The Comic Shop free porn video

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It was a busy Friday at Raven’s Inferno, the comic shop James and I owned. We only had it for a few months before we started to get really stressed at the paperwork and number crunching, but we were turning quite the profit for a small-time comic store. We were twenty-five at the time, and wanted to do something together business-wise that made our freelance work worth-while. James was in the advertising industry and I was a novelist, specializing in fantasy settings. James and I figured the best course of action would be to run a comic shop on the side, where he could promote the shop and I could sell my novels as well as card games, table-top games, and minis.

We were starting to get tired watching the weekly Card game tournament take place, and it was drawing nearer to closing time, but we decided to let the group of college kids finish their game- which lasted a few hours after seven pm -closing time.

As the rounds ended, people started piling out more and more until eventually only two of our regulars were left. Tim, a twenty-one-year-old shy virgin whom I found to be quite adorable in his attempts at making me blush, and Drake, a rather…straightforward twenty-four year-old who claimed to have had sex quite a few times since starting college.

The two young men finished their game, Tim winning barely with just a few hit points remaining. Tim came over to claim the card sleeves promised to the overall winner of the tournament, and Drake to claim the second-place prize of a soda.

After they claimed their prizes, James pulled me off to the side and asked if I was ready to go home yet, and handed me a daiquiri from the fridge in the back office.

We decided to invite the two young men come to the back with us and chat for a while, and offered each of them a couple of beers, they declined to go to the office, but accepted the offer of beer.

We all sat down on the floor of the game room and started talking about our week and how hectic it has been for each of us. Tim said his final exams were the following week and he was not ready to take them, Drake was graduating at the University he was attending the same week, and James and I divulged how stressful balancing our schoolwork, freelancing, and the card shop was.

After a few drinks, I began to feel hot, so I took off my shirt, leaving only my low-cut grey tank top on underneath. Unbeknownst to me, my cleavage was extremely noticeable and the boys kept hitting on me.

Drake eyeballed me up and down, “Nice rack, Moriah,” he started, “damn.”

James gave a satisfactory grin and stifled a laugh as he smugly glanced at me saying I told you so with his eyes.

“You…you look very pretty, Moriah,” Tim shyly blushed.

I giggled shyly and thanked them, blushing and adjusting myself so that I did not reveal as much.

We were all starting to feel fairly intoxicated, so I jokingly stated that we should do something stupid to pass the time.

James suggested we play a round of truth or dare, to which we all declined and came to a consensus that the suggestion was a little too childish.

Drake, being ever the blunt type, suggested a round of strip-poker- we all shook our heads no to that, saying it was too cliché.

I jokingly chimed in, “We could play strip-FNM…” I laughed quietly to myself and blushed, imagining how preposterous that would be.


“Actually, Moriah…” Tim started, but blushed and looked away.

“That idea isn’t half-bad, babe,” James stated.

“Yeah, I’m in!” Drake proclaimed, almost a little too enthusiastic.

I blushed deeply and held up my hands in protest before James nudged me and said I was a killjoy.

“Fine. But just this ONCE,” I stated firmly, secretly thinking of how much fun it might have turned out to be.

“First thing’s first,” Drake stated, “We need to establish ground rules.”

“Good Idea, Drake,” I agreed, “How about no mill, proliferate, or infect decks allowed, as they result in too short a game,” I began.

“Yeah, and no tag-teaming,” Tim began, “that would be unfair to Moriah,” Tim blushed and glance up caringly at me.

We decided that since a normal game starts with 20 HP, for every five points of health lost, an article of clothing must come off, meaning shirts, pants, and underwear (socks count for the guys and my bra counts for me) come off with every five points.

As the game started, I began to feel a bit anxious, secretly eyeballing each of the men and imagining what they looked like naked. James had been working out recently, and we didn’t have a chance to have sex in almost a month, so I was really curious and excited to know how he looked under his shirt as well.

I bit my lip (looking like I was concentrating, but I was actually enjoying my fantasy) and got apparently was so deep in thought that I lost track of what was going on in the game, because James suddenly cleared his throat.

