A New Beginning, Chapter 1 free porn video

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We had been together all through high school and had even gone to our junior and senior proms together. We were the storybook couple - me, the star running back of the football team, and her, the head cheerleader. Everyone thought we were destined to be together forever, including us. In our senior year, we even applied to colleges close by each other so we could continue our relationship after high school. But a bad injury in a car accident that senior year took away my scholarship, and so college for me was out of reach. At first Amy didn't want to go off to college without me, but we talked about it at length and I convinced her that she should go. She wanted a nursing career and college was necessary for her to pursue her dream. I told her that we could still see each other - it was a little too far to make a day trip, but we could spend the weekends together. And so, with promises to call each other every day and see each other every weekend, I sent her off to get her degree.
The first three months we managed to get together every other weekend, but then just as we were getting ready to spend the two weeks of Christmas Break together, I got a phone call from Amy telling me she wouldn't be able to meet me that weekend or over Christmas Break. Between exams and her grandmother getting sick and wanting to see her, she wouldn't be coming home.

Of course I was supportive and told her it was fine, even though I was disappointed as I had plans for us over the long Christmas Break. But we had time for all that, so I told her she had to go see her grandmother - she was pretty old and if she was asking for Amy, I knew it was serious and Amy needed to go see her.

It turns out sadly, that I was right. Her grandmother passed away shortly after Amy got there and Amy called me with the bad news. I really wanted to be by her side, but the distance was too far to drive and there was no way I could afford to fly there. I spent several hours on the phone with Amy consoling her and talking to her, though, and did my best to make her feel better.

That was the start of the trouble, and after that we just seemed to drift further and further apart. Amy was close to her grandmother and took her passing hard. Then she had to worry about her new semester classes and other things seemed to get in the way. The next thing I knew, we were having "the" conversation.

The first few weeks hit me hard - realizing that I was without not just sex, but the person that had been a best friend to me as well. I threw myself into my work and tried not to think about her too much. I would bump into her parents from time to time and they kept me informed as to how she was doing. I had an occasional date once in awhile during that time, but nothing serious and there was never any sex involved - I just didn't have my heart in it. Although we were broke up and it would have been fine, I still felt like I would be cheating on Amy.

Somehow I made it through, and soon spring came to our area. In the back of my mind I knew that school would be letting out and Amy would be coming home. Part of me was anxious to see her again but part of me was scared to as well. What if she had found someone else? What if our breakup kept going even with her home - I mean she would be going back to school in the fall and we'd be right back where we were now. Would she even want to see me and spend summer together... just to leave again in the fall?
It was a Monday morning when Amy was due to arrive back home. The previous Friday was the last day of class, but the school had let everyone have the weekend to pack and clean up their dorm rooms. Amy's folks had invited me to come along to meet her bus, an invitation I accepted with a bit of trepidation. I wasn't sure how my presence at the bus stop would be taken by Amy; we hadn't talked since Valentine's Day when I called her.
I stood back in the parking lot of the bus station while Amy's folks went in to meet the bus. I figured I would give them a few minutes of alone time. I saw the bus pull up from my truck and waited beside it until I saw the three of them come out. When she saw me standing there next to my truck, she ran up to me, hugged me and kissed me, and told me she was really happy that I had come to pick her up. I have to admit the remark caught me a bit off-guard, considering up to that point I was wondering if coming along was such a smart move. But Amy's mom insisted... she seemed to know more about her daughter's many moods than I did, and when she saw she was right, she beamed!

Amy's mom asked Amy if she wanted to ride home with her and Dad or with me. Amy said she wanted to ride with me... that she needed to talk to me. Now I was really nervous! She took my arm and we walked to my truck. Amy's dad had volunteered to take her bags with him so we could have some time to ourselves. We walked to my truck arm in arm and I opened her door and seated her, even helping her buckle her seat belt. Then I walked around and got in the driver's seat. As we pulled out of the bus stop parking lot, Amy suggested we go to the miniature golf course. The miniature golf course is where we had our very first date - a fact that was not lost on me.

"Miniature golf? Are you sure?" I asked her, just for clarification.

"Yes, you DO remember how to play don't you?" she said, playfully challenging me.

