Diavolo Ch 10 free porn video

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Gabriel sat silently outside the recording booth. Inside, Ariel played his base line, engrossed in the music. Normally, he’d be right there with the sound tech at the mixing board adjusting the sound and adding his touch to the music.

Not today.

Gabriel looked at the screen of his phone for the hundredth time. Still no answer from Abigail.

Christ. She was consuming his every thought. He wanted her with him. He wanted to sleep, eat, bathe with her. He loved the way she laughed. Loved the sound of her voice, the scent of her, the innocent way her mind worked. She was an angel. His angel…and he’d yelled at her.

He’d been so scared when she’d run out of the apartment and left her phone behind, but he shouldn’t have yelled. That was inexcusable and lately he’d been blowing up for any stupid reason.

It was those fucking pills.

Getting up with a wince, he stalked to one of the bathrooms outside their recording room.

He unscrewed the top to the bottle of pills and poured them into the toilet.

“Christ! Are you insane? What are you doing?” Michael exclaimed ripping the bottle of pills from his hand, but it was already too late.

The white pills floated innocently inside the porcelain bowl.

“Clearing my head.”

“You’ve been out of the hospital a little over a month. You need those still,” Michael argued, watching in dismay as Gabe flushed the toilet.

“Not when they’re turning me into an asshole.”

Michael snorted. “You’ve always been an asshole, don’t blame the poor pills.”

“Thank you,” Gabriel deadpanned.

Michael shook his head slowly as he tossed the empty bottle into the trashcan in the corner. Gabriel huffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he hung his head, reliving the hurt expression on Abby’s face when he opened his big mouth.

“She still won’t talk to you?”

Gabe shook his head. “She covered the cameras with something. Socks, I think.”

Michael crossed his arms over his chest, taking a deep breath, “Just get her some flowers, and something shiny. Always works for me.”

Gabriel frowned at Michael. “She’s not like that.”

Michael rolled his eyes. “Get her the flowers, buy her some chocolate, and grovel at her feet. They like that.”

“I’ve never had to grovel at a woman’s feet.”

Michael grinned and slapped Gabe on the back a few times. “If she means anything to you, you’re going to have to start. In the meanwhile, we’re going to have to call your doctor and get a prescription for some new pain meds. You can’t get through this cold turkey, man.”

Gabriel could care less about his pain. Abigail was on his mind. The memory of the way her beautiful blue eyes had widened when he began yelling at her, the way her shoulders had hunched in ate away at him.

He wanted to kick himself. Why the fuck did he have to explode like that?

Yeah, he’d been terrified when she’d run out of the apartment, wondering if maybe he’d gone too far teasing her. He’d wanted to call, but she’d tossed the phone on the counter before racing out the door and down the steps.

He’d overreacted. Seeing her mother and sister at the apartment hadn’t helped either, especially when he suspected someone from the Montenegro household had tried to run him off the road a little more than two months ago. He didn’t know these people. Didn’t know what they were capable of. All he knew was that Abigail’s mother had played a part in keeping his parents apart so that Paulina could sink her claws into his real father and his money.

“Look,” Mike sighed, “just let her cool off. Go over to her job tomorrow, bring her a bouquet, and invite her to dinner. And then do lots of groveling."


Abigail listened to the soft tones of some random piano piece on Pandora radio as she dug into her gallon of cookies and cream ice cream. She knew it’d go straight to her hips, but she was beyond caring. She hoped she’d get fat so Gabriel would get disgusted and walk away all the sooner.

Her heart squeezed painfully at the thought, and her eyes and nose itched as she blinked rapidly, refusing to let herself cry.

“I just need to put my foot down. I am not letting anyone else boss me around as if I were an idiot.”

Her phone had been dinging and ringing until a few minutes ago.

He’d either gotten the hint she wasn’t speaking to him at the moment, or he was on his way back to the apartment again.

She was ready if he showed up. Abigail was going to demand he have all those ridiculous surveillance cameras removed, firstly, and secondly, she was going to give him a piece of her mind.

How dare he yell at her in front of the guys from the band. How dare he monitor her whereabouts all the time. It was stressing her out, and it had to stop.

She sighed looked down at the half-eaten gallon of ice cream. This wasn’t the answer either.

She padded into the kitchen, looking up at the sock-covered camera in the corner with a frown.

Abigail had half expected him to come back storming into the apartment for having covered all of them. The night was still young.

Putting the ice cream away in the freezer, she took her electronic tablet from the counter and walked back out into the living room.

Curling up into the corner of her couch, she typed Diavolo into the search engine in her browser.

Immediately, many results popped up; their official website, news clips and You Tube videos.

Abby hit images and pictures of the band as well as individual images of Gabriel appeared. One picture of Gabriel had her frowning. He stood, bathed in a cloud of red light and smoke onstage. His hair was plastered around his shoulders and chest, much longer than it was now. He held the microphone to his mouth, face frozen in a scream since the veins and cords of his throat stood out strongly. His upper torso was beautifully bare, but what had her gaping was the fact that his lower half was clothed in a black skirt that came to just below his knees. From there down, he wore black boots with an array of straps from knee to foot. She clicked on the image and saw that it was an image of a video.

Curiosity had her clicking on the video to watch.

It was a live performance Diavolo had done in Finland. The music swelled and the crowd went wild. Guitars wailed and the bass thundered in tune with Angelo’s drums. Gabriel strutted up and down the stage, his voice sometimes guttural and raspy, other times ringing out clear and almost operatic. He had an amazing range and unique quality that frankly had the fine hairs on Abigail’s body rising in awe.

She watched, her mouth watering as he performed. His stomach would pull in, ribs work to help him expel that powerful masculine voice, so deep and beautiful. It was mesmerizing to hear and watch him perform.

Suddenly she was missing him, craving his warmth. Giving him the silent treatment was infantile and silly. They just needed to talk.

Methodically, she went around the apartment and removed the socks from the cameras. When done, she picked up her phone and listened to his messages. Though he’d called seventeen times, he’d only left three messages.

The first made her cringe.

“Abigail, pick up the phone, damn-it.”

The second message had her eyes welling.

“Abby, please. Just pick up. I’m sorry okay. I just…” he sighed. “Baby, just pick up, please.”

The third had tears coursing down her cheeks. “I don’t want to do this over the phone, but since you refuse to talk to me…” He huffs out an impatient breath. “Look, I know it’s no excuse, but I was scared, okay? You just hung up on me, and ran out and left your phone. I didn’t know if you’d gotten pissed or insulted…You’re just different than what I’m used to, Abs. I do shit that wouldn’t normally bother a chick, but with you it’s different and I need to learn what my boundaries are with you. I didn’t mean to offend you with my little strip tease, baby. I mean—Jesus—we’ve showered together a couple of times already. I didn’t think it’d be a big deal, but I’m sorry, okay? Abby, come-on. Talk to me. Just call or something. I’m done trying here. I don’t want to back you into a corner so I’m leaving it up to you now. Let’s just talk, baby. I miss you and…damn,” another heartfelt sigh. “I’m hurting here, baby. I…I really-really love you, Abigail Rose Brown.”

