Executive Solutions Chapter Five
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SRU: Magical Solutions By Morpheus Lester Greyson watched with great relief as the other students at the end of the hallway clustered around Carl Nielsol, threatening to shove him into a locker. Lester was just thankful that their attention was on someone else for a change. That this time it wouldn't be him that they threatened to shove into a locker. Lester knew that they never could really put him in one, since the schools used the small lockers, but that never stopped the...
Executive Solutions By Michele Nylons Chapter Two - State Forest The woman woke up late; a slither of light lanced through a chink in the curtain and fell across her face. She was sore. Her body protested at being tossed around on the bed in the seedy hotel the night before, her anus ached and the tiny pinprick in the crook of her left elbow itched. The effects of the drug she had been administered were wearing off and her mind was clearer but she was devoid of any memories...
The attractive woman glided through the door to the offices of Solutions Incorporated as if she were on roller skates. Every gesture she made was the epitome of grace. Her clothes were obviously expensive designer brands and of the highest quality. Despite the fact that her clothes were of a conservative business cut, she looked sexier than most women in lingerie. She carried a small stylish purse that attracted attention only because it didn’t attract attention. Seated at the receptionist’s...
Chapter 4: Future SolutionsI walked into the main office and there was a slick attractive woman standing at the large desk the receptionist sits at when you come in. She seemed to know me right away because she turned to me and put on a big smile for me.“Hi Logan. I’m from Future Solutions.” She stuck out her hand for a hand shake. Her outfit if you could call it that, almost seamed like it came from a Halloween shop labeled “Sexy Professional” of something. Her large bust had a decent amount...
Magus said, “Before you tell me your problem, there is a matter of payment.” “How much?” asked the young man. “Ten dollars and a favor for the first solution. Add a zero for each subsequent solution without adding a favor,” Magus answered. The young man pulled a crumpled ten dollar bill from his wallet and said, “Here’s my ten dollars.” Magus wrote a receipt and handed it over to the young man. He asked, “What is your problem, Mr. Tom Smith?” “My roommate is crazy,” Tom answered. “Does...
Irene asked, “What are you looking at?” Stephen answered, “You are wearing makeup.” “Yes, I am,” Irene replied. “Did you change your hair?” Stephen asked. “Yes, I did,” Irene answered. Stephen said, “I’ve never seen that dress before.” “It’s new,” Irene said. “Claudia and I went shopping last weekend.” “Irene is in love,” Stephen said pronouncing love more like ‘luuuv.’ Magus stepped out of his office and said, “Wonderful powers of deduction, Titus. Do you care to guess the identity...
Known worldwide for their massive infrastructure, Alternative Solutions is a company that saved franchises from going bankrupt, avoided wars, even prevented small nations from being ravished by invasions. However, it's in one of the many skyscrappers in Manhattan that lies the "heart and brains" of the company. Alternative Solutions Systems is a branch of the worldwide company, responsible for the development of tools, gear, equipment, or anything else, to solve the problems presented by their...
Executive Solutions By Michele Nylons Chapter One - Amnesia She felt the sting of the needle and then her world went black. Later... Strange voices coming to her like from a dream, she couldn't move or open her eyes. "Did he fuck her?" "What?" "Did he fuck her? We need to make it look like he fucked her." "I doubt they'll run any DNA given the evidence we're going to leave but if they find a few different semen samples, it will collaborate that she's a hooker,"...
Claudia Alford was a very attractive young woman in her late twenties. Blond haired and blue eyed, she had kept the figure that had made her the head cheerleader in high school. Seeing Claudia in a bathing suit was often taken as proof that there was a God. Fortunately for the marriages in town, modesty prevented her from wearing anything other than a conservative one piece bathing suit. There wasn’t a man in New Millville who didn’t lust after Claudia and she knew it. Knowing it and acting...
