Mommy Me Series Justina Pt 2
- 3 years ago
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I had just taken one of my sabbaticals landing back home I found my enthusiasm rebuilding for the upcoming encounters. Gathering information bringing all things to the point I could make contact. The mailing was accomplished that’s why I was back home.
Perhaps picking the client was the beginning but it was a wonderful moment in this process. Finding them was highly secretive I was the only one knowing the whole process. I knew less involved less would ever be found out.
His mail was running late so he decided to go on to the meeting. Then coming back he was expecting a special letter. An invite to the wedding of the year his invite was late according to his friends. Slamming the door shut he ran for the second floor. As he opened the door to the conference room the letter floated to the floor of his office.
The meeting was exhaustive the problem had to be solved so long nights ahead again. His mind wasn’t even thinking of any invite he wasn’t going to get to go to a wedding out of town now anyway. Unlocking his door he didn’t take note to the cream colored velum envelope. His four hundred-dollar shoes slipped on the corner of the envelope making him stumble.
Bending down he picked it up quizzical there wasn’t even an address not a complete address. He brought it up closer as he opened it. Miserable it wasn’t going to allow him to the wedding of his friend.
Perfume wafted up into his nose his thought was classy touch. Opening it he read ‘You have just been Angela’d’ nothing else. He touched the elegance of the stationary inhaled the perfume he was impressed. He placed it on his desk eyeing it before going back to the drawing board.
Picking it up he noted the elegant writing this was intriguing him. So who was Angela he had never known a woman by that name. It could be a phony name though. He was between girlfriends so that wasn’t making his guessing any easier.
The nights work at work was finished he walked down the stairs out the door and hailed a cab. Opening his brief case he touched the envelope again the scent was intoxicating him.
‘Smells like you have a woman?’ The cab driver started an inane conversation.
”Nope not a girlfriend. Well one that I know about it.’ Branson answered.
‘Well that’s a definite woman’s perfume.’ The cabby off-handily spoke.
Branson had to agree he was out of the cab in a few more minutes. Walking towards his place it dawned on him. The scent was more intoxicating while he was sitting in the cab. He turned to hail it back it was gone. That cabby was a woman could she be Angela?
He moaned ‘Oh god he needed laid.’ His imagination was running amuck.
His phone was ringing when he entered the foyer. Without thinking he picked up the phone with a growl.
‘Yes what do you want?’ Branson said with a twinge of anger.
‘Well you were in a better mood in my cab.’ I said teasing him.
His nature changed instantly.
‘Who are you Angela?’ Branson wasn’t imaginative but it was usually the first question.
I laughed I was relaxed enjoying this cat and mouse part of the game.
‘I want you Branson.’ I said with sincerity.
‘Okay. So where have you seen my work?’ Branson didn’t understand this part.
‘The work I am talking about I doubt if you show it off. Or do you?’ I laughed with a low throaty laugh.
Branson seemed to begin to understand we weren’t speaking about his life’s work.
‘Oh I think it’s something else you are speaking about. Are you Angela?’ Branson asked relaxing finally.
‘Branson I want you. I would love for you to come to dinner Friday at my place. You would be perfectly entertained I can promise. I don’t bite never on the first date.’ I laughed.
‘So there is a second date?’ Branson asked timidly.
‘Please come for dinner. I will have all your favorites Salmon with skirlie mash and dill cream sauce. Starting off with mixed wild mushroom soup. Chambord-glazed red onions. Topped off with raspberries with Saba sabayon to top off the meal.’ I said playfully.
‘You know I will be there Angela what time?’ Branson asked anxiously. ‘Eight P.M.’ I answered as I hung up.
I’m sure Branson replayed his conversation over and over again. I knew I had him especially with his favorite dinner being served. He had it served on a very special dinner in Cannes. His brain kept playing games with him making him go from this was a game to a true invitation. He would love to think the latter.
His inner door opened there stood a woman of great beauty. I was dressed in his favorite clothing for his women. His head looked up from the easel taking me in long and slow. I was wearing a three-piece business suit with satin blouse long sleeves. Hair pinned high my skin felt looked like porcelain.
Branson jumped up knocking over his pencils putting his hand out to shake mine.
‘Angela?’ His voice was in a state of shock.
I shook his hand smiling sincerely sliding into a leather chair crossing my long legs.
‘Yes, Branson I’m Angela nice to meet you.’ I said sincerely.
