Shower Interrupted free porn video

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I awoke to the sound of her mumbling in her sleep. I lay still, eyes adjusting to the bright morning, and enjoyed the warmth of her still-naked body next to mine. The steady rise and fall of her chest, the soft sound of her breathing, it was almost enough to soothe me back to sleep. I considered waking her, pulling her into my arms and holding her against me, but she looked too peaceful, too serene. Instead, I opted to leave her be.

I slipped from the sheets and carefully lifted myself from the bed, ensuring I made as little noise as possible. As I stood, I looked back at her, noticing that my movement had disturbed the sheets around her. I found myself captivating, staring openly at her exposed upper body, taking in the ridges of her collarbone, her slender, toned shoulders and arms. The smooth soft skin of her breasts, rising and falling almost hypnotically. Her pert pink nipples, so perfectly placed as if to be screaming out to be kissed, be licked..

My mind wandered, and my cock began to throb and stiffen. I thought again of waking her up and pulling her close to me, but this time the thoughts were much more lustful, stemming from a more baser instinct. Still, I resolved to let her sleep, allowing myself to place a kiss on her forehead as I brought the sheets back around her shoulders. Another sleepy incoherent mumbling, this time with a contented smile on her face. I smiled broadly as I left the room, my heart warming at the sight of her resting peacefully.

Stepping into the bathroom, I slung a towel over the shower window and turned on the water, allowing it to heat up. As I waited, I caught a glance at my reflection in the mirror, and turned to examine it more closely. The pale skin of my upper chest was covered in long red scratches, drawn down from my collarbone to my stomach. Turning, I noticed the same scratches on my back, this time deeper, longer and a multitude more. I smiled and chuckled to myself as I reminisced the looks on her face the night before as she had inflicted each one. Some were purposeful teases, drawing her nails down my skin slowly to incite my passion. Others were involuntary, her hands clawing at my skin and pulling tightly in the midst of her own pleasure. Each mark was a battle scar, and a badge of honor.

I removed the last of my clothing and stepped into the shower, sighing to myself as the hot water washed over my skin. The marks stung slightly, reminding me of the sharp pain I had felt when her nails dug into me. She knew I enjoyed it, and she made sure to mark my skin each time we were together.

The steam rose around me, and I began to hum to myself as I washed. I faced the stream, allowing the hot water to cascade down my face and over my chest. Suddenly, I felt a breeze of cold air against my back. Before I had time to comprehend this fully, I felt her hands slide over my back and onto my shoulders, draping her arms over my chest and pressing her chest into my back. Completely silently and unbeknownst to me, she had managed to sneak into the bathroom, open the shower door, and slip in behind me. She giggled softly as I tensed and spun my head around. I looked down and saw her looking up at me, a playful grin on her face and wide, innocent eyes. Almost immediately, I melted, and began to laugh myself.

“You're quite the sneaky one, you know that?” I laughed, as I turned to face her. “Did you come to join me, or should I hop out?”.

She quickly shook her head. “Oh no, I think you can stay”. Her smile colored her words with an almost deviant humor, and I was unable to leave even if I had any desire to do so. She shivered in an exaggerated fashion, and motioned towards the falling water. I quickly stepped aside, allowing her to warm her body under the hot water.

I leaned against the shower wall, the tiles cool on my back as she purred like a kitten in the spray. She ran her hands down her arms, across her shoulders, down her legs and back up again. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she was putting on a show for me. The hot water splashed against her chest and cascaded down her body. I took in the sight of her naked body for the second time today, and I again felt that familiar tingle. Instinctively, I reached between my legs and idly squeezed my cock as it began to harden.

She noticed my eyes travelling across her bare form, and the subtle ministrations of my hand between my legs, and she knew her performance was working exactly as she intended. Her hands moved to her breasts, and she locked eyes with me as she gently squeezed and massaged them, taking her nipples between thumb and forefinger and pinching slightly. This elicited a small moan from her, which resulted in the same reaction from me as a lightning bolt of pleasure ran through my core, causing my cock to twitch in my hand.