I looked up, and realized he had tapped 2 mana for a 5/3 flying and swung at me. I had no creatures out and had no choice but to accept the damage to my life.

“SWEET!” Drake cheered.

Tim turned a deep shade of red and lowered his eyes shyly.

I sighed and teased at what to take off, but eventually deciding to reach under my shirt and unbutton my bra. I whipped it out of my shirt, leaving my hardened nipples exposed under my tank top.

The two men and James looked down and smiled as they caught a glimpse of my breasts.


Two more rounds ended and it was my turn. I had Tim cornered, and I swung out at him with my four creatures (all 2/1 trample). All of his creatures were already tapped because the turn before he attacked Drake, doing 3 damage to his life.

“I accept the damage,” Tim proudly exclaimed, slipping out of his shell just a bit. “What do you want me to take off, Sexy?” The usually shy boy we knew boldly asked.

I was in such shock at hearing him ask such a bold question that I was speechless. The other two boys cheered on our shy friend for being so forward.

I blushed and fumbled for words, still in shock, and a little turned on from hearing him say such a thing. “Y-your pants,” I stuttered.

As Tim took his pants off, he declared it was James’ turn.

James of course, swung out at me again. Defenseless, I had to accept the damage. I decided to take off my pants too.

I stood up and turned around facing away from the boys. I unbuttoned my pants and slowly bent my knees forward as I carefully slipped my pants off. My pants were just below my hips and I felt myself growing red as I realized I had on my favorite thong. As I exposed a thong strap, I could hear the boys take in a hushed gasp, hoping that I wouldn’t chicken out. I let my pants drop the rest of the way by themselves, thinking it best to just get it over with. My ass was completely exposed and the boys were going crazy.

I turned back around, slowly- embarrassed.

Drake whistled, Tim remained silent, and James looked with admiration.

“OKAY! Your turn, Drake!” I quickly changed the subject, feeling myself grow an even deeper shade of red- as if it were possible to do so!

Drake attacked me, his eyes burning with lust. I decided to let him break the rule of not turning on me, throwing him a bone.

I put my arms crosswise my stomach and lifted up my shirt over my head. My breasts were completely exposed and my nipples were still hard- partially due to the chilly temperature of the room, and partially due to being slightly turned on by the thought of having a foursome or any sort of sexual activity (I hadn’t had sex in a month and was beginning to feel extraordinarily frustrated).

The boys’ mouths dropped, and they all blushed.

It was Tim’s turn, he took pity on me and attacked James. James blocked 3 points of damage but accepted the other seven, and had to remove an article of clothing.

James removed his shirt, and with his fresh abs showing, I began to feel wet at the sight of my fiancé’s body- blushing a deep shade of red.


A few more rounds ended and eventually we were all mostly naked- I still had a thong on, James and Drake had only boxers left on, and Tim had only a shirt on.

I looked around and began to feel slightly aroused at the sight of three cocks growing hard at the sight of my nearly-naked body. I blushed and giggled as I realized how crazy this situation was.

The first to lose their last article of clothing was Drake, whose cock was surprisingly huge, I’d say almost two inches more than James’ 8-inch cock. James followed shortly after, exposing himself entirely, then it was down to just Tim and myself.

It was Tim’s turn, and he swung at me with all of his monsters, I blocked 11 damage, but took 4. I played a “Cancel” last minute, and Tim started to laugh deviously. He tapped 8 of his mana and played “Fireball,” a card that allowed him to do 7 damage to me after the first of the cost conversion.

The boys cheered Tim on, and Tim smiled devilishly.

“Congratulations, Tim,” I smiled, “Why don’t we go to the other room for your prize?” I asked seductively.

I winked at James and he nodded his head in approval, shortly after which, I grabbed Tim’s hand and led him to the back office. There were a million thoughts flooding my mind, but all I could focus on was how insanely turned on and vulnerable I was after those drinks.


Once in the back office, I whispered in his ear, half moaning.

“Do you like to be dominated, Timmy?” I purred as I nibbled on his ear lobe for a moment- distracting him while I pulled his boxers off.

