The Orchid The Storyteller
- 4 years ago
- 72
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"Tulip's" run to Old Earth was uneventful and boring. TJ and Morg had been standing unsupervised watches a day out of Gorgipest. Gillard was on the bridge during the approach and berthing at Old London docks but had not intervened as TJ and Morg had combined to complete the evolution. CPO Dulcie Watts' comment, "Sure you don't want to take the helm as well, Sir?" came back to haunt her. Morg and TJ took the opportunity to do an EVA to repair an intermittent fault in the close —in...
The next years were busy for "Sundowner" as she chartered for a Training Ship for Great Lakes Spacing Academy for Space Guard trainees while their new TS was being built. A major engine failure had led to the premature decommissioning of their vessel and the slips had only just been vacated for the planned replacement. "Sundowner's" bridge piloting seats were removed and the bridge console reconfigured to a standard bridge. The Sundowners removed themselves to E deck as the trainees had...
Two weeks after the courier's departure, two women, well dressed but nothing to specifically draw attention entered the office of the sales staff at the supplier of shuttle parts. They produced wallets showing their identity and were invited to sit, "What interest has Special Branch in shuttle parts? — we don't handle military supplies here; that goes through head office." "Two weeks ago, you supplied an order for two pilot seats and various parts and were paid by 'tronic funds...
Joshua Galbraith's factor in New London was a cousin, Abraham Galbraith, whom TJ had met in passing at a function during the last visit in HMS "Tulip". Abraham had commed TJ asking to meet at the Army Navy Club. TJ flivvered down and met with Abraham who was acting on behalf of a Eurocon client who wished to meet TJ personally on a personal matter. Abraham vouched for the client, Francesco Alverez de Cordova, Marquis Alceienta, who was waiting at the "Mayfair". Galbraith shuttled TJ to...
"Chief, you couldn't have looked very hard" TJ justified their alleged uncontactability; "my PDA com, my next of kin's PDA com and Morg's PDA com are all listed in our files; on end week we signed into the Guard House and nothing was said" "Batson, come here ... I told you to find this pair fourth day. What did you do?" "Chief, I left a message at the Barracks and you 'member I was late on fiveday 'caust the shuttle bus broke down so I didn't get in early to open up" Batson...
"Prissy, what's happened this time involving TJ and Morg. We both know the Navy sacked them — a move we'll regret for a very long time; SHOW has just filed formal notification of a price rise in the equipment they provide. Rise? Hades, more like an explosion and don't bother asking, the justification is solid. SHOW has been providing the gear at cost without allowance for R & D expenses. Damned fools! And there is that reconnaissance drone they have developed that we want even though...
Charles decided to put two scouts out front and one trailing; the justification was that "Sundowner" was entering 'Indian Territory' and advanced warning was always helpful. They were tracking directly for Comalee from Amaranti. Having learnt deviousness as a means of survival, Cedric, with Charles permission, fiddled with the transponder and entered the transponder code of a small Amaranti inter system freighter, named "Flying Fish", for transmission over the identification / code...
"I hear you are looking for me?" TJ recognised the voice, "Yes; we are wanting some aahhh fancy goods. Are you still in business?" "I am not selling anything these days; the blockade you know. Nothing gets out and insurance rates are prohibitive even on neutrals. And the neutrals get stopped and searched and all Harbourian goods are seized. It's bad. Only "humanitarian" goods pass through inward — whatever "humanitarian" means." "Look you, come up to the ship and we can have a...
It was MONDAY morning and TJ Toms a 34yrs. mother of two was just getting to work unlocking the front door when from behind a woman grab her. TJ yells in shock only to be slapped across the back of her head. Stunned she feels a gun barrel at her ear. OK SHUT THE FUCK YOU BITCH OR I WILL HURT YOU GOT IT? TJ nods her head and they go inside. GO OPEN THE SAFE! TJ walks to her desk there to the mangers desk getting two sets of keys and opens the safe. Pushing TJ inside the woman fills a bag with...
