Taylor And Hunter free porn video

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This is a sequel to the story "the brotherhood of swain" by Elegy. If you haven't read it. I highly recommend it. You really should read it first. So just in case here it is: https://fictionmania.tv/stories/readststory.html?storyID=340208591745235906 ... Hunter stood there his gaze transfixed while his semiconscious best friend was loaded onto the scooter and then the man drove off. He watched as the tail light receded into the darkness and then disappeared. Hunter stood there reeling. He could smell and tobacco and heard someone talking though he couldn't make out the words. Hunter turned his head and was surprised to see a slightly pudgy guy standing next to him. The man took a drag on his cigarette and blew the smoke in Hunter's face. Hunter coughed and closed his eyes as a wave of dizziness came over him. The man touched him and spoke again. This time hunter understood most of the words, but he still couldn't string their meaning together. Hunter shook his head trying to clear it. "What did you say?" he asked. The man's face was a strange mix of concern and annoyance. maybe he was regretting approaching hunter, but if so he wasn't willing to walk away from someone so obviously messed up. "I said-" He paused trying to keep his voice level. "Are...you... alright?" His voice had the carefully calculated inflection one would use when trying to keep a dog or a drunk calm. Hunter thought about the last few minutes and how utterly and totally he had failed his friend. NO he very much wasn't alright. He despised himself. His strongest feeling wasn't anger though. It was shame. He looked at the other man whose face was edging more towards annoyance with every passing second. Hunter opened his mouth to ask for help, but what came out was. "I'm fine. I just had a little too much to drink." The other man's face cleared and he nodded. He pulled on his cigarette before turning and walking away. As he passed the driveway he tossed the butt onto the asphalt. Hunter didn't want to talk to anyone. He wanted to curl into a ball and pretend that the last few hours hadn't happened. He felt the resentment he had been harboring towards Tyler bubble to the surface. Magic metamorphosis and existential crises were uncomfortable as fuck. He hadn't wanted to deal with it. It was Tyler's problem and a part of hunter had hated Tyler for involving him in it. Hunter closed his eyes and pictured Ty-Taylor's naked body upstairs. For the first time he had seen not his castrated friend, but a woman whole. The images shifted to Greg holding her down and then mounting her. To his shame the emotion hunter had had was envy. He wanted to be the one inside Taylor. Even hearing her scream "NO!" and "STOP!" hadn't been enough to kill his erection. Greg's friends had held him against the wall. There hadn't been anything he could have done. He had struggled, but he had also enjoyed the show. WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with me, thought Hunter. He had just stood there and watched as his friend...the woman that he - loved - had the worst experience of her life. What he had felt was more like if Greg had attacked him as though Greg had stolen from him. Almost as though Taylor wasn't real person. He hadn't been able to empathize with her. "God what a piece of shit I am," he thought. It occurred to Hunter that if he were some neutral observer he would despise himself. He did despise himself. Hunter felt shame as he realized he wasn't the kind of person he had thought he was. As traumas went it was nothing compared to what Taylor had gone through. The guilt that came with it was more than enough to make him deeply ashamed and that shame fed into guilt. A few minutes of that emotional feedback loop was enough to leave Hunter on the verge of hyperventilating. The loop was broken when he was distracted by a new set of voices. He turned to face them. Greg and his toadies were outside walking slowly and clumsily to a car. Hunter heard a ringing in his ears and his vision tightened as all the pain he had been feeling suddenly found an escape and became a blazing and demented rage. Hunter rushed across the lawn towards them. His muscles tensed to the point that he had trouble moving smoothly. Hunter wasn't quiet. He was moaning like a wounded animal, but neither Greg nor his two toadies seemed to hear him. It wasn't a conscious decision on their part. He was simply beneath their notice. They didn't pay him any more attention than they would have a fly. He walked right up to Greg and pushed him with both hands and the full inertia of his odd power walk behind him. Greg didn't fall over, he barely moved. He was laughing as he turned to face Hunter. He didn't bother to set his beer down. Greg paused to puff on the cigarette in his other hand. If he had been in his right mind Hunter never would've tried anything even remotely like this, but in his anger he didn't care that Greg was almost a foot taller than him and nearly 100 pounds heavier. He didn't think about the damage an all-state football player could do. Hunter was crying now, wet angry sobs. "How could you do that to her," he screamed. His voice broke. his words were slurred but still understandable. Greg actually laughed at this. He was pretty drunk himself, but he thought he'd figured out what was going on: This little piece of shit had the hots for the chick he just nailed and like the whiney bitch he so clearly was, he was blaming a real man for not being as pathetic as him. "listen fucktard," Greg said. His words were slurred, but his contempt was still quite clear. Even now Greg seemed to be having trouble taking hunter seriously. More than that he seemed genuinely affronted that hunter had the gall to think that he should be taken seriously. Hunter was appalled, it was like he was seeing Greg for the first time. He saw a raging narcissism so deep and profound that it made Greg effectively a sociopath. It wasn't that Greg couldn't comprehend of a woman as a separate person with her own opinions and desires so much as he didn't care. He wanted someone and it never occurred to him that they wouldn't want him back. He knew what pain was. He wasn't mentally ill, but he was indifferent to the pain of others. For the first time Hunter had a moment of nausea, but he didn't let that deter him. Hunter swung his fist. It would be too generous to say he aimed for any one part of Greg's body. Unfortunately for hunter, he wasn't a fighter. though Greg wasn't either and his reflexes were dulled by the booze. Hunter's fist struck Greg on the cheek snapping his head to the right. Hunter nearly cried out as his fist exploded in pain. Greg laughed. "Damn, is that the best you can do?" Hunter felt a shiver at the cold dismissive tone in Greg's voice. "that was so pathetic, I almost feel like you should get a pass for that." The shiver in hunter's spine increased at the amusement in his voice. Greg continued. "But it would be cruel," Greg's voice was low and silky, seductive even. "of me to deny you the chance to learn from your mistake." He laughed. His toadies joined in a moment too late to be genuine. Greg moved forward and slammed his fist into Hunter's stomach. Pain like hunter had never know before drove every thought out of his head. His vision narrowed and he struggled to catch his breath. He started to collapse. Greg grabbed hunter's shirt and dragged him back up until he was nearly eye level. "good night princess!" said Greg. Without another word Greg's fist snapped forward and struck Hunter's chin. Hunter's head flew back and his world faded to black. Just before passing out hunter heard Greg say. "pathetic." Hunter had to agree. Hunter woke up sometime later. He was on the grass near the driveway. He had the worst headache of his life. He sat up and realized he was next to the garbage cans. Despite being the butt of the joke he had to agree with Greg for putting him there. He stood up slowly. His balance was shot and he was afraid of falling. Once he was standing, he took a deep breath and was shocked by the smell. The stink filled his nostrils. He thought it was the garbage, but then he noticed he was wet. He took another breath, but he already knew what it was. He had pissed himself. A moment later he realized that wasn't true either. He was too wet and his shirt was wet too. They had pissed on him. Greg and his toadies had pissed on him like a dog marking its prey. Hunter hung his head and cried in shame. He was worthless. He walked away from the house and headed towards his car. He didn't want to get in his car with his pissy clothes. He thought about walking home instead, but that would take longer and the odds of someone seeing him went up. He pulled the keys from his pocket and opened the trunk. He was relieved to find a box full of garbage bags. He pulled a couple out and used them to cover the driver seat. He drove home slowly. he was afraid of getting stopped by the cops or frankly seeing anyone he knew. He crept up to his street and turned the headlights off. He parked around the corner and out of sight of his house. He took the bags with him, but left both the passenger and driver's windows cracked to try and air the car out. Hunter ran as quietly as possible up to the door and got inside. He didn't bother to turn the lights on. he instead went straight up the stairs. he didn't stop until he got to his bathroom. