Best Friends Son (2) free porn video

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Best Friend’s Son (II) Burt’s Son – Part Two

I woke up early the next morning, as I usually do. I knew the k** would sleep late. On weekends, he never rose before noon and this morning he’d have a helluva hangover. Fuck – I felt like I had a hangover, too, and all I had was too many fucking Cokes. There were more texts from his dad. He was starting to ask about Labor Day weekend, which was coming up. That also happened to be the anniversary of me getting sober, so he was hinting about a visit.

I texted back, abruptly: “Touch and go, Burt. It’s been a rough week. Give me the weekend. We’ll see.”

Then I tossed the phone on the bed, leaving it behind. I didn’t want to deal with the k**’s dad this morning.

I went for a run to clear my head, but that didn’t work. Did a work out in the gym I’d set up downstairs. The k** had left it a mess, like he usually did, which pissed me off. I had to give credit where it was due, though: the fucker worked out like a b**st.

Now, as I pumped the steal, I could finally understand why: all those fucking muscles hiding all those fucking secrets.

At least a couple of hours went by. It took that long to get my cock under control. The dreams of the prior night had been lucid and intense: decidedly sexual. The exertion helped focus my energy elsewhere. I hadn’t worked out this hard in a while and it felt good, all that sweat.

At around 11:00 I came up from the basement, still uncertain how to approach this whole fucking mess and a little uncertain of myself, me being who I am when it comes to younger guys with muscles. And need.

And cherry.

I shook that out of my head and proceeded upstairs, using the adrenaline and testosterone to my advantage. Figured it was time to wake the bull … or, more aptly, the boy.

He didn’t take kindly to it like I knew he wouldn’t.

“Fuck,” he said, blinking, as I pulled back the bedsheets.

“Rise and shine, junior,” I said, grabbing his feet.

“Dammit – fuck –“ he said, resisting.

“As your dad once said to me, Ryan, the only way out of this hangover is through it. Drink this.”

“Not thirsty.”

“Sure ya are – drink it.”

It was water – a tall glass – but it would help in a little while. I was standing over him – towering, I would say, still sweating, pumped up quite a bit, I might add. The k** caught it – caught my vibe. He tried to not look – tried to make sure I didn’t catch him looking – but I did. I wondered how many times I’d missed his practiced, furtive glances. Such a fucking idiot I was, the realizations continuing to come. And such a fucking asshole I was – right about now – knowing what I was doing, even though I pretended that my care of him this morning was purely paternal. That’s what I told myself even as my jock strained with sweat and substance.

“Gonna puke,” he said.

So I put down the water and hauled his ass up, dragging him quickly into the smaller upstairs bathroom. It was closer, I told myself, and it was, but it was small, so the space would be confined. Close quarters. He wretched in the toilet while I squatted next to him, rubbing his back, showing him some tenderness. The sobs were coming back now. My hand wandered lower and he didn’t flinch at all.

Not that – just to be clear – puke gets me going. It fucking doesn’t. But taking care of the k**, he being all wound up and such – and he being in a position I was all too familiar with - well, you know…

Then, into the shower. Under the hot water I pulled down his shorts, which he tried to resist – “No!” he blurted, but it was too late.

“I don’t care, k**. Seen it all.”

He covered himself, but I handed him the soap. Of course it was hard. Of course it was. It being morning and all – but the k** had just puked and I don’t ever recall maintaining an erection during a vomit episode. Things were adding up.

“You watching me?” he asked, back turned.

“Yeah k** – I’m right here.”

“So – you are.”

“Son,” I said, earnest now. “I’m here because you’re hurtin’, not because you’re naked, okay? Also – you may puke again and I don’t want that shit on the tile, which I laid myself.”

Finally he turned, defiant, looking at me with uncommonly hard eyes – wet though they were. He cleaned his crack while he did so, spending more than a little time back there while he stared at me.

But I wasn’t looking down. I was looking right at his face.

“You should lose the beard, son. You’d look better without all that hair on your face. Anyway, you keep the rest of yourself shaved,” I said, glancing at his bare, rigid cock, giving just the hint of a smirk. “You may as well shave your face.”

He dropped the soap. And no – that’s not a fucking metaphor. He actually dropped it, turned all red, too.

His throat caught again as his cock twitched, and he turned back into the shower. And now I did take a long hard look at that perfect fucking ass. And guess what? It was a perfect fucking ass. I had to stop myself from making my tiger-sound. The muscle was tight, the glutes rode stupidly high. The soap made it all fucking porny.

And then he pushed it back, consciously or not, to get it rinsed, and my cock surged and I needed to get out of there, the steam was making me sweat again – think bad thoughts.

He gargled from the shower-head, drank some, too.

“That’ll help,” I said, looking down, trying to figure out how to exit. Then he turned it off. The silence descending.

“Towel please,” he squeaked, seeming vulnerable now, which was even more dangerous, but I handed it to him, and he wiped down, barely. It wasn’t a tease at all. It was just him – naked. Hung over. Trying to figure out who he was.

I was about to split – had my hand on the door knob – when he turned, looking at me.

“Thought you were gonna join me, Mr. James,” he said. There was both a hint of accusation and a sense of wistfulness. I realized, then, that he knew enough of the game (or had instincts about the game) that he wanted me to make a move. And when I realized that, as the steam cleared, I understood that I absolutely couldn’t. Fuck I wanted to – my dreams of the prior night had been nearly violent in their sexual heat – graphic and lustful. My body, surging with the workout and the heat of this moment, desperately wanted to pounce.

And to be clear: I hadn’t shot in a week – not since our fight. Nearly getting the shit kicked out of you can have a negative impact on your sexual urges. And beyond that – I hadn’t had a good piece of ass all summer. Half the time I was too afraid to leave the k** alone at the house. The other half the time my tricks wanted to come to my place. I was convenient in that respect – had a well-known reputation in ‘the community’ of living alone and letting frustrated husbands sneak away from their stilted gay marriages – usually guys in relationships who had lied their way to the ‘top’ – if you get my meaning. But, given the k**’s raging homophobia, I wasn’t gonna have loud, banging man-sex just down the hall from the guestroom. So I was fucking hard up – it was the longest spell I’d had without boy-pussy in years – and right about now that hardness was hurting. Bad.

