I Spy With My Little Eye Something Beginning With 'S'? 'Secrets' free porn video

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Part 4

I woke up the next morning and groaned deeply as I felt a pair of lips sliding down my morning erection. Even before I was fully awake I was thrusting my hips upwards to meet that willing mouth. “Isn’t your sister good at sucking cock, my little baby!” came the whisper in my ear. My eyes shot open and I would have been panic stricken except for the feeling of a pair of cheeks hollowing against the side of my cock. I looked at my mother lying beside me as her pointed nails took hold of my sensitive nipple and stretched it away from my chest.

The mouth departed from my cock and I heard my sister speak from down by my crotch, “A cock covered in pussy juice, I can’t think of a better breakfast, mom!” I looked down across my chest and watched as my mother’s fingers threaded through my sister’s hair and pushed her mouth back down on my cock.

“Ohhh fuck” I moaned.

“And what would you like for breakfast?” my mother whispered once again.

I raised my hips rapidly and felt the head of my cock bounce against the back of my sister’s throat. “I want your cunt, mom, and then your daughters!” I answered.

I vaguely heard my mother’s reply of “As you wish” just before I watched her hairy pussy descend upon my willing tongue.


I found out later that my sister had woken before my mother and me and after first visiting my room had searched the rest of the house before gingerly pushing open our mother’s door. She found the two of us naked entwined in each other’s arms with the bedspread in a heap on the floor. Her fingers were already deep in her own pussy as she made her way across the room to wake our Mother with a morning kiss which included tongue. Mother had originally responded by ‘French-kissing’ her back before she noted that my sister didn’t possess the stubble that I had began to grow on my own chin.

According to Janey she had simply opened her eyes to see her daughter and pulled her tighter, their breasts squashing against each other, as she thrust her own tongue back into the surprise arrival’s mouth. When they had broken their passionate kiss my mother apologised quietly that she hadn’t taken Janey into her bed first and then guided her head down towards my ‘morning glory’. 

Janey then mounted my cock and rolled her hips back and forth grinding her clit against my pubic bone. I reached up between the two bodies on top of me and threaded my hands between the two pairs of breasts squashing against each other. I knew without seeing that my mom and sister were engaged in a passionate kiss and felt my mother’s finger slide between me and Janey to work the younger woman’s clit. Another finger courtesy of Janey slipped along my mother’s dripping slit to return the favour, I welcomed it briefly into my mouth before plunging my tongue deep into the quivering pussy above me. Janey used my chin as leverage to roll my mother’s clit from side to side rapidly. I felt my balls get drenched in juices as Janey almost jumped of my cock as her cunt spasmed violently. A mumbled swear word wandered down towards me.

I pulled and twisted on my mother’s nipples and once Janey had recovered her own finger’s pinched the clit hard above my chin. I didn’t drown but it was a close thing as my mother’s cunt clamped around my tongue and her viscous juices spurted out and into my mouth and over my face. I erupted with all the force my testicles could manage deep into my sister’s pussy. Jet after jet of hot seed shot up deep into her womb.

I groaned into my mother’s pussy and collapsed back down. Her slit was still spasming and ejected my relaxed tongue. She raised herself on shaky knees, her hands resting on my sister’s shoulders and looked down at my glistening face. Her face and chest were flushed and she almost collapsed forward as Janey slid herself off my softening cock and rose gingerly to her feet on the soft mattress of the bed. I looked up at the two of them with the biggest stupid grin I had ever had upon my face as my sister threaded the slim fingers of her left hand through my mother’s hair and spread her gaping cunt wider with the fingers of her other hand. I could see my seed slowly beginning to dribble out between her labia before Janey pulled my mother’s head into her crotch. “Clean me out good, Ma... it’s the least you... can do for leaving me out!” she panted.

As my mother leant forward I stared up at her cunt spread wide above me and slid a finger along her slit gathering up her juices. She shivered in response to my touch and groaned deeply into her daughter’s pussy as I pushed my slickened finger into her ass. “Ohh...Squirt, you’re such a bad boy” moaned Janey, for the first time in my life I liked her using her age-old derogatory term for me. I felt two of her fingers slide either side of mine and then move up and grasp my hand, “fingering your mother’s ass... you dirty little pervert!”

Her hand gripped mine tightly and began to thrust my finger in and out of my mother’s tight rear hole rapidly and without any mercy. I saw my mother’s cunt shudder and open and close rapidly above me and a new flow of juices run out of it, dripping from her lips onto my face. A drop splashed in my eye and stung sorely but I didn’t care and just moved slightly to let the next fall into my mouth.

Less than ten seconds later and both women collapsed on a heap on top of me. I gingerly lifted each of them clear and knelt beside them. They were now lying facing each other, panting and shivering in almost identical fashion; carefully I leant down and guided their heads towards each other until we could share a three-way kiss combining all of our juices in a tangle of tongues.

I’d pulled on a robe and gone down to the kitchen to return with coffees and croissants. Janey and Mom were sitting up against the head board of the bed, the covers pulled up to their hips. They both smiled at me as I walked in carrying the tray, their eyes automatically dropping in unison to my semi-hard cock on view beneath peeking out between the edges of the robe. I made a point at looking at the four breasts on display noting the scratch marks covering my mother’s right one. I wondered if it had been herself or Janey responsible for them. “So, Kevin, are we going to tell Mel that our mom is also a pervert?”

I grinned back at her as I placed the tray on my mother’s desk beside her laptop. Handing each of them their coffees and a croissant each I sat down on her chair and lifted my feet up onto the bed letting the robe fall fully open. “I guess I don’t know. It was a surprise to me that she fancied you Janey” I held up my hand at the look of feigned annoyance on her face, “Not that you’re not fancy-able.” I paused to consider how many negatives I had put into that sentence and then continued “and sure enough you being my sister wasn’t an issue, more of a boon I suppose but... I’ve really no idea how she’d react to the three of us!”

Mom had begun to squirm a little and Janey turned to her “What?”

