Taylor and Hunter
- 2 years ago
- 32
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There is nothing more frightening than children being left with a stranger for the first time. The crying, the worry ... Fred hoped Taylor and Anita were over the worst of it now that they were in Philly. The conversation in the car had been a downward spiral of sadness only stopped when Fred started pumping The Donnas through the speakers. You can't be sad while listening to The Donnas.
The convention officially started noon on Wednesday, so the trio drove into Philadelphia early Tuesday morning. Fred dropped the women off at the convention center so they could set up Taylor's paintings at the art show, then drove to the hotel to park. He was paying for this spot for the whole week, so damn it he was going to use it. It would give him a chance to check in, then test the walk to and from the convention center as well. They had booked late, so were probably a good half hour walk away. Not ideal, but it could have been worse. In Baltimore the hotel had been uphill both ways.
Fred set off on the walk back, happy. He was at another World Con, this time with those he loved. He had been planning on going to one with Lisa, but ... well. That he still thought of Lisa as much as he did surprised Fred. He would have thought, with two current loves, the memory of his beautiful Lisa would have not exactly faded but maybe become something only recalled with specific promptings. But, no. She was still alive in his mind, giving advice and commenting on things. And throwing the occasional willing woman in his path, although luckily that had stopped after Anita. Fred didn't know if he could handle three.
He had only walked a couple blocks when Fred suddenly stopped in front of a large window. Well, this solved tons of problems. A 24 hour greasy spoon! He looked in, saw the long counter and rows of booths, then took in the menu posted outside. Perfect. Unhealthy as hell, but here was a good breakfast to start the day and a fallback dinner place if they didn't find anything else interesting. Fred started walking again, whistling a Black Sabbath tune.
The street he was on hit a large plaza in front of city hall, and for the fun of it he took a right and wandered over to get a better look. Eh, just your normal city hall. Couldn't match Buffalo's art deco penis shaped structure! Swinging left he ambled past a large stone church-like structure ... then stopped. Turning, he walked over to the brass plaque on the wall and re-read it. "Masonic Temple Grand Lodge". Fred backed up a few steps and looked up at the massive grey edifice. He turned and looked at City Hall across the street, then back at the Temple. He started laughing. Now THIS was a secret society!
A few minutes later he saw Anita and Taylor standing waiting for him.
"That didn't take long. Everything set up to your satisfaction?" Taylor folder her arms and huffed, but Anita just grinned at her wife.
"No, but it's the best we can do. If we can keep her from going down there and fiddling every hour we'll be OK." Fred raised an eyebrow at the pouting long haired beauty, and she just glared back.
"It's my first public showing, OK?!?" she snapped. "I'm nervous!"
Fred put himself between them and snaked an arm around their narrow waists.
"All the more reason to do some sight seeing today while we have the chance." Without waiting for protest he led them away.
They saw Independence Hall, naturally. Anita, new to the country still, was fascinated. She tried to compare what happened here with the various rebellions and coups in Mexico and just shook her head. Hell, none of those would even make a good musical. They walked out humming 'Piddle, Twiddle And Resolve', then after a quick look at the Liberty Bell Fred had them jump on a bus to go to the harbor. There was something that he had been waiting years to see.
"My god, it's beautiful..."
Anita had never seen anything like it. They stood on the shore next to a ... naval work of art. The U.S.S. Olympia. The hull was a bright white, with a red stripe along the water line. The superstructure and masts were a golden tan. The lines were straight and strong, the weapons and ornamentation a mix of 19th and 20th century. A massive gun turret rested on each end of the deck, yet small one barrel turrets stuck out from the sides in odd places. Seeing it made her realize that beauty can be independent of function, and some of her husband's fascination with weapons of war now made more sense. She turned to look at him, and saw tears starting to flow from his eyes. She took his hand and squeezed it, questioningly.
"They may scrap it." Taylor let out a gasp, and looked at him in horror.
