Anne Spanked By Old Gardeners Part 2 free porn video

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After my first experiences of being chastised by our gardeners, and being fucked by an old man, I was a different person. I was happier, livelier and usually the one to instigate sex with my husband, Eddie. I masturbated more and relived my adventure with the old men. Rather than feeling guilty or embarrassed, I was actually looked forward to the chance of doing it again. It was not a guilty secret, but more of a new private indulgence. Unfortunately the next few times the men came, circumstances meant that nothing could happened as I either had visitors round or Eddie was at home, but it didn’t matter, all was friendly and relaxed.

One day the older of the two men, Billy, quietly told me, “If you would like us to call round to do other jobs beside the garden, just phone!”

The tone of his voice and the look in his eye when he emphasised the word “jobs” said it all.

“Yes,” I replied, “I think something might need your attention very soon.”

He nodded with a wink and smiled, “Will it need Albert to assist too?”

I thought for a short moment, “Yes, please bring him to help. I will ring the day before to make sure it’s convenient for all of us.”

Albert, at 63 was a sturdy plodding man who had a friendly sort of face although he often looked uninterested in life and probably bored his wife with his hobbies. He was quite an ordinary looking man who was quite short with a bald head; but it was the way he had held my head when he squirted his seamen down my throat and the expressionless look on his face when my arse was spanked made me want him there again.

Billy was a friendly 65 year old who was very well mannered with grey hair and beard. But he was a secret pervert, and had cum deep inside my unprotected pussy after whipping me with his belt on our last encounter. This made him fascinating to me. He was old enough to be my grandfather. An old man with a past, how much does his wife know about him? I wondered. What does he do with her sexually? In any case, both men showed themselves to be very experienced when it came to pleasuring a women, especially with my new found kinky hobby. I wanted to learn more from them, hands-on experience as they say.

I made the call to Billy Tuesday afternoon before my husband came home, and asked that they come round on Thursday around eleven am. I made sure there would be no distractions, like visitors coming round. Eddie would be at work and luck would have it the weather was due to be lousy so would kept people indoors, most of the neighbours would be at work anyway so wouldn’t be a nuisance.

I dressed nicely in a black tasteful skirt, not too tight so it could easily be pulled up; a smart white shirt that displayed a little cleavage with just a few buttons down the front; a sexy blue bra that lifted my boobs; and a carefully chosen pair of tiny string knickers with a small blue front panel to complete the outfit. I thought to myself that older men like Billy and Albert always like stockings and suspenders, so to give them a little extra treat that’s what I wore. Light blue suspender belt to match my knickers and bra, with black fishnet stockings. I thought to myself, maybe I had dressed to sexually, but then again we all knew why they were coming round.

My two visitors arrived on time and I decided to do a little role play with them. “Thank goodness you’re here I’m have problems with my bush and my back garden and I think i could do with some seed too. I need help as I’ve been a very naughty girl!”

I know it sounded corny but it broke the ice and got them both smiling. I soon realised they didn’t intend to hang around as Billy began to grope my bottom before I’d even closed the door.

“I’m sure we can be of assistance to your needs.” Albert replied.

“You’re looking very nice today Anne.” Billy told me as he traced his finger down my cleavage and along the edge of my shirt.

We all went into the kitchen. Albert sat down at the table, but Billy stayed stood up and hovered about me. My bra showed slightly and they both discussed how much more sexy it made me look. Then Albert stood up to joined Billy by my side. I now had an old man to either side of me and I didn’t protest when they both groped a breast each through my shirt. I gasp and ran my hand over the bulges in the trousers.

“We have other friends that share our interest too, you know. I think they would be quite upset if they knew we were showing you the delights of spanking without them. I feel quite guilty about keeping you a secret, don’t you Albert?”

“I think they would be quite jealous if they knew.” Albert replied.

“You have a local group do you? And do you all get together and talk about spanking?” I was shocked by his comment but was feeling very horny.

“Yes of course, there’s even a few women locally who indulge, but they’re few and far between, and not so nearly as attractive as you. Normally we have to hire somebody for the evening. It’s not very often we meet someone like you at all.” Billy told me.

I was disturbed and asked sounding a little concerned, “Have you discussed me with them?”

“No, of course not, they would be quite wary of you! They like to be very careful not to attract any scandal, but we could introduce you to them if you like? I think on our word they’d let you have a trial into the group. It’s more exciting being chastised in front of a group.”

I was always amazed at how he asked me these intimate questions, making them sound so normal. But my answer was “No, I’m happy as we are.”

Billy sighed and said, “It’s a pity, it’s so much more intense and exciting, and you’d get the chance to try different things.”

The thought had intrigued me and as they continued to fondle by tits, I found myself getting aroused imagining a group of strangers watching me being spanked naked.

“So do these other men live around here?”

“Yes very near.” Albert answered.

“But what if I recognised someone? How embarrassing would that be if I found out I knew them!”

“Why? You knew us already from doing your garden. What would the difference be? They would expect the same sort of discretion from you as we do, and they wouldn’t want to spoil a good thing by letting all the neighbourhood know. They just want to have fun and enjoy the experience without any hassle, just like you and I do.”

“So, you’d bring them here yourself? I wouldn’t have all sorts of strangers knocking on my door?”

