The Widow Ch. 07 free porn video

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Passion in James County XII

The Widow

By D.C. Roi

Chapter seven

Fran Martin looked across the conference room table at the man sitting across from her. His name was Brian Danielson and he was the assistant principal of a high school where her company was negotiating a contract to provide employee assistance services. He was a big, bulky man, probably in his fifties. He had gray hair and a receding hairline, and his glasses looked fairly thick. They had been meeting all day, hammering out details of the contract and, for some reason, she found herself attracted to him.

‘He sure isn’t anything like Brent,’ she mused. Brent, the man she’d just broken off with, was an aspiring actor, a buff, blonde man of twenty-five she met while attending a gym where he was working as a personal trainer.

‘The personal trainer gig is only until I can get my acting career going,’ he told her the night of their first date, when they were lying in each other’s arms sweaty and exhausted after having some of the most athletic sex Fran ever experienced.

‘Well, Fran,’ Brian said, ‘I think that last item just about does it. I’m sure I can convince the superintendent to recommend your company to the school board, which means your contract will almost certainly be selected.’

The man’s comment snapped Fran out of her reverie about the buff blonde stud who’d fucked her silly then broken her heart by moving to California. ‘Fine, Brian,’ she said, smiling. ‘I’m glad we could reach agreement on this.’ She looked at her watch. It was almost five-thirty. ‘God, I promised Joanne I’d try to get home early,’ she thought. ‘Look at the time! She’s going to think I’ve abandoned her.’

Brian saw her looking at her watch. ‘Fran, I’m sorry I kept you so late,’ he said. ‘I suppose you have to get home, right?’ There was just a tiny trace of disappointment in his voice.

‘That’s all right, Brian,’ Fran replied. ‘I suppose I should get going. What about you? Won’t your wife be wondering where you are?’ Even though she had been meeting with him daily for almost two weeks, she knew very little about his family. He had mentioned children and grandchildren a couple of times, though, which made her assume he was married. He hadn’t mentioned his wife at all, though, and she wondered about that.

‘I’m a widower. My wife passed away four years ago,’ he said.

‘Oh, Brian, I’m sorry, I didn’t know,’ Fran responded, feeling embarrassed.

‘That’s one of the reasons I tend to work late more often than I should,’ Brian replied. He smiled. ‘You may find this presumptuous of me, but as a way of making up for keeping you this late, could I offer you dinner?’

Fran wasn’t sure why, but she found that she really did want to accept his invitation. He was totally unlike any man she’d ever gone out with before, but she found him both enjoyable to be with and intriguing. His invitation was almost too tempting to turn down.

‘Now, there is one other thing that might affect your decision,’ Brian said. His face reddened a little. ‘Would it be all right if we ate at my place?’ He looked at her hopefully.

Fran hesitated a minute before replying then she decided having dinner with him at his home would be all right. After all, they were both adults, why couldn’t they have dinner together?

Brian seemed very pleased that she had accepted his invitation. They cleared off the table they were working on, then he locked up his office and led her out to his car.

‘How long were you married?’ Fran asked Brian as they drove toward his house.

‘Twenty-five years,’ he replied. ‘I used to tease Lorrie that I’d been with her longer than I was with my parents.’

‘What happened to her, your wife, I mean?’ Fran inquired.

‘Uterine cancer,’ Brian replied.

‘Oh, God, that’s horrible,’ Fran said.

‘It was pretty rough near the end,’ Brian said. ‘But we managed. She wanted to die at home and she did.’

‘What was she like?’ Fran asked. She wondered about his wife. She could tell from the tone of Brian’s voice that he had cared for his late wife very much.

Brian drove for a while, looking thoughtful, and didn’t reply. ‘You know, I’ve never tried to put what Lorrie was like into words,’ he said at last. ‘It’s funny, the answer to your question popped into my mind the minute you asked it, but it was all images, not words. Lorrie was perhaps the most self-assured person I ever knew. She understood people better than anyone I’ve ever met, was caring and very giving, and was very self-contained.’

Fran looked at Brian while he talked. His eyes, and his voice, told her how deeply he had cared for his wife.

‘That wasn’t all,’ he continued. She was also a marvelous lover.’

Fran was startled that Brian would talk about this side of his married life so openly, and without being asked. His openness unnerved her.