But no. But no.

Fucking no.

This was his ask to make, not my ass to take. He had to come home to himself. Once he did, if he invited me into that home, it would all be on him. If I pushed – even a little – he could weasel out of himself and his truth.

So – I just laughed, gently.

“k**,” I said, shaking my head. “That ain’t gonna happen.”

His head dropped, disappointed now, rubbing the towel on his smooth, muscled frame. He was holding back the tears.

“I’m gonna make you some breakfast,” I said, opening the door.

“Drew? Um – Mr. James,” he said, looking back up.

“Yeah, son?”

“You really think – you know – the beard?”

I looked at him. He was asking, honestly, one man to another – and underneath it he was asking how best to present himself for … men? Me?

“I think so, Ryan,” I said. “I think you got a face under all that hair that deserves to be seen. I think you’re hiding that face – for some reason – and I think that’s a shame.”

Then I headed out the door. But on a whim, I turned, sticking my head back in. He was still looking in my direction, breathing hard now –

“There’s clippers in my bathroom. Under the sink. Razors, too. Worst case scenario, son, you’ll hate it and grow it all back in a month – or less. Comes in quick for you, doesn’t it son.”

“Yessir. It does.”

“Just like me,” I said, rubbing my three-day beard that was just this side of getting shaggy. “Nothin’ to lose, then, is there?”

I headed down to fix breakfast, head swirling but now just putting one foot in front of another. One day at a time, you know? One hour. One minute. One second.

As I mixed the pancake batter, I heard the clippers starting.

I smiled.

Poor little fucker, I thought. Everything was falling into place.

Fucking duh, you know? I mean – fucking duh.

Bacon was up and I was waiting to scramble when he padded into the kitchen, wet towel around his stupidly thin waist. And – I mean – he wasn’t thin in the waist, per se – he just looked that way, given his ass and his thighs and his bigfuckingthick upper body. Fuck.

But his face – fuck fuck fuckity fuck his face.

I nearly blew it by saying, “You look pretty, son.” But … I didn’t. That’s what I thought, though. And he did. Look pretty. He had a boy-face. Not all boy – but I saw why he bearded it. He was aging himself. Trying to turn himself into the man that he wasn’t – trying to reject the boy who insisted on being something other than what the man thought he should be.

“Nice,” was all I said, but he caught my reaction and he smiled. Honest-to-fucking-God it was the first smile I’d seen off of him all summer. And fuck if it didn’t light up the kitchen.

“You think so?” he asked, eyes flashing, rubbing his face. It was red from the removal.

“Yeah - ,” I said, turning away before my hunger showed – emotional and physical. The k** was getting to me. Bad.

“You moisturize it?”

“Mmm – no?” he said, like I’d asked him a question in French.

“Watch the bacon,” I said, pouring the eggs into the other pan. “Stir the eggs. I’ll be right back.”

I bounded up the stairs, then rifled through my fag drawer, finding a high-end tube that would help with the rawness.

Back down in the kitchen I pushed him aside from the stove, where he looked, honestly, lost. I handed him the tube. “Put this on – now. It will help with the itching later. And when it starts itching, put on more.”

He smelled it – probably thinking it would be flowery or something.

“Trust me, Ry,” I said. “Fags are really good at skin-care. You don’t put that shit on you’ll be in pain this afternoon.”

He squeezed some out, rubbing it on his chin, then all over his face. He shone. I was gone.

“Drink your juice. It’ll help.”

He did.

“I thought we weren’t supposed to say that word,” he said, not able to hide the fact the he said ‘we’.

“You aren’t. I can.”

“But –“ then he stopped himself.

“But, what?”

“Nevermind,” he whispered, looking down at his empty plate.

Breakfast was up. I heaped his plate with eggs and bacon. Pancakes on a second plate. Had a smaller portion for myself. Had to watch the weight. It was getting harder and harder to keep off.

“Eat the bacon first. That’ll help, too. Lots of butter on the toast. That’ll help. Fat helps hangovers.”

He listened, soaking up the lessons of a practiced alcoholic, then inhaled the three pieces of bacon, using half a stick of butter for the toast and his pancakes. He even dolloped some on the eggs which looked fucking delicious. My stomach growled.

“You gonna eat, too,” he said, hearing it, actually expressing empathy for the first time all summer.

“Ya,” was all I said, digging in. I’d been watching him – watching him like a father watches a son.

Like I said … it was getting dangerous up in here.

He had a second helping of everything. I had finished and was cleaning the dishes, back turned to him. I heard it before I saw it – finished scrubbing the pan, then turned off the faucet, letting the sound of his crying jag fill the room. He had lost control now – completely. His body, physically sated by food, had returned to the emotional wreck that he was, and in the morning light, denuded, he wept. His towel had dropped open. He was naked, in more ways than one.

There tears were the tears of a k** who’d dropped the ball – lost the game – fucked up his life.

I just stood, letting it happen. I’m not sure why I chose not to approach him, though it’s probably because I would have been compelled to hold him – comfort him.

Love him.

But – like I said, I had decided that was the wrong approach, no matter how wrong my distance from him felt now.

I think he expected the comfort, too. Lost, waiting for a daddy – any daddy – to hold him, he looked up, snot falling from his face, eyes red, mouth huffing.

“Why – why – why –“ he sobbed, barely able to speak. “Why – why’m I such a loser?” he cried, pushing his plate away, head dropping into his arms, sobbing now. Really fucking going at it. It was almost comical if it wasn’t so painful. “WhythefuckamIsuchaloser,” he cried, repeating himself, again and again.

I just stood, arms crossed, holding back my own tears – seeing so much of myself in him, manifested differently, of course, but the core was me – the same young man, the same confusion, the same self-hatred.

When he looked up again, the tears subsiding just a bit, seeking an answer to the question he had posed, I tossed him a dishrag, which he used to wipe his face, blow his snot. The k** could sure produce some fluids when he needed to – I’ll give that to him.

