My Birthday Weekend in Amsterdam
- 3 years ago
- 22
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The drone of the jet engines had a soothing effect on me and I felt myself relaxing, finally. My hubby and I were taking a weekend break to Amsterdam. I had been toying with the idea for the last couple of weeks and decided it was now or never. Due to a ridiculous deadline set by his newest client, my workaholic husband was driving himself into an early grave, and things had gotten so bad, it seemed like we were living separate lives.
"Enough was enough," I shouted during one particularly vicious row. "If things don't change, I'm out the door." Although I didn't believe for a minute that Paul would really let me walk out, one never really knows how strong a relationship is until it's actually put to the test. So, contrary to the situation, it was me who was nervously waiting for a response. Judging by his hurt expression I wondered if I'd gone too far.
Unfortunately, Paul is an intense person. He immerses himself completely in anything he does, especially his work and doesn't normally stop until everything is exactly as it should be. Commendable attributes, I hear you saying, but not when it puts one's relationship in jeopardy. After my outburst, his face was taut and his dark and emotionless eyes seemed to stare into the distance while he weighed up his options. Eventually, he admitted things weren't going as he planned and was fully aware he was neglecting me and promised he would try to make amends. Hearing his admission gave me some hope, and I breathed a huge sigh of relief, hoping it wasn't too late.
Of course, he couldn't abandon all his work, but I'd never expected that. However, he did agree to make more time for me and that's why we were sitting in first class, holding hands and watching the dreary English weather disappear beneath us. Relaxing in the comfy chair, I began thinking about what Amsterdam had to offer once we landed after lunch. As soon as the "seat-belt" light went out, I felt exhilarated; loose, excited and if I’m honest, horny as hell.
Mentally, I started ticking off all the things the world wide web had recommended when visiting Holland's capital city: The Rembrandt museum, the Anne Frank house, and of course a trip around the famous canals, but who was I kidding? The only thing on the internet which grabbed my attention was the names of the live sex shows, where the famous window girls were and where some of the more "exciting" bars could be found. A naughty smile decorated my face.
Holland's reputation for being very liberal when it comes to sins of the flesh was the main reason Amsterdam was our destination, and I was hoping the special brand of night-life available in Holland's capital city would help pep up hubby's libido. Mind you, that wasn't the only reason we were escaping from the stress and strains of modern suburban life. Where we were headed, nobody knew us, and if I wanted to do something stupid or outrageous, there wouldn't be the normal disapproving glances, accusing fingers or petty jealousy one encounters at home. Having led a frustrating existence for the last month or two, I was determined to get my jollies this weekend, and nothing was going to get in the way of that.
Still musing over the carnal delights that awaited us in the Dutch city of sin, I looked across the cabin and saw the attractive stewardess walking about first class, trying to look busy, but with only four passengers to look after it she wasn't exactly challenged. One of the four, a lone businessman seated diagonally across from us, was working very intently on his laptop and declined her offer of refreshments dismissively.
Shrugging her shoulders, she moved with poise and grace, something which seems to come naturally to stewardesses, to an attractive older lady seated behind him and asked if she wanted anything. After taking her order, the stewardess returned to her workstation, her lithe figure moving effortlessly down the aisle. I felt a familiar tingle as I watched the young woman work.
When she reappeared carrying a tray with a tiny bottle of Moet and a champagne flute, our eyes met. She flashed me a flirty smile and I felt my temperature rising a couple of notches. Breaking eye contact when she passed by, I continued watching her, unable to tear my gaze away. Then she reached the older woman, bending over to serve the expensive bubbly liquid into the glass. Watching her, I actually felt myself holding my breath, my bottom lip caught between my teeth.
Her tight pencil skirt was stretched tautly over her firm behind and her attractive figure was easily discernable. However, that wasn’t the most interesting thing. Above the slim waistband, her blouse had risen up and exposed the small tribal tattoo and a thin strip of delicate white lace which I mistook for her panties.
To be fair, it was an easy mistake to make because, apart from riding high on her shapely hips, a tiny whale tail disappeared deliciously out of sight between her divinely accentuated buttocks. Despite feeling like a peeping tom, I kept looking and worked out what I was actually seeing. Small tell-tale signs rumpling the smooth surface of her tight blue skirt confirmed my suspicions and I realised it wasn't only her panties I could see, her sexy garter belt was also visible.
My delight evolved into admiration, especially in a day and age when younger women regard stockings and suspenders as old-fashioned and unnecessary, plus the fact she dared to wear something like that at work. Let's face it, in the suffocating climate of political correctness, she could get into a lot of trouble, even lose her job for not following company rules. Mind you, it would have to be a very ruthless, cold son of a bitch who could resist the alluring sex appeal this attractive young woman exuded.
I knew for sure if she stood in front of me, wearing high heels, stockings and suspenders, all clearly visible through her dishevelled uniform, I for one wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off her. Now that my brain was filled with all sorts of exciting images of us together, I asked Paul if he could order me a drink. I wanted the chance to study this sexy apparition in more detail.
When asked what I wanted, I saw him frown when I mumbled 'her' and pointed ambiguously in the direction of the flute shaped glass. Unsure of what I meant, he asked me again but this time I said I wanted the same as the other lady, and nodded to the half bottle of Champagne. I heard his sharp intake of breath, but ignored it. His reaction was expected, and I smiled wickedly when he gave me a cautious sideways glance.
“Are you sure?” he asked anxiously, afraid to hear the answer he already knew was coming. I gave him my most mischievous smile, a smouldering look, and nodded.
“Darling…” I said teasingly, “you know I don’t need champers to be a slut.”
A playful pause, while he winced.
“Because we both know that’s what I am. It’s just that with a glass of bubbly, I don’t worry about the consequences so much!” My emerald green eyes sparkled mischievously.
He grimaced at my honesty.
“You knew that before you married me, Darling, and what's more, you don't complain when we're in the bedroom, so don’t start acting all prim and proper just because it’s inconvenient for you. So stop trying to guilt trip me, because I'm not in the mood. Now order me that drink pleeease.”
He sighed heavily, knowing he was fighting a losing battle. After resigning himself to the inevitable, he looked across the cabin to attract her attention. Raising myself in the chair, I pressed my blood red lips to his ear.
“Besides, Darling, I'm so fucking horny, denying me my drink isn’t going to make any difference.” I reached forward and patted his groin. I felt his manhood twitch and began rubbing his flesh. Despite his best efforts to control himself, his prick grew hard beneath my touch. Out the corner of my eye, I saw the beautiful flight attendant moving towards us and continued rubbing the growing bulge.
As she approached, her gaze was drawn to Paul's lap, or more importantly, what I was doing. Seeing this, I exaggerated my movements and was pleased to see her gait change subtly. The way her hips swayed was more pronounced and her perky breasts seemed to acquire a notable bounce.
The name tag pinned to her gorgeous bosom announced to the world she was called ‘Katja’ and when she reached us, she leaned forward placing both hands on her upper thighs for support. Her eyes, sparkling playfully, flickered between our faces and Paul's lap, and smiling sensually, she addressed us.
“Can I be of any assistance?” she enquired. Even though her tone was friendly and professional, her voice had a dark husky timbre and I felt ripples of pleasure run down my spine. Close up she was even more gorgeous than I realised.
The dark hue of her skin revealed she had a touch of the tar brush in her ancestry, but this made her look more exotic and increased her beauty. Her dark hair was folded up and was covered by her light blue cap, which was part of the uniform. Again the image of her standing in front of me, her uniform torn and dishevelled, displaying lots more of her almond coloured skin tantalised my fantasy, and I squeezed Paul's prick harder.
The overtly sexual gesture drew her attention and her gaze fixed on to my hand and the growing bulge beneath it. His erection was clearly discernable and she grinned knowingly, before licking her succulently made-up lips in a manner that needed no further explanation. Standing there watching me behave badly, Katja leaned further forward, allowing Paul and me to look down her blouse. Her ample bosom jutted forward proudly and I saw a delightful cleavage between the light brown mounds.
“Tell me, Katja,” I said before hubby could begin, “do you have any more champagne back there?”
