A Portrait Of A Lady free porn video

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"Lorenzo. So good to see you. I was wondering when you would be so good as to call."

I am Lorenzo. I am an artist. I am Hispanic and my family have lived here in California for longer than any Anglos present here today. Only the Native Americans have been here longer. I am proud of my heritage.

It had been a year's time since I painted Lady Gwen portrait. Always since then I had wished to come by her brothel and observe my work in its permanent home. My work is shown in many homes and salons here in San Francisco. But I was proud of the nude portrait I had painted from life for Gwendolyn.

I had been invited by the Lady. However, I had been rather busy. And to be truthful I did not know how seeing her again would affect me. She had been rather overpowering to say the least. But I went with a certain amount of anticipation. Her brothel was in Chinatown. I knew she was Asian. I didn't know much more about her. Rumors were cheap.

"Gwendolyn. You're more beautiful than ever. I hope I'm not intruding. I wished to see my work, if that were possible."

"Of course. Of course."

She rang a bell. The same large gentleman who had ushered me in reappeared.

"Roscoe, please show Lorenzo to the library. Stay with him. When he's finished please escort him back here to me. Thank you dear." I started to leave.

"I will see you soon. Yes, Lorenzo? You don't wish to leave after your little viewing, do you?"

"Nothing would please me more than to visit with you, if I may. Thank you, Gwendolyn."

In the library I saw the painting before anything else. It was hanging above a fireplace. It was just as charming as when I had last seen it; when I completed it in my studio. I am not egotistical, just certain of my own talent. I had done a fine job on this nude portrait of Lady Gwen.

I took my time browsing around the library. There were two couples there. An older white man with a young black girl with wild hair. On the other side of the room was a tall Anglo woman with long blond hair, with a stocky black man. This was a brothel, so one assumed these were clients and their escorts for the afternoon.

On the bookshelves I noticed that most of the books were either erotica or volumes of history. The latter seemed to be books covering Asia, and more specifically the area called Southeast Asia. Many studies of China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. I didn't look at them all, but they aroused my interest. There seemed to be quite a few covering a certain ethnic group.

I had not been too aware of the Vietnam War when growing up. I was too young. But I had uncles who had fought there. Rather unwillingly to a great extent. The draft had been in effect and if you were poor and were not in school your draft number would come up and you would be sent to serve your country. It was a chapter in our national history that many forgot.

"Let's go back to the Lady if you please Roscoe."

He took me back to her office just down the hall on the main floor. After knocking and getting her assent he left me with Gwendolyn once more. She smiled and gestured for me to sit. I did so gladly.

"So tell me Lorenzo, how did you like my display of your wonderful work. It's effective, yes? I think so and so do many of my clients. They may look upon me even if they are unable to taste my assets." She laughed with glee. I smiled. It delighted me to hear her.

"They're fortunate to simply be in your presence Gwendolyn. You know this. So do I, oh so well."

"How sweet you are Lorenzo. You were such a wonderful lover. There, I'll bring it out in the open. You filled my senses for a time. I must thank you for that, certainly. Now, may I offer you some refreshment? I would love to spend some time chatting with you. This isn't a busy time."

I agreed and she rang and ordered drinks for us. It was rather early so we just had some sherry.

We spent something like an hour or so simply discussing art and music. Finally the subject moved to her library and all of the volumes she had for the use of the girls and the clients.

"You understand, I know, that this is my home. So my library must be of use to me, as well as anyone who sees fit to use it."

"Oh, certainly. I must say though that I was struck by all of the books that concerned an ethnic group that fought beside Americans in that little Asian war we were involved in."

"You noticed that? Most don't. It's important to me. It concerns my family. I see you understand this. You're an intelligent man. You couldn't help but notice. I should have realized this. No matter. I am proud of my heritage even if my family might not be so proud of me."

"I've heard the rumors. I won't insult you by repeating them. But I must say I always wondered what your background was. Simply as a friend and a man who spent many hours admiring you. I would never intrude. But it is interesting to me."

