For Your Swapping Convenience free porn video

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Pete and Karen sat side by side in the sand playing their made up game of Would You. The rules were simple; whoever walked by was rated by yes, I would, or not, on a bet. Not that either of them had ever followed up, but it did make for some interesting foreplay talk.

Their sons were having a great time at the water's edge with the two other boys they had just met. Then Karen elbowed Pete saying, "Now here comes one you would definitely like."

Both of them admired the dark haired woman walking to the water. She had on a one-piece suit that displayed her, more than ample, cleavage. Karen knew her husband had always been a tit man and that although her A-cups still gave him pleasure, his eyes always went to the biggest tits around. Her dark hair was long and naturally wavy, falling nicely over her shoulders. Her hips may have had a few extra pounds, but she had that 'built for comfort' look.

As it turned out, the dark haired beauty was the mother of the other two boys. Just then a short stocky guy trotted up next to her, clearly her husband.

It was Pete's turn, "Bet you'd really have to spread wide for him. And from the look in your eyes, you would!" he teased.

"Yeah sure. You'd turn me over to the devil to get to those tits,” laughed Karen.

Pete was right about Karen finding something about him sexually attractive. His thick body, olive skin, black wavy hair and just the way he moved gave off a powerful presents.

“Let’s go get acquainted,” Pete suggested.

Joe and Rose watched the couple approach. She was a tall blond, at least as tall as Joe at 5'8", and her hair was cut very short in a man's style. Her body, long and lean with no extra fat, with long legs and an ass that looked as though it was sculpted from stone. He was 6'2", a full foot taller than Rose, and looked every bit like the triathlete that he was.

Introductions took place while they were being splashed by the four wild little boys. The adult quickly headed for drier ground and some shade. The men headed for the beach front bar to get some adult refreshments for the four of them. While waiting for their order, both men kidded about some of the hot women at the bar. They also carefully acknowledged to each other that their own wives were also very hot women.

Rose and Karen formed an instant bond and both lamented the lack of privacy there double rooms gave them and how the nights were wrestle matches to keep their horny husbands at bay. They also agreed that they too, would enjoy some vacation sex, but with the boys in the same room it was out of the question.

After the second round of umbrella drinks, the men became freer about ogling each other’s wives. All four of them were enjoying the flirting and added sexual tension that alcohol and bathing suits allowed.

The afternoon passed quickly and that evening the group went to dinner together. The four boys now seemed inseparable. Later, back in each room, the whispered talk was leading to even more frustration. Joe could not keep his hands off of Rose, touching and feeling every inch of the body he knew so well. For Rose this was a rare treat. Joe's modus operandi was more of the slam-bam take no prisoners type of sex. He had long gotten over Rose's big soft tits and headed right for her pussy. Rose had named his cock The Wedge, because it always drove its way in!

"Easy baby," cooed Rose, "I know whose ass you’re thinking about."

Joe's stumbling replies made Rose laugh as she kissed him deeply. "Its okay baby. Karen does have a killer ass, but as you noticed, I have the tits Pete is drooling over! You guys are so easy."

Karen and Pete were having no easier time of it in their bed. Their kids in the next bed held their passion at bay, but just barely. Just like Rose, Karen was much more open about the sexual teasing that had gone on all day. Her hand snaked down and began stroking Pete's already throbbing cock.

Karen cooed in his ear, "Thinking about Rose's tits you naughty boy. Aren't you?" Her thumb swept over the head of his cock spreading his pre-cum down the shaft.

Pete's barely coherent denials only added to the fun that Karen was having taunting her husband. Karen's pussy had been damp during the afternoon of teasing and now it was in full flow. With graceful ease she straddled Pete and guided that well known cock into her open pussy. Neither of them moved at first, listening to the quiet in the room. Than Karen began small circular movements of her hips. Not a word or moan escaped their lips as their bodies searched for relief.

Karen signaled her climax with a small moan and a shuttering of her hips, forcing more of Pete into her. That was all he needed. A full day's build up of cum blasted into his wife's willing, eager pussy. The first spurts of hot cum caused Karen's moan to build in volume as she jammed her mouth against her husband’s neck to muffle the sound. Only that relief helped them fall asleep to even more sex filled dreams.

Rose and Joe tossed and turned in sexual frustration. Rose knew that if she even weakened a little, Joe would have had her, legs over her head and jammed full of cock, kids in the room or not.

The next day during breakfast the tension emanating from Rose and Joe was so apparent that Karen offered to watch the boys while the couple returned to their room to straighten up a little. Joe was back in twenty minutes, with a big smile. Rose followed ten minutes later walking a bit slow.

Rose quickly offered to watch the boys while Karen and Pete straighten their room and was surprised when Karen winked and said it had already been put in order.

The two husbands went off to play with their sons and the wives basked in the sun.

"You know. I can't walk normal all because of you and your tight ass," needled Rose to Karen.

"And you don't think Pete wasn't going tit wild last night because of those mountains you are sporting." teased Karen right back.

"Bet they would run for the hills if it was offered to them for real," added Rose.

"Don't count on Pete running; he's smitten with you, and he knows I know,” Karen threw back.

"Then I guess we both better look out because Joe isn't capable of turning down a tight ass!” laughed Rose.

The women fell silent for a couple of minutes. It was Karen who broke the silence. “It could be fun.”

"Oh shit - that's just what I was thinking!" Rose giggled.

A waiter dropped off their first afternoon tropical drinks and Karen proposed a toast.

"To two horny sluts and their soon to be pleased husbands.” The plastic cups touched to seal the deal.

With their agreement in place, the women began to work out the details; after all, even wild sex sometimes requires planning. The news would be broken to their husbands tonight at bedtime. As Karen put it; sometimes men are more talk than action. This would give everyone a chance to back out without bruised egos. A coin flip would decide the order with a one hour limit. The couple in waiting would keep the children occupied on the beach.

