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My pantyhose fetish grows to obsession… PART 3

I wore the pantyhose Nick had given me for a very long time. I was grateful to him for having given them to me. Especially so, when I reminded myself that he had taken a huge risk in giving them to me as it would have been a lot easier for him to simply throw the pantyhose away. After what he had done for me my crush on him deepened. As I grew older, it was common for me to have masturbatory sessions in pantyhose while fantasizing about him pounding me through the mattress. Oh Baby!

Approximately two weeks after Nick stayed over my family was invited to his house for dinner. I was looking forward to seeing Nick and I knew to be on my best behavior around him so no one would be the wiser. I must admit, I was also nervous about the trunk in the back of his basement. I was afraid the subject might come up during conversation. In any case, when we got there Nick was nowhere to be found and admittedly I was disappointed. Once everyone got settled and exchanged pleasantries, Ms. Jean asked if everyone was hungry. She said dinner would be ready in about 30 minutes. Everyone was gathered around the table chatting and eventually the subject turned to when Maria, her fiancée, Ken and my parents had been out. There was some laughter and Ms. Jean shook her head in disbelief.

Dad brought up Nick and said he and Mom were really happy Nick had agreed to stay overnight. Ms. Jean said “Anytime you need him let me know or call him. He loves to earn extra money. I know he enjoyed spending time with Michael.” Maria chimed in “Yes, Nick said he had a good time and that Michael was a lot of fun.” Mom replied “Really? Well that is great because we are thinking about asking him to stay for a couple of nights but it is a rotten time so he may not be interested.” Maria asked when my parents wanted Nick. Dad said they had been invited to the mountains just after Christmas for a couple of nights with two other couples and that they would be back on December 30th. Specifically they were leaving early on December 27th and coming home late on the 30th. “That’s Christmas break and he may want to use the time for socializing with his friends” Mom said. Ms. Jean chimed in “Well I know his work is also closed during Christmas so I’m guessing he will have the time.” Dad added, “Well, if he is available we will certainly pay him well.” Maria said “Nick will be home from work a little bit later, so tonight would be a good time to ask him.”

Maria looked across the table at me and for a second I was convinced she knew I had her trunk of pantyhose. I waited for the hammer to drop. “So, do you think you can put up with my asshole brother for a couple of days Michael?” she asked. “Maria, don’t start. I want a pleasant evening. He told you several times he was going to do it and you did not believe he would follow through so the joke is on you girl” chimed Ms. Jean. Mom looked back and forth at Maria and Ms. Jean and asked “Did I miss something?” Ken spoke up “No, you didn’t miss anything it’s just that they had a disagreement and Maria is still angry with Nick about it. It’s actually kind of funny.” Maria shot her fiancé a look and at the same time Ms. Jean said “No more talk of this please. We have guests.”

After dinner the evening remained casual and everyone continued sitting around the table. The television was turned on to entertain me. It was getting late and I began dozing in and out while laying on the loveseat. Suddenly, I heard someone at the back door. It opened and I felt cold air rush in. Nick came striding in and I awoke immediately. “Hey everyone! Hi Pat and Bob! Mama did you save me anything to eat?” he said as he walked over to the stove and looked in the pots. “No, I should let my boy go hungry. Did I save food for him he asks? Where is my wood spoon? I should knock some sense into this boy” Ms. Jean said as her arms flew and she made no real attempt to swat Nick with the spoon. By now I was sitting up. Ms. Jean noticed and called across the room “Michael, you see what a poor old woman has to put up with day after day? Yes my boy, he is pretty to look at but an aggravation at times I say.” The entire time Ms. Jean was fussing Nick was fixing his plate. As Ms. Jean finished speaking Nick turned to face her and said “I love you too Mama” and kissed her as she kissed him back. As I watched the dynamics of their relationship play out I couldn’t help fantasize that it was me Nick had kissed.

Nick plopped himself at the table. He was wearing blue jeans, a faded blue sweatshirt, athletic shoes and a beat-up military style field jacket. His hair was wind blown from the late October winds and yet he literally looked like he had walked out of the pages of a magazine. Once he had walked into that room the only thing on my mind was Nick, Nick, and Nick. In between bites of food he guzzled down some iced tea. As Nick’s head went back he realized I was on the loveseat. “Oh Michael! Hey Dude! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ignore you. How are you Buddy!” “I’m good Nick, just a little sleepy” I said. “I hear you Dude!” Nick replied.

Nick appeared to be starving as he was shoveling his food into his mouth and had his left arm on the table as if he were guarding his plate. “Would you look at that?” Ms. Jean said. “I don’t like it when he sits like that. Like a prisoner guarding his plate.” Nick just smiled at Mom and me as he twirled his fork between his right index finger and thumb. Maria was standing behind Nick before she leaned over his left shoulder in an attempt to brush his arm from the table. Nick didn’t miss a beat. “Grr ruff ruff grr!” Nick barked when he saw Maria’s hand. Ms. Jean nearly fell over and I fell off the loveseat laughing hysterically. Ms. Jean went to the sink and applied a cold paper towel to her forehead as Nick smiled and refused to break character. “I’m not amused” Ms. Jean said. Maria snapped “That was mature Nick.” She pushed the tray of bread in front of Nick and he growled again then grunted “Wolf Man hungry! Wolf Man eat bread!” Mom and Dad tried not to laugh because they knew Ms. Jean was mortified but I no longer had control of myself. I had slipped onto the floor in a pile of giggles and laughter. From the floor I could still see Nick’s face. Our eyes locked and he winked his brow twice while looking at me. I was still in hysterics. Ms. Jean continued applying the cold towel to her forehead. She then stepped behind Nick and said “I know a Wolf Man who is going to the pound to get fixed if he doesn’t shape up immediately.” Maria was gloating at seeing Nick get called out. Nick’s expression changed to “Uh oh!” then with his left eye he winked at me.

Nick excused himself from the table so he could get a shower. Mom and Dad said they had something they would like to discuss with him and he told them sure thing that he would come back down in a little bit. As soon as he left the room Ms. Jean apologized to Mom and Dad profusely for his behavior. Mom and Dad shrugged it off. It didn’t bother them at all. She then turned to me and said “Michael, I’m sorry my silly son acted like that tonight. Please accept my apology.” “It’s okay. I think Nick is funny” I replied.

My parents, Maria and Ken played cards while Ms. Jean cleaned up. I watched television while I counted down the minutes until Nick would come down the stairs. About 30 minutes after having left the room Nick came down looking sexy in grey sweatpants and a white wife beater. He went to the fridge and poured a glass of tea then sat down at the table. “So what’s up guys? Is there something you wanted to talk about?” “Yes” Dad said. “Pat and I are planning to go out of town from December 27th until the 30th. We will leave early on the 27th and return early to late evening on the 30th. We were wondering if you may be interested in staying with Michael while we are gone. Of course we will pay you well and leave the house full of food. I know it’s a terrible time because it’s over the holidays and maybe you are going to work or have plans with friends during the break. We are asking now because we know whoever does agree to stay needs early notice.” Nick sat quietly for a moment then said “Well I certainly can use the money. I don’t know of any plans but that doesn’t mean someone isn’t planning anything. Tell you what, can I just check with a few people and get back to you in a day or two?” Dad said “Sure, sounds good.” I was so excited Nick had been asked to stay and kept my fingers crossed that he would do so.

About and hour and half later we packed up to head home. During the ride Dad asked me “So Michael, would you be alright with Nick staying at the house for a couple of days?” I didn’t want to appear too eager so I answered simply “Sure, I like Nick. He’s a nice guy. A riot too.” As soon as we arrived home I headed up to the bathroom and got ready for bed. I was physically exhausted but emotionally energized at the prospect of Nick staying again.