“You sound as if you’re coming around to the idea. They would only come on arranged meetings, like we do. You’re the one that decides. If you had told us not to come today we would simply not be here. There’s absolutely no pressure.” He paused for a few seconds, “Would you like to have somebody else to be here? Try out new experiences? In confidence without putting yourself at risk?”

I thought about it for a moment, the men were still rubbing my tits and I still groped at their bulges. I was getting hornier and felt the dampness growing between my legs. Certain thoughts and ideas were intriguing me. I remembered the stories I’d read in the magazines and photographs that had me pleasure myself, stirred and provoked me.

“How would you feel now? If say, three more men were here; watching you being groped; becoming aroused themselves and playing with their cocks. Would you feel scared or turned on? or both?” Billy’s voice was slow and deliberate.

My breathing intensified as I answered, “Both!”

“Would you have butterflies in your stomach at the thought of exposing yourself to them, and allowing what should be forbidden acts to take place? Imagine the mixture of exciting feelings you would be experiencing!”

I wanted him to be quiet and give me time to think. He seemed to sense my thoughts and for a while we all stood there, each man gently playing with my nipples.

“OK, you can bring someone with you,” I nervously told Billy, “If you’re sure you can trust them.”

I instantly regretted my words as Billy took out his mobile and made a call. I’d thought I would have had the chance to change my mind, it might not be such a good idea in the fullness of time. Protesting in the strongest manner I told them I’d changed my mind, not today.

“Relax! Why wait? Let’s do it now,” Albert whispered to me.

Billy finished making the call, “We’ll have some friends join us shortly.”

Nervously I rambled on asking questions, “Were they ready and waiting for the call? Are they my neighbours? Had all this been previously arranged? How did he know I was going to agree?” I was so scared and apprehensive the answers didn’t really register. What had I done?

Albert stayed silent as Billy spent the next twenty minutes consoling me. I could tell the anticipation was exciting the two elderly men, and they could wait no longer as Billy whispered to me, “Bend over the table Anne!”

I had no sooner moved the chairs out of the way and moved to the table’s edge when the doorbell rang. My heart nearly stopped and stomach tied itself in knots. Albert opened the door and invited the strangers into my house. There were four of them, four men that I had never laid eyes on before, and all of them looked more than double my age. The youngest guy must have been in his late 40s and the oldest probably the same age as Billy. They looked neither friendly or menacing as I looked at them with fear and anticipation. They looking at me like hunger wolves surrounding an injured deer, waiting to move in for the kill.

“Hi fellas, this is Anne,” announced Billy but no one offered their names in return, “Now, like I said, bend over the table Anne.”

I was scared and my heart was nearly beating out of my chest as I obeyed the order. As I did the group of men removed their coats and jackets and moved to various positions around my kitchen to get a good view. Then Billy lifted up my skirt to uncover my string knickers, suspenders and stockings, several gasps where audible. My bottom was all but bare, with my suspender belt framing my bottom and my string knickers hid nothing.

I heard a few comments such as, “Now that’s a nice arse.” and, “I can’t wait to get my hands on that body.” Then the first slap was delivered. Billy was wasting no time at all. I flinched as the second then the third smacks quickly followed. A agonising delay between hits ensued and my bottom tensed and relaxed in anticipation before a whole series of smacks landed on alternate cheeks.

I felt extremely vulnerable and frightened with so many men in the house, especially when I saw the guy on my left slowly unzip his fly and pull his cock out from his pants! I yelled and squealed as more blows landed across my buttocks, and I watched the old man slowly wank is cock to my side.

I glanced over to my other side and was alarmed to find that both Billy and Albert were now standing there, meaning it was somebody else who was stroking and smacking my arse now, a stranger. They were taking it in turns to smack me.

More blows landed, harder blows, that made me squirm as I gripped onto the table for dear life, until finally the familiar burning sensation began to grow across my buttocks. The men grabbed my bum cheeks and pulling them apart revealing my bum hole with the thin string running across it, and I could hear them laughing among themselves.

I heard someone comment, “What a lovely arse she’s got, she really is up for it isn’t she!”

It made me realise just how much of a slut I had become; a young married woman letting a group of old strangers use me for their sexual indulgence; and it was turning me on.

The sound of belts being removed made me shiver, then I heard Albert’s voice, “Take her knickers off! Me and Billy will be back soon.”

I started to panic, they were my bodyguards and now they were leaving me alone with four strangers.

“We’ll be back in a couple of minutes Anne. Just do what they want and you’ll be fine.” Billy told me as he and Albert walked for the door.

The four old strangers moved to my rear and I felt my knickers being pulled over my hips and roll over my sore bottom. I moving my legs together to assist without being asked, then spread them again for my audience. Now I was bent over my kitchen table showing my naked arse and pussy you to a group of men, whose names I didn’t even know, complete strangers to me with no one to protect me from them.

The belt I had heard wasn’t the only one to be removed. With only a few seconds separating each strike I was thrashed, first on my right buttock then on my left. The comments I picked up on told me the men who weren’t whipping me were busy wanking at the sight before them. While at first the blows where moderate they suddenly became more intense. I screamed and attempted to stand up but found myself pushed back down, then I was pinned to the table by two men in front of me. The event had now taken on a different form, a more menacing, more threatening form. I began to cry, both from fear and pain. Out of the corner of my eye through my tears I saw clothes being flung onto a chair, the men were getting undressed!