Magus clicked his pen in staccato bursts while waiting for his visitor to reply. The pen produced a very irritating sound that appeared to distract the young man. Getting tired of waiting for an answer, Magus said, “If you cannot afford my fee, I must ask that you leave.” “I’m sorry. I just don’t have ten dollars,” the young man said. He did his best to look miserable in the hope that Magus would let him pay for his services at a later date. One glance at Magus let him know that it wasn’t...
Claudia held out her hand admiring the rather substantial diamond affixed to the band of gold on her finger. Denisa had been quite correct in how Phil would react to a special cheerleading session. It was amazing what a short cheerleader outfit could do to a man when the woman inside it wasn’t wearing panties. So what if it wasn’t the most romantic proposal in the world. He had followed through with the ring. The door opened and a smallish woman with a limp walked into the reception area....
With the end of the semester just around the corner, all of the college students in the area were under significant stress. The worst hit by that time of the year were the students about to graduate. On top of worrying about final exams, research papers, and homework, there was the matter of uncertain futures looming on the horizon. Those who were seeking employment and were without offers were desperate for anything to solve their employment problems. They were terrified that they would have...
Magus looked around the conference room. Titus, seated next to him, was busy reading the report that the oceanographers had submitted. Calvin Dorfman sat at the end of the table looking seriously depressed. Dr. Donaldson, one of the lead scientists in this effort, sat beside Calvin shifting nervously in his chair. Leland Bowne, representing the Department of Agriculture, was reading the summary page of the report wondering how he was going to tell his superiors about the contents of...
Just when you think you’ve got everything sorted, all systems running exactly as they should be, and everybody knowing and doing what they should, something will go wrong. Sods law. My old granny always used to greet this kind of thing with a sage nod and say, ‘shit happens even in Kansas’. And then she’d giggle. I have no idea why she said this, because to my certain knowledge she had never been to Kansas; in fact I would be surprised if she even knew where it was. She had certainly never been...
The door of Magus’ office opened and a middle aged man stepped out. He paused and looked at Claudia. He shook his head and started to take a step. He paused once again. Finally, he said, “That is a brilliant man.” “I agree,” Claudia said. This wasn’t the first client of Magus to call him brilliant. “A year ago a friend of mine in Washington D C told me to take my problem to Solutions Incorporated. I took my friend’s advice and went to visit Magus. I gave him ten dollars to solve a problem...
Stephen sat down in the chair heavily. Looking over at Magus, he asked, “Why did I take twenty-one hours this semester?” “So that you can get your degree in three years,” Magus answered. “That’s right,” Stephen said. “Are you signed up for your summer classes?” Magus asked. “Yes. Nine hours,” Stephen answered. It was going to be a busy summer taking three courses on the shortened summer schedule. “Excellent,” Magus said. “The final examinations nearly killed me,” Stephen said. He was so...
The IRS agent in charge stepped out of Titus’ office followed by his assistant. He said, “I think I’m going to hate Titus more than I hate Magus.” “Why?” “Do you remember my old boss?” “Yes.” “Do you know who does Magus’ tax returns?” “Don’t tell me.” “My old boss. Every time I audit Magus, that old bastard starts pulling out tax deductions that Magus didn’t take. I end up having to write Magus a refund check.” “That must hurt, Sir.” “You have no idea. I’m four years from retirement....
Looking worried, Stephen stopped at the front door of the house. He turned to Nestor and said, “Hagar, can you check out things in the house before I go in?” “Are you expecting a problem?” Nestor asked with a grin. “Yes,” Stephen said. He had several theories for what was happening, but no evidence sufficient to select one theory over another. Of course, the worst one was that Magus told her the key to getting him to propose. The problem with that theory was that it wasn’t very...
Karen had no idea what to expect when she showed up at Solutions Incorporated on Friday morning. The receptionist desk sat there in front of the door looking lonely and she assumed that would be her work area. She looked around the reception area thinking that it could use a bit of decorating. The three functional chairs and one potted plant just didn’t give it a very relaxing atmosphere. It wasn’t clear if that effect was intentional or not; all she knew was that it would be very...