Two days later Mom answered a call from Nick. Mom entered the family room to inform Dad and me that she had just gotten off the phone with Nick and he said he would be happy to stay after Christmas. Apparently, several friends from college were going home for the holidays so it was going to be a quiet time for him. Both Mom and Dad were relieved and I was elated. My first thought was “Oh yeah, I’ll get to see him naked again,” followed by “He will be all mine for nearly four days” and “I hope he becomes the Wolf Man.”

Christmas Day came with all the usual pomp and over abundance of food. On the 26th Mom began breaking down some of the leftovers into freezable containers and manageable portions for Nick and me. It was a big help as we would only need to heat things in the oven. The only time we would need to cook is if we wanted a hot breakfast. We had hosted family and friends on Christmas Eve and still had a huge supply of soft-drinks, chips, cheese, crackers, cookies, cakes and pies, etc. We certainly had more than enough food for Nick and me. Mom scotch-taped little notes with toss out dates on some of the foods that she believed would need to be trashed if not consumed by that time. Mom and I made a brief trip to the Supermarket to purchase fresh bread and a gallon of milk. We weren’t too sure if Nick was a coffee drinker so we also purchased extra coffee and half and half. Mom went out of her way to make everything easy for me and Nick while my parents were gone.

On Wednesday, the 27th of December, the doorbell rang at 6:30 a.m. I was awakened a little earlier so I could see my parents off. It was my parent’s friends Mike and Judy at the door. A debate began as to whose car they were going to ride in. A few moments later the doorbell rang again. It was Nick. His face was unshaven and looking very wolfy. Only seconds after he came in, the doorbell rang again. Miss Marion and Mr. Don had arrived. They came in and the debate over whose car to use continued between Mr. Mike and Dad. After listening for a few minutes, Mr. Don interjected and said he thought the car that should be used should be my Mom’s since it was a full-size four door (station wagon) and all of the other cars were coupes. All of the women agreed and the case was closed. Dad and Mr. Mike loaded the car as Mom reviewed the food and drink situation with Nick. Dad told everyone to go to the car and said he would be out in a few minutes. He told both Nick and I that the weather service was predicting that an unseasonable cold air system was going to come in over night so he wanted us to be careful when outside. It was also predicted that a snow squall may come through sometime on Friday; however the weather people were saying it would not amount to much. In any case there were snow shovels in the garage. Dad then looked at Nick and said “Help yourself to anything in the bar; I trust you will use common sense.” Nick answered back “You can count on it.” Dad stopped and turned and asked “Oh Nick would you like me to pay you now or when we get back?” Nick said “Oh later later is fine.” Just as Dad went through the front door and began to pull it closed he looked at me, pointed and said “And you, don’t you do anything to make Nick regret staying.” I said “Who? Me?” Dad said “Yeah, you!” as he pulled the door closed behind him.

Nick turned to me and said “Well Bud, what do you want to do?” “Go to bed” I said. For just a moment I had caught Nick off-balance. Quickly he recovered and said “What? What do you mean?” “I’m tired; I got up so early I need more sleep.” Nick looked slightly relieved then said “I can totally relate. I could use a couple more hours myself. Let’s go.” We went up stairs, Nick carrying his duffel bag over his shoulder. “What room should I stay in?” Nick asked. I said “Well, we have two guest rooms or you can sleep in the extra bed in my room. It’s up to you.” He popped his head through the door closest to him. “Cool, there is a queen-sized bed in here. I’ll take this one. It won’t bother you that you are alone with you parents out of town will it?” “No, I could actually be alone and would be fine but they would never go for it.” I left Nick to settle into the guest room as I retreated to my room and settled back into the warm comfort of the blanket and bedspread.

I awoke bright-eyed and glanced at my clock to see what time it was, 9:40! I guess I needed the sleep. I threw the covers back and headed to Nick’s room. He was still asleep. He was lying on his right side with the covers over his left shoulder. He was tucked in tight. I couldn’t get a glimpse of his sexy chest hair no matter how hard I looked for it. I stood watching him sleep for a few seconds contemplating how best to wake him. Finally, I reached out and gently shoved his left shoulder as I called out his name. He didn’t respond. It was as if I was pushing a bag of cement. “Nick, its 9:40 a.m. do you want to get up?” I asked. Nick began to stir and mumbled “Really? Okay, I’ll be down in a few. Go ahead down.” I proceeded down to the kitchen and contemplated my choices for breakfast. I decided on a highly nutritious breakfast of orange juice, Pop Tarts, a banana and Cocoa Puffs. Nick came staggering into the kitchen and asked if I knew where the coffee was kept. He poured himself a bowl of Wheaties and a glass of juice while he waited for the coffee. Nicked asked if I knew what the woods and river were like. I told him the river had ice along the banks but it wasn’t more than half-an-inch and the woods were dry because the ground was frozen. Nick suggested we take a little hike through the woods and along the river after breakfast.

Once we finished eating we put our dishes in the dishwasher and headed up stairs to dress. My room and Nick’s shared the Jack and Jill bathroom. With two basins, we were able to brush our teeth at the same time. I went to my room and began pulling clothes out to put on. I retrieved a pair of pantyhose too. I removed my pajamas and briefs and kept my t-shirt on. Next, I pulled the pantyhose on over my nude lower half. Just as I had placed the waistband into position I heard Nick ask “Well, when did you start doing that?” I turned to see Nick standing shirtless in the doorway between the bathroom and my room. “What do you mean?” I asked. “When did you start wearing your pantyhose like that, with no underwear?” Nick asked. “Oh, I guess a few weeks ago. I’ve done it several times previously, but I’ve been making it a regular thing. The nylon feels so good on my butt and everything.” Nick swallowed then said “Yeah, it looks so hot. That’s cool. Let’s roll.” I knew it was freezing out so I pulled my briefs on over my hose then finished dressing.

Nick and I headed toward the back of our property. Our property abutted the river to the east and north. To the south we had approximately 5 acres of woodland. We walked the woods first. There were no true trails but because it was winter the woods were easy to hike. Once we were near the property line in the back of the woods Nick stopped and asked “What’s that?” I replied “What? I don’t see anything?” Nick didn’t answer he proceeded straight ahead toward a thicket of wild rose bushes. “Here. What is that?” Nick crouched down and looked at the bushes. With his gloved-hand he touched what was trapped in the bushes and billowing in the winter wind. “This is nylons. This is your pantyhose” he said. Nick picked up a sturdy twig and moved it at the base of the bushes. What at first appeared to be the ground moved easily under the force of the twig. The “earth” began to billow gently in the wind. “This is a pile of pantyhose.” Nick closely examined the four or five pair caught in the bushes. “What the hell happened to them? They are shredded. Dude, you had better not tell me you threw out those pantyhose after all the trouble I went through.”

I could see Nick was agitated. “Nick, Nick, no, I still have the pantyhose.” “Then what is this?” he asked irritated. “These are pantyhose that I had runs in. I promise you I don’t throw good pairs away. I brought these out here to get rid of them. It is easier than throwing them in the trash and risk being caught.” “I see more than runs, they look like they are shredded” he said. “Well, yeah, they are. I sometimes like to get a little wild before I get rid of them so I destroy them” I sheepishly replied. With his eyes wide and a shit eating grin Nick said “Michael you are full of surprises. You kinky pantyhose Dude you! We proceeded to walk along the river bank then go back inside as the winds were steadily increasing and it was already below freezing.

