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Cheryl was withdrawn the following morning at brunch in the dining room. She’d barely spoken to Drew as they had showered, dressed, and prepared for the day.

“What’s on today’s agenda?” Drew asked, trying to lighten the mood.

Cheryl glared at him across the table.

“You want to just tour around the island?” he suggested. “Or, maybe you’d prefer to spend it by the pool? This is our last day, you know.”

Either she hadn’t made up her mind or was merely intent on making him feel uncomfortable.

“Cheryl, honey,” he asked in a low, pleading voice. “If you won’t talk to me I can’t fix whatever it is that has you so angry.”

“I’m not angry,” she snipped.

“Really,” he chuckled. “You haven’t said a word since we got back to the room last night. We didn’t make love this morning, and you’ve got a huge wall set up between us. If it isn’t anger, what is it?”

“You used me. I don’t like being used.”

“So you are angry,” he stated.

“Alright,” she said, slamming her fork onto the table. “I’m pissed.”

“Can we talk about it?”

“In the room,” she snapped at him.

When he opened the door to their room she twisted on a heel, and glared at him. “I thought I loved you. I thought you loved me. But, you’re a real asshole. You manipulated me to get what you wanted and that just pissed me off,” she steamed.

“What the hell are you talking about?” He placed the key on the desktop and moved toward the bedside table where the telephone sat. He picked it up.

“Don’t you dare call them!” she nearly shouted.

“I’m calling room service for coffee and Kahlua,” he protested, surprised. “Don’t call who? Micah and Melissa? Is that who you thought I was calling?”

“Of course that’s who I thought you were calling.”

“Hi,” Drew said into the phone. “This is room 127. Could I get two coffee and Kahluas, please?” He paused for a minute. “Thank you.” He hung up the phone and turned to Cheryl.

“Alright,” he said to her. “Let’s deal with this. What exactly are you talking about?”

“You wanted to fuck Melissa. You used me so you could do it.”

Drew shook his head. “I didn’t, Cheryl. I didn’t use you.”

“You had me suck him and fuck him so that you could fuck her.”

“Do you really believe that?”

“It happened, didn’t it? That and everything else.”

Drew stepped to one of the chairs by the round table near the window. He sat, drummed his fingers for a few moments, and looked into her flashing eyes. “I love you, Cheryl,” he said calmly.

“That’s bullshit,” she nearly screamed. “You used me.”

He shook his head slowly. “All I did was give you options,” he said. “You didn’t have to do anything last night.”

“You encouraged me to suck him!” she spat out.

“All I indicated is that if you wanted to, it was okay.”

“So you could eat her little pussy and have her suck you!”

“It was a complete surprise to me.”

“You could have resisted.”

“I did, several times. If I remember, I even looked at you to see what you wanted. You didn’t even shake your head, much less tell me not to do it.”

“What was I supposed to do? I already was sucking him off.”

“Did you like it?”

“That’s not the point!” she fumed furiously.

“What is the point, then, Cheryl?”

“You let me get fucked!”

“I did? Honey, you did it. You didn’t have to.”

“But I knew you wanted her. I did it so you could fuck her?”

“And that’s my fault?”

“You weren’t supposed to let me get that way. But you did because you wanted to fuck her. I only did it because I love you and I knew that’s what you wanted.”

“So you really didn’t want to do him?”

“At the time I was so turned on that I did. But you let me get that way. You let him eat me. And then, when they fucked, it looked so hot. And then…”

“I know. But it wasn’t planned, Cheryl. All it was about was exploring those new options; exploring the sexual territory you’ve never experienced.”

“She ate my pussy, Drew!” she screamed. “She ate my pussy while you were fucking her. I could feel you pounding into her. I never, ever, did anything like that before in my life!”

“I remember it, Cheryl. But, tell me. All that noise you were making, all the groans and pleadings for more, and the cries about needing to get fucked; those were supposed to indicate that you didn’t want that? And when Micah finally got hard enough to fuck you, I don’t remember you saying one word about not wanting it.”

“You were supposed to stop it!” she screamed.


“Because you’re supposed to love me! Because you shouldn’t want anybody else to fuck me. And you certainly shouldn’t want another woman to suck my pussy!”

“Are you in love with Micah?” Drew asked evenly.

“Of course not,” she state succinctly.


“Don’t be stupid.”

“But everything that happened was hot, sexy, and, overall, some great sex.”

Cheryl sat emphatically on the bed. The little bounce of her tantrum made Drew smile.

“It was wrong,” she stated. “It was perverted and wrong.”

Drew shook his head. “It wasn’t. It was just great sex. You had some. I had some. You know what I think?”

“What?” Cheryl sulked.

“I don’t think you’re angry. You’re not pissed. You’re embarrassed, yet again.”

“Of course I’m embarrassed. My god, Drew! I don’t do those things!”

“And I think you’re a little scared, too. Your perception of perversion got turned upside down last night when you found out how much you liked it.”

Cheryl’s tone shifted from petulant to pleading. “Why did you let me do those things, Drew? You shouldn’t have let me.”

Drew stood and moved next to her on the bed. He planted a kiss at her temple and inhaled the fresh fragrance of her hair.

“Because I love you, Cheryl. I wanted you to be free to do whatever you desired. I neither encouraged nor prohibited you. All I did was give you your freedom.”

“I’ll do whatever you want, Drew. You know that. So, you have a responsibility to make sure I don’t go too far.”

“What did you do last night that you think went too far?”

“You let Micah fuck me.”

“Was it horrid?”

“Not really.”

“It was nasty, hot, and sexy, wasn’t it? Another man fucking you in front of his wife and your lover?”

“Oh, god,” she moaned.

“Makes you wet thinking about it, doesn’t it?”

Cheryl looked at him, her eyes glistening. “How did you know that?”

Drew chuckled. “Because I know you, and I love you. And, you got wet because, given the opportunity, you’d let him fuck you again.”

“Do you want me to do that?” Her voice was soft.

He grinned at her. “If you want to, you should. I know Melissa wouldn’t mind.”

“Because it would mean you’d do her, too?”

He shook his head in the negative. “Not necessarily. In fact, we could call them. I’ll tell him that you want him this afternoon. Melissa and I will just go to bar and have those fruity drinks with umbrellas while you and Micah have your time together.”

“She’ll want you,” Cheryl stated flatly.

“I don’t love her, Cheryl. I love you. I will do or not do based on your desires, not hers.”

“It would be unfair to her.”

“Life’s tough,” he grinned.

“You remember Dana?” she asked quietly.

“Back home? Yeah. Dana’s hard to forget.”

“You remember what I told you about not knowing?”

“I remember.”

“We could, you know, do the same thing.”

“Except you would know.”

