He's Hiding On The Balcony (Part 4) free porn video

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When we last left our story Carol was getting ready to go out with her new best friend and lover Tina. The pretty young blonde Aussie surfer was taking Paul’s wife to the most expensive nightclub in Kuta. With Tina’s help Carol had transformed her self into a new woman. Under Tina’s guidance the staid mother of one had adopted a new, younger, sexier and edgier look.

Before abandoning her husband Paul to watch the evening’s excitement via computer video link, the newly flowering horny wife checked her new outfit and updated “look” in the mirror. Carol did a half-pirouette and stopped. Like every woman she critically examined her profile in the reflective floor-length glass mirror. She was looking for any possible flaws in her appearance.

Her gaze took in the short black leather mini skirt, the salmon-coloured crop-top and her pert braless tits. What might be less easy to detect from her outer appearance was Carol’s shaved bald pussy and (she blushed at the thought) the fact that she was panty-less? The newly adventurous wife was nervous dressed to go out like this. Was this reflection she saw in the mirror really her? Was this the same woman who had almost disappeared drowning under a failed marriage?

Carol felt the shiver of a thrill tingle up and down her spine. Excitement was infusing her thumping heart. She was giddy with anticipation for the night to come. Carol felt exhilarated to meet her new Aussie girlfriend. A girl’s night out was just what she needed. Especially accompanied by her new exciting “wing-girl”. The intoxicating exhilaration of knowing random men and woman would be eyeing her body up and down and wanting to fuck her made Paul’s wife tingle with electricity.

For too long Carol had been trapped in her mundane sexually unsatisfying marriage. Like a caged bird she had been unable to stretch her sexual wings. How long had she been silently screaming to escape from her cage? Yelling silently for help in her depressing dreams had been far too common. The old Carol would only hear her own empty echo in reply to her desperate pleas for help. That hollow reverberating cry had caused deep anguish and trauma.

To save her self the old Carol had tired to hide. She had tried to shrivel up and become small. The wife with such big dreams in college had diminished her self. Over the years Paul’s wife had retreated into a silent corner of her marriage suffering and feeling isolated. For too long she had lain beside Paul in the marriage bed like a corpse, untouched and neglected. Her tortured husband had been equally trapped by his own secret desires and unfulfilled needs.

The spouses had hugged onto their isolation and silence like a security blanket or favourite comforting teddy bear. Each had retreated rather than face the truth of their desires. With a twisted logic each had sought the salvation of their marriage in retreat and silence. Isolation was the shield for self-preservation. And yet surely isolation would have doomed them.

Of course Carol had been confused. Everything in her life had turned out backwards to what she had expected. Marriage, she had previously thought, was supposed to equate to freedom and especially sexual freedom. As a couple you were supposed to have amazing sex. A young wife and her husband were supposed to explore everything in the freedom of a loving and supportive relationship. Well that’s the spiel young girls are sold in women’s magazines and web sites.

But what was the reality for women like Carol? Well with all of the societal taboos it seemed, perforce, that most couples rather than finding “sexual freedom,” found a kind of sexual prison. Women sadly became chained to a man who had no idea how to sexually satisfy them or make them happy. For so long poor timid Carol had felt trapped inside that sexual prison. The bars may have been invisible, but they were stronger than steel.

Now it was all out in the open. Now as a couple they had all their cards on the table. A light had been shone on Paul’s secret taboos. Carol was beginning to express her own long unvoiced sexual desires. Was Carol completely out of the woods? Was she in the clear? Absolutely not, but now Paul’s wife realized she could play for all the chips. She smiled and sucked in her tummy with a giggle. She thought she looked damn good for her age.

The reflection she saw reflected back tonight was not the old “Carol.” It was a new and still flowering Carol. It was a woman Carol was starting to really like. It was a woman in control of her life and embracing her femininity and sexuality. It was a woman fully aware of the horny pussy between her smooth thighs and more than willing to use it for pleasure and happiness.

Carol was starting to glimpse an understanding of her new situation. It seemed to her so many people lived like her old self. They lived their lives without fulfilling their fantasies. Secretly these unhappy people had cravings, needs, obsessions, but they hid them away. The result was a huge empty void that just kept growing like a powerful black hole inside of them. Carol shivered with disgust thinking of how empty she had felt only a short time ago.

Carol now realized if you just have one chance in life you need to get rid of that void eating away at you. Otherwise the black hole would consume you. She now realized if the black hole kept growing then you would disappear. As a woman Paul’s wife had now realized she needed to explore and fulfil those hidden deep desires in order to become a complete woman again.

Carol exited her hotel suite looking more than a decade younger than her thirty-eight years. She had never gone out to a club panty-less in her life, so her heart was racing. Paul’s re-born wife was nervous and excited. The warm tropical breeze teased her breasts under the sheer salmon gauze of her top. Her nipples firmed and formed points. She blushed, but felt proud of her firm perky tits. Paul’s wife moved confidently towards the front hotel lobby to meet up with Tina.


As Carol left the hotel suite Paul frowned and felt confused. The hotel room door swung closed with a heavy clunking ominous thud. Suddenly and starkly Carol’s husband was totally alone. He was alone with him self. The room was silent, eerily silent. The headache began to build. The front of his temples began to pound. He knew it was the stress. At thirty-nine Paul was finally forced to confront him self. Carol’s husband looked around nervously trying to gather his bearings. It was a nightmarish scenario he found him self in.

Paul rubbed his hands anxiously. Here he was in a foreign country, in an empty hotel suite; what was he doing here? His temples were throbbing. His head was pounding with a building migraine. The love of his life, his high school sweetheart Carol, had just left to have fun with a new girlfriend. More menacing was the fact that she would be having sex with someone without him. He would not even be crouched on the balcony hiding. Paul was more disoriented than ever.

The agitated bank executive paced the room nervously. Soon to turn forty the disturbed man was on the cusp of something—but what? Paul’s pacing pattern soon developed a repeating route pacing from the bed to the bathroom. He paced the same path the way a caged tiger learns to pace a route in its tiny unnatural steel-barred enclosure. Feeling ever more trapped Carol’s husband looked towards the balcony window seeking relief. His chest felt unnaturally tight.

Paul opened the sliding glass door of the balcony by pushing it left. He needed air. Bali’s tropical humidity and warmth hit him like a wall of heat. He gulped for oxygen. His throat felt tight and constricted. “Fuck!” he exclaimed silently in his brain. Paul needed to escape. Carol’s perturbed husband moved to the wooden balcony railing. He looked out into the obsidian distance of the Balinese Sea. The endless ocean was murmuring in the distance. He gazed intently into the black space trying to see the water, but it was just too dark, too black.

Paul’s chest felt so tight. His entire body felt tight and on-edge. What had he done? What had he started? This nightmarish scenario had spiralled out of control. It was like a boa constrictor had wrapped itself around him and was slowly squeezing him into a squished distorted version of his old self. Poor Paul could only imagine the trauma of being swallowed and making the perilous passage through the boa. Would he dissolve? Would his marriage dissolve?