That night Rose had no doubt about Joe's desirer's; he would have handed her over to a football team to get his hands on Karen. In a way it injured her pride even though her pussy became wet thinking about Pete.

Karen could hear a little hesitation in Pete's whispered responses, but his hard cock pressed against her outer thigh let her made clear his desire and excitement.

"Tails," called Rose as the unaware waiter flipped the coin.

Karen turned beet red as the quarter revealed its head. Joe was ready to go right then, but corralling the boys and getting everyone to the beach took more time than any of them planned. Of course, that only built up more tension.

Rose noticed Pete staring out to sea as Joe and Karen faded from view. Letting her bathing suit straps fall from her shoulders she stepped in front of Pete. His view was now filled with her twin peaks and tantalizing valley, although her nipples were still in hiding. A quick glance down reassured her, as Pete's loose fitting bathing suit began to resemble a tent, that all would work out.

Two steps into the room Joe was on Karen, her bikini top yanked down exposing her tits and pinning her arms to her sides.

"Door," she gasped as those powerful arms engulfed her. Joe released her kicking the door shut. Never missing a beat, turned and sucked her hard nipple into his mouth.

There was no doubt that this was not going to be slow sweet sex. Karen was about to be fucked! The animal in her sprung to life as she struggled to free her arms from her top. Her hands gripping the back of Joe's head as he moved from nipple to nipple. No kissing was needed nor wanted here.

Joe's hands completely covered her ass and it was as tight as he dreamed it would be. He lifted her right off the floor. Karen wrapped her powerful legs around his wide body, her cloth covered pussy now pressed tight against Joe's thick hard cock. Just a couple of steps and Joe slammed Karen across the nearest bed. He pushed free of the lock her legs had on him and now stood between her open legs.

Karen was stunned as Joe yanked his bathing suit off and the thickest cock she had ever dreamed of sprang free. This had to be a dream; it couldn't be real. There was no way a woman could fuck his thing pulsing in front of her.

"Suck it bitch!" pulled her back to reality. "Suck it bitch!” No man had ever talked to her like that!

Joe reached down and pulling her up. She was now face to face with his cock. With one hand on the back of her head and one holding the base of his cock Joe pressed hard against her lips.

"God damn it! I said suck it!"

Karen opened her mouth wide. Her teeth scrapped over Joe's cock head as he took over her mouth.

"Don't bite – suck it!" Joe growled.

She opened wider as his hand pulled her head forward.

"That's it – fuck – I knew you were a cock sucker."

Karen gagged a little, but now there was no doubt in that room that she was in fact a cocksucker loving every second of it. Karen's hand came up and began cupping Joe's large balls as her mouth fucked his fat cock. The more he cursed at her, the more turned on she became. Karen wanted his hot cum and sucked his cock as if it was all that mattered in this world. Her long thin fingers caressed his balls as her other hand gripped the base of his cock keeping time with her mouth.

Karen was gasping for breath as Joe abruptly pulled his cock free of her sucking mouth.

"Time for that cunt of yours to get stretched baby," Joe curtly announced.

He easily reached down and jerked her bikini bottom off, and just as quickly turned her face down on the bed.

"Up on your knees slut!” Karen's body complied rising up on all fours offering Joe her pussy.

Karen, the liberated woman, was not in the room, but was replaced by an all out slut on her hands and knees wiggling her tight ass as her pussy begged for cock.

Joe stood behind her slowly dragging his cock between her ass cheeks, teasing the slut now under his control. As soon as his cock head began to part her pussy lips a low moan escaped Karen's lips. Joe rubbed his cock along her slit teasing first the entrance to her body and then roughly over her swollen clit. Her hips bucked and pushed back wanting that cock to take over her inflamed pussy. Joe's cock pressed into the opening of Karen's pussy and then he held still.

"You want it bitch – work for it!" he commanded, denying her the pressure need to force his thick cock into her tight married pussy.

Karen's body began to push back, but now, a little fear entered her lust filled brain as that ring of tight muscle met the wide cock head. Joe felt her hesitate and slapped her ass hard, half shouting, "Fuck it bitch!" She pushed back harder.

Rose didn't have to see what was happening to Karen. She knew Joe was a one trick pony when it came to sex. All out and always rough, her dream for today was that it would be vastly different with Pete. Rose continued to flirt and tease Pete as their children romped on the beach.

Pete's cock was as hard as it had ever been. The thought of Karen fucking Joe was driving him wild and that damn sexy Rose was teasing him to no end. Shit, I'll come in two seconds at this rate, he thought.

The one closer to the two-second climax was Karen, as her body pushed back, impaling herself on Joe's cock. Every inch of cock was forcing her cunt open as never before. Even Pete's wild two fingers fucking of her had never felt like this. With only three inches of new cock in her , Karen shuttered with her first climax, another sign of her submission to Joe's cock. Joe felt her cuming and grabbed her hips, jamming almost every inch of his cock into her tight pussy.

Joe's weight and sheer force made her body collapse forward onto the mattress. He had her hard body at his mercy and his lust took over. That mean streak that Rose would call him on had no limits now. Karen's cry of surprise/pain only added fuel to his cruel lust. His hands now gripped her shoulders as his cock began to use her pussy. Joe shoved the thick wide base of his cock passed the last resistance of Karen's pussy. His belly pressed on the twin globes of her ass as his large balls soaked in her flowing juices.

It was Joe's turn to be amazed as Karen's muscular body pushed back to meet his assault as an equal, cumming for a second time, as his cock was crammed inside of her willing body.