She smiled bashfully, an odd look to see on your mother’s face considering what we had just done and the fact of all the flesh on display. “I... really want Mel to go down on me. She looked really talented with that tongue and those fingers working your pussy!”

Janey raised an eyebrow, “Am I missing something?”

I grinned at my mother who grinned back; her cheeks coloured slightly and nodded. I twisted in the swivel chair and drew my hand across the mouse pad on the laptop bringing the screen back to life. The boxes she had opened the night before were still there and after a brief search I opened a new one and maximised the picture. Janey stared at the image and then her eyes roved around the room looking for the camera that was showing her looking about the room. “Goddamn but I live with a bunch of peeping perverts!”

“You won’t see it...they’re all very small” my mother offered.

“All?” Janey asked turning back to my mother.

My mother nodded shyly and smiled when I added “And recorded on to the hard-drive!”

Janey’s eyes flicked between my mom and me before settling on the screen. She watched herself reach up and pinch her own nipple. “At least there’s one smart cookie in the house, squirt!” I nodded in agreement lifting my coffee with one hand as my other ran a fingertip across the eye of my cock gathering a tiny amount of pre-cum. “So, back to Mel and getting her to eat out Mom!”

“Well I could always manipulate the situation again” suggested my mom.

“What?” both Janey and I said in unison.

She looked from me to her daughter, “Come on... you don’t think that I knew what was going to happen when I left you two together knowing that your brother and Mel had been trying to find some way of getting into your knickers!” she looked back at me, “I have sound as well as vision Kevin.”

“You’re a star Ma” I replied with a broad grin.

Janey slapped her forehead and muttered “Sheesh!” before asking “So what’s your plan, Machiavelli?”

“Simplicity itself! Pass me the phone, hon” she asked my sister. Janey passed our mother the cordless phone from beside the bed and the two of us watched as she punched in a number. It must have rung seven or eight times before it was answered. “Hi, Alan, it’s Rosie!” she said into the phone. Janey and I looked at each other as we recognised the name of Mel’s dad. “Yeah all is good and you?” Janey caught my eye and I could see an evil twinkle within it and I watched as she put down her coffee and twisted about beside my mother. My mother looked down as her daughter’s fingers squeezed her nipple before pulling it away from her breast. ‘Stop it’ she mouthed.

I twisted about and found the zoom control on the camera and shrank the picture in closer just capturing my sister and my mother in the shot before standing up and dropping my robe. My mother shook her head at me and tried to put a severe expression on her face as she spoke into the phone, “I just wanted to thank you for letting Mel stay over while I was away.” I moved to the end of the bed and pulled the bedclothes away from their legs exposing their naked glory and crawled up between my mother’s legs. “Yeah, sounded like they had a good time...” my mother tried to press her knees together but I wasn’t having any of it and Janey was distracting her as she lowered her head and bit her nipple. “Ouch!” she exclaimed, “No, Alan, I just spilled some hot coffee on myself... I know getting clumsy in my old age.”

Her coffee was presenting a problem for her as she couldn’t reach to put it down and had the phone held to her ear with the other hand. She bit her lip as she watched me kneel between her thighs and begin stroking my refreshed hard-on. “Well, I sometimes worry about leaving my pair alone, there always poking at each other trying to get a rise!” she’d stopped shaking her head and a wry smile had appeared as her eyes followed my stroking hand. I released my erection and placed my hands beneath my mother’s knees. I groaned quietly as Janey’s fingers wrapped tightly around my manhood and pulled my foreskin back exposing my pre-cum slicked glans.

Slowly I eased my mother down the bed watching as she struggled to balance the mug and not spill any coffee as well as trying to pay attention to what Mel’s dad was saying to her down the phone. “Yes... they can be troublesome, but they tend to be better behaved when there’s a third party in the room.” I slipped my knees beneath my mother’s as Janey pulled my erection closer to her rosy, dripping slit. My sister glanced at the screen over my shoulder and released my cock for a moment while she slipped an extra pillow beneath my mother’s head. I followed my mother’s gaze to look over my shoulder. The angle of the camera was good enough to reveal my undulating cock and my mother’s pussy. I watched as Janey shifted and placed her head on my mother’s stomach and once again wrapped her hand around my throbbing length.

My mother coughed as she felt the tip of my cock drawn up along her slit and I returned my attention in front of me to watch Janey’s mouth slip over my glans and clean off the pussy juice. “Yes, I reckon they did stay up late watching films, but you got to let them blow off steam once in a while!” I grinned as I heard the subtle inflection in her voice and reached forward over Janey’s head to squeeze my mother’s nipples. “Mmmhmm” she hesitated as I stretched them and began to twist them, “Mind you, I’m starting to wonder about Kevin!”

I looked at my mother’s face and saw the pleasure in her eyes as once again Janey dragged the head of my cock deeper along her wet labia. There was a mischievous smile on her face as she continued “He only let them paint his toenails... makes you think he might be Gay!” She bit her lip as I twisted her nipples more and Janey pressed the tip of my cock against her clit, “Ohh, well as long as they can find happiness-” her back arched as Janey pushed my cock deeper into her soaking tunnel and I watched her tongue snake over the top of her slit. A little coffee spilled from her mug onto the white sheets beside her.

She breathed heavily, “Well... I think I hear the door. We might have Mel over again on Saturday, if that’s alright” I could see the tendons standing out on her neck as Janey’s hand slipped around behind me and pulled me forwards all the way into her mother’s trembling cunt. “Okay I gotta run, it is the door, take care Alan, see you soon!” she pressed the terminate button on the phone and dropped it to the floor, “You little fuckers” she breathed, “take this fucking mug away and get your pussy on my tongue this instant, Janey!” she demanded.

