Comic Con Con 5
- 3 years ago
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A few years ago my friend asked me to go to comic con with her. I agreed then she told me we were dressing up. No big deal I thought until she told me we were both going to be women characters. I met Sasha about a year prior, unfortunately I fell in the friend zone. She was thin with beautiful long legs, she’s actually taller than me. She has long gorgeous brown hair and blue eyes, small breasts but a great ass. I tried to fuck her many times but she just laughs and tells me I’m not ready for...
Comic Con Con By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 7 "Natasha? Natasha Selina?" A voice in a heavy Spanish accent woke him up, seeing a man with his hand on his wrist, giving a little shake. "Nice to see you awake again, honey. Nurse Fernandez, she's awake." "Thank you," said the nurse, coming in. "You can go now." "Si," said the orderly. "You're doing great, Natasha," the nurse said as he looked up, seeing her preparing a syringe. "How do you feel,...
Comic Con Con By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 6 "So, they loved you dude," Henry yelled as they got back to Melissa's dressing area. "Dude?" laughed Melissa. "Seriously?" "I mean Selina, right? That was her name, or Natasha, or Cat bitch, or who gives a shit!" said downing some champagne. "I'll call you anything you want, and I could almost kiss you right on the lips." "Stay out of my territory, baldie," said Melissa, kissing Benny. "It's fine. He's not my...
Comic Con Con By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 3 "Here, pull back your hair and let's get the hell out of here." Melissa pushed his hair on each side behind his ears and handed him a helmet. "Oh you are full of surprises," said Benny, seeing her step over her chrome and black Harley which was parked out back. "Well don't you hope so." Melissa put on her helmet and started the bike. "Now are you just gonna stand here all night and look pretty, or you gonna put...
As I swiped my card for the costume, it occurred to me that the costume was going to be used for more than just the Con. I almost giggled at the counter... and had an extra bounce to my step as I got to the car. My next stop was the lingerie store. I gave you a call and asked if you could drop by my place after you are done shopping with your folks. You said you'd think about it. I didn't think it might be possible for you to show up on a Friday... but I had to ask. Well, I could work on...
Jason sipped his ale and looked around. This was the third year he had attended Comic-Con and he was really enjoying himself. At the far end of the bar was an alien that really caught his eye. She was wearing an outfit that was of thin but metallic silver material. It was a short skirt and the top was deeply cut. She looked like a very beautiful young human woman with a couple exceptions. Her skin was a light gray-green color and mottled. Her firm C-cup tits stood out proudly as did...
I don’t get any sleep all night. My mind runs different scenarios of what might happen when I see Kat. It seems to favor me getting my nuts ripped off after watching Kat go bat-shit crazy on Hayley and Irene and beating them to death with the house iron.Yeah, I’m pretty fucked up.I stop in front of the hotel door at 7:58. I feel like I’m going to barf, guess I shouldn’t have eaten that Snickers bar. My nerves are wreaking havoc on my stomach, but I guess it might be too late to walk away.At...
My friends and I decide to meet up at the hotel lobby the night before so we can check in all together. I arrive first as I lean back in my chair waiting on everyone else. The second to arrive is my Pilipino friend Thao. He is the major gamer and anime fanatic of our group. He is usually the one to find and recommend animes that we should watch. 20 minutes later our friend Paul arrives. He is a white guy that always has a stupid look on his face. He is the official jokester of the...
Atragantadas con su orgullo( I ) Desde hacía variosdías, los miembros parecían algo mas alterados que de costumbre.Glizia, me lo había comentado ya mas de una vez. Pero cuando realmenteparecieron alborotarse mas, fue a raíz de mi respuesta a un comentariode Glizia. Días antes, mediantelos mensajes del Club, había comentado ligeramente la idea de quenosotras dos podríamos con 50 de los miembros del Club, a lo querespondí en abierto también, que sí, que era una deducciónmuy buena, aunque...
Bisex-Strapon con una patrullera.....Voy por una carretera secundaria, hace sol, no hay otros coches circulando. De repente veo una motocicleta acercarse por detrás, lleva encendidas unas sirenas, no puedo ver de quien se trata, doy por hecho que es un agente de la autoridad, reduzco la velocidad, giro el volante y me aparto un lado, mientras salgo de la carretera me meto en lo que parece un camino paralelo a la carretera principal, paro justo detrás de unos arbustos. Por el retrovisor veo que...
