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Castaway Cuckold
My wife and I are stranded on an island with five other men. When they started go become wrestles my wife did what she felt she had to do. I supported her of course, yet became very frustrated.

Castaway cuckold.


Roy, Suzie, Arthur, Ernest, Robert, Samuel, Joseph

We where flying out of the Caribbean heading for Columbia. I was on a business trip with my wife on our way to Columbia south America. The farming of soy and corn there is growing, and I was to see what future I might find selling irrigation systems.

I didn’t expect to be flying a small 8 passenger commuter plane from Puerto Rico to Venezuela, from there we were supposed to fly to Monteria.

There where only 4 other people plus one pilot, no copilot. All men no other women except my wife…. She was enjoying the attention of all the men, most of them had been working off shore oil for almost 18 months and couldn’t seem to keep their eyes off her. I am not a jealous man, in actuality it flattered me.

They where all very good looking darker skinned men that had physical jobs that kept their body’s in great shape. I envied them a lot. I have been behind a desk for the last several years, though I worked out three or four times a week. But I had nothing on any of these men….

Susan that is my wife, I am Roy.

Susan was in heaven as these men couldn’t seem to keep their eyes off her, she was enjoying the stimulating conversations they were having, she was all but flirting with them, actually I think she really was flirting with some of them. …..

I let it go as she doesn’t have to much of a chance to flirt at home. We knew most of the men we hung around with and all of them happily married, just like me.

Anna was a very pretty and busty woman…. She was stacked with 48 double D breasts a not so small waist, mostly because of our 22-year-old son, legs that would make a man dream of her for weeks. She was 38 with dark brunette hair, hazel eyes, and a smile that the sun could learn to shine from.

she had never cheated on me, never seem to have a desire to. I loved my wife and I knew she loved me. Neither one of us was willing to hurt the other by doing something like that. However, I was a little worried by how she was mixing it up with the four men we were flying with. It was the first time she ever had that much attention from the opposite sex. And she seemed to be soaking it up. Her smile was beaming, and I didn’t have the heart to stop it. I could see how sexy she felt with all there ogling and lustful gazes.

Well truthfully, I loved it. the last time she was being hit on by another man, she got so excited by how sexy he made her feel, I had gotten the best sex I have ever had in our twenty-five-year marriage, and in fact in my life. She didn’t even kiss him. A man just doesn’t forget a day like that, actually more like a week. Ha, ha, ha.

When she took a break from the men to use the small rest room the plain provided, I had the first chance to speak to her. “You might want to be careful here Susan.” I warned.

She laughed, “Honey, they are getting off in Venezuela. We are going on. theirs nothing to worry about. And I will keep it down if another bunch of ‘Really hot looking men’ get on board.”

The lustful smile she was giving me was meant for just me. That means, if I read it right, that another week of great sex was forthcoming. Hell, I was game for that, who wouldn’t, the price was simply let her flirt with a few strangers till we landed…...

We almost got back to our seats when it started. Turbulence so hard we almost didn’t get buckled in. it came in so unexpectedly because no one noticed the clouds forming to the west of us. I really think it was my wife that distracted them. well us actually.

Suddenly a scream from a man at the front of the plain called out. “Shit the caption is dead!!!!”

I was a private pilot with over a thousand hours P.I.C. (pilot in command) so I headed to the front of the plain…

The caption was out of his seat and bleeding, so I knew he was alive, but he was u*********s. I tried to explain this, but everyone was panicking.

I made it to the left seat, checking the interments I noticed that we where at 45,000 feet and climbing. I pulled the trust levers back to an idle. Then I eased the nose forward. I dint know what the ceiling was on the plain we were in, but I knew that we were reaching it. we had to get down to a reasonable altitude fast…... I was encouraged when the altimeter started to show a us descending almost 1000 feet per Minuit. I wanted more but I also didn’t want to stress the bird. So, I took what I could get. I then started to head to the south hoping to out run the storm that way.

I would love to tell you all about the great flying I did to crash land it on an island, but I think we need to get to the point. Truthfully it was dumb luck… I got everything in order, I had only one engine going when I found an island quite by accident, and the one engine was running rough. I headed for the island and hoped it would make it. I found a beach an sat the bird on the sand gear down. When the left port landing gear hit the soft sand it swung around on me hard and drove the front steering gear into the soft sand bucking the back of the plain up and almost throwing me threw the wind screen…..

I came-too three days later. Next to my wife…. I rolled over and saw Suzan lying beside me, I touched her shoulder. She jumped almost like something bit her. “Easy baby-doll.” It’s just me.”

