i WAS thinking of you after all
- 3 years ago
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"Retract triple shield, release the "Rivers"; throttles space idle" Clare ordered as Venus masked the USN wall.
The acknowledgements came through.
"Mr Windsor, turn us stern to the wall. Guns, as soon as we clear the planet, missile attack on target one centre line and flagships."
"Turn to engage, aye Ma'am. Helm, pivot the stern seventy three and up nine."
Jane Foster acknowledged as she used the stick to adjust the thrusters.
"Centre line and flagships, aye Ma'am. Transit time will be halved Boss, gravitational effect of the planet, the birds will get a sling. I'll use the Yankees for rebro as the angle from here ain't the greatest"
"Very well Guns. Phip, can you com those clowns and tell them to clear my line of fire. I know they are trying to do the right thing but they are just getting in my way"
"I can be a bit more diplomatic about it, can't I? We shouldn't discourage them."
"Whatever..." Clare waved her hand as Phip moved.
Phip sat at a com with Morg's permission and dialled in her frequency and encryption, selected a tight beam and sent a pulse on the setting indicated by the screen's analysis of the holo.
"Station using this com, identify."
Phip transmitted
"Encrypt alpha nine seven two.Go!"
The voice which responded had metallic overtones,
"Panty Hose, this is Central Halo three; got a message from your merchie, clear the line of fire. Over."
"Halo three, I take it that ramp opening is a missile magazine that we heard rumours about. Over."
"Ain't no rumour, Panty Hose so get out of the way."
"Wilco Halo three."
The RN ships diverged – they weren't going to abandon their charge - and positioned themselves to be able to quickly return.
"Yankees report sixteen DDs moving to intercept us as we come round the planet, Ma'am."
"Very good, EW, designate them three bravo and use the scouts to keep them away from us. Will they interfere with out missile track?"
"Negative, Ma'am; they are angling to intercept about level with the wall."
"Very good, EW.
The holo showed the MCs dropping behind "Sundowner" as they were under reverse thrust and "Sundowner" was still at space idle albeit in a tilt to the track.
"Missiles away, Ma'am."
"Very good, Guns, you might see if the main armament can take out the trailing DDs; I'd rather you didn't hit a scout."
"No, Ma'am. Desleigh, Michelle, use the after gun turrets on target three bravo; Cedric you take the two front squadrons and the girls will take the rear two."
"Suits TJ, onto it."
The frames accelerated around the corner; TJ used the scouts' input to alter their vector and the battle 'puter skewed their tracks toward the unprotected wall. TJ released the missiles from the frames and a perfect storm of missiles manoeuvred to impact upon their designated targets. Every targeted DN became space bunnies.
Someone was not to far away from the ball as the BCs collapsed their shields and began to move to pass through the wall. TJ observed,
"Ma'am, they are moving to get the other side the wall and either deploy shields on the outer side and or engage us."
"My thought exactly, Guns; expedite missile programming and be ready to take them out as they poke their bows through the wall. Mr Windsor, full turn over and reverse thrust to take up the planned position. (Morg acknowledged as Clare continued) EW what's the DD situation."
"Last of them gone now, Ma'am. Nothing left in the trailing squadrons. Five wrecks only from the lead group. No scout casualties."
"Very good, EW. Guns, main armament into the edge of the wall as we go past."
"Edge of wall, aye Ma'am. Ladies (tapping his screen to signal Desleigh and Michelle) targets of opportunity in the edge, select a target and destroy it, then move onto the next, the bigger boys first."
"Clare, Panty Hose asks if he can get some of those guns of yours."
"Tell him when he gets bigger."
"Sundowner" was curving over the wall just as the bows of the BCs began appearing and the nearer ones opened fire with their bow chasers.
"One point fives Ma'am. Wont even warm the shields."
"Very good, Guns. Mr Windsor, ask for their surrender..."
"Aye Ma'am" and selected the guard frequency, and while Morg was setting up the link;
" ... Hold fire with the guns"
Desleigh acknowledged.
"All USN ships, we have you locked in with our missiles, you cannot raise shields. Surrender stat and indicate by strobing running lights. Do not scrub your 'puters and do not in any way sabotage your ships. You have one minute or we continue the action."
