The Lesson Plan -- Part Three: Field Trip (Episode Three) free porn video

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The Lesson Plan -- Part Three: Field Trip Chapter Three In your preparations for being Amy, the question of her sexuality had arisen a couple of times. You had simply assumed that she was straight -- that she, like most awkward teenage girls, was interested in boys but not experienced. You knew that she'd never been kissed. Maybe she had a boy back in Seattle that she thought was cute. You'd wondered how that had felt for her? What was female attraction like? Was it like how you felt about Ellen, lusting after her every curve? Should Amy be checking out boys in the same way to be authentic? You'd tried to talk to Ellen about it in one of your tutorial sessions, but as usual she'd shut it down. She didn't like to think about sex, it seemed. So you'd done what you did with most things to do with Amy -- you'd tried to study Melanie and see what she did. And what she did, as far as you could see, was nothing. No sly looks at cute bottoms in tight pants or bare forearms. She didn't, as far as you could overhear, talk about boys much if at all. So that was settled. Amy was the same as Melanie. Straight and shy. "No," you answer honestly, turning your back on Melanie to fold up your dress. "Do you?" you ask, packing the dress carefully in your bag, along with your still-warm bra and pantyhose. "Have a boyfriend?" "Here's your cocoa," Melanie replies, ducking your question and handing you the other mug before she sits down on the bed. She crosses her legs yoga style, effortlessly limber. "When I was little I think I wanted Martin to be my boyfriend," she says, holding her mug in two hands and taking a drink. "He's gay, right?" You say, sitting down at the opposite end of the bed. You know your own body well enough not to try to sit in the same way, so you stretch your legs out instead, showing off your cute painted toes. "I mean, he's nice." She laughs. "He's totally gay. I mean, I don't think he's kissed a boy either, but yeah, he's a total cliche." "We all are," you say. "Totally." "I think it's cool that your mom's a lesbian," you say. "I do too," she replies. "Her girlfriend is really nice too." "I wish my mom would find someone," you say, just as you realize it's true. "How long has she been divorced?" she asks, finishing her cocoa. "Six years I think. It's just been the two of us for forever," you say, drinking your own hot chocolate. It tastes nice. Sweet and warm and you feel it all the way down your throat. You can't remember the last time you talk about this. Maybe you've never talked about it. "My dad just walked out," you say. You've never said that to anyone. "Mine was cheating on my mom." "I miss him," you say, feeling hot tears welling up in your eyes. "I miss mine too," Melanie says. "Hey... it's okay." She sets down her mug and crawls across the bed to give you a hug. "I'm sorry," you say, unable to stop. You're voice cracking. You close your eyes and feel the tears dropping. You know your makeup is fucked. You don't trust yourself to speak. You just let yourself be hugged, and breathe. "Shh, it's okay," Melanie whispers, and you feel her hand touching your head through the curls of your wig. "I cry a ton." She confesses, giving you a squeeze. "It's easier to pretend to be okay, isn't it? Like you're somebody else?" You nod. You wish you were someone else because you hate being you. "I should," you clear your throat. Cheekbones, open throat, breathe. "I should take my makeup off." You say with a smile. Melanie surprises you by kissing you on the forehead and letting you go. You take your bag into the bathroom and leave her on the bed. You take a deep breath and lock the door, wiping off the streaky mascara and eye shadow. The red lipstick has faded and you wipe it off gladly along with the foundation and powder. Even without makeup the mask is flawless -- Amy is fresh faced with great skin. Her eyes are red from crying. Her wig is a little messed up. You pull it off and re-apply the tape, brushing it in your hand and tugging it back into place. You tie it up with a scrunchie and hope that it will hold during the night. You pack up all your toiletries and are about to leave the bathroom when you realize you're not horny, for the first time dressed as Amy. You are just... just a girl. Just you. Melanie has climbed into bed when you step back into her room, the fairy lights the only source of yellow glow in the room. "Hey, Melanie," you ask in a breathy whisper. "Where do you want me to sleep?" "Just in with me," she replies sleepily. "We don't have a spare room. I promise I won't snore." Your heart starts to beat faster. You take a breath. "If you're sure," you say, but she's already scooching over under the covers. The bed is a double -- plenty space. You climb in beside her and cling to the other edge, away from her. You feel