“Well, I sure knew last night. It wasn’t as awful as I thought, though.”

Drew chuckled. “Having her tongue in your pussy might have had something to do with that.”

Cheryl gave a shudder. “Feeling your thrusts into her. Yeah. Still, you’re just having drinks as the bar. If you go to her room, I wouldn’t know.”

“You know what I find interesting?”


“Do you remember the time we spent together before our first…”

“Yes, I remember.”

“The dates. Oh, I’m sorry. The encounters, the park, the lunches.”

“I remember.

“And here we are, talking about a tryst you want to have with a man you’ve only known less than two days.” He grinned at her.

“What’s your point?” she said nastily.

“You’ve come a long way.”

“In what way?”

“You’ve been liberated. You’ll have what you want with only a little reluctance.”

“You were my first,” she replied defensively.

He smiled gently at her. “I know.”

“Besides,” she went on dreamily, “You’re the one who brought me here.”

“Actually,” he chuckled, “You brought us here. I tried to reimburse you…”

“Oh, shut up,” she reprimanded him easily. “That’s not what I mean. Everything that I’ve done, that we’ve done together…You’re responsible for all of it. You got the scarves. You encouraged me to be more open. You put me out on that balcony and tied me to it. And, if I have to remind you, you’re the one who encouraged me to do…well, what we did last night.”

“So this is all my fault?” he asked with a grin.

“You,” she twisted around until she could loop her arms over his shoulders and wrap them around his neck, “Are the one responsible for everything. You never tell me I can’t do anything.”

“Oh, I see,” Drew said softly. “In spite of the fact that all these fantasies originated inside your beautiful little head, I’m the one who should put your brakes on for you? Well, my darling, I’m not doing it. So far, nothing you’ve wanted has been hurtful to you or to me. And my desire is to let you play in your fantasy world so that you can have your fun. It has been fun, hasn’t it?”

“Yes,” she whispered softly into his mouth before kissing him tenderly.

“So, shall I make that call for you?”

“Is that what you want?”

He looked into her eyes and saw the passion burning there. “If that is what you want,” he whispered.

“Later,” she said.


She nodded. “We’ve had our first argument. We have to have make-up sex.”

Melissa looked slinky and sexy in her afternoon attire as she strolled into the bar area on the arm of her husband. Drew stood up and extended a hand to Micah. “The both of you look radiant,” he told them.

Micah shook his hand firmly. “I have to say I was half surprised by your call.”

“Really?” Drew answered. “Something untoward happen after we left?”

“Nothing like that,” Micah replied. “I just thought we’d meet for dinner, you know.”

“Ah,” Drew nodded. “Well, I think Melissa and I would be amenable to any plans you and Cheryl make for later.” He nodded toward Melissa and cocked an eyebrow in question.

She beamed, then turned to her husband. “Go on,” she urged him. “You handed me off to the gentlemen and I’m anticipating a lovely hour or two of ridiculous drinks here while you’re misbehaving.” Her laugh was joyful and light.

“All right, then,” Micah said. “Try not to get into too much trouble.” He kissed Melissa on the cheek and was gone.

“Well,” Drew grinned at Melissa, “Would you mind sitting at the bar?”

“The bar? There’s like twelve tables empty,” she noted.

He nodded. “But the barstools do a much better job of showing off those glorious legs of yours.”

“You’re so bad,” she said. “Bar it is.”

The hitched themselves onto two adjacent stools, and Melissa adjusted the slit in her skirt so a long expanse of her leg was revealed.

“This feels decadent,” she smiled at him.

“I think the drink of the day is a guava-mango thing with rum.”

“Scotch rocks,” she said simply.

“You don’t get an umbrella with that one,” he noted.

“But I’ll get a buzz quicker with the Scotch.”

Drew ordered their drinks from the bartender and signed the chit presented. After the first sip, he turned to Melissa.

“So you want a buzz?” he asked.

“Hmm,” she hummed over her second sip. “You girlfriend is screwing my husband, and I’m sitting here at the bar with you. I think that’s worthy of a buzz.”

“I thought you were, you know, okay with everything.”

“Oh, I will be after two or three of these,” she said, holding up her glass.

“Melissa,” he chastened her gently, “You shouldn’t have agreed with this if it felt wrong.”

“Oh, it doesn’t feel wrong,” she replied. “It’s kind of sexy, really. I mean, doesn’t it turn you on think about the two of them together?”

“It, uh,” he stumbled, “Well, I was trying not to think about it. I was just enjoying my time getting to know you.”

“Oh, after last night, I think you know me well enough,” she laughed lightly.

“I meant other than carnally.”

“Anyway, they’re in there, naked with each other, you know. I mean, it’s not like I’m jealous or anything.”

“But you’re jealous.”

“More like curious. I mean, if Cheryl’s getting laid, how come I’m not?”

“Oh, well,” Drew grinned sheepishly, “Cheryl’s got this thing. She doesn’t want to know if I behave, you know, inappropriately, outside our relationship.”

“So, it’s okay for her to fuck my husband, but she doesn’t want to know if you’re fucking somebody else, like me.”

“That’s sort of it. I told her you and I would have drinks here at the bar.”

“So, we could go back to my room and fuck?”

“I guess we could.”

“As long as Cheryl doesn’t know about it, right?”

“That’s the deal.”

“Why are we sitting here?”

“Showing off your legs?”

“I’d really rather have you between them.”

“Melissa,” Drew laughed. “You’re embarrassing me.”

“Why not? Last night was pretty good, wasn’t it?”

“It was terrific.”

“And considering the alternatives available…”

“We could be the adults, and just sit here and enjoy each other’s company.”

“Or we could go back to my room and really enjoy each other.”

“As long as Cheryl doesn’t find out.”

“Are you coming?”

Drew smiled as she slid off the stool and held her hand out to him. He took it in his own and let her lead him back to her room.

“We have to be back in the bar in an hour,” he told her.

“We can do a hell of a lot of damage in an hour,” she said.

Drew and Melissa had just entered the room, settled in, and Melissa made them each a drink from the mini-bar when Drew’s phone rang.

“Well,” he smiled, “It could be a customer, but…”

“It’s Cheryl,” Melissa grinned.

“You’re right,” he replied. “Hello?” he spoke into the phone.

“You need to come to our room,” Cheryl said.

“Are you all right?”

“I’m fine,” she said. “But you need to come back.”

“Is Micah okay?”


“Just me? Should I desert Melissa?”

“Both of you.”

“Both of us.”

“Yes. Put her on. Micah wants to talk to her.”

“Okay,” Drew said. Turning to Melissa he held out the phone. “It’s Micah.”

Drew could only hear her half of the conversation.

