ADVENTURES ON HOR 5: SANTINI free porn video

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“The great Goran now has a slave in tow? I heard the talk but didn’t believe it. Someone might think The Demon has gone soft, lost his edge.”

Goran and Cat had just been led into a large room ornately decorated with fine tapestries on the walls, brightly lit with lanterns, and large pillows arranged around the room with low tables near groups of pillows. Relaxing on the pillows were a dozen men presenting a variety of impressions: some clearly advisors, some clearly warriors or leaders of warriors. At the head of the room on a raised platform two steps above the main floor was a large man relaxed in a throne-like chair. He was dressed in a fine silken robe with gold-colored trimming along the edges. He was a large man but even the flowing robe didn’t hide the obvious fact that his wide body was not of strength but from a life of enjoying the luxury of food and drink. All the men held goblets they drank from. And, s**ttered throughout were naked slaves scurrying about filling goblets, delivering food, or in the process of being mauled in the clutches of a man.

Three slaves attended to the man on the throne-like chair and two armed guards stood rigidly behind the chair, one on either side. The guards wore sheathed swords at their sides while the other men seemed armed only by customary ceremonial daggers on their belts. There were, however, additional guards outside the door and a small army in the compound.

If the comment was intended to elicit a telling reaction from Goran, it didn’t happen. Instead, Goran stopped in the middle of the great room and all clinking of cups and chatter stopped. The room, despite its size and the number of people in it, became tensely quiet. Cat stood slight behind and slightly to his right, her head up but her eyes cast down so her attitude might not become challenging by making eye contact with any of the men. Any challenging attitude would be provided by Goran alone … unless the situation changed.

They stood unflinching in the center of the room; Goran’s focus centered on the large man but his eyes flicking peripherally around the room. Unlike the other men in the room, or outside in the compound, Goran’s image was one of a man prepared to do battle at any moment. Cat had learned that The Demon presented various images depending on the situation and this was one. He stood boldly, dressed in the tight leather pants, heavy boots, and naked upper body. The two swords harnessed to his back, a combat dagger at his waist where the palm of his right hand rested casually, and smaller dagger strapped to his right calf. If he were truly entering combat, he might also be carrying a lance, long axe, or bow with quiver. Goran was an expert in all weapons of HOR, if they could produce death.

As the quiet in the room grew more intense as Goran stood immobile but like a snake coiled in preparation to strike, it was the voice of the man in the chair that broke first. “I meant no offense, Goran. Please, join me for food and drink.”

Goran still didn’t move but a wry smile formed at the corners of his mouth. His hand tightened on the dagger and men shifted nervously on the pillows and the guards standing behind the men shifted with new tension. Finally, the large man laughed and waved to the side where two male slaves brought out another chair, not nearly as large but a chair none the less. Goran did not sit at a lower level to any man, even if that man might be considered a king or warlord.

Now seated next the man with the others spread out below them, Cat took her place at the side of Goran so she could watch the two guards behind her Master as they had planned. For the first time in such a meeting, this time Goran felt somewhat protected by Cat’s attention to what was behind him. Slaves were meant to be impassive and unassuming until directed. Cat’s unique training from Goran was to appear to be a model slave in every way so she could be an unnoticed and vigilant set of eyes for him.

“You requested this meeting, Santini. If you think me soft, have your men touch their swords.”

Cat tensed and positioned herself near his side to quickly reach across his body if he stood to grasp his dagger. She became very aware that her stronger body and very low body fat might flash her intentions with muscle flexing so she tried to hide her readiness by leaning forward while presenting a goblet of drink before Goran as her eyes watched not him but the two men behind.

The man nervously laughed, putting on an air of control before his men despite the tension everyone in the room but Goran seemed to show on their faces and in their bodies. “Again, please … I meant no offense. Can’t two old friends tease each other?”

Goran finally took the cup offered by Cat but she saw his face flinch at the mention of them being friends. Part of the training he had been drilling into Cat, beyond weapons and strength development, was in regards to the work he did and the men he dealt with. The men who hired him paid handsomely for him to deal with an adversary or threat. Such men could just as easily see him as a threat and pay others to deal with him. He trusted no one who needed to pay him for his services. And, there were few he held in high enough regard that payment was not required. But this man … Santini … he was near the bottom of trust.

Goran tried to get the conversation to focus on the reason for being requested. Santini held to a common practice, however. He wanted to party, to entertain his guest, first. He insisted on being the good host but Goran understood a more devious motive of this practice common on HOR was to wear down the other person with drink, food, and slaves so negotiations of terms could be more to the host’s favor. Goran had experienced this practice many times and knew better than to consume too much but to consume enough to not insult the host. What was new this time was bringing his own slave and what the expectations would be for Cat to perform to. He had suggested perhaps that she not participate, even remain outside the compound or city. She countered that it was unlikely word had not spread to anyone interested in his actions for any reason that he had been seen with a slave in tow. To do anything else would hinder his ultimate plan for them. That the conversation occurred only reinforced the fine line they were walking. Master/slave was paramount to the plan.

Throughout the talk, Santini had eyes on Cat. He tried to get any information from Goran about her: where he got her, where she came from, even if she was for sale. Goran gave him little except to put an end to any consideration that she might be for sale.

Santini clapped his hands and five naked slaves moved into the center opening and began to dance in unison. Santini wanted Cat to join them but Goran didn’t intend for her to be put in a position where she would appear in any way less than the other slaves just because she didn’t know the moves the other slaves performed. Instead, he waited for them to end their dance, then motioned for Cat to perform for them. Unlike the other slaves, she was not entirely naked, though she was still very exposed. Her exposure though seemed more enticing in some ways by the sheer material she wore.

Cat moved into the space vacated by the other dancers. As in the pub, her movements started slowly and gracefully, allowing her body to flow with her mind. As she continued, though, her body twirled and spun with arms and legs swinging out and her unusual gown swirling up around her. She felt the movements the way she did at the pub and around their campfires. The look on Goran’s face, the smile on his mouth, the twinkle in his eyes all encouraged her. Goran was taking her into a new phase that included a measure of self-determination and control in her life alongside him but whatever Goran added to her life would always be in orbit around the central force that was her being a slave to him, whether he might desire it to be different didn’t matter more than the perception left on others. So, despite what he might give her or allow her, she would always be the compliant slave fully intent on obedience and pleasure. The look from him was everything and she no longer wondered why she felt so content by receiving such a simple expression from him.

