The coeds wild field trip
- 3 years ago
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All my years in Brownies finally pay off. My mom insisted for years that being a Brownie would help me grow up to be a responsible young lady. Well, now I'm full-fledged Girl Scout. I'm so proud of myself for all the work and trials I've completed successfully to get all my Merit Badges. Mom and dad are delighted as well.
I'm Jayden Raven. At fourteen, my body still hasn't fully developed. My long blonde hair usually shines and my ponytail sways with my body movements. My friends tell me my pretty face comes from my mom. We do look similar but I will have to grow everywhere to match her body, especially my boobs.
One of the benefits of being a Girl Scout is my parents allow me to go on numerous camping trips with the girls. It makes me feel grownup. My first trip into the mountains will be next week. The camp is a central area of the state for all the different troops. It'll be fun meeting many other young girls. To say I am excited is an understatement! My troop leader gave all of the girls a list of articles she recommends we bring. Mom and I went to Walmart and had a ball shopping. I can't wait to get going.
There're thirty-three girls scouts in our troop. Four are novices, like me. Many have been in the Girls Scouts for years and they'll be our mentors helping us adjust. This trip will be with twelve other groups and we will be split up into different bunkhouses so that we are able to meet girls from all over the state. That is cool.
The bus trip is a blast! We sing all kinds of songs, some I hadn't heard of before. I think the bus driver would have loved to have taped our mouths shut, as we are so noisy. I sat with the other novice. We have been friends since Brownies. This is the first time for both of us on a field trip.
The bus arrives at three o'clock in the afternoon. Our troop leader announces that dinner will be served at five thirty. She also tells us to look at the bulletin board on the office wall to see which hut we are assigned. The list will contain the names of all the girls bunking with me. We all line up waiting for a chance to review the list. When I finally reach the front of the line, I find that I am the only one from our group in this hut so everybody will be a stranger. I find this exciting but a little unsettling, as I've never been in a position like this before. I find all my belongings and seek out hut eleven.
When I walk in the door, there are a number of girls unpacking their equipment and clothing.
"Hello. I am Aliyah Evans. This bunk isn't taken. Help yourself. Get unpacked and settled. The hut leader is a real bitch."
I'm a little shocked at the language. I've been taught that girls don't say nasty things like that. But Aliyah is smiling and doesn't seem to be concerned.
"I'm Jayden Raven, from Abbotsville. This is my first outing."
"Well, Jayden, claim your space. You'll find some of the older girls are real bossy and will try intimidating the younger girls. Just tell them where to get off and they'll leave you alone."
Aliyah is older than I am. I'd say fifteen or sixteen. She is really filled out, if you know what I mean. If it wasn't for my hairdo and feminine looking face, my chest could still pass for a boy; but, I do have large nipples. I don't have to worry about losing any expensive bras. Aliyah doesn't have my problem. Her titties are very evident; likewise her hips and long legs. She's very attractive. I've a funny feeling just looking at her.
Finally, all my gear is put away. Aliyah offers to show me the camp; we have nearly two hours before dinner. We head out into the main area of the camp. She shows me the swimming area first. There are actually a number of girls enjoying it. I can't believe some of the skimpy suits they are wearing. Their thongs and bikini tops don't hide much. I can see all of their bums, except for a small piece of cloth running in there bum crack. It really must be uncomfortable. Seeing all the girls in their scanty suits has me tingling, just like when looking at Aliyah. This is new for me. I don't know why, but there is a pleasant tingle between my legs; oh, what a feeling!
Aliyah takes me to the great hall where plays are presented and sometimes movies are shown, if the weather is really unpleasant. The view of the mountains is breath taking! They are so high the clouds actually hide their tops.
"We often take hikes and sometimes stay overnight using our sleeping bags and two person tents. It's a lot of fun. We bathe in the creeks and small lakes. The water is really cold! We will be doing it again this year."
There are many activities in the camp. Aliyah shows me where the showers are and, most importantly, the community kitchen. The smells, wafting through the air, are making me hungry! When we finally return to our hut, it is full. Aliyah introduces me to the ones she has already met. The rest of the girls introduce themselves. It's good to meet Sieanna Lex because she's another novice. I study all of my bunkmates and I'm impressed by how some of the girls look. Many have noticeable breasts and long shapely legs. There's that tingly feeling again. Am I attracted to girls? Even Sieanna has breasts, where I have only nipples. When she leans over to tuck a duffle bag under her bunk her well-shaped bum is outlined in her tight shorts. For some reason I'm finding these views very stimulating.
Finally, it is dinnertime. There is a rush to the dining area. The twelve of us take up two tables, side by side. Aliyah and Sieanna are on my sides. The meal is actually very tasty.
Some have very good appetites. Now done the meal, I feel a hand on my thigh. It's like a branding iron! It has to be Aliyah. When I look at her, in disbelief, she has a small smile on her face. The dessert is done. We leave as a group. Everyone is in a super mood. Aliyah asks Sieanna and me if we would like to go for a swim in about an hour. We should have daylight till about eight. We both agree. We walk around the compound for nearly an hour and then head for the hut to change. I couldn't believe Aliyah. She stripped right in front of us and put on her two-piece very revealing bathing suit. But what really got my attention is her beautiful tizzy. That's what I call the opening between my legs. She has a beautiful tuft of hair above it. I have about three small hairs. Her hair is a very dark black. When she moved to put her leg in the bottoms, I could see her very full vulva and just a little of her labia showing. I don't know any other way to say this but it's beautiful. She caught me staring and just smiled. I feel a bit embarrassed. Putting on my one-piece suit, I follow her to the pool. Sieanna has a one piece as well so I don't feel so out of place. The water is warm and it isn't long before we are swimming back and forth. Aliyah swims beside me.
"Did you like what you saw?"
"What do you mean?"
My blush starts at my toes and gradually reaching my face. I do look guilty of something.
