$100.00 Bet Turns Into $200.00 BlackenPT4 free porn video

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I rolled out of bed late in the morning. Having nothing to do I was in no hurry to start a lazy day. Grabbing something to eat I sat down to watch some bad weekend morning TV when the thought of my wife and last night came into my mind. I knew she would not be by today having a wedding and party to go to afterwards. Stretching out on my couch I zoned out as one hour blended into the next. By the afternoon I was bored out of my mind and by the evening I was dying for the day to finally come to an end. Around seven o'clock I was startled by the sound of my phone ringing. Answering it I was surprised to hear my wife's voice on the other end.

Marisa called me in a very emotional state and I could tell she had even been crying a little. She said she wanted us to get back together again. That watching the wedding made her think of our marriage and wanted me to move back home. The she missed me and wanted to have a fresh start, to forget everything up to today, to move on with our lives. Needless to say I was shocked not expecting this at all. We ended up having a long phone conversation lasting several hours that night and we agreed to forget what was done, and to get back together again. It was decided I would start moving my stuff back in this week in my free time after work and hopefully have it all there before this coming weekend. In the mean time I would return to our house tomorrow afternoon only coming back to my apartment to pick stuff up. Since I renting only month to month it would be no trouble getting out of here. When we finally got off the phone I found myself in the best mood I've been in for a long time. That everything was going to be normal again.

Waking up Sunday morning I found myself very relaxed. After getting dressed I took a walk out onto my back patio for some fresh air on this sunny morning. Stepping outside to get some peace I found anything but. Jerome happened to be outside him self cursing out loud. Yelling over I asked if everything was okay? He yelled back it wasn't. Told me he was pissed off because that girl he had been seeing was getting back together with her husband and said she wouldn't be able to see him anymore. He said she was a "hot fuck" and had to find someone as good to replace her. I told him I was sorry to hear about his bad luck and that I was moving out of here this week. He asked me why so I lied telling him I found an apartment closer to work. He quickly mentioned he was glad for me, said if I needed any help to ask him before as headed back inside. I knew there was no way I would ask him to help me move stuff to my house knowing he had been there already.

Packing what I could into my car I left my little apartment for home. That night I laid in bed next to my wife but for several hours could not sleep. Staring at her I found myself thinking about how great it was to be back together but also everything she had done while we were separated. Should I talk to her about what I know? And how would I even bring it up? Then I remembered we both promised to start new, to let go and forget everything that was done before yesterday evening. If I were to bring it up it might drag our new found relationship into a downward spiral again that may never be fixed. It took me a while to come to this conclusion and I would pretend I knew nothing and move on. Though my mind had other ideas. Over the next few nights I had dreams that had Marisa and Jerome having sex. Would even find myself with a hard on after waking up from them. We also had sex a couple of times this week and each time I kept picturing in my head Marisa and Jerome going at it. Yet I continued to keep my mouth shut.

Other then these couple of issues everything seemed to be going well. I was home now for two weeks and couldn't have been happier. Despite my feelings things were not as normal as I would have hoped for. The third Sunday I was home I was in our bedroom getting dressed while my wife was down the hallway getting ready to take a shower. We were going to go out for lunch and spend a relaxing day together. As I buttoned up my shirt I heard a buzzing sound coming from the night table. Looking over I saw my wife's cell phone open and shaking letting her know she just got a text message. I found that strange to begin with since she always said she hated those and never wanted to use them. Walking over I picked it up to with the intention of giving it to her after she got out of the bathroom. Glancing down at the screen I saw the message as written "miss u n want to fck u again please get bck 2 me asap, Jerome."

I could hear the water running in the shower so I began to look back into her past messages. I found another f******n from Jerome over the past seven days not including the ones she replied to him about but just ones he sent on his own! They all said in one way or another that he needed her, missed her, wanted to meet up with her, wanted to fuck her, hasn't been able to find anyone else to replace her, was begging to have sex with him, etc. She replied to them all basically explaining that she couldn't and it would be cheating. He would come back with he didn't care that she was married he just wanted to fuck. That he hasn't been with a woman in almost two weeks now and needed her badly and she was the best he's had. I heard the shower turn off so I put the phone back where I found it and left the bedroom. From the living room I watched my wife walk into the bedroom. Coming out around ten minutes later she had her cell phone in hand closing it up.

We spent a nice day together and after getting home that evening she went into the kitchen to start making dinner. While she was busy I snuck into her bag and grabbed the cell phone out. Quickly I searched through the text messages to see what she wrote him today. She only said she couldn't do it reminding him again she was married. For the next few days I randomly checked her cell phone when I had the chance to find new messages from Jerome but found none. I wasn't sure if he finally gave up or Marisa was deleted them before I had the chance to sneak a peek. Either way it slowly slipped my mind as work began to get busier for me. Things still seemed normal until that next Tuesday. While driving home from work that evening I got a phone call on my cell. Reaching in my pocket I saw it was my wife. Answering it she told me she would be home late and had to do some overtime at work. I did find this a bit odd since she has never had to stay late at work but not thinking twice I told her I would be at home when she got there. Saying our good-byes I soon pulled into our driveway.