Paul’s cock was now fully erect and my hand moved along the whole length of his manhood, while the attractive stewardess just stood motionless, her gaze fixed on the huge bulge. Seeing her take more than just a casual interest in the state of Paul’s prick, heightened my own perverse enjoyment. Displaying an amazing degree of professionalism, she answered my question in a bored, controlled tone, which contrasted hugely with her expression.
“Of course, Madam, would you like me to fetch you a glass?”
Hearing faultless English spoken with a cute foreign accent was another huge turn-on, and combined with the hunger in her eyes as she stared at my hand, just added to my excitement. In fact, I was so turned on, I had to squeeze my thighs together to staunch the flow of my leaking pussy.
Paul, who hadn't dared speak, more from the fear of betraying his true feelings, looked at me stern-faced and tight-lipped. His eyes pleaded with me not to make a scene, especially here on the plane, but it was to no avail. I was already having too much fun.
“Yes, Katja, I would like that very much! Bring two glasses if you would, Paul would like some as well,” I replied, licking my top lip sensually. The man in question groaned as if he was in pain, but I wasn’t sure if it was the effect my hand was wreaking in his trousers or from knowing what I was capable of once I stopped caring. Either way, his outburst attracted the attractive stewardess's attention.
"Would you like something else, Sir?" she asked licking her lips suggestively and jutting her chest upwards. I swear her nipples were hardening as she stood there.
Tight-lipped, he shook his head, although it was noticeable he couldn't take his eyes off Katja's chest either. Seeing his discomfort only made things more enjoyable for me, so I continued my teasing.
“Oh come on, Paul, don’t be such a killjoy," I teased him, "you know how much I hate drinking alone.” He nodded before realising he'd meant to say no so he quickly began shaking his head again and I could see Katja looking puzzled.
“Oh dear, Katja,” I said, giggling coyly, “It seems like Paul doesn’t want me to have any champagne.”
She raised her eyebrows inquisitively, so I continued. “You see, Katja, when I drink champers, I get very horny and things tend to get out of control.” I raised my eyebrows and then winked suggestively. “In fact, I've been known to do some pretty wild things, things which have caused Paul much embarrassment in the past, and he's dreading what will happen if I drink some bubbly!” I stole a glance at her and saw her smirk. “And when I say embarrassing, I mean really embarrassing if you get my drift. Mind you, he didn't seem to mind what I was doing to him at the time,” I continued my voice low and sultry, more for Katja’s benefit than Paul’s. Hubby gave me another deep warning growl, and Katja flashed me a wide-eyed, sexy smile. I turned to face my man.
“Anyway, Darling, me having champers is the least of your problems now. I've been observing this gorgeous young lady and I can tell categorically that she is hot. In fact, thinking about what I'd like to do to her has made me horny. You should feel how wet I am now."
I saw him rest his head against the headrest and close his eyes, resigned to whatever fate was going to throw at him. The Dutch stewardess’s face was one of conspiratorial surprise and the glint in her eyes emboldened me.
“Here, let me show you, Darling," I said excitedly, removing my hand from his groin and swiftly raising my short skirt.
Before Paul could protest, I thrust my hand beneath the exposed black, triangular shaped lingerie, feeling the exotic musky heat encased within. After traversing the neat patch of curly black hair atop of my apex, I slid not one, but two fingers between my slippery slit. As the slick wetness enveloped the impaling digits, I closed my eyes and surrendered to the wonderful sensations masturbation always brought me. I quickened the pace and my breathing grew laboured, my boobs rising and falling accordingly.
Despite being in the zone, I heard Paul mumble an apology for my behaviour to Katja, but I was too preoccupied to protest. Even though I just began, I was already in an extreme state of arousal and when I opened my eyes, I saw this stunning apparition watching me, the intensity of the moment unmistakable.
Determined to prove my intuition about Katja wasn't wrong, and increase Paul’s discomfort as a welcome bonus, I quickly whipped my fingers, wet and sticky, from between my legs and held them up for her inspection. My smug expression was just one more reason for Paul to feel exasperated. After first checking to see if we were being watched, our flight attendant leaned in for a closer look.
“You see Darling, Katja doesn't mind," I commented sweetly, twisting the proverbial knife a little.
On the contrary, without any sign of shame, embarrassment or hesitation, she grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand towards her face. With another furtive glance over her shoulder, just to make sure she wasn't being watched, she deeply inhaled my erotic scent before parting her exquisitely made-up lips and drew my sticky fingers between them, surprising and shocking the both of us.
One by one, Katja sucked and licked all the creamy love sap from my fingers, consuming it greedily. Feeling her tongue flick around each digit not only sent a thrill down my spine, but it also made me shudder at the intensity of her actions. When she was done, she reluctantly released her grip, allowing me to withdraw my hand, and mischievously licked her lips, the tip of her tongue moving sensually over the succulent red make-up. Then, totally aware of what she was doing, the sexy minx grinned impishly before straightening up, smoothing her skirt over her thighs as she did and looking in the eye.
“I’ll bring your drink right away, Madame. Will that be all?”
“That will do for starters, Katja,” I replied huskily and I watched her wiggle her tight little arse as she turned away.
Severely turned on, I wanted to plunge my fingers between my pussy lips, but displaying superhuman powers, I restrained myself. Not that I was going to let it end here. On the contrary, I was determined to see how far I could take it. Having made up my mind, I left my skirt up around my hips and began gently caressing myself through my soaking wet panties.
"Wouldn't you like to fuck that gorgeous little tushy? I asked impishly, looking at Paul. He just stared at me, shaking his head in disbelief.
"You just couldn't leave it alone, could you, you little slut? You had to pull up your skirt and show off your stupid fanny to everyone. Typical," he snorted, glaring at me. "You know," he continued talking like an angry father would to his errant daughter, "what makes it worse is the fact you've included this lovely, innocent girl in your depraved games." He ran his hand through his hair when his outburst was finished and stared at me.
Although his voice sounded exasperated, we both knew I barely listened and cared less about what he thought. And as for Katja being innocent, well he was definitely barking up the wrong tree. Despite the ache between my legs, I reached over and resumed rubbing the bulge in his jeans. He was still hard, so he hadn't found it that disturbing. Encouraged, I increased the pressure and watched his reaction.
‘God, I haven’t had this much fun in ages,’ I mused, as my action elicited a wry smile from my husband. Although I had no idea what was going to happen, my female intuition told me it would be worth the wait.
"Oh, don't preach to me, Darling. I can feel how nice and hard your cock is and I know you're as curious about our 'innocent' stewardess as I am, so don't try and pretend otherwise." He smiled sheepishly and then nodded guiltily.
"Anyway, Baby," I said smiling smugly to myself, "this is what this trip to Amsterdam is all about, isn't it?"
Reluctantly conceding my point, he nodded.
"Mind you," I said, knowing I should show a little respect for his feelings, "I hadn’t reckoned on the action beginning on the plane. Just shows you can't take anything for granted nowadays."
Another nod of the head and a wry grin.
"Still, what do you expect when an intelligent, attractive and sexy hotsy-totsy crosses your path?" The question might have been retrospective, but the opinion wasn't. Being a sexual predator, it felt good meeting another one... someone prepared to accept unexpected opportunities, someone at ease with her sexuality and who obviously enjoyed being as outrageous as myself, regardless of who, what, or where she was, and the consequences be damned.
While trying to tame my impatience, I mulled over all these salient facts, fervently hoping I wasn’t wrong about our sexy little Dutch girl. Just as I was wondering where she’d got to, Katja reappeared in the aisle carrying a tray with two glasses of sparkling champagne. As she reached us, my fingers began surreptitiously pulling Paul's zipper which was straining to contain his erection.
“Here are your drinks, Sir... Madam.”
Katja bent forward to offer us the liquid refreshment and confirmed my suspicions about her. Determined to show how much she was enjoying herself, the saucy stewardess, obviously intent on raising the stakes, had undone the top few buttons of her blouse while fetching our drinks. When she leaned forward, the loose garment fell open revealing a whole lot more than I hoped for.