As her dance shifted to more suggestive to purely blatant in attempts to duplicate movements and poses she had witnessed at strip clubs with the men from her units, she loosened the tie at her waist and neck, the gown swinging out and held by her fingers until she released it to have it flutter through the air before softly floating to the floor. The gown, as designed, had stolen everyone’s attention for a split moment. When their focus returned to her, it was with her bent over peering through her legs directly at Santini, her hands caressing up her inner thighs until her fingers slid over her pussy. She rolled onto the floor, her hips and shoulders and breasts still undulating as she parted her legs obscenely wide before them, her hands now moving over her abdomen to her pussy. Just as the index fingers of both hands slide through her gaping, wet pussy lips, she drove them into her hole before throwing her legs in a twirl to bring her to her knees facing Santini and Goran. She crawled with all the slinking, enticing grace of the cat she was named for. Her breasts swayed beneath her, her mouth slightly open with her tongue sliding over her lips, her eyes intent on the two men in chairs. When she reached the steps rising to the platform with the chairs, she stopped, her body flowing into the presentation position, her chest heaving and her hair wild on her head and cascaded over her shoulders, back and front.

For a moment, it was quiet until the room erupted as it had at the pub. Cat didn’t think it was all that good. She didn’t think of herself as a skilled exotic dancer, but it was different from what slaves apparently were taught to perform.

“Goran … she is a magnificent creature! And she has no hair there. What an interesting idea you had for her.” He looked at his slaves, there public hair on display, and said, “I like it! It exposes them even more. It takes naked a step further. Was that your intention?”

Goran didn’t respond. He didn’t need to. He knew this man would have already decided what Goran intended by it even though Goran knew it was Cat’s idea all along. And, that idea had indeed been along those lines.

Santini continued in his arrogant manner, “What an interesting slave. An imaginative dance. I have to have her. What do you want for her? Surely, in your line of work, it is a burden to drag a slave around.”

Goran glanced with increasing irritation, though he knew from experience this was the way this man was. “She is not going to be sold. I would think you have enough slaves, already.” He looked out at the other men lounging on the huge pillows to find many of them mauling a slave. In several places there was a slave being ravaged between two men. Santini was a man of excess. It was said his appetite of more wasn’t limited to slaves, pleasure, and drink but also included an expanding of his region of influence and control. And, throughout the region he exerted that control ruthlessly.

Goran was musing to himself why he even bothered responding to Santini’s request … was he really expecting anything different from him? He sighed silently in resignation, though. As much as he despised the man, he wasn’t ready to make him a full-out enemy that would require him to be constantly wary when he traveled through the region and Santini was situated exactly where Goran needed to pass through or add many days to his journeys.

“Santini,” Goran blurted out as he half turned to the man, “can we discuss business now so I can take my slave to my bed? It has been a long several days of travel at your request.”

Santini’s gaze was transfixed on Cat, though. Goran wondered if this was the time that the tension between them would erupt. Goran negotiated hard with Santini, sometimes in the hopes that Santini would wish to save money and turn to another mercenary. Slaves are not generally property that cannot be readily purchased or traded among owners … at least negotiated. To flat out refuse to even negotiate, though …

Cat felt the tension rising between the two men seated before her. When she saw Goran shift his position in the chair to put his feet solidly under him for balance and his hand moving to the dagger on his belt, she shifted her own feet so her butt rested on her heel rather than the sides of her feet. The presentation position puts the slaves in such a position to make them defenseless to quickly rise to escape or defend themselves. If Goran’s next move was to launch his dagger in her direction, she would be ready to catch it.

Santini’s next move, though, de-escalated the tension while still pushing his position as warlord before the men in his court. He opened his robes to expose his naked body underneath. Cat saw the soft roundness of a body very used to enjoying the taste and pleasures of excess while having others to do his work for him.

“Then, at least allow us to experience the pleasures of her.”

The tone made the request less of a request and more of an expectation, but it was de-escalating. Goran glanced at Cat and gave her a simple nod. Cat didn’t think Santini even noticed Goran’s approval as the man’s gaze seemed blatantly fixed on the juncture of her open thighs. She fixed her eyes on a spot on the floor beneath him and shifted her weight forward. If there was a ‘proper’ way for a slave to respond in a situation such as this, she hadn’t been instructed in it. She moved in a way she felt would present the most submissive way possible … she crawled.

Cat glanced up at Santini’s face as she approached his knees. He was watching intently so she didn’t want to also glance over at Goran. She felt she must appear fully committed to responding as directed. She diverted her eyes from his to his cock as she moved between his spread knees. He was a soft and round man, nothing like Goran. His attitude toward others oozed privilege and contempt. She also understood how such a man could be dangerous when he has power and control of other men to do his bidding.

She reached out with both hands, one taking hold of his soft cock and the other slipping underneath to cup his ball sack. The touch of her hand immediate brought a rising of his cock. Her hand wrapped softly around it covered it completely as she gently pulled on the member as her other hand carefully massaged his balls. She lowered her lips to the tip of his cock, kissing it, then pushing her hand down the hardening cock to expose the head from the foreskin. As she took the head into her mouth and sucked on it, her tongue playing around the surface as she sucked, the cock grew quicker and she pushed her mouth further down the length as she released it from her guiding hand. The effect drew moans and gasps from the man and she inwardly smiled.

Cat knew from Goran’s hours and days and weeks of instruction and training that many of the ways she brought sexual pleasure to him were unusual on HOR. Sexual pleasure on HOR was a male activity and the female, usually a slave, was merely the means to that pleasure or release. The action was the same as any other of nature’s creatures … the man penetrating from behind while standing or kneeling. Rarely was it an extended activity and rarer still was it female dominant or initiated. Cat had experienced that with the men in the caravan and the times when she had been given to shop keepers as additional compensation. When she had sucked off one shop keeper, it had produced the stunned effect and quick release caused by an unusual practice. A similar effect was happening with Santini.

Now that his cock was fully hard in her mouth driving up and down the length, she debated taking him fully to climax or giving him her pussy. She heard his voice and decided to prolong the experience for him and slowed her sucking, pulling her mouth off and licking the length of his cock and down over his straining balls.

“Oh my … this slave … of yours … is … very talented. You have … trained … her well … Goran … Are you sure … I … can’t have … her? She could train … my other … slaves …”

Goran didn’t bother answering, he had already made it clear. Cat shifted to her feet, pulling her mouth from the man’s cock. She turned around and now glanced at Goran as she did. He gave her a wink and she noticed that he was rejecting Santini’s slaves who persisted in attempts to tempt him to use them. As she turned and backed into Santini and reached underneath, grasping his cock and holding it vertical to sit on, she noticed that others of the men were also watching intently what was happening. She sighed as his cock penetrated her pussy and she sat down over it until she was sitting on his thighs. She began moving up and down, Santini slouched in his massive chair as she fucked him, his gaping mouth producing a steady stream of gasps, moans, and groans with utterances that were unintelligible.

His cock was small and felt unimpressive inside her but Cat put on a performance that may have been worthy of an award in another era and planet as the Adult Video News (AVN) Female Performer of the Year. Playing up to the dominant male ego of Horean men was not only expected of a slave but critical in this case as Goran sought an upper hand in softening Santini. In any other time in her life, she would have died rather than subject herself in this way but these times were anything what her life had been and there was something strangely empowering about what her sexuality brought to her now under Goran’s guidance and control.