Brian, looking a little dreamy, almost as if he was unaware of Fran’s presence, continued to talk about his wife and their love life. It was as if he needed to talk about this for a long time and, once he started, couldn’t stop. ‘She had a level of sensuality I never encountered before I met her,’ he said, ‘and haven’t since.’

He paused a minute and looked at Fran. ‘I hope you aren’t offended by my saying this, but there are times this past week when we were working together that you reminded me of Lorrie. I find you an incredibly sensuous woman.’

Fran felt herself blushing. She didn’t know what to say. She had a feeling Brian had paid her a very high compliment, yet she found that compliment, and the fact that he’d given it to her, disturbing. Why had he brought up the topic of sex? Was it just that he was a very open person, or…

She decided it would be best to steer the conversation away from sex. ‘How many children do you have?’ she asked. ‘You mentioned them several times this week.’

Brian smiled and nodded. ‘Two,’ he said. ‘Our daughter Amy lives in New England. She’s married. The granddaughter you heard me bragging about is her gift to me. My son Bill lives in the Midwest. He’s a computer consultant.’

‘Is he married?’ Fran asked.

‘Not yet,’ Brian replied. ‘But he tells me he’s working on it.’ He chuckled. ‘I keep telling him he has to settle down with one girl if he plans to get married, but…’ He shrugged. ‘…he keeps telling me I should take my own advice.’

‘Oh,’ Fran said. She fell silent, lost in thought. She found herself growing more and more anxious the closer they got to his home, and began to fear she’d made a mistake in accepting his invitation.

Brian turned onto a side street a few miles from the center of town. The neighborhood looked as if people who were quite successful populated it. He drove down the block and pulled into the driveway of a huge colonial mansion, pushed a button on the sun visor, then drove into a bay of the three-car garage attached to the house, and shut off the motor.

‘Well,’ he said, ‘we’re here.’

‘Yes,’ Fran said. ‘You have a beautiful house. I’m impressed. How can you afford something like this on what the school district pays you?’

‘I was in business before I decided to get into education,’ Brian replied. ‘I’ve only been an educator for about six years. I owned my own company and I was very successful. But it was too much when Lorrie got sick, so I decided to sell it. I managed to make enough profit to allow me to stay home and take care of her, and it still allows me a few luxuries.’

‘No wonder you’re such a cut-throat negotiator,’ Fran said. She smiled at him. ‘The school district sand-bagged me, sending you to negotiate the contract.’

Brian smiled and shook his head. ‘I’m not so sure about that,’ he replied. ‘You didn’t exactly cave in to my demands, you know. Shall we go in and eat?’

‘Sounds good,’ Fran said. She swallowed hard. Now what? She was still disquieted by his comments a
bout her potential sexuality and very nervous about being alone in his house with him.

They got out of the car and Brian led Fran through a breezeway, into the house.

The interior of the house was even lovelier than the outside. The furnishings were either real antiques or very good reproductions, and the home was obviously well cared for. It looked very comfortable.

Fran looked around and began to relax a little. She noticed wonderful cooking smells. ‘Something smells delicious,’ she said. ‘Who’s cooking?’

‘I have an excellent housekeeper and cook,’ Brian said. ‘I called her and asked her to make something for us. I’m sure whatever she made for us will be fabulous.’

‘You have a housekeeper and a cook?’ Fran asked.

‘Only one person, who fills both roles,’ Brian said, grinning. ‘And in case you planned to ask, she doesn’t live here. I’m a real slob, and I don’t cook very well so, as far as I’m concerned, the expense is worth it. Mildred is a fantastic cook and keeps my house from looking like a landfill.’

‘Oh,’ Fran said. She felt herself blushing and didn’t exactly understand why.

‘Come on,’ Brian said, ‘I’ll show you around. We’ll start upstairs and work down to the kitchen.’ He led her up along, winding staircase.

Their first stop was a huge bedroom, the centerpiece of which was a king-sized four-poster bed. ‘This is the master bedroom,’ Brian said, with more than a little pride in his voice.

Fran found it hard to believe the size of the bedroom. It was bigger than the living room in her cabin.

‘Brian, this is lovely,’ she said. She walked to the window and looked out. She could see the huge, superbly manicured back yard. The property on which the house sat was expertly landscaped. There was a huge in-ground swimming pool in one corner of the yard and a brick barbecue highlighted a stone patio at the end of the pool nearest the house.

‘Are you OK, Fran? You’ve been very quiet since we got here,’ Brian asked. His question startled Fran and she turned.