"Do you like looking at my body when I changed?"
What could I say? She knows.
"Well, I've only seen a few girls naked. You have so much hair on your tizzy. I can count mine."
"You look good, Jayden. The hair will come. And don't say tizzy, it's my pussy. Your pussy is very nice. I like your puffy lips. I bet they are really sensitive when you rub them."
Now I'm really confused! Mom always told me that it was dirty to play with my tizzy, I mean pussy. Now Aliyah is asking me if it feels good when I rub it. I don't know what she is talking about.
"I really don't know what you mean. Mom told me never to touch myself. Do you?"
"All the time! It really feels good, sometimes better than others. It even feels better when another girl does it for me."
This shocks me! Another girl touching someone's tizzy, I mean pussy? How revolting!
"You're kidding, right? Who would touch another girl's pussy?"
"I would."
Aliyah is close to me. She lowered herself in the water so that only her head is showing. I'm shocked when I feel her hand on my thigh and then she is rubbing my pussy. I stand frozen as her fingers rub me. I nearly fainted when I feel her move the bathing suit to the side exposing my pussy and I feel her fingers on my bare skin. Her finger is trying to go inside of me. It does feel nice. When she rubs the top of my pussy it really felt different. I became mesmerized concentrating on her one finger rubbing me.
"See? You do like it! It wasn't bad, was it?"
"No. I've never done anything like that before. Do all the girls do it?"
"No. Some of them just like doing it with boys. I like both. But girls are a lot more fun."
There are a lot of different things happening all at once. I wonder why mom always told me it is naughty to touch yourself? It feels so good when Aliyah does it. She grabs my hand and puts it on her breast under water. It's so soft and her nipple is so hard.
"I like being touched there and I really like it when my nipples are sucked."
Now I'm really mystified. My baby cousin used to suck my aunt's nipples but that was for milk. What would anyone get from sucking young girl's nipples, especially mine? They don't give milk. Mine are hard right now pushing against the material of my wet bathing suit.
"What does it feel like to have your nipples sucked? I would never have thought about doing that or having someone suck mine. Mine are so small compared to yours."
"Yours are just right. I bet they are hard right now and very sensitive. If you rub them I bet they will feel good."
Aliyah's breast feels good in my hand. I roll her nipple in my fingers. She is making a funny sound.
"Jayden, lower your body in the water."
I kneel beside her; her hand slips in the top rubbing my nipple. It does feel good. I can feel a tingling in my pussy even when she isn't touching it. Where are all these different feelings coming from? Aliyah takes my hand and brings it between her legs. She's lowered her thong and my hand is against her pussy. I can feel the heat emanating from her; it feels so soft, and my finger slips easily inside her.
"Push your finger deeper into my slit."
Gingerly, I comply. It's so soft. I force my finger deeper. Aliyah is making more funny sounds.
"Jayden, that feels good! I wish we were really alone. I would love to see and taste you."
Now I'm thinking, 'what would she taste'? Since my nipples are dry, she must mean kissing me. Then, it hits me. She wants to taste my pussy.
"You're kidding? Nobody does that, do they?"
"All the time, Jayden. Your juice likely tastes good!"
It's the first time that I'm aware of a liquid, besides pee, is produced between my legs. I've seen marks on my panties but never thought anything about it. Now Aliyah wants to taste between my legs. What else would she do?
At the sound of a beeping horn we leave the pool. It's soon lights out, so we had to get cleaned up and ready for bed. We went to the washrooms to remove our bathingsuits and shower before donning our nightclothes. The washroom has a series of stalls, each with three showerheads. Some are being used. Aliyah led me to the set at the end of the building, the furthest from the door.
I enjoy watching her undress. Again, she leans over to remove her bikini with her bottom towards me. I can't take my eyes off her puffy pussy lips and her cheeks spread exposing her wrinkled bum hole. I am tingling all over and I have no idea why. Aliyah's hips and thighs are well developed, the complete view is beautiful. My body is shapeless compared to hers. I struggle to remove my damp bathing suit.
Aliyah comes to my rescue.
"Here, let me help you."
She helps to lower my suit then her hands explore my naked body. She keeps doing things that continue to surprise and shock me. Being in the last shower nobody has reason to pass our stall. Her hands cupped my pussy and her finger is probing. My tingle is intensified but the shock comes when her hand runs down my bum and a finger is rubbing my asshole. The feeling is wonderful! Aliyah then turned on the shower and I watch, fascinated, as she starts to bathe me. Her hands explore every inch of my young underdeveloped body. She actually pushes her finger in me from behind.
Reaching out, I cup her breast and feel her nipples and then her pussy. She is so soft. This is all so new to me. Things like this don't happen to me. What really shocks me is, after drying each other, Aliyah makes sure we are alone and then actually kisses me. Her lips are so soft and her tongue played with my tongue. Then she guides me back to the hut. The girls are all ready for lights out. They are in short nighties and panties; heck, some don't even have panties. I am fascinated, looking at many with sizable breasts with the nighties hanging down from their obvious nipples. Me? I am flat as a pancake!
When lights out is finally signaled, I crawl into my bed with my head spinning. This morning I was an innocent fourteen-year old; now, I am a confused fourteen-year old.
The morning is a scramble. Twelve girls all wanting to do their hair and get ready for the day. Again, I am flabbergasted watching my bunkmates applying makeup. Mom told me I am too young. Aliyah has a complete makeup case containing all types of interesting items.
She smiles as she applies her eyeliner.
"Don't you have any makeup?"
"Mom won't let me. She thinks I'm too young."
"You've a beautiful face, Jayden. If you like, I will teach you how."
"Thank you, Aliyah. You all look so mature."
I sit on the edge of my bed and Aliyah takes charge. I can feel the brushes and pencils on my skin. After she applies the lipstick she asks me to look at the results. I can't believe it's me! She has added at least three to four years to my age; unfortunately, my flat chest gives everything away, but I love the results. I do look very attractive.