The men holding me were relieved of their duty and they stood in front of me while they removed their clothes. One of the men’s hard cock was only inches away from my face and I watched his hand peel back his foreskin then slowly masturbate himself. My eyes darted around the room to see what the others were doing, and I realised that the more I struggled and the louder I screamed and cried out the more excited they were becoming.

The strikes to my bottom changed now to one very hard blow every five or six seconds. Rough hand were now exploring my body; someone’s fingers and had found my clit and somebody else’s fingers had penetrating my pussy; and as the blows landed I involuntarily moved and wriggled against them.

Then something different made contact with my burning arse cheeks, something wet that carried a sting and caused me to flinch at first, then struggle and scream for mercy. Three more times my arse was struck and then brushed with the cold wet implement of torture, my arse strung like crazy. I squirmed in an effort to escape the punishing pain but all was in vain. I turned my head to get a look an what was being used on me. It was Billy and Albert, they had come back, I felt relieved. Then I saw what they had in their hands, they both had gardeners gloves on and were holding a bunch of stinging each. They must have been out to the garden to get them. They smiled at me then took it in turns to strike me and rub the stinging nettles on my bare skin. I cried out as the agonising pain grew. The other men were laughing as they watched hundreds of tiny red blisters form on my arse cheeks.

More smack from the nettles landed, a few even stinging my pussy lips which started to swell. The stinging was unbearable making me cry out, but this pain stayed and itched.

Then I heard a voice firmly instruct me, “Suck it!” I opened my eyes to find that “it” was a very hard cock being held in front of my face. I accepted the dick into my mouth and he fucked my mouth as deep as he could. It tasted salty and unpleasant, as it hit the back of my throat making me gag. I was rewarded for my obedience with my body being released from being pinned down to the table. For several minutes the stranger fucked my face and my tears subsided. Now I was being a good girl and sucked hungrily on his cock.

I felt more hands and fingers between my legs and the stinging pain was now a little more bearable. They had finished with the stinging nettles for now and were using a riders crop - I have no idea where it appeared from. The lash was applied with moderate force and my swollen, blistered bottom squirmed and rose into the air opening up my anus. My pussy was starting to drip wet with the juices of sexual stimulation.

I pressed back harder against the fingers flicking across my clit and my sobbing and crying had turned to moans and sighs. Sucking harder on the strangers cock I could tell he was about to cum, and so did the other men. I was quickly pulled away from the table and a chair was placed under me, being forcibly sat down my head was grabbed and turned upward and the cock was thrust into my face again, they obviously all wanted to watch him ejaculate into my mouth!

I was a good girl, I was very accommodating, without being told I willingly opened my mouth wide and rested my hands on his thighs patiently waiting for his stream of white sticky cum. I caught the full spurt and to the delight of the men I held out my tongue letting them see how it looked before swallowing it. They muttered with satisfaction as they slowly masturbated to the sight.

When the cock was reduced to drips I licked and kissed the end rubbing it around my cheeks and lips. Then before I knew what was happening I was heaved back onto the table, this time on by back with my legs overhanging the edge. My legs where forced apart, and trying to see what was about to happen, I looked between my legs to see one of the strangers with his hard, unprotected dick held to the opening of my pussy about to penetrate me.

I screeched as I felt him enter me, he thrust harder than I’d ever felt before, and he commenced a very violent and hard fuck. For comfort against the friction of his movements I locked my legs around his waist and tried to keep the same rhythm. The other men tore open my skirt, ripping the buttons off and pulling my bra up revealing my large tits, several hands instantly went to work on them pinching my nipples. I waited expectantly for a cock to be offered to my mouth but it never came. Curious as to why I looked round, although the room was a blur from the hard fucking I was receiving. There were plenty of cock to be had but no one attempted to put theirs in my mouth. I tried to capture one with my lips when they came within reach and even attempted to free my hands from my side to reach for one, but I could not. I wanted one, I needed one!

The hard fucking caused me to hover on the brink of orgasm but soon it was over as the old stranger shot his hot spunk deep inside my pussy. He pulled out of me and I waited for the next man to satisfy himself but it never happened. I felt cheated; why didn’t the rest of them want to fuck me; I looked around and lifted my legs hoping someone would fuck me, anyone!

Fiercely I was dragged up from the table and pushed back onto my front, resuming my previous position, bent over with arse in air. I hoped they wanted to fuck me from behind and spread my legs wide for them opening up my pussy. Then a sharp stinging crack of the whip told me different, they lashed me again, and again; and called me a naughty girl and a slut. I screamed, but this time not in pain, but because I wanted to be fucked!

After a few minutes of pleading with them the sexual burning became amazingly intense and I writhed around moaning like a woman possessed. In my deranged state I reasoned that if they saw how much I wanted to be fucked they would fill my every hole.

Someone spoke and I found myself being hauled up from the table and guided from the room and to the staircase. They were taking me upstairs to bed hopefully to fuck me, I thought! I was happy as they pushed me upstairs and into the bedroom. But something was not right, I was pushed and turned on my belly and to my horror my arms were lifted above my head and I felt a metallic clink. I was being manacled to the bed head!

“No!” I screamed as my skirt was hauled up, “Not again, no!”