She stepped closer to me now, resting her thighs against mine. As she leaned in, my now-stiff cock pressed against her wet stomach, and even through the warmth of the shower, the heat against her skin made her coo softly. I just leaned back and smiled at her, allowing her to decide what was to happen next, for now. She smiled back and leaned in for a kiss, letting her lips graze mine ever so slightly. As I instinctively leaned forward to meet her kiss, she backed away, shaking her head firmly.

I laughed in disbelief, but resigned myself, leaning back against the wall and meeting her gaze expectantly. Again she leaned in, slower than before, and began to kiss her way across my chin and over my jawline, up towards my ear. Her body pressed in closer against mine as she did, her nipples now pressed hard against my chest. As her kisses drew higher, I turned my head to assist her, and she eagerly responded by kissing her way up to my ear – eliciting a low moan of pleasure unbidden from my lips. Clearly sensing that she was beginning to gain control of the situation, she took full advantage of it.

She kissed her way back down along my jaw, and once again raised her lips to mine. This time, she allowed me a deep, passionate kiss. Our lips pressed together insistently, and I was eager to taste her, to feel her tongue against mine. My hands went to her hips, and she did not stop them. Indeed, she willingly complied when I pulled her hips closer to me, gasping slightly into my mouth. As we finally separated, I felt her lips linger a little longer on mine, only to feel the sharp pain of her teeth descending on my lower lip. She clamped down and pulled away slowly, dragging her teeth across my already-sensitive lip. I shuddered visibly, waves of pleasure coursing through my body, and as her teeth finally slipped away, I moaned loudly, struggling to regain my senses as she grinned at me coyly.

She stepped back under the flow of the hot water, her body darting away from mine. I gaped at her open-mouthed, my lower lip still throbbing from the feel of her bite down upon it. She knew my weaknesses, knew how much this made me want her. Still, she stood back, eyeing me up and down mischievously. Her gaze lingered between my legs, and I followed her eyes to see my cock fully hard, now no longer pressed against her.

“Was” she asked as her eyes went wide, her mock display of innocence a display of eroticism in and of itself. I could only pant and nod in response, my body still recovering from the teasing it had received so far. “Oh my, we'll have to do something about that, won't we?”, she adopted a more sensuous, seductive voice this time, sending familiar chills down my spine. She reached out and wrapped her slender fingers around my shaft, simply gripping and squeezing as she observed my reactions.

As I felt her hand wrap around me, I melted. Her boldness to slip into the shower behind me was simply the beginning, the catalyst. Her teasing to this point had worked me into a state, and from her first touch my resolve melted away. I groaned her name as she began to stroke me, her eyes wide and fixated upon my cock. I mustered all of my strength simply to not lose my footing, and pressed myself harder against the cold tiles, the sensations almost too much to bear. Her pace increased, and a wry smile spread across her face. She clearly knew I was under her spell, and she could do anything and everything she wanted.

“You know”, she said, leaning close, “I haven't had breakfast yet this morning. And I am quite hungry..”

With that, she lowered herself to her knees in front of me. Still with my cock in her hand, she looked up at me, making sure my eyes were glued to hers, as she opened her lips wide and slipped the head of my cock into her mouth. Her lips closed around it, and I felt her tongue lash out and slide hungrily across it. I threw my head back, almost crashing into the wall, and cried out loudly, every muscle in my body tensing, every nerve ending exploding in pleasure. Spots appeared in my vision, and I could do no more than gasp and grunt as her head began to bob, sliding more of my shaft between her full red lips.

I managed to look down again, and admire her beauty and radiance even during such a deviant activity. The water struck her back and cascaded down, flowing off the curve of her hips and down over her round, toned ass. Her eyes were now lowered to the task at hand, and her head bobbed back and forth with a steady rhythm. One hand was wrapped around the base of my cock, stroking it each time she lifted her head to the tip. I craned my neck to determine where her other hand was. Her body rocked back and forth slightly with every motion, and I thought I could catch glimpses of her hand disappearing between her legs, fingers circling feverishly over her clit. This was further confirmed by her beginning to moan against my cock, the vibrations nearly doubling me over in pleasure.

