Taylor Takes Ballet Part 10 free porn video

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Part 10 It took some time to get used to laying in bed with my breast forms still in; I usually sleep on my side, and each time I started to drift off to sleep it seemed I would roll over and the sensation of my breasts would wake me up each time. Eventually, I fell into a deep sleep and when my alarm went off in the morning, I realized I had been dreaming about the Bachelorette! It was difficult to have to remove my breast forms and get back into boy mode after almost an entire weekend spent in my girl clothes, but at least I selected a sexy pair of panties to wear. The day at school was uneventful, except for the fact that I had decided to wear a hint of makeup and some clear lip gloss, and a few of my guy friends questioned me about it. I was never really popular and managed to stay under the radar socially since starting junior high, so most people didn't even notice me. Anyway, I had started spending most of my time with Tiffany, Leigh, and Ashley; most people probably just started to assume that I was gay. Honestly - I was getting close with them and it was really nice to have some real friends for a change, so I didn't really care what anybody else thought. I had packed my ballet clothes in my backpack, so after school I went to Tiff's house and we changed and headed to class. I wore my baby blue leotard, black tights, and blue Toms and at this point decided to drop the pretense of wearing boy clothes to class and stepped into my blue denim mini skirt. At class as well, the pretense of me being treated as a boy had started to diminish; there was one other boy in the class, and he got all the boy parts in practice while I danced the girl parts. Miss Ellen started out the class talking about plans for the year-end show. "All right, everyone. We are going to be dancing Swan Lake at this year's show and it is time to start planning for parts and costumes. Of course Devin will dance the part of Prince Siegfried; Tiffany, you will be the swan princess Odette. The rest of you girls will be the swan maidens." When I questioned her during our break about my role, she told me that there was only one male part in the production, so I would have the same role as the other girls in the class and wear the same costumes and asked if that was OK with me. She also mentioned that I was demonstrating a gracefulness that allowed me to dance a female part. I told her how flattered I was, and that of course I was OK with dancing that same part as the girls! I tried (unsuccessfully) to hide my excitement which made Miss Ellen smile. After class Miss Ellen told us that we should each bring a check for $150 to the next class to pay for costumes, which we'd have by the following week. Tiffany and I packed up our things and her mom came and picked us up to drive us to Chrissie's house, since we would be babysitting that afternoon. "Hello girls," said Mr. Roberts as we entered the house. With that, Chrissie ran down the stairs and gave me a big hug, while also saying hi to Tiffany. "Taylor, my dad has a big surprise for you," she said. "Now Chrissie, I told you that I would ask Taylor in time, after I've gotten a chance to speak with her mom" he said. "But daddy, I heard you talking with her just before" said Chrissie. "Are you snooping on my conversations?" he asked. "Sorry daddy, I'm just so excited." "So Taylor," he started. "I did speak with your mom about taking you along on a business trip over spring break in 2 weeks. I have a speaking engagement in Rome, and Chrissie is going to come with me and it would be really helpful if you could come along to watch after her while I am busy. I will be busy for 4 days, then I thought we could sightsee for a few days while we're there. Your mom said she would have a few conditions that she would like to discuss with me, but otherwise she was OK with it. What do you think?" Wow, what did I think? What a dream! I had never left the country before and couldn't believe that I would have a chance to go to Italy! "It sounds really exciting, Mr. Roberts! I will talk with my mom tonight and let you know later this week, OK?" "That would be fine, thank you dear!" he said. "OMG, Taylor!" said Tiffany. "You're so lucky, girl!" "I know - Chrissie, it's going to be just so much fun!" "Do you think your mom will let you come?" asked Chrissie. "I really hope so, Taylor - it will make it so much fun having you there! My dad always drags me to museums, opera, and ballet - he says it's important to get me "culture." I get so bored with it but not if you're with me!" "I'm not sure what "conditions" my mom has in mind, Chrissie, but she's always so reasonable I don't think it will be anything too stringent." "Cool! Come on, let's go up to my room, I thought it would be fun to play dress up." "I'm not sure that Tiffany and I can fit into any of your clothes, Chrissie so maybe we should think of something else to do?" "No, you don't understand - come with me, I want to show you something." With that, we walked into what looked like a spare bedroom, and as Chrissie opened the door to a large walk-in closet, my eyes got wide as did Tiffany's. In the closet was the largest collection of dresses, heels, skirts, blouses, and lingerie that I had ever seen! "Holy smokes Chrissie - where did all these clothes come from?" asked Tiffany. "My mom died from cancer 2 years ago, when I was 8. My dad has been really sad since then, he and my mom were really in love. It seems like he's just starting to get to himself again, but he hasn't been able to bring himself to get rid of my mom's things so this room is almost like a shrine to her. I come in sometimes and try on her things when I'm bored, and my dad doesn't mind. My mom was an HR director for a large tech company, so she had lots of dressy clothes and she was very petite and beautiful. I used to watch her get dressed in the morning and put on her makeup, she had the most exquisite lingerie! Her stuff is still a little too big for me, but she was a size 3 petite and I think it would fit you two just right! Come on, let's try a few things on!" "Wow, that's so sad Chrissie; I'm so sorry about your mom. It doesn't feel right to be going through her things, I don't know if we should be doing this" I said. Just then her dad walked by the room, and stuck his head in when he saw us. "What are you girls doing in there?" he asked. "Oh, hi daddy," said Chrissie. "I thought it would be fun to go through some of mommy's old things and play dress up, is that OK?" "Yes, of course - that's fine honey. Just don't leave a mess, OK? I have been thinking about donating her things to the Salvation Army so if there is anything that you girls like you are welcome to it" he added, and left the room. "You see, Taylor - my dad is OK with it, he realizes that he needs to move on and it would actually be helping him if you and Tiffany could take some of this stuff home if it's not outdated." The first items that Chrissie pulled out were ballgowns that Mrs. Roberts had worn for formal occasions. There were almost 10 of them that were similar in style, so Chrissie just asked me and Tiffany to choose a color to wear; I chose a purple halter dress with a full taffeta