“You’re awake!!!!” her face lit up like the sun.

she came to me and kissed me with a big hug. ‘Ouch!!!!” I yelled, hell it hurt. My neck was strained along with my back and right arm.

Suzie pulled away abruptly. “I am so sorry, are you ok?”

“Yea, I will be fine. Just found some bad spots.” I looked at my wife, she was a sight for sore eyes this was for Shure, I can’t think of anything I would rather see than her right now. I smiled and said. “You are the prettiest woman on earth…..”

“Yea, so they tell me about sixty times a day each…” she said to me.

Suddenly I started to get confused. I had forgotten all that was going on. As I started to look around where I was things got really confusing…

As it turned out…. The four men and the pilot all survived the plain wreck. The four men started setting up camp and made the lean two I was under with my wife Suzie. They had been staying alive with provisions from the plain, though they where running low.

The island I had found accidently, was about two miles around. There are cliff faces on one side and beach on the other. They had found fresh water and make several trips there each day.

The caption was hurt pretty badly and almost died. Some-how he made it though. He is healing, but very slowly. I was the only other injured person by the grace of god, and not my great flying ability…

The four roughnecks that came a bored the plain where instrumental in our survival. They kept gathering wood to burn and water to drink. They also found a way to catch fish by trapping them in the rocks, on the other side of the island. The men were very ingenuitive.

We found some flora that is edible so we even had greens to eat. Though when they offered me Kelp. I declined.

On the outside we looked like a real teem of survivors. Each doing his best for the survival of all of us. Underneath, not so much.

I was up and around in just a few days, doing my part in survival.

I checked the plane and the E.L.T. (emergency locating transmitter.) There I found it disabled. I asked the caption about that and he said. It had failed to work a week before the flight. He said they had ordered a new one but the people who run the airline are very cheap and didn’t place the order.

I started pulling the radio’s and other avionics to see if I could get something working to help get us rescued. That is where I put most of my time. I thought that would be where I was most needed.

I could sense trouble starting right away. Though Suzie stopped flirting with the men, they didn’t stop flirting with her. I witnessed several of them talking to her taking a lot of time studding her. she wore loose clothing, but her bra was gone, and her boobs bounced when she walked.

I couldn’t blame the men for staring. They had been out at sea for some eighteen months. They were all heading back to their wives and girlfriends, and Suze was the only female anywhere around. This lasted quite a while.

I got better pretty fast and started to pull my load fairly quickly. I thanked them all for taking care of me while I was out and especially keeping watch over Suzie. They all smiled huge when I said her name.

I had figured out how to get the radio working again. I needed a lot of time and some carpenter tools to do it though. Mainly the batteries were dead and I needed to find a way to turn the alternator to charge them.

As I said before, the men where very insensitive and made a contraption that might just work. It took some to build it though.

Suzie was bumming around the beach ignoring all the metaphorical danger sines that where springing up everywhere, and had been since I had come too.

I was at our small well, I guess you would call it a hut. That we had made in our spare time. each of us started to build one so that we could get more privacy. Me and Suzie started making love in it as soon as it was built.

Suze came in the hut with a horrible look on her face. There is no way anyone could fake the terror she felt.

She looked at me…. “I, I, m. I Am, their...”

“Slow down baby doll.” I said as I went to her to try to comfort her. She was shaking as I took her in my arms. Then she broke down…

It was a good long time before she calmed enough to say. “I am going to be ****d….”

It was a statement of fact.


I held my wife for a long time until she was starting to calm down. A knock on the front of the hut let us know that someone was there.

“Come in.” I said. Suzie’s body went stiff and she grabbed me tight. I looked at the man that was coming into the hut.

It was Arthur Knocks. He was the caption of the airplane I had landed. I could see he seemed to recover well from his injuries.

“Arthur”? I said almost as a question.

“Roy, did she tell you what is going on?”

“she said something about her going to be ****d?” I asked.

He sat down, not that I invited him too. “The four rough necks are getting a little frustrated. They have a plan in place I found out about…”

I looked at him. “What about you?”

“I will take no part of taking a woman against her will!!!!” he sounded firm on this, I had no doubt he meant it…

“What is going on Arthur?” I asked with a look of don’t fuck with me on my face…

“That Richard ass hole I think is the one who started it… but Ernest is all in now and George and David are about to come in too. they want to get Suzie away from you in the jungle or if not, they will all four take you out. They think I am in it with them. but I will have nothing to do with it.” Arthur looked at me for a good long time as I held my wife….