The most recent edition of the local newspaper had eight pages. Odds were good that only one of those pages was actually going to be read by anyone. The whole first page of the paper covered a story exposing a price fixing scheme that affected the prices that farmers got for their crops. Farmers had been getting ripped off for years according to the article. The article named names and gave in-depth details about how it had been done. Hundreds of people were going to be sent to jail as a...
The two women entered the offices of Solutions Incorporated one behind the other. They were an interesting study in contrasts. The leading woman was graceful, elegant, sophisticated, and stunningly beautiful. The second woman was solid, blunt, earthy, and exceptionally plain. The second woman was studying the first woman like she was an unusual specimen at the zoo. Claudia frowned on seeing the two women. Magus had no appointments that day and he didn’t like clients to just show up at the...
Irene was seated at her desk doing absolutely nothing. She was kind of puzzled as to why they needed a receptionist. It seemed to her that she spent most of her time just staring off into space. The telephone had only rung about four times that week. They hardly ever had anyone come into the office. In a way, she felt that she was being overpaid. Of course, she wasn’t going to complain about that. This job was allowing her to escape from her abusive husband. “Stephen!” Magus shouted. Irene...
“Magus!” Irene shouted. “What?” Magus shouted. “Nothing.” Irene shouted. Magus shook his head and muttered, “That woman has a set of lungs on her and she has discovered that she likes using them.” “Magus!” Irene shouted. “What?” Magus shouted. “There’s a woman to see you!” Irene shouted. “Does she have an appointment?” Magus shouted knowing that he didn’t have any appointments for that day. “She says she doesn’t need one!” Irene shouted. “Who is she?” Magus shouted. “Stephen’s...
The first thing that Nestor did upon accepting the job at Solutions Incorporated was to quit his job at the Department of Motor Vehicles. After minutes of agonizing debate about how to best give notice, he chose to go with the short and sweet version, “I quit.” He did try to sound regretful, but the ear to ear grin and little victory dance probably undermined any appearance of sorrow at leaving he attempted. It didn’t matter to him that he looked a lot like a Russian dancing bear when doing...
Mel stood outside the house with her arms around Stephen. It was a bittersweet moment, an odd mixture of regret and anticipation. She was leaving him behind to begin a new adventure. She kissed him goodbye. “I’m going to miss you,” Stephen said. “I’m going to miss you,” Mel said. “I think you’ll like the program at UCLA,” Stephen said. “I think you’ll enjoy law school and work,” Mel said. She knew that she was trying to draw out this parting as long as possible. Now that the time to...
Titus had just finished telling Magus about what he had discovered in solving the problem given to him by a middle-aged man visiting from Russia. It had started out simple enough with a missing persons report. He had opened a whole can of worms trying to find out what had happened. In the process, he had discovered an international white slavery ring in which attractive women were bought and sold like cattle. He asked, “What do you think?” “I think you’ve done a good job,” Magus said. He...
Titus sat back in his chair staring at the wall on which was projected his notes concerning his next appointment. There was absolutely nothing in those notes that gave him a clue regarding the problem being brought to him. If there was a person who defined moderation, then Charlie Black was it. He couldn’t imagine a more boring life. He pushed the button on his desk to lower the desktop and turn off the projector. “Titus!” Irene shouted. “What?” Titus shouted. “You’re appointment is here!”...
Claudia openly stared at the elderly woman who had just entered the office. She was the poster child of misery. She had a split lip, a black eye, an arm in a sling, and walked holding her body to one side. It hurt just to look at her. Dismayed, Claudia asked, “What happened to you?” “I was attacked,” the woman answered. It was a more than an attack. She had been sexually assaulted after getting mugged. Claudia pointed to the door and said, “Go right in. Magus will take care of you.” The...
Book Six: Heart's Longing Chapter Three: Alchemical Solution By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Journeyman Mage Faoril – The Free City of Baraconia, the Island of Birds The guilt, shame, anger, disgust, and self-loathing metastasized in me and then exploded out of me in a jet of uncontrollable magic, feeding on the vast reserves of power I absorbed when I debased myself with the crew of the Golden Hunger. The jet, a combination of all five...
