Vegas: Bk 02 Ch. 06 free porn video

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Rosie made no mention of her encounter with the hit woman. She told the cops she’d fainted when Tommy had his brains blown out. She’d seen nothing. That was her story and despite intensive probing, she stuck to it.

It was the early hours when they released her from questioning. She crawled exhausted and shell-shocked into bed. Her dreams were confused. They were a mixture of murder and fucking. Somehow Daniel and the hit woman featured in both aspects. She knew the importance of keeping the hit woman secret to herself. That was a prerequisite to her future survival.

But there was one other aspect to the events of last night. Tommy had confirmed that Katherine was being held at Big Eddie’s mansion. Daniel needed to know. His voice was sleepy when he answered her call.

‘You sound tired,’ she softly said.

‘Late night!’ he replied.

The tone in his voice indicated he was pleased to hear from her. She began to glow.

‘How did it go?’ she asked.

He had previously confessed he was competing in the Main Event but said little else. But she had an inkling that he was more successful than he had admitted. She liked that modesty about him.

‘Well, I’m still in the tourney,’ he confirmed, stifling a yawn. His voice sounded weary. ‘But it’s been a struggle. Things will have to change drastically today if I’m to have any chance.’

‘You will,’ she softly purred. ‘I have faith in you.’ She could almost hear his smile.

‘How about you?’ his warm voice asked. ‘Maybe we could meet up again soon?’

She beamed. ‘Well, that’s partly why I’m calling. Yes, I’d like to meet anyway, but I’ve found Katherine.’

His sigh was audible. ‘She’s alive?’

‘She’s alive. She’s being held at Big Eddie’s place….’

He heard the pause. ‘And?’

‘Daniel, I’m not entirely sure she is being held against her will……’


Big Eddie pulled Katherine’s mouth from his black cock as Desmond burst into the living room.

‘This better be fucking good,’ he growled, stuffing his needy manhood back in his slacks. His eyes were firing daggers at Desmond.

‘Stay there,’ he told Katherine as she flopped on the couch. ‘We ain’t finished, yet.’

She sat back and picked up the silver cigarette case and matching lighter he had brought her back from his overnight trip. It had been a while since anyone had bought her a present. She had just unzipped Big Eddie’s slacks and was starting to show her gratitude. Her eyes glared as Desmond too. But his news changed the mood.

‘They’ve hit, Tommy,’ he said, walking up to Eddie. ‘Took him out last night. Same way as Jimmy… a single bullet to his head.’

‘Fucking hell!’ shouted Big Eddie, grabbing Desmond by the lapels but then immediately releasing him.

He paced the living room floor. No words were exchanged for a few moments. He glanced across at Katherine. He knew she had never seen Eddie as angry as this. She was cowering back on the couch.

‘The Smith’s,’ he growled, turning his gaze back to his number two.

‘It must be them,’ answered Desmond. He nodded his head. ‘Tommy and Jimmy were with me when we took out Mario and took that bitch.’

He sent an angry glance in Katherine’s direction. There had been nothing but trouble since she had turned up.

‘They’ll be targeting me next,’ he said. His eyes glowed with anger and concern. ‘We need to find out who carried out the hits for them.’

‘I know,’ Big Eddie said. His voice had regained its composure. ‘That’s what I was finding out yesterday. One fucking day too late! But don’t worry, Desmond, this has gone far enough.’

He stared across at Katherine and she shivered as she met the gaze.

‘Joshua has taken out three of my men,’ he softly said to her. ‘It’s time to put a stop to this. You’ve already heard too much Katherine, but I deal in loyalty. You stay loyal to me and you’ll have a good life. Betray me and you’re dead. Understand?’

Katherine nodded. She was afraid to speak. It was the wrong move.

‘Do you fucking understand?’ he screamed.

She felt a shiver run right through her. ‘Yes, you know that,’ she whimpered. ‘You can trust me, Eddie. I hope I’ve proven that.’

He nodded, his momentary anger receding. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. He extracted his business card and held it up for Desmond to see that there was a single number scrawled across the back. He walked across to the telephone and punched in the number.

‘This is Big Eddie,’ he said. ‘I understand you’re expecting my call.’

‘How much?’ the voice answered.