"Do you have any money, Jayden? We usually go to town once a week; they have a large Walgreens with a large cosmetic department. I can help you select some makeup."
"Dad gave me an extra allowance for things I may have forgotten. I would love to get some cosmetics and you can show me how to apply it properly."
"It'll by my gift to you. What do you think your mom will say?"
"I'll tell her it was one of the courses taught at camp."
Breakfast is a whirlwind. We are divided into groups for various crafts and water safety programs. Sieanna and I are in the same group learning how to paddle a canoe. The instructor advises us to all change into our bathing suits. We have a great time. I learn more about Sieanna. We're the same age and discover we have many of the same interests, or at least the interests I had before my experiences with Aliyah. Sieanna's body is developed a lot more than mine, especially her boobs. Her bathing suit cups are full while mine hang loose.
The canoeing is a blast. Three times we ended up under the canoe in the water; but, by the end of the morning, we were getting the hang of it. One of the good things that happened is while we were in the water we touched each other, accidentally at least a first. Then it wasn't an accident. Sieanna's soft hands were all over me, when we were in the water, by the end of the lessons. I felt her breasts and found out she has sizeable nipples. She sighs when I feel between her legs. I can't believe I am doing this but I feel tingly again. This is fun!
We break for lunch. Afterwards, we sit in the shade while waiting for the afternoon's activities to start.
"Sieanna, have you touched girls before?"
"Yes. One of my classmates and I get together for sleepovers. It started about four months ago. She makes me feel so good. We do all kinds of things. If my mom ever found out I don't know what would happen!"
"What kinds of things?"
"Oh, different things. I can show you."
"We have a couple of hours after we finish this afternoon, before dinner. We could take a walk on the trail to the mountain. There has to be a few private areas where we can disappear for a while. Are you still interested?"
"Oh, yes!"
I'm on pins and needles all afternoon. I have learned more about my body in the last two days than all in the previous 14 years! I've never felt this excited about anything. The afternoon activities are interesting and time passes quickly. When our instructor dismisses us for the afternoon, I seek out Sieanna.
When I finally locate her she is coming towards me. She has a lovely smile. She licked her lips with a beautiful tongue. She has reapplied her lip-gloss. Her lips are full and red. I wonder if she will kiss me like Aliyah did with her tongue. I am feeling tingly again.
"Jayden, would you like to explore the trail before dinner?"
She said it loud enough for many around us to here. Different groups of girls have left, some heading for the trail, as we are. One girl mentions that there are a good crop of blueberries; some of the girls have small containers with them. Apparently, the cook told one of the girls if they picked the berries then she would bake some blueberry pies. Sieanna hands me a small container and we slowly follow a couple of groups. She has a small knapsack over her shoulder. In a very short time we are in thick woods. The group ahead of us breaks up and leaves the trail, intent on finding blueberries. The sounds of laughter and giggles can be heard. I wonder how many others are actually picking blueberries. We walk a little further; then, Sieanna grabs my arm and pulls me off to the left of the trail.
"I found this place yesterday. There're lots of blueberries and a nice area of soft moss.
It's private and you can hear if anyone approaches."
We walk into the woods, about two hundred feet. The underbrush is very thick; then, we come to an opening. There are four clumps of berry bushes, all loaded with large blueberries. I pick and eat. They are very sweet. Sieanna heads for the mossy area that is bordered by heavy bushes. If you didn't know it was there, odds are you would walk right by.
"How did you find this place?"
"I found the berry bush yesterday. I notice a bit of the moss on the edge of the trees and found the opening. It looks like someone had planned it."
The knapsack contained a blanket that she spread on the soft moss. She sat down and motioned for me to do the same. I'm so nervous but excited. This sex thing has taken over all my interests. Sieanna placed her hands on both sides of my head and pulls me to her face and kisses me. Her lips are so soft and moist. I can taste her lips-gloss. The weight of her body pushes me back. She is partially on top of me. The moss provides us a soft bed. Her tongue gently forces it way into my mouth. My top is being pushed upwards, revealing my hard nipples. It's like I'm frozen; as I can't move a muscle, everything that is happening is so new and exciting! Sieanna's mouth leaves mine and kisses me down to my nipples. The sensation of her sucking them is indescribable. I may not have breasts but my nipples are hard and love what is happening to them. My body is totally surrendered to her and whatever she wants to do with me. All the feelings are new and fantastic! Now my shorts and panties are being lowered. What is she going to do? Her mouth leaves my nipples and I feel her tongue in my belly button. Never did I realize the sensation my belly button could give me till now. My body is squirming with pleasure. I don't want anything to stop. I can feel Sieanna tongue licking my tummy. Then she lets me know she wants to remove my shorts and panties. I am naked from my nipples down and feel my legs being spread wide. My pussy must be fully exposed for Sieanna. Her small kiss on my thighs has me moaning but the biggest shock is when I feel her kissing my pussy. My body takes over; my thighs lift my bum off the blanket. What is happening to me? She is nibbling on my pussy lips. Hell, it feels good! Tingles go through me as she starts sucking on my clitoris. It's like my body has a mind of its own. Suddenly, I am sucking in my breath and it feels like I'm exploding. I pass out.
When I come back to the land of the living, Sieanna is sitting up with a smile on her face.
"What happened? I have never felt anything like that. Is something wrong?"
"Jayden, you had a climax; I assume it was your first. I've never seen anyone have such as strong one. Nothing is wrong; that is what sex is all about. Everything you do to your body to make it feel pleasant is leading up to a climax. You can do it for yourself when you go home."
"I can? How?"
Her hand is between my legs touching the little knob on the top of my tizzy, I mean pussy.
I can feel the wonderful sensation it is producing.
