The Gavin McClain Stories 1: Career Move Part 1 Of 2 free porn video

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Alicia received the text at the worst possible moment.

She was standing in front of the bedroom mirror, jostling her boobs into prime position within the confines of her mini-dress, when the phone blipped from its resting-place on her bed. Her heart lurched at the sound. God, please no. It could have come any time that week, surely not tonight ... Not when Matt was treating her for her birthday, for God’s sake. Taking her to The Biarritz―so she had wheedled out of him―a restaurant so exclusive he had booked a month in advance.

The hour since arrival home from work had been spent in a flurry of preparation. Stripped of her office clothes she showered thoroughly, using probing, soapy fingers to wash out her pussy and the tight knot of her anus in preparation for her boyfriend’s attentions later on. She talced and perfumed the robust curves of her body, before squeezing her ass into a tiny pair of lace panties and suspending her imposingly orbed tits in the matching brassiere. An exotic wriggling manoeuvre got her into the patterned yellow dress―the one that held so tightly to the slalom course of her body―and the effect was enhanced with application of mascara and a whorishly red lipstick that promised serious cock-sucking before the evening was out.

The necklace, her Christmas present from Matt, was hooked in place so that its silver heart nestled attractively in her cleavage. She brushed back the ringlets of her auburn hair and was joggling her breasts higher to maximize their visibility when the text message arrived and fucked up everything.

The tightening in Alicia’s stomach as she clicked on her mobile phone proved justified. Matt had not sent the message. It was another communication, the one she had been anticipating with a mixture of dread and hope for five whole days.


She stared at the screen of her phone in an advanced state of consternation. Bastard! Why Friday frigging night? Okay, okay, phone him―try and get him to rearrange. There’s the whole weekend. We can sort out another time. She jabbed the recall button and realised as the ring sounded in her ear, how rapidly her heart was beating.

Click. “You’ve reached Gavin McClain. Please speak after the tone.” His voice, cold and peremptory, made her cut the call dead in surprise. Why couldn’t he bloody answer? Immediately she keyed in the number for the office, adding the code to Gavin’s extension; she had put enough people through over the past months to remember it easily.

“Hello, this is Gavin McClain. I’m out of the office or on another call …”

Fuck. What was he playing at, texting her and then suddenly inaccessible? This time she left a voicemail. “Gavin―Hi, Alicia here. Could you call me when you get this? Okay, bye.”

Five minutes passed, five long minutes of pacing the bedroom and fretting over the phone lying silent in the palm of her hand. This was bloody ridiculous. He obviously knew she was trying to get in touch with him. What was this, his way of reeling her in? Well, the arrangement was off. If he was going to play power games with her, he could go fuck himself. She flung the device down on the bed and turned heel to leave the room.

Even before reaching the door, she stopped to review her decision. If she refused to play along with his game and he called the whole arrangement off, she’d have precisely what to show for it? Her pride―that and fuck all else. No―she could go to his office, explain the situation to him, urge him to reschedule. The fact that she had made the trip should flatter his ego sufficiently for now.

But had she time? Seven o’clock by her watch. Matt was due to call for her at seven thirty. Shit, it would take fifteen minutes to drive to the company building, even now the traffic had slackened. She stood in the middle of the room for a moment, fists clenched against her bosom in indecision. Wait, it was okay. They were going to a bar prior to the restaurant. Once she’d arrived at the office and spoken to Gavin, she would phone Matt and cry off the drink―she could think of some excuse in the car―and she’d be back home in time to go straight to the restaurant with him. Yes. Simple.

She grabbed her phone from the bed and put it in her purse. Okay, what if the errand took longer than half an hour? She’d simply have to arrange to meet Matt at the restaurant. Make-up bag ... Make-up bag ... She raced to the bathroom and grabbed it from the sink. Shoes ...She slipped into a flat pair for driving and picked up her sexy heels in case she needed to go directly to The Biarritz. Then she ran out to the car.

Her ten-year-old bone-shaker of a Ford Fiesta threatened not to start up. “Useless piece of shit,” she muttered, before it coughed its way into action and allowed her to steer it out of the parking space. Now here was a reminder, if one were needed, of why she had agreed to a dangerous liaison with Gavin in the first place. An extra seven grand a year, resulting in a vehicle upgrade, a winter holiday and some serious shopping. That was a proposition a girl didn’t simply brush off, not this girl at any rate.

Although one week ago, she had attempted to do precisely that.

Gavin seldom put in an appearance at the company’s end-of-week drinks outing. As the demanding boss of Rainbow Software, he was doubtless too committed to the cut and thrust of business to indulge in such Friday evening steam-venting; either that or he carried out his recreational pursuits elsewhere. Predictably his presence in the Cock and Bull that night caused a frisson of gossipy interest among Alicia’s fellow receptionists. Through all of her six months’ work at Rainbow, Gavin and the mystery of his private existence had provided conversational fodder around the water cooler. What did anyone really know about their taciturn boss, who only occasionally departed from his work script to throw some ambiguous piece of flirtation the way of one of the female staff, no doubt causing her to cream her knickers on the spot?