We fucked with abandon and swapped positions numerous times. My sac was almost empty from recent events and I was proud of how long my erection remained. When I announced I was close to shooting my load, my mother instructed Janey to hold my cock tightly while she adjusted the camera for an even closer shot and then knelt beside her as the two of them pumped my cock hard and fast in front of their faces. Only a small amount of seed landed on their skin but for me it was an incredibly intense orgasm and I collapsed back onto the bed as their mouths slid up and down either side of my twitching member.

It seemed like ages before I recovered and opened my eyes to look at the two women beaming down at me. “Thought we’d lost you there for a minute, squirt!” joked Janey.

I grinned up at them, “Ain’t many squirts left in me for the moment, I fear.”

“Poor little baby” my mother cooed as her fingernails scratched my empty scrotum.

Janey sat back against the headboard, “So mother dear, we get Mel here on Saturday and fuck her brains out!”

“I was thinking along the lines of catching the three of you at it. Kevin, hun, this week you need to gauge Mel’s response to, what was it you two called it?”

“Misbehaving?” I offered.

“Yes, that’s it. Misbehaving, see how Mel feels about misbehaving while I’m in the house and the risk of being caught?” she continued, “and no letting on either!”


In some respects the week seemed to drag on and in others it was extremely thrilling. At school Mel and I had upped the stakes somewhat with our surreptitious teasing. A couple of friends had begun to suspect that our friendship had moved onto another level but hadn’t come straight out yet and asked us. The following day after my mom’s phone call to her dad she had broached the subject herself of misbehaving the following Saturday while my mom was in the house. “My dad told me about coming over to yours next weekend. I don’t know if I could stand being in a room with you and Janey and not being able to touch!” she said quietly.

We were standing beneath the crowded shelters outside in the yard as a torrential downpour battered the gravel all around. The number of people packed in around us gave us the excuse to press against one another. Mel’s back was to the wall and my left arm was behind us, my hand in between her thighs and my thumb lightly stroking her moist pussy beneath her skirt. I had beamed when I found she had not worn any panties, “Well, the anticipation will be torture, but she’s a heavy sleeper so if we’re careful...”

Mel moaned so quietly that only I could hear as my thumb slipped inside her and my outstretched finger coaxed her clit from beneath its hood. “I might need a gag... or a cock in my mouth to stop me from screaming!” she whispered. The back of her hand rubbed against the erection in my trousers, “Can you imagine what she’d do if she caught you fucking your sister?”

I could easily but I replied, “God alone knows!” I was struggling to think of a way to ask her Mel how she felt about my mother. Did she find her attractive? My mother wasn’t dissimilar to Janey, just a matter of added curves and the two of them had always been friendly but this was a whole other step. I didn’t think she looked on her as a ‘mother’ figure after all she already had one and if she’d been very happy to sleep with her ‘sister’ what would be the problem of having sex with my mom. Of course the fact that I was having sex with my mother might be a step too far.

“Has your mom ever had a man in her life since your father left?” she asked.

“No, not that I’ve known about anyhow” I replied.

“Hmmm... maybe she’s a lesbian, not as if your sister doesn’t like eating a bit of pussy!”

I squeezed my thumb inside her against the roof of her pussy as I pressed down on her clit. Mel coughed as I felt a shudder run through her. “I’ve never seen a girlfriend either!” I answered ambiguously.

“She’s still a good looking woman, surprised that no one has come a-calling. Maybe you and Janey have...ahhh” she moaned into my ear, “oh that’s nice. Maybe you’ve scared them away?”

“Maybe” I replied.

And maybe Mel didn’t find the idea of licking my mother’s pussy abhorrent.


The women in my life took it easy with me during that week. Mom had insisted just because she liked my cock inside her that my school work wasn’t to suffer and that Janey was to let me get some sleep. On Wednesday night she allowed us both into her bed just after supper where we once again explored each other totally. She sent us back to our own beds at midnight and reminded us that she’d be watching. The next morning she scolded the pair of us for deliberately masturbating when we were alone in our own beds and insisted that such a tactic would never work. “Probably?” she added as an afterthought.

As for me and Mel our teasing was almost driving us insane and when the clouds opened once again at lunch time on Thursday she grabbed my hand as we were exiting our classroom and pulled me in the opposite direction of the cafeteria. We were headed against the general flow of students when she pulled me into our English classroom closing the door behind her. “Kevin, I need your cock!” she simply stated and produced a condom from inside her jacket. There was a small storeroom attached to the class and luckily the door was unlocked and the pair of us disappeared inside.

We were almost tearing our uniforms off in our haste to fuck. My cock had hardened almost instantaneously when Mel had said the word cock and I had it squeezed it in my fist as I dropped to my knees. Mel leant back against the shelves and lifted her long dark skinned leg over my shoulder after unzipping her skirt and letting it drop to the floor around her foot. I dived straight in and drank down the juices on offer, “Ohh fucking yess” Mel moaned as she ground her hips against my mouth. She lifted her leg up onto one of the higher shelves spreading her pussy wider and my tongue slipped easily into the wet folds.

Mel although enjoying the feel of my tongue fucking her cunt was desperate to be filled by my cock and a hand tapped the foil packet of the condom against my chin. I took it from her and vainly tried to rip it open with my fingers but had to remove my juice slicked face from her hot pussy for a moment to tear it open with my teeth. As soon as it was open I placed my lips over her clit and sucked it hard into my mouth. Mel groaned loudly as I blindly attempted to roll the condom onto my throbbing erection.

“Fuck!” I cursed into her twitching slit as the ‘rubber’ tore.

“You stupid fuckwit!” cursed Mel and pushed me down onto the floor with her foot. She took a couple of moments to locate her jacket in the dim storeroom and fished a second foil packet from the inside pocket. Her teeth gleamed as she tore it open and expertly rolled the contraceptive down over my cock. “Now, Squirt, you’re gonna fuck me hard and ain’t no way you’re allowed to cum till I say you can! You got that?”