Her ample, caramel coloured boobs, encased in the tiniest bra possible were clearly visible. Seeing our surprised reaction, Katja let out a cheeky little giggle. Looking closer, I saw her erect chestnut brown nipples, surrounded by slightly darker areolae above the half cup bra, contrasting delightfully against the crisp white garment. Not for the first time today, I wondered what she would look like when she was really on the prowl and found the image pleasing. Katja’s triumphant grin kick-started me back into action and my next move was an attempt to show her I was just as much a badass as she was.
Using both hands now, I finished pulling Paul's zipper down and quickly moved to undo his belt and the button still holding his jeans together. Before he could utter a word, I completed my task and with lightning speed thrust my hand through the opening in his boxers. There, I grabbed the rock hard flesh inside and started pulling my hand back.
“I've got something for you, Katja," I said in a hushed excited tone. "Would you like to see it?” I asked determinedly pulling on Paul's manhood. “I know you'll like it,” I informed her, my breathing ragged and my excitement going through the roof. Her eyes were following the movements of my hand intently and I could almost hear her silently urging me to get on with it. As my hand began to emerge, his cock felt almost too hot to handle, betraying the fact that I wasn't the only one getting a bit hot under the collar.
For her part, Katja didn’t blink, didn't flinch and didn't utter a word. Instead, she just watched in fascination as the meaty shaft gradually appeared. Just before the moment supreme, our stewardess quickly looked around the cabin before manoeuvring herself into a position where nobody could see what was going on.
Then she smiled hungrily and imperceptibly nodded her head as what I was holding finally came into view. Although she had said nothing up until this point, the lust was written all over her pretty face and her eyes sparkled like diamonds. Paul, unable to stop what was happening because I was leaning on his arm, hissing through gritted teeth.
“Have you gone mad, you stupid bitch? What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
Up until now, everything had been a little fun, me being provocative, trying to make him feel uneasy, but me fishing out his erection in a public place was something else.
"Behave yourself... please. You’re embarrassing me and we'll probably get into trouble.”
Despite his protest, I held the evidence in my hand that proved his body was more than happy with the situation.
"Oh, I don’t think that's gonna happen, Darling. Katja doesn't mind that much,” I replied matter of factually. “In fact, if I’m not mistaken she likes what she sees very much.” The horny stewardess’s eyes glinted approvingly. She stood there, licking her lips in anticipation as one hand glided playfully over her breasts and the other pressed into the apex of her tightly clamped thighs. On hearing my comment, she raised her eyes to Paul’s and nodded her head emphatically.
“Oh no, sir, I don’t mind at all,” she said, her eyes glittering with pleasure as she played along with my charade. “I’m employed to make your journey as enjoyable as possible,” she informed, a little tongue-in-cheek.
I had to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself laughing because she sounded almost as innocent as Paul mistakenly assumed she was.
“I told you so, Paul, I knew she wouldn’t mind,” I exclaimed triumphantly. “Now stop being such a party pooper and let us women have some fun.”
Despite the fact his manhood was poking out of his boxers, I was able to wrap both my hands around the shaft and his engorged helmet still protruded above my fists. His flesh felt white hot as I slowly masturbated him. Except for the sharp intake of breath I'd heard when Paul's prick appeared, Katja seemed dumbfounded by what she saw. For a moment she was silent, her eyes glued to the throbbing member in my hands, before muttering something unintelligible in her native language.
“What do you think of that, Katja?" I asked proudly, smiling smugly in her direction.
“How big is it?” she asked in amazement, a hand resting on her chin as she leaned forward for a closer look.
“Huge, Katja, do you want to feel it?” I said proudly, pulling his foreskin over the large shiny purple coloured glans.
Paul’s hands gripped the armrests and his stomach muscles were tensed tightly as he tried to keep his emotions under control. He almost succeeded but as my hands gently moved up and down his rigid staff, soft moans of pleasure escaped his mouth and the pungent scent of pre-cum exuded from his lap. When he heard my offer, he whipped his head wildly in my direction, his eye full of anxiety.
Ever since Paul was a teenager he had always been self-conscious about his manhood. Now you would think that being the biggest boy in the class would make him popular, but because he was especially well endowed, he was mercilessly teased and tormented about it by his peers. This was one of the reasons he became a loner.
At university, Paul was unable to fathom out what made girls tick, instead excelling at working on and improving computer systems. At the age of nineteen and still a virgin, he’d been invited to a student party where he hooked up with a very vivacious young girl who, having consumed a large amount of alcohol, invited him back to her place and spend the night.
That vivacious young woman was called Rebecca and she was my best friend back in the day, and when she came over the next day for a cup of coffee, she confided Paul's secret to me.
“It was like getting fucked by a stallion,” she remarked as she went into details about what happened and upon hearing this titillating titbit, my interest was among other things, aroused.
"Do you think he'd be interested in a three-way?" I asked casually, plucking at fluff on the old sofa and was rewarded with a cushion being thrown into my face and a filthy giggle. To cut a long story short, that was my introduction to "The Snake" as I affectionately came to call it.
During the threesome, I couldn't get enough of Paul's cock. I experienced the most intense and powerful orgasms I'd ever had and, without really knowing what he was doing, Paul changed my life forever. Luckily for me, Paul was just a fling for Rebecca and when she tired of him I was there to pick up the pieces. Apart from the sex, which was incredible, we got to know each other and found out we had the same sort of wacky sense of humour, shared the same outlook on life and, most importantly, we enjoyed being in each other's company.
He moved in with me and our love grew in leaps and bounds. In the bedroom, we matched each other perfectly and our sex life went from strength to strength. We experimented madly with nothing prohibited and everything open to discussion. After living in sin for six months, we had no secrets from each other and within two years we were married. It's been ten years since he first made me scream and I still can’t imagine life without him.
Although Paul is secretly very proud of his manhood, he's still wary when I want to involve someone new in our sex life, and it generally takes some time before he's comfortable with the situation, but seeing and hearing her reaction had relaxed him and I could see how much he wanted this stewardess to get to grips with him.
As for Katja, she was more than ready. The sheer wonderment she displayed for his erection was heartening and some part of me took a perverse pride in my man's cock. It was easy to see she wanted some of that and damn the airline's regulations. Despite all this, Paul made one last-ditch effort to reason with me.
“Oh, Jesus! We’ll get into trouble!” Paul’s voice trembled with pent-up emotion, and although he was trying very hard to be the responsible adult here, his heavy breathing and magnificent erection told no lies.
“Don’t listen to him, Katja” I confided to her, ignoring him completely. “Here, grab hold of it.” I offered.
Katja passed me the tray she was holding and as I placed it on the empty seat next to me, I grabbed a glass. Taking a sip of my bubbly, I watched excitedly as Katja placed one of her small delicate hands around my husband’s prick and slowly started wanking him. Although I couldn't really care less what anyone thought, I ignored what was happening beside me and cast a quick glance around the aircraft. Nobody was paying us any attention. The businessman across the first class cabin was diligently working away on his laptop and probably didn't even know we existed, while the woman behind him was flicking through a fashion magazine.
With the bright sunlight shining through the windows, Katja's hands wrapped round hubby’s shaft seemed to be spotlighted. If his cock looked big in my hands, then it looked enormous in hers, and this raunchy exhibition caused a shiver to run down my spine. Seeing hubby being manhandled by this exotic stranger was very horny and my cunt throbbed powerfully, reminding me I needed to take care of my own pleasure. Still sipping my champagne, I moved my free hand between my thighs and began caressing myself. I felt the wiry curls of my pubic hair through the soft satin fabric as I sought and found my clit from under its hood. As I rubbed the inflamed sex button through my panties, my pussy began to throb constantly and I desperately needed something inside me.
My braless nipples, hard as rocks by now, were straining against the soft cotton blouse and were clearly visible. I took a swig of champagne, but before swallowing the bubbly liquid, I let it dribble out the corner of my mouth. The expensive drink trickled down my neck, and carried on between my boobs, before being soaked up by the absorbent fabric.
Taking another sip, I watched mesmerized as the thin cloth turned translucent as more champagne was soaked up. Between my legs, due to my vigorous masturbation, my panties, a dripping wet rag by now, was swallowed up by my juicy cunt. Seconds later I returned my attention to what was taking place in the seat next to me.