His cock sprung out and I felt increasingly turned on with every passing second.

“Uh. I’ve never actual-” Tim began.

I cut him off by pushing him into the reclining office chair and bending over him, allowing my milky white 32D breasts to dangle in front of his face. Holding the chair’s armrest with one hand, I slowly traced my fingers down his abdomen and pelvic area with my other. Once I reached his already hard member, which was already slightly damp from precum, I gently wrapped my hand around it and began to stroke him off.

Tim let out a moan of surprise and intense pleasure, and it was evident that he had never felt a woman’s touch before. The thought of taking his innocence away made me feel confident and even more turned on than I was previously.

He let out another moan as I let go of the arm chair and grabbed his shoulder, pulling his weakened body on top of mine, which was on the floor. I was flat on my back as he straddled my face, his knees on the carpet and cock in my face.

I teased him for a moment, looking up at his blushing cheeks, and licking my lips and biting them as I leaned my head upwards towards his member. I licked him from the bottom up to his head slowly, as he let out a rather loud moan of pleasure and began shaking with nervousness.

“Don’t be so nervous, big boy,” I feigned dirty talk to make him feel better. “You are so large, I want to suck you dry.”

Tim stopped shaking and looked to have a renewed sense of pride and even went as far as to put his hand on my head and push down. He pushed with one hand and reached around his back with the other and pinched my hardened nipples lightly with his soft fingertips.

I felt tingles going down my spine and even more tingly in my area. For a virgin, he sure does have a lot of grit, I thought to myself.

I obliged to his demanding body language as he pushed his hand down forcibly on my head. His fingers entangled and pulled my short red hair while he pushed my head down, all while thrusting his hips so that his cock touched and split apart my wanting lips.

I sucked him for about two minutes, swirling my tongue around expertly and bobbing my head up and down as more and more of him went inside me. I barely managed to fit all of his giant cock inside my mouth, and gagged a few times before getting used to the rhythm he liked.

“Ohh yeah! Suck it you filthy slut!” Tim whispered harshly.

This was way out of character for him, but I admit, I did enjoy bringing out the bad boy in him.

I was so deep in sexual frustration that I couldn’t take it anymore, and taking shy Tim’s innocence was such a huge turn on, especially when I knew James was in the other room and could hear everything- so I did what anyone in my situation would have done.

“Fuck me,” I demanded, and slid myself through the bridge he was making with his knees.

I rubbed my clit for a moment while positioning him as quickly as I could and grabbed his warm cock with the other.

I began to massage myself with the tip of Tim’s cock, teasing both of us viciously and unrelentingly. I played around with the idea for a moment, as I was about to claim this shy boy’s virginity, and slid the first inch or two inside of me slowly. I took it out even slower and did it again a few times. I couldn’t handle it anymore.

“FUCK ME! I NEED YOU!” I pleaded Tim, grabbing his back with both hands and pushing down.

He began thrusting into me and I realized he was a lot bigger than he looked, almost bigger than James.

“Ohhh,” I moaned, “oh, oh, mmmhh”

“You’re so tight, and really wet,” he moaned, “Ohh…that feels amazing!”

Tim groaned as his cock swelled inside me, pulsating as he cried out. With that, I could feel an orgasm of my own coming on, and I sped up my movements, gyrating my hips and placing his hands on my breasts. Tim squeezed my boobs and pinched my nipples, and I felt a climax coming.

“Oh, right there. Stay right there, ohhh!” I instructed and moaned deeply, enjoying the sensation and arching my back to better feel the intensity.

Tim held his position, as commanded and thrust deep into my aching pussy and we moved faster and faster until I climaxed, a shiver running down my spine as I came.

“Ohhhh, Moriah!” Tim panted, “Don’t stop now, I’m so close!” He begged as he grabbed my throat and squeezed a little, choking me lightly and using his other hand to massage my clitoris.

