Couple's Beach Vacation free porn video

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This summer, my wife Ann and I went to a resort in the Caribbean. Well, with the flight delays, and the bus ride to the resort, we didn't arrive on our first day until about 7PM. Check-in went well and before you knew it we grabbed a bite to eat and were in our room. We were both so tired that night that we decided to forgo any of the bars and just go to bed and get up early to the beach, which was our main reason for the vacation.

So the next morning we got up and got into our bathing suits (Ann's was a thong bottom and small top) to get down to the beach. We had been told the night before that the resort was only 50% occupied, so we knew we'd get a good spot.

Well, we packed our bag and Ann put on a sheer cover-up to walk in. When we got to the bottom of the stairs we walked down the hall and the only other people to be seen were two guys who were coming at us from the other side of the hall. We turned out to the beach, and a minute later they turned as well and were following us out past the pool and onto the beach. They were not really close, but it turned me on knowing that they were probably getting a good view of Ann's ass, even through the cover-up.

Well, we got down to the beach and found two chairs that were well situated under some palm trees, near the waters edge. We put down our towels and bag and I noticed that the two guys had gone to chairs on the other side of my wife only about ten feet away from her. One of the guys appeared to be about fifty(ish) and the other was much younger, low twenties probably (Ann and I are both late twenties).

Oh well I thought, no big deal, they looked like Americans, so at least it would give us someone to talk to since we only speak English. The guys had already settled into their chairs when Ann took off her wrap.

She was facing the water, and I could see that she had both guys undivided attention. I could definitely tell from their reactions that they were not expecting what Ann did next. She reached around behind her back and untied her bikini top, then lifted it over her head and laid down on her lounge chair. It was great to see their shocked and excited expressions.

I asked Ann if she wanted me to get her the lotion out of the bag. She said that since it was her first day, she wanted to get a little sun before she put on the SPF 30. So she just leaned back and started reading her book.


Over the next 30 minutes the guys stopped blatantly staring and Ann sunbathed. As she started to sit up, I told her that I think she had made their day, and she smiled. She likes to sunbathe topless for herself, she likes the feeling and no tan lines, but she does also get a kick out of the guys reactions. She sat up and got out the lotion to apply to her front. The older guy looked over and asked us if we were American, and we said, "yes", and started to talk with him and exchange pleasantries, the older guy was John and the younger was Mike who was John's son. John had gotten divorced about a year before and his son thought this trip would be good for getting him out. The whole time we were having this conversation Ann was lotioning up, and I noticed that their attention strayed from talking for the short period that she put the lotion on her breasts.

The guys were nice enough and we seemed to have a lot in common. Ann laid back down and went back to her book. Another while later, I got up and let Ann know that I was going for a walk down the beach, she said, "okay, but I was getting ready to turn over and was hoping that you would put lotion on my back in another half hour so that I don't get too much sun."

She knows that I enjoy walking alone on the beach for about an hour (great time/place to be alone with your thoughts), so I told her that I'd lotion her up when I get back. I joked, "if I don't get back in time you can get one of the guys to help you", she smiled and said, "I just may do that."

Well I came back about an hour later and Ann was still laying on her front, so I asked her if she needed me to lotion her up, she said, "no, I asked John and he has taken care of it." I was surprised, but not upset, all he did was rub her back I thought.

A couple minutes later John and Mike got up and said that they were going to the bar and asked if we wanted anything, well we both asked for a beer and off they went. Ann propped herself up on her elbows when they were gone and asked, "Was it okay that John lotioned my back? I knew that you were joking, but when you weren't back in time, I really didn't see any harm in it."

I told her that I agreed, and that, "really it's just a back rub and I hope you weren't uncomfortable."

She said, "No, as a matter of fact, I was so relaxed when he rubbed the lotion into my back, that I didn't immediately realize when he had moved to putting lotion on my bare ass, I was still reading and his hands relaxed me and usually when you put lotion on me you do the same thing, so it didn't click at first that some strange guy was rubbing my ass. I am sorry for not paying attention and I hope you aren't mad." I wasn't (if anything a little turned on), and told her that she probably just gave John a thrill.

