395 Kays Second Usage free porn video

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Day 1
The next part is in the ladies own words, as I was not present [or ever likely to be] and she alone knows what she endured and in some strange way enjoyed as you will see.
I arrived at Jack's house 15 minutes early, parked in front, and sat waiting in my car for the time to pass. my body odour was noticeable in the confined space of the car but was overpowered by the heavy fumes rising from between my legs. I looked in the rear-view mirror, my hair was matted, dirty, and straggly, -for two whole days, combined with my heavy make-up it gave me the look of a low rent street whore., which I suspect was his whole idea.
Finally, it was time, and I got out and walked up to his door and knocked. Jack opened the door, checked his watch and smiled, he was wearing a very expensive grey suit, he bent slightly and kissed my forehead. He led me down the hallway to the living room. We chatted for about 5 minutes, before he announced we should get started. "Have you followed my instructions to the letter" he asked. I nodded. "Good, take off your dress". I removed it and put it on the sofa, leaving me only in stay up black stockings, and heels. He circled me slowly, taking in my smelly nakedness, inhaling my scent. "This weekend will be a little different, I will be testing your obedience!" I nodded, "You are not permitted to speak unless I ask you a direct question. You will always address me as Sir anytime you speak, and you will accept all punishments in silence. Is that understood?" I nodded again, already excited. "Hands on your head and spread your legs shoulder width apart."
I did as told, his fingers stroked the short stubble under my arms, it tickled, but I held still, then he sniffed them and smiled. "A slut like you should smell like a slut. Are you a slut Kay?". I answered, "Yes Sir". His fingers slid down my body, between my legs, and two fingers rammed deep into my now wet cunt, he moved them around inside me, pulled them back out and held them to his nose, "Yes" he smiled, they were slick, coated with my juices, he wiped them clean on my armpits, and repeated this several times, until my underarms were entirely covered, visibly wet with my cunt juice.
"Put your arms down, slut." He pulled a box from under the coffee table, took out and showed me a hand pump, a cylinder about 10" long with a flexible hose attached to the end, and a lever handle, it also had a pressure gauge on top. he took a glass tube, like a small test tube but longer, and attached it to the flexible hose, once again collected some juice from between my legs, and smeared it over my right nipple. then placing the open end of the tube over my right nipple, began pumping the handle.
He pumped slowly, I felt a pleasant sensation, as my soft nipple was first gently sucked into the tube, then as the pressure increasing and he continued pumping, it soon becoming uncomfortable, then painful as my nipple was sucked deeper and deeper into the tube. he checked the gauge, then gave it two final pumps, making it almost unbearable. He removed the hose and attached a second tube, repeating the process on my left nipple. I could see both nipples half filling both glass tubes, stretched to almost two inches.
Jack put the pump down and forced three fingers roughly into my wet and smelly cunt, I briefly forgot the increasing pressure in my nipples, as his fingers gouged me violently, jerking me around on my heels, It only took a few moments before I was squirting into his cupped palm, he removed his fingers and poured my squirt onto my head, rubbing it into my scraggly hair, then his fingers were back in my cunt, literally digging for more, he was rough, hurting me as he dug ever deeper and he knew it. I squirted again, uncontrollably and once again he rubbed it into my hair, I could smell it now, strong, womanly and stinking a bit of piss. He continued, until after about the seventh or eighth time there was no squirt left in me, my cunt felt raw, my hair was dripping, my nipples throbbing!
He attached another tube to the pump, knelt in front of me, spread my cunt-lips with two fingers and placed the tube over my clit, he then began pumping, I felt the suction pulling on my clit, already erect and sensitive from the rough fingering, the pressure increasing as it sucked it up inside the tube, then the pain started as it stretched beyond its normal limits, and still he pumped, I began to whimper. "Shut up, slut". he hissed at me, giving it a final pump that felt like it might have pulled it right off. My thighs were trembling, I didn't dare look down but knew from counting the pumps that my poor clit was being stretched as far as my nipples were. All three places were now hurting badly, I had not been secured as I expected and it was a severe test of my endurance to keep my hands from the pained spots, but I was also experiencing a high state of arousal, as blood rushed to both my nipples and my poor stretched clit.
Jack turned me around, and pushed me down over the coffee table, resting myself on my elbows, as I heard him unzip his pants, then he spread my cheeks and felt his spit on my arsehole, I knew what was to come, and as his cock tore my arse open I screamed, rising up on my toes, as he drove it balls deep inside me. He grabbed my hair, jerking my head up, then slapped me hard in the face, "Shut up you noisy cunt", he yelled in my ear, "Bare it in silence". my face stung, my arse throbbed, full of his massive cock, and I had to grit my teeth as he fucked my backside, using it and intentionally hurting me with his cock, as his hands found and squeezed at my tits, increasing the pain in my nipples as he fucked me hard, grunting loudly as he shot a huge load of his hot cum deep inside my arse. He pulled out of me, "Don't you dare fucking move, slut". I heard him walk into the kitchen, open the fridge, then coming back, he showed me a glass jar, three quarters full, "two weeks of cum Kay, I wanked four times a day into this jar for you, then froze it, I took it out last night to thaw, but it's still icy cold." I saw him take a plastic funnel from the box, then felt it being pushed deep into my still throbbing and open arse. I felt the iciness as he poured the contents of the jar into me. My guts were freezing, it was so cold it physically hurt, he waited until the funnel was empty before removing it, then took the largest black butt-plug from the toy box, and forced it roughly into my arse, sealing the freezing cum up inside me. He then stood in front of me, " Clean my cock.", without hesitation, I took it into my mouth, sucking and licking the residue on it from my arse, until he was satisfied that it was clean.
He pulled me upright by my hair, then reattached the pump to the tube on my right nipple, he pumped it once, almost making me scream, then released the pressure, removing the tube from my nipple, strangely this hurt more. he repeated it with the left one, and finally my stretched clit. My blood gorged nipples were more than twice the size they had ever been before, long, thick, puffy, and a very raw pink! without looking, I knew my clit would be the same, it felt like it had its own pulse.
Despite the overwhelming discomfort in my arse, the painful throbbing, the fullness of the plug and freezing cum, I desperately wanted to be touched, on my nipples, and on my clit. I knew the slightest touch would produce an explosive orgasm. So did Jack and decided to make me wait, he then went into the room I had slept in on my last visit, before returning with a dress, in black chiffon, spaghetti straps, thin and obviously see through, he folded it carefully, and placed it in a carry bag, then checked his watch. He sat on the sofa, just looking at me, continually checking his watch, several minutes passed, then he picked up that pump again.