Taking a nice long shower I plopped down on the couch and waited for Marisa to come home. About one and a half hours later I saw headlights through our living room window as a car pulled into our driveway soon followed by my wife walking in the front door. She looked different from normal, a bit disheveled and yet relaxed. I asked how she was which she replied tired and sore as she headed towards the bedroom. In a matter of minutes I could hear the shower running. Late that night I attempted to have sex with Marisa but she showed no interests telling me she wasn't in the mood. Not thinking much of it we both went to bed and were soon asleep. As the rest of the week went on I kept a look out for cell messages from Jerome and found none making me believe he had given up. The next Monday she called me saying she would be working late again. The week after it was Wednesday. Then the week after that she was late on Monday. It really didn't seem right more so since the work she does never required overtime before. Each time she would come home looking very relaxed and every now and then with slightly messed up hair or clothing.

The week following she called me again on Monday saying that she would be home late. Thinking I would be nice I headed straight from work to her job to see if she wanted any company or maybe go out to dinner when she was finished. When I drove into the parking lot I found very few cars and my wife's was no where to be seen. As I was about to get out I saw one of Marisa's coworkers I knew and asked her if Marisa was inside. This woman swore to me that my wife already left. Thanking her I drove home thinking maybe she would be early after all only to find our house empty. A little more than an hour later she walked through the door. I right away asked her how she was. Telling me she was beat after an extra long day at work and was getting tired of these overtime days as she went towards our bedroom to take a shower. I was left speechless and had no idea what to think or to say. Then I thought of Jerome. Maybe he has something to do with this. Part of me really didn't want to believe it was true but I needed to find out either way.

I already knew Jerome's phone number which I got from my wife's cell. The next evening after work I gave him a call. After having to explain who I was I asked him if he wanted to go out for a drink tonight, my treat. He readily agreed as we met at a bar halfway between the two of us. We spent some time just talking about what we have been up to in our lives since I moved. That's when I took the chance to see if he knew anything about my wife so I asked him if he had any new women in his life. He said there were no new women in his life than asked me if I remembered that red head Marisa he was seeing while I still live there. Telling him I did I asked him why?

"Because I've been seeing her lately" he said. "It had been weeks without getting any as I continued to contact her to meet up with me. She always told me she couldn't, being married and all but I don't give a shit. She is a hot piece of ass who knows how to suck dick, big tits, and has a tight little pussy. Plus she always let me fuck her bareback and no bitch in years has let me do that. I finally got her to come over to my place to 'talk' by threatening to come to her house whether her husband was home or not. Well, when I got her into my place it didn't take too long before I got her in bed. I'll tell you bro after weeks of build up it was a real relief to feel empty if you know what I mean. Since then she's been coming over every week without her husband knowing. Best of all she now contacts me to get some. Like I told you before man size matters when you know how to use it. And I sure as shit ain't complaining since I now get some every week."

My jaw about hit the ground as all my questions were answered in one moment. A few minutes later I told Jerome I had to get home. The whole drive there I kept running back in my head what he had said. I couldn't believe it. When I got home Marisa was waiting for me with dinner ready. I acted as if I knew nothing but couldn't get it out of my mind so much so that I had a hard time sleeping that night. Two nights later she called me again telling me she would be working late once more. Wanting to see for myself I drove right towards my old apartment after work. As I passed by the building slowly I peered up into the lot. Low and behold there was Marisa's car parked near Jerome's apartment. She really was seeing him again!

Parking my car along the side of the street I snuck up the rear of the building towards his apartment. As I came upon his bedroom window I would see a light but he had his shade down this time. Moving up towards his rear sliding doors at his living room I peeked around the corner to see it empty. I noticed on the couch was sitting my wife's purse along with a couple pieces of clothing laying on the floor that looked like what Marisa had put on this morning. Rushing back to my car I headed right home. I sat down and waited for my wife. Less than an hour later she got home looking relaxed as always along with wearing the exact same clothing I saw laying on Jerome's living room floor. I asked her how she was which she said tired and went to take a shower. That night I had trouble sleeping as everything ran through my head. I must have still be off that morning when Marisa asked me if I was okay since I didn't seem myself.

The coming week was the same with my wife staying late at "work" on Monday. On Tuesday I was informed by my boss that I would be representing the company at a conference this weekend. I would be leaving early on Friday and wouldn't get back home until Sunday afternoon the earliest. Granted I was being paid for it which I couldn't complain about but I was in no mood to leave with everything going on. That night I told my wife about it. She seemed sad that I would be gone telling me I would be missed and wasn't sure how she would keep busy without me around. It really wasn't too long though before she was able to find some company for the weekend as I found out the next day.

As I was leaving work the next evening I got a call on my cell phone. Seeing it was Jerome's number I picked up. He told me he wouldn't keep me long but wanted to say that he was going to be busy this weekend. That Marisa's husband was going away and when he found that out he pushed her until she agreed to let him keep her company while he was gone. I was left almost speechless yet wasn't sure what to do about it. I could just confront Marisa about everything that has been going on. A part of me though got off at the idea since we always used to fantasize about it in bed. I thought I would wait to talk to her about it until after I got back home and wanted to have something to show her in case she lied about what she had been doing.