"They let it sit without conserving it, and they're out of money." Fred sighed and looked down at them. "It's the only ship left from the Spanish American War, and the idiots let it rust to nothing." Raising his gaze again, he tried to drink in every rivet. "Maybe they'll find a home for it. I hope so. I want nothing more than to have my sons, and grandsons, walk its decks." Fred laughed. "Maybe the Buffalo Navel Park can get it."
Getting a hold of himself, Fred offered an arm to each of his women and led them on board. They wandered from cabin to cabin, and Fred took photos of both them and various interesting features. When they were alone for a moment the girls quickly bared their breasts and posed next to one of the deck turrets. Too bad that photo couldn't be used for fund raising.
It was 6 PM before they made it back to the hotel, tired but happy. They stopped by the van and removed their luggage, then headed up into the front lobby to seek out the elevators. As they passed the desk, Anita had an idea and handed her bag to an already over loaded Fred.
"I'm going to check on good places to eat nearby. I'll be up in a minute." Fred good naturally cursed her, and they parted.
As Anita approached the desk clerk, she noticed a crying woman pleading with him. She had short, curly blond hair, large glasses, and was wearing a dark blue blouse and jeans. She was obviously incredibly upset, and as Anita walked up to the other end of the desk the woman dropped her shoulders in despair, turned, and picked up her two bags. One of them had a small knit blue and white rectangular box clipped to the handle. Focusing on her own task, Anita turned to the obviously relieved clerk and got directions to a couple potential dinner spots a few blocks away. Thanking him, she turned towards the rest of the lobby.
The woman had seated herself on a couch in the middle of the room. Her face was one of confused frustration. Anita started towards the elevators, but ... she looked at the stranger again. There was something about her. Her feet took her towards the blond.
This couldn't be happening.
Rachel looked down at the printout for the hundredth time. Tuesday, August 16th. It said so right there, like it had on her computer screen at home and like it did on her iPhone. So why the hell did the hotel say her reservations weren't till next week?!? What the hell was she suppose to do?!?!
Calm down, girl, calm down, she told herself. You can handle this. So all your plans on your first real adventure have fallen apart right from the get go. That's the fun part of vacations, right? No plan survives contact with the enemy and all that. She was a strong adult.
So why did she just want to fold up in a ball and cry?
"Excuse me?"
Rachel's head whipped up. Standing before her was a dark haired, curvy Hispanic woman She was wearing red shorts and a halter top that showed off her ample breasts. Rachel had no idea who she was, and she just looked at her for a moment. Dealing with strangers was NOT her strong suit. Nor a suit she even had in the closet, to be honest. The woman smiled, a completely honest smile, and spoke again.
"I'm sorry to bother you, but I saw you walk away from the hotel desk ... is there anything I can do?"
Rachel must have shown something on her face that told this stranger some of what was going through her mind, as she sat down on the far end of the couch giving Rachel lots of space.
"Are you going to the World Con?"
Rachel's eyes widened.
"Yes! Yes! It's my first one! How could you tell?" The woman smiled.
"The Tardis on your bag was a clue. We're going too; in fact we checked my friend's paintings into the art show earlier." The woman extended a brown hand. "I'm Anita."
"Rachel." Rachel reached over and shook, then retreated back to her side of the couch. Realizing that now they weren't really strangers, and she did need to talk to SOMEONE, she sighed and looked down into her lap. "They screwed up my room reservations."
"They what?" Anita looked shocked, and Rachel picked up and waved the paper printout.
"All my confirmation's say I have a room starting today, but their computer says it's not till next week. And," she continued, a note of despair returning to her voice, "they have no free rooms. Nobody does. This was the only place in my price range within the city limits..." Her hands started shaking. Next thing she knew the dark stranger was sitting way too close to her and putting her hand on Rachel's arm. Rachel froze, and sensing she had overstepped herself Anita casually removed it and put both hands in her own lap. She looked at Rachel with concern in her eyes.
"I'm so sorry..." Rachel mentally yelled at herself. Why was she like that. This person was just trying to be nice. There was no reason to be mad at her. It's not her fault Rachel was so emotionally and socially screwed up. She took a deep breath.