“Hey,” Melissa said. She waited a moment. “You do?”

“Well, we’ve just gotten fresh drinks. Can it wait ten minutes?” She looked a Drew and rolled her eyes.

“All right. We’ll finish our drinks and be right there.”

“Okay,” she concluded and held the phone to Drew. “Cheryl, again.”

“What’s going on?” Drew asked.

“We’ll tell you when you get here,” Cheryl told him.

“All right.”



“I love you.”

“I love you, too, Cheryl.”


Drew looked at the phone, which indicated the call had terminated. “That’s the weirdest call,” he said.

“Is she insecure or something?” Melissa asked.

“Not…No. Actually, I always thought she was pretty brave.”

“What do you think is going on?”

He shook his head. “Not a clue. You?”

Melissa smiled. “I think they miss us.” She raised her glass to him. “Here’s to being indispensable,” she grinned.

“You think that’s it?”

“All I know is that it’s screwed up my plan to get laid this afternoon.”

“Well, we’ve got that ten minutes,” Drew joked.

“Right. Honey, it’s going to take me a lot longer than ten minutes to do everything I want with you.”

“Rain check?”

Melissa took another sip of her drink. “Let’s finish these up and go down there. Who knows? We could solve whatever it is and get back here in time to be naughty with each other.”

Drew laughed. “I had fun being naughty last night. Did you?”

“I did. That’s why I wanted this repeat performance.”

“All right, then,” Drew said, draining his glass. “Let’s go solve this problem.”

Drew slid the key card through the door slot and ushered Melissa into the room. They found Micah seated next to the desk with the TV on it, clothed only in shorts. Cheryl sat on a corner of the tousled bed wrapped in a short, thin robe.

“What the hell did you do?” Melissa accused her husband.

“He didn’t do anything,” Cheryl jumped in defensively. “He’s been very good.”

“Did you fuck?” Melissa addressed the two of them.

There was an almost shy exchange of glances between Cheryl and Micah.

“Yes,” Micah said.

“Well?” Melissa pressed. “What’s this all about?”

Drew sat on the bed next to and behind Cheryl and wrapped an arm around her.

“It’s my fault,” Cheryl told them.

“What is it, baby?” Drew asked gently.

“Look,” Micah said. “I agree with her. Last night was awesome. We were, well, all of us were just so turned on and having so much fun.”

“Yeah?” Melissa said impatiently.

“This wasn’t at all the same,” Cheryl said.

“It didn’t feel right,” Micah added.

“This felt like we were cheating,” Cheryl continued.

“You weren’t cheating,” Drew said gently.

“That’s right,” Melissa said, her tone level and reasonable. “We knew where the two of you were and what you were doing. We even considered doing the same thing.”

“You did?” Cheryl asked.

“Of course,” Melissa replied. “Why should the two of you get laid and we go wanting? If you hadn’t called, we’d probably be banging each other right now.”

“Whose idea was that?” Cheryl inquired with an edge.

“Mine, of course,” Melissa said. “Drew was prepared to just sit there in the bar with a raging hard-on until the two of you finished.”

“You were hard?” Cheryl asked him.

“Imagining what the two of you were doing? What do you think?” Drew admitted.

“And having come to the determination that a hard prick should never go to waste,” Melissa grinned, “I asked him to come back to my room and let me take care of it.”

“When did you come to that determination?” Micah chuckled.

“Oh, let me see,” Melissa feigned a period of thoughtful consideration. “I think it was about nine o’clock last night.”

“So anytime somebody gets a stiffy around you, you’re going to fuck him?” Micah asked with a laugh.

“As long as it’s okay with you,” she grinned.

“Wow!” Micah said in wonder. “That’s a real change from the fading flower I married.”

Melissa shrugged. “You’re partly responsible. So are Drew and Cheryl.”

“Because of last night?” Drew asked her.

“Pretty much.”

“Well,” Micah said, grinning broadly. “I guess we’re close to being on the same page.”

“What does that mean?” Melissa snapped.

“We’ve figured out is that it’s a lot more fun and exciting with you here,” Cheryl explained.

“That’s why you called?” Drew asked.

“We tried it once. It was okay, but there were no fireworks like last night,” Micah said.

“Well, we’re here. So, you can go ahead and try it, again. See if it’s any better,” Melissa suggested.

Cheryl shook her head. “We decided we want to watch the two of you.”

Melissa looked at Micah. “You want to watch the two of us?” she said, waving a finger between Drew and herself.

Micah and Cheryl both nodded.

“You sure?” Drew whispered to Cheryl.

She squeezed his arm. “Yes. Afterward, you can watch the two of us.”

Melissa shifted her gaze to Drew. “Want to get laid?”

Drew released his hold on Cheryl. “Sounds like an idea.”

“Thing is,” Melissa grinned at Cheryl, “They have to get us ready.”

“What does that mean,” Micah asked.

“Well, you have to get me naked,” she told him, “And Cheryl has to strip him and make sure he’s ready.”

“I did that for you last night,” Micah protested.

“No,” Melissa replied. “Originally, you got me naked so I could fuck you. Now, you need make me naked so Drew can fuck me.”

Micah shook his head in wonder. “Where is the shy, delicate, polite woman I married?” he mused.

“Honey, she’s still there. This is the real me. I’ve been hiding behind the veneer of that reserve you’ve seen. Still love me?”

“I do,” he chuckled. “Maybe more than ever.”

“Good. Now that I know you like it, you’ll be seeing more of the real Melissa. You can come strip me now so I can fuck Drew.”

“Is this crazy?” Cheryl whispered to Drew as she stood in front of him unbuttoning the five buttons on the front of his shirt.

“A little, maybe,” he replied, peeling off the robe she wore and revealing her nakedness. “Do you hate it?”

“No,” she murmured, “Not really. It’s kind of naughty and exciting.”

“You’ve changed, too, since we came to this island,” he noted as she stripped the shirt off his shoulders and began to attack the latch of his shorts.

“Have I?”

He nodded and hummed and affirmative, feeling her fingers touch him as she lowered his zipper. “I remember you telling me that you didn’t want to know. Now you’re stripping me so you can watch me with another woman.”

“You mean because of Dana?”

“Who’s Dana?” Melissa asked.

“A woman back home who wants to screw Drew,” Cheryl said, concentrating on lowering Drew’s shorts to the floor.

“So, did you let her?”

“Not yet,” Cheryl replied.

Melissa hummed an understanding response. She noticed that Drew had gone flaccid since they’d left the bar. “Honey, you’re going to have to suck him hard for me,” she instructed.

From her kneeling position, Cheryl looked up into Drew’s eyes. He shrugged.

“How submissive do I have to be for you to still love me?” Cheryl asked him.