"We're friends, dear Lorenzo. You're discrete. You must be in your artistic endeavors. I see this. Let me tell you a little about my history if it interests you so much."

"Pleased do. I'd be honored with your trust in me."

"My family are Hmong. We were established in the mountains of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. We fought for our freedom during the Secret War alongside the French and later the Americans. We won often, but we also lost. My family was an integral part of the effort. My grandfather was a general. He died during a flight of attack bombers against the North Vietnamese. It isn't important now except for the honor we feel. Some of us feel that honor. Personally I'm happy to simply be in America now."

"After many years of fighting we often would lose, and finally our group was left in camps in Thailand. We were lucky enough to be resettled in America. Our family found a home here in the Great Central Valley of California. It was rather a heaven for farmers. At least, when it wasn't suffering from drought. We're Americans now." She sighed and looked at me with a wry smile on her face. 

"Few Americans have ever heard the name Hmong. Ignorance is often rampant in a free society that hasn't felt the effects of war for many years. We're apparently fighting a war even as we speak here. But it doesn't really affect many, other than the relatively few thousands who actually have to fight it." I shook my head.

"You please me Lorenzo. You understand me better than many. We've shared much. Now I'm going to give you a treat. Have you ever been with a Hmong lady and shared her treats? Other than me, of course." She let loose her hearty laugh.

I smiled at her. I would have normally refused her offer. But I didn't want to be rude. And I had rather enjoyed the pleasures that a Hmong lady could offer. I stood up as she was ringing for Roscoe.

I said goodbye and she smiled enigmatically as I left with Roscoe. He walked before me down the hall to the staircase. I went upstairs and he pointed out a room along the long hallway. I tapped on the door and then entered.

She was tiny. Her smile was welcoming. Her mouth was small, but her grin was broad enough to be charming. She was lying back against the headboard of the bed. Her legs were pulled up hiding her lower treasure, but her breasts were luscious looking. Rather larger than I would expect from an Asian girl. Perhaps that was my own prejudice appearing. In any case her tits were like small grapefruits ripe and ready to be picked.

Her hair was black and straight and fell to her shoulders. As I approached she straightened out her pretty legs and displayed her pussy for me. It was not hairless completely. She had it shaped like a little heart. It was cute. Her arms stretched out.

"Hello, Mr. Lorenzo. I'm Wendy. I've heard about you. I'm supposed to make you happy. Do you like your little girl? Am I pretty for you, Master?"

I smiled. All of the ladies who worked here were over eighteen. I knew this because I knew my city. We didn't allow any of our prostitutes to be too young. Not in our brothels at least. They were regulated and inspected. And Lady Gwen had her own standards. We had spoken of this last year. No ladies could work here without being properly vetted. So I smiled at the little Hmong girl knowing she was probably over twenty years of age.

"Yes precious girl. I'm pleased with you. Now you need to take off my clothes so we can play."

She jumped up and her tits bounced as she skipped over to begin stripping my clothes off. When I was completely naked, and my prick was getting hard, she took my hand and took me over to a wash basin in the corner. She gently washed me clean and giggled as she stroked it to make me feel good.

When I saw she was finished I picked her up in my arms and carried her back to the bed. I sat her on the bed and then took her head and guided it to my cock. I wanted to see if her tiny mouth could take in my cock. She could. She began sucking it hard and I was afraid I would come before using that precious pussy I saw before me.

I did fuck her mouth for some time, just enjoying the sensation of her hot wet mouth so tightly wrapped about my dick, and she was sweet enough to take the time to lick and suck my balls too. She even turned her head and licked my pucker beneath my hard on. That was certainly a pleasure and brought me close to coming. But I wanted to come in her wet slit.

Finally I let her take a breath and I grabbed her and flung her onto the bed as she laughed with glee. Then I pounced and landed right beside her. I immediately started sucking on those delicious titties. Tasty, and she loved it too. Her hand was on my prick stroking it so I decided I needed to fuck her before she caused me to lose my spunk too early.

Placing her little body on the bed on all fours I leaned down and licked her pussy to taste it and make sure it was wet enough for a hard deep fuck. It was, so I guided my cock head into it and popped it in. She whimpered and then begged me to not tease her.