"At night, when you go to bed, gently rub that part of your body and it will happen. That button is the greatest toy a girl has on her body. You will look forward to going to bed, so you can play."
Sieanna leans over between my legs and tongues me. I can feel her sucking my opening. When she looks up her face is wet from my juice.
"Jayden, you taste wonderful! It must be because you are young. Do you like being licked?"
"Oh, yes! I can't believe you kissed my pussy and that I had a climax. What a feeling!
Can we do it again?"
"Oh we will, but we have to get you dressed and get back for dinner. We don't want anyone looking for us."
"But I haven't done anything for you. Do you like being sucked down there?"
"You bet! It drives me out of my mind. I love the feeling when I cum."
"That is another way of saying climax. You will learn all the words before these two weeks are done."
On our walk back to camp, we pick a container of blueberries. All I can think of is Sieanna licking me between my legs. I wonder what it will be like to lick her. I hope I can try today! After handing over the berries, we go to the hut to clean up for dinner. Aliyah follows me to the shower.
"So, where were you? I looked for you."
"Picking berries with Sieanna; someone said the cook will make pies if she got some berries. There were lots of girls picking on the trail."
"Do you want to shower together after dinner?"
"Oh, yes! I like showering with you."
Dinner was very tasty. The dessert was blueberries and ice cream. The cook announced that tomorrow's will be blueberry pie and ice cream. She thanked all who picked berries and advised that she will use all the berries that we pick in various desserts. I was tingling between my legs thinking of Sieanna kissing me. I certainly would enjoy picking berries again, if we go to the same place. This time I will touch Sieanna and try some of the things she taught me. The camp leader announced our first field trip into the mountains will be an overnighter, two days from now. We will have two person tents and be on the buddy system, which means you don't venture off the beaten path without your buddy. In the event something goes wrong, our buddy will be able to go for help. Aliyah touches my thigh.
"Jayden, you and I will be buddies. I will sign in for us. You get the list of items we will have to bring."
She heads for the registration desk and I look for the lists. They are all on a large table.
There is nothing out of the ordinary, a change of clothes, extra panties and bras, etc. I don't have to worry about bras. All girls have to help carry food or cooking utensils. These will be given to us as we leave the camp that morning. The PA announces that a bus will be going to the local town tomorrow afternoon and all who wish to go are required to sign up. Fortunately, I am next to the desk with that list. I sign for Aliyah and myself. I'll get some makeup.
Aliyah finally finds me.
"Well, I signed us up for the trip. We will have a good time. There is swimming and boating at the campgrounds. The water is very cold but it is fun."
"I signed us up to go to town tomorrow afternoon. I want to get some makeup and thongs like yours. Maybe there is enough money to get a bikini as well. Will you help me select it?"
"With pleasure! It'll give me a chance to see you naked. I think you are very sexy!"
"You're kidding? I have no chest and nearly shapeless hips."
"But you have a beautiful pussy."
I can feel a blush starting at my toes and working up to my face.
"When are we going to shower?"
"Let the other girls go first. If we time it right, we will be the last ones in the shower. I feel real horny for you."
Again, I feel funny. My nipples are hard and sensitive; my t-shirt rubbing on them makes them tingle. I know my pussy is dripping and puffy. Why didn't someone tell me this a long time ago? I want to try and make myself cum but it will have to wait till I am at home. Mom was right: camping assists you to grow up! Aliyah and I walk around the compound and then to the dock where we watch the sun disappear. Its eight o'clock: lights out is at nine.
"Let's head for the shower."
When we arrive, a few girls are just finishing up. We stroll down to the last stall and slowly undress. I watch Aliyah's every movement. She makes sure she gives me the best exposure to her beautiful breasts. I marvel when she removes her thong and exposes her puffy pussy. I can see moisture glistening in the light. I know mine is wet too. Finally, we are the only ones in the building. Aliyah takes this opportunity to show me her beautiful pussy, spread open. I can see her thick pink labia. Her opening is pronounced. Moving closer for a better look, I really feel horny. We move into the shower and I drop to my knees in front of her. I'm rewarded with a close view of her luv lips. Her musky scent has me excited. She is moist and warm. Soon, my finger is covered with her moisture. She watches as I suck the finger. It is different but pleasant. Daringly, I lean over and lick. Aliyah makes her funny sounds but stands with her legs spread. I'm surprised to see her button. Hers is large and it sticks out from her body. Now I know the part of my body that feels so good when it's touched and sucked. What the hell, I kiss her pussy and suck her clitoris. She moans with pleasure with her hands on my head. When I put my tongue in her hole her juice just flows into my mouth. Enjoying this experience, her hands pull me into her pussy. Aliyah's body is trembling. She lets out a loud sigh.
"Where did you learn how to do that? Two days ago you knew nothing; today you are eating my pussy like a pro. You're good! Now it is my turn."
My pussy is aching with desire. I want to feel the same thing Sieanna did for me this afternoon. I'm drenched in anticipation. Aliyah is kissing me on my tummy and then my inner thighs. She slowly turns me around and kisses my bum cheeks. It feels different but good.
Finally, she zeros in on my clitoris. I can feel her hands as she silently indicates to spread my legs. Her tongue feels so refreshing. I can't believe all the wonderful things I have been taught since I have come to camp. My body starts to shake as I climax. Nothing can match the feeling of exhilaration. Her tongue is licking my open pussy. I realize she has her finger in my asshole, slowly moving it in and out. Pushing my bum against her hand gets deeper penetration. What a sensation! She brings me to another climax and, as I cum; she slowly pulls her finger out of my ass hole. I nearly faint with pleasure.
"Aliyah, that was great! I never felt you put your finger in my bum but it was fascinating when you pulled it out. I thought I was going to faint."
"I like the feel of your body, Jayden. I wish we could sleep together. I would love to be curled up in yours arms all night. It is frustrating knowing you are so close and we can't touch each other. I hope everything goes well on our overnighter. We'll spend our entire time close at night."