‘Double your usual fee,’ he said. His voice was impassionate. ‘I want this sorted.’

‘It’s a deal.’

‘Today,’ the gangland boss insisted. ‘That’s the deal.’

‘Tomorrow,’ came Holly’s response. ‘As soon as the money reaches my account.’

The line went dead. Big Eddie turned. He stared at Katherine, his mind ticking over. Then he looked back at Desmond.

‘You’d better stay here for twenty four hours. Out of the way. In the meantime, I’ve got some business to attend to.’

‘Eddie…’ began Katherine.

The black man gave her an uncomfortable smile. ‘I’m still not sure about you,’ he coldly said. ‘Maybe you should show your loyalty to Desmond whilst I’m gone?’


Half an hour had passed since Rosie had picked up Daniel. The directions to Big Eddie’s mansion were straightforward enough and the redhead drove quickly. She needed to get him back to the Rio by noon. During the journey, she explained the events of last night. Or rather, she told Daniel what she’d told the cops. Some information wasn’t for sharing.

His face changed throughout her story. Lines of concern regularly creased his forehead.

She frequently glanced across at him as she drove and the soft hand she rested on his was meant to be reassuring. Finally, she eased the car to a halt on a secluded grass verge. They could see the set of large, wrought-iron gates a few hundred yards down the road.

‘You okay?’ Rosie softly asked. She took both his hands in hers now.

‘A mixture of emotions,’ he responded.

‘Share them?’ she gently smiled.

Her smile turned to trepidation as he looked at her. His eyes bore into hers. He looked tired and drawn. His face was deadly serious.

‘Well first and foremost I’m just so relieved that you are okay.’ His eyes remained focused on hers. ‘You put yourself in danger to help me and that says so much, Rosie. After a long time on my own, I can’t tell you what that means to me.’

She beamed at him and squeezed his hands. But his face remained impassive.

‘If I’ve pieced this together correctly, the downside is that if you were just about to fuck this thug to get the information. I hate that thought.’

‘How else could I have got it?’ she quietly asked. An invisible hand squeezed the insides of her stomach.

He ignored the question and raised his voice a little. ‘I don’t that thought at all, Rosie.’

Her eyes filled with tears. She struggled to hold them back. After what she had just been through, she did not need this.

‘You haven’t fucked anyone since you came to Vegas?’

‘Not since I met you,’ he answered. His voice was a combination of anger and tenderness.

Rosie thought of her sex with the hit woman. Suddenly everything was too much for her. She burst into tears. Angrily, she pulled her hands away from his and covered her eyes.

‘Rosie…’ he began, reaching across to comfort her.

The redhead knocked his hands away and sat further back in her seat. She pushed herself back into the door. For a moment they stared at one another. Each attempted to cope with the maelstrom of emotions reverberating around their bodies. The uncomfortable silence was cut by the sound of tires on grave
l. The large, wrought-iron gates opened and a black Porsche sped past.

They looked at one another again. This time the same thought consumed their minds.


Katherine watched as Desmond stripped slowly. His eyes were trained on her as he did. There was something about the situation and his out of condition body that appealed. Her initial feeling of revulsion was replaced by something else. A sexual tingle.

He pulled off his slacks and boxers. She was pleased that his thick cock was already standing to attention. He was anticipating what he knew was in store. Leaning back into the cushions, he folded his hands behind his head.

‘Well, baby?’ he grunted.

Katherine knew she had no choice. But she knew she wanted this, too. She undressed as she made her way across to him. Her eyebrow went up as she dropped an item of clothing with each step. Almost like a stripper without music. Reaching the couch, she slipped her left leg over his chest and straddled his face.

‘Well, baby?’ she said, repeating his words from seconds ago. Her hand provocatively ran through the strip of red hair between her thighs. ‘This is what you wanted, isn’t it?’

Her challenging eyes stared down at Desmond. But they closed as he accepted the bait. His head raised just enough for him to run his tongue along her labial lips. It provoked a soft moan of arousal. Suitable encouraged, his hands grasped the lower portion of her buttocks. He roughly pulled her down as his tongue slipped inside her.

‘Fucking hell, Desmond, that feels good,’ she grunted. Her passion was growing.