‘I…I’m OK,’ she replied. ‘Your home is fantastic.’ She turned again to look out the window. ‘God, your back yard is gigantic. Do you have a gardener, too?’

‘No,’ Brian said. ‘The yard is my creation. It’s what I do on weekends and during the summer. It’s my way of keeping myself sane.’

Fran could tell from the sound of his voice that he’d moved closer to her. She felt an increase in the tension she’d been feeling ever since they’d arrived at the house. Then his arms slid around her waist and he pulled her back against him.

Brian’s action took Fran completely by surprise. She was in his embrace before she could resist. Even worse, she was stunned to discover, was the fact that contact with his body was doing things to her she didn’t want to have it do. At least not at first. Brian’s arms tightened, then he kissed her neck. Fran could feel his erection pressing against her buttocks and a shudder went through her.

‘Brian, noooo!!!’ she murmured, but in spite of herself, she could feel excitement beginning to spread through her. She stiffened, intending to try and pull free of his embrace, but the movement only pressed her buttocks more firmly against his erection, and that added fuel to the fires of desire which were threatening to explode into a wildfire of need. ‘Brian, we…we shouldn’t,’ she protested.

‘Why not?’ he asked softly, continuing to nuzzle her neck. ‘Don’t you want me?’

‘Ah…yes…um…ah…no,’ Fran stammered. She was more confused than she’d ever been in her life. Her body pulsed with longing for him, yet her head kept telling her this was wrong. A maelstrom of chaos whirled in her mind, leaving her unable to think. She expected him to make a pass at her, but nothing like this. And she certainly hadn’t anticipated the way she was responding to him.

‘You know, Fran, I’ve wanted to make love to you almost from the first time I saw you,’ Brian whispered. He cupped his hands around her breasts and his fingers discovered her erecting nipples and began rubbing over them.

What little ability to resist Fran had left was fading quickly. She tried to talk, but ‘Ohhhhhhh!!’ was all that came out.

Brian stunned her again by picking her up and carrying her to the bed. He laid her on it gently, then he sat down next to her, leaned over, and his lips and hers joined in a passionate kiss. While they kissed, he unbuttoned her blouse, then he unhooked her bra, baring her breasts. When the kiss ended and he moved his lips to her swelling nipples and began suckling them. It drove her wild. Her back arched, driving the fleshy tips deeper into his mouth.

While he attended to Fran’s breasts, keeping her off-balance with growing passion, Brian slid his hand down and opened her slacks, then he began to kiss his way across her heaving chest.

‘Brian, this is wrong, we shouldn’t…’ Fran protested when she finally mustered the strength to talk. She meant what she said, but she also knew that unless he stopped they were going to make love. She was so turned on, she wouldn’t be able to refuse him!

Brian, acting as if he didn’t hear her, slid her slacks and panties down. When he did, her hips involuntarily rose to make his task easier, showing him how desperate she was for him, giving the lie to her words of protest.

He gently pushed her legs apart, then he climbed between them. Fran realized, when she looked up at him, that he was naked! She had no idea when, or how, he’d managed to get his clothes off.

‘Oh, Brian!’ she murmured, as he lowered his body onto hers. ‘Ahhhhh!!!’ she groaned when his erection struck her swollen labia. She no longer was able to make even a pretense of resistance. She grasped his swollen pole, tugged on it, and guided it to her aching opening. She knew, somehow, that Brian wouldn’t leave her hanging, that he would give her the pleasure she so desperately needed.

He slid into her slowly, filling her, stretching her delightfully, sending a flood of warmth through her as his huge cudgel invaded her body. Her hips rose of the bed, accepting the hot invader, drawing him deeper. ‘Oh, God!’ she cried, ‘Oh, God!! Oh, God!!!’

Brian rocked his hips, moving his shaft in her. ‘Yes!!! Yesssss!!!’ he groaned, his cries of delight echoing Fran’s.

‘Ahhhhh!!! Ahhhhh!!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!!!!’ Fran cried. Her hips went into spasms and her body shook violently as a furious orgasm ripped through her. ‘Please!!! Brian, please!!!! Take me!!! Take meeeeeee!!! Oh, yes!!! Take meeeeeeeeee!!!!’ she cried, as, finally, she experienced the release she needed.

Brian moaned when his convulsing penis filled her with his torrid fluids, bathing her vagina with warm wetness, driving her even wilder.