My hands instinctively moved to the back of her head, and I held desperately to her wet, tangled hair, as if were I to let go, I would float away. Almost my instinct, my grip on her head tightened, and my hips began to move of her own accord. Always eager to be compliant, she simply opened her mouth wider and pressed her head against my hands, encouraging me to continue. Her hand released the base of my cock and fell to her side limply. Again, she raised her eyes and made sure to catch my gaze, locking eyes with me as I began to gently thrust into her open mouth.

I held her head in place carefully but firmly, allowing her to adjust with each stroke, slowly growing deeper and faster each time. Her own moans began to grow with each thrust, but whether this was from her own playful ministrations between her legs or from my cock sliding across her eager tongue, I could never know. Before long, I had built up a steady pace, and my grunts and groans fell in time with each thrust of my hips. Her tongue massaged the underside of my cock, her warm and wet mouth encircling me each time; it was almost enough to push me over the edge.

Deep down, however, I knew that I had to have her this morning. I'd known from the first minute I had seen her bare flesh in my bed. She had an innate ability to awaken a desire deep within him, one that he was almost unable to suppress or control. I knew that this would only end with me inside of her, and it pleased me that she knew it, too. I drew myself out, leaving the head of my cock resting just out of reach of her lips. She looked up at me expectantly, almost pleadingly, and I simply tapped her on the shoulder and motioned my head towards the shower door.

She sprang to her feet, seeming more eager than me. I reached past her and turned off the water, both of us bounding from the shower towards the bathroom counter. The steam swirled around us the morning chill creeping in, however neither her nor I seemed to notice it for a second. As she skipped towards the counter, I couldn't help but admire her back, water dripping from her shoulder blades and down the small of her back. Her round, firm ass presented in front of me was almost too much to resist.

Thankfully, at that moment she placed her hands on the counter, lifted herself atop it, and turned to face me. For a moment, that same coy, almost shy look crossed her face, but it was hard to maintain when she sat naked and spread-legged in front of me. Were I not in a lust-fuelled haze by this stage, I would have taken time to admire her pose – her chest rising and falling with shallow breaths, her lower lip caught behind her teeth, her eyes burning bright with desire, her hand resting on her inner thigh, as if to draw my eyes to the wetness between her legs. In the state that I was in, however, I was unable to hold back any longer. I stepped to her, between her legs, and hooked my arms under her knees.

Almost too forcefully, I pulled her forward. She gasped slightly, and came to rest at the edge of the counter, head leaning back against the mirror, knees dangling from the edge. Without pretence or build up, I threw myself forward and buried my head in her lap, kissing and lapping at her inner thighs hungrily. She squealed in surprise and quickly spread her legs further, allowing me the access I so badly desired. My insistent kisses drew further up her thighs, drawing ever closer to her lips. She arched her back and pleaded me to continue, her hand cradling the back of my head.

Even if I had any desire to tease or prolong her suffering, I was in no mindset to do so. I wanted her badly, and I wanted her immediately. My tongue finally brushed her outer lips, and I tasted her arousal for the first time today. Like nectar from the gods , I thought to myself, in a moment of lust-fuelled lunacy, and I felt myself grow ravenous for more.

Her hands intertwined with the hair on the back of my head, and she squeezed tightly as I centred my head between her legs, running the flat of my tongue across her lips from bottom to top. I allowed the tip of my tongue to find her clit and linger, circling slowly as her body bucked and tensed. Her taste was intoxicating, and my only conscious thought was for more. I found her opening and pressed my tongue inside her, exploring her deeply.

My nose pressed against her clit once again, and with every movement of my head, her thighs twitched and her moans intensified. My lips and chin became soaked in her juices as my tongue probed deeper inside of her, her hips rocking gently up and down to match the bobbing of my head. Her thighs clamped tightly around my neck, and I could barely hear her moans and cries any further. I continued to savor her taste, savor each movement of her body, each tensing of her muscles. She began to cry out something over and over again, high-pitched and insistent. Finally, I was able to hear and make out what she was saying.

“Please, fuck me”. Again and again, she cried out. “Please, fuck me”.