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and set it on the counter. But otherwise didn't get undressed. he got directly into the shower and switched it on. He stood there under the stream shivering as it came out cold. It would warm up soon enough but he didn't want to wait. He just stood there and let the stream soak his clothes, rinsing them out. They quickly became waterlogged and were quite heavy. One by one he stripped off each article of clothing. He left them in a pile on the floor of the shower. he still had one of the garbage bags with him. He rinsed it off and then filled it with his clothes and put them outside the shower. Hunter took a very long shower. He scrubbed every inch of his body at least three times. No matter how long he washed though he still felt dirty. In the end he only stopped when the water ran cold and he started to shiver again. He dried himself with a towel and was relieved that he couldn't smell piss any longer. He wrapped the towel around his waist and picked up the garbage bag. It was very heavy with all the wet clothes inside. He walked quickly downstairs to the laundry room and dumped everything in the washing machine. While the washing machine ran he just sat in the corner and kept going over the events of the evening in his mind. He felt so helpless. He should try and find Taylor but he was embarrassed and what's more he was ashamed. His thoughts were interrupted by buzzing when the washing machine finished its cycle. He moved everything to the dryer and pressed start. Physically and emotionally exhausted he went to bed and passed out. Hunter slept badly. He woke up early in the morning and was stiff and sore. His skin felt clammy. He didn't remember any of his dreams but that wasn't unusual. given the way he felt; he was pretty sure that they had been bad. Another quick shower and a large cup of coffee and Hunter was on his way to school, much earlier than he usually went. he was hoping to avoid his parents. He didn't want to explain the bruises. hopefully they would fade a little bit before tonight. Hunter opened the driver's door and reached in and felt the seat. It was dry. He got in and took a sniff. "Fuck" he thought. It was faint, but he could still smell piss. He opened all the windows as he drove to school. He was early and there were very few cars, but he went to the back of the rear parking lot anyways. The front lot was quite small and reserved for faculty and seniors. The rear lot was a quarter of a mile away but it was never more than half full. Hunter grabbed his bag and walked towards the main building. The doors were already open and he went to the library. He was planning to hide in the stacks until second period when he had math. Hunter grabbed a couple of books and went to one of the desks. Just sitting there was boring so he took his homework out and started checking the answers. He worked slowly, but right now that was an advantage. Hunter's phone chimed reminding him that it was time to leave for class. He walked out of the library and headed toward his class. He turned the corner and came face to face with Greg and his toadies. There were other people around so Hunter was pretty sure they wouldn't do anything, but he still couldn't stop himself from shrinking against the wall. Greg smirked as he approached. Hunter left plenty of space, but Greg walked right up to him. He tilted his head and then looked at hunter with such contempt that Hunter's mouth went dry. Greg sniffed and said to his friends. "Do you smell something?" the three of them laughed hard. It was too high and quick to be authentic, but that just made it worse. Hunter blushed deeply and tried to curl into himself. Greg's eyes tightened and said under his breath, "Pathetic!" They walked away leaving Hunter pressed against the wall. He looked after them and then wiped his eyes before walking to his math class. He was late; the rest of the class was already seated, but the teacher was still organizing his notes. He glanced at hunter and smirked looking oddly like Greg for a moment. Hunter didn't say anything, but headed for the very back of the class and sat down. Hunter was too distracted thinking about what had happened over the last few to pay attention to the teacher. That changed when ten minutes into the class, he called out a name. "Ah Taylor, thank you for joining us," left unspoked was the 'finally' that everyone knew he wanted to add. Hunter looked up, at the front of the room standing near the door was a beautiful young woman. Without the prompt of her name, he probably wouldn't have recognized her. Looking at her now though there was a strong resemblance to Tyler. the differences from last night were for the most part pretty subtle, but their cumulative effect was profound. Instead of an effeminate boy or a barely pubescent girl, Taylor had become a quite striking woman. Her poise and her curves made her appear far more mature than her sixteen years. Hunter couldn't look away. She was dressed in a blue polo shirt and jeans. They didn't fit right. hunter was sure that they were cut to fit Tyler not Taylor. Looking at the polo shirt Hunter realized that Taylor wasn't wearing a bra. She spoke briefly with the teacher. Hunter couldn't make out her words, but the tone was apologetic. The teacher's response was clearer. "very well Taylor. Try not to make a habit of it." Hunter involuntarily bristled at the teacher's tone. He was usually condescending, but now with Taylor he was absolutely cutting. Taylor bobbed her head and turned to walk to a desk. As she did her eyes met hunter's for a moment. She turned away and walked to the other side of the class room. Her steps echoed as the flip flops she wore smacked her feet with every step. Hunter followed her with his eyes across the room. Her hair hung loose down her back. the ends were barely touching her waist. Her hips and butt pulled the material of the jeans tight, while the waist seemed loose even with the belt. The jeans were too long for her, but the legs were rolled up. giving her legs the appearance of a fifties greaser. Hunter looked back up at her face and was embarrassed to see her looking back at him. He quickly looked forward. For the rest of the class, hunter would frequently glance at Taylor. One of those times he noticed that the page of her notebook was as blank as his. She clearly wasn't paying any more attention to the class than him. Hunter also noticed a large percentage of their fellow classmates glancing over at Taylor every time he did. When the class ended, Taylor jumped up and ran quickly out of the room. In addition to providing a pleasant sight to everyone looking at her. It also prevented Hunter from talking to her. He didn't see her again until he filed into the cafeteria for lunch. He carried his tray into the seating area and then he saw her. She was sitting with her back hunched over the table. Her posture was as clear as an actual sign saying "Fuck Off!" would have been. Hunter decided that didn't apply to him and walked over to her table. He put his tray down and sat down. Taylor looked up with a nasty scowl on her face. Before she could say anything, hunter said, "Tyler. I'm sorry, please-," Taylor reeled back as though she'd been slapped. "You remember?!" Taylor said loud enough that a couple faces turned briefly in their direction. "-forgi-," Hunter continued. He paused confused. "Remember what?" he asked. "You remember that I used," Taylor's voice dropped and she glanced around nervously, "to be Tyler. A man that is." Now it was hunter's turn to be confused. "Why wouldn't I?" Taylor glanced around again. "Victor told me that he couldn't reverse Michelle's spell directly. Apparently it's a very old curse," she paused then her voice went lower still. "he said that I could pass it on to another person." Hunter nodded to show he was listening. "What does this have to do with memory?" Taylor waved her hand and said irritated, "I'm getting to that." Hunter belated decided to hold all questions. Taylor continued. "What he could do, he said, was to make it so that others would recognize me. They would remember Taylor not Tyler." She looked back up at Hunter. It was the first positive look she had given hunter since last night. He felt something in his chest unclench at the thought that she didn't hate him. That's when Hunter went stupid. He reached his hand out to touch Taylor's hand. If he had thought about it, he would probably claim it was a gesture of support. then again if he had thought about it he would have known better. In practice what happened was Taylor jerked back. Hunter's gut clenched as he saw fear flood across Taylor's face. It was a visceral reminder of the horror that she went through last night. Hunter pulled back and a spike of self-loathing went through him. He felt even worse when she said, "I'm sorry...I'm still quite jumpy after," Taylor said trailing off. Hunter wanted to comfort Taylor, but after upsetting her he was afraid he would just make things worse. The tension built inside Hunter until he blurted out, "I'm sorry; for what happened, I mean." He avoided making a direct reference to the rape. Taylor heard it anyways. Her face closed down. She froze just starring at hunter for several seconds before jerking back into motion. "It wasn't your fault," she said. Her voice was flat and she didn't look hunter in the eye. Hunter realized she hadn't said, "you have nothing to apologize for." Taylor's face tightened and hunter thought she was going to yell at him. "The person I BLAME is Gregg!" her voice rose at the end and her eyes flashed. She looked around quickly and pulled into herself. Hunter couldn't abide the silence. "What are you going to do?" he asked. Taylor let the weirdly melodramatic phrasing pass without comment. "I don't know how, but I'm going to figure out a way to fuck him over." Taylor blushed at the unintended double entendre. She looked at hunter and said, "I've got to go," before hunter could respond, Taylor jumped up and ran out of the cafeteria. Hunter was a little embarrassed at himself for looking at Taylor's ass as she walked away. Hunter wanted to be a good friend to Taylor, but every second that passed made it harder to remember Tyler as he was. Taylor left the cafeteria. She was silently crying. So far she had been able to hold back the sobs but her eyes were "leaking." She was having difficulty keeping her emotions stable. Her clothes didn't fit right. Every time she moved the material either pulled tight or was too baggy in a new and embarrassing way. Taylor glanced over her shoulder as she left and caught a glimpse of hunter looking at her. His eyes didn't meet hers. He was looking lower. He was looking at her ass. That morning when her parents had called her by her new name. she had been both relieved and heartbroken. It was a relief to be "recognized" and therefore still be welcome in her home, but that also meant that her previous existence was lessened too. It was worse than she could've imagined. She felt like she had been erased. Then she had come to school and the same thing had happened again and again and again. Victor had warned her that he wasn't changing history. He was replacing memories of Tyler with ones containing Taylor. With a subtle pressure to not dwell on any dissonances this caused. People would fill in any gaps subconsciously. Taylor hadn't believed him at first, but it was true. That pattern had repeated all morning in every one of her encounters then she had walked into math class and seen hunter and part of her had died. He had been her lifeline over the last few days and now he was gone too. She had internalized that pain until it had numbed her. When he had joined her at lunch and said her true- her former name, it was proof that she wasn't crazy. that Tyler had been real and that he hadn't actually been