"Don't you girls usually want us to wear condoms, darling girl?"

"Oh, don't worry Master. Lady Gwen has told us you can fuck anyone here without that. You're okay, Master."

I laughed inside as I thrust my cock into her waiting pussy. She moaned and I thought of the ways Gwendolyn had used me as a Mistress. Now I was a Master. I chuckled and began fucking that hot Hmong pussy. It was very good indeed. I fucked it in a fury now, wanting to come and loving the feel of that tight slit.

"Yes, use that pussy baby. Use me, please Master. Fuck me, oh god, fuck me hard."

I did. I was enjoying this much more than I had expected. I didn't really know what to expect with a prostitute, but this was fine. She was a sweet girl and a sweet fuck. I was enjoying it and watching it happen in the large mirror on one wall. I saw myself ramming into the tiny lady and saw her face grimacing with pleasure pain as I fucked her rough and hard.

It came now. I was spurting my sperm into her pussy and she cried out, loving it. Wanting it all. I gave it to her. I fucked her for another minute or two just to fill her pussy with all the spunk I could. I wanted it to last myself. I grunted and then squeezed my cock with my hand to give her more come.

After cleaning up I gathered my things together and got ready to leave. I understood that this session had been a freebie. Gwendolyn would not have invited me to partake of the favors of one of her girls and then expected compensation. I did appreciate it. The more so since it had been so memorable.

I patted Wendy on her bare bottom, thanked her for a great time, and made her feel like she was the best fuck I had ever had. She giggled and wiggled her butt as I left the room.

Roscoe was waiting there for me. I didn't think he had been there the whole time. I wondered how he knew when to appear. Perhaps Wendy had sent some sort of signal that she was finished with her client. Perhaps.

I didn't bother Gwendolyn again. I was certain she was busy now. The evening had arrived and I saw several men and some women clients all gathering in rooms and salons on the ground floor. Each person had at least one lady helping them to enjoy the evening.

One week later I had a caller. A young man delivered a note to me. Then he waited, patiently, for me to read it. It was a simple card. Gwendolyn was letting me know that she had enjoyed my visit. Would I care to call again? Perhaps the next day? It was a Wednesday and she would not be too busy. I was asked to arrive in time to dine at eight in the evening. I was more than happy to do so. I sent off an answer with her courier.

I arrived precisely on time at the brothel in Chinatown. I was allowed to enter and Roscoe escorted me to the library. I saw her as I went through the door. She was just turning away from looking at herself on the wall above the fireplace. She smiled and offered her hand as I approached. I kissed it of course. She was a Lady.

"I am rather lovely, am I not? Thank you, my friend, for capturing my essence so well. Some are astute enough to enter my inner soul by gazing upon your work. So, let us move to the dining room. I want to eat and chat with you. Supping together allows us to really share ourselves. Shall we?"

I offered her my arm and we walked through a doorway into the dining room. It contained a rather large table, but the settings were for two only. We would share a corner of the table so that we could be closer together. The lighting in the room was from old style flickering gaslights. Rather nostalgic for a bygone day.

We dined slowly, enjoying the food and the wine. We were served by two servants. A young man and a young woman. Both were blond with blue eyes and they were both wearing only their smiles.

Gwendolyn and I discussed some recent local politics. It was known that some of the Board of Supervisors, running our city, were corrupt. She whispered to me, at one point, that two men on the board were regulars here in her establishment. And the wife of another was also a frequent visitor to Lady Gwen's charming line up of ladies.

"I hope you enjoyed my young friend last time, Lorenzo. She certainly enjoyed you. I'll tell you a secret. We two have a little history now. You will keep it to yourself. In each of my ladies' boudoirs there is a wall mirror. A two way mirror. You understand. I also was pleased by your performance with Wendy."

She laughed with the laugh that didn't seem to come from a tiny lady such as she. I laughed myself. I didn't mind in the least. She had seen me in much more compromising positions in my own studio. It was rather funny to me.