"Look ... I'm sorry. I'm not at my best at the moment." She reached out and gently touched Anita's bare arm, then withdrew her hand back within her personal space. The smile she got back made her blush. Anita cocked her head at her.
"Have you eaten yet?"
The change of subject froze Rachel for a moment, then with a slight smile she shook her head no.
"Well, my friends and I were about to go out and eat once we got the luggage up to the room. They're probably wondering if I got lost or something. Would you like to join us? It's easier to think on a fully tummy, and we can consider your options."
Rachel bit her bottom lip. Part of her wanted to jump at this offer of friendship, needed to in fact. It had been so long ... and part of her was raising reminders of why it had been so long, and urging the walls to go back up. Anita waited patiently for an answer. Then, suddenly, she raised her arm and waved.
"It's my friends!"
Rachel turned, and her heart stopped. Leaving the elevator was a tall brown haired man wearing jeans and a black Weird Al T-shirt. Next to him was a short white waif of a girl with amazing long brown hair, but Rachel hardly noticed that. Her eyes were on the man's face. Those eyes...
Rachel had had crushes. Hundreds. She may have never had a romance, but she was romantic to the core and had pined over many boys who had never even noticed her. Never had they caused this reaction. Her mouth went dry, and to her horror her panties got wet. She felt not just her face, but her entire body turn red in embarrassment. It got even worse when she realized Anita was still siting right next to her and getting an up close view of her. She slowly turned towards her, and saw ... understanding and compassion. And a twinkle of humor. Anita stood as the newcomers walked up, and made the introductions.
My first story.Taylor Made.I saw her from a distance, her bare ass sticking out like a beacon in the hot sun. She was sun bathing, laying on a towel, on the beach, on this small island nation I was visiting on vacation. I was walking along the beach, looking for fish and shells and that sort of thing, when I saw her, and I found myself memorized, held captive, my rapt attention upon her.Now, you might be thinking, I’m some sort of closet perv or something like that, but I assure you, I’m...
“Okay, that's the one, I think.”, Taylor Swift called toward the driver of her limousine. Once the car stopped she leaned back and forth to get a good look up and down the night-time street through the tinted windows, making sure there were no paparazzi camping out before the upper-class hotel a little bit outside of the city. Once she had made sure the streets were clear Taylor popped the wide lapels of her long coat, put on her sun-glasses and got out. For a moment she hesitated and leaned...
Each floor has its own central heating and air conditioning units. Both base units are located in the attic. The thermostat panel for the upstairs unit is located on the wall just inside Taylor's bedroom. She finds the thermostat location awkward because it is in her private space. She does not like for people to have access to her bedroom because she is fearful they will rummage through her personal belongings. She has made that fact well known on many occasions. David just turned the two...
Part 6 As we left the store, we decided to head over to the food court to grab a bite to eat. I wanted Burger King, but my mom said, "Taylor, it's time you start watching your figure and eating more healthy foods. Vanessa and I like the Fresh Express for salad and I think you should join us." "OK, mom. I hate salad, but with all my new clothes want to make sure they continue to fit me!" After picking up our salads, we found a table and I plopped down into my chair. "Taylor,...
Another night on the road. Taylor Swift had just finished a sell-out Hollywood show, straight from stage she was hot sweaty and elated. It gave her a real buzz, 50,000 fans eating out of the palm of her hand. Dancing with her hot crew in those sexy outfits was fantastic, but she couldn’t help feeling a little turned on by it all. That many people screaming your name, and the sexy male and female dancers gyrating with her, but no… She was a professional, you don’t get involved with the crew. ...
Part 5 After showering, I returned to Tiffany's room and went to her walk-in closet to pick out a pair of panties. There was a pair that still had the tag on them; they were Jockey "Barely There," just like the ones I bought, so I chose a pair that had a stripe design, the color was pink and yellow. My gaff needed to be washed, so I tried to "tuck" myself to hide the bulge, which seemed to work OK. When I walked out of the closet, I had my panties on with a towel wrapped around...