"The BCs are still coming through and more of them firing on us."
"Guns, engage target two."
"Target two, aye Ma'am. Missiles away. Transit time four minutes."
"Very good."
"Sundowner" ceased her retro burn and continued ballistically matching velocities with the wall holding over the earth side of the wall and the MCs were doing similarly on the Almond side of the wall.
"Ma'am, scouts' vids show the ships in the wall are bringing their armaments to bear."
"Confirm we are at their extreme energy range."
"Ah, actually, Ma'am, we are outside it."
"Better far than near, EW."
"Second that, Ma'am."
The wall opened fire in an impressive display. TJ had taken the possibility of a bombardment into consideration and he had brought the frames vertically over the BCs and then let them accelerate into the thinner fire of the bow chasers. Enough of the missiles got through to blow the bow off every BC.
"Guns, main armament back on that edge and missiles to destroy the wall from this side."
"Engage target one, aye Ma'am. Main?"
His answer was the crackling thumps of the one point eight rifles commencing firing.
TJ began firing the missile frames held in "Thames'" shields with a minute between salvos allowing the following salvo to remain clear of the exhaust heat of the power plants:
"Outer two rows of the wall targeted, salvo one ... and missiles running...
Next rows targeted, salvo two ... on the way...
Next rows targeted, salvo three ... on the way..."
Salvo one had dispersed and come in from outside the wall's barrage. Most of the ships disintegrated into smoke and transient flame. The others were transformed into lifeless hulks
" ... Salvo four on the way..."
"Strobe lights flashing all over the wall, Ma'am."
Salvo two impacted with the same result.
"Abort strikes Guns" Clare snapped.
TJ did not immediately acknowledge as he bent to his screen and selected the abort tab on each salvo and pressed it – then he acknowledged
"Salvos aborted, Ma'am"
Salvo three had almost impacted when it detonated. Of the thirty of the wall targeted in that salvo only nine survived suffering major damage and heavy casualties. The ships themselves had later to be destroyed.
""Sundowner" This is Admiral Hopper on "Burnside", I am the senior surviving officer. We surrender and request permission to search for survivors."
Morg had used the guard to confirm that every ship had surrendered by strobing the running lights warning that any ship which failed to indicate surrender would be destroyed. The ships of the wall were at least familiar with the accurate fire upon the dispersed BCs and prudently heeded the warning. The surviving ships outside the wall had seen, electronically speaking, the destruction of individual elements of the screen even if the source of the destruction had not been located let alone identified. They too prudently strobed running lights.
Clare's further orders were for the screening elements to close up on that side of the wall, the wall to maintain formation and to continue earthwards at two hundred gravities. Any ship wandering off for any reason would be destroyed no questions asked.
The request to search for survivors was approved but restricted to three hours by four DDs.
"EW, shift the Yankees to positions about the wall and escort each DD with two scouts and drop one momentarily out of stealth from time to time just to let them know they are under escort... (Cedric acknowledged.)
Freighter Control – we are really going to have to come up with a better name – Dorothy, keep "Thames" this side of the wall outside their energy range. Move "Tees" to the other side of the wall and "Tyne" to formate on me. Stay outside enemy energy range. Maintain triple shield. I have Dusty send some HACs as escort... (Dorothy acknowledged.)
Aviation, detail two HACs to escort each Missile Carrier and bring the others back to the roost. Rotate the HACs and use Gennies in the right seat – give them experience and rest the Trainees. (Dusty acknowledged.)
XO, drop us back to trail the wall. You heard about the MCs? Good. Now what can we do about resting the crew. I'll need to keep a full complement in MC control so I can manoeuvre each as needed, that's a deck officer and six. The Daughters, I think, as I'll need Dorothy on the bridge. The bridge, an OW and two seaters, four on Weapons and two on EW...
Before you stand down TJ, as soon as that DD departs those wrecks use two frames from the after tubes and destroy them. They are a menace to navigation but it will also serve to tell that lot that targeting can be individual...
Anything I've forgotten?"
Phip waved a hand to attract attention.