skirt, and some matching heels; Tiffany and Chrissie then chose similar dresses, one in pink and one in red, and we started to get undressed. I wasn't wearing my false breasts, so I paused but before I could say anything Chrissie handed me one of her mom's bras (a really sexy and expensive-looking white lace bra) and a few pairs of pantyhose to stuff in them. "I have to pad my own bra, Taylor, since I'm a bit smaller than my mother was! So don't feel bad, yours will grow in!" I slipped on the bra, and we all stepped into our gowns and heels and had so much fun pretending that we were at a ball, being led across the dance floor by a handsome prince! We continued looking in the closet, and as I pulled out an outfit I asked Chrissie "hey, this looks like a flight attendant uniform, there are a few of them in here was this a costume that your mom liked to wear?" "No," said Chrissie. "Before she went to work in HR, my mom was a flight attendant for American Airlines. Later on, she would wear them for Halloween as a costume!" And with that, the three of us each dressed in one of her uniforms and pretended that we were serving unruly passengers. Her mom was a size Petite 4, which was a little big for me but the clothes fit pretty well. Next we turned to her lingerie, taking turns trying on her peignoirs and nightgowns, which were ultra sexy and fun to wear! She had an incredible collection of vintage lingerie. I kept the bra on throughout so that everything would fit me properly. Soon Chrissie's dad called us down for a snack, and we were all a little hungry so we made our way down the stairs in our peignoirs and heels and headed for the kitchen. "Wow, I feel like I'm watching a fashion show - look how beautiful all you girls look!" said Mr. Roberts as he examined us in our lingerie. "That was my favorite outfit of all Dana's lingerie to wear," he said as he examined the black and silver lacy peignoir and black high heel mules that I was wearing, and he looked sad as he thought about it. "You should keep it, it fits you perfectly dear." I felt bad for him, so I walked over and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, Mr. Roberts, and I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to Mrs. Roberts." "Thank you, that's sweet of you, Taylor" he replied as he patted my hand. We went back up to Chrissie's room, and changed back into our clothing as it was almost time to go home. "Taylor, if you don't want to put your ballet clothes back on, you can wear this top which I think would go really cute with your blue jean skirt." With that she handed me a long sleeve silk blouse, in white with a print pattern that had red lips on it! It was really cute, and it was her mom's and she said she really wanted me to have it. I tried it on and, with my padded bra it fit perfectly and so I slipped on my jean skirt and was about to slip into my Toms when Chrissie handed me a pair of white slides with a low heel and satin bow and said they would look great with my outfit, and she was right! I looked and felt so girly with my white tights on and I skipped across the room to admire myself in the mirror, while the girls laughed at my vanity. I scooped up the black high heel mules, and black and grey peignoir that I had been wearing and put them in my ballet bag along with my blue leotard. Tiffany also decided to keep the peignoir and heels that she had been wearing. We went downstairs, where Mr. Roberts was waiting to take us home. Chrissie and I kissed goodbye, and we walked to the car with Tiffany getting in the back seat, while I slid into the front seat while smoothing out my skirt as I sat. After dropping off Tiffany, we started to head towards my house when Mr. Roberts pulled the car over. "Taylor, I just wanted to let you know how much it has meant to me having you come over and spend time with Chrissie. You have become like a big sister to her, and have helped make up for the fact that her mom is gone. You are a really sweet girl and so kind to her and I am so grateful that you have come into our lives! I hope that you will be able to join us on our trip to Italy, I have been there many times and I would love to show my 2 girls around when I'm done with my conference." I could barely hear him towards the end, I was crying thinking about Chrissie not having a mom. "Here sweetie, your makeup is running" he said, and handed me a tissue. With that, we said goodbye and I told him I would call him tomorrow to give him an answer. When I got in the house, my mom was just walking into the living room and stopped to say hi. "Taylor - have you been crying, honey? Your makeup is running, what happened?" I told her all about Mrs. Roberts. "Yes, I know dear. Paul told me all about it, the poor dears. Why did it upset you all of the sudden?" "Well, we were playing dress up with some of Chrissie's mom's clothing - that's where this blouse and heels came from, Mr. Roberts is starting to get rid of some of her stuff and told me and Tiffany to take whatever we wanted, so we picked out a few things. The bra I'm wearing is from her, I wanted to put falsies in while we tried her things on. And it just made me so sad going through her closet, and thinking of Chrissie not having a mom, and I just got really emotional." "You are so sweet, honey," my mom said. "Do you want to discuss the Italy trip, dear?" she asked. "Oh, yes mommy - Mr. Roberts said there were some conditions?" "Well, yes - about that, Taylor. At first, I did not feel entirely comfortable with you going with them. Although I think they're good people, you have not known them for very long. What you don't know is that I have gone out with Paul - Mr. Roberts - a few times since you started babysitting him, and we really like each other. So - it's not really a condition, but Paul also asked me to come to Italy, and before I accept for both of us I wanted to talk to you about it since I'm not sure how comfortable you would be with the arrangement." "Oh, mommy - I think that's just so wonderful! Mr. Roberts is a kind, smart and gentle man and you deserve that! I'm so happy for you" and with that I gave her a hug. "OK, I'm so relieved to hear you say that Taylor! I spoke to your sisters about it, and Courtney is fine staying here and watching Vanessa. We're going to have so much fun! Here is the itinerary - we've got a few formal work dinners to attend, and a group outing to the opera, but for the rest of the time we're on our own. I don't own any really formal dresses, and neither do you so this weekend we're going to have to go shopping again - it seems like we're spending our life in the girls clothing department at Macy's these days!" I was so excited as I went upstairs, thinking about our trip. I removed my bra and "falsies" (a pair of pantyhose in each breast; one was sheer black with black dots which I thought were really fun and would go well with my sweater dress, the other were black/gold sheer glitter tights which I also loved!), removed my skirt and blouse, slipped into my mint green baby doll, and drifted off to sleep. The next few weeks were fairly uneventful as I anxiously awaited our trip. My mom and I made a few shopping trips; as she mentioned, we both needed formal dresses to wear. "The women in Europe dress up much more than here