It'll be super feeling with Aliyah's naked body next to mine. I'm really looking forward to our trip! We finally leave the shower, clean and totally exhausted.
The next day's activities go quickly and I'm happy to be heading to town with Aliyah.
I'm looking forward to purchasing makeup and some sexy lingerie. When I check to see how much money mom had sent with me, I am surprised to find a fifty-dollar bill with a sticky note from my father. Now I can actually purchase thongs and, maybe, a sexy bikini.
The bus stops at a small mall. We go straight to Walgreen's cosmetic department. Soon I have a complete selection of everything I require. I buy three different shades of lipstick. I love the feel of it on my lips. This mall has a Walmart and a number of ladies clothing stores. We check the displays in every window and find one specializing in lingerie. I hope they have my size.
The sales lady quickly locates a number of thongs and bikinis in my size. My problem is: which ones to buy? She also shows me five different bikini bathing suits. They are all so daring. The one I select is three small patches of cloth held together with a number of laces. I am wet just thinking about wearing it in public. After paying, I ask the lady if I can use the changing room. I hope it feels so good wearing a thong. The thought of the cloth riding between my bum cheeks really has me excited! Aliyah comes to the changing room with me. She watches me take of my panties. Before I can put on my thong, she is on her knees kissing my pussy. Her tongue is like a machine as she works on my clitoris. I have to hang onto the walls to keep from collapsing as I climax twice. I am in a complete daze when I put on the thong. The cloth does feel good against my bum hole.
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It was on a field trip during high school that I had one of the wildest moments of my life. Field trips were always rare - our little school served a sparse region of dotted farms of many “towns”. The nearest city was hours away. But, every once in a rare while, we’d load up on a rented school bus, half filled, and travel into the distance. We’d have to get to school a couple of hours early, and we’d eat lunch once we arrived, then spend a glorious afternoon in civilization. All too soon, it...
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The Field TripI saw one of those old movies the other day, were the hero and heroine on a trip into the jungle and were captured by some native hunters, as usual my imagination started to run away with me and this is the result, hope you like it!I was trying to make I brain work but it was impossible, I finally came to the realization that my white guide was dead, probably killed in his sleep, I knew that the only way to stay alive now was to stay calm and not to panic,...
After many requests from readers, I have taken the time to prepare this chronology of family Fielding. I have made every effort to list the stories in a semblance of the correct order. You may find some stories listed before or after ones posted previous to them because of the time in which the story occurred. I have tried to show the relationship of Fieldings in each story. I know some of the characters (specifically in Rewards of Virtue) do not show the full relationship. They come from a...
It was only two blocks to the hotel from where I had met Anna to give her all the gear the U.S. Treasury team had put on me. I only wanted a hat and jacket. On the way to the hotel, I found that Anna had picked my obnoxious shirt out perfectly. It was juvenile enough to be annoying without having sexual stuff that would get me in deep crap with the teachers coming on the trip. The bright neon green of the shirt did make most of the people who looked at me turn away. Others looked at the...
It was the day of the field trip to Washington DC. Our school was going there for 2 nights and 3 days. I got to school and was assigned roomies. My Roommates were Dom (12), Matt (13), Eric (12), Atillio (14), and Grant (13) and I (14). We walked down the pathway and got on the bus. We drove to the airport and we almost missed our plane. We landed at about 7 at night. It took about 2 hours to get to the hotel. We arrived and went up to our rooms. It was only 9:30 and we had and Hour to do...
I don’t care what anybody says, deep down, there’s a voyeur in all of us. If any of us were given the chance to secretly watch the intimate secrets and the dirty deeds of others, I think we’d all take that chance. My first experience of voyeurism takes me back to when I was a school girl, and about thirty pupils, including myself, and four teachers went to North Wales on a school field trip. I remember waking up in the middle of the night, desperately needing the toilet. On my way back from the...
I don't care what anybody says, deep down, there's a voyeur in all of us. If any of us were given the chance to secretly watch the intimate secrets and the dirty deeds of others, I think we'd all take that chance.My first experience of voyeurism takes me back to when I was a school girl, and about thirty pupils, including myself, and four teachers went to North Wales on a school field trip. I remember waking up in the middle of the night, desperately needing the toilet.On my way back from the...
VoyeurEvery year, the Sewaren High School freshman class takes a field trip to Washington, DC. This year was my turn. I was sharing a room with Austin Foley and Cameron Hanson. As there were only two beds, we had to decide who double-bunked. "You two should share a bed," Cameron said, "since you're both gay." "He's gay?" I asked. This was the first I'd ever heard of it. "Yeah," Austin replied, "I came out last week." "Oh, cool." I looked him over, he was a bit shorter than me, with...
A lot of times, you read about how long after a guy meets a girl beforehe has sex with her. Well, I think I take the world's record because I hadsex with my girlfriend before I even met her! Let me explain...It was back in high school. We were going on a senior trip from Edison,New Jersey to Washington DC -- about a five hour trip. I was the first onthe bus so I thought I'd catch some Z's on the way down. I went all theway to the back of the bus and stretched out on the back seat thatstretched...
mrs fielding nearly fainted when she pulled down my jeans.she didnt believe me when i told her that i was huge.her face was a picture.all the emotions in a couple of seconds.suprise,delight,panic,bewilderment,amusement, one point i really thought she would faint.when she recovered her composure she began to stroke the length and girth with both hands. now lets get one thing clear from the start—having a huge cock isnt all its cracked up to be.firstly women think its great to have a...
mrs fielding nearly fainted when she pulled down my jeans.she didnt believe me when i told her that i was huge.her face was a picture.all the emotions in a couple of seconds.suprise,delight,panic,bewilderment,amusement, one point i really thought she would faint.when she recovered her composure she began to stroke the length and girth with both lets get one thing clear from the start---having a huge cock isnt all its cracked up to be.firstly women think its great to have a...