I asked Nick if he wanted to play any games and told him of the ones I had received for Christmas as well as others I had. He said it sounded like a plan. I went up to my room to retrieve them. Once up there I decided to slip my pants off and returned to the living room wearing only my shirt, pantyhose and briefs over the pantyhose. I plopped myself on the carpet along with several games. Nick slipped off the sofa and looked over the games. Once we selected one we began to set it up. Nick didn’t comment on my attire and I suspected he wouldn’t for a while just to annoy me. After about an hour or so Nick said “I had forgotten how good your feet look in pantyhose.” I was lying on my left side on the floor. Nick reached toward me and ran his left hand over the tops of my feet, and then he caressed the soles. His warm hand felt great on my feet and I moved my legs a little closer to him so he wouldn’t have to reach as far should he want to touch them again. We both got up from the floor to stretch and get something to drink and Nick said “Hey it is 1:30. We should probably eat lunch. Even if you aren’t all that hungry we should eat a little something because dinner isn’t all that far off.” I agreed that I could eat a sandwich and some chips so we made lunch and retreated to the recreation room to watch television while we ate.

After lunch, we resumed playing games in the living room. At one point, I began to play with my pantyhose. I’d been good up to that point but was getting tired of being “discrete” in front of Nick. I admit I partly wanted to see how he would react but it was also normal behavior for me to play with them and I thought since I was in my own home why shouldn’t I do so. The pantyhose were beginning to bag a little especially at the ankles and my feet due to all of my rolling around on the floor. I occasionally wiggled my right toes and could feel that the toe section was beginning to work itself off my foot. After a little bit, I began to play with the toe section by pulling it approximately an inch from my toes then smoothing it back onto my foot. I caught Nick watching me twice, though he didn’t say anything. Suddenly, as I was about to smooth the toe section on again Nick reached out and grabbed hold of it. He basically had the toe section and my toes in his left hand. Neither of us said a word as we continued to play the game. Within a few seconds he began to gently pull on the toe section. As he did so he wrapped the nylon around his index finger. Neither of us spoke a word. I decided to remain silent and see what he was up to. Nick continued to pull on the nylon painstakingly slow and soon had several of his fingers wrapped in nylon.

“Well, I win again!” Nick announced. “Let’s play something else now. What do you have over there?” he asked. I reached for other games but couldn’t reach them with Nick having a grasp of my pantyhose. If I really had too I may have been able to pull out of the pantyhose but I expected Nick would release them. “Awe, you can’t get away now can you?” Nick said. “No, I can’t” I said. “Good, I’d think you wouldn’t want to anyway. I mean you’ve been teasing me all day so I’m ordering you to wear pantyhose the entire time I’m here. Not like you wouldn’t anyway, but I want you with no pants unless we go outside and no underwear either. I want you in pantyhose and a shirt only” he said. I was dumbstruck and also immensely turned on. All I could say was “Okay.” Nick released my pantyhose and sweetly said “Pull your pantyhose up and smooth them out Baby.” I pulled the right stocking leg back on then stood and looked over my legs. I became aware that I was still wearing my briefs. I hooked my finger inside the waistband and pulled them down then stepped out of them leaving them where they fell. I looked over my legs again and smoothed out the pantyhose so that they were evenly distributed over my legs and feet. Softly Nick said “You look so awesome, so sexy Baby. Lift your shirt so I can see everything. Turn around; let me see your ass. Oh hell yeah! Your ass is to die for in those pantyhose!” I was thrilled to be standing before Nick modeling my pantyhose for him. I noticed his cheeks were a little flush and he seemed to be growing a boner. “Okay, sit down, let’s play another game” he said. I sat down and began putting Sorry away as Nick reached out for my briefs. He was about to toss them on the coffee table when he stopped and raised them to his face and began to sniff them. At first he didn’t make a production of it but suddenly he began to inhale deeply as he moaned and grunted and I stared at him in awe. Nick looked at me and laughed hard before tossing them on the table and we resumed playing board games for another hour or so.

It was beginning to get dark and colder and the winds were still blowing. We decided to put the news on to check the weather and agreed we would eat dinner afterward. The weather forecast called for increasingly strong winds over night lasting until late morning and temps dropping into the low teens overnight and not rising above the mid 20s for several days. They still talked about a snow squall but said we would not see more than an inch of accumulation. We went up to the kitchen and began pulling out food to pop in the oven. We carried our food down to the recreation room and watched television as we ate. We cleaned up the dishes and resumed watching television. It was beginning to get late so I told Nick I was going to get a shower and go to bed. He said “Okay Dude, see you in the morning.” Sometime after mid-night I was awakened abruptly to a thunderous noise outside. The wind was making the roof creek and I was beginning to get a bit nervous about it. I looked out my bedroom window into the yard but could see nothing. I returned to bed but did not fall back to sleep.

The wind often sounded like a train whistle. I pulled the covers back and went to Nick’s room. He was fast asleep so I was reluctant to wake him. There was suddenly another loud boom outside. It startled me and gave me the courage to wake Nick. I shook his right shoulder and called his name. “Nick, I heard a noise outside” I said. Nick sat up and asked “Do you think someone is trying to get in the house?” he asked. “No it was a loud noise out in the yard” I said. “I’ll bet you heard a tree branch fall. The trees aren’t close enough to the house so we will be okay. As long as no one is trying to get in everything will be alright.” Nick could see I was anxious. He looked at the alarm clock; it read 1:15 am. Suddenly there was another strong gust of wind and another thud outside. Nick said “Wow that was loud. I think some of the trees are falling. Tell you what. You can sleep with me tonight.” He pulled the covers back and I climbed into the bed. After my shower I had put on a new pair of pantyhose and a t-shirt. The room was very dark so Nick had no idea what I was wearing. I climbed into the bed and settled in. During the night I awoke a few times to find that Nick was spooning me and had his hard cock either pressed against my ass or the back of my legs.

I awoke at 8:00 am and was wide awake. I decided there was no need to pretend to be asleep. I would get up, watch some television and wait for Nick to wake up before eating breakfast. Just as I began to stir Nick grabbed me and pulled me to him to hold me. “Where do you think you are going?” he asked. “I thought you were asleep so I was going down stairs to wait for you” I replied. “Just lie here for a little bit. Keep me warm” he said. After about 15 minutes or so I climbed on top of Nick who was lying on his back. I took hold of his hands and pulled them as I implored that it was time to get up. He chuckled as he intently watched me. He easily pulled his hands from mine and placed them under the covers and on my waist. “Oh! I thought I felt your pantyhose feet against my legs. Is that for me or is it a regular occurrence now?” he asked. I laughed and told him it was pretty much a regular thing to which Nick frowned and said “Oh, I’m crushed; I thought you did it just for me.” We both laughed as Nick pushed me down to his hips. “That’s better. You were sitting on my stomach.” A few seconds later there was no mistaking Nick had become aroused. I could feel his hard and hot cock pulsing against my pantyhose clad ass. Nick bucked his hips once as a soft groan escaped his lips. “Yeah, you’re right. It’s time to get up.” I pushed the covers back and as I climbed out of bed I looked back and saw that Nick’s cock was standing at attention and poking through the hole of his white briefs.

After brushing my teeth I went to my room to select a shirt to wear. By now I’d become aware that the back of my pantyhose were wet. I lowered them enough to be able to see the back of them. There was a small wet spot with creamy fluid on them. I touched it and rubbed the liquid between my index finger and thumb. I slipped the pantyhose off and held them up to examine the spot closer. “Oh my goodness, Nick came on my pantyhose!” I slipped into the bathroom and washed the goo from my ass then went back to my room to put on another pair of pantyhose. The previous pair I hung by the waistband on my bedpost so it would dry.

After eating breakfast Nick asked if I wanted to check to see what the noises had been. By the time we had reached the end of the lawn we could see that three large but very unhealthy trees on the edge of the woods had fallen to the ground and another huge tree was uprooted and resting against a weaker tree. We knew it was unsafe to proceed any further so we went back inside.