Qual è il desiderio segreto di molti ragazzi della mia età?? Frequentando molte chat nelle quali si parla di argomenti “piccanti”, un desiderio alquanto diffuso è quello di avere un’esperienza sessuale tra le mura domestiche con la propria sorella, la zia, la cognata o come me con la propria mamma. Mia madre, infatti, è sempre stato il mio desiderio sessuale più segreto. E’ una bellissima donna di 46 anni, alta, formosa, un bellissimo seno (una 5^taglia credo) e un culo ed una figa da...
Me costó un poco de esfuerzo y tres azotes más conseguir que me dijera el nombre de su compañera de trabajo, la propietaria de la regla con la que me estaba dejando el culo rojo, pero valía la pena. Sabía que durante mucho tiempo, recordaría aquella sesión y agradecería a Aurora el haberse dejado la regla olvidada el viernes encima de la mesa. Le conocía de Internet. Habíamos chateado varias veces y un par de encuentros a tomar unas cañas habían despejado mis miedos sobre si sería un asesino o...
Comic Porn always makes for a good fap, no matter where you are or what you’re up to. I spanked off to a princess getting butt-fucked before I even got out of bed, and then enjoyed a furry foot fetish comic on my ride this morning. The Uber driver kicked me out half way, so I had to finish that crank session in the bushes beside the fat-lady gym. Now, I’m enjoying a grande latte while I pull up a 63-page Kim Possible futanari parody where everyone has a huge rack and a huge dick. Hopefully, I...
Porn Comics Sitesfue también de mis primeras experiencias, sucedió una noche en que salí a caminar, iban a dar las siete y estaba lista para salir a vivir afuera, ¡dejar el closet por unas horas!, me observé en el espejo de cuerpo entero en la habitación, me gustó la chica que se asomaba ahí, convencida de mi presencia salí y me dirigí hacia Diaz Mirón, por supuesto que me sentía nerviosa, y una sensación de algo parecido a estar flotando, a veces era como escuchar todo muy lejano, y a veces el corazón...
"Welcome to FLASFOCON", the banner over the door of the hotel said, and I wondered if I was supposed to know what a 'flasfo' was. I pondered that for too long and almost got run over by a bunch of people pushing a luggage cart that they had so overloaded with suitcases, boxes and bags that it took all six of them to get it up the low rise to the door, leaving no one in charge of steering the thing. I jumped nimbly to one side and it rolled by me like a juggernaut, barely clearing the...
Esta historia es verídica. Me pasó este verano en las playas de cerca de Alicante (España). Os pongo en antecedentes. Soy hetero, muy hetero sin ningún interés en hombres. CAsado hace mas de 10 años, treintañero, muy deportista, ojos verdes, buen cuerpo, vamos que no tengo problemas para ligar y eso que me freno bastante.Siempre me han gustado las playas nudistas, que el sol te de en todo el cuerpo, ponerte morenito el culo (uno de mis mayores encantos). El caso es que hay varias por aquí...
Pues ya tenia un par de meses saliendo con mi novia, todo viento en popa, salimos a caminar, a comer, al cine y pues todo lo que hacen las parejas. sin embargo llego el momento de ir a conocer a su mama, la señora se habia separado hace ya algun tiempo. y conoci a su mama. Al cabo del tiempo nos intercalamos un fin de semana en su casa y otro en el mio, llegamos al punto en el que nos quedabamos a dormir en casa del otro. Aqui es donde todo comienza ya que en momentos me quedaba solo con su...
Todo comenzó hace 2 años , Yo era una persona muy celosa con mi esposa regularmente peleabamos mucho tanto yo como ella nos celabamos demasiado , ya no era lo mismo como cuando fuimos novios con el tiempo ella pensó que la engañaba ( claro jamas me atrevi hacerlo por la razon que la AMO). Claro como todo hombre nos pueden gustar otras mujeres mas sin embargo un dia , me dijo es que tu me engañas sin dudarlo dos veces le mencione que no! , fue cuando le dije mira eh visto mujeres y realmente me...