He had been engaged once, it was rumoured, but in his late-thirties there was no hint of any significant person in his life. As a businessman he was single-minded―the scourge of anyone who tried beating him to a lucrative contract. His physique suggested the same single-mindedness in his physical training. Julia, whose desk was next to Alicia’s, had met him in the sauna at a gym nearby the office one evening and was able to report that stripped to his shorts he demonstrated the physical attributes they had all hoped lay beneath his Armani: a body’s worth of hard muscle, with no hint of middle-aged flab. What lay beneath the shorts she still had partially to surmise, but a glance at his pelvic region had given her high hopes. She adjusted herself in her seat and positively salivated as she discussed the matter.

There were, Alicia had observed, women who fell markedly silent when Gavin was discussed. Gina, the pretty blond temp, for example, became very tight-lipped when his name cropped up in conversation. And Jacinda, the bookish girl from accounts who hid her attractiveness with the traditional tied-up hair and glasses look, took on an air of grim knowingness on such occasions and cast her eyes down to her coffee. Were both disappointed perhaps, having nursed some romantic or sexual longing for the company boss? Or did they have inside knowledge of what it meant to get involved with him outside their fantasies? Alicia could only imagine … and her imagination ran riot.

She received more than a few jealous glances when Gavin engaged her in conversation that Friday evening. There was no mistaking his power of attraction as he turned to her at the bar. A Mr Rochester for modern times. Alicia did not recall a great deal from English GCSE, but the enigmatic hero of Jane Eyre had seized her imagination―a great brooding tower of masculinity, simmering with unspoken passion. Gavin was from the same mould, she reckoned. Rugged creases in his face and flecks of grey in his dark hair betrayed his maturity, but everything else about him—the alertness of his gaze and the athleticism of that massive frame—suggested the vitality, the virility of a younger man. His proximity caused her to spill some of her vodka and Coke.

“Alicia from reception.” He fixed her with a stare over his Scotch. “Personable, professional and supremely efficient.”

Alicia’s face burned and there was a lurching sensation in her lower abdomen. She wasn’t sure she was any of the above, but could not help a gratified smile. “You haven’t got me mixed up with someone else?”

“These things don’t go unnoticed,” he replied. “Now a lesser boss might be too dazzled by your more glamorous qualities to recognise that professionalism, but happily I’m aware of both.”

Alicia’s blush deepened and she was suddenly glad of the pub’s subdued lighting. She groped in her confusion for a coherent response and tried to stop herself from grinning like a teenager. “You’d better not let my boyfriend hear you talk like that.” Damn. Why had she gone and mentioned him? Because, her good angel reminded her, she was trying to be faithful in this relationship. Because Matt was sweet and caring and she didn’t deserve him, so she wasn’t going to fuck anyone else, least of all her boss. That was why.

Gavin seemed unperturbed by mention of Alicia’s partner. He chatted amicably with her as staff drifted off to other venues, impressed by a range of attributes she had failed to see in herself and fielding her opinions on everything from new office décor to possible venues for the office summer party.

“You know, it’s a shame.” She remembered the appraising stare he had applied to her as he said it.

“What is?”

“A pal of mine—Travers, Alan Travers, he’s a director at Aztec, you know, the architectural firm?—He’ll be interviewing for a new PA shortly and I’ve no doubt you’d do an excellent job.” Despite several vodkas, she was hooked on his words. He stared at her intently, clearly giving the matter further consideration. “We don’t have any promotions going at Rainbow right now and this would be quite an increase in salary for you. Trouble is, he’s got one or two in-house people in mind for the post already …”

“Well you could always put a word in,” she proffered cheekily, her pulse quickening at this newly-materialised opportunity.

He did not crack a smile at her response, just continued to observe her. “Throw a CV my way Monday morning,” he said eventually. “I’ll make sure it gets to him. Nothing ventured, eh?”

“Absolutely. Thank you. Thank you so much.”

She attempted to conceal the extent of her excitement as the conversation moved on—to Gavin’s favourite restaurants and far-flung holiday destinations, pleasures a stretch out of Alicia’s price range. The sorts of places her boss could take her, should he choose ... No, she wasn’t going down that line. Matt was her sweetie, a guy who showed her respect and appreciation. She had been congratulating herself at holding her own in conversation with her boss—enjoying his flattery and flirting, while at the same time making her loyalty to her boy perfectly clear—but this was venturing a little too close to the fire. Time to leave before she got burned.

It was almost as if Gavin read her thoughts and he slipped his suggestion in neatly, catching her off guard. “Look, Alicia, I’ve the makings of a seafood risotto and a nice bottle of Merlot at my apartment. If you’re not rushing off, what say we continue our conversation back there?”

He threw it in with such casual charm she could hardly fault him for his wickedness. Even the suggestion made her aware of her body in relation to his. Beneath her blouse, her nipples hardened. She tried to disguise the depth of her pleasure at his offer. “Well the risotto sounds very tempting,” she smiled, “but I’ve got another night in arranged already—you know, with my boyfriend?” The final word was slightly weighted.

“Of course. Sure I can’t tempt you any other way?” There was a smile of naked cunning on Gavin’s lips as he said it. It made her shudder and miss a conversational beat before responding.