Eventually, their passion slaked, they lay in each other’s arms.

‘We…we shouldn’t have done that,’ Fran said softly. ‘I…I don’t know what…what came over me. Brian, why…?’

Brian kissed her on the nose. ‘Why not?’ he asked.

‘I…I’m confused…’ Fran said hesitantly. She was glad she had accepted his invitation. ‘Look what I’d have missed if I’d turned him down!’ she thought.

‘I probably shouldn’t have lured you here like this, but I wanted to find out if what I believed about you was right,’ Brian said. ‘And I’m delighted to say you far exceeded my imagination.’

‘Oh,’ Fran said softly.

A bit later, wearing a robe Brian had gotten for her, Fran sat in the kitchen, watching Brian, wearing a monogrammed dark blue robe, set out the things the cook had left them for dinner.

‘What is that?’ she asked when he took a dish out of the oven and set it on the table.

Brian shrugged. ‘It smells like some kind of seafood casserole,’ he replied. ‘It’s ready. Let’s eat.’

Dinner was very pleasant. As they ate, they chatted pleasantly about school, and about how much the employee assistance plan was needed. Fran found herself relaxing and growing more comfortable with
Brian. She enjoyed his company. He was witty and he listened carefully to what she said.

While Brian cleaned off the table and did the dishes, Fran went back up to the guest bedroom to take a shower and get dressed so Brian could take her home. Instead of a shower, she drew a hot bath and soaked in a tub filled with warm water and foamy bath salts. She kept think about Brian’s lovemaking as she rested in the warm water. He was one of the most satisfying lovers she ever had. She closed her eyes and could visualize his erection, poised and ready to spear into her. She tried to stop the thoughts, but couldn’t. Her erotic musings were turning her on again!

At last, afraid she’d wrinkle from being in the water too long, she climbed out of the tub, dried herself off, and went back to the guest bedroom. She intended to get dressed, but instead she lay down on the bed. She didn’t plan to fall asleep, but she did.

Fran was sure she was dreaming. A hand was gently, insistently, caressing her breasts. First one nipple, then the other, was teased lightly. Then the hand slid softly over her breasts, stroking them with the most incredibly light touch. It felt so wonderful! Powerful waves of delight crashed broke over her. It felt so real! The hand gently wrapped around one breast and her swelling nipple pressed into the cupped palm. God, it felt so real! ‘Mmmmm!’ she moaned, then she jumped when she realized she was no longer asleep. The wonderful feelings continued. She opened her eyes, frightened to find herself in a strange bedroom, then she relaxed. It was Brian! He was making love to her again! ‘Ohhhhhh!!!’ she murmured as his roving hand stirred her deeply.

He lowered his face to hers and their lips met, tongues entwining in torrid fusion. Her arms slid around his neck, pulling him down onto her.

They finally broke the kiss, their chests heaving. Brian stretched out on the bed next to Fran and she snuggled against him.

Brian grinned, kissed her again gently, then his hands resumed their exploration of her body, warming her, thrilling her.

Fran couldn’t believe how wonderful he was making her feel. ‘Oh, Goddd, Brian!’ she moaned. ‘Your touch is so wonderful!’

‘I’m glad,’ Brian replied. ‘Because I want to make love with you again!’

Fran pulled his face to hers and they kissed again. His hands continued to rouse her, to fire her need for him. She felt his warm, nude body pressing against hers, his erection pushing between her trembling thighs and clutched at him. ‘I want you!’ she told him, ‘Now! I can’t wait! Please, Brian! Take me!’ She desperately needed what she knew he would give her!

Exhilarated by the urgency in Fran’s voice, Brian rolled on top of her, his legs sliding between hers, forcing them apart. As he lowered himself onto her, his erection rubbed against her vaginal lips.

The sensations Fran experienced when Brian moved on top of her were sweet, so exquisitely sweet, they brought tears to her eyes.

Brian saw the tears in Fran’s eyes and held himself still. ‘Why are you crying, Fran?’ he asked, concerned. ‘Am I hurting you?’

‘No, you’re not hurting me!’ Fran replied quickly. ‘It’s…it’s just that you feel so good and I need this so much!’ She pressed her body up against his.

Brian moved his hips and his shaft slid into her, moving easily deep into her wanting, willing body.