"Yeah, I can still whoop your butt!" I said, grinning.

"You talk the talk... do you walk the walk?" she said, smiling broadly.

So, with the gauntlet thrown down, we headed into town for a quick lunch and then a game of mini golf. I had tried to teach her to play the real thing before, but she was much better just using a putter.
About halfway through the game she started to miss easy shots and asked me to show her how to improve. This was a bit odd, because Amy fancied herself the Arnold Palmer of our local mini golf course. And she was pretty good - there was no reason why she was missing these easy shots. Even if she hadn't picked up a club since she left for college, she should be making these easily. But I stepped in front of her to try and describe what she needed to do. She looked at me funny and told me to get behind her and reach around to show her because it gave her a better idea of what I meant. At this time a voice in my head went "You idiot - she is flirting with you!" Duh! My cock instantly got hard in my pants at that thought... it had been almost 5 months since we had last had sex and while I'd had a handful of dates, I had not slept with any other girls.
Amy must have felt it when I moved behind her, but instead of flinching away, she "innocently" pushed her gorgeous ass slightly back into me and then, when she felt my rock-hard cock bulge, she pulled forward in pretend shock, acting all shy and mortified. Amy did love to tease me discreetly when she knew I was horny. I helped her swing the putter back and forward a few times, then moved away and we continued our game. After we finished and I added the scores up, the gloating began - she had beaten me by a shot. I already knew this, however, as I had deliberately messed up on the last hole to let her win, one of those little things that I did to make her feel good. As we walked back to the car, she put her arm around me. There were no words exchanged but it was nice to feel her next to me again.

"So do you want to get home or do you want to go someplace?" she said, as I got in the truck.

"I don't need to rush home. Why, do you want to go someplace in particular?" I asked.

"Can we go down to the lake? I love watching the sun set on the water there," she said. So I put the truck in gear and we made our way to the lake. I knew just where she was talking about, there's a small spit of land that sticks out into the lake and you get a nice view of the water from there. I pulled the truck in and parked, then Amy slid across the bench seat of my old Ford.

Taking my arm and putting it around her neck, she snuggled closer to me. "I've missed you, David. I've thought about you a lot since I've been away," she said.

"I've missed you too, Amy. Your mom kept me updated on how you were doing after we broke up," I said.

"Yeah... about that..." she started.

I felt my heart stop at that moment. What she was about to tell me would either brighten my world or end it.

"I'm not sure I want to hear this, but I have to know - have there been... any others?" she asked, looking down at her lap.

I turned to her and lifted her face to look me straight in the eyes. "Amy Hendricks, there has not been anyone in my life since the day I met you. You have been the only girl I have ever been interested in, and you are still the only one I want. I did date a few times, yes, but my heart was always with you. I have not slept with anyone, nor would I want to. You are the one I want, you are the one I love."

"Oh David!" she burst out sobbing, "Oh, I have been so stupid! I am so sorry I hurt you! Please, please can you forgive me?" she cried into her hands.

I took the girl into my arms and held her as she cried on my shoulder. "It's all right, Amy. Of course I forgive you. I am just glad to have you back," I said, kissing her on the head. I was thankful we were parked at that moment... I was shaking too hard to have been able to drive.

With our relationship put back on the tracks again, I pulled Amy closer and kissed her... like it was the first time I ever kissed her. Amy moaned softly as she felt me crush my lips to hers. She parted her lips, giving my tongue permission to enter and find hers. As our tongues danced, I made a meal out of her sweet kiss. She ran her fingers through my hair as my hands roamed over her body, exploring her like I had the first time we had made out. My hands remembered her every nuance and touched her in all her favorite places. We had made out many times and it had even lead to sex a few times. I had learned what made her "ooh" and what made her "ahh". While neither of us were the other's first time, we had learned a lot from our times together and we found that we made a pretty good pair.

We spent the next 20 or 30 minutes kissing and petting, making out like a couple high school freshmen on their first date! Finally we broke apart, and as we sat there panting for breath, she was the first one with words.

"I want you David. Take me someplace - I don't care where!" she said, grabbing my hard bulge.