“Son –“ I said, making sure he heard me and was ready to hear me. “It’s because you hate yourself, Ryan. You gotta learn to love yourself. Once you do that – you won’t be such a loser. In fact, if you can figure out a way to love yourself – you can be an incredible fucking man. I see it in you – we all do. Even your fucked up old pops, though he can be a stubborn motherfucker. But … anyway. You can.”

“I don’t want to be this way,” he said, just this side of a tantrum, pounding the table.

“Why not, Ryan? Why the fuck not?”

“It’s wrong. It’s fucking wrong.”

“Who says it’s wrong, son?”

“My mom!” he cried, the tears coming again.

“Oh that bitch,” I said, not able to catch my words as they shot out of my mouth.

“Fuck you – “ he said, pounding the table. “Don’t talk about my her that way.”

He got up, muscles flared, doing the “mom” thing. But he wasn’t scaring me – not in my own home, not naked – not crying like a baby.

“Ryan – “ I said, not moving a muscle, but deepening my voice so he understood who was in charge of this little mid-day rodeo – “I am sorry I disrespected your mother. I apologize for that. Sincerely. But son – she’s … k**, that religious bullshit is just that. It’s bullshit.”

I’m not gonna get into his mom. Just paint your own picture. Suffice it to say her religious conversion while Burt was in Kuwait was the beginning of the end. And when she sued for sole custody, it nearly killed him. By then I’d gotten my shit together and I borrowed against my home to get him a lawyer. The bitch had over-reached, which seemed to be a trait she passed down to her son. Her ‘sect’ was just this side of a cult – snake charmers and speaking in tongues and home-schooling and shit like that. Hell – she even accused her husband of being gay, which was laughable. Poor fucker had to call two girlfriends to the stand, but they were good ladies, and laid it on the line that he was a good man.

When asked why they didn’t marry him, they responded in kind. “I wanted to,” I remember one of them saying. “But he’d been burned once,” she said, eyes narrowing at the uptight cunt with permed hair that was clutching her bible at the defendant’s table. “He wasn’t gonna be burned twice.”

It helped that it was a small town. Pretty conservative – but even conservatives have their limits and when the judge made his ruling, and she stood, screaming Old Testament passages at him, everyone knew that the right decision had been made.

The court found that she was a crazy bitch – sorry, that she was “providing an unstable home-life”, and granted Burt full custody. She got once-a-week visitation rights (Sunday), with thirty days in the summer for her revival camp, and that was that.

But clearly, her damage to Ryan had been profound.

Suffice it to say that her relationship with me was … um … non-existent. I tend to keep people who spit on me out of my life.

“The bible says it’s a sin – it says it’s an a-a-a-“ he was still crying periodically, so the words came out stilted. “An a-abomination.”

My own rage was rising, but I held it in check. Mostly I was able to do that by being outrageously pissed at myself that I hadn’t seen this train coming down the track like one thousand fucking miles away. I mean – Jesus – how fucking dumb could I be?

I approached him cautiously, sitting on the other side of the table, taking a submissive posture, so he could back down on the ‘don’t-fuck-with-my-mother’ shit and we could talk about … this shit.

“Sit down, son. I’m sorry I disrespected her. I truly am.”

He sat, muscling up, even though he looked foolish doing so in his birthday suit, swabbing his face with the dishrag rag.

“You ever read the Bible, son?”

That caught him.

“I mean – some – we used to – in the summer –“

“The whole thing. Not some. Not the sections picked out for you by other people – but the whole thing.”

“No,” he said, sullenly, incomprehensibly holding on to the one thing that kept him from his truth and his happiness.

“You ever read the Sermon on the Mount? ‘Judge not, lest you be judged?’”

“Heard of it.”

“Read it?”


I got up, heading to the den. You can’t be a good twelve-stepper without a fucking bible, and I’d done my share of Christianism while getting sober. It was the Sermon on the Mount that helped me consider the possibility of a higher power. At least figure out a way to live my life.

“Listen,” I said, sitting back down. I was quiet. Trying to project strength and love. Authority.

“Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And this, Ryan: Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits.”

He was looking at me, inquisitive.

“If you want to believe your mother’s version of this book, you can. Or, you can do your own reading, and figure out what it means to you. Being a man, son – that means thinking for yourself. That’s what I believe anyway. Your dad, too. Arnie. Especially Arnie.” That last seemed to catch him. Compel him.

“Do you believe in God?” he asked suddenly.

“Um … I do. Yeah. I do. I mean – it shifts. But yeah – higher power. I believe in a higher power.”

He just nodded.

“Do you?” I asked.

“Um – I think so. I mean – it scares me to think that there isn’t one.”

“Me, too,” I said, honestly. “Do you believe God would make something that He didn’t intend to make? Make something wrong?”

“No. But mom says that’s Satan in us – that when there’s something wrong in us, like the bible says, then it’s Satan doing that, not God.”

“Well – they have an answer for everything, don’t they?”

“I mean – yeah. They do,” he said, making a realization.

“Everything they want to justify they can justify – and that includes hate, Ryan. But none of Christ’s teachings are about hate – they’re about love. We are who we are, son – who God made us, if you believe in that – and I do, mostly. Though my God doesn’t go around making people something that they’re not supposed to be, or get worried about where we put our cocks – as long as we treat each other with respect. Love. You know – and passion. It’s a gift, son, who we are. A gift, not a curse. I believe that. The God I believe in gives gifts unconditionally – like you. You’re a gift – most recently a pretty fucking hard gift, to be brutally honest – but a gift nonetheless. Look at you, son. Your eyes – all bright. Strong. Handsome. You’re a gift, Ryan, not a curse.”

I stood up, letting that sit there, clearing his plates, then pouring more juice.

“Keep drinking. It will help –“

“I – I feel better,” he said, but accepting another pour.

“Is there a thank-you in there, Ryan?” I asked, prodding him.

“Yessir – thank you – I mean. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” I said, finishing the dishes.

“I mean it,” he said, forcefully. “You really been a good person to me. Thank you.”