Her hips rotated in slow circles against his face. Occasionally the redhead ground down onto his mouth, pushing against his working tongue. Her juices were beginning to flow as his tongue probed more insistently inside her. She groaned with satisfaction. This was much better than she had expected. She gripped on what remained of his silver hair. His head burrowed deeper between her undulating thighs.

Katherine rubbed her juicy clitoris against Desmond’s lips. His nose pressed into her thin strip of hair.

As the sensations built, she pumped herself against his mouth. His stiffened tongue felt like a mini cock thrusting inside her. She exhaled a long stream of aroused moans as the pace increased. Her climax was approaching. She began to fuck his face with hard, short thrusts of her hips.

The way he suddenly sucked in her clitoris did for her. She shuddered as she came. Her love juices flowed into his still sucking mouth. He was moaning too. Muffled moans as he tasted her. Katherine pulled on her nipples as she mashed herself against his face. The warm rush flowed through her still trembling body.


‘Something’s not right,’ Daniel whispered.

They had raced under cover of the trees to the mansion ahead of them. He stared around, pointing across the grass.

‘They’ve got remote controlled gates and security cameras all over the place. And look at those nasty-looking spikes on top of the surrounding walls. And yet we were able to walk straight in. I’m not so sure about this….’

As he spoke, Rosie slipped. She slid and tumbled on the wet grass like a contortionist. Daniel reached down and held his hand out. She gingerly took it. As she picked herself up, she attempted to brush the stain from her blue jeans.

‘You okay to go on?’ he asked with a soft smile.

She ginned at the concern in his voice. That felt good. But she had her pride to retrieve.

‘I’ll be okay when you get that stupid grin off your face,’ she said with some embarrassment. ‘And we have to go on. But I do have one question…’

He took her hand and pulled her behind some bushes. The closer they got to the building, the more careful they needed to be. He glanced around to make sure they had not been seen.

‘What’s that?’ he asked.

‘What do we do next, maestro?’

He stared at her for a second, and then burst out into soft laughter. He shrugged his shoulders.

Rosie dragged him out to the open. ‘We can look through that window for a start…’

It took only seconds to cross the small distance. After a pause to compose themselves, they raised their heads from opposite sides of the window. At first, the dirty glass panes made it difficult to see clearly. As their eyes adjusted, the well-stocked bookshelves on the far wall were in their immediate line of sight.

The flickers of flame that spiralled from the impressive open fireplace opposite the window caught Daniel’s eye. But then, so did a movement to his right. He adjusted his position to gain a better view.

The sight that greeted him sent shock waves through his body. He turned to Rosie. The shocked look on her face told him she’d seen the same thing.

They watched in silence for a short time as if to satisfy themselves that Katherine wasn’t being coerced. The way she used the man’s face to fuck herself to orgasm convinced Daniel that she wasn’t. He grabbed Rosie’s hand. They covered the distance back to the car in half the time it had taken them to reach the mansion.


Unaware of her audience, Katherine pulled herself away from Desmond. The sight of her juices across the lower half of his face further fired her arousal. The redhead jerked herself backwards and went down on him. She took him all the way inside her mouth, and deep-throated him with an all pervading urgency.

He dug his fingers in her hair in a vain attempt to slow her down. He was too late. Her frantic efforts wouldn’t be denied and within seconds he came, firing rope after rope into her willing mouth. She eagerly accepted every drop. But it was not enough. She sucked around the bulbous head whilst jerking on his spent shaft. Immediately, she felt the start of his response.

‘Good boy,’ she encouraged.

Her mouth quickly worked him into a semi-erect state. That would do. The redhead slithered underneath him and guided him to her wet opening. She felt him grow further even as he slid inside. Her low moan signalled her approval. Ignoring Desmond’s yelp as she bit on his earlobe, she wrapped her legs around him. She was like a dervish. She needed to be fucked.

He quickly responded to her pumping hips and eased up onto his elbows. That gave him a better angle to thrust back. Soon he was fully into it, varying the pace from fast to slow and back again. He was wrestling control and Katherine gasped with each variation. She tightened her legs around his back.

‘So good, baby,’ she gasped. Her face was contorted in pleasure. ‘Keep fucking me…’

Desmond took Katherine at her word. He pummelled her like a machine. Her legs flailed in the air either side of him.