I realised he had been waiting until the effect of those tubes would still be prevalent when we set off out to wherever we were going, when he judged the time perfect, he worked quickly, and soon both nipples, and my clit were once more in agony, as he had added an extra two pumps to what he had done the last time, looking down I saw my nipples had been stretched well over halfway up the tube`s, at least two and a half inches, they, along with my clit, felt like they were being crushed and torn from my body. I had broken out in sweat as Jack placed the pump carefully in the carry bag with the dress. "Time to go Kay", he said as he led me outside and over to his Lexus. I was still naked, as he helped me awkwardly into the passenger seat. He pulled out of his drive and headed into the city. My discomfort increasing with every bump, or tiny pebble, each one causing stabs of pain though he drove quickly, and very efficiently, 25 minutes later we were parked. He took the pump from the bag, and quickly released the tubes from me, my nipples were now huge, and throbbing angrily, my clit the same. He reached across me and opened my door, "Get out, and wait for me on the footpath." he ordered. Stunned, I got out, standing there in only stockings and heels. several people walked past, staring at me, as he took his time getting out and locking the car. he handed me the dress, "Put this on, and stop being such a fucking slut." he said, loud enough for several passers-by to hear and exchange glances. My face reddened in pure embarrassment, as I quickly pulled it on. It was very short, showing the tops of my stockings, just a diaphanous sheath barely covering my arse cheeks, and as near completely see through as makes little odds.
My nipples, now huge, were clearly visible poking through the sheer material. Jack grabbed my upper arm, squeezing the flesh hard as he dragged me along the street, walking was difficult I still had that butt plug in and my clit just didn’t need the friction so I struggled not to stumble, as I tried to keep up. We attracted plenty of attention all along this one of the bigger streets in the place, most people turning to stare, we then turned into a side street, Jack's pace slowed, and he released my arm. We finally arrived at a place called ‘The Winery,’ a very upmarket restaurant. I was horrified, catching sight of my reflection in the glass door.
We entered and were led by a waiter who made no comment or change of facial expression, to a table that Jack had pre booked. The place was very busy, full of high-class patrons, my face bright red, as they openly stared at me, dressed as I was and with hair like rats tails and an odour. Once seated, he ordered, a salmon dish for himself, and a mineral water for me, I was aware of the people at the tables closest to us, wrinkling their noses up in disgust at the way I smelt. My shame grew worse, as it became clear Jack was in no hurry to finish his tasty meal. it looked delicious, and I was starving, but I had agreed not to speak unless asked and …he just didn`t ask…probably as another test. There were quite a few men ogling my tits, which although causing me to become aroused, also increased the shame I felt.
I sat there, sipping water until Jack had finished his meal, then he ordered desert. After finishing it, he ordered coffee, he pushed his desert plate across the table to me, " Lick it clean.", I looked around the restaurant, noticed people watching, then I deliberately and obediently bent and began licking his desert residue from the plate, he sat sipping coffee, watching me humiliate myself. He even patted me on the head, like a good dog when I had finished. Then he called for the check, paid, and it was over. We were soon standing on the street outside. I felt like crying. Jack noticed, and slapped my face hard, then grabbed my swollen nipple, pinching and twisting it. "Snap out of it slut, the night is just starting." That brought me back to reality, though I had almost cum here in this busy street, when he'd twisted my nipple.
We walked some more, ending up on an even busier main-street, well-lit and bustling, with more people than on the one we had parked in, even getting comments from mostly men, as we walked along like "Nice tits," or, "Look, you can see her cunt," or "What a fucking slut," things like that. The extra harsh lighting from the shop fronts made me feel completely naked. We stopped in front of an adult store, Jack once again grabbed me by my upper arm and led me inside. The foyer was split into two wide staircases, one leading up into the store proper, the other leading down into a room filled with video booths. He led me upstairs into the shop. Climbing the stairs was very uncomfortable with that plug still in my backside though till then it had not been a real problem.
There was a middle-age guy behind the counter, three neat rows of a frame racks containing porn DVD's, one wall covered in vibrators and dildo's, and the far wall lined with glass display cases of leather-wear, bondage equipment, whips crops, and canes. There were perhaps seven or eight men in the store, mainly looking at the DVDs. Every-one of them without any exceptions, turned and began perving, on me, including the old guy behind the counter. My nipples where still huge, my clit clearly visible, hanging down as it was between my legs, my dress backlit from the lights in the display cases gossamer thin and transparent. Jack led me to the bondage section, left me there and went to the counter, returning with the guy. "Can we have a closer look at that carbon fibre cane please." The guy fumbled with a big set of keys, and opened the case, removing the item and handing it to Jack, explaining "The handle is moulded hard plastic, dildo shaped, they add sand to the final moulding to making it abrasive." he informed, giving me a sleazy wink.
I looked around and saw every guy in the shop looking at us, "Can I test it?" Jack asked. The shop guy looked at him, then at me, licking his lips. "Sure, you go ahead and try it." he blabbered. Now we definitely had a crowd. Jack leaned close to my ear and whispered, "Not a sound, understand." I nodded slightly, then louder so all could hear, "Take out your right tit, slave." I shuddered… it was the first time he had ever called me slave. I slowly slipped the strap from my right shoulder and heard mumbling from the men as I pulled my breast out into their view, the nipple still huge and puffy. "Hold it up for me" Jack instructed. I did, on my flat hands and he took aim, then struck it quite hard with the cane, a bright red stripe appearing instantly across it, it stung until seconds later the pain came, a hot burning sensation that grew slowly as the seconds past, Jack struck again, in the same area harder this time,. I gritted my teeth, my mouth clamped shut, then again, another stroke, harder still, I moved, but only slightly, got my composure once more, lifted my tit higher for him the three livid stripes now burning as one and the men drooling. "Very nice instrument." Jack said, then handed it back to the guy, "Would you like to try it on her?" The older guy was nodding, but still asked "Really?" Jack answered him "Sure, go ahead, give her tit a couple of whacks." That sleazy old bastard didn't hold back, cracking me hard across that tit three more times in quick succession. It took all my strength not to collapse in pain. my breast on fire, was now heavily striped.