erased. Taylor kept walking and smiled to herself as she left the cafeteria. Her butt wiggled more as she unconsciously strutted. The thought that hunter found her desirable was strangely reassuring. She would have stayed and tried to offer some reassurances to hunter, but Greg had just come into the cafeteria and the thought of being near him made her want to scream. She slowed to a fast walk as the bouncing of her tits became too much. She went to her next class and hid in the back. The rest of the day passed in a blur, actually a series of blurs. She had trouble focusing and spent most of the time in her own head. Fortunately for her own peace of mind this meant that she didn't notice how many of the other kids kept leering at her. Despite her ill-fitting clothing and bad posture, she was easily one of the three or four hottest girls in school. At last the day came to an end and Taylor walked out of the school and headed for the cross street where the busses were staged from. She was halfway across the street when her path was blocked by Greg in his fancy red sports car. "Hey pretty lady. Can I give you a ride?" he said. Taylor froze, her mouth was open, but no words came. She wanted to scream at him, but couldn't bring herself to utter one word. The pressure in her stomach was ratcheting up and her breathing was becoming more ragged as a panic attack built. - CRUNCH! Taylor jumped back as Greg's car jumped forward. Hunter had rammed the back of Greg's car. Greg loved his car. He bellowed in rage and pain. If you didn't know better, you would think that he had just discovered the brutally murdered body of his mother. Hunter winked at Taylor before getting out of his car. Greg jumped out of his car and ran back to yell at hunter. Taylor took the opportunity to run to her bus. She pulled out her phone and started typing a message. **** Hunter pulled up to his house. His jaw hurt from where Greg had punched him. He shut off the engine and picked up his phone, noticing a new message alert. He tapped the app open and saw a message from 'Tyler'. "thank you for that! ;)" it was a small thing but hunter found himself endowing those few words with deep meaning. A warmth spread through his being. He sat there staring at the screen with a dopey expression on his face. His pleasant fantasy was interrupted by his phone chiming with another text alert. "Give me a call when you get a chance." It was from Taylor. It was very easy for hunter to project a highly sexual meaning onto those few words. Hunter blinked and forced the fantasy from his mind and tapped the phone icon next to Tyler's name. he held the phone to his ear and listened to it ring. Three times it rang and there was a click and the sound of breathing. Hunter didn't say anything. The breathing sound continued softly but still there were no words. Hunter tried to force himself to say something, anything. "Hello?" was all he could manage after what seemed like an hour, but wasn't much more than a few seconds. Then continued silence, hunter was losing an internal battle to speak again when the response came. "hey!" it was forced and with a rushed quality. As though the speaker was afraid they'd lose their nerve halfway through. "It's me, Hunter," he said. There was a giggle that managed somehow to be simultaneously enticing and condescending. "I know," she said. Hunter waited a moment before saying, "You asked me to call?" His voice was artificially calm. "I need your help," she said, "Would you come over here to my house?" Hunter nodded, then feeling stupid said, "I'll be right over." Hunter managed to avoid getting a speeding ticket on the trip over. The doorbell rang and Taylor ran down the stairs deliberately ignoring the bounce of her tits as she moved to the door. She paused at the door and tried to slow her breathing. She wanted to seem calm and cool. She felt a flutter at the door. she was happy and excited to see hunter. as she opened the door, she had a goofy grin on her face, which got bigger when she looked at hunter. Hunter gasped and thought his heart had stopped when he saw Taylor. Her hair cascaded around her shoulder. She was smiling and seemed to glow with an inner light. She stepped to hunter and they embraced. Hunter breathed deep smelling her hair. She must have just showered. Her hair and skin were still slightly damp. There was the floral scent of shampoo or body wash. He could feel her body against his. Her breasts were pressed against his torso. He tried to run his hands over her back, but quickly found himself becoming aroused. He was afraid Taylor would feel his erection so he stepped back. Taylor looked up at hunter, the sun was over his shoulder and was shining in her eyes. She squinted against the glare. That prevented her from seeing the glassy eyed stare hunter gave her as he looked at her. She turned and walked back inside. Hunter followed behind her pausing to close the door. She was a third of the way up the stairs by this point. She was swimming in a hoodie and sweatpants that were way too big for her. She was barefoot and stumbled more than once as she stepped on the cuff of the pants. Hunter followed her up the stairs catching up just before the top step. She didn't turn around or speak to him. She just walked across the landing and into Tyler's room. Hunter was suddenly nervous and excited. It was weird to follow her into her bedroom and see - Tyler's room. It was unchanged. The posters on the walls. The paint color. The flat screen TV, the XBOX, the racecar bed (holdover from childhood). Everything was the same as the last time Hunter had been in this room. Except of course, for the sexy nymph standing in the center of the room. Hunter wondered on that for a moment. Both Tyler and he had dreamed of having such a woman in their room. Now she had him in her room. He hoped she was excited by that, but doubted she was. He didn't normally doubt himself like this, but she was way out of his league. "As you can see," said Taylor waving her arms around her, "everything is still the same." She shrugged and looked down at herself. "Well almost everything." She continued, "Victor told me his spell wouldn't touch reality." She hunched her shoulders at that. "My learner's permit still has Tyler's Photo on it." A confused Hunter said, "But earlier you said everyone recognized you." Taylor turned her head to look at hunter. "That's not the same thing." She bent over and pulled open one of her dresser drawers. "What he did was connect me to memories and perceptions of Tyler." She shrugged again. "They recognize me in his place." She stood up and set the clothes she had pulled out on the bed. Hunter recognized the logo of a summer camp the two of them had attended through middle school. Taylor glanced at hunter and waved her finger. "Would you please turn around." Hunter did as she asked. He heard what he assumed was the sweatshirt landing on the bed. Hunter felt his erection returning at the thought of Taylor disrobing. Hunter looked up and noticed that the bathroom door was open. On the back of the door was a full length mirror. His pulse sped up. it occurred to him that a few steps would change the angle between him and the mirror enough to line him up with Taylor's reflection. He took a step as quietly as he could while keeping his eyes on the mirror. The view shifted showing the edge of the bed. Another step and he saw a shell of dirty blonde hair. Another step and he saw the blonde woman stand up. her long hair ran down her front almost to her waist. She pulled her hair back and awkwardly tied it into a bun. While she did so her perfectly formed breasts jiggled in response to her movements. Hunter's mouth went dry at the sight. He had been blown away last night at the sight of her partially transformed body. Now her curves had fully ripened. Hunter was overwhelmed at the sight and stared openly. He didn't notice when Taylor's eyes flicked to the mirror and saw him looking. Taylor finished wrapping the rubber band around her hair. She glanced up and saw hunter's reflection watching her and she felt exposed. She reached for the T-shirt and pulled it on. She felt his eyes on her breasts as the scratchy material covered her face. She hadn't worn this shirt in years and she hoped it would fit. Her nipples tingled in the air. She was getting a charge out of Hunter looking at her like this. Her arms slipped through the holes and the material slid down her body. The shirt did fit...mostly. It was a little loose in the shoulders and tight across her chest. Her nipples were visible through the material. Also the shirt had been washed at least one time too many the fibers had broken giving it a scratchy texture. That texture was now tickling and exciting her nipples. She pulled the sweatpants down revealing the pair of briefs she was wearing. She thought she could actually hear Hunter growl in frustration. Smiling to herself, she took a moment to tease him, running her fingers under the elastic waistband of the underwear. She picked up a pair of gym shorts from the same camp. To her relief they fit over her hips and the elastic pulled them tight enough around her waist to stay up. They were awkward, like the rest of her wardrobe, but at least she wouldn't be tripping over her feet. Taylor keeping her eyes down said, "You can turn around now." Hunter spun in place a little too quickly to be casual. Taylor looked up, smiled and said, "How do I look?" Hunter blinked. It was different looking at her directly rather than looking in the mirror. There was a separation between them when he looked into the reflection. Now he was standing less than ten feet from the most beautiful woman he had ever met and she was looking directly at him and smiling. "You look great!" he said, a slight huskiness creeping into his voice. Taylor glanced away as Hunter blushed. She liked being complimented, at least when it was hunter who did the complimenting. "The reason I asked you to come over was I need to go shopping, and I was hoping you could drive me- " "Sure," Hunter interrupted. "-to the, oh." Taylor had expected more of a struggle. She had been willing to beg. She hadn't had to. "Thank you," she said simply while the two of them exchanged goofy grins. After a couple of seconds of silence, they walked to the door together. Hunter went first and Taylor followed behind. She let her eyes travel over hunter's body. She had noticed throughout the day that her mind had changed from Tyler's. Victor had warned her about this too. He said it was often the most disturbing part of the curse. When Michelle said she had stolen his manhood, it hadn't been a metaphor. She hadn't just affected