She seemed relieved that I wasn't upset. John and Mike came back with the drinks, and we spent the rest of the day drinking, swimming and laying on the beach. Before we left to go back up to the room we made plans to meet John and Mike for drinks at the outdoor bar after dinner (we both had reservations to different resort restaurants).

When we got back to our room we both jumped in the shower and I asked Ann how her first full day of vacation was. She told me it was great, she thought that the beach was beautiful, she was able to have a few drinks and had good conversation with John, Mike, and I.

I asked her about having John put lotion on her and she reiterated that she didn't realize where he was until he was already there. I told her that I wasn't mad and that I like having guys look at her while she sunbathes wearing just a tiny little thong, it actually turned me on, so I was asking to find out how she felt.

That seemed to relax her about the situation and she told me how, when she asked him, she could tell that he was excited about it, but tried to play it cool. He started by massaging the lotion into her shoulders and like a masseuse, working his way down her back, and when he got to her lower back, he got more lotion in his hands and just started rubbing in circles on her ass, this was about when she realized where his hands were. They felt so good as he started kneading and massaging her ass, she chose to let it continue, he did that for a minute or two she said and then asked if there was anything else she needed, she mumbled, "no, thank you", and that was just a few minutes before I arrived.

After hearing her tell the story I was so turned on that I started rubbing her tits in the shower and was trying to reach down to her pussy when she told me I had to wait till later, as we were going to be late for our reservation. With that we dried off, got dressed, and went to dinner.

After dinner we did meet up with John and Mike at the bar and had a few drinks and just chatted; they were sure to point out that Ann looked hot in her short black dress, which showed off her legs nicely.

They also told her that the thought they were lucky to sit where they did on the beach to get to look at such a lovely woman. After about the fifth round we were all feeling pretty good, but the wind had really picked up; at first it was good, because it would just blow up Ann's dress a little bit and we could see more of her legs. I even think John and Mike got a quick view of her black panties.

After just a few minutes, the wind picked up too much even with the added benefits. John and Mike suggested we go up to their room, they had a large suite and had some wine and liquor in their room and we could continue the conversation, I looked at Ann and said, "I am good with that." She looked a little uncertain, but said, "Okay, why not, but they better have some Merlot."

Once we got up to their suite (it had a huge balcony, sitting room and separate bedroom), we sat on the couches and continued drinking after a few minutes Ann asked to see the balcony, and they showed her out.

It was nice and calm out there, as their balcony faced inland away from the direction that the wind was coming from, so it was completely shielded. And to top things off, the balcony had a nice jacuzzi. Ann made a comment about loving hot tubs and one of the guys went over and turned it on and suggested we could drink our drinks in there. Ann said that we didn't have bathing suits, but maybe another time. John asked, "Why don't we go in nude? It's pretty dark out here and with your bikini that you wore on the beach, we've seen almost everything already; this will give you an opportunity to even things up."

Ann looked over to me and I just shrugged and told her that it did sound like fun, but it was up to her. She thought for a minute and said, "Okay, but first you guys have to go in and refill all of our drinks and bring them back out", while she took a minute to prepare herself.

Of course we all agreed to that and rushed into the room to get the drinks. A minute later the three of us walked back out the sliding door and noticed that Ann was already in the jacuzzi and that her black dress, lacy black thong and bra were all in pile near the door. She said, "Sorry guys, I'm not sure that I'm quite ready to parade naked in front of you, so I got in and since this was your idea, I should get to watch you strip and get into the hot tub."

We were okay with that and we all stripped and climbed in handing Ann her drink. None of us guys were hard, and it was dark, so I couldn't tell how big John or Mike were, but based on what I could see, they both looked to be average size, about the same as I was (just over six inches) give or take half an inch, but John might have been a little thicker. Well anyway, I noticed that Ann was paying as much attention to them while they got into the hot tub as they did to her when she took her top off at the beach.