Foreword: This is one of my first erotic stories. Alas, as much as I wish it had, this never happened. This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. Operators of erotic story web sites and other collections, whether free or fee-based, have my permission to post and/or distribute my stories,...
At breakfast, Mrs. Whitfield appeared more rested but brittle, with her emotions swinging from happy and flirtatious to somber and withdrawn. She certainly vexed Father for as he opened toward her, she pushed him away, and when he withdrew, she called him forth. Father and I spent the morning with Jonah, Sarah, and the others, reviewing the fields and shops. In the afternoon, we worked in The Manor's dining room, going over the books of accounts and bank records. Whitlands was short of...
“Hell yeah!” Danny, one of the more rambunctious students of her class, shouted from the back seats. “Danny, watch your language! At least until we are off the school grounds.” Ms. Centino chided. As the bus pulled out of the parking lot the students chatted lousily with excitement, cheering as they left the school grounds. Ms. Centeno searched through her things to make sure she had everything for the trip. Water bottles, sunglasses, beach towel, packed lunch… Where was her swimsuit? She...
Peyton wakes up as early as possible because today is her senior year feild trip to New York City. Peyton grew up in a small town all her life and never really had time to travel to other places especially a place as big as the city. She gets up and rushes to get ready. Peyton walks into the kitchen where her mother and sister are sitting at the table. "Honey your breakfast is getting cold" her mother said. "Sorry today is the school trip I have to go love you mom." she said. "Hey wait for me...
The guy was hovering over one of our displays, pensive with an odd mixture of curious and confused. I opened with "Let me guess, you don't know her size?" and followed it with a small, calculated guffaw. It was something of a standard opening at this point. I'd worked hard to make it sound understanding and compassionate rather than accusatory. I don't want to lose a sale on a bad introduction, if I can avoid it. Hi, my name is Michael, and I'm a "Field Agent" at...
Sara was my very best friend at school, she lived a few towns away and I would have to take the bus to go visit her on the weekends. She was petit and lively and not like any other girl I knew, we had kissed once, but I definitely had stronger feeling for her than she did for me, she was very happy just being friends and I played along but I really wanted more. We had once masturbated together over the phone, it was the hottest thing I had ever done at the time, but it never went any further....
Sara was my very best friend at school, she lived a few towns away and I would have to take the bus to go visit her on the weekends. She was petit and lively and not like any other girl I knew, we had kissed once, but I definitely had stronger feeling for her than she did for me, she was very happy just being friends and I played along but I really wanted more. We had once masturbated together over the phone, it was the hottest thing I had ever done at the time, but it never went any further....
ExhibitionismJennifer swung her arms to loosen up and jogged in place to warm up her legs. Part of her mind refused to believe what was happening; along with four other women she was to be the 'prey' in some sort of twisted hunt organized by a sick, but obviously very powerful group of people. A week ago she had been jogging alone on a deserted beach near her home on the coast when four men had jumped from an unmarked van and kidnapped her. She had been well fed in the days since, but this morning she...
Prologue Maggie was only eighteen and she still had a lot to learn about sucking cock. She bobbed her head up and down, eagerly taking my shaft into her wide open mouth to the best of her sore, aching jaw's capability. She only made it two thirds of the way down. My pubes could barely tickle her nostrils. I could tell she still found that particular sensation alien and uncomfortable. She hesitated as a fresh tear dripped down her bruised, battered face. I tightened my grip on her scalp,...
[note: this is a complete rewrite of the original] Edna Mayfield ◊◊◊◊◊ Is it perfume from a dress That makes me so digress? ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ — T.S. Eliot 28 August The Mayfield house was unlike any other in the neighborhood, comfortable, perhaps, but hardly practical and certainly not in keeping with it’s more typical suburban neighbors. The house’s immaculate cypress siding, stained dark gray, hovered lightly under a copper roof, yet the sidewalk along the street...
Taryn walked over to have a look at the prey that the hunters had collected for the field day hunt. The sun was warm, but the breeze on her shoulders was still refreshingly cool at this time of the morning. Taryn wore a simple black bandeau top, five inches of fitted leather circling her chest, leaving the upper curves of her firm breasts bare to catch the rays of the morning sun. Black leather pants hugged her hip bones and round ass, the strap of a G-string peeking unintentionally above...
We met in a bar. Where else? The Castellano serves real Spanish cuisine and very good whiskey. That Jennifer Randolph was cruising the boulevard and looking for something or someone was obvious: her glance was everywhere. I was dateless, into my second round, and I decided to gamble and offer my services. "Miss, would I be out of line to offer to buy you a drink?" I said. She looked me up and down. And, apparently, decided that I wasn't a total loser. She took another look around, turned...
This is a true story also and took place before the earthquakes in April 2009.It took place in a sunflower field near my home in Central Italia. I remember it well and also in the after days of it happening wrote about it on my HD.That is why it is quite detailed. I tend to write the memories and rate the places out of 10.We went for a picnic the weather was sunny but only a little warm. Its the best thing fields and fields of sunflowers and red poppies here in Toscana. I love them they are my...
It all came as a minor shock to me. I had no inkling that my parents were contemplating a divorce. As it turned out, they weren't—it just happened.My mother, Sue, was thirty-six. She had let herself age 'gracefully' and not try to be some little ingénue or cover girl. From tanning and jogging outdoors, she had some facial lines (heavens!) and even a few lines of color in her legs that she hadn't had there as a teen. There were a very few extra pounds, here and there. She was a true soccer mom...