That had been about two hours ago.

Hands trembling, she marked his number. It rang and rang and just before she was about to click it off before it went into voice mail, loud music sounded on the line.

“Hello?” a woman’s voice laughed.

Abigail blinked in confusion and stared at the screen. It was the right number. Gabriel’s number.

“Hello?” the woman said again in an impatient tone.

“Um, where’s Gabriel?” Abigail asked wondering whom she was talking to.

“Honey, you’re gonna have to speak a little louder. It’s a mad house here,” the woman said loudly over the pounding heavy metal music in the background, as well as shouts and laughter.

“Gabriel,” Abigail all but shouted. “Where is he?”

“Is this Abigail?”

Suddenly, Abby realized it was Diamond, his manager.

“Yes. He was trying to call me earlier.”

Diamond laughed. “They were in the studio until about half an hour ago. We’re at Ariel’s place now. A couple of their friends came over and you know how these things go…lots of alcohol, music, and women. It’s all part of this lifestyle, Abigail.”

Abigail felt the color drain from her face. Why did Diamond have his phone? Why hadn’t he come home to her after the studio?

Had he finally gotten tired of her pious attitude? Groupies were part of his rock and roll lifestyle, though he constantly told Abigail, that bored him already. What if he’d gotten bored with her prim attitude? Would he seek relief in the arms of another? He claimed he’d been celibate since meeting her. How long could a healthy male in his prime deny his sexual urges?

Ignoring the terrible pain that thought provoked, she blurted a quick thank you and goodnight before clicking the phone off.

If he came to her smelling of another woman’s perfume…that would be devastating.

Abigail felt hurt, confused, and maybe just a tad resentful, but she refused to dwell on any of it. She wasn’t going to be one of those women who pined away after a man like an idiot. Yes, she acknowledged she was extremely attracted to Gabriel and loved him despite his domineering masculine attitude, but she was not going to allow that to turn her into a spineless, simpering female begging for his attentions.

She did allow herself a cleansing cry in the shower. Sometimes letting out all the pain in one fell swoop was good for the soul instead of just bottling it up. Afterwards, she prepared herself a cup of chamomile tea with lemon and honey, and then settled herself to sleep wearily. It had been a long week.

Visions of a raven-haired dark angel with seductive green eyes wearing a black skirt and boots filled her dreams, his deep voice pure temptation.


Abigail read in a clear voice to the children around her. Beverly Cleary’s Socks had always been a favorite of hers and the children seemed to enjoy it too.

She did her best to ignore the curious glances the other daycare workers had given her that morning after a bouquet of three dozen long-stemmed blood-red roses had arrived. The blooms were so outrageously beautiful, they’d taken her breath away.

A card, included within had read a simple “I’m sorry.”

Bonnie, one of the head care takers had snorted disdainfully, “looks like some cheater’s trying to soothe his guilt. Typical male chauvinist move. They think butchering some innocent plant will excuse their behavior. I never fall for that stupidity.”

Bonnie had never been pleasant toward Abigail. She was very stuck up and cold and totally unsuitable to work with small children. Unfortunately, her aunt owned the daycare and Bonnie was one of its managers.

Abigail just ignored her acidic barbs.

Reaching the end of the story, she closed the book and told the children they could retrieve their snacks. It was almost time for their nap, after which some of the children were picked up by their nannies.

Abigail checked on little Frankie, an autistic four-year-old boy. He sat in his usual spot, playing with blocks and humming to himself. His blond hair was overly long and he always had on some band t-shirt and jeans. Today, to mock her, he wore a Diavolo t-shirt paired with red chucks.

“So, spill. You’ve got everyone buzzing.”

Abigail turned to look down at Pia. She was about four-foot ten with short spiky purple hair and big blue eyes behind her glasses. Pia was the first person to welcome her to the daycare and Abigail had taken an instant liking to her despite her quirky personality.

“Well, my boyfriend and I had a bit of a disagreement yesterday,” Abigail replied with a sigh.

Pia grinned, turning to admire the flowers. “And he sent flowers. How romantic. You guys been together long?”

Abigail frowned, letting her gaze go to the flowers visible through the glass door in the manager’s office. “Not really.”

Pia pulled her hands behind her back and cocked her head to the side. “Well, honey, those roses must’ve cost him a fortune. Unless he’s filthy rich, he must really be sorry, whatever he did.”

Bonnie’s words echoed in her memory though. Was Gabriel trying to soothe his guilt? Was his guilt only about having yelled at her in front of the band? Or was he feeling guilty about something else as well? Just because she didn’t want to engage in sex until she was wed, did that mean he’d adhere to a life of celibacy in the meanwhile, or would he appease his baser urges with whatever there was available until he could get his hands on her?

“You’re not supposed to have any visitors,” came Bonnie’s scathing whisper.

Abigail started, not having realized the girl had come up behind her.

She craned her neck around Bonnie’s angry face and Pia’s curious one to see Daniel standing at the far end of the daycare.

His hands were clasped in front of his sharp black suit as he smiled down at the children scampering around him.

Why was he here?

Abigail walked quickly over to him, a hesitant smile on her lips.

“Hi,” she said.

He smiled warmly at her. “Hello. I was walking by and saw you reading to the children. So this is where you work?”

Abigail nodded with a smile.

His brown eyes glittered warmly. “I was on my way to lunch. Would you like to join me?”

“Oh, I really can’t—“

“Go ahead,” Pia interrupted. “Her highness owes you a break anyway.”

Abigail bit her lower lip and glanced at Bonnie. She had taken over Bonnie’s reading session.

“I’ll cover for you,” Pia insisted, her eyes dancing as she practically devoured Daniel’s tall form with her eyes.

Daniel, in turn, ignored her completely, his eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled down at Abigail.

She felt nervous going to lunch with Daniel. Gabriel would have a cow if he knew. Then again, he’d gone to a party the night before and hadn’t even told her anything aside from the calls and apologies for yelling at her.

“Just let me grab my purse,” Abby said turning.

What choice did she have anyway? She didn’t want to be rude or mean to Daniel. She’d tell Gabriel when he decided to come back to the apartment. As of yet he hadn’t even called her.

Swallowing down the pang of anxiety that thought caused, she walked back toward Daniel who extended his arm to her.

Exiting the daycare, which was located on the first floor of the North Star Recording company building, Daniel led her to the restaurant near the entrance to the sixty story building.

It took up the north-east corner of the building and had glass windows that looked out onto the busy Irvine cityscape beyond.