Cat rose and fell on the cock of this man with a far bigger ego than his cock or appeal but to look at Cat would not be evident. She matched the man in sounds of passion, her hand resting on his knees as she leaned forward to fuck him as aggressively as men on HOR had fucked her. In her way, she was using him as an object, subjugating him for their purpose, though his mind would be fogged over to that realization.

When the big man climaxed soon, unsatisfyingly for Cat, he was slouched and sprawled on the chair so his was barely still sitting on it. When Cat stood up, the man’s cock slipping out of her unsatisfied pussy, her eyes penetrated into the faces of others in the large room with unbridled need and open sexuality. Even with other slaves pawing their bodies on the large pillows, the other men in the room had their eyes only fixed on her. She turned her gaze to Goran, her Master, still in the chair next to her. He had rejected the other slaves’ attentions and offerings. His face exuded pleasure in how she had handled the situation and she saw him consider another opportunity to impress. His eyes flicked to the s**ttered men below, his eyes asking a question. The look in Cat’s eyes and the devious smile that formed on her lips in response told Goran everything he could need to know about her devotion to him and her commitment to what might need to be done. She was without hesitation or concern for personal image. She was his and would do whatever needed to be done.

His nod was so subtle even she might have missed it if she hadn’t been watching and expecting it. Her shaved pussy glistened with the residue of Santini’s cum as she stepped down from the platform with seductive strides worthy of the best vampish performance to entice the other men. Other slaves, naked like her and trying to please the men, were ignored or pushed aside. Several of the slaves gave her looks of disdain while others seemed to express relief. As much as she might feel sorry for these women and their situation, she had pressing concerns that affected Goran and her.

She stepped to one of the pillows and tugged it out from under one of the men, then dragged it into the center. She stood looking around the room, trying to catch the eye of each man directly, before dropping to her knees and then to all fours. She wiggled her ass as an invitation. It didn’t take long for one of the men, a burly man with thick beard, to dump the slave on his lap, drop his loose pants, and kneel behind Cat’s presented ass and open legs. He pounded his hard cock into her and plunged in with a smack of their bodies. He was of average length and size, still nothing like her Master, but likely more satisfying than Santini had been. What a slut, she thought. Expected to fuck an important man, which should be demeaning, and her real reaction is being unsatisfied when he climaxes too soon. Then, being offered to the rest of the men, she compares the cock that penetrates her with the cock of her Master who thrills her body every time. As the man now fucked her like he would any slave, her mind hit on a question that has recurred many times lately: if there were a way to return to Earth, would she even want to if she could remain here with Goran? She believed it was a moot question and made the commitment to Goran all the easier.

Cat shifted her weight to her left arm and motioned with the other to the men around her. She opened her mouth wide as she used her hand to motion a man to her head. When one made the connection, dropped his pants, and presented his hard cock to her, she engulfed it into her mouth, pressing forward until her nose was touching his coarse pubic hair. The man in her mouth groaned at the warm, moist feel of her sucking mouth on his cock. Soon, he added grunts as he began fucking into her mouth. He was no bigger than the man in her pussy so even fully in her mouth his cock never passed further than the entrance to her throat, which she kept open while breathing primarily through her nose. Her dedicated practice to deep-throat Goran was an uncommon skill on HOR.

When the man fucking her from behind climaxed, releasing his sperm into her pussy, he unceremoniously pulled out and was replaced quickly by another man. The same would happen at her mouth. Soon, she had had several men filling mouth and pussy and more where waiting. By the end, when the last man had dumped his cum into her, she collapsed onto the pillow that had protected her knees throughout the gangbang. Both her mouth and pussy leaked semen. She rolled off the large pillow to her knees as she rose to her feet. She walked deliberately, though a bit wobbly, to Goran without a further glance to the men who were again lounging on other pillows and being served drink by slaves.

Arriving where Goran and Santini sat in chairs, she obediently resumed the kneeling presentation position. With her spread knees, she was very aware the leaking cum from her fucking was dripping to the floor below her. She discretely looked up at Goran who had been in deep conversation with Santini. When his eyes made contact with hers, she used her tongue to obscenely pull cum from her lips and the corner of her mouth. Her lips smacked as she brought her tongue inside. Goran struggled to hold back a smile of amusement.

It was dark by the time they left Santini’s compound and wound their way through the narrow streets back toward the stable where the borsin was corralled and the room Goran had rented for them nearby. Along the way, Cat asked, “What did he want of you, Master?”


Hearing the name caused Cat to stutter step. Goran saw it and quickly turned, stepping into her, and pressing her body again covered by her enticing gown into the nearby wall. He kissed her hard and muttered through the kiss, “Shhh … not another word about it until we are out of here. A place like this … there are ears.”

A few steps later, Cat had something else to say. “Master … I would like a bath when we get to the room.”

It was visually important for him to stay a step ahead of her, but he slowed and spoke over his shoulder, “A bath? It’s late, Cat, and I …”

“You have your need. I know, Master, I felt it pressing into me back there.” She softly giggled. “I saw that you rejected the other slaves, Master. My body is a mess from the other men … I want to present a clean body to you, Master.”

Cat had carried several buckets of fresh water up to the community bathroom to clean herself in the small tub. As she washed away the remnants of her gangbang at Santini’s, she remembered moments of the experience. She had achieved several good orgasms but the men were an uncaring group, wanting only their own release. That was, of course, the norm on HOR. Men used women in general but were especially uncaring with the slaves. But as she washed away the stray cum from her body and dipped her fingers into her pussy to clean it out as much as possible, her body began to tingle, her nipples harden, and it had nothing to do with the coolness of the water she sat in. After being ravaged by a dozen men or so, her jaw ached a bit from the many cocks she sucked and her pussy was a bit tender, but she yearned for a truly good fuck. Her body’s arousal spiked as she anticipated Goran’s cock and it wasn’t just its much larger size. He was a caring lover … yes, a lover. He would have to be her Master and the connection of love would have to be hidden privately between them … but it was the real bind between them.

Cat entered the room, her body cleaned with drops of water still clinging to her skin, the small towel available inadequate to soak up all the moisture. She gasped when she saw him standing by the bed. He was naked and no matter how often she saw his body it overwhelmed her, even from the back. His back spread like a huge fan, his waist and ass were tight and narrow, his thighs and calves were knots of muscle. When he turned to face her, she gasped, again. She dropped into the kneeling presentation pose; her eyes fixed on a sight that instantly opened the floodway in her pussy. His magnificent cock stood proudly erect and completely distracted her from appreciating his muscular front.

She softly beseeched him, “Master, your slave has cleaned herself for your pleasure.”

He grasped his cock and slowly stroked it before her, “This is what happens when I think about you, Cat.” He stepped until he was directly in front of her. “How do you propose taking care of this?”

Her hands reached out and replaced his. She wrapped both hands around the shaft and leaned forward to lick the remaining portion above her hands, loving both the image of such a cock and the anticipation of feeling it inside her body. A smile curled the corners of her mouth, “I have many ideas, Master.”