Katja had pulled her own blouse from her skirt, and after undoing the remaining buttons, the open garment gave both Paul and I an unobstructed view of her gorgeous boobs. I really was really quite jealous of them. There was no sag, no blemishes, absolutely nothing that could detract from their perfection and her tight little nipples seemed to point excitedly at Paul's cock.
Watching Katja manipulate my hubby's manhood while dressed so provocatively, was unbelievably sexy, and my cunt began to throb relentlessly. Unconsciously I moved my fingers further south, keeping the palm of my hand on my clit, keeping the delicious pressure there while my fingertips traced the outline of my soaking wet slit. I felt the sexual tension in my body increase. I needed to move, to stretch, to release some of it before it became painful, and within the confines of the airline chair, I spread my legs as far as possible.
My body shook involuntarily as I pulled the gusset aside and inserted my fingertips between my juicy pussy lips. I didn't stop and as my fingers disappeared inside my silken tunnel, and despite trying to keep my emotions under control, a small moan escaped from my half-open mouth revealing how much I wanted this.
Hearing my soft muffled outburst, Katja winked at me, her whole demeanour exuding naughtiness and gestured to Paul. I wasn't the only one who had noticed how slutty she looked. Hubby was watching her small dainty hands, wrapped around his cock, moving in a steady up and down motion, and it was obvious she was having a phenomenal effect on him. He couldn't take his eyes off her. Suddenly, her sexy foreign-accented English sounded in my ears.
“Oh I'm sorry, Sir, I'm not usually this clumsy! Here let me clean that up and wipe you down, and don’t worry, madam, I’ll fetch you another glass as soon as I’ve finished with your husband!”
"What the hell is she talking about?" I wondered, hearing Katja sounding apologetic, especially as I still had my drink still in my hand. When our eyes met, her mischievous glint and sensual smile told me the ruse was purely for the benefit of the other passengers.
If anyone heard or cared, they would have known Katja's words, although not entirely a lie, couldn't be taken at face value. Still standing in the aisle between the rows of seats, Katja bent further forward and opened her mouth. Flabbergasted I watched in awe as her beautifully made up lips enclosed around my husbands’ engorged helmet.
Unable to believe what his eyes were seeing, Paul, emitted a groan as the attractive stranger's mouth continued engulfing his manhood. Despite being an instigator in this surreal situation, all I could do was watch open-mouthed in stunned silence at what I was witnessing. As Katja swallowed more and more of Paul's erection, I watched in secret admiration as her hands slid down his steely hard flesh, holding him in place so she could deep throat him.
“Oh, Paul, don’t worry, Darling, it’s only spilt champagne and Katja will soon have your lap clean.”
She sure would!
Recovering from this unexpected turn of events, I began playing along with Katja’s charade and watched the greedy stewardess clamp her lips just above her hands before slowly moving her head backwards. Just as his swollen glans should have appeared, the young stewardess clamped her mouth over his sensitive rim. Judging by the grunts Hubby was emitting, I guessed she was trying to force her tongue down Paul's little piss hole and although I'm not jealous by nature, I was envious of Katja when I saw her cheeks move rapidly in and out as she sucked and licked up all the pre-cum he was leaking.
After devouring all the salty goodness, the young woman resumed her oral attack. Opening her mouth wider, she began swallowing Paul's cock inch by inch.
Katja had a good deal of hubby’s erection stuffed down her throat, and from her enthusiastic expression, she was enjoying every minute. She wasn't the only one. Paul's body shuddered in exhilaration as the strange, yet expert mouth continued downwards over his shaft, and I watched as her throat grew thicker and thicker with his meat. Just as I was sure she was going to gag, Katja paused momentarily, flared her nostrils and continued swallowing.
It was a privilege to watch a first class cock sucker practise her art, to see her display her oral talents on Paul's cock. After seeing Katja bury her nose into the soft fabric of his boxers, she slowly raised her head leaving huge trails of saliva dripping down the huge shaft. Her hand followed her mouth, sliding up the warm flesh using her saliva as lubrication, massaging it vigorously into the hard shaft. If she kept this up, I knew from experience it wouldn't be long before Paul climaxed.
Watching hubby’s handsome features struggle with the need to release his load and his desire to not draw any attention to us, increased my pleasure. His muscular frame contracted and the tension he felt was clearly visible. Judging by the way his eyes were tightly shut and the soft moaning escaping his lips, I knew he couldn’t hold out much longer.
Seeing him on the verge of exploding, I pushed my panties down as far as I could reach to make it easier to masturbate. My pussy was wet and willing, and in no time I had two fingers sliding in and out of my sopping cunt. I was so horny and juiced up, the top of my thighs were shiny from my leaking fluids, and my fingers were glistening in the bright sunlight coming through the windows. I pressed my palm against my clit, moving it in small circular motions which sent delightful sensations running through my body, causing my silken tunnel to contract around the invading fingers.
With all this visual and physical stimulation, I was close to the abyss.
Although I wanted to scream and cry out loud like I usually do when I orgasm, I still had some semblance of control and after seeing how close Paul was, I managed to keep my voice to a low growl. Talk about self-control.
“Katja, if you keep on going… my husband is going to cum right down your throat!”
She didn’t flinch, she didn't slow down, she didn’t even blink, but just kept sucking and tugging at Paul’s manhood as if her life depended on it. Then, without stopping her powerful wrist movements, she momentarily released his cock from her lips and smiled wickedly at me.
“No problem, Madam, That’s what I’m here for,” she replied a little breathlessly, “and it’s not the first time I’ve had to clean up a passengers mess.”
I had to smile at her sexy innuendo, wondering at the same time why that fact didn't surprise me.
Again, Paul’s erection disappeared down her throat and I saw it was all he could do not to grab hold of her head and start to face fuck her. Showing monstrous restraint, he gripped the armrests and let Katja do her thing. If it wasn’t for the fact that I was on the edge myself, it would have been comical, but I was so busy working myself into a frenzy that I was past the point of caring anymore and just wanted that feeling of sweet oblivion.
Suddenly, Paul's muscular body tensed for a second before he began bucking his hips. Through tightly gritted teeth, he began calling for God, Jesus and his virgin mum, Mary, before announcing the obvious.
I love watching him ejaculate, seeing the titanic struggle he has with himself, seeing his face contort with what could be interpreted either as pleasure or pain. And today, the struggle was even greater as he tried to contain the uncontrollable force surging through his body. Knowing him as I did, I knew his mind was in turmoil as guilt and ecstasy battled for control. Although he was dying to unload his balls in Katja's sensual mouth, he couldn't stop worrying about the consequences if someone saw what was happening.
Katja started making loud, hurried gulping sounds as Paul's body convulsed violently, releasing the first salvo of hot, thick spunk. The young woman gave it her best shot, swallowing as much as she could, but Paul's ejaculation was just too copious and the thick creamy liquid began escaping through her tightly clamped lips. Watching the titanic struggle sent me over the precipice.
My body jolted violently and my pussy contracted around my fingers. Cum flooded my tunnel and my legs shook involuntary as the powerful orgasm rocked my body. 'Consequences be damned,' I thought and let out a cry of pleasure. Although it was very short and I capped it off almost immediately, it seemed to reverberate through the whole first class section, but I'd honestly stopped caring if we'd been seen and could only think about getting some of hubby's cream.
Although she succeeded in swallowing most of Paul’s initial offering, the power and volume of his climax had taken her by surprise. Although I was busy coming down from my own high, I still managed to watch the young stewardess struggle to handle Paul's ejaculation. After filling her mouth to overflowing, Katja released his prick from her mouth before she started to gag. Not ready to relinquish her prize, she continued to milk his shaft violently, her hands moving in a blur, her efforts emptying his balls with longs strings of semen flying through the air between us. Katja's beautifully made up face received the lion's share of Paul's offering and it was so hot watching her tongue flickering rapidly trying to taste it all.