I was out numbered four to three. Arthur was twenty years older than us, we were all in our mid-twenties. I could feel my wife shaking. I know she was regretting all the teasing flirtations she had doled out since we boarded the plane.

I finally said. “Suzie. There is an old saying. If **** is inevitable, lay back and enjoy the sex…” There was no way I could stand up to the four men. As much as I wanted to. We all new that me and Arthur would never stand a chance.

“I am scared…” Suzie said.

“Yea, I am sure you are but would you rather get ****d or go to them and give it willingly on your terms. They are going to fuck you either way. But if they knew that if you said no to something it meant no… and if you told them only one or two a day. Everyone would get the relief they need and maybe life would go on… if we tried to fight, I would of course but I will lose. And you will be taken and used far worse than option one. I do not want you hurt. I can live with you being fucked. But I can’t live with you being hurt.”

She looked at me for a long, long time. “Arthur, how long do I have before they come for us?”

I would say a day, maybe two. But I would probably say they will get together on this by tomorrow night.

“Tell everyone tomorrow morning I wish to address them. tell them please.” Her voice was resigned and flat.

I looked at my wife as I continued to hold her. She kissed me. Then she looked at me straight in my eyes and told me. “You can have me tonight. But when those other men start fucking me tomorrow morning. I am going to be fucking only them….” there was no hesitation in her voice. It was firm and plain. I was about to lose my wife because I couldn’t protect her…

The very next morning good to her word she showed up and got their attention. she laid out the rules very plainly. She would every night chose a hut to attend. she would rotate between all the men. They could fuck her pussy almost anyway they wanted but…. No anal…. Blow jobs are her choosing. Also, everyone must be clean. If you aren’t clean, I will not go to your hut. Then she continued. “If I am in the mood, I may stop at more than one tint a night. No rough stuff. If I say no it is no, do not argue. Or I will leave and won’t be back for a while. That is the rules. Take it or leave it….”

She went and got herself some food. She completely ignored me, not even glancing my direction. I felt terrible. I started to get to work on my project. I didn’t get a lot done that day. I kept throwing up.

That night true to her word she picked Ernest’s hut first. I think I know why. It was right next to our hut. She got really loud too. they spent almost two hours together making lusty noises. I heard every one of them. she came back to our hut when they were through and laid down next to me.
“Wow Roy, he is really good. I came so hard. He is a lot thicker than you are but not as long. I like the thickness. But boy can he eat pussy. Hay by the way did I get all his come off my mouth. He shot a load in my mouth and I swallowed but I can’t tell if I get it all off my lips.” She looked at me and swallowed, smiling big as she did. then she kissed me deep. I kissed her back and could taste him. she didn’t lie, She let him cum in her mouth… She had never done that for me…

The next day it was the same thing. Suzie was making sure I heard every grunt and moan. She came back to our hut after and kissed me again, making sure she knew she let him come in her mouth. Then she told me that his dick was bigger than mine too.

This continued. I continued to work on my project and Suzie continued to take care of everyone but me including Author. Each day she would come into the hut and brag about her lovers. Each day she would put me down and humiliate me.

It wasn’t long when I saw her being spit roasted in a small clearing by our water hole. She was on her hands and knees between Robert and Earnest with one in her mouth and the other in her pussy in broad day light…

So much for the one a night rule.

I had finally gotten my project to work. I had started to assemble the radios on top of the hill because I had only a small antenna. This was hard back breaking work; I had no help from the other men. After they started fucking my wife, they all started avoiding me.

I was at my hut one night and my wife came in as she always did and laid beside me as she always did. I waited for the humiliation to commence.

“I need to be close to the flap tonight Roy.” she said.

“What’s wrong” I asked…

“Arthur taught me how to take it up the ass. He and Samuel gave me two of the biggest cream pie enema. I will probably need to take a shit two or three times tonight…”

So much for the no anal rule.

She continued for the almost three months. I knew she had run out of her birth controled a month ago so I am sure she was expecting.

I had gotten my project finished and had it in working order almost nine months since we crash-landed. I started to stay on the hill the last three days. Like anyone was going to miss me. Well my wife will miss humiliating me every night. I haven’t had sex for almost six months now and I was miserable.

I finally made contact with my first aircraft about six days after I get the alternator working. I couldn’t make a distress call or anything but I found the frequency that I needed to make one.

I came in the camp all excited to tell everyone the good news. What I found sort of took all my joy from me. my wife was naked giving all five of the other men lap dances. There was no music but she didn’t need any. She kept teasing away. She offered to tease me a little but I just shook my head and went to bed.