the heat of her, the presence of her beside you. You're mindful of her long smooth bare legs, her arms and fingers. You turn and she's facing you, her head on her pillow, her beautiful face framed by her hair in the soft glow of the fairy lights. Magical. "You look pretty without makeup," she says. "Do you always wear so much?" "Thanks," you say. You wish you could blush. "Yeah I always do. I like doing it." "I'm no good at it," she says. "You're great," you say. "How do you know?" she replies with a smile. "You've never seen me with any?" Shit. "I just mean... " you struggle to find the words and Melanie giggles. She shifts under the covers and moves closer. "I'm glad you wanted to come over tonight. I'm sorry about my friends." "That's okay, they're lovely. I'm glad I came over tonight too." "Amy. Can I ask you something?" Her face is so close now you can feel the warmth of her breath while she talks. You've got nowhere to back off to. "Of course," you say, your eyes meeting hers. "Sure." "Did your zip really get stuck this afternoon?" You hesitate, trying to think of the right thing to say. You remember her hands on your bare skin, how she looked in that dress. You trembled as she touched you, the most intimate and sexy thing to have ever happened to you. A fantasy come true. Your gaze leaves hers and you look down at her lips for a fraction of a second, watching them curl up into a smile. She leans forward in the bed and kisses you, a soft gentle peck with closed lips against yours. It's so tender you're almost not sure what happened. What is happening? A warm hand finds your slender waist under the covers and rests itself there over the thick flannel of your pyjamas. You move your own hand to find her middle, but touch her hips instead, your fingers curling over the thin fabric of her shorts to the soft roundness of her ass. She kisses you again, stronger, firmer with parting lips. Needy, desperate lips that respond to your own. She doesn't flinch from your touch, and instead responds by sliding her own hand down over the curve of your fake hips to the padding of your backside. You kiss forever, hands frozen, lips seeking and exploring. Tasting. Eyes closed. Feeding off each other. You tremble. You stiffen. "I tried to tell you I was Bi," she whispered in the dim light. "Like you." "How did you know?" you ask, improvising. "Please," she says. "You're totally obvious. You've been staring all day." You dare yourself to move closer, your bodies touching as you kiss again and again. You feel her warmth, smell her fragrance, transfer the softness of her through your fingers. "I've never done this before," you whisper. "I have," Melanie confesses with a sly grin. "I like your kisses." You are completely on your own now. No lessons have prepared you for this. You don't know what to do, except two thoughts are fighting in your brain. You want to do everything, and you don't want Melanie to find out anything. "I like your kisses too. What have you done before?" you ask, your voice a gentle whisper. You slowly move your fingertips resting on her plump ass, stroking her through her shorts. "You're trembling," she says, like she would to a kitten, ducking the question. "It's okay. We don't have to do anything you don't want to." You make out some more, Melanie using her tongue more and more as she feels bolder. You copy her, trying to react authentically and using her as a template on how to behave. Mirroring her. As she deepens a kiss she slides her hand from your ass to up and under your vest top -- her small hand snaking up the smooth skin of your back. You wait before copying, excited to get your hands closer to her gorgeous tits. Unsure about what to do next. How far is this going to go? How far can it go? If you weren't feeling horny before, that feeling has erupted back with hot urgency. You're a few layers away from being discovered, but still, you squeeze your thighs together. You want to reach out with your legs to find hers, but you don't know if that would be okay? You get your answer a moment later when she beats you to it, and you feel her leg against yours, rubbing against you, moving on top of you through the thick flannel of your pyjama bottoms. "Aren't you hot in those?" she asks between kisses. "I'm hot under the covers," you reply. "Me too," she grins, kicking down the duvet into a pile at your feet before embracing again on top of the sheet. Her skin glows in the fairy light, her flimsy sleepwear is almost transparent. You slide a tentative hand up under her top and stroke her skin, just below the swell of her breasts. You smile as she copies you, her eyes sparkling. Your fingertips make contact with the soft fullness of her and you almost explode. She raises her eyebrows, daring you to carry on as she moves her own hand over the top of your own fake tits. She squeezes, gently and you take a deep breath and do the same, feeling the fullness of her