"Betime" berthed at the New Leige passenger orbital, customs checks were undertaken, air bridges joined and the passengers gaily disembarked to do all those things tourists do. TJ had examined the bridge coms and detection gear. His observations and assessment were that RHN Home Fleet was at full strength consistent with Naval Attachés' reports and they were very busy and well trained. During the stay, RHN appeared to have a complete turnover of vessels demonstrating a very active fleet....
The Windsor Women were extremely solicitous towards a very fragile looking TJ at breakfast next morning. Morg on the other hand was revoltingly cheerful as he listened to Pat's explanation to TJ. Morg had already heard it as pillow talk and the Windsor Women had set the whole thing up anyway. "Officially I am Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Patricia Burgess. The family name is "Sweeney" thus 'Pat Sweeney'. I was a very junior Lady-in-waiting, disposed of by the family at an early age to Court...
The tugs tethered themselves to the freighter's hull rather than pass a line and tow her. When asked, the tug senior captain explained that the freighter was a cantankerous bitch and had broken two lines during the shift from the navy docks to here. They had entered the freighter via the starboard boatbay and found ropes in situ on which to make their way around; TJ and Morg used the ropes rather than their suits jets so the party stayed together TJ, Morg, Cedric and Charles Lightoller...
The major difference from the shore establishment was that physical entry into the various action stations was much more difficult than in the school's mounts. After several exercises in group entry, an exercise 'Action Stations for Students' was called clearly exposing the students' clumsiness of movement in confined space and even worse in zero gravity. Still practice makes perfect but for a while even TJ had doubts — his big frame hit every edge and he maintained that corners lived and...
"Call me TJ" "That's my line, Sir." "That suits, you can borrow it." "Why, thank you Sir." "If you pair have finished acting like barnyard roosters, you two put your gear in your rooms and join us in the sitting room" Berryl ordered. Ivy was filling in the story as TJ and Morg sorted out their equipment, "It was comical seeing the bridge watch tiptoe about the Captain carefully not mentioning the MBC vid. Then the scuttlebutt started working overtime. The Academy Flying...
"The frontis piece of the QR&AI carries the maxim: quote 'These Regulations and Instructions allow for the harmonious interaction of all ranks to provide an efficient service to the Realm's external policies' unquote." TJ was declaiming on one of his favourite subjects; "it is generally accepted that the Regs are written for the advice of the commander and that tends to be confirmed by the fact they are only trotted out when either 'harmony' or 'efficiency' is compromised."...
Bill Sorenson attended the dinner and brought everyone up to date on Ivy. Sally told them of events in the fleet; Milligan was heading for Plans in First Space Lord, Strathlawn was to replace Milligan on completion of his shuttle pilot training as Rear Admiral, Bonder was for "Monarch" and Percy Gantry escaped the Admiralty to have "Naseby". TJ and Morg reported on events on "Tulip" (somewhat adjusted for the audience but no one hearing it was fooled) and TJ regaled them with the story...
"What's with the crates?" Morg asked the Chief Storeman. They stood watching a working party unloading the powered barge in "Naseby's" boat bay under the watchful eyes of what appeared to be the full complement of the 'Crushers' (Regulating P Os). "Pusser's rum; probably worth its weight in platinum — certainly worth more than gold" was the reply. "Rum? Pull the other one, Chief" Morg said "that's just an old salt's myth." The Chief laughed, "True as I stand here. The...
"TJ, what did you find?" TJ and Morg sat in Clare Gillard's office. They were in their black armoured hard suits but helmets were on the deck beside them. TJ's armour showed a dull mark across the left chest area and across the left biceps. When the ships had surrendered, TJ and Morg had suited up, collected sidearms from the armoury and used "Bulb" to move to the merchantman. They had reconnoitred and then moved across to the warship and after a considerable time returned to...
The SHOW annual meeting had ended and the participants dispersed. Sir Peter and Lady Valerie returned to Cottesmere. Sir Joshua Galbraith and his brother Abraham Galbraith sped back to the City. Earl Lightoller of Ramsgate and his Countess, with Dame Eva Porter and Dame Emily Jones, made the journey back to Ramsgate in the Earl's aircar. Berryl Strathlawn and Baby Elle had spaced back to Newark in Noramcon The other Directors of SHOW, Julie and Gabrielle, had gone to their suites or the...