Drew’s face screwed into a surprised scowl. “Not at all,” he replied. “What made you think that you had to be submissive at all?”

She took his member in her mouth and sucked it. She seemed eager, but released it after a few licks.

“I’ve been ordered to strip you and then to suck you hard so you can screw her. That seems to put me in the position of a submissive.”

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want,” he assured her. “Speak up, if you want.”

She held his cock and surveyed it intently. She sighed. “Thing is, I want to. I want to do all of it. I want to be naughty.” She slid it back between her lips.

Drew groaned as the sensations she created. “I’ve never seen you as a submissive, darling. You always have the option to refuse.”

Micah tenderly removed Melissa’s matching zebra-print bra and skirt. “You didn’t wear anything underneath,” he observed.

“Not much point,” Melissa said. She nodded toward the bed. “Is this where you fucked?”

“Yeah,” Micah admitted.

“Missionary style?”

Micah nodded.

“Okay. We can do that.” She crawled up the bed and lay on her back. “Put a couple of pillows under my ass and lick me until she has him ready,” she told her husband.

Micah grinned, grabbed the pillows and positioned them when she raised herself off the bed. He eased himself between her legs and buried himself between her thighs.

“She likes to give orders,” Cheryl commented, pausing in her efforts to firm up Drew’s cock.

“She does,” Drew agreed. “You’re allowed to do the same.”

“I like taking orders,” she replied. She resumed her attention to his stiffening rod.

Drew grinned. He knew why she liked being ordered around. That way she could be as naughty as she wanted but not have the responsibility. It would never be her fault. Somebody else told her to do it.

Micah stood behind Cheryl near the corner of the bed as they watch Drew with Melissa. He had his left hand wrapped around her fondling her breast. His right arm encircled her waist and pulled her belly back toward him. Cheryl’s left hand found his cock and stroked it easily while her right hand covered his on her belly.

“How can we watch this and not feel jealous,” she whispered to Micah.

“Because it’s not permanent,” he whispered back. “He’s still in love with you, and she still loves me.”

“I love watching her face,” Cheryl told him softly.

“That’s what I noticed the other night when you were on the balcony. I loved watching your face while he fucked you,” Micah replied.

“Did it look hot?”

He nodded, kissing her on the shoulder. “I wanted you so much.”

“Did you like fucking me last night?”

“Of course I did. That’s why we’re here.”

“I like your wife,” she said. “She’s so strong and sexy. She knows what she wants.”

“She was always so shy and reserved. I really love that she’s come out of her shell.”

“I’m glad for the two of you,” Cheryl replied. “I hope you’ll be very happy together.”

“That’s kind of funny,” he said. “You’ve got your hand on my cock, telling me you hope my wife and I will be happy together.”

Cheryl looked at him. “It’s not permanent,” she reminded him.

A gasp from Melissa ended the conversation. “Oh, fuck!” she exclaimed. “That feels really good!”

“Glad you like it,” Drew mumbled into her neck.

Cheryl broke away from Micah’s grasp and went to kneel on her haunches next to Drew and Melissa. She peered into the younger woman’s face.

“Hello, beautiful,” Melissa grinned at Cheryl.

“I wanted to get a closer look,” Cheryl said softly, noticing how Melissa’s body moved an reaction to Drew’s thrusts.

“Hmmm,” Melissa hummed. “I would love to kiss those lovely lips of yours.”

Cheryl’s response was breathless. “We can’t do that.”

“You can kiss another woman without being a lesbian, you know,” Drew said.

Cheryl looked at Melissa’s mouth, open with the gasps Drew’s pumping caused.

“I can’t,” Cheryl said.

“Your lips are beautiful,” Melissa told her. “I really would like to taste them, to feel them.”

“I can’t,” Cheryl repeated.

“Yes, you can, Cheryl,” Drew said. ‘If you want to, you can.”

Cheryl was silent, watching Melissa jerk with Drew’s thrust.

“Go ahead, Cheryl,” Drew urged. “If you hate it, you never have to do it again.”

“Oh, god,” Cheryl moaned, leaning forward and planting her lips on Melissa’s. She found them soft, moist and delightful. And just like the previous evening, she could feel Drew’s thrusting translating through Melissa’s body. Her tongue tested Melissa’s mouth. She could feel her hot breath on her cheek, and was only slightly surprised when Melissa groaned into her mouth. She pulled away abruptly, gasping.

“Nice,” Melissa said. “Why’d you quit?”

“It was too much,” Cheryl said breathlessly. “Your lips are so soft, and your tongue. It was…I could feel you breathing on my cheek and Drew fucking you…And suddenly I got really, really wet. It was too much!”

Melissa growled her response. “If you’ll kiss me again, it will help me come. And if I come, Drew will come inside me. You want him to come inside me, don’t you.”

Cheryl’s reply was a whisper. “Yes.”

She leaned forward and lifted her backside in the air as her lips settled on Melissa’s. Drew heard a groan; he wasn’t sure from whom. As he watched, he could see Melissa sucking Cheryl’s tongue in her mouth. A quiver rushed through Melissa’s body and grasped his cock. At the same time, the bed rocked easily. Micah had climbed on and positioned himself behind Cheryl. She moaned as Micah slid his hardened meat into her soaking pussy. Melissa responded to Cheryl’s groan with one of her own. Her hand sought out a breast and encircled it, her fingers pulling at the firm flesh of the nipple.

“Oh, god!” Cheryl moaned. “I can’t…”

“You can,” Melissa growled. “You are. Come on!”

Their lips met again and moans of ecstasy filled the air. Micah set up an easy rhythm of penetration and withdrawal. Drew’s thrusts into Melissa were double-timed those of Micah. Melissa’s moans became a wail into Cheryl’s mouth as her body contracted in orgasm. Drew felt the fluctuations and was drawn to the edge. He felt a warm flush through his body and the cramping sensation in his thighs.

“I’m coming,” he gasped.

“Fuck, yeah!” Micah urged, increasing his own tempo of penetration into Cheryl.

Melissa had to release herself from the kiss of Cheryl simply to breath. “Oh, fuck!” she cried out.

Cheryl lowered her head onto the bed next to Melissa. “Oh, god,” she moaned. “He’s fucking me.”

Drew eased off Melissa and rolled to his left. He saw her pulling Cheryl’s breast and tugging on the nipple. Cheryl raised her head and looked at Drew, her mouth gaping open.

“He’s fucking me, Drew,” she pleaded. “He’s fucking me and….”

“And you love it,” Drew grinned at her, gasping as he tried to recover from his exertions with Melissa.

The four of them lay panting on the bed. Drew tenderly stroked Melissa’s thigh. Micah caressed Cheryl’s left breast. Melissa’s left hand had a tight grasp on Cheryl’s right hand.