For the remainder of the day we watched television, ate and played games. Later that evening both Nick and I were sitting on the sofa while watching television. “Hey Michael, did you find anything on those pantyhose this morning?” I played dumb and said “No, what do you mean?” Nick searched for the right words then said “I got carried away this morning and I didn’t mean for that to happen.” “Yeah, I saw some stuff on the pantyhose and my butt. It’s okay though” I said. Nick was relieved. He reached for my hosed feet and began to tickle them. I giggled and tried to pull away but Nick’s grip around my ankles was too strong for me and truth be told, I was enjoying myself.

Nick leaned forward as he pulled me across the floor closer to him. He brought the soles of my feet to his face and began rubbing them over his five o’clock shadow. The scratchy feel of his beard felt fantastic against the soft bottoms of my feet. As he rubbed my feet over his face I wiggled my stocking clad toes. Nick let out a sigh of approval as he slowly brought my feet to his nose and mouth. Softly he began kissing the soles of my feet before bringing my toes to his lips. His lips parted and his tongue began to gently lap at my toes. Mmm! Nick’s hot tongue felt so good on my hosed toes. He began pushing his tongue between each toe with the nylon acting as a barrier, allowing him to get his tongue just so far between my toes. I let a soft sigh escape my lips. Nick looked at me and winked. He took my sigh as a sign to continue. Nick began running his wet tongue up and down the length of my feet. I giggled at first because it tickled but said “Do it again Nick.” He continued licking and lapping at the soles of my feet as he held my feet to his face with his left hand and used his right hand to run his fingers up and down the length of my legs. I was beginning to sprout a boner and was embarrassed. I hoped Nick had not noticed what was happening.

Nick gently brought my feet to the floor then stood up. He walked over to the sofa and sat down. As he did so, he patted the sofa with his right hand and said “Come on up here and take a seat.” I got up and sat next to him. He gently pushed me to my right to lie across the sofa as he brought my legs and feet up to his lap. Nick began to run his warm hands over my legs from toes to upper thighs. I was sure to keep my t-shirt tucked between my upper thighs. We continued to enjoy our play a little while longer when he suddenly stood up and walked to the center of the room. He turned his back to me then slowly fell to the floor. When he turned around to look at me he growled and declared “The Wolf man has returned!” I said nothing as I anxiously waited to see what Nick would do. He pulled his flannel shirt off over his shoulders and threw it across the room. Next, he stood and unbuttoned his jeans then shoved them down to his ankles and stepped out of them. Nick looked so sexy with his hairy chest, tummy with a happy trail and hairy legs contrasted by his white briefs and athletic socks. He got down on all fours and began to growl as he paced the room. Nick backed into a corner and raised his head and began sniffing. “Grrr, grr” he growled. “Wolf man is hungry. Wolf man must eat.” As he sniffed the air I smiled and waited in anticipation of his next move. Nick began to slowly move to me on all fours. Once he reached the edge of the sofa he inhaled deeply then growled “Wolf man smell stinky pantyhose feet. Wolf man like stinky pantyhose feet.” He backed three feet away then charged the sofa which caused me to shriek with glee.

Nick leaned his head forward and pressed his nose into the underside of my right foot and buried his nose in my nylon toes. He held it there sniffing deeply as he scrunched his face then backed away and grunted “pee-you!” He began pacing back and forth in front of the couch. All the while he was grunting and growling. Nick slowly ran his fingers through his long silky chest hair which drove me nuts with lust. I wanted it to be me playing with his chest hair and that sexy happy trail of his. Nick leaned in again and began sniffing at my left foot but had not yet pressed his nose into it. I waited in anticipation as he continued growling and sniffing at the air. Finally, he pushed his nose into the bottom of my left foot and kept it buried there. Quickly I buried my hands in his hair and ran my fingers through it making a mess of it while savoring the silky feel of his long hair between my fingers.

Nick inhaled deeply then said between growls “Mmm! Stinky pantyhose feet! Wolf man eat them now!” Nick shoved all five of my toes into his hungry mouth as he simultaneously began rubbing my right foot against his right cheek. As he saturated the nylon while sucking my toes and wiggled my right toes against his face as best I could. Nick was “going to town” on my left foot. He rolled his tongue around the ball of my foot and pushed it against the nylon as he tried to push it between my toes. I could no longer contain my curiosity anymore. I wanted to see if anything was happening in Nick’s briefs. I discreetly glanced down at his chest then reached forward and ran my hands over it. I was immediately shocked by how confident I was in my actions. His chest hair felt exactly as I suspected… oh so silky! I leaned forward and rubbed my right hand over his chest again then traced my finger tips down his happy trail to his belly button. This afforded me an excellent opportunity to see his briefs. With my fingers still tracing his happy trail I got a full on view of Nick’s lower half. He was rock hard with his cock head just resting against the sofa. His briefs were pulled tight by his raging boner. I wanted to touch his hardness but knew I dare not with my hand just yet. As I sat back against the sofa Nick gave me a look. That look, the look of “You aren’t fooling me Buddy. I know what you are up to!”

Nick released my left foot from his mouth then growled at me and flipped me on to my tummy as he began to lick and kiss the back of my legs. Next he proceeded to give me a couple of gentle bites on my thighs. He held one bite as if he wasn’t going to let go and I squealed which caused him to laugh. Nick then ran his tongue up and down the backs of my legs up to the hem of my t-shirt. My mind raced with thoughts. “Will he raise it up? Will he reach underneath? I want him to touch my butt!” I felt Nick’s hot breath on my butt. He leaned forward and kissed my right cheek then my left one through my t-shirt. Oh how I wanted him to do more but he didn’t. He was going to play with me. I was his toy but that was okay as I was thoroughly enjoying it.

Nick quickly grabbed my right foot as he growled. He sniffed the sole then my toes and said “Wolf man could eat stinky pantyhose feet all day!” with that he opened wide and slipped my hosed toes into his warm mouth. Nick sucked so hard on my toes I thought he might suck them through the nylon. I decided to use my left foot to rub over his chest. The toe area was still wet with Nick’s saliva and the nylon clung securely to my foot. I stuck my foot out and began to rub it over Nick’s chest as he worshipped my left toes. I adored how long and silky the hair was and how it rose up as I drew my toes across it. I wanted to touch it again and reached forward with my left hand and let me fingers run through it stopping to run my index finger over his right nipple. As I did so Nick’s eyes bugged out a little as he tried not to giggle and choke on my foot at the same time. I saw this as encouragement to continue and so I did. As Nick worshipped my foot I ran my fingers through his long hair and then back though his chest hair. I noticed Nick’s boner jump several times within his briefs as I ran my fingers through his hair.

I instinctively knew he wanted to do more but I was so naïve so I decided to just follow his lead. Nick released my foot and let it rest on the sofa. Nick announced “Wolf man wants pork butt! Wolf man eat pork butt!” I thought “Pork butt?” but knew butt was butt! Nick stood up, then scooped me up and flipped me over face down on the sofa. He knelt down again as I watched him begin licking and kissing my feet. He worked his way up my legs. Kissing, licking and rubbing them. When he got to my butt he kissed each cheek through the t-shirt then began to gently bite at them between growls. “Wolf man want pantyhose butt!” He slowly slid my t-shirt up exposing my pantyhose clad ass cheeks. He waited a moment to see if I protested. When I didn’t, I watched as he leaned in and began kissing my nylon butt. Nick kissed it at first then began lapping at it as he growled. “Mmm! Tasty pantyhose butt!” he said. I could sense the nylon become damper with each lap of his tongue. Nick’s finger tips began to run up and down the length of my legs just as I felt something pressing against my ass crack. Nick was beginning to press his nose into the seam of my pantyhose. “Grr! Stinky pantyhose butt! Wolf man want stinky pantyhose butt!” Nick continued pressing his nose into the pantyhose waiting for an admonishment that never came. When he came to realize I wasn’t going to protest he pushed his nose in firmly and inhaled as his tongued lapped at my nylon covered scrotum. I didn’t think anything could possible feel any better or that I could possibly be any happier!