Determined not to miss out, I threw myself over the armrest as Paul's climax began ebbing, and brought my face next to hers. With our heads just centimetres above the engorged helmet and Katja's hand moving rapidly up and down in a twisting motion, it didn't take long for me to feel warm spunk dribbling down my face.
Finally, Paul ceased gushing, despite Katja’s enthusiastic tugging, and the last droplet was smeared lovingly over his helmet by the sexy stewardess's mouth before she offered it to me swallow. Looking up at her, after greedily devouring the leftovers, I saw hubby's seed had flown far and wide. It wasn't only in her hair, on her face, and also staining her blouse, and some was even congealing on the back of the stool in front of us.
Seeing this gorgeous sexy stewardess wearing Paul’s pearls was one of the most erotic sights I’d seen for a long time and grew hotter when Katja returned her mouth to the quivering member still held in her delicate hand.
"Let me help you, Katja” I cooed sweetly and bent forward to join in with her cleaning up duties. Pushing my face into my husband’s groin, I started licking his shaft as Katja sucked on the tip of his prick which I knew would be really sensitive now. As her tongue flicked over his tiny opening, aftershocks like mini earthquakes rippled through Paul's loins.
“Katja, you’ve still got some on your face,” I giggled softly. “Here let me clean it up for you.”
Katja leaned forward and offered me her delicious, exotic features. Her perfume was sweet and intoxicating, and as I kissed her soft lips and licked her face, savouring hubby's saltiness.
I was busily thinking about how much I would like to take this to the next level when long delicate fingers pushed past the swollen lips between my thighs and began frigging me expertly. Her eyes, although clouded with lust, had a steely determination about them and I knew instantly that I was going to cum again.
It only took a few more seconds, but sure enough, my body, responding automatically to her expertise, experienced another less intense but by no means less enjoyable orgasm. As my body shuddered in response, Katja removed her fingers and placed them in her mouth. She sucked and licked her fingers like she had been starved for weeks, devouring my love honey until every last drop was gone.
Looking at me with lust in her eyes, she pressed her other hand tightly against the apex between her own thighs and I saw her body begin to quiver uncontrollably.
Moving closer, she pulled my hands to her breasts, allowing me to squeeze them hard as her body climaxed. Then she leaned in and began kissing me passionately, forcing her tongue into my mouth. It was a fiery embrace and I wanted it to last forever but we heard footsteps coming down the aisle towards us. Realising the very compromising position she was in, Katja hastily broke off our kiss and moved backwards, her hands already grabbing at her dishevelled garments. The cause of our stewardess’s consternation was the appearance of the only other lady in first-class standing behind her in the aisle.
It was obvious she had seen a lot more than Katja would have liked, but instead of making a scene which would have ruined everything, the mature dame politely excused herself as she squeezed past the stewardess’s divine backside, giving it a surprising playful tick in the process, which helped ease the apprehension Katja surely felt. And not without good reason.
Although nobody had actually bothered us during our "conversation", it didn’t take a rocket scientist to work out what had taken place and if someone decided to report us to the airline, Katja’s career as a stewardess would have come to an abrupt end.
Even though I didn't think we would be ratted on, I couldn't be sure and I was more than aware of how things looked. With my soaking wet pussy on display, hubby’s cum decorating both our faces, and Katja’s immaculate uniform looking like something out of a porn movie, we would have a difficult time explaining ourselves if things turned sour if someone in authority suddenly turned up.
Watching the older woman move away, Katja winked at me conspiratorially while buttoning up her blouse. Not wanting to waste any more time, she bent over and placed a quick kiss on the top of Paul’s softening prick before straightening up and pulling her clothes into some sort of decency. When she was ready, she flashed us a sexy smile and walked towards her workstation.
That was my cue. After rearranging my own clothes into a semblance of respectability I used a wet wipe to clean hubby’s sperm from my face. When I’d finished making myself decent and turned my attention to Paul.
Ironically, the one of us who worried about getting caught in the first place didn't seem to care now and just sat in his chair, eyes closed and smiling like the cat who picked the cream. Grabbing another wet wipe, I was about to begin cleaning his greasy member, now at half mast and still protruding from his flies when my hand was abruptly pushed away.
My temper flared and I looked angrily at who interrupted me, ready to give them a piece of my mind, but before I could protest, I saw it was the older lady returning to her seat. Instead of continuing to her seat, she sank to her haunches and beamed a million dollar smile at me, much to my surprise.
Close up she looked stunning and was obviously not as old I as I first thought. Her shoulder length, dark hair was thick and full, and the lazy permanent suited her fine features. There wasn’t a strand out of place and, although she was immaculately dressed in a business suit, it couldn't disguise the abundant feminine curves her body possessed.
Her perfectly manicured hand closed around Paul’s prick and she began gently massaging it. I saw his flesh twitch and looked at his face. The strange hand grabbing hold of his manhood had awoken him from his trance and when he saw who was holding him, it amazed me that he wasn't shocked. On the contrary, it obviously was turning him on.
“You sir, have one of the biggest pricks I’ve ever seen!” she said in a matter of fact tone. "And I've seen a few in my time, I can assure you, my dear," she added as an afterthought whilst directing her attention towards me.
I was so flabbergasted by this opening line... that and her behaviour... that my jaw almost touched the floor.
“Anyway, Darlings, I was watching the three of you so wonderfully enjoying yourselves, and to be honest I was getting a little bit jealous." She waved her other hand airily. "If you get my drift. It looked all so naughty and exciting, I just had to get a closer peek." The self-effacing statement was probably a ruse to relieve the growing tension, but the way she was manipulating hubby's cock, I could see she meant it.
“Anyway, my lovelies, that’s why I used the time honoured tradition of going to the loo. I wanted to see if your husband's dick was as big as it looked from the other side of the plane." Her eyes began to twinkle mischievously. "And I must say, I'm not disappointed. Just look at it." I did, and she was right again. I definitely saw hubby's prick getting thicker.
'Hypocritical bastard!' I thought to myself as I looked at the smug expression on his face.
"Wouldn't mind having that thing between my legs," she murmured as if distracted by some vaguely familiar memory. Hearing this attractive stranger speak in her distinctly upper-class accent about big dicks, illicit blow-jobs, and getting fucked by my hubby's prick took some getting used to, especially as she continued playing with the aforementioned cock, but she was growing on me.
A particularly hard squeeze of her hand made my man wince but she carried on as if nothing was wrong. She did it again and this time Paul bit his bottom lip to mask his discomfort but said nothing. Our "guest" gave him a challenging glance which quelled any resistance he might have had and her hand kept up her vigorous action.
A warm glow flowed through my body as I watched her manipulate hubby and I thought to myself 'I could get to like you lady!' Before I could say anything she resumed her commentary. “Not many wives would let another woman suck their husband’s cock, not in public and definitely not whilst they’re sitting next to him fingering themselves like some dirty little scrubber from the wrong end of town. I take my hat off to you, girl."
"Mind you,” she continued in a more confidential tone, "when you cum like that and start screaming about it, you’re going to attract a lot of attention, young lady, especially from people attuned to such sounds. Lucky for you, and that stewardess," she nodded towards the workstation, "that I'm just as perverted as you are and enjoy watching people fucking, isn't it?”
Was it a question or statement? I didn't know, and all I could do was nod dumbly.
Again the surreal combination of high society accent speaking words more suited to the gutter was unsettling. Not that my behaviour had been much better. Despite my climatic outcry, I was under the impression that nobody had noticed what we were doing, but obviously, I was very wrong, very wrong! However, remembering my manners I smiled politely and offered her my hand.
“Thank you for the advice..." I said in disbelief and waited for a reply. Without releasing her grasp on hubby's equipment, she took my hand with dainty yet strong fingers and gave it a little shake. “Heather Harrison, but you can call me Heather. And don’t thank me, Darling, it should be me thanking you. What a show. I was just lucky enough to be able to watch."
She gave me a friendly wink.
“Anyway, I work in the import-export business but that’s not important right now.” Her hand was really getting to grips with Paul’s manhood and she was enjoying herself. He was almost fully erect but having just shot his load, it would take a lot of Heather's action to see him cum again.