“’Fraid not,” she managed, her nipples forging themselves harder. God, was she really passing on her opportunity to fuck Gavin McClain? There was an undeniable sense of loss, but beneath it the swelling pride of moral victory. I’m not some slut he can have because he snaps his fingers.

But Gavin’s gaze held hers, and in that disconcerting moment it seemed that her morality was being weighed up. “What if I said I could swing that job for you?” His gaze as he said it was level. “As it happens, Alan owes me a favour and if you want, I can call it in. A few weeks from now and the job could be yours on a plate.”

Alicia looked at him in a mixture of wonder and outrage. “You’re …”

“Offering you career advancement for sex, yes, that’s precisely what I’m doing.” He countered the full force of her astonishment until she had to divert her gaze. “Now you can look as shocked as you like, Alicia, but don’t tell me you find the proposition totally unattractive. We both know that’d be a lie. You and I both have a night to remember and then you move on like nothing happened—only with substantially improved career prospects.” He sipped his Scotch, eyes not wavering. “Go on, take time out from your scruples. I’ll make it doubly worth your while.”

Shit! The memory was so distracting, that Alicia almost drove through a red light. She jammed on her brakes and there was a screech as the car behind narrowly avoided rear-ending her. The driver blared his horn angrily. “All right, all right, sorry!” she stormed. Already on edge, the near-accident had set her heart racing. She checked the dashboard clock—7.05pm. Got to get there, got to try and stall him.

Not that she had accepted Gavin’s indecent proposal straight off. What sort of girl did he think she was? She had managed to assume a politely appalled air, reassert her plans for the evening and leave with a chilly “Thanks for the drink.”

Bastard. Who the fuck did he think he was? Couldn’t take no for an answer, so he thought he could buy her cunt by lining up a ... How many grand a year extra was that job? Christ, he had been ready to pull those strings so he could have sex with her. Damn him and his alpha-male posturing and his bloody casting couch. Damn them all.

Inevitably, however, she had considered the job and the lifestyle changes that might accompany it, all weekend. And yes, she had thought of what Gavin—self-satisfied shit—might do to her with his mouth, his hands and his cock, and had frigged herself silly while thinking it. But she fought the urge to betray Matt with some arrogant fuck. The sort of fuck who would probably harass her covertly now, having failed to get his way.

Called to Gavin’s office on Monday afternoon, she expected innuendo, that or sudden criticism of her work. Instead, she found her boss seated on the edge of his desk, wearing an inscrutable expression. “Alicia, glad you could spare me a moment,” he said to her, his tone calm and business-like. “Please, take a seat.” He indicated the room’s smart leather sofa. She perched herself on it self-consciously, trying to read him.

“Look,” he began, “I’m not going to apologise for Friday, but perhaps I need to explain myself.”

“Oh?” She looked at him blankly.

“Yes. I’ll be honest with you.” There was a frank, almost confessional air about him as he spoke. “I’ve never been a saint. I enjoy attractive women and I enjoy sex with attractive women. Plus …” She had never experienced a stare more penetrating. “... I know when the attractive woman I’m talking to wants the same thing I do.” She went to protest, but he restrained her with a motion of his hand.

“This last eighteen months I’ve been with someone. I’ve tried to make a go of things, be monogamous for once in my life. And I’ve been a good boy for longer than I thought was possible—passed over everyone from glamour models to classy business executives. Then Friday evening I started a conversation I shouldn’t have and found I wasn’t able to pass over you. I made my move, you brushed me off quite properly because of your boyfriend and the inappropriate nature of the situation. You showed all the integrity I was lacking and I should have left it there. But I pushed my luck. I used whatever I could think of to persuade you to change your mind. Because that, Alicia, is how much I wanted to fuck you. Something about you drives me crazy. You’re a wildly sexy girl and you make me insanely hard, but that’s no reason for me to act as I did.”

Alicia’s body seemed to go limp under Gavin’s burning gaze. All her expectations had been undermined by his searing declaration. The phrase ‘insanely hard’ turned her liquid.

“Look,” he told her, “this is my problem and the last time I mention it. All I’ve succeeded in doing here is to be even more inappropriate as your boss than I was on Friday night. You walk out and none of this ever happened—if that’s what you want. I’ll stay out of your way, respect your boundaries, I won’t make you feel uncomfortable in any way. You’ll never hear me speak in such a way again. But know this. My offer of the job, however inappropriate, was sincerely made—and it still stands, if you agree to that quality time with me.”

He held her stare and the silence between them yawned like a canyon. Had she been single, she’d already have let him do her whatever damn way he pleased. The opportunity still hovered, to experience for real what most of the female staff only dreamed of, while fingering themselves nocturnally or stuffing sex toys where they knew Gavin would probably never go. She should reject him cleanly and clearly, turn heel and leave. But …

One night only. Matt none the wiser and serious career advancement the net result. It screamed in the face of every scruple her parents had tried to instil in her. On the other hand, she might struggle for years to achieve this simple step upwards. Gavin was more or less handing it to her. So her boss was a bastard—at least he was an honest bastard.

“This job—what, I simply walk into it?”