Before going home I went straight to the store to pick up two web cams for our main desk top computer in our living room and my laptop that I usually kept in our bedroom. Looking around I found two good ones. A small one that records sound and can be easily hidden to attach to my laptop. The other that I would use for our living room desk top wasn't as small but like the other recorded in color and with audio. Opening them both I hid one in my pocket before going inside the house. After dinner I told my wife I got a camera for our desk top. When she asked me why I explained it was an old piece of office equipment they were getting rid of at work. That I wasn't sure if it worked or not so I would play with it when I go back on Sunday. Two days later on Thursday morning I got ready for work as normal and waited for my wife to leave since she usually does before me. She had no idea I wasn't going to work today, having asked for it off to get ready for the trip. Once Marisa kissed me good-bye and wishing each other a good day I watched as she got in her car and drove to work.

Giving it some time to make sure she wouldn't come back I then rushed over to our desk top computer. Hooking up the camera I waited for the setup to finish. Once done I began to play with it until I got the view I wanted of our living room and most of our kitchen behind. Since the two rooms are only separated by a large arched doorway it had a view of our dinning table, and part of the counter tops in the cooking area. After being finished I played with it until I learned how to keep it recording but closing the main window just in case so she wouldn't see it taping her unless she looked very hard. Next I went into our bedroom and set up the other camera to my lap top. I usually keep it sitting on top of my book case so I had to find a place to hide the camera since she didn't know about this one. Spending some time I finally figured out a way to get it to work where it wasn't at all noticeable even while standing next to it. The best part is she never touches my laptop so I had no worries about her finding out I was taping her but just in case I made sure to hide the window on this computer as well.

The next morning I got up and dressed to head off on my two and a half day trip. I watched my wife get ready for work putting on a pair of low black heels, tan knee length skirt, and a white button up blouse, looking very nice in general. After breakfast she left soon followed by myself as I went to work to pick up some papers I would need before driving to the airport to jump on the plane. It was far from a pleasure trip being filled with work. I kept looking forward to finally getting back home the whole time. After flying back I had a long drive home giving me time to finally think about what might have happened while I was gone. Pulling into our driveway that Sunday evening I had no idea what awaited me. Marisa was sitting in the living room waiting for me to get home. Giving me a big hug and a kiss she told me dinner was ready. I almost began to think that nothing had gone on by the way she was acting. I made sure to take some time when she wasn't looking to unplug both of the cameras to stop them from recording any longer. As the night wore on she began to get tired and asked me if I was ready to go to bed. Telling her I would stay up a little longer watching TV she told me not to stay up too late as she got up and walked back towards our room. I waited several minutes to make sure she wasn't coming back out then I got up and went right to our living room computer.

Turning on the screen I clicked on the web cam icon to see it was still recording, she thankfully hadn't found out what I had done. Hitting stop I went back all the way to the beginning of the video that was recorded. Needless to say it was a lot being almost sixty hours long. I knew I couldn't just sit there and watch the whole thing so I began to fast forward until about two hours into it I saw my wife walk into the living room from the front door area. I found that very odd since it was still Friday morning and she should have been at work. It all made sense in less then thirty minutes when there was a knock at our front door. Marisa rushed over and I could hear a mans voice, it was Jerome's. They soon both walked directly in front of the screen as he sat down on our sectional sofa and Marisa went into the kitchen behind. Coming back with a drink in her hand she sat down right next to him. Jerome asked her when I was coming back home. When she told him Sunday evening he said "Good, then we have plenty of time." With that he grabbed her glass and placed it on the small table we have at the end of the couch. Leaning in he kissed my wife deeply.

They made out like this for around fifteen minutes before he began to feel her up. First pawing at he breasts under he blouse than slowly unbuttoning it down to below her bra. Running his lips down her neck to her chest he spread the shirt open kissing the tops of her breasts. I could hear my wife breathing heavily the whole time. Letting go of her shirt he moved his hand to her knee then began moving it up her though sliding it under her skirt. I watched as his hand got higher Marisa slowly spread her legs soon followed by her moaning as I could tell by his arm motions he was fingering her. Jerome kept at it only for maybe four minutes before I could see my wife's legs start to quiver followed by her cumming hard around his hand. How the hell does get her to cum so quickly?

Marisa leaned back against the couch to catch her breath. Jerome didn't want to wait as he took this moment to finish unbuttoning my wife's blouse even pulling the bottom the was tucked in her skirt until it was fully open. Marisa then took it off the rest of the way as she stood up. Kicking off her heels and unzipping her skirt letting in drop to the floor. At the same time Jerome pulled his own shirt off and removed his shoes. Standing up with my wife he kissed her on the lips as she began undoing his pants. With a big smile on his face he watched as she pushed them down followed by his boxers. I saw his long, thick, black cock spring out hard as a rock and pointing right at my wife's stomach. She dropped right down to her knees kissing, licking, then sucking on this massive dick. Jerome grabbed the back of her head as she gave him a blow job for roughly four or five minutes. He then pulled her head off telling her to stand up. Putting his hands around her back he unhooked her bra, sliding down off her shoulders and throwing it on the couch. Taking a few moments to play with her bare breasts he moved her back over to the couch telling her to lay down across it.