Carol’s husband, his mind muddled, could hear the waves lapping at the sand on the beach. He knew the beach was somewhere in front of him just past the resort’s manicured lawns and pristine blue pools. No matter how carefully he looked he couldn’t discern anything. It was all just a black void. The blackness of the night seemed to suck at him and Paul felt a shiver of fear. What had happened he asked him self.

The soft lapping sound of the waves repeated and repeated like the forms that repeated in nature. Paul had never heard of Pythagoras and he had no real appreciation for the importance of patterns and repetition in nature. And yet Carol’s husband did feel how the soft murmuring sound of the waves soothed him. He felt his racing heart begin to slow. The primordial ocean had seen more troubles than his. The bottomless black waters could swallow his sorrows in a second and not shed a tear. Paul realised he wasn’t even as notable as a single grain of sand on the beach somewhere out in the darkness he was peering into.

Paul was forced to reflect on how he had ended up on this balcony alone. There were so many differences between him and his wife. She was artistic and liked to read. Carol had read ‘Anna Karenina’ and taken drama in school. Carol loved poetry. Carol loved to dance and was one of the best cheerleaders because of her years of dance training. Paul was never willing to take her onto the dance floor. He liked football and beer.

Had the entire marriage been a mistake? Were they just too different he pondered? Paul thought back to the beginning. He realised he had married Carol because she was popular. Well also she had nice tits and a great ass. And then you had to realise everyone had expected them to get married. It was like that where they came from: you did what everyone expected you to do. Well didn’t you? Paul was filled with growing self-doubts.

Carol’s husband turned back towards the room. Suddenly it struck him where he was standing. This was the spot. He looked down. Paul saw that the cushion was still on the terracotta tiled balcony floor. The cushion Carol had placed there so he wouldn’t hurt his knees while he crouched in hiding. Crouched why? Well to watch the ripped young twenty-year old tennis pro William as he fucked his wife with his huge nine-inch cock. Paul’s cock started to swell and harden. Simply the memory of his wife being fucked so furiously by the floppy haired blonde tennis stud was making him hard.

Carol’s husband blushed a hot pink. Is that what he really needed he wondered? Yes for so many years he had hidden his secret desire from his wife. Eventually his hidden obsession had eaten away at their marriage. At some point the husband with good intentions could no longer even get his cock hard. Paul had stopped even trying to have sex with his wife. Before that point what had he done? In all honesty he had closed his eyes and conjured images. Having sex with his wife Paul had fantasized that he was looking through the window and watching his wife Carol get fucked by a man with a cock twice his size.

Paul lifted his eyes and entered the hotel room. He lay on the bed. Paul was still pondering his predicament. Carol’s husband looked at the laptop. It would be a while before his wife texted him to watch. Her night out with Tina was just starting. Paul searched the news headlines on the computer. He tried to distract himself from his growing fears. What was that story about the Muslim cameleers in Australia? Yeah that was an interesting story. Paul clicked on the “history” menu on the computer search engine to see if he could find the story about Australia.

Paul’s eyes scrolled down the search history. He was looking for the story about Australia. What was item that in the history of links? Lush stories? Carol’s husband clicked on the previous day’s entry. It must have been something Carol was reading he thinks to himself. Paul couldn’t recall ever being on a site called “Lush Stories.” Out of curiosity Carol’s husband decides to click on the link and take a look.

After clicking Paul arrived at an erotic stories web site. His morose reflective mood changed slightly. Carol’s husband began to explore and look around the new website. The curious banker saw a section headed “cuckold” and then another section headed “cheating”? His interest was piqued. Further down he saw a section near the very bottom labelled “voyeur”. The sexually inexperienced middle-aged man clicked on the section. Paul began to read his first erotic story.

Poor Paul started to read and his morose mood lifted. We need to be sympathetic for the poor confused and lost husband. Like millions of men Paul had unwittingly fallen into the same societal trap as his unsatisfied wife. He had dated only one girl in high school—Carol. He had experienced sex with only one girl—also Carol. What could Paul ever really know about satisfying a woman? He had fallen into a trap. Now he had no idea of how to struggle out, but he knew he needed to try.

Carol’s husband had never learned much about how to please a woman, let alone him self. Paul’s entire marriage he had stumbled and struggled in a sexual fog. The high school jock knew little about the sexual needs and fantasies of his wife. In fact it had never entered Paul’s head that his wife even had sexual fantasies. As Carol’s husband read the first story on the Lush website his cock got hard. Lying on the bed he stroked his small appendage slowly as he read. Soon enough Paul was reading his second story. His headache was gone. The pounding on his temples had stopped.

Paul in his own way, with serendipity as his guide, was beginning an exploration of his deeply repressed sexuality. Carol’s husband needed to learn about him self, to better understand his own needs, so that he could make peace with his wife. Perhaps there is hope for the future? Who knows?


As the light-blue colour Bluebird cab neared its destination in Kuta both women were excited. Carol took a closer look at her friend Tina. In the dim light of the back seat they smiled at each other.

“Wow didn’t you go all out.”

Tina giggled and averted her gaze.

“I told you this place is high class. I can’t dress like a beach bum surfer slob.”

Carol laughed. She looked at Tina’s outfit. The sexy young blonde Aussie was wearing a backless dark olive club dress. The sexy dress featured a deep plunging front and halter style top. The straps at the back criss-crossed to give a flirtatious contrast with Tina’s sun-kissed naked skin. Tina’s flirty skirt was very short with two layers. The outer layer was softly pleated and made from see-thru material. The inner layer was tight, hugged Tina’s hips, and was opaque. Carol squeezed her friend’s hand.

“That dress really suits your svelte frame Tina. You look amazing tonight.”

Both women were glowing and their eyes connected again. Carol felt so close to her new girlfriend. It had been so long since she felt such a bond with another woman.

“You don’t know how much this means to me Tina.”

Both women beamed at each other conspiratorially. It was so fun to just go out as two girls to have fun and dance.

“So what’s this club again?”

Tina giggled.

“So it’s called ‘Platinum’ and it’s very high class. The club is très chic if you know what I mean. The men have to pay a really high cover charge to even get in.”

Tina’s robin’s egg blue-green eyes, tinged with pale green, were sparkling.

“Of course we’re hot women so we get in for free.”

Both girls cackled with glee. Being an attractive woman did have its benefits. Free entry into the hottest nightclubs was one of them. Carol felt so giddy and young and free.

“You look so young tonight Carol. They might card you.”

Paul’s wife blushed at Tina’s teasing. Well she did look like she was in her twenties again in her new sexy and youthful outfit. She squeezed Tina’s hand in thanks for the ego boost.

“Well you’re my stylist Tina so it’s all thanks to you.”

They both giggled. Tina went on.

“So you won’t get any of the tourist riffraff and young beach bums tonight. These guys are older and have money.”

Tina winked playfully.

“Colourful plastic money.”