Il racconto che sto per farvi nasce da quanto accaduto anni fa. Vivevo in un piccolo paesino del sud , ultimo figlio di una numerosa famiglia. Mio padre quinto di sei fratelli faceva il contadino. Tutti gli zii erano persone con il fisico robusto temprato dal duro lavoro dei campi. Il secondo fratello era uno scapolo è raggiunti i 50 anni ne dimostrava qualcuno in più , braccia forti e colori scuri peloso quanto basta.Fin da quando ero ragazzino si divertiva a farmi giocare sulle sue ginocchia...
Siempre he sido fanático de las películas de Superhéroes , cómic, manga era todo un friki en la Universidad me miraban como el "rarito " de la clase . pero eso nunca me importo. .Al principio del curso llego una chica nueva, su nombre era Alicia una rubia muy atractiva ese día llevaba puesto una licra color café mmmm que rico se le marcaba toda su vagina me daba la sensación que no llevaba puesto ropa interior pero supongo que eran mi imaginación.Los días pasaron y cada vez me obsesione mas con...
There was once a boy named Ian lived in a remote town where did nothing. He longed to have her first time, love and conquer the world.Each passing day makes me very difficult to know if someday my love. Evenings will make me eternal. There used to believe in love until I met Alex an attractive and handsome boy. I met a very rainy night, that day tried to end my life. I had problems with myself. I feared my family. At school everyone hated me for different reasons. I knew if anyone would know...
I'm sparring with Botilda, and I'm beating her. Badly. I can tell she isn't really trying. Then I'm sparring with Bret. I didn't even know he knew veegeewushu. But he does, and he's good. But I find I'm beating him even worse than Botilda. It's like he's throwing the match. And then it's back to Botilda, and I know she's throwing the match, and worse than she has to. I suddenly realize that each is trying to get beaten worse than the other. What the hell? I woke up. It was at...
I was daydreaming again and I never heard his voice the first time. I’d been looking at the newest Bob Ross book on painting we’d just gotten in, and wondering what I was going to have for supper. ‘Excuse me,’ he said. I turned and almost dropped the book. There was a boy standing behind me, about seventeen or eighteen, about average height with one of those messy hairstyles where the hair just sort of hangs down on either side of the face. ‘I’m sorry,’ I smiled. ‘Can I help you?’ ‘I’m...
//// "Look who's having a drink." Santana draws in her Spanish accent as she approaches the familiar older blonde sitting at the bar. Kathleen looks to her right as she sees Santana sit down and set her scotch on the bar. Santana still works for the Benefactor, as does she but she doesn't have any contact with him, only his people. Kathleen hides her feeling of surprise under a smirk. "I could say the same, darling." Kathleen drinks from the wine glass in front of her....
Comic List By Paul G Jutras Tommy loved comics ever since he was a kid. He could read his favorites over and over again. When he reached high school he wanted to write his own comics more than anything. He made a comic list and since most comedy and super hero comics had been done to death, he chose to try TG comics. After getting one rejection letter after another saying he should get a female co writer to handle the female aspects of things he began to wear his mother's clothes...
They told me to go for a walk 10 minutes before the bus arrives. I have to walk on the path the bus comes from. The only problem with the walk is that I have to stay on the sidewalk. I have to follow the path. I'm going. I can't move my hands from my side. The only thing on my body is high heels, that's all. I stepped out onto the sidewalk and heard cars, my heart started beating a little faster. I was trying to walk the 2 blocks fast enough to beat the buses. I could feel the wind blowing next...
The naked woman was spread-eagled on the raised platform, preparing for the worst. The evil ruler could inflict no pain great enough to get her to divulge the information. He approached her bound foot, holding the menacing device with three gleaming, sharp metal tines. She tensed every muscle, anticipating the shock of them penetrating her soft flesh.Barb squealed and jerked when Tony touched the sole of her foot with the three points. She had chosen to play the damsel in distress in this...
FetishIt was a very quiet night as I walked the sidewalk of downtown Mohinta. The laser sign still blaring brightly, "open" made me stop. I never could pass up the opportunity to go into an adult store when I saw one, so this one was no different. I always just wanted to look around. Sometimes I saw things I should not see. Other times, I saw the same things. But it never failed for there to be at least one guy standing with his hard cock sticking out of his pants getting ready to cum on the floor. I...