The next day I was up at first light… I headed to the top of the hill where I was set up with the radio equipment batteries and alternator. I managed to make contact with a commercial jet liner. He was able to use his instruments to pin point our place.

It was four hours later I got a call from a rescue boat. He told me a chopper was dispatched and would be there in an hour.

All that work just played off in less than a few hours. Holly cow did I feel wonderful….

I ran down to the campsite and yelled into the huts. The fist one was my hut and I found it empty. No surprise. But I found body’s in the other ones. Yelling I told them “We need to get to the beach…”

Everyone woke up a little groggy. Obviously worn out fucking my wife all night… “To the beach… I yelled.

“what the hell” a totally naked Suzie asked.

“We have to go…” I told her plainly.

“Go where?” she asked.

“Go home.” I told her in a calm voice. I took what I had and started heading to the beach.

Suzie had been fucking all five of the men for almost five mouths. She started to show a little in her belly. I looked down and asked. How she was doing.

She just scowled at me.

I figured she was between two and three months pregnant. She still had birth control pills when I last had sex with her, so I know it wasn’t mine. I really didn’t care who’s it was either. She had ditched me, essentially and banding me because I couldn’t take all five men and protect her from the invariable. Not that, from what I could see, she minded at all.

I got to the beach and waited. Two of the men were setting next to Suzie and teasing her. I think they where trying to get her to put out on the beach in front of me. they started to get loud and obnoxious.

I went to them. and told them to knock it off. They started to get cocky and laugh at me.

I started to turn and then I came back with the small club I had in my hand. I knocked him up side his head and he was down and out. I stepped to the other asshole and raised the stick. He fell for it and I kicked his knee with my right foot causing the knee to go backwards at an impossible angle. He was out of it. I turned to the other two men who started to run away…

I walked back to the fuselage of the plane just in time to hear a large helicopter fly above us…

It took almost a week to get home. The insurance played off quickly. It took three days to get the house in order. I went back to work and started to put some sort of order back into my life. It took a while.

I didn’t say two words to Susan for almost two weeks. When we started to talk, the conversations contained one and two-word sentences. Her belly kept getting bigger and she seemed to be more and more angry with me as she grew. I slept in the spare room and left her with the master bedroom.

It was four months after we got back when she tackled me on the couch and forced me to talk to her. the fact is I was still in love with her even though she ditched me and left me with nothing.

I landed the plane; I was the only one that could. I fixed the radio that got us rescued. I kept up with survival and worked harder than any of the others. And my wife chose to humiliate me and not support me.

I looked at my wife. She tried to apologies for being such a bitch to me. for holding back and for trying to humiliate me.

“Trying?” I asked.

She looked down. “I am sorry.”

I told her that I need to know what she wanted now. Where do we go from here? But I told her not to answer. I told her to take two weeks and make up her mind…. I told her that I won’t listen to anything she said until the two weeks are up.

So, I went to work and came home. I slept in the spare room and kept quiet. I started talking to Susan, and our conversations where nice. she actually came up with some good ideas and we started smiling together.

Four days before the decision I started enjoying her company, and looking forward to coming home. I had to fight the urge to go to bed with her. to take her, and make love to her.

The day before the decision I came home and found a car in the driveway. I walked in and saw Earnest setting on the sofa. My lovely wife across from him.

“Honey? I have something to tell you….”

I was ready to go to fisticuffs with this man right then. I started to look around for weapons, finding none I started to slowly go to the kitchen.

Susan followed me.

I could have made it without her following me, but her following me caused emotions I didn’t know I had stirred up inside me. when I got to the butcher block that contained all our knifes. I stopped and turned.

“I guess you made your decision…” I said looking right in her eyes.

“I have…” she said very clearly.

I felt my knees going week I took two steps to a chair and missed, I fell to the ground. When Susie came to me to help me up, I pushed her away and climbed on the chair myself.

“Go then….” I said with tears starting to roll down my face… “Just go.” I almost didn’t get it out because my throat started closing on me.

“Roy, you don’t understand. I am not going anywhere.”

She was looking at me, I knew that, but I didn’t look at her. my heart was ripping out of my chest. I just couldn’t look at her.