I reached into my bag and brought out a crystal elephant sitting it on his desk. His eyes looked overwhelmed by emotions. His fingers touched the elegant crystal edges.
‘Where? How?’ Branson’s voice broke.
‘It’s a gift accept it please I shall see you on Friday. Please grace me with your company I will be looking forward to it.’ I spoke softly as I stood and walked back out of his life.
Friday approached quickly after seeing to the meal the preparation was starting to bring me a deep inner thrill. Branson was special I laughed I thought that of every man I ever took on. His favorite color was fire engine red with lace and ribbons. His likes were modest with a hint of tigress just broiling under the surface. Seeing a hint of lingerie brought him great pleasure his enjoyment was subtle.
He was a beautifully equipped also. That wasn’t a priority I enjoyed cocks big ones smaller ones. Some men used their tongues to support their endowed cocks. It was never a deciding factor.
I stepped into the hot shower the water pelting upon my body was stinging with every touch. Vibrating my inner desires not to be sated this evening. Tonight was the waltz of intelligence dance. I would have him speak I would know by his statements how truthful he was. My bet was on Branson, our second Friday date would indeed take place.
I walked towards the blowers and had my whole body blower dry it was sensuous in every way. Once dried I walked towards the lingerie it was so intimately sexy with so much satin and ribbons lacy and bows. Slipping it up my long legs placing my breasts in the cups I felt excited. Bright red against my body of white was quite a contrast.
Thigh highs snuggled my ankles and calves over my knees and kissed my thighs. Slipping my black simple sheath to keep me sedate in appearance. I brushed my waist length hair to tumble down my back.
Hearing the door bells ring I took one circle looking around saw perfection in seduction and left the sanctuary of my bedroom. Meeting him at the front door dressed to perfection I was thrilled.
‘Welcome Branson please come inside my home. Let me make you feel at home.’ I said as I handed him a tropical fruit martini.
‘MMmm my favorite but then I would expect nothing else from you Angela.’ Branson smiled with his beautiful sparkling teeth.
I knew he was into oral sex especially giving oral sex. Oral sex brought him great pleasure throughout high school and college he was the tongue. I smiled thinking of that tongue gliding around my folds. I was focusing upon his lips as he spoke I would be feeling them next week.
‘Angela? Angela? I lost you some where? I was saying this was everything a fantasy is built around.’ Branson smiled eyes actually twinkled.
‘I’m so sorry Branson for drifting how terrible of me. May I make
it up to you?’ I sincerely asked. Standing up I showed a lot of thigh.
‘I think you just did.’ His laugh was deep and genuine.
We walked to the elegant dining area he seated me then he sat down from across me. I enjoyed very intimate dining with each course we found more to share. Watching his masculine hands yet with such grace I found myself watching him with greater interest.
After each course the conversation became even more animated the charm was dripping from him. He needn’t of bothered I was going to fuck him with so much anxious excitement. We loved playing the cat and mouse the enjoying of seducer and seducer. He was smiling with a glint in his eye once again I noted his eyes and his teeth. As we talked for hours he told me nothing I hadn’t already known. I saw though he was very charitable had a lot of humility. I liked him I knew I would I always did enjoy my clients. I caught a lull and mentioned the time that we were sure allowing it to get late.
He stood up stepped towards me pulled me to my feet and steadied me. Gracefully placed his hand around my shoulders as he headed for the front door.
‘Branson would you enjoy coming back Friday evening?’ I asked with delight.
‘Oh that would be wonderful Angela same time?’ He asked smiling.
‘Yes please.’ I answered.
His lips brushed my hair as the door closed behind him. I leaned upon the door smiling knowing fucking him was going to be delightful for many reasons. I always found the week between dinner and fucking scintillating to my senses.
Friday arrived with the excitement that I thrived upon. I found the most exotic petals of roses made sure they would be perfect scattered onto the floor. Leading to the bedroom. More would be scattered upon the softest red comforter that was softer than a chinchilla. The lighting was pointed towards ever area of the bed with low lighting. The red panels were loosened so that they could be closed upon a minor touch. Pillows were tossed around for better angles. Music was softly played the room was dimmed.
I walked into my dressing room sitting there I looked at the bed remembering early that morning. The bed was still warm from being used, shower was shimmering down the walls. I saw the rumpled sheets and slipped my fingers down between my legs. My clit responded instantly as I found my own juices caused the right amount of friction.