“CV on my desk before the end of the day, I’ll set up the interview for next week—but trust me, it’ll be a formality only. I had a discreet word with Alan …”

“He knows?” Her voice sharpened. She didn’t want some stranger viewing her as a whore, even if she was contemplating being one.

“A discreet word,” Gavin repeated. “I told him what a find you were and said that you’re a family friend. Reminded him that he owed me. He won’t suspect a thing—and even if he did, he wouldn’t ever bring it up. He’s one of life’s true gentlemen, even if I’m not. You’ll like working for him and you’ll soon forget how you got there. The only question is, are you interested?”

Alicia experienced a further liquifying between her legs and realised beyond all doubt that she was going to let Gavin McClain get her naked and stick his cock inside her as far as it would go. She was going to whore herself to him for a job and somehow the thought thrilled her to her core.

“When?” she asked, trying to mask both her guilt and her euphoria behind a stony face. “And where?”

Gavin’s features betrayed nothing more than mild thoughtfulness. “It’s a busy week ... and I want to do you justice. Give me your mobile number and I’ll be in touch when there’s a window.” She stared at him, confused. How come he was calling the shots so suddenly? Didn’t she have a say in the details? “You want to keep things low-key, right?” he said, reading her. “Look, I’ll be good to my word, but you’re going to have to work around my schedule. Now—that number?”

“Arrogant prick!” Alicia brought the car to a clanking halt in the company car park, this further recollection ringing in her head. “Christ, I should have put in a harassment claim. Why the fuck did I agree to this?” But she knew the answer even as the question left her mouth. It was the prospect of that increased payslip and all the ways it would benefit her relationship with Matt. That was the real reason, wasn’t it?

Enough. 7.15pm, got to make this quick. So exactly why she changed back into heels before leaving the car, she would have been hard-pushed to say. She wrestled with the thought as she clattered precariously across the courtyard, trying not to sprain an ankle. Obviously she wanted to look her seductive best as she brushed Gavin off, show him what he risked losing out on by playing his macho power-games. Yes, that was it.

The squat security guard in the foyer eyed her with undisguised lechery as she clicked her way towards him. “Can I help you, love?” There was delight in his toad-like eyes, as he surveyed the narrow gorge between the mountains of her tight-squeezed tits.

“I work here,” she snapped, whipping her laminated name-card from her bag and waving it disdainfully under his nose. “I’ve got an appointment.” It occurred to her that no explanation was required for her clammy admirer and so turned heel, trotting imperiously towards the lift, trying to blot out the thought that his leering eyes would still be fixed on her.

The building was all but deserted. Everyone else was embarking on their usual Friday night pursuits, she thought, as she made the lonely ascent to the Rainbow offices on floor nineteen; yet here she was returning to her workplace, jeopardising her plans so she could talk her way out of a clandestine fuck-session with her boss. A boss who was sitting in his office, waiting to thrust his hands up the skirt of her dress and peel her knickers away from her ass. A boss who was maybe hard for her already. Insanely hard …

The lift doors slid apart as she was pulling the hem of her dress down beyond her rump’s curvaceous swell. She had to wriggle past the two cleaners who were entering and they eyed her with scathing glances, taking in her scant dress and the various expanses of her exposed flesh. She could imagine their conversation as the doors shut behind her and she started down the corridor to Gavin’s office. Who’s the tart? What’s she doing here this time of night? His latest lady-friend …

But she wasn’t a tart. She hadn’t put on this dress for her boss, it had been all for Matt, the boyfriend to whom she had been faithful for the whole year she had known him. And if she was planning to take one evening out from her commitment so she could advance herself, earn a bit extra, contribute some more, well who the fuck should point a finger? A girl had to make use of whatever assets she had and it sure as hell beat years’ hard work.

She clipped to a halt in front of Gavin’s door and realised how wet she was. Damn, who was she trying to fool? This was about more than professional advancement. Put bluntly, she wanted to know what it felt like to have Gavin rammed inside her, pumping hard. Spending all that tightly controlled male energy on her body.

But she mustn’t let it be tonight.

The blinds on the windows to her boss’s office were pulled shut, allowing no clue as to whether or not he was inside. Alicia rapped a trembling knuckle on the glass-fronted door. No response. She eased the door open and peered inside, looking for signs of Gavin through the room’s dimmed lighting. “Hello?” It came out as an embarrassed near-squeak and received no reply. She slipped inside the office and silently closed the door behind her, still searching through the gloom. “Hello?”

“Alicia.” She jumped, almost literally, and could only hope that the low light-setting had disguised the degree of her fright and how much her tightly-sprung breasts had bobbed. “I’m so glad you could make it.” He was reclining behind his dark mahogany desk in a posture of supreme assurance and contentment. She could make out, as her eyes adjusted to the light, the open neck of his shirt. Both light-pinstripe jacket and tie had been tossed onto the surface of the desk. An opened bottle of wine sat there as well, along with two glasses.

Almost lazily he leaned forward, lifted the bottle and poured two measures. “I always like a woman who makes an effort.”

She glanced self-consciously down at herself and knew how it must look. Gavin had risen from his seat and was moving towards her with a casual stealth, wine glasses in hand. There was a smile of approval on his lips as he surveyed her fleshy curves—he clearly admired the way they strained against the restrictions of her tiniest party dress. “Now why don’t you lock the door in case we get disturbed?” He stopped a foot in front of her, proffering one of the glasses. Her face burned in the heat of his knowing gaze and she stumbled in her resolve.

