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From Russia with Sluts

I awoke from my bed to hear the distant sound of a bass line from the uptempo music emanating from outside my bedroom window. It was a warm summer night. I checked my phone. 3 am.

The party was still going on. It had been in full swing all day and night. It was really raucous when I first went to sleep earlier, and now it had quietened down a little, though still noticeable.

The reason for the celebratory occasion from my new neighbours? A housewarming party.

You see, there had been a major development project for housing around my neighbourhood recently. All new homes had been built. Despite being a traditionally working-class place, the new houses were very much for the more well-to-do to purchase/mortgage/rent.

I got up out of bed, feeling wide awake and refreshed, and looked out my window for the source of the music. In the near distance, I could see into the large garden of this one particular detached house amongst the row of newly built homes. I could just about make out a couple of the party-goers sitting down in lawn chairs and chatting with drinks in their hand.

I then noticed my cat, who had clearly been out exploring the area too, and had managed to trap herself amongst some garden vines curled around on the large wooden fence bordering their garden. She was clearly stuck and in trouble, yet her miaows and yowls for help were being drowned out by the music. They couldn't hear her to help her.

I rushed to throw on yesterdays clothes, and a quick brush of my wild bedhead hair, trying to make myself not look like a crazy cat lady, and rushed off out of my apartment to go rescue my precious kitty.

A few blocks down the road, I knocked on the front door of the house. The sound of the music was muffled behind the door, yet despite how loud I kept knocking, no one inside could hear me. I made my way down a small back alley, to the back garden of the house. I couldn't reach my cat from this side, so I banged my fist on the fence to get the attention of the party-goers.

A hidden gate along the fence suddenly opened, as a short skinny bloke peered his head out to look at me. He had short balding black hair, yet looked reasonably youngish, I guessed around early 30s in age. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt with long broad shorts and sandals. Despite his casual look, he smelt of money.

He asked me, sounding very much drunk, and Russian.

I explained to him the situation, and he understood me, so he invited me into his garden with a polite warm smile.

I entered the lavish looking green garden, which had been decorated slightly for the party. I quickly found my cat sitting on the fancy glass-topped patio-table by the posh-looking conservatory, helping herself to a leftover bowl of shrimp.

"Ah, she's OK!"
I sighed in relief, and apologised to the man for disturbing his party.

"No sorry!"
he spoke in his light Russian accent with a warm chuckle,
"Please, stay. Sit down and have drink with us."
He invited me.

There was just one other guy in the garden. He was very scruffy looking, he had a baseball cap on his head and unkempt light fuzz of a mottled brown and grey 10 o'clock beard, though I couldn't really talk about looking scruffy seeing as I looked quite a mess myself in my casual clothes and bedhead hair, and no makeup.

"Thanks, but I really ought to get back."
I politely declined.

"But we haven't properly met! Please, what's one drink between new neighbours?"
He insisted with a drunk grin.

"Well... Go on then!"
I grinned playfully back at him.

He reached into an ice cooler by the foot of the lawn chair he had been sat on before, and threw me a cold beer can from it. I popped the lid, and began to sip it's frothy ice cold malty bittersweet nectar.

I then pulled up a plastic garden chair and sat down on it to chat with him. The other guy didn't say anything, and when I looked at him I saw he had fallen asleep in a drunken slumber.

"He is lightweight!"
The host laughed.

"So, quite the party you've been having. Have the other guests gone home now?"
I questioned him charmingly.

"Errrr... Some are still around somewhere."
He chuckled.

"I never caught your name?"
I queried.

He answered.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Angelica. Welcome to the neighbourhood. Or should I say, welcome to England?"
I politely smiled. This made him laugh.

"I have lived in England already a long time, but thank you."
He reached his bottle of beer towards me, and so I chinked my can against it.

We spoke for a while, he seemed like a cool guy. Although there was just something odd about him. His friendly warm manner, seemed to belie a more uneasy personality. His eyes were quite savage, quite cold. Whenever he stared at me, it felt like being stared at by a shark. He seemed dangerous to my senses. I daren't ask just how he made his fortune to afford this place.