Making circular motions widening them with each completed turn I found myself Screaming ‘Oh yes! Yes! Yes!’ I bit my lip purred like a kitten as the shower door opened up. He put his hands on my shoulders I leaned my head back on his firm abs. He stroked my face flushing he would have caught this.
‘Never allow an opportunity to slip past my baby.’ He spoke softly.
I showered perfumed nothing too strong the roses would be intoxicating enough. They were being scattered now, I slipped into a simple teddy red with lace inserts That allowed him access to me as he saw fit. Brushing my long hair down my back I placed a few flowers scattering them for the sensual look.
The lighting was going dimmer it was getting close to eight sharp. Nothing was left at chance. I saw the candles hundreds of them lit bouncing from the mirrors their scent were mellow.
I entered as he did into the living room. His face flashed approval as mine did. His Armani suit was tastefully under stated. He walked towards me with a single rose a perfect white rose.
‘Angela how intoxicating you look.’ He spoke stumbling on my name.
‘Oh you like?’ I teased him as I slowly turned for his pleasure.
His hand reached out to touch me then he stopped didn’t know if he could. I walked closer he knew then he could touch me, kiss me fuck me whatever his desires wanted. Gently he took my face in his hands and kissed my lips in one of those kisses that promised everything and gave you more.
His hands stroked my hair pulling me closer smelling my hair he seemed to want to remember my scent forever.
‘I would love to dance with you, Angela.’ Branson whispered so low. I had to lean into his body more to hear his request ‘Something from Boy George?’ Branson was always full of surprises.
Daniel came on the music played we danced I was becoming enamored which rarely happened. Dancing in the living room with the 360-degree circular view of the sky made us both a little more lightheaded feeling.
‘Lady in Red please?’ His voice was hesitating.
It came on instantly as he hugged me close we circled the room ending up at the beginning of the hall. His arms let me loose as he looked at the rose petals scattered on the floor. The sconces lit softly dancing to the motion of the air swaying to his walking.
‘Come with me Angela.’ He asked as he reached out his hand for mine to fall upon his. He pulled me seductively behind him as we made the walk. His eyes were so expressive I blushed. His lips parted begging to pull my lips to his we touched with such eroticism neither knew where the other began and the other ended.
His lips found mine willing we were mounting into desires that we both knew were going to leave us in sub space. Seeing that massive bed amongst the hundreds of candles his senses went into orbit. I stayed in my body so I could help him get back safely from his free falling into passions.
The softness of the fur caught his hands off guard I undressed him not making it very neatly down. His body physique was superb just enough body hair. Firm ass curved high on hi thighs. Six pack abs he smelled so delicious. I started to lick his Areola’s with the tip of my tongue. I felt his body slam down as though he hadn’t been inside of it until he felt that intimate touch.
‘You sexy man, Branson I think you hid much with your clothing.’ I teased him with a quick run through his pubic hair. He trimmed it very thoughtfully done.
‘Speaking of clothes Angela you are the one overly dressed right at this point. May I be of any assistance in your clothing removal?’ He growled masculine only a way a man can when he knows he has the bait in his line of sight.
I shivered I felt he touched me deeply without using his hands.
‘Yes please Branson I want you to see me. All of me.’ I whispered enchanting him.
He got down on the lower of the bed got between my legs reached up for my ruffles slowly pulling them down. They got caught on my erect nipples but he continued stopped at my waist. Knelt down inhaled so deeply it sounded like a Wolf out in the wilds.
‘I want you I my mouth Angela, please?’ He asked boldly.
I was waiting for this had waited for this for months. I finished getting out of the confinements of silk. He grabbed a few pillows propped my hips high then ever so slowly he worked his way back up to my mouth.
Kissing nibbling biting making me quiver from sheer wonder. Licking me down mid line stopping at my precision line of pubic hair. I watched him inhale deeply his first touch of the tip of his tongue caused me to come off the bed. His tongue was hard firm giving and so deliciously luxurious on my tender flesh. My thighs parted almost as though they disconnected from my hips. My hands massaged my breasts in small circles.
Licking the area where my clit sat proudly I grabbed the cover stuffing it into my mouth. His efforts were playful he was finding my erogenous zones finding them masterfully I had to admit. Hitting direct hits, slipping around not touching me anywhere yet everywhere at once.
He played me well. I was at his mercy his tongue was long as he swiped the inner folds careful not to enter me.