"But you see now why I am never bothered here in my little home. Important men, and some women, have been incautious enough to use my hospitality and to be recorded. I would never use such against them. As long as my business and home is not disturbed by untoward notice from the authorities."

We finally had come to the end of dinner and she rose. I followed her and stepped away from the table to help her from her chair. She smiled at me. I thought this was the end of the evening and was preparing to bid her goodnight. However, she took my hand and I followed her, of course.

Roscoe was following us to an elevator. It was private. She told me only she could use it. We were lifted to the highest floor. The third level was a private suite for Lady Gwen. I walked into the suite from the elevator. Roscoe stayed on the ground floor, no doubt to make sure we were not disturbed.

"My friend, it's so good to be here with you. It's stirred me to know you're still here in the city, and so close. Why must I forgo some pleasure when it is so near and you are so fond of me. Aren't you Lorenzo? So fond of Gwendolyn?"

Her delicate hand had touched my rough one and I had felt a shiver in my spine. I was more than fond of her. At one time I was totally besotted by her charms. She knew this. Was she playing a little game with me? I didn't care at this moment. I just wanted to be here. But this time I would not be her toy. We would love as equals.

"You know how I feel about you. Why not let me show you now? Why shouldn't we show each other how we feel?"

She smiled and took my hand again. We passed out of her living area and into a bedroom. But it was unusual in one special way. Her bed appeared to be a duplicate, in appearance, of the platform I had posed her on months ago when I painted her portrait from life. Even the lily pods were there on the side of the bed. As I looked at it I glimpsed her passing over to a changing room. She was going to disrobe.

I needed to watch this. She knew it and slowed her actions, to tantalize me, I knew. First she released her long ebony hair from the bun on her head. Then she began removing her jewelry. Placing those objects on her dressing table she turned so that I might pull her zipper down on her gown. When I did so she pulled her arms through and dropped it onto the parquet floor.

She was wearing nothing underneath that gown. She didn't need a bra because her breasts were so firm and taut. I glanced down to the pussy I had once known so very well. She had her pubic hair waxed leaving a small portion above her labia. As she stood there being admired I was swiftly removing my own clothing. She smiled as I released my stiff cock. I was ready for her.

She threw herself into my arms and her lips sought mine. I was hugging her close and feeling the heat from her breasts against my bare chest. As my lips and mouth tasted her I was carrying her to the bed. I needed her and I knew, from her passion, that she needed me. I knelt upon the bed and laid her down. My lips lost hers for a moment, but I began kissing her again.

We spent a long time just expressing our lust but also our eagerness to fill our physical needs. I was holding her close and feeling her caressing my prick. She was continuing to stroke it while touched her flesh. Then she began to guide my manhood into her waiting swollen lips. I thrust and filled her pussy with my thick cock, and I started fucking her as we lay side by side.

Her lovely leg was lifted and lying across my hip as I fucked her as deep as I could. Her moans of passion were music to me. I grabbed her round butt and pulled myself closer to feed more of my prick into her griping pussy. Her little tricks came into play and her vagina was kneading my cock as I continued ramming her.

Her lips were still locked upon mine and our bodies melded together. I was getting closer. I was feeling her flesh trembling as orgasms passed through her whole body. Her legs were now wrapped about my waist and I could not take long thrusts. I was punching my cock into her like a piston. Fucking her and loving it. Loving the feeling of her precious body. Loving using her pussy and letting her have my prick.

"Now Lorenzo. Now. I want to feel you once more. Just once more. Do it now."

I was ready. I could sense the spurt as it came. It shot out and I felt it pulsing over and over into her pussy. So wet and hot. We were steaming now. Sweaty and sticky. Our bodies were together and slipping flesh against flesh. My prick spurted one last time and I relaxed. So did Lady Gwen. We were both spent.

I was hearing her words again. Just once more. I laid back with her head on my shoulder.

"Just once more. Is that what you meant, Gwendolyn? Was this just the last time?"

