I'am Not Gay You Are! Gay free porn video

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The shame, the paranoia, the guilt, I'd experienced it all in high school. I'd watch the other guys in the shower out of the corner of my eye, terrified I'd get an erection and be betrayed. After that you'd think I'd grow up and come out of the closet, but I pretended to myself as much as anyone else that I wasn't gay. I dated, I had sex, I got my first apartment, and still I looked at other guys out of the corner of my eye.

My friend Hunter wasn't gay. Slim, tall and attractive, women d****d themselves over him, and though he was too much of a gentleman to boast, I knew he'd had all the sex they could throw at him. Being slim and short, I'd had fewer adventures, but enough to know something was missing for me. I was surprised one night to discover that Hunter wasn't entirely satisfied with his sex life either.

We'd crashed at my place after too many beers, as we often did since he still lived with his parents. I only had a bachelor apartment, so I opened my bed and he crashed on the couch nearby as usual. I loved this arrangement because in the dark I'd feel myself get hard in the secrecy of my sheets, even if we just talked about work or chicks or whatever. Knowing he lay a few feet away in his boxers made me tremble quietly. I was only twenty after all.

"It's all about adventure, I guess," he said that night. "I mean, there's no challenge. You undo their bra and they pull it off. You're in bed before you know it. Wham bam!"

"I think you date a different type of woman from the ones I know," I said, knowing I sounded jealous but not caring.

"I...I mean, I find it more exciting if it takes a bit more work. Like if you have to win a strip poker game, or, well, if you have to restrain them." I could hear his blush. This was heady stuff to admit. I decided it needed a really frank reply.

"I'm into a little bondage with a willing partner," I said.

"Oh, me too! I mean, I don't want to **** anyone or anything like that. I'd be as happy if they tied me down. You know, so one of us had no choice but to go along. Just to spice things up a bit."

Bondage wasn't something I was for or against, but suddenly I had an image of my legs high in the air, my hands secured to the bed posts, and Hunter naked on top of me. My quiet tremble began.

"I've thought of that," I lied. "A little playful spanking, a little teasing. I've often wondered what it'd be like to be spanked."

"Yeah." He sighed that out, and I knew immediately that spanking had played a part in his fantasies. I had to pursue this. I may have felt guilty, but I wanted to see his near naked body again as I had when he had stripped down before he hopped into the sleeping bag on the couch.

"My problem," I said, trying to keep the quaver out of my voice and sound clinical. "Is that I don't know what's reasonable to expect from a spanking. If I fantasize giving or receiving forty slaps, is that too many?"

"I don't know. I've never spanked or been spanked. I guess you haven't either?"

"I was taking this chick from behind once and I gave her a playful swat. She groaned and pushed into me, which was great, so I gave her a few more. She asked me to stop but she went wild. We had a great fuck, but after that she gave me a lecture about all men being potential r****ts and she never slept with me again."

"That's what kills me," said Hunter as he shifted in the sleeping bag. I tried to pierce the darkness with my eyes. Could I see a lump where his groin would be? "It's not that I want to dominate women. I'd love to be tied down myself. It's about playing a game. Making things more interesting. I mean, I bet you'd love to have a chick spank you as much as the other way around."

"Well, I think it's important if I'm to know if what I'm fantasizing is reasonable. I'd love to know what it would feel like to get ten good swats on my butt. From anyone. Just to know, you know."

"Yeah, but no chick is likely to comply." Again I heard him shift. I knew he was as hot as a cat. I could picture those beautiful abs contracting and expanding as he moved. I'd seen him in the change room enough to know that a reasonable sized cock now brushed the inside of his boxers. He had to be hard.

"You know, I don't even care if it's a chick." I knew I was going way out on a limb here. "I mean, I'm just curious to know what ten good smacks feel like. I mean, you could give them to me. It's just about knowing if any of my fantasies are reasonable."

The room became heavy with silence, and I panicked for a moment, thinking I'd pushed things too far.

"Well, if all you want is to know what a spanking is like, I can give you one," he said. His voice sounded thick.

"If you don't mind. I know it sounds gay and all, but I just want to know, and like you said, no chick'll teach me."

"No, no, I know what you mean." He sat up quickly. His nude chest sculpted by the moonlight through my window; neither of us had chest hair. "It's a hard thing to ask. It's not that we're gay."

Hard! He didn't know the half of it. I sat up and tried not to look like I was trembling.

"No, of course not. But if you don't mind, I mean, I have to be naked for it to work."

"Oh, yeah, of course. Skin on skin is very important in this kind of game."

I stood on that cue even though I knew my boxers would tent significantly. I paused for a moment, admiring my lithe frame in the weak light, before I slipped my boxers down to my ankles and stepped out of them.

"Bend over the chair here," he directed as he stood, pretending he didn't see my skinny seven-inch erection. He motioned me to my over-stuffed arm chair. I stepped up to the back and he pushed me over it until my hands pressed against the seat, my erection caressing the back of the chair. I knew I'd get pre-cum on the fabric but I didn't care. I was lost in the touch of his hand between my shoulder blades as he had pushed me down. Even after he let go my skin tingled in that spot.

The first slap only hit one cheek and weakly at that, but still I shuddered and I felt my sex twitch against the chair.

"Did that hurt?" asked Hunter.

I looked over my shoulder, enjoying the vulnerable feeling of being bent over beneath him. My eyes traveled up a leg of light hair to see him over me with one hand in the air, a young athlete with tented boxers. The secreted erection, so close but so obvious, made me wet my lips.

"No, it just kind of surprised me. I imagined spanking would be a lot harder."

"Like this?" He slapped my left buttock with more enthusiasm. "Or like this?" He slapped my right buttock. Both made me jerk, more because I wanted to rather than from any pain. I suddenly realized that I liked the spanking.

"Even harder." My voice came out as a hoarse whisper, choked with passion. I prayed he didn't notice.

"Uhm, little bitch is tough," he said as he delivered a good crack to my left cheek. This time my jerk firmly ground my organ into the chair until I pushed my behind back into the air. Hearing him call me a little bitch sent a thrill through my veins. Suddenly, as if he were an artillery man who'd found his range, he opened up on me. Six quick hard slaps on each buttock. That was over the ten I'd asked for, but I had no complaints. He stopped and began to massage my left buttock with one hand. It burned in reply.

"Did that hurt too much?" he asked.

I bit back a groan and fought to control myself. I could have pushed my cock into the back of that chair and ruined it with the half-dozen shots that wanted to burst forth.