It was 10 AM when Fred led the small band out of the front of the hotel on their march towards the convention. He wore jeans, a Roger Waters 'The Wall' tour shirt, and his favorite Buffalo Sabres hat. The last might not be advisable in Philly, but fuck Philly fans. Taylor wore a light red sundress that showed off her white limbs, while Anita wore a Devil's Panties black baby doll t-shirt and jean shorts that curved and swayed in ways that would make every hetero male and homo female take...
I and Lisa have been friends since High School we went to different schools but we rode the bus together, and we hung out with the same people and had many wild and crazy times, but that’s another story. I was kinda trying to get with Gabby who is 17 kinda chubby but she could pull it off she also had jet black hair cut short, and also had her lip pierced. She had nice tits but sadly the most I had seen of them is just her bra that she teased me with about a week earlier. I drove my...
Part 8 Since I did have school the next day, and would need to revert to my boy clothes, I decided to wear my leotard and tights for the rest of the day, and not remove my makeup until I went to sleep. I wanted to prolong my "girl time" for as long as I could! "Hi mommy, thanks for picking me up, I love you," I said as I got in the car and gave my mommy a kiss on the cheek. "Aaw, thanks honey, that's so sweet of you! You know, it's funny that when you're dressed in your...
Part 10 It took some time to get used to laying in bed with my breast forms still in; I usually sleep on my side, and each time I started to drift off to sleep it seemed I would roll over and the sensation of my breasts would wake me up each time. Eventually, I fell into a deep sleep and when my alarm went off in the morning, I realized I had been dreaming about the Bachelorette! It was difficult to have to remove my breast forms and get back into boy mode after almost an entire...
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the singers, record labels, musicians, places, etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I am making no money as a result of the writing of this story.Starring: Taylor SwiftA Swift Oral DoseAn...
Taylor's Girlsquad II - Karlie Kloss and Victoria JusticeVictoria Justice blinked rapidly a few times, her long, brown eyelashes caressing her cheek, and lifted a hand to her lips, painted in a subtle, pink lipstick, to yawn. She fanned air to her face and headed over to the coffee machine, her steps fairly uneasy, with a small grunt escaping her lips and her hand moving to her stomach to stroke it soothingly. She waited until the dark, steaming liquid had poured out of the nozzle and into her...
Taylor Swift--known as much for her slender figure, long blonde hair, and milky white skin as for her incredible country/pop career--exudes sex appeal through her faux-innocent persona. One might not suspect a white starlet like Taylor to harbor dark fantasies about big black cock. Appearances can be deceiving. Rumors indicate something lies deep beneath Swift's carefully tailored image as America's sweet white girl next door.A few years ago at MTV's VMA awards, Kanye West interrupted Taylor...
This is a fictional story. This is part 1, I might make more.Taylor is a sexy girl one year older than me, I'm 18 and she is 19. I would often stare at her in the hallways in our high school, dreaming about her long curvy legs hidden under tight high-waist jeans or lulu lemon leggings. Her perky small tits just barely hiding under a small crop top and her flat, toned core made for many awkward boners. I had never talked to her, but always fantasized about fucking her, I would lie in bed late at...
Part 7 On the way home, I texted Tiffany about coming with me to babysit; she said yes, and was excited that she would be making some extra cash. I texted her the whole story about how I had met Chrissie and Mr. Roberts, about getting my ears pierced, and how I had "dressed up" a bit for the interview. Chrissie had taken some pics of us playing dolls together in her bedroom, which I sent to Tiffany. "OMG, girlfriend!" she immediately texted back. "You are smoking hot!!!!" she...
Part 4 On the way to the salon, I felt a need to go to the bathroom and quickly realized that I had a dilemma. I obviously couldn't go into the boys restroom dressed this way! I would probably get beat up. But then what if I used the girls restroom, and someone realized that I wasn't a girl? Couldn't I get in trouble for that too? I decided to whisper this to my sister Courtney, who suggested that since I was wearing makeup, my hair style was brushed over to the side that made it...