They both let out high-pitched laughter. The women quickly paid the local cabbie. Tina pulled her friend out of the light blue cab by yanking on her hand. Excitedly the two women carefully made their way up the steps manoeuvring the uneven steps in their expensive high-heels. Carol was now nervously aware of just how short her black leather mini skirt was. She blushed feeling how exposed she was.

A warm tropical breeze gusted under Carol’s short mini skirt and punctuated the fact that she was wearing no panties over her freshly shaven pussy. The mother of one blushed. Tina pulled her forward up the steps to the club. The front entrance looked very subdued and subtle, not at all like most of the garish clubs in Kuta. Most nightclub entrances flashed exotically with their bright lights and bright signs. This club only had a single small discreet sign, softly lit with a warm yellow backlight, fashioned from classy brushed-aluminium lettering. If you didn’t know the club was here, you’d probably just walk bye.

“C’mon it’s going to be fun.”

Tina implored her new friend Carol to follow her. Holding hands tightly the two beautiful women managed the last few steps and walked up to the front entrance. The muscular dark-skinned Balinese bouncer nodded at them with a smile. Like every club worldwide there could never be a surplus of hot sexy women. The attendant lifted the red velvet cord to allow them to pass without a question. Two young hot-bodied surfer tourist guys were begging the doorman to let them into the club. Carol could feel both sets of young, hungry male eyes on her legs and ass as she shimmied past the bouncer.

Tina turned and flashed a bright white smile at her friend. Tina winked playfully at the two surfers. She was giggling happily as she swished past. Tina leaned back to whisper in her Carol’s ear.

“You see. Both those young guys wanted to fuck you.”

Carol blushed and looked down bashfully.

“I told you your outfit is amazing. Wait till you get inside.”

Carol smiled. Moving forward she heard the bouncer tell the two young twenty-something surfers to take a hike.

“You guys don’t meet the dress code. Get lost.”

In no uncertain terms the bouncer directed the two tourists to a different club down the street. Immediately upon entering the club Carol could feel it was different from the other clubs in town she had been to. The music was less pounding and the club was clearly less crowded. It also had a much larger dance floor with more seating areas. Looking around Carol could see the club also had a more elegant décor and expensive crystal lighting fixtures on the walls.

What Carol had not really counted on was the air conditioning. When the cool air hit her body it was only natural that her skin began to tingle and tighten. Under the very thin material of her top her nipples were soon rather obviously pointed and hard. Carol blushed and lifter her arm to try to obscure the scene her nipples were making as much as she could. Paul’s wife moved her lips to Tina’s ear to speak over the music.

“Wow it does look expensive Tina.”

The Australian beauty giggled and nodded with a bright smile. They were both excited. The evening was just starting.

“Told ya. The guys here are loaded. Just look around. The whole place looks like a palace.”


Sometimes John reflected on things in life too much. He knew he needed to live more in the moment, but found it not that easy. The executive lifted his copy of “For Esm é with Love and Squalor” off the coffee table as he neared the door. He paused suddenly consumed by burdensome reflections. The executive gazed at the book. It was a book from his youth. He still loved every story. Why had he brought it along on this trip to Bali? Why was he feeling so detached from him self?

John knew his driver Wayan was waiting by the car. John realized he should get going and yet he was troubled. Should he even go out tonight he wondered? What was the point? He tried to figure out what was bothering him. Still he paused reflecting. He was uncertain about too many things in his life. Was he the “Laughing Man,” he wondered? Was there a woman out there for him? Or was he destined to remain alone? Was there a salve for this empty ache inside?

Tonight the vexed executive decided he needed to relax. John decided to put all these inner doubts aside. John gently chastised him self. “Fuck man, you’re in Bali.” He decided to chill and take life a moment at a time. Serendipity surely had something good in store for him. Didn’t she? Pushing aside his doubts John exited the door and smiled at his driver Wayan.

It was a short ride through the blackness of the Balinese jungle into the town of Kuta and its pulsing nightlife. Before John could reflect or reminisce anymore his car was pulling up in front of the club. He told Wayan to take a break and buy some dinner. The Hong Kong based investor handed over a wad of worn and edge-torn Rupiah bills to pay for his driver’s dinner and then some.

“Relax and have dinner. I’ll text you when I need you to pick me up.”

John had no real expectations of meeting a woman tonight. But he lived life according to serendipity, so you never knew. Hopefully he could do some dancing and meet someone interesting to talk to. He needed to relax and de-stress. John even mused and wondered if he might see that woman who had run into him on the street? Probably not he realised, a man was unlikely to see such an amazing ass twice in his life. John chuckled at his own silliness as he approached the bouncer.

The bouncer was named Oka. The dark-skinned front doorman recognized John and nodded. He lifted the velvet rope for John seeing as he was a VIP member. John regularly rented the spacious villa nearby so they all knew him here. John wandered into the nightclub’s main bar area. He looked about to locate a good table. The manager Nyoman came scurrying up to greet him. The manager’s Balinese name denoted that he was the third-born in his family. Nyoman smiled a big white toothy grin typical of all Balinese.

“Would you like the table by the bar as usual Mr Langham?”

John didn’t come to the club often, but the manager knew the Hong Kong based executive liked the table near the bar. The table’s location made it easy for John to order drinks and the table also offered a good view of the dance floor. Nyoman knew John was more of a “people watcher” than a serious pick-up artist.

“That would be great Nyoman. So long as no one else has booked it.”

The Balinese manager liked this quality in his customer. John was gracious and didn’t insist on anything. He was very different from so many tourists who used their money to bully the locals and demand things in the crudest fashion. Some tourists would even rant and rave and begin to yell and swear at the manager if he told them the table they wanted had been booked.

“No worries Mr Langham. It’s yours.”

Like many of the Balinese working in Kuta, Nyoman had adopted several Australian expressions into his speech mannerisms. There were so many Aussie tourists in Kuta this was natural. To a Balinese “Aussie speak” was what they thought of as “the Queen’s English.” If the Queen actually showed up John was quite sure they’d be baffled by her accent and expressions. It always made John smile to hear a native Balinese speak in Aussie.

The second reason the club manager liked John was purely capitalistic. Club managers always love a good customer. Nyoman knew that when John arrived he had a good chance of selling some serious Champagne. It wasn’t easy to move serious wine in a tourist club, but Nyoman knew from experience that John had good taste and a rectangle of plastic capable of serious purchases.

“Shall I chill some Dom for you? Or would you prefer Krug?”

John smiled as he reached the table by the bar. His soft brown eyes looked up at the manager.

“What was that Nyoman?”

“Should I make sure some Dom is chilled for you?”

For some reason at that moment John looked up and scanned the club. He spied Carol across the dance floor. John’s brain instinctively realized the woman with the chic brunette tresses was the same one who had barrelled into him on the street. John saw she was standing next to the same young gorgeous blond girl she had been with. As he gazed John noted both women looked very sophisticated and sexy tonight.