Rose brushed her tits on Pete's arm, "Does this suit make my tits look too big?" she cooed, as Pete reddened. His cock tented his bathing suit and a wet spot of pre cum began growing

A long low moan escaped Karen's lips as Joe began to move his engorged cock from side to side pushing her cunt passed its limit. Each move caused her clit to be tugged at, increasing the pleasure her mind and body wanted and needed. When Joe began to pull away Karen whimpered, her ass lifting to follow the cock for which she ached . His driving plunge back inside her drove a squeal of delight as her pussy welcomed it home.

"Oh fuck, fuck, oh fuck me you bastard!" Karen pleaded as Joe's cock used her pussy.

The housekeeper in the next room froze in place as the sounds of fucking filled the air. This was a family style resort so hearing someone fucking was so rare that it stunned her at first; quickly replaced by heat. She eased down onto the unmade bed leaning towards the common wall between the suites. Her coco colored hand slid under her loose fitting uniform dress.

Joe had slowed the pace down, drawing his cock almost all the way out of Karen's flowing pussy and then very slowly pushing it back, taking full advantage of her still very tight pussy. Karen for her part, confidant that Joe's cock wasn't deserting her, matched his every move, letting her inner slut rule her heated body. She had always wanted a big cock and right now it was all she had dreamed it would be.

Next door, her ear now pressed on the wall, as the loud couple slowed their pace down, her fingers continued to caress her own pussy, her thin panties soaking wet. The ragged breathing and small moans coming from the woman mixed with the male grunts of satisfaction made it though the wall and deep into her ear.

Both women felt the change, Karen in her whole body, and next door in her inner ear, as Joe's tempo began to increase. The long strokes began to be shorter and jammed back in with more force. The slapping sound of two bodies meeting grew steadily louder. Joe was in full male mode, his balls seeking relief and Karen's body was now just that; something to be used.

Karen called on every toned muscle she had to lift her ass and pussy to meet the pounding cock. Joe's hands left her shoulders and now pulled her hips upward giving his cock even a better angle to ravish Karen's very willing body. There was no longer any side-to-side movement, just plain in and out fucking. Karen wasn't even aware of her own moaning and pleading as she urged that thick cock to cum. Lust and nature reigned supreme in the room.

On the bed next door, long fingers pushed panties aside and sank into a soaking wet open pussy. The sounds coming from the other room no longer mattered, just the need for release. The feeling of doing something against all normal rules added to the lust as her hips lifted off the bed and her own fingers fucked her. The climax that followed was short and intense, exactly what she needed.

Joe grunted with every thrust as the sounds of a submissive Karen pleading for his cum drove him to the point of no return.

"Take it you fucking cunt!" he roared as the first explosive burst of cum fled his cock head.

Karen's body thrashed with an equally explosive climax of her own as that hot cum seared into her womb. Only "oh, oh' oh" escaped her clenched teeth. Her body collapsed once again under his weight and the release that comes with cumming.

The room fell quite as the two spent bodies lie on the bed. Joe's cock still filled Karen, as ever - diminishing weak pumps of cum joined in soaking her insides. In true Joe fashion, he pushed himself upright, his cock leaving a void in Karen's cum filled pussy. He broke into a wide grin as he looked down at her once tight pussy gapping open with his thick white cum oozing out on to the bedspread.

"Great fuck babe!" he threw out, as he grabbed for his bathing suit. "See you on the beach."

Karen didn't move at first and then began to laugh at what had just happened. "Holy shit" she thought, "What an ass hole. But what a great fuck!"

Her pussy ached, as did other part of her used body. Cum just seemed to run out of her pussy as she sat up. It would take some very long minutes before she even dared to stand and even longer to get re-dressed in her bikini, stopping often to blot more of Joe's cum as it dribbled out of her.

Joe shoved the housekeeper’s cart to the side as he strutted away from the room. "That guy?" thought the house keeper, "That's not his room – oh, damn; not with that nice lady."

She kept an eye on the window as she collected herself and returned to work. Sure enough, she spotted Karen walking a little wobbly as she headed for the beach area.

Pete spied Joe first, with a big victory grin on his face, as he headed towards them on the beach. As soon as Rose saw him she grabbed Pete's arm and half dragged him towards the rooms. There would be no polite banter to struggle through and that was a major relief to Pete. Besides, Rose's big full tits were pressed tight against his arm.

Karen caught a quick look at the couple as she walked slowly to the beach. Her bikini bottom had a wet spot, as still more of Joe seeped out of her still open pussy. Pete's face was already bright red; he gets that way when he's turned on.

Pete fumbled with the room key and when the door finally swung open, he busied himself making sure the door was locked and the Do not Disturb sign hung on the doorknob.

When he turned around, Rose stood there, her bathing suit on the floor.

"Is this what you wanted to see?" she purred cupping her tits; lifting them as an offering to him.

"Oh wow!" was all he could mutter as his eyes devoured the nude woman in front of him.

Rose stepped forward and the couple melted into each other's arms. Rose was on her tiptoes as their lips and tongues' welcomed each other. Her bare tits press into his taunt stomach. Pete's kisses were hungry but gentle as his hands explored first her back and then eased down onto her ass.

There was urgency in their passion, but also the wonderment of someone new. Rose's hand sought out Pete's raging hard-on still covered by his trunks. Pete eased back just a little to give her hand the room it needed. Her fingers traced his cock's outline at first and then began to free his cock from the suit blocking her way.

Pete gasped as Rose freed his cock, her fingers wrapping around its slender length. As a single unit the couple found the bed and now laid side by side, their mouths full of each other and Rose's hand caressing Pete's cock. Again it was Rose who made the first move, pulling her mouth from his. She slid down his body, leaving no doubt as to where her mouth was going.

With a firm grip on the base of Pete's cock, Rose didn't hesitate to engulf as much cock as she could into her mouth. Pete's body bucked upward as the hot female mouth took control of his cock. Flashes of memory competed with the feel of Pete's cock in her mouth. Rose had always enjoyed cock sucking. There had been others long before Joe came along.