“Thick, isn’t it… " she murmured dreamily. “Now tell me, if you will, are you two swingers?" Heather didn't blink when she asked the question and it was obvious she was serious.
“To be honest, Heather, we’re not swingers. At least not in the normal sense of the word,” I replied. She raised her eyebrows inquisitively.
“We don’t go to the neighbourhood parties and throw our car keys in a flower pot playing lucky dip, but… we’re always open to interesting propositions.” A look of comprehension washed over her attractive face.
“And when we meet someone who can add something special or exciting to our sex life, we go for it,” I continued, wondering where this was leading to.
"Like the stewardess?" Heather asked, gesturing again to the workstation. I nodded. "She really is gorgeous, isn't she?" Heather continued, her eyes twinkling in amusement. I assumed she was talking about Katja and looked over my shoulder. I saw the young flight attendant coming towards us, looking immaculate again.
"It's just a pity I couldn’t join in,” Heather said wistfully, and her eyes closed briefly. A far away expression appeared on her features before she continued. “But I’m sure it would have attracted too much attention if I’d walked over here and started taking off my clothes.”
Katja, seeing us talking amicably, looked more relaxed and when she reached our seats, she leant over and handed something delicately wrapped in some exquisite fabric. Unwrapping the present, revealed a business card and a pair of delicate lace panties. I looked at her and she giggled and nodded in reply. The gusset was still damp and when I pressed against my nose, I inhaled Katja's musky scent.
On the card was an image of stewardess dressed up like a fifties pin-up, showing her off stocking and suspenders, whilst winking saucily at the camera looked back at me. looking at it more closely, I saw the model was Katja herself. Turning it over revealed a phone number and an address in Amsterdam.
“When you’re in town, call me tomorrow evening. We can go and have some fun if you know what I mean." The raised eyebrow and sensual smile left me in no doubt as to what she was hinting at.
Before straightening up and walking away, Katja pressed her fingertips to her mouth and placed them on the top of Paul’s member, still sticking out of Heather's hand. Then, as she moved down the aisle, three pairs of eyes watched how she wiggled her tight little ass as she returned to her workstation.
Heather's gaze met mine and her hungry expression said more than words ever could. Without delay, she pulled out her smartphone and checked the time. Her brow creased as she obviously thought about what she wanted to do, but eventually, a whispery smile appeared, having made her decision.
“Listen, Darlings, I have to be in Amsterdam for business this afternoon, and it’ll probably be a long session so I’m staying over this evening. Now, being alone tonight isn’t something I’m looking forward to and, to be quite honest, I'd rather like to get to know this chap a lot better." Her eyes indicated hubby's manhood and a big vivacious smile lit up her face.
"So I was wondering... if you two haven't any specific plans tonight, maybe the both of you wouldn't mind joining me at my hotel for drinks, dinner and some serious fucking later?”
Paul looked at me, and I at his prick. It was fully erect and I saw the pleading look in his eyes while Heather continued masturbating him. Figuring I had my fun with Katja at Paul’s expense I decided to give in to his silent pleading.
“What time did you have in mind?” I asked Heather seriously and saw Paul's look of disbelief.
After some mental arithmetic, Heather was about to answer when the captain announced that we were getting ready to land and requested everybody to return to their seats. Swearing, our new friend asked us to be at the Grand Hotel Amsterdam at eight o'clock, before reluctantly releasing her grip on Paul’s cock. Then she stood up and returned towards her own seat.
Looking at the gleam in Paul's eye, I couldn't help laughing. As he tried to act innocently, I leaned across his lap and placed my lips on his swollen helmet. After giving "The Snake" a playful kiss, I tried vainly to tuck it back inside his trousers but, still being erect, it proved more difficult than one might imagine.
After eventually concealing his mighty weapon, I put my arm around his neck and we embraced each other warmly. As the warning ping sounded and the fasten safety belts lights illuminated, we separated and fell back into our chairs. Free from my embrace, Paul was grinning like the 'Cheshire Cat' and I couldn’t help laughing.
"You really are one lucky bastard, aren't you, Darling? You’ve had your cock sucked by a gorgeous stewardess, a horny rich bitch has the hots for you, so much so, she virtually begged us to accompany her so she can have her wicked way with you and lastly and most importantly..." I paused for effect, "you’re married to me."
As the plane began to descend, some turbulence made it very bumpy and we were thrown about a bit. Smiling to myself, I buckled the safety belt and prepared myself for a wild ride.
A Sexy Holiday in Amsterdam - By SONIA email [email protected] Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!) Chapter 1 - The Surprise I arrived home from work and Sally Anne met me at the door with her dressing gown on. I went in and shut the front door and as I turned back to her I saw she had dropped the dressing gown to the floor and stood there in her black PVC basque, black PVC panties and black stockings. "We're going to Amsterdam for a night with Kate and...
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The drone of the jet engines had a soothing effect on me and finally I felt myself relaxing. We, my hubby and I, were taking a weekend break and Amsterdam was the destination. I had been toying with the idea for the last couple of weeks and decided it was now or never. My workaholic husband was driving himself into an early grave due to a ridiculous deadline set by his newest client, and things were so bad, it seemed like we were living separate lives lately. Enough was enough, I said during...
As a sales engineer I travel around the world meeting with various companies that need my products. My favorite destination is always Amsterdam. Whatever you want or want to do you can do it in Amsterdam. I am a 40 year old single bi male and like all guys I have needs more than just my hand. I arrived in Amsterdam and checked into my hotel around 7:00 on a Wednesday evening. I dumped my bag in my rooms, hoped in the shower and redressed to go out for a meal and some fun. I went to the lobby...
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It had been a while since I last fucked a girl, maybe 4 months, and I really needed to get back in the game. For some reason I was stuck in a rut. I was wanking a lot at home though. I’d get a couple of grams of coke and stay up all night watching porn and wanking. As always, it was big tit porn. I’ve always been a tit man - the bigger the better. I loved playing with massive tits in real life too.After a while in this rut my thoughts would eventually turn to the few times I’ve played with...
It had been a while since I last fucked a girl, maybe 4 months, and I really needed to get back in the game. For some reason I was stuck in a rut. I was wanking a lot at home though. I’d get a couple of grams of coke and stay up all night watching porn and wanking. As always, it was big tit porn. I’ve always been a tit man - the bigger the better. I loved playing with massive tits in real life too.After a while in this rut my thoughts would eventually turn to the few times I’ve played with...
This is a true story, the names have been changed. Callie and Rich had been travelling Europe for just over two weeks by the time they rolled into Amsterdam. Rich had been years before when he was 18 but it was Callie’s first time abroad. A psych and sociology student, she immediately fell in love with the old city. Between the architecture, the museums, the many different coffee shops and of course the red light district. The first few days were spent walking around, dodging the many tourists...
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Despite being mid-February it is pleasant on the streets of Amsterdam and the nightlife is taking advantage of the relative mildness for the time of year. I have you on my arm, holding you close as I guide you carefully over the cobblestone back-streets where doorways are lit in red and bright coloured lights illuminate the scantily dressed prostitutes advertising their bodies for sale in the shop windows. Along with other tourists we gawp at what’s on offer. Young girls with small breasts, fat...
AnalMy wife and I had flown over from the states to visit with her parents who lived there. I had been there once before, for a quick brief visit so I knew a little of the touristy area. On this trip however, I got to see a lot more of the wilder side of Amsterdam, which for me was an eye opening experience. Mieke, my wife was a fiery redhead. Great tits, the kind you could get lost in, and play with for hours. Something she didn't at all mind my doing either. Self assured, confident and...
“IT’S A LITTLE LATE FOR BREAKFAST,” Dad said when he saw us at the door. “Would you like to join us for lunch?” “Sorry, Dad,” I said sheepishly. “I was drawing. The time kind of got away from us.” Dad nodded his head. Mom came to the door, raised one eyebrow at me, and we headed down to lunch. We sat in a little café and it was apparent to me that something was bugging my folks. There wasn’t much I could do about it unless they asked something. I certainly wasn’t going to provide details...