“Yes Ma’am!” I agreed as she stood up and turned about and bent over offering me her sumptuous ass. I stood up behind her as she reached out and grasped opposite shelves, looking over her shoulder at me. “You want it?” I asked as I slid the cocooned glans up along her slit, “You got it!” I thrust forward slipping into her pussy in one stroke feeling the head of my cock hit the top of her pussy. My thrust pushed her forwards and elicited a deep groan from her before she pushed back against me. My white fingers dug into the ebony flesh of her hips as I pounded her tightly squeezing cunt.

It was at least two minutes and the sweat was pouring down my back when her pussy clamped shut on a back stroke. I had to pull her hips against me with considerable strength to ram my hard-on back inside her. It was only the look of panic in her eyes that stayed my movements as she looked over her shoulder at me. “What?” I whispered.

“Shhh” she hissed and nodded to the partially open door. I stilled my movements and listened. Someone had entered the classroom. Mel had hushed me but her panting was growing louder as I felt her pussy squeeze and ripple around my cock. I reached forward and clamped my hand over her mouth as a silhouette passed in front of the door. I could feel Mel’s juices squirting over my sac as I craned my head forward to see who it was.

Our English teacher, Miss Hart, had just dropped her bag onto the teacher’s desk and was rifling through it. Mel was also staring out through the crack in the door and her slit was still convulsing around my member, her juices (seeming to smell so strong in the storeroom were running down my legs to my jockeys and trousers wrapped around my calves. Miss Hart found what she was looking for and moved over to the window of the classroom, the pair of us shuffled silently forward so we maintained our view.

Miss Hart was in her mid-twenties and had only joined the school the previous September. Very slim but with full breasts and at about 5’6” in the flat sensible shoes she wore to work I was already taller than her. With her long black hair and dark brown eyes most of the boys in my year fantasized about her daily. I wasn’t the exception and now knowing Mel’s penchant for the same sex I suspected she was of a like mind. I pulled my hand up that was covering Mel’s mouth and with my lips pressed to her ear I whispered, “Do you think she has a sweet tasting pussy?”

Mel nodded against my hand and pushed her hips back against my cock in a vain attempt to get more inside her. “I wanna fuck her and I wanna have you clean my cock afterwards!” a further surge of juices gushed from Mel’s vibrating slit. “I wanna watch you suck my spunk out of her pussy!” I said which gained a further grunt from my friend. Miss Hart had revealed what she had been searching for in her bag as she opened the window to the classroom. She placed a cigarette between her lips and lit it from an old battered Zippo, inhaling deeply with her first drag.

One of our friends had told us he had seen Miss Hart out jogging in a skimpy pair of black shorts with white piping and an equally skimpy, matching top. We hadn’t believed him but now I imagined her as he had described her and wondered what it would be like to pull down those jogging shorts and shove my tongue into her asshole as Mel sucked on her pussy. Mel’s pussy continued to rhythmically squeeze my cock, her juices seemed to gush with every second heartbeat and even though I wasn’t pumping in and out of her I knew that I was close to emptying my balls.

“I’m gonna cum, Mel with or without your permission” I hissed into her ear.

Mel pulled my hand from her mouth and twisted her head to breath into my ear, “Fuck the condom…take it off” she gasped “Fill my cunt!”

I knew I shouldn’t but I still pulled out of my friend’s spasming slit and whipped the ’rubber’ off my pulsing cock. Almost instantly I erupted, the first splashes hitting Mel’s dark cheeks before I pressed my glans to her slit and emptied the remains of my sac against her tightly closed lips.

All of the time the two of us were focused on Miss Hart sucking the nicotine from her cigarette and blowing the smoke out of the window. I stumbled and put my hand out against the shelves knocking some of the files stored there over. My heart went into my mouth as I watched Miss Hart finally stub out her cigarette onto the outside of the window frame and close the window oblivious to her fornicating observers.

Mel apparently continued to climax and I glanced down to see my seed being washed down her leg by the copious amount of pussy cream. The two of us breathed heavily as we watched our teacher move back to the desk and pull a small plastic bag out and deposit the used stub inside. A few moments later she had closed her handbag and exited the room.

Finally the both of us let out loud groans.

As the adrenalin left our systems we tidied ourselves and straightened the files I had knocked over before slipping from the storeroom. I deposited the ‘un-used’ condom in the waste paper basket beside the teacher’s desk as we left the classroom.


The last lesson of the day and Mel and I kept exchanging glances across the Physics Lab. We couldn’t believe we had gotten away with our midday tryst.

We hadn’t!

A pupil from one of the lower years knocked on the door and entered handing Mr. Sawyer a note. “Rowland!! Front and centre” he barked. Sheepishly I moved up through the desks, a worried look cast at Mel as I passed and took the note from Mr. Sawyer. “Five minutes to go…don’t keep Miss Hart waiting, grab your things and clear off!” he stated as if I was ‘shit’ on his shoe. I never liked Mr. Sawyer, his blonde wife, the Chemistry teacher, was another matter but as far as I was concerned her taste in men left a lot to be desired.


I knocked tentatively on the door of the classroom where our earlier indiscretion had taken place. Miss Hart’s voice came from within and called me inside. She told me to wait in the corner as she gave the third years their homework assignments and sat at her desk patiently as they all filed out.

“Well, Mr. Rowland?”

“Yes Miss?” I asked ‘innocently’.

She placed a grey pencil case on the worktop. I immediately recognized it as my own. “This is yours!” she stated.

My mind was a whirl of ideas and lies but none appeared to be a reasonable explanation. I was trying to figure out how she knew it was mine but I could see by the stern look on her face she was positive. She unzipped the bag and pulled out the large eraser and I knew. It must have been in my second year, almost four years previously when I had etched my name into the side of it. I didn’t know but I was sure that the imprint was still there. “Can you tell me how this got into my storeroom, Mr. Rowland?”

I hung my head and didn’t answer. “And who else was in there with you?”

I looked back up into Miss Hart’s eyes fully aware that a panic-stricken look was across my own features. Was there something that Mel had left behind? I thought.

