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The management meeting started off as usual, except this time it included all managers, not just the directors. Given that the resort had limited guest bookings with only 16 cottages, it was planned for an intimate experience for the guests while providing sufficient other guests for exploration of mutual experiential fantasies. As such, the number of staff and management required was significantly less than most other resorts or cruise ships, even the smaller ones.

Sylvia had Jim Harris, General Manager for the resort, lead the meeting as usual. She jumped in with comments and question as needed to satisfy herself on the progress of bringing the resort to preparedness for the first guest to arrive in about two months. The construction was completed and the contractors would be completely off the island in two days, at the latest.

Carlos, chef, indicated that the kitchen, restaurant, club, and the bar and cafe just off the beach, were all fitted, equipped, and stocked. He was in the process of finishing the hiring of cooks and bartenders, then completing their training. There was a need for a few more servers to completely cover the restaurant, bar, club and café as they might overlap.

The beach and aquatic manager, reporting to Jim, indicated the same readiness. All the toys (boats, wave-runners, paddle boards, and beach games, loungers, etc. were received and stocked. He thought they were covered for staffing the games and equipment.

Mary reported that housekeeping and laundry were ready. It was agreed that housekeeping would maximize coverage to provide excellent care of the cottages. Where a normal hotel or resort might have a person cover a dozen or more rooms, she had reduced that to five.

I had Amy report on the a****l side of the resort. “We have sent one of the dogs back to the main island to the shelter for adoption. He just didn’t work out to our satisfaction. The other three dogs are working out well. We could probably use a couple more dogs, though. We currently have four horses, two male and two mares. We need more if we are to provide horseback riding activities. Other a****ls don’t exist, if we are going to provide that as an option for the guests.”

Sylvia looked at her with a wink, “You say the other three dogs are ‘working out well’. You mean temperament or what?”

“Temperament, of course. As with the fourth dog, we can’t have a****ls that are not suited to being around people without fear or nervousness. But, also, they are experienced in … other more intimate activities.” She ended that with a knowing smile.

Sylvia looked at the others around the table who were watching Amy intently. Despite the nature of the resort, the discussion of sexual involvement and detail of support had been noticeably reluctant to be brought out into the open. She looked at Amy with support and appreciation, “I think everyone understood what you were saying, but let’s make sure. Make it clear what you were saying.”

Amy looked at her, then to me. I had a sense she was hoping I would step in. She was still new to the idea of being a manager of a group so early after graduation and uncertain about her role. I was very casual and open in my relationships, personal and professional, and she applying the same approach, which was contributing to the easiness of our group. I just patted her hand in encouragement. She took a breath, “You’re right, boss.” She smiled at me, taking on my casual and familiar approach in relationships. After all, the entire group has shared intimate moments together with Sylvia. “Aside from needing a few more dogs, the ones we have are experienced in mating with women. In addition, and I think this is important to note after the failure previously, our group is personally experienced in mating with the dogs. Annie has provided excellent guidance for us to not only experience the dogs ourselves but to lead others into the experience.”

There were a few mouths hanging open around the table. It wasn’t lost on Sylvia. “Thank you, dear. That was exactly what I was wanting to hear.” Without looking at Amy, but instead focused on the others around the table, “Do you expect that you’ll have sexual relations with guests as a function of bringing guests and a****ls together?”

“Yes, Ma’am. I don’t think there is really any question about that. We think it will be mostly the woman involved with the a****ls, but her partner will likely be present and that will … well, he may … likely will … need some satisfaction.” She giggled and Sylvia laughed. I just smiled. I couldn’t be more pleased with the way Amy was handling the attention. I could see our team in the hallway who were waiting to come in for their presentation. They were trying to stay out of sight, but they were inching closer to the open door to hear this dialog. They had smiles on their faces and holding back their own laughing. The sexual participation with guests was a subject of early discussion and, now, anticipation.

Sylvia was all smiles. Her acceptance by the team in sexual activities proved to her how much our group could lead the rest of the resort forward. She also knew that we had more to present to push the expectations of the rest of the employee groups. She had personally challenged us and was aware of some of the ideas that were going to be presenting.

“Do you have anything else for us, Amy?”

Before Amy could respond, another manager challenged her. “You said ‘other’ a****ls would be needed. Why? Don’t you think dogs are enough? What other a****l mating do you think guests are going to need being available?”

Amy felt the challenge and became defensive. I could see her irritation increasing as she leaned forward, slightly turning to confront that manager. It had taken enough for her and the others to openly take the steps they had with the dogs and freely discuss the other options they might have to prepare for. I put my hand on her arm, she looked at me, took a calming breath, and she sat back in her chair.

“Thank you, Amy. You’ve represented your group exceptionally well. We could only hope for the organization’s sake that every manager and group put themselves out to anticipate guest fantasies as you and your group have.” I glanced at Sylvia and she gave me a subtle nod, indicating her approval. The manager in question was now on the defensive. Others were sitting back, as if wanting to be unnoticed.