‘Yesssss!!! Oh, Yessssss!!!! Yesssss!!!!’ Fran moaned when his stave stretched and filled her. He began moving and she could feel every inch of his stiff wand as it plunged deep into her, withdrew, then slid back into her. When their middles were pressed together tightly, she rotated her hips, making his fullness lash around inside her and caress the sensitive walls of her vagina. Her clit rubbed deliciously against his pubic bone. ‘Ohhhhhhh!!!! Ohhhhhhh!!!!! Ohhhhhhhh!!!!!’ she cried, ‘Oh, God, Brian! That feels so wonderful! Oh, God, I love this!’

Rocking and straining against one another, they approached climax, their joined bodies writhing and straining, their lips connected, tongues sliding snake-like against one another, the fires of passion burning fiercely.

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Blossoming of a widow

While going through other stories, I thought I should contribute my real life story for the benefit of all readers. You can call this as an incest story. This happened when I was 28 years old. I was working at Bangalore. It was summer vacation and my wife and son had gone to their native place and I was alone at home. My aunt [father’s youngest sister] aged around 47 years was living at our village along with my grandmother. She was a widow and issueless. Hence, she always considered me as her...

3 years ago
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Torture The Widow

Torture The Widow Chapter 1 ? Choke On It Please take note! Adults Only Literature The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental, etc. Copyright...

3 years ago
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How I fucked beautiful widow

Hi iss readers, this Ashokkumar again here with one more true story. This happened when I was 26 years old. Now I am 39years. When we were in our old rental house in Bangalore. Our compound there were four houses in ground floor and two houses in first floor, we were in ground floor, in front of our house old people they gone to their own house, one new family came into that house. In that family they were one lady with two children, she was widow. Her husband was working in vidhansoudha. After...

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Rebel SpyChapter 2 The Poor Old Widow

"Now," said the madam, with a small smile, "I want you to go visit this woman, the poor dear, she's had such a hard time, and do what you can for her. She is a widow of this war. I just found out last week." "Yes'm," I said, knuckling my forehead. "And bathe first, shave and get one the girls to cut your hair so you won't look so bearlike." "Yes'm," I said with a nod. "And put on some clean linen for goodness sakes." "Yes'm." "And polish your boots." I fled, did as...

1 year ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

1 year ago
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Michelle The Widow

It was 9am on the day of the funeral, George had passed away suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack. He left behind his wife Michelle and 2 young children. George had run a local business selling computer products before his passing. He had done quite well for himself owning a large house and always driving the newest model cars. Michelle was only 37, she was a stay at home mum who had always led the easy life due to George’s business. Too young to be a widow, people kept telling her....

3 years ago
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Romantic Sex With A Widow

Hi everyone, I’m Joy from Hyderabad. I am a 6 feet tall male with a big body and a tool of 7.5 inches. The lady of this story is Jessi. She is a really beautiful widow from Hyderabad with whom I had romantic sex. Her stats are 34-30-36. She got widowed just after 4 years of marriage and has no children. She lives alone with her mom and works in a store as a salesgirl to make ends meet. I have been in a casual relationship with an aunty for the past few years. We got to explore each other as she...

2 years ago
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My First Sex With A Widow

Hi. This is Koushik. Huge fan of Indian sex stories since a long period of time … I always get erected whenever I read stories here.. And finally I got the chance of posting my own story. About me age 20. Studying b tech in Visakhapatnam. Well built, smart enough to please any women. And ladies and girls in and around Visakhapatnam or vizianagaram for any kind of sexual pleasures and friendship contact me Our family consists of me and my parents. And the heroin of this story is our neighbour....

3 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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The Wolf and The Widow

My husband passed away suddenly.  I was fifty-three and a widow. I’d married at nineteen. I didn’t know how to be anything but married. It took me some time to adjust to being single again.Learning to be alone was the biggest challenge. I was financially secure, but lonely. I had convinced myself I was beyond my prime.I was curvy, five-foot-seven. My hair was slowly turning silver where dark brown had once been. My brown eyes still sparkled when I laughed, according to my friends.  Those same...

4 years ago
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The Avengers Initiative the Black Widow

Colonel Nicholas “Nick” Joseph Fury was the spy to end all spies. It was said that his secrets had secrets. He stood staring out window of one of S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier’s pondering the past. It wasn’t always this way, at the very start of his career he was an officer of the US Army and then later an espionage veteran of the CIA during the Cold War. During the war he caught the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D., a covert international peacekeeping organization which operated as humanity’s first line...