breast in your hand and her stiff prominent nipple. You part your lips, letting out a gasp as your trapped cock stiffens. She takes this as encouragement to play with your tits, and starts to pinch and squeeze you. You smile and lift up her top and feel her moving to help you, staring as you undress her and cast the flimsy top aside. The first real tits you've seen, in the flesh. "You're so pretty," you say in a whisper but you're cut off by Melanie. "Your turn!" she commands, tugging at your top and yanking it off. Before you can say or do anything she hugs you again, squeezing herself against you and kissing you. "That feels so nice," she gasps after she removes her tongue from your mouth. "I love your boobs, they're so perfect." "I'm jealous of yours," you admit, your hand finding her warm flesh again. You're struck with an idea. "Can I kiss them?" you ask. "Okay," she giggles and you scoot down the bed a little. You hungrily take her nipple in your mouth and lick it, listening to her gasp and moan as you suck on her. You're rock hard now, and hope she won't notice you reaching down between your legs, giving your trapped cock a squeeze as you suck on her beautiful tits. You feel her hand near yours and panic, hoping she's not going to make you take off your pyjama pants, but her destination is somewhere else -- between her own thighs. You feel her start to buck a little, and you reach out to touch the bare skin there as you mouth continues to suckle. "You can touch me ... there," she says, breathless. You're in shock as she takes your hand in hers and pushes it between her legs. It's hot as she parts her thighs, and you feel the flimsy shorts she has on barely covering her. You move your fingers gingerly under the bottom of her shorts and feel her, slick and warm and sticky and different. You look up at her and slide your finger over the warmth of her slit, familiarizing yourself with her. It's so strange. So welcoming. You push inside with a single finger, into the weird enclosing warmth of her and she gasps, her breath catching. "Is that okay?" you ask, looking down but not seeing anything. She nods, eyes closed and lies back. You don't know what to do, what she wants. You don't know anything about this part at all. Amy would. Amy would know what to do. You think back to what you've read. What you've watched in videos, confused and jealous. You move your finger in and out, slowly, marveling at the effect it has on her. Her thighs part further, welcoming you in. You decide to explore, your thumb grazing over soft hairs on her mound, finding the top of her slit and searching for that special nub you've heard about. After a few tentative strokes, you find it and she moans loudly, her body writhing under your fingers. "Oh Amy!" She moans, and you feel her reaching out for you, grabbing for your breast and squeezing it lustily. "Keep going!" You're painfully hard now, cock pulsing with pent-up excitement. You try not to think of the panties you're wearing, or how hot Melanie is, or Ellen in the robe you caught her in all those weeks ago. You slide up the bed and kiss Melanie again, your arm at full stretch as you finger her. "I want to do you," she says, and she moves quickly to your pyjama bottoms, her hand snaking quickly down the front to rest over the top of your panties. "You don't have to!" you almost squeal, pressing your thighs together. Fuck fuck fuck. Your cock begs to be touched. No! "I want to!" she grins, teasing the trim of your panties with her finger, halfway between ticklish and erotic. "Take off your pyjamas. I want to," she says again. She mercifully pulls her hand out but starts to tug down your pyjama bottoms, pulling them over your padded backside. Shit. If she looks down...! You hear the front door slam. You must have missed the sound of a car. Kate's home. Fuck. Fuck. You withdraw your finger and scramble to fix yourselves and the bed, pulling up your pyjamas and your tops and neatening up the duvet. You lie together, breathing heavily in the darkness for what seems like forever. You listen to the creaking, the moving, the stairs, her bedroom. Silence. "Good night," Melanie says breaking the silence with a final kiss, hugging you close and pressing your body against hers. She lets go, and lies back. You follow suit, lying next to her, listening to her breathe. Watching her chest rise and fall. Thinking of the warm wet slit between her legs that felt so nice. It's a long time before you sleep, your mind is whirring at a million miles an hour. Processing today -- the mall, the boy, the dress, the sleep-over, the pizza guy, the kissing. Ellen is proud of you. You're proud of you. You didn't fuck up. You remembered everything you'd learned and you'd gotten away with it. You listen to Kate moving around the house, turning off lights and preparing for bed. You listen to Melanie's breath, watching her sleep. So close, yet so far away. Under the