"No, actually. In my fantasies I'd cry out in pleasure and pain, but I guess you'd have to slap harder and more to make that happen." I made no attempt to stand, and he switched to massaging my right buttock. I felt so open to him, so ready.

"I can make that happen." He grabbed my upper arm and pulled me around the arm chair. "Lie across my lap," he said after he sat down. My mouth went dry. I bent over his knees and felt my erection squash between his upper thigh and my stomach, taking most of my weight. He grabbed my hip and pulled me toward him, as if protecting me from slipping over his knees, but the maneuver pressed my side into his erection. Did I even feel his hips thrust toward me?

He began to slap each buttock hard, and each time my jerking reaction thrust me into his leg and rubbed my side along his firmness. My buttocks began to feel hot, and the slaps really began to sting. Now I didn't jerk for effect, I spasmed in reaction to the slaps. They hurt! I bit my lip though, not wanting it to end until he was so hot that he'd rip off his shorts and impale me over the armchair right there. Finally a cry forced its way past my lips. He gave me three more good slaps, apparently enjoying each cry that ripped from me.

To my utter disappointment he stopped then, but he massaged my buttocks for a while, pressing in the fire. Lying naked over his knee like that, feeling him caress my behind, remains one of the best memories I have of sex. It didn't last however. He stood and gently helped me up, but then he hurried to the safety of his sleeping bag.

Suddenly I felt humiliated, but I decided to not be ashamed.

"Whew, that was hot," I said as I stretched in the moonlight, reveling in my nudity. I made sure I was profile to his line of sight so that if he looked my way he couldn't fail to see my erection. The glitter of his eyes betrayed him. He watched me alright. I swaggered back to my bed, letting my erection swing proudly back and forth, and I passed his couch as close as I could without tripping on it. Even in the dark he had to be getting a very good look. I lay down on top of my covers with my hands behind my head. There'd be no suspicious bulge in my covers if he looked my way. Nope, instead he'd see that flagpole shamelessly straining to point to the ceiling.

And look he did. He rolled onto his stomach and propped himself on his elbows to talk, young biceps bulging, firm pecs in a dark recess above the couch. Come to think of it, he often chatted with me this way before we drifted off to sleep. Now I knew he crushed an erection into that couch, but I wondered if this was the first time.

"So was it everything you expected?" he asked. I hadn't really expected anything, so I didn't have to lie.

"It was better. At first I thought I could take it forever, then I thought you couldn't make me cry out, then I felt humiliated. How about you, did you find your inner r****t?"

"I enjoyed it because you did. I tell you, it has nothing to do with wanting to dominate women. I just like the idea of restraint. I'd love to be restrained myself, even if she's going to do things to me that I'm not interested in. In fact, I'd like it better if someone tied me up and abused me against my will. I guess I'm looking for someone else's inner r****t. But no one wants to tie me up anymore than anyone wants to spank you. I mean, I'd love to know what it's like to be tied up and helpless, really helpless."

I noticed the change in his speech. He'd gone from talking about women to talking about 'someone'.

"I can tie you down if you like. One favour deserves another after all."

"Well, it's kind of weird, but it's not like we're gay." His voice husked up. He sounded like he had difficulty talking. "It's just an experiment, like your spanking."

"Oh, of course. I've got some rope in the front closet. I'll get it."

As I reached into the closet I heard a shuffle and saw a flash of white skin as Hunter left the safety of his sleeping bag and lay down on my bed, his hands reaching for the bed posts.

I sauntered over swinging the end of the rope and took his wrist without a word, hoping my nudity made him nervous. He still hid his manhood in his shorts. I tied him tightly so as to save him faking helplessness.

"Can you free yourself?" I asked after I sat down on the bed beside him. My naked hip rested against his calf, my right hand on his knee. He struggled for a while, and I enjoyed the sight of lats twisting, biceps bulging, and abs crunching.

"No," he said at last. "You've done a really good job." His breath caught as my right hand slipped off his knee and up his inner thigh. I let it fall to the bed just below his crotch as if that had been the intended destination and brushing his thigh had been an accident; then I leaned over him and reached with my left hand up to his wrist, as if to check the knot. This brought my right forearm in contact with the base of his pole, again as if by accident, and my chest hovered over his stomach. Again I heard a sharp intake of breath.

I decided I needed more contact with that cloth-covered secret. I carried my left hand to his far wrist, but I had to turn onto my knees and stretch over him to reach it. My bare chest pressed into the material of his shorts, and I let the wetness at the peak of that tent drag between my nipples to my belly button before I sat back, dragging it up almost to my chin before I sat up. All quite accidental contact of course.

"Yes, quite firm," I said. "But I haven't taken care of your legs yet, and of course you must be naked." I grabbed the waist band of his shorts and pulled them slowly over slender hips, careful to trap his cock with the elastic until the erection pulled down against its desire to point at his toes. When it finally sprang free of the elastic it leapt up and slapped his stomach, drawing a hiss from Hunter.

I secured his ankles, dragging him tautly spread eagle in the process. When I finished I felt a great peace. Willing or not, I intended to have my way with him: regardless of what he asked, regardless of what he desired. I was drunk now with passion rather than alcohol.

I stood with one finger on his leg and began to walk along the side of the bed, dragging my finger up his leg, dangerously close to his pubic hair, and up to his chest.

"Do you feel helpless?"





"Very vulnerable." He swallowed noisily.

"You see I think you're a naughty boy. I think you've fantasized doing awful things to unwilling victims."

"No," he gasped. "Only willing ones. Only things I'd be willing to have them do to me."

"But what if some girl didn't want to suck you while she was tied up. Wouldn't you force her?"

"I might if I thought she could handle it. I mean, you know, if she'd tied me down already and made me submit to forceful acts. If it were revenge."

"Like if she'd made you suck her boyfriend's cock?"

"Yes. I mean, if you want to feel really helpless, you have to have things done to you that you didn't think of. Things you wouldn't otherwise do. Oh my God!"

I'd straddle him while he talked, but I misjudged the length of that cock of his and as I got over him on all fours, my knees on either side of his hips, my balls brushed the tip of his cock. My face now hovered over his.

"Like being forced to suck cock?" I began to move my knees forward and sat on his chest, my cock waving in his face.

"It's not that we're gay," he replied, his eyes fixed on my cock. "But that would be one thing one guy could do to another to make him really feel helpless and used. It's the principle of having no choice but to..."