Rose slowly drew her mouth upward along the shaft and then plunged down quickly enjoying the taste of Pete's pre-cum and that feeling of control her mouth gave her over a man. Unlike sucking Joe's mouth cramming cock, Rose now had room to use her tongue and lips, at times just holding Pete's cock head in her lips and using her tongue to caress it, before changing the tempo and mouth fucking her bed partner.

What at first was to be a warm up for fucking became all that mattered to Rose. When Pete's hands began to pull her hair up and away so that he could watch her cock sucking, her lust drive went into high gear . She absolutely adored being watched by a man as she sucked his cock. Pete made a feeble attempt to slow her down. He hadn't even felt those big tits yet, but her plea of "oh please!" freed the volcano building in his balls.

Pete's eyes were glued on Rose's sucking mouth as the first blast of cum hit her throat. Her cheeks drew in and she sucked even more as wave after wave of hot sticky cum filled her mouth to overflow. Her head bobbed up and down as cum leaked out of the corners of her mouth. Pete thought that he saw her cum when her body shivered as she gulped his eruptions into her belly.

Now it was her turn. Pete's mouth covered hers as he kissed her deeply, showing his approval of the gift she had just given him. Joe never even kissed her after a warm up sucking. Pete's mouth began that traveled path down her body, first her neck, then between her twin mountains, over her small belly and to where her juices flowed. He took his time, kissing her inner thighs as he savored the aroma of her pussy. Rose drew up her knees, opening up herself to Pete.

With his hands cupping each cheek of her ass, Pete's tongue began to tease her very open and sopping wet pussy. The tip of his tongue traced first her outer lips, flicking across her swollen clit and then began to probe her inner lips just teasing the opening of her cunt without attempting to enter. As a treat he would flatten his tongue and lap from rear to front bring pressure to her clit. Rose bucked like a bronco with need.

One quick move on Pete's part pushed Rose's legs up high as his tongue moved to her asshole. Rose tensed. Joe had been after her ass for years with his cock, fingers and a dildo, but she never gave in. Pete's tongue didn't attack her but began to caress her asshole; never trying to enter her; she relaxed. Oh and it felt so good. Rose wiggled her ass as a sign of approval.

That talented tongue moved back to her pussy. Pete tasted the difference between Rose and Karen, and his mouth and tongue felt the difference. Rose was fleshier. Both her outer and inner lips splayed open in soft a velvety welcome and the entrance to her body offered no resistance to his probing tongue. Her hips moved in small movements as he sensed her climax getting closer. The louder, brassy, Rose came in soft moans and quiet whimpers, her hips shaking to the tune of Pete's tongue.

It wasn't until Pete moved up next to her that he realized that he was hard again. Their kisses were long and intense, his hands roaming over her back and ass. Rose felt that welcome pressure of a hard cock and rolled Pete onto his back. With practiced skill she swung her leg over him, gripped his cock and lowered her body, impaling herself on this new cock. There she sat, a long cock in her soaking pussy and her tits on full display for Pete's enjoyment.

Their fuck fest had taken a playful turn now that both of them had enjoyed one climax. Pete's long cock filled Rose without strain or pain and she rolled her hips to welcome it. Attempting to move while jammed with Joe's cock was near impossible, but now she reveled in the simple pleasure of riding Pete's cock. Of course, with Rose playing cowgirl, Pete had what he had longed for spilling out in front of him. His hands moved quickly to fondle those globes.

Rose watched Pete's face as he began to feel her tits. For so many years, and quite a few guys, Rose's tits had been the center of attention. But lately, Joe had passed them by, giving them a husband squeeze on his way to fucking her. This felt so good, a pussy full of cock with a man worshiping her tits. Pete felt her pussy flex as he gave her large nipples a little tug. Rose pushed down a little harder enjoying the freedom of movement that being on top was giving her.

Now Pete began to play, first drawing a nipple into his mouth and nursing on it and then without warning giving that nipple a little nip with his teeth. Each time, the pussy engulfing his cock twitched and flexed, adding to his pleasure. Rose was leaning even further forward putting more pressure on her clit, clutching at Pete's head as he pleased not only her tits but delighted her soaking pussy. Her pussy creamed with lust and soon had the balls pressed up against her coated with her juices.

Rose’s legs straightened as another climax began to approach, her tits now smothering the man under her as her body tensed in anticipation. Pete's hands now gripped her ass adding more pressure to her clit. Whimpering as the first wave of her climax struck, Rose rode Pete cock with all of her being. Pete's body rose to the occasion bucking upward to insure his cock stayed firmly in place.

The woman on top of him became limp as her climax receded, her breathing ragged . Pete, in one motion, rolled the two of them over, his cock still firmly in place. Now he was on top, her legs together and his legs straddling hers, and as and he began fucking Rose, he leaned up on his arms to better view her big tits shaking with every thrust of his cock.

Her body responded as a sexual being and wiggled and moved to increase both of their pleasure. Her legs together increased her tightness for both of them as Pete fucked her, as men will during that drive to cum. Wave after wave of mini climaxes raced through her body as she bounced on the mattress, that long slim cock probing deep inside of her.

"Oh! Fuck! Yes!" Pete gasped, as his cock erupted for the second time that hour.

He pressed into Rose as her body welcomed his hot cum. The couple held each other tightly as their pounding hearts began the slowing down process. Finally, Pete's limp cock slipped from Rose.

"Stay right there Rose," Pete said as he lifted up off her fucked body.

He took the couple of steps to the bathroom and returned with a damp washcloth. He softly opened her legs exposing her pussy to his gaze. Pete was always turned on by the sight of cum oozing out of a woman, and this gave him the perfect excuse to indulge himself. Rose drew her knees up and closed her eyes as the warm cloth began to bathe the inside of her thighs, but not yet touching her seeping pussy. Pete watched as his cum dribbled out of the open pussy before him. After a time he let the cloth cover her pussy.