I was pretty sure James and Drake could hear me in the other room, and they were probably wanting to get in on the action, at least James was. So I let myself fantasize about a foursome with the three boys and felt myself getting wetter and tingly again- especially at the thought of sucking James’ huge cock while looking at his fresh new abs.

“FUCK! OHH YESS, OHHH, MMMM,” I looked at him with begging eyes, filled with lustful intentions.

Tim was making me climax again, I could feel it in my bones, and the way my muscles were tensing up as he thrusted into my wet pussy with his huge cock, pulling out slowly and pushing in deeply and quickly. He kept playing with my clit, but removed his other hand from my breast and put that arm around my back to squeeze my exposed ass.

I panted heavily and arched my back in preparation for the oncoming climax, but as I did so, Tim put one of his fingers in my ass- strengthening the orgasm.

I shuddered, and felt my pussy pulsating, coming, but I wanted more.

“Tim, ohh,” I tried to talk to him, my body quivering and trembling with weakness. “Ohh, do whatever you’re doing again and again until you come inside me-” I began

But Tim’s eyes widened in fear at that statement.

“Don’t worry, I’m on the pill,” I smiled.

That was enough for him, and as he began pumping into me, I grabbed one of his fingers from the hand that was on my clit and stuffed it in my mouth, sucking on it as if it were James’ cock. Tim kept thrusting and sliding his finger in and out of my ass as I gyrated my hips and moaned for more.

Pretty soon, I felt another climax, and another in a five-second succession, and Tim began thrusting harder and faster so I could tell he was ready.

He held it in to ask me a question first. “You sure?”

“Oh, God yes! Tim, fill me!” I cried out, pleading him to explode his load inside of me.

I felt the warm sensation of semen flooding my insides and I, too, came again.

Tim fell off of me, exhausted. I looked over at him, bewildered that he made me come so hard and so many times, and that he had lasted that long without coming himself (being a virgin and all). I also saw that he wore the biggest, brightest smile I had ever seen on him before, though his eyes were closed and he was breathing really hard. His penis went flaccid and I regained control of my breathing though I was still aching for cock.


Sweaty and panting, I didn’t bother putting clothes on or washing myself up before inching my way to the game room.

Tim followed shortly after, but with only his boxers on, and the four of us sat in a circle, sipping on alcohol as if none of that had happened.

Tim sat next to me, and feeling ever so confident, he threw one of his arms around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.

James held back a laugh and Drake looked upset.

I blushed and cleared my throat, trying to ignore the fact that I still wanted someone’s cock- at this point, I didn’t care whose it was.

I idly rubbed one of my hard nipples and bit my lower lip while eyeing the other two boys, arching my back in hopes that at least one of them would understand my body language.

“Damn. That isn’t fair!” Drake complained. “Why does Tim get to have all the fun? Where’s the love for Drakey? My balls are tense and my penis needs attention from a sexy lady like you, Moriah. Do I get a turn?”

I felt really bad for him, but didn’t want to fuck him (as he has claimed to have had intercourse a lot) so I unlatched Tim’s arm from my shoulder and crawled over to Drake with the sexiest saunter I could muster.

I looked at him with soft eyes, still lustful, but not as intense, and put my hand down his pants in full view of James and Tim.

Drake moaned, his cock pulsating. I could tell that it wouldn’t be long until he came, so I began to stroke him up and down feverishly until he began to sweat and moan as well, thrusting the air, closing tight his eyes, and biting his lip.

He pulled down his boxers quickly and put his cock in my face, which I was quick to notice as I slid further up- just in time for him to miss my mouth and finish all over my breasts.

He began panting and grew red in the face, probably from lasting such a short amount of time after he talked such a big game, and grabbed his clothes. He put them on while running for the door, not saying a single word, and not looking back- clearly too embarrassed to do anything else.

After the door shut, Tim looked half-amused, half-sorry for his friend and turned to face us.

Tim’s eyes fixated on my now gleaming breasts as he spoke, “I’ll make sure he’s okay and we’ll call a cab. Thanks for an unforgettable, unbelievable night, Moriah. I had a lot of fun, and I’m glad you were my first, though I think I still have a lot to learn.”