Even though Carol looked completely different in her new sexy leather mini skirt with the chrome zipper, John knew it was the same woman instantly. The two sexy women were busy chatting. Occupied with their conversation both gorgeous women were oblivious to John’s lingering gaze. The Hong Kong executive’s former downcast mood lifted considerably. John turned and smiled at the manager.

“What vintages do you have?”

“Well we have something very interesting that just arrived. I know you’ll want to try it.”

Nyoman smiled at his high-roller customer hoping to clinch a sale. The Balinese calculated his sales pitch and carefully graduated the tone of his voice. Squeezing a credit card out of a wallet for such lofty transactions is a special skill and Nyoman had it. The manager’s rather too-toothy smile reappeared. On a Hollywood actor such a white smile would appear patently plastic and fake. On Nyoman it had an endearing innocence and charming quality.

The merits of aging wine are a complex issue. Even the aging of fine red wine is complex. In the case of sparkling Champagne, a wine that undergoes a second fermentation in the bottle after sugar and yeast are added, aging is an even more complex topic. The added yeast consumes the added sugar. The by-product of the interaction of these two additives is carbon dioxide. It is this CO2 that produces the bubbles that give Champagne its sparkle and pizzazz.

After consuming the sugar the yeast is not finished its job. The yeast leaves a tiny cream-colored residue that drops to the bottom of the Champagne bottle. This residue is called the “lees.” The interaction of the wine with the lees over time develops a complexity in the wine. John as a wine connoisseur understood that by aging Champagne on its lees (or “Sur lie” as the French say) for a longer period of time the winemaker could produce a fusion of energy, radiance and vibrancy, a precision of balance that few Champagnes could ever achieve. This is why vintage Champagne is so sought after.

Nyoman would use this knowledge to induce John to cough up his credit card. The Balinese smiled a huge sparkling smile as he embarked on his sales pitch.

“Well Mr Langham we did get two bottles of 1998 P2.”

John smiled.

“Perfect. Yes chill them.”

Nyoman was flummoxed. This was the easiest sale of his life. Nyoman was almost disappointed he couldn’t continue with his sales pitch since he had crafted an elaborate sales scenario in his mind. Why the manager wondered would a man all on his own want to buy such expensive Champagne? He had been intending to cajole John into the purchase after much effort. Now he was confused. Just like that and “poof” the sale was magically done. The manager had no clue that the sultry brunette standing a few feet away presently preoccupied John’s mind.

The intended purpose of the Champagne purchase was not at all clear to the now confused Balinese manager. Nyoman had thought making the sale was going to be much more difficult than this. Oh well. He smiled and realized tonight’s profits would be very impressive for the owner. He was sure to get a big bonus this week. With a huge sparkling grin the manager nodded.

“Right away Mr Langham.”

John’s eyes were still drawn to the perfectly formed jaw-dropping ass a few feet away at the bar. He had no inkling of the joyful effect his Champagne purchase had on the smiling manager. The executive’s engrossed attention was solely focused on the brunette and her alluring body. Seeing that the woman with the perfect ass was in the club tonight John’s spirits were buoyed. Serendipity indeed. What luck!

The Hong Kong based executive wanted to drink flutes of Champagne with the intensity, complexity and texture to match the perfection of this woman’s impeccable ass. Tonight would be a celebration. Even if he didn’t sleep with this sexy woman across the room, the odds of seeing her again were such that John felt the occasion of crossing paths again should be celebrated with a suitably important vintage Champagne.

John sat and sipped some sparkling water as he scanned the club. He observed the sultry brunette and her beautiful young blond friend as they took turns on the dance floor together. The DJ was playing some calmer Techno house music with just enough intensity to draw a few people onto the floor. The club was gradually filling up with more people. The women who arrived were young, pretty, and each was dressed in a very expensive and sexy outfit. The gorgeous women were all in a not so subtle competition for male attention. The seductively dressed beauties were clearly aiming to turn heads and impress with their carefully chosen ensembles. John was enjoying the fashion show.

For their part the men who arrived were mostly new-money flash. Especially the Russians who were flashing more gaudy gold watches and over-the-top junk jewellery than you’d see at a Versace after party. Each Russian seemed to flaunt a larger and chunkier hunk of tasteless showy jewellery. John was tempted to chuckle more than once at the flaunted glittering excess. Several of the men displayed more than enough gold to attract a strumpet or two. Clearly this loud ostentatious display outshone John’s classic vintage irreplaceable Cartier mechanical masterpiece. Taste is not something you can buy John realized.

John watched unobtrusively from his table as a few men asked Carol to dance. Each was successively rebuffed. Finally the sexy brunette danced with a man in a well-tailored suit. John still watched patiently from his table. As yet the woman with the perfect ass had not noticed him. Two or three songs later Nyoman arrived with the first bottle of Champagne. It was delivered in a black onyx bucket of ice.

“Are you ready for some Champagne now Mr Langham?”

John smiled and nodded.

“Please bring me three chilled flutes Nyoman.”

The manager had only brought one Champagne flute. Realizing his mistake he scurried back behind the bar and fetched two more. The popping of the cork made a loud sound that attracted some people to look over. Carol and Tina were not too far away down the bar resting from their dancing. The popping sound made them both look in John’s direction.

As Carol and Tina glanced towards the sound of the popping cork John looked up and smiled. It took Carol’s brain a few seconds to process his face and recognize who he was. Then she smiled and inclined her head in a subtle dip of recognition. John replied with a similar subtle dip of his chin. The connection and acknowledgement of recognition had been made.

Nyoman began to pour the grossly expensive wine.

“Fill three glasses please. And then take two flutes over to those two gorgeous women by the bar.”

John inclined his head indicating Carol and Tina a short distance away. Nyoman nodded in acknowledgement. Like any good club manager he delivered the glasses perfectly. Both women looked over and smiled at John raising their flutes with a smile. Thus had begun the mating dance.

Tina leaned to whisper into Carol’s ear.

“He’s been gazing at you for ages.”

Carol looked over quickly towards John and then just as quickly averted her gaze. She had no desire to seem obvious about her interest.

“He is really handsome.”

Carol whispered back to her friend. The fetching brunette felt those special butterflies rise in her tummy. When women see a man they want to mate with it is always like this. Their skin begins to tingle, their nipples firm, and their pussy gets moist while their tummy develops butterflies. All of these things were happening to Carol. She felt giddy with her newfound freedom to be a woman. To actually realise she was in a nightclub, dressed to kill, and was attracting men made her feel desirable. Carol was acutely aware of the aching pussy between her thighs and the knowledge that she was free to use it. This feeling was still new for her. Tina whispered in her ear.

“I think we should go over and thank him for the Champagne. It tastes amazing.”

Carol looked at Tina her eyes a bit wide and sceptical. She was nervous. After all she’d barrelled into this man and dashed off without even really saying hello.

“Do you think so? I mean I feel like an idiot.”

Tina giggled.

“Well he sent us the Champagne for a reason. I think he wants to meet you.”

Carol flushed pink.

“Maybe he wants to meet you Tina.”

Carol giggled as she teased her friend back.