She continued. “Earnest and his wife are here to make arrangements to pick up the baby after I have it next month.” she didn’t stop. “Every one took a D.N.A. test, and earnest won or lost whichever way you want to see it. Its his baby. And I am not going to ask my husband to raise any son that is not his.” She stared at me for a long time. “That is my last word. I love you Roy. I always have and I always will.” She then put her arms around me and held me. it felt good…

Thank you for reading

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PornHub Cuckold

With the porn industry always offering new pornographic content, you know that you will never get bored. No matter what you might be searching for, there is always a website that will fulfill your naughtiest desires. As for those who are specifically into something that is considered a fetish or a kink, finding the right type of a website might be a challenge.However, that is why I am here. I shall tell you all you need to know about different fetish porn websites, and the suggestions are all...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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iWank Cuckold

The online world is filled with all sorts of porn movies, including many popular fetishes. So if you are searching for something specific, I am sure that you will be able to find it. However, the process of searching for your favorite porn sites can be quite tedious, because a lot of porn sites are really not worth your time. That is why Fetish Porn Sites is all you really need.I am here to talk about a site that is filled with cuckold pornos. is a free porn aggregator that has...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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My Life as a Cuckold

Living with a cheating spouse.After the first year of marriage, my wife began an affair with her manager. He was the first of many men over the years. Some of them I knew about and I may have even encouraged them but most were done behind my back, in secret. Because she has these secrets, not a day goes by that it doesn't play on my mind. One day in my angst, I typed the word 'infidelity' into Google and discovered Literotica.There are so many stories here about unfaithful spouses and I...

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My Life as a Cuckold

Living with a cheating spouse.After the first year of marriage, my wife began an affair with her manager. He was the first of many men over the years. Some of them I knew about and I may have even encouraged them but most were done behind my back, in secret. Because she has these secrets, not a day goes by that it doesn't play on my mind. One day in my angst, I typed the word 'infidelity' into Google and discovered Literotica.There are so many stories here about unfaithful spouses and I...

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Sexcom Cuckold

For me, I have come to crown this fetish as the weirdest of all fetishes. I have come across the shittest of shit here on the Pornosphere, from machine fucking, tickling, pissing, bondage, submission and all sorts of sexual antics, but when it comes to cuckold, well, I don't have words to describe this shit. Some men are into interracial porn. To my amusement, these perverts want to watch their women worship and be stretched by big monstrous cocks from black maniacs. The weirdest shit is that...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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ImageFap Cuckold

Is this a joke, hombre? Do you fucking have a real girlfriend? Oh shit! I just remembered. You settled for the ugly BBW bitch on the Tinder dating app. Or could you be talking about your gay stud, faggot? Whatever shit it is, you just want a warm hole to nut in. Dumbass, I have seen it all in the pornosphere, but even if fetishes can get weird and kinky, cuckold is cringy. How lusty babes enjoy doing all shit with strangers as their boyfriends and husbands watch still amuses me.And how does a...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Husband turns me onto BBC Cuckold

I'm Suzy, and I've been married to my husband David for 15 years. I'm currently 35, 5'10, 140lbs, have shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, and measures 38-28-38". David is 38, 5'11", 175lbs, has blonde hair, blue eyes and has a 7" cock. Five years ago we started spicing up our sex life by visiting sex sites online, visiting adult video stores and renting their movies. We also agreed to try what each other wanted at least once.The first time that we involved someone else, was at a adult...

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NaughtyBlog Cuckold

Being a lover of porn for years now, not because I make money by reviewing porn but also because I'm a chronic wanker, and thus I am profound when it comes to pornsites and the shit they provide. What do you mean, Porndude? The thing is, I have come across my fair share of fucked up, low-effort sites that not even a 50-year-old virgin can fap you. Do you get what I'm saying motherfuckers? I am talking about sites that can lead you to hell rather than climax – spam and ad-filled sites that can...

Cuckold Porn Sites
4 years ago
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The Journey From Chastity To Cuckold

The journey from simple male chastity to cuckold chastity is an interesting one. It isn’t necessarily a natural progression to being a chastity cuck – the man who seeks to be placed in chastity isn’t by any means always fantasizing about his wife cuckolding him. However it’s often a slower journey from being kept in chastity…to adding the extra dimension of cuckolding into the mix. Being cuckolded by your woman, dovetails nicely with being denied sex by her. In fact most would argue that it...

1 year ago
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Make Him Cuckold

For most guys, having to watch their wife or girlfriend fuck another dude is a nightmare. My readers would feel that pain particularly deep. For you fucks, to get a girlfriend would be the culmination of a life's effort. It will take every ounce of strength and ingenuity you have in your bones. You only have the perseverance to accomplish it once, so you have to make it count.Your version of making it count probably doesn't include watching your bitch get her brains fucked out by a black dude...