Suddenly the atmosphere changed, by the introduction of two beautiful young glamorously-dressed women. One was a brightly dyed red-haired tanned vamp. The other had jet-black hair with a deep blue tint dyed into it. She was more pale, with small black freckles dotted like tiny stars around her cheeks and nose.

Dimitri called out to them, as they bundled over with glasses of sparkling wine in their hands. Both girls were giggling loads. In fact, they never really ever stopped giggling. They were like a pair of naughty schoolgirls getting up to all sorts of naughty mischief together and finding it all to be one big laugh riot.

They both sat on either sidearm of the lawn chair Dimitri was sat on. They were being very flirtatious with him, fawning over him and constantly stroking his receding hair and caressing his cheek as they leaned their breasts onto him.

"Have you met our new guest?"
He asked them as he pointed to me.

The raven-head giggled with a long gasp as she immediately got up from his side, walked over and sat on my lap, giving me the same seductive treatment she had just been giving Dimitri, along with a playful giggle.

She suddenly squealed like a pouty brat whilst never taking her ebony eyes off of mine.
"You didn't tell me you had a new girlfriend!"

I almost choked on my beer.

"I'm not his girlfriend! We've just met! I'm his neighbour from a few streets down!"
I quickly protested.

She and the red head laughed like hyenas.

"Aww, it's OK. We're not the jealous types."
Raven-head winked at me, and then giggled in my face as she pressed the tip of her nose like a fairy to mine.

I was a little taken aback by the invasion of my personal space in such an intimate way. She giggled again as she pulled back to sip on her wine.

I was suddenly joined by red-head, as she sat on my arm. Literally. I wasn't able to move my arm off the armrest quick enough as she sat her tight booty down onto it, and me.

She started stroking my cheek.

"How brave of you, not wearing make-up to a party."
She giggled, I couldn't tell if she was mocking me or not.

"Well, I've just woke up a short while ago."
I confessed, both girls giggled.

"She doesn't need make up, she's beautiful enough as it is."
Raven-head giggled, again leaving me unsure if she was just mocking me openly with back-handed compliments.

I raised an unsure eyebrow. They both giggled again as they chinked their wine glasses together in front of me and both downed their drinks in one go. They then threw their expensive-looking wine glasses onto the grass, with a giggle of course, and then suddenly started making out with each other right in front of my face!

I looked over them to glance at Dimitri, who was looking on with a drunken grin, like a smiling pervy shark.

When the girls pulled apart, a thin string of spit stretched and broke between their lips. They then giggled, looked at me, putting their arms around my neck. I was so caught up in the moment, that I didn't even try to resist. I was drawn into them as they both enveloped themselves onto me. All three of us were now making out sloppily with each other. I just closed my eyes, not knowing whose tongue was whose, whose wet lips were touching my wet lips, whose hand was reaching underneath my top for a grope of my tits, or whose hand was sliding down my small shorts.

"You look tired,"
Red-head told me with a giggle after we all paused for a breather,
"Maybe you ought to... Go to bed? ...With us?"
She softly giggled while studying my reaction.

I looked towards Dimitri, who just sipped his beer and stared intensely at me.

"He won't mind,"
Raven-head kissed my cheek,
"He likes to watch!"

They both giggled.

All my senses had left me. I was just filled with so many emotions. Excitement. Nerves. Self-consciousness over my messy appearance. Horniness.

Red-head got off me, and grabbed the hand of my arm that she had just been sitting on, and pulled on me. Raven-head followed her partner-in-crime's lead and also got off of me to pull on my other hand. I didn't resist, I let them pull me up and drag me towards the glass conservatory door, into the house.

The inside of the house was so beautiful, even with the noticeable mess from the strewn-about evidence of the raucous party that had been taking place inside. The house was both very spacious and rich, yet also cosy and warm. Very homely, and inviting, despite it's extravagance.