“We all got our crosses to bear, k**,” I said, smiling at him. He looked confused. So I moved to him, tussling his head. “You could lighten up a bit, k**. It might help you. Stop fighting yourself and let yourself go. You might find fun in that – joy, too. Could help you feel better about yourself.”

“I can’t remember ever feeling good about myself, Mr. James,” he said, looking up at me.

That hit me like a ton of bricks.

“Well then – “ I said, trying to figure out a way to confront that, manage it – fathom it. “Maybe that’s what you should work on then, son. I been there – it’s no way to be. Your father taught me that. Saved my life, too, when he did.”

He just kept looking at me, seemingly overwhelmed. Then he rose, grabbing me, pushing himself into my body, clutching like a baby, but needful like a man – so much desire and youth and innocence and pain wrapped up in his muscles.

I held him forcefully, but withheld my sex – pushing it down, forcing it into an iron box at the bottom of my being. I tried to be a man for him, not a sex object.

“Please,” he said, grinding lewdly now, hard. I pushed him away and – now that I got a good close look at it – I was impressed. It wasn’t a massive cock, but the k** showed hot when hard. Just above average, just this side of thick. Taking in the whole picture – his boyish urgency – it suited him well.

“I –“ he said, but I cut him off.

“Not now, Ryan. Now is not the time.”

“But –“

“Ya gotta trust me, son. Please trust me. This once.”

“I wanna – “ he cried, covering himself. “I wanna be with you. How do I be with you?”

“You ask, son. You just ask. But not when you’re hungover – not when you’re all fucked up emotionally – not when you’re … a mess. And k** – it’s okay to be a mess. Fuck, I been in worse shape than you were last night – far worse than you are this morning. But I know enough to know you ain’t thinking clearly – you’re thinking with your cock.”

He shrunk at that.

I batted away his hands, grabbing it, hard, like a man does. “And son – this is a nice fucking cock. A nice big piece of meat that any man should be proud to swing. Fuck Angie – that dude was pissed at you and he had a right to be pissed. But what he said was wrong – is wrong. You got a nice cock, Ryan. It’s time to stop hating it. It’s time to start loving it – and start listening to what the fuck it’s trying to tell ya, ‘kay?”

Then I picked up the towel from his chair and snapped it at him, perfectly twinging the tip of that red raging thing – and the k** nearly knocked over the table, he jumped so hard, yelped so loud.

“Fuck,” he cried, about to get mad again, but I was laughing, having fun with him, imagining what it would be like to have youth like his around me, constantly, to care for – play with. Wrestle.


“What the fuck, son – gonna get dressed or what?” I said, chasing his ass up the stairs, snapping it.

He turned at the top, smiling huge, bigger smile than I ever seen him produce, blinding really, so much weight had been unloaded from him.

“Fucker,” he said, trying to grab me, but missing as I moved past him, grabbing at his junk, playfully, showing my appreciation for it – for him.

“You bet I am, k**,” I barked, laughing. “You bet I am.”

I slammed the door to my room, closing him out, catching my breath – reeling in emotion and desire.

“Get dressed, k**.” I yelled at him, and ripped off my clothes, pushing on some jeans and a shirt that showed off my morning work-out. I looked at myself in the mirror, working the hair like I was about to go on a date.

“Fuck,” I whispered to myself. My phone vibrated. I looked at it. It was Burt. I shut it off. Couldn’t think about him now. Could only think about Ryan.

When I emerged from my bedroom and stalked down the hall he was standing at his bed, naked, lost in thought.

“Going shopping. You wanna come,” I said, expecting a yes.

He turned – looking at me, eyes pure for the first time I could remember.

“No. I mean – no Sir. Gonna stay here. Work out. Need to work out – that okay?”

“That’s fine, son. That’s just fine.”

“Need to work out,” was all he said again, vacant, looking at some point in the distance – maybe some place where he actually stood – trying to figure out a way to get there. Then he grabbed at his wallet, pulling out a hundred bucks or so, handing it to me.

“On me, k**,” I said, moving away.

“No,” he responded, with … force. With adulthood. A new voice. The voice of a … man?

“Please, Mr. James. Please,” he said, walking up to me, still naked, but standing taller now. “And can you get us some rib-eyes? For tonight. They’re my favorite.”

I nodded. It was hard to focus with him standing there. “And, can we grill ‘em?” he asked, eyes clear. “And … can you teach me how? To do that – to grill stuff?”

I nodded again, trying to take his bills, and avoid his gaze. But his hand held mine in the cash exchange, hard, gripping it. I had to look up and when I did I realized he was looking for my own desire – my own need – trying to determine it. See if it existed. I couldn’t hide it from him, standing there like that – beginning to find his purity.

I couldn’t. So I let him feel my heat – imposed my frame on him just a little – relaxed into my hunt, so to speak. My jeans shifted lower, my cock enlarged. He saw it. Goose-flesh emerged on his arms. His breathing quickened.

“Have a good work out, son. I had a monster of one this morning. Helped clear my head.”

“Could we work out together – sometime – Drew?” he asked, not quite plaintively, but almost.

“Sure, k**. I’d like that. You could probably teach me a few things,” I said.

He still held my hand. Wouldn’t let go.

“Maybe,” he said. “But, I think you could teach me some stuff, too.”

He had hardened again. But there was no more shame in his display. If anything, there was pride and it wasn’t false pride – that bullshit swagger that he’d displayed all summer. This was … different. Truthful.

I grabbed his wrist with my other hand, holding it, and then pulled away from him with intention.

“Have a good work out, son,” I repeated. “It will help clear your head – and in here, too,” I said, pushing my fist into his chest. Then I turned and split, heading down the stairs. I was on auto-pilot now. It felt dangerous, how a felt. But life-changing, too. I gorged on the thick summer air, getting into the cab my truck.

Suddenly I wanted to get a dog.

Start a family …

I was fucked.