Laying back on the couch my wife lifted her hips as Jerome gripped the sides of her panties slipping them down her legs. He propped one leg up on the back of the couch and the other one of held in his hand, spreading them open as he slid his body between them. Take a second for the two of them to get comfortable my wife grabbed his cock lining him up as he started to slowly push down into her. Marisa let out a long low moan while he pushed into her as Jerome grunted that she felt so good and so tight. In about a minute he said "there we go, all in" with a big grin on his face. He now began to slowly move it in and out of Marisa. They had sex on the couch for a few minutes, my wife wrapping her legs around him as Jerome picked up the pace. I can see what he meant about neighbors though since she was moaning and at times almost screaming in pleasure as he worked his massive black cock inside of her. I never remember her being so loud this much with me.

Maybe five or six minutes of this Jerome pulled out, sitting up on the couch. Marisa asked what was wrong when he told her to get down on the floor on her hands and knees. With a smile she moved into position on the floor and just my luck was facing towards the camera next to the computer. Jerome moved up behind her and almost instantly I saw a complete look of pleasure on my wife's face as he pushed back into her. Holding onto her waist with one hand and pulling at her hair to keep her head up with the other he began fucking my wife with long hard strokes leaving her screaming in pleasure. Her entire body jerked with each movement, could even see her big tits swinging back and forth under her. Jerome continued his assault on her for only a couple more minutes. He mentioned he was getting close shortly before he let out a long moan as he thrust hard into her once more, holding himself there. I could see a smile go across my wife's face and moaned softly as he came deep inside of her pussy.

Letting go of her hair he held himself inside of her until I saw his whole body relax. Slowly moving out he stood up right away sitting down on the couch behind him. Marisa got up as well quickly placing a hand over her crotch laughing that she didn't want his cum leaking onto the floor leaving a stain on the carpet. My wife rushed off to the bathroom as Jerome sat there turning on the TV. I was amazed again that even soft his cock was still big as it sat limp between his spread legs. My wife soon came back out with a robe on, sitting down next to him looking very flushed. Turning off the computer I went into the bedroom to see my wife already asleep. The next morning I feigned being ill telling my wife I would be staying home today. After calling out of work she wished me well hoping that I get better before heading out the door for the day.

Once she was gone I grabbed my lap top to see what it picked up. Though there was still plenty more footage on the main computer I wanted to watch them together so I could see how everything happened in order. I fast forwarded the one from the living room watching for what would happen next while the bedroom recording on my lap top sat next to me. Around early afternoon I watched as Jerome fingered and went down on my wife on the couch until she came but he wouldn't even let her touch him claiming he wanted to save it for later. After eating dinner that evening the Jerome asked my wife to put on something sexy and he would meet her in the bedroom. Readily agreeing she disappeared into our room I watched as she changed into one of her sexy night gowns that barely went down to mid-thigh. Laying down on the bed she called out to him and in mere moments Jerome walked into the room. Some heavy kissing lead to some heavy sex in several different positions until he came in her a second time.

Nothing happened until the next morning. After Marisa woke up she went into the master bathroom. I could soon afterwards here the water from the shower running. Jerome within minutes got up himself and went into the bathroom too. I could hear muffled talking through the wall then everything went quite except for the sound of running water. This was soon broken by my wife's voice, moaning in pleasure. This went on for near ten minutes at which point I figured they were having sex in our shower. Later that afternoon they had sex again in our living room. And they did it again late that night in our bed. I was amazed at how much he could do it in a short period of time but did notice he went longer with each one. The final one was Sunday morning after Jerome was getting ready to leave he caught my wife in our kitchen first having her bent over our dinning table then with her laying on top of it before he came in her one last time. After he finally left I watched as my wife cleaned herself up then went around the house making sure everything was fine before I got back home. Though I knew I had to confront her about it I couldn't help but find myself with a massive hard on watching and ended up masturbating while watching the last one. Looking at my wife being fucked hard by my former black neighbor, hearing her scream, her feet curled in pleasure as they were up against his shoulders, it was all too hot to me.

Waiting until she got home from work I acted like everything was normal until after we finished dinner. That's when I brought it up and I have never seen her look like that before. Needless to say it was complete shock. I explained about how I used to hear and watch them back at my old apartment, how I knew she was seeing him again, and that he had been here this past weekend. She almost immediately began to cry. Telling me how sorry she was, that she doesn't know what was wrong with her. Explaining that she loved me dearly and her relationship with Jerome was purely about sex and she had no real feelings for him. We spent nearly the entire night up together talking as we tried to make everything right again. To her surprise I think it all worked out in the end. She was also shocked that I actually got off to it but remembered how we had talked about her being with a black guy in the past since I have always been a bit of a voyeur and she used to get turned on about being with a black guy more so since she liked the color different with her pale skin. Admitting to me that his large dick was just a perk. She swore it would end and would never see Jerome again. The whole time I never mentioned once that I had videos of them having sex in our house. I wanted to keep those for my own use, and didn't want her deleting them before I burned them onto DVDs and uploading them to a pay porn site. What can I say it really was hot to watch.

Now six months later everything is going well between me and Marisa. She hasn't seen or even know about the porn site. Jerome since that weekend has continued to fuck her every weekend and I get to record each one. My wife still doesn't know about the videos which I still view when I feel in the need to get off by watching her getting her brains fucked out by Jerome and that massive black cock of his. Hey, I'm will admit I can be a real perve and I still think it's hot as hell to watch. Plus I'am make some good money from the porn site so it was worth the $200.00 I lost in the bet.