in California, Taylor" she explained. "We need to step up our wardrobes if we're going to go out and socialize dear." No argument from me! I won't bore you with the details of another shopping trip, however I will say that I added to my wardrobe: - 2 cocktail dresses - one ankle length in red with wide shoulder straps and a plunging neckline, along with matching red 3 inch pumps; and one gold sequin thigh length dress with ? length sleeves and a silk lining, also with matching gold pumps. - Long sleeve button up sheer silk blouses (white and baby blue) - Pink button up cashmere sweater (wow what a luxury!) - Wool coat - 3 bras from Victoria's Secret (the sexiest Dream Angels scalloped lace bras - one in green and one in purple; and a push up bra in red) - Jewelry - various necklaces, bracelets, and earrings; also an ankle bracelet Finally the day of our trip came; we were taking a red eye on a Friday night and so my mom told me it would be OK for me to stay home from school that day. I would be dressing as a girl to travel, and staying in girl mode for the whole week (!) so my mom booked us in for a day at the salon to get my makeup done and also a mani/pedi. I had let my hair grow longer over the past few weeks, so rather than wearing a wig we also made an appointment to get my hair done in a more feminine style. After showering, shaving and adding some scented moisturizing lotion to my legs, I stepped into a pair of panties, then my breast forms and my new green VS bra before slipping on an ankle bracelet and wiggling into a pair of sheer nude pantyhose. I decided on my mauve colored corduroy mini skirt with white lace bodysuit, and finally my brown suede ankle boots. I added the wide belt that matched the skirt, looked at myself in the mirror, and walked downstairs where my mom was waiting. "Good morning dear; cute outfit! Are you ready for a girls pampering day?" "Yes, mommy, I'm ready." I was a little nervous as we entered the salon, and my mom could sense that. "Don't worry, Taylor. I did tell the girls here about you, but I've been coming for years and I'm very close with them. They are all excited to meet you and make you even more beautiful than you already are, and they all think it's so cool that you are exploring your gender and finding out who you are. I think you will get a very positive reception from them!" That was certainly the case, I was overwhelmed by the welcome I received as I arrived and moved from station to station. The first stop was the hair stylist, a cute younger woman named Haley who immediately started to work on my hair before putting it into curlers. While that was setting, I moved to the mani/pedi station. The middle-aged woman working there was named Bonnie and was super friendly. "OK, beautiful, why don't you take your hose off and we'll get to work on your feet." I removed my pantyhose and relaxed in the chair and she started the pedicure, which was a first for me! It was absolutely wonderful, I think I dozed off at one point. By the time she was done, I had perfectly manicured nails with a pretty shade of red nail polish. Finally, a young Brazilian girl named Marisol did my makeup. I had dabbled before in applying makeup, but this was unlike anything I had experienced! Trimming and shaping my eyebrows; then applying moisturizer to my skin followed by cream foundation (including on my eyelids), and then a blush. Followed by a subtle purple shade of eye shadow and eyeliner and then mascara. Finally, a sexy but subtle shade of pink lipstick. It was all so overwhelming, but Marisol said she would send me home with instructions and plenty of all the various types of makeup she used so I would be able to replicate her work, assuming I liked it! Haley was ready to remove my hair net and rollers, and when she was finished she said "OK, darling, why don't you take a look and see how you like all our work!" I looked in the mirror - wow, I couldn't believe the pretty girl staring back at me was me! I was so happy! "Wow, you are so beautiful Taylor!," said my mom, as she gave me a hug. I think I blushed a little at that. "OK, sweetie," said Haley. "Have a great time in Italy, and will you promise me you'll come back and see us soon?" she asked. "Yes, I would love to Haley!" When we got home, I went upstairs to give a last check of all the clothing I had laid out on my bed for the trip. My mom and 2 sisters could not believe what a stash of female clothing I had managed to accumulate in just the last few months since that first trip to the Danskin store! It seemed like a lifetime ago. And now I was going to spend 10 days in nothing buy my girl clothes, with full makeup. It seemed so surreal but I was so full of anticipation. "OK, Taylor," said Courtney. "You have a 14 hour trip ahead of you so you should wear something comfortable; let me see what you have here" she said, as she started carefully going through my clothes since they were folded so neatly. "How about this, sissy?" she asked, while holding up my gray cable knit sweater dress. "Great minds think alike, sis! That's exactly what I was thinking." With that, I removed my skirt, blouse and pantyhose, folded them and put them back in the "bring" pile. I selected a pair of sheer black pantyhose to add a more dressy look, carefully rolled them up my legs, and then carefully slipped my sweater dress over my head so I wouldn't ruin my hairstyle. "Maybe you should go without a bra, Taylor" said my mom. "It's a long flight, wouldn't you be more comfortable without your breast forms?" "Maybe mom, but I would look so silly without them in this dress, so NO, I'm not going to go without my bra!" My mom and sisters laughed at me. "You're becoming quite a drama queen, big sis!" said Vanessa. I slipped into a pair of black flats, packed all my clothing and makeup into my suitcase, just in time for my mom to announce that the Uber car had arrived. We kissed my sisters goodbye, and my mom and I were on our way to San Francisco Airport. "OK, now you have your passport, right dear?" my mom asked. With that thought, I immediately panicked. "OMG - mommy, my passport has my boy picture on it; I definitely am not going to look like my picture when we go through security. What am I going to do?" "Don't worry dear; I called the airline and explained the situation. The TSA is used to this type of situation, they deal with it every day. You have nothing to worry about!" Chrissie and Mr. Roberts were waiting for us at the check in counter; Mr. Roberts explained that he had millions of unused miles and was able to get us upgrades to first class. Chrissie and I would sit together, and my mom and Mr. Roberts would be in the seats just in front of us. We passed through the security checkpoint without incident, my mom had been right I was worrying for no reason! We got onto the plane and settled into our seats; I had never flown 1st class before and it was so nice to be able stretch our legs out! It was one of the pod-like seats that you could lay down on. I immediately removed my flats and stretched my legs out to relax. "Dear," said my mom as she turned around. "You're going to have to learn to be a bit more discreet when wearing a short skirt or dress. Here, drape this blanket over your legs so they are covered up at least