Magus was wearing dark sunglasses that were designed to distort his vision. He found that it made it a whole lot easier to deal with an attractive woman. He asked, “Do you have a passport?” “Of course, I have spent every season on the French Riviera since I was four,” Daphne said. She batted her eyelashes at him and thrust her chest forward. “Do you like to travel to exotic locations?” Magus asked. He licked his lips. “I’ve been all over the world. Last year, I went to Hong Kong, Paris,...
Magus shouted, “Claudia!” There was no answer. Magus hit his forehead with the palm of his hand about the same time that Stephen shouted, “She’s on her honeymoon.” “I keep forgetting that she’s on her honeymoon,” Magus mumbled. “Titus!” “What?” Stephen yelled. “You get the next client!” Magus yelled. “Okay!” Stephen yelled. A portly man walked into Stephen’s office. The top of his head was completely bald, but he had full hair around the sides. He sat down and folded his hands across...
The woman entered the room on crutches; her right foot in a cast. She struggled for a moment to juggle crutches and purse while taking a seat. She had raccoon eyes that bore witness to a recent beating. With an expression of desperation on her face, she looked across the desk at Titus hoping he could help her. "Before we begin, there is the matter of payment. The first solution is ten dollars and a favor. We add a zero to the price for each subsequent solution," Titus said. The woman...
Glancing at the clock as she walked into the bathroom she realised she had more than an hour to get ready for her date with Rob. Rob was her boss, and he wanted to discuss a matter over a few drinks and maybe dinner. A matter? Geesh! Did he think she was stupid? But it was an opportunity to get out for a few hours. Jamey was out with Dean anyway, and no telling what time they would get back. Laura looked at herself in the mirror. Divorced for eight years and the mother of a leggy teenaged...
MasturbationThe kitchen table gave Laura a rather unobstructed view of the back yard. It was mid-morning and Dean was labouring away in her garden. His muscles moved easy on the eyes below his even tan. Laura appreciated the view and could not help but experience a slight tingle at the picture before her eyes. As she periodically eyed him over the rim of her cup of coffee, she wondered how long they would have stayed in bed had they not been interrupted. First it was Dad. Perfect timing. Laura had just...
MILFJust beyond forty, Laura was still in good shape. She had never allowed herself the attitude of ‘I’ve got it anyway so why be careful’ and knew she still had what it took: the events of the past twelve hours were sufficient proof of it. Even Dad mentioned that her physical attributes had not escaped his keen eye. Laura blushed at the recollection of her conversation with Dean. Phrases such as ‘He is quite interested in you. Says you’re quite hot’ and the reference to ‘the look in his eyes’ made...
ReluctanceIt had been three weeks since the night Laura witnessed Jamey losing her virginity to Dean. The vision of the young woman, lowering her young frame unto the thick cock sticking upright from the young man’s groin, plagued Laura to the point of screaming with frustration. Her frustration caused numerous self-induced, or otherwise, mechanical, releases from her selection of toys. The biggest being a life-sized suction cup fitted dildo she used to fuck herself with while attached to the shower...
Voyeur“We are two months away from the one year period allocated to the project, Sailair”. Zechariah chased him in a hasty walk and at the front, Sailair, with a troubled look, paid the entrance fee to the souk and rushed inside. Everything was wrong, ever since the beginning of the excavation, from the output of Ever Pure Solid to the concentration of the soil, to the proximity to tunnels No. 38 and No .39. Sailair encountered one hurdle after another and from his perspective the chief accomplice...
David Marks shifted nervously in his chair. The large man was studying him like he was a fish inside a fishbowl. It made him very uneasy. Unable to take the focused attention any longer, he blurted out, “My grandmother died. I’m so unhappy that I don’t know what to do.” Magus continued studying the boy. He was four feet six inches tall, with short blond hair that appeared to resist the best efforts of brush or comb to tame. His sneakers were worn from daily use but weren’t filthy from...