"Ah, yes the Royal Navy. They did think they were protecting "Sundowner", didn't they? Ask them if they'd like to consider shadowing the wall from the lead. And before they start getting overjoyed thinking they get a ship's share of the prize money point out that there were three Missile Carriers, ten HACs, sixteen scouts and "Sundowner" out there in addition to them and that is a thirty second share to each of them... (Clare moved to look at the sidebars on the screen at Weapons) and according to TJ's record, a thirty second share of two twenty four line of battle, thirty two CLs and twenty eight DDs is not petty cash...
As for you, on this bucket it's even shares and with you the ship's complement is sixty five*...
But don't forget, Harold has to get his share up front."
"Captain leaving the bridge."
Phip's services were gratefully accepted even though she had not been on a bridge let alone commanded a ship for several decades. Shirley Wood wasn't given a chance to volunteer, she just got rostered.
The velocity of the combined fleet was increased to three fifty gravs.
"Tees" rolled some frames and these were locked in on the captured ships.
The MCs collapsed the triple shield and went into stealth. The HACs and scouts remained in stealth moving in apparently erratic paths but just to remind the wall they were being watched, the stealth was momentarily dropped.
There was only one incident. TJ had the watch.
""Sundowner", "Burnside", the destroyer "Watson" has lost power and is dropping out of the formation."
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How it all began"Sylvia and Danny were neighbors. Danny lived next door to Sylvia with his parents and went to the local college. For the past six months Danny had known that his strange, beautiful neighbor was in fact a vampire.The two of them had come to a rather unconventional arrangement. In return for Danny providing a regular, if somewhat unsatisfying, supply of fresh blood, Sylvia gave Danny regular, and completely satisfying, supply of oral sex."Danny's heart beat faster and he sucked...
How it all began"Sylvia and Danny were neighbors. Danny lived next door to Sylvia with his parents and went to the local college. For the past six months Danny had known that his strange, beautiful neighbor was in fact a vampire.The two of them had come to a rather unconventional arrangement. In return for Danny providing a regular, if somewhat unsatisfying, supply of fresh blood, Sylvia gave Danny regular, and completely satisfying, supply of oral sex."Danny's heart beat faster and he sucked...
I grew up on the edge of the swamp so I knew how to live in it. There were water dragons and serpents, many poisonous. There were huge predator fish from wolf fish the size of a man or larger to the long narrow Reavers. Sometimes there was even poisonous gas that killed silently. There were also poisonous plants that could make you very sick with a touch. Our farm was not huge but provided enough to feed us and pay the king's tax. It was just my father, mother, little brother and me. I was...
The boat was over five meters wide and fifteen long. Only the front three meters and the back two were open. It did have a meter high metal screen above the sides and around the edges. The rest was like a house with windows and small rooms. Inside and to the left was the helm and to the right a living area followed by a small kitchen and pantry and last was a sleeping room. There were ten flat bottom boats just like mine and like mine each had a primary and back up reactor on the rear deck. On...
Danny gave a small moan as he was awakened by a wet mouth sliding down his erection."Wow Sylvia," he gasped as she sucked noisily beneath the covers, her tongue swirling around the base of his shaft. "That's quite a way to wake me up."Danny moaned again as Sylvia swallowed his entire shaft, right to the base, making a slight gagging noise as her nose pressed against his pubic hair, her lips circling the very base of his dick.The eighteen year old had travelled across the country with Sylvia,...
On the swamp The heat was unbearable, the kind that seems to go right through you. She looked around at the thick slimy green water. Her dress was sticking to her body outlining her female form. God, I wish a breeze would come by, she thought. The leaves in the trees were motionless, and the moss hung low and was as knotted and as gray as an old man's beard. The sweat was running down her bow onto her nose then dropping down between her blossoms. It seem she had been sitting on the raft for...
I need to write down this experience before it slips into the back of the recesses of my brain... I love glory holes. I love sucking anonymous cock and taking a load down my throat. And as much as I hated moving back to florida, I knew about the crazy gloryhole scene in Tampa and wanted to check it out.First stop was Fantasyland Adult Center, great booths but no action. literally. I'm the only guy there. But I do meet a guy in the 'playroom' and he tells me to hit Adultworld up the street. I...