‘Mmmm pleaseeee I need you to lick me deep inside.’ I whispered barely heard.
‘I bet you do Angela. I just bet you do.’ He laughed heartily.
I grabbed his healthy head of hair trying to guide him in. That didn’t work I knew it wouldn’t. I was becoming frustrated that was made known didn’t make any difference to him.
‘Please Branso
n one long or short, short would be good too.’ I tried to cajole him into action.
I lay there being driven into ecstasy needing only for him to lick me long and hard I would free fall into passions. When I felt this jolt of electricity rip through my pussy. His tongue invaded me I went soaring I heard screaming sounded as a woman. It was me I decided. I found breathing difficult which I didn’t care I wasn’t prepared for this exhilaration.
‘Breath, breath Angela.’ His voice said far away.
‘I can’t how do I do it?’ My voice was weak.
He methodically went through my pussy licking, biting, lunging kissing. His efforts brought me to the abyss and back I lost count of the many trips he brought me to the edge. I was able to take my feet and straddle his hanging balls and massage him. We were non-stop on pleasuring the other.
He moaned opened his legs wider but didn’t give up the pussy assault. I felt myself being turned onto my side he grabbed my ankle splitting me wider and started at a new angle.
‘Ooooooohhhhhhhh fuclkkkkkkkkkk Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii…’ I screamed before I took flight.
Going into subspace I couldn’t contain one solid thought. I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t move. I could only be and feel pleasure. Pleasure that came over me in waves my eyes closed I saw lights. I wanted nothing. Nothing more than staying here being pleasured.
As I reentered my body gently floating. Looking at Branson’s face I only wanted to caress it. He leaned down as I felt his face I felt compassion.
‘Angela let me fuck you princess.’ He quietly spoke.
His hands turned me onto my back and he slipped between my legs so easily his cock found its mark. A slow gentle rocking we made it a perfect speed. Kissing each other’s face, touching one another. Sharing the tenderness the graceful touches. His weight lifted off me by his forearms at times.
As his orgasm came barreling through I felt the shock his body was going through. His spine seemed to collapse his back of his head slammed into the front of his face. His body shook, he shivered screaming some unknown language.
‘Angelaaaaaaa…’ Branson screamed as though in pain.
Dawn found us wrapped inside the cover, snuggled and both smiling.
Hi friends,yeh kahani do aurtoo ke beech hui baat chit ke baare me hai.baat us samay ki hai jab me gaon(village) me rata tha. Gaon me makan kafi ek dusre se sate hote hai.mere ghar ke thik sate huye ghar me shadi hui thi .aunty sheela sawli lekin khubsurat thi.unki ek nanad beena jo 1 saal se wahi thi.beena bhi sawli thi.uncle ki suhagraat kafi achi hui hogi aisa mera bisvas tha.ab me kahani ki ur le chalta hun.shadi ke 2-3 week baad sheela aur beena bate kar rahe the. Unki baat mere room me se...
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JUSTINE: Hart ist der Westen...Nur f?r Leser ab 18 [email protected] 1L?ssig und geschmeidig glitt sie vom Pferd und band den Braunen drau?en vor dem Saloon an einen Holzpflock vor dem gro?en Trog. Deutlich h?rte sie das Stimmengewirr und raue Lachen der M?nner. Sie r?ckte den schwarzen Hut zurecht und schritt durch die doppelfl?gige T?r und sofort verstummten die Ger?usche. Langsam schritt sie zum Tresen und ca. 50 Augenpaare verfolgten sie dabei. Justine kannte ihre Wirkung und sie gab...
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The next few days were bliss. Justine rushed home from college each day to be transformed into Aunty Sophie’s niece as she tried on all the outfits they had chosen at the shops. Justine, with a bit of makeup and the right clothes had become a beautiful young woman. She learnt the power of a peeping lacy slip could make men weak at the knees. Sophie also lent Justine some more lingerie until she was able to build up her own collection. Perhaps they would make another trip to M&S at the end...
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Good morning, this is your 9 o'clock morning call. I sit at a desk in front of a large mess of papers. I dial. Typical, I wonder what the change is this time? At last I connect on the phone, -the appointment is 10.45am, not what I thought I had agreed - indeed I would take money on it that 9.45am was what we had discussed. No doubt, once again, my fears, my timidity at the effrontery of even making a call had contributed to my own lack of concentration on such an elementary matter. Oh...