“Amy does have more, but first to address this challenge. So everyone understands, I was brought here for a vague responsibility that hasn’t become any clearer during my time at the island. Her group has supported me in a proactive way, as opposed to the way that everyone else has tried to avoid. This is Erotic Fantasy Island. It is NOT a cute name. It is a very graphic name and explicit name. Yes, we need more and different a****ls. Some women will come here hoping to experience something they have only imagined from the internet or stories and dogs would be very effective in satisfying that curiosity. Dogs are loved by everyone, they are easy to relate to and get close to. Others will want more because they have already experienced dogs, or once they have done so here they may want something even more kinky or outrageous after that. How about a goat, or a hog, or a llama … do you know that llamas mate for 20 to 45 minutes? Might a woman already into b********y be fascinated by such a prospect? What about a tapir? The thing is, who knows what will attract a fantasy? We are here to satisfy fantasies. We may have limits to what we want to provide to them, but we shouldn’t judge.”

Nobody had anything further to add.

Sylvia turned to Amy, “This might be an appropriate time for you to continue.”

Amy got up and went into the hallway where she was greeted by Tami, Dor, and Adam. Tami embraced her, “You were wonderful! We heard everything. Thank you.” The three of them were dressed in the uniforms they had come up with. Adam held Amy’s out to her as she unbuttoned her blouse, removed her shorts and panties. The other employees in the admin building passed the word around until many of them were standing at the end of the hall watching as Amy got undressed, then dressed like the others.

The giggles and discussion just outside the door caused many inside the conference room to be curious. Not nearly as much as when the team filed in after Amy. I heard gasps from many of those sitting around the table. All four of them came into the room in the same outfits … such as they were. They were bare above the waist, their hips covered with 12 inches of a soft white material that was wasn’t sheer but gave that illusion with a light behind it. It was held together by a single snap at the left hip. The women and Adam were wearing the same thing. They completed the outfits with only leather, strapped sandals, and black leather collars around their necks. All the women had their hair down long from the ponytails that had become common.

Someone exclaimed, “My god! Really? You plan on your team wearing that?”

I was sure the exclamation was directed at Amy. I stood and just smiled. Sylvia leaned back in her chair at the head of the table and turned slightly to me as I did. Amy handed me a similar piece of cloth and I proceeded to remove my blouse, shorts, shoes, and panties. I smiled at the team and fastened the material around my hips, setting it low on my hips like they had theirs. I noticed Dor poke Adam, which apparently woke him up for something he needed to do. It was then that I noticed he had something in his hand. He stepped back out of line and walked behind the others to be behind me. He whispered for me to raise my hair. He reached around me and fastened a collar around my neck … like theirs. The team and I were standing before the rest with the barest amount of cloth around our hips and bare breasted … or chested in Adam’s case.

I reached up and touched the collar. It produced a strange sensation to be wearing a collar. Sylvia broke my inner thoughts and feelings.

“I love it! Very suggestive, very erotic, very inviting. Please explain your thinking, though.”

Amy nodded down the line. Dor and Adam took a half step forward, drawing attention from Amy to themselves. “Adam and I were assigned this part. Our goal was to come up with a uniform to be worn around our guest that would put them at ease and … well, as you said, Sylvia, provide an appearance that was provocative, erotic, and inviting. We anticipate that most of our guest will be naked, or nearly so as often as possible. If we are interacting with them, it is because of b********y or horseback riding. One you have to be naked; the other you can be naked. And, frankly, we think they will want to be naked if they interact with us dress like this.”

“What about the collars?”

Adam spoke up, “This was a problem for us. If we are dressed like this, and we wanted to be, then how do we have a name tag to identify ourselves? I thought that since we are dealing with a****ls … collars.” He paused and Dor nodded to him, so he continued. “We fussed a little about how to minimize how much needed to be inscribed on the name plate. We thought a dog paw print, followed by our first name and first initial of the last name. Below our name is our primary responsibility. Dor and I have “Handler”; Tami has “Vet Tech”; Amy has “Manager”; and Annie has “Boss”.” My fingers went to my name plate, which I couldn’t see. “Just k**ding, Annie. Yours has “Guest Experience”.”

There was an immediate stir around the table as groups started talking. Sylvia called for some order.

“I think finally you see the implication of this resort’s expectations on all of us. These guys have met it head on. I am not suggesting you follow their uniform idea. Maybe you shouldn’t, just to be different. Think about it, though. Also, think about the reality, like they have, that guests are going to be naked and looking to fill their sexual fantasies. If you think that doesn’t impact you … talk to Annie more.”

Mary Harris called over the others, “Adam … Adam, right? … Adam, just out of curiosity, did you think about something for the name tags that wasn’t a collar?”

He smiled and slid a necklace down the table to her. “We actually made one up for Housekeeping. It could be a delicate necklace for a woman or a heavier necklace chain for a man.”

She looked at it, smiled, and handed it to her husband. “Using a bed is very descriptive and obvious.” She looked around the table and settled on me. “Annie, I am very impressed. I like all of this. I think many of us have been ignoring the implication of this resort and how it would impact ourselves or our people. I want to talk more, as soon as possible.”