‘How’s that, you hot bitch,’ he groaned.

Despite his out of condition appearance, he was impressive. It seemed his earlier orgasm had reinforced his stamina. He repeated his words regularly as they now fucked with abandon. They were a pair of animals rutting in the most basic way.

She had two orgasms before Desmond came for a second time. He was unrelenting through both. She held on whilst he pounded her for a good half hour. Hard, fast and deep. They both gave in to the purely physical act of fucking until eventually he came. He howled out loud as he did.


Daniel only just made it to the table on time. He was making a habit of late arrivals at the Main Event. His mind was a blur and he knew that yet again, he was in no condition to play at this level. His weary head and aching body screamed at him to be put out of their misery. Instead of being able to focus on the cards, his thoughts darted back to Rosie, and what they had seen at Big Eddie’s.

Rosie and Katherine had two things in common. Their red hair and their ability to turn him on. But that was where any similarity ended.

Katherine’s reappearance in his life had been a shock. But his previous mixed feelings had been wiped away by
the sight of her using that gangster to fuck herself. That told him everything he needed to know. And in reality, it confirmed everything he had known.

The only question in his mind was whether to involve the police.

Rosie had suggested he leave well alone. But the niggling certainty that all was not quite what it seemed remained. Rosie told him it was his decision but he must leave her out of it. She had had enough of the police after last night. That was understandable.

Daniel’s thoughts stayed with Rosie. He felt bad that he had upset her in the car. He could not understand why he felt so jealous. But the thought of her fucking someone else sent cold chills down his spine. He had not had the opportunity to talk it through with her and it would trouble him until he did.

He gave a soft sigh of frustration, folding his rags again. He had yet to play a single hand. He was close to succumbing to the overwhelming urge just to stick his chips in the middle and see what the fates decreed. He could not get through another twelve, fourteen hours of poker feeling the way he did.

His thoughts were interrupted as a waitress gave a discreet tap on his shoulder. He turned to see a buxom blonde.

‘A lady asked me to give you this,’ she whispered.

She flashed him her sexiest smile as she passed the note. He flicked open the piece of paper.

It read: ‘You stay in this tourney til the end of the day and I’ll spend the night with you afterwards. Deal? Rosie x’

He glanced back up at the waitress who had remained beside him. ‘I think the lady is expecting an answer,’ she smiled.

He peeled off a fifty dollar note. ‘Please tell the lady it’s a deal,’ he grinned, handing her the generous tip.

He watched for a moment as she thanked him. All male eyes at the table followed her provocatively swinging hips as she walked away. Daniel smiled, but his eyes were focused.

‘Game on, gentlemen!’


Carly lay stretched out on the bed. Her hands stretched out behind her, gripping the vertical bars of the headboard. Her entire body was stretched as if on a rack. But it was a rack of pleasure. Parker’s lips and tongue caressed the ridges of her outer ear. His left hand fondled her breast, tweaking her nipple between thumb and index finger.

Her almond coloured eyes widened as his mouth ran across her neck. When he flicked his tongue inside her other ear, she turned her head to offer him better access. The young woman had to discover as much as she could for Joshua but was determined to enjoy a sensational fucking along the way.

And Parker was making good progress with his promise to slowly tease her to orgasm.

Her soft moans were a sign for him to make further progress. His lips slithered down to her neck, to the swell of her breasts. He took a bullet hard nipple between his teeth. Carly’s moan was louder as he closed his lips around the sensitive peak. He sucked it deep into his mouth, using his swirling tongue to bring it alive.

Her hands left the headboard as he licked and sucked a trail across her breasts. He pushed both tits together to flick his tongue across both nipples at the same time. Carly ran her fingers across the nape of his neck, digging the tips into his scalp. Parker rotated his head in response, using his teeth to worry both breasts. Her supple frame shuddered in arousal.

As her moans increased, he left her saliva-moistened peaks to continue his downward journey.

He licked teasingly down the length of her stomach. Carly brought her hands to her breasts. She pulled at her nipples whilst he spent a few delicious seconds flicking his tongue around her diamond studded belly button. She shifted on the bed to encourage him to continue south. But he had other ideas.