Across at his table John was still watching the animated pair. A new spirit and liveliness had infused the attractive brunette. The way she was behaving reminded John of a bird that had suddenly been released from its cage. Yes this woman was like a newly freed bird. For some reason the older handsome executive found her so desirable. His cock began to fill with blood. Just then John saw the blonde take Carol’s hand and begin dragging her towards his table. He stood up and smiled an inviting smile.

Arriving at the table Tina held up her Champagne flute towards John in acknowledgement. John raised his glass with a smile and the two glasses lightly clinked together.

“ Santé!”

Carol blushed with a tiny bit of unease and added her flute to the toast greeting. They exchanged names and soon the three of them were all chatting easily. John answered their questions about the wine explaining a bit about the origins of the special Champagne. They took turns dancing as the evening carried on. John escorted first Carol and then Tina to the dance floor. Carol was so glad John included Tina in everything and asked her friend to dance as well. While she sensed that John was primarily interested in her, she liked it that he made Tina laugh and feel part of everything.

A second bottle of Champagne appeared and Nyoman graciously refilled their flutes. The girls were getting a bit tipsy and giggling too much. John was laughing at Carol’s jokes. Tina with her silly Aussie expressions was also adding to the table’s mirth. A slow song came on and John wrapped his arm around Carol’s waist.

“Carol. You look too good to just stand here.”

Firmly John directed her onto the dance floor guiding her with his strong grip around her waist. The handsome executive swept her along and Carol’s heart fluttered, as her pussy got wetter. She loved a man who took charge and knew how to treat her like a woman.

Paul’s wife pressed her slender feminine body into John’s much larger muscular male frame. The soft music caught her mood and Carol closed her eyes feeling the intimacy of the moment. She inhaled the scent of John’s rich musky cologne. Carol’s slit began to tingle and ache with need. Paul’s wife realized how horny she was. Her whole being was tingling and anticipating more. John leaned down in the darkness enveloping the dance floor and gently pressed his warm lips next to her ear. In a husky half-whisper, half throaty tease, he almost made Carol’s knees buckle.

“A Robin Redbreast in a cage,

Puts all Heaven in a Rage….”

John’s gruff hoarse whisper was warm and moist. The movement of his lips tickled Carol’s ear. The pretty brunette swooned and almost lost her balance as her skin tingled. Carol’s knees felt weak. It had been forever since a man had quoted poetry to her. Paul never had ever. She giggled and held her balance by hugging and squeezing her slim toned body tightly into John’s broad-shouldered torso. This all felt like a dream. Her mind struggled to respond. After a rather too-obvious gap of silence the dazzled mother of one managed to find some words.

“John, do you quote Blake to all the women you are trying to seduce?”

Carol playfully retorted her voice tinged with a touch of wistful regret. John just grinned confidently. He looked deeply into her eyes with his warm chestnut-brown orbs. His whole demeanor seemed to say he already knew she would spread her legs for him. That male confidence turned Carol on even more. Paul’s wife’s tummy was doing summersaults.

To have a handsome articulate man actually make an effort to woo her was a new sensation for Paul’s wife. To hear lines of Blake’s poetry whispered in a rough, rugged whisper made her pussy cream. So many conflicting emotions swarmed over Carol. The sexless years of her marriage were still a black void that needed filling. All the missed opportunities of the past seemed to flash before her eyes. All the “if only” moments in her life seemed to cascade down like a river of tragedy.

For no reason at all Carol recalled the handsome assistant professor all those years ago. He had taught her D.H. Lawrence class. It was her second year in college. She knew he had wanted to fuck her. She thought of the hunky grad student who had invited her to ride on the back of his motorbike. He had looked so handsome in his leather jacket and leather boots. He had wanted to fuck her as well. All these chances to star in her own life, to revel and be appreciated as a beautiful young woman, to have her body lusted after, had been passed up for Paul. All forfeited for a sexless marriage to a man with a small cock? Well not tonight the inspired brunette decided.

She smiled up at the devilishly handsome man pursuing her. John dipped his face down and growled softly in Carol’s ear.

“No I don’t. But I feel there is a husband somewhere who has kept you rather caged and ignored. I sense you crave some excitement. Am I wrong?”

John let his large male hand slide down to the top of Carol’s curved taut ass. With his straying paw sitting in the small of her back John’s hand pressed gently. The pressure from his hand was pressing Carol’s hips directly into John’s swelled hardness at his groin.

This gesture was no subtle hint. Carol blushed realizing unmistakably how much this handsome older man wanted her. She felt his warm, brawny, solid and powerful body next to her more petite frame. John’s cock felt thick and large pressing into her hip. Under her black leather mini skirt Carol’s hairless pussy got wet. Her desire for this new stranger increased as she fantasized about that hard cock sliding into her bald wet pussy. Carol bit down on her lower lip to suppress a whimper of desire. She blushed. Did John even realize she was wearing no panties she wondered?

John kept his gaze steady on hers. Carol felt dizzy from the Champagne and the poetry and the dancing. She giggled. John normally would not be so forward, but he perceived this woman needed to feel wanted. He could smell her desire like a tangible thing. John realized Carol needed to feel how much a man lusted for her. The aroused executive nuzzled into Carol’s neck and he nipped at her ear. John’s other hand gently caressed and teased the sensitive underside of her arm.

“Mmm I love your perfume.”

He murmured dreamily. Carol was thrilled. Paul never noticed her perfume or commented. John also was getting caught up in the moment. The rich timbre of his voice sent a shiver up Carol’s spine. The thrill in her body caused her to claw-grip onto John’s forearm to maintain her control. John felt Carol’s fingernails dig into his skin and chuckled. John liked this woman more and more. Swept up in the moment and with the dance floor now enveloped almost in total darkness John let his hand stray further.

The music was soft and transcendent, almost mesmerizing. Carol was adrift in a dream as she felt John sway her body around to the music. The sliding of John’s hand under her mini skirt happened so skillfully that Carol was taken off guard. John was expecting to tease her by brushing his fingers on her panties. Instead of brushing cotton, satin or silk, John’s straying hand brushed the swelled outer lips of Carol’s puffy labia. Carol’s body suddenly tensed. John also paused. Carol giggled as John lightly stroked. His fingers felt her moistness and puffy soft outer lips.

“You discovered my secret.”

She tittered in an intimate whisper. Carol was giddy and nervous. In the darkness she was blushing furiously. Her skin felt hot and flushed. No man had ever touched her in public before. The thrill was unimaginable. Paul’s wife looked around anxiously. No one had seemed to notice them amongst the other swaying couples clinging to each other on the dance floor. John whispered a guttural command in her ear.

“Let’s go back to my place and show that perfect ass of yours a good time.”

Carol giggled and felt swept up in the moment. Her heart was pounding. John led her off the dance floor like she was his. Tina could feel the excitement too. John turned to the exceptionally beautiful young blonde Aussie who was shifting on her heels. John addressed her like a CEO dispensing marching orders.

“Tina we’re moving this party to my villa.”