A few moments later I realized Nick had stopped. He placed his hands on my hips and guided me to sit up. He then positioned me to kneel on the sofa with my back to him. “Mmm! Sexy! Wolf man like sexy pantyhose!” he growled. I felt Nick’s nose at my ass crack again, and then I felt his hot mouth against my ass crack. His tongue began lapping at the center seam then it began pushing against it. “Grrr! Grrr! Wolf hungry and horny!” As he lapped at my pantyhose I became aware of something hard on my feet. Thoughts raced through my mind. “Is it, it can’t be. Yes, it is.” I looked over my right shoulder and Nick had placed his beautiful cock on my nylon clad soles. It was rock hard and leaking pre-cum heavily all over my soles as he slowly and gently pushed it against the bottom of my feet.

Nick’s tongue worked feverishly at my hosed ass crack as he ran his fingers up and down my legs and back. “Grr! Bud okay?” he asked. “Yes, don’t stop. I love it. It feels so good” I said. Bye now Nick was more than rubbing his cock against my feet. He was pumping pretty well and I could sense he was really turned on by how furiously he lapped at my ass and pushed his tongue into the nylon. Nick’s hands were suddenly on my hips. He lowered me so that I was still kneeling on the sofa but my ass was in the air in front of his face. Nick stood and grunted then said “Wolf so fucking horny! Damn it!” Nick placed his hands on my hips as I felt his big hard cock slap against my ass. He began to thrust his cock against my hosed ass as he grunted and growled. “Oh Baby! Oh Baby! I’m going to cum on your pantyhose ass! Is it okay?” he asked. “Yes, yes!” I managed to stutter. Nick was so turned on and I wanted to please him. I wanted him happy so he would want to play again. “Awe fuck! Awe, hell yeah! Oh Baby!” he growled. “Here it comes, here it comes! Can you feel it?” Nick asked. “Uh, uh, uh, oh yeah! Fuck I’m cumming. I’m cumming on your sexy pantyhose wearing ass Baby!”

I could feel each strand of Nick’s hot cum land on my ass. Some of his cum seeped through the nylon and I felt it run into my ass crack. Nick leaned forward and wrapped his arms around me holding me tight. “Oh Dude! That was so hot! Thank you Baby!” Don’t move. Just let me hold you for a minute” he said. Still holding me, Nick guided me from the sofa and led me to the bathroom. He wiped his still pulsing cock with toilet paper then slipped his fingers inside the waistband of my pantyhose. With one swift motion he brought the hose down to my ankles and had me step out of them. He wet a washcloth and proceeded to wash off my ass and thighs. I looked at Nick’s cock. It was still twitching and he had perspiration at his temples, forehead and in the center of his chest. “I need to take a shower. Why don’t you run up stairs and put on another pair of pantyhose” he said. Just as he finished speaking I noticed a drop of cum seep from his piss slit. Before he noticed it I grabbed the washcloth and wiped it away while simultaneously holding the shaft. Nick nearly jumped out of his skin but he didn’t say no either. I dropped the cloth in the sink and headed up stairs while he showered.

When I re-entered the room I went over to Nick’s briefs. I put them on over my pantyhose and then sat on the floor just outside the bathroom door. Minutes later Nick finished showering. As he dried off he asked me to get his underwear for him. I said “Here they are.” Nick watched as I stood and let his briefs fall to the floor. I then picked them up to hand them to him. He laughed and said “You are too much Dude! You sure you don’t want to smell them first?” Immediately, I brought them to my face and inhaled. “Mmm, they smell good. Like a hot man!” I said. Nick laughed again. After he finished dressing Nick scooped up my old pantyhose by the waistband. “Dude I’m going to keep these. Okay? I’m keeping the other pair too; the pair from this morning. I’m going to use them at home to cum into. Is that okay with you?” “Yes, you can keep them” I answered. “Let’s hang them in your room to dry. Okay?” We proceeded up stairs and hung them on a hanger so Nick’s cum could dry then went back to watching television.

Nick let me sleep with him each night he was at the house. We ended up getting more snow than predicted and he had to stay an extra day and night. Not that either of us minded. During his stay I wore nothing but sheer to waist pantyhose and t-shirts. Our play progressed to taking place during the day as well as evening. Each morning began with Nick making a cum deposit on my pantyhose as I rode his bucking hips followed by afternoon play where he would lay me face down and straddle me as he thrust his hard cock over my pantyhose ass cheeks and legs. Sometimes he would cum on my ass or I would turn over and have him cum on my pantyhose clad cock. I loved when his cock would accidentally bump my pantyhosed boner.

One evening when we were playing Wolf Man I asked Nick to slowly rip my pantyhose off me. He looked at me quizzically and asked “Are you sure? Okay, let ’em rip” he said laughing. He took hold of the toe area and popped his finger through the nylon then began pulling the stocking off as a massive run zipped up my leg. He popped more holes and did the same to the other stocking. He also ripped the ass out of my hose. Nick said “Mmm, this is kind of hot Bud, but I still want more cummed stained pantyhose to take home, but I’ll also rip pantyhose if you want me too.” During Nick’s stay, I wore at least a dozen and half pairs of pantyhose and he took home approximately 12 cum stained pairs.

We also progressed to kissing. I leaned forward and kissed him on the mouth the second time he came on my pantyhose. He kissed me back so I knew it would be something that would continue during our play. I was sad to see Nick go home but I knew it was only a matter of time until he and I would be together again.


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MY PANTYHOSE FETISH GROWS – PART 6My pantyhose fetish is an integral part of life now as play with Nick intensifies…Months later, I still had Nick’s white t-shirt from when he had finger fucked me. Sometimes I would wear it to bed along with a pair of pantyhose. I felt so sexy wearing it and often wondered if he realized it was missing. I had seen Nick several times since our last encounter either at his home or mine but it was always due to either a cookout or dinner being hosted by his Mom or...

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Pantyhose cocksucking the fantasy continues

After resting, talking and drinking a bit more we are all starting to recover. Our cocks are beginning to stiffen again and we are all stroking them through our pantyhose. We had all enjoyed our first taste of nylon covered cock and I definitely wanted more. Dave and Peter were sitting side by side on the bed and as I hadn't had a taste of their cocks yet I dropped to my knees in front of them and taking one cock in each hand I began to stroke them. Their cocks were soon bulging at the front of...

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My pantyhose fetish grows to obsession… PART 2I wore the pantyhose Nick had taken for me from his basement for a very long time. Well over a year, maybe even nearly two years. They were all the same brand and style, sheer to waist, sheer toe and off-black. I always had a crush on Nick and I doubt he picked up on it in the beginning. After what he had done for me my crush deepened so that when I was older I had many masturbatory sessions in pantyhose while fantasizing about him.Approximately six...

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My pantyhose fetish grows as does my hot play with Nick… PART 5Once we arrived home to my house, I slipped my jeans back on before I exited the car. Inside the house I was quick to strip out of them again. My parents would not be home until sometime tomorrow afternoon which left Nick and I plenty of time for more pantyhose adventures. I told Nick I would call my parents at my grandmother’s house later to find out when they would be leaving and I could expect them home. In the meantime, Nick and...

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My pantyhose fetish grows with Nick’s encouragement… PART 4A few weeks after my parents returned from the mountains they were making and receiving a higher number of telephone calls as well as keeping several appointments in town. Just as I was about to ask what was going on they announced one evening that they had purchased a cabin in the mountains. They asked what I thought about it and of course I said I thought it was great and wanted to know how soon I could see it. They said it wasn’t...