I rose up on my knees and leaned forward, silencing his prattle with the head of my cock. The warmth and wetness took me over. I gently sunk my fingers into his short hair and rested my face against the wall behind the bed for support, then I slowly pushed deep into his mouth. He struggled, whether for sport or protest I didn't care. I paused and pushed again. He shook his head weakly and made muffled complaints, but I pushed deeper anyway until I felt my pubic hair disturbed by his nose. I loved the feeling of his mouth; I loved the little motions of his head; I loved the muffled protests; I loved the power.

I slide back out of him and let him catch his breath.

"That's what she'd feel if you forced her."

"Wow, I mean, you went all the way in. My girl friend has never taken my whole cock in her mouth."

"Perhaps because yours is at least an inch longer and a lot thicker," I said as I worked my way back until I knelt between his spread legs so I could look at his cock.

"It's not that much bigger than yours."

"Sure it is, look." I placed my cock against his, rubbing them together as I lined them up. Both of us shuddered this time, and my tremble returned. His erection was a full cockhead longer than mine and somewhat thicker. He raised his head to look but had trouble seeing.

"It depends on where you line up the bottom doesn't it?" he asked.

"We're pretty much base to base as far as I can tell."

I rubbed our cocks together for a full minute as if trying to ensure they were properly lined up, but soon I feared even that motion would make me shoot all over his stomach. I had to do something that didn't involve my erection.

"I think I'll see if your girlfriend is a wimp or not," I whispered as I backed down the bed, letting the front of his erection slide up my stomach, over my chest until its head poked under my chin.

"What do you mean?" He also whispered and his breath came in short intermittent gusts. I sense a slight shudder and realized that he too trembled.

"It occurs to me that one of the most humiliating things I can do to you now is suck your cock. You'll have to lie there and feel another guy give you pleasure, and if you close your eyes to try and pretend it's a girl, I'll brush my five o'clock shadow over your cock to remind you that it's a guy that's doing this to you." I didn't have much of a five o'clock shadow, but we both ignored that point.

"That's a good torture," he whispered. "Forcing gay sex on a straight guy who's tied...wow!"

I had silenced him by engulfing the head of his penis. I got my first taste of pre-cum other than my own. It was sweet as my taste bud savored the new flavor but the feeling of the helmet in my mouth did it all for me. I squeezed my lips just below the head where the foreskin must've been briefly attached, then I pushed down, forcing my tight lips farther and farther along that perfect shaft. I'd reached the half-way point when I felt the fat head push into the back of my throat.

'I can do this,' I thought to myself. I let go of the base of him and put my left hand behind my head. It may have only been symbolic, but I pushed down on my own head forcing myself deeper onto his cock. I gagged and pulled up a bit before I pushed myself down even farther. I loved pretending it was his hand forcing my head down. This inspired me to push to new depths. My jaw stretched wide from the girth, my throat gagged again but I fought it back as my eyes watered. I thought I would be defeated when I felt his pubic hair on my nose, but that wasn't enough for me. I gave one last Herculean shove until my nose buried itself in his pubic hair and pressed against his pelvis. I half-choked and pulled up quickly, but after lingering for a second with just his head in my mouth I again lunged down his shaft.

"Dude," he whispered in panic. "I'm gonna blow!"

I pulled off and hovered over his cock. "That's part of the torture," I whispered. "You want to really feel helpless? Really have things done to you that you don't want?"

"Oh God," was the only reply he was capable of. He flirted with an orgasm just from my breath on his manhood.

"I'm going to make you come with a cock in your mouth. You're going to taste it as you shoot." I turned around as I said this and knelt over his head facing back. He didn't need to be commanded to open his mouth, so I pushed my cock half-way down his throat before I leaned over him and rested my head on his hip so that I could look at his full prominence as I pushed in and out of his mouth, occasionally making him involuntarily protest when I buried myself to the hilt. It only took two or three thrusts and I couldn't last any longer. I trembled out of control and took him into my mouth. I kept as much bare chest and stomach contact between us as I could.

When I reached his base, my nose hovering over his scrotum and my throat and jaw protesting the size, I lost it. I jammed myself all the way into his mouth and shot many times, my erection spasming repeatedly in his mouth.

He gave a cry that was loud even with my manhood muffling it. His shout provoked more spasms from me and I nearly wept from the power of the orgasm. His erection jerked wildly in my mouth and warm saltines spurted into my throat. I held my breath as he kept pumping. He thrust up hard into me and gave that muffled scream again. I realized that I echoed him.

I let myself slip out of his mouth as I rose up off of him. The cool air caressed the wetness on me as I'm sure it did on him as well. I left him there to wonder: wonder what had just happened; wonder when I'd let him go; wonder if he wanted me to let him go. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a cold beer and returned to the main room.

I stood where he could see me in the moonlight coming through the sheer curtains, naked and half-erect, my penis refusing to go all the way down. I had a sip of beer, casually striking a pose that would make him think of a Greek statue. I enjoyed the sight of him, spread eagle and waiting. He too seemed to be having trouble losing his erection, and it pointed to his toes, ready to spring back into action. I realized that we weren't done.

"How'd you find it?" I asked. "Really being helpless. Did it make you feel guilty that you'd fantasized doing things like that to people, or did it vindicate you. Do you think your victim would really just have loved it?" I rested the cold beer on his hip just to the right of his most sensitive area. He gasped and his penis twitched.

"I never said I wanted to do this to someone who wasn't into it. It wouldn't work for me if she was crying and really begging me to stop. I'd stop if she really wanted."

"But how do you know if she really wants to or of she likes pretending she doesn't want it."

"Like, I mean, I guess you'd have a code word. You know, red for stop and yellow for ease off a bit. I mean, if she's really into it, she won't use them, but I'd feel better if I knew for sure that no meant yes and all that."

"So that you'd know if you were really crossing the line." I slid the beer along up his stomach until I reached a nipple. He shuddered. He must be able to see that my erection rose with the conversation, twitching its way higher in time to his.

"Yeah, but it's hard to cross the line when you've tied up someone whose really into this kind of thing. I mean, look at you and me: you pushed me pretty far there and I never protested at all. I wanted to be pushed hard."

I took a big gulp of beer. My excitement had resulted in hardness, both mine and his. You'd think we hadn't come for days.

"Oh, I didn't push you hard," I said. "Oh, no, I haven't even begun."

He swallowed, his attention riveted on my naked form as I untied his ankles. I grabbed his right leg under the knee and pulled it up toward his chest. When I had it as high as it could comfortably go I looped the rope around it and secured the free end to the bed post near his wrist. I did the same with the other leg.

He now lay with his arms outstretched and his legs high in the air, his buttocks and anus conspicuously exposed. I slapped his buttock and sent a shiver through his body. I decided he needed some more even though I'd have been happy just to rub my hands on those firm young buns. I settled for giving him his thrill by slapping them again.