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The Cowboy and the Widow

Summer 2015 Castle Texas 8AM 35 year old newly retired Rodeo Bull Rider Adam Rogers is on the way to a job interview, when he gets to his destination he parks his Ford F-150 Pickup truck near the driveway of the house where his future boss lived. He got out of his truck grabbed the file folder that contains his work history which included his 8 years of active duty U.S. Army Service and his 10 years as a Rodeo Bull rider. After he had the folder in his hand he closes the truck door and walks...

2 years ago
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The Widow

I was an 18 year old virgin when I was married, believe it or not. I had very little experience with any kind of sex. My husband had been my only serious relationship, and he treated me like a lady, even when I was only 16. We had been married nearly 10 years when he was taken ill and died. For more than 2 years I had no desire to date. So here I am a 31 year old widow, and now starting to realise that I greatly missed the feeling of a man. A man's strong arms holding me, a man's lips kissing...

1 year ago
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The Widow

The Widow lived across the road. She didn’t fit the image. She was my age, smart, kept herself trim. She had a pleasant but not overly exciting figure, though it was the sort that left you wondering what it looked like naked. She was vivacious, lively, had a smile which lit everything up but she had never remarried. It didn’t appear to be for want of suitors, there wasn’t a string of men or even a queue to the door. In fact she didn’t go out a great deal, but if she did go there was always a...

3 years ago
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Black Widow

Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow is a fearsome member of the Avengers. Her hand-to-hand combat skills trump those of any other Avenger, except the Hulk, of course. She is also by far the most beautiful person in the MCU. Her red hair flows over her perfect breasts. Her shapely ass shakes suggestively from side to side as she walks. And now she is yours to do what you want with her. Which way would you like to see her ravished. Would you like to see her anally destroyed in hardcore BDSM? Would...

3 years ago
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Black Widow

"Agent 69, please wake up. It is time for work," booms a voice over the loudspeaker. Agent 69, Code Name Black Widow, sits up in her bed, completely nude. She is a young girl of only 19 years of age, birth name Justine Dark. She was given her code name and code number for her combination of raw sexuality and violent tendencies. Since a young age, she has been known for her fighting prowess and her lack of mercy for her enemies. She wis also known for her unquestionably good looks. She stands...

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mom is a widow

Sam Smith fretted anxiously at the kitchen table while he waited for his mother to return from the district attorney's office. How could he have been so stupid? Breaking into the new neighbor's house had been a disastrous idea from the start. Ms. Johnson was an attractive, impeccably dressed older widow who had moved into the house- mansion, really- a few doors down. Billy Cravitz, Sam's nemesis, and the rest of the neighborhood gang had given Sam an ultimatum: break into Ms. Johnson's house or...

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Fucked A Hot Sizzling Horny Widow

This is the story of how I seduced a colleague in my office and ended up having a decent time. First, let me describe myself a bit. I have an athletic built with hot smoking abs. I keep my physique chiseled through regular gym and diet. No one can believe that I am a consultant at a top company. Everyone thinks I am some kind of model. So it is no surprise that ladies give a lot of attention to me when I am working at my desk. So there is one colleague named Sneha. Her skin complexion was as...

2 years ago
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Final Submission Of The Widow

Hey guys, I am back with another story. This one is about my aunt Tinu. She is a widow. She was a pretty lean girl but after marriage, she put on weight. I used to love her milky thighs. I was basically staying with her during my college days. Like the last story I told, I started fucking Shyla. Shyla told me all about my aunty. She was alone. She wanted some company that’s why she called me to stay with her. They all used to masturbate. She loved uncle so much but she was missing someone...

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Black Widow

Black Widow by Laura303 My head was spinning as the elevator doors closed. The sudden acceleration as the car started upwards up was enough to cause me to grab onto the handrail at the back of the car. The flowery scent of her perfume was magnified by the close quarters, and for the umpteenth time that evening I wondered how I could be so lucky. It had been just a regular Friday Afterwork Club night. I'd gone to a local bar with a few of the girls from work, and knocked...

2 years ago
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Sexual Fantasy Of A Widow

She was just going mad with the heat of sex. It was 12 in the night and she could not sleep. Yes she was a widow, her husband had died 3 months ago and at this age of 42 she was not able to control the sexual heat in her body. She still remembers how her hubby’s closest friend hugged her while weeping for her husband and during that he almost caressed every sensual part of her body. She still was not able to forget the feel of his hands and now, in the midst of night when she was all alone some...