I smiled at her. She said she and Jim were looking for something radically different. “Dinner tonight. Join my group, please.”

On the way out of the room, Amy, Tami, Dor, and Adam were gleeful. I was pulled to the side and found Pat Connors, HR. She was standing with Mary and Jim.

“We need to talk about all this.”

We agreed to all meet for dinner. Sylvia came up and put her arm around my bare waist.

“Dear god, Annie. I got so wet in there watching you guys in front of that group. But it worked, they finally see what needs to be done and what to expect to have happen. Thank you.”

“No, thank you. Thank you for giving me this opportunity, for trusting in me. Join us for dinner, a large table. We’ll have a round table discussion and you’ll feel even better. Then … after dinner … maybe we can take care of that ‘wet’ situation.” I winked at her and she smiled, but her eyes filled with desire.

The dinner was fruitful. My team was joined by Mary and Jim Harris, Pat Conner, and Sylvia. The discussion eventually came around to the meeting earlier in the afternoon and our expectation of the kind of employee engagement with the guests that might result. Mary was becoming realistic, though.

“I think I see what you mean, Annie. Like your group who might end up ‘taking care of’ a husband while the wife is being mated by a dog or other a****l, my group could easily find themselves assist a couple looking for a desired threesome.” She giggled, “Which, come to think of it, could complicate the schedule for getting cottages cleaned.” She looked a little embarrassed by the comment, but others were chuckling and nodding in understanding.

After dinner, my group lingered with Sylvia still with us, as if there was something more desired or needing to be spoken. If there was, it was by Sylvia. We were feeling good about how the meeting and discussions had gone.

“I think we all took this job at this resort for the same general reasons. A desire for something different, whether later in their life, me, or just starting out, you; but, we all wanted something different from life. Throw in a tropical island, clothing optional, the obvious sexuality … it’s what attracted us.” She looked to the others but more to the me. “But, then we get here and we get into our jobs, enjoy the warmth and feel of the tropics … but, the sexuality … how do we do that?” Then she looked directly at me. “Confession time for me, but I feel like this is a safe group, even with the span of years between us. I want to be more involved, to experience more, things I never had before and maybe even other a****ls. I guess I have to appeal to you guys.” She looked down at her hands, which she was ringing together. “I’m being a silly woman, right?”

The table went quiet. It was awkward, but she hit something that was shared. I watched the group, not sure how to continue it. Tami saved it, however. She pushed her chair back and walked around the table to stand behind Sylvia. If she noticed, she didn’t indicate it. Tami put her hands on her shoulders, causing her to flinch. She looked over her shoulder at the younger woman. Tami was smiling at her, rubbing her shoulders.

“You aren’t alone, Sylvia. I hope you don’t mind me using your first name, but Annie has made it so comfortable for us.” Sylvia shook her head, but didn’t say anything. “You aren’t a silly woman. We’re a small group and we came together quickly, but in the time I was here before Annie, I felt the same way. I was with the a****ls full-time, but didn’t know what to do. Annie was the catalyst … ever since then …” She winked at her cohorts who smiled. “We have to trust in each other to fulfill our wants and to help our guests when they come. I guess what I am trying to say is that we are here for you, you need to let us know what you need. I understand it is counter to good management style and training to get too comfortable with those who work for you.”

Sylvia was smiling shyly. “That’s doesn’t seem to have been a problem with your group, though.”

Amy laughed, “Well, that might have more to do with the fact that Annie and I have never had any management experience. And, we have never felt like this group needed strong management.”

“Well, thank you. You have been very good to me … for me. I love what you came up with for your uniforms and the name tags. You make me wish I could be a part of your group.”

Dor leaned across the table and took Sylvia’s hand, “You are hereby made an honorary member of our group.”

I stood, “Well then, if that is the case, it seems to me you mentioned something earlier about … something getting wet?” Sylvia seemed to blush and divert her eyes from the others, but she too stood, ready to follow.

On the way down the path to the cottages, I asked her preference, “What is your pleasure leaning toward tonight? The cottage and us or the barn and the dogs.” The others were following closely behind, close enough to hear exactly what I asked.

She glanced behind her, “The dogs. I have to mate with a dog.”

I stopped her. “You have to? What do you mean, have to?”

“I will explain later. Right now, just help me accomplish this, okay?”

Of course it was okay with us. When we came to the fork in the path, we took the one leading to the barn. It still bothered me, though. There was something about the way she said, ‘I have to mate with a dog’ that bothered me. It didn’t sound like a desire or the fulfillment of what we had been leading up to. This sounded pre-emptive; it had to happen now. I was going to hold her to that commitment; she would explain.

Entering the area with the dogs, I started explaining to her why the steps were used in my approach. It didn’t seem important on the ranch, but here, thinking about how to bring a new woman to b********y, it occurred to me that there really were rational steps that could be used for that introduction. The rest of the group went on to the cottages, so this would be just Sylvia, me, and one of the dogs.