Gold linen-covered tables with white upholstered chairs filled the large restaurant. It was full, but the hostess escorted Daniel and her to a corner booth by the windows.

She really didn’t have much of an appetite, but Daniel ordered a steak dinner for the both of them and some wine despite her protests.

Abigail shifted in her seat. She was dying to check her phone, but didn’t want to be rude. Had Gabriel called her yet? She regretted not checking when she got her purse. Had she even turned it on that morning? Dread fell over her as she remembered how hasty she left the apartment after oversleeping. She’d pretty much cried herself to sleep and forgot to set her alarm.

“Are you okay?” Daniel asked snapping her out of her thoughts. “You seem distracted.”

“Oh,” she smiled apologetically. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…I just have stuff…on my mind, you know.” She laughed, waving her hand.

Daniel’s expression became solemn. “No. I don’t know. Perhaps you can explain to me.”

Abigail had been in the process of taking a sip of her water and almost spit it out. Her face heated up as she blinked at Daniel. “Oh, it’s nothing, really.” She forced a smile. “Just stuff. I just moved into a lovely apartment and organizing and the new job.”

Daniel’s big hand engulfed hers as he leaned in closer, eyes boring into hers. “Abby, if this is too much for you, just come back home.”

Abigail tried to pull her hand back but Daniel squeezed tighter. She shook her head. “No, Daniel. I’m actually very happy.” She cringed inwardly when her voice caught and Daniel’s face became slightly blurry. His brows pinched tighter over his straight nose. She blinked her stupid tears and rushed on. “This is what I wanted. To be on my own. Honestly.”

A crease formed between his brows, and his voice was soft but stern, “Gabriel is pressuring you to be with him? Mikayla mentioned he was living with you.”

Abigail’s face heated some more. She finally snatched her hand away. “My life with Gabriel is a private matter, Daniel, but no. He isn’t pressuring me into anything.”

The chair next to her, opposite from Daniel moved back.

Abigail watched in stunned horror as Gabriel settled himself in it. His smile didn’t reach his eyes. “Mind if I join you?”

The waiter that had taken their order rushed back and Gabriel asked for whatever Daniel was having.

He then leaned back, grinning at his brother. “Fancy running into you here…with my girlfriend.”

Daniel’s lips twitched, a ghost of a smile. “The building is mine, dear brother.”

Gabriel let out a sarcastic chuckle. “And mine. Don’t forget.”

Abigail sensed this particular lunch was not going to go well.

“Gabriel, how was the recording session last night?”

Glowing green eyes turned her way, searching. “The music was good. We got two tracks completely done. Still working on a third.”

Daniel frowned, looking confused. “So you’re not living together?”

This got him a venomous look from Gabriel.

“Gabriel stays with me most times, but he doesn’t like to leave Anna Maria alone too much because of her health.”

“Well, if you’re so worried about your grandmother, maybe you should have gotten a bigger house for Abby and just moved her in too.”

Gabriel’s face became a mask of fury and Abigail interjected before he could say something irrevocable. “The apartment is mine, Daniel. When Gabriel and I get married, he’ll find us a home that will allow Anna Maria and Sharmane to live with us as well.”

Daniel huffed and took a sip of his wine before looking at Gabriel again. “And when is the wedding? Are you going to make an honest woman out of Abby?”

Gabriel’s fist clenched this time as he leaned closer. Abigail put her hand on his forearm and called his name gently, hoping to calm him, but Gabriel ignored her. “Abigail is still an honest woman. We still haven’t had full sex yet—“

Abigail gasped in mortification, but there was no stopping Gabriel as he continued to speak in a low voice to a red-faced Daniel.

“As for our wedding, It’s going to be next weekend.”

Both Abigail and Daniel gaped at Gabriel.


Their dinners were brought and placed before each of them.

Abigail could not eat. She was still staring open-mouthed at Gabriel.

It was too soon. He’d sent a wedding planner to her the weekend after their date to Pacific Park, and they’d talked and discussed a few things, but nothing had been agreed upon. She’d just moved into her apartment, too. He’d promised to give her time to experience being on her own a while.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t discuss any of that with Daniel sitting right there.

Daniel’s gaze flicked to her face before looking back at Gabriel. “She seems as surprised as I am,” he snorted, one brow raised.

Gabriel smiled at Daniel. It wasn’t a friendly smile either. “I’d promised her to keep it a secret.” His gaze flicked to Abigail. “Sorry, honey. I’m just so excited, you know.”

“Uh…” She was at a loss for words, and did her best to close her gaping mouth as Gabriel began to cut into his steak.

Daniel and her watched him chew. Gabriel nodded. “It’s good, but not as good as yours, baby.” He looked at Daniel with another malicious grin. “She’s the best cook ever. Micks ever make you anything?”

Daniel flushed and took a deep breath. “Mikayla doesn’t need to go into the kitchen. That’s what we have hired help for.”

Abigail blinked at Daniel in confusion at his haughty tone. Had he always been this obnoxious?

“Well, that’s too bad,” Gabriel was saying, sliding his hand over Abigail’s. “There nothing like the taste of a meal prepared by the loving hands of your woman.”

Gabriel brushed his lips over her knuckles, green eyes brimming with so much love, she felt guilty for ever doubting him, especially when she sworn she never would.

His eyes softened even more, staring deeply into hers. “Love you, baby,” he whispered.

“Oh, Gabe,” she sighed wanting to just crawl into his lap and devour him with kisses.

Daniel cleared his throat, making her snap out of the trance Gabriel’s eyes had her in. “Well that sounds very nice, but Mikayla isn’t the domestic type.”

Gabriel looked at him, face very serious. “Sorry, man.”

He looked sincere when he said it. Daniel on the other hand suddenly looked annoyed.

“I’ve no need for…” his gaze darted to Abigail, and he reached for her other hand.

Abigail’s eyes went wide again as Daniel squeezed her hand gently. She felt and saw Gabriel stiffen.

“I know how special you are, Abby. You’re worth more than all the wealth of the world, and I think it’s amazing that you prepare my brother meals for him, but I’m not the kind of man who requires such things from his companion.”

“Gabriel doesn’t require anything of me either, Daniel,” she replied defensively. “I do what I do out of the love I feel for him.”

Daniel’s eyes widened in surprise, and then he smiled at her, “Dear, sweet, Abby. You’ve only known him a few months. How innocent you are.”

Abigail opened her mouth to reply, but Gabriel intervened. “It only took a few seconds for me to know she was it for me. I can’t speak for Abby, but I wasn’t stupid enough to let her go after setting eyes on her. Like you said, she’s worth more than all the wealth of the world. She’s my queen.”

“Well, how touching,” her Aunt’s voice sneered behind her.

Daniel stood abruptly. “Mother, what a pleasant surprise.”