Tyler's body. The curse had changed her mind as well. The first she had noticed the mental side of things was at the party last night. As she got drunker she found herself looking at the men. Her judgement hadn't lasted long, the clumsy drunken attempt to seduce Hunter was a spur of the moment decision. Now sober she still found men attractive, but hunter was something else. She found him physically attractive, but she also found him charming. She was genuinely happier with him around. She had noticed him looking at her and found the attention very pleasing. Of course none this was to say she wasn't willing to tease him a little. They went to a discount chain store, parking just beside the bull's-eye sign. They walked quickly inside. The air conditioning inside was very strong and Taylor immediately felt a chill. Taylor had her mother's credit card, but there was a limit to how much she could put on it. Taylor smiled to herself and while carefully avoiding looking at hunter she said, "I need some underwear." She reached up and quickly cupped her breasts through the shirt. "Especially a bra or two." She kept her voice level, but laughed on the inside at the hungry look on Hunter's face. "Down boy," she thought to herself. Hunter swallowed and pointed vaguely to the right. "I think they're over there." Taylor walked down the aisle with Hunter at her side. She felt a surge of warmth towards Hunter. This man who was the last connection to her old life was the best thing about her new life. A pain blossomed in her chest. The next few days would be hard for him. That pained her, but it was unavoidable. Without thinking through what hunter would think, she reached out and took his hand in hers. Hunter turned to look at her. She squeezed his hand briefly. "I wanted to thank you," she said. It was much harder to say what she wanted than she'd expected. "I don't think I could have coped with the last few days without your support." Hunter started to interrupt, but Taylor overrode him. "No wait, let me finish." She said. She took a step back and waved her hands at her body. "I haven't had anything to hold onto during and after the transformation." She paused not for emphasis, but to gather her courage. "you took that place for me. You provided the continuity for me." Hunter again started to speak, but stopped when Taylor placed her hand on his chest. "I know you feel like you failed me." That was as close as she could come to mentioning last night. "but you didn't, because what you gave me was about your presence not your actions," Hunter hid it well, but Taylors words ripped through him like broken glass. As far as he was concerned this was just one more reminder that she couldn't count on him to protect her. Taylor continued, "So let me just say this: Thank you for keeping me sane." Hunter couldn't bring himself to speak. He nodded jerkily and then the two of them continued down the aisle hand in hand. Hunter was surprised by how much he enjoyed the shopping trip. shopping wasn't that interesting to hunter, but time spent with Taylor made him happy. Taylor spent the first half hour trying random garments on to get an idea of her own sizes. The bra that seemed to fit the best was a 32C. her waist and hips were harder to quantify with the clothes available. She changed into a pair of skinny jeans and the same T-shirt as before. She wasn't sure, honestly, whether it was enough. With the bra, her chest was more prominent than before. The shirt was pulled tight across her chest and the shirt covered even less of her stomach. She turned to the mirror on the back wall. "HOLY SHIT!" she thought. She was fucking hot. The shirt was pulled very tight across her torso. Every curve was emphasized. The jeans were tight by design. She turned partway to get a better look at her backside. The gap between her shirt and pants was less than over her stomach, but still an inch or two at its narrowest point. She had some conflicted feelings. A bolt of pride at her attractiveness was matched by a sudden feeling of exposure. She imagined wearing this out in public. There was a spike of fear that ran through her core. She had already had a pretty terrible example of what could happen when you lost control. Wearing this felt almost like an invitation to be attacked again. she felt ashamed. She didn't like that. She really didn't like that thought. It made her very angry to think about that. What happened wasn't her fault; it was Greg's fault. She took the shirt in her hands and pulled it up to expose more of her stomach. She tied a knot in the bottom of the shirt. She had more than doubled the amount of skin she was showing. Her skin tingled. Her heart sped up and her breath caught in her throat. Fear rose up in her throat. She closed her eyes and slowed her breathing. She took deep, slow breathes. After a minute or two, her heart slowed. Newly calmed, she opened her eyes and looked at the mirror again. She reached for the shirt and was about to untie it, but then she stopped. The terrifying truth was that she was powerless to protect herself against all the "bad" possibilities. That fear had been omnipresent, like a high pitched whine in the background. It was consistent enough that she almost could forget about it. She stood there and something inside of her shifted. There were few enough things that she could control. She pulled on the shirt again and tightened the knot. Now the shirt stopped just beneath her bra. Her skin tingled again. Her heart sped up again. This time though it was a scratchy defiant feeling. She could live in fear, but that wouldn't keep her safe. She decided to face that fear, not by ignoring it, but by defying it. She turned and picked up the few "accepted" articles of clothing leaving behind the much bigger pile of "discards." She paid at one of the automatic cash registers and walked to the caf? by the front door. Hunter was there sitting with two cups of coffee in front of him. He was staring at his phone. Taylor walked up to the table and sat down across from hunter. He looked up as she sat down. His eyes seemed to stick when they reached her breasts. Taylor felt a spasm at his look. She had no qualms about being attractive to or admired by hunter. She took a sip from the coffee further from hunter. It was a little cooler than ideal, but still drinkable. "So I found a couple of things," she said between sips of coffee. "I still need to get some shoes." Hunter nodded but didn't say anything. They sat in silence for a moment just drinking their coffees and thinking. It was a nice moment. They were able to shut up and enjoy a moment of silence. Taylor drank her coffee a little faster than hunter, but he still finished first. He stood up. so she did as well. He picked up her bag and walked around the table. Hunter and Taylor walked through the mall together. Hunter followed Taylor into a discount shoe store. She looked around. It was a chain that she was familiar with, but she had never been in one before. It was a lot bigger on the inside than she had expected. She turned to him and said, "I'll meet you in the food court in a half hour." She closed by kissing hunter on the cheek. She stepped back and turned away. Hunter caught her hand and pulled her back. She spun back around and looked up at hunter as he bent down and kissed her full on the lips. Hunter's hands went to her back and then down onto the skin at her waist. Taylor's skin tingled and flushed. Hunter's fingers on her body felt really good, but that was nothing compared to the feeling of his lips on hers. Taylor felt a bolt of pleasure shoot through her belly landing in her crotch. She could feel her pussy spasm. With their bodies pressed together she could feel his erection through his pants. Hunter pushed her away and stepped back looking down at her. His eyes were actually bulging. "see you in a few minutes." There was a tremor in his voice. He didn't say anything else and just turned and walked away. Taylor stood there and stared after him. She shook her head. "wow!" she thought, he's a great kisser. She turned and walked down the aisles looking at the different styles. There were so many choices that they started to run together. She wasn't even through the first aisle yet. Taylor spun around a couple of times. Finally, she paused and walked to the closest corner of the shop. The top shelf was only a couple inches below her eye level. On it was a wedge heel with sandal straps on it. The heel was pretty high, she guessed it was four or five inches in the back and at least one in the front. On the floor nearby was a mat with measurements printed on it. Taylor pulled her right shoe off and stepped onto the mat. The first number visible beyond her foot was 8. The shoe in her hand was a 6. So that wasn't going to work. She put the shoe back and ran her finger down the column of boxes. Second from the bottom was a box with a large 8 printed on the side. Taylor pulled it out and sat down on the floor. She took her other shoe off and tried to put the new ones on. They weren't like any other shoes she had ever worn. There were a lot of straps, but after she pulled them tight her foot was pretty securely held in place. The second shoe was a lot easier to put on. Taylor tried to stand up but couldn't. The wedges held her ankles at such an angle that she couldn't get the leverage to stand up. She turned over until she was on her hands and toes. Then she walked her feet forward until she was crouched. She tightened her thighs lifting herself up. "don't fall," she mumbled over and over again as she stood up. She put her hand on the shelf to stabilize herself and walked slowly to the mirror. The shoes looked good. She looked good. This was Taylor's first experience with heels. She liked the way her legs and ass looked. She took another few steps. It was easier to walk than she had feared it would be. she thought the width of the heels might help keep her stable. Hunter sat at the table in the food court and poked at his plate of beans and rice with his spork. Of the six stalls in the food court only four were occupied. One was the saddest McDonalds he'd ever see. Another was a coffee bar. The last two were a pizzeria and the "Cajun Caf?" where half the menu seemed to have been stolen from a Chinese restaurant. The beans and rice was the last part of combo #3 left on his plate. "that was a mistake" he thought. The food wasn't sitting right in his stomach. He pushed the plate away from himself and stood up. The two-minute warning ripped through his head and he ran over to the bathroom. He didn't make it to the stall. He bent over the sink and vomited convulsively. His peripheral