End of Part Two

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Origins of the Personalia

Personalia: their origins and development [The following paper, ( amended from a talk given to the Rehome Historical Society, which later appeared in the "Journal of the Rehome Historical Society", issue no. 73), is a brief historical review by Robert Kempe, junior, of The Personalia from their ancient origin to their present interactions with the human race.] Author: Robert Kempe, eldest son of Governor Bob Kempe and his first wife Diane Enloe. Background of the author: My father has...

3 years ago
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My Friend8217s Hot Milf Mom Sonam

Helio this Adam Matthews from Mumbai.This story is about my best friends mom Sonam.   I was feeling quite hot after driving to sam’s house. Since his family had moved to another village, we didn’t see each other as often. I was looking forward to hanging out with him. We had a similar taste in music and sport, so there was always plenty to talk about. I parked my bike around the side of the house before ringing the front doorbell. Mrs Sonam, sam’s mom, opened the door. I hadn’t seen her for a...

2 years ago
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Adventures of Lionel Sondra

Be advised this story is intentionally rife with POV shifts, misdirected adjectives, and other wanton misuse of literary convention. Please turn back now if such fripperiness gets on your nerves. Thanks. : ) L8. * The Adventures of Lionel & Sondra chapter one — watching TV ‘Television? But you never watch television. And you know I don’t either.’ Lionel was confused by Sondra’s request. Besides, she didn’t look like she wanted to spend an evening watching TV. What she looked like, was a)...

2 years ago
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Bestfriends Forever

This is a true story Shizz and I have been best friends for 11 years. We’ve been through everything together. We’ve gone from friends, friends with benefits, dating, lovers, relationship, back to friends with benefits. That’s where it pretty much stopped. I don’t think we can ever go back to just being friends. Probably because he’s still in love with me and I’m still in love with him. I’m looking forward to seeing him this Christmas. I am so excited. I haven’t seen him since he moved to North...

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"What a neat little doll, Ashley!", Corrina exclaimed."Where'd you pick it up?" Corrina turned the odd little dollaround into the light to get a better look at it.Ruffling a page in her magazine, Ashley snuffled. "Oh, **that**old thing? I picked it up in Rhodes, on vacation with myfolks. Its older than dinosaur shit, I've been told"."Lemme see it", requested Zenobia, reaching out her hand forthe little statuette. Corrina passed it to her. "It doeslook kinda old", she commented. Ashley's little...

1 year ago
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BestFriends Ex

I stood in the nightclub listening to the same old repetitive music. The lights shining down on the Dancefloor. I was buzzing after the amount I'd had to drink and on the prowl for the right girl. I knew one girl was coming but she off limits to me because of being my best mates ex girlfriend, but the way I was feeling I didn't care and thought I'd have a go anyway. A few girls made there interest known but I just ignored them and carried on leaning against the side of the bar looking for the...

4 years ago
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BestFriends Ex

I stood in the nightclub listening to the same old repetitive music. The lights shining down on the Dancefloor. I was buzzing after the amount I'd had to drink and on the prowl for the right girl. I knew one girl was coming but she off limits to me because of being my best mates ex girlfriend, but the way I was feeling I didn't care and thought I'd have a go anyway. A few girls made there interest known but I just ignored them and carried on leaning against the side of the bar looking for the...

3 years ago
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Bestfriends Couple

Hie ISS readers, I am sri and this is my first story. This is my real story between me,my girlfriend and later my bestfriend(vikas),his girlfriend(meghana),i have a sexual desire on this meghana. First of all you have to know one thing that my gf is still using petticoats sized 85 and underwear of 85 name is amrutha(name changed),we usually talk a lot in phone and one day night we are normally talking in phone and i asked a kiss, with that kiss i became hot and my rod became semi...

4 years ago
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Bestfriends Forever

This is a true storyShizz and I have been best friends for 11 years. We’ve been through everything together. We’ve gone from friends, friends with benefits, dating, lovers, relationship, back to friends with benefits. That’s where it pretty much stopped. I don’t think we can ever go back to just being friends. Probably because he’s still in love with me and I’m still in love with him. I’m looking forward to seeing him this Christmas. I am so excited. I haven’t seen him since he moved to North...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Sexy Soni

Three years back a friend of mine invited me & all our close friends for a get together at her house. She had arranged for a party on her terrace for her friends. I reached at the decided time. I met those whom I knew, because there were few whom I didn’t knew. After sometime the friend who had arranged the party introduced each & everyone to others so that all will comfortable. There i got introduced to a girl call soni (changed as she requested me to do so). She was pretty, long hair till her...

4 years ago
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A Gradual Affair With Soniya

This was not the first time that I would be writing to you my friends but it would be good to hear back from fans of the female variety :-)It was a late summer evening and I had been busy trying to wrap up work at office. The eagerness was more with the anticipation of catching a glance of our new neighbor Soniya. They had moved recently to the same building and shared the same floor so but natural that my wife and I would extend a warm welcome to them and offer any help or support they need to...

4 years ago
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A few minutes later I am impressed and turned on as I flick through her pics. Most attractive size 12 brunette, average height, with a sexy smile. She has an all over sun tan, standing topless legs apart, hands on hips, wearing killer heels and dressed in crotchless black leather slacks. Modest, though attractive tits and I do like the way her pubic hair has been waxed. The third pic shows a rear view of her in the same leather slacks without any covering over her magnificent ass. “Did you...

3 years ago
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A few minutes later I am impressed and turned on as I flick through her pics. Most attractive size 12 brunette, average height, with a sexy smile. She has an all over sun tan, standing topless, legs apart, hands on hips, wearing killer heels and dressed in crotch-less black leather slacks. Modest, though attractive tits and I do like the way her pubic hair has been waxed. The third pic shows a rear view of her in the same leather slacks without any covering over her magnificent ass. “Did you...

2 years ago
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                                       So back to my past, it’s 1985 and I have started collage. The occupation I was pursuing isn’t relevant, so I will not elaborate on it. My intention here is to share my sexual adventures with likeminded adults, like yourself, so I will not bore you with the irrelevant. I had broken things off with “Spankie, my first submissive girlfriend” (See story for details.) and was making a fresh start on life. What life I had anyway. You see, for those of you who...