The couple dressed side by side, now feeling just a little strange and overwhelmed at what had take place in the room. They walked together to the beach. Karen saw them first and gave both of them a kiss and a hug, noting that they both reeked of sex.

Pete walked out to Joe as he stood waist deep in the water acting as the boy's lifeguard. Both men were grinning ear to ear standing side by side in the warm blue water.

"Best fucking vacation ever!" announced Joe.

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Wife Swapping On Our Honeymoon Is Very Naughty Part 2

Fucking Rose, while Jim fucked Sue, was mind-blowing.  Never in a million years would I have ever imagined letting Jim fuck Sue.  Jim is such a jerk. Sitting with Rose and Jim, as we watched the video of Sue fucking the stripper at her bachelorette party, was surreal.  The video that showed a big cock stretching Sue's pussy is X-rated porn quality. Rose never should have videotaped Sue.  But I'm glad she did.We still had over a week before our wedding.  And seeing the video of the topless...

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Swapping Hot Kerala Girlfriend With My Best Friend

Hello everyone! This is Suraj from Bangalore and I am an architect working in a design studio. I am 26, and I go running 4 days every week to keep myself fit. I have a medium sized tool and high endurance towards sex. And I love partying and going out to meet new people. Anyone interested in a no strings attached relationship please mail me. This story happened in 2016 and back then I was dating Shweta, my office colleague who was a Malayali. I went crazy the first time I met Shweta. She was...

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Wife Swapping Is Fun

Hello Readers, my name is Shweta & am from Bangalore. My figure size is 34c 28 32. My hubby name is Punith. We both love each other and are always active in sex. Love to fuck whenever we got a chance. As days passed sex was getting boring and we wanted to spice up our sex life, Punith came up with a proposal saying why don’t we try Wife swapping, I reacted like I was shocked (in reality I was excited to try it). I said no Punith this is not fair, we traditional family etc etc … then finally he...

4 years ago
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Sex Swapping Sisters 8211 Part 4

I again first thank Indian sex stories for giving me huge support by publishing all my stories. When the blind fold was taken out both from Madhu and Honey’s eye then they saw Ravi is smiling. Both of them asked who the other fucker with you was. Honey again told that I will marry him. Now Ravi gave a whistle and they saw a servant standing in front of them and Ravi told that he is not servant but his uncle. Now Madhu took bitch position and the uncle needed no more encouragement and his 11...

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First time swapping

Raj and Deepa had been married for 5 years. Raj worked in a large MNC and made a comfortable living. Raj was 32 years of age and was 5’10” tall. Deepa was 27 and could be called as a knockout. She was just average Indian height at 5’3″. But, she had a beautiful figure measuring 34-27-33 and a clasically beautiful face with a fair complexion. Deepa was a virgin until her marriage. Raj on the other hand had long running affair with an aunty who lived in the colony where he grew up. This aunty had...

3 years ago
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A Matter of Convenience

I wish I’d been around when gas stations were full-service. I’ve heard the old-timers’ stories about how you’d pull into a gas station and a guy wearing a white uniform would rush out, pump your gas, clean your windshield, check the oil, air up the tires, and do just about everything short of giving you a blowjob. That must have been nice. A blowjob would’ve been nice, too. But not as nice as getting out of your car to stretch your legs, taking a piss in a clean bathroom, and browsing the...

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Swapping Wives and Fucking Teen Girls at the Beach Cottage

Carolina Beach, North Carolina is a small town and a beautiful place for our retirement. We’re only twelve miles south of Wilmington if we want to take advantage of the amenities and health services of a larger city. My name is Dan, and my wife, Jenny, and I were recently able to retire after working our whole lives in Wilmington and raising our daughter, Ashley, there.We bought our modest, one-bedroom, beachfront cottage on Carolina Beach when I had just turned thirty, at a time before the...

3 years ago
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First Time Swapping

FIRST TIME SWAPPING Here we are Rajiv and Reena, the sexy couple from Orissa is sharing our first sex swapping experiences with ISS viewers .I am Reena writing this new experiences of fucking for your enjoyment and quick response in this subject on our email address are three sexy married couple friends in our mid of thirties and have started our own small swinger group here at Cuttack. For lack of a better term we just called ourselves “The Players”. We are Ashis and Arati, Jayanta and usha,...

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Wife swapping in Bhubaneswar

Wife swapping By: Sameer This is Sameer from Bhubaneswar to share my happiest moments of fucking with ISS viewers. Now days it is not a big deal to enjoy sexual life freely in India. So more couples here are trying to enjoy and spice up their sexual life after their marriage. Couple interested to meet us can end their photo and contact no with your interests to our email More over I think to enjoy sex is more important than to experience. As you know I am 28 years old and my wife Sheetal is...

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Husband Swapping

Number 27 of a series of individual stories. Husband Swapping by SONIA (email [email protected] - Please send comments!!!) Chapter 1 - The Suggestion My wonderful wife Sally Anne and I have had various adventures when I have dressed in lingerie or fully as a woman. I always let Sally Anne dictate how and when I dressed up. We were extremely happily married although Sally Anne has some slight lesbian interests. She generally satisfied these needs by dressing me as...

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Blackmailed Into SwappingChapter 3

Mavis, purposely, had left it dark all through the house, had sequestered herself in the master bedroom that she shared with Phil--when he was home. After Miriam had stolen from the house, Mavis had taken a long, hot bath, soaking for nearly an hour. She had powdered and perfumed her body, yet a taint seemed to linger in her flesh. Completely sober now, she knew what it was. The memory of her masturbation and having Miriam walk in and assist her into a second orgasm left a dark thought...