“Gavin, I haven’t come here for that. I - I couldn’t get through to you …”

“Oh now, Alicia—you’re wearing those fuck-me heels. What’s a guy to think?”

She looked down again, this time to her prettily strapped ankles, and noticed with another start that Gavin was expectantly barefoot. Even as such he towered several inches above her heeled five foot ten. She steeled herself to resist him. “That I was preparing to go out with my boyfriend for my birthday and couldn’t contact you to explain?” she replied reasonably. “Look, I’m going to be late as it is. If you want … this, then we’ll simply have to arrange another time.” She’d aimed for decisiveness, but failed to keep the quake out of her voice.

“Now Alicia …” They were standing by the photocopier and he set one wine glass on it, so he could reach his hand under the tresses of her hair and caress the side of her face. “I’ve got all sorts of calls on my time. I have to take my pleasures when I can and I’m likely to be very busy between now and the interviews at Aztec. Which means it’s tonight or not at all. So the question is …”—he pressed the glass into her hand— “ much you want this.”

“My boyfriend,” she said, her voice barely a whisper. “I’m supposed to be going out to dinner with him …”

Gavin’s hand slid downwards over her throat and the bared flesh of her upper chest, then insinuated its way around the swell of her left breast. “Cancel it,” he told her, as if he were issuing an instruction to an employee, which, it occurred to her fleetingly, was precisely what he was doing. “Phone him now and tell him you’ll do it another time.” The exploring hand curved its way down the slope of her lower back.

“But it’s for my birthday.” Her breasts were heaving, noticeably she was sure, under the hugging strictures of her dress, and there was a writhing combination of panic and excitement in her lower belly. “We’re celebrating.”

His fingers rounded the curve of her buttock, pressing through tight fabric into the flesh beneath. The fingertips slipped below the dress’s hem and his carefully manicured nails dug into the crease between her butt cheek and upper thigh. Slowly, his eyes locked unflinchingly on hers, he intensified his grip and drew her to his massive frame, so that she could appreciate the full degree of his arousal. Crushed against him she realised the truth of all those gossiped coffee-break rumours; her boss was extravagantly endowed and the thin layers of their clothing failed to disguise his cock’s rigidity, pressed as it was against her belly.

“You want a real birthday celebration, it’s with me—right here in this room. And it’s one you won’t fucking forget, that I guarantee.” He pulled back from her, scooped up his wine glass and clinked it against hers. Then he sipped and in a state of semi-hypnosis, she copied him. “Now are you going to be a clever girl and lock that door?”

She nodded obediently, the last of her good intentions wiped clean from her mind. Gripped in the same trance she turned, flicked the door catch and locked herself and Gavin away from the rest of the world.

It was only when she turned back to him that her panic returned. “Oh god—what’ll I tell Matt? What’ll I say to him?”

“Whatever it takes.” He took hold of her wrist, lightly but firmly, and propelled her teetering to the expansive surface of his desk. She was adapting now to the room’s dimness and could see bulging evidence of his erection, as it strained on one side against the material of his bespoke trousers. “You’re a bright girl,” he told her. “Improvise.” He tapped a key on his desktop phone for an outside line and it buzzed into life. “What’s his number?”

“Let me use my mobile,” Alicia pleaded, nearly breaking into sweat in terror’s onrush.

“You forgot to charge it this morning,” Gavin spelt out to her with the patience of an accomplished liar. “That’s why you haven’t been able to call him and explain that your plans have changed. Now what’s his number?”

Alicia could scarcely remember, let alone piece together the rest of the excuse, but Gavin’s mesmerising gaze calmed her and somehow drew the numbers from her memory. He set his glass down and rapped out the sequence of digits as she spoke them. A loud dial tone rang out from the phone’s speaker and she went to lift the receiver to allow herself at least that much privacy. Gavin stayed her hand with his. With a further stab of panic, she realised that he meant to listen in on the whole conversation.

“You fucker,” she hissed, cheeks flushing with resentment and a lust that somehow kept on increasing. Then Matt answered the call.

“Hi, sweetheart, I’m leaving now.” She could hear keys jangling in his hand and a front door being opened.

“Matt, thank God I got you. It’s a disaster here. Look, you’ll have to cancel the restaurant.”

“What? Why, what’s wrong?”

Alicia’s distracted state suddenly made it easy to fake distress. “I had to stay late at work ... You know how crazy it’s been, and then when I set off for home, the car stalled and wouldn’t start up again. I tried to call you, but I forgot to recharge the phone. I had to walk back to the office to call.” Once she got started, the lies flowed easily. She was aware of Gavin’s presence behind her and inexplicably wanted to prove to him that she could control the situation.

“Well, let me come collect you,” Matt was saying on speakerphone. “We can go straight to the restaurant, pick the car up tomorrow.”