The riding crop came down on my arse followed by the slap of a leather belt. Again I yelled and squirmed and cried into the pillow and my bottom rose from the bed when a particularly fierce blow made contact. The pain changed, it still hurt but the stinging became mixed with a more intense pleasurable feeling. Not like before, this was different, this was the true pleasure of pain.

A hand forced its way under my tummy and lifted me so I was on my knees with my head buried into the pillow. Then someone’s climbed over me and grabbed me under my chin, across my throat, and lifted me up on my knees. The I saw a bunch of stinging nettles again, this time they were aiming at my breasts. I screamed with pain as they were stroked across my nipples and I could feel the harden as they were stung. The pain was intense and didn’t subside. Then I was released to fall back into my pillow.

Soft fingers began to play with my anus and something wet and slippery was spread along my crack. The slippery fingers gently pushed at my hole and I moaned as two tried to invade my body.

“Relax!” I heard someone say and when I yelled again the whip and belt came down hard. The shock of the blows made me tense more but then the opposite happens, for a split second it caused me to relax totally, and when that happened the fingers slid deeper into my arse. By now I was really sobbing and it was as though they were waiting for me to get use to the intruding fingers. After a while I began to control my reflex actions and eased my discomfort by spreading my legs wider.

“She’s ready!” a voice announced and the fingers were withdrawn.

What was I ready for, I pondered? Something else poked at my hole, a penis traced its way down my bum crack. I was about to be arse fucked for the first time! I let out a long wail as my hole was stretched open and my anus felt like it was about to tear apart. The stranger pushed harder and finally I was well and truly penetrated. The movements started gently then became faster and more urgent, my muscles tightened round his dick and I felt very full. Trying to force myself to relax I cried into the pillow and wished for the pain of the whip to take my mind off my burning arsehole. It wasn’t long before I felt a gush of hot cum inside my arse and the man withdrew. A nice feeling took over as his cum bathed and soothed my arse hole.

I fell forward onto my stomach and lay still, I felt that I wanted to grind my pussy into the mattress. The group of men sensed the change in me they stopped groping me. Not more torment I thought, but no, they unfastened me from the manacles and turning me over. I felt their hands stripping off my clothes. Left in only my stockings and suspenders my hands were once again fastened to the bedpost, but this time I could see what was happening. One on the men took hold of the riding crop and I watched it was being waved into the air but its next unexpected meeting with my flesh caused me to scream. It had come down between my legs along the slit of my pussy. I received more but softer lashes and felt my already stinging pussy lips swelling. It felt hot, burning like my arse and I closed my eyes not wanting to see the men’s faces. Why didn’t they just fuck me? I felt a tickle, a tormenting tickle along my pussy. My legs were grabbed and pulled wide apart allowing the whip to easily find my clitoris. Then I felt something else, the nettles again. They were stroked up an down my slit and whipped across my tits again. My eyes opened as I screamed. I could see the blisters appear on my breasts but instead of crying in pain, I laughed! It was the laugh of a half crazed woman.

For several minutes my cunt was tortured by the stinging nettles and then the whip. It became impossible to distinguish between pain and pleasure. My clit swelled and I wanted the relief only a cock could bring. I found myself calmer but yet more tormented and gazed around at the still erect penis’s of the old men.

With a manic look on my face I begged, softly at first then louder and more demanding, “Fuck me! Please fuck me! Fuck me now you old bastards!”

The nettles were still doing there work as my hips bucked and I demanded angrily, “Fuck me!”

With my legs still being pulled apart, I felt the nettles being pushed inside my pussy and I yelled as the stings pressed against the tender and swollen inflamed skin.

They released me from my manacles and I kept still, and bit on my pillow. I only moving when I was told to, partly because I was being a good girl, but also I was scared of moving with the stinging nettles protruding from my pussy. My hands now rubbed my itching nipples, and I felt the nettles being pulled out from my pussy, then a man climbed over me. His dick was plunged into me without ceremony and he rested on his elbows. My cunt smarted and stung when he began to fuck then an incredible feeling rushed through my body. I began to laugh again and wrapped my legs round his waist and for the next few minutes the bed bounced like it had never bounced before

It didn’t take long before he came inside me and he was quickly replaced by another man, then another. Others couldn’t wait for my pussy and made use of my mouth too. I couldn’t get enough, I wanted more than six men and I wanted them all at the same time; but soon all present were satisfied. I had at least four loads of cum in my pussy; one in my arse; and five in my belly; not to mention the three loads of cum that had been fired over my tits. I had an orgasm with the first man but instead of loosing the urge I craved more and climax followed climax. My sore cunt and arse, seemed to intensify my pleasure. I lay for a while dirty and sticky as the men went downstairs to dress. Eventually I followed them, my tits, pussy and arse were itching and sore, and felt a little peeved off that they had neither thanked me or gaven me their names. I stood amongst them in just my stockings and suspenders. When the last of the strangers were leaving he pulled me down onto a chair and took out his dick. He had regained his sexual urges and pointed it at my mouth. I opened up my mouth and sucked him until he came.

With his seamen dripping down my chin he looked down and said goodbye and hoped we might meet again.

Billy and Albert were the last to leave after they had checked I was okay. I wasn’t sure to be honest if my physical or my mental state was okay. Billy told me to ring him if I needed to talk and Albert said his goodbyes.

“Have a good soak in the bath,” he suggested.

