Anzu James Naked in OrbitChapter 13 Saturday Holly Con
- 3 years ago
- 43
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Scene One
Throughout the cavernous hall, a booming of thunder and the pattering of rain reverberated, becoming even more impressive. The greys of a dreary city covered in rain clouds became visible through the wide, eclipsing windows of the hall, but failed to suppress the flood of vibrant costumed figures inside. Among the crowd, hues of every color imaginable oozed forward like molasses. People dressed as fictional characters huddled together and chattered raucously, their voices echoing and meshing together like garbage noise.
This was comic-con.
A slender girl snaked through the crowd, moving with urgency. Her costume covered her from head-to-toe: a black tear-shaped outline around her eyes, a white, hooded mask, a mass of black plunging just below her pronounced cleavage - visible through the skintight fabric - and a pattern of spiderwebs outlining the ensemble.
On the lower part of the costume, covering the crotch, a small piece of black duct tape had been placed, a sliver of pink flesh still left uncovered, but inconspicuous.
Scene Two
The living room hummed to the tempo of a grandfather clock. Nearly everything in the room was tidy and deliberate, from the labeled filing cabinets along the wall to the dustless tabletops and mantle.
Julian groaned. He reclined in his office chair, his eyes half-closed, as he watched the masked figure with his cock in her mouth. She couldn’t quite deepthroat him, but it aroused him to watch her try, as she gagged, then immediately slid off of him and spat for even more lubrication.
He loved the anonymity of it - not being able to see her eyes, only her wet lips, the white mask, and the black outlines around her eyes.
A hand crept up to his shoulder and touched him. His heart raced and he fumbled to zip up his pants.
“Honey?” Steph’s voice called from behind him, angrily. “I thought you said you were going to cut back.”
He sighed. Reality came back to him gradually: first, the mess of Taco Bell wrappers littered over his desk, and from his computer, the cosplay porn he had been masturbating to.
“I don’t even know what to do anymore,” Steph said. “Do you want this kid or not?”
Julian collected himself, looking away from where he had imagined the girl toward his wife.
“I’m really sorry. It’s just- kinda hard, you know?”
“It’s been a month.” Steph looked from the computer monitor to the garbage accumulating around Julian’s desk. She took a firmer tone. “Look, I know you need to grieve. I get that. And I know this seems terrible, but we’re barely making the rent.”
Noting his usual slumped posture and mile-long stare, she added, “We sacrificed a lot to get this house. You need to try to pull yourself together. Can you do that for me? Please?”
Julian nodded.
“Okay,” Steph replied. Her eyes shifted to the computer screen. “And if we’re going to keep trying on the kids front, I ovulate when you get back. So could you please cut back? For me?”
Julian closed the Internet browser, then smiled at his wife halfheartedly.
“Have you heard from Gwen yet?” he asked.
“No…” She looked as if she wanted to say something more, but lost her motivation.
“I’m sure she’ll come around. She can’t stay mad forever.”
“I hope...”
She seemed bleakly unconvinced.
Scene three
The dim lighting and scuffed, grimy tiles in the office gave the impression of a den. From behind the crude metal desk, Walt reeled through files. But the sound of the paper flipping in his trembling hands was nothing compared to the primal noises erupting from the room next door.
Taking his hand to his forehead and rubbing, teeth bared, Walt grumbled to himself. In the cacophony, there were four voices: the scream of a woman who didn’t care who heard her, the commanding voice of another woman, and a more restrained voice, occasionally moaning.
But louder than any of them was a thundering, male voice.
“Is that the best you can fucking do?! If you want your money, you’ll make it fit!”
The walls shook, and Walt stopped filing for a moment, as expletives filled the room. They came in four voices, rhythmic and sometimes quivering.
“Orgies every week… I fucking swear…” Walt said under his breath. “Said he’d get serious about this… does ‘serious’ mean ‘work all day and night while I fuck the hires and promotions’?”
The noise stopped for a moment. Walt raised his head and stared at the door to the office. It resembled the door to a bank vault more than what one might find in an office.