"Beg me to stop," I whispered, looking for guidance.

"Never," he gasped. Now I knew he loved this so I opened up as ruthlessly on his buttocks as he had on mine, slapping until my hand hurt. His jerks went from feigned to real, until finally I forced a cry from his lips. Still I slapped his red bottom, waiting for him to give in, but he held out until every slap produced a cry. I stopped for a moment, messaging in the fire and enjoying the curve of his behind, my fingers occasionally teasing near his anus. He whispered his capitulation.

"Please, stop."

"Are you ready to be my bitch," I whispered. "My helpless slave existing only to let me use you for my own ends?" He hesitated so I gave him a good slap that made him arch his back and cry out. I wondered if he'd use the red light word now.

"I'm yours," he whispered with a shudder. "Do whatever you want. You've broken me to your will." Now I knew he loved it.

I got up, my hard on swinging urgently, and hurried to my secret stash where I found condoms and liquid KY. He couldn't see what I did in the dark but he felt the cool drops as they hit his scrotum and ran down over his anus. I dammed the little flood of lubricant with my finger just below his anus. He gasped as my finger slid up to his anus and pressed up toward his prostate. He fought it a bit, but I was gentle, massaging my way around him until he invited me in.

"Oh, wow!" he said as I buried my index finger to the hilt. I wanted to do more, make him feel more. I lunged for his cock with my mouth as I probed around that tight, hot place with my finger. He couldn't help himself. He thrust up into my mouth, burying his cock deep into me and thus involuntarily rocking himself on my finger. I kept this up for several minutes, fucking him more liberally with my finger while he fucked my face. Suddenly he gave a grunt.

"Oh wow, dude! I can't believe it! I'm close again!"

I pulled my lips reluctantly from his manhood and sat back, easing my finger from him. I dripped more KY and caught the extra with two fingers this time. He sensed the change as they began to massage his rim together and he tensed up.

"Don't forget you're helpless. Resistance now is futile."

I pushed both fingers against his anus as he relaxed and accepted them in, although upon penetration he did gasp again.

"I've never felt so helpless," he whispered as I pushed my fingers deep into him.

"Oh, I'll show you helpless," I said as I withdrew my fingers.

I had wondered how I would approach this, whether I would try to keep it a secret till the last minute, but now I knew the best thing to do was to flaunt the next torture I intend to visit on him. He was ready for it.

I stood, shamelessly displaying my desperate erection, and held up the condom where he could see it, deliberately tearing open the wrapper. I placed the rubber over my penis and unrolled it, always ensuring that he had the best view.

"Oh wow, dude. You're going to..." He choked off in lust.

"You wanted to know what it would be like to feel completely helpless," I said as I climbed upon the bed and positioned my sheathed rod over his buttocks. He swallowed hard when he felt my head press against his most vulnerable spot. He shifted slightly, rotating his hips to raise his buttocks higher in the air and give me better access.

"I can't stop you," he whispered.

I thrust in, provoking a grunt from him because of the size of me and a grunt from me because of the tightness and heat from him. I'd never had a virgin before, male or female, and I suddenly realized that this was the first time for both of us. It only excited me more to know that he was losing his virginity with every push. I gave him a moment to adjust and shoved myself half way in, marveling at how he squeezed my cock.

"Oh, wow! This is it," he whispered. "You're showing me what its like to be a completely helpless sex object." I leaned forward as he spoke, placing on fist on the bed on either side of his youthful chest, preparing to put some weight behind my next thrust. "Oh, God this feels...It's not that we're gay. It's about restraint and control and..."

"I'am so gay," I whispered as I bore down, burying myself into him. When he opened his mouth to groan I plunged my tongue deep into him and began thrusting in and out with my penis as I passionately kissed him. We fucked with abandon.

"Your so gay," he whispered in my ear as I sucked on his ear lobe. "I'm so gay. I've wanted you so long. You've such a firm beautiful body. I'd do anything to be with you."

The dam had burst and his confession flooded out. It quickly became apparent that he, like me, had wanted to do every good looking guy in our high school. When he described wanting to meld with me I knew we had to take it all the way. I gave him one last passionate kiss, muffling the cries I pushed out of him with a couple of hard thrusts, then I pulled out.

He looked disappointed as I untied his legs and stretched them out straight, but I knew he'd change his mind when I picked up another condom. I unrolled it over him, his eyes widening with understanding when I liberally dripped KY all over his hardness. Both of us would lose our virginity tonight.

I straddled him and played with the head of his cock against my anus, pushing down occasionally to get used to the size of him. He was thicker and longer than I was and I'd had no fingers to loosen me up tonight, although I'd come many times in the past with my own fingers probing those depths. This was going to hurt and somehow I wanted it that way, but I wanted a free and active partner: no more pretending we were experimenting with bondage.

As I reached up to untie his hands he took the opportunity to suck on my nipples. Now I knew he was with me. With his hands free he caught my shoulders, unable to contain himself. He pushed me down mercilessly and thrust up with everything he had. He might have gone astray but I arched my back and pushed down on target.

"Fuck!" I gasped. I felt like I'd just impaled myself on a baseball bat.

"Take it," he cried as he renewed his grip on my shoulders and pushed down hard. "Take it like I did." He hammered up into me with that fat spike. I cried out again and arched my back to help me drive down onto him. When I knew he had buried himself in me to the hilt I bent forward and locked him in a kiss. He buried his tongue into my mouth with the same passion that he thrust up with his cock.

"Your so gay," he gasped into me. "We're having perfect gay sex. I'm fucking you. Oh my God I'm gonna come inside you."

I frantically grabbed my cock, not wanting to be left behind, but I'd only pumped it a couple of times when I blasted forth, ready or not. Semen pumped all over his chest and stomach and I cried out as I felt my anus contracting against him in time to my spurts.

"Wow!" he screamed as he lost it, slamming into me as his cocked jerked spasmodically inside me. I felt like a cowboy on a bucking bronco, holding on for dear life, loving the ride and praying for the end.

He slid out of me after he finished and I stretched out on top of him, smearing my come between us and gluing us together.

"That's sex," he whispered as we drifted toward sleep. "I feel like I've never had it before. No girl ever sent me there. It was great."

"It's because I'am gay," I whispered, loving the feel of every naked bit of him against me. "I'am so gay."

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 29 Its Not a Secret to Everybody

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: April 5, 2010) Chapter 29 - It's 'Not' a Secret to Everybody "Emily!" I screamed hysterically. "What are you doing here?" This was bad. This was really bad! I had just promised Dad that she wouldn't find out about Sarah until...