He pulled out the chair opposite Abigail for her and she sat regally, her eyes scanning the table first before settling on Gabriel’s face with a cold smile. “Ah, nice to see you up and about. How’s the leg? Did the police ever figure out who tried to kill you?”

Abigail stared at Gabriel. Someone tried to kill him? He’d told her it was just an accident.

Gabriel smiled at her just as coldly. “Not yet. But as you can see, I’m still going strong.” He took a sip of his wine. “By the way, has my lawyer contacted any of you yet?”

“Lawyer?” Daniel blinked, brows furrowed.

Gabriel nodded. “Sometime this week, My surname will be changed. I’m taking my rightful name.”

His eyes narrowed on Paulina’s horrified face. She tried to mask her rage, but it poured from her black eyes like something evil.

“You’re nothing but Daniel’s bastard,” she hissed.

“Mother,” Daniel warned looking around before giving her a stern look. “We’re in public.”

She sat straighter, but her eyes never left Gabriel’s grinning face.

“Yes,” Gabriel said, flashing his teeth. “The bastard that owns half this empire.”

Abigail’s face went cold. She didn’t want to listen to anymore of this. Gabriel was after the Montenegro money? Why? When he had so much of his own?

Of course, as Daniel Montenegro I’s first born son, he was entitled to some of the inheritance…but half?

“We’ll see,” Paulina said with a serene smile as she rose from her chair again. Daniel stood once more, although Gabriel remained seated and kissed his mother on her cheek. “I’ll leave you children to your meal. I have business to attend to. Good day.”


Gabriel watched the feminine incarnation of Satan stand and walk away. Abigail was shaking. More than ever, he felt he needed to protect her. We’ll see—Paulina had said. A veiled threat.

In a few months they’d be releasing the new album they were currently working on and Diamond was already working on another tour to promote it. Would they be safe once they went on tour? Would Paulina Montenegro always be a threat? Would she try to harm Abigail?

She barely touched her food as they ate. Thankfully, Daniel kept conversation light and away from the topic of the situation at hand.

Just as they finished, he received a call and excused himself from the table, bidding them goodbye.

When Gabriel asked for the check, the waiter told them Daniel had already paid it, much to Gabriel annoyance.

He walked Abigail back to the daycare, where the workers gaped at him.

“Are you still mad at me, baby?” he asked.

Abigail looked down at her hands, twisting her fingers together. He gripped them and leaned close, mindful of all the stares they were getting even though they still hadn’t stepping into the daycare.

“I didn’t like you yelling at me,” she said still not looking u at him, “Especially in front of the guys. It made me feel humiliated.”

His heart squeezed painfully in his chest. “I’m sorry, Abigail. I freaked out. Not that that is an excuse, but please believe me when I say how sorry I am. I even threw my pain meds down the toilet last night.”

She gasped and finally lifted her sweet face to stare at him wide-eyed. “What? Why? Oh-no, Gabriel. Your pain meds? Are you okay?”

Her overwhelming concern for him touched him. He felt undeserving of it. “I’m fine, baby,” he replied, relishing the feel of her hands smoothing over his chest, her eyes brimming with worry for him. “Those pills had me crazy.”

“But your leg, Gabe.”

“It doesn’t hurt that much. I had a lighter prescription filled this morning. Mike made me go get it. The doctor told me to take it if I was in a lot of pain, but I can deal with what I feel right now.” When she made to protest, he laid his finger over her plush lips with a smile. “Baby, I swear, I’m good right now. If it gets bad, I’ll take the meds, but I don’t want to get hooked on those things.”

Her look of concern turned into one of understanding. He’d told her about Rafe’s history in and out of rehab. About to ask her if he could stay the night with her, he was interrupted by the feel of a tiny pair of arms encircling his legs.


Both he and Abigail looked down to see a small blond boy hugging him tightly…and looking like he had no intention of letting go.

“Oh-my, Frankie,” Abigail exclaimed. “Why are you out here?”

She looked back up at Gabriel, eyes shocked. “He doesn’t like anyone touching him, nor does he touch anyone either. This is amazing.”

Gabriel grinned and looked down at the kid, ruffling his long blond hair. “Hey buddy. You a fan of mine?”

The child lifted enormous grey eyes to Gabriel and grinned wide, laughter bubbling up his throat. He then stepped back enough to yank at his shirt yelling “Diavolo” repeatedly as he bounced up and down on his size two red chucks.

Gabriel grinned and threw up the horns sign, making the kid whoop in glee and do the same. Oh-yeah, the kid was a diehard fan all right.


Abigail came home to the scent of food wafting from her kitchen. She blinked in wonder at the table, which was set with her white china and silverware as well as another humongous bouquet of red roses. A bottle of wine was set in a bucket of ice and soft music was playing over the sound system.

Punching in the pin number to reset the alarm as she closed the door, Abigail turned to see Gabriel coming out from the direction of the bathroom.

Her eyes drank in the sight of him wrapped up in a black terry robe, barefoot, hair loose.

“Hey, baby,” he smiled lazily as he approached her.

Abigail gulped, her eyes lowering to the bare expanse of chiseled chest exposed in the V of the open robe. Her belly quiver in desire and apprehension, knowing he was completely naked under there.

He finally reached her, towering over her by almost a foot. His hand came up to her cheek as he bent and kissed her fully on her lips.

Abigail’s toes curled inside her sensible pumps when he flicked his tongue against her lips. She opened her mouth, inviting him in, but he kept the kiss brief and caught her hands instead.

“Come-on,” he crooned in that velvety voice of his, “I’ve got the bath ready.”

She hesitated a bit, wary of what he had planned. He gave her a teasing smile and pulled more insistently.

She followed, dragging her feet a bit, as he led her inexorably toward her little bathroom.

About to protest she blinked in curiosity when she noticed the flickering light emanating from the bathroom.

Gabriel bit his lower lip, releasing her hand as his other hand went for the sash holding his robe closed.

He turned half way and that’s when she saw her bathroom.

Candles of every size flickered on every available surface making her breath catch. It looked so beautiful.

“Oh, Gabriel,” she sighed in wonder, her gaze going to the tub overflowing with white bubble and red rose petals.

“I was going to make a trail of rose petals from here all the way to the door, but I didn’t expect you back so soon,” he crooned behind her, hands coming up to squeeze her shoulders as he kissed the side of her neck.

“No, Gabe. This is perfect. Really,” she said choking back a sob of pure emotion.

He peeled the jacket from her shoulders, nipping the sensitive tendon at the side of her neck. Abigail shuddered, feeling her nipples tighten.

He lowered the zipper on her pencil skirt and let it pool at her ankles as he knelt behind her and kissed the base of her spine.

She had to bite her lips to keep from moaning in pleasure.

“Sit on the john, baby. I want to take your shoes off.”