“In my work clothes?” The thought of Matt swooping into the workplace on a rescue mission brought on a renewed surge of desperation and she all but shouted her response. “Have you any idea what I look like? I’m covered in oil from the engine. I need to wash, I need to get done up, I can’t go to the Biarritz looking like shit. Please, Matt, I’ve called the RAC, let’s do it another time …”

“Alicia, I booked this weeks ago. It’s your birthday night out, for Christ’s sake. How’d you let this happen?” She could hear him slam the front door shut and retreat back into the house in an obvious sulk.

“I’m sorry, babe, really I am!” she said, her rush of guilt stemmed by the sensation of Gavin pressing his body into hers from behind, that great erection prodding into her ass cheek. His hands curled around her waist, palms gliding over her stomach. She tried to disguise the constriction she felt in her breathing. “Things got out of control. It wasn’t my fault, I haven’t done this delib …” Gavin’s mouth was on her neck, the heat of his breath causing her nipples to harden and her skin to break out in a goose-bump rash. What the fuck was he doing? What would Matt think was going on? Didn’t Gavin care? Clearly not. “I haven’t done it deliberately …”

“Okay, okay, I’ll phone the restaurant.” Matt’s tone was still pissed off. “I’m disappointed, that’s all.”

“I’ll make it up to you, babe, I promise.” Gavin’s broad right hand slid upwards to cup her breast. Her wine glass clattered onto the desk, almost falling over, and she swallowed down a moan. His mouth progressed wetly, rhythmically to her earlobe, as his fingers explored the globed fullness of her bosom. “I promise …” She bit her lip to try and stifle a cry, as he pinched her nipple hard under layers of fabric.

“Alicia, you okay? You crying?”

Gavin was using both hands now, manipulating the pliable flesh of her tits through her dress, while his tongue snaked into her ear and his dick asserted itself arrogantly against her rear. She was trapped in his determined grip, not even able to reach the phone. “No, no - It’s just …” She was clearly panting by now from the tightness in her chest and stomach. “I’ve been thinking about you all day, Matt.” The moan in her voice was born of desperation as much as desire.

“You have?” Matt’s libido had instantly got the better of any still-lurking resentment.

“All day—I’ve been so hot for you.” Gavin’s right hand peeled away the thin gauze of her bra cup and scooped up her heavy breast, his thumb and index finger pinching at her hardened nipple. “Oh god—so fucking hot…”

“Really?” Matt was all husky-voiced fascination now; she could hear the soft thud as he dropped into one of his living-room chairs. “What have you been thinking about?”

“About …” Alicia did not want Gavin to know of any intimacies she had shared with Matt, but the circumstance allowed no choice. “About the other night, when you started touching me in my sleep and ... and …”

“And by the time you were fully awake I was already inside you?” Matt’s voice had further deepened and was full of breathy arousal.

“Yes, I couldn’t get it out of my mind.” She only just prevented a squeal escaping her lips; while one of Gavin’s hands remained to enjoy her breast, the other plunged downwards over her fluttering stomach, so his fingers could pluck the hem of her micro-dress upwards and delve beneath the sodden material of her panties. His middle finger searched past her pubic mound to her liquefied slit, sending a rush of pleasure rippling through her belly. “I was sitting there at my desk and I wanted you inside me again ... Oh god!” Her boss’s finger located her clitoris’ swollen bud and began to rotate on it.

“Are you touching yourself now?” There was amazement in Matt’s voice at how turned-on his girlfriend seemed to be.

“Yes—Yes I am,” Alicia moaned, as Gavin’s finger continued to skate on her silky wet peg. “I’ve been doing it all day beneath my desk—I couldn’t help myself ... Oh fuck!” His hand slithered its way right between her legs, so he could burrow two fingers through the near-dripping folds of her cunt-flesh. “Fuck, oh fuck ... I’m so horny for you,” she moaned into the phone’s speaker, her sex pulsing under her boss’s touch.

“Talk him off.” Gavin was up close, whispering the command into her ear. “Go on, make him come.” Her eyes had been half-closed in an embarrassment of ecstasy, but they opened wide at those words. “You heard me. Go on, do it.”

She struggled to focus on a situation barely within her control. Matt was muttering semi-coherently about how hot she was making him feel. “What about you?” she said finally. “Are you hard yet?”

“Yes.” It was the voice of someone who could not believe his luck. “Oh god yes.”

“Take it out. Take your cock out of your trousers.” Alicia could scarcely comprehend what was happening. She was simultaneously excited and appalled by her situation. “Hurry up, I want to know you’re stroking yourself.” She could hear him ripping at his belt and hastily unzipping the flies of his trousers. Gavin’s fingers were meanwhile tunnelling into the narrow, soaking cavern of her pussy. Her juice, she was sure, would be trickling all the way down to his wrist. “Get it in your hand. Go on, sweetheart, wank your cock for me.”

A hoarse breathing arose from the speaker, as of a man pleasuring himself. “So how’re you going to do it?” Matt asked her throatily. As the sliding motion of Gavin’s fingers further juiced up her cunt, she guessed at her boyfriend’s meaning. “How’re you going to make it up to me? You going to be my dirty girl tonight?”

Alicia fought for a response through the pre-orgasmic tension that was tightening her belly. “Yes, sweetheart, I’m going to be your dirty girl. I’m going to make you feel so good.”