Okay now THAT hint I got! I sat up straight and started the truck. I knew just where we could go. I drove us back to my folks place. After I graduated high school, Dad had built me an apartment over the detached garage. I had my own entrance and my own key. I pulled the truck into my parking spot right next to the covered stairs to my apartment.
"You have your own place now?" she asked, gleefully.

"Yeah, Dad and Mom had it built for me as sort of a graduation present. Dad said now that I was an adult, he didn't want me bringing my hoochies home and screwing around in his house!" I said, grinning.

"So tell me, David Randolph Reynolds, just how many hoochies have seen the inside of this apartment?" she said, feigning indignation.

"Just one so far! And I'm hoping she likes the place enough to come by a lot!" I said, playing along.

"Oh really? And who might this hoochie be?" Amy asked.

"You, you little brat!" I said, sweeping her up into my arms suddenly. Amy squealed at my suddenness and then put her arms around me. I took her into the bedroom and laid her on my bed. She scooted to the middle of the bed and watched as I began removing my shirt. Her eyes lit up and the shirt came off and I moved to my jeans. Unbuckling my belt and unfastening my jeans, I pulled them down to my ankles and stepped out of them. I looked over at Amy... her eyes were riveted on my boxers and more specifically, on the bulge in them. I saw her subconsciously lick her lips and I grinned.

"See something you like do you?" I asked.

"Mmm-hmm..." she said.

I walked closer until she could reach out and touch me. She did, lightly running her fingers over the bulge and snapping her hand began when it twitched. She giggled at her reaction, then took the bottom of my boxers and slowly pulled them down, watching as my cockhead peeked out from the waistband. She continued pulling them down, revealing more and more of my hard cock. I watched amused as her eyes got progressively larger the more of me she unwrapped.

Finally she pulled my boxers down to the point where they fell off me on their own and I stood in front of her, fully erect and completely naked. As my boxers hit the floor and I stepped out of them, Amy crawled over and knelt on the bed in front of me. She reached out and cradled my balls as she bent her head and took a tentative taste of my cock.

"Mmmm..." she moaned softly, "I had forgotten just how magnificent your cock was..." Amy ran her soft tongue up and down my steely shaft, circling the mushroom cap and poking the tip into my pee-hole. She bathed my entire cock in her saliva, making sure I was completely covered. Then she went further down and began giving my balls some much-needed attention as well.
Now it was my turn to run my fingers through her hair as her head began to bob up and down on my aching cock. Her warm, wet mouth felt incredible. Amy had always been a top notch cocksucker, and I was pleased to see she hadn't lost her touch. Her tongue danced over the bottom side of my cock as she sucked me deep into her mouth.

Then she showed me a trick I'd never seen from her. As she held my cock in her mouth, she looked up to make sure I was watching. When she saw that she had my full attention, she pushed my eight inch cock all the way into her mouth and down her throat, stopping only when her nose pressed into my stomach and my balls rested on her chin! I was amazed! Her throat muscles squeezed and began trying to milk my cock as she held me deep inside her until she had to pull out to breathe. She came up and gasped for air, then took me back down her throat again. I had never been deep-throated, although I had seen it in some porn movies. She went down and came back up several times, and each time I was more and more amazed.

Her show had turned me on incredibly and I had to have her. I pulled away from her wonderful mouth and pulled her to her feet. Amy still wore the clothes she had rode home in; her white spaghetti strapped cami top that left her flat stomach bared and showed off her belly button piercing in front and her "tramp stamp" tattoo on the small of her back. Her dad wasn't too upset about the belly button piercing, but he wasn't so understanding about the tattoo! She wore her favorite tight blue jeans that accentuated her tight, firm ass and long lean legs. She looked fabulous in her clothes... but she would look even better out of them! I slid the straps of her top off her smooth silky shoulders, kissing each as the strap fell off. Then I moved to the button-front of her top and slowly, one at a time, unbuttoned her from the top down. As I got to the button just between her two beautiful mounds, I pulled the edges of her top down and away and planted a long-awaited kiss on the top of each fleshy breast. Amy moaned as she felt my hot breath on her and my soft kisses burning her tender skin. She grabbed the back of my head and pushed my face harder into her cleavage. I licked her soft milky flesh as far as I could reach, and she moaned again.

