3820-Sagittae free porn video

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Red lights were flashing. The sirens were screaming for attention, drowning out the consistent moan of the gravity engine. Panicked people paced quickly from one end of the station to the other. Things aboard The Horizon weren’t looking great. Yet Alan Coley thought that this was the perfect time to sit down and have a cup of dehydrated coffee.

The Horizon was a state-of-the-art solar observatory in an orbit around the star 3820-Sagittae. The main purpose of the facility was to collect data on energy capturing and applications; everyone on board was either a scientist or an engineer. Alan was the latter. His area of specialty was to maintain the solar shields; large, reflective panels that protect The Horizon and its inhabitants from the frightening temperatures and radiation courtesy of 3820-Sagittae.

As Alan neared the bottom of his cup, an announcement was broadcasted throughout the station.

‘Alan Coley, could you please report to the Bridge. Alan Coley.’

With a reluctant sigh, Alan drained his cup and walked to the bridge.


‘Well, you are right: this is a problem,’ Alan confirmed. He stood on the Bridge surrounded by concerned looking meteorologists and official looking people. On a screen in front of him, large red letters flashed the words “solar flare eminent.” Surprisingly, it was the first time solar activity had threatened the relatively new station.

‘But the good news is that I think you’re all taking this all too seriously,’ Alan said with a bored yawn.

The dozens of people on the Bridge all breathed a sigh of relief. Alan could actually see the worry drain from their faces.

‘What I mean by that,’ smirked Alan, ‘Is that you are taking this all too seriously because, simply put, we are all screwed.’

The panic reappeared in the eyes of the meteorologists. Alan caught the steely gaze of the station Captain, Astrid Reener, from the back of the Bridge. Her grey eyes bored into him, daring him to continue.

‘Let me spell this out for you,’ Alan said, glancing back at the Captain. ‘One and a half trillion tons of super-heated plasma is going to be ejected at five-hundred kilometres per second directly towards us. This station wouldn’t last very long without our solar shields; in fact without them we would have been fried months ago. But the reality is that at the time of ejection, The Horizon will be sitting directly in the path what is called the prominence.

‘I’m sure you all remember that compulsory introductory video we had to watch before employment. Remember that footage of the huge loop of fire erupting from the surface of the star? Yeah, that was a prominence.’

A middle-aged meteorologist with sweat beading on his forehead stuttered out a question. ‘So what do you suggest we do?’

‘I’m not in charge here, I’m just the engineer,’ Alan said, rolling his eyes. ‘The only certainty is that we have less than three hours to live; which is why if you have any further questions, you can find me in the dining hall enjoying my last drink.’

As Alan left the bridge, he felt the cool daggers of Astrid Reener watching him as the hydraulic doors hissed shut.


Unfortunately for Alan, the only alcohol on board was powdered and had to have water added to it before being shaken and served as something that poorly resembled the real thing. Despite this, Alan prepared himself a scotch and propped himself up on a stool.

‘Mind if I join you?’

Alan didn’t bother turning around. ‘What’s up, Cap?’ he asked, tapping his fingers to his temple in mock salute.

‘Cut the crap, Coley,’ Astrid barked as she sat down next to him.

They sat in silence. Captain Astrid Reener came from a well-known military family that manages a large floating outpost above a planet called New Phaeton. Alan had heard rumours that the reason why Astrid was assigned to oversee a bunch of scientists was because of an argument she had with her father. He wasn’t sure if it was true, but Alan thought that if it was it was true, it would certainly explain her steely attitude and harsh tendencies.

‘If she can prove herself here, she’ll probably be permitted to return,’ Alan thought.

Alan pressed his face into the plastic counter and lazily watched Astrid pour water into a silver pouch of dehydrated whiskey. Her eyes were surprisingly pretty; shining similarly to the silver sparkles ingrained into the counter. Her hair was tied up for convenience and her navy blue uniform was pressed and neat.