Tina yipped with excitement. The playful blonde gleefully agreed to decamp the party to John’s rented villa. Tina leaned in and whispered in Carol’s ear.

“I told you this was a great place to meet men.”

The two girls giggled madly.

“You’re so right. I’ve never been this horny in my life Tina. I’ll tell you what he did later.”

Carol blushed as Tina squeezed her hand and they both giggled. As John texted to his driver to pick them up Carol pulled out her phone and sent a text to her husband Paul.

Txt: I’ve met a handsome man. We will be fucking soon. Get ready.

Just as she sent the text John scooped his arm around Carol’s slender waist. The sexy brunette felt her self swept out of the club and into the moonless Balinese night. Tina trailed along giggling and making inane Aussie chatter.


At John’s villa more Champagne was consumed. Music was selected and a few candles were lit around the villa setting a seductive mood. John gave a tour and took them out to the deck with the infinity pool overlooking the beach. Both women were impressed and a bit tipsy and dizzy from the wine. John then led them into the spacious master bedroom.

Carol suddenly thought about her husband Paul. Would he like this? Was this really his dream? Thinking of her husband made her blush. Was she a tramp? Was she a slut? The confused brunette looked up and gazed over at John. The horny, but troubled wife, saw John ripping off his cotton shirt. Throwing his shirt aside John revealed his strong broad chest. All of Carol’s self-doubt suddenly evaporated. Yes she decided. This is what Paul would want and need. More importantly this is what she needed as a woman.

A few miles away in his own hotel suite Paul had linked to his video feed. He anxiously waited for his wife to appear. What did the man look like? Who was he? Who would fuck his wife? Paul’s cock swelled and throbbed. Was there something wrong with him Paul wondered? Why did he need to watch his wife fuck other men? Paul’s heartbeat began to increase as he anticipated the excitement about to start. He peered at the screen of his computer intently.

Back at John’s villa Carol was blushing pink as she looked up at John’s muscular body. She was still wearing her blouse and mini skirt. John had lit some candles in the bedroom and turned off the lights. Some gentle piano music was playing. The mood had been set. Carol didn’t quite no how to say it, so she just blurted it out.

“I’ll put my phone here by the bed so my husband can watch. Is that okay?”

John grinned and paused momentarily. His fingers were frozen on a button of his tailored cotton shirt. This was unexpected.

“My aren’t you a wicked little minx.”

John grinned. The playful disbelieving shaking of John’s head was answer enough to her question. The perfect-assed brunette giggled as she propped her phone up against the side table lamp. Tina also giggled. Carol looked over at her Aussie friend. Clothes were now strewn around the large bedroom teak wood floor. Tina had discarded her sexy dress. The pretty Aussie was wearing only a tiny pink bra and panties. The lingerie had a print of tiny devil’s hearts that made Tina look so cute and young. Her body was slender and athletic. Carol was amazed at how sexy and beautiful her new girlfriend looked.

John’s muscular frame was now clad only in white cotton briefs. The large swelling bulge at his groin was very obvious. Carol found her eyes attracted to the swell. Her hairless pussy got more wet and ready. Carol’s heart was racing. John strode over to a travel bag in the corner of the bedroom. He lifted the cover and rummaged inside. Turning to Tina he motioned her forward. As the blonde walked towards the corner Carol was struck how elegant her moves were. The slender naked blonde carried her self almost like a ballerina.

John reached down and handed Tina a small bundle of lavender rope. He grinned and moved his mouth to Tina’s ear so Carol couldn’t hear what he was whispering. Tina giggled and glanced over towards Carol. The blonde surfer had a playful mischievous look on her face. She nodded to John in obvious agreement to his sexy plan. John straightened up also holding a bundle of lavender color rope in one hand and a large pink vibrator in the other. Carol gasped suddenly getting some inkling of the devious plans these two co-conspirators were hatching for her. Carol had never been tied-up for sex. Her brain began to spin.

Carol quickly clicked the video button on her phone to start the link to Paul. She stepped back. John approached the perfect ass he had been admiring from a distance for too long. He moved up on the sexy brunette from behind. Carol felt John’s hands move to her blouse. Tina moved in closer and Carol felt the zipper on the back of her mini skirt being pulled down. Carol’s heart began to race with excitement. What were they doing? Everything was happening so fast. The Champagne made all these shenanigans feel perfectly right.

Carol gently rested her hands on top of John’s large hands. He pulled her salmon top over her head revealing her firm naked breasts. John began manipulating Carol’s aching nipples with his fingers. The tips hardened and firmed to sharp points as Carol closed her eyes and oohed. She let her body sink back into John’s. Tina pulled on her skirt and Carol’s mini skirt slipped past her knees. Tina dropped to her knees and put her hands on Carol’s hips. Without any preliminaries Tina attached her mouth to the front of Carol’s pussy. The pretty blonde Aussie began to lick Carol’s bald mound of pleasure. At the same time John pressed on both her nipples simultaneously.

Carol groaned weakly. So many wild sensations overcame her. She craned her neck around. Her lips hungered for John’s lips. John kissed her deeply, his tongue plundering her mouth. The horny brunette felt his cock throbbing and pressing into her ass. Tina’s tongue began to lash at Carol’s clitoris. In response the excited pleasure button swelled and poked its head above the protective pink folds of flesh. Carol’s hips began to thrust against Tina’s ministrations, her pussy humping her friend’s tongue. She murmured soft whimpering sex sounds into John’s lusting kiss.

In the other hotel suite Paul was stroking his rising cock. This was more exciting than he could ever have imagined. A handsome older man, clearly with a cock much larger than his, was disrobing his wife along her sexy young blonde friend Tina. If Paul had written the script him self he could never have imagined this hot scenario. Unconsciously Paul drooled, as he was so preoccupied with the scene on the screen.

“God you’re so sexy Carol.”

John panted into her ear as his hands played with her firm breasts. Carol could only moan and whimper as Tina’s tongue lashed at her now soaking pussy making her head spin in all directions.

“I want to tie you to the bed woman. I want to finger your perfect ass and kiss that bald pussy. Then I want to fuck you until you faint.”

Carol almost had an orgasm when she heard John say those audacious words. Never had the horny brunette felt so thrilled. Never had the mother of one felt so sexually desired. This was the wildest sex of her life. God how badly did she need this. For once in her life she wanted to be the wanton horny slut she had kept hidden away inside. Being the good girl all the time was so tiresome. This was so much more thrilling.

“Yes John. Tie me to the bed and make me your slut. Make me come as many times as you can.”

Carol panted with her heart thumping like crazy. John pushed the sexy brunette back onto the bed. Tina yelped and giggled as Carol tumbled backwards. Carol grinned up at John and Tina, as she lay naked and prostrate on the mattress. Giggling Tina grabbed one wrist and John grabbed Carol’s other wrist. Each grabbed their section of lavender rope and began to tie Carol spread-eagle onto the bed.