vision caught a red light blinking. "oh fuck," he thought. The automatic faucet turned on full blast. The water pressure splashed into the vomitus. Hunter just had time to close his eyes. He felt the droplets hit his face. He stood up and opened his eyes. He was lucky. most of the splash was water, most of it was. There were a couple of globs of chewed chicken stuck to his cheek. Hunter washed his face with the crusty hand soap from the dispenser. He felt a little better, but wasn't sure how long that would last. He dried his hands and face and walked back out to the dining area. Sitting right there at his table was Taylor. She waved to him. She was eating the beans and rice. Hunter walked back over in time to see Taylor scrap the last of the rice onto the spork and eat it. Taylor's expression changed as he approached. "Are you alright?" she asked. He shook his head. "No, I'm not." "I think it was something I ate," he continued. Taylor looked at the now empty plate. She shrugged and said, "I have a goat's stomach." Her voice softened. "Let's get you home." Hunter didn't say anything. he just nodded. He looked down at the floor noticing for the first time the wedge sandals she was wearing. Taylor stood up and hunter noticed the added height. Even with the heels though she wasn't as tall as Tyler had been. She picked up all of her bags. Hunter had a brief moment of chivalric shame, but a surge of nausea drove it from him. They walked out of the mall and into the parking lot. They were heading towards hunter's car. Hunter was having trouble putting one foot in front of the other. Taylor put her hand out and said, "Give me the keys." Unfortunately for both of them, right at that moment hunter had another bout of nausea and threw up...into Taylor's hand. The look of revulsion on her face would have devastated him, but Hunter was too ill to feel much embarrassment. Taylor for her part was obviously grossed out. more than that, she was concerned for her friend. Hunter looked at her out stretched hand covered in his vomitus. He glanced up and saw some splatter on her stomach and her shirt. He closed his eyes and mumbled to himself. "Fuck!" He reached into his pocket and pulled out the car's key fob and held it out to Taylor. She took the fob and thumbed the locks open. She guided him to the door and Hunter sat/fell into the passenger seat. Taylor walked to the back of the car and popped the trunk open. It was empty except for a gym bag and a towel in the corner, which she used to clean her hand off. She put her shopping bags into the trunk and closed it. She walked around and got into the driver's seat. She quickly adjusted the seats and mirrors before driving off. The drive to Hunter's house took a little more than ten minutes. She parked in the driveway. She looked over at Hunter. He seemed to be doing better. He was able to climb out of the car unassisted and walked a few feet into the yard. Taylor walked around the car and wrapped her arm around his waist. She wasn't strong enough to lift him, but she didn't have to. All she had to do was keep him steady. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. It wasn't the least bit romantic, but it still felt nice. She liked feeling him against her body. She guided him to the door. Taylor heard the electric lock withdraw the bolts. she carried hunter inside. She helped him up the stairs to his room. She lay him on his bed and rolled him into the recovery position. She thought about the bags in the car and the several miles to her house. She pulled the key fob out of her pocket and looked back and forth between it and Hunter. She leaned down and kissed his forehead. "I'm borrowing your car to get home," she said. "Mmahhg," he replied. She pursed her lips and fished her phone out of her pocket. She tapped out a text to him. "I took your car to get home. Feel better." She walked out of Hunter's room and pulled the door shut behind her. "Taylor, hello," said Hunter's dad. "Oh hi Mr. ******," Taylor said. "Call me Dave," said Dave. Taylor was nonplussed by that. Hunter's dad had always been a stickler for formality. She waved her hand at the door. "Hunter's a little sick. He threw up earlier," she said. Dave said, "That's unfortunate. Can I offer you a ride home?" Taylor was again nonplussed. Yet again a man volunteered to do something for her without her actually asking. "ah yes, thank you," she replied. "I have some things in Hunter's car's trunk." She held out the key fob. He took it from her. His eyes flicked down to the keys and then back to her face. Taylor couldn't be sure, but she thought his eyes paused on her chest. She followed him down the stairs and out to Hunter's car. Taylor pointed the way, as they drove to her house. They parked on the street in front of her house. Taylor climbed out of the car and walked to the back of the car, but "Dave" was already there. He had the trunk open and was lifting out most of the bags. Taylor went to the trunk and picked up the last two bags. "Thank you so much," she said and smiled. "It was my pleasure," he said with a goofy smile on his face. Taylor unlocked the door and walked inside. Dave following behind her. At the last moment, Taylor decided to avoid her bedroom. She set the two bags she was carrying down in the living room and he placed the ones he was carrying next to them. She walked him back to the door and shut it behind him. She put her hands on her hips and laughed to herself quickly. That smile dropped off her face as she thought about what she was planning. She'd much rather have stayed with hunter than face what she was going to do, but victor had been explicit. The timing didn't need to be too precise, but the longer she waited the less likely that it would work. No it had to be now. She picked up some of the bags and carried them up to her room. three trips later and they were all upstairs. She went through the bags one by one hanging up the clothes in the closet. She glanced around her room. It was strange. The room was the same as always. It was still Tyler's room. Right down to the Victoria's Secret calendar on the wall. "I wonder if my parents think I'm a lesbian." She thought. She looked at the calendar, at the Brazilian model posing in her underwear. She still felt a charge looking at the picture, but the fantasy played out differently now. She didn't fondle the model, instead she imagined a hand sliding up the bare skin of her waist moving from there to tiny scrap of fabric across her hips. The hand settled onto her butt and pulled. She stepped forward and looked up into the face of her would be ravisher. It was Hunter, of course. She had fallen hard for him. only now was she starting to realize the true depth of those feelings. Frowning, she opened her eyes and looked down at herself. She didn't want to do this, but she had to. She had already made up her mind. "let's get this over with," she mumbled to herself. She stripped down to her bra and panties. She paused to look at herself in the mirror. She was beautiful. That wasn't bragging it was simply a fact. She was slowly getting used to her new reflection. She reached up and unsnapped the bra, letting it fall away and then she slid the panties down her legs. She looked at her naked body. It was a nice body. She frowned again. Tonight she was going to not only let Greg touch her. She was going to encourage it. She was going to seduce him. Taylor had an attack of shame at that, she was going to let him claim her as his property, again! She flashed back to the night before. She could feel Greg's hands on her body. She could feel his weight press her into the mattress. She blinked back some tears. She hadn't been able to fight him off. She failed so badly that he probably hadn't realized she was fighting. She looked at herself again. She had changed so much even in the day since the rape. She sobbed briefly and then laughed. Her emotions were overwhelming, but an oddly comforting thought bubbled up to the surface of her mind: it wasn't her. Her body had changed. Her breasts were bigger, her hips wider, her waist narrower, and her skin softer. Last night Her body had enticed him; but he had never laid a finger on this body. She pushed back on the shame she felt. She wasn't surrendering to Greg. She was seeking revenge. She was attacking him. She was honest enough to admit that. It wasn't about justice. It was revenge. Taylor reached up and pulled the rubber band off of her hair, wincing as it dragged on the strands. She ran her fingers through her hair, straightening it. The tips hung down almost to her waist. She turned to the side and looked at her ass. "I can do this," she thought. She walked naked to the bathroom and turned the shower on. She turned the temperature up high to just before the point where it started to burn. She washed every inch of her body slowly, and then started over twice. It was ritualistic. She was separating herself from her body. For tonight it wasn't her body. It was a weapon to be used against her enemies. Every movement of her hands whether building or rinsing the lather away was one more act of dissociation. She climbed out of the shower and dried off. Tyler hadn't owned a hair dryer, but she was sure her mother had one. She wrapped the wet towel she had used to dry her body around her hair. She wrapped a second one around her hips and burst out laughing at herself. That wasn't enough anymore. It was "indecent" for her to walk around with her chest uncovered. The next five minutes were a comedic attempt by her to figure out how to wrap the towel around her breasts in a way that stayed up and covered her crotch. this wasn't helped by the fact that covering her breasts used a large part of the material of the towel. In the end after screaming in frustration she gave up and duct taped the two sides of the towel together. She then quick walked to her parent's bathroom grabbed the hair drier and headed back to her room. She wasn't sure how to use it other than aim and "shoot", but focus and luck combined to give an amateurish windswept look to her hair. next came makeup. Tyler hadn't owned any and even if she had bought some. She had no idea what she was doing. She debated going back and stealing some of her mother's makeup and trying to do something with it. In the end though she decided a "natural" look would be better than the clown face she would probably wind with if she tried. She did however steal a tube of bright red lipstick. By now she was shivering; the towel didn't provide much insulation. She was also late. The party wouldn't be hitting its stride for a couple of hours yet, but her parents would be home soon and she didn't