Premium Cuckold Porn Sites
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sissy baby Jenny is a cuckold

Posted April 13. 2020By sissybabysusie aka babydicksissyCHAPTER ONE: It all started from a phone call from my wife Susie,"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?,.....YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN HOME AN HOUR AGO..YOU NEED TO GET HERE DAMN QUICK..NOW JOHNATHAN ..WE NEED A SERIOUS TO TALK ! ".What the hell is all this about I thought.Susie could be quite assertive if she had to be .Susie was typically reserved ,quite sweet, kind to others,always helpful .Her stunning looks have no doubt helped her promotion working...

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FapHouse Cuckold

If you can't give your whore girlfriend the satisfaction she deserves because you have a tiny cock, chances are she will try to find it elsewhere. There are a few reasons your girl would bring a handsome stranger home to ride and arch for them in front of you. Either you moron fucking cheated on her with your busty neighbour, who she is always jealous about, or you are a sissy partner, and you never make her tremble to your perversions, and she wants you to at least learn something new and pick...

Premium Cuckold Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Wife turning me into a cuckold

Another FantasyThis is just a fantasy and I am definitely not such a sub in real lifeOn many days I sit at my computer and watch porn without my wife’s knowledge. I really do like watching cuckold videos and have built up a large collection on my hard drive. Then it happened. My computer crashed with the Blue Screen of Death (a well-known Windows fault). I could not get it to work so I had to take it into the repair shop. It took a while for the shop to fix it and they were able to back up all...

2 years ago
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Being CUCKOLD and having the desire to see or know that your wife has sex with other men, in this type of relationship the husband usually puts his wife in charge of married life and becomes submissive to her.THE DIFFICULTIES OF BECOMING A CUCKOLD.One of the biggest difficulties in becoming a horn is convincing your wife to understand that you simply want to take a horn.Usually the horns start to fantasize about this during sex, then after a while the wife begins to dislike the idea, thinking...

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Wife cuckolds husband.I'm an always horney man, constantly thinking of sex in some form. I wonder about the type of sex every woman, I see, enjoys. That prudish old bitch everyone knows, whose ass is so tight you could stick a lump of coal in it and get a diamond out. I even imagine her with a penis in her mouth or a tongue in her pussy. That hot little thing everyone is slobbering over. Is she a hot piece of ass? Or, is she a bland fuck that leaves you wanting and needing more?Sex is always on...

1 year ago
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He owned us Both Cuckold

This story happened about a year after my wife Kathy and I got married. She had been an innocent college freshman when we met, I was a senior who hadn't had much luck with women throughout my undergrad, but managed to find enough courage to approach her in the psychology class we both took. She was even shyer than I was, but eventually after a few months of pursuing her I got her out on a date. A few months later and we finally had sex for the first time. It was the first time for us both,...

2 years ago
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Confederate Cock Sucker and Cuckold

My name is Grady, and my best friend, Harley, and I were participating in The Battle of Blountville (Tennessee) Civil War reenactment in September 2018, at a time when we were both forty-five years old, when something occurred that changed our personal relationship forever, in an intimate way. I’ll give you a little background before I get to the significant parts of the story.BackgroundWe live in Johnson City, which is only about thirty miles from the Blountville battlefield, both working as...

4 years ago
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Bred for Cuckold

This is a story about Stephanie, a new hot wife. I first introduced her in the first story I wrote, “Cards With Friends.” Stephanie is married to Jason, who is now a happy cuckold husband. This is now the ninth story with her. At the end of another story I wrote about these two, called “Threesome for a Hotwife,” Stephanie now wears a gold anklet on one of her legs that has a little, spade shaped charm on it, the capital letter “Q” in the center, to indicate that she is now a “queen of spades,”...

3 years ago
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Creating A Cuckold

It was a usual Tuesday night for us, my wife was finishing up dinner, and I had just gotten home from work. I was sitting at the kitchen table using my laptop, chatting with her here and there. At one point, she turned around; looked at me with a smile and said: ?drooling over chastity devices again?? There was a sudden pinch in my stomach. I couldn’t believe she had found what I had been looking at! I went into autopilot, making a weak attempt to protect my manhood. All I could do was respond...

2 years ago
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How I Became A Cocksucking Cuckold

I have always been able to go down on my wife after cumming in her but I admit that for many it can be difficult to do having to eat your own cum from your partner immediately after you orgasm. It's something I learned to do when I was with my first female sex partner at the tender age of 15, she was much older and it made up for my premature ejaculation I experienced in my early years of sexual activity. I would cum so fast it left my partner hot and bothered so at her urging and near...