I was led to a spiral staircase by the end of a very spacious multi-islanded kitchen. Both girls sandwiched me between them as they dragged and pushed me up the stairs. Raven-head was leading the conga line. We went up 3 floors. Halfway up the stairs, she had stopped for a moment to giggle cheekily as she hitched the skirt of her fancy black dress up, and mooned me with a shake of her peachy-toned bum in my face! She wasn't wearing any knickers...

Red-head reached a hand from behind me to smack her friend's ass, with a playful giggle of her own.

"Last one up is a rotten egg!"
Raven-head suddenly declared with a naughty giggle like a little girl would as she suddenly let go off my hand and quickened her pace, almost skipping up the steps.

I had no choice but to quicken my pace too, as I was now being pushed more eagerly by a very playful giggling red-head. We got off at the 3rd floor, and was quickly hurried into a large bedroom.

The bedroom, like the rest of the house, was both very spacious yet very cosy and inviting. There was lots of large windows on one side of the room, which led out onto a large balcony. There was an unlit marbled fireplace against the opposite wall, a very large flat-screened TV at the end of the room, and the large king-sized bed had a big thick bright white duvet on it.

"Nice room!"
I commented, almost stunned by the opulence.

"This is just one of the guest rooms."
Red-head giggled while her friend jumped onto the bed.

She then jumped on it with her, and they both started giggling loads as they bounced and jumped around on the bed like a pair of naughty raucous girls on a sleepover. They even started play-fighting and tickling each other, which turned their giggling into loud screeching howls of laughter. In the process, dresses got ripped and torn, and eventually thrown off the bed.

I just stood and watched the whole time. Just taking in this bizarre showcase happening in front of me.

"Oh look!"
Raven-head pouted,
"Now we're naked!"

She spoke like as if this was a bad thing.

"Ah, poo! You're right, we are naked!"
Red-head pouted along with her, as they both stopped and looked towards me. They eyed me up and down like a pair of hungry tigresses eyeing their prey.

"Why is she wearing clothes, and we're not?"
Raven-head questioned her friend while keeping her steely gaze fixed on me.

"I don't know. Why is she wearing clothes?!"
Red-head snarkily answered.

Their pouts suddenly morphed into a snarling grin. They crawled onto their knees, and crawled towards the edge of the bed towards me. I couldn't help but to giggle just like they had been, as they both reached their painted claws out at me.

Grabbing me by the waist of my shorts, and the other grabbing the bottom of my shirt, I was suddenly pulled by them onto the bed. I giggled louder, as they started giggling again too - giggling like a pack of hyenas, as they scratched and pulled and ripped my clothes off of me.

I was now laying naked in between their naked bodies, as they started tussling over me. Fighting to lavish their sexual attention onto me. I was just powerless, I could barely do anything at all as they started touching and nibbling and kissing and sucking and grabbing at my body and lips. We all rolled into each other, and soon we were fucking like wild rampant rabbits.

At one point I found myself laying flat on my back, with raven-head climbing onto my face to shove that bum of hers into my face again. Only, this time, she did so with the giggled demand of, "Eat me!"

I didn't need telling. I just wrapped my arms around her thighs with my nails digging into her peachy cheeks to pull them apart, as I shoved my mouth tongue-first into her juicy sweet pussy, which was neatly surrounded by a very small film of black fuzz. As my tongue dove exploratorily into her juicy crevice, she giggled, and began to grind herself into my face, sitting upright as she did, forcing my field of view to become very limited, as all I could do was look up at the back of her, over the hills of her peachy bum at the forefront of my vision, to see her jet-black blue-tinted hair fall over her shoulders and spine.

I didn't need to be able to see it to know that red-head had now mounted my upper-stomach, sitting herself firmly on top of me. I saw her arms wrap around the back of raven-head's neck, as she pulled herself into her and began making out very heavily with her right on top of me. As she did, both girls began to really ride my face and body hard.

It was almost like I ceased to exist to them, as they gave no concern over me anymore. They were both just so into each other, that they just let themselves get carried away while they rubbed and grinded their pussies into my horny flesh.