Bert Belter met them at the air lock on his yacht. "It's good to see you again, TJ, and you too Morg. The Matriach with you?" "Well met, Bert. No, she stayed on 'Pest as my daughter's Companion." "Sundowner" was in full Dune hove to just outside the radar return distance of the probing numerous detection stations on the Harbourian planet. TJ had requested he be allowed to shuttle down to the orbitals to meet up with the Colony's caretaker and get the feel of the politics of the...
The landing site was an ancient golf course, abandoned these many years which had passed back to the Duke's holdings some century and a half ago. The Club House had been renovated and enlarged and was used for meetings of the Unspoken Metamorphosis Club whose origins, according to the legends went back to the time of the Crusades (whatever they were but they were ancient). "Utter rubbish of course" the twenty seventh Duke assured TJ and Morg "the club was established by me ancestor who...
As the DDs manoeuvred into line abreast approaching the moon, the boats in order were "Vance" (Commodore), "Victoria" (Gort 2i/c), "Vector" (Indira), "Washton" (Denholt) and "Warburton" (Kowalski). (The only difference between the Vs and the Ws was that the W.A.s had an additional energy mount a side; the later W.I.s and W.E.s had additional mounts and tubes.) On the bridge of "Washton", TJ was on weapons and Morg was on Nav because Morg was the better on calculations. The...
A strange assault shuttle appeared in Gorgipest space reporting to approach. "Gorgipest approach, this is the shuttle "Tangerine", transponder zero four one zero tare easy easy, at the hyper, with India, inbound for yours, request clearance and instructions." There was a prolonged pause before the reply. "Aahhh "Tangerine", clearance is not yet available, continue approach." "Approach, continue approach, "Tangerine"." The pause this time lasted just over two...
TJ and Ivy marched slowly in step the length of the Guard House, turning towards each other at the ends of the reach. "What happens, now TJ?" Ivy asked. "You spend the night in cells; tomorrow, you'll be marched in to the OC's office where the charge details will be read out and she'll ask you if you will accept her decision. If you say yes, evidence will be given and she'll find you guilty and the worst she can do is order you into cells for four days with stoppage of pay. If you...
"Junction control, "Tulip" at the outer with golf, for Maureen. Onwards clearance, over." ""Tulip", cleared direct to Junction approach, at five kay kay, call approach now on 4545." ""Tulip", Approach at five thousand klicks, 4545. Cheers" 'Nita changed com 2 frequency to 4545 and Morg selected com 2, ""Approach, "Tulip" leaving the outer. Over." ""Tulip", at the inner, go to one seven five, and decrease to four fifty klicks, call at the inner." ""Tulip", inner,...
While 737 was completing its reconnaissance, Charles, Clare and Percy were examining the strategic holo containing the results of 737's mission. Charles glanced at the spider sitting curled up on Clare's shoulder and as he looked about became aware that all the other occupants and transients except Percy and himself were similarly adorned. Clare turned to him saying, "You aren't a mutie and Percy will leave this ship when we complete this voyage. Charles, you are wonderfully normal,...
"Ivy! What a pleasant surprise. I thought our date was for tomorrow." "TJ? Morg? What the blue Hades are you doing here? And that is mine!" "I don't particularly want him ... Morg, take two and see to ours, please." Morg nodded and was indicating his choices when Ivy interrupted, "They're both safe and you can't go in there; that's a crime scene." The atmosphere became sort of sparkly as Morg's helmeted head slowly turned to face Ivy, "And you are going to stop me?" Ivy...
The worm hole from Sigma Draconis to Mountserrat only saved on fuel and time as the transit fees were such that is was actually more economic to space the distance. The justification of the USN was that their people needed experience in translating as worm holes were elsewhere a rarity. Of course, the ability to map the approaches and environs of the northern end of the Junction might have had something to do with the decision. It was fortunate that the Solarian mapping equipment was...
"Amaranti Control, this is "Sundowner" approaching yours, request onward clearance, over. "Sundowner" zero four one zero tare easy easy, identified, continue approach until twenty kay klicks and then call approach on four eight seven zero." "Sundowner" approach four eight seven zero." TJ was in the pilot seat and Morg in the second seat, "Advise the ship to man for entering harbour, please, Morg." Morg activated the middle deck tannoy, "Man your stations for entering...