Abigail walked over to her toilet and sat on the fuzzy white cover that adorned the lid. Gabriel was completely naked, kneeling at her feet. She drew n a ragged breath at the erotic sight he presented, fully aroused and looking up at her in utter adoration.

“Oh-God,” she croaked out as he lifted her left foot first.

His smile was pure seduction as his deft fingers trailed down the back curve of her calf, until they slipped her shoe off. He lifted her foot and bent slightly to plant a kiss on her instep, giving her goose bumps. Something delicious clenched low in her belly.

Gabriel’s eyes practically glowed as he began to use his thumbs to massage the bottom of her foot.

“Oh-God,” she moaned again, her bones dissolving into jello.

The sight of him there, bare and tending her tired feet…it was too much. His muscles flexed, the tattoos on his right arm almost coming to life. He was like some erotic sex god, black hair gleaming in the candle light, eyes glowing like a cat. He was driving her crazy.

He grinned making her realized she’d just voiced her thoughts.

“The song,” he said.

“Wha?’ she asked in a daze.

“Def Leppard. Love Bites.”

Abigail blinked, realizing that he was talking about the song playing over the sound system streaming into the bathroom.

He continued to massage her foot, his fingers sliding up her leg to knead at the tight knots there.

“Oh-God,” she moaned once more.

He chuckled, stealing her heart all over again.

“You like?” he said, his voice a deep silky purr.

She nodded, not daring to utter another sound, sure she’d moan pathetically again.

His hands trailed down her other leg where he repeated the same ritual. By the time he was done, she was a boneless heap. She didn’t even protest when he reached up and slipped his fingers inside the elastic of her panties and hose to start to slip them down over her hips and legs.

The smile on his face gave way to a look of utter reverence. His chest expanded with his intake of breath, his hands gliding up her bare skin, eyes riveted to the juncture of her thighs.

Her blouse was long enough to cover her completely.

When she lifted her hands to unbutton her white blouse he reached up and stopped her. She could feel the trembling in his hands and looked at him in surprise.

“No,” he said softly. “Let me.”

Abigail nodded and watched as he slipped each pearly button out of its button-hole. The play of muscles in his arms had her reaching out to stroke his soft skin, silk over steel muscles. So beautiful. His hair was like satin as it spilled through her fingers before she settle them on his shoulders. He was trembling. The realization moved her, to think she could affect him as deeply as he did her.

He looked up at her as he peeled her blouse from her shoulders, eyes pools of green fire, if such a thing existed.

Not being able to resist anymore, Abigail sank her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck and drew him up to her. Sliding forward, she angled her head and sealed her mouth over his to kiss him deeply.

His breath warmed her cheek as he panted through the kiss, hands sliding up her back to unhook her bra.

Without breaking the contact of their mouths, they both grappled with the bra until it was flung away.

Her hands went back into his hair and his arms around her entire body, smashing her breasts against the solid sculpted breadth of his chest.

She wrapped her thighs around his torso, the need to get closer riding her hard. She wanted him. She wanted to be his, completely. The ache between her legs was unbearable. There was no sin in giving yourself to the man you loved, and Abigail loved Gabriel with the very fiber of her being. She needed to feel him filling the terrible emptiness inside her, make them one in flesh and spirit.

“Gabriel,” she begged.

He panted at her neck, body shivering slightly. “Soon, baby. Soon.”

No. She wanted now.

“Gabriel—“ she began.

His lips sliding down her neck to fasten onto one of her nipples had her arching her back. Oh-heavens! He’d ever suckled her before. She felt the insistent tugged of his lips and tongue between her legs and wanted to close her thighs on the ache there. Unfortunately. his torso was between her thighs.

All she could do was clutch at his head and writhe upon the lid of her toilet.

Her fingernails raked across the wings of the dragon he had tattooed on his back when he drew her other nipple deep into his mouth.

“Gabriel,” she exclaimed when she felt his fingers slid within the wet heat of her sex.

He released her nipple and looked up at her, face flushed with arousal. “Slide forward on the edge of the seat and lean back.”

She shuddered at how deep his voice had become and obeyed immediately.

Gripping the towel bar to her left and the lid of the tank behind her with her right hand, she slid to the edge of the lid and spread her thighs unabashedly for her man. Gone was her inhibition, her fear, her convictions. There was only her love for Gabriel, her desire to give him the gift of her innocence whole-heartedly.

His eyes focused on her sex. He bit his lip and groaned. “Oh-god, baby,” he whispered.

The expression on his face was one she would commemorate in her mind for as long s she lived. Awe, love, desire, possessiveness, pride.

His hands cupped her derriere and pulled her closer as he bent and kissed her reverently.

His eyes, black pupil just about obliterating the green of his beautiful eyes rose to hers as he took his first lick.

Abigail stiffened with a gasp at the jolt of pure pleasure that shot through her body. Her thighs began to quiver and she had to close her eyes against the erotic sight of Gabriel licking her like his favorite flavor of ice cream.

She cried out as his tongue lashed at her unmercifully, his hands caressing her thighs lovingly.

She wanted desperately to rock her hips but was still too shy to act so brazen. The act of denying herself that pleasure had her body bowing tight, her mewling cries rising in intensity, until, with a final shout, she came hard against Gabriel’s tongue.

Of their own accord, her hips swiveled against his face, wringing every last ounce of pleasure from her orgasm. He growled with satisfaction and licked her some more until she couldn’t take it anymore and began to cry.

She was in his arms an instant later, trembling uncontrollable as he rocked her back and forth, whispering sweet endearments against her ear.

She wouldn’t wait anymore. It was stupid. She loved this man, felt sad and lonely when he wasn’t with her. If he wanted them to get married this weekend, so be it. She wouldn’t say no. But had he really meant what he’d told Daniel that afternoon?

“I love you Gabriel,” she said in a tremulous voice. His erection twitched, trapped between their bellies. He hadn’t found his release and she wasn’t going to deny him his pleasure tonight.

When she reached for his aroused flesh he gripped her hand and smiled at her.

“Later. Tonight isn’t about me. It’s about you. About us.”

When she frowned at him in confusion, he set her back and struggled to his feet.

Guilt assailed her at his expression of pain.

“Baby, you’re in pain. You haven’t taken your meds yet?”

He grinned down at her offering his hand to help her up now. “I’m okay. Those pills make me sleepy. I’ll take them later, okay?”

“But, Gabe—“

He shook his head and stepped into the tub, pulling her in after him. “We relax first, talk and just enjoy this night, baby.”

Gabriel settled her between his legs. She could feel his rigid arousal at her back. He couldn’t be in that much pain if he was fully aroused, could he?

He took a small white wash cloth and dipped it in the rose-scented water before stroking it over her shoulders and right arm.

“I missed you last night,” he said behind her.

She bit her lip. She’d cried herself ragged imagining him with another. “I miss you too,” she said unable to keep the sound of tears from her voice.