1 year ago
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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Brat School Part 4

Jared's scheme to rid trophy-wife Tabitha of her step-daughter's blackmailing influence is reaching its raunchy naked climax...At least Sorrel did not have to bend too far to access the head of the towering phallus, Tabitha thought. She stared in bizarre fascination as her step-daughter gobbled Jared into her mouth and guzzled busily on him, hamstrings stretched tautly and bum thrusting behind. Tabitha had never considered herself a malicious person, but a unique sense of triumph welled up...

2 years ago
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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 18 Jareds Ramming Pole

“And don’t you guys forget to keep up on all your assignments. No slacking now. This is university we are talking about now, not just grade school.” Jared Reznik issued that one last exhortation just as the last of Vanessa Benson’s new friends were leaving the house. All five of them laughed and agreed to do this as they piled into Tracey’s car and drove off into the night leaving Vanessa, Gloria and Jared alone at last in their own home. “Well, I’m pooped” said Gloria as she started...

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Erin Gets Gayed

DISCLAIMER ALL PERSONS AND EVENTS ARE ENTIRELY FICTIONAL. THIS STORY IS INTENDED FOR ADULTS ONLY AND IS NOT TO BE VIEWED BY MINORS. CAN ONLY BE POSTED OR USED ON FREE WEBSITES This kind of a sequel to "What Girls Really Want" in which young Erin falls for the beautiful and wicked Misty May who believes in black superiority and indoctrinates Erin in her way of how things should be for white boys. The characters are the same but it is really a gay story as opposed to the first one, which...

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Meri Chudai Ki Dastaan 8211 Part XXV 8211 Sagar Kinare Chut Pukare

Pyare Doston, Main aap ki Julee, pesh karti hun apni chudai ki dastaan, aur batati hun aap ko apni ek bahut hi khash chudai ke baare me, maine khule aasmaan ke neeche, dariya kinaare apne pati se chudwaya par bina kisi ki nazar me aaye. Padhiye aur aap bhi maza lijiye meri shandaar chudai ka. Main ek baar phir se Goa me thi apne pati ke sath. Is baar ham apna Christmas aur Naya saal apne maata pita aur apne saas sasur ke sath manane aaye the. Main apne Goa me aane ke baad pahle do din apne...

4 years ago
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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Roller Coaster Part 2

Story so far: Sweet-natured Libby has had her carnival crush Jared stolen from her by fair-weather friend Sasha. When the shameless carny starts to hit on her while still dating Sasha, Libby decides to teach them both a lesson - by dressing to kill at a Halloween costume party. But does she know exactly who she's dealing with in Jared? “Go on, you look fabulous in that. You know it,” the salesclerk at the costume shop said to Libby. If she was going to do this, she had to do it well. Halloween...

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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Roller Coaster Part 1

“Him?” Sasha asked slyly. “You like?”“He’s … He looks fun, that’s all.” Libby cast her eyes down.They’d been buying pick ’n’ mix when Libby spotted the guy collecting tokens at the roller coaster. He wore the regulation orange security jerkin over a leather waistcoat, both sleeveless (Libby’s mum would have urged him to wrap up that autumn evening) to reveal muscled arms. A pattern of jagged tattoos ran shoulder to elbow on the left. His dark hair was pony-tailed, showing off his broad grin...

Straight Sex
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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Brat School Part 3

Languidly, Tabitha walked through the downstairs hall, swaying her hips to maximize the swing of her well-formed ass. The cock-shaft around which her fingers were entwined was resolute in its hardness, primed for the penetration she needed. He might have grabbed her and fucked her against any surface in the house, over any piece of furniture, but he did not.This guy had restraint—he knew how to savour an erotic moment and allowed himself to be led like a lamb up the gently curving stairwell. It...

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My GF turns me over to a GayMaker Gay

Sarah had met Stuart online and she said he had a very special talent. He was 42, Black 10 years older than us and hung. In the sixth months that we had been together, Sarah and I had enjoyed a MMF threesome with a mutual friend twice before, but it been a more conventional affair, both of us giving Sarah all of our attention, careful to avoid crossing swords. Sarah was dissatisfied with our love life and want to spice it up and I was willing to try something a little more kinky with a man who...

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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Brat School Part 2

She would have driven all the way into Philly for the hell of it, but the equivalent of about three tequila shots had made their way into her system, so she parked the Maserati on the outskirts of Furlong and made her way into town. Her mind was awhirl with conjecture. What the hell had just happened?She’d been talking to him, that was all—letting it all out because he was there, hot and vaguely sympathetic. Had she been a fool? Was this somehow going to sink another bite into her English ass?...

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Carefree Daycare

Welcome to Carefree Daycare! This story will be far more linear than regular CHYOA stories. It consists of 5 days of which all have a specified ending. Because of this you can add chapters on how the main character got into this situation, but you can not change the course of the story. There is a 6th day that serves as a free day a couple months after the original story. You can write any story line here you'd like. Because of the said restrictions, the are strict guidelines for adding new...

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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Brat School Part 1

Tabitha Chesterfield stood motionless at the granite work-top, staring across the Cranleigh Manor lawn. It rolled half an acre to the treeline and looked magnificent in its lustrous green, or would have, had it not been for the massive pit currently being dug in its centre. The sculpted rockeries would look exquisite around the edges once the transformation was complete—she might even tend the bedding plants herself—but why Grant was insisting on a carp pond she was unsure.Presumably, so he...

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Gayu8217s Journey In Her Life 8211 Part 4 5

Part 4 Gayu was still feeling shy, she did not want to look in to her FIL’s eyes directly, and did not want to take any kind of initiative. Suguna asks Gayu and Shankar to come out for dinner, Gayu tries to reach for her cloths, but Suguna says no need to wear any dress, Suguna takes shy Gayu holding her hand to dining table, makes Shankar and Gayu sit by each other side and she sits on the opposite side, all the dishes are kept on the table, Suguna asks Shankar to feed Gayu, and asks Gayu to...

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Quiz Are You Gay My answer Whats yours

It's quite common for a person to fantasize about same-sex intercourse. In fact, many psychologists have theorized that we are all bisexual to a certain degree, the percentages varying from person to person. Have you ever asked yourself Am I gay? or Am I bisexual? Take this quiz and find out! The questions are in stages, just follow along and continue when prompted to find out just how gay you really are.STAGE 1=======1. Do you like shemale pornography? (y/n) [ yes ]2. When you watch straight...