I continued unbuttoning her top until I reached the last button. With a quick twist, her top opened and fell to the floor behind her as Amy gasped at her sudden unveiling.
A little about Amy;

She has long blond hair that is soft and hangs down to about the middle of her back. Sometimes she puts in a ponytail, but she prefers to keep it loose. She has a cute face and although she hates her nose I wouldn't change it. She has a classically-shaped body and although I always thought myself a big breast sort of guy, her body is perfectly proportioned with maybe a C cup, with everything else is in amazing balance.
Further down, she has a tight flat stomach, due in large part to her well-spent time at the gym and her love of jogging. A little lower is one of her best assets and one that she can't take compliments on, no matter how true they may be - her hips, a beautiful curve that fits so well with the rest of her body and her tight little ass... a firm, round little hump that isn't too big or too flat. She can really fill a pair of jeans or a tight dress so beautifully! Finally, her long lean legs lead to some of the sexiest feet I've ever seen, and I'm not one of those foot fetish types. But she can rock a pair of strappy, stiletto-heeled CFM's! Amy isn't one of those thin, anorexic, stick-women you see on the model runways that look like they haven't seen a meal in months. She is just a young healthy girl with an amazing body and an even more amazing personality.

Now this goddess was standing topless before me, and I drank in the vision for a couple moments before continuing. She stood there nervously fidgeting as I scanned her delicious form...
"What's wrong, David?" she asked, finally snapping me out of my dazed state.

"Nothing hon... I just forgot how beautiful you were," I said. I knelt down in front of her and began unfastening her blue jeans, pulling them down over her slim hips. Under her jeans she wore a pair of skimpy, high-cut pale pink panties, the front of which had a noticeable wet spot which was growing larger every moment.
"Missed me didja?" I asked, looking up and grinning.

Amy blushed the most adorable shade of red. "Mmm-hmm..." 

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New Beginnings

It’s been a while. This is a bit different from my other stories but I hope you enjoy! I was nervous and excited. I was going on a date! I hadn’t done much of that since my separation from my husband, or ever really. Prior to getting married my involvement with men had been mostly one night stands, (drunk or otherwise) even when I met him, it had been an immediate and powerful sexual connection that had progressed outwardly and, unfortunately, incompletely. I was ready to take it slow, to...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 4 Ch 07

“Well, we’ll need guns,” Tabatha said after eagerly volunteering to be the other participant. “Where can we get some?” “Elaine, Dawn and I have practiced how to find stuff,” Annalisa told her. “You just think of the form, and I’ll find it for you!” “Okay,” Tabatha replied, then thought of a really handsome set of double holstered forty-fives that she’d seen in a Tri-d episode of ‘Wild Bill in the Old West’. A few seconds later, Annalisa held that same gun belt in her hands. “Are...

1 year ago
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New Beginnings Pt 3 Ch 07

For a moment, he thought he’d been dreaming again. Béla was still gone forever and he’d only dreamed her back into his life. In the last hundred years, he’d awakened many mornings with those exact thoughts roaming through his mind – destroying any possibility that today would turn out all right. He opened his eyes and gazed into a pair of dark, almond eyes almost identical to his beloved’s own. “I trust you slept well,” Annalisa whispered, smiling at him. Jake sat up, feeling...

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New BeginningChapter 13 Places

Roger deplaned Sunday evening, garment bag and messenger bag slung over opposing shoulders, and hopped on the shuttle for the long-term lot to pick up his Mercedes. This trip had helped him appreciate some of the little things. For example, his frequent flier status allowed him to upgrade to a first-class seat, where he could stretch out. He was also thankful for direct flights between Palm Beach International and Dallas Ft. Worth. It allowed him to get home at a decent hour without having to...

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RenewalChapter 2

“I see you were using the pods again,” Marion White, the ships First Officer, says as she enters the galley to see Regina on the deck naked. “Unauthorized use of company property for personal pleasure is not allowed you know.” Regina lifts her head from the deck and blinks away the sleep. “Why don’t you just shove it up your ass,” she sneers. Marion walks over and pulls out an egg from a pod and pops it in her mouth. “You know, I don’t know what makes you so special.” She takes a seat and...