I could just about breathe beneath raven-head's pussy/bum, and with every desperate inhale, the oxygen was heavily scented by the alluring intoxicating smell of their sex, and raven-head's sexy bum. My tongue thirstily lapping away inside of her pussy, just drinking her like a thirsty cat drinks milk.

Even while they were moaning aloud in orgasmic bliss, they still continued to break up the moans with their playful giggles. Raven-head threw her head back to really let loose with her giggly moaning orgasmic pleasure, while I felt red-head pushing her face into her chest, clearly to suck and tongue on her giggly friend's nipples.

As she did so, I suddenly felt the sharp sting of her painted-red nails dig right into both of my tits, cupping them in her hands to unfairly squeeze and play with me and my nipples. She was so ungentle, and yet I was powerless to do anything about it. I could only offer a pathetic muffled cry of pain, as my lips were wedged right into the soaking wet spongy lips of raven-head's pussy.

I felt my arms trapped between their bodies, enough so that even when I somehow managed to get a hand to my tits to try to defend them from red's nails, red-head just ignored me and continues to roughly pull and tweak my nips between the tips of her finger and thumb.

I just groaned helplessly into raven-head's pussy, from both pain and pleasure, as they continued to fuck on top of me.

When they finally finished in that position, they both slid off me and turned their ravenous sexual attention fully onto me. As I did, I suddenly noticed Dimitri leaning against a wall, watching with his beer bottle in hand. He remained clothed as he watched with a pervy smile on his face, while his girls began to pleasure me with their fingers and lips.

They were very exploratory of me, as they both took it in turns to dive between my thighs to eat me out.

Although at one point, whilst red-head was licking my pussy, raven-head moved around behind her and began hungrily licking her friend's ass and pussy. She was really hungry, as she used every inch of her naughty tongue to slaver and slobber and lick both of her friend's intimate tasty holes.

And when red-head had enough of my taste, they both just switched positions and continued as usual with me and each other.

At one point, Dimitri had seen enough, and just walked out onto the balcony to look over his new neighbourhood, as we girls continued to fuck each other into sexual oblivion. We fucked for hours, and didn't stop until we fucked ourselves to sleep...

The next day, I awoke in the bed, to the hubbub of a very busy house. The girls were already up and just full of beans. They were both wearing t-shirts too large for them, and nothing else. They were giggling loads, joking around, and playing silly little childish games with each other nonstop, like a pair of excitable immature brats. When they noticed me awake, they both jumped onto the bed either side of me and kept bouncing on the bed to purposefully knock me around, with very cheeky naughty giggles.

There was random people in business suits going about the rooms, attending to different chores. Mostly cleaning chores. As well as some security looking dudes with sunglasses and ear-pieces on, securing the area like bodyguards.

Dimitri walked out of the en-suite bathroom to the bedroom I was in, looking more refreshed and smarter, in a silky white buttoned shirt and black slacks. His receding hair was wet.

He put on a very expensive-looking white gold watch on his wrist.

"Excuse me, ladies. Business calls."
He leaned down to kiss red-head on the lips, who grabbed for the collar of his shirt and tried to pull him down onto the bed with us with her usual playful giggle.

He snapped at her as he roughly pulled on her bright red hair. She suddenly stopped giggling, as did raven-head.
"I'll be back later. See our guest is looked after."
He told her in a fierce tone of voice.

"Da, papa."
She replied with a quiet little squeal.

He let go of her, and walked out, with a small entourage of suited guards. As they walked out, I noticed one guard had a concealed gun in a holster beneath his blazer.

Raven-head quickly reassured her friend with a concerned stroke of her hair.

"Are you alright?"
I asked her, also concerned for her.

"Yeah... We like to play rough!"
She suddenly grew a big playful grin and began giggling again.

I rolled my eyes, and got up out of the bed.

Both girls jumped to their feet too, and with a playful giggle, they both wrapped their arms around mine and led me to the en-suite bathroom.

"Let's get you washed up,"
They both continued to giggle,
"We've got a busy day ahead of us!"