1 year ago
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Wife Swapping Between Best Friends 8211 Part 1

“How dare you!” screamed Tanu. Anjali and I were shocked and immediately got up and ran into the adjoining living room. The scene inside the living room was tensed. Tanu, my wife, had just slapped Rakesh, who was mumbling some excuse, with the whisky glass in his hand shaking and spilling. Rakesh’s wife Anjali, and I asked in unison, “What happened?” Tanu turned towards us and said in disgust, “He groped me”!! I was totally taken aback, “What”?!! Anjali was too shocked to say anything. Little...

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Mate Swapping A First ExperienceChapter 3

When Phil and Lauren had finished their first fuck together, Phil explained to her that Pam had taken her husband, Sam, off to the master bedroom to seduce and fuck him as well. Lauren just smiled when she realized that this was Phil and Pam's first adventure in mate swapping and she told Phil that she and Sam had been active in the swinging game for quite a few months. Phil told Lauren to pick up her clothes and just walk naked with him back towards the family room. He and Pam had set up...

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Wife Swapping First time

(A re-post from another site - but I enjoyed it and hope that you do the same)Wife swapping, first time.Back in the 1980's there was no internet dating sites or the like, and it was tough trying to find or contact other people with similar sexual interests.Usually it was through word of mouth or from magazines and often involved using dodgy PO box numbers, it was all a bit seedy and under the counter. Also no mobile phone so no swapping photos etc.Basically it was pretty risky and you never...

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Wife Swapping In Vacation Went Wrong

Preeti was just 24 years old when her parents fixed her marriage to a rich family. Her husband, Raghu, was an average-looking man and a good husband. It was an arranged marriage, so they were quite nervous on their wedding night. They both were virgins, and they took each other’s virginity on their wedding night. Raghu was a very understanding husband who used to do everything to please Preeti. Whatever she demanded to try during sex, he happily did it for her. For the next few months after...

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Swapping with Sis

"So, I see you like Fictionmania!" I turned around with a start. I hadn't even realised my sister was home. But here I was, caught red handed, browsing Fictionmania on my laptop, with my sister Erin standing behind me, looking smug. "Don't worry Luke, I won't tell a soul!" Then she must have noticed the other tab. "Oh, and Female POV. Is that a porn site?" Along with Fictionmania, Female POV ("Point of View") porn was a secret pasttime of mine. Looking at photos of a woman's...

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Wife Swapping 8211 Part 4 Fucking Under My Direction

After our first threesome experience, it was my turn to be a director for the next threesome action between my wife Shruti and the horny couple Asma and Khalid. After two rounds of fuck with Khalid, Shruti was very comfortable with him. We all decided to take a short nap before we start our next round. It was 6 pm when I woke up and I saw that Khalid and Shruti were sitting naked on the sofa and they were caressing each other. Asma was still sleeping beside me. Me – “What’s going on guys?”...

2 years ago
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Sex Swapping Sisters 8211 Concluding Part

I first thank Indian sex stories for their huge support towards me and also thank my fans for their love and affection. Thank You ISS once more. After the marriage of Sex swapping sisters Madhu and Honey with Ravi and Provo (father of Ravi) all became very happy and legal marriage was held to avoid any confusion.Also Honey told her Son Rajesh to move with her DIL Rupa and their abnormal son Prince to their big mansion and Provo also wanted all the members to stay together. Now Honey was...

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The Friends 8211 Wife Swapping

We all four became great friends in spite of our ages and wine is the best to make our friendship more and more deep and similarly the wives at home also great friends.We all took the decision unanimously that we should not use our name in home , only the relation is our name i.e dad,mom,uncle, niece,brother, sister,son and daughter and all eight became very happy. We four staying in this big house with our family and none except we four knew about our family status as we all four were new to...

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Mom Swapping Incest Orgy 8211 Part 1

My name is honey. I am a widow of 36 Yrs. with 17 Yrs. son som studying in 12th standard. and daughter Mou studying in class IX.It is the life story of my son and his friends. Let us hear from Som himself. I am Som. After joining in college I suddenly noticed that friendship grow up on likeness of mind and alike family background irrespective of caste and creed. My other two friends Ali and John is the greatest example of that.To tell about Ali his father has given Talaq to his mom and his mom...

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From Swapping to Jamaican8217s 12 Incher

Hello ISS readers Myself Diya I m a 27 year old married girl from Delhi. I’m a software techie I was married to my husband 3 yrs ago! The story I’m going to tell you is real life incident that happened to me from past 11 months my husband is in USA for work.You can mail me at I visited my husband 7 months back in USA there he took me to Vegas,In vegas he asked me to get dressed well up and took me to a club it was a wife swapping club I didn’t know it was a wife swapping club when I went there...

2 years ago
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Swapping of wifes through net

Hello doston ,mene kuch time phele hi is site ki stories panda shuru kiya or mein keh nahin sakta ismein kitni kahaniya sacchi or kitni dimag ki upaj par aaj mein aap logo ko apni kahani sunaney jaa raha hoon. Mera naam amit hair aur meri umar 36 saal hai meri wife ka naam anita hai uski umar 34 saal hai hamari shaddi 14 saal phele ho chuki hai aur humarey 2 bacchein hai bada ladka 12 saal aur choti beti 7 saal ki hai ,humari jindagi aur sex life aaj se 3 saal phele tak waisey hi chal rahi thi...

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My Friends Fuck My Wife On Vacation An Introduction To Wife Swapping

My name is Dave and I've been married to Nancy for two years. I'm thirty-two years old and Nancy is twenty-six. Most of our friends are around my age and have been married for six or eight years. Our best friends are John & Amy and Pete & Diane. Amy and Diane are cute, but take a back seat to Nancy. My wife is younger with a kick-ass body. She has large 34D natural tits and tight abs to go along with a very cute face and long slender legs. She works out every day to stay in shape. Nancy doesn't...