I lifted my head from between her legs and struggled to wrest myself free. Rising to a standing position, I looked down at her, legs still spread wide, gasping and panting, sucking in ragged breaths, wide-eyed and frenzied. I slowly licked my lips, lifting my hand to my chin and drawing all of her juices to my mouth. I made a show of it, demonstrating just how much I craved her taste. She moaned again, and repeated herself in a hoarse, lust-soaked voice.

“Fuck me”.

No please this time, but I was in no place to stress on manners at a time like this. Taking my cock in hand, I guided myself between her legs. For a moment, I simply rested the head of my cock against her wetness, pressing gently against her, but not quite enough to allow myself to slip inside. She whined impatiently and batted her arms without effect. Suddenly, wordlessly, without warning, I leaned closer, and felt the head of my cock slip into her. I held there for a moment, my own breath taken away by the sensation. The walls of her pussy gripped me tight, seeming to pull me deeper without me even moving. My eyes went wide and my mouth opened in a silent scream. I managed to focus long enough to observe her reaction, and it was a mirror of my own. I placed my hands on the inside of her thighs and allowed myself to slide further in. Her body accepted me eagerly, and my shaft disappeared between her legs slowly, inch by inch.

Her expressions changed between shock, pleasure and frustration, again and again, as I paced myself. Sliding out almost to the tip, I held there for a second then another. Once I saw that familiar look of frustration and need cross her face, I would begin sliding in again, each time deeper than the last. Drawing out, sliding back in. Each time her pussy eagerly accepted me, drawing me in and seeming to hold me there, squeezing and milking my cock with each thrust.

Before too long, any remaining ability to tease or torment was out the window, and my focus was simply on pleasure – both mine and hers. My thrusts became more insistent, less drawn out, and more intense. I began to build a steady rhythm – long, deep thrusts, causing her legs to shudder and her breasts to bounce back and forth with each thrust. Her eyes were now focused between her legs, entranced by the sight of my cock slipping deeply in and out of her with each thrust. I had settled into a frenzy of my own at this stage, and the animal that had awoken inside me had a filthy mouth.I knew how much she enjoyed filthy talk during sex, and I knew that it was a sure-fire way to drive her over the edge.

“Is this what you wanted, hm? Coming into my shower, teasing and tormenting me?”. Punctuating each question with a hard thrust, I was met with only low, continuous moans as answers.

“You're such a tease, and you know it” I said with an almost malevolent chuckle. “All you wanted was to have your legs spread wide, and my thick, hard cock thrust deep inside you, didn't you?”. She bit her lip and moaned at this, nodding vigorously. “Well, dirty little cock teases like you get exactly what's coming to them.” I growl deeply, my voice now originating deep within my chest.

I lean in close, and in a menacing tone I utter “Dirty girls like you get fucked hard, and get filled with cum, whether they like it or not”. With this, she threw her head back, squeezed her eyes shut tightly, and cried out a loud, guttural scream. I knew I had her. She sprung forward and buried her head into my shoulder, her nails digging into my back and gripping tightly.

Her scream continued, muffled now by my chest, and I felt her body start to shake and convulse. As her orgasm crested and broke over her, her pussy clamped tightly upon my cock, her muscles tensing uncontrollably, milking my cock. Her screams grew higher in pitch, shifting to an uncontrollable squeal as her mind went blank, focused solely on the waves of pleasure rocking her body as she came. With these sights and sounds of her carried away in pure ecstasy, the last barriers holding me back were collapsing. The final straw was the feel of her nails dragging down my back, still clawing desperately. With that sudden shock of sensation, I felt my own orgasm hit.

My body tensed, every muscle at attention. Every sensation was heightened in that instant – the sight of her wet hair pressed against her shoulders, the stinging from her nails down my back, the pooling of water at my feet. Finally, with a loud groan of her name, I felt myself release deep inside her, her body still shaking uncontrollably, riding out her orgasm. Again and again I came, emptying myself into her, filling her as promised. I pulled her close against me, panting loudly, and could do no more than grip her tightly as she continued to shudder and shiver, both of us basking in post-orgasmic bliss.