covers, you reach out and find her hand and take it. She smiles and you fall asleep. You don't sleep well. You are up and awake before anyone else, and you slip out of bed as quietly as you can, taking your bag with you. In the bathroom you lock the door and check your face. Your wig hasn't moved too much, but you take it off anyway, fix the tape and brush it out. Your mask has stuck in place, thankfully. You wash quickly and refix your wig, spraying yourself with girl's deodorant and cleaning your teeth. You take off your panties and girdle and clean yourself up as best you can before swapping out a new sanitary napkin, pulling the girdle back into place and putting on a new pair of panties and your pantyhose. You pull off the vest top and slip back into your bra, and step once again into your party dress, folding up your soft sleepwear. The house is quiet. It's only nine in the morning. You make your way downstairs to drink a glass of water and are surprised to see Kate there already, in her fluffy white dressing gown drinking from a large mug of coffee. "Hey Amy," she says brightly. "Good morning ma'am" you reply, helping yourself to a glass and some water. "Did you have fun last night?" she asks. "So much," you say. It's later when you're at home that you finally masturbate, stroking your cock with long lazy attention. You think about the day that's gone, about the relief of changing back at Ellen's house while she asked you about last night. You took off your dress and underwear, your wig and mask, your tits and ass and had juice while you did your laundry. You talked about pizza and cocoa and didn't talk about kissing or pizza boys or Naomi, or the bed. You left Amy at Ellen's, in her own suitcase in her spare room, and walked home. Focusing on putting one foot next to the other, not in front. Not moving your hips, but moving from your shoulders. You clear your throat and let your voice drop down. You miss being her already. "Call me when you get home," Melanie had made you promise, kissing you on the lips one last time before you left. You take her panties from your bag and hold them while you cum. Epilogue You arrive early, and help set out the chairs. It's after hours and you like how the school feels: dark and empty and full of possibilities. You love drama club because you get to spend more time with Ellen. You love it because you get to observe everyone else. You're excited because tonight is the first time since the weekend you'll see everyone. You're excited because you know they'll ignore you, but they might talk about Amy. You want them to talk about Amy. Amy and Melanie have been texting, on the specially bought phone you prepared. It's been fun, keeping up Amy's inner life while not being her. You catch yourself changing into her when you shouldn't -- sitting like her, or feeling your body relaxing into her. It's been so hard since the weekend. You miss being her more than ever. You risked a call with Melanie last night, and it felt good to use Amy's voice again. You talked for an hour about nothing at all, and then briefly about how much you missed her lips. In class you try not to stare, to think about the body you've seen under her clothes. She's been ignoring you of course, which is even more thrilling. You're also excited because something's been weird with Miss Bennet. You don't know what it is but she's been less herself lately. Just since monday. It's hard to put your finger on. She's not acknowledged you, and she's been different with everyone. She wore one of your favourite dresses and it didn't look right somehow. Like she'd lost weight maybe? Which you knew was impossible. You were excited to see her tonight because you wanted to be seen by her. You sit quietly as everyone arrives, talking excitedly and gossiping. You strain to hear what people are saying. Martin arrives with Fiona and Melanie and Natalie and they all sit far away from you, not giving you a second glance. They have the same conversation, with the same dynamic, with the same jokes. You hear the word pizza and you're sure they're talking about you. Melanie stays silent and pulls out her phone. In your bag, Amy's phone vibrates. Miss Bennet arrives, in an outfit you've never seen before: Blue mom jeans and a peach peasant blouse. Her backside looks flatter in those jeans than you've seen it before. Her hair is slightly different than Saturday - it's longer. The color is different. Something is very, very wrong. She takes the club differently, and everything is different and awful and you know in your heart that the thing you fear more than anything has happened. At the break you go up to her, something she told you never to do, and say 'hello' and you ask the question: "Are we still ok for our lesson tomorrow night." You see it before she says a word: The flicker of uncertainty. The confusion. Your heart sinks. You feel your world ending. Ellen Bennet is someone else.

