week. So, come the weekend and the visit to my home for 45 minutes, it was really just time for me to endure this torture I brought upon myself.I had...
I read the official note again on the way to my fourth period teacher’s classroom: ‘Come by room 106 for a special lesson. This is for your greater knowledge only.’ I was not sure what this had to do with me, I thought maybe it was a subject for my next extra-credit project. Whatever the case, I walked into the classroom with the usual friendly greeting: a shave-and-a-haircut knock. He turned around at his desk and looked at me. ‘Well, I’m glad you could come by.’ I nodded. ‘I got this...
I read the official note again on the way to my fourth period teacher's classroom: "Come by room 106 for a special lesson. This is for your greater knowledge only." I was not sure what this had to do with me; I thought maybe it was a subject for my next extra-credit project. Whatever the case, I walked into the classroom with the usual friendly greeting: a shave-and-a-haircut knock.He turned around at his desk and looked at me. "Well, I'm glad you could come by." I nodded. "I got this note in...
I'm Matthew, a 25 year old popular math teacher at St Edwards high school in England. This high school differs itself from other schools: it's a girl only school, meaning all the students are girls. Let me tell you a bit more about myself. I'm standing at 6'1, meaning that I'm quite tall. I've got short dark blond hair which is folded backwards with gel and my hair is even shorter at the sides. I don't possess any kind of tattoos, neither piercings. I'm somewhat tanned, but not a lot,...
My name is Sheldon and this is the day that I first had a sexual encounter with the man that I now call my husband. I was seventeen at the time and he was thirty eight. He was my teacher at a boarding school that my parents had sent me too. They were obsessed with god around here and the fact that I was a gay kid never set well with them. Guess I was not the only gay one around …. ********** I had not been in the mood to eat lately. I missed being home and I missed my friends and family. How...
My name is Sheldon and this is the day that I first had a sexual encounter with the man that I now call my husband. I was seventeen at the time and he was thirty eight. He was my teacher at a boarding school that my parents had sent me too. They were obsessed with god around here and the fact that I was a gay kid never set well with them. Guess I was not the only gay one around .... ******** I had not been in the mood to eat lately. I missed being home and I missed my friends and family. How...
Gay MaleThe Lesson Plan -- Part Two: Supply Teacher Saturday: History Chapter 31 "Coming, I'm coming!" I say out loud to no-one, gathering up my purse and leaving the house to join Shayna, waiting in her car and leaning on her horn. She gives me a happy wave from the driver's seat which I return with a bright smile, locking the front door and half skipping towards her in a girlish bounce. "Good morning!" she says, her face bright and perfectly made-up, despite the early hour. She's...
A Lesson For Cathy by Constance Grant Authors Note This story is based on characters created by I. R. Nixon; I have tried to give Cathy a richly deserved lesson, without destroying her spirit for more mischief. Chapter 1 - Cathy's Blue Monday Cathy Greenbriar had a bad Monday, maybe the worst of her entire seventeen years of existence. Oh it started off great, last night her mom had given her a pair of white, with baby blue and pink trim, elevated sneakers as an "I...
To Learn a Lesson By Morpheus Amelia looked down at her watch and then smiled to herself, knowing that it wouldn't be much longer. Not much longer at all. Still smiling, she clutched her purse tighter and hurried up the stairs and through the final short distance to Mark's campus dorm room. Pausing outside of Mark's dorm room, Amelia let out a dreamy sigh as she thought about how much fun their date was going to be. For her at least. "Oh poor Mark." she chuckled, gently...
Nurse's Lesson Part 1 The emergency room was chaotic; people were backed up in the waiting room,seeking treatment for the usual variety of injuries, ailments, accidents andassaults. The urban area that the hospital served, demographically speaking,consisted of many low-income people who were not well served by the city. Thearea population consisted of primarily Black, Hispanic, Middle Easterner, Caribbean, and Asian people. Life in this urban area had all the problems that povertyand neglect...