“I know you weren’t alone and I know you were…engaged in an expellable offence!” I glanced out through the window at teems of students headed home without a care in the world. I simply shook my head as I looked back at Miss Hart. The object of many a midnight fantasy was to be the instrument of my downfall within the educational system.

Miss Hart simply rose from her seat and walked to the door of the classroom and opened it. She leaned out into the corridor and beckoned with her forefinger. The next moment a sheepish Mel entered the classroom and stood beside me. Miss Hart was far too clever by half. She sat back down on her seat behind her desk.

“So, Mr. Rowland and Miss Barton! What should I do with the two of you?” she asked.

The two of us stood there, I felt Mel’s fingers wrap around my own and felt some comfort from them. I also knew when the ‘shit hit the fan’ that I’d have to deal with her father who I knew owned a shotgun. Vaguely I wondered would he be angrier at me taking his daughter’s virginity or getting her expelled from school.

“What am I to do with two of the most promising students in your year? It’s almost a shoe-in that you’d be Head Girl when you enter your final year, Miss Barton!” I looked up through my eyebrows at Miss Hart shaking her head at the two of us. “And Mr. Rowland if you didn’t get your choice of universities I don’t know who would?”

Still the two of us remained silent. “For someone so bright, you’d think that you’d be clever enough not to dispose of the evidence in the waste paper basket and just drop it on top?”

“I…” began but then stopped.

“Yes?” she asked.

“Well, at least we’re not smoking on school property!” said Mel, her eyes still on the floor. I twisted my head violently, almost causing a muscle in my neck to spasm as I looked at my best friend.

“You were fucking in the storeroom while I was here?” gasped Miss Hart.

Mel looked up and stared the teacher in the eye, a look I remembered from when she confronted Janey. “Yes” she simply answered.

Miss Hart looked at Mel, her jaw hanging open as I raised my own head. Her eyes flicked back and forth between us. “You think that the school will be bothered…”she paused for a moment before continuing, “The two of you were having sex on school property, not as if you can deny it” she got up from her seat and reached into the waste bin and picked up the used condom daintily with her fingers. “Do you really think that any accusations you make will gain credence?”

Mel was about to speak when I interjected, “The potential Head Girl and in your own words, ‘a good prospect for university’! Not as if we’re two malcontents or students who have been in ‘trouble’ before? I think the term ‘a whole world of shit’ applies and are you sure you’ll come out it smelling of roses?”

“You’re still on ‘probation’ and if the powers that be want evidence all they have to do is look outside that window” Mel pointed to the window Miss Hart had opened earlier, “they’ll find plenty of ash in the frame and on the sill, I imagine!”

“I…err…” the English teacher stammered.

Mel moved forwards circling around the desk and I followed suit. In my head I figured that we had nothing to lose and at the same time couldn’t believe that we were intimidating a teacher. “So, we fucked! We took precautions albeit we didn’t dispose of the ‘evidence’ with much sense but I have to thank you, Miss Hart!”

“What?” she asked, her cheeks blushing deeply.

“Watching you as Kevin’s cock filled my pussy… I’ve never cum so hard in my life!”

“Oh…” she whispered breathlessly.

“You do realise that you are ‘The Wank’ material for almost all the boys in the upper school?” I offered.

“Don’t forget the girls!” Mel added, “I can vouch for a few of my own fingers buried inside my sopping wet quim as well!”

I looked at Mel and then looked at the now ashen faced Miss Hart, “We promise to never fuck in your storeroom again! How’s that Miss Hart?”

I felt Mel’s hand grasp my hard cock within my trousers and watched as Miss Hart’s eyes dropped to my crotch. “Of course, being a potential Head Girl. I believe in sharing one’s good fortune and take it from me that Kevin’s cock definitely comes under the title of ‘good fortune’, that such should be shared!”

Miss Hart’s eyes were now locked on Mel’s fingers massaging the bulge in my trousers, “Talking of ‘good fortune’ I can vouch for Mel’s ability at licking pussy, she’s had no complaints, only compliments!”

“Stop it!” demanded Miss Hart as she rose from her chair and stumbled backwards knocking it to the floor. She moved away from us and backed up against the wall beside the storeroom. Her eyes momentarily looked at the closed door and then back at two of her favourite students with absolute lust in their eyes. “No...” she whimpered.

Mel’s fingers took hold of my zip, “You gotta see how thick Kevin’s cock is, Miss Hart!”

“And you should taste how sweet Mel’s pussy is as well!” I added. She was shaking her head but her eyes were moving between my crotch and Mel’s and her fingers were gripping the sides of her skirt. “Tell me, Miss Hart, is your pussy wet?” I asked.

Her eyes shot up to mine as I felt Mel lower my zip slowly. “I reckon it is, Kevin!” I was aware of Mel’s other hand slipping beneath her skirt to her own knickerless snatch. “I bet it’s as wet as my own!”

We’d moved to within two feet of the object of our lust and I reached out and opened the storeroom door. “All you’ve got to do is say ‘no’, Miss Hart!”

I groaned as I felt Mel’s fingers slip inside my jockeys and ease my rock-hard cock out through my zip. Miss Hart’s eyes dropped once again and she simply said “Angela”.

“All you have to say is ‘no’, Angela!” repeated Mel.

Angela didn’t reply but her back stiffened and she retreated into the storeroom as the two of us followed.


Miss Hart had softly stroked my erection as Mel and I had undressed her. The two of us had smiled as we unveiled her pussy completely devoid of a single hair and soaking wet. The two of us had dropped to our knees and worshipped the bare slit with our tongues until Miss hart had pushed our mouths away gasping for air as wave after wave of orgasms had assaulted her body. Mel’s mouth had turned to my cock quickly followed by my English teacher and then she had asked if we had any more condoms. I groaned with annoyance as Mel had replied that she hadn’t. “Well, Mr. Rowland, you’re just going to have to fuck me in the ass, if you’re girlfriend doesn’t mind?”