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Thank God Im a CUCKOLD

April 7th, 2015I thought I would take this moment to talk about how great it is to discover my calling in life...that of being a cuckold. Even though this lifestyle has caused my wife to divorce me, the sexual intensity and addictive joys that being a cuckold have provided help me to not only understand why my wife of 12 years would divorce me, but when I think of how she chose her "Owner's" big cock over our relationship it usually turns me on and I'll soon be stroking my little dick until I...

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Domination of The Hotwife and The Cuckold

A text ‘Hey’ came into my inbox from someone named Salman. He claimed to be a huge fan of the stories I wrote on ISS and wanted to know if they were real. I explained that some stories like were inspired by real-life events. Some details were added or removed to make them better. Listening to this, he was on cloud nine. At the time, I didn’t know why he was so excited, but later I learned he was a cuckold. He explained to me in great that for the past 4 years, their sex life has been dying...

2 years ago
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Katies Awakening Her Cuckold

Katie and I tried to get back to normal after her weekend with Tom, but we weren't doing very well. Every time we made love together all I could see in my head was her being fucked by him, or worse, her being gangbanged by his poker buddies. Katie tried to be understanding and supportive. She did everything she could do but I would only last for about 10 seconds before cumming so hard that it hurt. No matter what we did to prolong things, as soon as I thought about her weekend, I'd blow. We...

3 years ago
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Making Of A Cum Eating Cuckold

My wife and I made plans to go to Atlantic City this past summer for a much needed getaway. She made reservations for us stay at one of the hotel casinos for the weekend. We arrived just before noon on Friday settling in our room after the long drive to freshen up and grab a bite to eat. She mentioned to me she had purchased a very sexy new one piece swimsuit the day before we left. She could not wait for me to see her wearing it. Knowing my wife her new swimsuit had to be the kind that shows...

2 years ago
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Dominated for Cuckold

This is a story about Samantha, a young white woman in her late 20’s, and her new husband Eric. Samantha has jet black hair that goes roughly half way down her back, blazing green eyes, and a very petite figure (think 32-22-32). Eric is a white man also in his late 20’s and has light brown hair and blue eyes, and is pretty athletic. Samantha also has a twin, Annabella, who looks just like her except Annabella’s eyes are blue. This is their ninth story. Other stories featuring them include...

4 years ago
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“I have two men with me, my partner John and Julian, my twenty-five year old bi-sex toy boy. My man took great delight in telling Fiona, “Sarah is of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from me, bi-sexual, though she didn’t need a great deal of prompting. She often reminds me, I am to please and be pleased sexually. And I love having sex with an audience.” As the conversation progressed it became more racy. “What...

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“I have two men with me, my partner John and Julian, my twenty-five year old bi-sex toy boys. My man took great delight in telling Fiona, “Sarah is of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from me, bi-sexual, though she didn’t need a great deal of prompting. She often reminds me, I am to please and be pleased sexually. And I love having sex with an audience.” As the conversation progressed it became more racy. “What...

1 year ago
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Reddit Cuckold, aka r/Cuckold! Other than being the second most popular insult on online image boards, cuck is also the official word for a member of one of the weirdest fetishes I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Now, I review porn for a living, so I see a lot of wacky stuff. And since the third world porn industry is constantly trying to produce weirder, filthier smut, I’ve got my work cut out for me. But I don’t think any genre of porn is going to outdo my surprise when I first discovered the...

Reddit NSFW List
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My wife tells everyone that Im a cuckold

Quick background info for those who haven't read any of my other stories.I'm submissive by nature. My submissive side was always a secret until I started to experiment with my then girlfriend now wife, Sue, which led her to becoming the dominant person in our day to day lives and later led her to cuckolding me.Now that the background info is out of the way, we can start with the story.Also keep in mind I try to add as much detail as I can as well as dialogue so my stories tend to have a slow...

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Useless white husband turns into cuckold

Home By Author By Title By Date Most Popular Forum FAQ Dark Cavern Submit Your StoriesMore Stories By This Author | Printable VersionAfter returning from a party, I lay naked on the bed next to Jenny, my beautiful bride of six months. As I looked at her, with her flaming red, shoulder length hair and milky-white curvy body, I felt like the luckiest man in the world. The last six months had been the happiest time in my life for me, Jenny and I had seemed to get on so well. Sure, she was the...

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College Cuckold

It was the start of my junior spring break as we began the substantial drive down to beaches of the gulf coast. ?The road trip which had been completed many times before was a necessary evil, and the calm before the storm. ?Unlike my previous breaks, it did not present the same possibility of insanity due to the majority of participants being couples. ?It hadn't always started that way, but one couple turned to two, two turned to three. ?The one relief would be the most recent development,...