It was almost surreal when I stood at the door naked, not caring who saw me, to wave goodbye to these two apparently nice old men! Given what we had just done to me, how could we act normal to one another in future?

My concern now was to make sure my husband, Eddie didn’t find anything out of place, and make sure he didn’t see me my body for a while! Red angry looking whip marks and nettle stings would be difficult to explain.

My mind was in a whirl for many days after and as winter was coming Billy and Albert were doing the garden less often. It took a while to get my head round the events but I had no regrets, just a fascination about how pain could turn into an amazing sexually pleasurable experience. Now I was beginning to understand the people from the magazines, and I knew now why something always seemed to be missing with my sex life. I needed more than just sex, and gentle tender loving was not for me. My mind needed time and so did my body!

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Anne Finds a FamilyChapter 2

As promised, Eric called. In facthe called every day until he returned the next Friday. He took her to a play at a local theater and to dinner in a nice restaurant. Anne not only had a great time but she actually thought she was falling in love. Although they couldn't be together on Christmas and New Years Eric called her every day and made a special trip just to see her the day after Christmas. They could only see each other for a couple of hours but it meant a lot to her that he flew in...

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“Okay, deal, look forward to it,” she smiled as Ric continued kissing her arse with a throbbing erection. Watching him grab her arse cheeks then slowly slide his ten-inch cock into her as he built up a rhythm was a real turn on especially the noise he made as he slapped into her arse cheeks. That was a week ago when I arranged a younger bi-sexual man to pleasure both of us for Anne’s forty-fifth birthday. As part of the arrangement after Anne had him he gave me a tremendous blow job while...

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Anne Marie Kitten Becoming a Slutwife

Introduction: Well I wrote about her latest sexploits in Anne Marie Submissive Slutwife so I figured I should post the story about the first time she ever did another guy in front of me. My wife Anne Marie is in her early thirties, five ft. seven inches tall, with long dirty blond hair and dark chocolate eyes. She has awesome long legs, and a playboy bunny ass. Her breasts are small and firm, and her nipples are incredibly long and sexy when she is turned on. We have always been pretty open...

2 years ago
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“Okay, deal, look forward to it,” she smiled as Ric continued kissing her ass with a throbbing erection. Watching him grab her ass cheeks then slowly slide his ten-inch cock into her as he built up a rhythm was a real turn on, especially the noise he made as he slapped into her ass cheeks. That was a week ago when I arranged a younger bi-sexual man to pleasure both of us for Anne’s forty-fifth birthday. As part of the arrangement after Anne had him, he gave me a tremendous blow job while...

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Anne Marie Kitten Slutwife for young cock

Introduction: Another, more recent sexcapade of my fabulous slut of a wife You guys all know that Anne Marie is a self-admitted slutwife. You know that she very rarely misses the opportunity to get her mouth, pussy and ass stuffed with new cock. Most of the time however, her sexploits are planned out in advance (such as when she gets together with my best friend) or at least when we go out looking for action. Some of the hottest times though, seem to come completely out of nowhere, and that was...

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Annes first penis in her butt

This work of fiction was intended for the entertainment and enjoyment by its readers. If the subject of anal stimulation and penetration is unpleasant or offensive, please read no further. If you are curious to know some of the bountiful pleasures of this form of intercourse, continue to indulge your imagination.< />I>*****It was late in the evening when Anne's boyfriend, Jake, asked her if she would like to try 'back door' sex. The had been together for quite some time and had...

3 years ago
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Anne Marie Kitten Slutwife for young cock

At 39, Anne Marie is stunning. 5’7” or so; 123 lbs; long wild brown hair with blonde highlights. Her lips were made to suck cock and her shaved pussy tastes like peaches (no lie). If you ask me, she looks hotter today than when she was 25, and her sex drive is insatiable. For the last few months, Anne Marie has really started craving young cock. She usually talks about finding a 24 or 25 year old to service her every need; but finding the right “boy” had proven to be a challenge. ...

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Anne Marie Kitten Becoming a Slutwife

The following is an account of the first time Anne Marie ventured into the "slutwife" lifestyle. I had invited a good friend of mine named John to come hang out, drink a few beers and smoke a joint. I didn't tell Anne Marie he was coming by, instead I ran her a hot bath with bubbles and candles and wine, you know, the whole ball of wax. I know that usually after one of her special baths, she will put on a real sexy outfit for me and we will spend the evening making mad passionate...

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Anne Finds a FamilyChapter 3

The ceremony was beautiful. Eric had a respected friend from the D/s community to perform it. Anne wore a simple but elegant white, lace dress (a symbol of her innocence) and the four of them exchanged vowels of love, respect, and loyalty to each other That night Anne got to see the first of the rooms on the third floor. It was a large room with a slanted ceiling. There was a king sized, four posted bed on the back wall that was draped with sheer white curtains. Large pillows were scattered...

2 years ago
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(AUTHORS NOTE: I wrote this story about my first wife. I've posted it on a couple of other erotic story sites, and have corrected a few grammar and spelling mistakes and posting it here now.) Anne It was another hot Texas summer day! Anne, I and Tom decided to head out to the quarry for a swim. Anne was beautiful! I can still see her standing there with us, 5' 6", and short brown hair in a pixie cut. Her tanned 34 22 34 body was almost covered in a tiny little bikini that she crocheted. What...