“Don’t be coy, tell him what he wants to hear,” Gavin muttered in her ear, as his fingers sped up their motion inside her.

Terrified that Matt might overhear, she obliged. “I’m going to ... going to be whatever you want me to be. Whatever kind of slut. You like the sound of that? You want your girl to be a nasty slut?” Matt produced an affirmative groan. “You want me on my knees? That what you want? You want my lips wrapped round your shaft and my hot tongue stroking you? You want me sucking hard on your big fat dick?”

“Oh fuck yes …” The awe in Matt’s voice was accompanied by the unmistakable friction of hand on hard cock.

“And what are you going to do, darling?” Alicia screwed her eyes shut in mortified pleasure, as Gavin drew his fingers from her pussy to spread a sheen of moisture over her pulsing clitoris. “You going to grab my head, force me down hard on your cock? You going to make me take it in my throat? ‘Cos that’s what I want—I want you to really fuck my face!” Gavin plunged three digits into the soft pudding of her snatch and held her there firmly, his palm flat against her lower stomach, fingers hooking the hardness of her pubic bone. With his other hand, he tore her left breast free of its gauzy confine and began to paddle it repeatedly with short brisk slaps. Over the phone, Matt was breathing quickly and heavily, the rhythmic beating of his palm on his thick column approaching frantic.

Alicia was suspended between guilty fear and sweating arousal. The degree of her treachery appalled her. She despised Gavin for bringing her to this, yet she had never felt so excited in her life—by the image of her boyfriend’s masturbatory frenzy, the brutality promised by Gavin’s cock and the terror of being caught out. She had to get her boyfriend off and end both the call and this dreadful, exquisite tension. “You want that, Matt?” she persisted. “You want to empty your balls down my tight throat?”

“Oh god—I don’t want to come, I want to save it for later on …” She could hear him slowing down his pumping rhythm and panicked.

“No, sweetheart, don’t stop! Let me hear you come. There’ll be plenty left for later. Come on, think about how you’re going to fuck me tonight …” Her words had the desired effect, Matt setting about himself with renewed enthusiasm. All the while Gavin massaged her swimming cunt, his other hand releasing its hold on her breast and digging down somewhere behind her back. She felt him tearing at the front of his trousers and her fear and excitement spiked together. He was about to release that great straining organ.

She tried, in spite of all distraction, to concentrate on talking Matt over the edge. “I want you to fuck me hard, to bend me any way you like and then stick it inside me. Will you do that? Will you make me take it?”

Gavin was dragging his trousers and underwear away from himself, still playing freely with her pussy. What—was her boss intending to do her while she was still on the phone?

“God, I’ll make you fucking take it,” Matt was grunting, his voice constricted by sheer force of desire. “You’re going to feel my fucking cock tonight …”

“That’s what I want, baby, that’s what I want.” Oh shit, oh shit, she was going to come, she was going to come so hard ... But she mustn’t, not yet. She could not let go that final shred of control. Hold back, hold back … Oh Christ, this was fucking overwhelming ...

It was Gavin who saved her, withdrawing his fingers from her when she was teetering on the orgasmic verge. She managed to rein herself in, just before he grabbed her right hand and slapped it to his exposed manhood. She almost screamed aloud in astonishment. In all her life she had never felt anything like this—its awe-inspiring length, its girth, its implacable hardness. A huge edifice of rigid fuck-meat that towered up his stomach beyond his navel, an edifice that was soon, she knew, to give her the cunt-stretching of her life. “Oh god, your cock … Your cock …”

“It’s all for you, babe, all for you,” Matt grated. “You going to give me your special love tonight?”

“What?” Alicia was floundering, what with her introduction to the huge proportions of Gavin’s sex. “Yes, yes, anything you want.”

“Let me hear you say it,” Matt urged. “Tell me you want it.”

He was close, she knew, and this would finish him off, but to say it with her hand wrapped around that huge shaft threatened to blow her mind. “When you’re done fucking my pussy, babe, I want you to bend me over the bed and ram that beautiful cock of yours up right up my ... right up my …” The implications overwhelmed her. Yes, Matt’s cock was beautiful—capable of leaving any hole sore and satisfied. But it was not in the same league as the specimen over which she was currently running her hand. She could not even complete her intended sentiment. For Matt, however, the implication sufficed.

“Oh god—oh god—oh god ... Ohhhh!” She could picture him so clearly in his rapture. His body would be convulsing crazily on the sofa, as his cock jettisoned streams of cum onto his stomach, fist clutched hard to his pulsing cock-head as he pumped out the final spurts. “Oh my god …” Gradually he panted back to normality. “Fucking hell, that was amazing.”

Alicia did not intend to prolong the communication. She retained a dread that Gavin might expose her situation to the oblivious third member of their threesome, but she also had lust sizzling in her veins and craved full access to that massive dick, the one her hand was now actively stroking. The dislike she felt for her boss, however intense, was outstripped by her need to fuck him. To have that cock inside her. “Well you go sort out the restaurant, sweetheart, and think about getting the real thing later on tonight,” she breathed to her boyfriend. “Kiss kiss.” She made a lunge for the speakerphone button with the hand unconnected to Gavin’s organ and cut the conversation dead.