It was hard work, out at night in the stupid little French van with radio equipment listening for their little radios, listening for their incredibly noisy and ugly aircraft landing and dropping “Agents” who you could spot a kilometer away. Just occasionally life had compensations. Justine was just such a compensation. She was a pretty young thing, dark hair, slim. About eighteen, eighteen years three months and two days to be precise. She was not very good at being a resistance...
Als Justine halb ohnmächtig in den Knien einknickt, nimmt der finstere Piratenkapitän sie auf die Arme und trägt seine Beute unter dem Johlen der versammelten Mannschaft in seine Kabine. Dort legt er sie auf sein Bett. Wahnsinnig vor Verlangen sieht Justine zu, wie er sich auszieht. Dann beugt er sich über sie. Sein Schwanz ist dunkel, wie von der ewigen Sonne gebeizt. Unnatürlich dick und lang schiebt sich das mächtige, steife Ding gegen ihren Mund, zwängt ihr die Lippen auseinander. Willig...
IntroductionThis story follows on from episode 112; it's now nearing the end of the long school holidays.Charlie woke up with a hot sticky raging erection - not that unusual for a young boy.But this morning his cock was actually in a girls mouth: "Molly?" he cried in delight, struggling to pull down the quilt covering her head between his legs Instead a pale blue face smiled up at him, taking his cock to the back of her synthetic throat:"good morning young man, it's Sophie - remember now - you...
Paxlyn Domain had laws against murder. I faced trial for killing a man. "Don't worry about it," Mother Regina told me. "The Vix want to give you a medal. You were under severe restraint at the time, and there are other extenuating circumstances." "Mother Regina," Fawn reminded, "today is Justine's house call appointment. Council did approve Nolan accompanying Justine's doctors today. I'll be there with today's lessons." Fawn was more than my big sister—and my tutor. The former...
I sat in the leather wing back chair in the headmaster’s private office, waiting. He was in the room next door talking to the school secretary. They were probably trying to get ahold of my parents, good luck with that. I wouldn’t have been left here at Bayou Academy the swankiest boarding school in Houston’s River Oaks neighborhood if my parents had wanted to be bothered with raising me. “She’s been found, unharmed. Very good. Send me a bill for any expenses you incurred.” His conversation...
She was an absolute beauty. That circumstance affected her life from childhood on. She was sought after by many for business or personal reasons, usually egocentric. The dollars came rolling in for modelling and such, and as arm-candy she was wined, dined, and well-traveled. The latter usually expected access to her beautiful body in exchange, she discovered. She liked sex alright, but these joinings were mostly physical lust, not providing much emotional satisfaction beyond feeling desirable....
Hi friends, mera naam salim -24 age.Aur ye story hai meri pehli chudai ki.So lets move 4 that ,mai 18 saal ka tha jab pehli baar meri maami k boobs ko dekha tha,mubeena tight salwar pehna tha woh kapdey washing kar tey samay mai achanak mainey dekha ki uske donoun boobs bahar jhank rahe they mai ruk gaya dekh ke wahi pey woh kuch nahi boli,tab se mera man ajeeb ajeeb sa shuru hone laga phir mama ki wajhese iraada toot jaata kyunki maama ki bahut izzat krta tha mai,aisey hi jab bhi unkey ghar...
My name is Ali.. I m from Rawalpindi Pakistan.21 years old with a 5.9 height. That was mid October and i was in Rawalpindi for my inter university cricket matches. We lost our 3rd match from Punjab university so we came back to our city. When i reached home i find beenish there; sitting next to my mother and have chitchat with her. As she saw me she was blushed and came quickly to me and we have a handshake and i could feel the warmth and excitement in her handshake and in her eyes also. In...
We sat on the porch and talked for the next 2 hours, about horses and hiking and the mountains. We decided I needed an indoor pool, but one that looked natural like a lake, and with a glass enclosure attached to the house. I wish I would have thought about that earlier, now it will cost me money. "Ok Jenny; if we hire your mom that's your first two jobs, to find information on and buy a horse and barn, then to find a pool manufacturer that can build us a custom pool." She asked if she...
I haven’t always been the world’s greatest covert operative, famous glamour model, or even small-part actress with a bigger following than most superstars. Back in 1969 I was just a girl of 19, but I was already commanding men’s attention like I simply owned it from the start. Most were drawn to my ludicrous MM cup breasts (They weren’t quite done growing even then) while others liked my long legs, sculpted butt, fit physique, and then there were the older guys who just loved blonde hair and...