Wife Lovers
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Annes FirstEver Lap Dance

Their booth held a dozen people comfortably and was away from the prying eyes of anyone else in the club. Anne downed the rest of her cranberry and vodka, a double, and sat next to her friend, Dave. He had convinced her to get her first- ever lap dance. She had been there for two hours, looking at scantily clad women gyrate and be groped by horny men and women. Anne saw Dave get at least ten dances from the Asian girl, Laura, and he was very uninhibited about touching her in front of their...

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ANNES Aunt Makes Many Mistakes


4 years ago
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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 5 Jewels

"I have a letter from Jimmy Lin in San Francisco. He wants to talk to us about some kind of cross-marketing agreement. He sent us a catalog before. We were going to look into it further, but we never did. " "Who's he again?" Saul asked. Anne said, "He's the guy who sent us his catalog of Asian erotica, bought a few pieces from us. Here's the catalog from our files." "More than a few, Anne," Sigrid said. "I put a watch on that account and they've bought quite a few more Erotics...

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Anne and MaryChapter 12 Decisions

The lights were out. They snuggled together under a duvet in the big new bed. "Anne?" "Umm?" "Can I meet Saul?" "Yeah, you never. You've never seen him. Sure. Lunch tomorrow?" "Good. We've got some things to work out about our new guys." "Uh-huh. Just wait to meet up with us until he has his food on the table. He's dangerous when he meets new girls. Assuming you like him, what do we do next?" "We've got four guys now. First question is, are they the right four? Then,...

1 year ago
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Anne Marie Kitten Slutwife on the Golf Course

Introduction: And yet another true story of my Hot Insatiable Slut of a wife My wife Anne Marie and I have the greatest relationship in the world. Granted, many find it, well, unconventional to say the least, but great just the same. We have the deepest love and respect for each other, and are both very secure people. This allows us to explore some fantasies that other less secure couples would have a hard time with. First of all, Anne Marie is hot. She really is. She is 57 and 125 lbs. She has...

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Anne Marie Slutwife on the Golf Course Written b

My wife Anne Marie and I have the greatest relationship in the world. Granted, many find it, well, unconventional to say the least, but great just the same. We have the deepest love and respect for each other, and are both very secure people. This allows us to explore some fantasies that other less secure couples would have a hard time with. First of all, Anne Marie is hot. She really is. She is 5'7" and 125 lbs. She has light brown hair with blond highlights, big brown eyes and a truly angelic...

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Annersquos KINKY birthday with Mitch Cont

This story contains Bondage, Clover Clamps, Weights & Piercing between friends- Enjoy! We get a call several days later from Mitch regarding her friend Anne so we meet up for lunch, in a week she wants to plan a birthday party and design a cake for her friend that will give her a surprise. The wife and I love the idea of a kinky cake and further discussion that Anne has been mostly dominant and the birthday party is an idea to turn the tide, the birthday girl is experienced in...

3 years ago
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Anne Learns to Pose Ch 01

"What are you looking at?" Anne asked her husband inquiringly as she entered the room.She was tired after her shift at work, that combined with sleepless nights due to her baby were taking their toll on the couple. George raised the laptop screen to show her. It was online porn, pictures of couples and women. Their sex life had yet to recover from c***dbirth. She shrugged her shoulders and sat by him on the sofa. In the past they had enjoyed looking at this kind of site together. She had been...

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Anne the Geek

Anne The Geek Giving credit where credit is due, based on a suggested story premise by Beth. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I was only 3 weeks out of high school when the events that would change my life entirely occurred. I was alone at home when I snuck into my little sister's room. I had done it a thousand times before. I'd wait for when mom and Becky were gone, and I'd sneak in and try on her clothes. I loved how they felt. When I felt like...

1 year ago
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Anne the teenage Slut

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); She is 1.65cm tall and weighs about 50 kilos. She has long dark blonde hair and a shaven little cunt. I’m 23 years old and love the feeling of either seeing my girlfriend with other men or hearing her tell me all the juicy stuff after. This is something I’ve always been drawn to. When I came to be her boyfriend I wasn’t even the first to fuck her. I let some strangers we met fuck her before I did. And the ball...

2 years ago
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Anne Marie Kitten Slutwife on the Golf Course

I have to admit, I love the fact that she can be the biggest slut in the world. She has done it all, from giving some guy head while I was away on a business trip, to seducing several of my friends. Just the thought of her tongue in another man's mouth, or her lips wrapped around a strange cock really gets me off. Some of the hottest times have been when I have been fortunate enough to watch her pleasure and be pleased by two other men at the same time. Well, on our recent trip to Florida,...

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Anne Making of a Slut

It was a mid size town the heart of America, just big enough that there was bustle but small enough that most people knew each other. Anne lived in the better neighborhood, her husband owned his own company, one he had started just out of college and now he was on top in his field. Her children were grown and gone and Anne lived the life of retirement, her husband more than capable of supporting them. Her days were filled with tending to her flower gardens in the spring and summer and playing...

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Anne and MaryChapter 8 Looking around

They had quickly worked out a way to operate in the small bathroom when they both had to get going in the morning. Anne, being shorter, stood next to the sink, Mary behind her, when they were combing and brushing hair, cleaning teeth and such. Their naked bodies touched pleasantly. Anne raised an arm and began palpating her breast. "I really like my breasts. They're my best feature." "Oh, yes. Forget about the face, the abs, the buns. Definitely the boobs." Mary waved the drier around,...