“No, Tim. Thank you for fucking me like the whore I am.” I winked then glanced at his boxers once again, where his cock was. “If you want, I could teach you everything I know, and maybe we could learn a few things together.”

Tim went to the back office and emerged a few minutes later with his clothes on. He thanked James for the beer, the game, and letting him claim me for an hour as his own, then left. James and I locked and dead bolted the door, and unplugging the OPEN sign that was switched to CLOSED just to make sure there would be no visitors the next day.

After James and I made sure the boys got a cab safely, I went to the bathroom and cleaned off my chest with cold water. James came up behind me as I was wiping myself dry and I felt the familiar warmth of his dick between my legs. That was all I needed.

We made love until the sun came up the next morning, fucking in the back office and collapsing in sheer pleasure induced exhaustion.

I love my job. I thought to myself, and fell fast asleep with James next to me, snoring and wearing a huge smile on his face.

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XXX Comics

I was fapping to XXX Comics this morning, and boy, are my arms tired! I always end up falling down an absolute rabbit hole of depravity on sites full of porn comics, and this one was no exception. I love how these artistic depictions of perversion don’t have to stick to the usual laws of physics or rules of decency they have to play by with traditional video smut. It makes the whole genre a fertile breeding ground for all kinds of unnatural breeding and non-procreative

Porn Comics Sites
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Golden Comics

What’s so Golden about Golden Comics? Honestly, I saw the name and thought it was going to be a collection of pee fetish hentai, but it turns out the library is far more diverse than that. They’ve got a bit of that kinky, stinky wet stuff if that’s what you’re into, but I think the “Gold” in question is just a reference to the overall quality of the stash. The subtitle claims they’ve got The Best Porn Comics, and well, I wanted to lube up and see for myself just how true that was.If the joint’s...

Porn Comics Sites
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ManaWorld Comics

Mana World Comics doesn’t have one of those openly filthy names that tells you it’s fapping time even before you take a look. There’s no confusion when you click a link to a site like CrazyXXX3DWorld, Duke’s Hardcore Honeys, or OrgyMania, but this one sounds like it could easily be a clean, wholesome fantasy comic about wizards and dragons. I wonder just how many innocent eyes have been corrupted by the big-titted purple elf girl on the Adults Only warning you see first. Sorry, mom, I thought...

Premium Porn Comic Sites
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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter I

(work of fiction based on the romance comic cover above, without any financial gain from it. All rights reserved)Chapter I – Adding to the Engagement (based on Romantic Hearts No. 4 (Story Comics, Jan of a year in 50s)When I found out my fiancé was cheating me with the nurse of the hospital he was, I went in shock. How could him betray me that way? How could he? And how could that nurse give in with my man?I had so many doubts that when I came back home, I was pretty much enfuriated. But also,...

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HD Porn Comics

HDPornComics! Fans of porn comics sometimes get a bad rep as sexual deviates and polymorphous perverts, spending their days cranking it to weird shit like interspecies furry threesomes, incest comics about My Little Pony, and stomach-bulge giantess lesbians who eat people. I was about to tell you otherwise, but then I loaded up HDPornComics. They’ve got some normal sex there, too, like interracial cheating MILFs and Magic: The Gathering sex parodies with tentacle serves up...

Porn Comics Sites
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Comic Con 17

As I swiped my card for the costume, it occurred to me that the costume was going to be used for more than just the Con. I almost giggled at the counter... and had an extra bounce to my step as I got to the car. My next stop was the lingerie store. I gave you a call and asked if you could drop by my place after you are done shopping with your folks. You said you'd think about it. I didn't think it might be possible for you to show up on a Friday... but I had to ask. Well, I could work on...

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ComicCon Adventure pt 1

My friends and I decide to meet up at the hotel lobby the night before so we can check in all together. I arrive first as I lean back in my chair waiting on everyone else. The second to arrive is my Pilipino friend Thao. He is the major gamer and anime fanatic of our group. He is usually the one to find and recommend animes that we should watch. 20 minutes later our friend Paul arrives. He is a white guy that always has a stupid look on his face. He is the official jokester of the...