"From what you tell me, we have about a month to have all arrangements in place and about then two weeks before your trainees return." Brakeman mused. "Chagos presents no greater problem than Azores and it's much less trafficked. Orville, I think you have underestimated the mass, if all the decks are filled as you say. Still I can allow for that in the planning at our end. You should have your aft areas emptied by the time your show finishes at Chagos and I'm sure you will want something...
TJ refilled his bulb and continued, "While McCock was in Scotchlan, there was an attempt upon his life. That is the official story but I got reservations; I think it was a snatch that didn't come off. Sema? Probably. His Ghurkha bodyguards are equipped with sleeve guns which appear to be quite effective. The street was ankle deep in blood and McCock saunters off with two more very interesting people in his entourage. An ex RAMC surgeon who specialises in "Aging", whatever that is, and an...
The course continued with instruction introducing them to energy torpedoes, Type 71 which was being phased out of service and Type 53 which was replacing them. The major difference was in the electronics which were miniaturised in the '53s'. These were straight blast weapons. There were reports, confirmed by the Instructors, of a newer class of missile just coming into production for the new DNs which were still on the drawing boards; the missiles were simple rocket drive but already there...
" ... and no, I am not going to take you back into the Service; you are far too valuable as you are and I don't mean money-wise" Sir Thomas Cassimatis informed the Sundowners as Sir Laurence Hernandes nodded in agreement. Clare had returned to "Sundowner" in a lot better mood than she had departed. She spread the news "Sundowner" would not be expelled from the Kingdom and to "carry on". With her feet up in the quarters lounge, tranquilising her taste buds with a better brew, she...
Sixday midmorning. The scene was the Sloane Square library. The Dramatis Personae was: Julie Windsor, Comminantes mutie, Mistress of the Clan, mother of Morg, The Daughters and Antonia, partner of TJ Hobson. George Windsor, aka "Morg", Comminantes mutie, son of Julie, father of George. Gabrielle Comminantes, norm*, by marriage Aunt to Julie. Pat Sweeney, norm* (?Winsor mutie), mother of George, partner of Morg. Ivy Sorensen, norm*, mother of Oscar, partner of TJ Hobson. Bill Oscar,...
"Cedric, start the loading of the HAC line through a force field. I'll go down into the hold and act as loading officer and meet Avers there. Where do you want the 'tainers?" "Across the centre line from the four fifty forward." "Suits." Charles made a rude noise "You don't know anything about locking 'tainers, TJ. I'll come with you and act Bosun to your First Officer while you talk. Quarter gravity, Cedric?" "Wilco. Colin, get to it please." "Coming up, Cedric ......
The Senior Warrant Officer stood erect at the edge of the shuttle park watching the shuttles disgorge a motley collection of individuals, most of whom the SWO assessed as being still wet behind the ears; it was his appointed task to turn them out at least a bit drier than received. His trained eye roamed over the group already making assessments. That one wont make it — shouldn't have left mother's heel. That one will have to be handled carefully — she is too aggressive but does have...
During a quiet moment at Sloane Square on endweek furlough from the hustle and bustle of the upgrade in combat capabilities, Clare and TJ were chatting about the changes and TJ pointed out that manning could be a problem if extended operations were envisaged; present establishment was twenty including the Daughters. While six at an absolute minimum could fight "Sundowner" from the bridge, a full complement of HACs in space required sixteen not forgetting 737 with its four. The numbers did...
At Officer Call, next morning, Clare raised the question of the new 'puter again, "Just how offside does this make GEC?" "The jury's still out" Cedric answered; "it is an admittedly experimental model and came with basic manuals on file but no mention was made of the data collection and dump. That makes me very suspicious but if I put my suspicions aside, I can appreciate that the unit would have a definite place in, say a squadron, with the flagship receiving the data. If that were...