We all just relaxed for a little while and sipped our drinks, the more we drank the looser we all became. John volunteered to refill our drinks a few minutes later and again Ann watched him intently. When he got back he gave us our drinks and again thanked Ann, who just kept drinking down the wine.

We continued to talk, and as you would guess the discussions got more "adult" in nature, but nothing too personal.

When Mike finished his drink, he said, "I think that it's Ann's turn to get the drinks" to which she kind of had to agree, but asked me to come with her to carry some. I told her that I was right behind her. She stood and walked up the steps (which were right between John and Mike), and the guys got their first good look at Ann's pussy; it's shaved smooth, other than a fairly thin landing strip.

I followed her out and made my drink, and poured her another glass of wine while she made the guys drinks, I told her that I was going to go ahead and I'd meet her out there; she said, "Okay." Ann walked out right as I sat down and got settled back into my spot, which was good, because it gave me a great look at her getting back in and the guys reactions, which were as expected.

First she turned to John and handed him his drink and he thanked her and patted her on the ass, which of course everyone noticed - and, not to be left out, Mike did the same as he got his drink. She blushed a little and they proceeded to thank her and told her how hot she looked, and John told her how much he loved the look of a smooth pussy.

As the discussion continued into the sex talk, Mike asked Ann if she gave me blow jobs, to which she answered, "Yes, of course." Normally that would have embarrassed Ann beyond belief, but the wine had taken care of her embarrassment.

He followed up with asking if she swallowed, which again got a yes response. He turned to me and told me how lucky I was, he had only had a couple girlfriends (none currently) and neither of them had given him a blow job.

John, without missing a beat, piped in that it was Mike's 22nd birthday, and that if Ann was up for it, and I was OK with it, maybe she could give him one for his birthday.

Ann and I both chuckled, and John pushed a little bit; I told him that it was 100% up to Ann, knowing that she would not go with it. When he turned to her, she said, "I will think about it, and that's the best answer you're going to get right now."

After that the discussion resumed to a tame level for another while. Well I got up and excused my self shortly after that and went to use the restroom, thinking that it was about time to head out and take Ann down to our room so that I could get some action before she got too tired.

When I got back a few minutes later, I came out quietly and didn't hear anything, as I looked around the corner coming out, I noticed that all of them were on one side of the jacuzzi, with Ann in the middle. John was on her right and was kissing her neck and shoulder as she had her eyes closed and her head back; while I couldn't see for sure, I think his hand was between her legs. Mike, on her other side, had her tit (the seat she was in was pretty high, so her tits were just above the water level) in his hand and was leaning down sucking/kissing her left nipple.

No one noticed that I was back, and John moved in and started sucking on her other nipple. It was all such a hot turn on that I just climbed back into the hot tub and when the three of them looked up I just smiled back at them and asked what I missed. John said, "If it's okay, I think it might be time to get out, as Ann said she was up for the blow job birthday gift for Mike." I looked at Ann and she nodded.

As we got out and toweled off, I checked with Ann and made sure that she was alright with that, and she said, "I am, I'm really horny and think it will be fun."

She did want to double check with me that I was okay with everything, because she definitely didn't want to do anything that we weren't both okay with, and I said, "While I can't believe it, I'm good with this and I am even excited about watching you! We are on vacation and should just let loose and have fun."

She smiled at me, kissed me passionately on the lips, and said, "Thank you."

John and Mike had already gone into the bedroom, so we followed them; Mike was sitting up in one of the beds with pillows propping him into a reclined position, so that he could see Ann as she sucked him off. Ann climbed up on the bed and was on her elbows and knees as she started kissing up and down his cock with gentle little kisses. He watched her, and was mesmerized.

She slowly built up to licking up and down the shaft as she held him in her hand, then she leaned further down and sucked one of his balls into her mouth and massaged it with her tongue; I looked at Mike's face, and he was in heaven. She then released his balls and moved up to his head and slowly started taking it into her mouth. Meanwhile, I was so enthralled watching her go to work on Mike that I didn't realize that John had gone down to the end of the bed and was on his knees, which gave him access to kiss and lick the inside of Ann's thighs! she loves this and in response lowered herself just enough that John could reach her sweet pussy; it was her movement that got my attention, and I watched as John started licking the lips of her pussy. This whole picture was out of this world and I was so hard.