Jack stopped him by saying, "Very nice, we'll take it. Can you wrap it for us?” The guy agreed and headed back to the counter. I began to pull my dress up, but Jack stopped me. "Leave it out, I want these folk to see it. Let's check out these DVD's." his arm around me, pulling up the back of my dress, my obviously plugged arse fully exposed, as we moved amongst the other men in the store, everyone pretending to look at DVD's. Jack occasionally making me bend over to get one off the bottom rack, giving everyone a perfect view of my cunt, and my grossly oversized clit. We made our way to the counter, Jack paying for the cane. "Those booths downstairs, do they have glory-holes in them?" he asked, loud enough for all to hear. "yes, they do." the guy answered. "Well you better give me $50, of $2dollar coins, my slave needs some cock sucking practice." The sleaze laughed and gave him the coins, and we went down to the booth section, where there were already several men, and soon most of those from upstairs made their way down not wishing to miss out. Jack selected a middle booth, with vacant booths either side. We went in, and he told me quietly to take every cum-shot on my face.
The first cock came through the hole almost before we had the door closed, I squatted down and took it into my mouth, "Suck it good slut." Jack loudly ordered, and I did, working it wetly until I felt it swell, I pulled my mouth off it and took four hot, thick blasts of cum in the face. "No resting, cocksucker." Jack said grabbing my hair and turning my head, before pushing my mouth onto the cock sticking through the opposite wall. I sucked it in, then felt Jack's hand pushing the back of my head, it was a big cock and he forced me onto it, pushing it down my throat, the guy fucked my throat as cum dripped down my face, I was in heaven, and Jack knew it, when I pulled off he held my head down so the cock spurted it's cum all over my hair. Then I was sucking another, and another, and another, my face and hair glazed, covered in thick globs of cum, and still more cocks come through, and still I sucked them. the front of my dress a ruined mess. I stayed in there for over two hours, sucking cock after cock without a single break. My face thickly coated with spunk, I could no longer see, my eyes being filled multiple times, and I was having trouble breathing through my nose, my breast still throbbing as I felt Jack grab my arms finally lift me to my feet, push a tissue into my hand and say, "Wipe your eyes, but nothing else, understand." I nodded and wiped the cum from my eyes. I looked down, my exposed and striped tit was covered, as was my dress, soaking now, and sticking to my flesh.
I looked at Jack, "Are you ready for your walk of shame Karen?" I nodded by now I didn’t care. "You will keep your head up, your eyes looking straight ahead, until we reach the car. I will be right behind you, and I promise no one will touch you, and you will be completely safe. Understood?" I nodded again. Jack opened the booth door, and I walked out, a small group of the men began clapping as I walked up the stairs and onto the street. There was still a lot of people about, and I heard many gasps, and a few amazed and disgusted comments, the occasional “slut,” and “she`s a cum-dump” and things like that. I wondered if I would see anyone who knew me, then realised I didn't now really care if I did. I ignored them all and walked straight along the centre of the footpath, head held high, feeling proud, but also completely and utterly degraded. That walk back to the car took a little over twenty minutes.
The drive back to Jack's was a blur, as silently I sat there like a zombie, feeling the cum drying on my face. my jaw ached, my throat was sore, my arse hurt. We entered the house and I headed for the bathroom. "No!" he stopped me, I knew it was not over, my heart took an extra beat, as taking me roughly by the arm, he dragging me to the cellar door, down the stairs, and into the dungeon, his dungeon. He unwrapped the cane he had bought, "I like symmetry, so the first thing is to mark your other tit, take it out, and present it to me, you dirty cunt." I slipped the remaining strap off, and the dress fell halfway off, the only thing stopping it was the dried cum, sticking it to my belly. I resignedly lifted my left tit, holding it high. That new cane struck hard and loud, the sting instant, as the burn began it struck again, I whimpered. "Quiet." he yelled at me, and struck again, a hard-savage stroke, it felt like my tit had been cut in half, I gritted my teeth, three more strokes, and my knees buckled. I was on the floor, holding my marked breast protectively, tears streaming down my ruined face, as the agony seared into my brain. He walked to a cupboard, took two pair of leather cuffs, and threw them at me, making sure he hit me, "Put them on, quickly, and stop being a fucking brat," I hurriedly attached the cuffs to my ankles and then my wrists. "Take off your shoes and stand up, straight." I did, my tit throbbing painfully as I did so. He quickly stripped the soiled dress off me, then locked my wrist cuffs together, clipping them to the ceiling rope, before, pulling my legs wide apart, he clipped the ankle cuffs to a four foot spreader bar, then pulling the lift rope until my legs were completely off the floor, my body hung by my wrists. He left the room. I hung there in the empty, silent, room. it was the first time I had ever been hung completely, feeling the pressure increasing with each passing minute on my shoulders, it soon became an effort to breathe, my shoulders began to ache, twisting and squirming made things worse, so I tried to remain as still as I could.
After what seemed like ages he returned, with the carry bag, and the glass jar that had held his frozen sperm. Placing them on a shelf, he selected a riding crop from his collection, it was short, with a wide stiff leather strip, about four inches long, and two wide, on a thin shaft that turned into a hand grip. He showed it to me, then stroked it against my armpits. he stepped back, and smacked it hard into my exposed underarm, I screamed and jerked painfully, then he struck the other side, I had never experienced anything like this, not realising how tender armpits really are, he worked methodically, with no mercy, despite my screams. each stroke compounding on the other, each causing me to jerk involuntarily, creating more pressure on my already aching shoulders. until, after about 15 hits to each side, he finally stopped. I turned my head to see in the mirrors, that I was heavily bruised. I had forgotten everything else. Jack lowered the rope until my feet rested on the ground, that at least gave me some relief as the pressure on my shoulders eased.
Then he was squatting in front of me, he made a fist, his middle knuckle protruding, then punched me hard on my right inner thigh, that knuckle pushing deep into the tender flesh, then he hit the left thigh the same, he repeatedly punched my thighs, working his way up and down both areas, punching that knuckle into every inch of them, he kept it up, until my legs would no longer support me and my weight went back on my shoulders, then smiling he lowered the rope until I was in a squatting position. I was groaning by now, a constant aching throb in my inner thighs. Jack collecting the jar and squatted behind me, I felt an overriding bolt of pain as he ripped the butt plug from my arse, placing the jar under me, up close, collecting the flood of his now warm cum as it poured from my stretched arse. I could hear cum splashing into the jar, and feel the wonderful release of pressure, I realised with mixed feelings I was very sexually wet, I felt like my body was betraying me, knowing that the slightest touch on my blood gorged clit would send me over the edge.