want them to see the outfit she was planning to wear. She was a teenager heading to a high school party. She didn't think she could pull off a fancy dress which left going slutty. She chose a pair of jeans so tight that she had to hold her breath to fasten them. She picked a black bra and a black tank top that left a ludicrous amount of skin visible. She put the wedge sandals from earlier back on and promptly tripped. "FUCK!" she screamed. "no heels," she mumbled to herself. She pulled the wedges off and rubbed her ankles. She pulled out a pair of sneakers with a one inch built up heel from the bag. She put the new shoes on and took a few tentative steps. The one-inch heel wasn't that big, but it still changed the way she walked and stood. Her balance was different. She could feel tension in her muscles and tendons. Tipping her foot forward even that little bit seemed to relieve some of the pain in her ankle. She left her hair down looked at her phone and grimaced at the time. She had to go. *** Hunter groaned and rolled over. He'd been vomiting intermittently for the last few hours. His stomach was completely empty and he was sore. He stood and walked slowly to the bathroom. He washed his face and brushed his teeth. Afterwards There was still a bad taste in his mouth. Now it was mixed with the synthetic peppermint of the tooth paste. His whole body was sore, every joint was stiff. He walked, shuffled really, back to his room. His father came up the stairs and said, "Hunter. How are you feeling?" Hunter felt a bubbling in his gut, but it was less than before. He felt exhausted as though he'd been exercising all day rather than lying in bed. "Fine," he said, "better I think." His dad held out a yogurt and a spoon. "A little yogurt would help settle your stomach." Hunter nodded and took the yogurt. "I drove your friend Taylor home a few hours ago," he said, "she told me that you got food poisoning at the mall today?" Hunter nodded. "Don't order the Cajun chicken." They both chuckled. Hunter lifted the yogurt and said, "Thanks." He started walking back to his room. "Feel better?" his dad called after him. Hunter shuffled back to his room and climbed into bed. He didn't lie down though. He opened the yogurt and gingerly started eating it. One careful bite at a time. Slowly he ate the whole container. With each bite he felt a little better. His stomach didn't hurt as much and the protein in the yogurt started to bring his energy level back up. He drifted off to sleep for a while. Hunter woke up to use the bathroom. Walking passed a window he saw it was dark outside now. For the first time he didn't dry heave as he approached the toilet. He still felt a little weak, but nothing like before. Lying on the floor next to the toilet was his phone. He picked up it up and noticed a text alert from Taylor. "I hope you feel better soon. Thank you for coming shopping with me. I had fun just being with you." Hunter swallowed at that. He too had really enjoyed spending time with her. There was more to the text. "I hope you can forgive me for what I have to do. Just know whatever you think of me, that I would rather have stayed with you." Hunter's eyes froze at that. He felt his penis stir at the thought of being with her. Then his eyes slipped back a few words. "Forgive" and "have to" stood out. Suddenly it occurred to hunter what she was trying to tell him. She was going to fuck Greg and turn back into Tyler. Hunter's stomach clenched as he thought that. Part of him felt guilty to be opposed to getting his friend back, but that was dumb. His friend was still there. Taylor was the same person. besides he was pretty sure that he loved her. He didn't think he could stop her, but he knew he had to talk to her. He dressed quickly and walked out to his car. He was in a hurry, but he drove slowly. the motions of the car were bringing back his nausea. Taylor's house was pretty close though so the drive was only a couple minutes longer than usual. Hunter parked right in front of her house. It was a little smaller than his and on a smaller lot. He walked up to the door and rang the bell. There was no response. He gave it five minutes, but there was still no response. He pulled his phone out and with a few taps was able to bring up the gps data from Taylor's phone. In less than a minute a map appeared with a dot near an intersection on the other side of town. He got back into his car and drove off. It was a much nicer neighborhood than the ones where Taylor or he lived. The lawns were expansive, bright green and meticulously landscaped. There was a cluster of cars towards the end of the street. He pulled to the curb and locked the car. He cut across the grass and headed towards the house. He could hear sounds coming from the back of the house including what sounded like splashes he walked around the corner and noticed an in ground pool with a Jacuzzi next to it. Sitting in the Jacuzzi were Greg and Taylor. He was shirtless and she was wearing a black bikini. Hunter felt like he'd been punched in the stomach. He didn't like seeing Taylor with Greg. He tried to tell himself that it was for her sake, but looking at the two of them he felt burning jealousy. Taylor's hands were running up and down Greg's chest. Hunter's jealousy spiked up again. Greg had a much better body than him. Hunter tasted bile at the back of his throat. He had failed her again. Every step of the way along her transformation he had not only failed to help her; he had made it all worse. It only now occurred to hunter what Taylor must be thinking. If she still had the curse and they slept together she would have passed it to Hunter. He now felt foolish and realized that he shouldn't have come. Unfortunately for hunter, it was at that moment that Taylor looked up and saw him. Greg followed her gaze and saw hunter crouching in the bushes. "what the fuck?!" shouted Greg. He climbed out of the Jacuzzi. hunter took advantage of the brief moment of Greg turning his back to wink at Taylor. It was all he could do. He was pretty sure Greg was going to kick the shit out of him, but he didn't want Taylor upset or distracted. Taylor saw hunter sneaking onto the property. Greg next to her shouted and started to climb out of the hot tub. Taylor was a little slow so she didn't fully process what was going on. She just sat there. Taylor was a little slow so she didn't fully process what was going on. She just sat there and then hunter winked. Given their angles she was pretty sure Greg hadn't seen, but she didn't know what it meant. Greg angrily walked across the grass toward hunter. Taylor and Hunter locked eyes. He spoke, "Taylor I love you. Please don't sleep with him." Taylor felt a stab of rage. What was wrong with him, didn't he know this was hard enough for her as it was. Greg bellowed like an enraged bull and sped up. Hunter's eyes flicked back and forth between Greg and Taylor. He looked oddly calm as Greg's fist swung through the air and struck Hunter in the jaw. Hunter collapsed. Greg swung his foot and kicked Hunter in the stomach. Taylor was grateful that he was barefoot that probably cut the force of the kick. Hunter's eyes flicked back to her and once again he winked. Suddenly Taylor understood. Hunter was trying to help her. Greg was very territorial. The easiest way to make Greg want something was to let him take it away from someone else. Hunter was giving her the chance to snag Greg's attention, but it wasn't enough on its own. She would have to do her part. She climbed out of the hot tub. Her skin tingled partly from the alcohol, partly from the cold air. She stumbled towards hunter and Greg. She could feel the eyes of the other party goers on her. She regretted the added humiliation of those spectators, which was stupid, since that was the very thing that would make it work. She was also starting to sober up, but decided to play up her drunkenness. She "stumbled" across the lawn. She walked up to hunter and Greg. The fact that both of them were openly staring at her tits no longer bothered her. She looked down at Hunter who lay crumpled on the ground. He looked up at her. She hardened her heart. "You stalker freak!" she screamed hating herself, but she continued anyways. "What gives you the right to follow me." She then spit on him. She turned away, but thought she saw hunter actually smile at her. He understood what she was doing and he forgave her. Greg slid his arm around her shoulder. She jumped a little, but forced herself to relax into him. "It's okay baby. He's not worth it." Taylor couldn't help herself, she laughed. Her mind flipped the sentence. She pretended Hunter was talking about Greg. She sobbed and folded herself into Greg's muscly chest. He wrapped his arm tighter around her chest. His hand snuck inside her bikini top. It served her purposes, but she was still a little surprised at how ballsy he was. Greg pulled her towards the house and took her inside. Greg didn't say anything just steered her passed the other party goers and up the stairs. Soon they were alone in a room with a queen-sized bed. The room was neutrally decorated; there were no personal touches. It was probably a guest room. "I don't warrant being taken to his bedroom," she thought. She felt slighted, but then again the last thing she wanted was emotional intimacy. Without saying a word, Greg pulled her swimsuit off and threw her onto the bed. He pulled down his own swim trunks. He grabbed her ankles and pulled her to the side of the bed. "This is it," she thought. Taylor couldn't bring herself to look Greg in the face. She concentrated on his penis. It pulsed in front of her face. It was already firm. She reached out and took it in her hand. She ran her thumb along the bottom of the shaft. It grew bigger. She slipped the tip of her thumb under the foreskin. It swelled again. She stood and guided Greg to sit on the edge of the bed. She kneeled in front of him and leaned forward. She leaned forward and kissed the tip. Greg groaned. Taylor shut her eyes and let her mind drift. In her head she shifted things around; she replaced Greg with hunter. That made it tolerable to be here doing this. She still felt the revulsion and fear of being with Greg, but she was able to move past that terror. Hunter was with her in her heart and she drew strength from that. She shifted her weight and repositioned herself on her knees in between Greg's legs. She stuck her tongue out and ran it around the tip. She moved forward again and ran her tongue across the glans just reaching the edge of the foreskin. "Here goes nothing," thought Taylor, "well maybe something." She planted her lips on the tip. She pushed fo