They kept up this nice slow pace for a minute, then I heard Ann sigh and looked down to John; it looked like he found her clit, and this caused her to pick up the pace of her sucking Mike, who, judging by his face as he watched his dick repeatedly disappear between my wife's lips, was definitely enjoying his birthday. She also moved her hips back and ground her pussy back into John's tongue, which was exploring everywhere it could reach.

Before too long, Mike was groaning and breathing heavily, and Ann was holding his balls; he came right in her mouth, and true to her word, she swallowed every drop.

When Mike looked my way, I gave him a thumbs up and signaled that if he was done, I'd like to take his place, so he got up and I took his place. I could tell that John was doing a good job, as her moans were getting rapid and louder, and she was getting close to having an orgasm of her own.

She skipped the gentle kisses and licks with me, and just started going down on my hard cock; she had only really just started sucking when she started cumming. John, true to form, was still lapping it up.

After she had calmed down a little, she resumed sucking me and John stood up. He looked at me and asked, "Is it alright if I fuck her?"

I didn't need to answer, because Ann lifted up her head and yelled, "Yes, Fuck Me! I need your hard cock!" She never talks like this, so I was surprised - but the whole night was surprising, so why change now?

John positioned himself behind her and entered with no problem since she was already so wet. He couldn't control his excitement and just started pounding away at a fast pace, but her muffled moans and the sight of someone else fucking my wife was enough to set me off and I came, and Ann swallowed the second man's cum of the night.

John had too fast of a pace and started cumming right after me, burying his dick deep in Ann. As he pulled out, Ann laid down and rolled over.

She looked like she might be done, but Mike had other plans as he had been watching and playing with her nipples for the last few minutes, he was hard already. He went down to the end of the bed and pulled Ann's legs, pulling her to the bottom of the bed so that her legs were hanging off the bed and he lined up his dick to slide it right into Ann's pussy.

I just sat there amazed as she was getting fucked by yet another man. John, who was still hard, offered his dick for Ann to suck on since she was right on the edge of the bed. She turned her head and took it into her mouth as she began moaning from the fucking she was receiving. Her hand reached out and cupped/massaged Johns balls as she sucked on him like a pro.

Mike had a little more stamina than his dad, and he gave her a good fucking for a while (I was to shocked to notice the time). As John started groaning, he pulled his dick out of her mouth and came all over her tits, making the comment that he couldn't resist how hot her tits would look covered with cum; I think seeing this put Mike and Ann over the edge, and they both started cumming, but Mike following John's lead pulled out and came all over her stomach.

The three of us guys just stood around for a few minutes looking down at a thoroughly pleased Ann covered in cum. John then said, "We can't put her dress back on with her like this, would be okay if Mike and I take her to the shower to clean her off?"

We had already gone so far, that I said sure and they both helped her up and took her to the shower, I peeked in after a minute or two and they were each soaping her up. When they finished the shower, I helped Ann into her dress (I just held the thong and bra, I didn't really think it mattered at this point), John invited us to join them at the spa whenever we got up the next morning, saying that it would be good relaxation and that he would take care of the entry fee, even in her exhausted state, Ann responded that it sounded good, and she was planning to go to the spa anyway and we'd see them there.

After I got her to our room and undressed again, she laid down and immediately fell asleep. Looking back on our night I was so happy seeing my beautiful wife turn into a slut for the night, and I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

We both started waking up at the same time, and when she was coherent, she looked at me and apologized for last night and said that she didn't know what got into her. I asked her if she had fun, and she blushed and said yes, so I said don't worry about it, that "vacation was for trying and doing things that you don't do normally when your home, and for the record I know exactly what, or should I say who, got into you last night."