“Can you keep going?” His boss expressed the vaguest indication of concern through the wall.
“No… is that okay?” It was the girl who had been screaming earlier.
“If you’re done, then get the fuck off. I don’t think Mrs. Green has had a chance.”
“Oh, no… I couldn’t,” came another voice. “I’m still so sore from last time…”
“Get on up here, Mrs. Green.” There was a very subtle air of menace in his voice. “If you honor your half of the deal, I’ll honor mine.”
“Well…” she trailed off. “All right.”
After about a minute more of silence, the coffee in Walt’s mug began to shake slightly, as a very loud, pained cry penetrated the walls.
Walt balled his fists. He looked up at the clock on the wall - not operational - before pulling out his cell phone and glancing at it.
The yelling became very loud moans. Walt stood up, but didn’t move for several dozen seconds, before moving over to the door and forcing it open.
He looked unsurprised, as he looked out at the vast, candlelit room before him. Across the space, on an ornate, tacky throne sat a gargantuan man, almost beyond the realm of possibility. Disproportionately smaller than him, a faux blonde, lanky woman, somewhere in her twenties, lowered and raised herself on top of him. Incredibly, the penis - the size of some sort of gag dildo, and as wide as the man’s massive arms - fit inside her without any medical issues.
None of them acknowledged Walt’s entrance.
“Come on, Mrs. Green,” said the man. “You’ve only got the head in. You can do better than that.”
“Fuck!” She screamed. “Just- call me Cindy, okay?”
“Until your husband gives me what he owes, I’ll call you what I want,” he said laboriously, through steady protracted hip movements.
On either side of him, at his hips, the two women fondled and put their mouths on his inhumanly large testicles: on his left, a brunette with a very visible tramp stamp, who looked and moved like a zombie, and on his right, a young blonde who seemed suspiciously young, with the energy of a volleyball player. She was the more vocal of the two, often interjecting things ripped from a bad porno, (recited unconvincingly) like “take it, baby!” and “you show that cock who’s boss!”
After several minutes standing in the door frame, Walt coughed. The brunette looked back at him as if to say “thank you.”
The man grabbed Cindy Green by the hips and lifted her up slightly as if to say, “time to stop.” As she moved off of him, the man grabbed a bathrobe, placed on the back of his throne.
“I’m sorry, sir,” Walt said. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.” The acoustics of the room allowed his voice to carry.
The man sighed, “It’s fine. I was about done anyway.” He looked at the three women. “We need to talk business. Why don’t you scurry off to your boyfriends?”
The three women looked eager to leave the room, darting out the door without any comment. When they were out of earshot, the man addressed Walt.
“What the fuck did I tell you about interrupting me?”
Walt fidgeted, then took a deep breath. He choked on his words. “I’m sorry, sir. I just figured you’d want an update - on the security system you wanted installed.”
With his hands behind his back, the man sauntered over the pristine tile to a door on the other side of the room. Walt followed him with wobbly legs.
The man pulled the door open with little effort, despite it looking very heavy - another massive vault-style door. It opened to a wide, empty room with just a long table and chairs and large open windows. He moved over to the windows which took up the full opposite wall. Walt stared down at his feet while the man gazed down at the pavement dozens of stories below.
“Do you know what I learned from my time inside, Mr. Stevens?”
Walt shook alert. “No, sir.”
“The time we have out here is valuable. It’s not just because you’re alive, but because you have freedom. Every moment is an opportunity.”
He paused. “If I wanted to, Walt, I could throw you out this window. Or if I didn’t want to get caught, I could take the carving knife from the drawer over there and poke you a little.”
Walt’s voice squeaked a little bit. “I know, sir.”
The man started chuckling to himself. “I’m kidding, Mr. Stevens.” Walt shifted the front of his jeans uncomfortably. “You need to loosen up a bit.”
“Okay, sir.”
“I hired you for a reason. If I just killed you now, all I’d do is lose myself money.”
He looked down at Walt’s face. Walt avoided his gaze.