Wife Lovers
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Old Friends and Neighbors Discover Swapping

My wife, Teresa, who everyone calls Teri, and I met in college, and were raising our two children in the Atlanta area, until my job transfer to Raleigh, North Carolina. Our son, Michael, was going into the fourth grade, and our daughter, Jenny, would be in the second grade.I’m Matt, and we were lucky to move into such a welcoming neighborhood in the Raleigh suburbs, where we met the family who would become our best friends. John and Linda lived two houses down from us, and they have a daughter,...

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I’m sure that everyone in the whole world has heard about “Wife-Swapping.” I’m sure that very few have actually done it. Well I’m here to tell you about “Sister-Swapping.” Very few even know about it and even fewer do it. I don’t know if I actually invented it or not but I sure started it in my area. It all started a couple of years back when both of my parents were killed in a freak accident. I was nineteen years old and in charge of my four younger sisters. I had a banker, a lawyer, a...

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Sex Swapping Mom And Daughter 8211 Part 2 Concluding Part

My little reader complaining me that I am not concluding any story. What happened next it was their query so I set my mind to finish all those sex gates/story opened by me. I will definitely start with my conclusion of my first story.Again I first ISS for guiding me as per their guidelines Again I thank ISS for publishing my story and giving me courage to proceed forward with no fear.I am Honey 40 Yrs. Now, My husband Deba 41 yrs.My son Rajesh only 22 Yrs. And daughter Mou only sweet 18...

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I’m sure that everyone in the whole world has heard about “Wife-Swapping.” I’m sure that very few have actually done it. Well I’m here to tell you about “Sister-Swapping.” Very few even know about it and even fewer do it. I don’t know if I actually invented it or not but I sure started it in my area.It all started a couple of years back when both of my parents were killed in a freak accident. I was nineteen years old and in charge of my four younger sisters. I had a banker, a lawyer, a doctor,...

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Swapping Fathers 41

After getting the grand tour of the rest of their magnificent home, including spending nearly an hour outside in their beautiful gardens, we finished sipping our drinks on the edge of the pool with our feet dangling in the warm water. I didn’t want to leave. But if we were going to spend the night, we needed to get home and pack for Jim’s trip to N Florida and my stay with Kim. Mike got us out the door with the promise of the best steaks we have ever had if we got back in time for dinner. He...

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Wife Swapping Changed Our Lives

Aamaal Das ( my friend and his wife’s name changed) is 35 and his wife Raashi Das, 33 years and live in Calcutta.They both got married 10 years back and have a 9-year-old son who is studying in Ooty boarding school and only comes home for vacation. Both Aamaal and Raashi work in a private MNC with a good salary. They have a 2 BHK apartment in the Park Street and living a comfortable life.Aamaal’s and Raashi’s was an arranged marriage. They fell in love with each other after marriage and even...

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Sister Swapping

By: Sam Deol Hello friends I am Sam again, with new story. As you must have read my last story on incest. My last story was Behan KO traike se choda and I hope you have read that. Story and you like that story. Now I have a new story in this story I going to tell you, how me and my friend swap our sexy sisters. As you know my sister is so sexy with great figure, People masturbate after looking her. No I like to come on the point. I and my sis do sex always when we get chance, after some day an...

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Bush babes and swapping

This story is base loosly on an experience my boyfriend and I enjoyed a few years ago. He sent it to me as his thoughts and I edited and virtually re-wrote it – his version was pretty basic. My girlfriend and I were walking through a nearby national park. We were by a river and decided to have a swim. We had seen nobody for ages so we just stripped off and jumped in. While we were playing around she came to me and said I have never been fucked under water how about we do it to see what...

2 years ago
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Swapping Wives

The two couples had known each other for several years. They'd become good friends, had eaten out together several times, and had even gone to different events and even taken one trip together in the few years they'd become friends. Then, one night, the two guys got their heads together and they cooked up a plan where one of the guys would go to the other one's house and spend the evening in the other wife's arms. And the second husband and wife would swap in the same way. They both talked...

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Wife Swapping Session

Jeff and I have been best buddies since shortly after he and Erin moved in next door four years ago. Jeff and I have a lot in common, including a beautiful wife each. Jeff’s wife is a very shapely brunette, almost 25 years old with a very sexy body, My wife, Cindy, is about a year older and slightly taller. She has blonde hair, a great body, and a beautiful face. Both girls are really great looking. Jeff and I like to go out bowling or bar hopping, and one night after we’d had a few...

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Our intro to swapping

The story is true, at least to the extent my memory can track details over nearly four decades.1972, Long Beach, California. She’s Sharyn. I’m Mick. She’s 18. I’m 21. She is an astonishingly cute girl about 5’2”, waist-length jet black hair, dark eyes and a tight body that screamed “fuckable”. I’m about 5’10”, slender, brown short hair as befitting my then-current status in society, easy enough on the eye according to certain discerning women.I’m doing my Vietnam service through the US Navy,...

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My First Erotic Swapping

Hi guys this is Nisha, I am 27. Got married 2 years back. Me and my husband are quite open in sex. His friends are also quite open. One year after marriage we started feeling like we are missing some spark in our sex. We started watching different porn categories. One day we watched couple group sex. I was shocked to see that. My husband explained me about swapping. He also said that this couple will do to spice up their sex life. Next day my husband casually discussed with his friend regarding...

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Mom8217s Swapping With Friend8217s Mom

Coming to mom’s My Mom’s name is lakshmi, my friends mom name is swathi. Both mostly wear sarees. Very good looking women with sleek figure, great looking heavy boobs with pink nipples. My mom has long jet black shiny silky straight hair till her butts. She always trim her hair and take good care of her hair and more over her hair grows very fast. Swathi hair is in bob. Any man can get easily attracted towards their bodies to fuck them. I also got attracted to my mom and started fucking her...