Straight SexGrowing up as a kid, I was mesmerized by Popeye, The Sailor Man. It was a collection of my grandfather’s comic books that I had inherited. It was a ridiculous cartoon strip started in the nineteen-twenties. In it, Popeye a spinach glugging nerd constantly saves Olive Oyl, an even more absurd looking creature from the advances of a gorgeous looking, butch hunk named Bluto. Even as a child, I was unable to understand why Olive would be distressed by the machinations of the uber-masculine Bluto,...
Gay MaleThank you for calling Comic Book Robo-Sluts We are the top selling robotic company of our class. We provided top natch Robotic sex dolls for over 8 years and now have gotten provision from several comic book companies to make a new line of sex dolls based on several of your favorite comic book series and can be customized in any way. Just place an order you will receive within 2-4 business days. Then you can use your robotic lover in any way you see fit. Now please pick a company you'd like a...
Una missione come un'altra... Per Anna non fa alcuna differenza chi sia il suo obbiettivo siano questi uomo, donna, bambini non fa differenza. Con il tempo ha imparato a sopprimere il buon senso, se mai ne ha avuto, sviluppando anzi un certo sadismo per le sue... Imprese. Kazuya Mishima: capo di Anna e leader della G corporation, azienda biotecnologica, oltre la sua odiata famiglia ha diversi rivali che minano la sua industria. Uno di questi è un ricco e vecchio imprenditore giapponese,...
A/N: When I created Comic Control I hoped it to be like stories like sidekicks r us or cartoon overlord with a variety of different stories. It's been almost a year and that hasn't happened so I assume the structuring is wrong. Time to change that. You can be anyone within a comic book world, a superpowered villain, a criminal mastermind or even just an average joe, either way you gain an opportunity that few others have received to take over the mind of at least one superpowered woman. From...
Fortunately (or otherwise, depending on your point of view) Cindy's parents got home at suppertime on Saturday and JJ did not have to resist the temptation of her ripe readiness for incestuous sex. On Sunday there was a formal turnover of duties from the retiring Reverend Tyler but JJ didn't have top give the sermon. "Remember, Reverend Gillis, the confessional is our... the Church of Redemption's special and unique ritual. Take it seriously and listen closely to everything the person...
I could see the energy-sapping July heat of Las Vegas through the window of the Virgin Atlantic 747 from London as we slowly taxied towards the terminal. The hills in the far distance shimmered as the ground crews sweated in hi-viz waistcoats and shorts. Four days previously, my business partner and occasional fuck buddy, Cameron, had made the same journey from Panama. This would be our third and final visit of the year. We'd keep a low profile until we returned next January.You see, we are...
That was six months ago now and I was back in practice in Jason's clinic in Columbus Ohio. We did only high profile cases, working mainly in the area of reconstruction, and the money was wonderful. I was already making more than I had ever had before and I was adjusting to living free again without looking over my shoulder every time I wanted to do something or go somewhere. It was hard at first, jumping at every loud sound or ducking whenever I heard someone shout, but it was getting...
Carmen Bullard sat down the last plate of scrambled eggs, thick-cut Applewood-smoked bacon, and toast with strawberry jam in front of her husband of nine years. He was seated at the breakfast table along with their two sons aged seven and five. The boys scarfed down their own meals while Larry munched away perusing the digital copy of USA Today on his tablet. “Are you all packed for your flight,” the fourth grade teacher asked.“Yep. I’ll head out shortly after y’all leave,” answered the average...
The Con Malcolm had come up with the perfect fraud, his girlfriend would do the major part of the work, then they'd retire with a fat account. However, doing nothing while Suzanne worked was boring for Malcolm. Be warned this story is perverted. Author's note: If you're easily offended then don't read further, this story contains forced sex and is the most perverted one I've written, so far... This story can freely be posted to any site as long as there's no fee for...