Once I had cleaned and tidied the bathroom, I returned to bed, to find her back under the covers. She was sitting up with a pillow behind her head, sipping a cup of tea. She motioned to the table next to her, and I saw she had prepared one for me to. She was still not clothed, and her breasts were brazenly on display. I laughed to myself and slid back under the covers alongside her. She shuffled closer against me, and handed me my mug.

Leaning her head on my shoulder, she stated matter-of-factly “Well, that was fun”. I laughed again, and motioned to her chest. “You know, when I woke up this morning, you were lying there, half-naked and fully asleep. I think that's what started my morning off on such a high note.” I laughed to myself, only to realize she was smiling even more broadly than I.

“What's so funny?” I asked. She reached down and pulled a t-shirt of mine from behind the bed. “You realize I wore this to sleep, right? I woke up a full hour before you”. She winked as the gears turned in my head. “Fully asleep, yeah right. This was all my doing”, she giggled, and lay her head on my chest as I sat there, laughing.

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Shower Mate

Backpack flopping, Dave trotted down the dormitory hall–devoid of drama, clear of coeds. Thanksgiving break had seduced most girls home to their families. For two college k**s with no money, the empty dorm became a bed-and-breakfast weekend getaway. Nearing Carol's room, his mind raced with expectation. His last visit, on Columbus Day, had been quarrelsome but subsequent apologies, late-night phone sex and explicit emails had smoothed things over. For him, no one was like Carol—a total...

1 year ago
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Shower admirer

I was living in Bristol for a few months at the start of the year and going to a local gym pretty much daily. Now, without sounding like an egotistical twat, I'm used to people staring at my junk, especially in sweatpants when I'm at the gym:Some guys get all aggro and start trying to lift more weight, some girls try and sneak looks so their boyfriends don't see...some people just don't give a fuck and will openly stare. It's all good.Anyway, this session I'd become aware of a little twink...

1 year ago
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Shower Surprise Visitor

Seconds passed outside the bathroom door. Then fortified by the image of my big, erect penis, She placed her hand gently on the door handle and turned it quietly. The door thankfully wasn't locked, and she opened noiselessly. She stepped into the hot, steamy air of the bathroom and pushed the door closed as quietly as she had opened it, easing the latch softly into place. She could see me through the frosted glass of the shower stall and could hear me humming softly some indeterminate tune....

2 years ago
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Shower Power

The shower was hot. It felt wonderful, refreshing. I liked the feel of the water stinging my skin. I was getting ready for my first date with a friend. We had only ever spoken to each other on the internet, but now, finally I was going to meet him…reach out and touch him. My friends thought I was crazy…dreaming of an interlude with a sexual fantasy…someone I’d never met, but dreamed of all my life. Still…I was preparing myself for the worst…he may just turn out to be exactly what I didn’t...

4 years ago
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Shower Evolution of Desire

Early on in my relationship with Michael (my boyfriend), I would cycle through a regular playlist of fantasies involving him when I masturbated. I would start gently rubbing on and circling my clit while thinking about him in the shower. I imagined slipping into the bathroom and seeing the steam rising up the shower as he lathered up his sexy, muscular body. The water is cascading off his broad shoulders and chest, streaming down his muscular arms. I stand naked outside the door and press my...

3 years ago
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Shower show

We had just been released from final formation for the weekend. It had been a long week, not unlike any other. We had spent the first few days in the field, then ended the week in the motor pool cleaning all of our gear, getting everything ready for inspection, and then put away to do it all again on Monday. All I had on my mind was get back to the barracks, shower, and kick back with a few beers. If we were adventurous, maybe we’d head into Savannah. We got back to the room, Josh and I, and no...

3 years ago
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Shower Erotica

It was a late Friday night, James and his sister Courtney and her best friend Roxane had gotten back from a baseball game with James’ and Courtney’s parents. His parents had left the house to go stay at a resort hotel theat is being payed for by their work and wouldn’t be back until late Sunday night. James was watching tv in his room. Actually he was watching a XXX porno. His sister and her best friend were out in the living room watching a movie with naked people and a lot of sex in it. They...

1 year ago
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Shower with daddy

Like just about every other teenager, I had never listened to my parent's warnings about doing things the "right way." I went about doing everything my way, and eventually suffered the consequences. I had been involved with sports, and I spent the summers doing manual labor to work on my body and all. As a result I ended up with a bad back at a young age.I am sure that there are many who can relate and I have some serious periods of low back pain that make it difficult to stand up straight or...