I looked down at Mel and saw a look of lust and curiosity as she nodded up at me. Miss Hart saw the nod and stood turning away from me and bending forward mimicking Mel’s position from earlier in the day. Mel dropped lower and positioned her head beneath our teacher’s stomach and looked up between her legs as I placed my hands on her shapely ass and spread her cheeks wide staring at the small puckered hole as it came into view. “Miss Barton, a little juice would help!” came Angela’s instruction.

I gasped as I felt my friend’s fingers wrap around my girth smearing pussy juice up and down its length. I didn’t know if it was my teacher’s or Mel’s and I didn’t really care as those slim black fingers pulled my cock forwards until my glans pushed against that tight hole. It was far tighter than any of the three pussies I had so far experienced and with Mel’s fingers continually supplying more and more pussy cream I ploughed into that tight hole relentlessly. It wasn’t long before I felt my balls tightening within my sac.

Groans and moans were issuing from all our mouths, Mel had positioned herself on all fours and I suspected that Miss Hart’s fingers were in her pussy as her own fingers were rubbing up and down our teacher’s slit transferring juice to my invading cock.

I erupted deep inside the young teacher’s ass having to grab the shelves beside me to keep from falling over.


As the two of us left the classroom Miss Hart said “Don’t think this is going to get you any special treatment!”

We both looked at the serious look on her face no longer as ‘cock-sure’ as we had been earlier. “All it means is that you’re probably going to have more detentions!” she said with a smile.


We walked home hand in hand for the first time. There was a small chance that friends or acquaintances might see us but for myself I didn’t care. “Did you like fucking Miss Hart in the ass?” asked Mel slightly nervously.

A smile played across my lips, “Yes I did. I could feel your fingers inside her” I paused briefly considering my recent experiences, “I reckon I prefer pussy though. Did you enjoy watching?”

Mel’s fingers squeezed mine harder, “I did, but…” she gulped, “It looked brutal. Your cock just looked so thick in such a tiny hole!”

“Are you tempted?” I asked knowing that I would love to take Mel’s virgin ass.

She pulled me into the shade of a Horse Chestnut tree and wrapped her arms about me looking up into my eyes. “I am sorta curious.”

For a moment I wondered if she wanted me to try right there beside the road as she kissed me hard. When she broke the kiss she continued, “You’d have to be gentle, there’s no way I could take the ramming you gave Miss Hart!”

“I will, if that’s what you want?”


The next day, Friday, we didn’t have a lesson with Miss Hart but the two of us had a quick lunch and then found a spot in the school yard where we could see the window to her classroom. We only had to watch for five minutes before we saw it open and the faint tell-tale plume of smoke issue from it. We quickly made our way up to the room and entered without knocking. She had already finished her cigarette and was sitting at her desk. “Bad luck, you two, failed to catch me this time!”

We grinned at each other and sat on the edge of the student desk facing her. I knew that Mel had removed her panties once again and as she spread her legs for our teacher’s benefit I pulled her skirt upwards as I massaged the erection in my trousers. “A right pair of horny little fuckers! Aren’t you?” she asked with a smile.

We both nodded in unison I added “What can we do but stumble about with all these hormones running around our bodies?” I could sense Mel grinning broadly as I quoted her line.

“Very philosophical, Kevin” answered Miss Hart her eyes watching my fingers as they snaked between Mel’s thighs and slid up along her damp slit. She breathed deeply, “But pragmatism has to win out over desire... unfortunately.” She licked her lips, “Yesterdays adventure was a momentary lapse of reason and it won’t be happening again, ever!” she stated with the authority of our Teacher with a capital ‘T’. I know that my face fell and I felt Mel’s pussy quiver in what I suspected was disappointment. Miss Hart’s face lightened and she continued “Not on school property at least!”

I felt a small trickle of warm juice run over my fingers. Mel’s pussy was happy again! “I’m away this weekend but if the two of you wanted extra lessons on Monday after school?” We both nodded enthusiastically as she pulled a small piece of paper out of her open bag on the desk, “There is one condition” she added as the two of us stood up and Mel reached out her hand for the note and I sucked her cream from my fingertips, “no more fucking or sexual shenanigans of any sort while you’re at school!”

We turned to look at each other and then looked back at our teacher, “Yes Miss Hart!” we answered together.

“Good” she handed the note to Mel, “and when we are on school property you will call me ‘Miss Hart’ at all times and refrain from trying to exchange secret nods or glances with me. Trust me, they’re a lot more obvious than you realise.”

“Yes Miss Hart!” we parroted once again.

“Just over two weeks since the pair of you started fucking, I guess?” she asked. If Mel didn’t blush I sure did and answered her question for her. She wasn’t exactly right with when we started fucking but she was spot on with when our friendship became sexual in nature. “Now away with you and I shall see you both at school... and after it on Monday.”

We slipped from the class and leant against the wall outside before both grinning inanely at each other. “No sex while at school” I offered.

Mel grinned back at me, “No chance!” and held up her crossed fingers. We did at least manage not to touch each other for the rest of the day although if the perpetual hard-on I had was anything to go by I imagined it was just as much torture for Mel with a soaking pussy. She was at a considerable advantage especially when the girl she had been talking to the previous week dropped her bag in front of me and knelt down to pick them up. The moment before I also knelt to lend her a hand her eyes had levelled at my crotch and the instant reddening of her cheeks told me all I needed to know.

I told Mel on the walk home about the incident, “You’re getting to be quite the stud! I’ve created a monster, no girl is safe!” she laughed. “Poor little Emily, she was enamoured of you already, now she’ll know you’re a sex fiend!”

“I think I’ve got my hands full already!” I replied.

“It’ll be a shame between me and Janey and Miss Hart we’ll reduce you to a husk in no time!” she smiled taking my hand in hers. I looked over my shoulder and saw a couple of fellow students from our year about fifty yards behind us. Maria, a tall dark haired girl who shared our Chemistry class, looked up and saw me watching her and pulled a face before she noted the two of us holding hands and immediately told her friend about the ‘juicy’ gossip.