Sharon's Journey Part IX - Con Te Partiro As Sharon sat in Julie's kitchen, gazing out the window, her attention was not on the park below but on the sky, a panorama of bright blue mostly shunted into the background by huge patches of thick clouds, the sides facing the sun fluffy and white while the mass away from it a brooding dark grey. Though November was not quite a week old, New York's November sky was apparent, bringing with it a brisk wind. "Wishing on a star?" Julie asked...
There is nothing more frightening than children being left with a stranger for the first time. The crying, the worry ... Fred hoped Taylor and Anita were over the worst of it now that they were in Philly. The conversation in the car had been a downward spiral of sadness only stopped when Fred started pumping The Donnas through the speakers. You can't be sad while listening to The Donnas. The convention officially started noon on Wednesday, so the trio drove into Philadelphia early Tuesday...
The Con What am I supposed to tell you about myself? I'm a bastard? Is that what you want to hear? Pick a word, I'll cop to it. I don't care what people think of me. I do my own thing, and the only person I have to worry about is me. Which is why it is total bullshit that I had to put on this tie and stand here in front of this decrepit old judge and let him tell me what I'm supposed to do. "Son, you have real issues with people, don't you? I see from your record that you've been...
"A Full Conclave!" Gronnus laughed. "So that is the latest foolishness from Roquan's camp! Surely they are desperate now!" Freya looked bored as she lounged in the gazebo. She sat with her long legs stretched out before her, one ankle crossed casually over the other. The bottom edge of her dress had been blown back by a breeze, exposing her red panties. She had made no move to cover it. She glanced outside, where the sun hung high above them. It was approaching the time of the midday...
They were as they had been when they started, walking slowly around the periphery of the audience chamber. The Emperor was no less agitated now than he had been then. "I am telling you, Z'haas, there is little to worry about from Freya," Gronnus declared. "I have already spoken with her." The Emperor cast a dubious gaze at the Overlord. "From what I have heard, 'talking' is not a means by which she obtains what she wants from other Overlords." Gronnus allowed himself a sly smile....
Gay Ex-con Gang BangBy billy69boyI was leaving the local adult book store, feeling pretty good after getting an unbelievably intense blowjob from someone I didn't know and never saw. I had been coming here more and more, ever since that first time when I finally let some anonymous voice talk me into putting my stiff cock through the glory hole in the booth next to me. I had always hesitated before, because I didn't want to even think of the idea that I might be gay. I knew I wasn't gay: I...
"You gave him your vote?! How could you do this to me?!" Freya did not appear to hear Gronnus at first. Her attention was focused on unwrapping a small parcel she had purchased from the merchants shortly after the Conclave had adjourned for the day. As she removed the wrapping from a small wooden box, she turned her head and gave Gronnus a bored look. "My vote was never yours to begin with. Or anyone's other than mine from the start." "But you said you would deal with me!" "No. I...
Gronnus stepped away from the gazebo. He had to pause a moment halfway down the path to catch his breath and stop his heart from hammering in his chest. He glanced over towards the west. The afternoon sun had disappeared behind a storm blowing in from the ocean. The breeze had stirred, bringing with it a promise of rain. Until it delivered, the air was still muggy and oppressive. He turned again down the path, Overlord Freya far ahead of him. She disappeared into her quarters just as Gronnus...
"I am quite pleased you are here again, Rennis. I had not expected to see you again in person until the Conclave gathered." Overlord Rennis D'glounaas was rather pleased himself as he accepted the proffered goblet of wine from his host. It was good to see Roquan acting so warmly towards him again. Despite the fact that he knew the animosity between them was water under the bridge in the wake of the Emperor's treachery, it was one thing to see it over Farview and quite another to see it...
The merchants arrived at the Manor at dawn to little fanfare. To them, this was business as usual. Yes, there was the anticipation of additional riches from the affluent Overlords that would arrive the next day, and the usual excitement that accompanied the prospect of female companionship, as it did at any Manor they visited. The merchants dutifully set up their tents and their wares alongside the wide road just outside the gates of the Manor. Only once the sun had risen did the Overlord...
Roquan politely but firmly turned away both Rennis and Doran when they came to his quarters early in the morning. He did not offer them any excuse whatsoever despite their puzzled looks. This was his Manor. It was time he began to assert some more control over it. He had no need to justify his actions. He had Amanda summoned to him, as he had the previous two mornings. For the first time in his memory, he actually felt anxious about meeting with one of his slaves. Amanda arrived, escorted...