Astrid caught Alan eyeing her off, but instead of mentioning it, she sat there with an annoyed look on her face.

‘You know, it took me the best part of an hour to try and calm those blabbering scientists down,’ she said eventually in her deep yet feminine voice. ‘If you had been a little nicer, maybe I wouldn’t have had to waste one of my precious hours on those sweat-bags. You really do lack sympathy.’

‘You aren’t exactly an angel yourself, Captain. I honestly don’t like being cooped up in this death trap. I only took this job because it gave me a reason to leave behind my pathetic family on New Ceres.

‘Shut up, Coley. I didn’t come here to listen to your life story.’

‘Oh? So why did you come here?’

The Captain drained her whiskey before speaking. ‘Although it pains me to admit it, we’ve got less than two hours until we’re stardust; and before I die, I’d really like a fuck.’

Alan raised an eyebrow. Astrid stared right into his eyes, her face expressionless.

‘Look, don’t get the wrong idea; I’m not in love with you or anything. You just happen to be the hottest piece of ass on this station and I need some dick.’

‘And what if I say no?’

‘I’m not asking for your permission.’

Alan looked into her fierce eyes. She wasn’t bluffing. Alan was convinced that Astrid was more than capable of throwing him to the floor if she wanted to. Oh well, it couldn’t be helped. He wasn’t really intending to decline anyway.

‘I guess I don’t have any choice, do I? When do you want to do this?’


‘Now?’ Alan ran his eye over the empty dining hall. ‘Here?’

‘Right now, right here,’ confirmed Astrid, a smirk on her otherwise cool face.

‘I’m sorry, but I’m having a little trouble comprehending this.’

‘Please, take your time; it’s not as if we’re about to die,’ mused Astrid.

‘Well I apologise for having morals,’ snapped Alan. ‘But usually I don’t fuck women in public places.’

Astrid leant in very close to Alan. He could feel the warmth of her breath sticking to his face.

‘The way I see it,’ she said softy, ‘Is that anyone that walks in on us is going to be dead in two hours anyway.’

Alan paused before speaking. She had a very valid point. However if Astrid was better informed about the current situation, she probably wouldn’t even have suggested the ludicrous idea. Maybe he should have been more honest…

As Alan pondered this, Astrid removed her pressed trousers and panties, dropping them to the floor.

‘Here, grease monkey,’ she said, sitting herself on the counter in front of Alan. ‘I assume you know how to eat vag.

Astrid rested her legs on Alan’s shoulders, hoisting her shirt up slightly higher to allow for better access. Alan dismissed his hesitancies and spread Astrid’s lips apart, snaking his tongue into her depths.

‘Oh yeah…’ Astrid moaned. ‘This is exactly what I need.’

The Captain placed her hand behind Alan’s head and pushed him in closer. She ground herself into his face, feeling the stress leave her muscles as she sank into the warmth of his mouth. Her arousal increased, liquid dripping from her insides and down Alan’s chin.

Astrid heard the sound of the hydraulic doors hissing open. Two fumbling scientists wandered in looking like lost sheep.

‘Oi! You nerds piss –‘ Astrid’s sentence cut short and a loud moan escaped her throat. ‘Just…fuck off.’

The scientists scrambled out of the door, tripping over themselves in a hurry. Alan grunted into Astrid’s crotch as his head was grasped firmly from behind. He wasn’t even licking it anymore; Astrid was just rubbing herself on his tongue.

‘Ah fuck,’ Astrid groaned. ‘A little more. I just need a little more.’

Her breaths came out in gasps as she worked her pussy into Alan’s mouth. Alan’s head was forced harder and harder into Astrid’s moist flesh. He felt as if he was going to suffocate. Then it stopped. Her pussy quivered and her body shuddered.

The Captain let out a loud, relief filled sigh as her desire was quenched. Alan withdrew his face from her crotch, a foul look on his face.

‘You are such a bitch!’ he spat. ‘I agreed to have sex with you, not to be used as your boy toy!’