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Life Of An Unprivileged Widow

I am renjini, now 23 rd year old widow. Living with my mother in law and her husband near a remote village near Tamilnadu border. My husband was a manual worker and we were lived with utmost happiness till last year.My husband died due to fever that happened during the monsoon season. At that time i was carrying my daughter at 4 th month. My mother in law was not happy with my infant as it is a female one. She always curse her that she is the one who brings bad luck to the family in the form of...

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A Hungry Bihari Widow

Hi, am ashok again with another true experience and this time I am going to narrate a true story of an erotic sex with my servant boys mom who was a widow. I was posted in Patna during my training and I was 28 yr old. I was working and I had engaged a servant boy of around 11 yrs old to bring my lunch and dinner dabba from the mess as I did not like the hotel food. Gradually my work load increased and I had to engage a maid and so I told my servant boy to arrange a maid for cleaning the house...

2 years ago
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A widow

About six months ago, My friend was working on a Project and I helped him in hiring several people ( as i have finished my MBA course from Singapore and taking my time to establish my own business as i am waiting for government permission coz its a large scale business ) to work in the field to gather some data. These people would be working from home and the fieldwork would be near their residences. Once every few days they would come to the office or whenever they need supplies or had any...

3 years ago
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Sex with horny widow

Hello all ISS readers this Rahul form Bangalore and I’m going narrating my second story to you all, this happened after I shifted to Bangalore from Mysore. As I was not having much money to rent flat or any other house one of my friend suggested me to share his room until I get stability.His room was in the terraces and we need go out of the room for toilet. Next to our terraces which was joint there lived an widow of around 37 to 38.Her name was pushpa and she was quit good looking female and...

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Fucked Site worker mature lady widow

Hi all reader I am big fan or ISS i read regular i wanted to share my experience on my site were i was working for a construction company i was site supervisor I am 27 year love mature aunty big round ass i love mature granny also sex do not look age and also sex means pleasure so any mature granny 30 to 70 years i will satisfy her in all aspects can contact me ok i will start my story i was went to site to check the work all worker were on live of festival of pongal no one was there but this...

1 year ago
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Fucking my cousin widow

My cousin ,who was much senior than me died around nine years ago. His widow Lipika was then 25.Although she hailed from a poor family, she had good looks and a fair skin. She was just one year senior than me. The incident happened between me and her seven years ago and I still cherish about it. She lived in her late husband’ apartment and her kid was studying in a convent school far way, most of the time she spent alone in her apartment when she completed her office works. She earned a salary...

4 years ago
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Seduction of a Sports Widow

Wanda Ward Williams was born forty years before to the very day when I met her. I walked into the Holiday Inn on Wrightsville Island around 9 P.M. It was not the optimum time, at least that was the myth. It was Thursday though not Wednesday again not the optimum time. The myth went that by Wednesday night the mommies left with the kids, by the high powered daddies, were horny enough to stray a bit. The daddies went home to work or to play with the secretary during the week, then came back on...

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RebelChapter 16 Fran the doctors widow

The second time I went to visit Madam Von R--'s doctor friend, he had good news for me. A compatriot of his, another doctor, had died, he said, and had shelves filled with various medications. "I'm sure his widow has no use for the stuff," he assured me. "She's a fine woman, but I have no idea if she is politically inclined." He gave me directions and a note of introduction. It took most of the day to make the trip with my light wagon, and I was hungry and tired when I knocked at the...

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RebelChapter 43 Another Widow

This story is out of place and should have been entered earlier. But here it is. Every army has its camp followers, and I generally left them alone unless I was very deeply in need of female solace. Some officers' wives were also in the train that followed the army from place to place, but they usually rode in wagons and the men always left them alone while the washerwomen, trollops and sergeants' girls walked most of the time and were considered fair game. Shortly after we stopped the...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Rebel 1777Chapter 64 Widowing

I recall that we were on the third floor of one of the better Philadelphia taverns and that I had just finished serving a buxom wench so thoroughly that she lay half off the bed, begging for surcease, her shift bunched at her neck, head almost touching the stained floorboards, dugs fully exposed and sagging up toward her chin, hairy quim gushing gobs of fluids, when I heard noises from the next room of a different kind of passion. There were vile curses, scuffling, sharp blows or slaps, and...

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