He must've known, sensed my readiness, for he reached around my waist and squeezed it between his thumb and forefinger, I exploded, my cunt gushing as it rapidly contracted and released itself, he deftly captured all of it in the jar, "Yes, you hot bitch, push it out." rolling my swollen clit between his fingers as he squeezed it, pulling it, twisted it, he kept that orgasm going, my first of the night, my thighs despite the beating they had taken, flexing, thrusting me forward in that squatting position like the hungry bitch I was, and then after what seemed like minutes I collapsed, spent, dangling by my wrists once again. He was chuckling behind me, then showing me the jar, three-quarters full of dirty grey fluid once more, a mixture of his cum, warming stored in my arsehole for many hours and my cunt juice. He put two fingers into the jar, stirring it, mixing the juices together, then sniffing his fingers, wrinkling up his nose at the pungent fishy smell before pushing them into my mouth. "Clean them slut". he ordered, the taste was foul, spreading instantly in my mouth, overpowering, making me gag, but I was beyond resistance, and sucked them clean. He placed the jar to the side, and went to the bag, then the cupboard, bringing back the pump, and those three glass tubes, along with the familiar leather hood he used on me last time I visited. He worked quickly, my nipples still very long, having shrunk only minimally, I counted the pumps again, the pain started at five, he continued to his previous amount of seven, I was crying, sobbing really, he just smiled and added extra two pumps, my nipple now almost completely filling the tube. then he moved on to the second one and finally as I knew he would, my poor battered and stretched clit and that soon had me screaming and thrashing.
He slapped me hard in the face, twice, "Settle down bitch. Ride that fucking pain." he unclipped my wrists from the rope, and each other, and re-clipped them behind me to either ankle, before grabbing my hair and dragged me over to a mirror like a sack of coals. The reflection looking back at me was horrible, ugly, I looked like a battered a****l. I began crying again, he grabbed my head and jerked it up, "Keep watching." I saw him pick up the jar and pour about 3 quarters of it onto my head and face, he quickly grabbed what he called “my hood” and pulled it over my head, zipping it tight. the eye and mouth holes zipped shut. My senses were assaulted by the foul fluid covering my face, dripping down from my hair, pressed close by the hood. I was unclipped, and dragged, then lifted in his powerful arms and placed on my back, on a padded surface, feeling my legs being hoisted high, ankles clipped in place, then my arms stretched above my head, apart, my wrists also clipped, helplessly.
I realised I was now on that box like structure, with the four upright posts. Being on my back was terrible, the slime settling on my face, breathing only through the nose hole in the hood, being stretched out had also increased the pain in my nipples and my clit. I lay there for several minutes absorbing the pain, realising my cunt had become sexually wet again, and hating myself for it. I felt a sharp sting in my armpit, the bruised tender flesh being pinched into a fold, then a more powerful bite as an alligator clip was attached to the fold, then another, and another, I kept count in my wet gooey darkness, it was all I could do for myself, I felt so helpless. Before it stopped, I had counted twelve of those clips, their grip was sharp and painful but bearable, then I felt it being repeated on the other side, and though the pain at the start was keen, slowly it increased with time.
My attention returned to my nipples and clit, as a way of coping with these added bites of pain.
I screamed inside the hood as my clit was given yet another pump, the foul slime leaking into my mouth, and then again as the pressure was released and the tube removed from my clit, my head started to spin, I was spluttering, trying uselessly to spit it out this all invading slime, then I felt my cunt stretching as Jack's long thick cock entered me, pushing deep, in one thrust, all the way in, his pubes impacting my huge pumped tender and engorged clit, I was gasping, my cunt instinctively gripping at his pulsing shaft, the head ramming against my cervix, he kept it deep inside me, his pubic bone grinding on my clit, my orgasm building, deep thrusting, ramming himself home again then pain as he pumped my left nipple once more, and then him holding the position as he attached the pump to my right nipple and squeezed, I screamed again, more juice finding their way into my mouth, my senses overloaded, before the pain of the release, as he freed both nipples, pumping his cock into me furiously, fucking me hard and as my massive contractions started, pinching both my tender bloated nipples, digging his thumbnails into them, hard, and then maintaining that grip as my orgasm massive and amazing unleashed itself, quickly releasing them, pinching at my clit, twisting it, as I thrashed under my restraints, my body bucking, under the hood as I was howling, swallowing the fluids still finding their way into my mouth every time it opened, me perversely enjoying the taste of it, Jack's cock erupted deep inside me, flooding my cunt with his warm hot and fresh cum, setting me off again, thrashing about, unable to control myself now, even till his cock stopped pumping his jizz into me though he left it buried deep, as he removed the alligator clips from my underarms, one at a time blood running back into the squashed flesh adding yet another level to the experience.
After removing them, he began raking his nails, scratching at the ruined underarm skin. As he did that, I felt his mouth on my tits, biting, everywhere but the nipples, the pain savage when his teeth bit into the cane welts. My cunt began spasaming again, my body twisting and squirming, as I felt another orgasm building, deep, heavy, relentlessly rising, then Jack's cock, still in bedded deep inside me, started to piss, hot, stinging fluid washing deep inside me, overfilling me, my cunt sheath flaring around his shaft, his piss pouring out of me, I let out a primal scream under the hood, then began bucking, the orgasm so powerful, it was almost painful, I lost all control, knew I was pissing myself too, my cunt hurting from the massive contractions, as it raged on and on! I remember Jack's weight on me, his teeth clamping down hard on my breast meat, and then I flopped back onto that bench, completely and utterly spent.
I was barely aware of Jack get off me, his cock pulling out, then the rim of the jar as he collected what spilled out of me, then he unzipped my eye, and mouth holes, I sucked in air, blinking, as slime found its way into my eyes, stinging mercilessly as I watched him stir the contents of the jar in front of my eyes, "Open wide slut." I just blinked again, he pinched my nipple, digging his thumb nail hard into it, twisting, I screamed, and without hesitation he poured most of what was in the jar into my open mouth, and quickly zipped the hole shut again. my mouth was full, those vile juice leaking into my throat, I tried hard not to swallow, the hood was snug, making it difficult to open my mouth more than a fraction, and even then, there was nowhere for the fluid to go. Jack was laughing down at me, then his fingers were holding my eyelids open as he poured what was left into my open eyes, before re zipping them closed. my eyes stung wildly, blinking didn't help, making it worse in fact, and in my panic, I soon had swallowed roughly half of what was in my mouth. I thought I was going to vomit, and desperately fought the sensation, knowing I might suffocate. I heard Jack's muffled voice near my ear, "Sleep well cunt. I'll see you in the morning". then I heard the door slam shut. I lay there shocked, crying wasn't an option, it would only make things worse, after what seemed like an hour, I realised he wasn't coming back, I decided to swallow what was left in my mouth, but slowly, a little at a time, so I wouldn't gag, I don't know how long it took, but eventually my mouth was empty, though the taste lingered. I don't know how, but at some stage I must have fallen asleep.