‘Quit your whining and grow a dick.’

‘Your attitude is really pissing me off,’ Alan said, looking at his superior in disgust.

‘Well that’s a relief,’ smirked Astrid. ‘You’ll fuck me harder if you’re angry.’

Astrid looked into Alan’s eyes and saw genuine anger glaring back at her. She did intend to provoke him, but now she was slightly concerned. She observed the offended engineer, considering that maybe he wasn’t in to rough sex. Apologising would be the best option.

‘Listen Alan,’ the Captain said in a slightly quieter voice than usual. ‘I’m sorry about what I did, I was out of place.’

Astrid averted her eyes and looked at the floor. Her legs dangled over the edge of the counter and her typical crisp white shirt was crinkled and unbuttoned from the bottom.

Alan stared at Astrid blankly. Was she seriously apologising? The fierce Captain Astrid Reener; known across the sector for her unmatched discipline and tough training methods? Suddenly Alan didn’t feel angry anymore. Is she scared of me?

‘My bad, Captain. I guess I overreacted a bit,’ Alan said, forcing a smile. ‘And since when were we on a first-name basis? You called me Alan just before.’

Astrid’s eyebrows creased in irritation.

‘Shut up, Coley. Are you done blabbering?

‘Yes, Astrid.’

Astrid narrowed her eyes and began unbuttoning the rest of her shirt. Alan admired her smooth, unblemished skin, her chiselled collarbone and pale breasts. She caught him gawking.

‘Yes, Coley; I do have tits,’ Astrid said, rolling her eyes.

‘Well I wasn’t sure,’ mocked Alan. ‘You should try thin clothing. It does wonders for small boobs.’

‘Coley,’ warned Astrid. ‘A slap wouldn’t be out of the question in this situation.’

‘I’m not apologising,’ Alan said stubbornly, dropping his pants to the floor.

Despite the climate controlled atmosphere, the air was still slightly chilly on bare skin, so Alan left his shirt on. Astrid, however, was built tough and was lying back on the counter with her legs spread and stripped of her clothes.

‘Alright, Coley, stick it in.’

‘Hey! A little respect would be nice,’ Alan exclaimed in mock offence. ‘This is a man’s cock, not some run-of-the-mill dildo that you can simply print whenever you please.’

‘Yeah, yeah, get on with it; we literally don’t have all day.’

Alan winced. He was considering telling Astrid the truth when she snapped at him for hesitating too long. It could wait.

Alan stroked his soft cock until it was an appropriate firmness, watching it inflate in memorising bursts. He continued to stroke himself while he stuck a finger slowly into Astrid’s pussy, testing the texture and slipperiness. Satisfied, Alan grasped Astrid’s hips and slowly pushed his cock into her.

‘You’re unexpectedly easy to enter, Captain.’

‘Are you calling me a slut, Coley?’

‘Now, now, Captain; an experienced woman like yourself should be fully aware that it’s the arousal that determines how loose a pussy is, not how many dicks it has swallowed.’

Alan kept thrusting slowly into Astrid, allowing her to adjust to his size.

‘Really? How do you know about that?’ Astrid asked, genuinely surprised.

‘I read it in a psychology journal a couple of years ago,’ Alan replied.

Alan could feel Astrid’s pussy loosed slightly more. He could move a bit faster now.

‘I was going to say,’ Astrid said mid-moan. ‘I’m probably the least slutty woman in the sector. I’m in a relationship with my duties; there’s simply no time for dick.’

‘That surprises me,’ Alan grunted. ‘You seemed to be pretty slutty half-an-hour ago.’

‘Let’s not confuse slutty-ness with horny-ness, Coley.’

‘I always thought those terms were interchangeable..?’

‘Just shut up and concentrate on fucking me. Men can’t seem to focus on more than one thing at a time.’

‘Ouch. That’s a generalisation, by the way.’

‘I said shut up!’

Alan smirked and pushed himself into Astrid’s body, feeling her hips grind against him and savouring the contact of their flesh.