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PANTYHOSE PRINCESS – PART 3For the next two weeks I continued to worship Karen’s pantyhose. However, I was careful not to spend too much time with any one pair as I did not want them to lose their wonderful fragrance. Because two weeks had passed, I began to think Karen would not call and that she was simply being polite when she had invited me to her Christmas pageant. I really couldn’t blame her if that was the case. I was nearly four years older than her and if she thought about it she would...

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PANTYHOSE COMMERCIALS, TESTER AND DISCLOSURERecently I was watching a few pantyhose videos on YouTube when I came across two commercials I remembered from my youth. One was for London Mist nylons and the other for guaranteed not to run pantyhose. The commercials aired in my town several times throughout the day for quite a few months. The commercials brought back memories of playing with hose and re-enacting the commercials.The London Mist commercial was filmed in black and white. The first...

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Pantyhose fitting room fun

I'm a 22 year old male that loves pantyhose. Just the sight of a woman in pantyhose can give me a hard on. I often go out with friends on the weekend and I'm always targeting the girls that are wearing them. Now I'm not bragging, but ever since jr. high I was aware of the fact that girls were attracted to me. I've never really had much of a problem picking up women but I do have a problem telling them about my fetish. They were probably able to tell anyway by the way I would caressed their legs...

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After my experience with leaving a pair of pantyhose in the Men’s Room at the Mall I was anxious to have another experience leaving my worn pantyhose behind for men to discover. I would love to be able to secretly see their expressions and know their thoughts as they entered a space for men only to find an article of clothing presumptively considered for females only.I planned to go to the movies today. It was still cold but not nearly as brutal as Black Friday. I put on three pair of pantyhose...

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PANTYHOSE PRINCESS, PART 2Each Monday morning I reviewed the incoming inventory looking for Karen Smith’s Camaro. Finally, after three weeks her Dad’s name appeared on a list which indicated the car was due to arrive within the next three to five days. I reviewed my schedule to see if I was scheduled to work. I was scheduled for evenings that week which I was happy about since Mr. Smith would most likely take delivery of the car after he got off from work. The car arrived to the dealership on a...

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PANTYHOSE PRINCESS – PART 4I hit the shower then jumped into bed. I was working the next couple of days in order to have off New Year’s Eve Day. I had yet to ask Karen what she wanted to do or if she had plans. We couldn’t go night clubbing since she wasn’t yet of legal age to drink. My parent’s had said something about brunch on New Year’s Day so I kept that in the back of my mind as well. I woke-up at 7:30, ate a bowl of cereal, brushed my teeth, threw on sweats and grabbed a banana as I...

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Pantyhose CD Lexi Gets Dominated

A couple years later I discovered Craigslist personals… wow, this opened up a whole new chapter. I now had a way to connect with others who also love pantyhose and crossdressing. My first encounter was with another CD with a huge pantyhose fetish. We dressed together & talked all things pantyhose. I started getting horny and curious. Luckily, she was an older man and very aware it was my first time. She let me rub my hands on her legs and as my curiosity got the best of my fear- my hand slowly...

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After having some fun with my pantyhose last week at the Cinema I couldn’t wait to make a return visit and continue to tempt men with my pantyhose.On Friday night I went to the same Cinema wearing five pair of pantyhose. I had a good pair of pantyhose on as my first layer. The other four pair each had a run in them but were far from destroyed. I often toss pantyhose with runs in them into a small basket for wearing during masturbatory sessions before throwing them out. The four pair were of...

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PANTYHOSE PRINCESSIt was autumn 1978, a Saturday in late October, and I was working at a Chevrolet dealership as a salesman. Our doors opened at 10:00 am. We usually didn’t get much in the way of foot traffic until close to 11:30 a.m. on Saturdays. At 10:30 a.m. those of us working noticed a shiny new 4-door Olds Ninety Eight Regency pull-up out front. “Hmm, someone with a couple of bucks” I thought. A middle-aged man exited from behind the wheel as the front passenger door opened and a pair of...

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Pantyhose Fantasy Come True part 2

To my amazement, he wrote back, “That would be awesome!” I hesitated a minute or two…I thought of all the things that could go wrong. Did I really want to go through with this? I’m not gay and I do not find men attractive (unless they are wearing pantyhose). After a few minutes, I gathered myself and typed: “maybe someday…” and with that we both jerked off in our pantyhose and logged off. The next few days I could not stop thinking about what we discussed. Every time I thought about it, I was...

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Pantyhose: It had been another routine early September day in my dead end job when I went out for my lunch break. There were some light clouds high up but not the sort of clouds (cumulonimbus) that the Celts used to say would fall on your head. That's it, they were Cirrus clouds. The news had been about some poor man being murdered for trying to prevent some other man from stealing his motorcycle. He was about the same age as me, right in the demographic of being most at risk of...

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PANTYHOSE ENCOUNTER AT THE OFFICE – PART 1A few years ago I was hired as a personal assistant for an executive at an engineering firm. He frequently traveled which left me with a lot of “free” time in the office. When he was in the office he kept me busy so it all balanced out. Anyway, his department was staffed almost entirely by men and younger men at that. Ironically, there were only two guys who I had the slightest bit of interest in. One was a very friendly guy who was a year or two older...

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Pantyhose Part 3

Pantyhose part 3: As I slept I dreamt that my name was Brad Majors and I had a fianc?e called Janet Weiss. I had found myself on a stage with her, my pantyhose and some other people. In my dream I was wearing a corset and elbow length gloves and had a feather boa draped over my shoulders. I was also wearing makeup and heels. I did not know what was going on. I felt sexy and vulnerable in the clothes and make up. Yes, I was male again although I was still wearing women's u...

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Pantyhose in the Mens Room at the Shopping M

I did some Christmas shopping on black Friday at a very large Mall. It has been as cold as a witch’s heart the past two days so I knew I would absolutely wear pantyhose out. I didn't want to wear a heavy jacket because the Mall would probably be hot so I wore an undershirt underneath a flannel shirt and heavy denim jeans with Sperry Topsiders. Under my jeans I wore two pair of coffee colored ultra sheer pantyhose. I decided to go with two pair of ultras instead of a heavier denier because I...

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Pantyhose Fantasy Comes True part 1

This is a true account of my first ever encounters with another man in pantyhose. As a young boy, I was like most other mid-teen curious boys regarding sexuality. I was always fascinated by sexy pictures of beautiful women, scantily dressed and wearing silky hosiery. This was bolstered by at least two female school teachers during my lifetime that wore short skirts and pantyhose nearly every day. Oftentimes I would get a quick glance up their skirts making it well worth the effort to get to...

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Pantyhose Town

This story takes a bit to get to the action, so just go with it during the setup.Imagine if you will, a society that did not regard sex as negatively as yours does. Abstinence only sex education was laughed at and teen pregnancies rarely occurred. Stores that openly sold lingerie, sexual stimulants and toys were found in every town and city across America. How you dress didn't label you a tease, slut, whore, or any of the other terms you might use. Rarely did anyone complain about lingerie...

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Pantyhose Addict

Pantyhose Addict By Cindy Johnson [email protected] Even though it was going to be a hot July day I still enjoyed wearing my pantyhose. Ever since my wife Janet caught me in a pair of hers three years ago I have worn them everyday without objection. They still feel wonderful when I roll them up my smooth legs and even better under a pair of jeans or in a skirt. I honestly have to say I have never grown tired of wearing them. The silkiness of the nylons against...

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Pantyhose 2

Pantyhose part 2: So have you ever heard anything so strange as my story? I was standing in my bedroom wearing panties and nail polish for the first time in my life. And I was not wearing anything else. My panties had appeared as I rolled a pair of magic pantyhose up my legs and at the same time all my hair had been removed from my legs and nail polish had appeared on my toes. Not only that but my hips and backside now looked like a woman's hips and backside. I was becoming...