down to your knees." As she said that, I looked up and sure enough there was a guy walking down the aisle who seemed to be staring at my legs, so I took the blanket and did as my mom asked. We took off shortly thereafter, and once in the air Chrissie asked if I wanted to watch a movie with her. I was OK with her picking the movies; the first one was Cinderella Story with Hillary Duff playing the role of Sam, a teenage girl who through a cell-phone mix up anonymously began texting a boy named Austin. She agreed to meet the boy at the dance, and then panicked when she realized it was the cutest boy in school! At the end of the movie, Austin leaves the football game to go after Sam, and Chrissie and I were both crying as they share their first kiss! It felt so emotional that the popular boy ended up liking poor Sam who had been mistreated by her stepmom. I loved it! The next one she chose was Princess Diaries, which I also loved! It made me want to be a princess and wear a beautiful gown and tiara. And of course, we both cheered when Mia ended up with the nice boy at the end, who liked her before she became a princess! Great story. I must have drifted off to sleep, because the next thing I knew I was slowly opening my eyes and it was light outside; it seemed at first like I was in a dream as I looked down and took in my nylon-covered legs stretched out on my lounger, with passengers and attendants walking up and down the aisles. I felt a thrill in realizing that this was not a dream! I slipped my flats on my feet and got up to go to the restroom. There was an elderly woman waiting on line ahead of me, and she smiled as our eyes met. "It's so nice to see a young girl get dressed up so nicely, sweet heart! You look so pretty and feminine!" I thanked her and felt a glow of satisfaction as she went into the restroom. We had only 2 hours left before landing, which means I must have slept for almost 8 hours! The rest of the flight was uneventful; we had a nice breakfast, I washed up, brushed my teeth, and touched up my makeup just before touching down in Rome. We made our way through customs, and were picked up by a town car outside the baggage claim. Chrissie and I were so excited on the way to our hotel, pointing out all the cool old buildings and sights, so exciting! Finally, we pulled up in front of a beautiful historic building with large columns flanking the door; I figured it was a museum and wondered why we were stopping, when Mr. Roberts said "OK, come on girls - this is our hotel, let's get checked in as we've had a long flight!" Wow, this was our hotel? Chrissie and I couldn't believe it! It was called the Grand Ritz and it was a Ritz Carlton hotel. My mom and I were used to staying at the Super 8 so this was quite a step up! My mom had decided that her and I would share a room, which was adjoined by a doorway to the room that Mr. Roberts and Chrissie stayed in. The room was filled with wood and marble and was so luxurious and had a balcony which had a view of Vatican City! "OK, so as I mentioned honey Mr. Roberts and I are going to dinner tonight with a business colleague and his wife; they're coming to pick us up in 90 minutes so I need to get ready. His 23 year old daughter Lisa is going to come and take you and Chrissie out to a nearby place for dinner. The area we're in is very touristy and busy so if you want she can start showing you some of the sights, and maybe take you for gelato afterwards if you'd like. I'm going to jump in the shower and start getting ready." I peeled off my dress and pantyhose and jumped up on my bed in just my bra and panties and put the TV on. Everything was in Italian, but I did manage to find CNN which was boring anyway. The room was a little cold so I looked in the closet and found a luxurious pink robe and matching slippers and put them on and jumped back onto my bed to surf social media. I watched as my mom came out of the shower; in boy mode, she would not have dressed in front of me but in girl mode it just seemed so natural to see her sit on the bed next to me in her bra and panties and watch her roll her silky black stockings up her legs while she talked about how much she was starting to like Mr. Roberts. It was so fun making girl talk! I told her how sexy she looked in her blue velvet dress and matching blue heels; Chrissie's dad was going to be bowled over! She kissed me goodbye and I started thinking about what I was going to wear. Just then Chrissie came through the door between rooms and asked me to help her pick out an outfit. "We're wearing matching robes Taylor, like we're sisters!" she said as I walked to her room with her. "Why don't you just pick something out, Taylor - I will trust you completely!" With that, I selected a pink A-line dress with matching pink court shoes, and sheer nude pantyhose. "Perfect sweetie!" she said, as she sat down on the dressing bench and started to put on her pantyhose. Once she was completely dressed, she said "OK, my turn - you have to wear whatever I pick out, girl! Wait here and I'll bring back your outfit for the evening" She returned shortly with my black leather mini skirt and white lace bodysuit, with some square heel shoes and sheer black pantyhose. "Great choice, Chrissie!" I said excitedly. "I read that most of the streets here are cobblestone, so walking in pumps or stilettos would not be very practical!" Just as we put the finishing touches on our outfits and gave ourselves a spritz with some of my perfume, the phone rang and it was the front desk to announce that Lisa was waiting for us in the lobby. She greeted us both very warmly, with a kiss on both cheeks - so European! She was so beautiful; dark hair, sexy accent, and so stylishly dressed in a black leather dress. She actually seemed excited to take us out on the town! Lisa seemed to know everybody; her uncle was the ma?tre de in the Italian restaurant that she chose, and several of the diners seemed to be either friends or family as well! After dinner, she took us sightseeing as we were right in the heart of Rome. I couldn't believe how many people were out on the streets! Lisa was so much fun to be around and was so nice; we were talking a lot about school and friends and since I knew that we were going to be hanging out more over the course of the week, I wanted to be up front with her about my "situation." "So, Lisa - I have something I wanted to tell you," I said. "I know, honey - Mr. Roberts mentioned that to me, and I think it is really cool!" was her response. As usual, I was so relieved and a little surprised that people were so willing to take in stride that fact that I was a boy who liked dressing up as a girl. "In fact, my boyfriend used to date a trans girl and when I told him about you, I could see that it piqued his interest! If he wasn't 8 years older than you, I would be keeping him away from you because you are soooo pretty and I would be really jealous! Anyway, I'm mostly kidding and I mention this because he just texted me and asked if him and his younger brother could meet us for gelato - are you girls OK with that?" "That's fine," said Chrissie, winking at us both. "Maybe Taylor will hit it off with the brother!" "Stop that, Chrissie!" I said. "I don't date boys - I am a boy!" "We'll see...." she said.