Astrid was confused. She had been accustomed to rough sex her entire life. Slow, gentle lovemaking simply didn’t fit her character. Yet Alan’s deliberate and controlled strokes were so…moreish. Gone were the fast, shallow thrusts she was used to. She relished the sensation of Alan’s cock gliding through her pussy, down the canal that shaped itself just for him and penetrating her deepest folds. If rough sex was fast-food, then what she was experiencing would have to be fine-dining.

Astrid was abruptly filled with a deep sense of regret. All her life she had been nothing but a cold-hearted bitch. This is what her life was missing. A man who she could settle down with in the evening, who she could share a bed with and who she could touch. Her life seemed to be devoid of the compassionate touch of another. Now in an hour she would be dead.

‘Oh fuck, Alan yes!’ Astrid moaned as a wave of tingly pleasure washed over her, eliminating the negative thoughts. She was glad Alan was being gentle.

Alan, however, hadn’t even considered being rough with Astrid. Initially he was frustrated, but he felt that rough sex made the woman more of an object. It lacked the intimacy that sexual congress was meant to be about. Besides, if you go too fast you don’t get the chance to appreciate the body. The sensitive nerves in the head of Alan’s cock brushed up against every unique fold in Astrid’s pussy. It was a different experience with every woman, which is why Alan liked to take his time.

Astrid was obviously having issues trying to stop moaning so much. It seemed as if she wasn’t used to expressing herself this openly. Her teeth were clamped over her bottom lip and her eyes were scrunched shut. Alan could see her eyelids trembling.

Despite her best attempts, Astrid couldn’t hold it in any longer, and let out a pent-up breath accompanied by a faint moan. She swore.

Alan knew he wouldn’t last much longer and thrust quickly a couple of times to bring himself closer.

Astrid could feel the change in his pace and knew he was going to cum soon.

‘Alan. I want you to cum inside me,’ Astrid groaned. She was going to die soon anyway, so she might as well let him.

With a few final staccato thrusts, Alan pushed his cock into Astrid’s soaking depths and emptied himself. Astrid could feel the contracting of his scrotum and twitches of his cock as each spurt was shot into her.

The only sound in the almost vacant dining hall was that of heavy breathing. Astrid spoke.

‘I am satisfied. Thanks for the fuck.’

‘You speak so eloquently, Captain,’ Alan said in a voice dripping with sarcasm.

Astrid removed herself from the counter and stood on wobbly legs. Her inner thighs were damp with her own lubricants and small beads of semen clung to her.

Silently, Astrid slipped on her panties and buckled her trousers around her hips. She attempted to dress herself respectably, yet she still looked like she had just gotten out of a sauna.

‘I suppose it doesn’t matter what I look like now anyway,’ Astrid said to Alan, who was putting on his pants. ‘We’re all going to be charcoal soon anyway, so I guess I can get away with the “just been fucked” look.’

‘Ah yeah…about that.’

Astrid frowned. ‘What do you mean “about that?” This better be good, Coley.’

‘Well, I’ve got some good news,’ Alan said, forcing a chuckle. ‘See we’re not about to die. It was just joke! Captain..? Why is your face red?’

‘Did you do this just so you could have sex with me?!’ exploded Astrid.

‘As I recall, you were the one who approached me.’

‘You didn’t answer my question!’

Alan silently shrugged and tipped his hand side to side.

‘Goddammit, Coley! You came in me! What if I get pregnant?’

‘Okay. First of all, I didn’t actually think anyone would believe me. I mean, let’s be realistic. What kind of person puts a state-of-the-art solar observatory in a close orbit around a star without some kind of shield system that could manage to reflect the magnitude of a solar flare? Especially when the likelihood of encountering such a situation would be extremely high in the long term! Common sense, it seems, isn’t that common! Almost everyone on board is educated and yet no one stopped to think realistically.’