Doran was not to be deterred. He did not care what Roquan said to him. He did not care what Roquan was doing at the moment, even if he were in bed with one of his slaves. There was too much to talk about and too much to be done. He would not be turned away. He dutifully gave Roquan until the sun had risen fully above the eastern horizon. That would certainly give him enough time to have his morning meal and do whatever urgent Manor business needed his attention. He knew that there had been...
Overlord Weton D'honna was a dapper young man, the youngest of the Overlords present save for Freya. Supposedly this man already leaned in Roquan's direction, but Roquan was not sure what this was buying them. Where the other Overlords tended to be prejudicial in terms of Clan longevity, Roquan was in a similar way with age. He did not see this man, having been an Overlord for only five years, as very credible for his cause. Yet a vote was a vote, and beggars could not be choosers. Weton...
Vanlo uttered a long sigh. He cast his tired eyes down at his patient. The bolt was out. The wound was closed and starting to knit. He applied more of the salve to it now that she could stand it, now that there was no longer raw muscle and tendon exposed, and it would start to knit a little faster. But the girl's skin was still deathly pale. The bolt had gone deep and nicked the major artery. Before they got her to Vanlo, she had bled profusely. Her breathing had been very shallow. She was...
Roquan arrived in the Healer's office shortly after sunrise. He was greeted with a welcome sight: Amanda was on her own two feet and looking as if nothing had happened to her, save for one slash of faint pinkish-red on the side of one calf. Amanda actually smiled when she saw the Overlord approach. To even his own surprise, Roquan smiled back. Healer Vanlo, however, was not at all shy about his good humor. For the first time in a long while, he could say he had a good night's sleep. He...
Gronnus tried to reach Overlord Weton early in the morning just at dawn, but he overslept. In his worries over the very deal he was trying to save, he tossed and turned for a good part of the night. When he finally did fall into slumber, he was exhausted, and thus it was not until the sun had just risen above the horizon that he roused himself out of bed. By the time he reached Weton's quarters, the Overlord was already up and about, and no sooner had Gronnus left the area when he saw the...
Roquan had had a bad night. This was rare for him. Even in the middle of the crisis precipitated by the Imperial agent Yanna, he had never had serious trouble sleeping. Yet last night had been different. Everything that he had done and said in the course of the Conclave was coming back to haunt him. He had started to wonder if perhaps he indeed had Oceanus' best interests in mind from the start. Already irritated from lack of sleep, he was in no mood to hear what his Healer was telling...
She was a work of art that had to be achieved. Her squat build made it near impossible to appreciate her gifts. Thighs that big belonged on a thick Brazilian babe with a massive ass, a wide body and a come fuck me attitude. Then those tits. 34 C of pure magic. They were perky, firm, bouncy and . . . . delicious. It was crazy come to think of it. I had only actually sucked them three times. Three measly times. Why didn’t I incorporate that into each encounter? She was all tits and...
Scene OneThroughout the cavernous hall, a booming of thunder and the pattering of rain reverberated, becoming even more impressive. The greys of a dreary city covered in rain clouds became visible through the wide, eclipsing windows of the hall, but failed to suppress the flood of vibrant costumed figures inside. Among the crowd, hues of every color imaginable oozed forward like molasses. People dressed as fictional characters huddled together and chattered raucously, their voices echoing and...
CheatingIntroduction: Greg moves along with the con, enjoying success That night laying in bed with Jolene we ended up talking more than usual and I could tell she was a little frustrated. She had rarely had to even hint at sex before I would be all over her, desperately fucking the image of her amazing daughter out of my head. Her daughter Mandy was stunning in every way, and after a normal day of seeing her thighs, thick and wonderful, her breasts, massive for her age and her angelic face would...
(I actually never knew how much my couple stories here gained traction - I never checked them for months on end until I stumbled on someone mentioning it in an ENF thread - coming back, I see a bombardment of notifications. I wish I had better ways of calling out to all of you who read this, but if you ever want, don't be afraid to send me a message, suggestions, or anything else of the sort. This started as a way to keep me writing in between my actual writing job, and I never really intended...