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A Ballet Tale Two The Turning Point

A Ballet Tale Two: The Turning Point Belladonna Phillip woke up on the floor. He felt the wetness of the milk that had seeped between his face and the cold tile. He forced himself up and steadied himself on a chair beside the kitchen table he had been sitting at. His heart started to race as he grabbed a napkin off the table and wiped the milk off the side of his face. He remembered the shock that had made him lose consciousness. He peered back down at the newspaper that still...

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Taylor and Hunter

This is a sequel to the story "the brotherhood of swain" by Elegy. If you haven't read it. I highly recommend it. You really should read it first. So just in case here it is: https://fictionmania.tv/stories/readststory.html?storyID=340208591745235906 ... Hunter stood there his gaze transfixed while his semiconscious best friend was loaded onto the scooter and then the man drove off. He watched as the tail light receded into the darkness and then disappeared. Hunter stood there...

3 years ago
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Taylor and Mona Porn Queens

Not all the girls did anything for me; however I noticed I preferred young women with long dark or red hair that didn’t shave their pussies completely naked. A nice trimmed bush between the legs attracts me and if that bush is cover for a sweet young set of legs then even better. I was moving from page to page looking for the perfect girl when I glanced at one little brunette in the lower left of the page, the first in a row of pictures. My eyes locked onto her and my body jolted as I...

2 years ago
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Taylors Girlsquad IV Enemies

Part IV - Hostile TakeoverIt was award season and that meant many celebs converging in relatively small locations for a specific time. This was the chance Selena Gomez wanted to use. The petite Latina had always been one to try to mend rifts between her friends, one who can really be brought down by bad blood that makes meetings between certain persons within her group of friends very awkward. Still, she couldn't help but feel duplicitous and treacherous for what she had done. She paced back...

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Taylor Made

My first story.Taylor Made.I saw her from a distance, her bare ass sticking out like a beacon in the hot sun. She was sun bathing, laying on a towel, on the beach, on this small island nation I was visiting on vacation. I was walking along the beach, looking for fish and shells and that sort of thing, when I saw her, and I found myself memorized, held captive, my rapt attention upon her.Now, you might be thinking, I’m some sort of closet perv or something like that, but I assure you, I’m...

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Taylors Girlsquad III Tay Karlie

“Okay, that's the one, I think.”, Taylor Swift called toward the driver of her limousine. Once the car stopped she leaned back and forth to get a good look up and down the night-time street through the tinted windows, making sure there were no paparazzi camping out before the upper-class hotel a little bit outside of the city. Once she had made sure the streets were clear Taylor popped the wide lapels of her long coat, put on her sun-glasses and got out. For a moment she hesitated and leaned...

3 years ago
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One Night at the Ballet

The following diary entry is 100% true...well, alright, 90% true. I've changed certain details to protect the innocent...as well as the guilty...and have purposely over embellished certain moments to try and explain what I was experiencing and feeling at the time. Also scattered throughout are assorted random ramblings on observations which may or may not be true. All I can promise is that each and every one of the following events did, indeed, happen to me and each and every one of...

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Jamies Watching Ballet

Jamie's Watching Ballet It was certainly innocent enough - I mean, I was just looking at their costumes. You know, the standard black long sleeve leotard, ballet pink seamed tights, the white daisy ballet slipper, with the white ribbon across the foot. They were standing in line at the ballet bar practicing positions. My sister, Tammy, was standing third from the left; next to Connie, as usual. I didn't think she could see me peeking through the window. "Stand up straight girls, and...

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Taylor catches Repairman sniffing her dirty panties

Each floor has its own central heating and air conditioning units. Both base units are located in the attic. The thermostat panel for the upstairs unit is located on the wall just inside Taylor's bedroom. She finds the thermostat location awkward because it is in her private space. She does not like for people to have access to her bedroom because she is fearful they will rummage through her personal belongings. She has made that fact well known on many occasions. David just turned the two...

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A Ballet Tale 3 Center Stage

A Ballet Tale 3: Center Stage Belladonna [I never intended to write this story, but the ideas just flowed out for it. This will probably be the last continuation of Phillip's story.] There was a buzz around the theater as all the dancers got ready for another day of work. It was the day of Emma Livry's last dance with the company. Although her legendary talents had diminished with age, she remained the most respected dancer in the company. Emma was scheduled to dance the lead...

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Taylor Swift and Michelle Trachtenberg The fan

Another night on the road. Taylor Swift had just finished a sell-out Hollywood show, straight from stage she was hot sweaty and elated. It gave her a real buzz, 50,000 fans eating out of the palm of her hand. Dancing with her hot crew in those sexy outfits was fantastic, but she couldn’t help feeling a little turned on by it all. That many people screaming your name, and the sexy male and female dancers gyrating with her, but no… She was a professional, you don’t get involved with the crew. ...