He dropped the cloth and hugged her from behind. “Don’t cry. I was a dick, baby. I shouldn’t have freaked that way and yelled at you. I should have come home and been here to fix things. Damn Mike and everyone else telling me to let you cool off.”

“It’s okay,” she sniffled leaning her head back on his shoulder to let him kiss the entire side of her face. She sighed in contentment. “It’s over and done with.”

“I got so scared when you wouldn’t answer my calls. I thought for sure you were done with me, and then when I saw you with Daniel…”

Abigail heard the vulnerability in his voice. “What I ever felt for Daniel is nothing compared to what I feel for you, Gabriel.”

He took her hand in his and held it up for them to see.

“You’re so precious to me, Abby. I just existed before, but now, with you…” he sighed as he played with her fingers. “I want to come home to you every night. I want you to be the first thing I see when I wake up and the last thing I see when I go to sleep.”

Abigail nodded. He let go of her hand and slid his over her belly. “I want my children to grow in here…someday, after I’ve had you to myself for a while.”

She felt his grin stretch against her cheek. All she could do was bite her lip and nod, too choked up to utter a single word.

“I’ve seen other musicians take their kids on the road with them. Not sure how that works, but we’ll look into it—I mean if that’s what you want. I want us to be together. We don’t tour all that much, just a few months during the year. The rest is spent just making new music. We’ll have lots of time to spend together.”

She closed her eyes, unable to believe how lucky she was. Half a year ago, she’d thought her happiness had vanished forever when Daniel announced his engagement to Mikayla. Now here she was, experiencing what love truly was with Gabriel.

Something hard slid down her ring finger on her left hand.

Abigail blinked her eyes open to the sight of beautiful silver ring with the biggest square diamond she’d ever seen winking on her finger.

“Marry me, Abigail?”

Her jaw dropped and she nodded.

Behind her, Gabriel chuckled. “Oh, no, you don’t. You have to answer me. I’ve been talking like an idiot for the past ten minutes, woman. Say something.”

She turned her head to look into his eyes. “Oh, Yes, Gabriel. Yes. I’ll marry you.”

Water sloshed over the edge of the tub when he turned to kiss him.

They ate away at each other’s mouths until they were breathless.

Abigail moaned, her body sliding against his within the foamy water. Red rose petals clung to them. He’d filled the tub with them and now the red petals covered their skin as well as the lavender-scented bubbles.

She tried to get her thighs around him, but he took up too much space in the tub. Next home to got together they were getting a big round tub they’d both fit in comfortably.

Abigail wrapped her fingers around his distended flesh and squeezed. Gabriel gasped and jolted in her grip.

“Abby,’ he shook his head.

She hushed him with a kiss, her hand sliding down his thick girth slowly. He moaned into her mouth and lifted his hips.

She stroked him slowly at first, until he leaned back and looked down.

The bubbles had cleared and she saw clearly down inside the water. The head of his cock was deep red. He’d lift his hips on her down stroke, his breath ragged. Abigail was awed by the strength visible in his straining muscles, moved by the intense look of pleasure on his face, knowing she was responsible for that look. It gave her a powerful heady feeling. It made her feel bold. Had his cock not been under inches of water, she might have put her mouth on him. The desire to please him was a fierce fire in her heart.

His hips moved a little faster, his abs clenching rhythmically. He was mesmerizing to watch.

His left hand clenched the edge of the tub, knuckles turning white. “Oh-god, baby,” he panted, “I’m going to come.”

Abigail’s eyes widened. She was suddenly faced with the dilemma of choosing between watching his gorgeous face as he came, or seeing his erection spurt in her hand. Her eyes rose to his face and the beauty of it arrested her attention. Decision made.

He panted open-mouthed, his lashes low over his glowing green eyes, cheeks flushed. He suddenly clenched his teeth together and snarled, nostrils flaring.

His head whipped back and his hips jerked, muscles bulging everywhere. Oh, wow!

Looking down she saw the white fluid leaving the tip of his cock in rhythmic spurts as he finally began to shudder and moan her name. God—what a sight. Her heart swelled even bigger with the love she felt for him.

Letting him go, she dove forward to kiss him. It was a hungry, fierce kiss; all teeth, tongue, and seeking lips.

She groaned deep in her throat when he cupped her ass again and gasped in surprise when her belly bumped into his still rigid flesh.

Oh Yes!

The shrill buzz of the fire alarm had them both jumping with a start.

“Oh-shit,” Gabriel hissed moving Abigail back as he climbed out of the tub.

She followed, not missing the way he limped as he hurried out to where the sinks were.

There was no fire, thank goodness, but some of the smaller votives had burned out and were smoking.

Gabriel, tall as he was, was poking the fire alarm, trying to deactivate it. It kept wailing incessantly.

“Damn-it,” he snapped, finally unscrewing the cover and ripping the wires out.

The sound of their labored breathing was loud in the silence that followed. Gabriel looked at Abigail wide-eyed and began to laugh after a few seconds.

She couldn’t help but laugh with him, her heart still galloping painfully within her chest.

“Well that’ll certainly be something funny to remember,” he snickered.

Her gaze roved his body, all wet and full of rose petals. They were both dripping on the floor, making a terrible mess. She was so happy, she didn’t care.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her then, still laughing.

“We better dry off before we both fall and spend our honeymoon in the hospital.”

Abigail shook her head, “oh, no. That would be terrible. From now on, no one but me is allowed to bathe you.”

He gave a sexy growl and rubbed his nose against hers. “That so?”

“You bet,” she said grinning up at him.

“Mmm. I love it when you get possessive with me. Baby, I’m all yours.”

“And I’m yours, Gabe.”

“Fuck yeah,” he said with a scowl before grinning at her again. “All mine.”

He dipped his head to kiss her again when loud banging on their door made them jump.

“Stay here,” he barked grabbing his robe.

She blinked in surprise when he fled into the bedroom a few seconds and came out holding a gun behind his back.

Abigail gasped and was about to follow him out but he motioned for her to stay put.

Heart in her throat, she heard him say “Front door and porch.”

She frowned in confusion. What was he doing?

The sound of the alarm being deactivated reached the bathroom.

“Is everything okay?” a masculine voice said loudly. “The fire alarm went off.”

She heard Gabriel speaking in a low voice. Turning she grabbed one of the towels and began drying herself quickly.

Just as she finished drying her feet, she heard Gabriel reactivating the alarm just before he appeared at the bathroom door again with a smirk.

“That was security. They’d called the fire department, but came to check on things here.” Gabriel ran a hand through his raven locks. “They handed me my ass when I told them I’d lit some candles in the bathroom. I didn’t know it was against the rules to light candles in the apartments. Apparently it’s in the contract.”

Abigail blinked up at him. “Are we going to be evicted now?” Not that she cared anymore. She’d go where ever Gabriel took her.