She chuckled and gave me a kiss, and told me that she did miss out on fucking one of the guys last night and she'd remedy that immediately. As she straddled me and started lowering herself onto me, I asked her, "Tell me how many and when you had orgasms last night."

She told me that she almost had one in the hot tub when I was gone and John was fingering her clit, but didn't quite get there, that she had a really intense one when John was going down on her, although he didn't quite last long enough for her to cum while he fucked her, but that Mike had lasted and she came for the second time while he fucked her and she sucked John.

While I thought she was done, she continued that Mike fingered her while John sucked and pinched her nipples in the shower and she came in there also, so three times total and almost four, but she didn't quite get there in the hot tub. With that we had one of our most amazing fucks ever, and reliving last night while we were going at it she came twice.

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Sex on the Beach Our Yearly Family Vacation The Secret Arrangement

My family actually owns a beach house, but it was currently having the roof repaired so we were renting this one. I’m not sure who the “real” owner of our house is -- maybe my grandparents, but my whole family used it as they pleased. We just coordinated amongst each other to make sure two parts of the family didn’t unintentionally try to use it at the same time. (We often all went together every summer, but sometimes different subsets of the family took mini-trips by themselves, especially my...

2 years ago
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Once In A Lifetime Vacation

Introduction: Husband and wife go on a Florida vacation leasing a beach house for the entire Month. Their twelve year old daughter is to join them for the last two weeks. This totally fictional story is written by a complete novice from his infertile mind! I make up stories for my own entertainment! If I were a professional writer, Id have a lot more money in the bank! Stan-Husband Debra-Wife Cassie-Daughter, Seventeen yrs. Todd-White stranger David-Black stranger This story is told from the...

4 years ago
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A Kinky Vacation

After 3 years without a vacation for ourselves, my wife and I were finally able to book a cruise in the Caribbean for an entire week. It was to be a much needed break from a stressful job and the full time 24/7 commitment of being parents. I was also hoping that it would be an opportunity to spice things up a bit. Our sex life wasn't bad, but the commitments of work and family rarely left us with the time and energy to play. Even then, we had gotten into a rut of doing pretty much the same...

3 years ago
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Sexy Cuckold Vacation

After 3 years without a vacation for ourselves, my wife and I were finally able to book a cruise in the Caribbean for an entire week. It was to be a much needed break from a stressful job and the full time 24/7 commitment of being parents. I was also hoping that it would be an opportunity to spice things up a bit. Our sex life wasn't bad, but the commitments of work and family rarely left us with the time and energy to play. Even then, we had gotten into a rut of doing pretty much the same...

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Charlottes Vacation

Here we are, the middle of Summer. The peak of blazing hot weather. The sun cooking people who dared to step outside into Mother Nature's oven. People walking the streets with uneven tans, some wearing sunglasses too big for their faces, people splashing around in pools in their backyards, unattractive men jogging in short shorts hidden behind their huge hairy bellies. It was a perfect summer day, and also the day before the vacation of a lifetime.It was a Friday night and I was packing my bags...

1 year ago
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A Bikini Beach Summer part 07

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 7 The Bikini Beach July 4th Celebration Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this...

1 year ago
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Me the beach and Erica Part 1

All rights for this content belong to Shiraz Derwine. Please leave a review if you liked this story. All reviews are important to me and motivate me to write more. A version of this story in Italian is available on FictionMania -------------- Me, the beach, and Erica -------------- My plan was as simple: Graduate from high school and then do three Summer months at the seaside far from worries, parents, books, and problems. I spent my whole last year of school just imagining how...

2 years ago
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Bikini Beach Glenn Matsumoto Visits

Bikini Beach: Glenn Matsumoto Visits By Daphne Xu Teaser: This is another excerpt from my still-incomplete sequel to "A Bikini Beach Summer", and is set immediately before "Bikini Beach: Ellen's Daughter Visits". Attorney Glenn Matsumoto has to consult with Bikini Beach's Grandmother for professional reasons. The Disclaimer Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or...