2 years ago
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Taylor ConChapter 3

It was 10 AM when Fred led the small band out of the front of the hotel on their march towards the convention. He wore jeans, a Roger Waters 'The Wall' tour shirt, and his favorite Buffalo Sabres hat. The last might not be advisable in Philly, but fuck Philly fans. Taylor wore a light red sundress that showed off her white limbs, while Anita wore a Devil's Panties black baby doll t-shirt and jean shorts that curved and swayed in ways that would make every hetero male and homo female take...

3 years ago
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Taylor the Older Sister

I and Lisa have been friends since High School we went to different schools but we rode the bus together, and we hung out with the same people and had many wild and crazy times, but that’s another story. I was kinda trying to get with Gabby who is 17 kinda chubby but she could pull it off she also had jet black hair cut short, and also had her lip pierced. She had nice tits but sadly the most I had seen of them is just her bra that she teased me with about a week earlier. I drove my...

2 years ago
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The Ballet Mistress Part 3

Hi guys it’s Anna again I’m ready to let you into a few more secrets of my dance life. As a ballet mistress you have to be strong willed and able to control groups of students, getting young people to behave as you want them can be challenging, especially the older teenagers. I have had a lot of experience of disciplining my pupils I have to be strict and sometimes have run ins with irate parents but, it’s all part of the job I know there’s a line I cannot cross when it comes to maintaining...

1 year ago
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Taylor Swift A Swift Oral Dose

WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the singers, record labels, musicians, places, etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I am making no money as a result of the writing of this story.Starring: Taylor SwiftA Swift Oral DoseAn...

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Taylors Girlsquad II Karlie Kloss and Vict

Taylor's Girlsquad II - Karlie Kloss and Victoria JusticeVictoria Justice blinked rapidly a few times, her long, brown eyelashes caressing her cheek, and lifted a hand to her lips, painted in a subtle, pink lipstick, to yawn. She fanned air to her face and headed over to the coffee machine, her steps fairly uneasy, with a small grunt escaping her lips and her hand moving to her stomach to stroke it soothingly. She waited until the dark, steaming liquid had poured out of the nozzle and into her...

1 year ago
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Taylor Swifts Interracial Reprograming

Taylor Swift--known as much for her slender figure, long blonde hair, and milky white skin as for her incredible country/pop career--exudes sex appeal through her faux-innocent persona. One might not suspect a white starlet like Taylor to harbor dark fantasies about big black cock. Appearances can be deceiving. Rumors indicate something lies deep beneath Swift's carefully tailored image as America's sweet white girl next door.A few years ago at MTV's VMA awards, Kanye West interrupted Taylor...

3 years ago
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The Ballet Teacher

Hi all, my name is Katherine Jenkins and I've just recently turned sixteen. Until I turned sixteen my life had been pretty boring, unexciting. Each day rolled on slowly passing through to the next day which was just as boring as the day before. But when I reached sixteen my life began to change for the better.For my sixteenth birthday my parents got me professional ballet classes which I was so over the moon about because I'd wanted to take up ballet since I was little.I remember my first...

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Taylors Sex Slave

This is a fictional story. This is part 1, I might make more.Taylor is a sexy girl one year older than me, I'm 18 and she is 19. I would often stare at her in the hallways in our high school, dreaming about her long curvy legs hidden under tight high-waist jeans or lulu lemon leggings. Her perky small tits just barely hiding under a small crop top and her flat, toned core made for many awkward boners. I had never talked to her, but always fantasized about fucking her, I would lie in bed late at...

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Taylor Maids

Taylor Maids - By Karyn Amethyst. I was 32 unemployed and starting a new business. I had little capital, but my best friend and confidant Ryan ponied up over one-hundred thousand in start-up funding, provided I make him an equal partner as well as paying him back. "No rush, buddy," he said, clapping me on the shoulder. "As soon as I can, Ry. I promise." I breathed a small sigh of relief, the pressure was off, for now. I began in earnest the next morning, I purchased two small...

2 years ago
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Taylor and Tom jb original

Not too long ago had an assignment to write a "romantic" scene around 500 words. Much longer, but heck it was fun to write. The pendulum of the clock ticked out its steady cadence, never wavering. The radio played Wish You Were Here. Taylor looked at Tom’s last text, “You going to be able to handle Wednesday babe?” Butterflies slammed into her sides; she was nervous. His desire screamed at her from the simple innocuous words. Today her handsome, smart, kind incredible lover was going be an...

1 year ago
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A Ballet Fantasy

I am a 25 year old single professional male with a secret love of bondage and crossdressing and in particular a fascination with ballet and dancewear; to me, tight fitting leotards, catsuits, fishnet tights, ballet shoes etc is much more exciting than the traditional basques, stockings, high heels etc, although I have to admit my growing wardrobe includes them all. What was missing was a pair of pointe shoes and as I surfed the internet for pages of pictures of them, my desire to own a...

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Taylor and Me

Taylor was a slightly tanned average height, skinny blonde with blue eyes, he was 14 with an average 5inch cock with a slight patch of blonde pubic hair but no  underarm hair. I was a brown 15 year old with black hair average build and a lot of pubic hair but i trimmed it down for Taylor's happyness, with a thick 7 inch cock with a fully retractable foreskin Taylor and me had had a slight gay relationship in the sense of jacking off together, kissing, holding hands & checking out each...

3 years ago
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Taylor Swift Goes to That Stupid Club

Taylor Swift couldn't wait for the party. Dan Dymtrow had told her that an executive producer of Weinstein Company was holding a New Year’s party and needed someone for the main event of the night. Dan had mentioned her and she got the job. She would finally get a chance to display her singing talents and hopefully get a contract. Dan would pick her up in two hours. Even though she had already shaved her legs and under her arms, she decided it wouldn't hurt to go over them again. While she...