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Quiz Are You Gay my answer whats yours

It's quite common for a person to fantasize about same-sex intercourse. In fact, many psychologists have theorized that we are all bisexual to a certain degree, the percentages varying from person to person. Have you ever asked yourself Am I gay? or Am I bisexual? Take this quiz and find out! The questions are in stages, just follow along and continue when prompted to find out just how gay you really are.STAGE 1=======1. Do you like shemale pornography? (y/n) [ yes ]2. When you watch straight...

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Gayu8217s Journey In Her Life 8211 Part 9

Part 9 Both of them wake up at around 1PM, and go for lunch, they do enjoy good simple lunch, and sit and start chatting again, Ganesh first thanks Gayu for a wonderful bath she gave, he had always missed after his mom stopped giving bath to him. Gayu tells that, since you said you missed it I just wanted to give you a good bath like giving to a young kid, but I had not realised that you were a grown up kid. Gayu asks Ganesh, whether did he have sex with anyone before? He says know this was my...

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Gayu8217s Journey In Her Life 8211 Part 2 3

Part 2 They all had lunch together, than Gayu went to her bed room with her hubby, and suguna with her hubby, as soon as Gayu went to the bed room and closed the door, she wanted to make love to her hubby, who again removed his dress and went under the bed spread and asked Gayu to join him, she wanted to removed her dress too but he refused saying if someone comes, and as soon as she came to the bed under the bedspread he pulled her went over her inserted his dick in Gayu’s pussy and 5 strokes...

2 years ago
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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 10 Jareds Throbbing Penis

Within seconds of that loud scream and long moan dissipating the whole campus burst into one massive round of applause and cheering that seemed to go on for ages. People were standing at doorways and hanging out of windows all over the place as word had spread about this young girl’s performance going on up there on the Matterhorn. It was as if the whole college had come to a momentary standstill to applaud and congratulate Vanessa’s achievement. Even the president of BSC herself was standing...

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Gayu8217s Journey In Her Life 8211 Part 1

Suguna was 45 years old and she had recently got divorced as her hubby found out that he cannot handle her as was very demanding sexually, and he was contended simple man and he had found someone who matched his requirement, they had a son Ganesh who was 18 years old studying in engineering and staying in the hostel 300 kms away and a daughter Shruti who was 22 years old, who had gone abroad for higher studies. They had left enough money for both the children that they don’t have to worry about...

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Gayu8217s Journey In Her Life 8211 Part 7 8

Part 7 Ganesh & Gayu come out to the dining table, where the maid has already arranged for lunch, as per instruction from Gayu, a kheer or payasam & sweet also has been made for MIL’s son. They both have lunch slowly enjoying the delicious food. Gayu with small wicked smile without giving any hint to Ganesh asks whether Ganesh was able to take some rest. He says he slept well and woke up only she came to call him for lunch. Again the discussion goes back to the family, Gayu asks about the...

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Karen and Margaret

Damn it, Margaret, I bought him the most uncomfortable full body brief, and he still enjoyed it. He say's we girls just have to suffer to maintain an attractive girlish figure. I'd love to knock his girlish figure through the roof. How I wish he'd suffer the real cramps we women go through during our periods. I'll bet he'd love it. He uses his tampons and maxi pads throughout the month anyway. He takes Midol and his women's one-a-day vitamins so he can be more like me. It makes me sick to...

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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 10 The Two Scarecrows

The scarecrow made its way slowly up to the table where Jared and old Mrs Clusky were seated. The scarecrow then sat down on one of the spare chairs then looked slowly at Jared and Mrs Clusky trying to work out what on earth was going on. Presently, that still very sleepy looking scarecrow spoke up in a soft feminine voice and asked, “Who are you guys and where am I?” Moments later another scarecrow appeared at the end of the passage way and said, “Oh, there you are Vanessa. Where are we...

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HH10 Areeya Wendy and Ramon who becomes Ramona

HH10: Areeya, Wendy, and Ramon TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. This story is unlike most of my other fiction, which concerns men turning into women (conceptually) or hermaphrodites and having sex with other men. This story was written as a special request, and is about...

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Relatos Eroticos GaysContactos GaysSUEÑOS HUMEDOS(12476 lecturas - 3 comentarios)Publicado por dany6969 el 13 de Dic, 2012En la despedida de soltero del novio de mi hermana yo tenia 14 años.Cuando mi hermana y su novio se comprometieron en matrimonio, en casa no se hablama mas que de la boda por todos lados lo unico que escuchaba era de los preparativos y no me quedaba de otra que estar siempre en medio de todo escuchando lo que se decia.Cuando llegaron las amigas de mi hermana las vi que todas...

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Gayu8217s Journey In Her Life 8211 Part 10 11

After Ganesh left, that night Gayu while lying down on the bed at night, was going through what all had happened in her life, she felt that though many things happened beyond her imagination, expectations & to an extant what she was really expecting to happen. However she did not feel remorse or guilty for whatever that had happened, on the other hand she felt that whatever had happened had brought her joy pleasure and satisfaction. She recalled all the happenings with MIL, FIL, Ganesh &...

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Gayu8217s Journey In Her Life 8211 Part 6

Part 6 Life goes on smoothly for Gayu enjoying it the full with her FIL & MIL, she has now got addicted to sex, this goes on for more than 6 months, Suguna starts getting little restless because by nature she is not satisfied with whatever she has, she wants to always get spiced up, so she suggest to Shankar of going out of country for sex-adventure for a while, she also suggest that Gayu can be taken along with them, but somehow Gayu is not very keen. Finally they decide to go to a resort 100...

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Kareems BBC Prison Cock Pt2

The next couple days, my days off, I still couldn't get the scene out of my head and when home alone on a day off, I ended up online looking at porn, which wasn't out of the ordinary, but what was, is that I was specifically looking for interracial porn. There were, to my surprise, many sites dedicated to white women fucking black men... and without fail the black man had a huge cock that the white woman or group of women were completely enamoured by... as I was. The women were often...

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Kareems BBC Prison Cock Pt1

I'm the prison guard and Kareem Mwangi is the prisoner, so you would have thought I had the upper hand, and until a few weeks ago you would have been right.When I first heard of the trailer addition to the prison I was furious. A few states permit conjugal visits and the prisoner has to be married (just for a start) before his application to schedule one is approved. The prisoner requests a block of time and the Warden has final approval, but giving prisoners any sort of privileges is something...