Taylor Maids - By Karyn Amethyst. I was 32 unemployed and starting a new business. I had little capital, but my best friend and confidant Ryan ponied up over one-hundred thousand in start-up funding, provided I make him an equal partner as well as paying him back. "No rush, buddy," he said, clapping me on the shoulder. "As soon as I can, Ry. I promise." I breathed a small sigh of relief, the pressure was off, for now. I began in earnest the next morning, I purchased two small...
Not too long ago had an assignment to write a "romantic" scene around 500 words. Much longer, but heck it was fun to write. The pendulum of the clock ticked out its steady cadence, never wavering. The radio played Wish You Were Here. Taylor looked at Tom’s last text, “You going to be able to handle Wednesday babe?” Butterflies slammed into her sides; she was nervous. His desire screamed at her from the simple innocuous words. Today her handsome, smart, kind incredible lover was going be an...
Part 9 To say that I was addicted to the image I saw in the mirror would not be an overstatement. Standing there in my white tights, lavender panties, and pink and black bra - I turned in every direction to see how I looked from every angle. I was amazed at the feminine shape before me! "OK, Heidi Klum," said Rebecca, teasing me. "That's enough vogueing! I have some outfits for you to try on." With that, Tiffany led me across the room to a velvet couch, it was a very fancy...
Taylor was a slightly tanned average height, skinny blonde with blue eyes, he was 14 with an average 5inch cock with a slight patch of blonde pubic hair but no underarm hair. I was a brown 15 year old with black hair average build and a lot of pubic hair but i trimmed it down for Taylor's happyness, with a thick 7 inch cock with a fully retractable foreskin Taylor and me had had a slight gay relationship in the sense of jacking off together, kissing, holding hands & checking out each...
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Taylor Swift couldn't wait for the party. Dan Dymtrow had told her that an executive producer of Weinstein Company was holding a New Year’s party and needed someone for the main event of the night. Dan had mentioned her and she got the job. She would finally get a chance to display her singing talents and hopefully get a contract. Dan would pick her up in two hours. Even though she had already shaved her legs and under her arms, she decided it wouldn't hurt to go over them again. While she...
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This is the story of my wife Nisha getting fucked by the Taylor. She is 33 yrs 5ft 4” tall with body measurements of 34 29 33. She has nice features and a beautiful round ass. This happened when she went to a Taylor in our neighborhood to stitch a blouse. When we reached the shop I realized that she was wearing a tight dress. She agreed to give her measurement the Taylor was very happy and asked her to remove her Dupatta. Her Cleavage can now be seen thru her low cut shirt. The Taylor started...
As we arrived, we walked into our 5 star hotel and received our room keys. We made sure to bring our xboxes up to the room and immediately began setting up. We ordered pizza and began playing Halo Reach. After playing for about 2 hours, the chaperons assigned to our room came and told us to get dressed. We all joked around as we put on our business clothes and began to head to the conference center adjoined to the hotel. We sat through the opening ceremony and at about 10 P.M., headed back...
He looked me up and down and let out a chuckle. " i should have figured someone as tiny as you was still in high school." I stick out my bottom lip, cross my arms and say "im not tiny" he laughs and says "you're cute" and asks me if i ever want to hang out sometime. I contemplate for a minute before giving him my number then tell him i gotta go to my friends house, he says ok he will call me later and extends his arms for a hug. He wraps his arms around me and i feel his hand on the...
Taylor Misbehaves With Her CO by alexcarr ‘And specifically what are my orders, Sgt Taylor?’ Officer Richards was absolutely beside himself having called Sgt Taylor to his office on a disciplinary charge, that she was not wearing army issue underwear. ‘But these are so much more comfortable’ she retorted lifting her skirt to reveal what was beneath. His eyes popped – ‘You know you shouldn’t be wearing thongs on duty Sgt! – what say if you were on the battlefield, and you had an accident,...