Wednesday passed without incident, but on Thursday Patrick was decidedly morose. In mid-morning he phoned Gordy. “Can we meet for lunch?” “Today?” “Please.” “Beppi’s at noon? Or a few minutes before?” “Deal.” Patrick thought for a few minutes. “I’m downtown for lunch. I’ll shop and be back in mid-afternoon.” “No problem.” “Behave yourself!” “Of course.” Dad was outside when I got to Beppi’s. “Are you OK?” “I think so. But not a happy camper.” He nodded. We were seated right away....
“I ran a campaign based on the promise that I would eliminate corruption in government,” Richard O’Toole said. He was a handsome man. The slight smattering of gray hair at his temples gave him a distinguished appearance. Not a single hair was out of place. He wore a nice tailored suit that spoke of money. His shoes were polished to a bright shine. “I read about your campaign,” Magus replied. “I was less than overwhelmed by your promises.” Richard ignored the snide comment about his campaign...
Gesturing to one of his office chairs, Magus said, “Please have a seat, Calvin Dorfman.” “Hello, Magus,” Calvin said. He sat down and looked at Magus wondering why he had been asked to come into the office. “I’ve been working on your problem,” Magus said. Surprised, Calvin said, “I figured you had given up on it.” It seemed to Magus that everyone expected instant answers to complex problems. Trivial problems were easy to answer quickly, but a hard problem took time to solve. He said, “I...
I was still tired when I woke up and it was past ten this Saturday morning. I hadn't slept in that late since I was a teenager. When I was a teenager, my body was growing and changing and while I thought about girls all the time, my sexual activity was limited to my hand, the shower, and a fantasy in my head. Last evening, Nicole was over. She had amazing tits for a 14-year old. Afterwards Courtney and her mom, Krysta double-teamed me. Even later last night, Jenna unexpectedly showed up...
It was totally unexpected when it happened. Laura was at the table chopping the peppers when she turned around to get a bowl for the salad. Right behind her, Cathy was just getting up after stowing the Basmati Rice in the bottom of the pantry. As Cathy straightened up, Laura turned directly into her. It happened so fast that neither woman had any time to adjust their respective paths. Laura was turning and, on impact, both women gasped in shock. Cathy’s eyes closed and she caught her breath....
BisexualIt was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...
Summary –Tiffany decides she needs a boyfriend to solve her problems, and she makes friends with the school janitor. Previous Story Summary – Tiffany her father and brother continue their adventures. She decides to speak to her teacher, to see if he has blue-balls too (hint, he does!) Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity...
I had had, by my standards, a long hard day. In fact two days. I was beginning to run down my consultancy business, but in order to do so I had to finish a contract which had taken me away from home the previous morning. I then had an overnight stay and was able to wrap it up at a reasonable time. So I was delighted to get home and drive into the garage by late afternoon. I took my brief case from the car intending to drop it in the office and then walk across the house to greet my loving...
The Bishop's housekeeper, the mother of the newly pregnant Jan and Sally, was Bridget, the daughter of his previous housekeeper, Kate. Kate had been young, a buxom Irish lass who had become pregnant and was delighted to get the position of housekeeper for a handsome, young parish priest. She had her baby, a girl she named Bridget, and she'd remained housekeeper as the priest progressed somewhat in the hierarchy. Kate was a weekly provider of solace to the priest when he imbibed heavily of...
Pa and I were coming home from a football game late one afternoon after school. I don't remember the school we were playing against, so it must not have been a very memorable game. Whenever I was in a game Pa always took time away from his chores to watch me play. Because of my size and strength the coach placed me in the line. I played right or left guard, both offensive and defensive, sometimes in the same game. Woodman High was not a large school so we had a first string and a few...
“Hey, Maggots, I’m here for school,” Stephen said while strutting into the office. His mother was forcing him to be there and he was not happy with it. School was endless tedious hours of boredom and he was tired of it. In an attempt to end this travesty that was called education, Stephen planned on being obnoxious. “The name is Magus.” “That’s what I said — Maggots,” Stephen said. He smirked. Most people would have found the smirk on his face particularly irritating. Magus ignored...