Cat took the head of his cock into her mouth, coated it with her saliva, removed one hand and pressed her mouth over his cock, pulled back, and removed her other hand as she pushed back down the length of it, back and forth until he moaned at the feeling of his cock head entering her throat and being pressed deeper down her throat. He gasped out, “What do you … have in mind … my lusty slave?”

She pulled back, removing his cock from her mouth, licking her saliva off it, then looking up at him with lust-crazed eyes and spoke with a tone of command far beyond what should be in a slave’s voice, “I will suck you and swallow your cum. Then, I will bring you back and I have a special request of you, Master.” He looked down at her as she licked his cock between speaking, his own vision fogged by his reciprocating lust for the specific pleasures he so enjoyed when he rejected the other slaves earlier. “I want you to take my ass, Master.”

That wasn’t a casual request for Cat. She had not been a sexual prude on Earth but the idea of taking Goran’s large cock was a daunting idea but one she had been pondering. She wanted her submission and commitment to this man to be complete. She wanted another way to show him everything about her was his: every hole in her body was his for pleasure; she would fight alongside him; and she would be an extension of his will in any manner he would need.

He reached down and lifted her chin to gaze into her eyes. He chuckled, “Your ass? Another 21st century thing?”

She kissed the cock in her hands while holding his gaze, “Actually, probably a 20th century thing. But it was often a sign of commitment or domination. In this case both: my complete submission to your domination.” She licked the length of his cock in a teasing way as she formed the next words. “You wanted an exceptional slave in the eyes of others. Another situation like tonight … if I were servicing three men at the same time …”

“Cat … you saw the looks when you pulled another man to your mouth the first time. Then, it was like a frenzy. I watched the other slaves, too. They saw what was in their future. Exceptional, indeed. First, shaved. Then, two men at once. Now, three men in three holes? I suspect word will be spreading about my slave …” He pondered for a moment, “It’s done on Earth …” She nodded, shyly. “Won’t that hurt?”

She nodded, again. “But, if you are gentle, the muscles will adjust … even to your size.”

He shook his head, but she understood it was in wonder to her offering, not a denial. She resumed voraciously sucking his cock. She knew he was in desperate need after watching her ravagement at the hands, or cocks, of the other men. She took him deeper and deeper until she again had his cock stroking into her throat. She felt his cock swell and pulse. She held it in her throat for a moment longer, flexing the muscles of her throat around it, before pulling back as his cock began twitching followed by a violent jerking as she positioned the cock head at the opening of her throat. Never before had she attempted that but was another new experience she had earlier decided to add for him. His climax was almost painfully constricted by her mouth and throat. The first spurt of cum spewed down her open throat and she gulped to keep from choking as she breathed through her nose between spurts of cum pouring down her open throat.

Goran staggered momentarily, using his hand on her head for balance as his climax rocked his body and mind, his head sagged back on his neck, his mouth gaping open as he gasped for breath. He looked down finally, marveling again at the woman kneeling before him as she sucked like a vacuum to pull the last of his cum into her mouth. After licking and sucking any remaining remnants of his climax from his cock, she stood and guided him to the bed, only to return her mouth, lips, and tongue to his cock. He gasped and groaned at the feeling of her attention, his cock beginning to soften but only for an instant before being stimulated to remain semi-hard. Within an amazingly short time, she was rising above his reclining body and straddling his hard cock. His mouth was opening and closing, gasping for breath, like a guppy out of water. She sat down on his cock, her pussy plunging down the length of it, then fucking him, bringing gasps and sighs from both of them. He only watched, curious of what would happen and how but also transfixed by her large breasts swaying, swinging, and bouncing before him like a sexual hypnotic spell.

When she pulled off him and knelt on the bed pointing toward his feet, he saw his glistening cock with her juices and watched her lay her head and chest on the bed, her hands spreading her ass cheeks to expose her puckered asshole. She was serious; she really wanted to do this.

He rolled to his knees, then moved up behind her, his glistening cock in one hand as the other grasped her hip. He aligned his cock head to her closed hole but hesitated.

“Do it, Master. My entire being is yours. My body is for your pleasure and discretional use. I will stand beside you against any foe.”

He had a moment of wondering which one of them might have been more dominant if they had met on Earth in her time, but they weren’t on Earth and it wasn’t her time. He placed his cock against the puckered hole and pressed forward. It was like pressing against her thigh at first, then he saw her asshole push outward and his cock began stretching the opening into her. She grunted as his cock stretched her open until the head was suddenly past the sphincter and lodged tightly inside. Her hand moved from one cheek to his thigh and he understood the intention for him to pause. She was gasping, panting, her face turned on the bed showed her eyes tightly squeezed, her mouth gasping for air, her nose flaring to taking in air, too. He felt her ass pulse around his cock, the tightness was intense and he doubted this was going to work.

It took Cat many moments to gather herself, to control her labored breathing, and ease the impulse to push him out of her hole. The few times she had given her asshole to a lover before, the cocks were so much smaller, at least thinner. This felt every bit like sacrificing herself but in her mind it was not really a sacrifice as much as an ultimate gift, something that hadn’t been experience by him or practiced on HOR.

When her body had relaxed around the massive pole just inside her, it came to her mind as an after-thought, a sudden realization that the pain had dissipated, that her ass was clenching around the head of his cock as if milking it, as if attempting to entice it further inside. She took a deep breath and pushed back against him tentatively. With her hand still on his thigh, she pushed back, pulled, and pressed again. She took inches more each time. She remembered the first time he fucked her pussy and how that had felt. This was so much more intense. She took another deep breath, released her controlling hand on him, and pressed back hard.

He saw and felt her release of control on the situation. Her hand off him, his cock sinking several more inches inside her, he took her hips in his hands and took control. He had never imagined the fucking into a sleeve so tightly wrapped around his cock. If he hadn’t just been brought to climax, he was sure he would have already be spurting cum.

Cat had never orgasmed from only anal penetration before. If she did orgasm while being fucked in the ass, it always seemed to be from stimulation of her clit by herself or her lover. This was completely different. She was a limp rag doll underneath Goran. Once he got going, he fucked her ass like the demon this world thought he was. Her mouth hung open, drool leaking out u*********sly, her head and upper body pressed into the bed surface, his cock driving into her ass in long, strong strokes. Her first orgasm shook her, her eyes rolling back in her head leaving her in a blank, shrouded impression of her surroundings. When her eyes rolled back and her vision slowly focused, he was still pounding into her ass. She was registering nothing but the erotic stimulation emanating from her ass into her pussy and up through her body. Her entire body began shivering with another orgasm approaching when she felt his pile-driving cock swell and jerk inside her ass. She felt every spurt shooting inside her, seemingly flooding into her bowels … and she orgasmed, again.