Taylor Swift let out a yawn and leaned back into the luxurious couch in her penthouse hotel suite. In the middle of a cross-country tour, the pop-country megastar was understandably exhausted. She smiled happily, realizing that tonight she had a rare night off from performing. Finally she could relax a little, away from the spotlights, the stage, the fans. Dressed in a casual outfit of loose fitting tour t-shirt and white cotton panties, the 23 year old blonde let her long, slim legs rest on...
Taylor's Tail Whaled and Bottom Tail Plugged Taylor's Tail Whaled and Bottom Tail Plugged! This story contains M-f, adult serious spanking with reluctant -consent and anal insertion. The best fantasies are those that have a grain of truth.
Studying for a degree in Farm Management meant taking a summer internship on a ranch far away from home. I’d anticipated it being extra fun because the ranch provided a small stipend for meals and such, but also a hotel room in a long-term stay for the eight weeks. I mean, the experience of learning how to manage such a complex organization was invaluable, but to stay in a large hotel room by myself instead of a two-person dorm room with other people? I couldn’t say no to that opportunity. And...
First Time"I have something that I just have to tell you, Jack," Tommy said. "I just can't keep it inside any more." "Whoa, O.K.," Jack replied. "What is Tommy?" "It's about ... oh, Man! I know I shouldn't be thinking about this, ever. I know it's so fucking wrong." "About what?" "She's just so, fucking, hot. I just can't stop thinking about her." Jack had a sudden sinking feeling that Tommy was going to come clean with another revelation regarding sexual thoughts about Taylor....
"Jack!" Taylor said loudly, and at the same time as quietly as she could. She motioned frantically for him to come in the room and close the door. She sat against Kristi's headboard with the bed covers pulled up to her chin, with only her gesturing arm exposed. A shocked look firmly planted on his face, Jack indeed entered the room and closed the door behind him. "Taylor? What the ... What the hell are you doing here?" "Where's Tommy?" Taylor asked, ignoring Jack's question....
"Does Tommy know you've seen him?" "No way! I'm sure he has no idea." "That is pretty wild, Taylor. I mean, he's your brother, you know?" "I know. But I really wanted to see how a real guy played with it." "Holy shit, Taylor. You reallywatched Tommy jerk off? Tommy? You are too much!" "Yes, I really did. Now um ... can I see how you do it, Jack?" "Really?" "Yeah. Would you do that for me?" "Sure, I guess so." Jack took a step back, then brought his hand to his...
"Taylor?" Jack and Taylor looked at one another in utter shock when they heard Taylor's father call her name from the kitchen. She mouthed the word fuck before grabbing frantically for her shirt. Jack was frozen in place. The only movement his body was capable of was the involuntary and immediate deflating of his erection. Taylor held her finger to her lips. "Taylor?" her father repeated. By then Taylor had pulled her shirt over her head and was pulling it down, but one of her arms...
Welcome my friends. Welcome to beautiful Taylorsville, right in the heart of the Delaware. We are surrounded by rolling hills and farmland. Little towns are s**ttered around and hide in the woods. I 95 is north of us, Route 1 south and on our east side you will find The Delaware. It’s a comfortable, cozy little town. Currently we have about 2000 citizens but we are growing. Some locals don’t like it that they are developing the area around Route 1 to attract commuters who work in either New...
I knew Taylor Made Clips would have some exciting stuff even before I pulled up the site. You see, I’ve been reviewing smut long enough to know that custom porn shops are much more likely to cater to kinky fetishes than your average, vanilla lesbian-and-blowjob porno operation. I certainly don’t have anything against the tried and true formulas, but sometimes you want a break from the normal. And for a lot of you hardcore fetishists, that’s the only way you’ll even get off.So, have you got any...
Premium Fetish Porn SitesWhile safe-sex was practiced during the making of this fantasy, condoms and such don’t make an appearance here, it is assumed that in real life, those rascals would be wrapped. The producer would also like you to know that no animals were harmed during the making of this epic. ———- I was sitting on the super king-sized bed of the hotel room, propped up by the cushioned headboard. Both my hands were pumping a rabbit vibrator in and out of my steamy pussy. With the extension head just rubbing my...