4 years ago
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Teaching Lesson To Sonali

Hi friends this is Deepthi again… this is my second story in ISS… Thanks to all of you for a Very good Response from u all… To the new one’s my 1st Story was First Lesbian Experience With Hostel Warden… No continuations for both are different stories…Coming to the story….. Life is going normal in the hostel and suddenly comes the Sonali Mam she was the only strict faculty in whole college she joined in the hostel suddenly and for my surprise she was my roommate too… My normal life was totally...

1 year ago
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My girlfriends daughter Madison

As I made my way into the house,I flipped the light on for the hallway. Kicking off my boots and hanging my jacket up,I walked to the living room to see the futon laid out. There was a little bit of light from the street light and could see Michelle laying on the futon. I figured she had watched a movie and decided to crash on the futon. I kicked off the rest of my clothes down to my boxers and laid down beside her. She flinched a little,which was nothing out of the ordinary,but she didn’t...

4 years ago
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There was a knock at the door. I wasn’t expecting anyone but opened it just the same. There stood my step-son’s fiancé: Alyson. They were to be married in three days. She was cute and we hit it off the first day we met. She stood about 5’5”, weighed about 120, and had a full “C” cup. It was those blue eyes and full lips that always had my attention.She came bounding into the foyer and told me that she had something that she wanted to talk with me about. I had been like a father to her from the...

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There was a knock at the door. I wasn’t expecting anyone but opened it just the same. There stood my step-son’s fiancé: Alyson. They were to be married in three days. She was cute and we hit it off the first day we met. She stood about 5’5”, weighed about 120, and had a full “C” cup. It was those blue eyes and full lips that always had my attention.She came bounding into the foyer and told me that she had something that she wanted to talk with me about. I had been like a father to her from the...

3 years ago
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Hi this is Sonali my friend Paul wanted to post this story to other site but in between that I saw that he is sending story in which heroin is I but he still doesn’t know that I sent this story to ISS Michael picked Viplove and Sonali up in his car at ten o’clock that morning. “You understand,” he said as he drove them to the Supermarket, “that if you wish to become members of the club you have to do exactly what I tell you to do during the next twenty eight days?” Viplove and Sonali sat in...

1 year ago
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L8 Night with Lionel and Sondra

He was late coming home — later than usual. Sondra fell asleep on the couch, waiting up for him. She didn’t hear the engine, or even the door opening. Lionel awakened her with a soft kiss. ‘You waited up for me.’ ‘Oh, baby,’ she yawned and stretched, then sat up and hugged him tightly. ‘Welcome home. Are you hungry? You want me to fix you something?’ ‘I’ll get it. Why don’t you go on to bed? I’ll be in in a little bit.’ ‘Okay,’ she sleepily agreed and swayed off down the hall. Lionel was...

4 years ago
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Fucked Sexy Sonal

Hi Friends, mera naam Amit hai. I m 22 year old handsome guy studying engineering in last year at pune.Till 21 i never experienced sex because i didnt have girlfriend. I was bit shy guy, Aur mere maximum dost jinke pass girlfriend thi mujhe hamesha unke sex life ke baare me bata the, aur unki baate sunkar mein hamesha excite ho jaata tha. Aur mujhe bhi chodne ka bada mann karta tha lekin uske liye ladki ko patana bahot zaroori tha. Hamari class ki bahot saari ladkiya mujhe line deti thi lekin...

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Memories of Miss Manson

This is a true story of what happened to me during my time at secondary school between 1987 and 1994. In 1986, if my memory serves me correctly, corporal punishment in schools was banned. However, that didn’t seem to stop teachers at my old school – and may I add – completely female teachers – from using it on occasions. I remember an incident in a Drama lesson at the school. We were all in PE kit of t-shirt and shorts and had been instructed by the teacher, a tall, blonde lady called Mrs...

2 years ago
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Professor Sanderson

The little bitch had started coming on to him almost from the first class. Giving him those doe-eyed looks, the sly smiles, sitting there with his legs spread wide apart so Professor Sanderson could see his hard boy-meat. And he continued do so up until mid-terms. But, even though the little bitch had been outrageously flirting with Professor Sanderson from his front row seat, he had also been careful to never actually approach the man, to give his professor any opening to act on the boy’s...

4 years ago
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Relationship With Hot Coworker Sonam

Hi, this is Kumar. After being a long time reader of sex stories on various sites, I got an urge to share my story with you all. I am a teacher by profession, working in a private institute in Pondicherry as a principal with a nice salary.Pondicherry is a beautiful place for living and drinking. It was a summer vacation when this incident took place. My coworker name’s Sonam. She is a perfect babe with a perfect figure and having a physical status of 34- 28- 34 which I came to know later. She...

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MumthazShilpa and Sonali

Hi friends, I am Ravi Sreedhar, I am 19Year-old, 5' 6" in height and doing my graduation. I was staying with my brother who was Lt.Col in Army and was studying in Delhi for Degree first year when this terrific incident here is happened. My first sexual experience was with my cousin sister as well as teacher Latha aged 23 [Uncles daughter] at the age of 16. We had a wonderful period of 2 years. During that time we had several wild and beautiful love making occasions. She was more interested...

3 years ago
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Fun With Sonam

First of all, my hearty thanks to ISS, for this wonderful website, this has made majority of them to share their sexual experiences. It’s been a while since I have written my experiences on ISS. I had shared my experiences before and now sharing yet another one. This happened couple of months back. I’m Nish (name changed), aged 27, from Bangalore/Bengaluru. I’m a software engineer by profession and working in an MNC. It’s been a smooth going life for me. I don’t believe in paying or receiving...

4 years ago
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The Story of Sonja

THE STORY OF SONJA It was 4 a.m on Tuesday morning, and like everymorning Sonja was lying on the cold floor of her cell naked except for hermetal Chastity belt. Like clock work, Sonja was awakened by the sound ofa female guard screaming "wake up slave". Instinctively, Sonjaassumed a kneeling position and said "slave is awake Mame".Onceshe acknowledged she was awake, the guard opened her cell and laid a bowlof corn meal and water in front of Sonja and said "You have 5 minutes-eat" andthen the...