On Friday night hubby and I went to a club for adults in Tampa. I really didn’t know what to expect but hubby and I wanted to check it out. Hubby asked that I wear something sexy, a short skirt and a top that showed off my boobs. We arrived around 9:30pm paid the membership fee and walked into the club section. Hubby got us a couple of drinks and we sat and just watched what was going on in the club. There were a maybe 3-4 couples sitting at tables and a single guy sitting at a table. The...
"Sylvia and Danny were neighbors. Danny lived next door to Sylvia with his parents and went to the local college. For the past six months Danny had known that his strange, beautiful neighbor was in fact a vampire. The two of them had come to a rather unconventional arrangement. In return for Danny providing a regular, if somewhat unsatisfying, supply of fresh blood, Sylvia gave Danny regular, and completely satisfying, supply of oral sex." Danny's heart beat faster and he sucked in a...
Campground Showers (mmf Bi)A slinky long haired Asian woman walks up to me outside the campground showers, and asks,”Don’t I know you? Where do I know you from?”I smiled and shrugged, “I don’t know, what is your name?”“Annie”“Mine is Max”We went through place of work, schools, neighborhoods, it turned out we live 10 miles apart, yet we meet by chance 150 miles from home at a coastal campground. Her husband, a fit dusty blonde man, then arrived ready for a shower. He smiled as he approached us,...
I remember going camping up at Mammoth Lakes about 1962 or so. The campground was gorgeous and there were lots of k**s my age there so I didn't have to spend the whole weekend with my Mom and dad. There was this one girl, Janine, who I met at the swimming hole which was just a bend in the river where someone had hung a tire swing. Janine was wearing a two piece bathing suit...pretty racy for back then and I managed to strike up a conversation with her. While we were talking I looked into...
MY FANTASY FOR OLD COCKI was s*******n when mom had to go out of town and she left me with my granDpa. I was wild and hard to handle. One day as I was walking around dressed slutty he told me, "You look like a slut'" I told him "I am a slut" He replied "well I will treat you like a slut then. Come over here."I walked to him in my short skirt and tight top with no bra. He lifted my skirt and saw my bare cunt with no panties. He then pulled down my skirt and lifted my top over my head and I was...
By: DinoMagick ([email protected]) Introduction: This story is not filled with erotic happenings. It’s my first real story that my wife and I came up with one night after drinking wine. I wanted to try my hand at writing something different. Werewolves have always been my favorite meta-human/paranormal race, so I started writing it the way my mind worked. It is one of my first attempts at writing something like this and I am still learning. Hope you like...
Edward and Cullen are 2 vampires that are madly in love with each other, they live together in a luxurious mansion. Cullen a young looking man with short curly blond well styled hair, a pretty boy and with jade green eyes. Edward taller, more dark in manor and speech, shoulder length deep dark black hair, less attractive than his vampire mate Cullen. The immortal vampires enjoy nothing more than the sexual arts. On 1 especially gloomy night Cullen and Edward spoon in bed naked as...
As is often the result when the gf goes away i had spent the second she left teasing my hole and preparing it for the next weeks worth of stretching, toying , fingering and gaping but nothing could quite have prepared me for how my nights would go down.Id long known about southampton commons cruising nature but had only dabbled in watching, and enjoying a circle jerk with some local men on the very rare occasion i may be passing ;and despite my frequent visits to marlands shopping center for an...
Reddit Creampie, aka r/Creampie! A creampie merely is visible sipping or dripping of jizz from a pussy or shit hole. Well, as ridiculous as it might sound, it’s a visual representation of sexual satisfaction. I mean, there wouldn’t be any cum load if some motherfucker wouldn’t have dug up that hole to the extent that they couldn’t hold their shit anymore, right?Even better is that there are actually those of you assholes who love to see this shit slurring down. For this reason, there is a...
Reddit NSFW List-----Earlier that year---- I had picked up Kayla at a bar earlier in the year. She was cute and very drunk. It was pretty clear that she was using a fake ID, but she was just so adorable and wasn’t causing any issues, so the bartenders just shrugged and looked the other way. I figured that I’d get a snack and probably get laid at the same time. It had been a while since I’d had any action in that regard. Kayla was extremely hyper and was just about at the point of dancing on the bar when I’d...