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Are You Gay Answer to the Gay Debate

7 Signs you're GayYou fucking wish you were a real man... well just get over it because you never have been and you never will!In fact, Ill bet you that you're actually gay... even if you dont want to be!!! haha - homo!Okay seriously bitch, you need to be honest with this mini-quiz... you need to get over the denial and fear and when you know your should answer yes, just do it...If you really want to know once and for all if you're a cock smoking queer, or not - then just be honest when you...

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Are you gay

Are you gay?For the record, I’m not. If I was, I’m not sure that I would admit it, but I like to think I would.Who knows?The point is, I’m not, but I get accused of being gay all the time.Most of it is either just jealousy from weak-minded guys, or wishful thinking from gay dudes, but it does come up.The funniest example so far is this email I got the other day.What’s really funny to me is when guys say that they KNOW I’m gay.Now, I’ve met some gay dudes that were in the closet, and I actually...

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His Hardware Her Software

A consultant meets a beautiful IT Manager at a conference set up by a company hoping to sell their Warehouse Management system. Max’s part of the system makes picking easy using his voice software, instead of a hand held device. She is quite eager to learn more about it, and about him. This story begins with Max, a single, 42 year old software programmer, who owns his own consultant company. He’s been working with a company who developed a software that was used for big warehouses, to keep...

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Gayathri Love And Virginity

“Ah! Ah! Ah! Yes! Yes! Yes! Aaaahh!!” Gayathri screamed as Sammy came inside her. She felt her inside filled with his warm semen. She looked sideways as Sammy collapsed on top of her. He was still inside her and was licking her neck. She could see her bra, panty and clothes scattered everywhere. That morning when she woke her up she was a shy, conservative virgin, but now, she lay there naked, little blood trickling down her thighs, moaning with pain and pleasure as she had sex for the first...

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Kareems BBC Prison Cock Pt3

That night, I ended up home alone, my wife gone for the night as she was a pharmaceutical rep and travelled a few days a month. I ended up searching on white guys and black cocks. I found and read stories about straight white guys becoming enamoured by black cock and then turning into cock suckers and often bottoms. I then found websites dedicated to it. One even had a chat forum. I clicked on it, made an account called ConfusedWhiteBoy and asked in the forum... Do any straight white men who...

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Sarah Carerra 310 Adams Center Arena

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: April 2, 2012) Chapter 10 - Adams Center Arena "Whoa," Madison said as I stepped out of the shower Saturday morning. I jumped slightly, since I thought she was still asleep. If I had known that she was...

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Maybe you just are just a Little Gay

I was desperate and horny, and with my best friend Todd deciding to take the "straight road," I didn't see much hope of getting laid in the near future. Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not dancing far outside of the closet myself. I haven't gotten around to having one of those wrenching "Hi mom, I'm gay" moments yet, and I'm not sure I will, but I am gay.Todd's gay too if he'd just lighten up about it, but he's always been more conservative, with his short dark hair and his fast track career. He...

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You're not fooling anyone: Right now you're pretending to be a straight "man" but you're not fooling anyone... all you're doing is pretending and most people you know arent mean enough to call you out on your gay-ness... If you come out of the closet you have a greater chance of looking like less of an idiot because at least people wont have to pretend not to know your a fudge packed, bent over cock lover! Right now you're just looking weak and stupid and again, everyone already knows anyway -...

2 years ago
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Wife told me you were a Virgin GayMaker

I was returning home from work and was expecting my wife might have something planned for my birthday. We had been experimenting with some more uninhibited sex lately, and I was hoping that I wouldn't be walking into a surprise party with our neighbors, but some sort of more intimate surprise. I wasn't disappointed.I noticed Nancy's car was gone when I drove onto my street, and when I walked in the front door; I saw a note on the table."Dear Jim - Happy Birthday!! I got you a special gift and...

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Calender Girls DECEMBER Don We Now Our Gay Apparel

CALENDAR GIRLS DECEMBER - Don We Now Our Gay Apparel by Tammy Fairbanks April spritzed herself with perfume and looked at herself in the mirror. It was still hard for her to believe that the glamorous blue-eyed blonde reflection staring back at her was that of a man just two months ago, but she was slowly becoming more accustomed to her new life. She looked around her new apartment for her purse and transferred the essentials she would need into her evening bag. The doorbell...

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Gayatri fulfills Rahul8217s long hair fetish 8211 Part 3

We had very much fun hanging out in the evening. Gayatri had put on her favorite light blue salwar kameez, looking gorgeous. Her hair is done in a thick, silky braid reaching her waist. Kavita was well dressed, with her hair done in a monstrous braid-bun. Most people don’t even get one girl. Here I was, roaming with two beautiful ladies I was going to fuck in the night. We went to a restaurant for dinner where I could see many people staring at that monstrous bun of Kavita. I didn’t like men...

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Your Going to Love It GayMaker

Hey Baby,It's been a long time since we've been together alone. I'm glad to hear that your wife is out of town. I have been so horny thinking about you.... I've been thinking about this moment... for so long... and what it would be like when I got you all alone... away from your wife... and all to myselfBaby... I have brought you a present... and I think you are going to love it. But first... I want you to get naked. Take off all of your close. That's it... strip all the way down. Take off your...

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Maren Im Einkaufscenter Teil 1

Verschlafen wachte ich am Samstagmorgen auf und gähnte erst einmal herzhaft. Dann bemerkte ich meine volle Blase und wollte aufstehen, um mich zu erleichtern. In dem Moment klingelte mein Handy. Maren! „Guten Morgen, Maren“, sagte ich noch ganz verpennt. „Guten Morgen, Kleiner! Na steht die Morgenlatte und ist die Blase voll?“, fragte sie ihn belustigtem Tonfall. „Äh… ja, der Schwanz steht und ich muss dringend auf die Toilette.“ Maren antwortete bestimmend: „Nichts da, die Pisse bleibt schön,...

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Gayatri fulfills Rahul8217s long hair fetish 8211 Part 1

Hello Readers. My name is Rahul. And I live in Mumbai, Maharashtra, from a typical Marathi middle-class family. I am 28 years, and life was going great until 2020 happened. I have a beautiful wife, the love of my life Gayatri. Gayatri and I were childhood friends from school when I had a huge crush on her. It was love at first sight when I saw her. We dated for a few years after completing our Bachelor’s degree and married a few years later. We reside in a good society with 3 buildings and a...

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Gayatri fulfills Rahul8217s long hair fetish 8211 Part 2

Now that my fetish was not hidden from Gayatri anymore, my load of burden was gone. She and I became even closer and used to have sex almost daily. She had become a very close friend to Kavita. At night, Gayatri showed me Kavita’s long hair pictures while she caressed my dick. I don’t know how she used to manage to get such pics of her, but I was enjoying it very much. Gayatri even used to give me a hairjob most days. She took care of her hair very much after knowing I had a hair fetish. I...