3 years ago
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New Black Servant Sonu

Hello everyone this is Ramlal . This is my first story in ISS . this story is dedicated to all the juicy ladies and to all the vergin’s who are still dreaming of having sex and to all the penis holders , hold yourself tight to go on sexual adventure with me in this real story of mine . This incident happened with my sister , who later shared it with me , as I and my sister don’t hide anything from each other . Now hear this story in the words of my sister . Here goes the story : Hello Friends I...

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Olivia and Victor Ellison

I looked at the wall clock. She still wasn't home, and it was ten till midnight. I'd gotten home an hour earlier after having been abandoned by her at her company's, Homestead Interior Design and Furnishings, party. She's an agent for them: she deals with department stores buying such. At any rate, she'd simply just up and left with some guy while I was in the bathroom. The she is my wife, Olivia Ellison, and her current level of disrespect is highly likely to put an end to that little...

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Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma Pt 3 Bhide Aur Sonu

Namaste aap sabko aur ayie mere 3rd part of story mein. I hope ki aapko pehle 2nd part pasand aye honge. Aur agar nahi padhe toh please padh le toh ek si link set ho jayegi. Yeh sari stories tab ki hai jab sare bache bade ho gaye hai. Toh aab main aata hu sidha story pe. Jaise ki apne 2nd part mein halki si jhalak li ki Sonu aur Bhide chudai kar rahe the apni bedroom mein jab Madhvi nahi thi. Toh ayie dekhte hai ki kaise in dono ki sex life ki shuruat hui. Toh ek din hua yuh ki Sonu ke 12th...

2 years ago
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To Addison, sex was a mystery. She was very curious about it starting in her teen years, but many of her questions about it went unanswered. She was raised in a home where the subject was rarely discussed, and when it was, she was warned that having sex was something she should wait to do until after she was married. Her parents were conservative, religious people and her only sibling was nearly eight years younger than her and being her brother, she never even dreamed of talking about the...

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My friends Son

She soon allowed my friend to adopt him. He was 2 years old. The only ask that he be raised similiarly to the way he would have been raised in his native land. My friend agreed. My friend loved him dearly and even took sometype of injections that would allow her breast to produce milk. She soon was able to nurse him. She felt that they could bond better if he was at her breast. I agreeded, having nursed all three of my babies. Knowing that he would never know his own family and his...

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Tmkoc Episode 12 Bhide Aur Sonu

Hi, this is humraaj88, back after a long break with the much-awaited continuation of my series TMKOC. Before getting into the story, I would like to thank everyone who liked and responded well to my emails. And for those who are new, my email id is Toh jaisa ki aap jante hai Sonu train mein Payal ke sath washroom mein chali jaati hai. Jaise hi Sonu washroom mein pahunchti hai Payal door lock kar deti hai. Sonu ko lips pe kiss karne lagti hai. Sonu bhi sab bhool kar ache se respond karti hai...

3 years ago
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Cricket With My Sister Sonali

My Sister, Sonali, had turned 19 just last week. As much as I loved her as an elder brother, I had to admit her big bosom always left me surprised. They were definitely sized 36 and always looked huge. She had proper busty melons, and for somebody of her age it was an unbelievably sized pair of hooters to own. Sonali, however, always managed to keep it covered,hidden and look less voluptuous on most occasions. But at home, it was just impossible. Firstly you do not always wear uncomfortable...

4 years ago
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My Best Teenage Girlfriend Sonu

Hi friends This is Prem , I am 24 now , this is a two year old story , I was in MBA first year , I mate SONU who was living near my hostel room, she was 18 yrs old but very bold with big boobs. All of we friends use to watch her moving everyday , and she was also very innocent, One of friend set her and they started dating , but soon she got broke up with him and I noticed that she was attracted to me… One day I was going to my room and I saw her changing dress , I stopped and started...

3 years ago
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Fun With My Crush Colleague Sony

Hello, Greetings!! ISS and Readers, Sub: How I enjoyed with my colleague Ref: Hemo, I’m back with fresh story this is my first Office story, those who don’t know about me let me introduce to them. This is Hemanth from Hyderabad (South India) if you want to know more about me then read my previous stories (I don’t like to waste your time so that I said like that), I hope you like them. In this story I’m expressing the fun happened between me and my colleague. I was working in a social service...

2 years ago
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The Neighborhood Chapter Four Sonja

I woke up the next morning to find myself in bed alone. I got up,brushed my teeth, put on some underwear, and walked to the kitchen. I thought I had smelled coffee. Randy and Paul were at the kitchen table getting their morning shot of Java. They were also getting an eyeful. Sonja was sitting on a chair across the room with her legs spread. She was energetically masturbating for my roommates. Her fingers dipped in and out of her mound. With her other hand she was massaging those...

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The Neighborhood Chapter Four Sonja

I woke up the next morning to find myself in bed alone. I got up,brushed my teeth, put on some underwear, and walked to the kitchen. I thought I had smelled coffee. Randy and Paul were at the kitchen table getting their morning shot of Java. They were also getting an eyeful. Sonja was sitting on a chair across the room with her legs spread. She was energetically masturbating for my roommates. Her fingers dipped in and out of her mound. With her other hand she was massaging those...

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How Do You Solve A Problem LikeMiss Manson

After her meeting with Ms. Storey that lunchtime and on hearing that the strict young deputy headmistress was going to allow Rebecca Mulligan to carry out her plan to deal with Miss Manson, the head of Music at St Katherine’s School did not hang around for long after the end of the school day. Once she had taken the full school orchestra for their after-school practice she returned to the Music office, packed her bag and hurried to her car. She arrived home just after 5 pm and decided that she...

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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 2 Pansy Parkinson

Hermione didn’t sit in the same compartment as Harry and Ron did on the Hogwarts express, she and Ginny had found a compartment for themselves. Ron thought he and Hermione had argued and kept telling Harry to go apologize.Harry finally got tired of Ron and reminded him that Prefects needed to patrol the train. Ron grudgingly left the compartment leaving Harry alone. Harry’s thoughts immediately turned back to Sirius and the prophesy. Hermione had been able to keep these thought away for a...