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Sexy Snow White and the Hot Hunter

NAUGHTY FAIRY TALES: Sexy Snow White and the Hot Hunter Once upon a time there was an evil queen who ruled the Kingdom of Vaenia. This queen was called Goldoria. But despite her evil nature and her age (she was three hundred years old), the queen was the most stunningly beautiful woman in all the land. She had pale white skin, fiery auburn hair and striking emerald eyes. She was strong and powerful, capable of fighting or even talking her way out of a fight. Hells, she didn’t even...

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Taylor the Older Sister

I and Lisa have been friends since High School we went to different schools but we rode the bus together, and we hung out with the same people and had many wild and crazy times, but that’s another story. I was kinda trying to get with Gabby who is 17 kinda chubby but she could pull it off she also had jet black hair cut short, and also had her lip pierced. She had nice tits but sadly the most I had seen of them is just her bra that she teased me with about a week earlier. I drove my...

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Taylor Takes Ballet Part 8

Part 8 Since I did have school the next day, and would need to revert to my boy clothes, I decided to wear my leotard and tights for the rest of the day, and not remove my makeup until I went to sleep. I wanted to prolong my "girl time" for as long as I could! "Hi mommy, thanks for picking me up, I love you," I said as I got in the car and gave my mommy a kiss on the cheek. "Aaw, thanks honey, that's so sweet of you! You know, it's funny that when you're dressed in your...

2 years ago
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Taylor Takes Ballet Part 10

Part 10 It took some time to get used to laying in bed with my breast forms still in; I usually sleep on my side, and each time I started to drift off to sleep it seemed I would roll over and the sensation of my breasts would wake me up each time. Eventually, I fell into a deep sleep and when my alarm went off in the morning, I realized I had been dreaming about the Bachelorette! It was difficult to have to remove my breast forms and get back into boy mode after almost an entire...

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Bearly even a hunter

Slowly peering over the rock, the dull glow of the setting sun provided poor visibility for the hunter, he saw shadows all around him and heard more noises than just wet snapping of branches under heavy bear paws. Trying to focus on the bear's shadow and sounds, blocking out all else, he moved into a somewhat open space with a clear view of the shadow, he raised his rifle, and with the head of the grizzly shadow caught in its crosshairs he fired. But instead of a thud of bear corps hitting...

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Taylor Swift A Swift Oral Dose

WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the singers, record labels, musicians, places, etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I am making no money as a result of the writing of this story.Starring: Taylor SwiftA Swift Oral DoseAn...

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Taylors Girlsquad II Karlie Kloss and Vict

Taylor's Girlsquad II - Karlie Kloss and Victoria JusticeVictoria Justice blinked rapidly a few times, her long, brown eyelashes caressing her cheek, and lifted a hand to her lips, painted in a subtle, pink lipstick, to yawn. She fanned air to her face and headed over to the coffee machine, her steps fairly uneasy, with a small grunt escaping her lips and her hand moving to her stomach to stroke it soothingly. She waited until the dark, steaming liquid had poured out of the nozzle and into her...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

2 years ago
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Taylor Swifts Interracial Reprograming

Taylor Swift--known as much for her slender figure, long blonde hair, and milky white skin as for her incredible country/pop career--exudes sex appeal through her faux-innocent persona. One might not suspect a white starlet like Taylor to harbor dark fantasies about big black cock. Appearances can be deceiving. Rumors indicate something lies deep beneath Swift's carefully tailored image as America's sweet white girl next door.A few years ago at MTV's VMA awards, Kanye West interrupted Taylor...

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The Hunter

Part One: Showtime When our new neighbor forgot (?) to pull her shades down she put on quite a show for my husband and me. "Honey," my husband called to me from the bedroom. "She's doing' it again. Come watch." We had a new neighbor, a single woman named Shayla. We had talked to her over the fence a few times, but really didn't know her very well. We thought she was a little shy. We were going to be proved wrong on that. A few weeks after she moved in Lee and I were lying in bed with the...

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Taylors Sex Slave

This is a fictional story. This is part 1, I might make more.Taylor is a sexy girl one year older than me, I'm 18 and she is 19. I would often stare at her in the hallways in our high school, dreaming about her long curvy legs hidden under tight high-waist jeans or lulu lemon leggings. Her perky small tits just barely hiding under a small crop top and her flat, toned core made for many awkward boners. I had never talked to her, but always fantasized about fucking her, I would lie in bed late at...

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Taylor Takes Ballet Part 7

Part 7 On the way home, I texted Tiffany about coming with me to babysit; she said yes, and was excited that she would be making some extra cash. I texted her the whole story about how I had met Chrissie and Mr. Roberts, about getting my ears pierced, and how I had "dressed up" a bit for the interview. Chrissie had taken some pics of us playing dolls together in her bedroom, which I sent to Tiffany. "OMG, girlfriend!" she immediately texted back. "You are smoking hot!!!!" she...

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Taylor Takes Ballet Part 4

Part 4 On the way to the salon, I felt a need to go to the bathroom and quickly realized that I had a dilemma. I obviously couldn't go into the boys restroom dressed this way! I would probably get beat up. But then what if I used the girls restroom, and someone realized that I wasn't a girl? Couldn't I get in trouble for that too? I decided to whisper this to my sister Courtney, who suggested that since I was wearing makeup, my hair style was brushed over to the side that made it...

3 years ago
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Taylor and Tom jb original

Not too long ago had an assignment to write a "romantic" scene around 500 words. Much longer, but heck it was fun to write. The pendulum of the clock ticked out its steady cadence, never wavering. The radio played Wish You Were Here. Taylor looked at Tom’s last text, “You going to be able to handle Wednesday babe?” Butterflies slammed into her sides; she was nervous. His desire screamed at her from the simple innocuous words. Today her handsome, smart, kind incredible lover was going be an...

5 years ago
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Taylor Maids

Taylor Maids - By Karyn Amethyst. I was 32 unemployed and starting a new business. I had little capital, but my best friend and confidant Ryan ponied up over one-hundred thousand in start-up funding, provided I make him an equal partner as well as paying him back. "No rush, buddy," he said, clapping me on the shoulder. "As soon as I can, Ry. I promise." I breathed a small sigh of relief, the pressure was off, for now. I began in earnest the next morning, I purchased two small...

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MIBD Artemis The Hunter

M.I.B.D. Artemis The Hunter Synopsis:Is the sequel to The Academy where The Agency and Hunter Enterprises face off against the Academy in a final showdown that changes the world. ~*******************~ Synopsis:Jo Ellen is the heir of Diana Hunter: the tragic heroine who was Joe Rossi. Joe was a Mafia "wise guy". Joe was often bullied by the larger boys due to his small size. Joe soon developed a reputation as a small, tough and wiry fighter. His speed, dexterity and agility made him...

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Taylor Takes Ballet Part 9

Part 9 To say that I was addicted to the image I saw in the mirror would not be an overstatement. Standing there in my white tights, lavender panties, and pink and black bra - I turned in every direction to see how I looked from every angle. I was amazed at the feminine shape before me! "OK, Heidi Klum," said Rebecca, teasing me. "That's enough vogueing! I have some outfits for you to try on." With that, Tiffany led me across the room to a velvet couch, it was a very fancy...