4 years ago
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Taylor Misbehaves With Her CO

Taylor Misbehaves With Her CO by alexcarr "And specifically what are my orders, Sgt Taylor?"Officer Richards was absolutely beside himself having called Sgt Taylor to his office on a disciplinary charge, that she was not wearing army issue underwear."But these are so much more comfortable" she retorted lifting her skirt to reveal what was beneath.His eyes popped - "You know you shouldn't be wearing thongs on duty Sgt! - what say if you were on the battlefield, and you had an accident, slipped...

Straight Sex
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The Ballet Instructor

The Ballet Instructor (Special note: All that are mentioned in this story are 18 or older. This story is an age-play and family fantasy.) Also, this is a story of my invention. Inspired also by a friend. Also, see the prequel. For the back story. Chapter 1 ** Cassidy set quietly at the kitchen table eating her breakfast. Her ass was still sore from her Dad's spanking the night before. Still in her's sleep pants and a thin top. Mom and Dad could see her nipples poking through. Cassidy could see...

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Fallonrsquos Ballet Lesson

I was late as per usual. Madame Balashov formerly of some obscure St. Petersburg Ballet Company, but given her age, I think it was before it was called Petrograd or Leningrad, not the most recent name flip in the 90’s... would castigate my tardiness again.Frick I only wanted the ballet skills and drills to improve my sex life...I wasn’t touring the world dancing...maybe a cock fest tour one day...but not frickin pirouettes like a music box.You have no idea unless you’ve done ballet or done a...

4 years ago
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Ballet Troupe

Ballet Troupe This is a tale of a group of kids, 18-23 yrs of age that formed a bond based on love. There they were, all crowded together on the bus....sitting so close to each other and giggling and playing as if they were all alone. I ride this bus daily to get to my job. I live in a major city and have no need for my own car. My name is David. I am 28 and still a virgin. Sure you can laugh, but I never was attracted to anyone enough to want to have sex. I had a great childhood...

4 years ago
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Ann the Chinese ballet dancer

Recovering from my accident took a long time. It was frustrating because I’ve always made a point of keeping fit and here I was barely able to move. I spent many hours with the physiotherapist. She seemed to take an almost sadistic pleasure in making me find the re-use of my body. But eventually my sessions with her were over. She only had some parting advice to give me, namely that I should enroll in a dance or stretching class to continue to improve my flexibility. She gave me the...

2 years ago
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The Ballet Teacher

Hi all, my name is Katherine Jenkins and I’ve just recently turned sixteen. Until I turned sixteen my life had been pretty boring, unexciting. Each day rolled on slowly passing through to the next day which was just as boring as the day before. But when I reached sixteen my life began to change for the better. For my sixteenth birthday my parents got me professional ballet classes which I was so over the moon about because I’d wanted to take up ballet since I was little. I remember my first...

3 years ago
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Night at the ballet

I was being dragged to the ballet by my fiancé and I dreaded it horribly. I hate dressing up. I was wearing black dress shoes, my black slacks along with a black blazer with a button down white shirt and a tie. She insisted I wore a tie. It was in a grand theatre and where the seats were comfortable enough but honestly, what guy wishes to watch a ballet? Did I mention I was dreading it?Let me describe myself a little first, I'm 6'3" with green eyes and black hair that I keep cut short. I'm not...

1 year ago
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Taylor With Wife

This is the story of my wife Nisha getting fucked by the Taylor. She is 33 yrs 5ft 4” tall with body measurements of 34 29 33. She has nice features and a beautiful round ass. This happened when she went to a Taylor in our neighborhood to stitch a blouse. When we reached the shop I realized that she was wearing a tight dress. She agreed to give her measurement the Taylor was very happy and asked her to remove her Dupatta. Her Cleavage can now be seen thru her low cut shirt. The Taylor started...

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After The Ballet

The time on the desk clock made me grimace all over again. The ticket for the opening night of a new ballet was burning a hole in my pocket but the legal brief on the desk took precedence. It was a familiar dilemma. I joined this small firm directly out of law school and in five years I have moved up to take a slot as a partner – something damn near unheard of in this city. Attorneys are a dime a dozen and business law attracts every red-blooded greedhead from every corner of the globe. I like...

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A Routine EnslavementChapter 13 Backstage at the Ballet

One day I received an engraved invitation at our agency's office. It indicated that I was invited, as a "World Class Patron" of the National Ballet Company of Capitallia, to a special ballet event for patrons only. It was to be an "Un-Dress Rehearsal" of the company's upcoming performance of "La Fille Mal Gardee" (The Girl Who Is Not Well Guarded). Well of course I knew what a "dress rehearsal" was but I had never heard of an undress rehearsal, so I read on. It seemed that during...

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Taylor and I

As we arrived, we walked into our 5 star hotel and received our room keys. We made sure to bring our xboxes up to the room and immediately began setting up. We ordered pizza and began playing Halo Reach. After playing for about 2 hours, the chaperons assigned to our room came and told us to get dressed. We all joked around as we put on our business clothes and began to head to the conference center adjoined to the hotel. We sat through the opening ceremony and at about 10 P.M., headed back...

3 years ago
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Taylor ConChapter 2

There is nothing more frightening than children being left with a stranger for the first time. The crying, the worry ... Fred hoped Taylor and Anita were over the worst of it now that they were in Philly. The conversation in the car had been a downward spiral of sadness only stopped when Fred started pumping The Donnas through the speakers. You can't be sad while listening to The Donnas. The convention officially started noon on Wednesday, so the trio drove into Philadelphia early Tuesday...

2 years ago
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The Ballet Mistress

Hello my name is Anna I’m a 35 year old dance teacher, I’ve been teaching dance of all types since I was 28, I used to be a professional ballerina but various injuries put paid to my career and I was forced to retire, I have no regrets I had a long career spanning over 10 years and I travelled the world performing with Some of the greatest dancers male and female.I run my own dance school and teach all ages from 5 up to 18, ballet is still a passion of mine I made some good friends and also had...