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ComicCon adventure

Jason sipped his ale and looked around. This was the third year he had attended Comic-Con and he was really enjoying himself. At the far end of the bar was an alien that really caught his eye. She was wearing an outfit that was of thin but metallic silver material. It was a short skirt and the top was deeply cut. She looked like a very beautiful young human woman with a couple exceptions. Her skin was a light gray-green color and mottled. Her firm C-cup tits stood out proudly as did...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series Chapter XXI

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter XXI “A Woman, a Man and a Toy”, with Billie (based on a Rebecca art) and Ramon Novara (from ‘Lady Travel’, Chris) Billie: Ramon Novara: and Billie and Ramon Novara were married for about seven years or so. Seven years, the famous ‘year of the crisis’, as everyone says. It wasn’t that they weren’t the happiest couple, they...

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Comic Opera

Comic OperaMy image in the mirror is mocking me at my feeble attempts at trying to do myBow tie up.I have 2 tickets for The theatre, a treat for Halina . We have plenty of time soa visit to a traditional London Pub nearby will shield us from the rain while wewait for the que to die down.I say plenty of time as Halina has spent the last hour locked in the bedroom.All I can hear are zipping and unzipping from behind the door. I gently tap."How are we doing?""Nearly there" says Halina. The door...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series ndash Chapter XXI

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter XXI“A Woman, a Man and a Toy”, with Billie (based on a Rebecca art) and Ramon Novara (from ‘Lady Travel’, Chris)Billie: Ramon Novara: and Billie and Ramon Novara were married for about seven years or so. Seven years, the famous ‘year of the crisis’, as everyone says. It wasn’t that they weren’t the happiest couple, they were of course. Billie was getting close to her forties and was still with the same shape she had before she gave birth to three wonderful...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series Chapter XIX

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter XIX“Busty Ladies for Dolly Moore”, with Dolly Moore (based on a Ben-Hur Baz pinup art), Vikki Belle (from Colin Murray’s comics’) and Alison Butterworth (from Sizzlin sisters 05, Art Wetherell)Dolly Moore: Vikki Belle: Allison (the girl without straight hair): A showgirl’s life is never easy and Dolly Moore is not an exception to the rule. A woman who was famous for her looks, her amazing body and her wonderful entertainment skills, ready to set the world on...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series ndash Chapter XVIII

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter XVIII“Darko and Vic Gets Their Bottom”, with Darko and Vic (both OCs) and Sergei Vitaiev (from ‘The Girl From the Steppes’, Hugdebert)Sergei: and A morning at Darko’s mansion…A pleasant morning of a Saturday at the spring…A perfect morning to do many pleasant things and enjoy the sunlight bless the ones who are awake and asleep, helping them to see that the day would be good and summer was about to come…And what was going on at Darko’s estate? Well, he wasn’t...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series Chapter XVII

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter XVII“The One Where Everybody Swings”, featuring Rebecca (based on a Giovanna Casotto art), Virginia (from ‘The Pearls of Love’, Georges Levis), Bernie (from a art from Joseph) and Robert (based on a André Provot art)(Virginia: Robert: Bernie (the guy in the left: Virginia and Robert were married for a few years and their marriage was always beautiful. They loved each other as...

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Black Busty cougar fucks White boy with comic

\The Black Mature I met at a LA night Club --fucked my brains out//\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\I met this black Lady at a clubWe swapped no.sShe called and we met for lunch a few days later.We got flirty.She asked if I like Black woman --sexually, am I attracted?I responded shyly..."umm, yes m'aam , because she's about 10 yrs my senior."She took me back to her place that evening.She did all the work,Laid me out.Rubbed her wet pussy on my cock to get it standing up.Her pussy milk...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series Chapter XVI

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter XVI“Bi Follies 2”, with Denise Shore (based on a Bill Ward art), Tyshaun and Bob (based on a Broderick art)Denise Shore: Bob (top) and Tyshaun (bottom):“Glad you came! I was almost going to freak out today!”, Denise Shore said after the opened her door and saw two men with plumbing apparel and tools in front of her.“Don’t worry, Ms. Shore. Me and Tyshaun are here to help. Where is the problem?”“It’s upstairs, in...