1 year ago
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Beach Belle 1 Juicy Jewish Julia


2 years ago
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A Day at the Beach 01

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and all names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No characters are under the age of 18. As always comments, kudos and criticisms welcome. Beach Taking a break from the nasty porn, the twisted chat rooms, and the obsessive masturbating, I decided to do something...

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A Rough Day at the Beach

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and all names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No characters are under the age of 18. As always comments, kudos and criticisms welcome. Beach Taking a break from the nasty porn, the twisted chat rooms, and the obsessive masturbating, I decided to do something...

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drunk at the Beach a hot story from the internet

I have been married to my cute little wife for 7 years. We were married right out of high school when we were both 18. I played on the basketball team and she was one of the girls in the dance group that danced at half time. She is a little blonde, about 120 lbs, and very cute with a great personality. We were both each other's first and hit it off right from the start. We dated for about six months before I finally got in her pants. She was always a little prudish until one night we went to a...

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Beach Day

Wearing my sexy panties to the gay beach always gets the men turned on for me. Being the only girlyboy there, I get hit on by lots of big studs. The attention they give me is flattering and leads to lots of sexual pleasure. Being topless, I get to show off my nice titties and the sexy panties I'm wearing let the men know I want some dick like a woman gets.It was a beautiful day for the beach and I had off from work. Just a few miles from my house is the gay beach where lots of men go to meet...

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Truck Guy Beach Shower

There are three things you have to know about us for this story.One is that I am kind of big; not fat, but barrel-chested big. Folks call me a bowling ball; I am 5'8" but I weigh about 210 pounds with a barrel chest (almost a "medical condition") that is a genetic gift of my ancestors - both grandfathers showed the same look at my age. I'm in my 30's, but I can beat my high school weight lifting records, which still stand. I am not a weightlifter, but I keep fit. The second thing is that my...

3 years ago
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Nude Beach Adventure

"Oh God, that feels so good." Liz moaned as she rode Gene's slick, thick shaft. She pulled herself up, almost off of him, so she could feel his big cock split her pussy lips, and then slid her wet, hairy pussy down. She felt the ridge of his cockhead slide over her g-spot and bounce against her cervix. "Oh baby! You fill me so full. I love riding your big cock." She forcefully slid down again so her clit mashed against his pubic bone sending waves of ecstasy through her body and making her...

3 years ago
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Nude Beach Adventure

"Oh God, that feels so good." Liz moaned as she rode Gene's slick, thick shaft. She pulled herself up, almost off of him, so she could feel his big cock split her pussy lips, and then slid her wet, hairy pussy down. She felt the ridge of his cockhead slide over her g-spot and bounce against her cervix. "Oh baby! You fill me so full. I love riding your big cock." She forcefully slid down again so her clit mashed against his pubic bone sending waves of ecstasy through her body and making her...

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Beach Bums

This is a recent, true and genuine (if slightly light-hearted) e-mail conversationbetween two BDSM Library friends. Only the names have been changed to protectthe innocent. I have deleted the links to the on-line store where Meg buysher bikinis, to avoid embarrassment and so as not to provide free advertising. ****************************************************** Dear Meg, I've been thinking more about what you've told me in your previous messagesabout your love of thongs and I thought I...

2 years ago
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Once In A Lifetime Vacation

Stan-Husband Debra-Wife Cassie-Daughter, Seventeen yrs. Todd-White stranger David-Black stranger This story is told from the view of the wife, Debra. Once In A Lifetime Vacation My husband, Stan and I were on the Florida coast for a long rest and well deserved vacation. We both have been working hard and in a welcome turn of fate, we both had slack time at work and could get vacation at the same time so we could take off together for the first time in years. We took a month’s...

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Accepting My Cuckold Role On A Houseboat Vacation

It was a culture shock moving to Boise, Idaho to attend Boise State University, after being born and raised in a small town in Nebraska, but that’s where I wanted to go to pursue my education for a career in the high-tech industry. I was in the top of my class in high school and studied hard to handle my double majors in electrical engineering and computer engineering.My name is Matt, and I became good friends with Ken and Dave, two boys from small towns in Idaho, since we began college at the...