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School Of Sluts        I was ramming one of my many dildos in and out of my sloppy pussy when I heard the front door open. Mother must be home from work, I wonder if she brought home another guy from the strip club. I could sure use some real cock before going to school.        "Okay sleepyhead time to get up for school." Said mom, opening the door to my bedroom seeing me pound my pussy into orgasm overload. Candy, my mother is a beautiful 5 foot 4 slut, built for sex. Her natural 34D boobs...

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Mechanical Bull Sluts

A quick little story that came to mind. A few chauvinistic pigs can't get out of their own way when it comes to being anything competitive and trying to get laid. Enjoy Sluts! Mechanical Bull Sluts My buddies and I were from the big city and we were tired of doing the same old same old where we would head out to the local bar / establishment where we were always picking up the same type of women. The city women were pretty easy to pick up as we usually preyed on bachelorette...

2 years ago
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Addicted to Sluts

My name is Dan Dickerson and I’m addicted to sluts. It started at a young age when I found my father’s porn collection at fourteen. The more I snooped the more I learned both my mother and father were a little freaky, of course I didn’t know it was freaky at the time. When I begun dating, I knew just the kind of girl I wanted. Tammy was the first girl I dated. I only dated her because I heard she was easy, I did get laid on the first date, so that part was true, but she was too clingy, and not...

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Mind Controlled Mothers ClubChapter 5 Creating MommySluts

Ulrich thrust into his mother’s pussy. She was bent over the break room table for the shipping department of the Institute of Apotheosis. Ulrich was one of the young men who worked there, all devotees of the new god, Henry Archer. They had formed their own Mother Fuckers Club, Ulrich’s mom, the supervisor of the shipping department, was the first recruit. “Ulrich, yes!” she moaned, her sloppy cunt clenching down around him. He wasn’t the first guy to fuck her during the break. She took on...

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My 3 sluts

My name is anand; i am 34 years old, and endowed with what my 2 neighbours, subhadra and durga, call a “monster”. I run a personal investment office for my nri cousins and close friends from my house, and thanks to e-banking and de-materialisation of shares, i work with the main door closed – there are no visitors. Subhadra was an ex-colleague, aged 27 years on whom i had been having an eye for long. She came to my old flat about 2 years back – we got talking, she was so frustrated with her...

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Gangbang Coach Chpt 2 Ass to Mouth Trucker Sluts

Gangbang Coach Underground Gangbang League Chapter 2: Gangbang Trucker Sluts When I finally walked up to the wash bay there was I sizable group of men. Only a few of the VIPS from the bus went in. I only let them have a twenty min head start but even I was surprise how much cum glaze Tori and Leah have had on their body. Someone had brought some cheap Ford floor mats for the girl to knee on instead of the concrete floor. Leah was on her knees right next to Tori’s ass and she was trying to get...

1 year ago
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BBC Sluts

Reddit BBC Sluts, aka /r/BBCSluts! Want to watch some raw hardcore porn videos by amateurs and real people? Try BBC Sluts. In the current age of social media, fast internet and connected devices at your fingertips, we can access videos and photos of every single sick fuck-minded obsession and nastiness you can ever imagine. This includes anything from interracial porn to gay, transgender and straight porn. But the one thing that has been missing in the porn world is a social media-like site...

Reddit NSFW List
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XXX Booth Sluts

XXX Booth Sluts Andrea was nervous as she pulled into the driveway of the adult bookstore. She found a spot near the door and pulled in. An adjustment of the wig and a fresh application of hot red liptick, she was ready. Her friend just pulled in next to her. She did the same routine. Andrea got out of the car and walked over to greet her new girlfriend. When she got out, they both looked each other over. Andrea saw silver high heels with fishnets with garters, some very short girly...

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Crimson Cheeks 3 Anal Sluts

Sophie Bennett and her roommate, Dolly Duncan, worked for a small local magazine in New York City. Their boss, Mr. Black, had been disciplining their tardiness and other misdeeds with brutal spankings with his belt. While Sophie enjoyed spanking very much, it was all new to Dolly. However, she discovered that she not only liked being spanked but that it made her pussy feel hot and needy.So much so that she begged Mr. Black to fuck her after a particularly harsh spanking session. To Dolly’s...