Quickie SexI am Beena , 31 year old housewife married to Rupesh who is a regional manager in Pvt firm we live in big bungalow in Vizag with 4 bedrooms & in one portion he has his office from where he operates In Last ten years of marriage, last one year has been real pain as my husband due work pressure & drinking habits’ has totally neglected me, In fact its almost 6 months back that we had sex, Earlier to this we had regular sex almost twice a week , Though my husband is not well endowed he is a...
I had texted Justine, the athletic blonde that I had met outside Taylor's appointment , hoping to catch up with her again. "I'm sorry. I am up in Beverly Hills this week for work, but my morning is free. Do you think we could meet for breakfast? I would LOVE to see you again!" she had texted back. So here I was, driving nearly two hours north just to have breakfast with her. I made my way to the address she had sent me. It turned out to be the swanky Beverly Wilshire hotel. I...
Justin Silkwood's life was quiet and uneventful until he got mixed up with the Kingsleys. Each member of the family would affect him in a different way, gradually dragging him downward into sexual depravity until finally he could take no more. This story contains scenes of a strong sexual nature. Please do not read if you are less than eighteen years old. The Life and Loves of Justin Silkwood By ...
The envy of the whole school. Blair and Justin felt it prominently just a few days after returning from the leadership conference weekend in Atlanta, hand in hand, their new relationship on full display for everyone. Although all of Blair's female friends saw it coming a mile away, many of them were jealous that she got to date who they considered to be the hottest guy in the school. And Justin's teammates never ceased to high-five him, wishing they could have Blair for themselves. Any guy who...
TeenThe story is in the Dutch language. Several times is asked the stories to translate in English. But I am sorry, not alone no time, but also is my English not good enough for translating. But perhaps is there anywhere a dutch speaking person with a good translating feeling who will translated my stories. It is possible under the name of Louis, but can also under your own name. Zoals al mijn verhalen is ook dit verhaal weer van A tot Z verzonnen. De personen die worden genoemd bestaan...
Chapter 1 This is one wild crazy story I've got for you. You see it all started when my two best friends, Christina and Priscilla, and me began to develop a silly little crush on Justin Timberlake the ex member of NSYNC. We'd always sit around talking about how much we'd love to fuck him and how much we'd love to just do anything we could with him. We'd sit around at night just having this wild crazy fantasy about kidnapping him and gang banging him. Of course this was all fantasy...
Megan looked at her brother longingly, then turned her head away.Why was she having the thoughts she was about her brother?Megan had recently graduated high school and was taking a year off before heading to UCLA, the same school her big brother Justin went to. Justin had come home for the summer to spend a little time with his younger sister, but somewhere along the line, things changed. It was a little sister/big brother thing. Something happened...The shower. It had to be the shower...A week...
Introduction: Story is by no means true, but Justin is based on me and Alex is based on a friend I know It all started about two years ago when Justin was a sophomore in high school. He just got his license and was stuck driving his younger sister, Carla, around. She was in the 8th grade and was just like any regular 8th grade girl, bubbly, full of life, and always hanging out with her friends. Part of the agreement Justin had with his parents was that if they bought him a car, he would have to...
Justin’s moving away to go to college had left me without any outlet for all of the sexual desires and needs he had first created, then later satisfied over the past year when we we became forbidden lovers. The tension we had within us during our first month apart was beginning to mount. Justin’s attempt to solve the dilemma pitted me as his fuck buddy from high school to all of his fraternity brothers instead of as his little sister. That new identity not only allowed me to have the kind...
Once Carla and Alex were ready, he drove them to the movies and then went home because his dad agreed to pick them up when they were done so Justin could get to work on time. A couple weeks later, he had to take Carla over to Alex’s again, but this time Alex was waiting in the driveway to greet both of them. Carla jumped out of the car and ran inside to use the bathroom and that gave Justin and Alex their first bit of alone time. They were both very nervous and each of them was hesitant to...
Justin and Phyllis Shemale, Trans, Hardcore sex, Oral, Double Anal, Flashing, Cum, Cream pie eating. Phyllis sat thinking of Justin. He had moved into a 1 bedroom apartment a few doors away while working and attending trade school. A nice young who schooled by day, worked at night and mostly slept in between. They were neighbor friends who slowly grew closer. That closeness brought them together on holidays and personal celebrations. Justin being only 21 had been kept at a distance as Phyllis...