Paul was beyond dazzled as he watched the computer screen alone in his suite. He was lost in a fog of rising desire. Was this really his boring wife Carol? Or was this a new slutty wife? Had Carol just asked this handsome stranger with a big cock to fuck her and tie her to the bed? Realizing he was going to watch a threesome with his wife tied to the bed as the center of attention Paul almost lost his load. The aroused husband panted for more air. Paul couldn’t wait to see John’s huge cock penetrate his wife.

As John backed up to secure the rope to the bedpost he inadvertently nudged the side table next to the bed. Tina at that moment was wrapping a silk scarf around Carol’s eyes. Everything suddenly went black for Carol. She twisted and turned and pulled, but her arms were now secured by rope. There was the sound of a gentle metallic clunk as the phone fell flat. John was busy securing Carol’s leg and didn’t notice that her phone had fallen forward obscuring the camera. Tina was too giddy from all the fun blindfolding her friend to notice the sound of the phone either.

In the distant hotel suite in another part of Bali there was shock and awe: but not a good kind of shock and awe. Paul gasped as the video feed on his computer went black. Carol’s husband’s hand stopped stroking his small cock. Just at the moment when his wife was tied to the bed and about to be ravished by a large cocked man and a sexy blond surfer, the screen had gone black. He was dumbfounded. He clicked madly at his computer. He tried to restart it. This was a disaster. Paul struggled madly to re-establish the video feed.

“Fuck computers!”

Paul ranted.

Oblivious to her husband’s distress Carol felt the thick vibrator begin to fill her pussy. John was sucking on one hard nipple and Tina was teasing the other erect nipple. Carol groaned a guttural sex groan and her hips thrust up into the pleasing sensations of the vibrator. Paul’s wife had never felt this vulnerable, this helpless. Her arms spread wide were tied tightly and her legs were secured at the ankles. How would John take her? Would he fuck her without a condom? How would Tina take advantage of her helpless body? Every possibility thrilled her.

In the blackness of the blindfold Carol screamed out as the first massive orgasm ripped through her body. She felt John and Tina both bite down on her nipples. Her pussy felt on fire as it exploded. Her body arched off the bed and jerked up and down in the throes of orgasmic release. John plunged the vibrator in as deep as it would go and twisted the power control to the highest setting.


Carol’s animal-like sex cry shook the ceiling as her body was consumed by convulsions. Her pussy contracted tightly onto the vibrator as it catapulted into wild spasms of bliss. Carol’s fingers grabbed fistfuls of cotton sheet as her entire body became a tense muscle and twisted and jerked in every direction. Tina reached down and rapidly stroked her clitoris. Just when Carol thought the orgasm had peaked, Tina’s finger took her to a new even higher peak. She thrashed her head from side to side crying out.

In his suite Paul was cursing his black screen.

To be continued…….

Same as He's Hiding On The Balcony (Part 4) Videos

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The Story 8211 Episode 4 8211 Aunt8217s Balcony Revelation

Hi readers, Aman here! Hope you guys are healthy in this unforeseen pandemic. I wish for the well-being of you and your family. We will overcome this! Though delayed, this story is the 4th installment in the series, “The Story”. Please read the previous installments before continuing further for a better experience. In this part, I will detail my encounter with my Aunt Sneha, who is my mother’s younger brother’s (uncle’s) spouse. They got married in 2009 and currently have two kids and are...

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The heat on the balcony was stifling. Rivers of sweat raced down my chest and pooled around my swimming trunks, making damp marks on the material. I put down my book and, reaching down for my drink, I looked around. My wife, Julia was sitting in the canvas chair next to me, reading her book. She was looking as lovely as always, with her brown hair dampened with perspiration sticking to her face and her tanned body glistening with the suntan oil that we had enjoyed applying earlier. She was...

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The Balcony

Brent was bored as he sat alone in the balcony watching the girls’ volleyball game through the viewfinder of the video camera. Little did he know that in less than an hour he would experience one of the most exciting events of his life. Soon he would be focusing on five of these players in front of him. They would all be on their knees taking turns at sucking his cock. Chapter 1 Brent worked at the athletic director's office for his high school. He had been doing this for four years. He...

Oral Sex
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Best Use Of Balcony With Boyfriend

So it was during the weekend … We both were having a relaxed day and had gone for spa during the afternoon … ..Upon returning home we were extremely lazy and relaxed …So after sleeping for a while … .I started preparing for snacks and dinner … ..He came in to help me with the same … .And it was natural that we are going to be enjoying the time in kitchen … .Where sometimes he would hug me from back or hold me from waist facing each other and lift me and we would have long smooches …Forgot to...

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Annes Balcony

Anne loved her new apartment. The movers had taken great care with her stuff and the view from her balcony was wonderful. From her third floor perch she could look out over the other apartments and the city lights beyond. She made coffee even though it was late. She had a few days off work in the engineering department. Sitting on the balcony the soft summer breeze felt wonderful. People came and went, children were put to bed and she watched one young couple put their two kids to bed for the...

Oral Sex
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Best Use Of Balcony With Boyfriend

Hi all … ..This divya … .Back again with a fresh story for you all :) enjoy :d Well the last 2 stories have got a lot of appreciation … Thanks everyone for the love :) keep it flowing ;) So this will be a recent incident … .Which I had with my live in bf … .At our home … So not a very comprehensive setting but quite exciting one …  ;) :d So it was during the weekend  …  We both were having a relaxed day and had gone for spa during the afternoon … ..Upon returning home we were extremely lazy...

2 years ago
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Balcony Mein Didi Ke Sath

Hello friends myself Lavi & my family my mother, father which is work out of country and a big sister. My sister very gud looking , beautiful charming. Her figure is big boobs 36 size and big back also. Jab bi koi ladka dekhta hai to uska lund khada jata hai, pr didi kaa kisi k sath chakkr nahi , bs friends hai. Kafi baar mai bi didi ke bare me sochta hun k didi ke boobs or choot kya maal hai , jisko bi didi apni de gi jannat me hoga wo. Mai sidhe kahani pe aata hu….. Ik din ki baat hai ghar...

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Hawaiian Ala Cunt ch 3 Balcony

That evening after they dined at one of Hawaii’s five star restaurants. Afterwards, they returned to Todd’s room for a night-cap. Todd unlocked the door, and Mark and Kandy followed him into the room. Todd walked over to the small refrigerator to get out some wine, and chilled glasses. Before he could get it, Mark tapped his shoulder and whispered, "Forget the wine, let's you and I have some more fun with Kandy."Todd gulped, and felt his cock swell, "Oh man, let's do. Think she will let us fuck...

Group Sex
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

2 years ago
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The Balcony

Brent worked at the athletic director's office for his high school. He had been doing this for four years. He remembered the first time he walked in to the office and spoke with Mr. Burns. Mr. Burns & Mr. Kinney immediately saw something in Brent and hired him on the spot. Ultimately, it started by letting Brent come to the office during his study hall and homeroom. It was a way for the student athletes to get out of the boring confines of the auditorium and help out with in the office. He...