“Was it better for you guys this way?” Melissa asked her husband and Cheryl.

“It was,” Cheryl said. “I can’t believe all that I’ve done and how good I feel about all of it.

“You know,” Melissa said, tousling Drew’s hair with her free hand, “She has the most marvelous lips. They have the texture of warm butter.”

“I know,” Drew replied. “Her kisses are exquisite.”

“You guys have been wonderful,” Melissa continued. “This will be one vacation we’ll remember forever.”

“Likewise,” Cheryl said. “I’ve never been more sexually aroused than I was last night and this afternoon.”

“It was all good, though,” Micah said. “We’re so glad we happened by the other night.”

“In fact,” Melissa told them, “I think we might try that tonight. How about it, Micah? You want to fuck me on the balcony?”

“I don’t want to fuck anybody anywhere, right now,” Micah groaned. “Cheryl has drained me.”

“You need to do it, though,” Cheryl said. “It is so exciting.”

“What are you guys going to do tonight?” Melissa asked.

“I think,” Drew replied easily, wrapping his arm around Cheryl, “We will probably make long, slow, poignant love, and look forward to our last chance to wake up next to each other in the morning.”

Same as

Recapitulation Videos
1 year ago
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Becoming Bambi

Becoming Bambi Synopsis: A chauvinistic womanizer inadvertently makes a wish to wake up every morning and see they type of women he desires. His wish comes true, just not the way he expects it to. What changes are in store for this once alpha male? What becomes of his friendship with his wingman Sean? Monday: I woke up feeling lightheaded and groggy. My boy and I had gone out the night before and I got stupid drunk. It was a hell of a night but one I knew I regret in the...

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Enjoying The Hot Delicious Professor Part2

Hello to all the readers and writers of ISS. This is Saurav sharing the other part of the story. Thanks for your feedback and texts. For chats, you can contact me using mail: and Google Hangouts: alldaysaurav12. We had a new professor, Shruthi, who was young and very beautiful. I continuously flirted with Shruthi and made sure she liked me. She used to enjoy my company and even invited me for dinner in her apartment where she lived alone. She was 25, unmarried and her parents conflicted with...

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El No We Wont GoChapter 10

Saturday 1:38 A. M. Chicago City Hall Izzag was enraged, desperate and furious, all at the same time. If Demons had been capable of weeping Izzag would certainly have been floating in a small lake by now. 'Donaldson, you bastard', repeatedly sounded in his mind. He knew Alzor would not wait and also knew that three 'mortal' days, was an 'eternity', to an entity like his master. 'I have to do something, but what?' Izzag's mind screamed. 'Might be able to put The Boss off with...

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Broken Bliss Ch 6

The sun beat down on me, as I lay back in my lawn chair. The sounds of waves lapping against the beach a great counterpoint to the sound of slurping, as my sister, Lisa, licked and sucked my cock. I placed my hand on the back of her auburn hair, and marveled as it turned dark brown. She looked up at me smiling, and I was surprised to see her eyes turn to a shade of grey.Coming fully awake, I realize that only part of the dream was false. My cock was buried in a mouth, and it did belong to my...

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Flying High1

I smiled at this, but we carried on chatting about the flight ahead, you slipped under my arm for a little bit of warmth since you are used to the temperature outside now. You suddenly look up at me and I bend down and give you a quick kiss before we join the check-in queue. We chat merrily away together as the 2 people in front of us move forwards in their turn and then it’s our turn. “Hi there, how are you today?” The check-in girl asks, with her sweetest I really don’t care smiles...

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First fantasy story lesbian encounter original

We met a few months ago on an online sex dating site. We've chatted a little about what we like and I've explained I'm happily married but fantasise about having a sexual encounter with another woman. We've passed some naughty pics between us, so I know she has a good figure but is not skinny and has pretty round breasts. Her pussy is a little hairy but not too much, she is neatly shaved. She is lesbian, in her early 30s and is keen to meet up. She knows I can't give her any committment. I'm...

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Roberts Drunken night

He was still upset when he got home, and noticed a light on in the apartment above his garage. A classmate of his daughter’s who had gotten pregnant had moved in before Robert’s wife Janet had given birth and left. Robert and Heidi had worked out a mutually beneficial situation, with an open invitation for both when they were at home. He had found from their first time that Heidi liked things a bit rougher than his wife had ever seemed to, and given his current mood and drunkenness, he was...

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off to the Glory Hole with Judy 1965

I had so many emotions going off at high speed in a hundred different directions. Judy was my lover and my friend, as well. She saw that I was an emotional wreck, Two minutes after I had become so angry with her, I was kissing her and begging her to have some kind of sex with me, I didn't care what it was. She said: " It's too bad you had to poop right then. I wanted to keep going." What do you mean, keep going?" "Miguel was so stiff when he pulled out of you. Long and fat and so stiff, and...

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Husband8217s Demand For DD

By : Hubbyslady My name is Pooja and I belong to a small town of India. My husband lives in Mumbai alone. He belonged to a very rich family and was highly educated. His father and my father were old friends and that is how we got married. Also everybody thought I was very beautiful with height 5’8” and figure 34B-26-36. Our engagement period wasn’t long and we got married quickly and weren’t able to understand each other’s needs before marriage. My husband needs sex every day. Twice or thrice...

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Susan RayChapter 4

Mom wasn’t home, and we needed to run this by her, so we changed and got in the pool. I asked my sister to teach me how to kiss. She was really good, teaching me how to determine which way to turn your head, so you don’t bump noses. She went into a lot of detail about how to french kiss, demonstrating over and over, until I did it right. We heard mom pull in the driveway, so Susan took my hand off her covered breast as we got out, dried off and met her inside. “What have you two been doing...

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Happy Trails

It was a beautiful sunny day in the middle of the week and I had decided to book off work for the day. Things were slow at the office and the thought of being stuck inside was too much to take. I had decided to go for a hike since I hadn’t been in a while and really needed the workout. Now up in the wooded hills, I’d taken a different trail this time and it was definitely more challenging than my usual route. The heat and the climb were really giving me a run for my money. My legs were getting...

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cuckold lifestyle 30

Well today is the fourth of July, we are both off work today and that a good thing. Yesterday ( Sunday ) we when over to a buddy's house for a swim and fireworks party. Everyone was either in the pool or setting around it and we where all drinking and having a big time. At about three o clock my wife came over and told me that she was going back to our house to get another bottle of Rum. I told her she didn't need to be driving due to she had already had a few. She told me she had a D.D. to...