"Of course it was just the once, Lorenzo. Our worlds are separate. You're Lorenzo, the Artist. I'm Lady Gwen, the Madam. This was good and necessary at this time. But it's just the once my dear friend. If you wish you may stay the night. But we won't spend it together. I need to go to work now."

We rose and I slowly donned my clothing. She kissed me goodbye and went to take a shower. She must have rang for Roscoe because he appeared. When I was ready he escorted me to the elevator and down to the ground floor. He shook my hand at the door. I walked out and away.

I returned to the Mission District and my studio. I never saw Gwendolyn again.

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How I Fucked My Sexy Horny Landlady

Well! let me go straight to the story. This is a story of how I got to fuck my landlady who was seeking a young and energetic dick. A few years back I enrolled for engineering in one of the colleges of Bengaluru. I didn’t get hostel at that college. So I had to stay as a PG in a house in Hebbal. There were only 3 people living in that house at that time: landlord, the landlady, and his son. His son was in the 11th standard. They also had a daughter who was studying CA in Delhi. Aunty, the...

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My Favorite Aunt and The Divorcee Landlady

My favorite Aunt and the Divorcee Landlady By Julie D Like most trannies it all started with a favorite aunt and progressed through a series of experiences such as sexy landladies. I have been an avid reader of FM for the last two years since I got a PC. I was told about the site from a fellow TV in one the London clubs I used to go to as Julie. I go into the site most days to see if their are any interesting stories as some are very rewarding when you are alone and feeling...

2 years ago
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Lost My Virginity To My Trusting Landlady

God did not bless me with looks, personality, features or riches which are all the pre-requisites for wooing women. But what he gave me as compensation were innumerable chances for satisfying my lust. I have had quite a few casual encounters of sexual intercourse with women. All women in my stories are above 26 yrs of age, quite beautiful with well-endowed feminine features. Today, I am narrating another true incident of mine, where I had a spontaneous sexual intercourse with a close family...

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ice cream truck lady

there is this lady that owns a ice cream truck that passes by my house. she is a hottie. mature old lady big tits nice ass omg i get hard thinking of her. a while back i went to go get a cone and when she was serving it she tippy toed to get some thing n her shirt went up and her pants went down a little and i saw her thong. any tips on how i can like flirt with her and get her to fuck???ima copy n paste so it can be seenthere is this lady that owns a ice cream truck that passes by my house....

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Glassy Eyed Little Old Lady

After John retires he starts drinking wine all day. His wife tells him that he is starting to look like a glassy eyed little old lady. She requires him wear the clothes of a glassy eyed little old lady if he continues to drink wine and eventually he becomes one. Chapter One John and Teresa had been married many years. They never had children but took in some foster kids over the years. Teresa had always been a stay at home mom for the foster children and became very involved...

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Adventures of Sonny Red head boss lady

For the last two years I have worked at an manufacturing company on the assembly line making components for cars. The product that my company produced fit several makes and models. We had some job security even if the talk about tariffs did take place.It was decent pay I had my own sutdio apartment in a quite upscale area. No c***dren or girlfriend at the time. I was just working and rushing home to do nothing. I had an up to date American built truck, that blend in well with my southern white...

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Soma8217s Milky Adventure With An Old Lady

Soma, a beautiful busty young girl, got married two years ago to a well-known family in Kolkata. Soma and her husband Paresh have been separated from the family since the marriage. And 4 months ago, she had the good fortune to be a mother. For Soma, a 26-year-old young mother, it became increasingly difficult to work and look after her family. So, Soma’s mother decided to hire a housekeeper. Soon she found one. The housekeeper was an old-aged woman. Her age was around 56 or 57, a thin and...

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Swappy Lady

Swappy Lady Olga Turlovna So, I'll start by saying I used to be a guy who secretly wanted to be a woman. The fact you've found this story means you're probably the same way and I don't need to explain my feelings to you. But I'm beginning with that admission to emphasise God didn't create all of us with female inclinations equal, and I never considered actually transitioning. I wasn't motivated to go through the ordeal of years of expensive hormones and...