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Male Usage on Europa!    TJ Ryderhttp://www.slavex.com/  "Do you mind if I borrow your husband for my toilet?"   The casual polite question stunned Timmy as he listened in on the conversation between his tour guide and thelovely young wife who was accompanied by two other women.He stood looking slightly up at the women who just ignored hispresence.  Upward because he was typical of male natives on this womanruled colony, small and slender, while the women were uniformlytall, voluptuous and very...

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When my mistress informed me that she would be going away on a business trip for several months I was secretly quite pleased at first, until she informed me that I would be staying with a friend of hers; Mrs Chappell. The dread set in, I knew any friend of hers would not bode well for me. My thoughts turned to my recent dealings with another friend of hers, Miss Allison and I inwardly shuddered. I was not told when she would be going, but about three weeks later, on the appointed day,...

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35 Dawns went on secondment her last weekend

35 Dawn`s went on secondment, her last weekend. A lot of this is fantasy some is true, you choose the bitsIt was given me by her hubby normally a happy cuckold. Her company had “chosen” her to go on secondment to the USA and she was to fly on Monday and would be away for a number of months, he was devastated. Naturally they discussed it and decided what must be must be, it`s a harsh world out there, and they wanted the promotion that could follow. It did however mean giving up a lot...

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My wife8217s love for sausages

My wife loves sausages. Sausages of different shapes, sizes, textures and flavors. I can safely declare that she is a sausage freak. She will go any lengths to have a sausage. She even won a sausage eating contest when we were holidaying in a small town in Germany. I don’t love sausages the way she does, but I love watching her eat sausages. The look of ecstasy on her face, when she first holds a sausage and then sniffs the slightly wrinkled tip and then slowly parts her mouth to...

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Thanks P. for help with editing the story. SECONDHAND Another uneventful gray day of my life was coming to an end, and I had just closed the door and turned off the light at the back of the shop when there was a frantic knocking. A tall, white-haired woman in a long fashionable coat was standing outside, with two large black bin bags. I went up to the door and said, "We're closed! Sorry!" "What shall I do with these clothes, then?" the woman asked me, exaggerating her lip...

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Sloppy seconds10

We lay there spent just basking in the afterglow , she asks if she can see the recording I look at her and see the state she is in and laugh she is all covered in sticky dried come ,her face, neck, tits, chest it was just amazing ,I loved it .She started to laugh too. I set up the video for us to watch , I ask do you want pop corn she laughs says you ass ole start the movie when I get out of the shower .Toni is all smelling nice and fresh now retouched her makeup and all ,she put on a sexy...

2 years ago
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A romance Episode 4 secondo

"I want to tease you. A lot".I smile. Emma's in her black lace underwear. The sight is already a tease."I'd like to see that"."Ian, I love your little stories. How they make me hot. How I'm feeling special reading them. Now it's my turn to give you that. And there are so many things I'd like to try with you""That's a very nice thing to say Emma... You know, these stories don't come out of nowhere. You have your part in inspiring them...""So I'll give you some more. Just wait here."Emma goes to...

3 years ago
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Ten nanoseconds after the Big Bang

Ten nanoseconds after the Big Bang by Charlotte Dickles Author's Note: All people, places and events in this story are entirely fictional, and are not based upon any actual person or event. In particular, WESA, the Women's Engineering and Science Association is fictitious and is not based upon with such notable organisations as WISE or WES. The story contains adult themes and you should not read them if it is illegal in your country. 'Did you see the way he looked down the...

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SecondChances Chapter 23 La Vie en Rose

It was already dusk when I got into my car. The radio was still on. Chumbawamba's "Tubthumping" was playing. "How appropriate" I thought to myself. The Radio gods must be telling me something. I pulled out of the driving singing, "I get knocked down, but I get up again. You are never gonna keep me down..." As I drove, I rehearsed what I'm going to say to Chase. I'm going to tell him the truth. Well - a variation of the truth. I won't mention time travel or future events. I certainly...

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401 wallys edukayshun 4

Day 5 Monday For wally that weekend was the longest he could remember, his dad had been home when he got off the school bus on that Friday afternoon, and he knew he couldn`t face gran or it would be physically obvious to his dad that his dick was missing her, so he fained illness which kept him out of trouble till the Sunday, He hated having lied to his dad, but he had promised Gran, and it was the only way he thought he could cope this weekend. a tummy bug, his gran feeding him secretly up in...

1 year ago
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Jungle Trip Didi Kay Saath 8211 Part I

Dosto kuch saal phalhy hum sab ghar walon nay jungle trip ka program banya . qu kay dad ka zayda dil karta tha jungle main kuch din rahnay ka or hum logo ka be dil karta tha , city main her time rush or shoor he shoor her taraf to kuch din mom or dad sakoon main rahna chhatay thay or wasay be collage ki chotiya ho gaye thi . dad kay friend forest kay baray officer thay to unho nay dad ko offer karwaye aap log chalay jay maray log aap ki care be karay gay , Or jungle ki saar b karwaya gay. dad...

2 years ago
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Jungle Trip Didi Kay Saath 8211 Part II

Dosto part 2 jungle trip jo main phalhay part main pora na kar saka . aap ko phalha part i think acha nahi laga ho ga or jin ko acha laga yah bura phir be thanks aap nay mare story read ki .jasa kay main phalhi story main baata chuka hon kay ,wo junglee adami ka lora nechay ko os ki tango main latka hoa tha or kafie sara wet tha jes say lag raha tha kay near 8 inch to didi ki piyare gore little choot main gaya ho ga . or soch raha tha kay itna bara es ka lora or itna motta lund didi nay kasay...

3 years ago
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Morning Harding Didi Kay Saath 8211 Part II

Dosto morning harding part 2 hai plz read first part 1 phir aap ko samj aye ge .ita soft story agar jalde hai muth marany ki to koi or read kar lay ,qukay mare stories ayse he hoti slow slow. Sorry friend didi nay lund pay kiss or thora sa mu main laynay kay bad didi to chali gaye bedroom say but mara to bura haal kar gaye mujay itna sakoon or itna maza a raha tha jab unho nay apni piyaray red color kay lips main mara lund liya tha or un kay mu he heat maray lund ko or be pagal kar gaye thi...