When she came to, her first sense was his body pressing tightly against her back, his arms wrapped protectively around her. He must have sensed or felt a change in her breathing or body. His question came to her softly and with concern, “Are you alright, Cat? Did I hurt you too much?”

Cat pressed her ass into his soft cock and hips while wiggling against his powerful chest. She breathed in and released a satisfied sigh. She turned in his arms, “I am completely yours, Master. Do you desire to use me, again?”

He sighed contentedly, held her and rolled onto his back and pulling her with him so she lay along his side, her arm crossing his chest and her leg dr****g over his thigh. He stroked her back gently from her shoulder to her butt. “I desire that you sleep, now. We have much traveling to do and as much planning.”

She wanted details. It was her old self still wanting some measure of control, but she instantly released the impulse. She snuggled into him, secure in his arms. He would divulge what needed to be when it was safe. As her eyes drooped, she did wonder what Santini’s mission request was. She also wondered if Goran had accepted it …

* * * CHAPTER 6: THE BORSIN will follow * * * Thanks for reading.


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CHAPTER 4: GORAN’S PLANThe next morning Goran carried the two large packs to the corral where the borsin was still behaving himself. Cat struggled under a larger load of other items. They were leaving as soon as Goran made two more stops at craft shops. He hefted the packs onto the back of borsin and secured them. Cat was to secure everything else and meet him with the borsin who he talked firmly to about cooperating with his slave. Cat was surprised by the reaction from it as it looked...

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CHAPTER 9: EXECUTE“Father, you’re sure he’s going to show?” Bartle and his two sons were astride their a****ls overlooking the open valley just below. The second son sounded as concerned as the first, “He’s a mercenary and assassin, can he really be trusted?”Bartle scanned the opposite side of the valley with a small telescope. Each of his sons also had one, though they were now intent on him.“I have known Goran long enough to know who the man really is. Yes, I trust him. Don’t forget he was...

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CHAPTER 3: OWNEDThe travel through the wasteland proved to be uneventful. Though riders were spotted along the way, it did seem that word had somehow preceded the caravan and even a group of marauders did not wish to attempt an attack on a caravan with Goran leading the way.Once the caravan had reached the relative safety of the other side, as if they had traversed a treacherous open sea, Goran left Cat with the borsin while he finalized the negotiation for his services. Since the caravan...

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CHAPTER 8: CONTROLGoran’s cock softened and slowly inched from Cat’s flexing pussy walls. She lay purring on his body. As much as she loved the feeling of his hard, throbbing cock filling her pussy, the feel of it naturally deflating and crawling out of her like an escaping snake was somehow special in its own way. Both of them seemed to lay breathlessly, trying to not move, instead each trying to hold onto the feeling after their shared coupling and climax.Goran lightly stroked his fingertips...

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CHAPTER 1: ARRIVALCatherine James had risen quickly in her career with the US Marines. An unlikely candidate for the Marines, she holds multiple Masters and PHD degrees in Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Bio-Medical, and Nursing (during a period she was bored). Having been raised on a Montana ranch and growing up outdoor doing hard work with her brothers and father, she was also identified in the genius category. She left the ranch at 15 years old when she graduated from high...

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Hors dOeuvres

HORS D?OEUVRES HORS D?OEUVRES A Selection of Startersby Velvetglove Author?s Note The three stories in this Selection are primarily written for the submissive male reader. Please note before reading any further that they are mild, consensual and completely different to my other work. Anybody thinking they?ll be getting another dollop of ?After the Pestilence? may be sorely disappointed !I found these titbits whilst tidying up my PC and decided to post rather than delete them. They are...

5 years ago
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Adventures of the Starship Hornblower

Adventures on the USS Hornblower by Bad Irving and Maggie Finson Lieutenant Robin Fischer glanced nervously around the boulder that he had taken cover behind. Muttering to himself about idiotic ideas regarding contact with other, not always friendly races. And even more, muttering under his breath about being stuck with all the shit jobs just because he was the newest member of USS Hornblower's crew. This job had sure...

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Captain Horatio Horn and the Slutty Space Pirates

Losing two ships in as many weeks never looks good in your official reports. Captain Horatio Horn, top of the class at the academy, fastest to get command of his own ship, and general military badass, sat sweating alone in the escape pod. Two meters tall, short black hair, and a ripped body the envy of any soldier which filled his sharp dress uniform to perfection, Horn looked back on the events of the previous day. This time at least he had managed to get all of his men off the ship before...

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We have been friends with Alison and James for some time now, ever since we found out that they had fun. I mean fun in the sense that they enjoyed eroticism and the sharing of the flesh. As soon as we knew, Maggie and Myself became intrigued. I suppose intrigued was an understatement, we wanted them badly. Maggie would lie awake at night after a good sex session and masturbate. I caught her once. When quizzed, she said she was fantasising about being between Alison’s legs and licking her...

Group Sex
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Adventures Of Pinkie

A beautiful teenager with naturally huge tits, young Pinkie becomes a prisoner of her new found lust when she joins a biker gang and volunteers her bountiful breasts to become subjected to their bizarre bondage and perverted torture games. Once exposed to the exciting and glamorous world of nude dancing, Pinkie repels her inhibitions and thrusts herself into a non-stop quest for extreme sexual experiences including gang-banging, cat-fighting and severe bondage rituals. As new-born...

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LaWhore in Lahore

Shazia awoke by the sound of banging iron gates, she opened her eyes staring at the lizard above her mattress, the small beam of sunlight shining through a letterbox sized window, Shazia had to adjust her eyes to where she at. The gate banging became louder as finally a brighter light came into her cell as the door opened. The police officer, with his thick moustache and grimy grin standing over her whipping he ass with his cane whilst instructing her assertively to get up.Shazia jumped off the...

2 years ago
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Two weeks with Horas Chapter 2

After Horas had again serviced Cathy and then I had my turn we headed for the shower. Cathy was so wired and she clung to me kissed and thanked me. I could tell she really did enjoy Horas. I could see why. He was all brute force, a big thick cock and a tongue well practiced. Brian and Leena had obviously trained him well. I was very thankful that Leena hadn’t told my brother that Cathy was also one of Horas’ bitches. I would have been mortified. Cathy and I climbed into bed and kissed. Sleep...

2 years ago
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Two weeks with Horas Chapter 5

Sunday dawned and Cathy and I get breakfast done and dusted. Cathy kept looked towards the front hallway. I suspected she was hoping Lizzy would come calling. Cathy insisted on feeding and watering Horas. He seemed excited. Perhaps still buzzing from his adventures the day before. After all two bitches has to be better than one. As for me? Well I enjoyed the delights of two women. It wasn’t long before Cathy was again on her hands and knees with cries of “Horas lick” then “Horas mount”. I had...

2 years ago
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Two weeks with Horas Chapter 1

My brother, Brian, and his wife, Leena, rang to say they were going on holidays and could me and Cathy look after their Doberman for two weeks. I didn’t bother to ask my wife, Cathy, as I knew she wouldn’t be too keen on having a dog around. I thought it would be funny watching her fend off Horas (that really is his name) as my brother had let slip one day that Horas was “intact” and I suspected that he pleased Leena. I was shocked at first but held my tongue. Of course my impression of Leena...