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The Perfect Little Lady

"The Perfect Little Lady" I could hear my aunt downstairs at the kitchen door talking then heard the door close. I stood near the upstairs window looking out through the curtains and watched as my new friends walked across the back lawn talking, roughhousing and tossing the football around as they made their way down the alleyway and out of site. I then heard my aunt returning upstairs to her bedroom where I was instructed to wait for her. She entered the room with purpose and...

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Green Beret Loves Asian Ladyboys

Demonde Scott woke up early most days.. He leaned over and kissed his girlfriend’s forehead. He threw on some basketball shorts, a tank top, and a pair of multicolored Nike Joyride Dual Run sneakers. The 5’11”; 200-pound man headed out of his small house on the compound where Westerners lived while working in the Kingdom. He stretched then launched into morning 2-mile run. The air felt thick on his skin. It was around 65% humidity at present, but the temp was good at a little over 80 °F.He...

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That aint no way to treat a Lady

“A fucking lady? No way; how, why?” I babbled, shocked.“Lady, darling; the word is always capitalised,” Cyn, my girlfriend of four months, clarified, “I’m Lady Cynthia Fortescue-Smythe, second daughter of Edward, the Earl of Battersea."“And you are me telling this, why?” I asked, as we lay, post-orgasmic, in her Knightsbridge apartment wrapped in sheets which were, apparently, cut from Egyptian cotton of astronomical thread count.“Royal Ascot silly; we are going tomorrow, and absolutely...

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To serve and soothe the Lady

Another short tale. But only because my a.d.d. keeps me from writing long tales. As always, feedback is not only welcome but very much desired. To serve, and soothe, the Lady. The hour was late, or perhaps early as it was now past midnight, when she - who was not a she on the outside - closed and locked the door after the gentleman left. She liked this man, for he was not cold and cruel as some could be and treated her as a person with feelings. A servant, yes, but still a person....

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Education of a Ladyboi

Ever since I can remember I have been a sissy. As a very young boi, I loved playing with dolls and other girlie things. I avoided the company of other bois my age because to be honest, they frightened me. They just gave off a threatening and hostile vibe that I went out of my way to avoid them. Instead I preferred the company of the girls. I took a lot of heat all the way through school, and after puberty I began totally embracing my femininity, by overt means, such as, wearing makeup, girlie...

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The Wonderful World Of LADYBOIS

Oh god - I'm just sitting here, thinking about how lucky I am to have been born a femme! I love everything about femmes. Of course, getting to where I am today - a totally sexy and girly ladyboi - took a long and sometimes circuitous route. Being born male, and coming from the time and place I came from, announcing to the world (or even to yourself!!) was probably not the wisest thing to do. All I ever heard growing up were extremely negative things about anyone who wasn't straight sexually. It...

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91 AVIS AND HER LADYFRIENDS My friend Carol called me up one morning and asked if I would like to meet for some shopping and lunch. Since Jon and I would have the day to ourselves, I agreed and we met at the local mall. Carol approached me and unexpectedly kissed me there in the entrance way to the mall. "Good morning" she said as I looked back in mild shock. "Did I shock you?" she asked. I said I was a bit surprised, but then let it go and off we went shopping. Around noon we stopped at...

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Married Black Mans Ladyboi

Torrance Denkins was completely infatuated with transsexuals. He watched shemale porn constantly. He was married to his second wife. In total, he had five c***dren - three by his first wife and two by the current one. Torrance was forty-eight years-old. His betrothed was only 29. The homicide detective walked out of the precinct and got into his personal vehicle. He drove a black 2014 Cadillac CTS. Once he got settled in the car, Torrance started it up and then sent a text message to...

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the barlady

After a long day at work and a meeting with my boss that ended badly. I decided to dive into the local pub the young guys at work always talk about. I walk in and plat myself by the bar. Greeted by a young black woman. I pay no attention with my head down. Whiskey on the rocks.. Make that a double!! She slides my drink over asking.. Rough day? as I take off my tie. I reply with a negative voice.. You can only imagine. And that's when I make eye contact with her.. A pure beauty. Tied up hair in...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Ladyboss

An awesome moment with the busty manager. Hello friends, I am from Kashmir my first story in ISS hope you ll like it. I have been an avid reader of iss. If any women who seek no strings attached fun, or friends with benefit fun can contact me on please be assured of the safety, women’s safety is my first priority. About me, I am a fair handsome looking guy I am a single guy have a decent tool whose sole aim to is to satisfy women, I’m on the heavier side, funny guy. This story goes back in...