1 year ago
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Shower with daddy

Like just about every other teenager, I had never listened to my parent's warnings about doing things the "right way." I went about doing everything my way, and eventually suffered the consequences. I had been involved with sports, and I spent the summers doing manual labor to work on my body and all. As a result I ended up with a bad back at a young age.I am sure that there are many who can relate and I have some serious periods of low back pain that make it difficult to stand up straight or...

2 years ago
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Shower Of Pain

I'm not sure when, exactly, I got into the habit of jacking off in the shower. But every morning, before school, then later, before school or work, I would shuffle my feet into the hall bathroom I shared with my bratty kid sister, morning wood leading the way. The heat of the water, the soothing feeling as my muscles relaxed... it wouldn't take more than a handful of minutes (pun intended) before my pumping made my cock shoot thick streams of ball juice that splashed the glass wall of the...

1 year ago
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Shower Sex

Hi I'm Amy and I'm going to describe to you my first, hot lesbian experience! It was my best friend Carla's 16th birthday. She had invited me to sleep over her house. Her parents were out of town for the night so we could crank up the volume and go a little crazy! Same as we did for my 16th two months ago! I arrived at the door ready for a great night in. Carla answered the door and she looked incredible! Her long brown hair was shining in the light of the hallway and her big blue eyes shined...

3 years ago
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Shower delight

This story happened around 5 years ago while taking a last minute camping trip first time without the k**s. Hope you all enjoy itMy wife has always been an adventurous person but is one of the people whom has to be really in the mood before trying anything and that’s where we start, I suppose. We were off for a long weekend in Lincolnshire which was a last minute, decision as the k**s were stopping at the grandparents and we had nothing else to do so we hooked up the van and off we went. Our...

4 years ago
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Showering With Dad Part Four

I went to a fairly big high school so it was kind of unheard of for a sophomore to make a touchdown in a varsity game, or rather almost make a touchdown in a varsity game. This brought on lots of wanted attention from a lot of the girls in the school, some of the guys too. They would sign my cast and say things like “I can’t wait to see your moves next year.” I even got a few kisses on the cheek. Even with all the attention from the fairer sex all I could think about was how my cock was going...

3 years ago
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Shower Power

The heat of the day had taken its toll. I was feeling tired and impatient to get away. Hopefully, I would get home before the rain came again, so I could get my feet up and have some well-earned rest and relaxation. I had been so busy at work.If truth be told, I felt as though I had been meeting myself coming back. There seemed to be someone in the shop all day. I hadn’t even had the time to eat all my lunch before someone else came in looking for one book or another.A young man came in asking...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Shower for a shagging

Something happened the other day that reminded me of a past escapade in my life. A few years ago I was around 35 part of my job was working for a company that would buy old run down buildings close to town centres to operate as branch offices. Their business wasn’t top class and done on the cheap but we were making money so didn’t care. One property came up on the coast which was pretty remote and I met with the boss to agree what we would be doing. They already had a small office in the...

3 years ago
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Shower for a shagging

Something happened the other day that reminded me of a past escapade in my life.A few years ago I was around 35 part of my job was working for a company that would buy old run down buildings close to town centres to operate as branch offices. Their business wasn't top class and done on the cheap but we were making money so didn't care. One property came up on the coast which was pretty remote and I met with the boss to agree what we would be doing. They already had a small office in the town...

1 year ago
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Shower Power

The heat of the day had taken its toll. I was feeling tired and impatient to getaway. Hopefully, I would get home before the rain came again, so I could get my feet up and have some well-earned rest and relaxation, as I had been so busy at work. If truth be told, I felt as though I had been meeting myself coming back. There seemed to be someone in the shop all day. I hadn’t even had the time to eat all my lunch before someone else came in looking for one book or another. A young man came in...