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Adventures in Swinging Ch 07 In Search of a Unicorn

After Kathleen’s solo adventure with Kyle, she seemed to become less and less interested in swinging with other couples. Our nights out at parties and nightclubs became rarer, and her insistence that I find a playmate of my own grew stronger. Without realizing it, our shared swinging hobby gradually transitioned into more of a parallel pastime.“I just think it’s easier this way,” she explained to me one night. “It’s too hard to find a couple where all four people are completely compatible and...

Wife Lovers
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Two weeks with Horas Chapter 6

I reminded Cathy that Brian and Leena would be back next weekend. She actually looked sad. It was obvious that she was enjoying her nightly coupling with Horas. She had completely surrendered to idea of daily sex with her doggy lover. Horas, on the other hand, knew he was going to get bitch no matter who it was. I didn’t tell Cathy that in case she started to weep. The week started normally but on Wednesday night Elizabeth from next door came knocking. Cathy invited her in. “I just thought...

3 years ago
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Two weeks with Horas Chapter 4

I put the groceries on the kitchen table. I noted that Elizabeth, our next door neighbour, was wearing my bathrobe. It has never looked so good. Both she and my wife Cathy looked a little dishevelled. Obviously while I was shopping they had been busy being pleasured by Horas the Doberman. Both could not stop smiling. Even Horas looked happy. I was feeling the odd man out. Cathy started to put the shopping away. I am banned from that as I always put things in the wrong place. Lizzy was sitting...

3 years ago
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Two weeks with Horas Chapter 3

Poor Horas was looking very downcast after failing to mate with Cathy. After we had dinner I looked over and he looked at me and I could see he was unfulfilled. I mentioned this to Cathy and she said she understood. Quickly undressing she “entertained” Horas in the lounge room. I swear I saw his smiling as he humped her. I sat watching as wife and dog became one. Grunts and moaning and whimpering filled the room. It only lasted maybe 10 minutes and Horas was lying down licking his weapon and...

3 years ago
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Two weeks with Horas Chapter 7

Sunday morning dawned. We had breakfast and Cathy feed and watered Horas. He wouldn’t have known soon he would be home with Leena. Cathy cuddled him. “One last time?” she asked as if my opinion held any wait. Still in her dressing gown she encouraged him to dive between her thighs. A task he seemed to enjoy. Having lapped away and made her cum she assumed and position, hands and knees on the floor with the robe pulled up. “Horas mount” she said and guided his into her soaked sex. “Oh good boy”...

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Adventures of Big Boob Candy Trailer Park Whore

I had lived in the Old West Trailer park just outside of Las Vegas for 4 years. I had a string of bad luck at poker and craps. I had lost my house, my wife and my dog over a short period. Being 23 years old and broke sucks big time. I now play poker tournaments on the Internet and have won enough to pay for a trailer and beer. I have open my second beer since I started writing this story. I am not sure how it happen but I am glad it did. It all started about a month ago.I was hanging my wash on...

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Adventures in Zhor Part 4

Khali leads you from the busy pleasure house common room to a dark narrow corridor. Girls pass you on the way, smirking at your fate, pressing their nubile bodies close against yours as they pass, a few even stroking your breasts or pressing their thighs sensually into your groin. As you try to linger with one girl or return the attentions of another Khali pulls your leash to keep you moving. Being led like chattel is demeaning but it feels strangely right. From the corridor you go...

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Adventures in Horticulture

It was not too much to ask, a simple chore, really. Her neighbor, Prof. Masterson, a kind elderly woman who had always been a good friend, asked Emily to tend to her house while she was away at a botanical exposition. The professor had fallen all over Emily with praise but there really was no reason. Emily was happy to do it and the chores involved were quite trivial. She was engaged to collect the mail and water the plants inside the house and the adjoining arboretum. It could hardly take more...

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Hortense Triumphs

The male sensed that today was different as he was led to the room by his Mistress, naked leashed and on all fours. He had surrendered everything to Madam Hortense Brigham, the plump 60 year old woman who had drawn him into her web, teasing him into her world of domination and beyond, breaking his spirit completely through cruel and rigorous punishments and humiliations, reducing him to the controlled and obedient slave he now was. She had promised him he would be disposed of when the whim...

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Adventures Leading to African Exploration Chapter 1

Introduction: Beginning in the U.S.A. but will get more intense African Intense Experimental Adventures This is Fictional and Please do not steal our idea. Id like some feed back please. katejeffdeanadventures at yahoo dot ca My wife Kate, our friend Dean or me are writers. We have read some of the stories on here and we see how many pick on Grammar and Spelling. We are using Open Office to write with. It does have spell check. But just the same worried that it may not pick all spelling...

4 years ago
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Adventures in Computers

*I want to try something I haven't before. I want to try to interact with comments. At certain parts of the story I plan to have the main character doing something like online chats or something of that nature. She would interact with the comments you say as if you were talking to her. Some of the things you say could influence certain changes to the main character as well. For instance, "Damn those are some big tits. But they could be bigger." May make the main character decide to augment her...

2 years ago
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Adventures of a Merchant Dance with a Demon

Adventures of a Merchant: Dance with a Demon by Arcie Emm See Prior Adventures of a Merchant: 1. The Start 2. A Pause in Corels 3. Choices Notes: - Thank you to Hope Eternal Reigns whose editing so often causes me to embarrassedly exclaim, Doh! - The use of ~ around dialog designates it as something a den in the City of Glanlies... A tale untold is like jewelry unsold, precious and shining gloriously, only for its owner. With my writing contract not extended...

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My Big Horsecock and my two Sisters

This is my first story. This really happened in my life and it is the first time I have told this story. My BIG HORSECOCK and my two older sisters. It all started when I was 10 years old. I grew up in a large family but I was closest to my two older sisters, their names are Julie who was 20 years old with massive tits and Lana who was 18 years old and huge double D tits. I had a big cock for a ten tear old boy at about 6 inches long and very thick. I loved to jerk off at night thinking...

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Adventures Of A Horny Indian Housewife

Dear Indian sex stories Readers, My name is Kaveri and am 38 years housewife with a husband and a son. At this age , I am not as beautiful as I was in my twenties however my friends say that I’m in great shape. A bit of voluptuous too. As my husband will on travel most of the days I feel bored at home, so I decided to take up a teaching profession to put my time into useful things. I got permission from my husband and I gave interviews. After about 2 months I got the job at my native place of...

2 years ago
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Adventures of a Merchant Choices

Adventures of a Merchant: Choices by Arcie Emm See Prior Adventures of a Merchant: 1. The Start 2. A Pause in Corels ...being continued... Greetings once more friends. At the end of my last tale I mentioned that it was time for me to spend some time in the now and I took my own advice. After a stay in Corels to visit family, I continued on to Elladoo Post for my first visit in a number of year. As it always does, the visit served to remind me of who I am, for people who knew you...