1 year ago
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New Beginnings Pt 4 Ch 01

Part 4 Chapter 1 Eliannai stepped up behind the Science Officer and gently wrapped her fingers around his arm. For a moment, they both gazed at the dying body of their captain, also the Science Officer’s lifemate. “Sibilius,” the dead Seeker whispered into his ear. Turning his head, Sibilius jerked back for an instant as he recognized the now deceased First Officer. “You’re dead!” he informed her, his voice sounding quite dramatic. “Only bodies die, Father,” Eliannai replied,...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 12

I did get to see and speak to my sisters, Patricia and Jane, but it wasn't until the next morning and it did cost me to get a word in edgewise. You see, they joined me in the shower the next morning. Now I didn't mind too much about that. Emma had skipped her morning roll in the hay with me today. She actually let me sleep in. That meant that I was actually rested. It still took me by surprise. Naturally, I was in the middle of shampooing my hair went the two of them snuck in. "Hi there...

4 years ago
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New Beginnings Ch01 My first Try at Erotica boyboy

A little about me, my name is Tim and I am now 15 and starting high school. I have always been a skinny undefined young man. I was always told that one day I would blossom and grow, and it never happened. I have always been the little shy and quite boy with only one good friend who was my next door neighbor Bobby and he was a little older than me but small and quite like I was and now he is moving away although after he started high school he seemed to mature more and become more outgoing, he...

1 year ago
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New Beginnings Part 2 Woodstock

"You did that quickly." "I can do numbers in my head. Just not when written down." Kelly smiled to herself. He was a proud young man when he wasn't afraid of his limitations. "Be ready. There are men ahead. With weapons." They were approached by two men. Will noticed they were unarmed. A sign of peace, trust and knowing that they were backed up by several others. The first man, maybe early 50s, graying hair, short beard, held up his hand. "Welcome strangers. This is the Woodstock...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 2 Ch 4

Everyone else, have fun! Enjoy! DanK Part 2, Chapter 4 His cock was buried as far as it would go into her hot, moist flesh. Lisa trembled in ecstasy at the thought of what her brutal, loving companion was going to do next. “Are you ready, my darling?” Vlad asked as he pushed away so their torsos were no longer touching except where they were sexually connected. Lisa nodded, breathing excitedly. Her eyes lit up at the blade that suddenly just seemed to appear in his...

4 years ago
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New Beginnings Chapter 1

It's fair to say, I was a nervous wreck. I had long since dabbled with idea of swinging by joining internet sites and having sexy chats, uploading photos and playing on cam but to actually go to a club for the first time well that was a different story.I sat in the bar opposite the club having a few for luck or dutch courage. The bar was not that busy with a few guys at the bar, some others playing pool and two couples sitting at a booth having dinner. I watched the club entrance for what felt...

2 years ago
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New BeginningChapter 5 Transition

In February, Roger started following through on the ideas he had discussed with Dr. Franke. He went to a nearby Waldenbooks store and made his way to the Psychology section. As he approached, he saw an elderly woman holding a book. With her short grey hair and slightly wrinkled skin, Roger estimated the woman was in her seventies. Roger approached the woman, as she was standing in front of the books he wanted. While he waited for her to move over, Roger noticed the title of the woman’s book,...

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New Beginnings Pt 1 Ch 6

Jake, eyes closed, concentrated on making that happen. “No,” Béla sighed. “You’re trying too hard, Hon, relax! Penetration is a female thing, I know. But you can experience it, too. You just have to stop resisting it. Resistance is what’s causing your pain! Try to embrace it! Love… Oh, never mind!” Grimacing, Jake wrapped his hand over hers and pulled the small paring knife out of his stomach. “I can’t do this,” he groaned. “It’s just not going to happen.” “Evidently not,” Béla...

4 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 1 Ch 4

She anxiously paced the length of her narrow cell a few times, then plopped down on the bare, ratty mattress. ‘How the hell did I get into this fix?’ she asked herself, fuming, and closed her eyes, thinking back… When the rest of her family had moved into their underground retreat (the one she’d built for them under the mountains), she decided to take one final tour across the country – take in the sights one more time before they left. Well, that wasn’t entire true – she blew...