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They didn’t need to advertise the job for Santa’s helper. I already offered my services. Since I was fairly popular and I could provide my own costume, a skintight green catsuit, my copper wig and boots, my supervisor went for it. I must admit that my main motivation was that I would be paid to wear a skintight costume, and hopefully get a few curious glances at my ass and body in the shimmery material!The Santa for the job was some retired security guard called Alfred who used to work at our...

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Pantyhose on a plane

One of my friends at work had quite the pantyhose experience last week. He is in his mid forties has been married over 20 years but isn't sure where it's going as they have fallen apart and he often complains his wife never wants to have sex and at one time would even enjoy wearing pantyhose for him sometimes as he has the pantyhose fetish like the rest of us.So last week he had to fly on a business trip. As he got to his seat in the back there was an attractive blonde woman probably in her...

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Pantyhose wish come true

PANTYHOSE SEXI've never written a story before but some things just NEED to be told and,after reading the following story, I'm sure you'll understand why I need totell this story and why it's anonymous.It all started the day I met my friend's family friend. She was a good looking woman in 50-is, she look's like goddess. Her name was Nada. After few month's my friend geting married and she will be guest at party. She was FREE woman, divorced. I kept dreaming about getting her alone. It was my...

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Pantyhose in public Pt 2

Well I finally went out in public showing off my shiny CdR pantyhose yesterday! It was even more thrilling than I imagined... Look for the Photo Gallery later today. Around 10AM yesterday I started looking through my pantyhose collection for the perfect pair. I ended up picking out my brand new pair of Dore ( color ) CdR Super Lucido. I slide into my hose and knew I had made the right choice immediately. God, those are some shiny hose! Just the right amount of color to add a little to the...

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Pantyhose with Megan

The next week I went again to the charity shop to meet Megan. I was once again wearing my sheer to the waist tan pantyhose with the gusset removed. I arrived before her and studied the dvd's and books before moving on to the lingerie. I had selected a pair of stockings and a couple of pairs of pantyhose and had also found some very nice see through panties and a suspender belt when I noticed that there was another guy also studying the lingerie. He looked a bit unsure and embarrassed as if he...

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Pantyhose cocksuckinga fantasy

I am waiting in my hotel room wearing just a pair of my favourite tan sheer to the waist pantyhose. I am wondering if my fantasy is at last going to come true. I have wondered for a long time what it would be like to suck another mans cock, but not just sucking a cock, specifically sucking while we are both wearing pantyhose. I take a sip of my drink and think back on all the times I have tried to make this happen and failed, either because I have had to cancel or the other person has cancelled...

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Pantyhose By Ricky It was an unusually warm Saturday evening in fall and my boyfriend and I were strolling through the park at twilight, enjoying the last red rays of the sun as they brought out the color on the trees. We sat on a secluded bench as the darkness fell, touching each other gently and kissing. In the silence of the woods the kisses turned passionate and soon Mike's hand was sliding under my skirt and tracing the outline of my bush through my pantyhose. His other...

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I've never written a story before but some things just NEED to be told and, after reading the following story, I'm sure you'll understand why I need totell this story and why it's anonymous.It all started the day I met my girlfriend's parents for the first time. I was 19 at the time and my girlfriend's mother was only 37. I fell in lust with her almost immediately. Her name was Karen and she was 5'6" with auburnhair and the nicest pair of legs that I had ever seen. She was sitting on a recliner...

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Pantyhose Paradise

When I was very young (about 9 is the earliest) I remember being fascinated by women’s legs in nylon stockings (they still wore stockings in those days). I remember being at a friends house, and his mom used to put her son over her lap and rub his back with a soft brush as form of reward, it was like a soft back-scratch if u like. One day she asked me if I would like a 'rubbing' and of course I said yes. She always wore skirts just above her knee and I noticed she always wore sheer...

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Pantyhose outdoors 3 with John and Laura

On the Monday I got a text from John telling me that he had persuaded his girlfriend to go to the country park for sex dressed in pantyhose. He hasn't told her about our plans in case she said no. He thought that we should surprise her and see how it panned out. I showered and shaved myself again and once again I slipped on a pair of my favourite tan sheer to the waist pantyhose, seamed dark tan stockings and a pink suspender belt. I also slipped into a lacy cream body pop peered up under the...

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Pantyhose Playtime

Hello, my name is David, and I have a, I guess you can call it, an addiction. It isn't drugs or alchol, my is more of a, well, a kink: I love pantyhose. Whenever I see a woman in a skirt and her legs are covered in pantyhose, I just lose my mind. Sure, I love women's legs as much as the next guy, but pantyhose just give this nice feel when your hands rub them up and down, the toes just look so delicious, and the ass just so...Sorry, got a little excited there. It all started in my childhood, my...

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Pantyhose wanking caught

I dressed in my favourite crotchless, sheer to the waist , tan pantyhose, slipped on a pair of trousers, t-shirt and shoes. I got into my car and drove to a place about twenty minutes drive from home. I parked up down this dead end lane with open fields on one side and some woods on the other. I had found this place accidentally when my satnav took me the wrong way coming home late one night and I figured it would be ideal for a bit of outdoor fun, no chance of getting caught here. I pulled off...

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Pantyhose outdoors again

Strike while the irons hot they say, so I arranged to meet John again the next morning, in the car park, at about the same time as it seemed to be a very quiet time with nobody about. He said he would come dressed in his own things. I couldn't wait to see. The next morning I got up and after having breakfast I showered and shaved and as I have sometimes done before I shaved my legs and pubic area. Next I slipped on my sexiest nude, sheer to the waist pantyhose. I selected a pair of fully...

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Pantyhose Part 7

Pantyhose Part 7: So on getting out of the shower I brushed back my hair and put a scrunchie in and watched as my pantyhose turned to fishnet stockings and suspenders and then zipped myself into my French Maid uniform. I looked at myself in the mirror. My wet look long blonde hair had to make me virtually irresistible. I pouted at myself in the mirror and blew myself a kiss then picking up my keys I went to knock on Mr Jones's door. "Oh, it's you," he said opening the door...

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Pantyhose Part 9

Pantyhose Part 9: So my man woke the next day and looked in the mirror as he tended to do before he had a shave to find fairly well applied make-up (for my first attempt) on his face and, more importantly, that he was wearing panties. He called out, "Chrissie! What have you done to me?" By this time he had taken off his panties and was rubbing furiously at his face trying to remove the make up. His face looked like Lady Gaga's on the "Applause" single. In other words a...

4 years ago
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Pantyhose in the woods

It was my day off and everyone was busy. I had the day to myself. What was I going to do with myself. I decided that the first thing to do was to dress properly so I got out a pair of my favourite sheer to the waist, tan pantyhose with the gusset cut out. I put on a t-shirt and trousers and a pair of slip on shoes and was ready for going out. Where to go? I decided to go do a little shopping first. I jumped in my car and drove to the local town centre. I would have a little wander round the...

5 years ago
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Pantyhose with Pat

About two weeks after the memorable night in pantyhose with my wife Felicity and her friends Pat and Sue, Felicity arranged another meal out with them. I watched as she dressed and as soon as I saw her put her pantyhose on without panties I knew that I was in for a good time when she came home. After she left I stripped off, had a nice hot shower and slipped on a pair of my favourite pantyhose, sheer to the waist, tan and with the gusset cut out. I had just settled down to looking at some of my...

2 years ago
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Pantyhose wife and friends

My wife was going out for the evening with her friends Pat and Sue. It was just for a meal to celebrate Pat's promotion. I watched her dress as I often do. She put on a pair of my favourite sheer to the waist tan pantyhose without panties which meant I had the perfect view of her dark hairy triangle through the nylon. As always this gave me an instant hardon. She then pulled on a blouse and black pleated skirt. Just then the doorbell rang and she got me to go and answer it as she finished...