I sat her down with one of the dogs, one that I had found to be good. While she was petting the dog to get it comfortable with her, I explained in as much detail as verbal communication could about dog anatomy, their style of fucking, the knot and the reason for it in their mating process, and the time being tied afterward. Then, I let her do it. She was nervous about that, thinking I would lead her through it. I assured her I would be there, if she needed me all she needed to do was ask … I would be right there for her. But, truth be told, this was a personal experience, something she needed to feel her way through, if it was going to be truly a part of her experiences.

She smiled, came to me, and gave me a kiss on the lips. “You are a special woman, Annie Linder. I am so glad I found you.” I smiled at her, but that too felt somehow strong, more intense, than I expected from her.

She stepped away from me, looking into my eyes as she unbuttoned her blouse, pulling it from her shorts, slipping it off her shoulders and arms before handing it to me. Then her bra, shorts, and panties. When she was naked, she was still looking at me. She held out her arms from her body, as if to say, ‘this is me, only me, it’s all I have to give’. I smiled at her, stepped forward, and kissed her as I took her into my arms. I whispered into her ear, as if there was anyone else around but the dog, “You’re beautiful. Enjoy yourself.”

She lay down on the floor and unceremoniously spread her legs before the dog. It approached, sniffing the air, following the scent to her crotch. He licked her and she sighed. He continued licking her and her hands moved to her breasts while her throat released moans of pleasure.

Her mind was on going much further tonight, though. She soon wiggled away from the dog and got it onto its side on the floor after a couple tries. She then started on him, easing him with soft, gentle touches and strokes, then approaching the sheath with more intention and purpose. I watched discreetly as she coaxed the dog’s cock out of the sheath. First, using her fingers on the sheath; then, using her tongue, lips, and mouth on the tip and cock as it emerged. She had done all of this before and there was little concern on my part about how she would handle it. It was the next stage that she had only witnessed.

With the dog’s cock well out of the sheath, she moved her head up to the dog’s and nuzzled it with her face, all the while stroking the dog along its side. She then turned away from it and presented her ass to the a****l, patting her right ass-cheek at the same time. The dog was not unfamiliar with the actions she provided to him. He scrambled to his feet and approached her ass, sniffing her, again. Just because, he gave her a couple more licks, renewing a feeling in her that caused her to rotate her hips and arch her back.

For something that has become so familiar to me, seeing someone else experience it, especially someone who is new to the experience, is always amazing. The thought occurs to me that this might be a part of the job that will be one of the most interesting … seeing the moments of impact on a woman as she fully feels this new way of experiencing both an a****l and sexual gratification.

I watched with satisfaction as she moved her hand behind her and shooed the snout from her ass, then patting her ass-cheek, again. This time the dog approached her with a different intent and I could see it in his approach. He came up to her and leapt onto her back, his hips started humping as soon as he was on her. Again, Sylvia was an excellent student. His hand slipped between her legs, sought out, found, and assisted the dog’s cock into her pussy. There was an immediate gasp as she felt it, the dog cock inside her. She did it and it seems to be that reaction, that sudden realization that it is done, then the acceptance of it, and the enjoyment of it. The dog was quickly into full frenzy mode, pounding into her, eliciting not only gasps from her, but moans and groans.

I lowered myself into a crouch alongside her, watching for glimpses of the knot forming as he pounded at her pussy. I could see it forming; I could hear her recognition of what was now happening, what was now bumping, pressing against her pussy. I wondered … is this the first cock she has had besides her husband? What a delicious thought. I will have to ask sometime.

I leaned closer to her, the first time during this that I have offered anything. “Press into him, Sylvia. Take his knot, become his bitch.”

She turned her head to me, her eyes were glazed, but there was recognition there. She understood. I saw her become rigid. The pressing and thrust from the dog weren’t moving her as much. She was doing as I suggested, helping him, aiding in him getting the knot past her opening and into her pussy. I heard her grunts and gasps and sighs as the struggle continued, the struggle to pass a ball into her pussy. If I wasn’t aware, if I hadn’t experienced the same thing so many times, I might have been concerned when she cried out, a cry that pierced the nighttime quiet of the building. But, then, it was more of the groaning and moaning, the gasps and sighs as she experienced not only the unusual dog cock but the knot at the same time. I knew she was feeling an increased amount of pre-cum flowing from the cock, feeling the cock and knot growing, expanding.

Her orgasm hit her like an explosion. Her body trembled, her mouth screamed, her muscles trembled.

After the dog had turned, making them ass-to-ass, I lay on the floor alongside her. She turned to me with a weak smile. I smiled back at her and teased, “Didn’t enjoy that at all, I can see.”

She put a hand on my arm, “Thank you!” She took a deep breath as if to compose herself, but she was still tied to a dog. All her lady-like training and living wasn’t going to get past that fact … she was tied to a dog. She blushed. “I’m tied to a dog. My god! Annie, I am tied to a dog.”

“Yes you are. How does it feel?”

“Wonderful!” She reached to me and we kissed. “Thank you, dear. I … ah … I have more … more fantasies.”