“But I’d like to hear you say more than two words. What were you coming to tell me?”
“Right.” Walt took a deep breath. “Well, first of all, you’re doing a wonderful job.”
The man had a disgusted look on his face. “Don’t suck up to me.”
“Okay. But… uh… when you got out, you said you were going to get serious about all this-”
“And I’ve just been fucking the interns instead?”
The man stroked his chin and looked back out over the horizon.
“Thank you, Walt.” As the man stared out at the sunset, Walt looked up at him in confusion. “I’m doing my best. But there are times I lose sight of things.”
Since Walt either had nothing to say, or didn’t know what to say, he kept talking, the whirring of a helicopter audible over the quiet. “You don’t have to be afraid of me, you know. You’ve earned your place here.” He looked down at Walt. “And stop calling me ‘sir’. I have a name.”
“Sorry, Mr. King.”
“How about ‘sorry, Marvin’. Or better yet, just don’t apologize at all,” Marvin said.
Walt said nothing.
The sun was slowly starting to set, the last rays of sunlight bouncing off of the skyscrapers and into the room.
“There are things worse than me in this city. Things nobody’s doing anything about. We’ve both seen them.”
“Yes, sir.”
Marvin cringed, but kept talking anyway. “It’s irresponsible of me to treat my time as a luxury when there are things I should be stopping. I’m just… not really sure how to dirty my hands while keeping a clean reputation. You had something else to tell me though?”
“No…” Walt said, furrowing his brows. “I don’t… I don’t think so?”
“You’ve been in that office twelve hours. That can’t be all.”
An epiphany dawned on Walt. “Oh! Uh… that security system you wanted implemented? The custom one?”
“Very important.”
“Right. Uh… the guy we assigned on it, well. He’s been out of work for awhile.”
The mood in the room suddenly shifted.
Marvin took in a sharp breath through his nose, then pressed his lips together. He spoke through gritted teeth. “And we ALLOWED this?”
“His boss did, yes. We don’t have much of a say.”
“Walt- no. There’s NOTHING in this city we can’t control.” Marvin threw his hands out in frustration, gesturing widely. “So when I want something done and it doesn’t get done, you understand why I might blame you?!”
“I’m sorry, Marvin… I just… why is it so important? We’ll hire another prog-”
“We can’t do anything here if we don’t have the proper precautions! Do you even remember what happened last time?! God!” Marvin punched the window, shattering it and sending glass below. As he looked down at the people panicking below, his furious expression gradually transformed, becoming calmer.
“We need shatterproof windows here. Have them installed immediately.”
“Yes, sir.”
“And make sure our programmer gets back on the job. I don’t care how you do it. Just get it done."
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Comic Con Con By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 6 "So, they loved you dude," Henry yelled as they got back to Melissa's dressing area. "Dude?" laughed Melissa. "Seriously?" "I mean Selina, right? That was her name, or Natasha, or Cat bitch, or who gives a shit!" said downing some champagne. "I'll call you anything you want, and I could almost kiss you right on the lips." "Stay out of my territory, baldie," said Melissa, kissing Benny. "It's fine. He's not my...
They were as they had been when they started, walking slowly around the periphery of the audience chamber. The Emperor was no less agitated now than he had been then. "I am telling you, Z'haas, there is little to worry about from Freya," Gronnus declared. "I have already spoken with her." The Emperor cast a dubious gaze at the Overlord. "From what I have heard, 'talking' is not a means by which she obtains what she wants from other Overlords." Gronnus allowed himself a sly smile....
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Gronnus stepped away from the gazebo. He had to pause a moment halfway down the path to catch his breath and stop his heart from hammering in his chest. He glanced over towards the west. The afternoon sun had disappeared behind a storm blowing in from the ocean. The breeze had stirred, bringing with it a promise of rain. Until it delivered, the air was still muggy and oppressive. He turned again down the path, Overlord Freya far ahead of him. She disappeared into her quarters just as Gronnus...