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Elizabeth To Beth

Authors Note: I quote in part from a review on one of my stories Painting The Rose. The review Stupid is as stupid does 01/20/09 By Anonymous in USA: ‘The sex was minimal, and for the most part, not there. Hence, some might not have liked it for its lack of vicarious luridness. This Story does not contain vicarious luridness. To Anonymous in USA: Thank You! I am a Correction Officer assigned to a maximum-security prison of some notoriety in Western New York. I have lived alone since my wife...

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How I Became Mistress Mischelles sissy maid babette

How I became Mistress Mischelle's maid babette sissy babs This is the beginning of a multi-part story that I am working on with my wife. She wrote the part "Mischelle's maid babette's training" and submitted it to Fictionmania. It was added on 7/24/2007. I suggest that you open up another Internet window and have that story ready but don't read it until the character in this story is reading it. After reading my wife's story then return to this one but...

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Bettes Bar Bet

First off I live way out in the country. The closest neighbor is almost a half mile away across a creek and behind a hill. I walk around the house and yard naked whenever possible. It make going out and doing things like feeding the horse and dogs or doing something that required me to bend over or be on my hands and knees interesting sometimes. We have six outside dogs, all male, and there were times that one or more of them tried to mount me. My friend Bette kept telling me I should let them....

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Elizabeth To BethChapter 2

"How peaceful he looks when he is sleeping, my big stubborn sweetheart...my love, with not a care in the world. I'm so happy, I won't get a wink of sleep at all tonight.... my mind is just racing...isn't it wonderful. Poor Stanley, how did Margaret put it, hmm... yes that's it, she said, "hum dinger" and "smitten, Richard is smitten with you." Stanley is going to have one hum dinger of a shiner, a black eye when he say's the early Mass tomorrow morning. Dear Margaret, you...

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Bets a Bet

I take my daughter to a dance class each week. Her teacher is Nicky and I have to admit I have always had a thing for her although as a married man I never intended on acting on my desires. What is more I always thought the fit and bubbly dance instructor was way out of my league. Standing about 5 foot 6 inches tall and weighing around 110 pounds, Nicky is 30-years-old. She has long, brown hair that is rarely not tied back in a ponytail while one of her most outstanding features is her...

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Betsys JourneyChapter 8

Betsy felt good about letting Jim down easy and she was glad he took the breakup without any hard feelings. The fact he got a great job offer in the Midwest, skillfully arranged by his father, was probably the biggest reason Jim didn't get hurt badly by the breakup. There was no doubt in Betsy's mind that Bernie would, and could, do almost anything to achieve a goal. Whether it was a business or a personal goal didn't matter to a man with power and influence. Her life story continued with...

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Betsys JourneyChapter 4 A Love Affair With Thomas

Betsy readied herself for the next chapter of her life story. She was lying comfortably on the bed in her spare bedroom and quickly fell into a dreamlike state. Her relationship with Phil was over and now she dearly wanted to reminisce about Thomas. Betsy had met Thomas, even had a torrid affair with him, during her relationship with Phil. Now her mind drifted back almost twenty years. With the official end of summer, she got home Monday evening feeling sad. Betsy was sad remembering the...

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Betsys JourneyChapter 9

Betsy returned to her life story refreshed and ready to reveal another chapter. She lay on her bed, realizing that she was getting older, but wondered if she was getting any wiser? Betsy was living with Doris and Bingo and her entire focus was on her career, which was growing more successful with each passing semester. After a disastrous one-night stand with John, Betsy was only too glad she wasn't dating any man on a steady basis. Doris also engrossed herself into her modeling and it took...

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Betsys JourneyChapter 10

The summer rolled along with Betsy fixing her new house. There wasn't too much wrong, but she meticulously remodeled and redecorated things until all the rooms were the way she wanted them. The house had a nice backyard, which gave her the chance to plant beautiful flowers, and she felt like a real homebody for once in her life. It was a wonderful feeling and soon she developed a longing for deeper roots. Nothing out of the ordinary happened until winter was almost over. That was when GE's...

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Betsys JourneyChapter 5 A Love Affair With Thomas Continues with Susan

With many tears, Debbie moved. Betsy stayed in contact with her for several years, but by and by, the letters and phone calls stopped. She still thought of her dear friend every once in awhile and felt immense regret for not keeping in closer contract with Debbie. Then Betsy realized their friendship was just like any other. They would always care immensely for each other even if their heartfelt emotions faded with time. The winter came and went. Thomas met her family and Betsy even...

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Bettina und ihr Lover 1 Teil

Ich bin der Phillip, bin 18 Jahre und gehe noch zur Schule. Wohne also noch bei meinen Eltern. Bislang hatte ich mit dem anderen Geschlecht noch keine Erfahrungen gemacht gehabt, bis sich folgendes letzten Herbst ereignete:Wie so oft war ich bei meinem Besten Kumpel bis spät abends um an der PS4 zu zocken. Irgendwann drückte aber doch die Blase und ging auf's Klo. Mein Kumpel war noch mitten drin am Zocken, während mein Char im Kugelhagel abgeknallt worden war. Während ich mich erleichterte...