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Slumber Party Sluts

SLUMBER PARTY SLUTS by Melissa FCD Hello Melissa dearest, this is Mistress Katrina. And how are you sweetie? I trust you're all dolled up and looking forward to hearing all about my plans for you. So snuggle up and we'll begin our story. You've been a particularly good girl lately and I think you deserve a little fun. I'll be taking you out tonight, but first we need to get you dressed. Strip down to your birthday suit dearie. My, my, my. Under my strict supervision your...

4 years ago
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Grays Week in Russia

Sometimes, no matter how satisfactory your life currently is, you just need to get away and experience something new. That, at least, was what Samson Grey told himself as he browsed cheap flights out of New York to various exotic locales. It wasn't that he was particularly stressed at work, or that his home life was bad. No, his job was good and his home life was rather nice. With a great deal of satisfaction, Samson looked over at the window sill where his girlfriend Mary was snuggled up with...

Mind Control
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Last Night in Russia

We got in past 2 AM and slept most of the day. About 4 in the afternoon we stirred and started thinking about food and our last night to do list, before our early flight back to Sweden. We had room service bring us cheese, crackers, fruit, bacon and juices. We nibbled on that and talked of evening options. We decided to return to the sex club and view some more shows. Getting there before the crowd, we sat stage side. Attractive women did strip shows to keep us entertained, then the first act...

3 years ago
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Brunda 8211 The Beautiful Restaurateur 8211 Pt 3 Threesome In Russia

Hello guys, I am Shivang here. It is been a long while and I got some emails from the readers asking for some good incest story. Actually, I am writing this new sex story for the love of my life – Brunda. Brunda, please come back. I miss you a lot. So in the last part, you all saw how I dominated Brunda and how we had great sex in that hotel room. Continuing from there. Both I and Brunda knew the purpose of her visit so none of us tried to cover ourselves. Olga came in and locked the door...

3 years ago
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Party Sluts

January 24th 2014 – a day that will be long remembered. The first Party Sluts gangbang of the New Year and 10 weeks since the previous gangbang. The party had been advertised for several weeks as being a "special event" and true to form, it was. Rather than have three rampant sluts on hand to service the hordes of horny male guests, we were fortunate enough to be entertained by four rampant sluts. Let's take a look at the line-up: The always effervescent Hayley (Hayley x x) fresh from her...

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Social Media Sluts

Reddit Social Media Sluts, aka r/SocialMediaSluts! Today, it is very easy to become popular because of suggestive or completely nude photos, and well, that is what I am here to talk about. is a site that basically has it all. In this subreddit, called r/SocialMediaSluts/, you will get to meet all the sluts who love to post their naughty pics on any social media account they have, from Facebook to Instagram.Of course, we know that some social media platforms do not allow us to post...

Reddit NSFW List
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Goth Sluts

Reddit Goth Sluts, aka r/GothSluts! We all have a certain type of a girl we are into, and if you clicked on this subreddit, then it is safe to say that you are very much into the Goth girls, right? I mean, why else the fuck would you actually check out a subreddit with the name Goth Sluts, if that is not what the fuck you are into? Well, I am here to tell you all about r/gothsluts/ and what you can expect, so sit back, relax, and enjoy my amazing review.First of all, I want to just say that...

Reddit NSFW List
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Cheating Piece of Shit Sluts

Deb opened the garage door and drove in, bringing the wide ranging thoughts she had been having during her drive home back into focus. She sat in the car and gathered herself while the garage door closed. When she thought she was ready she walked into the house. She was coming home late from work, again, and found me sitting in the kitchen. I was wearing my bath robe, having a sandwich and a beer, and listening to smooth jazz on the whole home sound system. “Mike! Turn that shit down. It...

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Orignally posted by Sex in heels just found this in an old archive i once downloaded....not my words but very good adviceThere is a lot of bad information about how to give a good blowjob on the internet. I have written this guide to help girls understand how they can be much better at doing what they are supposed to do. I am hereby releasing this text into the public domain so all sluts can read it.I am calling you sluts because that is the first thing you have to understand. If you want to do...