My girlfriend Sue is a 21 year old blond, blue eyes, long shapely legs, and C-cup tits. She plays soccer at her college. When I was 26 years old I was lucky enough to have sex with a cute 12 year old daughter of a friend. That was some experience. I've not had sex with anyone that young again but I sure wouldn't mind it. My friend moved away that year. I was walking Sue home from the movies one night when I saw a field that looked familiar to me. I asked Sue if she knew where it went...
Jack woke up the next morning to find the Solana women giving him a dueling blowjob, with one sucking his cock while the other licked his balls, and then switching off. He lay back and closed his eyes in enjoyment. When the two women finally pushed him over the edge, Jack gasped and opened his eyes to find his cock spewing cum into Valentina’s mouth, as Maria pumped him dry. After he got his breath back, he said, “Ladies, I don’t know if I can thank you enough! What a great way to wake...
I woke to the sound of bird-call. The clock told me it was eight-thirty, that’s late for me. I turned to see an empty pillow, he’s up. I had better get up, he’ll be waiting for me in the kitchen no doubt. He must have snuck out of bed, he usually wakes me. Oh well, I was getting on a bit, I deserved a lie in now and then. I’d had a good sleep, I was feeling happy, today was going to be a good day.As I entered the kitchen Charlie looked at me and smiled, “Cup of tea love?” he asked. I smiled...
Love StoriesThe story of Garnett of Edmond's Field begins thousands of years ago, with the imprisonment of a demon known as Seregil. I am not aware of the circumstances of its imprisonment, or who performed the act, but the creature was cursed to remain within a subterranean jail until the end of time. It is the way of curses, or so Elminster tells me —and really, who would know better than he?—that there is always a manner in which they can be circumvented. In the case of Seregil, he could gain his...
As she passed her favorite creek she could hear what she thought was arguing coming from down a dirt trail that followed the creek. She was not one to ever be nosy, but thought she would investigate where the noise had originated from. As she followed the path the arguing became louder. She knew she was close as it was now very loud and clear. She could tell it was a male and female. Amy could see a couple in a grassy field which grew parallel to the creek. The grass was fairly long...
Hello everyone the story i am going to tell you all about this time. occurred when i was only three years old.Its different from my other experiences but just as unforgettable. i mean how can i forget such a what I thought then was frightening but yet amazing experience as the ones i've shared with my beautiful aunt slash wife norma which happened just a bit after this story im going to tell you but as I said or even my sexy ther****t Ms. Liz all my experiences have been great like the one with...
Hello readers! My name is Rahul and I am 23 years old from Hyderabad, Telangana. My family consists of mom, dad, myself, and my younger brother. We belong to a normal middle-class family. Let me introduce my family to you a little bit in detail here. My dad (Shankar) is 50 years old and he is a Government employee, my brother is in 10th standard whereas I have completed my B.E. course. Now I will introduce to you, my mom. Her name is Saroja, she is 44 years old with fair skin, black hair, big...
IncestYou rolled over in bed and felt a piece of paper underneath your face. You clumsily felt for it, holding it in front of your face and reading the message scribbled in my bad handwriting last night: "Meet me in the field, under the oak tree at 11, don't be late xx". You fumbled for your phone and saw it was 10:15. "Shit," you mumbled to yourself before stumbling out of bed and into the bathroom. I sat cross-legged in a clearing round the oak tree. I was sat on a blanket and I had a few pillows...
First TimeHi All, I am a big fan of sex stories, I used to study whenever I have time. I used to study a lot of stories in ISS and other websites, but I never thought to write my experiences. I like to see live sex and hear from others instead of reading. When I am studying, I used to go fields and do accounting works of workers in my holidays. As I was studying out of my village, everybody will come to my home to see as everyone likes me, There I met my beautiful, sexy girl, came with another worker who...
She'd walked back home not knowing what to think of her afternoon. Who was this man, this Sir Edgar? She reminisced on the events that took place in the barn. She recalled the pleasure and smiled. She recalled the confusion and frowned. She recalled realizing she had a secret. For the people of her community would surely think her actions were a disgrace. She snorted at the thought. A disgrace. She entered her small hut just outside the settlement. Out of habit she started feeding the small...
First TimeDawn and Janice stepped off the bus. So did the rest of their science class. They looked around. Dawn had never been to this part of L.A. She had heard plenty of horror stories from Buffy and her dad about it. "Why would they build a top research place in a dump like this?" asked Janice. She looked at all the warehouses surrounding them. "You know how people are about all these medical experiments," replied Dawn. "Stem cell research and all that. I hear medical researchers are far...
Growing up in a small Iowa town wasn’t easy. You had to be careful of what you said and did as everything was game for gossip and rumors. By the time my girlfriend Mary Jo McKenzie and I turned seventeen, we had decided all the necking and heavy petting wasn’t enough. We decided on Halloween night; we’d pop our cherries. We’ve been dating since our sophomore year in high school, and our parents were convinced that we’d get married one day. Mary Jo is five feet tall, long red hair to the middle...
HorrorSheri was going to school to be a therapist. As part ofthis, she had to perform two sessions of field work during the summers. Her first field work assignment was between her junior and senior year. She and a friend of hers from school, Trish, got assigned to the same rehab facility about 45 minutes from our home town. As part of their field work, they were allowed to share a dorm room at a nearby college as opposed to having to pay for an apartment. I was working that summer at a department...
A SPECIAL FIELD HOCKEY GAME (A LESBIAN TALE)The tension was high as the two top Lesbian field hockey teams met in a closed arena which used to be a basketball court. This meant that there were boards to keep the ball into the arena but also that spectators had a closer view of the action on the floor.The rules were the same as field hockey, but the women played with a tennis ball. The players had ice hockey gloves, a sweatshirt with the team logo, and sneakers. They were naked from the waist...
Sheri was going to school to be a therapist. As part ofthis, she had to perform two sessions of field work during the summers. Her first field work assignment was between her junior and senior year. She and a friend of hers from school, Trish, got assigned to the same rehab facility about 45 minutes from our home town. As part of their field work, they were allowed to share a dorm room at a nearby college as opposed to having to pay for an apartment. I was working that summer at a department...