3 years ago
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Kay David

Kay looked anxiously at the empty desk and back up at the clock. Where was he? She grew panicky. What if he was absent today? Kay suddenly felt herself blinking back tears at the thought of not seeing him. She was surprised at her reaction and was about to reprimand herself when he silently strolled through the doorway. He slid into his seat quietly, folding his hands and looking out the window. ‘David!’ Ms. Halsey bellowed sharply. ‘You’re late! Would you care to explain?’ Kay watched...

3 years ago
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Kay repays the compliment Story 3

Kay repays the compliment Story 3 (fiction)Having returned from my business trip and found that coming home can have some serious benefits, Kay had promised me that she had some ideas of her own to explore going forwards.Well, some three weeks later Kay had asked what we had planned for the weekend ahead. Having checked the calendar it looked like we had a clear schedule and I asked Kay what she had planned, never you mind Vernon I just want to check so don’t go planning anything. Now I am...

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Babysitting the Aunt Kay Way

This story takes place back in 1980 and involved a young man named Lance Bowman, an 18 year old lad about to graduate from high school, and his Mom's sister Kay, who came to babysit that spring when Lance's mother was hospitalized once again for the recurring health problems which would eventually take her life.The babysitting was actually for Lance's k** sister Emma, because Lance was a very trustworthy lad who could take care of himself. Lance was fine with that, because he was very fond of...

1 year ago
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Pissing Kay

I want to tell you about an ex-girlfriend of mine, Kay, who was by far the wildest, most exciting, and also craziest girl I have ever been out with. In appearance think Suzy Quattro aged about 21: small, lithe, feisty, long blond hair, blue eyes, usually dressed in tight, sky-blue jeans and leather jacket, and with a wild-c***d personality to match. She spoke her mind, and couldn't care less who she offended or how much outrage she caused. Quite what she saw in me, a much more restrained and...

1 year ago
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My New Girlfriend Kay Part 2

When I left Kay’s house, she had me wear my new birthday undershorts home with me. She had me leave my other undershorts at her house. She also kept the paddle, but she would talk to me about it during our next date. I had accepted being spanked by Kay since I wanted to find a woman for my life that was more dominant and was in complete control, and I thought Kay might be the perfect woman for me. Kay and I talked during the week, and we set up our next date to last all day on Saturday. I was...

2 years ago
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My New Girlfriend Kay Part 2

When I left Kay’s house, she had me wear my new birthday undershorts home with me. She had me leave my other undershorts at her house. She also kept the paddle, but she would talk to me about it during our next date. I had accepted being spanked by Kay since I wanted to find a woman for my life that was more dominant and was in complete control, and I thought Kay might be the perfect woman for me. Kay and I talked during the week, and we set up our next date to last all day on Saturday. I was...

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Kay and Sam Samanthas Secret part 3

Three months had passed, business was booming, with their line of sexy clothing selling well, Keisha, who now liked to be called Kay, excelled in designing ultra short and revealing party wear, while Sams line in super sexy underwear designed purely for sex was selling well too.Kay had moved in with Sam and let all the world know they were an item. The sex was the best they had both ever had, Sam telling Kay that she had graduated with honours from her academy. Many a weekend had been spent...

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Kay Brings A Friend Home

My evening with Susan was a short but delightful night. The slender eighteen-year-old was an energetic girl that was more than ready to offer up her virginity. While laying under the stars in the Phoenix desert, she enthusiastically gave up her cherry to my eager cock. Over the next several weeks, my girlfriend Kay and I enjoyed each others bodies almost every night. We continued to experiment with varying forms of sex. Kay was soon able to give a pretty good deep-throat blow-job,...

2 years ago
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Jungle Trip Didi Kay Saath 8211 Part III

Thanks dosto aap nay mare stories like ki or thanks aap logo kay comments or emails kay . dosto mare stories lumbi ho jati hain es liya sorry , jasa kay aap logo nay jungle trip part 1 or 2 read kiya ho ga now part 3 hai try karon ga aap ko acha lagay didi to junglee say chudwa kar layt gaye magar mare soch suru ho gaye pata nahi parents ka kiya bana ho ga kes haal main hon gay humaray liya kitna worried hon gay , or dosre taraf hum hain kay humay kuch yaad nahi raha hum khider say aya hain or...

3 years ago
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Kay is Ready

It was a warm Saturday evening in the southwest desert city of Phoenix, Ariz. My baby sister, Jenny, was celebrating her eighteenth birthday with a bunch of her girlfriends. They had decided to go play miniature golf, but there wasn't quite enough room in Jen's car for all of them to fit in at same time. So Jenny called me. “Hi Jen, how's your party going?” I answered. Caller ID indicated in advance who was calling. “Pete, could you help us out? We don't have quite enough...

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Seducing Kay At The Country Club Dance

Ah! The small-town Country Club in Colorado on Saturday night! I walked in and gazed around. All the woman members dressed to kill and their husbands fat and happy at the bar discussing golf. Everyone was happy and relaxed.All except Kay. Her arms crossed over her nice bosom Standing in front of Jodie, her estranged husband, seated at the end of the bar with a smirk on his face.You had to get close to hear the heated exchange between them. Money as usual. He had it and would not agree to the...

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OVERBOARDChapter 19 Todd Upsets Kay and Junior Comes to Take Care of Him

After the visit by Kay's father things settled down for Kay and me. We got into a routine; I did my work and traveled when necessary. Kay gave up her Mondays at the restaurant but retained her weekends there. Her income did indeed go down, just as she thought it would once school opened. Her studies seemed to be going well, she found the speed of my internet connection made her work at home easier than she was used to. We played cards in the evenings at least twice a week and we kept...

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Pahela sex nokrani kay sath

Hallo dosto my name is raj I am from mumbai aap sabhi ko apun ka salam chalo boys & girals apna lund or chut ko hila naa chalu kar do kayo ki mare a garam sex storie padkar aap sabhi muth mar nay par majbur ho jaye gay …Chalo dosto abb storie kay taraf rukh karte hai a such aaj say sal pahele ka hai tab may 23 sal ka tha mare ghar may mom dad or may raheta tha a real storie hay mare ghare ke nokrani ki jis say may nay pahele sex kaa anand uthaya us ka nam savita tha wo 45 year old lady thi par...

2 years ago
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Kay has my damsel come back

She would stop by whenever she was coming home from school to see me and of course have sex. Since she had no boyfriend I filled the void and allowed her to finish college without the stress of being single. We were just friends with benefits until she graduated and it finally ended. Dawn did introduce me to her friend Kay who was also her lover.Kay and Dawn were friends who thought they were lesbians until I arrived on the scene . I showed them just how much better it was to have a real...