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I was just about finished cleaning the house for Mr. Gustavsson, the whole house had been out of a womans touch for years. I had recently got my driverslicense and this was my first real job. I lit lighter and waited for the familiar cloud of Smoke that came when i cigarrette fires up, while Mr. Gustavsson leanedaround the corner and asked if everything was O.K. "No problem Mr. Gustavsson all finished," I said,as i wiped my hand with an old rag , "I'll be out in a minute!"After gathering up...

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You Ladygirl

You Ladygirl Preface If this were a true story, and it isn't, but if it were, I would need to protect the innocent. The innocent in this case is a culture rather than individuals. So to protect a fictional culture I have changed the fictional name of the fictional culture to "Chinese." Me, I am, like the protagonist, of European ancestry second generation on my father's side. I admit knowing little about Chinese culture. There is a high likelihood that this story is chock full of...

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Visit to Mistress LadyJulia

below is a real account of a visit I had to a professional Mistress. It was a bitter sweet memory that I will treasure for the rest of my life So here at last is the account of my first visit to a Mistress. That being Mistress LadyJulia. It is not as eloquent as I would have liked but I was trying to capture the emotions I was feeling. It has been read but not censored by my Mistress as I may have stated in my diary. She did not want to change my words but was concern I may have given...

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Second Visit to Mistress LadyJulia

My appointment with Mistress LadyJulia was at 11 again and I arrived on the dot flowers in hand. It was a strange feeling to be standing there again. All through the previous week I had berated myself for wanting this. I had even talked myself out of coming a couple of time, but I so much wanted this! So now as I stood waiting I felt calm and ready, tinged with anticipation of what was to come. I knocked at the door and stood back head bowed as ordered. Seconds later Mistress answered the...

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The Shack Ladykiller

The Girls of Hollywood Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri “Hey, Hollywood!” I was just bringing the micro van around the first set of barricades when one of the assistant instructors, Chrissie, jogged around the corner waving for me to stop, long blonde ponytail streaming through the back of her “Instructor” cap. I brought my vehicle to a stop. “Mac told me to tell you they aren’t taking it seriously. They’ve aced everything, but they’re getting cocky. It’s an all-female squad of Reserve MPs,...

1 year ago
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Ladyboy Gold! Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Tonight’s sexual entertainment is full of beautiful ladies, and uh, hot boys? Sorry, no. I’m still a little fuzzy from all the Everclear and Cialis last night. LadyboyGold is a premium site that doesn’t specialize in ladies or boys, at least not in the traditional sense. I’m sure I don’t have to explain that to somebody browsing my list of shemale sites, though.LadyboyGold claims to be the number-one reviewed TS site in the...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Since I know the majority of my public are the horny lads who are just looking for some delightful wanking, let me start this review by saying that r/ladybonersgw/ is not for everyone. If you did not get the memo, the name itself states ‘Lady Boners GW,’ where GW stands for Gone Wild. Now, I know that some of y’all might be expecting to see chicks with dicks, but that is not what Lady Boners implies.So, what the fuck is r/ladybonersgw/ all about? It is simple… it is a subreddit where dudes can...

Porn for Women Sites
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Do you know what time it is? It’s time for ladies to show that they can have sexual tastes too and that they can get aroused just like men have. That being said, chicks like to keep it a bit classier when they are looking at the content, which gets their blood pumping. So, if you’re a girl who wants to get her groove on and explore her sexuality in an inclusive environment, then you’ve come to the right place. Today we are looking at a sub called /r/LadyBoners, and while I’m not someone who...