2 years ago
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Pantyhose dream

I am away on business and have taken my usual assortment of lingerie with me. The meeting that day had gone well and back in my hotel I shower and dress. First I put on my favourite sheer to the waist, crotchless, tan pantyhose. Over these I slip on a pair of my wife's black crotchless panties. Then I put on a tshirt and trousers. I don't bother with socks and slip on my shoes. I put on my jacket and am ready to go. I need a meal and head out to look for somewhere to eat. As I walk I can feel...

4 years ago
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Pantyhose voyeur caught in the woods

It was a lovely day and I was feeling horny. I had the day to myself so I picked out a pair of my favourite sheer to the waist tan pantyhose with the gusset cut out and slipped them on. I put on a tshirt and a pair of trousers and slipped on my shoes. I picked up my camera and off I went to the local woods. That is the beauty of living in the countryside with nature all around. I am out with my camera just getting photos of local wildlife and nobody has any reason to think otherwise. Ten...

4 years ago
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Pantyhose Part 4

Pantyhose part 4: So I had just bought my first bra with my weekly food shop. I put the food away in the kitchen before going up to my bedroom with my bra. I laid it out on my bed, took my clothes off except, of course my pantyhose and went to have a shower. As you may recalling was keen to find out how my pantyhose responded to water. Incredible! As I got to the bathroom for my shower I noticed I was naked save for a leather anklet. I looked down at my hairy chest and at my...

4 years ago
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Pantyhose fantasy for a friend

I decide to take a holiday in the US. I make my way to your town and book into a hotel and send you a message to say that I have arrived. After a short while you message me back to tell me how to get to your place. I shower and dress, putting on a pair of my favourite sheer to the waist tan pantyhose with the gusset removed. I pull on a pair of trousers and a tshirt and a pair of shoes. I call a taxi and give the driver the address that you have sent me. It isn't far away and soon I am knocking...

3 years ago
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Pantyhose outdoors

I have been wearing pantyhose for many years, my favourites are tan or nude sheer to the waist. I love to wear them and to see others wearing them, male or female. Anyway as I said I have been wearing for many years including for sex with my wife but I love to wear them under my trousers when I am out and about on my own shopping. It's a big turn on wondering if somebody will spot that I am wearing them. I usually take my camera with me when I go out because if I get an opportunity to safely...

3 years ago
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pantyhose prize

this story happened about ten years ago at the local shopping mall as i was walking through the mall I spotted a beutiful woman wearing a red dress pantyhose and high heels walking with her husband. now I have a fetish for pantyhose so I just had to follow them and it must have been one of the luckyst days of my life because the couple went into a shoe store to do some shoe shopping I found a seat with a good view of the store and watched as the woman picked out some incredibly darring shoes...

4 years ago
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pantyhose gift

this story happened about ten years ago at the local shopping mall as i was walking through the mall I spotted a beutiful woman wearing a red dress pantyhose and high heels walking with her husband. now I have a fetish for pantyhose so I just had to follow them and it must have been one of the luckyst days of my life because the couple went into a shoe store to do some shoe shopping I found a seat with a good view of the store and watched as the woman picked out some incredibly darring shoes...

4 years ago
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Pantyhose Friends

Pantyhose Friends Companies are definitely getting cheaper. Gone are the days of business class, suites and unlimited entertainment allowances. I couldn't believe it but I was told to share a hotel room with a colleague on a trip to Minneapolis. Granted I doubted I'd be in the hotel room too long, but still, it was yet another blow from the cheapskates who ran the corporation. They probably travelled first class while the poor fools who actually sold the stuff which paid their enormous...

2 years ago
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Pantyhose at Marks again

After our session with all the guys in pantyhose at Marks house we had to figure out how to get my wife and Marks to agree to joining us. Mark and I went out for a drink one evening to discuss it try to come up with a plan. What we finally settled on was for us both to take our wives out for a drink and to accidentally meet up and introduce them to each other and to take it from there. Plan sorted we left the pub and got in our cars. We drove to the woods where we meet for a quick session in...

4 years ago
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Pantyhose cuckold

I am lying on the bed wearing my sheer to the waist tan pantyhose and stroking my cock through the nylon when suddenly the door is thrown open and my wife is standing there looking at me. " I knew you were up to something when I went out" she says. " Well it's going to cost you, get off the bed and sit in the chair" I do as she says and sit in the chair with my cock shrinking. " Stay there and just watch until I tell you you can move" " You can come in now" she says and you walk through the...

4 years ago
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Pantyhose at John and Lauras

It is only a couple of days after our sex session in the country park when I get a text from John telling me that Laura is feeling particularly randy and asking for me to come round. I don't need asking twice and after a quick shower and shave I slip on my favourite pantyhose, tan sheer to the waist with the gusset cut out, and pulling on a tshirt and trousers I grab my bag which is packed with a selection of other sexy underwear and as usual my camera and tissues. I get in my car and drive...

4 years ago
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pantyhose heaven

I have always had a pantyhose fetish. unfortunently growing up in the desert not to many women wear pantyhose but as luck would prevail there used to exist in our small city a very special strip club that just happend to exploit my faverit fettish. for whatever reason this club required for discresionary reasons that all of its employees wear pantyhose as part of their uniforms. now this was way befor hooters and the rest of the uniform was a g-string over the pantyhose. I think i grew up in...

4 years ago
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Pantyhose thief new

It was early on a saturday, I really had to do some laundry so I got downstairs in the basement to do the dirty deeds. Whey I got down I noticed that one of my neighbours had forgotten a few items, as the sneaky and horny bastard I sometimes is, I just had to check through the forgotten clothes. Behold, it was one of my female neighbours laundry. Could cleary see atleast 2 pair of black pantyhose there. I felt the rush in my head as I picked up a pair and felt them in my hands, they hardly...

4 years ago
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Pantyhose on a plane

continuedShe looked down and realized the view he was getting and slurred a little as she said" look what you're doing to me you making me be such a naughty lady". My friend told me he realized how drunk she was and vulnerable and decided to take advantage of the situation and he told me this is how went downHe told her" you love being a naughty don't you"and she panted "oh yeah I love it I've always been such a good girl" Then said" you love showing me your pantyhose pussy don't you" She...

4 years ago
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Pantyhose modeling part 1 2

A day in the life of a part time pantyhose model.Victoria SecretsIt was a wet and windy Monday morning and I was driving down the M40 towards central London. I had offered myself as a model for a tights company and they needed me to show two pairs of tights to a large buying company. The night before I had bathed and made sure my legs and feet were as near perfect as I could get. I had dressed in my pin striped trouser suit with white blouse and black patent 3inch heels. Finally after 2 and...

4 years ago
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Pantyhose Part 6

Pantyhose Part 6: So, I was once a man called Chris. I am now a woman called Christine. As a man I had issues with unemployed single mothers taking advantage of hard working single men like me to get access to benefits and housing. But thanks to my magic pantyhose I am now an unemployed pregnant single mother. I knew this was no accident. My pantyhose had brought me here. I smell of my next door neighbour's sperm. I have it on my inside legs and in my hair. I am dressed as a...

3 years ago
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Pantyhose wife and friends continued

After cumming all over Felicity, Pat and Sue's faces I sat down in the chair beside the bed as they began kissing each other and cleaning the cum off each others faces. They didn't stop there, dropping back on the bed they began fondling each other. Felicity and Pat soon got into a sixty nine, licking each others nylon covered pussies while Sue lay beside them fingering her pussy through her pantyhose. I had fancied Pat and Sue for years especially Pat and had fantasised about fucking them many...

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