1 year ago
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Aunt Sonja

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am driving across country to attend a funeral of a family member and all I could think about was a woman. Sonja, that was her name. The thought of her name alone stirs an emotion in me that time will never quiet. It’s been several years since I felt her skin, smelled her perfume and tasted her essence. She ruled over me even though she never wanted to be my queen. I lived for the opportunity to feel her passion and take her as my own. But there was...

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Secret Affairs with my friends son

It wasn’t a beautiful day… It was raining heavily, and I was walking holding my handbag above my head trying to save myself from rain. I was looking stupid. My car had spoiled, and I had to leave it where it stopped. My house was still a little far, so instead of going to my house, I took a left turn and started walking to Rachel’s house. Rachel was a friend of mine, and we worked together in the same office. I was single while Rachel divorced her husband seven years ago. Since then Rachel was...

2 years ago
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Sonyas Siren Song Part 2 Educating Sonya

In the morning, I opened my eyes, and there was Sonya, in the bed beside me, still fast asleep. I realised that whatever happened last night had really happened, and there was no going back. I wasn’t sure what would happen when she awoke, but just in case, I quietly slipped out of the side of my bed, and put my pyjama pants back on. I looked down at the still-sleeping Sonya, lying with her back to me, and I remembered that under the covers, she probably still had her silk nightdress...

4 years ago
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My trip the Texas to see my black master Tyson

As in the previous story I meet Tyson at the apartment the I shared with my husband Tim. Tyson was the second man I had ever had sex with and the 1st black male. I was his and he could use me anyway he deemed fit. As stated in my pervious story Tyson moved to Texas and I really missed him. My husband knowing now that I was a BBC cum slut knew I missed him. One day out the blue I got a call form Tyson telling me I needed to get on a plane and get to Texas ASAP. He had something lined up and he...

2 years ago
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Gracie and her best friends son

Gracie was attending a birthday party at her friend Rachel's house, who's son was turning 18... Gracie:"I've known Rachel for more ten years now and she is one of the few type of friends who actually stick around. It felt as if not too long ago I was turning 18, but I was now in my early thirties and Rachel probably felt old too now that she was was nearing forty!... But anyways let's continue with the story...There was plenty of alcohol available, for those in the appropriate age range of...

3 years ago
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Sonyas Siren Song Part 2 Educating Sonya

This story continues on directly from my first story, Sonya’s Siren Song. In the morning, I opened my eyes, and there was Sonya, in the bed beside me, still fast asleep. I realised that whatever happened last night had really happened, and there was no going back. I wasn’t sure what would happen when she awoke, but just in case, I quietly slipped out of the side of my bed, and put my pyjama pants back on.I looked down at the still-sleeping Sonya, lying with her back to me, and I remembered that...

2 years ago
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Daddy and Addison

Thanks for taking the time to read my little story. All characters in this story are over consensual age and are fictitious.“Daddddyyyy!” Addison whined. “Hurry up we’re going to be late.” “It’s not so funny when the shoe’s on the other foot huh?” Her father said nearly laughing. "But Daddy!" She whined again. "We need to go and you're taking too long. I'm going to get another tardy at school!" "I'll do it when I'm good and ready baby." "Ooooh…" Addison growled in frustration. She changed...

4 years ago
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Saving Sonya

The weekend was rapidly coming to a close. It never really lasts long enough, and on this Sunday night, facing a busy working week, I sent my weekend fuck home and decided to turn in early for a good night’s sleep.After showering and tidying the bathroom, I climbed into bed. Thankfully, my weekend fuck had changed the sheets. We’d sure made a mess. When that bitch gets off — damn, she floods the place, squirting like no female I’ve ever known. All I have to do is curl my fingers up inside her...

3 years ago
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Sex With Sexy Virgin Sony

Hi ISS readers this is arun, age 28, now am living in Pune. I am reading ISS stories since 4 years and now got courage to share my sex experience with you all. Thanks to all readers and publishers for giving this opportunity to share my real incidence with you all. This real incident happens exactly 3 years before with my best friend Sony. Well I am from Coimbatore, I did my studies in Coimbatore itself, and I got job in Delhi I went to Delhi in may 2007 n stayed with my friend Raj, I met Sony...

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Jenny and the Johnsons

Jenny and the JohnsonsIt is fair to say that the tale of Jenny and the Johnsons is a little unusual. It comprises of many different incidents, some of which are brief and others more protracted; most - it will please readers to learn - are filled with wild sexual escapade, which, on occasion, border the realm of the bizarre. Before delving into these events, I will give some background regarding our main character, Jenny Harrington, beginning with a description of her physical appearance. Jenny...

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Purple Pills 2 David Becomes Sonya

"Purple Pills 2 - David Becomes Sonya" David looked at the pills laid out on his table. There were ten of the oval-shaped pills in all, each one holding the chemical compounds to restructure his DNA and turn him into ten different girls. Just last night his friend Mark had surprised the group and turned half of them into girls, and David had turned into a skinny teenage girl with a great body. He'd acted pissed off in front of everyone, but secretly he had wanted to explore his...

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The Delightful Miss Lawson

      Lisa, stood at her bedroom window watching her neighbor Miss Lawson sun-tan. I can't believe she has such a great body, even though she's in her 40's. Lisa thought this everytime she saw her neighbor. In fact she envied her, for her large breasts, which Lisa often wondered how they felt. If  there was ever anyone Lisa wished to look like, it was Miss Lawson.      Heading down the stairs, she checked the phone for messages. There were none. Her parents wouldn't call until later. They had...

2 years ago
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No Choice of Hobson

Hobson's choice from the other perspective:It was Monday morning and the Executive Board meeting was finally coming to a close. I had allowed my mind to wander back to the session I had enjoyed in the car with my driver this morning. My nipples still aching a little from her teeth marks as she savaged my petite breasts while I shoved my fingers deep inside her. I could still smell her juices faintly on my fingers as I ran them under my nose.“Well Lily,” Mike the CEO stated as we arrived at the...


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