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Mom Swapping Incest Orgy Part 3

My name is honey . My daughters have got their lovers but let us see what happened at last. All three girls mou, jen and nafi was very happy to find their partners and having regular sex with their lovers but after three months all three girls noticed that their mom are becoming demoroliged, bogged down day by day as their moms are not getting enough sex form their counter parts that is their sons.So all three girls decided to take some step. They discussed that their mom helped them to fuck...

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Unexpected Swapping Of Wife

Unknown Swapping of Wife This is the story of me and my friend ravi living in goregaon mumbai. Coming directly to the story We were very close friends from our school days and college we were together. and after marriage we were very busy in our work schedule and both were well settled in our profession. We used to visit each other house. Regularly one day we decided to go for trip to lonavala we left our kids to there grand parents for summer vacation we booked the MTDC cottage near Karla with...

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Best Experience Of Swapping

My friend and I planned a two days trip to a hill resort in Maharashtra. We are both working with our wives aged 25-30. We are childhood friends who grew up sharing a lot many things. We hardly get time to meet in person on these busy days, as we stay in different cities. Hence we planned a meet in a hill resort to have the best time. We decided to leave our kids at home to have full-time for ourselves. At 6 am, we reached the place, checked in. He is Prashant with his beautiful wife, Shilpa. I...

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Swapping Fathers 1

I'm switching now to filing under Fantasm as there is no category listed as "Mostly True." Fantasm does mean "an illusionary likeness of something." So, I guess that works. This series will be an amalgamated collection of polyamorous experiences Ash and I had, all combined into one common story thread. This story will "stand alone" but will make more sense or at least seem much deeper, if you've followed us through the first 10 stories. There's so much to say, so many great people...

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Zacks Body Part Swapping Remote

The alarm ringed, ripping Zack out of his sleep. He glanced at the clock. 7:12. "Great. I'll be late. Eh... who cares.", he thought to himself. The longer he lived his usual life, the less he seemed to care. At first he was concerned at the loss of emotions, but the more time passed, the more accepting he was of it. Or rather... unbothered? The door to his room was open, and his sister passed it. "Hurry up bro, you'll be late if you don't get going!", Sara said to him. She was a pretty girl,...

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Wife Swapping Part 3 Directed By Asma

Hello friends, Rahul here. I am back with the continuation of my previous story where Khalid and Asma shared their wife swapping journey. After listening to the whole story of Khalid and Asma we had our food. Shruti and I were really excited for the coming session. All four of us took a shower together where we kissed and rubbed each other partners passionately. While we came out of the bathroom I took Shruti at one corner and asked her, “Baby, just tell me frankly. Are you comfortable with...

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Best Wife Swapping Sex Experience In Goa 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, this is my first story where I would share my amazing wife swapping experience. My name is Rahul (age 30) and my wife Shruti (age 35). Before getting married, we dated for 5 years. We met through Yahoo chatting where it all started with a sex chat. At our first encounter, we saw each other naked on cam (obviously face hidden). After that, we regularly started chatting and soon we became good friends and we shared our mobile numbers. Since both of us belong to different cities, it...

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Wife swapping

Hello. Here we are Anish and Ayesha from Kolkata, another fucking. We are very thankful to all viewers of ISS site who read our stories published in this site earlier and posted their compliments to us. After reading various sex stories regarding wife swapping in Indian sex stories net we have found more courage to write our new experiences to all you viewers and waiting your comments in our email address. Please read and enjoy it. I (Ayesha) and my husband Anish were having good sexual life...

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Swapping With LauraChapter 2

"Why yes, dear. That would be fine. All alone again? Well, never fear. We're always here. Just come around when it suits you. Bye now." Voluptuous, black-haired Cleonora Frankly laid the phone in its cradle and turned to face her handsome husband, who was lying on the nearby sofa without a stitch of clothing on. His tall, long-legged body was covered with a ragged mass of black curly hairs ranging from his ankles upward over his belly to his wide squarish chest, and over the top of his...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed Into SwappingChapter 4

Mavis only hazily remembered Miriam and Connie dressing her, after they had used her body for their own sport. It was only mid-afternoon and she barely remembered stumbling home. Her vagina burned and ached from the plundering and reaming with the massive dildo and Connie's voracious mouth. What was clear in her mind was the animated conversation between Connie and Miriam as they had adjusted her clothing. Connie had asked if "Mavis and Phil would join them." Mate-swapping! And Miriam...

1 year ago
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Our introduction to wife swapping

Some time ago my wife and I got invited to a dinner party by some friends – unbeknown to me, this party turned out to be a wife swapping night. I guess my wife kind of knew about it as she didn’t look so surprised when things took this unexpected turn. Besides the host is one of her best friends and they hardly have any secrets for each other. Four couples (including us) came to this party and we all ended up drinking more than we should have. Once dinner was over and it dawned on me that the...

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Wife Swapping

Wife Swapping By Rachel J. Badger It was a typical 4th of July: not quite 70 degrees out, rain falling in a deceptively light mist which nonetheless still managed to soak me to the bone. Here in the Pacific Northwest, you work with what you get, and not grilling wasn't an option. Mick Gunderson took a swig of his beer while I flipped the patties. My wife Molly, her flaming red hair nearly incandescent against the gray sky, sat on a lawn chair beneath the pergola where it was...

3 years ago
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Mind Swapping Chapter 26

Mind Swapping Chapter 26 I awoke before Tom, got out of bed, prepared a light breakfast and awakened him in the usual manner. He had been sleeping on his back. I pulled the cover down and began stroking his penis. Initially, it was soft but warm in my small hand, then, it grew to it's full length when it was rock hard. It was hard before he awoke from his dreams. His eyes fluttered open as I said, "Hi there, handsome. Time to be up. Your cock is already up!" I giggled and engulfed the...

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