Gabriel shook his head. “I told them I’d just asked you to marry me and had wanted to make the night romantic.” He grinned, taking her breath away. “They shook my hand and congratulated us. And then they asked me if I take a pic with them.”

“What?” Abigail squeaked looking at his robe and mussed hair. It didn’t take much to realize they’d been sharing the bath together.

“Don’t worry. I told them we’d go down to the security booth tomorrow and do those pictures. I had a naked woman waiting for me inside.”

Abigail gasped in shock. “Gabriel!”

He just chuckled mischievously. The rascal.

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Wisdom Antithesis

The wonderful Wizard of Wiz, I thought, confusedly, waking up from a peculiarly Technicolor dream: Disorientated, probably still a little hypnopompic, not so much hallucinating as having a few boundary problems, reality wise. I'm never great at mornings, and I really don't like being woken unexpectedly, especially as the dream was just getting to a good bit. I tried to settle back into the bed, maybe even recapture the moment, so to speak, but... Reality asserted itself disconcertingly...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Sophia Grace Dirty Sophia Loves Sodomy And Toys

Sophia Grace’s trim, natural body is adorned with tattoos, a nose piercing and a shaved-side ‘do. She twerks with a butt plug inserted under her thong, and lubed toys stretch her anus. Chris Strokes eats her bald gash and tongues her bunghole. Sophia sucks his huge cock and licks his balls, with spit play. After a pussy fuck, he cranks back her legs for an ass reaming as Sophia yelps and wails, buzzing her clit with a vibrating wand. Chris sodomizes the slut in multiple positions....

2 years ago
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She could, with her ability, simply have pushed her pussy into my face with the instruction “Lick this, bitch,” and backed it up by waving her Wolvers or Cats Claws in front my eyes. I knew that fact, just as well as she did. It would never have happened of course, and we both knew that as well. I also knew that if I’d looked up at her and replied, “If you want that thing licking, you can go and wash it out first,” I could be certain that she’d have gone into the bathroom and done...

1 year ago
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InnocentHigh Karla Kush First Class Ass Education

This teacher is pissed off with Karla Kush. She just got into a full on brawl out in the hallway! Man, that would have been something to watch. But that is not the most exciting part of this incident. It is what we are about to witness between this teacher with a funny taste in ties, and the rebellious, insubordinate Karla. She makes some classic excuses for her behavior. She has a lot of stuff going on and people were calling her names. Yes, Karla, we have heard it all before. Unfortunately...

1 year ago
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You Know Youre A True cuck when

You look through the window as you walk up to your front door and see your wife in the kitchen with two men. She kisses one and you notice he has her blouse unbuttoned and open and he is, apparently, playing with her breasts.Her skirt drops to the floor and she turns to kiss the other man. You see his hand caressing her ass and she wraps her arm around his neck as she's kissing him.Trembling, you hurry to the door, but not sure if you should enter or not, you stand at the door for awhile,...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Callie Jacobs 09032020

“Yay. I really like doing porn. I never thought I would really like it… But I really like doing porn.” Those are the surprised, but excited, words that pass over the sensual lips of today’s exploitee Callie Jacobs to begin her post shoot confessional. Oh boy this little bundle of energy is super excited to be here and so are we. If there was an enthusiasm award, Callie would get it. This scene is actually Callie’s second sex on camera because we ambushed her the...

3 years ago
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Ass fucked

Hello everyone. I am Samuel jones. This is my first story so go easy on the criticism please. This is about the first time I ass fucked my self. I was fifteen and I was looking for new ways to masturbate. My friend told me that ge had gotten off by shoving things up his anus and had achieved orgasm. So as I was in the shower one day I go a hard on while fondling myself and remembered the friend’s word. So I lubed up my fingers with conditioner and slowly shoved one finger in my asshole. I...

2 years ago
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My First Encounter with a Man Part 2

So during the following week I only thought it fair to drop him an email. I thanked him for allowing me to come to his house and saying after all that time it was finally nice to meet up and I’d wished I hadn’t put it off for so long. Left it at that and if he fancied meeting up again just get in touch.A few days later I got a reply. Not quite what I was expecting if I’m honest. He was pissed off with me I had cum in his mouth ...and said he thought I was gay! I was dumbstruck, I mean we had...

3 years ago
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Angela and Bruiser 3

It was getting beyond a joke! My dog was getting all the boning he could handle and there was I, miles from home, phone in one hand and cock in the other! It was going to have to change, I was going to get this job done and get home as soon as I could. I worked my arse off but still didn’t manage to get ahead with my work, or even catch up, having left early to install the additional cameras. Whilst working away I thought about what I had seen. The Wicked Witch getting “Dogged”, I had it...

2 years ago
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Sex With Divorcee Sister Of Boss

Though I have started writing, but I am still in dilemma that I should write my sexual experience or not, because in my perspective changing name can never be enough to hide the identity especially from the person with whom I got involved sexually and certainly if that person will read this, it will be disaster for me because this is about my sexual encounter with a sister of my boss, and worst impact of this will be, I will lose my job. Still with changed names I am starting to write down with...

1 year ago
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Read if you want I guess

So I've learned this is a site where you post your "fantasy" as people say, I guess I'll share mine. Here goes nothing..I'm what you call a curvy girl, some men like them other men can't even look at them.. I have long light brown hair some days it likes to be straight some days its curly. Big, round green eyes along with perfect eyelashes. Nice full lips with a lil lip piercing on the side, tongue piercing also.. About 5'3" without shoes, you will never catch me dead in heels (not my thing at...

1 year ago
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Why Me

Somewhere in a woman's mind there is a border between her subconscious and reality. An unknown grey area where right and wrong, good and bad, hot and cold collide. Creating energy more intenese than fission. Hotter than fussion. Brighter than the most brilliant supernova. It is the place where her dreams become one with her body and drive her to the brink of insanity. A time when she cast's all her known world to the side and wonders into the abbyss in search of the ultimate link between...

Erotic Poetry
4 years ago
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Australian Blonde With Me In Windsor

Hi. I feel I’m a lucky guy in the world because on 26/07 I met a Australian lady in ITC Windsor and had a awful fun. By the way my name is Sree from Bangalore 20 year old. Looks normal, athlete body. I have already been in relationship with a lady near my locality and I have posted that story too. But this was different one. This is my 3rd experience I’m posting here and real too. Would like to see readers feedback on So things happened like this. Even though I am in a relationship with a lady...

1 year ago
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Summertime Saga

SummertimeSaga! Ever wish you could relive those glory days of high school or college? Wait, who am I kidding? Most of you beta fucks out there probably got your asses kicked. Not me. I was getting laid left and right. But don’t worry. It’s not too late for you. Porn games let you live out all sorts of fantasies. And the one I have for you this time around takes you back to school. Step into the shoes of a horny teenage dude surrounded by hot teachers, classmates, and friends. You start off as...