4 years ago
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Showering With Dad Part Three

After Mom went to work I read the paper and sat around in my boxers. I was hard the whole time thinking about last night. I was hoping Dad would wake up and see me with a tent in my boxers. But around 11 I gave up and decided to try a shower by myself. I taped a bread bag around my cast and went into the bathroom I just left the door open and pulled down my boxers. I checked out my hard on in the mirror as I stepped into the shower. I turned the water on hot and rinsed off. I squirted...

1 year ago
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Showers of a gay hotel

I was on business in Paris last year and thought I'd treat myself to a gay hotel while I was there. I was away from my wife and normally fuck women when I'm away, but this time I fancied some cock. I read about a great place with communal showers. As soon I'd checked in I went to the showers. There were three guys in there. None of them had hard ons. They were checking each other out but it was all quite casual. I went in between two of them. The guy to my left was a big black guy. He looked at...

1 year ago
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Shower of Roses

This is the story of my best friend and how one weekend together, changed our lives forever. A friend who now I am happy to call friend and if it wasn’t for fate, you know…wifey she will be called. But as we all know fate has its way of fucking with us and as for Christin and I, it did more than fucking with our life. Christin is now married to my eldest brother while I have not found ‘the young’ and I hope soon but till I found her let me enjoy the memories with you guys of how it happened...

4 years ago
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Shower Time Champ

This true story came to me from a friend, please enjoy!. My first time to have sex was pretty weird. I played soccer for the high school soccer team. I was not very good but I really wanted to play and play well. So I tried and practiced alot. One of the coaches was a woman. A very masculine not very pretty woman. We all thought she might be a lesbian even though she had a husband. It was the way she acted and presented herself. Dressed like a man and acted like a man. Her name was Fran. I...

1 year ago
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Shower Her With Something

Recently I made an unexpected big splash in our new neighborhood. We just moved to a new home the end of this past week. The home was a former model home and it was the largest of the three model homes in a model center that was sold off and the previous office. So, naturally the home has all the bells and whistles. Well, that is except one thing... they disarmed the alarm system when we closed on the house. I noticed this when we were opening and closing the door constantly moving furniture in...

1 year ago
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Shower Time

Laura was sitting in the living on the couch with Kyra in her arms. The two sisters were watching tv as JC walked into the house. "Okay, what'd I miss?" JC demanded, "Nothing. We're just watching tv." Laura said, moving her hand down to Kyra's flat stomach, JC watched Laura's hand dissappear under Kyra's shirt. "Whatever." JC threw his backpack down and walked over to the tv and turned it off. "mom and dad home?" Kyra shrugged, "Go check if you wanna fool around." Laura had moved her hand down...

3 years ago
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Shower time fun

It started off like any other morning, I left the flat at 6am to head down to the pool. I used my membership card to get in and headed to the changing room and got into my tight swimming shorts. I put my clothes into a locker and headed out to the pool. There was only one other guy swimming, I figured it must be Chaz Kindler, from the national swim team, he must have been training for the upcoming world champs. I jumped into the pool and started my laps. I did 50 before I figured it was time I...

3 years ago
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Shower Time With CoachmdashPart 2

Coach Kennedy had truly rocked my world by having me swallow his cock and hot load. I had no clue that he was interested in guys at all. I had always had a crush on him but never ever imagined it would be anything more than just a fantasy.After our shower encounter, I cleaned up and got dressed. As I was leaving the locker room, I saw Coach's girlfriend pull up. I overheard Coach Kennedy tell her he was going to rock her world tonight. I wondered if she would realize his load wasn't as big as...

3 years ago
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Shower with Dad fixed

At 13 years old, spending a good part of my summer with a broken arm was not ideal, but what choice did I have? It was my own fault; I'd slid into home hard, intending to cream the catcher if he didn't get out of my way. He didn't, and I did cream him, but when he fell, it was directly on my right arm. I'd never felt that much pain before! But the pain pills made up for that, after the bone was set and my arm put in a cast. Thankfully I didn't have to worry about school, but for at...

1 year ago
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Shower with Dad

But the pain pills made up for that, after the bone was set and my arm put in a cast. Thankfully I didn't have to worry about school, but for at least a couple weeks, my activities would be limited. I know a lot of kids my age would have been happy to have an excuse to stay inside, reading comics and watching TV, or to spend all day on the computer, but that just wasn't me. I liked those things, but only sparingly. I'd rather be outside running and playing. I guess that's why I'm in...