3 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 4 Ch 03

Chapter 3 “Someone came through the wormhole in Lisa’s Grotto?” Alicia asked, her eyes wide with surprise. “Who was it? Anyone we know?” “No,” Jake replied. “Some pregnant girl from Canada and her boyfriend. The girl claimed she met Beth once, evidently. And Beth initiated her.” “Beth was a long time ago, Jake,” Frank said. “You mean she’s a long-lifer? Like us?” “Yep! Both her and her boyfriend,” Jake replied. “What’s her boyfriend like?” Tanya asked, grinning...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 18

I was pissed off at Vicky and I told her so later that night, when we finally had our talk. "I'm sorry," Vicky said, looking embarrassed by the situation. "I got scared when I saw you that way. I thought that you'd rape me. I thought that you'd get me pregnant. I don't want to be pregnant." "I know that Vicky," I said with a sigh, feeling my anger abate as the girl's words sank into my mind, "but I needed you at that moment. I'm sorry I scared you, but running like that just...

3 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 4 Ch 04

“Now, here’s how it works, girls,” Elaine was saying. “We form a circle and we mind-link together. I will suggest the object to concentrate on. When you can see that object in front of you, let me know. When you all see the same – by that I mean that our attention is on the same individual object, then we pull it into the circle. “You mean that if you want us to concentrate on locating a fork or a spoon, we all have to locate the same one?” Murielle asked, grinning with disbelief at her...

3 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 3 Ch 10

Béla, surprisingly, had been one of the last to arrive, having spent the last three hours in attendance with her old friend, the Great Bard Geoffrey and his wife, Terri. She had wanted to introduce them to her own lifemate, but he had been shepherded into the dining hall by Annalisa only moments before her own arrival. Béla smiled, seeing him seated next to her empty chair and looked around to see who else was in attendance. As she gazed raptly around the hall, she realized that all of...

1 year ago
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New BeginningChapter 9 Sunsport Gardens

Roger stood in the entryway of Matt Gardner’s cubicle on Monday morning. He asked, “Hey Matt, did you enjoy the opera benefit?” “Hey Roger. Yeah, that was a pretty good event. I didn’t realize we had such talented people here in West Palm. Damon said the performers were as good as any he had seen in New York. We even got out on the dance floor. Of course, we got the normal unhappy stares from a few of them, but we just ignored it. Thanks for giving us the tickets,” Matt responded...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 1 Ch 1

“Sir, Colonel Sattersby will see you now,” the aide said, stepping out of his superior’s office. The lieutenant stepped into the dark, wood paneled office. Colonel Sattersby looked very fit and professional in his gray uniform as he browsed through a manila folder. The Confederate flag hung from a pole behind the desk next to a wall map of the territories claimed by the Confederacy and the few outlying areas of civilization that still existed. The Colonel looked up at the junior officer...

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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 13

Tilly joined me in bed the next morning. Emma was with her. They'd let me sleep in once more. Then they'd let Mindy take me to the bath unit so I could deal with nature and so that I could clean up. They kept everyone else away. However, instead of letting me get dressed and go off to breakfast, they had Mindy bring me back to bed. They were waiting for me when I got there. The bedding had been changed and the window flaps were open and rolled up. The aroma of the previous night's...

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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 30

Vicky hadn't given me her ass but that hadn't mattered much, at least not during the 'hot and heavy' that had gone on last night. Samantha had. Between her mother, two sisters, and me, we'd loosened up her tight back entrance for me to get my big fat dick up her. It was a slow process, but it had been fun. Once buried to the hilt, I fucked Sam's ass long and hard. While I did that, Vicky licked her pussy and sucked on her clit. She did a great job. If Sam wasn't 'oohing and aahing'...

4 years ago
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Newlywed Husband Learns the Truth

Newlywed Husband Learns the TruthLisa is a very large woman in her early twenties. She is about 5'6" and weighs about 380. She is definitely what you would call a SSBBW.John is a skinny, dorky white guy in his twenties.Pastor Lamont is in his late fifties, with gray hair and a gray goatee.John and Lisa had dated for almost two years before he proposed. They had a great relationship, but she told him she was going to wait until marriage to have sex with him. Lucky for John, she allowed him...