Free Sex Games
2 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 1

The two giggling cheerleaders stood side by side, their hips touching, leaning into the mirror while freshening their makeup. The curly haired girl was vigorously chewing bubble gum, occasionally flattening it against the roof of her mouth with her wet tongue, sliding it forward to grip it with her blindingly white teeth, pushing briefly into its center with the point of her pink tongue, then effortlessly blowing it into a large bubble that emerged from between her full, some might even say...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Natalie Knight Feet Sex Is Not Cheating Right

Rion and I are in the same class at college. We both have a significant other but we also have a thing for each other. So one day we skipped class and went to his house to fool around. We were passionately making out and my pussy got so wet but I was hesitant to do more because I was afraid my boyfriend would find out and I didn’t want to hurt him. Then Rion said he had an idea of what we can do; it would be lots of fun but not considered cheating. I was so horny that I gave in. He told...

2 years ago
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Sex With A Goan Chick In Pune

Hello everyone, I am pie, I am 5’8″, fair, with athletic body. Today I am going to tell you my story, this is my first story guys so I am writing my first ever experience. About 6-7 years ago I used to live in pune, where I used to work as a software engineer, I was single so my friends started setting me up with girls, one day a friend of me told me about one of his goan friend who used to work with him named carmel peirera, she was a new joinee and was not aware of culture of pune, but as she...

1 year ago
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Home alone

Alright setting the scene... im home alone one day and i have absolutly nothing to do... and whats on my mind.. sex, who would have thought lol. so i text u sayin im home alone and i need some company, knowing what was asking, you didn't waist a minute before heading over. but im ansy and not very patient, so i start without you when you get to the window, you hear it, my moan at its peek and im getting ready to let go.. you try and get in the window in time to see but by the time you get in im...

2 years ago
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ShilohChapter 08 Sunday Afternoon

Robert has no problems with the directions, and in less than thirty minutes he’s back at CyberFun. After parking in the rear where Kyle directed he brings in the cooked batch of wings and he tells the kitchen staff he’s back. Three young men and a girl go with him to get the rest of what he picked up. Once the car is empty Robert leaves to join his son in the front, but on the way he notices a significant transformation has occurred. A dividing wall has been removed to make the casual coffee...

3 years ago
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Shamus JournalsChapter 70

I was still standing in the kitchen holding Tran and sipping my scotch when Dina came in looking for us. She came over to me and Tran with a big smile on her face. "Don't be ashamed because you are crying, Uncle Harry. I cried for my mom and dad but it got better. Will you please come back in and sit with me and my sister and listen to the rest of the music?" I smiled at her and picked her up, hugging her to me. I was thinking to myself I had to be the most blessed man in Nevada with the...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 28

After the wedding comes the marriage. Cathay turned out to be a remarkable wife. She was totally in on our being a couple, all the time, every day, without exception. We managed to spend three entire years without ever sleeping anywhere except together. Having a wonderful Gulfstream private jet made being together a lot less stressful than it would be if we had to fly commercial. Sheldon became Baby Girl’s best friend. They spent all day together just sitting and touching. He was so damaged...

4 years ago
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The Spirit of the White StagChapter 2

BethAnn stood in shock, unable to understand how something so beautiful as this albino stag she was staring at could ever kill anything, let alone a man. Colin saw that confusion in her eyes through the gray light of early morning and was about to explain. But he remembered why they'd come in the first place, and if the two didn't get to the prone figure laying in the middle of the meadow, their trip would be for nothing. Now having a confirmed direction in their search, Colin crept over...

2 years ago
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Enoch the Honorary Troll

ENOCH THE HONOURARY TROLL (C) 1995, 2002, 2006 Enoch was walking through the market one day when he spotted a man selling fruit in the market stalls. He walked up to the man and was about to hand him a few stolen coins when a boy threw him a bag of money as he ran by! "Here - catch!" the boy shouted. "I'm being chased by guards!" "Stop, thief!" cried a big man with a knife. Enoch ran - he ran for his life. He ran out of the city into the...

2 years ago
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Purple Pill

The Purple Pill By Ellie Dauber (c) 2003 The Rite-Aid was gone. Leo Ridley looked around the east wing of the Pine Hills Mall. He'd been shopping here for years, ever since Dutton had transferred him -- he choked. Dutton. He'd worked for the company for almost sixteen years. Good work, too; his employee evaluations had always been marked "Superior". It didn't matter to the new management team, though. They'd taken over the company in a proxy fight and merged with their...

2 years ago
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Bonded and BredChapter 16

It was a busy week, they seemed to have a sudden influx of interested clients, and James worked steadfastly; drawing up plans and designs, in between meeting with people, to discuss and exchange ideas, and update his clients on his progress, making adjustments as they saw their dreams coming to light, and had second thoughts, or different ideas. Iris was kept busy too, as she typed up reports, and sourced materials, she made sure that James had everything he might need to complete his...

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A Tour of the Isle of Lesbos The Introduction

Girard and his friend, Barnard were sailing in the bay between the mainland of Greece and Mytilene, the island better known as Lesbos. An unexpected storm roared upon them and they struggled to keep their small craft afloat for almost an hour, when it finally crashed into a rocky cove on the island. Bewildered, battered and bruised, they managed to get ashore from the wreckage of their boat and began hiking through the dense brush seeking shelter. Barnard became frustrated because there seemed...

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Resort Mein Samuhik Chudayi 8211 Part 2 Sex Toys

Hey, guys! This is the second part of my last story, where me Adi, and my wife Anjali went to a resort for a weekend. We met a hot and sexy energetic couple Jatin and Deepti. I have described how we guys met and had become friends. After enjoying in the pool, we came back to our room and got ready to enjoy our weekend together. For any feedback please mail me at . Then after getting ready, all four of us went to explore what fun can we have in that resort. Deepti was dressed in tight jeans and...

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Brother8217s pen

One day, by noon, it was so sultry. I thought, it might provide some relief, if I kept open our backyard window. When I opened it, the window hooked me to witness an act of lovemaking. The Electricity Board people had had chopped down a branch from a dense tree, standing in our backyard, to make way to the overhead power lines. A gap thus created exposed to me the lovers in the house behind. May be I was sex starved all these eight years, but then I was never allowed to listen to my body...

3 years ago
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Willing slavefrom her point of view conclusio

My Master is dj_oh, and these stories are true.He tells me to go downstairs. I obey. There is a big red armchair in my living room with a matching ottoman. He sits in the armchair and I bring him his drink. He is relaxed, confident, powerful. He looks like a king in his throne. I sit before him on the ottoman. He surveys his property: me. He is watching my face. He likes what he sees. I have no resistance left. I have submitted completely. He knows he can do whatever he wants, and...

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