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The merchants arrived at the Manor at dawn to little fanfare. To them, this was business as usual. Yes, there was the anticipation of additional riches from the affluent Overlords that would arrive the next day, and the usual excitement that accompanied the prospect of female companionship, as it did at any Manor they visited. The merchants dutifully set up their tents and their wares alongside the wide road just outside the gates of the Manor. Only once the sun had risen did the Overlord...
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Doran was not to be deterred. He did not care what Roquan said to him. He did not care what Roquan was doing at the moment, even if he were in bed with one of his slaves. There was too much to talk about and too much to be done. He would not be turned away. He dutifully gave Roquan until the sun had risen fully above the eastern horizon. That would certainly give him enough time to have his morning meal and do whatever urgent Manor business needed his attention. He knew that there had been...
Overlord Weton D'honna was a dapper young man, the youngest of the Overlords present save for Freya. Supposedly this man already leaned in Roquan's direction, but Roquan was not sure what this was buying them. Where the other Overlords tended to be prejudicial in terms of Clan longevity, Roquan was in a similar way with age. He did not see this man, having been an Overlord for only five years, as very credible for his cause. Yet a vote was a vote, and beggars could not be choosers. Weton...
Vanlo uttered a long sigh. He cast his tired eyes down at his patient. The bolt was out. The wound was closed and starting to knit. He applied more of the salve to it now that she could stand it, now that there was no longer raw muscle and tendon exposed, and it would start to knit a little faster. But the girl's skin was still deathly pale. The bolt had gone deep and nicked the major artery. Before they got her to Vanlo, she had bled profusely. Her breathing had been very shallow. She was...
Roquan arrived in the Healer's office shortly after sunrise. He was greeted with a welcome sight: Amanda was on her own two feet and looking as if nothing had happened to her, save for one slash of faint pinkish-red on the side of one calf. Amanda actually smiled when she saw the Overlord approach. To even his own surprise, Roquan smiled back. Healer Vanlo, however, was not at all shy about his good humor. For the first time in a long while, he could say he had a good night's sleep. He...
Gronnus tried to reach Overlord Weton early in the morning just at dawn, but he overslept. In his worries over the very deal he was trying to save, he tossed and turned for a good part of the night. When he finally did fall into slumber, he was exhausted, and thus it was not until the sun had just risen above the horizon that he roused himself out of bed. By the time he reached Weton's quarters, the Overlord was already up and about, and no sooner had Gronnus left the area when he saw the...
Roquan had had a bad night. This was rare for him. Even in the middle of the crisis precipitated by the Imperial agent Yanna, he had never had serious trouble sleeping. Yet last night had been different. Everything that he had done and said in the course of the Conclave was coming back to haunt him. He had started to wonder if perhaps he indeed had Oceanus' best interests in mind from the start. Already irritated from lack of sleep, he was in no mood to hear what his Healer was telling...
Dad hasn't called back yet. I know he will. It's only been a week since I last talked with him. I would call him but I don't know his number. He didn't give it to me when he called and the caller ID said it was 'blocked'. Whatever that means. But I know he'll call. He said he would and I believe him. I just have to be patient. That's what mom says all the time when I get antsy. Just be patient she says. It will happen when it's supposed to happen. Sure. Just wait. Time goes so slow...
The three Overlords -- Roquan, Rennis, and Doran -- emerged onto a low bluff at the northwest corner of the mansion, overlooking a wide expanse of beach through the trees. Rising up from the center was a wide, circular structure. It was built similar in design to living quarters. Solid wood poles were spaced evenly about the circumference of the structure, buttresses holding up a pointed, sloped roof. The thatch-and-wood walls, however, rose only to waist-height, and one was missing entirely...
Gronnus watched with smug satisfaction as he saw Overlord Berin D'flaar leaving Trennan's quarters. Seeing that helped offset the indignation he had felt against Freya for what she had pulled on him that morning. The gall of that woman! She was trying to take over the whole show. She had no idea what greater interests were being served here. Though he realized that if he had told her, she would more likely than not try turn it around to her advantage and his detriment. He had a short while...