I turned back to Mel, “Our secrets out!”

“Now, Maria isn’t the brightest of girls and I’m positive she can’t tell from me holding your hand that we’re both fucking your sister and our English teacher!”

“Really? So much for female intuition!” I answered sarcastically.

We came to the beginning of my road and Mel stopped and turned to look at Maria and her giggling friend. “Let’s give them something decent to gossip about” and she pulled my head forwards kissing me deeply. The kiss lasted for ages and both of our empty hands twitched against each other’s hips struggling not to go any further. When we came up for air the two of us looked back down the road to see the two girls standing stock still with their jaws hanging open before Maria blushed and pulled her friend across the road and walked silently past us.

“Guess Miss Hart was right, it’s official now, you are my boyfriend.” I grinned happily, “Things are gonna change now!” she added, “No fucking anyone else unless I can watch or join in... or at least tell me about it afterwards!” she beamed.

“The same goes for you,” I replied and added “Darling!”

Mel pulled aTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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The Beckwith Affair Chap 1

August 3 rd , 10:05 a.m. “Robert Eyestone, private investigations, this is Maggie, how can I help you?” “Is Mr. Eyestone in?” the voice on the phone asked. “He is not in at the moment, can I get your name and number and have him call you?” asked Maggie. “Please, this is Mrs. Beckwith, of Beckwith Importers.   My number is 310-555-7600.” “He will call you as soon as he is able.   Thank you Mrs. Beckwith.”   “Hello, is this Mr. Eyestone?” asked Mrs. Beckwith. “Yes it is, how did you know...

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Billy Beckwiths RebellionChapter 3

Beckwith was putting together a bunch to go down to the bridge and waved to me, "Caleb, he said, "Gus Yore hain't quite thawed yet. Why don't you go with these men and take charge of that bridge." I hated to do it, but I pulled on my coat and wool hat and picked up my rifle. We went out and found our beasts, folded their blankets back over their rumps and clattered down to the creek without seeing a soul along the streets except for our own people. Seemed like the town was empty or...

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Billy Beckwiths RebellionChapter 4

Then things started happening pretty fast. Mr. Wainright said goodbye to the Swede; then I nodded a farewell to her and durn if she didn't get up on her toes and brush her soft lips against my stubbled cheek. Whooee. I went and called in the bridge guards, and they brought those four extra muskets with them. Somebody fetched the Foster women in their fancy pleasure carriage with the hickory-sprung seats, only one like it in town. Mrs. Foster was wearing a pelisse, plus a red hood with a...

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Billy Beckwiths RebellionChapter 5

Billy went out into the cold as a couple of farmers came in. Stud explained what was going on to them as people moved around, and the Foster women took up a sheltered position in the high-backed settle near the fire. The cat joined them, purring, and perched on the girl's lap, paws folded inward. Didn't anybody look like they was going to cause trouble so after a bit I asked Annie if she was interested in a quick one while we waited, and she elbowed me in the ribs hard enough to crack one...

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Billy Beckwiths RebellionChapter 6

The sun was setting behind some pink and gray clouds when we reached Mr. Peter's sturdy brick house. The first floor windows all showed candle light as Beall tied his horse to a weight and set it on the curbstone. "You plan to sit out here and wait?" he asked me. I couldn't figure if he wanted me to say yes so I said no, I'd rather get out of the cold. We went up to the door together and Beall knocked. A well-dressed, old black man answered and said, very polite, that Mr. Peter was at...

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Billy Beckwiths RebellionChapter 7

"Damn," Billy Beckwith cursed. He jumped up, grabbed Jimmy by the arm and hustled him outside. Some men rushed to the windows and a couple hurried out the back door, but most just stood talking to each other and waiting. In a minute Beckwith stuck his head back inside and yelled, "Caleb!" I went out as Judge Peter said, "Let's have a short recess" and stood up. "Be upstanding," I heard Alex Beall say as the door closed behind me. Griffith had ridden in from the Bladensburg road and...

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Billy Beckwiths RebellionChapter 8

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Girls With Muscle!? I’m getting mixed feeling here guys. On one hand, I love fit women, I like it when women take care of themselves and their bodies. But on the other hand, when some of them have bigger muscles than me, I don’t really know what to think of that. Welcome to GirlsWithMuscle.com, where you’ll find tons of real images of real women who are packing heat. And by heat, I mean guns. And by guns, I mean their biceps. Holy cow, look at those biceps! I can feel a bit of insecurity coming...

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Sex With Muslims! Ah, Czech Muslim porn! Who hasn't dreamt about bending some Muslim bitch over and fucking her like crazy? Come on, it can’t just be me. These babes are seriously hot. Well, at least, I think most of them are. Some of these chicks are dressed up so much that I couldn’t begin to tell you what the ass and titty situation is. But even that’s kind of sexy. The mystery. The unknown. Plus, clothes can be pretty damn hot. Have you ever nutted on the face of some Muslim whore wearing a...

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Reddit FunWithFriends, aka r/FunWithFriends! Is there any sex that’s better than with friends? I’m not talking about the weird sex that ends friendships because the bitch couldn’t compartmentalize and, ‘accept what this was.’ I’m referring to the kind of sex where friends want nothing more than to fuck one another’s brains out, clean up, then go out and grab a beer before going home, taking a giant whiskey dump, then going to sleep. The kind of friend sex where everyone fucks because they want...

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Spy vs Spy

It is midnight. I am sitting at my computer naked, masturbating. If you are thinking I am camming or watching porn you are wrong. Well, not entirely wrong.I married Tom in 2001. It was the second marriage for both of us. At the time we married my daughter was already a freshman in high school, and Tom’s son Zack was nine. It was a rather uncomfortable fit from the beginning, because even though Tom and I love each other very much, as a career Navy man he was prone to be off on sea duty...