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Letter to a Cuckold

Dear Wimp, So you are Mary’s husband, the loser, the wimp, the shrimp-dick that I’ve heard about. Well, I’ve got good news and bad news for you, wimp. The good news is that until last week, Mary had been faithful to you. Faithful for five years of marriage. That’s almost a miracle. That such a drop dead, knock-down gorgeous babe like Mary could have remained faithful to a wimp like you for five minutes is hard to believe. It just shows how religious she really is....

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Beta Boi Cuckold

BETA BOY CUCKOLD by Throne I couldn't believe it. My wife, Tarla, had been bringing me along gradually for the past year. First she had gotten me to confess my cuckold fantasies. Over two months she went from flirting with guys to petting and then letting them take her to bed. Sometimes I had to be where she went to get picked up -- usually some downtown club -- and see her leave with someone. Other times I was told to stay home and she would send me photos as the night...

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Cuckolds are meant to serve couples.Knowing a woman should be pleased by a real man is the sexiest truth you've faced and accepted. The funniest part is that you are grateful for being used by us. By me. While I get serviced and pleased by a real man. You'll never get to fuck me. Instead you will get to fund dates, purchase used condoms, and be of domestic service to us both. How pathetically grateful you will be to receive photos of us having a great time or to smell and taste the vile latex...

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Camping Trip Cuckold

This is a story about Samantha, a young white woman in her late 20’s, and her new husband Eric. Samantha has jet black hair that goes roughly half way down her back, blazing green eyes, and a very petite figure (think 32-22-32). Eric is a white man also in his late 20’s and has light brown hair and blue eyes, and is pretty athletic. Samantha also has a twin, Annabella, who looks just like her except Annabella’s eyes are blue. This is their eighth story. Other stories featuring them include...

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Baby Bonnet Cuckold

BABY BONNET CUCKOLD by Throne When I got home from work on Friday my wife Mara was on the phone, so I didn't bother her. Instead, I went to the master bathroom, got undressed, tossed everything into the hamper, and took a hot shower. Then, carrying my shoes, I headed for our bedroom with a large soft towel wrapped around me. All I wanted was to put on some pajamas and a robe, so I could relax all evening and get a start to my two-week vacation. Mara had been playing some domination...

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HotMovies Cuckold

As the age of top-notch free porn tubes comes to an end, porn sites are finding new ways to monetize their sites. However, some of these techniques aren't new at all. They are the same old techniques used when porn first started taking over the internet. AKA the moment it was created and modified for commercial and private use.Most men are familiar with the subscription model of paid premium porn sites. It works well, is simple, and gives masturbators efficient access to the porn they need to...

Premium Cuckold Porn Sites
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The Happy Cuckold

I am a panty wearing, cock-sucking cuckold and I love every minute of it. I used to be all macho and thought I was God’s gift to women. But, fortunately for me, my wife showed me the error of my ways. When I was at College I did what most red-blooded young men do – I partied hard and I fucked every available woman I could. And there was quite a few. I played basketball so I moved with the ‘in’ crowd. We were on the highest rung in the hierarchy of the school. Our parties were wilder and our...

4 years ago
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How I Became a Sexless Cuckold

I met my wife at work. She was ten years younger than me and it was her first job out of college. She was very pretty and had a sexy petite body. She worked out and it showed, her arms and legs though thin were defined and she had a great round firm ass. Her tits weren’t big but looked bigger on her small frame. She was very outgoing and friendly and we hit it off. I was the opposite, shy, especially with women. I only had a few long term girlfriends and when I wasn’t dating I usually wasn’t...

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A Bridezilla And Her Sissy Cuckold

A BRIDEZILLA AND HER SISSY CUCKOLD by Throne Magenta was an unrepentant bitch, a mean wife who thrilled to robbing her husband of his manhood and mistreating him with wanton cruelty. She loved to taunt Gardner about how she had turned him into a sissy and cheated on him with impunity. Around the house he was known as Gardenia and had to stay in the role that fit that name, which was that of a wimpy pansy. Today he was dressed as she usually had him, in a belly shirt and...

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Bullied Sissy Cuckold

BULLIED SISSY CUCKOLD by Throne Larry Little had been married to Trish for two years when everything changed. He came home from his dull job one Friday, to find her acting perkier than usual. The hopeful husband told himself her mood might mean she wanted sex. His wife was so good looking, with her trim figure and full bust, sweet face and long blond hair. He really wished they would have relations more than the once-a-week routine they had fallen into. But he was short and slim,...

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