Deacon Johnson’s forays into the rural districts to search out prospective members of the church were fairly new when he came across the Widow Maryanne Hatchett and he was happy that fate had directed him to her door for his spirited efforts at consolation. He managed to give the still attractive widow more orgasms in one three day weekend than her wimp of a husband had accomplished in a little less than two unmemorable years of married life. There was no doubt that the widow had the hottest...
I could see the energy-sapping July heat of Las Vegas through the window of the Virgin Atlantic 747 from London as we slowly taxied towards the terminal. The hills in the far distance shimmered as the ground crews sweated in hi-viz waistcoats and shorts. Four days previously, my business partner and occasional fuck buddy, Cameron, had made the same journey from Panama. This would be our third and final visit of the year. We'd keep a low profile until we returned next January.You see, we are...
A few years ago my friend asked me to go to comic con with her. I agreed then she told me we were dressing up. No big deal I thought until she told me we were both going to be women characters. I met Sasha about a year prior, unfortunately I fell in the friend zone. She was thin with beautiful long legs, she’s actually taller than me. She has long gorgeous brown hair and blue eyes, small breasts but a great ass. I tried to fuck her many times but she just laughs and tells me I’m not ready for...
At the same time Roquan contemplated the problem of his troublesome slave, on an island just to the northeast of the one upon which the D'ronstaq Manor sat, a man walked alone on a road through the dense tropical forest. He was known as the Wanderer. Indeed, his given name meant "Wandering Spirit" in his native lands, from a language few could speak fluently anymore in modern times. A terrible loss, he always felt, though he kept this to himself. His purpose was not to examine the past...
"I fear I may need to tender my resignation, your Lordship." Roquan looked up from the accounting parchment he was perusing and stared in confusion at his Healer. "Is this a joke, Vanlo?" Vanlo straightened and clasped his hands behind his back. "I wish it were. However, I feel that events of late have convinced me that I am aging past the point of usefulness to this Manor. If you wish, I can suggest a few colleagues from the Healer Guild that would serve as a...
Amanda patiently waited for her turn to eat breakfast as she lay stretched out on her stomach on her mistress' bed, her head propped up on her elbows. Her backside was still sore and pink from her paddling the day before, though it was tolerable if she did not put too much weight on it. Sirinna had again offered to take her to the Healer, but she had again refused. It wasn't all that bad now, and she felt it better to tough it out, if only to prove to herself that she could do it. Besides,...
The Con Malcolm had come up with the perfect fraud, his girlfriend would do the major part of the work, then they'd retire with a fat account. However, doing nothing while Suzanne worked was boring for Malcolm. Be warned this story is perverted. Author's note: If you're easily offended then don't read further, this story contains forced sex and is the most perverted one I've written, so far... This story can freely be posted to any site as long as there's no fee for...
As I swiped my card for the costume, it occurred to me that the costume was going to be used for more than just the Con. I almost giggled at the counter... and had an extra bounce to my step as I got to the car. My next stop was the lingerie store. I gave you a call and asked if you could drop by my place after you are done shopping with your folks. You said you'd think about it. I didn't think it might be possible for you to show up on a Friday... but I had to ask. Well, I could work on...
Sharon's Journey Part IX - Con Te Partiro As Sharon sat in Julie's kitchen, gazing out the window, her attention was not on the park below but on the sky, a panorama of bright blue mostly shunted into the background by huge patches of thick clouds, the sides facing the sun fluffy and white while the mass away from it a brooding dark grey. Though November was not quite a week old, New York's November sky was apparent, bringing with it a brisk wind. "Wishing on a star?" Julie asked...
Rennis dashed up the path to Roquan's quarters, smoothing down his hair as best he could. He cursed himself for oversleeping again. He was loathe to admit that this constant shuttling back and forth between his own Manor and Roquan's was starting to take its toll on him. It was a full day by boat and another half day over land to get from the D'glounaas Manor to the D'ronstaq Manor. He sorely wished Roquan's father had founded the Manor closer to the island's only port. When he burst...