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Taylor and Me

Taylor was a slightly tanned average height, skinny blonde with blue eyes, he was 14 with an average 5inch cock with a slight patch of blonde pubic hair but no  underarm hair. I was a brown 15 year old with black hair average build and a lot of pubic hair but i trimmed it down for Taylor's happyness, with a thick 7 inch cock with a fully retractable foreskin Taylor and me had had a slight gay relationship in the sense of jacking off together, kissing, holding hands & checking out each...

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Hunter HuntedChapter 4 Hunter

Mirage rose to fill his glass after he drained it then returned to her seat, crossing her legs uncomfortably. She wasn't used to being dressed like this in front of anyone but Lineal and Lynette and she was feeling a bit naked in front of Hunter. It might have helped if he wasn't looking at her the way he was, as if she were sitting here in that extreme state of undress. She drank more of her whiskey, clearing her throat. "Okay, anytime you want to start. I don't have all night...

4 years ago
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Taylor Takes Ballet Part 1

Ballet Class - Part 1 I am the middle child at age 14; my two sisters Vanessa and Courtney are 13 and 16. Our mom is an attorney at a large law firm in San Francisco; we live in a large Victorian in a nice part of the city. Since I was very young, I gravitated more towards traditional girl activities and was not too interested in sports. I wouldn't say I'm a wimp; I had a few guy friends in elementary school and was pretty good at sports when we played in PE class. But I preferred...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 35 Tolley Hunter

It got truly strange that evening. At 1800, just as we were being served dinner, a major showed up wearing a crisply starched ACU. Starching Army Combat Uniforms was prohibited since it supposedly screwed up the flame resistance and infrared signature patterns on them. Maybe he never got the memo, or maybe he didn’t care. By that point they had me up and walking around. He sat down at the table we were at and introduced himself. “I’m Major Duckworth and I’m with the Public Affairs Office. I’m...

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Taylor Takes Ballet Part 3

Taylor Takes Ballet Part 3 One thing that I was a little unsure of was that the leotard had something that felt sort of like a "built-in" bra in it. Which didn't seem to be a need for me, ha! Looking in the mirror, the image I saw was like so many of the other girls my age that were starting to sprout boobs, as it gave me a little bit of shape where a girl's breasts would be! I found myself starting to daydream about how it would look if I had some budding breasts to fill out the...

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Taylor Swift Goes to That Stupid Club

Taylor Swift couldn't wait for the party. Dan Dymtrow had told her that an executive producer of Weinstein Company was holding a New Year’s party and needed someone for the main event of the night. Dan had mentioned her and she got the job. She would finally get a chance to display her singing talents and hopefully get a contract. Dan would pick her up in two hours. Even though she had already shaved her legs and under her arms, she decided it wouldn't hurt to go over them again. While she...

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Taylor Misbehaves With Her CO

Taylor Misbehaves With Her CO by alexcarr "And specifically what are my orders, Sgt Taylor?"Officer Richards was absolutely beside himself having called Sgt Taylor to his office on a disciplinary charge, that she was not wearing army issue underwear."But these are so much more comfortable" she retorted lifting her skirt to reveal what was beneath.His eyes popped - "You know you shouldn't be wearing thongs on duty Sgt! - what say if you were on the battlefield, and you had an accident, slipped...

Straight Sex
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Autoloading ShotgunChapter 3 The hunt for Hunter

I spent a lot of time in Mr. Schwartz's firing range practicing a quick draw with my shoulder holster. He let me use his range because I bought a lot of ammunition from him. I have been at it for three weeks, and Mr. Schwartz said that I was the fastest he had ever seen at drawing a gun. That made me feel good, but I knew that there was surely somebody around who was faster than me. I worked on making up for that flaw with my accuracy. I got to the point that I could draw and hit my target...

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Taylor Takes Ballet Part 2

Taylor Takes Ballet Part 2 My first day of class was exhausting! There were 12 girls in the class, and me. Two of the girls were in class for the first time while the rest of them were 2nd years students. I decided that I was going to love it almost immediately! The girls' outfits were so pretty; all different colors of leotards and tights, my outfit looked so drab in comparison. The girls were so friendly to me, and quickly took me in as one of their own. After a few minutes of...

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Taylor With Wife

This is the story of my wife Nisha getting fucked by the Taylor. She is 33 yrs 5ft 4” tall with body measurements of 34 29 33. She has nice features and a beautiful round ass. This happened when she went to a Taylor in our neighborhood to stitch a blouse. When we reached the shop I realized that she was wearing a tight dress. She agreed to give her measurement the Taylor was very happy and asked her to remove her Dupatta. Her Cleavage can now be seen thru her low cut shirt. The Taylor started...

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The Hunter

The gun season for white-tail deer starts a week before Thanksgiving and even though ‘my’ woods are privately owned, hunters encroach on them from neighboring game lands. My grandfather's brother really owns the land, and he doesn't give a shit about hunters, so none of it is posted. When I hike into what I call ‘my’ cove during hunting season, I have to be careful or I could get shot. After what happened last year though, I’ve learned the risk can be worth it.My great-uncle owes 125 acres of...

Gay Male
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Grel Becomes a Sree Hunter

I had fifteen Summers, and had reached my full growth a span of seasons before. It was past time that my clan consider me Sree. I'd first spilled my seed on the ground during my twelfth Summer, and had, right after that, spent my half moon's time alone in the forest, in order to prove myself to my clan a Mek Hunter. In my clan, Mek means boy and Sree means man. For a Mek to get to be a Sree, there had to be unanimous agreement from the Sree hunters. At my last petition, I'd only received...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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Taylor and I

As we arrived, we walked into our 5 star hotel and received our room keys. We made sure to bring our xboxes up to the room and immediately began setting up. We ordered pizza and began playing Halo Reach. After playing for about 2 hours, the chaperons assigned to our room came and told us to get dressed. We all joked around as we put on our business clothes and began to head to the conference center adjoined to the hotel. We sat through the opening ceremony and at about 10 P.M., headed back...

3 years ago
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Taylor ConChapter 2

There is nothing more frightening than children being left with a stranger for the first time. The crying, the worry ... Fred hoped Taylor and Anita were over the worst of it now that they were in Philly. The conversation in the car had been a downward spiral of sadness only stopped when Fred started pumping The Donnas through the speakers. You can't be sad while listening to The Donnas. The convention officially started noon on Wednesday, so the trio drove into Philadelphia early Tuesday...

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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I was raised on a feral wilderness planet. My father was a hunter, trapping and killing for their meat the ferocious animals that dominated the planet. My mother ran a smallholding to raise grain, fruit and vegetables, heavily protected by fortifications and electric fences. My sisters showed no aptitude or inclination for hunting but readily took to helping my mother expand her smallholding. I took to hunting like a duck to water, surpassing my father's skills by my mid-teens. I could walk...

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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Taylor Part one

He looked me up and down and let out a chuckle. " i should have figured someone as tiny as you was still in high school." I stick out my bottom lip, cross my arms and say "im not tiny" he laughs and says "you're cute" and asks me if i ever want to hang out sometime. I contemplate for a minute before giving him my number then tell him i gotta go to my friends house, he says ok he will call me later and extends his arms for a hug. He wraps his arms around me and i feel his hand on the...

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Taylor Misbehaves With Her CO

Taylor Misbehaves With Her CO by alexcarr ‘And specifically what are my orders, Sgt Taylor?’ Officer Richards was absolutely beside himself having called Sgt Taylor to his office on a disciplinary charge, that she was not wearing army issue underwear. ‘But these are so much more comfortable’ she retorted lifting her skirt to reveal what was beneath. His eyes popped – ‘You know you shouldn’t be wearing thongs on duty Sgt! – what say if you were on the battlefield, and you had an accident,...

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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John Henry Bain Bounty Hunter

In January 1869, the flat, featureless plains of Texas were known as the Staked Plains, after the early Spanish explorers who had discovered the desolate area drove stakes into the ground as markers to lead them back to safety. A lonely, desolate area of dirt, grassland, and Indians, it would be easy to lose one’s sense of direction if unaccustomed to such terrain. In the distance the dust rose in the wake of a lone rider as he moved across the desolate grassland. John Henry Bain rode a dark...

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Swami Ghoshal 8211 Anand Ka 8220Santansukh Garbha Mandir8221

Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup h.ye nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...

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Mandys sickest stories Mandy reloaded

Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...

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Andrew Running Part 1 of Andreas Stand

Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...

2 years ago
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Candys Dandy

by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...

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Sissy Outed Brandon to Brandy

This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...

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