Porn for Women Sites
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Luck Be A Lady

Luck Be a Lady By Anonymous "Dealer showing three. Player showing eleven." The woman dealer was quite expressionless, as most casino employees were expected to be. It was obvious she didn't like me, particularly since I'd spent the last hour cursing her existence for the cards she was dealing me. I was down. Way down. Down to my last $20,000, half of which I had riding on this hand. I'm a professional gambler. Blackjack is my game. My luck has been less than...

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The Landlady

Just a silly story I wrote over a couple of nights. Completely fictional, hope you like it.NEW TENANTSJack started seeing Lorna and it became serious. Trouble was that Jack being eighteen was a little naïve regarding women and couldn’t see that she was basically selfish. They say that love is blind and it was in this case, fortunately Lorna wasn’t prepared to become tied down with marriage and suggested they merely live together. That would give her a get out clause when she tired of...

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My Landlady

My LandladyI had been having a bit of a problem, uncontrollable erections around my landlady! I am in my thirties and found myself needing to work in London though I live out in the country, so I got a Monday to Friday room let in a nice place with a family. I am in the attic so get left to myself and all was fine. I miss my wife through the week and get a bit horny so my eyes wandered a little. At first it was the landlady’s daughter but then it became the landlady. She is in her early...

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I fancied my landlady from the first time I met her. I had been wondering how I could orchestrate a situation where bye I could expose myself without making it too obvious and possibly being thrown out into the street. Then one morning my patience was rewarded….I was in the shower, lazily enjoying the sensation of the hot water spraying like rice grains on my swelling member which was resting in the palm of my hand. As it swelled I went into that world which is private to all except the one who...

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Saroj the Landlady

Hi ISS Readers. Here I am back with a real sex encounter I had just few days back with my Boss niece Landlady. My Boss has asked me to locate a good house for her niece. With the help of my friends I was able to locate a good house for her Delhi. After finalizing all the things my friend has arranged meeting with Landlady to complete the formalities like security advance, agreement etc. I went there and had meeting with Saroj (Landlady) who told that she is widow and her only son is doing B....

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To the Manor Born Part 2 Becoming a Lady

To the Manor Born Part 2: How to Become a Lady Chapter 1 - Changes I struggled toward consciousness, trying to shake the cobwebs from my drugged mind. I shifted in my bed (at least I assume it was a bed) and winced in pain. My backside hurt like heck, my throat felt like sandpaper, my stomach felt like I'd been worked over by the Hell's Angels, and it felt like a large animal was sitting on my chest. All of this came as a significant surprise to me. The last thing I remember was...

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Cathy Calusa, an exemplary teenage girl with high moral values, who took a vow to keep her virginity until she is properly married. She is an honor student at the Christian High School she attends. She loves tutoring young c***dren with their school work, and instilling them with good Christian values. Cathy is very thankful for her strict Christian upbringing by her mother, who taught her how to be a proper Christian lady. Cathy has been baby setting since she was twelve years old, so she...

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A Ladys

A Lady's by Nefertari CHAPTER 1- ANNIVERSARY "The eternal feminine draws us onward" Goethe The cab headed downtown, then west, windshield wipers flapping, a cold rain falling. From my current prospective, it seems like another lifetime in another world. I was a young accounting clerk in my first real job on the way to an important company social function that Friday evening. The firm had always been involved in importing and exporting and was easily the oldest commercial...

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Lake Lady

Lake Lady, by Armond "And there I saw mage Merlin... And near him stood the Lady of the Lake, Who knows a subtler magic than his own- Clothed in white samite, mystic, wonderful. She gave the King his huge cross-hilted sword, Whereby to drive the heathen out: a mist Of incense curled about her, and her face Wellnigh was hidden in the minster gloom..." -Idylls of the King, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson "And when I was fifteen yeere old, then was I...

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The Cleaning Lady

The Cleaning Lady Belladonna I had spent some of my weekends working as a cleaning lady in my own office from time to time for over 20 years. I began doing it not long after I started my company. No matter where the office was located, I always found time to go in and clean it up when no one was around. My company's office is currently situated in a building that the company owns. The office occupies a full floor of that four story building. I had built up the corporation...

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