Astrid stared back at Alan, seemingly lost for words. The anger in her eyes seemed powerful enough to boil the liquid off her corneas. She eventually sighed and stood up.

‘Well, I better go tell the crew that they can stop wishing for a miracle,’ she said, adjusting her hair and straightening her uniform. ‘But just so you know, you will be punished.’

‘I guess I deserve that,’ Alan said with a grimace. ‘What can I expect?’

Astrid walked over to the doors of the dining hall. They hissed open, waiting for Astrid to walk through. She pondered briefly before turning back and replying.

‘My quarters. One hour after the night cycle begins. Got it?’

‘Yes, Captain.’

Astrid allowed a small smirk to flash across her face. ‘Don’t be late.’

The hydraulic doors shut silently as Alan watched the back of the Captain disappear towards the bridge. He sighed.

‘Maybe I would have been better off cooked like a lobster,’ he said to himself.

Alan looked towards the drinks dispenser.

‘Time for a coffee.’

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This was thrilling experience to see brave young girl doing her outside nude activities in cold day, even it happened on 22 March, during school spring break, weather was like in winter, -10 (15 F) degrees and windy. My friend Paul, Head of the Ice Swimming Club invited me to witness young girl's exceptional durability to cold weather, but I saw much more than I expected. I was really frightened even to see girl's schedule for this windy day, which excluded much activities outside, but...

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Halloween Party1

I called my friend Bill. Bill is a friend of mine who I swapped blow jobs with several times. I also invited his roommate Phil. I called my landlord Sonny. Sonny is screaming gay and we also swapped blow jobs on several occasions. Lastly, I invited Bill’s younger brother John. John was about 20 at the time. John and sonny had fucked around together a few times in the past. Actually we all had had each other at one time or another. it was kind of a party group we had. An NSA fuck buddy...

2 years ago
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The Hurricane of 2020Chapter 10

As we entered the actual condo and sat on the couch, Eve sat close to me and said, "Bill, why do I have the feeling that you're okay with this but you're not happy with it?" "Because it's true. Eve, it's nice to have a limo to ferry us around to different places. I'm also glad I could help this morning if that's what it turns out to be. However, that's not my idea of living. I made peace with how I wanted to live, the surroundings in which I would live, and the tempo at which I...

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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 29

We spent the remainder of the morning on Market Street. The Sisters checked out many of the shops and stalls that were open, although we purchased very little. However, they enjoyed the looking. I was more interested in the shops of the various crafts that we passed. Wheelwrights, blacksmiths and coopers were in evidence as well as many other trades. Their signs, hanging from the buildings, were both interesting and finely crafted. Later that day we walked down Fish Lane far enough to get a...

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I met Dave during my senior year of high school. We started talking one day at lunch and soon became friends. When I told Dave that I was restoring a fifty-five Chevy, he offered to help me. We spent most of our free time in my garage working on the car. My grandfather gave me the car when I turned sixteen. The body was in great shape, but the engine needed rebuilding. My dad let me use our two and a half car garage as my workshop. I worked part time and spent most of my money on the...

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Secret Love After the Breakup Part 2

With Anthony pushed to the back of her subconscious mind, Delilah followed her new friend, Caitlin, into the club. Delilah caught a glimpse of the sign above the door to the club, it read: "Toxic Tonic" She had noticed that they had skipped the entire line of people waiting to get into the club. They were able to, since Caitlin knew the bouncer, which was a good thing, or they would have been waiting to get in all night.The music was blasting throughout the club, making it completely impossible...