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The Directors sluts

The Director'ssluts IMPORTANT: This is only a fantasy.No harm intended to anyone. Rati and Amisha become a hotshotdirector's sluts for his favours. This story features yesteryearsexy heroine and today's' glam-mom, Rati Agnihotri and today's cutie-pieactress Amisha Patel. This is my first celebrity story and first story inthe Indian atmosphere. Please send your feedback. *********************************************************************************************** I recognized Ratithe...

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Amanda and Melinda Twin Sluts

Mandy and Mindy Gibson are identical twin sluts. The first twin was born one minute and twenty-three seconds before the second. Their parents, Carl and Judy Gibson, had pre-determined that the first-born twin would be named Amanda and the second would be called Melinda.Unbeknown to all, a mix up in the maternity ward of Galion Community Hospital, resulted in the firstborn being called Melinda. Growing up, Amanda gloried in being the firstborn. Little did she know, that Melinda was actually the...

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Aurora School for Sluts

Located in the remote prairie, shielded from the prying eyes of civilization by mile upon mile of evergreen trees and undulating farmland, lies a very special school. The Aurora School for Sluts. She is singular in her mission, an institute of education dedicated to producing fresh, fuckable twenty year old girls for society to enjoy. Aurora takes in the rejects of the normal schooling system, and turns them into functional and productive members of society. Every year, eighteen years olds from...

Group Sex
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An illustrated guide to finding stockings sluts

Finding stockings sluts is easy here on the web, especially here on X hamster! One way I do it is to use profile pictures and check out others who by their photo obviously share my love of nylons that reach the upper thigh of a gorgeous pair of legs. Garter belts and heels accentuate the excitement. Crotch-less lingerie just frames a perfect pussy even better. The feel of nylon on a wet tongue is amazing for both of you. Nothing beats the feel of a stockinged toe on the tip of a rock hard...

1 year ago
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Cinematic RoboSluts

Thank you for calling Cinematic Robo-Sluts, sir. We are the top selling robotic company in our class. We have provided top notch Robotic sex dolls for over four decades now, we have gotten the provisions from several movie studios and actresses (who've signed away their likenesses) to make a new line of Robotic sex dolls based on various movie characters and characters from various television programs. But mostly movie characters. We are called "Cinematic Robo-Sluts" after all. These fembots...

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School of Sluts

Welcome to Slut School. A school where sluts train to be prostitutes, escorts and the like. This school is exclusive to the sluttiest of girls. I'm talking the cheerleaders who fucked all of the football team, the coach and all of her male teachers just to keep her grades up. And that's exactly the type girl who we're following. Sarah Valentines was THE slut at her school. She even slept with the head teacher to stop her from getting expelled. If there was a place she was going to thrive, it...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVII 5 King of Sluts

Walking down the hallways at school the next day had an entirely different aspect to it after the fuck with Rachael. I couldn't believe the number of people who unconsciously sought my empathic touch. The guys pretty much attributed the pleasant feelings they had when I greeted them to my smile, but most of the girls had labeled it as romantic or sexual attraction, which of the two depended on the girl. So you could imagine how odd it was walking down the hallways like I always did but with...

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Queen of sluts

You are the Queen of sluts with a greedy cuntI know a place you can go if you are interested by an infestation of cock i invite you to join me at the most debauched Friday afternoon sex club experiece for greedy girls in Manchester.You have dressed for action under a long black leather trench coat.I explain to you that the afternoon entertainment you are about to endure could include the most perverse things you have ever experiencedYou will be subjected to acts of the most depravity that any...

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A villiage of white married sluts

King starred out the window watching that gorgeous blonde riding up his driveway. He stood waiting for her to climb out of the little golf cart she was riding before making his way to the front door.Everyone drove one of those things in the neighborhood. It was a way they all got around on the small secluded island. It was a typical hot summer day. The sun shined bright and it was just one of those days to be outdoors enjoying the sun and relaxing.The doorbell rang. King didn't want to seem too...