3 years ago
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Tina closed down her computer and shivered. Her insides churned and her loins burned after reading her email. She had been flirting with Phil for months in a very innocent manner, but the stories he had shared with her made her wonder. Hands touched and fidgeted nervously with everything on her desk while the computer went through its shutdown sequence. Then the screen went blank... only she could see him reflected watching from behind her. Her pulse quickened and she gasped, turning around...

3 years ago
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Shower Time by loyalsock

Dell hated working on holidays, away from home, all alone, and bored stiff! Not a very pleasant way to spend Christmas day. Worse yet, the surroundings really sucked, seeing as he was a deputy sheriff of Hall County, and had jail duty for the day. Someone had to man the phones and watch the prisoners, well that should be “prisoner”! There was only one inmate being held in the county jail, and she was doing six months for writing bad checks. “Not a bad lookin’ dame,” thought Dell, “with a body...

3 years ago
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Shower Fantasy Girls POV

Shower Fantasy I just got out of the shower, having spent about the last half hour in there by myself and thinking of you. You were there with me, in my fantasy only, but still very much there and we had a wonderful time. A very much needed time...I got into the shower and fel the hot water streaming down over my body. As hot as I was, I could still feel it's heat on my skin and felt my body come alive as my hands moved over it, washing my skin with the bar of soap. I always loved the feeling...

3 years ago
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Subtlety is not my strong point. Would the asshole who keeps jerking off in the shower PLEASE clean up after himself? It's disgusting! Sandy. I pinned it to the wall, and hoped the issue would go away. You know, I thought there might be some problems flatting with all these people, but this wasn't one that came to mind. After all, it's something of a tradition to do it this way. First year at Varsity, first time way from home, we stay in hostels. Meals are provided, sheets are...

1 year ago
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Shower time

Dell hated working on holidays, away from home, all alone, and bored stiff, not a very pleasant way to spend Christmas day, and worse yet, the surroundings really sucked, seeing as he was a deputy sheriff of Hall County, and had jail duty for the day. Someone had to man the phones and watch the prisoners, well that should be "prisoner" as there was only one inmate being held in the county jail, and she was doing six months for writing bad checks. "Not a bad lookin' dame," thought Dell, "with a...

2 years ago
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Shower Surprise

My name is Matt and for the past couple of years, I've been hopelessly in love with my best friend Linda. We've been best friends ever since high school but to me, she is the most gorgeous creature I have ever met. We've always been so close and we do absolutely everything together. I can talk to her about anything at all, including sex, which comes up a lot. Being a bunch of high school kids with raging hormones, we were always flirting with each other and joking about sex but I've...

1 year ago
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Shower Room Sex

It was in the fall of my junior year, I had made the track team and was also the favorite cum receptacle for Bruce, Charlie Daniel and a host of their friends and compatriots...I had just run three miles on the schools quarter mule track. Tired exhausted and barely able to stand, I entered the shower. It was late on a Wednesday even and no one was in the gym at this time of day. The janitors and maids were all in the other wing of the school and would only come through to lock up. I stripped...

2 years ago
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Shower Time

“Do you think anyone on the team knows about us?” Sam asked his best friend. “No way. How could they know?” Aaron asked. “I don’t know, things have a way of getting out,” Sam said. “Will you just be quiet and take your shorts off?” Aaron ordered Sam. “Not even in the shower and you are ordering me around,” Sam said with a smile. “That’s right, now get in there before I have to punish you,” Aaron said, as he removed his shirt. Aaron and Sam had been friends since junior high and were now in...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Shower Lovemaking

The first sign of the rising sun’s light was showing on the horizon as I pulled my key from my pocket and unlocked the door. I had just finished my morning run and was covered with sweat. I let out a soft sigh as I slipped inside the air conditioned house I shared with my lover, Grant. I began to strip off my running shorts and sweat-soaked shirt as I climbed the stairs and headed for the bathroom. Grant would likely complain about the discarded clothing on the stairs, but I didn’t care for the...

Gay Male

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