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Stella Maris my sexy ballet blonde

To my youngest daughter - let´s call her Amelia, also a student of ballet - I wrote a few messages about my most beautiful steady love ever, Stella Maris. Three of them added up to this story - my first true account here! ;-)PAmelia, I´ll tell about my second steady girlfriend. A ballet dancer like you.When I met and seduced her she was in her first year in university.I met her at her first day there. I lead her freshman first-week dozen newbies.She was my most pretty girl ever. Also her name...

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Lusty Sticky Lycra Ballet

Nervously, 18 year old Josh Rodinson knocks on his dream girl Tammy Fyke's door. "Why did she ask me to come over? I mean she could have asked anyone else to help her out." Fretting, he knocked loudly on the door. "She is like the dream girl in my class." The door opened and blonde haired Tammy popped her head outside "Thank heavens you are here!" She then swings the door wide open. With eyes popping out, Josh stared at her whole body. The black body covering lycra outfit she is...

1 year ago
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Ballet Anyone

Jessica had been rehearsing her part for the big recital for weeks. She felt that she had it down pat, but knew that she would have to get together with Kate to be sure. She and Kate had to dance a special number together, so they needed to choreograph their parts so that they danced in sync. Ballet was her life, so Jessica hoped that this recital would go well. If it went as well as she hoped, she had a chance to be called back to perform with the local ballet company. It was just one more...

1 year ago
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Taylor Part one

He looked me up and down and let out a chuckle. " i should have figured someone as tiny as you was still in high school." I stick out my bottom lip, cross my arms and say "im not tiny" he laughs and says "you're cute" and asks me if i ever want to hang out sometime. I contemplate for a minute before giving him my number then tell him i gotta go to my friends house, he says ok he will call me later and extends his arms for a hug. He wraps his arms around me and i feel his hand on the...

3 years ago
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Taylor Misbehaves With Her CO

Taylor Misbehaves With Her CO by alexcarr ‘And specifically what are my orders, Sgt Taylor?’ Officer Richards was absolutely beside himself having called Sgt Taylor to his office on a disciplinary charge, that she was not wearing army issue underwear. ‘But these are so much more comfortable’ she retorted lifting her skirt to reveal what was beneath. His eyes popped – ‘You know you shouldn’t be wearing thongs on duty Sgt! – what say if you were on the battlefield, and you had an accident,...

3 years ago
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Night at the ballet

I was being dragged to the ballet by my fiancé and I dreaded it horribly. I hate dressing up. I was wearing black dress shoes, my black slacks along with a black blazer with a button down white shirt and a tie. She insisted I wore a tie. It was in a grand theatre and where the seats were comfortable enough but honestly, what guy wishes to watch a ballet? Did I mention I was dreading it? Let me describe myself a little first, I’m 6’3′ with green eyes and black hair that I keep cut short. I’m not...

4 years ago
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Ballet Couplings Ch 02

June 2010 Cassie was a quiet girl, although ‘girl’ isn’t quite the word to describe her. But at 23 years old, she still acted the part of a girl. She had graduated from college, true enough, Boston University in fact. Her degree was in finance which made it nearly impossible to get a job. With the way the market had been crashing the past few years, there was little hope for any great jobs anytime soon. Somehow she found her way to a floor job at Victoria’s Secret. For the shy brunette, this...

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The Merits of Ballet

She remembered the sheer elegance of the dance, remembered the feeling of tamed power in the movements of her body under the strain of the arabesque, only dimly aware of her partner’s lips toying with the sensitive skin of her neck. Once upon the time, she had thought there were many commonalities between sex and ballet – both addictive, both ecstatic and both fulfilling. Her back arched at the sting of the bite as her partner’s teeth sank into her skin. A reprimand for inattention. ”I might...

3 years ago
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The Ballet Baby

Kara Ivanova wrapped her slender hand around her ankle, bending her long, well-toned leg as she stood on tip-toes on the other. Her legs met at a shapely, pronounced bottom, covered snugly by tights and a white leotard. The tight piece of clothing was wrapped around a slender waist before bulging out once more around a prominent pair of perky breasts. In pretty much any other context, her firm yet supple C-cup breasts would have considered an asset, and the combination of her petite but perky...

4 years ago
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The Merits of Ballet

She remembered the sheer elegance of the dance, remembered the feeling of tamed power in the movements of her body under the strain of the arabesque, only dimly aware of her partner’s lips toying with the sensitive skin of her neck. Once upon the time, she had thought there were many commonalities between sex and ballet - both addictive, both ecstatic and both fulfilling. Her back arched at the sting of the bite as her partner’s teeth sank into her skin. A reprimand for inattention. ”I might...

Quickie Sex
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The Ballet Dancer Part 2

I had no time to think, not even to react, which may have been all the better for me. As she glided towards me, she let slip the towel, revealing her full, firm breasts, with large, deep red nipples that had stiffened in the shower. I could see as well that she was a natural blond, though she had trimmed her patch into a tasteful landing strip. And then she was on me and through me. The heat of her passion crashed into me, burning my crotch even through the layers of the suit I wore still. The...

Straight Sex
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The Ballet Dancer Part 1

She was the kind of woman that drew your eyes to her. She had a long, lithe body and shockingly straight golden hair. Looking for a place to sit in the airport "holding pen" I wanted any seat with a view of her. There was still time before Southwest's cattle-call to queue up that I could use to make small talk. If that failed, I would find a spot to drink her in with my eyes. Stealing these small pleasures was about the only thing that made these business trips bearable. With luck, the small...

Straight Sex
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Kelly Girl Chapter 18 Ballet with Screaming

Copyright 1999, 2002, 2003 by Wanda Cunningham. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 18 "Ballet--with Screaming" By Wanda Cunningham "We're going to have to hurry, shweetie," Andie told Kelly. "We have to get to...

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