Clare posted two scouts and sent another pair on opposite orbit patrols and once notified there were no other craft in the vicinity, powered "Sundowner" to the hyper. Again she dispatched scouts to investigate above the layer before translating. Once through, the crew were stood down to normal duties. The crew soon wished they were back at departure stations as the output from Shirley Wood's planning was made known. PE and unarmed combat training — the only humans on board excused were...
TJ had been fully occupied and had let his net slide for a watch or two. He got back to it while Allie and Kat were resting. One of his contacts had posted an unconfirmed report that Sema was destroyed based on assessments of the last vids of the Armada deploying into the planet bombarding formation as it approached Sema in its n space. That same contact reported the Sema reaction mass fueling facility had been destroyed as the Armada had been approaching. The vids were attached. TJ...
"Lorn approach, "Sundowner", merchant trader, transponding zero four one zero tare easy easy, at the hyper with information November, request clearances and approach for the passenger terminal with a stay of eight days, over." ""Sundowner", identified, clearance not available at this time, continue approach, query ETA at the outer marker? Lorn control." Dorothy raised eyebrows at Control answering, "If direct. four hours twenty five minutes, "Sundowner"." "Control." Dorothy...
The Chief of Security of the Pleasure palace was boneless, limp, flaccid — all the past week's tension had flowed out of him as he watched that multiply accursed assault shuttle head into the blackness of space, he had heard, for its mother ship which no one had seen. He had heard on the security backchannel net that, on the first visit the shuttle made to the Palace, two intrepid newsies had hired an interplanetary shuttle (IPS) to follow the shuttle to its mother ship. The pilot had been...
TJ was in and out of his cabin on "Sundowner" to check on events with the Armada when his other tasks spared him a few minutes. The views of the exploding courier as it was apparently returning to Sol were tagged by the 'puter as "significant". TJ played back the tape and assessed the situation. The courier had made contact with the Armada flagship and locked on. Enough time had elapsed to pass whatever orders had been on the courier, and TJ had high order confidence as to just what...
The profits from the (diplomatic) tea party were sufficient to cover the expenses of the voyage from 'Pest to New Liege so the remainder of the stay was pure profit — a pleasing result which Allie passed on to the Sundowners who appreciatively voted bonuses for the non shareholder crew members. The tea party was upstaged as a social event by a local magnate's coming out party for his daughter. House of Tulip scored wide public exposure with the young lady's gown. The Embassy intel type...
"Sundowner" was out of contact on the hyper run to Bhute and the crew took the opportunity to ease the tensions by exercising the grey matter in the simulators and the muscles in the gym; they relaxed by 'broidery and cooking- except for TJ and Chief Jang. TJ reviewed his FTL files received as "Sundowner" crossed Settlement harbour. Old Earth was developing an interest in the southern galaxy. It wasn't the fact that a war had, finally, made the headlines but rather that Frontier Fleet...
" ... Care to enlighten me?" Phip Battenberg asked. There was no undercurrent of threat or fear. Just a request among equals for the sharing of information. Clare giggled, "Damn, I hate it when I do that. Suits. From the bit where you went off to your cabin... Cedric had accelerated the first scout up to SOL 6..." "SOL?" "Speed of light. "Sundowner" can only manage SOL 2 in hyper but the scouts can manage six for a short burst..." Phip's eyes bulged as her cortex did the...
New Harriers seemed to have an invisible dividing line separating the expatriate clientele from the "local" clientele (it could be regarded as racist to use the term "native" or "indigenous" so I'll stick with "local". GD). The line however didn't extend to the "neutral areas" of the side boards and the measuring area. Somewhat surprisingly there was a crossover of demand of each other's style. Locals were wanting business suits and expats were wanting to look svelte — if they...
"Sundowner" floated, fully stealthed in Dune, just under the layer as the task group translated into n space. Morg continued scanning as the task group broke into n space, "Ouch, that hurt. Ma'am, all the Ghosts in n space have gone active and are lashing the task group. They've probably acquired our scout. Target is outside energy range but within MDM range." "Very good, EW. Leave the hyper scout scanning." "Aye aye Ma'am." The task group's shields had begun shimmering...