Ok guys I finished part two. I can't wait to hear what you think I want as much feedback as possible. All criticism welcome as long as it is constructive criticism. For those who don't already know this series is not a sex story with vampires in it. This is a vampire story with sex in it. Parts one and two follow the same format in that there is a lot of story that ends with a sex scene so if you are just reading for the sex you might want to skip to the end or better yet just read a...
Why did life have to be so hard? That question kept running through Rhiannon’s head as she walked by the McClintock Cemetery. She kept asking herself this as her witch senses went into overdrive. ‘Did you just realize I was standing here? I thought you were the best vampire hunter around. People need to get their stories in order,’ she heard behind her. Natasha jumped from her ledge. ‘And you need to know when to learn that I don’t want to deal with you tonight,’ Rhiannon retorted, as she...
Why did life have to be so hard? That question kept running through Rhiannon's head as she walked by the McClintock Cemetery. She kept asking herself this as her witch senses went into overdrive."Did you just realize I was standing here? I thought you were the best vampire hunter around. People need to get their stories in order," she heard behind her.Natasha jumped from her ledge. "And you need to know when to learn that I don't want to deal with you tonight," Rhiannon retorted, as she looked...
One summer I had been put in charge of a small group of girls who had been instructed to clean out one of the barns on the farm. It was a hot day but there were rules. The girls had to wear tshirts and jeans and were allowed a 45 minute break at about noon. I stood by and watched. One lunchtime I noticed that one girl didn’t come back after the 45 minute rest, so I got the rest of the girls to work whilst I took a wander. It didn’t take me long to find her. I caught her a good 10...
Ok so this is my first story ever so keep that in mind. I got a big thing for vampires so that is why this is based on vampires. I hope you will all comment with advice and constructive criticism. I intend to continue this story either way so if you like it let me know and ill put more up, otherwise i wont bother. Also there is alot more set up than sex. This story is not intended to be mostly sex in fact it is meant to be a story that has sex in it but who knows how it will develop...
An hour later I walked up to the bar. The brunette was still working, though she looked rather tired. “Double shot of O negative and double of B positive if you have it.” I called out. The bartender nodded, slid two glasses over towards me and then handed me two water bottles. “What are these for?” I asked. “You’ve been busy tonight. Quite a show back there. You might be a vampire but you still need to hydrate on something other than blood.” She replied, giving me a slight smirk. I’d...
CreampieCathy! Creampie movies have a lot of things going for them. They’re sexy as fuck, appealing to that basic human desire to pump a woman full of hot sperm. I also like the name of the act alone. Creampie may be one of the messiest, nastiest porn acts outside the realm of fetish films, but it sounds wholesome as fucking hell. Creampie Cathy sounds like she might well be an artisan bakery owner, but of course, we know a little better.CreampieCathy.com has been peddling amateur creampie smut...
Premium Creampie Porn SitesCHAMPIONS AT LAST By Anne Gray It was the last day of the Cheerleader Championships and, as a member of thepress, I had a prime view from my seat in the stands. Things worked out perfectlywhen the team I had my eye on came in fourth place. That would take them outof the spotlight while everyone focused on the winning three teams. The program told me their names were Nina, Panni, Anita and Laura and theywere from a college on the East coast. My phony media credentials also gotme in to the...
Creampie Eater, indeed. What a name! Lemme tell ya, the dude deserves everything Jezzie and I gave him. I mean, he almost whelshed on our deal! He’s a fucking liar and a faggot. Lemme tell ya. We met the dude online, goin’ through the Yahoo personals. Jezzie and I like to have a little fun, ya know? We ain’t too hung up on having fun with other people, and I think it spices up our love life. I love fucking other women, and Jezzie likes a little fresh meat too. Sometimes, I get...
Danny couldn't help but tremble slightly as the gorgeous vampire slid her tongue over his windpipe and up to the corner of his jaw."Are you okay Danny?" Sylvia asked him as she gently nuzzled his earlobe with the tip of her nose.Danny gave a sigh. "Yeah I'm fine," his hands came up and held her by the hips, giving her a reassuring squeeze. "It was just a rather intense evening," he explained, one hand reaching down and giving her bum a squeeze through her elegant black gown.The eighteen year...