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Becoming A Slut Wife Bettina

Did you ever do something on the spur of the moment and have it change your whole life? I did. I have no idea why I did it or what even put the thought into my head. Just one or two seconds is all it took to change my life forever. My wife is what some might call pleasingly plump. At five feet, one hundred and twenty-five pounds (a good bit of it stuffed into her 34C bra) she is a voluptuous bombshell. Add long black hair that hangs down to her ass and legs that just cry out "fuck me" when...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 1

Hi, guys. It’s been a long time on ISS. I was away from the city. I hope you did like my other two stories(true incidents) which I had written. This is the next encounter I had with my aunt who was all alone and needed a little love for her. Her name is Bethesda and lived her whole life alone after her husband married another woman. I do have a lust for her and want her so badly. She is 45 years old and looks bomb. She got a good voluptuous body and looks like a brunette. As for me, I’m six...

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A bet is a bet1

The rumors hadn’t ever affected his teaching capability, though. The students always showed him the same respect as other teachers, and did their best in his lessons. Of course, his lessons might be slightly louder and messier than most other teachers lessons were, but that was inevitable. He was a P.E. teacher after all. His favorite class was about to have their first lesson for this year. They were now Seniors, chatty but smart, and came into the hall as he sat in his office. He could hear...

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Betsys JourneyChapter 6 A Love Affair With Thomas Continues with Susan

Betsy rushed back to her spare bedroom wanting to finish the chapter, 'A Thomas Affair.' She recalled it was late October when they returned from Atlantic City. Thomas had told her all about Ted and explained, as best he could, about how much he relied on the business from Ted's company. Apparently Ted was so pleased after the weekend getaway that he set the wheels in motion to upgrade the pharmacy section of his company, which meant big money for Thomas. Strange what men were willing to...

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Elizabeth To Beth Ch 02

Chapter Two: After returning home from the engagement party Beth is lying next to the sleeping form of Richard. She is wide-awake and her mind is racing. ‘Oh, how peaceful he looks when he is sleeping, my big stubborn sweetheart…my love, without a care in the world. I’m so happy, I won’t get a wink of sleep at all tonight…. my mind is just racing…isn’t it wonderful… Poor Stanley, how did Margaret put it? Yes that’s it, she said, ‘hum dinger!’ and ‘smitten, Richard is smitten with you.’...

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Betsys JourneyChapter 11

Betsy was more than ready for the best chapter of her life story. Her journey seemed like an eternity until she met Mr. Right. Danny was 6'3", very good looking and he had a very athletic physique. He played various sports during his college days and excelled in football. He was even drafted, as a safety, but chose Med School to become a shrink instead. It was Danny's eyes that Betsy first noticed about him. He had dark, mystic eyes that were a combination of blue and green, which she...

1 year ago
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A Badminton Game Turns Us Horny

Hello ISS readers! This is my second story. Thank you everyone for the overwhelming response to my first story. Here, this is JD, back again with my second story. This is a real story but with certain nuances added to make it a good fun. I was studying in a reputed medical college in Chennai. The heroine of this story is my classmate Sanjana. She is a slim, tall girl with a busty figure. Right from the day I entered this college, I had an eye on her figure. Though not so fair, she looks...

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Beths Big Night

Introduction: This is 99.9% true, the only thing changed is Bills name to protect his privacy. Beths Big Night. The night started like any other. When Jim got home, he asked his wife if they could get a sitter for the evening. His wife Beth told him she might be able to get someone, and wanted to know what he had in mind. He told here he wanted to take the bike out, and if she could find a sitter they could go riding together. She made some calls and told him her mom would watch them. A few...

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Betsys JourneyChapter 3

Betsy had something to eat and felt thoroughly refreshed. The weekend dream festival was progressing exactly as planned and she still had chapters of her life story to review. Her grad school relationship with Ron was over and thankfully she had gotten rid of a demon that had bothered her for many years. Then she remembered the promise to go over everything that happened in the SM chamber owned by Ron's boss. Now that she had rid herself of the nightmares from the experience, she looked...

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The Bet 2 All Bets Are Off

A week ago I made a devilish bet with my cousin Tony. The experience totally changed the way I saw him. Before that day, Tony was my cousin and my friend; now I saw him as fair game. I figured I could toy with him and see how far I could actually get him to go. First I wanted to figure out what he was thinking, what had persuaded him to make such a wager with me; I knew in my mind pursuing any type of sexual relationship with his was wrong, but I pushed that thought from my mind knowing Tony...

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Betsys Creampie chapter 4

As usual, a lonely night alone in a hotel room. He was in his underwear and had a t-shirt on. Through out the night, he’d been trading texts with friends. He longed for the phone calls with a real girl friend. It was years since he had a girl that was fun and sexually exciting. All the girls in the past 5 years were, by his definition, boring and slightly above prudish. Sex in bed, an occasional blowjob, never swallow and no excitement or experimenting. Where were the girls from his college...

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"Elisabeth"By: EericBlog: abmwmw.blogspot.com***********************************************************************My name is John and I go to the West college, it's a rather small college. My girlfriend Elisabeth also goes to the same college.We met a little less than a year ago and have been dating ever since.I'm 22 years old.I am not what you would call an athlete, I have a rather skinny body.I'm really into computers so I help the teachers at the college withthe computer classes. I also...