I smiled softly to her, stroking her shoulder and back. “I am here for you, my sweet Lady.”

Later, as I walked Sylvia back to the admin building and her apartment, I stopped her on the path. “You know, if we had gone to my cottage, Amy would have been pestering you about more a****ls.”

“I know. Something has come up … a great opportunity. I … I … there’s a complication.”

I look into her eyes, pleading, “Sylvia! Tell me. What?”

“Annie, we are going on a shopping trip for a****ls. We’re leaving the day after tomorrow. Allow for two weeks.”

“Two weeks? Where in the world are we going that it takes two weeks?”

She gave a nervous smile. “Get your group setup for your absence. I don’t think that is too much of an issue with your group.”

“Sylvia, where are we going?”

She took a breath, “Brazil. The jungles of Brazil. Some villages that are difficult to get to.” She paused and searched my eyes for reluctance. “Somewhere that has plenty of a****ls already experienced in the activities we need them for. Somewhere that Gueros rarely are allowed.”


“A Guero is a fair-skinned person. These people don’t like outsiders. They really don’t like a Guero.”

“Then, how do we …?”

* * * CHAPTER 5 will follow * * * Thanks for reading.


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CHAPTER 16The resort guest periods were staggered intentionally to provide days separating the leaving of one group and the arrival of the next group. Every three groups had a full week separating groups. The free days were used for maintenance, upkeep of equipment, and solitude for a****ls and staff alike. Sylvia was a keen woman regarding human nature and the interactions of groups of people and the need for periods with reduced stress and more free time for energizing batteries, so to speak....

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The New Fantasy Island

The New Fantasy Island Jack had been working with the U.S. racing agents promoting their more permanent presence at the Meydan Racetrack in Dubai. So while he was staying at the Meydan, it was an interesting circumstance that a meeting was set up here in the Tiered Restaurant. Jack had seated himself as instructed at a table far to the right of the overlook of the winners circle and watched as a man in a bright green beret walked to his table and waited to be acknowledged. “Join me George, it’s...

4 years ago
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Your Fantasy Island

You don’t even know what you were doing out on a boat. It must have been a hell of a wild night. One of many. You’ve been laid off. Since you were a college dropout, you can’t get a lot of jobs and rent is coming up. You’ve pretty much just taken to downing your sorrows with alcohol. Something that you have to start reconsidering as you drift off into the ocean after falling off said boat with a life vest on. You’ve lost track of how long you’ve been floating out in the ocean. You’ve started to...

2 years ago
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CHAPTER 9The next day we travelled two more villages in along the string of villages. This village was in a valley with large open fields, the jungle closing in around that. I wasn’t sure what the cause or source of a field in the jungle, but it existed, and it was here that the people had the most horses, being of primary use for the work with larger herds of cattle and other grazing a****ls. It would be here that I would receive the training I desired to allow me to mate with horses.Several...

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Fantasy Island

Fantasy Island by Elrod W Tim sat staring out the window, uncomfortable after the long flight. Beside him, a fellow passenger, Rick, leaned back in his chair, sleeping. The loud drone of the engines and nervous anticipation was enough that Tim couldn't sleep. He was starting to think the flight would never end when the pitch of the engines dropped, and Tim felt the plane start to bank and descend. He glanced back out the window - fortunately, he was seated on the side the...

5 years ago
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Fantasy Island

As the plane loomed larger and larger over the horizon, Dork and his little assistant (Taboo) felt a certain chill. They weren't sure how their revamped enterprise would play out. Oh, they had done their homework and the millions invested by the mysterious Mr. Dork were well spent - the island was still a destination unto itself, even if there wasn't the greatest hedonistic escape imaginable awaiting the passengers. As the sea plane tied up at its mooring, Dork and Taboo watched the...

1 year ago
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Mother In law Fantasy Island

This is a fictional sex story. If you dont like or agree with sex storys, please leave. Its just a fantasy tale and starts like this. This story starts in Japan where we took our kids on vacation.My wife thought it would be nice to let the kids see a different culture. The kids were getting close to graduating and my wife wanted one last vacation as a family before our first born went to college,so that's what we did. My wife's mother Barb came along.everything was going along according to plan...

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CHAPTER 17So much is changing. So much is changing at the same time.I’m walking down the aisle on the arm of Frank Orland, Sheriff of Cochise County, Arizona. Bobbi was the deputy under him when I was found buried in the desert of the Chiricahua National Monument lands. He was the one who assigned Bobbi to watch over me during my healing and adjustment, leading up to the arrest and prosecution of the men involved, including my then husband. Frank is Jake’s Best Man. I am Bobbi’s Maid of Honor....

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Fantasy Island Brazil

Cindi, my wife, came home all excited as she hustled to the computer and turned it on.“I just found our next vacation” she beamedNow my curiosity was raised as well, I didn’t want another trip through some temples in Cambodia with food I couldn’t eat.She pulled up a vague web site and was prompted to enter a password she got from our friends, Bill and Janine.After she was given access to the full site she gasped“Wow Derek, are we ready for this?”I looked at the information page. This is an...