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New Beginnings Pt 2 Ch 8

The Necrotwins, three sets of twin girls recruited by Lisa, were starting a new course in advanced psychic training in Lisa’s Grotto. The psychic training involved the young girls to embrace their own violent deaths, but other than that, things aboard the Phoenix III seemed pretty routine. Commander Cutberg had just left her sister and husband once again ‘en flagrante’ and was scanning over the monitors on the bridge. Something seemed wrong, but she just couldn’t quite put it...

4 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 1 Ch 9

‘How are you doing, Baby,’ Béla called out to her daughter. ‘Are you holding up all right?’ ‘Fine, Mom,’ Lisa, a hundred miles below, replied. Lisa’s wings were extended fully and although she was several miles up and above the nuclear explosions she was creating, she reveled in the heat and the massive energy of each blast that seared her seemingly fragile body as the air boiled and churned around her. The amount of damage she’d done below wasn’t readily visible because of the...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 2 Ch 1

“Lisa? Where are you? Béla? Please! Answer me!” ‘I can’t stay here – I’ll die in here! ‘So hot!’ Tabatha shrieked as she awoke, sitting straight up on her sick bed. The twenty-plus patients sharing the cramped ward jumped as well, many crying out and complaining in their own pain and misery. In an instant, Tanya was beside her. “It’s okay, Baby – You’re going to be okay! I promise!” “Mom?” Tabatha gasped. “What happened? You’re all burned.” “It’s okay, Honey,” Tanya repeated...

1 year ago
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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 49

I never got back to chatting with Asana or Bizana once we got back. Unfortunately there was too much to do and not enough daylight left to do it in. The good thing was that I didn't have to get into what had happened on the trip with my family. We were all too busy to chat. While I headed off to the slaughterhouse to deal with the buffalo, Emma took charge of our guests. The good thing was that our 'benefactors' had been on the ball ever since last night. I saw that the moment I pulled...

3 years ago
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New BeginningChapter 15 Exploration

“Hey, Roger! So, how many women are you dating this week?” Jim asked, as he suddenly appeared at Roger’s office door on Monday morning. Frowning, Roger looked up from the technical manual he was reading and said, “Jim, we’ve worked together for two years now. Why do you think today is the day I’m going to start talking about my love life?” Jim raised an eyebrow questioningly and said, “Things must be getting serious. Back when you were dating two or three different girls a week, you didn’t...

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Newport Naval Academy

My dick grew semi-hard even before we got out of the car.I knew I wanted to attend the Newport Naval Academy even before my father set the DeSoto's parking brake. Beyond the car window, about twenty feet away, three good-looking boys stood talking. Their tight white uniforms hugged their lithe teenage bodies rather provocatively. My parents insisted on a military type school. I was on my way to becoming a little punk and strict school discipline would "straighten" me out. Well, the "out" part...

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New Beginnings Pt 2 Ch 9

Desperate for air, he gasped heavily, the hot, acrid air burning his throat and lungs as he inhaled. He coughed and the jerking motion made him realize that he was at least partially pinned down by something. Forcing his eyes open, he gazed up into the bloated afternoon sun, partially obscured by low flying clouds. As he gazed upward, he began to remember what had happened. This collapsed structure he found himself in was the entrance to an underground way station ten miles outside of...

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New Beginnings CH 06 Locker room

LOCKER ROOM Me and Adam had been seeing each other for sex nearly everyday and multiple times when we did get together. I was happy he had forgiven me and told me I was the love of his life. I had dropped my humility and had no problem changing in gym class though I usually just helped the jocks by holding their feet while they did sit ups or counted and was a little errand boy for them and the coach. I woke up one morning to find Adam in my room and I jumped up and kissed him. He said you...

3 years ago
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New Beginnings Aprs Lapocalypse

“Après moi le deluge,” “After me, the flood,” Louis XVI I saw her struggling up the hill that I was sitting on. I had really been sitting here peacefully contemplating the skeleton and ruined flesh of what had been, until very recently, one of the great cities on earth. Just imagine how foreign it is to me, thinking of Los Angeles that way. Most of the time the only thought I had given the place was cursing the bad traffic and wondering why they didn’t just build some more damn...

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