He adjusted position again, moving slowly back up to straddle her simmering body.

‘You’ve got a body made for sex,’ he murmured. He stared down into her eyes. ‘You should appear in one of my films….’

Her eyes widened. This was a piece of information that would be news to Joshua. ‘You make films?’ she gasped.

But as he raised himself upwards towards her mouth, she knew he wasn’t in the mood for further conversation. Her pink lips eagerly accepted the rounded head. His right hand reached around the back of her neck. He gently lifted her head upwards so that she could accept more.

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The Mother Saga Part 7

Please reply if you like my sex story to As this is part of a series, the story is long and request you to read it with patience. I assure you that it will make your dicks hard and pussies wet while reading. Thank you. Please read all the previous 6 parts of this story if you have not yet read them. Thank you all for your lovely responses for my stories. Hope you enjoy this next part too. Me and mom had left home to go out for shopping for groceries on a Sunday evening at the end of the last...

2 years ago
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Welcome Return

© 2003 Sven waited on the farmhouse doorstep, hearing the footsteps approaching in answer to his ringing of the bell. The smile as Sam opened the door brightened the cold, damp afternoon better than any sunshine might have done. Sven kissed her as he stepped quickly in, so she could shut the door before the dismal late winter day had time to penetrate the warmth within. "Sven - it's a welcome return - so good to see you again, it's been too long." Then, "Give me your coat and go in...

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Squad Weapons

I’m standing at a bus stop on the Lower Ormeau Road when a para brick comes up the street–four squaddies with SA-80s. They’re on the other side of the street. One of the guys gets down on one knee and enfilades me with his weapon. Two of the others stand back to back while the other scopes. I wonder if the weapon’s on safety but no one’s ever been shot this way to my knowledge so I don’t really care. The squaddies do a Blackhawk Down run across the street and flatten against the wall of the...

2 years ago
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By the time August, 1964 rolled round I was stationed on a group of islands called the Ryukyus of which Okinawa was the main island. In those heady days there was two American bases Kadena and Naha, myself based at Naha. Kadena was more famous for supplying the bombers and refuelled that daily bomber North Vietnam. One morning a few days after the Tonkin Gulf incident where two North Vietnaemese boats fired on some American warships and were immediately blasted to bits, but the US military had...

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A Love Story

This will be my last story for a while, I have to unsub as I'll be without a reliable computer for an unknown period of time. I hope this takes me out with a bang. Thanks to the tfwf and especially Phil(see if you can catch my subtle nod of thanks) for helping me make this readable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A Love Story by Alan Teauge Bittig The day begins perfectly. I wake before dawn and pull Amy out of the blue sleeping...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 64 Itrsquos A Wrap

May 17, 1985, McKinley, Ohio “Last day!” Clarissa exclaimed when she came to my room on Friday morning before breakfast. “If you think I’m going to ‘Carrousel’ because my life clock has gone red eight years early, Jessica 6, you’re nuts!” I declared. “I thought that was a foregone conclusion, Logan 5!” “Well, yeah!” I chuckled. “You’re my friend, so that does call your sanity into question!” “Can you believe it’s been four years?” “No. There never really was a time when it felt like the...

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Pinup Girl

This is supposed to be an uplifting, happy story about a tragic time. No sex was necessary to tell the tale, so there's none here. [CENTER]* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *[/CENTER] “Are you doing what I think you're doing?” “Buzz off, Jimmy.” “Hey Lefty! Is Tommy choking the chicken again?” Lefty reached across the space between the bunks and yanked Tommy's blanket off. “If he is, he don't got a woodie.” “Are you disappointed, Lefty? Do you want to see me with...

4 years ago
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The Dirty Acts

The Dirty Acts. Hello friends this story is not applicable for those who are amateurs in sex, but its ideally for those who love every act which is involved in SEX. My story starts when I get transferred from a metro and land up in a C class town. As you guys would be aware that other than films there are no sources for entertainment in these smaller towns. Initially as I was new to this assignment, I used to return home very late at night from office so I never had a clue of who all are in...