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handdrawn comic Fucked by a Black MILF

true story about a lady in my neighborhood , I had an encounter with a few wks ago: I illustrated it into a comic.Okay, so there’s this library by my house that I have to walk to, to use internet and emails and stuff. I go there pretty much every day. And actually I used to always fantasize, that I’d meet some horny MILF or horny single lady, along the way, who just stays in her apartment all day and wants a lover to help her get off. This never happened so I kinda just gave up on it and lost...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series Chapter XIV

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter XIV“The Tranny who Banged (With) Me”, with Vic (OC) and Rory (based on a shemale art)Rory: Lying on his king-sized bed, Vic tried to find something to do that Thursday night. Alone at his place, he ran around his cellphone chasing someone who could give him a good night of cuddling and fun.He ran through his contacts, but couldn’t find someone worthy to share a bed with. Not that anyone at the list wasn’t good. It was Vic’s own reasons to find some kind of...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series ndash Chapter XII

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter XII“Interracial Scenes I”, with Darko (OC) and Diane (based on an Alazar pic)Diane: Diane was the typical middle-aged woman that many would land on the ‘MILF’ side of labeling. She had been married for 14 years with Floyd and it was a very happy marriage until she knew he cheated on her with multiple women, most of them closest friends of her.After the divorce, Diane left town and moved to the big city, where she could enjoy all the pleasures she was denied...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series ndash Chapter XI

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter XI“Provocation Part I (or When She Made Him Her Almost Pet)”, with Roberta (based on a Playboy cartoon) and Randolf (based on an old erotic art)At least about women, Randolf wasn’t a man who worried about them. He was a ladies guy, an appreciator of all things that dealt with seducing and loving lustful females. Randolf never ditched an opportunity to approach a girl who he liked and offer her all his charms to get her on his bed.No woman was safe of...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series Chapter X

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter X“Madame Calls Her Friend”, with Vic (OC), Madame and Ingeborg (from ‘The Divine’, Stramaglia)Madame (the brunette) and Ingeborg (the blonde): The door opened and then Vic and Madame walked into her house, apparently sharing a quite pleasant chat if noticed how loud they talked to each other and laughing at almost every second of it. As soon as they went in, Ingeborg, the loyal secretary and Madame’s partner came from the living room to see the lovebirds...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series Chapter IX

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter IX“It’s for the Chest”, with Micki (or Micky) and Charlene (from Treasure Chests 01, Art Wetherell)Micki (blonde) and Charlene (brunette): This story is about two busty women. Two busty women who are friends with each other. Well… they are friends, but they are more than that. Much more than a simple friendship.Micki is a long-haired blonde woman who works at a construction supply firm, along with a short-haired brunette named Charlene. The two were friends...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series Chapter VIII

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter VIII“Bi Follies”, with Vic (OC), Darko (OC) and Angie (from ‘Angie’ series, Chris)Non-OC Character:Angie: “So, when is your friend coming over?” asked an anxious Darko to his friend Victor.“Relax, dude. She will be here soon”, replied Victor.They were anxious for Angie, an old flame of Victor’s. The girl was supposed to meet the Brazilian for a ‘playdate’ at his mansion and he found an opportunity to call his good friend Darko and make it a traditional...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series Chapter VII

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter VII“The Gentlemen’s Club Part I”, with Ernest Saillard (“from Aunt Pauline’s Secret”, Hugdebert), Charles Swann (from “Swann in Love”, Hugdebert) and James Hastington (from “Lady X’s Lust Captive”, Giovanni Degli Espoti) Characters:Ernest: (the man, of course)Swann: Hastington: (the light-haired with a moustache)( “Well, gentlemen, how are supposed to do that?”, questioned James Hastington to his two friends, Ernest Saillard and Charles Swann, during a...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XXIII