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Adventures being Tied and Edged by Guys Adventure 1 Scott in Atlanta

Adventures being Tied and Edged by Guys. Adventure #1, Scott in Atlanta. Authors note:  I am a straight guy with a lifelong love of bondage.  I have had a special love for edging ever since I saw my big sister’s ?Joy of Sex? with the picture the guy tied spread eagle while the girl sat on him and teased his cock.  I have tied and been tied by women many times, and enjoyed it thoroughly.  However, when they took the dom role, I never felt like they were enjoying it.  A few years ago, after...

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Adventures of the exhibitonist girl part 2

Sorry for bad English, not my native language Brief summary of the first part. Kadri felt at 11-year old, that her passion is exhibitionism. She was cautious at first, but then more and more daring in her exhibitionism adventures. She was naked at the beach of the lake in front of almost hundred people, then took shower with boys. Her football coach noticed Kadri’s habits and proposed her to take shower with him. Then Kadri got first sex experience at 12. After that she also tried winter...

2 years ago
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Adventures in Astral Projecting Part I

Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 14:04:11 -0700 From: William Steps Subject: Adventures in Astral Projecting Part I ADVENTURES IN ASTRAL PROJECTION Episode one; Accidental Revelation I had been experimenting with astral projection since I was eighteen years old, back in 1999. I had no success whatsoever at first, but the more I practiced the more I had some results. I pursued it as more of a hobby, but after a few years I was able to correctly see things in...

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Adventures With Young Married Maid 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone! Myself Abhay, I have been a silent member of this forum since a very long time and it has helped me make many sexual adventures in my life. So I would like to share with you guys one of the adventures with my maid and the things that followed. This is an incident when I was still studying. I had returned home from Mumbai during my 2nd year of college for the Diwali holidays. I am 6’1 tall, decent build man with wheatish complexion. We live in Ahmedabad. I am the only child in my...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 12 Compelled to Betray

Sam could not deny a sense of deep friendship as he saw the towering Cerberus standing there by the entrance. Even though it was a Mark IV, made obsolete quite a while ago with the Union military now using the Mark IX, it still was an impressive combat system. The fact that Charles was truly sentient made the Cerberus much more dangerous than any known main battle system in Sam’s opinion. Sam has just stepped out of a TMT booth and onto Treasure Island Plaza, right before the sky-reaching...

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Adventures of a Truck Stop Teen Whore Chapter 2 Best Friends Uncle

***** Chapter 2 - Best Friend's Uncle I wanted to cover my cum drenched body with my black coat as quickly as possible to advertise to everyone passing by that I was no longer available. The middle-aged white man, who I couldn't clearly see due to the darkness of the night, had tightly grabbed hold of my right butt cheek while constantly asking me how much I charge for a quick fuck. I ignored his requests, gathered my coat, and took small side steps towards the end of the bus stop bench to...

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Adventures of a Truck Stop Teen Whore Chapter 7 Family Affair

***** Chapter 7 - Family Affair BEEP... BEEP.. BEEP. I awoke as my alarm started going off. I blindly reached for my phone that was on a nightstand and pressed the snooze button as my eyes slowly opened. My head ached, my body weak, and both my vagina and butthole felt sore. My mind was foggy as I tried to remember what happened last night. I then noticed a huge, heavy, and hairy arm hugging my stomach and a body pressed against my back while I laid on a bed, naked on my side. It has been a...

4 years ago
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Whores for the Horde

A twist of magics ancient and the World of Warcraft takes new drastic form. The bloody history of the Horde changes… a lifestyle… a freedom… becomes The Way of the Horde. The prudish Alliance think it wrong and uncivilized, but for the races of the Horde they revel in it. What is the Way of the Horde? Quite simply that any female who is of age is free to be ‘bred’ by any male who is of age. Whether the act of breeding produces offspring or not is irrelevant. The act itself (or any ‘breeding...

3 years ago
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Adventures with Nina

Introduction: A sexually precocious boy is either being scared or blown by his insane sitter. Chapter 1 I was, to put it mildly, sexually precocious. By the time I was 13 years old, I was jerking off three or more times a day, and trying (desperately) to peak into the clothes of every female I got near. I sort of had a girl friend, Stacy, who was a year older than me. Our parents had been trading baby sitting since we were little, so we had been thrown together every week or so for years. We...

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Horace and Billie

I guess you’re right Baby Doll, I am a romantic. Looking back on the stories I’ve written, regardless of whether they’ve got lot of sex in them or not, regardless of whether they’re violent or pacifist they’re all love stories. Thanks for your love. I love you very much. * Begin: My name is Albert Wolf, and I want to set the record straight about my grand-uncle Horace Featherstone and my, uh, my, um . . . I guess I’ll have to call ‘her’ my grand-aunt because, I . . . well they . . . actually...

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Adventures Of Horny Indian Housewife 8211 Part 2

Hello dear Indian sex stories readers, in my last story I have described about my exotic adventures in Coimbatore while completing the joining formalities. Now I got a teachers posting in higher secondary school in my residential place of Chennai itself. Its my first day in the school, I went before the scheduled time of 08:30 itself. Initially I met our principal, he called on the clerk and asked her to show me my desk. I followed her, she showed my desk situated in a staff room where most of...

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Whore of the Horde Anastasia

I trudged through the deep snow, trying to get as far from civilisation as possible. The forest was dark, it was desolate and it was safe. For a few weeks, there had been reports of some kind of infection spreading around the world like wildfire. Our harbours and airports had all been closed as several countries succumbed to this virus but it was too late. It had already breached Russia and was now beginning to cause chaos and turmoil around the major cities. I did what I had to do to survive,...

3 years ago
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Whore of the Horde Vanessa

The sun was setting; I sat on my balcony watching as it descended from the clear blue sky. My ginger hair blew slightly as a chilly breeze began to come in. I wiped my emerald green eyes before taking one more sip of lemonade. With a sigh I walked back into my room. My name is Vanessa Alton; I am a sixteen year old girl from Sydney, Australia. I am about five foot three inches tall and weigh just over one hundred pounds. I am the daughter of Millionaire Phillip Alton who unfortunately was...

2 years ago
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Adventures in Swinging Ch 10 How It All Ended

After my experience with Dan and Lisa, I wasn’t actively looking for another “hotwife” couple. Shortly after I severed ties with the two of them, however, I received a message on our swinging website. I had reached out to Phil and Danielle shortly before meeting Dan and Lisa. I was not only intrigued by the photos they included in their profile, but also with their sincere and articulate description of themselves.Danielle was just my type of woman: blonde and petite, and with an exquisite...