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Hello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kaamnaye. Aapke mail mile mujhe, behad khushi hui. Thanks sabko. Chaliye aaj ka episode padhte hai. Jo bhi ye episode pahli baar pad rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padhne se pahle season 1 padhle jisse apko saari kahaniyo ki jad se pata chale. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur apni sujhaaw dena chahte ho, ye raha mera mail id ( ). Aur haan agar aapko meri series pasand aa rahi ho to mujhe vote karna na bhoole. PART 12: Cousin Sister Bharti – Intro...

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My First Field Trip

All my years in Brownies finally pay off. My mom insisted for years that being a Brownie would help me grow up to be a responsible young lady. Well, now I'm full-fledged Girl Scout. I'm so proud of myself for all the work and trials I've completed successfully to get all my Merit Badges. Mom and dad are delighted as well. I'm Jayden Raven. At fourteen, my body still hasn't fully developed. My long blonde hair usually shines and my ponytail sways with my body movements. My friends tell me...

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Faith and the Thai episode

FAITH AND THE THAI EPISODEorFaith’s Sexual awakeninga novel byNicoletta Sanchez Duran Faith and the Thai episode – Part 1 This is the story of Faith Griffith, 30 year old Manhattan school teacher whose husband Greg Pope had died whilst on honeymoon in Thailand. What Faith had never told anyone was that Greg had been found in an abandoned shack dead from a heart attack attributed to a combination of Viagra, crack and cocaine. Two days after their honeymoon started in Bangkok he had disappeared...

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Vacation With Teens Episode 2 Departure

Before you read this story, here are the girls from this episode.EmiliaJoanaAlexandraIvanaEpisode 2 - DepartureShe rotated her slim body, giving Alexandra vision of her rear. "How does my back look?" Ivana worriedly asked, as the three girls left the table."Oh, my." Alexandra stammered. The spanish Ivana had such a pale skin, she always got sunburned so easily. The blistering sun definitely hadn't had any compassion for her back this afternoon. "You lay in the sun for too long Ivana."Emilia had...

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Horny Field Trip

Horny Field TripSynopsis: Horny teen seduces science teacher on a field trip.Field trips have lost their luster for Amber. As a k** they were the best days ever but now that she was in high school and has become sexually active, everything sort of lost its luster. While all the other teens in her grade got high on pot, molly, or whatever was popular that week, Amber got high on sex. Today her class was visiting the museum of aviation and it was now that she needed a fix. Strolling through the...

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Field Trip to Florida

All the seniors at Norton High School were wild with excitement. It had just been announced that on the last week of school, all the seniors would be taking a week-long field trip to Key West, Florida. The students would have to pay an airline fee of $175 each, but everything else was included. Claire Matthews was talking about the trip with her friends. "This sounds so cool! Don't you think, Kelly?" Claire said to her friend. "Yeah, it's gonna be awesome!" Kelly replied. Kelly Summerset was...

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Savvy Episode 2140

e 21: Ashok ka After Office TimepassAshok joki jaan chuka tha ki Savvy bahut hi frank kism ki hai, isiliye woh bhi aksar late aane laga tha, woh apne friends ke sath unke ghar drinks karte huye cards khela karta tha.Uska friend circle bhi kafi khula huya tha, GAY sex se start huyi unki dosti uske ghar tak unki biwiyo tak ja pahuchi thi, woh aksar hi GAY sex karte huye jiske ghar par hote the, uski wife ke sath GROUP sex kiya karte the.Lekin abhi tak is tarah ki party Ashok ke yahan nahi huyi...

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Outdoor Field Trip

Her cute smile and kissable lips had given me many a wet dream. She was a newly graduated MPhil lecturer who came to teach us in the first year and took us on a field trip later. Her figure was so hot, she could evoke carnal desires in a dead man. Gulki ma’am stood 5’6” tall, with thick straight, far hair till her waist. Her figure was near perfection, with 34-28-35 stats and a golden-brown complexion. Big dark eyes and sharp features, along with a toned physique, made her irresistible. I had a...

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Mistaken Field Trip

It was on a field trip during high school that I had one of the wildest moments of my life. Field trips were always rare - our little school served a sparse region of dotted farms of many “towns”. The nearest city was hours away. But, every once in a rare while, we’d load up on a rented school bus, half filled, and travel into the distance. We’d have to get to school a couple of hours early, and we’d eat lunch once we arrived, then spend a glorious afternoon in civilization. All too soon, it...

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The Case Files of Cindy Masters Dyke DetectiveThis Episode A Chance EncounterPart 3

The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part Three This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part Three Masters is the name. Cindy Masters. I'm a detective. I get $50 a day and expenses, $75 if I can get it. I lay back on the weight bench and placed my feet behind the leg brace for a few chest flies. My eyes darted about the room like a fly looking for a warm beer. The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective This Episode: A Chance...