Several days passed after Taylor and Jack's late night rendezvous. The two had not had a great deal of contact since, although each one spent a lot of time recalling the things that happened between them, and the feelings that surrounded those things. Jack and Tommy never skipped a beat in their friendship. Tommy had mostly forgotten about his suspicion that Taylor might have a crush on Jack. But one afternoon when the two boys were together with a couple of other friends at a local...
Several days passed before Jack was able to return to Tommy and Taylor's house. He made excuses that Tommy thought sounded lame, but which he ultimately shrugged off. Taylor tried her best to be cool about it, but after her initial encounter with Jack, she was getting antsy to try for more. She tried to get information out of her brother without tipping her hand, which was not easy. "So, when's Jack coming over?" Taylor asked as nonchalantly as she could. "I don't know," Tommy...
An hour and a half later Jack was driving away from Kristi's parents house feeling more conflicted than before. He knew it was quite late, and that there was probably no chance she would respond, but there was only one person he wanted to talk to about what had just happened. Jack pulled over and sent a brief text message to Taylor, fully expecting no reply. To his surprise she responded within two minutes. She told him that everyone at her house was definitely asleep, and that if he wanted...
The two sat on opposite ends of the couch facing one another. "I had a weird conversation with my mom today," Taylor said. "Why?" Jack replied. "Weird like, how?" "For one thing, 'cuz she was asking me about you!" "Wh ... what? What about me?" "Like, asking if I had a crush on you!" "She did? Oh shit!" "What, Jack? What 'Oh shit'?" "Well, she told me she thought you had a crush on me too." "My mom? She did? You're kidding! What did you say?" "I said there...
"So, is Kristi still warming things up?" Tommy asked. "Yeah, I guess so," Jack replied. "You don't sound too happy about it. I thought you were always bummed that she was pushing you away." "I know. I can't really understand it myself." "Don't you like her anymore?" "No, no, it's not that. Kristi is a great girl." "She's certainly hot enough. She's got a helluva body." "I know, for sure," Jack agreed. "She's really attractive." "So, how uh ... how warm has...
"Whoa," Taylor said softly. "Mom, that feels ... oh wwwwwowwww..." "Mm-hm ... just take your time Sweetheart. Move it down nice and slow, then press it down just a little harder. Don't forget your just on top of your shorts so far. Just wait 'til you have some real skin contact." "Ohhhh, shit!" Immediately Taylor realized what she had said and she looked sheepishly at her mother. "Taylor Honey, when you're doing this, you can say absolutely anything you want. You don't have...
The morning after the tantalizing texting experience Taylor and Jack had shared, Taylor awoke in the same position in which she had fell asleep. She had climaxed lying flat on her stomach with her hand between her legs, imagining she was actually on top of Jack. After the two had texted their goodnights to one another, Taylor had pulled her blanket over her naked body, slipped her hand under herself, just to feel it one more time, and then promptly fell asleep. And there she stayed until...
"Taylor, let me catch my breath, O.K.?" Jack said. "O.K., Jack," Taylor replied. "I'm sorry. That was just so fucking amazing!" I mean, I was rubbing so hard against your dick!" "I know. It was totally incredible." Taylor got back up to the position she had been in when she was straddling Jack's legs. His dick was still fairly hard. His load was half on his own stomach and half on Taylor's. She slid her hand across her middle, then held it up in front of her face. "It's so...
Taylor spent the next few days getting to know her new plastic buddy. She snuck off to her room every chance she could, and she had at least one orgasm every time she played. But as much fun as she was having, there was always one thing that never left her mind. Jack's cock. Taylor used her new toy to help her maintain patience while she waited for Jack ... waited for him to be ready to fuck her. It didn't help Taylor's cause that she had far less summer activities keeping her busy as did...
"I went for it. I seduced boys, which wasn't all that hard. They were all older than me, of course. I did a lot of stuff, with a bunch of people. Mostly guys, a few girls." "Really? Girls too?" "Yep. I got really into it, Taylor. It was like, once I started, I didn't want to stop. But you know what happened?" "What?" "By the time I was around sixteen, or just turning seventeen, I realized I had a reputation. People were calling me names, and seeing me in ways that weren't so...