4 years ago
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CHAPTER 7I must have dozed after the Dane was able to pull his knot out of me. In fact, we all did. When the door to the hut opened, again, the three women found me curled on the floor with the two dogs. I looked up at the same time that the dogs did. The women chuckled at the scene before them. One of the them was carrying a tray of bowls and another had a jug of water and two bowls. Walking in behind them was Sylvia. She gave me a smile and a hug as I stood up from the floor.“How are you...

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Island Fantasy

Part 1 My ship arrives off shore at about 10 in the morning local time. We drop anchor about a 1/4 mile out and busy ourselves with getting ready for some shore leave. I'm very excited because I've only been on the ship for about 3 weeks and I'm already getting to go to a new and exciting foreign country. As I look over the sides of the ship I see a large crowd of small vessels starting to appear. They're locals, fishing boats, runabouts, and all of them loaded with people staring up at...

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CHAPTER 6By the time we arrived at the outermost village, the dog and I had mated three times. The dog seemed well satisfied … and I was as well. As the truck pulled into the village and stopped in front of a building near the center, the dog was resting with his head in my lap. I looked over the side of the truck to see everyone in the village wearing clothes. From the building we stopped in front of, four women exited and stepped alongside the truck on the driver’s side. Sylvia got out,...

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Maa Ki Island Fantasy

Mera naam sunny hai wayse to main india se hu magar kuch ghar ke karano ke wajhe se london me shift hogye main apne ghar me maa bap ke sath rehta tha. Mai unka akela ek beta tha. Mujhe pata nhi kyu mere baap ne mere bat kisi aur ko payda nhi kiya. Mere bare me bata do mai 19 saal ka hu aur padhai me zyada dhayan rehne ki ojhe se ladkio se door rehta tha. Meri maa shakira bht he mast figure wali aurat hai wo do bade breast aur moti gaand ki malkin hai oske jism makhan ki trah hai itna soft ke...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Island

The reviewing officer at the graduation parade of my entry was Air Chief Marshal Sir Walter Dawson, K.C.B, C.B.E, D.S.O. who, at the speechifying and prize giving ceremony later that afternoon, told us ‘we would be welcomed with open arms’ when reporting to our new stations. I think the Air Chief Marshal may have had one too many postprandial brandies in the Officers Mess at lunchtime and was exaggerating slightly; in fact a damn sight more than slightly as my welcome was not exactly wide...

4 years ago
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Fantasy Island

Copyright© 2003, Jack Spratt. ALL Rights Reserved Just the thought of spending a Saturday at Fantasy Island has me in a foul mood. My wife Jane and daughter Celeste haven't given me a moment's peace since the ads for the concert started appearing in our local paper. Being the typical male, I do my best to ignore their rants. However, one of the feature writers starts a daily series, extolling the virtues of the group. Each morning at breakfast there is a continuous drone of babble about why...

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Island of Fantasy See Fantasy Island Redux

You are Jason a 30 year old young male that has had many interesting fantasies over the years. You lived in a pretty good home that you were affording with in reason in an average sized town. You never imagined your life would become an amalgam of almost every sexual fantasy you or anyone could think of. Upon waking up you realize that you are not in your bed from home, this bed seems to be a step up from a king sized bed, it has sheets that softer than anything you could imagine. After...

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Fantasy Island

You're over worked and single. One of your fiends had just came back from holidays engaged. Your friend had never been in a serious relationship before and now their on their way to getting married. When you ask your friend why the change. You get told all about the holiday to this island where you get to live a fantasy. Its all real and if your lucky you may even find true love. Your given a phone number. That night you ring the number and book your holiday. Your told to think about what...

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Fantasy Island

"Cast off all lines and run up the mainsail, matey!" yelled Big Bob Smith and that's how it had started out, as just a two to three week sailing adventure but what it turned into was something else. Bob knew that I had always wanted to go sailing but didn't know anything about it so when he had to make a short trip to the Windward Islands he invited me along to keep him company. It was going to be an easy sail out to the South and East of Florida to visit some of the islands East of Cuba....

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CHAPTER 15Adam had a similar experience as Tami. In Adam’s case, though, the couple was a bi-sexual lesbian couple. They were both high-powered business women. One worked in marketing and the other in customer service in different markets and companies. They both had an interest in dogs, and being the driven women they were in public life, they were open to experimenting, also. It was the reason they chose to come to this resort over others that were available. They felt that at most resorts...

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CHAPTER 12Sylvia was in a three truck convoy winding through the jungle just inside Venezuela. The trucks contained the a****ls she had acquired for the resort from the Guarani people. The trip had been long and was going to be still longer. She was in the middle truck of the three, a pickup that contained Thor, Wolf, and a goat. She was dozing as she sat in the passenger seat of the truck. The drive had been uncomfortable and she didn’t see that changing any time soon. The weather was hot and...