3 years ago
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Anne and Spike

I have always liked Anne telling me about her sex life when I wasn't involved, this time was with a girl.'Spike' was Jane's nickname, she used to work with Anne at a large office in Adelaide. Anne was the accountant and office manager, 'Spike' was an office junior clerk come general dogsbody. Though Anne and 'Spike' didn't have much to do with each other in the office, 'Spike' tended to look at Anne as a mother figure (though the age difference was less than fifteen years)often taking her...

1 year ago
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Anne and Joel part one

Anne ran a brush through Joel her grandsons hair, he was seventeen and often stopped with Anne, or nanny Anne as he called her, at the weekend. Joel wasn't really interested it what most boys his age like, sports and cars. Anne would often find him reading her women's magazines or asking Anne to do his hair or trim his nails. Anne didn't mind, it was company for her as she had lived alone since she divorced ten years ago when she was forty-six.Joel only had one real friend, Sam who was the same...

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Anne Shows Savannah A New Way To Have Sex

Savannah and her husband had been married for twenty years. They always had a great sex life, but for the past few years her husband suffered with erectile dysfunction. This put a damper in their sex life and left Savannah aching to be pleased sexually.He pleased her orally, but she just wished to have marathon sex sessions. She begged her husband to get Viagra. Sometimes he’d get it, but not all the time. When he did take the pills, their sex life was amazing. However, he didn't get them that...

Monster Sex
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Anne Henderson 2

Their comes a time in people's lives, when a decision is made which may change the course of their life for ever. Anne had reached that moment. If she had came out of the ladies room, in the Robin Hood Inn, and said.....'I want to go home'....she may well have married Rob, had three c***dren and ended up 'bored, ever after'That is not what happened. "Hi babe, you good to go?" "Yes, I think so. Some air will do me good, will these shoes be alright. Don't think they were designed for walks in the...

2 years ago
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Anne Marie Kitten Book Store Slutwife

Introduction: Another in the ongoing saga of my cum loving slutwife Anne Marie. This took place about five years ago. Enjoy! A little background: My wife Anne Marie is 57, 135lbs. We have been together for over 12 years, and she is 35 years old, but she could easily pass for 10 years younger. She has great legs and her ass is smokin. Her breasts are a size 34B, perfectly shaped. She never wears a bra, so when her nipples get hard they can easily be seen through most tops that she wears. We had...

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Annes Ass

I met Anne while working at an advertising company during college. She was very, very hot. She had the classic Italian look, dark hair framing an olive oil complexion and big soft lips that were built for sucking cock. She was skinny with curves in all the right places and had nice round breasts to complete the package. Needless to say I was attracted to her right from the get go and was very pleasantly surprised when I discovered the attraction was mutual. We began to see each other...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 21 Labor Day

"Hi. I'm Al O'Malley." "You're kidding. O'Malley?" "Well, my grandfather called himself Johnson, but during the Roots thing, my dad found out our ancestors had been owned by a guy named O'Malley. We changed our name." "Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I meant, you're Al O'Malley in Atlanta. I'm Harry Katz, Chicago. Saul's dad." "For Christ's sake! Harry, we've been trying to skin each other for years." "Well, you finally got me. Bare as a baby. How's...

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Anne Marie Kitten Book Store Slutwife

We had fooled around with some threesomes in years past. She has brought home a couple of her girlfriends for us to play with, and I have let her fuck around with two of my best friends while I watched. There is nothing that gets me hotter than picturing Anne Marie pleasing and being pleasured by another guy, but up until this point, I had always been present when she would take any cock other than mine. Needless to say, I was very surprised by the incidents that took place recently. My...

4 years ago
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Anne Marie Submissive Slutwife

Introduction: Anne Marie treated like a Slut in front of hubby I havent written about my hot wife in a while, so I figure its time to fill you in on her latest sexploit. Anne Marie is 40, looks 27, and fucks like a 19 year old. Shes tall, tanned skin, with long wild dirty-blond hair. Her legs and ass are perfect. I dont mean perfect for a 40 year old, I mean just perfect. Toned, rounded in all the right places and tight as a drum. Her 34 B tits are perky and her nipples (nipple ring on the...

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AnneChapter 2

After a long weekend, there's always a backlog of work, and, of course, it takes quite while to get back into 'work' mode. I'd been in and at it for maybe and hour and a half, before I thought, 'I haven't seen Anne, yet', followed by 'I'll look her up when I make coffee'. It was shortly after that my mobile rang; I dug it out of my pocket, not seeing Anne enter the room as I looked at the display. The number was the one I half recognised on top of The Old Man of Coniston. "Sam?"...

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Anne and MaryChapter 42 Moving on

Tom and Sigrid came down for breakfast late. Sigrid's happiness radiated like a torch. They sat eating the last of the muffins, licking the drips of butter off each other. "Anne, I wish I'd started when you did." "I had a whole different way of life, remember. Probably wouldn't have worked for you." They went upstairs again, did not re-appear until the others had left for the stables and the gym. With Alex, they drove to the lumber yard, loaded the van with supplies. That afternoon,...