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Jizz Hut! In the United States, there is a song called “The Stars and Stripes Forever" which they like playing at important events. You might as well come up with your own chant called Jizz Hut, and although it is nowhere near as patriotic, at least it will get parts of you a ‘standing ovation’ if you know what I mean. And who can’t stand behind a site that allows you to see bitches on their knees giving vigorous blowjobs and getting their cute faces covered in hot jizz, pussies being filled...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 34

Joe had never experienced such success. Best sellers. Well received productions. Nothing compared to the dual phenomena of hers and Rhonda. It didn’t surprise Joe that hers caused controversy. But the controversy, as well as the near across the board praise it received from reviewers and fans, made it a blockbuster. Far eclipsing everything else on the best seller list. And it generated more sales of his older books. And the book signings ended up being events in themselves. Even the ones for...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 49 Lapse in Leadership

Joseph sat wearily in his office and considered what had transpired during the day. The cook had little to add to the footman’s testimony. The only new piece of information she had to import was also simply a rumor. She said she had heard that Elsa Golrick had died while travelling with her father and not at the manor. She said there was a grave for the girl’s mother – who had died a month before The Fall – but none of the young woman. She said she’d always considered it odd but had never...

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Darshan ki Pyasi Padosan

Aap logo ko meri kahani Pasand aai isliya Thanks. Kai sare mail aye sbne puchha tha ke ye story Real hai? “Han Ye Mera real Insidence Hey. Or aise he meri ek or sex game apke liya laya hun. Ye Kahani Suro hoti hai Jab maine apni didi ko chodane ke do-tin mahine bad start hui. Mere papa ke karibi aik friend hai unki family me sirf teen log hai. Uncle, Aunty, Or Unka ladka you. Nka ladka jo study ke liya out of twon tha or mera bhi college me one year ka break ho gaya tha to unhone muje apne...

1 year ago
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CreamHer Sasha Rose Loves A Dripping Creampie

Beautiful slim hottie, Sasha Rose, is more than ready to have her tight pussy stretched out by a stiff cock. The gorgeous hottie is already bending over on the couch, waiting for the dick to invade her pussy. Her sweet moans echo throughout the room as soon as the lucky stud fucks her doggystyle. Her perfectly round tits gracefully sway while the man pounds her bald pussy in missionary. Sasha excitedly gives the man a blowjob, cleaning her pussy juice off his cock. She then rides the...

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Mrs K 1

I met Mrs K when I was staying at my aunt's house one summer. At the time immediately before I met her, I was in a kind of down-hearted frame of mind. Shortly after I met her I was flying high on my own personal cloud. Now, I have a precise, precious memory of this beautiful, curvaceous woman of, I'd guess around her mid-fifties (it is rude to ask I've been told), with a warm smile and a kind heart, not to mention a ripe full figure and accommodating wet and warm mouth, pussy, and...

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An Ode to an Older ManChapter 5

Gretchen stepped from the bathroom wearing one of Rich's dress shirts. She had rolled up the cuffs, but she had left it unbuttoned and hanging open in front. Underneath she wore pair of white briefs. Rich had undressed to his briefs and was straightening the covers on his bed. "Fresh sheets," he remarked. "I haven't showered in three days," she replied. "Are you sure you want me between fresh sheets?" "It doesn't bother me." "I could take a shower now but I don't want to wait...

2 years ago
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A glory hole in the middle of nowhere

I had spent a wonderful week end visiting some old friends in Savannah. Now I was returning home, where Victor was not waiting for me. He had just left for a full week trip to Chicago.I had already driven for three hours, when a sudden storm broke in the middle of the highway. Then I decided to keep safe and pulled over to a rest stop; to take a break and wait for the weather improves…Grabbing my old laptop and purse, I headed inside the little restaurant.I walked through the small lobby to the...

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Friday evening I arrived at her house, she met me dressed in a light sundress and a big smile, we shared a bottle of wine as we sat on her back porch, the sun was waning in the sky and when she walked between me and the setting sun I could see the outline of her sweet body through the lite material, I saw no bra and a faint view of a very skimpy almost thong style panty, We made small talk for about 20 minutes as we finished off the wine, then she said she was going inside and for me to...

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Office Politics 2

OFFICE POLITICS BY JOOLI Karl had a problem. Just recently, he had accepted a great new job as a graduate recruit for a big IT company. The money was good, and the company seemed to be a good place to work with a lot of benefits. The only problem was, his manager had taken exception to his appearance. Or, more specifically, to his hair. Karl was a rock fan, and had hair to well below shoulder length. He liked it that way - it looked good on him, and lots of women were interested...