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CHAPTER 11BI couldn’t believe I was about to try this, but I didn’t know any other way to get the liquid into his body. Again, I took a deep breath. I continued using soothing sounds and I hoped they seemed soothing to him. I inserted a couple fingers into his lips and pried his mouth open, getting a much better look at his teeth than I would ever believe I wanted. A low growl rose from his throat, but he didn’t do anything more, nor did he make any more threatening sounds. His tongue came out...

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Fantasy Island Day 3

Fantasy Island Day 3 (The Farewell) Darren’s story 6:00am Awoke to find Katrina was snuggled up to me on the rug by the fireplace with my arms around her. I looked down at her and as I stroked the hair off of her eyes and smiled as her nose wrinkled up when I leant down to kiss it. We had both slept naked and I could see that she must have been having a good dream as her nipples were hard and her hips were moving against my legs. The feeling of her pussy slowly grinding against my leg was...

2 months ago
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Couples Island Fantasy

The car ride started normally enough, with the usual small talk about travel and the weather, but soon enough, the conversation took a turn when she mentioned how she had a thing for black men, how she'd always been curious but never had the chance to act on it. I had just landed on the Island, the heat and aroma of the ocean and air hitting me as soon as I stepped off the plane. The trip was a spur-of-the-moment decision, a way to unwind, and maybe explore more than just the beaches. I had a...

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Dots Island

DOT'S ISLAND By Sailor861 Dorothy (Dot) Cochrane, 42, of Glasgow, Scotland, got out of bed this morning,showered, dried herself then strapped and locked her lubricated,10-in.-long,3-in.-diameter stainless-steel dildo deep inside her pussy, slipped into herthree-piece business suit and rushed off to work – annoyed. As usual, the first, faint grey light of a cold March Monday morning felldimly on the Scottish industrial city skyline and Dot did not want to go toher dreary office job at...

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Island Royale Institutional White Slavery in the New Millennium REPOST

This is a repost of the story I recently submitted, edited as necessary because of the limitations of the XNXX website format which confuses graphics, inexplicably substitutes a question mark for quotation marks at times, and does not permit footnotes. It is hoped therefore that this reposting will provide more clarity. I have also reposted the story as one entire novella because it is hoped the sprinkling of negative comments I have received results from the previous inability of the...

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Tuckers Island 2125

by Gail Holmes Chapter Twenty One David allowed the girls to bathe him, he quite enjoyed their hands rubbing his body; Rodjana stood back watching, she knew which part she wanted. It was big and it was long, the thought of a virgin cock up her began to excite her, the twins just sat back and observing the...

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"Damn it, Philip, don't be so bloody selfish. You've got three months vacation from university, surely you can spare three weeks? You know very well I can't go, I have business to attend to. Your mother can't go down there on her own."It was strange how my father always had "business to attend to" when mother went of on her trips.My mother is Dr.Anna Bridges, a geologist of considerable repute, working for the State Geological Centre. Even on her annual leave she could not stop working, but...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter One

____________________________ You will not find the place marked on any published map, and no one you know can provide you directions to it. No commercial airlines schedule flights there, and even global satellite images of the area reveal nothing but seemingly endless blue waters. There are no fancy internet websites maintained to allow you to book a vacation there, and no ordinary travel agent can make a reservation for you. On the shelves and kiosks of the World’s travel...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter One

Introduction: Please read Foreword by the Editors first Chapter One ______________,,______________ You will not find the place marked on any published map, and no one you know can provide you directions to it. No commercial airlines schedule flights there, and even global satellite images of the area reveal nothing but seemingly endless blue waters. There are no fancy internet websites maintained to allow you to book a vacation there, and no ordinary travel agent can make a...

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Tease Island

Tease Island The Early Season "The new boat comes today" M. Fulbright Penopskott commented toDawn as he squirmed on the bed. Dawn nodded, and continued her trail of flicksagainst M.Fulbright's suffering shaft. Dawn leaned closer, staring intentlyunder her platinum blonde bangs, as her pink nails painted to match her tubetop poked and stroked M. Fulbright's purplish shaft. "You betcha, M.,and you're making some nice change from it, huh?" Dawn looked right into M's eyes and licked her full lips...

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ShipwreckedChapter 7 The Forbidden Island

If anyone had asked Zack, he would have told them he couldn't recall ever being happier with his life. Life on the island was interesting and exciting, as well as relaxing. After their defeat of the pirates, the native men now viewed the two sailors as something between a deity and their chieftain of war. However, best of all was his relationship with Nani whom he found to be an excellent companion while his friendship with Destand continued to grow. Overall, life was treating the two...

5 years ago
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163 AUTUMN ISLAND [A SERIES BUT ONLY IF YOU WISH AND ENCOURAGE,]“WELCOME TO WHAT COULD BE, YOUR OWN ISLAND” Dougy the boatman said helping the agent, who was some-what green around the gill`s it must be said, helping me onto the pier from the small and rocking boat, the sun beat down, as the birds undisturbed for perhaps 10 years wheeled and screamed at us miserable intruders, I motioned him to sit for a moment and his colour began to return, he obviously was not a good sailor! I took from the...