Chapter XXII – My Husband Cheated, and We Fucked the Maid (based on All True Romance No. 15, Comic Media, January ?)The worst thing that can happen to a woman is to be cheated by her husband. To me, there is no doubt about it. But, unfortunately, I found out there is something worse than that: a husband who cheats you with someone you really trust, your maid.When I found out Stephen was betraying me with Maria I went totally down. My whole world fell apart. Five years with him and I thought he...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XVI

Chapter XVI – My General (based on All True Romance No. 2 cover, Comic Media, June 1951)Being a army wife it’s not easy. Not at all. Being wife of a high ranked man like a general is even more uneasy. Other than dealing with someone who has a high power inside the Army, the fear of of being wounded or even dead frightens me everytime he has an assignment anywhere. Not counting, of course, the time I spend without him by my side, without hearing his voice, without feeling his touch, without...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series Chapter V

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter V“Young and Wild”, with Darko (OC) and Odette (from ‘Odette’, Foxer)(Odette: )“Here, miss”, Darko said after entering into his bedroom turning to someone. That someone was a young blonde girl, with pigtails and curly hair and a small French accent on her voice.“Thanks, you are so gentle…”, the blonde girl, named Odette, said to the black man, as both were inside his lavish bedroom. “Wow, your bedroom looks like a king’s one!”“I just like the good things of...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series Chapter II

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter II“Enter Darko”, with Darko (OC), Vic (OC), Theodora, Keila (both from an Erotic postcard), Jean Paul (from Stella’s Secret Nights) and Officer Matthews (from Tom of Finland bi art)Characters are:Theodora (redhead) and Keila (ebony): Jean Paul: (the blonde man licking the blondie)Officer Matthews: Walking through the hallways, a black man in a black suit walks to find a room. This elegant man, showing glance and style, is named Darko. He is a good friend of...

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Comic Con Con 3

Comic Con Con By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 3 "Here, pull back your hair and let's get the hell out of here." Melissa pushed his hair on each side behind his ears and handed him a helmet. "Oh you are full of surprises," said Benny, seeing her step over her chrome and black Harley which was parked out back. "Well don't you hope so." Melissa put on her helmet and started the bike. "Now are you just gonna stand here all night and look pretty, or you gonna put...

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Comic Con Con 6

Comic Con Con By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 6 "So, they loved you dude," Henry yelled as they got back to Melissa's dressing area. "Dude?" laughed Melissa. "Seriously?" "I mean Selina, right? That was her name, or Natasha, or Cat bitch, or who gives a shit!" said downing some champagne. "I'll call you anything you want, and I could almost kiss you right on the lips." "Stay out of my territory, baldie," said Melissa, kissing Benny. "It's fine. He's not my...

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Comic Con Con 7

Comic Con Con By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 7 "Natasha? Natasha Selina?" A voice in a heavy Spanish accent woke him up, seeing a man with his hand on his wrist, giving a little shake. "Nice to see you awake again, honey. Nurse Fernandez, she's awake." "Thank you," said the nurse, coming in. "You can go now." "Si," said the orderly. "You're doing great, Natasha," the nurse said as he looked up, seeing her preparing a syringe. "How do you feel,...

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Savita Bhabhi Goes To A Party Part 2 8211 Free Comic Video

In the previous part, we saw how Savita Bhabhi went to a house party with her husband, Ashok. There she met Ashok’s friend and his wife. As usual, she was dressed seductively in a saree with a deep cleavage blouse. Her hot sexy boobs could be seen through the blouse. Savita Bhabhi was getting bored at the party and so she made plans to seduce the host. She follows the host to the kitchen on the pretext of helping him. Does she manage to get a dose of sex with her husband in the other room?...

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Savita Bhabhi As College Girl Savi 8211 New Comic Video

Savita Bhabhi meets her old college friend, Upasana. They remember their college days. Upasana asks Savita how she had passed in her exams. Savita tells her the story of how she seduced her Math professor. You can also watch and hear the story on this comic video. To watch and enjoy the entire episode,

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