2 years ago
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What I Did on my Vacation

Chapter 1 Day One I AM ON VACATION I AM ON VACATION I AM ON VACATION!!! This one thought cycles through my head as I pack my overnight bag with only the essentials for the next ten days. Toiletries, brush, makeup, minimal clothing - didn't need much on the beach. No man to impress. No kids to tell me how dorky I look. Only four hours to go. Drive an hour to the airport from my podunk little town in this frigid northern climate then board a plane for sunny Florida. I even got a direct...

1 year ago
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Love With Mrs Banerji From Cruise To Beach Hut

Hi, This is writing this story. Your comments and feedbacks are welcome. Hi, I am Rahul, 18 year old from Kolkata. I live with my father, mother and my twin brothers who are in their 1st standard. My father is basically from south India and got attracted to my north Indian mom and got married and settled at her hometown. Because of this I got my lifetime chance of being around north Indian girls and aunties. And I should say here that since having roots in south India as well, I know how...

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The Old Man the BeachPart 1

CHAPTER 1 I took a spin around the oval parking area, finding it to be as crowded as I had expected with all fifty spots filled. The island portion of Sunset Beach has one of the best and most accessible beaches in North Carolina—it’s one of the few that face south--and it has the best of facilities, too with several showers on the boardwalk and real toilets nearby. Finishing the loop I realized that I had two choices—find a spot to park up the road as far as three or four blocks away...

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Beach Princess

Beach PrincessFriday night I read Peter Pan's If the Shoe Fits. Over the top, of course, but I couldn't help being caught up in the sheer bawdiness of his tale and the delight in loving the beauty of young women that energizes his writing. His stories always rekindle my own lusts, fantasies and memories of the gorgeous young creatures I've been close to, or wished I could have know more intimately.Saturday morning I went to the Post Office. As I entered the Mail Box area to pick up my "junk...

3 years ago
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Beckys South Beach Spring Break

FRIDAY, March 10 2006 — SOUTH BEACH, MIAMI, FLORIDA "Oh look Mandy," I cried as we turned left off 5th Street onto Ocean Drive and saw the white capped blue waves breaking on the famous beach to our right, while on our left the architectural splendor of the Art Deco district flashed by. I could feel the excitement of Ellie and Crystal behind me as Mandy slowed her red A-6, as engrossed by the passing scenery as the rest of us. "There it is!" Ellie screamed in my ear, her arm pointing...

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Little Beach ch 1

My name is Genevieve, but you can call me Ginny. I’m fifty-seven years old and live in a small town in Ohio. Right now, I am going through some real rough times right now, most of it is due to the removal of my left breast, due to breast cancer. Everything is healed, and I have a clean bill of health now. However, the depression that goes with is bad enough, but I had to deal with one moody husband as well. Don’t get me wrong, I love Rodney dearly, but there are times, when I wish I could go...

Straight Sex
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A Bikini Beach Summer part 06

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 6 Lucy's Next Few Days Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by...

2 years ago
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Vacation On The Beach

My wife Carol and I had bought a four bedroom three bath home in a small community near the city of Birmingham Alabama. We were married just a little over two years and lived in the house we had purchased not much over a year when the vacation I am going to tell you about happened. I worked for an Architect - Engineering company. Carol worked near by for an insurance company. We were both just twenty four years old and although we wanted to have kids we were going to wait until we were more...

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Rachel and the Nude Beach

One of the young ladies I dated for a couple of years was named Rachel. She was 5’7”, 118 pounds, 34C-20-32. She had very long brown hair that reached the crack of her ass. Her eyes were brown and her face was quite pretty. Rachel looked like a fashion model and I enjoyed the way all of the guys watched her when she walked by. In fact, a number of ladies also watched her. All of this attention made Rachel very self-conscious as she did not like to be the center of attention. She preferred to be...