Taylor led Jack downstairs to the basement, where they found Kristi waiting, just as Taylor had said she would be. "Hi you guys," Kristi said with a smile. "Hey Kristi," Jack said. "I told Jack what I wanted him to do, for me, Kristi. You've always wanted him, and I want you to have what you want the most. I want both of you to be happy, because you've both given me the things I wanted most." "Taylor, you are about the ... well, you're just so special," Kristi said, which made...
While safe-sex was practiced during the making of this fantasy, condoms and such don't make an appearance here, it is assumed that in real life, those rascals would be wrapped. The producer would also like you to know that no animals were harmed during the making of this epic.----------I was sitting on the super king-sized bed of the hotel room, propped up by the cushioned headboard. Both my hands were pumping a rabbit vibrator in and out of my steamy pussy. With the extension head just rubbing...
Group SexJack survived the next few hours of driving around with Tommy and Kristi. He was relieved that the conversation didn't stay on Taylor's developing body for much longer. The rest of the time the three spent together was relaxed and uneventful. Eventually they all returned to Tommy's house, where Jack and Kristi kissed goodnight, before Kristi got in her own car and went home. As previously planned, Jack was staying over. When the boys went inside, the house was quiet. It seemed that...
Tommy came down the basement stairs and saw Kristi on the couch waiting for him. She had just closed her phone and set it down when he entered. There was only one small lamp on, but Tommy could see well enough. "Hey you," Kristi said. "Hey," Tommy replied. "What are you doing?" "What do you think I'm doing, Hon?" Kristi was sitting sideways on the couch, covered by a blanket. The nightshirt she had worn when she came downstairs was on the floor next to her. As Tommy approached,...
"You're sure she's not growing up too fast?" Mr. Young asked. "No, Honey," Mrs. Young replied. "I think she's doing just fine. Ya' know, in general kids grow up faster today than they did in our day." "I suppose that's true. Thank you, Internet! But, you don't think her spending so much time with Kristi is a problem?" "Of course not. Why would that be a problem? I thought you liked Kristi." "Are you kidding? I'm not saying it is a problem. I was just asking. Of course, I...
"Is that really what you want, Taylor?" Jack asked. "Yes, it really is, Jack," Taylor replied. "Kristi really cares about you. She wants you. She's wanted you for months now. And you used to want her." "I know that, Taylor. Of course, all that's true. But ... Ugh! You know how I feel!" "I know, Jack. I know how you feel, and it just hurts me that I don't feel the same. Didn't I tell you at the beginning the that I really wanted you to be the one to help me understand sex, but...
She drove back to dorm where her friend Abby picked her up. Abby was her best friend during elementary school but she was a year older than Taylor. When Abby went to high school they grew apart but had renewed their friendship since Taylor started college. They arrived at the party and Taylor immediately went for the beer. She wasn't big on dressing up but Abby was. Taylor was wearing a thin dress a little tight around the hips and chest. Abby was dressed as a sexy French maid at her...
When college started she met up with a guy while moving into her dorm. Jeff helped her move her tv and computer into the dorm and even set everything up for her. Jeff was a cute guy, not a nockout but cute. He was a bit like a smartass but he was very helpful to her. They exchanged numbers and he left. Taylor headed to the store. The whole time she kept thinking about Jeff. Taylor has always had abit of a wild side. She was always very horny. She wasn’t all that attracted to Jeff but he had a...
Mission Impossible by Amber Lynn Kain Chapter 3 Arron opened his eyes and looked over at the digital clock on the nightstand. It was already noon. He pulled the covers over his head and groaned slightly, he didn't have a hangover or feel any of the after effects of last night partying. He just didn't want to get up yet. He sighed and stretched his thin frame, threw the covers back and swung his hairless legs out of bed. He went into the bathroom tossed his panties out onto the bed...