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As stated in the previous part it,s a good thing new bride Sarah had asked staff atbthe Royal Lancaster Hitel for a wake up call as we were far too tired to get up in time to get the train to Somerset for our three day honeymoon, but we Did catch the train in time. After a while we both got so horny and with few people on the Sunday morning train we sneaked into a toilet where Sarah sucked me to climax then I ate her soaking pussy. We would have fucked, but the toilet was just too small to do...

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Side Effects Ch5

Side Effects Ch.5 I guess it's inevitable that I start each chapter of my stories with an apology because yet again; I was late. Well, better late than never... right. Lack of ideas, I did put the story down before picking it up again a couple of weeks ago. Thanks to your motivation and feedbacks, the chapter is finally completed. Hopefully, you'll find it an enjoyable read. WARNING: This story contains identity theft, TG and very, very dark themes. Twenty-one year-old Nathan...

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The Nerd ndash Part 2

The car was parked on a side street. It was after dark, and there was nobody around, all of which made Pete breathe a sigh of relief as they climbed in. He looked at Cassie.“Sorry, s!s, but I have to do something about this.” Pointing to his crotch. “Right now.” He had his pants open and his raging dick out in no time.There was just enough light for Cassie to make out Pete’s dick. She licked her lips, getting her first sight of one in person.“Want me to help?” She reached out, wrapped her...

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Hot Encounter With A Bong Girl 8211 Part 2 8211 Best Fuck With Shy Girl

Hello ISS readers, this is Rohit Sharon from Kolkata. This is the second part of my story of a hot encounter with a bong girl. Thanks a lot for your feedback on the first part. Hope you guys enjoyed it. For those who have not read my first part – please click on the link given on top to go back to the first part, get yourself hot and come back here for the conclusion. Me: “Yes, why not darling”. And then I gave her one of the longest smooch of my life with my hand caressing her whole body...

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Crashing parents swinger party

"Linds, don't forget you guys have to go out tonight!" My mom shouted from downstairs before heading out the front door.It was that time again that I never understood. My parents threw a party once every couple of months and would kick my brother and I out of the house. They never told us anything about it, but the house always smelled funny after and was usually a mess. Covered in weird masks and shit.They used to send us to stay at our grandparent's place, but since they moved to a...

1 year ago
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Look At My Cock White Girl

Looking back I wonder how many times I've sat in that booth oblivious to the world around me while reading or studying and sipping a latte. My day had started and was unfolding like every weekday of my life. Running late to classes, a hurried lunch, more classes and then relaxing here in my favorite coffee house while studying for tomorrow. It must have been fate that on this day I was reading a story, Fanny Hill, for English Literature that had many passionate love passages and instances of...

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Mothers Confession

For the sake of this story I will call myself Heather. It’s not my real name and for various reasons I think its best we all just leave it at that, if you think about it I’m sure you can understand why. I’m a 35 year old widow and mother of one. I stand five feet three inches tall and I weigh around on hundred thirty-five pounds. I know most women would not dare to speak of how much they weigh, but I have the added bonus of being anonymous, so it makes no difference...

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more from eve

Four weeks had passed since the party at shillas’ house when suddenly the phone rang jolting me out of my daydreams.   It was Shilla, hi Eve, I’ve got your party goodies and I have something to tell you when you come over to pick them up.   Shilla was at her best, hiding information, always making a mystery out of everything.   I said I would call over at eight o clock as Tom would be in for his tea around six thirty and had a squash match on at the leisure centre, so I would get him to...

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Ensuring the Family Tree Has BranchesChapter 40

Summer woke up that morning with the plan firmly decided in her mind that she would attempt to seduce her boss, Philip, there in his office and get him to fuck her and hopefully knock her up with another baby. She and her husband had produced their first child, but now Summer had a serious case of "baby hunger" gnawing and eating at her and she wanted to get Philip to be the "sperm donor" the old-fashioned way and have him father a child inside her young fertile belly. She had mentioned...

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Love in the Age of Chemicals Ch 04

Though I may fail to mention it with each chapter, this series was carefully and diligently edited by GaiusPetronius, whose fingerprints on this story certainly improved the final product. Also, as a warning to readers who are sensitive to certain topics, the second half of this chapter includes characters recalling the trauma of non-consensual sex. Though the acts themselves are not recorded in detail, readers with strong sensitivities on this topic may want to skim or skip parts of this...

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How I Had Sex With My Own Sister Divya

Hi ISS friends this is Mithun , I am from Bangalore ,this story is about me and my sweet younger sister how we had a sex , lets come to the main story ,I am 25 years good looking guy and height is 6 ft and my dick is 6 inch , my sister name is Divya (Name Changed ) 22 years old and 5.3 inch slim body 30 ,26 , My sister knows that I’ll drink very rarely and whenever I drink I’ll inform to her not to tell our parents , one day we got the invitation from our cousin to attend the marriage in out of...

1 year ago
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He Let Me Pass Just For Some Ass

School was never my favorite. I hated it, honestly. I hated waking up at six thirty in the morning just to go to school and sit at my desk for eight hours to learn pointless things I would never give a fuck about in my life. My teachers never seemed to give a damn, either, but that was only because they were getting paid to be there. They didn't care whether or not we passed or failed. And if they didn't care, neither did I. Obviously, I should have, but I was too busy being a rebellious...

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NubileFilms Alecia Fox Sexual Encounter

Back from a day of school, Alecia Fox is just climbing the stairs to her room when she runs into Jason X. She’s not sure how to handle herself, but Jason knows what to do with a hot girl like Alecia. He palms her breasts and brings her in for a kiss so he can cup her ass. Then he urges her down onto her knees so she can give him a BJ right there on the stairs. Hungry for more, the couple relocates to Alecia’s room. She continues to suck him off as he enjoys the feel of her hot...

3 years ago
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The Fan Girl

This story, unlike my blog posts, is purely fictitious, although is it heavily inspired by a certain hunk of a guy with a gorgeous cock who knows who he is lolEnjoy ;)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Oh my god, I can't believe I finally get to taste him!" I thought excitedly to myself as I made my way to the hotel room.I was alone...

4 years ago
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Sex on the Lakefront

The year was 1978. I owned a 1976 Pontiac Trans Am. It was gorgeous. Maroon with a gold eagle on the hood. 400 hp and a white leather interior and a sunroof. It was a chick magnet. One nice summer day in Wisconsin I took it to the car wash and had it cleaned inside and out. But the car washes only did so much. So I decided to go down to a park I used to frequent right on Lake Michigan and give it a good wax job and detail. I picked a spot in the shade and proceeded to start the wax job. Now I'm...