3 years ago
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Field Trip Follies Ch 09

Notes This is the NINTH installment of Field Trip Follies. Thanks to Literotica author Laurie for lending me her characters Lindsey Foster and her sister Katie. And also thanks to Laurie for all her encouragement and inspiration. This chapter could be read without reading earlier chapters. All you need to know is that Lindsey is a chaperone on a band field trip to perform at the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade. She’s a great teacher… but it turns out that Lindsey is the last teacher on...

2 years ago
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SRU Field Trip

SRU: Field Trip Jack woke up as he always did. Messed up from a night of partying and binge drinking, with of course the occasional mixture of various drugs. Groggy and clumsily, he got up from bed and looked at his calendar. "A visit to the zoo? Oh joy!" Jack said with a sarcastic tone. He had never thought much of animals in general nor was he going to start to now. What with being a troublemaker in class, this would just be another opportunity to do more trouble, he...

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Lessons from Duddy Lesson two

Lessons from Duddy (Lesson two)A play on the story written by tuggit4me. was one week after my first lesson that duddy asked me to join him back in his office.I was a tad less enthusiastic about going back in, because the taste of his sperm was still lingering in my mouth, and I did not particularly enjoy it that much.However I obeyed like a good girl and entered promptly when he called me over.He sat in his chair behind his big wooden...

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The Deception of Choice Episode Three

The Deception of Choice. Episode Three, comprising Chapters 6, 7, & 8. Preamble Some light is cast onto the general background, but not enough to provide real illumination. And, alas, none appears at the end of the tunnel for David. Indeed it is generally a rather dark episode; with nothing in it to provide comfort for those who enjoy a happy ending. Although I suppose such depends on your point of view and where your sympathies lie. With the Foundation or with...

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Savvy Episode 1 10

Episode 1: Savvy with Bra SalesmenShadi ke kuch dino baad hi Savvy apne husband Ashok ke sath uske Delhi wale ghar par pahuch jaati.Ashok job karta hai, isiliye woh breakfast karke apne office chala jaata hai.Ghar ke kaam nipta kar Savvy apna time pass magazines aur TV dekhkar karne lagti, kyunki abhi woh aaspass kisi ko janti nahi hai.Dopahar ki tez garmi me dooebell bajti hai, Savvy gate open kar dekhti hai, samne 2 ladko the jinki neck me kisi company ki ID latki huyi thi.Dono ne Savvy ko...

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Mathew and Beth part 3 Trip down southquot

It was a warm night in Georgia when I arrived for a very special meeting, This was not about business but it was very important to him as he was coming to meet for the first time his internet “friend”. Shannon his friend was a very subservient women who was proud to be just who she was and although for this first meeting they had something a little different in mind to give her master a new experience. What she didn't know was that I had a surprise for her as well, he was a bit of a romantic...

3 years ago
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Outdoor Field Trip 8211 Part 2

I found Gulki motionless, with her head on my chest. She had waist-length layers and a front open blouse with the hooks open. My dick was shriveled inside her love hole. I shook her, saying: Shubo: Gulki! Sweetie, that was a terrific ride. Are you done? Gulki: Umm. Shubo, go and have dinner. I’ll come to your room. So I went looking for my classmates (who were in the first batch for dinner), gave my name to the waiter keeping a waiting list. I returned to my room to wait for the next batch....

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Anjali8217s 1st episode

I am a frequent visitor in human digest.even though there are many other sex story sites i like this one particularly because they are comletely created by my fellow indians.i thank the human digest team for such a erotic site. First some thing about me, I am anjali, i am from dob is 25/1/1981.(i wish i ll get a lot of wishes from u).i am 27 now.i understood the full meaning of sex wen i was 16.but i being in a very good family i am also grown with all the good habits.but i always...

3 years ago
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The Geography Fieldtrip Part Three

Knock, knock, knock. There was someone at the door. Lauren’s head whipped around in fear, the silhouette of a person cast on the blinds. ‘Fuck, Ian! Quick, hide me,’ she said urgently through clenched teeth. There wasn’t much he could do. Lauren was standing in the middle of the room butt-naked and desperately looking for a place to conceal herself. ‘Quick, hide in the bathroom!’ he commanded. Lauren frantically dashed towards the bathroom and opened the door. She stepped into the shower...