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Test how gay are you

Test: how gay are you?All bi, gay and curious about XHamster can copy / paste this test into their profile by answering the questions:1. Do you like pornography involving transsexuals? Yes2. When watching straight porn, do you prefer masturbation, blowjob or penetration videos? Fucking pussy, ass, blowjob giving and receiving, Jack off is nice every once in a while. Nothing like a stray hand.3. Have you ever wondered what semen tastes like? I know what it tastes like. Mine and others.4. When...

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Gayatri fulfills Rahul8217s long hair fetish 8211 Part 4

I got up from my nap after a few minutes. I went to the kitchen to see what my lovely ladies were cooking for lunch. I went to the kitchen door and peeked inside. Kavita and Gayatri were standing near the kitchen platform. While Gayatri was cutting vegetables, Kavita was cooking something in the pan. Not as a surprise, they were both naked with just an apron covering them from the front. Their oily hair was still in the braid which I had made. I could still see oil dripping from Gayatri’s braid...

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Deborah buys a Maren everyone loves raymond

Deborah found the mall exciting only when she had the chance to be alone. With Raymond and the k**s it was more like trying to shop with a circus at your heels. But today Raymond was watching the k**s and she had a few hours to browse and window shop in peace. As she entered one of the many mall hallways she noticed a peculiar store she had never seen before and saw the sign above the entrance read: Carol's Curiosities.She looked through the window and saw plenty of unique items that would look...

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Iam Not Gay Youre not Gay Yet But

"Cum in my mouth. Yeah, shoot your load in my mouth. Let me swallow your cum" I repeated to myself as I jerked my cock rhythmically. The movie on the screen showed a guy sucking cock and swallowing cum. I had edged my 6" cock multiple times and was sitting at my computer table muttering to myself in bliss when I looked up. Jake, a guy from my office, was standing in the doorway of my bedroom with his phone held in front of him."You really like that gay blowjob shit, huh." Jake asked, nodding at...

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Test how gay are you

Any bi, gay and curious XHamster can copy / paste this test into their profile by answering the questions:Step 1=======1. Do you like pornography involving transsexuals?2. When you watch straight porn, do you prefer videos of masturbation, fellatio or penetration?3. Have you ever wondered what taste sperm has?4. When you look at porn, have you ever caught yourself staring at a guy's cock despite the presence of an exciting girl?5. Are you disappointed when you watch a porn video and there is no...

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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 22 You Younguns Are All the Same

As Jared lay naked on that massage table with his little naked butt sticking up into the air and two gorgeous ladies about to massage his naked body there came a knock at the front door. Before anyone in the room could answer that knock the door handle was being turned and the door opened then in walked Mrs Clusky from next door with another big pile off home baked cookies. She was looking down at the plate in her hands as she walked in and didn’t immediately see what was going on just in...

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Maren Im Einkaufscenter Teil 02

Maren gab mir die Tüte mit den Einkäufen und wir schlenderten weiter durch die Mall. Ihr Geld, vielmehr das Geld ihres Mannes, saß locker und so schleppte ich schon bald eine beachtlich Zahl an Tüten. Langsam meldete sich meine Blase zurück, da ich mir ja noch nicht so wirklich Erleichterung verschaffen konnte. Als wir dann am Ende des Einkaufscenters an einem Springbrunnen vorbeikamen, wurde der Druck übermächtig. „Maren, ich muss pissen.", sagte ich und blickte mich nach einer Toilette um,...

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My Sweet Experience Of Sodomy By Naresh Manish And Jitesh

This is a true story about my experience of gay relations with 3 male occurred during my teenage as first lesson about sex. I was 18 years old then. My father was an officer and posted in an eastern district of U.P. We were staying with him in his official quarter. He was provided with a male servant Naresh, aged about 18 years and a watchman Jeetesh, aged about 22 years. In addition to that he has engaged a cook Manish aged about 23 years. It was the time, when my curiosity about sex just...

Gay Male
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The Gay Nuru Massage Dare

Mark "Sandy" Sands didn't take his gay friend's heed too seriously when he warned that these house parties had a tendency to get out of control. Also when he said that he was "generally up for anything", he didn't seem to realise the full extent of what that meant to the people interested in him for more than his personality. Sandy couldn't say that Josh hadn't warned him! Taking an invitation to a gay house party; what on earth was he thinking?Josh's friends were not in Sandy's social circle....

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Fucking Kareena Kapoor Sex Story

I'm a police officer with the LAPD and I was patrolling Sunset Boulevard in the wee hours of the morning when a silverMercedes went flying by me. The driver must have been blind not to see me or just didn't care. I flipped on my lights andstarted following behind the car as the driver turned onto a side street and pulled over. "Car 23 to dispatch, stoppingspeeder on North Palm Drive" I called in as I pulled out my ticket book and got out of my car. The driver put her windowdown as I approached...

3 years ago
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Quiz Are You Gay

It's quite common for a person to fantasize about same-sex intercourse. In fact, many psychologists have theorized that we are all bisexual to a certain degree, the percentages varying from person to person. Have you ever asked yourself Am I gay? or Am I bisexual? Take this quiz and find out! The questions are in stages, just follow along and continue when prompted to find out just how gay you really are.STAGE 1=======1. Do you like shemale pornography? (y/n)2. When you watch straight...

1 year ago
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Tunch Mamiji Ki Hui Chudai Bina Saree Utare

Main 20 saal ka hoon, class 12 exams ke baad Jaipur chala gaya, height 6 foot 1nch hai meri. Mama ke ghar aya kyunki gaaon me acche college nahi tha. Mama, mamiji aur Amit unka 10 saal ka beta Jaipur wale flat me rehte the. Mama ki sarkari naukari hai, unka beta school aur mamiji housewife. Mama ne bca me admission karwa di, lekin session teen mahine baad start hota. To mama ne kaha tab tak ghar me hi padhai karne. Amit morning 9 baje school jata tha to sham 4 baje wapas ata aur Mama subah 10...

2 years ago
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Kareena Kapoors Honeymoon Night

As you all know, the sexy and gorgeous Chammak Challo, Kareena Kapoor married the hot and dashing Saif Ali Khan earlier this year.. They had been in a live-in relationship for many years during which he had fucked Kareena senseless many times.. He had also fucked her in the sets of Agent Vinod in her vanity van and then on the set when in a scene, while running from the villain, they fell on a bed decorated for the wedding couple.. After that, the whole cast and crew had enjoyed her creamy...

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