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On the Balcony in the French Alps pt3

Sitting on the balcony in this picturesque place, I admired the trees in the valley and the beautiful lake in the distance guarded by snow-capped mountains. I tried to imagine the beauty of the whole valley covered in snow.Listening to the birdsong, it was truly peaceful, tranquil even, but other thoughts still flashed through my mind: who was the female who’d watched me masturbating. And was that all she saw? Was she watching when I fucked Carole on the balcony?More importantly, how could I...

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On the Balcony in the French Alps Pt2

I ogled my wife’s cute ass as she walked down the corridor on her way toward the shower — and Carole. Afterward, I wandered onto the balcony and sat in a deck chair, admiring the stunning view and reminiscing about what had just happened.Only twenty minutes earlier, I’d fucked Carole, my wife’s best friend. When I’d first looked at the feminine figure leaning against the balcony railings, I truly believed that it was Sally. It was only when I saw her face that I realised it was Carole.Now I...

2 years ago
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AfterParty Sex On The Balcony

Hello fellow readers , I am a 21 yrs old from Kolkata , truly the city of Joy. I am a law student . I am around 6ft tall , wheatish complexion and average built slightly on the heavier side. The story i am writing is an event that occurred yesterday. I have been in Kolkata for the last one week. The semester breaks have just begun and i was in a mood to party. Yesterday , i had my chance. It was a house party at one of my friend’s place. His parents were out of town on vacation , and time was...

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Tied to the balcony

We go to a party. You’re dressed to kill in a short skirt, stockings and garters with no panties…just the way I like you. We visit for a bit and have a few drinks. I open the doors to the balcony and take you out there to look at the night time city lights and stars. You lean against the railing, looking out over the city and I step behind you, my hand around your waist. I lean into your ear and tell you how beautiful you are tonight, and gently start kissing your ear, down your neck and...

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On the balcony

We go to a party. You’re dressed to kill in a short skirt, stockings and garters with no panties…just the way I like you. We visit for a bit and have a few drinks. I open the doors to the balcony and take you out there to look at the night time city lights and stars. You lean against the railing, looking out over the city and I step behind you, my hand around your waist. I lean into your ear and tell you how beautiful you are tonight, and gently start kissing your ear, down your neck and...

2 years ago
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On the balcony

We go to a party. You’re dressed to kill in a short skirt, stockings and garters with no panties…just the way I like you. We visit for a bit and have a few drinks. I open the doors to the balcony and take you out there to look at the night time city lights and stars. You lean against the railing, looking out over the city and I step behind you, my hand around your waist. I lean into your ear and tell you how beautiful you are tonight, and gently start kissing your ear, down your neck and...

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Fucking on the balcony

Ray was‭ ‬outside‭ ‬in the yard training‭ ‬shirtless,‭ ‬his body‭ ‬glistening with sweat as he‭ ‬pummelled energetically at his punching bag.‭ ‬The hot sun beat down on his toned tan‭ ‬body and his dark‭ ‬brown locks tussled as he moved. On the balcony‭ ‬above him,‭ ‬sat his beautiful wife Anna,‭ ‬her long red hair tied back into a simple plait,‭ ‬studying all the papers in front of her.‭ ‬Because it was such a nice day she decided to teach class outside and had her students sitting around‭...

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On the Balcony

I was on vacation with two of my mature female friends. We were sitting around the pool checking out all the young men and women. I saw this one young man starring at me. He looked to be in his early 20's and very good looking. I made eye contact with him and smiled. He waited a little until I smiled again at him and then he approached me. I was surprised because my two lady friends are much better looking than me and have great bodies, which is why I like them. We are all bisexual.He stood...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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A Duet upon a Balcony

You stand at the open balcony, the wind billowing the drapes around you, covering you in a silver river for but a moment. You hear me approach behind you in the dark, but by the time you turn your head my lips are at your neck, asserting my pent up lust. Your hands slide around me, one reaching down and grabbing my hand, pulling it up,near your heart, between your breasts; the other reaching back to grasp the back of my head, pulling me closer in. I move downward, biting your bare shoulder, the...

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A Duet upon a Balcony

Introduction: My first story- This is a story written with a friend of mine over texting. The view changes from the male perspective to the female as we each did a section. (Him) You stand at the open balcony, the wind billowing the drapes around you, covering you in a silver river for but a moment. You hear me approach behind you in the dark, but by the time you turn your head my lips are at your neck, asserting my pent up lust. Your hands slide around me, one reaching down and grabbing my...

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Banged A Hifi Prostitute In Open Balcony

Hi to all ISS readers this is Varun back to share my another experience and for those who don’t know me I am Varun 23 years old guy from Chennai 6 feet tall average body and have a 6 inch tool and I thank you for all your response for my last story. Any ladies can contact me through This is my experience of me fucking a prostitute. Now coming to the story I have always had a desire of fucking a high profile prostitute in a nasty and a forceful but I feared it was risky but finally decided to...

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A Balcony To Remember

Hi All there I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories, but writing my own story for the first time. I am working in MNC and having a good time there. The story I gonna tell you is happened with my colleague. She is not too hot and sexy but she better know how to start burning desires. This happened on one fine day when she is not feeling well due to some family problems. After finishing office we went to some coffee shop I tried to console her lot but all in vein when finally I went to drop...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Heathers Hiding

“Oh you bastard that fucking hurts like hell!”“We’ll have no more of that foul language Mrs Reid, you’ve agreed to be punished and punished you shall be.”After only the second stroke Heather Reid knew she was in trouble. A further ten was quite unthinkable, but that was what she had agreed to – twelve strokes of the tawse across her bare bottom and thighs as an alternative to being reported to senior management, an action that would almost certainly result in her dismissal. It was so unfair....

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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A Christmas party in a dark balcony

I invited Victor to join me at my office Christmas party.My beloved hubby was not in the mood and said I could go alone; but I insisted until finally I could convince him to go there and have some fun…Once there at the building, I noticed there was a great variety of red wines.We mingled and laughed, had many cups of red wine and a few much harder spirits; which loosened me up a great deal.After a couple hours I noticed one of my coworkers, Freddie, was looking at me from across the room. He...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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On The Balcony

You had woken me that morning with a cup of coffee and a kiss. I had smiled at you sleepily as you leaned over me, wearing just a towel wrapped around your trim waist. Even through bleary eyes, your toned abs and chest looked delicious. As you turned towards the bathroom, I admired the taut muscles in your back and shoulders. You'd been working out so hard recently. You were a very tempting sight to wake up to indeed.What a lucky Miss I am, I thought to myself, as you closed the door behind...

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The Balcony Girl

I’m a great fan of this website. I love the stories written here and I got an opportunity to write my first time real story too. My name is XXX, I’m 5 feet 11 inches tall and fair guy. I live in Hyderabad ok enough about me and coming to the story it all happened one day when I accidentally saw two girls standing with tea cups in their balcony in the building next to ours, which was empty for a while (house) ,well they were the new occupants of that house. They both looked fine and the younger...

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