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My Family Secrets

(All characters are at least 18 years of age) Word count = 16K ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm not even sure where, to begin with, this story about my life. I guess I should start at the point things went from normal to just plain crazy! It began the night of my 18th birthday. Well, maybe crazy isn't the correct word to describe my family, but abnormal wouldn't be a stretch. It all started when I was a senior in high school. The school was about to get out for the summer, and...

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Secrets By Donna Sash [email protected] We all have them, secrets. We have them for many reasons, mine is to keep my self-safe from society. You see my main secrets are the kind that would cause members of my family and myself much humiliation. Ok, I'll just come out with it, I am a cross dresser. A transvestite, a man who wears the clothing of the opposite sex. Sure its ok for women to wear men's clothing, it is even looked at a sexy and it is accepted by society, but a man in...

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How to Talk to Girls Chapter 5 Promises and Secrets

Chapter 5: Promises and Secrets Leah furiously stormed into her room, slamming the door behind her. She didn't care to exercise the proper politeness one usually did in someone else's home, not when she suspected what had been done to her within said home. Zach's mom had to have been the one doing this. There was no other explanation that made sense, and Zach had to know. Why wouldn't he tell her? They knew almost everything about one another since the first day they had met back in...

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Spy Games

You will spill all your secrets to me, he said. Every spy I've tortured has. You've been hard to catch agent Moon but I have you now. In defiance she said slowly do your worst. Then turning to the others he commanded, leave us. Then he turned his attention to her. Slowly he traced the curves of her luscious body with the tip of his blade. She was getting excited. The cold steel and razor's edge was exhilarating . She loved a sharp blade almost as much a good cock. He knows my weakness she...

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Celebrities become famous from many different paths of life, Whether they are a Actress, Singer, Rapper, Sports athlete, Politicians, Models, Monarchs from a role bloodline, Cable news anchors, Talk show host, Radio DJs, Cooks, Public media yoga instructors, Or just famous from public media outlets, Are just some local celebrity such As Local news weather women. They all something in common, They have many secrets Some non-sexual and some very sexual, Secrets that they rather not have in the...

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Gloryhole Secrets

GloryholeSecrets! What secrets does the gloryhole hold? Is that a dude’s mouth on the other side, or is it just a pretty girl with a thick, full beard? Maybe it’s an ugly chick or a tranny, or maybe there’s a goddamn donkey slurping away back there. I don’t want to spoil anything for you, but the Gloryhole Secrets at the titular website are a hell of a lot better, and hotter, than that.Slutty, thirsty, sexy babes have been stopping by the mysterious gaps in the wall at GloryholeSecrets.com...

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Mom and son secrets

I just got out of the shower when my mum came into the bathroom; she looked over my naked body then picked up the towel, “Here, let me dry you sweetheart” she asked, Without hesitation I let mum dry me, and as she did my cock started to go hard once again, she took hold of me and gently dried me about my crouch, “Mum, you have the most wonderful touch, just being close to you makes me feel horny” I said leaning forward and kissing her, “You do the same to me, I didn’t think two months ago I...

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Secrets By Stats I look into the mirror at my tear stained face. All that reflects back to me is a twenty-four year old man who has failed my most inner desire, to appear in public as a woman. Three times I had got to the front door of my condo and three times I turned back a coward. Finally, in a fit of total frustration I remove my clothes and makeup and stare into the mirror. The truth of the matter is that I do not have my act together. Although the mirror shows my hair...

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Secrets A Short Story By Maryanne Peters Success depends on secrets. Do the big cola companies patent their formula? Does a certain chicken company register its list of herbs and spices? No. They keep them secret. But all secrets carry the temptation to be found out. Found out and disclosed, or found out an passed on. Maybe for a profit. It is a challenge. Is it really a crime? Surely not if you do not commit a crime to do it ... or maybe just a little crime? I have...

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There and BackChapter 5 Keeping Secrets

Theron cleared his throat after a few awkward minutes. "One more question. In this ... performance, do you ever find out why? Why did Loghain betray me?" "Not precisely. There's a lot of debate over that issue, actually, between different people who pl ... watched the performance. Some say Loghain just went mad. Power hungry. Some figured that he hated you, because of some weird issue between him and your parents. Some thought he truly did the best he could when he saw the overwhelming...

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Stolen Looks Stolen Secrets

Stolen Looks, Stolen Secrets - By Emma Smith Sunday, 25 August 2002 All persons and organisations portrayed in this story are fictitious, sadly. I used a script to generate all the character names for the story. No reference to any real persons is intended or should be inferred. Cast Andy Rathbun SomaChange (UK) Director Adam Eaves SomaChange (UK) Security Chief Stacy Butler SomaChange PA to UK Director Gerald/Geri MacNeill SomaChange Computer Expert Linda Gebrael...

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A Wifes Secrets

CarlIt is past midnight, but I'm not certain of the exact time. I just know that it has been more than an hour since Carl brought me home. The wetness still coats my thighs as I have not showered. There was no need since my husband is out of town on a four-day business trip for his firm. I am acutely conscious of the condition of my vagina, not just its slick wetness, but mostly its widely stretched condition. Carl used it several times, each time forcing it wider and more open. I have tried to...

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Submissive Secrets

Submissive Secrets by Lewis Chappelle Note: This is rather lengthy piece and is a follow-up to ?Submissive Spirits? published earlier. It follows, in time frame and character development, the material in ?Submissive Sailing? which also was previously published here.Please let me know your reactions to this material. Thank you, LC SUMBISSIVE SECRETS Chip had started with the Thompson company as Assistant Vice President for International Operations. Chips boss reported to his...

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Field of secrets

She'd walked back home not knowing what to think of her afternoon. Who was this man, this Sir Edgar? She reminisced on the events that took place in the barn. She recalled the pleasure and smiled. She recalled the confusion and frowned. She recalled realizing she had a secret. For the people of her community would surely think her actions were a disgrace. She snorted at the thought. A disgrace. She entered her small hut just outside the settlement. Out of habit she started feeding the small...

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