I woke up beside Justin in his bed with my hand still loosely wrapped in his. He was sound asleep and my mind began to wander again. It was almost lunchtime and for the first time since I got up that morning I felt hungry for actual food instead of just for Justin. My stomach growled a little and I tried not to stir so Justin could stay asleep. I had always been a sexual person, or at least I knew I would be when I finally actually had sex. Sex was always on my mind but I had never...
All through the day Caroline had been thinking about the Justin Bieber concert she would be attending that evening.The day seemed to be dragging by.She had no idea what the Nun had said to her and thus found herself before the Abbot answering to a charge of being insolent.The Abbot had taken Caroline over his knee and spanked her, she was use to being spanked by the Nun's and Monk's at the Monastery,this briefly brought her back to Earth for a short time,but once she left the Abbot's study she...
'andy i'm really sorry but i can't afford to pay my rent this week since i lost my job and i'm finding it hard to get another i'm sorry mate' justin says'well justin when i agreed to let you stay i told you that you have to pay rent at the start of every month or you have to leave i'm sorry but you did agree to it''yeh but look mate i am good for it just give me a chance to find another job i don't have anywhere else to stay please''no i won't back down on this you agreed to pay at the start of...
Introduction: While leaving a concert in LA Justin Bieber gets kindnapped and raped pleases rate and subcribe Thanks !!! The story starts off in a parking lot where justin bieber walks. He is leaving his concert and is now getting ready to go home. Justin yawns wow what a concert. Suddenly there bes a noise. Hello? says Justin. Justin continues to walk to his car and all of a sudden he gets hit in the head.Justin passes out cold. When he comes to he relizes he is tied up on a chair naked. Where...
Introduction: While leaving a concert in LA Justin Bieber gets tackled and raped The story starts off in a parking lot where justin bieber walks. He is leaving his concert and is now getting ready to go home. Justin yawns wow what a concert. Suddenly there bes a noise. Hello? says Justin. Justin continues to walk to his car and all of a sudden he gets hit in the head.Justin passes out cold. When he comes to he relizes he is tied up on a chair naked. Where am i? he says. All of a sudden a sting...
Nanny had deliberately chosen this set of pretty lingerie, an old pair of purple French knickers with her new lacy white bra and her black stockings hoping that naughty Justin would catch a glimpse of her in her delectable silky lingerie. Justin at 18, was too old to have a Nanny, but he did have a much younger sibling, George. His Mum had remarried after Justin’s father had passed away and after having a baby went back to her job in advertising in Soho. Mum was hardly ever at home; she was...
FetishJustin Bieber was appearing on the show David Hayes vs... a special wherethe former world heavy weight champion meets with celebrities teaching themsome boxing techniques whilst chatting about their lives and careers.Justin arrogantly strode into the gym to meet the huge man that was goingto teach him some stuff. He looked tiny in comparison to the statuesquebuilt boxer, but that didn't stop Justin's large amount of self confidencedisplaying itself. He was bouncing around throwing punches...
Justin awoke to the smell of a warm breakfast in his bedroom. Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, and hot coffee. He sat up, and looked towards the area of the bedroom where the coffee table and chairs were. There he saw Twila casually eating her breakfast and drinking her coffee, completely naked. He looked to the side of the bed where Twila slept. Her nightgown was in a wad on the bed. “Justin, come have some of the breakfast I made for you,” Twila beamed, grinning adorably. Justin threw the covers...
Love Stories100% fiction! Cherish woke up happy today was her 18th birthday and after the party she would be going camping with her twin brother Justin. She had to convince Justin to go camping, cause she had in mind to finally lose her virginity. She wanted her first time to be very special, and she wanted to lose her virginity to someone she loved. She realized this two months earlier when she walked into the bathroom when Justin her twin was taking a shower. She caught him jerking off and she heard him...
Incest"You must be terribly proud of yourself," Miss van Cleef said. "Being so pretty." Justin didn't answer. If you didn't answer a teacher's question at St. James's School for Young Men, you could get in trouble. Answering a statement that sounded like a question could get you in trouble too, though. He sat looking straight ahead. There wasn't anything for him to say, either. He'd been called both proud and pretty before. Both were frequently epithets. He could deny neither. When he...