Ivy Sorensen was waiting for them and escorted them to their quarters. "You teach me how to work it your way and I'll teach you how the proper people use them." TJ and Morg put on their innocent faces to be met with scorn, "You both do that so well. Da let slip you called upon him and I wheedled it out of him. He doesn't know how close we are, seeing I spent the leave at home; just like you said, Morg. Da had a spare and taught me the inner workings the 'proper' way and a couple of...
With the approval of the USN, "Sundowner" was allowed the free run of PRD 67 which was located over a large volume of space on the Galactic centre side of the Solar system. Along one side of the volume ran the approach and departure lanes for traffic in and out of the New London orbitals and those lanes were the reference point for that PRD which held a position constant to Old Earth. Charles and Clare conned "Sundowner" while TJ, Morg and Cedric controlled the Lone Rangers as the limits...
Emperor Augustus looked incredulous, "It's what?" TJ smiled and repeated the statement, "Burr fibre is anti ballistic and anti beam. We took several layers of woven cloth and laid them up with crossed warp and tested it for body armour capability — its extremely effective. Four layers will stop any hand held individual weapon projectile or beam; the beam is truly fascinating — you can see the energy spreading over the fabric and dissipating." A private invitation had been forthcoming...
"Washton" had been paid off before the CLs had come sniffing and after a month's leave, the crew had been dispersed among the other vessels including "Grendel". "Washton" had been sent in for major refit expected to take six or seven months. R2's damaged nodes had been replaced and she was space worthy again. Trained crew from TJ's and Morg's tender hands had moved across to R2 to man her shuttles and maintenance trained personnel had moved across to fill the vacancies in R1. Both...
A bolt of royal blue silk arrived, special delivery, for House of Tulip addressed "Sundowner" at the London Orbital. Orville, who commuted daily from the temporary ground accommodation when he wasn't assisting Cedric with the assembling of and modification of the scout assembly line, took delivery. Orville Jang was Black Gang from his oil stained boots* to his battered hard hat and had a good knowledge of codes from having to master 'puters in his Engine Room. Orville had also been...
Like all plans, the deeper the more problems surfaced. The basic concept was to blast a hole in the wall and pour programmed frames through to attack the unshielded sides of the vessels forming the sphere wall. Cedric guaranteed the hole and the gaming confirmed the proposition; Morg had reservations because the parameters entered into the simulator were theoretical but he had to accept the results as they were the best estimates. The flaw became evident. Once the missiles were inside, the...
"Retract triple shield, release the "Rivers"; throttles space idle" Clare ordered as Venus masked the USN wall. The acknowledgements came through. "Mr Windsor, turn us stern to the wall. Guns, as soon as we clear the planet, missile attack on target one centre line and flagships." "Turn to engage, aye Ma'am. Helm, pivot the stern seventy three and up nine." Jane Foster acknowledged as she used the stick to adjust the thrusters. "Centre line and flagships, aye Ma'am. Transit...
Morg led his friends to the library where they made themselves comfortable in liftchairs which they manoeuvred about a reading table. "We haven't thought beyond the idea itself" he started "now we have to think this into an operational basis — the finished product, unless we want to give it to others to develop commercially?" "No," Ivy said "I've got enough in this to be selfish enough to want to take it to a conclusion at whatever point we might decide. Morg, you sounded as if you...
"'Clueless' Cahlewis? Malcolm Cedric Cahlewis? Shirley, tell me you are pulling my leg. Please?" Clare Gillard demanded. "Lieutenant (junior grade) Malcolm C. Cahlewis is my replacement; I don't know about the 'clueless' bit but Gorgipest Ground Base has just sent up the signal." Gillard put her head in her hands and moaned, "And things have been going so well." And from her point of view, they had been. Between Bhute and Wolton's, the Bosun had to remonstrate with Clare for...
TJ retired to the clean room to think (scheme?); he consulted with Cedric, Orville and Percy and that trio hurried off without demur. TJ's request (you don't give an order unless you are sure it will be obeyed) for the Windsor Women to have burrfibre garments (in multiple layers) made was treated with disdain — they were wearing their gold biologicals with the tooled leather waist pieces. Morg was not so conscious of his image that he had qualms about standing in the measuring cubicle and...