"I am quite pleased you made it to the Manor early, Doran. I am feeling increasingly out of my element on the eve of the Conclave." Overlord Doran D'jorus breathed a windy sigh as he shook his head. He nodded his thanks as he accepted the goblet from his host. He took a long pull at it before speaking. "Not that we have all that much more time to prepare, Roquan!" He waved a beefy hand towards the door, which had been left open to admit the cooling evening breeze. "What we have now is...
Emperor Z'haas was not a patient man by any stretch of the imagination in less eventful times, and even less so once he received word that the Conclave had started. He had given Gronnus a quarter moon, yet he found himself anxious for word of progress after only the second day. He summoned the Overlord over Farview late that morning. There was a long pause before it was answered, Z'haas having to restrain himself from passing his hand over the pearl again and again. "Your timing is very...
The Wanderer stood at the threshold to his bedchamber, gazing through a small gap between the curtain and the edge of the frame. He peered at the still form of Sirinna as she lay on her bed, her sides rising and falling slowly and steadily. He had already checked on Amanda moments before and found her fast asleep as well. Carefully, the merchant slipped past the curtain, crouching as he made his way as silently as possible towards the exit. He was not concerned with Sirinna waking and seeing...
The Long Con By Amy B "You really don't remember do you?" quipped Tracy. I shook my head no. "About three months ago, you were fixing your makeup in the ladies room here and I was making out in one of the stalls and you yelled 'get a friggin' room sluts', it was then that we decided to teach you a lesson." I guess I should back up a little bit. I'm a closet transvestite. After moving from my wholesome Midwestern town and hiding my proclivities, I found myself in the big city....
Before I get into the details of our next recreated character, I'd like to give some general updates and information on my women so far. One impression I'd like to correct is that we all got along all of the time. We actually do get along very well, given the variety of people living in the house, but there have been some noticeable arguments and even one catfight. However I hadn't recreated any characters who were mean-spirited or thrived on conflict, plus we had a special advantage when...
She was a work of art that had to be achieved. Her squat build made it near impossible to appreciate her gifts. Thighs that big belonged on a thick Brazilian babe with a massive ass, a wide body and a come fuck me attitude. Then those tits. 34 C of pure magic. They were perky, firm, bouncy and . . . . delicious. It was crazy come to think of it. I had only actually sucked them three times. Three measly times. Why didn’t I incorporate that into each encounter? She was all tits and...
Now that the Church of Divine Intervention had their official status as a Non-profit Religious entity confirmed, They began to unofficially incorporate the Hatfield sister’s moonshine operation into their regular distribution network and more often than not when they gave out the bibles there was a couple of bottles of home-grown hooch in the box as well. The Hatfield sisters began to dress all in white to give a spot of color to their Sunday services and they started to accept a few of the...
Kay spent a moment, considering what tact to take. "Tell me about Ramone Diaz." Monica blinked. "My fiance? We met in college. He is a resident at Chihuahua General Hospital." "He must be busy." "Very. He works eighteen to twenty hour days. The few days he has off he spends sleeping." "When did you last see him?" "I take the bus once a month to see him. I last saw him two weeks ago." "How do you think your new job will affect your relationship?" Monica shook her head. "I...
With the NIS program finally over, here are the playlists from the Welcome to the... concert that Mike and the Time Bandettes, and the Shania Twain Band played at the John Labatt Center in London. I regularly used ‘unique’ web-links to songs to get a feel for how other bands have played these songs. For example, I used Nickelback’s cover of ZZTop’s Sharp Dressed Man as a guide for what Mike and the Time Bandettes, and the lighting crew did during this song. In the Chapter Songs’ list, I did...
Introduction: Greg moves along with the con, enjoying success That night laying in bed with Jolene we ended up talking more than usual and I could tell she was a little frustrated. She had rarely had to even hint at sex before I would be all over her, desperately fucking the image of her amazing daughter out of my head. Her daughter Mandy was stunning in every way, and after a normal day of seeing her thighs, thick and wonderful, her breasts, massive for her age and her angelic face would...