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revenge of the sluts

ME and Tammy sat in our rooms in or two mistress Pheobe and Paige's house. As usual we had dog collars around our knecks and we were attached our 'kennels' our kennels were cages in which we slept in should we miss behave. They were never cleaned and there wasn't a toilet in there. When we were put in there we were tied and gagged until we were collected. "You know," tammy said "Mistress's are always saying we're putting it on when they whip us or put them nipple clamps on us.""Yeah but what...

1 year ago
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Truck Stop Tranny Sluts

My girlfriend and lover Candi and I were driving back to her place for some steamy tranny sex after a night of partying at a tranny/gay bar in town when we passed a truck stop on the highway. Buzzed and horny as we were, we laughed about stopping in the lot and doing so hookin’ as a means to get us some trucker cock. After a minute or two of silence, Candi said lets do it and before I could answer she was turning back for the truck stop! Candi and I are both bisexual crossdressers and we pass...

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Two Trophy moms are taught to be cum sluts

Kelly was a 31-year-old red hair MILF, she had shoulder length hair, a set of 38d’s a tight ass and short but cute toned legs. Her husband Roy worked for an international chemical company which his territory was the far east. He traveled about 7 months of the year. They had two children between the kids and house she was busy most of the time. She was always horny, she craved male attention which she rarely seemed to get. At least three times a year Roy’s company would throw events, all...

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jailbait sluts

I finally got to the phone as the answering machine began to play my message. I shut off the answering machine in time and said, “Hello.” “Danny? Danny is that you?” The question came with a lot of sobbing and tears after she asked the question. I was silent for a few seconds as I yawned and I was attempting to get my wits about me while trying to figure out whom the hell it was. “Yeah – who’s this?” “Danny!!! It’s me – FAITH!!!! – Please don’t hang up – I’m in a lot of...

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Truck Stop Tranny Sluts

My girlfriend and lover Candi and I were driving back to her place for some steamy tranny sex after a night of partying at a tranny/gay bar in town when we passed a truck stop on the highway. Buzzed and horny as we were, we laughed about stopping in the lot and doing so hookin’ as a means to get us some trucker cock. After a minute or two of silence, Candi said lets do it and before I could answer she was turning back for the truck stop! Candi and I are both bisexual crossdressers and we pass...

2 years ago
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Comic Book RoboSluts

Thank you for calling Comic Book Robo-Sluts We are the top selling robotic company of our class. We provided top natch Robotic sex dolls for over 8 years and now have gotten provision from several comic book companies to make a new line of sex dolls based on several of your favorite comic book series and can be customized in any way. Just place an order you will receive within 2-4 business days. Then you can use your robotic lover in any way you see fit. Now please pick a company you'd like a...

2 years ago
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Literary RoboSluts

Thank you for calling Literary Robo-Sluts, sir. We are the top selling Robotic company in our class. We have provided top notch Robotic sex dolls for over four decades and we've gotten permission from the estates of all the authors who penned pretty much every popular book in the last eighty years. You name it, we have it. Ever wanted to make love to Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games books but not the likeness of the actress who played her in the movies? Well, now you can. Ever wanted to...

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breeding time for fuckmeat sluts

Every girl knew when it was time for a breeding. The familiar buzz of the table would start, humming directly in contact with your clit and the warmth would spread like a wildfire until you were dripping onto the leather. The bench began to whir and instinctively you pressed yourself against the vibrations and start to grind your stiffening button across the stimulating bumps at the tail end of the apparatus. Your table neighboured two other girls who were also in the breeding rotation. Each of...

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Older Sluts

It was the night of my father's funeral and there had been a wake at the house following the burial. It had lasted well into the night and once everyone had gone home I found myself sitting in the kitchen drinking and talking with my mom. Mostly we reminisced about dad. Mom wasn't all that weepy eyed and truth be told she was relieved that he was gone. That sounds cold, but it really wasn't. He had been sick for such a long time and she had been forced to watch him slowly waste away. She...

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