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My name is John and I go to the West college, it's a rather small college. My girlfriend Elisabeth also goes to the same college. We met a little less than a year ago and have been dating ever since.I'm 22 years old. I am not what you would call an athlete, I have a rather skinny body.I'm really into computers so I help the teachers at the college with the computer classes. I also help out with students who don't really care for computers and try to get them to use them more.My girlfriend...

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Survivor Stories Elisabeth Filarski

Standard Disclaimer: You must be 18 to read this story, be able to read erotica in your community, not be offended by the contents of it…blah blah, you know the rest. This story may be distributed freely, for commercial or non-commercial use, but PLEASE leave my email/name on it! That’s all I ask! Finally, CBS please don’t sue me – this is just fiction and I don’t mean to disparage Survivor (or Ms. Filarski’s) name in any way. This was a quickie written when I had a few hours of free...

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Bethanys Sins

Bethany's Sins (Pride and Greed in too great a measure) Bethany knew beyond doubt that she was the best. Today, she had waltzed outof her low-paid job with the DeMoeira Investments Company with a cool halfa billion dollars to her name (or rather, names, for she used several to claimit all), and to really prove how good she was, she even managed to carry tenmillion in notes right past the security men. Not all the hundreds of millionshad come from this one operation, of course: she had pulled...

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Elisabeth - Part 2By: Eeric*********************************************************************It has now been a week since I saw Elisabeth doing those blackguys from the closet.And a few days ago I even caught her making out with Jamaal in the hallway at our college, right in the open.She told me that she was sorry, but I think that she wanted me to see it.I think it turns her on knowing that I'm watching her when she's with black guys.And even though I get very jealous, I really do love her...

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Love Lust For Bethesda Part 8211 6

Flashback of previous encounters. Bethesda : Do you always get aroused when a sex scene comes up? Me : Yeah. Bethesda : What is it you want? Sex? Me: I want you. Just feel the love for me. Flashback continues Bethesda : I’ll do it once. Bethesda : I’m sorry I lied. It’s all because I want to fuck you. Me: It’s OK. I’ll be there for your recovery. Bethesda : That was the best birthday I’ve ever had. Bethesda : You know if this goes out of hands our lives will get stir.. ed. Present day 23...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 4

Taboos have been broken a long time ago. It existed with the gods and ended with human beings. We may have intentions to a particular person. A woman perhaps. Precisely we wanted to know more about having an intercourse with a woman. Be it your sister, mother, MIL, SIL, step-sister, step-mother, Aunt, Relative, Cousins or girls who want to get fulfilled. There are at times women in brothels who intend the same but for money. I have an intention too. Bethesda. Well previously I told you how...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 3

Well, it was on January 7, 2017, on a perfect Saturday morning that Bethesda received a call from her colleague stating they found something new this time and want her to visit her office which is like a museum to me. She called me as I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and told me to be alone for some time because she has to go to an urgent work in her office. I on the other hand, didn’t want to leave her and told her to give me 10 minutes to freshen up and that I too will be coming with...

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Bettina and the Picture Book

These are excerpts from my novella, The Pohlheim Chronicles.E mail me at [email protected] for the complete story..1...... The Baron was turning the page of the big book and as he did so his hand delved further, pushing her silk panties down to her thighs, his fingers moving closer to her secret place. The feeling that was circulating around her lower torso suddenly flared and filled that private place of hers with heat. She closed her eyes again as the rest of the world seemed to fade...

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Marybeth becomes a ham yl

Marybeth becomes a Ham YL My name is Marybeth Greene, and I was always a quiet kid, much more interested in science and technology, reading, and just vegging rather than sports. What was also different about me was that even from an early age, I knew that I really wasn't a boy. I knew that from a very early age, living in an apartment in a large North Jersey City, with only two other girls to play with. Hopscotch, jumprope, jacks, dolls, tea parties, whatever. My mom even let me...

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Aunty Bettie

As a young boy, to enable my parents to continue going to work without worrying about leaving me alone at home, each time the long school summer holiday came around I was packed off to the country to stay with a lady I called Auntie Bettie. Auntie Bettie and I were not related, she used to live next door to us with her husband and they were good friends with my parents. She moved away to the countryside after her husband was killed in a car crash but always stayed in contact with us and it was...

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Bettie a Swarm Cycle Year Four Story

It started with an accident. Svetlana (a tiger) and Spots (a jaguar) were playing a trick routinely done to me by the cheetah sisters, Dash and Flash. Spots got behind me and Svetlana stood on her hind legs and pushed me over. Normally I would simply have rolled out without injury, but Svetlana fell on top of me, all 325 pounds of her, and my head smacked on the floor hard enough that I saw stars. The next thing I knew was Fannie Mae’s concerned face staring at me. I was laying in a sleep...

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Becoming Marybeth

BECOMING MARYBETH My name is Marybeth Greene-at least that's what I prefer to go by. I have medium length dark hair, age appropriate, and am in my mid-60s. I'm kind of cute for my age, at least I think so. But I have a boyfriend so I guess I cant be too hideous. The reason I somewhat insecure is that I wasn't born Marybeth-my birth name is David, and my birth gender is male. However, I knew from a VERY early age that my initial classification was wrong. I think my mom knew it...