Wife LoversOne summers afternoon I was walking in the field with my girlfriend sally, she was very quiet girl but I was determind to get her to open up. As we walked and talked I made a comment about how no one would see us if we had sex in the field, I knew she would be disgusted cos that the sort of girl she was.I was right as I mentioned it she said no way and started to strom off I went over and grabbed her pushed her on the floor and said well your gonna get this unzipped my trousers to reveal a huge...
My dear sex story lovers, I am Akira nandan from this cool place called Hyderabad. I have a girlfriend who looks just like a movie actress. Her figure and structure and body is flawless in every ratio. Let me tell you about her. she has lovely skin tone, fair and 34c boobs. She is two inches taller than me. And has long hair till her knees or little longer. She wears all simple and traditional clothes and dont like wearing jeans and tees. I really dont know why she dont like wearing them but...
IncestAs the Cannon went off, Henry Ford opened the throttle half way on the Model C flyer he was using in this long race. As he rapidly accelerated through the air, he kept a close eye on the Britainian. He had raced that devious man before and had a grudge that was worlds of revenge after their last encounter. Riggers had not been able to build enough speed to get around Ford and had resorted to a very un-gentleman like tactic in order to win. He had used a simple sling shot to hit Fords Gas bag...
Introduction: Little girl raped in cornfield I grew up in a little town in the Midwest. By the time I was 13 even though I was short, Id started to get boobs. I was 48 but had a 32B bra size brown hair and green eyes. The kids my age didnt like me and I dont know why. But I wanted to be friends with them, and thats how it happened. One Halloween they dared me to go into Millers cornfield and up to the house. The Miller house was supposed to be haunted even the fields. Everyone was scared to go...
Sorrow is a fertile field It was one of those streets. You could find it's like in any city in China. No matter where you went there it would be. A narrow ribbon that stretched between the larger roads that girded the blocks of apartments and street level shops crowding the borders of concrete and pavement. Capillaries of minor commerce surrounded by the overhanging buildings that hunched against each other with even narrower alleys snaking through them every few buildings. The...
I have had a few requests to continue my story “Good old fashioned school spanking”. To fully help everyone understand, I will describe the important players in my story. Mrs Fields: My teacher! She is a classic beauty in her early 30’s. She is tall & lean, with ample breasts. Her body has wonderful curves. She had long brunette hair and blue eyes. She wore glasses, they made her look very sexy. She always smelled wonderful. She is a vey smooth and classy lady. I would consider her caring,...
One Halloween they dared me to go into Miller’s cornfield and up to the house. The Miller house was supposed to be haunted even the fields. Everyone was scared to go there. But my ‘friends’ told me if I’d go all the way up to the house through the cornfield and come back with something I’d be ‘in’. We waited till dark, then I took a flashlight and dressed in a t-shirt jeans and sneakers I went into the corn. It wasn’t so bad at first, I grew up around corn. But after about ten minute I...
This is a continuation of Teachers Morning Duty She wore exactly what I had asked her to wear. She had on flip flop sandals, a short denim skirt, and a tight t-shirt. Of course, I told her not to wear panties or a bra. She crawled into my truck and leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. ‘Good morning you sexy hunk of man!’ she said with a grin. ‘Good morning to you too,’ I replied. ‘Shouldn’t you be in class right about now?’ ‘Not dressed like this, I shouldn’t,’ she replied as she leaned...
Tammy's Fantasy----a short storyA pretty cross dresser goes camping alone in the high country. Thinking he/she is all alone, she dons her favorite outfit which happens to be a lot like the one worn by Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music, only very much shorter and frillier. It is a perfect day as the sun is shining and there are some fat clouds drifting by to provide a short relief from the suns rays. She decides to walk out in the green meadow away from the trees where she is camped. As she...
"...5...4...3...2...1...impact!" The screens went white for a second, and then lines began spreading out from the center. A general cheer went up throughout the room. "Well, my friends, it is official: after all the bad magnets, alignment problems, and other Bullshit, we have collision," Dr. Legard said in French. "Here's to us, my fellow physicists and engineers," he added, raising his glass high. There was a collective here here, and a quaffing of champagne. Several people left, with a few...
Christie, a ninth grader in classes with Ashley, my sister, is a perfect example of innocence, naivety, youth, sexual fantasy and desire. She and Ashley have been good friends sharing their most intimate secrets over the years as they grew up together. Her father and mother divorced when she was quite young and her only contact with him is his annual birthday cards and presents, leaving her wanting the nurturing a daughter can only get from her father, his guidance and fatherly love. She told...
It had been a long day at work, and we were on the drive home. My boyfriend and I were riding in silence. Though my boyfriend didn't have a license, I was much too tired to drive that night.“Why are you taking this turn?” I asked. “There's no traffic; you don't need a back road.” He looked at me with a sly grin on his face, “I figured we could take a little detour.” Placing his hand on my thigh and squeezing. “You said you liked pleasing me, right? Well, I want to make a little fantasy come...
ExhibitionismLeft Field II By Starhawk Author's Note: This is an extension of a story written by Dee_Eon called "Left Field." This story is simply my attempt to continue a great premise. While it is my hope this story can stand on its own, it would be helpful to read "Left Field" for yourselves. If you must send comments please make them constructive. ************************************************** It had been several weeks since I had learned about my tomboyish friend Stacey and...
It was in that moment that I for some reason finally took a look around. We were in a wide open field. Acres and acres between us and the next house. I could see the main road, M-24 off in the distance. And it made me so much hornier looking at the vast nothingness, as I worked for my daddy to give me the fuck that I so desired. I climbed over his face, and shoved his cock as far as it would go while I tickled his asshole with my finger. He smacked my ass and grabbed my balls with his right...