WITH THE LATE FLIGHT TIMES, I’d persuaded my folks to wait until breakfast to meet Lissa and Melody. Mom was disappointed, but we would have Friday and Saturday together and then we’d each have to go our separate ways on Sunday. Melody’s parents were slated to arrive tomorrow around noon. I just wanted a little time to get reacquainted with my lovers. There was a man standing in front of our door with a bouquet of flowers. As soon as he saw us approaching he rushed straight up to...
Despite being mid-February it is pleasant on the streets of Amsterdam and the nightlife is taking advantage of the relative mildness for the time of year. I have you on my arm, holding you close as I guide you carefully over the cobblestone back-streets where doorways are lit in red and bright coloured lights illuminate the scantily dressed prostitutes advertising their bodies for sale in the shop windows. Along with other tourists we gawp at what’s on offer. Young girls with small breasts, fat...
Thanks for reading my first ever story I hope you enjoy it. This story is 100% genuine and describes my first ever experience with 2 sexy and naughty TV’s. I am a 25 year old bi male 5’11” normal build, good looking with a 7” cut cock. I’m usually straight but after a few drinks and poppers, men and especially TV’s get me so horny. A few weeks ago I went to Amsterdam with a straight friend, it was not my first time so I knew that sexy trannys were available and had been with them twice before...
A few years ago I moved to Amsterdam. It was a crazy change of pace from the sleepy town I’d been living in. I’d had some friends come stay for the first couple of weeks whilst I got settled. On my first night alone I found myself bored and decided to search a trans dating site for some fun. I got myself all dressed up so I could send some pictures. I started by shaving every bit of my body to make sure I was smooth, I did my fake nails and threw in my wig. A nice pair of underwear, with my...
After finishing up my grad school I had some time left to start my job, I was bored and had not visited many places , also student loans had sucked all the money out of my back account,somehow I saved up some money to travel. I didn't wanted to spend majority of my money on transport so I decided to travel somewhere nearby. I had already visited France and Belgium as a k**,the only closest place to the UK was Holland.So I packed my bags and set off.Having just broken off with my girlfriend I...
Whilst on a trip to Amsterdam, hubby and I spent an evening at a swingers club called ParadiseClub. After we paid in we had to strip off in the locker room and were given a towel each. We wrapped the towels around us and ventured into the club.There was a small swimming pool, so we dropped our towels and naked we waded into the pool. The water wasn't deep and barely covered my bare pussy. So standing there with my tits in full view, we were quickly approached by a guy, handsome looking, and had...
The prior night in Amsterdam, I was awaken to the joys of getting my cock sucked at a glory hole. The next morning from the time I woke, all I could think about was going back to the arcade and sucking cock.Around lunch time, I decided it was time to go back to the place I was the night before. I paid the cover charge and went upstairs and milled around. There were not quite as many guys up there as the night before, but there was enough to make it interesting. I picked a booth and went in and...
Mary [] told me all about how she celebrated her 70th birthday. Sadly I couldn't make it but I'm sure I would have joined in. A friend of hers, Sarah [], had arranged for a party in a hotel in Amsterdam. She had booked a small dance room and around 20 guests. Well into the party her friend came up to Mary and told her there was a football stag party in the hall just down...
Thanks for reading my first ever story I hope you enjoy it. This story is 100% genuine and describes my first ever experience with 2 sexy and naughty TV's. I am a 25 year old bi male 5'11'' normal build, good looking with a 7'' cut cock. I'm usually straight but after a few drinks and poppers, men and especially TV's get me so horny. A few weeks ago I went to Amsterdam with a straight friend, it was not my first time so I knew that sexy trannys were available and had been with them twice before...
TransFOREWORD: The author wishes to make it crystal clear that he actively condemns real-life paedophilia. At what age it can be definitely classed as that, is for lawmakers and judges to decide. UK law is clear but not always a realistic guide. For reasons of shame or guilt many gay or trans youngsters have found that casual sex with much older adults was the only discreet way of exploring their own sexuality, before they felt ready to step into the more familiar minefield of emotional...
After their hot weekend in his cottage up in the hills, Mr. Peterson had really gotten fond of his young girlfriends and invited Jenny and Tanya for a long weekend on a trip to Amsterdam. He wanted to show them a book-shop of his old friend and colleague Ronnyboy.Picked them up from the airport and within half an hour they got out at Central Station. Walked them down in five minutes to a building from 17th century, which seemed to fall down. If the owner would get a dime for every photo by...
For starters, my name is Junior, 1.78 am t have black hair, weight 75kg, have a normal body, although it has never done the gym, I'm living in Europe for over six years and that fact that I will tell you happened in October 2009.As a long time living here ever heard much about the European capital of Amsterdam sex, then painted the opportunity to travel to it. I arrived in the morning in the city and began to explore the city, went to a sex museum but without much grace and ask for information...
Although it was in the 90’s or the Naughties as they call it still feels like yesterday to be honest ...I met Donna at a all night dance music event I went to and were both off our tits on E as everyone else was at the time and the 90’s or what I remember were parties every weekend if you knew the right people as I did haha! No k**s to worry about so it was a case of just “go with the flow “ no alcohol just good mdna! And boy could I fuck on that stuff ? The day after a rave was just as good as...
My business travels to the Middle East tended to take me through Amsterdam, back before the red light district got all uppity. On the evening I have in mind, I first wandered through several of the porno shops and looked extensively at magazines there, and then viewed a couple of salacious Super 8 movies. Eventually I made my way back to the live people, the ladies behind the windows. There seemed to be a hierarchy to the arrangement. Out on the periphery the ladies were of modest appearance,...
My girlfriend, Patti, knew and somewhat tolerated my crossdressing. She would occasionally allow me to sleep in a nightie - but that was the limit. We were having Saturday morning sex - her favorite was to sit on my face while I satisfied her orally. Once she climaxed, she would scoot down, mount and ride me until I came. This time, after I brought her to a massive crescendo, she scooted down and mounted me, but didn't move. She looked down at me and said, "I have a surprise...
~ Friday Evening Through Early Saturday Morning ~ It’s 6pm on the dot and she is ready to leave work on time for a change. As she leaves her desk, her co-workers wish her well and to have a good time. The waiting is finally over… the weekend of a lifetime has finally arrived. She whisks her way down the aisle and quickly turns the corner and heads out the door. Freedom at last. Her pulse begins to race and her heart is all a flutter. She’s been so lonely since Johnny’s death. This was the one...
Where to start? My girlfriend, Patti, knew and tolerated my crossdressing. She did not do anything to encourage me, until now. We had planned a long weekend to an old mountain mining town, now a tourist haven. Her suggestion caught me by surprise. She mentioned that this would be an opportunity for me to spend the weekend enfemme! I was shocked by her suggestion, but elated. Now, I had to get all the details worked out. First, I made an appointment at a local salon for the morning of...
Once we’d arrived back at the lake house, I told Mark that I would take the supplies up to the house, while me cleaned up himself, the boat and secured everything. By the time I had put everything away, grabbed a couple of beers and made my way back down to the boat house he was just finishing up, and drying himself off after rinsing my piss off with a hose. I handed him a beer and we sat silently for a while enjoying the calmness of the lake. “Sir?” he asked, breaking the silence, “what was...
It was mid October. One of my clients had requested a meeting in Florida at a very nice resort that would last for several days, ending on Friday. While I wasn’t very interested in going I didn’t see that I had an option and accepted the invitation. After checking out the details it appeared that we had a very good opportunity to make the most of the trip. While I could go to the meeting (near Miami), you could make a trip to visit with your folks in Atlanta and then join me at the resort on...
Straight SexWritten By Poppet:For LushStories ONLY! A Weekend Camping Trip My boyfriend and I have been together for almost two years and I couldn't be happier with him. He and I are very adventurous. He’s always been the more outdoorsy type and me the indoors type. He’s been trying for about seven months to get me to go camping with him. He went last summer and was gone for two weeks. It drove me mad not being with him. Now he has it in his head I should go with him. I gave in and agreed to go. Here is a...