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My Wife And The Black Gardeners

© Copyright 1999 Revised 8/2003 "I don't like being around those people," said my wife, Jenny, looking out the window at our two black gardeners mowing the lawn. Jenny was wearing a short terry cloth robe and her curly brown hair was tousled prettily. I ran my eyes from her lean legs, up to her large breasts barely contained by her robe. My wife had just turned 30 which was 25 years my junior and she still had the figure of a girl ten years younger. She didn't work and we didn't...

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Anne Marie Submissive Slutwife

Anne Marie is 40, looks 27, and fucks like a 19 year old. She's tall, tanned skin, with long wild dirty-blond hair. Her legs and ass are perfect. I don't mean perfect for a 40 year old, I mean just perfect. Toned, rounded in all the right places and tight as a drum. Her 34 B tits are perky and her nipples (nipple ring on the left one) are always hard. We have been playing around with others for the last 14 or 15 years. I absolutely love to watch her with other men and women, and she...

2 years ago
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Anne Approaches Her Father After A Bad Evening

Anne was not happy with how the night had ended. Again, she was the girl in the group that didn’t hook-up with anybody. Her friends all had somebody to kiss when the clock struck twelve. It was another New Year’s Eve where Anne felt ugly and unsure of herself.She was a bit tipsy from all the drinks she had. Nobody in the bar even smiled in her direction. All her friends were busy making out with the men who were paying attention to them.Anne called a cab to take her home. She noticed the light...

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Anne the Mature ModelChapter 2

For about 2 months nothing was said about the night that Anne modeled nude, then during a conversation between the husband and wife about doing something to relieve the daily tension they were going through with all the problems they were trying to overcome Anne asked Matt if Paul needed her as a model again. Matt Emailed Paul it took him a few days to get back to Matt with this request. Paul wanted to know if it would be OK with Matt if Anne met him at the door while she was naked, also Paul...

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AnneChapter 3

Strangely, to my mind at least, Monday started off like any other Monday. The network server went down (OK, it doesn't happen every Monday) the phone rang every time I replaced the receiver; although I had my local files on my workstation, there was an error somewhere, that took me over an hour to find ... and I hadn't seen hide nor hair of Anne. I held out until ten-thirty, then set off in the direction of the kitchen ... of course, the route took me past Anne's office that she shared...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 11 Memorial Day

"Hi, Mom. It's Anne. You called.' "Yes, dear, thanks for calling back. I wanted to know if you're coming home for Memorial Day.' "What's going on? You having a party?' "No, we're not really planning anything, I just wanted to know if we'd be seeing you. If you're coming, maybe we'll think of something.' "Mom, do you want to come here for Memorial Day?' "Well, I don't know. We wouldn't want to... you know... ' "Mom, Lucy and Sam are coming, and so are Dan Sidney and...

2 years ago
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Anne The Slutty Anal MILF

I met Anne on the dating site Plenty of Fish when there was the ‘Intimate Encounter’ option. When I first saw her profile I immediately wanted to meet up with her due to her big tits and red hair. I sent her a message and I was happy when she replied despite the fact she lived over 80 miles away. We started chatting on the site and we eventually decided to meet up at a motel in Reading.As I waited for her in the room I felt a little bit nervous as it was our first meeting. When she walked in I...

1 year ago
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Anne Shows Savannah a New Way to Have Sex

Savannah and her husband had been married for twenty years. They always had a great sex life, but for the past few years her husband suffered with erectile dysfunction. This put a damper in their sex life and left Savannah aching to be pleased sexually. He pleased her orally, but she just wished to have marathon sex sessions. She begged her husband to get Viagra. Sometimes he’d get it, but not all the time. When he did take the pills, their sex life was amazing. However, he didn’t get them...

4 years ago
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Anne and MaryChapter 36 Annes Christmas

Christmas was just what I needed. Restful, happy. The whole study group was home, we had a wonderful reunion. We found we all had new friends, new lovers. We were just as close, but somehow we didn't end up in bed. On the other hand, Frank, a junior now, was busy catching up with his old girlfriends, some of whom spent the night. Ralph had his own girls, usually in the afternoon. I spent hours with Mom and Dad, telling them about college, the group, our plans for Still Waters Art. I had a...

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Anne and MaryChapter 37 Return

Anne and Mary drove back to the university a week before classes began. The others were due to arrive late in the day. On the way they bought beer and English muffins and stocked up on other supplies. There was a message on the telephone from Sarah. "Mary, this is Sarah. Happy New Year. Call me." When she hung up after returning the call, Mary said, "Sarah knows we're looking for a house. She said she'd just seen a For Sale sign on the house next to the stables. She knows we want to...

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Anne 1842

"If one more thing happens," Anne Pane told Belle, "I'll know I'm cursed." "You're not cursed, child." the slave responded. "You're blessed." "I was engaged at sixteen, at the height of my beauty. Then John's father got sick. I couldn't marry a man when his father was lying sick in his house. And then John's year of mourning." "You're still at the height of your beauty, mistress. Eighteen isn't old. Just hold still while I finish your hair ... Now, look at that! And,...

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Anne of Lands End

Everyone knew "Red" Anne was a McHale but she was called simply Anne the Red or "Red" Anne because of her shocking red hair and the fact her mother had died in childbirth not naming which of the McHale clan males was her true father. The castle McHale was situated on the rocky heights of Land's End and it had been there for more than two full centuries. Anne was a girl who had taken to the reading of books much to the disgust of the Laird Edward. He would much prefer that his own oldest...

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