Wife Lovers
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Benedict and Veronica Horton

Benedict, Ben or Benny, Horton, Veronica, or Ronnie, Horton nee Parker: that's us. Both aged forty. Married going on fourteen years I guess. Happy? She is, I'm not, and for damn good reason: she's been cheating on me. And, not just cheating on me, but serial cheating on me, with at least four different men including my boss, and that for at least the last thirteen years; she admits to that long. And, I just found out about it today. Fuck! How did I find out? Well, that's the story, at least...

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Meri Sexy Life 8211 Part I Shoro Ke Din

Dear readers, meri sexy kahani key nam sey mien apni abtak ki poori kahan le ker ayee hoon. Jis mien aap ko meri shoro ki zindagi ka padrh ker ajeeb lagey ga jahan aik seedhi saadhi student ladrki kis terah apney subhi sex organs ko bacha ker rakht hey aour baad mien kiya hota hey yeh agey aney waley parts mien pata chaley ga. So, shoro mien kahan mien woh chatpata pan nhaien jo aam tor pe yahan ki kahaniyoon mien hota hey, mager agey chal ker aapko na sirf maza ayega bulkey aap mien sey kaye...

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Adventures at an Artists Colony Ch4

ADVENTURES AT AN ARTISTS' COLONY CH. 4SisyphusI thought about the sexual adventure I was having with Angel, how wild, imaginative and honest it was. Role playing lets us be more uninhibited and explore places we might not otherwise go. I thought about how we played off of each other and got so fully into each other’s games. There was definitely chemistry between us and I found myself wanting to know her better and to take what started as play to another level. So that night when it was my turn...

Straight Sex
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Whore of the Horde Sarah

It’s ironic really. I hated school but yet I was here, sitting in the room I despised. I wasn’t exactly a rebel but then again I wasn’t a goody two shoes. I just disliked being here, it had been a living hell for years but now I started to see the light. The school made an excellent shelter. I’ll ease up a little and tell you all that I know about my current situation. About two weeks ago, there was an outbreak of a deadly virus in Japan. We had no idea what it was or how it had come to be, all...

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Adventures of a Truck Stop Teen Whore Chapter 6 Truck Stops Whore Fucking Club

***** Chapter 6 - Truck Stop's Whore Fucking Club After putting on the revealing pink outfit that my grandpa left for me on the bed, I waited in the family room office until he clocked out. I was so exhausted but I still had the thoughts of sex swirling around in my mind. I was also very curious where my grandpa wanted to take me dressed like this before he drops me off at my place. I heard him shout out my name from the security office lobby area. I walked towards his voice and sat on the...

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Whore of the Horde Rachel

“My name is Rachel Takahashi. I’m an 18 year old student from Cincinnati, Ohio. Twenty eight days ago, life was normal. Twenty eight days later, the world has gone to shit.” I closed the video camera, as my eyes began to water. I was the last person that seemed to be alive in the entire city. We all knew this day was going to happen, we just didn’t realise how soon it was going to happen. There were reports on the news about cannibalistic attacks in the southern states, but nobody prepared....

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The Horseman

Once upon a time there was a princess. She was feeling very trapped in her kingdom so she wanted to take a ride. She summoned her horseman to take her on this ride. He was a loyal man and was willing to do anything her royalness asked of him. Because deep down inside he had serious feelings for her, But was afraid to show this because he was afraid that she did not feel the same way about him considering their positions in the social order as they were. He brought the horse around and helped...

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The Legend of the Dickless Horseman

 It was a dark and stormy night. I was reminded of that fact by a beagle glaring down at me, hunched over like a vulture, perched on the porch of my destination. I pulled my raspberry beret down snugly for protection from the bitter New York wind.I glanced at the decaying house before me. The years had not been kind. Whereas it once stood majestically on a hill radiating beauty now it was an eyesore; the real estate equivalent of Kathleen Turner. Still, it was precious to me. Full of wonderful...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Adventures With Traci Marcie And The Construction Workers

On the Monday morning following our exciting Saturday afternoon with Steve, Traci and I had to return to the mundane world of work. Traci was employed as a receptionist for a large investment firm. She spent her day answering the telephone, greeting clients and getting coffee or water for everyone but herself. She wasn't thrilled about her job, but she realized that her situation was the result of her own choices. While majoring in modern dance had been fun and  fulfilling, it hadn't been a...

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Adventures of Louise continuesAsian slut from Manila

It’s been a while since you (readers) have heard last from me (hubby came home for the Christmas vacation but has left again), so I guess it’s ok again to share my adventures to you all readers , as I had read most of your comments to hear more, well here it is …the adventure continues… Aaron used to pay me a visit once or two times a week after that first encounter (first adventure), I was excited and satisfied every time we would have sex in every corner of the...

2 years ago
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Adventures of a Truck Stop Teen Whore Chapter 4 First Truck Stop Gangbang

***** Chapter 4 - First Truck Stop Gangbang I didn't have enough hands and arms to cover up my tits, ass, and pussy while I walked down the pedestrian pathway towards the exit. I wanted to leave the truck stop as soon as possible before a person I knew could recognize me. I was now passing by the first big rig truck, who was parked next to the trucker that just fucked me. The truck driver who drove that truck was standing outside, near the driver side door, smoking a cigarette. We were...

2 years ago
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Adventures of a Truck Stop Teen Whore Chapter 5 Grandpas Love

***** Chapter 5 - Grandpa's Love While still in a daze, someone shouted my name and asked about my well-being. I looked towards the golf cart to see which security guard recognized me. My eyes widened in fear when I saw my Grandpa Harold sitting there staring at me with a look of horror on his face, while I sat on a shipping crate, naked and doused in cum. Grandpa Harold is my deadbeat father's step-dad. We are not blood related but I do consider him family. He is the only person, on my...

4 years ago
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Playing Horsey With My Mom And Dad

It’s only now, many years on that I realise what an odd and peculiar up bringing I had with mom and dad. You see we lived in a one bedroom flat above mom’s workplace and some of my earliest memories that I can remember is hearing my mom being fucked by dad, although I did not know what they were doing at the time or anything I did at the time either. It all came about with getting my last feed in their bed on a night, I can vaguely remember my dad sucking on moms tits too, sharing my supper....

3 years ago
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ThorChapter 2

Thor was a 15-year old freshman. His Physical Education class at school was right before the lunch break. He entered the shower to wash off the sweat of activity. "Damn Thor! You must be popular with the ladies," one of the boys said as he showered also. Thor's penis was nine inches long and always looked like it was erect. Thor ignored the words as the constant voice of his Mom rang through his head, "Never let any girl touch your penis." He wasn't sure why Mom told him that but he...

4 years ago
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adventures with a familypart 1

If you like arousing stories that have plot and character development too, you don't want to miss it. It takes some time at the start of the story to develop the characters and plot, but the payoff later is a story that's emotionally satisfying as well as very arousing. There's also humor, romance, and deeper themes. The plot naturally appeals to men, but many women and couples have enjoyed it too. This story is about me (sameer)…it takes place in bangalore in an upmarket society wher I...

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