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a day at the beach

Rinoa, Squall, Selphie, Zell, Irvine and the pigtail girl whose name was Mima were still sitting around a table in the cafeteria talking, after they had eaten dinner. Rinoa proposed, “We’re laying over at Centra tomorrow for some reason, so let’s all go to the beach together.”Squall diplomatically excused himself from the table claiming prior duties, but actually he didn’t want to admit to anyone he couldn’t swim.Selphie excitedly answered, “That sounds like fun. I’ll go.”“Me too!” chimed in...

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An Unbelievably Hot Time at the Beach

Kristen and I arrived in St. Martin, we traveled from the airport to our resort on the French side of the island. We checked into the resort and made our way to our room, where a chilled bottle of champagne was waiting for us. We popped the bubbly to celebrate the beginning of a wonderful week in paradise. Kristen always gets into her vacation mode. That means she wears very sexy and revealing clothing that she wouldn’t normally be wearing around town, at home. She also becomes much more...

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Beach Party

They stopped the car at the headland and looked out to the north over a deserted sweep of pure white sand. It was a beautiful vista, a low swell pushing green rolling breakers into the beach in a steady pulse, the waves breaking in a white frothy foam on the shore."Shall we go down onto the beach?" he asked, knowing that she would agree."Yes, let's," she replied as she swung the door open and stepped out onto the grass, her firm breasts swinging freely in her string top bikini bra.He got out,...

3 years ago
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Disparate HousewivesChapter 19 Beach amp

“Come on, lazy, it’s time to get up!” Frank groaned and rolled over, burying his head under the covers. Brenda laughed and repeated her demand, yanking the bedclothes from her husband’s naked body. Frank rolled over so that he was face down and pulled a pillow over his head; the hands holding the pillows showed extended middle digits. Brenda laughed some more. “Asshole!” She grabbed the pillow and tossed it aside as well. Frank looked at his wife with bleary eyes. “Are you actually looking...

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Island DelightChapter 5 Hitting the Beach

Brenda Oliver sat down with her husband Steve at the table they were led to on the veranda outside the dining room. “Your waitress will be with you in a moment,” the hostess told them. “Breakfast is served buffet-style.” “Thank you,” replied Steve. His eyes lingered on the trim form of the hostess as she walked away; she and the waitresses wore short wrap dresses in an island print, and low sandals. He turned back to see his wife watching him with amusement, and blushed. “I’m pretty sure I...

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This is the way I remember of my first date with a woman I will call Gloria - I figured that taking someone to a nude beach as first date would pretty much set the theme for our relationship - it did.I didn’t feel like embarking on the whole pretend romance thing, so i put an ad in Craigslist entitled Wanted: Nude Beach Companion. As much as I enjoyed having sex with strangers, at Cobblers it was nearly always with other men, and I was craving some vaginal pleasure.I didn’t get any sex at home,...

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Winter Vacation

There are eight of us. There is my wife Lauren and three of her sorority sisters and me (I’m Al) and three of my fraternity brothers. We all graduated within a year of each other and we all got married within a couple of years after college. We have been fast friends ever since. Every winter we all go on vacation together. We have been to exotic islands, rented houses large enough for all of us on some of the best beaches we can find but this year we had decided to do a winter vacation in a...

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Skylar at the Beach

When I happened to go over to the beach, I decided to take my yellow lab with me, and was I ever glad I did. Any way, as I walked through the dune access, there happened to a family set up just off the beach entrance, and as I walked past the family, an older lady stepped out of the “Easy up” sun shade and remarked, “She looks like a good dog.” I simply acknowledged her by smiling and saying thanks as I moved down past where they were to set up. After quickly setting up my umbrella, a beach...

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My First Nude Beach Adventure

My husband (Roger) and I are not swingers, but we are exhibitionists.  He loves to show me off to other men, especially at the beach.  We live in Europe, so he insists on me going topless and wearing only a tiny thong to sunbathe in.  My husband likes to see the effect I have on other men.This is a true story that took place on the beautiful Greek island of Skiathos.  I am a little nervous writing this, as my husband does not know the whole story, and he is an avid reader on this site.  I have...


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