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He Promised Part 1

I met him when he approached me at a night club. I had noticed him watching me earlier as I walked about with my friends. I smiled to him once as our eyes met. His features were obviously Slavic and I was instantly enticed. To some French is a turn on. In my case, to hear a man speak Russian or Estonian, even three seats away in a subway train, sends shivers all over my skin. If one were to speak to me directly, the tremors would be inside me, originating from where I wanted him to be inside...

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Mistress Adelaides Travelling Gimp CircusChapter 8

The Girls In The Van In the performers’ caravan, Christa, Ginny, Sophie and Eleni were playing cards, resting before it was time to get ready for the show. Vesta was sitting reading. Two of the Gimps, Henry and James had been brought in to provide such services as the girls might need. The van was comfortably equipped. Though not as elaborately as Adelaide’s, the couches were well stuffed, thick curtains hung at the windows, engraved mirrors adorned the walls and a three-jet gas lantern...

1 year ago
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Best Laid PlansChapter 19

Fortunately for the survivors, the peach drapes softened the brilliance of the Sunday morning sunshine to a soft glow."] Bob opened his eyes first. He gently disentangled himself from Jan's embrace and slipped away without waking her. After a quick trip to the bathroom, he walked, jay-bird-naked, to the kitchen. He fired up the teakettle and then clanked ice cubes into a tall glass. He added water and swirled the glass in a small circle to make the cubes bump together to chill the water...

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Cops Can Be Naughty TooChapter 6

My thoughts were disturbed when I heard Eva shout, "Okay, we can go now!" I saw her walking up to me, and she had a flashlight in her hand. "Why the flashlight?" I asked. "You will see soon enough," she answered. She took my hand and then pulled me towards the forest again. Once we went in between the trees, she let go of my hand, and I had to follow her sweet ass again. I noticed that she walked away from the South border and deeper into their part of the forest. I was glad with...

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While I am away the cat did play

Well where to begin? Firstly my name is Ian and they say the best stories have a semblance of truth in them and this one certainly has, it happened this way. We had just moved into a new house and had the place extended to accommodate a guest bedroom with bathroom attached for the k**s and their week-end friends at the rear of the house access to the bedroom was via a short corridor. The builders had kindly put a trap into the roof space I had taken a look at this several times but it was...

2 years ago
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Kitty Girls Day Out

Part I: Full Fur Jacket I wore my kitty ears last night. It felt good. My Mistress, the lovely and amazing Mistress Laura, had asked me to wear them the next time I was online, so, of course, I did. The events of last night? Well, perhaps I won’t share the details, and I certainly won’t admit to peeing in a bowl before going to bed and drinking every last drop, still hungry for an orgasm, yet satisfied that I could make her cum. No, I think I’ll keep those details private, and just share my...

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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 3

Thursday, April 19th. A day I will never forget. It started out great. School went well. Julie and I managed to make out a little in the hallway between classes. Football practice went smoothly. My sprained ankle was pretty much healed. The doctor had said I could start running and training after three weeks. That was tomorrow. The day was a great day, until dinner time. My family and I were eating dinner when the phone rang. Dad answered it. Normally he asks whoever calls during dinner to...

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The Teachers New Pet Part 2

100% fiction! I was sat on my bed at home all alone one evening, listening to some music and finishing an assignment for school. It was a cold winter evening, and my parents had gone away for a week. I calmly typed at my computer when my phone buzzed, making me jump. I hesitantly reached for it, opening it carefully. The bright screen read "1 New Message: master". I smiled to myself, knowing what the message would read. "whore, be here in an hour. You know what I want you to wear". I wasted no...