1 year ago
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Deepa Aunty From Prostitute House

Hello everybody. I am Sujith, want to pen down my experience with Deepa aunt. I am using simple Indian spoken language so as to reach maximum number of readers you can mail me your opinions on my experience to I am 5.8 height handsome, well maintained going regularly to Gym. I am fetish about voluptuous women especially aunties in the mid age with massive ass, because most of them will be neglected at this age. I believe that for love or lust age has no bar. I like women wearing sari and...

1 year ago
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My Encounters At Work 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, This is averagehyderabadi here. I’m an average Indian guy, 25 years old, with an average Indian dick, with quite an appetite for sex. Although I have been a follower of Indian sex stories for many years, this is my first submission here. Hope you guys like it. You can reach out to me for suggestions/feedback at This story is about a colleague of mine, Roshni. Roshni is also 25 years old, a little shorter than me, with a 36B cup and a nice and juicy ass 38 ass. I first met her at...

1 year ago
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Plucked from the Crowd

It all started with the Saturday Afternoon Talent Quest at the local Mall. Not that I was an entrant, way, way too chicken for that but I loved to watch and most of them were really good. Well I thought so. So, anyway, this particular Saturday my Dad dropped me at the Mall and I found my friends over in the corner of the food court.We were all broke as usual but Deb had just enough for some fries to share as we waited for the acts to start. So nothing unusual , we finished the fries and moved...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 11 Futa Cutie Enjoys the Reverends Wife

Chapter Eleven: Futa Cutie Enjoys the Reverend's Wife By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow “That really, really is not an appropriate outfit to wear in public,” said Mrs. Matthews, the reverend's wife, as I sauntered into her apartment. “This?” I asked, plucking at the black miniskirt I wore. “Just something casual for my study date with Georgia.” “Study date?” The married MILF folded her arms beneath her breasts. She had on a pink...

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Training Nikkis Master Part 2

Jodie approached Nikki who was bent over the spanking bench about to be punished for her fiances earlier mistakes. Do you want to receive this for Todd Nikki, yes mistress the petite slave replied. Jodie then picked up the paddle and gave the girl 6 swats on each cheek then picking up the crop hit her 6 more times. Looking at Todd she could see tears on his cheek and helping Nikki up told her, Todd needs you, you are lucky to have a man like him. Pulling her shorts back up she went to her...

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From Boyscout Badges to Notches Pt2

I had found it difficult to fall asleep, given all that had transpired. It wasn't the average night, nor was it going to be an average day when I woke up. At some point, I had finally fallen asleep, and instead of having dreams of things that weren't real, I dreamt of her meeting me in the kitchen, and having her pull down and take off my briefs: of her soft, gentle hands running up and down me, and all those sensations that only a woman can give you. I relived the moment those luscious lips...

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Date Night

It was Friday night; I had been looking forward to this all week. John and I had agreed to put work, friends, everything on hold to enjoy each other’s company on a date night. The restaurant I had chosen I had been to once before on a work function. It was very upmarket. High ceilings, luxurious décor and candlelight added to the atmosphere of opulent decadence.I had gone minimal with jewellery and make up, letting nothing distract from how the short backless black dress I'd bought earlier...

Straight Sex
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Home for Horny Monsters Book TwoChapter 13 In the Eye of the Storm

Mike realized his mistake as soon as it happened. Upon walking out the main entrance, they had stopped long enough for Beth to bid farewell to Asterion. The group all stood at the edge of the reflecting pool, their shortcut back to the house. When Beth rejoined them, Tink counted down from three and they all jumped in at the same time. That’s when Mike remembered that the magical shortcut would take them all to the downstairs closet. Not until the water soaked through his shoes did it occur...

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Susan and her Sons Friend Part 4

Susan Jenkins was relieved that the frat Halloween party was over. She had tried to be part of the crowd to please her young boyfriend, Jeff, and had been reluctantly persuaded to enter the ‘Best Tits’ contest, ending with her 34B breasts being groped by at least 20 guys and winning a long black dildo.She didn’t even care that the cabbie stared down her front to see her braless boobs, she just wanted to get back to the hotel and relax with Jeff. As they were dropped off, Jeff suggested they...

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Marc and Moni part 3 BBC used

Marc and Moni in trouble, Moni becomes a true cums Moni becomes a true cumslut wife We get in Lamonts car and drive back to out hotel room, while in the car Lamont instructs me on how i will behave. He tells me from now on i am to smile wide at him and fawn over him no matter what anfd at all times. I am to tell my hubby that i am his white slut and that i enjoy it and want it. You got that he says, yes i tell him, as much as i hate myself i cant help but feel trapped yet my pussy keeps...

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Sex Wealth Love in That OrderChapter 5

The last order of family business before Uncle Ben, Aunt Rhonda and Cousin Rachael headed back home to Chicago was the reading of Granny Sonya’s will. Inasmuch as there were no surprises anticipated, it was agreed among all that it would be fitting to wait until after Shiva to take care of family business. That is not to say that the two daughters and presumed heirs weren’t having some exciting (but secret) daydreams about the anticipated wealth coming their way. None of the family really had...

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Terris Decline

Terri's Decline By Terri Vixen For a while, it seemed like I had it all. I was a transvestite, happily serving as a slave to a beautiful woman. I enjoyed preferential status among her stable of slaves. I wore elegant dresses and served my Mistress lovingly. I was right where I wanted to be. That's all changed now. I no longer serve just my Mistress or her female friends--I now serve all. I have had all of my orifices violated. I am no longer permitted to wear the clothes of a...

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A surprise to remember pt 2

As his big tool gently slides in and out of Kay's pussy along with his firm hands pulling her into his every thrust, he smiles. Lex is feeling her cum dripping down his inner thigh. She is in a trance as her body is being swayed back and forth, up and down. Kay lets herself fall completely under his spell. Collapsing into his broad chest, Kay feels his hips shift and again she has to let out a gasp as his large shaft twirls deep into her love canal. Kay’s sexual appetite must be in over...

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Mothers Masseur

By rubbing mom the right way, I got more than her back to loosen up! Dear Readers, I hope you aware that I have written my true mother/son incest story Taboo: A Memoir, of which an excerpt and more information is available on this site, or email me. The following is fictional. My mom has a bad back. Sometimes the pain's so bad she can hardly walk around. She has to take muscle relaxants and pain pills. I gave her massages for a while, though, and that helped. First I'd just rub her neck...

2 years ago
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Upstairs Maid

It had been a long day. Amy was tired. She was looking forward to changing into her nightclothes, saying her prayers and going to sleep. Her room was not as large as the closets in the master bedroom upstairs. It was barely big enough for her narrow bed, a nightstand to hold the washbasin, and a short rod to hang her few clothes on, but it was warm. It was cold and snowing outside and Amy had spent far too many winters trying to survive in the cold, unheated rooms her mother could afford to...