2 years ago
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Pani Mein Ramu Ki Patni Ko Choda

Hello dosto mein punjab se hon or j meri pheli story hai or mera name sony hai or meri age 26yrs hai or lun 9inc,2.5mota i know app ko zakeen nahi ayye ga but j sach hai mera lun ka siz itna he hai bala email karwa lo meri pic.chalo abb main meri sath hoye ghtna par atta hon jo 1month phele hoye the june2013 ko hoye.main mere khet mein kam karta hon or kam k lay hum ne 2 nokar rakhe hain un mein se 1 ka name Ramu hai jis ki abhi 2yrs phele shadi hoye hai or wo mere khet mein he rehta hai apni...

1 year ago
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Check Yes or NoChapter 9

Jacob hadn't always been a morning person. But now, his body was on school time, which meant that even on his days off, he was up at 6:30. Despite a night of lovemaking with Ann Marie, his internal clock still woke him up. She was pressed against his back, her arm thrown around him. Her breath tickled the back of his neck. Her breasts were mashed flat against him, a feeling he wished to never be without. With a sigh, Jacob slipped out of her grasp to answer nature's call, then returned to...

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A police officers treat

The job of being a police officer can be fun, boring, dangerous, and a million other things, but people usually wouldn't consider it erotic. But that is different for Officer Bill Toreno. Whenever he pulls over a good-looking girl (or guy), they almost always attempt to get him in their pants. Tonight he finally made the stop that he'd been waiting for. At around 8:30 PM, I was patrolling through a quiet neighborhood and noticed a car pulling out of a driveway. One of the taillights was out, so...

3 years ago
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John agent de stars

(suite plus ou moins directe d'Un Pouvoir Absolu : -Votre carrière tourne au ralenti et vous avez besoin d'un coup de pouce pour redémarrer ? Alors je suis l'homme qu'il vous faut. Bonjour, je suis John Doe, et relancer des carrières, c'est mon métier. Pour la modique somme de 100 000 dollars, payables à l'avance et en liquide, rien ne m'est impossible. Après le règne de terreur de Harvey Weinstein ces dernières années, je crois qu'il est grand...

Mind Control
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Runner Girl Ch 12

I would like to thank Gaius Petronius for editing. Any mistakes are mine. There are 13 chapters in the story and it is complete. Votes, comments, and emails are appreciated. Thank you for reading! DB ***** Amy looked around Anne’s office, waiting for her therapist to return. Late afternoon in January, darkness was setting in, and the room was lit by only a table lamp on the desk. The walls were painted robin’s egg blue. The painting of an ocean scene and the overstuffed couch had always...

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GayChapter 18

We collected our kit from the minibus and went into our allocated changing room to get changed. Of necessity we had to share the room with several other teams. As soon as we entered, boys from the other teams stopped to look at us, and then at me in particular. And then the whispers started: “That guy’s gay.” “I bet he runs in the pack so he can watch the asses of the guys in front.” “Don’t bend down in the shower afterwards.” I was still mildly annoyed that Eugenie Butler-Walker hadn’t...

1 year ago
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TouchMyWife Charley Hart New Year New Cock

New Year’s is an exciting time of the year and let’s get it real, it’s all about the banging parties. My hot wife, Charley Hart, is full of nervous energy about the evening I put together at our house. Just a small gathering, but she knows there is always the potential to end up fucking someone. Charley gets horny and shows off her pussy to me, but doesn’t let me touch it. The party gets swinging and I find my wife in my friend Chris Blaccwood’s lap. It...

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Virtual and Vice

Author's note: I'd like to take this chance to thank Mandy, Sarah, Charlotte, Melody, Pam, and Rachel, who - as of the time of this writing - have been kind enough to review "Transfusion," my first story for Fictionmania. Let's see if the second story measures up to the first! Comments and feedback are always, *always* appreciated, and if you'd like to get in touch with me I've put together an email address specifically for that purpose, at [email protected]. Without...

2 years ago
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The Resort Part 2 Rachels Odyssey Continues

Rachel sat down in Carla's stylist chair still slightly wet from taking a long and soothing shower. She looked at herself in the mirror and stared into her own eyes seemingly lost in deep thought as her hair was cut and teased. She was feeling a little tired, and her breathing was slow and relaxed. "What length are you more comfortable with; short or long?" Carla asked while running her hands through Rachel's thick brown locks. "I would like to keep the length long, but I am up...