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My stepmother Elisabeth

Hi, my name is Jay. I am 24 years old and I am born and raised in the Netherlands. I've been living on my own for about a year now. Before that, I lived with my dad and my stepmother. My dad got remarried seven years ago with Elisabeth, my stepmother. Elisabeth and me, always have had a good relationship, even though she is my stepmother. My dad is a project manager and was always making a lot of hours, so me and Elisabeth got really close in the years that I lived with my dad and her. Even...

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Tashas and Bethanys Bathing Bash

"Hey Bethany, how are you doing?" Tasha asked Bethany over the phone. "I'm doing all right. I am pretty bored right now." Bethany responded. "I had a hard day at work today. I am taking a bath to help me loosen up." Tasha said. Tasha worked at a local pizza joint in Foot City. So did Bethany. They had worked there for a year. They also went to school together. They were pretty close friends. "Hey, would you like to bathe with me?" Tasha asked Bethany. After a brief pause, Bethany's answer came....

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Betsys First Threesome

It all started out as a perfectly ordinary Saturday night-and ended up as a perfectly wonderful one, one which changed our neighborhood's babysitter's lifestyle forever. Even though she was 20, Betsy often baby-sat for neighbors to earn enough money to continue her studies at the local college. Ours is an average, middle class neighborhood and the people are nice. We're the Rukeson's, I'm Bill and Sharon is my wife, in our late thirties. We made our plans and had Betsy sit for our one...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 2

It was on Sunday the first of January, 2017. A new beginning for me and Bethesda. She looks at me with an intention of making her wild and horny than ever. She was hugging me. As I was in her arms, I was reading a book. She asked me what book am I reading. I didn’t tell her anything turned my head a bit and kissed on her cheeks. She was now up from her sleep and asked me to give a company in the bathroom. I said I’ll be there. She ran inside and was calling me and saying things like I’m tempted...

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Betli Must Be PlayedChapter 3 The Betli Play

John: There were more than three weeks until the closing of the plant when I had to go to Atlanta for a day so that my direct supervisor could inform me about the details of the closing. He told me that I was to go to Arizona for the weekend, while a team would come from Atlanta with my direct boss and they would start sending away the employees and organizing the final closing on Monday. I could take my two key colleagues with me, but the following week I would have to investigate which of...

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Bettyrsquos Betrayal Part 1

My name is Beth Swanson, but everyone in my life just calls me Betty. On my knees, my hands tied behind my back, an old wrinkly cock in my mouth, hearing this man yell at my father, I wonder how I came to be in this situation.It started a few weeks ago. My dad has always provided me and my mom, and my brother, with everything we could always want. He didn’t have an amazing job, it’s not like he was a CEO, but I knew that he had a more stable job as an accountant at a family run auto parts...

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All Bets Are Final

All Bets Are Final by Mr. Pec Dave had been losing at blackjack all night. He was down to his last few thousand dollars, and was a losing hand away from quitting for the night. The three beers in his system might have been impairing his card- playing ability, but he still knew when to cut his losses. "Dealer has 21," said Mitch, as Dave called him, because he reminded him of his Uncle Mitch in Seattle. Dave let out a sigh of disgust as Mitch took up his chips and the chips of...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 24 Betrothal

September 29, 1984, McKinley, Ohio At the close of Vespers, Father Nicholas, I, and two acolytes left the altar. He completed the prayers which served as the Dismissal, then turned to the congregation. “One announcement,” he said. “Tomorrow, immediately following the Divine Liturgy, we’ll have a betrothal ceremony for Subdeacon Michael and Elizaveta Kozlova.” There were a few gasps, but otherwise, no real reaction because we were in the nave, where applause or chatter was completely...

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Elizabeth To Beth Ch 03

April, 2012 ‘Well Beth, I suppose we should get started,’ Richard sighed as he handed me the scissors while stepping naked onto the large bath towel I spread on the floor for him, ‘I’ll have you know this kind of thing is new to me.’ ‘It won’t be so bad and it’s new to me too. You are going to taste delicious. I love mine this way and the thought of you being smooth and hairless down there is so darn sexy. I can hardly wait to suck on your cock. I’ve always wanted to do this with the right...

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Marybeth Strikes

My sister Anne (she's the religious one in the family) tells me that I am a whore. I love her dearly, but what does she know? She's twenty-eight and still a virgin. It was my own fault though. I never should have taken Alan anyplace where someone who knows me could have seen us together, but see us together Anne did, kissing and hugging, and the next day she demanded to know what I was doing. When you have been caught there is no use in denying so I told her I was spending some quality time...

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Elizabeth To Beth Ch 04

‘Am I your captive? Are you going to have your way with me?’ I asked tugging against the handcuffs ‘I thought we had a date for ice cream?’ Richard’s hands were around my waist as he gently pulled me to him to nuzzle his face against mine. I felt his warm breath tickle my face and listened to his heart beating in his chest as he hugged me. This always makes me tingle all over because Richard loves me and I love him with a passion deeper than the seven seas. I felt my man’s hard cock...

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