Group Sex
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Incredible ChangesChapter 69 Field Trip Continues

Just as directed, we headed to one of the shuttle bus stops and waited with the mystery woman. It was only a few minutes before a shuttle stopped and it was loaded with kids wearing the same color t-shirts as us. Crystal, Annie, and I got on the bus while the woman joined the group of kids heading back toward the National Mall. I had to give it to Annie and Crystal, they were completely cool and calm as they continued to scan around us for any threats. They were more than sufficiently...

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Episode 15 UKPI Awards Biographies

DoggingDee the porn director was proud of her lithe athletic figure, surrounded by naked porn stars each day, she needed to keep supple for the experimental copulation positions attempted before filming sessions. Dee loved to go jogging each morning, to clear her head and sometimes check out new outdoor sex locations. One early morning running through a wood she distinctly heard moaning emanating from a coach pulled off the road, which had unusual blacked-out side and rear windows. Jumping up...

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Field trip made better

As part of my major in college I needed to make a field trip to the beach from my school. It was about a 2 and 1/2 drive from the school to the beach so I dressed for comfort, sweats t-shirt and sweatshirt, nothing else. We were riding in a 15 passenger van, and I was first in line. I went right to the back seat as it extended all the way across the back. There weren't too many students on the trip and so it was one to a seat until Karen got on the bus. Karen was a year behind me and majorly...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 66 Field Trip Day 3

BAM! BAM! BAM! What the fuck now? It was only four in the morning, what the hell was someone doing banging on the door? Joel and Martin were banished last night for selling access to the pr0n channels I turned on for our room. BAM! BAM! BAM! At least I put on shorts last night before bed. Lenny slept in the buff saying it was so much better to feel the sheets on his skin when stoned. He was out like the dead, so I guess I had to get the door. Even though my brain was not awake, the...

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Episode 45 8211 Divya8217s Surprise Threesome

Author: XXXAuthor Kiran had completely cured her feel of guilt of cheating on her husband, was now back in a new bold avatar. In the last episode, she cheated on her best friend and seduced her husband, Arindam, to spend a night of sick fun. Now that she no longer felt like cheating, she was hungry for more pleasure, and also didn’t care any longer for her husband. Gautam on the other hand, was not behind too. He too, was taking full advantage of Kiran’s absence from the city. And was secretly...

1 year ago
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Tom Welling Series Episode 4

Series: Tom Welling SeriesTitle: Shooting the first episode of the new seasonSummary: Something incredible happens after finishing shooting the very first episode of the new season.Rating: NC-17Disclaimer: Only own the other character, which will remain nameless. That's right, no Jan! Now you can imagine YOURSELF in the story... if you're male. Feedback: Pretty please? *puppy dog eyes* Even if it shocked you, or it was totally ridiculous.Note: This will be very different from the other fics. I...

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Maa bani Sautan 8211 Episode I

Hi , all reader. Mai RKV ek regular reader ISS ka. Maine yaha par bahot sari kahani pathi. Maine itani kahani pathi hai ki ab mai ek achchi khasi kitab likh sakata hu.Iskeliye mai ab kahani likh raha hu mujhe yakin hai ye tumhe pasand aayegi. ” Maa bani sautan” ek aisi samaj ki kahana jaha chodna jaruri hai. Yaha par ek parivar hai jiski taraqi uski saas ko biwi banane par hai. Mai ise ek hindi serial ki tarah pes kar raha hu jaise TV par hota hai. Mujhe yakin hai aap isko superhit banao ge....

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Field Trip Follies Ch 06

Notes This is the sixth installment of Field Trip Follies. Thanks to Literotica author Laurie for lending me her characters Lindsey Foster and her sister Katie. For this chapter, we leave Lindsey sleeping in bed, and see what some of her students are up to, particularly the dorky nerds Denny and Bitty. You don’t have to read any of the earlier chapters to enjoy this. I will be loading chapter 7 in a few days, so check back soon! All characters in this story are over the age of 18! DAY 3...

3 years ago
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Altered Fates The Missing Episode of the Fugitive

As always, any comments or criticism is welcome. Feel free to email me at [email protected]. This story is dedicated to the creator of the Altered Fates Universe, Jennifer Adams and to the cast and crew of the 60's television series The Fugitive, still perhaps the finest drama series made for television. I also want to thank Steve Zink for his editing and general story help. Author's Note: Thank you to the original creators of the Fugitive TV series. Below is the cast, mostly...