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Brisbane Bi and Frustrated

I am a fifty-four-year-old bi black American living in Brisbane.  I had always considered myself straight, but while looking at porn I came across this site called Nifty Archives and my attention became aroused.  I was particularly drawn to Encounters, about one night stands.  Suddenly my staid hetero world had changed.I found myself on Craiglist seeking casual encounters and it didn't take long before I got a response.  We agreed to meet at a pub at the end of Adelaide Street.  He was staying...

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Gender role experiment 4

Professor Gilbert took a long look at her male colleagues. All of them were trying hard to look open-minded and progressive; all of them supported the experiment. But in her heart, Gilbert knew that even her colleagues are nothing but male chauvinistic pigs, ready to attack her any moment. He saw them cringe when she described all the details of giving breast implants and additional cosmetic procedures to her test subjects forcing straight students to become centers of male attention....

1 year ago
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Want to see some leaked girlfriend porn videos at GF Leaks? Amateur porn can be a weird thing. Sometimes, the allure of watching two regular people getting it on is ruined when it turns out to be grainy footage of a hairy guy smashing a fat bitch. The professional porn industry has stepped in to produce a whole range of genres that mimic real amateur flicks, only with stepped-up production and hotter, more sexually talented models. GF Leaks is a porn site network that specializes in exactly...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
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Forced to be a Sissy IV

Forced to be a Sissy IV By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction and should not be confused with reality. Permission is granted to down load for personal pleasure only. Down loads of this work for any other purpose is strictly forbidden. If you do not like forced feminization with various punishments then do not read or send negative commentary. Commentary regarding the story plot development and grammar are always welcome. Forced to be a Sissy IV Jacob wanted to wipe the...

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Poor Amy Snared

Copyright©2006 MWTB Amy Jameson was snared. Amy was a nurse, and one of her duties was to inventory the medical supply cabinet every Tuesday and Friday. Amy had been doing her job, when she reached deep into a drawer to try and pull back a small box that had fallen there. When she had the box firmly in hand, she discovered that her shirt had been snared by a sharp corner of the cabinet. Amy tried pulling herself lose, however she stopped when she felt the fabric pulling. Amy was in a bit...

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The Neighborhood MILF Katrina

Everyone knows how much I like to get online and chat with others about sex, or surf through this website for pictures of other women in the same boat as me, but the other day I was surprised that it was my husband who came across something shocking!DJ usually has his nose into sports on TV instead of browsing porn like I do, but on this certain day he found something that surprised the both of us. He was in his so-called man cave looking at the live sex portion of xhamster when he came across...

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The White Guilt PimpChapter 12

Daddy then got down to business with his new slave. He asked Corecia if she was on birth control. Corecia shamefacedly said no. Her parents would never allow it. Daddy said that Quanesha would put her on birth control. He didn’t want her having a baby and she agreed. Like other pimps, Tyrone had no problem getting birth control pills, and abortions if needed from Planned Parenthood. The liberals who ran Planned Parenthood didn’t care that the pimps were exploiting young girls. They figured...

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Cathy DouglasChapter 18

Cathy Douglas has been captured by the Association, Chris Henderson has demanded — and been given — Cathy as his prisoner, by using his powers he knocks out one goon who was going to take Cathy as his own property and 'persuades' another man to take Cathy to Chris' room where Gwen Sheargold was still waiting. Gwen opened the door, the man's eyes opened wide at the sight of her cheek, a flap of skin was hanging down from it. "Bloody hell!" He said and dropped Cathy on the floor. Gwen...

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Cock Hunter Gay

I was sight-seeing in Tampa a couple of weeks ago and was desperate for a piss. I found a public toilet and went inside. The urinal was the old fashioned trough style and standing at it was a guy having a piss. He was in his mid to late 20s, tall, well built with light brown hair. I stood close enough to see his cock but not close enough to upset him. His cock looked a nice size - about 7" soft and very thick, pushing out a heavy stream of piss. When he finished he turned slightly in my...