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Kay brings my brother home

Dawn and I were both a little surprised as we walked into the house to be greeted by Kay and my brother John.Kay introduced John to Dawn and accentuated that he was only 33 years old and single. They said their hello’s and Dawn excused herself to the bathroom ,”I need to clean up” she said, telling them she needed a shower. I didn’t know what plans Kay had up her sleeve by bringing John home with her ,but I was pretty sure it was sexual. I also didn’t notice when she left that she was...

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My New Girlfriend Kay Part 3

Before I left Kay’s house, she told me to wear casual clothing and be sure to have the smaller bag with me. I was also supposed to get shoelaces for both the bag and downstairs. When I slept on Saturday, the new key that I was wearing was a constant reminder that I was now dating a very dominant woman. So far, it has been a little more than I bargained for but, I really do enjoy being with Kay. I left my house in plenty of time so that I was able to stop at a low-cost shoe store and pick up the...

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Tamil Lungi Wala Uncle Kay Saath Gay Sex In Chennai

Main chennai mai job kartaa hoon vaisay main Delhi ka hoon mujay chennai mai aakar 3 saal ho chukay hai thodi bhout tamil bhi Aati hay Yah meri real story hai agar pasand aaye tou mail karnaa Yah ghatnaa last month ki hay Mai night show movie dekhnay gaya tamil movie teeMovie suru hui mere movie hall full taa movie bhi achchi tee mujay tamil movie dekh naa bhout pasand hai. Pass EK mature uncle ki seat tee jo thoda mota or rang thoda sawlaa taa age mere khayal se lagbhag 40 ke aas paas hogi jab...

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Baldev Kay Kaya Kehnay

Baldev Singh ki girlfriend Sobia Marshova se zayada khoobsurat koi larhki puray school mein nahi thi. Voh dono koi last 5 maheenay se steady relation mein thay. Sobia apnay dad ki side se 3rd generation Russian thi. Sobi ki mother bhi buht khoobsurat thi aur Baldev kay tamaam dost undoubtedly ousko milf of the year vote kartay thay jiski heritage, African, English, American aur Serbian thi. Baldev Singh Chima ka naam agarcheh Indian sounding tha magar ouski family ka India se relation tootay...

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Kay And Sally After The Massage

After their massage, Kay and I drove over to Sally’s house so the girls could talk about their massage experience. I asked Kay, “Did you enjoy yourself, and what all did they do to you?” She just smiled at me.We went into Sally’s house, the women then got on the couch awfully close together and holding each other. I went and sat in the chair next to them. Sally turned on the TV and started a video that started out with a man and a woman. They were kissing passionately and taking their clothes...

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Playing With My Wife Kay Encounter With Young Stud

I have been married to my beautiful wife Kay for over 20 years. She is a 47 year old brunette. She looks no where near her 47 years……more like mid to late 30ish. She has a beautiful body that she keeps tanned throughout the year. She is 5-1 115 pounds with beautiful shape for her small frame….32c breasts with huge nipples that get extremely erect when she is the least bit turned on, and a nice little heart shaped ass. This is a true story about her encountering a young 19 year old stud that...

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My New Girlfriend Kay

My New Girlfriend Kay I am single and I met this woman over an Internet dating service. I like a woman who is in command and knows what she wants, plus, according to her bio, we enjoyed the same activities, movies, books, etc. After a few phone calls, we finally decided to meet at a restaurant on a Tuesday night. I really liked the way she looked. Kay is a blond, with a nice build, and is as tall as I am. Two things I really liked about her were her great smile and her perfume. We saw each...

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My New Girlfriend Kay

My New Girlfriend Kay I am single and I met this woman over an Internet dating service. I like a woman who is in command and knows what she wants, plus, according to her bio, we enjoyed the same activities, movies, books, etc. After a few phone calls, we finally decided to meet at a restaurant on a Tuesday night. I really liked the way she looked. Kay is a blond, with a nice build, and is as tall as I am. Two things I really liked about her were her great smile and her perfume. We saw each...

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Becoming KayEpilogue

Twenty-Three Years Later (10YG) Seven year Donna Prisk looked out of the airplane window. "Mommy, look! The Golden Gate Bridge!" Kay got out of her seat and looked out the window with her daughter. The sun was just starting to burn off the morning fog. The base of the bridge was still obscured by mist. It made the structure look like it was sitting on a cloud. "How pretty. It has been a long time since I've been to San Francisco. I'd forgotten how lovely the city is. "But that means...

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Mummy Chudi Papa Kay Doston Say

Hi readers this is jai pal here thanks a lot for your good response for my previous 5 stories of my mom fucking.. all are real now one more real story of my mom … Mummy ka naam ranjana hai .figure Mummae : 40 Kamar : 36 Gaand : 40 Papa kissi kaam say bahar gaye hue the… ghar mein mein aur mummy akelay the… us din sham ko papa kay do dost ghar aye unko maloom nahin tha ki papa ghar pay nahin hain….. hum nay unko bataya ki papa 15 din say ghar say bahar hain aur next week ayengay…. Who mom ki...

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Kay Asks Her Neighbor To Teach Her Sex

Kay Grieves was an all-around good student.  She was in the national honors society, she was a cheerleader, and loved to volunteer her time at various nursing homes in her town.The holidays were coming, and she liked to bake.  She made cookies and loaves of various sweetbreads.  She liked making people happy.  She made a huge basket of sweets for her neighbor next door.  Mr. Raymond’s’ was a widow and Kay’s family always checked in on him.He had lost his wife about ten years ago.  Kay's family...

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Kay Cums Again

James picked Kay up at the airport after getting off work at around 5:30 pm. They drove back together to spend Memorial Weekend with us before taking her to stay with her parents.After they arrived at the apartment, Kay unpacked, and James suggested we should go out and eat or order some pizzas and eat in.Deciding to eat out, we enjoyed a great meal with lots of delicious wine.After our meal, we returned to the apartment, and after chatting for a while, we decided to get ready for bed.Kay and I...

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Breaking Kay

Over the years I’ve had the opportunity…no… the privilege of painting the most exquisite canvases, but Kay was the most unique and challenging. I remember her sashaying into the room with that ‘All that and a bag of chips’ attitude. I knew from simply looking at her that she’d never had to beg, never had to work at getting any man to do her bidding. She was perfection personified and she knew it, from her deep raven locks to her dainty feet and all the space in between. He, of course, was not...