Straight SexUpon returning to the lake house after checking out on boat, I found Mark had already gotten up from his post session nap and was sitting at the kitchen table sipping from a bottle of water. Still naked, he appeared to have showered and shaved already. “I assume the marina restaurant is very casual, right?” I asked. “Yes Sir, anything is fine. Just shirt and shoes required, and no wet bathing suits.” He confirmed. I told him I was going up to shave and take another quick shower and then we’d...
At work, I won a trip for two to Florida. A weekend away. I was like hell yeah. When I got home I told Linda that I won a trip to Florida for the weekend. Linda was excited, until I told her the date it was only good for. It was in two weeks, but Linda couldn’t go, she has a big meeting she has to be at on Friday and Saturday.I thought my trip was wasted, Linda told me to go ahead with out her, take a friend with you.I was at work, working. I was talking to the bartender about the trip on how...
It was summer and our neighbor, Mr. Anders, took me on a weekend fishing trip. It was not unusual. He had been taking me on weekend fishing trips for years since my father was away during the summer months. Mr. Anders was something like 45 years old. I was the age of consent. When Mr. Anders and I got to the lake we set up our tent and went to the lake side to start fishing. It was hot and the fish were not biting. Mr. Anders suggested we go swimming. I told him I did not bring my swim...
There was six of them. All best friends. It took a little while but soon after their friendship started people began to pair off. Of the girls there was Pamela, Julianna and Hope. All three girls had known each other from school. Julianna and Hope were friends from the ninth grade up when they both became part of their school cheer leading squad. Hope was Rick’s girlfriend and it wasn’t until Rick had befriended Pamela in their junior year that the three girls started hanging out. Rick’s...
My boyfriend and I have been together for almost two years andI couldn't be happier with him. He and I are very adventurous. He’salways been the more outdoorsy type and me the indoors type. He’s beentrying for about seven months to get me to go camping with him. He wentlast summer and was gone for two weeks. It drove me mad not being withhim. Now he has it in his head I should go with him. I gave in andagreed to go.Here is a little about us before I begin our adventure to the greatoutdoors. I’m...
The glorious smell of the coffee was what hit my senses first, upon awakening. The very warm and wet mouth on my cock was second. My morning piss hardon was being serviced by my newly discovered to be submissive, neighbor Mark. Standing by the bed and bent over with his head bobbing slowly up and down as his tightly wrapped lips provided the perfect light suction on my rigid shaft. As I came fully awake I noticed that he’d left the steaming mug of coffee on the nightstand. Not wanting it to get...
A few years ago my wife (Rose) and I went across the state to see some friends for a long weekend,(Rick and Lorie) we hadn't seen for a few months. We were good friends hung out together quite often and we always had drinks. Lorie always flirted when she was drinking and I liked the attention. I think Rose was always a little intimidated by Lories big tits, because Rose's were of average size. But Lorie seemed to always be shoving them into my face, sometimes I would even playfully grab...
OF COURSE IT ALL MADE SENSE. Logical. Not to mention, the only thing we could do. Not only were Lissa’s kids sick, she was coming down with it, too. She simply wouldn’t—or couldn’t—travel. I decided on the spot that I wouldn’t go either but the heated argument that ensued left me at three to one against my canceling the trip. Lissa said she would send instructions to Allison on coaching me through my first round. Sam would be headed out on Tuesday, but there was no way he’d make the early...
IN THE MORNING, Allison was all business, and she proved herself an efficient coach/manager. We were up early and headed for United Center where the Bulls play basketball and the Blackhawks play hockey. They bring in big boxes to set up each racquetball court complete with floor and ceiling. The one at center court was Plexiglass so spectators could sit around on three sides. The end wall was solid. With the seating pulled back to the hockey boundaries, there was room to set up twelve...
AS SOON AS I GOT OUT of the arena and we headed back to our room, I started texting Lissa and Melody to tell them what had happened during the morning. It was so cool. I knew Melody was still in class, but I expected a response from Lissa. It didn’t come for quite a while. Then... “I’m so sick. Boys are running around like crazy. Jack and I are taking turns puking in the bathroom. Wish I was there. Congrats.” I was going crazy. It was just coming up noon on the coast and I waited till it...
I CRASHED AND BURNED against the thirteenth seeded player from Loyola Marymount in my first match of the morning. I played well, but I was just plain out of my league. The guy had an incredible match. It made me wonder how I’d ever managed to hold my own against Karl on Monday morning. I guess I just wasn’t in the zone. That put the pressure on for my next match. I had no time for remorse, as the next elimination round was at eleven and I was fighting for my life. This was another of the...
ALLISON’S EYES BURNED INTO ME. I cringed, at least in my head—yeah, if looks could kill. I could almost feel my brain frying. Great timing. Does this feel right? “I hope you mean: are you hard; am I wet; and is your cock lined up to penetrate my steaming twat?” Allison growled. She thrust her hips toward me, trying to force me into her. I backed off. I wasn’t teasing, exactly. Crap! What was I doing? “I’ve wanted this for a month, Tony. It feels good. Don’t get all moralistic on me now.” “I...
ALLIE LEFT THE SHOWER before I did and used the hair dryer. I kissed the back of her neck as I slipped past her out of the bathroom. I dressed for a day with the ‘rents and held a whispered conversation with Lissa and Melody before Melody had to go to class. The two-hour time difference meant that I caught them just after they’d stepped out of the shower. “Well, lover-boy, how did it go last night?” Melody asked. “Not like you expected,” I said. “You mean you didn’t... ?” “Not...
“WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?” Lissa asked. We were cuddled in the bed, hot and sticky from hours of making love, but unwilling to break the contact among us for even as long as it took to go to the shower. The two-hour time change for Lissa and Melody had worked in their favor as midnight didn’t seem late and one a.m. was still prime time. “We could just stay like this and order room service again,” Melody suggested. She was completely relaxed and still enjoying having me attend to her right...
“MELLY!” LEXI SAID as she approached us across the hotel lobby. When she released her mother from a hug, Melody went on to the formal-looking man behind Lexi and greeted her father. Who wears a suit on vacation? I thought. “Hi, Daddy,” she said, smiling at him. He didn’t hug her, but put both hands on her shoulders and leaned forward to kiss her forehead. Lexi had moved on to give Lissa a hug and then smiled at me and did the same. She glanced over her shoulder as if to make sure her husband...
A BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE was on ice in our room with three glasses and a box of dark chocolate truffles. The truffles were my Dad’s idea and he’d taken care of it. “More of Allie’s admirers?” Lissa asked, surprised. I acted all innocent and just shrugged my shoulders. “Was she singing or having an orgasm?” Melody asked. “Mmm. Truffles!” We decided to take a shower before we indulged in any kind of decadence, but the lure of champagne and chocolate—and our overfilled stomachs from pizza—kept...
“TONY!” DAMON YELLED into my ear. I held the phone away slightly. I’d surprised the boys by calling to read them a bedtime story over the phone. “Did you go away?” he asked. “Just for a while, buddy,” I explained. “I needed to come and visit my mommy and daddy.” “Meddy is with Gramma Lexi,” Drew supplied. He was already sounding more grown up than when I left him. “When you coming home, Tony?” Damon asked. “We miss you.” I almost broke down crying. “Soon, buddy. Soon.” I’d been home...
AT SIX-THIRTY SHARP, a bright red pickup truck came tearing down our driveway in a cloud of dust. Beth’s Dad bought her the 4x4 for her eighteenth birthday. “Boys love girls in trucks,” he’d said as he handed her the keys. We’d all laughed because she had to have the seat customized so she could reach the pedals and still see out the windshield. Beth barely topped five feet, but she loved that truck. I stepped off the front porch and sauntered toward where she’d stopped, but I was still...
“OH MY GOD!” she gasped. She stood studying the painting. “Oh my god,” she repeated. She moved back from the painting and then moved forward again. “Oh my god.” She sat on the foot of my bed. “She’s crying for you. God, Tony, why is your girlfriend crying for you. She’s begging you. Oh my god.” Tears ran from Beth’s eyes. “Beth. Hey Dumpling,” I said as I stroked her shoulder. “That isn’t my girlfriend ... exactly.” “Exactly? What does that mean? Wait!” Beth hadn’t stopped looking at the...