So where was Vincent’s honeymoon? Would you believe that they went home? On one of their shopping expeditions a week before the wedding. Ulani found a small flock of eight Uno’s with fleece that shone like silver. The man selling them said that while their fleece was pretty, it was almost impossible to get it to form a thread. Plus, he didn’t have a boar to service them as the boar he’d purchased died on the trip here, and none of the ewes was pregnant. He’d tried two other boars that were...
November, 1812 After a quick repast, Thomas had a horse saddled for himself and set out to visit one of the tenants, one George Hanson, who worked a 60-acre parcel of land towards Horsley with his son. Hanson had been boatswain in Cormorant, and Thomas’s father had given him a tenancy when the old ship was broken up in ‘04. Hanson had taught the young Thomas seamanship, and of all the tenants he could be trusted the most. The ride was two miles over the small lanes of the different estates,...
September – Year 1 Erin wiped away her tears and looked at her spouses. She stood and turned to slap herself on her ass, always a good sign. We all stood then and since we were naked it was easy to start fulfilling our promises. Erin took my cock in her hand and began to stroke it. I began to play with Lynn’s pussy and Lynn began to play with Erin’s. We kissed each other and all of us together. Soon Lynn was starting to thrust her hips on my hand and I was starting to thrust my hips forward...
Rachel went off to the reference library at the Art Gallery on Wednesday morning. Patrick stayed home to think about artefacts. But first he phoned the “qwik-print” shop on King. How quickly could they do business cards? No, black and white; all print. 200 would be fine. Yes, he could bring a laser print. Two hours if they got the sample soon? Thanks. He typed in: Patrick Scott Hollister Attorney at Law and (at the bottom) address flush left; phone and email flush right. He printed it...
Rachel was pre-occupied with Patrick’s ‘outline’ of her dissertation: a biographical sketch of Max and of Fred. something about landscape and Australia. the different media. the influences. the similarities and differences She decided to hoover the flat while thinking. She also thought about other things. She was on course to receive her doctorate before she was 30. Much of her time would be spent reading, thinking and writing. A baby! She would need to talk to Patrick. He’d be...
On Monday, Patrick called the Best Western at 13:00, but Olwen had not yet arrived. He left a message with his home number and his cell. And he thought about calling Sarah Mitchell, but decided to wait till after speaking to Olwen. He looked at what Rachel had written and thought about it. Were pictures like literature? C.S. Lewis wrote: A work of (whatever) art can be ether ‘received’ or ‘used’. When we ‘receive’ it we exert our senses and imagination and various other powers according...
That one sentence from Flood’s Rock Art stuck in Rachel’s mind: “Explanation of the landscape and everything in it has always been a prime focus of Aboriginal people in Australia.” That was what she had to focus upon: the Western and Far Eastern trend towards depiction vs. the Australian drive to explain. And within that, she would employ Hauser’s “Children’s drawings and the artistic production of contemporary primitive races are rationalistic, not sensory: they show what the child and the...
“What are you doing today?” Rachel asked. “Thinking and writing. You?” “I’m off to the ‘Our lands’ show at the Gallery. It’s in its third or fourth week.” “What’s it about?” “The blurb says: Works from the Gallery’s collection that explore the tensions, conflicts, suspicions and political struggles that are central to any discussion about rights to land in Australia. I know that works by Gordon Bennett, Daniel Boyd, Brenda L. Croft, Destiny Deacon, Gordon Hookey and Djambawa Marawil are...
Friday morning Patrick was thinking about the scraps he had written. Rachel was about to go off to the Gallery again, preparatory to writing a piece for the SMH, when the phone rang. “Patrick, it’s for you!” “Patrick Hollister.” “Good morning, I’m calling on behalf of Sarah Mitchell...” “Yes?” “The Minister was interested in learning whether she might speak with you.” “The answer is certainly. But might you tell me what our conversation might concern?” “She didn’t tell me exactly; but...