1 year ago
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The Collar Around the HeartWednesday Afternoon

"Clothes shopping for a girl!" I thought gloomily as I left the house, collar in tow. I did not really know where to start looking, but there was that shop in the arcade with the white window-display dummies. It had caught my eye before, so maybe we could begin there. Except for the collarserve it was empty. This was surprising at 3.00 pm on a weekday, but I suspected it was not crowded at the best of times. Anne stopped as we walked in the entrance, eyes wide. "So, what do you need?" I...

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Jeans Dave Lyn Al Xmas sex

It all started Christmas Eve 2009, we met up with friends Dave & Lyn to go to our company social club for Xmas drinks as the night wore on and we got the worst for drink Dave and I started messing with the girls pulling their bra straps and trying to grab a feel of their tits at closing time someone suggested we go down town to a club. Waiting for a taxi we were joined by Mal & John, we managed to talk the taxi into taking all 6 of us, Lyn & John in the front Mal, Dave and I in the back with...

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My Encounter

Hi iss lovers & sex lovers , I am Saroja from tamilnad, house wife. I have a great figure measuring 36-32-38. I have already come out with few of my love bits before. This is also one among a special incident happened to me. One day, my husband had said that his elder brother’s son Senthil is coming from chennai for a few interviews to attend. Senthil had finished his studies two years ago. Since Senthil is not having a job, he wants to save money by staying with us. During his few days stay at...

4 years ago
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KimberlyChapter 2 Kimberly Exposed

One of the managers of our division called me to his office. I had never been there before, and I wondered what he could possibly want with me. I didn't think it could have anything to do with Tony; he'd been gone for weeks. The manager told me to shut the door and take a seat. I sat down uncomfortably. He was one of those men who'd been there forever, but nobody seemed to know. He smiled strangely at me. I followed his eyes and noticed he had a little stack of micro-cassettes piled on...

2 years ago
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Giving a homeless man a job

"What is he doing, daddy?" said the boy. "Don't look at him, just go pee," the father said quickly as he urged the boy towards a urinal on the other side of the room. I pretended I didn't hear them and rubbed some of the hand soap on my growing stubble before washing it out. I knew the father was watching me as if I were some pedophile about to snatch his kid. I was used to it though to some degree. Regardless, it's never nice being viewed like that. I dried my face on a...

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Confessions from Mac the Flasher A Serial Public Masturbator 4

As I have mentioned in an earlier chapter I’m 32 years old. What I haven’t mentioned anything about is whether or not I have a girl friend or I am married. Well to set the record straight, I am in between girl friends and not currently married. “No really!” I’m sure some of you may have thought or even said out loud. “No shit Sherlock, you do surprise us” But let me set the record straight here and now. I was married, but I’m now divorced. I was married to Carol for 2...

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SeducedByACougar Lauren Phillips 23065

When a rich red head wants something, nothing stops her from getting it. Lauren Philips is throwing a soiree and she wants everything perfect, to a T. She has a personal chef at her house in the afternoon preparing all the courses, and it, of course, turns her on. So she pauses to ponder about this for a moment, then proceeds to tease him by allowing him to suck on her big tits before she gives his ice cream a taste. Once she approves, she decides she needs to suck and fuck this omelette...

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A Night With the Professor

My name is Neethu and I am 21 years old now. I live in bangalore but completed my college studies in Delhi. This story that I am going to narrate what happened to me when I was 17. I was in Delhi and I was studying in a pretty good college, I lived with my father back then, my mother died when I was 3 so I don't remember her much, my father had to work a lot so he was rarely home and since I had no authority figure I was quite a mess at the age of 16 itself so he decided to send me to Delhi for...

First Time
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My Love Mandy

I saw Mandy in school. She had very long black hair going down to the beginning of her legs. She had very pale skin, almost like if she never went into the sun. her hair was frizzy. But she was rejected by everyone. She was not clumsy or stupid. She was in fact a nerd under a Goth body. Her marks where always among the best. Even with that, everyone made fun of her. They even pulled some tricks and bad jokes on her. She was in some my class and I was the only one not making fun of her....

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