3 years ago
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A Further Taste of Candy

Bill turned his junky-looking, mid-50’s vintage car onto the street that led to the nearby Cal State University, and ran a nervous hand through his dark brown hair. He was hoping he hadn’t kept Candy waiting long, his 20-year-old car had refused to start that Saturday morning until he had thumped on the starter motor a few times with a piece of iron pipe. He promised himself that he would personally fix that right after graduation. It had to last long enough until he could afford regular...

1 year ago
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Make me Squirt again

My husband likes to get off hearing me tell stories of my past wild & kinky past erotic encounters! He especially enjoys stories involving people he knows! He really gets off on this one. Hopefully you will too! If so…. don’t forget to tell me all about it!!! Anyway, here it goes… I’ve squirted to perfection only 3 times in my life. Or should I say with 3 men. My husband gives me superb pleasure with his large, tasty, hot cock & tongue – easily making me wet & ready for fuckin’ anytime he wants...

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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 03 Seeding The Sisterhood

'What the hell!?' She felt moisture on her breasts and her hands flew to them. Sure enough, her fingers were coated in milky discharge as she felt her areolas. Her nipples were lactating copiously. 'Ugh... why?!?' She wiped her fingers on the bedding. It was so dark in her room that Jessica couldn't decipher the long, black habit lying atop her office chair. She had discarded it immediately upon returning to her room, but kept on her red leather bondage brassiere. She had been too...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Charlotte Stokely Georgia Jones That Dress

Charlotte Stokely and Georgia Jones are in their respective rooms trying out some new outfits. The girls are gonna hit the clubs hard and want to look perfect. When Georgia walks into Charlotte rooms, Charlotte can’t believe how hot she looks. Georgia, in turn, thinks Charlotte looks amazing as well. The truth is, both girls look smoking and are going to paint the town red. Charlotte wonders if she should wear a bra or panties but Georgia thinks that she’s better off going commando,...

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The Godfather Pt I

Mary had often wondered what her godfather's house would look like. It was much grander than she expected. Mary was excited when she entered the mansion that would be her home for the next few months. The warm embrace that Paul, a long-time friend of her parents' and a successful businessman, had given her when she arrived, had been a little longer than strictly necessary. But she did not mind that at all. She had always found Paul with his green eyes and shock of auburn hair fascinating. Now...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Team Leader

Hi to all ISS readers I hope everyone are very fine. I am the regular reader of ISS and I used to feel very happy after reading the stories from ISS. Please do mail me in my mail id Today I am going to describe you one story which totally changed my life and made me so horny towards sex now a days. I am working in an It company in Chennai and I m like unusual boy. I everyday used to go to office and do my work and return back. I am very shy type boy and don’t like to talk with girls more. I...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 402 Sheltering at My Place

All I have to do is to sign and drive. What? That is what I’m doing? Looking at the four kids, I said, “Now that you have signed yourselves over to me, as your temporary guardian, you have to do what I tell you. There is a catch.” “Told you,” Tate, the fourth girl that rubbed her pussy subconsciously when agitated. “Nobody. Nobody rides for free.” “Hey, I’m not some monster, or the state wouldn’t have allowed a seventeen-year-old to take custody of kids his age and under,” I told her as I...

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Evelyns Tale

Evelyn's head bobbed forward and back slowly and methodically, sucking and slurping the length of someone's cock. She didn't know who it was. She didn't know why she was doing it. All she knew is that she loved it -- everything from the flavor to the knowledge she was making someone else's day much better. Her left hand gripped the base of his shaft gently, slowly pumping it at the same pace her luscious, plump lips were. She glanced up at him as she sucked, but it was all a blur. She couldn't...

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Mrs Tina Vixens is created

On the wall in the living room hangs a picture of a pair of black pumps. They are shiny with high heels. One is standing; the other one lies on its side.  It is impressive how the photographer has found a nice composition and play of light with such simple objects. For those who know, the shoes are a reminder that Tina is not only the caring finance admin her colleagues see. In code, the picture shows her other side. The image is important to her because the shoes changed Tina the office girl...

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TeensLoveBlackCocks Harley Jade The Dark Divorcee

Moe has been depressed as fuck lately. He just got a divorce and all he can think about is his ex wife. She had the sexiest body and an incredibly huge ass. Just as hes about to cry, his neighbor Harley comes over. She came to bring him a gift that would hopefully help him get over this rough phase. As she paces her gift down, she sees that the place is just as much of a wreck as he is, and decides to help clean up. She wasnt wearing panties, and seeing that juicy white bubble butt made Moe get...

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Lockdown Lust Part 1

My name's John, I'm a 39 year old gay guy and I broke up with my boyfriend nearly a year ago. With him gone, I decided to rent out the spare bedrooms in my house and three straight business guys are my tenants. It's ideal as we share a kitchen , lounge and bathroom, they're rarely at home, going out to work early in the morning and returning fairly late at night. They go home and spend weekends with their families, two are married with k**s and the other had a girlfriend but they recently split...

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Pam Sandwich

Pamela had already made the picnic and packed it into a wicker basket when the boys arrived. She’d cleaned the kitchen as well, been a thorough little domestic goddess with her mom and dad away for the week. And finally she had changed from jogging pants and T-shirt into her costume. Nothing outlandish, just a simple white-muslin dress and sandals, and then to the garden to pluck daisies and buttercups and ring them into a crown and a necklace. She stood before her bedroom mirror adjusting the...

Group Sex
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The House Part One

A while back my great Uncle died. I didn't really know him that well, in fact I only recall meeting him once. Needless to say I was shocked to find myself in his attorneys office for the Will reading. Looking around the room I saw my great Aunt Kathleen, her sons Tyler and Duke, Uncle Max's second wife Dottie and there daughter Lucy. Just as vague as my memories of Max they too seemed like strangers. After donating most of his art collection to nearby museums and a large chunk of his company to...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 28 A Reception

March, 1985, Chicago, Illinois After what could almost be called a fantasy weekend in Ohio, reality hit me in the face almost as soon as I arrived home. I had bills to pay, homework to finish, and laundry to do. I also needed to do some shopping, as well as some other things around the house. But the first order of business was to call Larry Higgins. “What happened?” I asked, after we greeted each other. “I don’t know. Mom’s trying to find out, but nobody’s talking. I thought my grades and...

3 years ago
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Building a relationship

It was a hot Australian summer afternoon. I’m home from university for the summer and I can’t wait. Beach parties, drinks with friends, will make up most of the time. But hanging out at home with the family also takes a certain degree of importance. So anyway, I was spending the day at home. It was a scorcher of a day outside and because the pool was ‘out of use’ for me today, I was confined to the house. The day progressed slowly. I later found out that the reason I wasn’t allowed to use the...

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