There. Alone at last. Now time to give this bastard seducer her full attention.




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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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A sexual favour for a good career

Hi guys let me narrate another experience which I had and though to narrate after receiving several request to share my other real experiences to all ISS readers after I had narrated an incident. Just to get you a bit of the right imagination, I am a 35 year old guy 6ft 2 tall, fair ,78 kgs and work for an MNC as a business head at Delhi and travel all over places. This incident had happened about 2 months back ,when there were lots of changes in my organization and I had a secretary who was...

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A Stepmothers Sin Chapter 5 I try to understand what is motivating my stepson

Chapter Five: I realize I needed to understand Robert's motivation and desires betterIt happens again the next morning.I arose early, slipped out of bed without waking Robert. Silently, I went into the bathroom. I turned the water on, giving the hot water time to work its way through the pipes for my warm shower. While waiting for the water to warm up, I stared into the mirror and assessed my thirty nine year old body. Objectively speaking, I was in excellent shape. My breasts were firm and...

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Playing with My Stepmother Lucy on her Birthday

My name is Lucy, and today is my birthday. My husband is out of town, and I’m feeling a little lonely and depressed today. I turned forty-five years old. Sometimes, I think I'm having a mid-life crisis. My husband said he would make it up to me, when he gets home in a few days. “Happy Birthday, Lucy. You look fantastic this morning.” “Thank you Robert. How lovely that you remembered.” “I got you a present. Want to see what it is?” “Robert, you didn’t have to buy me anything.” Robert handed...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Claras MindControlling Tweets 6 Lez Stripper Career Day

Chapter Six: Lez Stripper Career Day By mypenname3000 Commissioned by n1one Copyright 2020 Clara might not be going to her school any longer, but that didn't mean she wasn't paying attention to everything that was going on at her school. Today was a special day. Today, was career day. And there was a certain group of girls who thought they were going to be at the pinnacle of the business world. Future moguls. They thought their assholes didn't stink and that they pissed perfume....

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Stepbrother Made Me His Slut

My twenty-year-old stepbrother, Jim, my five-year-old son, and my loving husband were waiting for dinner at the dining table. I adjusted my red top, grabbed the bowl of meatballs and came out of the kitchen. I didn’t want to flaunt my cleavage, sending any wrong message to my stepbrother. However, when I bent over the table to serve him, he didn’t miss the chance to take a brief look at my cleavage. My husband was busy talking to my son. He didn’t notice Jim checking out my cleavage. Jim gave...

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My Stepbrother and I He Made Me Happy

It wasn’t a good day for me. I had a fight with my friend, and my class test didn’t go well. I came home from the college and like always, Mom offered me some fresh juice, but I preferred to go to my room and take a shower. As I entered my bedroom, I saw my younger stepbrother. Standing near my closet, he had my new red panties in his hand. “What the fuck are you doing? Don’t you see… these are my new panties. And you already have my black thongs to jerk off to,” I said, trying not to be very...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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My First Time Is With Heather

Ever since I was sixteen, I found myself attracted to girls. I would sit in class and fantasize about being intimate with them. I would sometimes go to the restroom during study hall, go into a stall and quietly masturbate. After school at home, I would masturbate to the fantasies I had about some of the girls in my classes and even a few of my female teachers.This went on for two years, I was too afraid to act on my desire of being with another girl or woman. The thought of coming out...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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A Night at the Theatre

Written by AlinaX and Sandy Monroe One Friday morning, mid-November, I was surprised to receive a call from Ben. With his new job in the City, I never usually heard from him during the day, and rarely saw him except at the weekends. “Hi Ali,” he said, sounding very anxious. “Are you free to talk?” I looked around, intrigued, a little worried, but there was no one in earshot. “Yes. What’s up?” He was silent for a few seconds, which only made me more nervous. “You remember the other night?”...

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My Naughty Stepfather

Quickly knotting a towel around my torso, I hurriedly ran, annoyed that someone's calling before I got the chance to dry myself off. The phone rang shrilly and incessantly in theliving room, making me hurry up even more. Once in the living room, only clad in a bath towel that concealed little, I'm thankful that I'm home alone. Gripping the hastily-tied knot in front of my chest, I regret the fact that I didn’t wear a bathrobe instead, seeing as how the towel barely touched my thighs, and it...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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My stepmother Elisabeth

Hi, my name is Jay. I am 24 years old and I am born and raised in the Netherlands. I've been living on my own for about a year now. Before that, I lived with my dad and my stepmother. My dad got remarried seven years ago with Elisabeth, my stepmother. Elisabeth and me, always have had a good relationship, even though she is my stepmother. My dad is a project manager and was always making a lot of hours, so me and Elisabeth got really close in the years that I lived with my dad and her. Even...

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The day I Fucked my Stepmother against the Garden wall Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

We had a huge garden which had been walled on all sides. But because it was so big, we had difficulty in maintaining it. Dad would be away on business a lot and I had school. My stepmother tried to manage it but it wasn’t easy work. She often nagged me about it and it irritated me and one day I just gave it back to her. It was a normal Tuesday afternoon and I had just returned from college. Marta, my stepmother was on about how the garden was overgrowing and I should take a look at it. I was...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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