4 years ago
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Episode 23 18th Birthday Party

This short episode contains no inc*st, no s*x with anim*ls, no explicit und*rage encounters and hopefully nothing to bother the f*cking censors:Hi my name is Timmy; you might remember that Molly and her mum Natalie came to live with us in episode 1. Molly is gorgeous – long dark hair, big blue eyes and tits to die for. Her mum's not bad either, once my dad married her, so she became my step-mum, she would walk around the house half-naked with her bunch of lesbian friends, who didn't seem to...

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The Field Trip

The Field TripI saw one of those old movies the other day, were the hero and heroine on a trip into the jungle and were captured by some native hunters, as usual my imagination started to run away with me and this is the result, hope you like it!I was trying to make I brain work but it was impossible, I finally came to the realization that my white guide was dead, probably killed in his sleep, I knew that the only way to stay alive now was to stay calm and not to panic,...

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Tmkoc Episode 10 Bhide Ka Blackmail

Hello friends I am Humraaj and I am back with the next episode of TMKOC. In case you don’t know me, I am Humraaj from Ahmedabad. If any one wants to contact can mail me on To jaisa ki aap log jante hai ki Jetha Anjali ki chut mein lund dalta hai. Anjali ke muh se cheekh nikal jati hai. Jetha ko pata chal jata hai ki woh Anjali ko chod raha hai. Jetha apna lund nikal leta hai aur Babitaji ko chillata hai. J:  Kya Babitaji maine apko kaha tha na ki main Anjali bhabhi ko kabhi nahi chodunga. Apne...

1 year ago
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The Geography Fieldtrip Part Three

Knock, knock, knock. There was someone at the door. Lauren’s head whipped around in fear, the silhouette of a person cast on the blinds. ‘Fuck, Ian! Quick, hide me,’ she said urgently through clenched teeth. There wasn’t much he could do. Lauren was standing in the middle of the room butt-naked and desperately looking for a place to conceal herself. ‘Quick, hide in the bathroom!’ he commanded. Lauren frantically dashed towards the bathroom and opened the door. She stepped into the...

1 year ago
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The Adventures of Dr Katrina Duras Episode I Spring Break

Author's note: Katrina is still in medical school. The significance of herpsychiatric training and practice will reveal itself in subsequent episodes.This is Katrina's 1 st episode (obviously), and myfirst story. Feedback is very welcome. I will consider it carefully. Feel freeto email me directly with suggestions. If you prefer f/f only content (my personalfavorite), you can skip this episode and head straight to Episode II – HerTrue Nature. The first two episodes are, for the most part,...

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Episode 82 Stephs African Adventure

IntroductionThis story is set in 2008 in Burkina Faso, which as we all ‘know’ is a land-locked West African country, has one of the lowest Ages of Consent in the world (13) and a history of barbarous FGM. My name is Steph from Cornwall, I featured as a ch1ld in Episode 33 and as a young teenager in Episode 37, meeting Kit where I first encountered the two native black beauties in her Dad Kurt’s limousine, at Paddington Station. I gave up trying to pronounce their proper African names, so just...

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Tmkoc Episode 4 The Sex Ride

Hello friend my name is humraaj and this is the 4 th episode of my story. Thank for the overwhelming reponse to my previous parts of the story. If any girl or aunty nearby vadodara want to contact me please mail me on Now lets get to the episode. Jaisa ki aap jante hai tappu aur pinku madhvi aur sonu ki jam ke chudai kar rahe the. Pinku apna maal madhvi ki chut mein chod chuka tha aur tappu abhi bhi sonu ki chut ka tabbla baja raha tha. Tabhi tappu ki nazar bedroom ke darwaje par padi aur waha...

3 years ago
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Tmkoc Episode 2

Hello friends this is humraaj again with second episode of the series. Thanks for liking the first episode and hope you will keep poving this series. Again im 28 years old and you can mail me you likes and dislikes at Now lets start the episode 2 Jaise ki apko pata hai sonu tappu ko video call karti hai aur tappu bin dhyan diye wo call lift kar leta hai jab wo madhvi ke sath sex kar raha hota hai ab aage. Sonu dekhti hai ki tappu ne phone uthaya par uska dhyan nahi hai uspe aur use dhyan...

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