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Black Magic Part 2 Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Author's Note: This is the second part of a long Giles/Willow story. No sex yet (yes there is sex, it's already written), but I prefer the slow burn.~Part 2~Willow was surprised when she arrived at Giles' apartment and didn't see any cars she recognized from the group. She didn't think too much of it, simply rang his doorbell and tried to quell her anticipation, smoothing wrinkles from her billowy dress out of nerves more than anything else. Giles was sitting in his living room, trying his best...

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StepSiblingsCaught Jessie Lynne Perfectly Natural

Jessie Lynne is trying to talk her stepbrother Van Wylde into joining her on her trip, so she shakes her ass and flashes her tits at him. When Van tells her to get dressed, Jessie leaves to peel off her tight dress and then returns to pull Van’s cock out and give him a blowjob. Her excitement is contagious, and as she strokes and sucks with total enthusiasm Van gradually relaxes. Climbing onto the couch, Jessie thrusts her ass up so that her sweet shaved pussy is Van’s for the...

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Mein Abbu Aur Bhaijaan 8211 Part 2

Hi, Mein khusboo ek baar se aaplogo ko salaam krti hu. Mene meri pichle part me bataya tha ki kaise mujhe mere sage baap, bhai ne sex ke liye pata liya. Ab aage……. Phir abbu ne apna ek hath piche lejakar meri bra ke hook ko khol diya jisse meri bra loose ho gai aur wo aadge se girne lagi ye dekh bhai ne meri bra ko jatak kar pakar liya aur use mere badan se alag kr diya, aur usne wo bra pekhne ke bajaye apne gardan me lapet li. Ab mein upar se puri nanagi thi aisa meresath bachpan ke baad aaj...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 56 End of the Summer Part IV

August, 1983, Chicago, Illinois At O’Hare, I parked in the short-term lot as I usually did and walked into the terminal. I checked the arrival board and saw that the flight from Atlanta was listed as on-time. I walked to security, passed through the metal detectors, and then walked to the gate. I sat down to await Stephie and, hopefully, some answers. The jet pulled onto the ramp and parked, and the engines shut down. The Jetway was extended and shortly after, the first passengers began to...

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Milf On Ambiance Island Delhi Ncr

My name is Raunak. I am 23 years old, 5 feet 9 inches tall, weight 70 kg. I have an athletic frame as I was into sports from childhood. I have been reading stories on ISS from past 5 years and used to wonder whether these stories are real or made up. But all my doubts were cleared when an incident happened in my life that changed it forever. Coming to the story, I had finished my graduation and was working with an e commerce company in Gurgaon. On Saturday evening, I did not have anything to...

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Shemale before emails

1996, Old enough to get the fuck out if the sleepy little Scottish village I was brought up in and take part in the clubscene born in 88. Myself and 3 friends had boarded a flight to Ibiza.we hit it hard the first night and the second. On the third I flaked out in the hotel as my mates headed bk to San Antonio for more treats, lights and beats. They were all arrested for swimming in the fountains on the main drag. When. Police arrived one of them got a lucky punch on the polis man's jaw. Then...

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School Teachers PT3

“So you have to go with her?” Ada asked him. Knowing what Ada truly wanted and desired Angus looked at her wishful face. He also wished, right then and there, that he too could be with both women at the very same time, once again. He still felt unsure of what he’d done with them but upon seeing her and how she appeared those feelings seemed to dissipate. Seeing as he wasn’t really that kind of man who “whored” around like he with two women it was to him to make a decision if he was an immoral...

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A Horseshoes LuckChapter 12

Aston studied the frozen meat and then the cooked meat on the metal skewers. He tasted it and found it was juicy as well as hot. “This changes things quite a bit Ledger. The only thing we will need to stock up on is hay and grain for the horses.” “Don’t forget vegetables and fruits,” said Brena. She had followed Ledger and was glad to see that Aston liked this turn of events. She continued, “The children need more than just meat like you carnivores prefer.” This brought a smile to Aston,...

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My first time

One week ago I received some shocking news. Steve, my partner of forty years had been killed in a car accident. Today is his funeral and all I can think of is how our relationship began. Steve was six months older than me and we were neighbours as teenagers. He was lucky enough to have access to a twenty foot cruiser that we could take out fishing at weekends. We would stay out overnight as the cabin had a galley, a shower, a toilet and three bunks below. On my sixteenth birthday we decided...

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