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The Strange Island

This was written as a serial story on my website over a period of several months. The Strange Island Part 1 It had started out as a great day, in fact, one of the best days of my entire life. My name is Lee Carvin and I was a 17 year old guy who was busy having blast. I had just graduated from high school last month, and as a reward my mom and dad sent me and my best friend Eddie off on a vacation. It was a fantastic island resort vacation, with just the two of us, and no...

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The Island Chapter One

Chapter One - Lucky Charm Robert Bingham sat in the cargo hold of the C-47 clinging onto the webbing that kept him strapped in his seat as the aircraft was buffeted around the sky. The old aircraft was being ferried all the way from Hickham AFB in Hawaii to Ashiya Air Base in Japan to support the Korean war effort. The old war horse had gassed up at Midway Atoll where reports of foul weather over the North Pacific Ocean had not deterred the young and enthusiastic pilots from...

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Return To Sable Island

Philip Johnson Prologue I won’t say it’s essential that you read Sable Island first but if you don’t I’m not sure you’ll ever be able to fully get into this story. And for me to try to give you a quick thumbnail idea of the first book would take me at least a couple of chapters and still the flavor of Sable Island would almost certainly suffer. I’ve received many very flattering e-mails and comments and a number of those have asked me to write this. So it is with some trepidation that I have...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter Six

____________________________ Greg had warned me that Alexis was on a “pretty tight schedule,” and so the next morning, after having only fucked the cute little fourteen-year-old a couple of more times, I dismissed Anya from my quarters, showered, and arrived at Alexis’ apartment – actually a pair of rooms much like the Guests’ quarters – promptly at 10:00 a.m. Alexis greeted me pleasantly, dressed in a standard light blue robe, but I could see the man was still suffering somewhat...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter Six

Introduction: Please read from the beginning…. Chapter Six ______________,,______________ Greg had warned me that Alexis was on a pretty tight schedule, and so the next morning, after having only fucked the cute little fourteen-year-old a couple of more times, I dismissed Anya from my quarters, showered, and arrived at Alexis apartment actually a pair of rooms much like the Guests quarters promptly at 10:00 a.m. Alexis greeted me pleasantly, dressed in a standard light blue robe,...

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Island MineChapter 10

Freehold The Truong brothers helped their mother down the airplane's stairs, followed closely by Arman's wife Rava. The family gathered at the foot of the stairs, waiting for Waylon. The new arrivals looked around at the different buildings. The combination field tower and reception building wasn't very elaborate. It was about the size of a modest house and the 'tower' portion was only two stories tall. They could see the large hangars at the other end of the airfield, but little else...

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Island Rescue

The flight from the island is bitter sweet, sweet because of the rescue, bitter because of the unknown. My relationship with Leeza isn't something that we can declare openly. A bit about myself, my name is Don Parson, widower, fifty-one, living in Abbotsville a small city in the northeast. I am a software developer by trade, specializing in computer viruses and the dismantling of them. My last assignment introduces me to Mr. Raven and his twelve-year-old daughter Leeza. Leeza and I got off to...

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The Island Adventure 2

The Island Adventure The Island AdventurePart 1The young husband burst into their trailer home that was parked behind the hanger at an outlying grass field airport, where his business as a commercial crop dusting pilot was located and he shouted for his young wife. ?Honey, Baby Doll!? There was no answer until a few moments later. His wife, a petite little blonde of five feet and she couldn?t be over one hundred five pounds appeared from the very back of the long trailer, wearing nothing....

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The Island Inhabitants

Introduction: Female Researchers Encounter A Tropical Big Foot The Island Inhabitants November 2010 The small independent island nation was at the end of a long chain of Pacific archipelago islands more than 40 miles from its nearest island neighbor, 154 square miles in size, large and protected shallow clear blue lagoons surrounding the island with white sugar sand beaches, many isolated coves with similar beaches and a very small stable population of less than 450 natives. Only one very...

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The island

The heavy iron belts make it quite difficult to walk The heavy iron belts make it quite difficult to walk. The weight causes problems and I cannot imagine to stay with these terrible belts for a longer time. But there is one advantage of the belt around my waist: As long as I wear the belt I cannot become laced in one of these extremely tight corsetts which I saw on our way throug the yard. These corsetts seem to be incredible tight. One girl was standing, fixed in a frame with her...

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The Island Inhabitants

November 2010 The small independent island nation was at the end of a long chain of Pacific archipelago islands more than 40 miles from it’s nearest island neighbor, 154 square miles in size, large and protected shallow clear blue lagoons surrounding the island with white sugar sand beaches, many isolated coves with similar beaches and a very small stable population of less than 450 natives. Only one very bored part-time policeman and a government of 15 people ran the entire island...

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The Island Inhabitants

November 2010 The small independent island nation was at the end of a long chain of Pacific archipelago islands more than 40 miles from it's nearest island neighbor, 154 square miles in size, large and protected shallow clear blue lagoons surrounding the island with white sugar sand beaches, many isolated coves with similar beaches and a very small stable population of less than 450 natives. Only one very bored part-time policeman and a government of 15 people ran the entire island...

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