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Sasha Roommate Kay Goddess pt 1

Sasha spread her legs and a deep moan escaped her lips as her fingers began touching her wet pussy. Her roommate Kay was out for the night and this was the only time Sasha could have time to herself and be as loud as possible. Normally she'd have to gag herself in order for Kay to not hear her, but this time she could be as loud as she wanted."Oh Kay!! Please fuck me....please..."Sasha couldn't help but be attracted to her roommate, especially given Kay's tendency to walk around topless as...

1 year ago
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Breaking Kay

Over the years I've had the opportunity...no... the privilege of painting the most exquisite canvases, but Kay was the most unique and challenging. I remember her sashaying into the room with that 'All that and a bag of chips' attitude. I knew from simply looking at her that she'd never had to beg, never had to work at getting any man to do her bidding. She was perfection personified and she knew it, from her deep raven locks to her dainty feet and all the space in between. He, of course, was...

4 years ago
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The day Kay discovered she is bisexual Ame part 1

Kay decided to jog to work that morning and decided to shower there just before work starts. She normally runs home or does her exercise in the afternoon but today she decided to do it in the morning because the afternoon she has an appointment. That morning went as planned until she entered the shower rooms... As Kay enters the shower area, she can hear one of the showers going. Kay can hear moaning coming from the shower. The person in the shower obviously didn’t hear her enter. Kay...

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Maa kay mummay

Kaisay app sab land or choot ko puray pakistan ka salam to seeday kahani taraf chalta hoon mere femily karachi main hai mere ghar main sirf papa maa or main hi hain to hua yeh ek hafatey kay liye papa kisi rishtay daar ki shadi kay liye lahore jana paraa mere maa hameshaa salwar kameez pehanti hain main un ko kiye baar chupkay say papa kay saath kartay howay dekh hai, meri age 18 main student hoon, maa house wife hain woh hamesha sex dor rehen ko kahti thin maa ki 41 age hai aur un kaa size...

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With A Mary Kay

I went home somewhat puzzled. I kept wondering what exactly is this therapy doing for me anyway? So far it seemed mostly to be about my masturbation habits which had nothing to do with the reason I started therapy anyway. My issues were with relating to women. Specifically strong women who are able to convince me to do things I don't want to do. Before A_ and Ilona I had actually no problem with women. Or so I thought. Nor had I a problem with masturbation before Ilona. Or again so I...

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The Shiny LadiesChapter 5 Kay

When Alice woke, she found one of her arms pinned under another girl. She managed to pull it free without waking her. She also found that the strap-on she was wearing was still halfway inside Lupe. Pulling it out woke her. Lupe saw where she was, and remembered. "I bad girl. Sex with women sin." Alice stroked her hair. "I think we'll have sex with anything to relieve our constant ache. Go back to sleep, Lupe." Lupe sobbed silently, then went back to sleep. When Alice stood up, she...

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The Judgment of Sgt J Chapter 2 Darkness closes in on Kay

After my long shower, I sat in the bathroom thinking about what I had done. It might have been wrong however, it was the only way that I could support my daughter Sherri and myself. I also figured that Cathy would get over it as well. The days turned to weeks and I kept doing what I was. I dressed sexy as possible each day for work and extra sexy on Fridays for Jack and his clients. The money I made in tips was enough to get what we needed. I was also able to start putting money into the...

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“You chose well, good sexy body, not shy posing naked for you. I want to hear every little detail Julie,” he tells me as he licks my erect nipples as I have one hand on his now flaccid cock. “I invited Kay around for coffee and as women do we compared our sex lives. She told me it was two years since she fucked a man, though she has strong lesbian interests, lipstick lesbians. When I told her we have sex almost every day and threesomes and even foursomes she was fascinated. “I told her we...

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“You chose well, good sexy body, not shy posing naked for you. I want to hear every little detail Julie,” he tells me as he licks my erect nipples as I have one hand on his now flaccid cock. “I invited Kay around for coffee and as women do we compared our sex lives. She told me it was two years since she fucked a man, though she has strong lesbian interests, lipstick lesbians. When I told her we have sex almost every day and threesomes and even foursomes she was fascinated. “I told her we...

4 years ago
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Karen and Kay

‘It was a case of being in the right place at the right time’. Greg was finishing gathering the material that had been discussed at the meeting when he was approached by a committee member. “Greg!” the member said. “You live near The Avenue don’t you?” Grey turned he put the papers into a large envelope for the secretary to record and answered. “Yes I do, why?” The committee member replied. “A woman came by taxi this morning, she hasn’t been before and she lives in The Avenue, do you think you...

2 years ago
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Kay Is ReadyChapter 3 Kay Brings Another Friend

My evening with Susan was a short but delightful night. The slender eighteen-year-old was an energetic girl that was more than ready to offer up her virginity. While laying under the stars in the Phoenix desert, she enthusiastically gave up her cherry to my eager cock. Over the next several weeks, my girlfriend Kay and I enjoyed each others bodies almost every night. We continued to experiment with varying forms of sex. Kay was soon able to give a pretty good deep-throat blow-job, especially...

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Afternoon with Kay and Jane

Here is another fantastic story involving my hot sexy wife, Kay, and a very sexy friend Jane. Jane is average in height, with a sexy ass, perky tits, and short blonde hair.I come home from work earlier than expected and find Jane’s car parked in front of the house. This is nothing unusual as either she comes to our house when I am at work or Kay goes over there to her house.  In my mind I am thinking oh great, the girls will be talking for the rest of the afternoon. I go into the house and I do...

3 years ago
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Kay Shares Me With Susan

My sister's friend, Kay, has been my girlfriend for several months now. It all started when my sister Jen, Kay, and their group of teenaged girlfriends tricked me into going out with Kay. They gave me no prior warning and not much choice. That first night with Kay, even though it had been unplanned, had been exceptionally pleasant and rewarding. Before she even got in my truck, Kay had placed her ample boobs on my driver's side window sill. She was obviously giving me an...

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My New Girlfriend Kay Part 4

My New Girlfriend Kay P 4 After Ann left, it gave Kay and myself plenty of time to eat lunch and be alone together. As I have mentioned in the past, Kay is a really good cook, and everything she made tasted great. She even made me a blueberry pie. When we had eaten out, I always ordered a blueberry pie, so Kay knew what I liked as far as food goes. After the food was put away and I helped Kay with the dishes, we sat on the couch and talked. “I like the fact you like my girlfriend Ann and that...

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